Educational programs for kindergartens. How to open a children's development center

When we send a child to kindergarten, whether it is municipal, departmental, private or home, we are interested in “What will my baby do in kindergarten?” Unfortunately, very few parents have information about what program the child should follow while attending kindergarten. And it is desirable to receive this information not from the lips of the baby himself, but from a competent source.

So, for your review, dear visitors, we present a number of educational programs for preschool education.

According to the current legislation, kindergartens in Russia today work according to programs created by research teams and research teachers.

According to clauses 21 and 22 of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008 No. 666, the content educational process in a preschool educational institution is determined by the educational program of preschool education, developed, adopted and implemented by it independently in accordance with federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program preschool education and the conditions for its implementation, established by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of education, and taking into account the characteristics of psycho physical development and opportunities for children.

In accordance with the goals and objectives defined by the charter, preschool educational institution may implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services outside the educational programs that determine its status, taking into account the needs of the family and on the basis of an agreement concluded between a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives).

Now about each program separately and in more detail

All programs of preschool institutions can be divided into complex and partial.

Comprehensive development programs(or general developmental) - include all the main directions of the development of the child: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic; contribute to the formation of various abilities (mental, communicative, motor, creative), the formation of specific types of children's activities (subject, game, theatrical, visual, musical activities, design, etc.).

Partial development programs(specialized, local) - include one or more areas of development of the child.

The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one main (complex) program, but also by the method of qualified selection of partial programs.


- (M.A. Vasilyeva)

The program "Education and training in kindergarten"
The team of authors - M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.
Created on the basis of the Model Kindergarten Education and Training Program, it is an adapted version for Russian kindergartens.
Purpose of the program: protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, their comprehensive education, training and preparation for school.
In 2004 a new The program of education and upbringing in kindergarten. The new Program is something that practitioners of preschool institutions in Russia have long been waiting for.
One of its advantages is that in all types of children's activities at each age stage, priority is given to the development of children's creative abilities, their individuality.
The ideological basis of the program was the most important ethical principles of the Convention "On the Rights of the Child", which corresponds to modern standards of upbringing and development of the child.
The authors saved best traditions of the former program: the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child, a clear definition of the tasks of upbringing and education, the continuity of all age periods of early and preschool childhood, an orientation towards the regional component, as well as the preparation of children for school. At the same time, the authors updated the general content of preschool education, the main directions of upbringing, training and development of the child, presented them taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children.
The program offers variable forms of education - each educator can creatively use the content proposed by the authors in their work. The new Program has retained continuity with the 1985 program, but at the same time its structure has been clarified, new sections have appeared. For the first time, the aesthetic developmental environment is described in detail, recommendations are given for its creation, including the activities of the children themselves, their creativity and the development of the surrounding micro- and macroenvironment. The new Program makes up for shortcomings in the field of spiritual education of children and their familiarization with universal human values.
great place the program focuses on the health of children, their emotional well-being, the use of physical exercises and outdoor games, the development of motor creativity.
Fiction is singled out in a separate section as a form of art and as one of the ways of the intellect and creativity of children.
The new Program has enriched the methodology of working with children, which is provided by a number of already published manuals for teachers of preschool institutions.

Rainbow program
Authors: T. N. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik, E. V. Solosheva and others.
Program Goals
1.Preserve children's health and form a healthy lifestyle habit.
2. Ensure timely and full physical and mental development of children.
3. Provide every child with a joyful and meaningful experience during preschool childhood.
The program is based on the idea that each year of a child's life is decisive for the formation of certain mental neoplasms. Pedagogical work is built on the basis of theoretical positions on the leading role of activity in the mental development of the child and the formation of his personality. The creation of special conditions opens up a wide field for independent actions of children, stimulates the setting of new goals, and allows them to look for their own solutions.
An important point in pedagogical work is also the creation of motivation in children, which can be used and with their help encourage children to willingly learn the new things that adults will pass on to them.
On this basis, 3 types of motivation are proposed:
. game motivation,
. communication motivation
. self-interest motivation.
The authors of the program called it "Rainbow" by analogy with the seven-color rainbow, because. it includes 7 important activities of children and activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child takes place: visual activity, mathematics; development of speech, construction, music, movement, the world.
The program has full set methodological support and is a holistic system of education, development and education of children in a kindergarten. .
The authors pursue the goal during preschool childhood to form such personality traits as upbringing, independence, purposefulness, the ability to set a task and achieve its solution, and others that allow the child, without losing interest in learning, to fully acquire knowledge not only at school, but constantly. In this regard, the solution of upbringing and educational tasks is primarily aimed at the upbringing and general mental development of the child. At the same time, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is considered not as an end in itself, but as one of the means of child development.
"Rainbow" - these are the seven most important activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child takes place.
The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Program "Childhood"
Authors: V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, N. A. Notkina and others.
The purpose of the program: ensuring the development of the child during preschool childhood: intellectual, physical, emotional, moral, strong-willed, social and personal.
The introduction of the child into the world around him is carried out through his interaction with various spheres of being (the world of people, nature, etc.) and culture ( fine arts, music, children's literature and native language, mathematics, etc.). The program includes works of oral folk art, folk games, music and dances, arts and crafts of Russia. The teacher is given the right to independently determine the schedule of classes, content, method of organization and place in the daily routine. In a programme
new important section: "Attitude of the child to himself" (self-knowledge).
"Childhood" is a comprehensive educational program developed by the authors from the standpoint of humanistic pedagogy, a personal-activity approach to the development and upbringing of a preschool child. It includes three parts in accordance with the three stages of the preschool period (junior, middle, senior preschool age).
. Each part is based on general ideas that reflect the views of the authors on preschool childhood, its importance in human life, the conditions for effective development in the preschool years.
In the closest and most natural activities for the child, the intellectual, physical, emotional, moral, volitional, social and personal development of the preschooler takes place.
All content of the program is conditionally united around four main blocks:
"Knowledge", "Humanity", "Creation", "Healthy lifestyle".
For example, the Humane Attitude block orients children towards a benevolent, careful, caring attitude towards the world; the purpose of the "Cognition" block is to help preschoolers master the various available ways of knowing the world around them (comparison, elementary analysis, generalization, etc.).
Particular emphasis in the program is placed on familiarizing children with the world of nature, nurturing a caring attitude towards natural objects. The program has a complete set of methodological support.

Origins program
Authors: L. A. Paramonova, T. I. Alieva, A.N. Davidchuk and others.
The name of the program reflects the enduring importance of preschool childhood as a unique age in which the foundations of all future human development are laid.
In the Origins program, the child is the central figure in the educational process.
The purpose of the program: all-round development of the child; the formation of his universal, including creative, abilities to a level corresponding to the age capabilities and requirements of modern society; ensuring that all children have an equal start in development; maintaining and improving their health.
The program, humanistic in orientation, will allow the teacher, based on age criteria, to take into account the different pace of development of children and implement an individual approach to them. Psychological age does not coincide with chronological age, and one psychological age is not equal in duration to another. In connection with this approach, the program highlights psychological ages:
Early childhood (2 stages)
. infancy (from birth to 1 year)
. early age (from 1 year to 3 years).
Preschool childhood (2 stages)j
. junior preschool age (from 3-5 years old)
. senior preschool age (from 5 to 7 years old)
Such a division is determined by the fact that at the boundaries of the indicated ages there are significant qualitative changes in the development of the child, which have been revealed in many psychological studies and the empirical experience of education.
The program is aimed at enrichment - amplification; and not on artificial acceleration - the acceleration of development. Amplification of the child's mental development involves the maximum realization of his capabilities, which are formed and manifested in specific children's activities. Unlike acceleration, it makes it possible to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child.
The program takes into account the specifics of preschool education, which is fundamentally different from school education. To achieve the unity of goals and objectives of raising a child, the program provides for meaningful interaction between the kindergarten and the family.
The basic program, which sets general guidelines for the upbringing, education and development of children, can become the basis for future variable and special programs.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Development Program
Authors: L. A. Venger, O. M. Dyachenko, N. S. Varentsova and others.
The purpose of the program: the development of mental and artistic abilities of children aged 3-7 years.
The program is focused on developmental education based on the psychological theory of L. A. Wenger on the development of children's abilities.
The program is based, as the authors point out, on two theoretical assumptions. The first is the theory of A. V. Zaporozhets about the inherent value of the preschool period of development. The second is the concept of L. A. Wenger about the development of abilities.
The program is aimed at developing mental abilities in children. When developing the program material, first of all, it was taken into account what means of solving cognitive and creative problems should be mastered by children and on what content these tools can be mastered most effectively.
The program is designed for every age.
Particular attention is paid to the formation in preschoolers of ways to solve cognitive and creative problems.
The organization of work in all age groups involves conducting classes in subgroups of 8-10 people. While one subgroup performs the task of the educator, the rest of the children, under the supervision of the assistant educator, are engaged in games or independent activities.
In addition to traditional programs, the program includes the following sections: "Expressive movement", " Artistic design"," Director's game. The program is provided with detailed plans for each lesson and pedagogical diagnostics, has a complete set of manuals to help teachers.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The program "Baby"
Authors: G. G. Grigorieva, D. V. Sergeeva, N. P. Kochetova and others.
Purpose: comprehensive development, upbringing and education of children under the age of 3 years.
Developed in the spirit of the ideas of humanization of family and social education of young children.
The originality of the program is in a wide range of coverage of the child's development period, from the prenatal period (including the preparation of the mother for the birth of a child) to its adaptation to entering a preschool educational institution.
The program is addressed primarily to the family and preschool teachers.
The program contains information materials on all areas of personality development of a child up to 3 years old, as well as guidelines.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.



The program of the health-saving direction "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children"
Authors: R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva.
Purpose of the program: educating a child's skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations, independence and responsibility for one's behavior.
In the 21st century, humanity faces one of the main problems - the comprehensive provision of the safety of human life.
The content of the program includes six sections: "Child and other people", "Child and nature", "Child at home", "Health of the child", "Emotional well-being of the child", "Child on the streets of the city".
When implementing this program, each preschool institution organizes training taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, and the uniqueness of home and living conditions in urban and rural areas.
Due to the special importance of protecting the life and health of children, the program requires mandatory compliance with its basic principles
The program has an educational and methodical set: tutorial on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age and four colorfully illustrated handouts for children.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Programs environmental education

Program "Young ecologist"
Author: S. N. Nikolaeva.
Purpose: education ecological culture preschoolers.
The program can be used by any preschool institution that moves from traditional familiarization with nature to solving issues of environmental education of preschoolers. The program has five sections:
. the first two are devoted to revealing the relationship of plants and animals with their environment;
. the third traces their role in the process of ontogeny—the growth and development of certain plant and higher animal species;
. the fourth reveals the relationships within communities that children can observe;
. the fifth section shows different forms of human interaction with nature.
The program "Young ecologist" includes a subprogram - it is designed to improve the skills of teachers and reorient their thinking from "familiarization with nature" to "environmental education".
The program has been developed teaching materials“Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood”, which reveals a specific technology for ecological education of older preschoolers in a kindergarten, presents planning for working with children throughout the school year by months and weeks.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Program "Spider Web"
Author: Zh. L. Vasyakina-Novikova.
Purpose: formation of an integral system of knowledge and skills that develop planetary thinking in children based on the formation of a social and environmental ideal; environmental education.
The program is applicable for various types of preschool educational institutions, but it may especially be of interest to teachers of those institutions for which environmental education is a priority.
The system of knowledge embedded in the program consists of four large blocks of answers to the main questions that arise in children of this age: - “How do I live?”, “Where do I live?”, “When do I live?”, “Who do I live with?” ? - and compiled by age groups.
Recommendations have been issued for the Spider Web program, a specific technology for solving the problems of environmental education of younger preschoolers has been developed, and an approximate distribution of educational material for a year has been presented.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The program "Our home is nature"
Author: N. A. Ryzhova.
Program for senior preschool and primary school age.
The main goal of the program is to educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active, creative personality able to understand and love the world around, nature and treat them with care.
Particular attention is paid to the formation of a holistic view of nature and the place of man in it, environmental awareness and safe human behavior.
This program provides continuity in the environmental education of preschoolers with elementary school in the subjects "Environment" and "Natural History".
Released to the program methodological developments, presented in a series of books by N. A. Ryzhova: “The Sorceress-Water”, “Invisible Strings of Nature”, etc.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Programs of the artistic and aesthetic cycle

Program "Nature and Artist"
Author T. A. Koptseva.
Purpose: to familiarize children with world artistic culture as part of spiritual culture and the formation of ideas about nature as a living organism. The world of nature acts as a subject of close study and as a means of emotional and figurative influence on the creative activity of children.
The proposed system of artistic and creative tasks is based on the target settings of the program "Fine Arts and Artistic Work", developed under the guidance of B.M. Nemensky.
The program has a block- thematic planning. The main blocks: "The World of Nature", "The World of Animals", "The World of Man", "The World of Art".

Integration program
Author T. G. Kazakova.
Purpose: the formation of fine art skills in preschool children; perception of fine arts; the formation of artistic images, the formation of artistic abilities in children.
The author skillfully built a line of integration of all types of fine arts.
The program has developed schemes for introducing children to the visual arts (painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts, design); types of activities with children (single-species, integrated, complex by types of art); integration of types of activity.
The author proposes a technology for the development of visual abilities in young children, which provides for the purposeful development of the beginning of creative manifestations in art. The main emphasis is placed on the formation of emotional and figurative perception, artistic and figurative beginning in drawing, modeling, and application.
The author pays the main attention to drawing with paints - gouache, which contributes to the emergence of associative images in young children. To help educators and parents, a system of classes has been developed, and the features of pedagogical guidance in the performance of young children have been revealed. In the book by T. G. Kazakova "Classes with preschoolers on visual activity", in addition to notes, illustrative materials were selected, special notebooks were prepared.

Semitsvetik program
Authors: V. I. Ashikov, S. G. Ashikova.
Purpose: cultural and environmental education of preschool children, the formation of the initial stage of a spiritually rich, creative, self-developing personality, the education of morality, a broad outlook, the development of creativity through the perception of beauty.
Selected blocks: "Planet Earth", "Sky", "Art", "Lights"; thematic planning of work for a year and exemplary abstracts of classes are offered.
The motto of the Semitsvetik program is education through Culture and Beauty.
Much attention is paid to the joint creative activity of children and adults. The program is designed for use in kindergarten, in art and creative children's studios, as well as in home education.
The program is accompanied by an anthology "About Heaven and Earth: Fairy tale anthology", which includes folk tales and legends different countries on the topics of the first two blocks. The authors created manuals: "The Solar Circle", "One Hundred Activities with Children of Preschool Age, according to the program "Semitsvetik", "ABC of the World", "Lessons of the World".
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The program "Design and manual labor in kindergarten"
Author L.V. Kutsakova.
Purpose: development of design skills and artistic and creative abilities of children, familiarizing them with various modeling and design techniques.
The program contains technologies based on the use of non-traditional teaching methods and techniques that allow the teacher to develop associative thinking, imagination, creative skills, practical skills, and artistic taste in children.
The author's manual "Classes with preschoolers on design and artistic work" provides a detailed technology for teaching children to design using constructors, paper, cardboard, building, natural, waste and other materials. The selection of educational material for creativity meets the principles of didactics and the age capabilities of children.

Umka - TRIZ program
Authors: L.M. Kurbatov and others.
Purpose: development in a preschooler active forms thinking in unity with creative imagination, the development of fantasy through the enrichment of the subject-spatial environment of the kindergarten (fabulous, playful, aesthetic, ecological, technical).
The program creates the prerequisites for a systematic vision of the world and its creative transformation.
Consists of three relatively independent parts:
. the program for the development of thinking and creative abilities of preschool children - "Umka" - TRIZ;
. a variant of the program, including educational content for organizing work with children in the studios of intellectual and aesthetic development;
. subprogram - preparing teachers of preschool educational institutions for the implementation of the program for the development of thinking and creative abilities of preschool age "Umka" - TRIZ.
TRIZ is a technology with the help of which a teacher forms the qualities of a creative personality in preschoolers. The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. When teaching a child, the educator proceeds from his nature, i.e. uses the principle of conformity. Credo of the Trizovites: every child is talented, you just need to teach him to navigate in modern world in order to achieve the maximum effect with a minimum cost.

Program "Harmony"
Authors: K. V. Tarasova, TV. Nesterenko, T.G. Ruban.
Purpose: the general musical development of children, the formation of their musical abilities in the process of the main types of musical activities: listening to music, musical movement, singing, playing children's musical instruments, musical dramatization games.
The peculiarity of the program lies in the fact that it is based on the results of many years of scientific research on the development of musical abilities.
The program implements a comprehensive holistic approach to the musical development of a preschooler. The improvised nature of some classes proposed by the authors is especially important for the formation of musical creativity. The program is methodically provided with anthologies, audio cassettes, recommendations for organizing work with children of all ages, taking into account their psychological characteristics.

Program "Baby"
Author V. A. Petrova.
Purpose: development of musical abilities of children of the third year of life in all types of musical activities available to them, familiarization with early stage preschool childhood to the world of musical culture, high spiritual values.
This is a new program for the musical education of young children (3rd year of life). It was developed by the author based on many years of experience. practical work with kids.
The "Kid" program is designed for the real opportunities for the musical development of young children and the variability of the tasks of the musical repertoire, depending on the characteristics of a particular group.
The program provides for work with educators and parents. The package of materials includes:
1. Program.
2. Reader of the musical repertoire.
3. Guidelines for all types of musical education, as well as for holiday matinees and leisure activities.
4. Audio cassette with a recording of instrumental music for listening performed by symphony and string orchestras.

Program "Musical Masterpieces"
Author O. P. Radynova.
Purpose: formation of the foundations of musical culture in preschool children, development of creative abilities in various types of musical activities.
The author proposes a clear system of work based on the use of works of art, authentic examples of world musical classics.
At the center of the program is the development of children's creative hearing of music, which involves encouraging children to manifest various forms of creative activity - musical, musical-motor, artistic.
The main principle of constructing the program is thematic (the presence of 6 topics that are studied within one to two months and repeated on new material in each age group.
Guidelines for the teacher, a system of classes for all age groups of the kindergarten, talks, concerts, and entertainment have been developed for the program.
The program interrelates the cognitive, value-oriented and creative activities of children in the process of forming the foundations of their musical culture.
The program is recommended by the Ministry of General and vocational education RF

Programs for the socio-moral development of preschoolers

Program "I, you, we"
Authors: O. M. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.
Purpose: social and emotional development of a preschool child, the formation of his emotional sphere and social competence.
The program helps to solve a set of tasks related to the upbringing of moral standards of behavior, the ability to build one’s relationships with children and adults, to adequately get out of conflict situations adequately assess their own capabilities.
The program includes the following sections:
. "Self confidence";
. "Feelings, desires, views";
. "Social Skills".
The content of the program is implemented on the basis of non-traditional variable scenarios of classes using a set of educational and visual aids for independent activities of children.
Methodical recommendations to the teacher and parents are given. The kit includes educational visual aids: “What are you like?”, “What do you like?”, “Funny, sad ...”, “We are all different”, “How to behave?”, “Who are you friends with?”
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Program "I am a man"
Author S. A. Kozlova.
Purpose: to help the teacher to reveal the world around the child, to form his idea of ​​himself as a representative of the human race, about people living on Earth, about their feelings, actions, rights and obligations, various activities; on the basis of knowledge, to develop a creative, free personality, possessing a sense of dignity and imbued with respect for people.
The program is aimed at forming a child's worldview - his own vision of the world, his "picture of the world", consonant with the possible level of development of his feelings.
The program includes four large sections: “What do I know about myself”, “Who are adults”, “Man is the creator”, “Earth is our common home”. Each section has several subsections that specify its content. All sections of the program are interconnected, they complement each other, although each has its own specifics, its own educational goal.
The program presents the requirements for the level of assimilation of all sections, and also offers recommendations to parents, educators and primary school teachers. The program has methodological kits consisting of workbooks, sets of didactic cards and teaching aids for adults.
The author has written a textbook "Theory and Methods of Familiarizing Preschoolers with Social Reality", which can serve as a technology for implementing the "I am a Human" program.
The program is approved by the Department of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The program "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture»
Authors: O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva.
Purpose: the formation of the basis of culture in preschool children (3-7 years old) on the basis of familiarization with the life and life of the native people, its character, its inherent moral values, traditions, cultural characteristics.
The educational goal of the program is to familiarize children with all kinds of national art - from architecture to painting, from dance, fairy tales and music to theater.
The program consists of three parts. The first contains specific recommendations on the implementation of the program and the organization of the developing environment in the preschool educational institution, highlights the forms and methods of interaction between the teacher and children. The second part provides perspective and calendar plans work with children of all age groups, the content of all classes is described in detail. IN
the third part includes applications: literary, historical, ethnographic, historical texts, a dictionary of Old Slavonic words most often used in fairy tales, proverbs, sayings.
The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Program "Development of children's ideas about history and culture" .
Authors: L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova.
Purpose: the formation in children of senior preschool age of the foundations of spiritual culture, a humane attitude towards a person and his work, respect for the cultural values ​​of different peoples; development of cognitive activity, creative abilities. The program consists of four sections:
. primitive people;
. wonders of the ancient world;
. journey with a fairy tale;
. before and now.
The content of the classes for each of the listed sections is set out in a separately published manual, which contains illustrations, games and simple tasks.
The program at an accessible level provides children with an acquaintance with the life of people in different historical eras, gives elementary ideas about technical progress.

Heritage Program
Authors: M. M. Novitskaya, E. V. Solovieva.
Purpose: introducing a child to Russian culture, familiarizing with such spiritual values ​​that are a link between people.
The program consists of blocks that have a relatively independent value and certain tasks:
. circle of events;
. family circle;
. reading circle.
The authors have developed content materials for these blocks, holiday scenarios, folk games, and a list of references. The authors use the traditional agricultural calendar for Russian culture, which reflects the rhythm of the annual life of nature and man in interaction with it. The Orthodox calendar acts as a form of folk traditions and memory of the history of the country and the world. Calendar anniversaries recalls various phenomena and events of Russian classical culture.

Programs of physical development and health of preschool children

The program "Play for health" and the technology of its application in preschool educational institutions.
Authors: Voloshina L.N., Kurilova T.V.
The author's program "Play for health", it is based on the use of games with elements of sports. The program was created on the basis of meaningful experimental work at the preschool educational institution
No. 69 in Belgorod. It is addressed to kindergarten teachers, instructors in physical culture, coaches of children's sports schools, centers, health camps.
Games and game moments include a wide variety of motor actions, create a holistic learning system that is accessible to adults and children.
The use of the games with elements of sports proposed in the program enriches the physical activity of children, makes it versatile, corresponding to individual experience and their interest. Children who have mastered the program become initiators in organizing outdoor games in the yard, willingly offer their experience to kids, and include adults in games.
The practical significance of the manual is determined by the presented abstracts of physical education classes.

Sparkle program
Author L. E. Simoshina.
It is based on the provisions of the program "Childhood". The content of the educational material is presented in two sections: theoretical and practical.
Theoretical tasks in the form of questions and answers are given at each lesson. In the practical part of the classes, it is recommended to use a complex of six options for the motor-sensory organization of classes:
. movement and breathing;
. movements and visualization of the “picture of the natural world”;
. movements and musical accompaniment;
. movements and visualization of the sports appearance of the educator;
. movements and temperature contrasts environment;
. movement and positive emotional state, as well as exercise different types: healing, tempering, beautiful, cheerful, solemn and competitive.
The author argues and proves that one of the conditions for improving physical condition preschooler is not the volume of physical activity, but the quality of motor actions and consistent interaction with the dosed exposure to cold - hardening.
The technology for implementing the program is reduced to the general and special preparation of an individual plastic image of a child in a role-playing environment and in the air.

Program "Hello!"
Author M. L. Lazarev.
Purpose: to help teachers and parents organize health-improving work with preschool children aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills in them. The program and methodological guidance are developed on the basis of modern approaches to the education of preschool children.
The material of the program includes not only health-improving, but also cognitive elements that contribute to the education of the child's personality. An important role in the program is played by music, which for the first time in the pedagogical literature on the formation of health is not additional material but the integral basis of the entire course.

Technology "Start"
Author L. V. Yakovleva.
In developing the program, the author was assisted by a member of the Federal Expert Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation R.A. Yudina and an orthopedic doctor, head of the children's clinic of the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Doctor of Medical Sciences L.K. Mikhailov.
The content of the program reflects many years of practical experience with preschool children (starting from toddler age) in teaching a healthy lifestyle.
The author refused to distribute the material by age groups, justifying this by the fact that such an approach artificially slows down the development of the child. The technology contains material on the use of acrobatic exercises, exercises on non-standard equipment for preschoolers, stretching exercises.
The program addresses the following questions:
. how to use standard and non-standard equipment in working with preschoolers;
. methodology for diagnosing the motor activity of children to determine their sports interests and abilities;
. recommendations for drawing up a system of work, taking into account the conditions of a preschool institution;
. features of the interaction of the educator in physical culture and the educator of the group;
. abstracts of physical education classes in the air and in the hall;
. exemplary complexes of health-improving gymnastics, exercises for the development of breathing.

Health program
Author V. G. Alyamovskaya.
Goal: educating a preschooler who is physically healthy, diversified, proactive and liberated, with self-esteem.
The author proposes a system consisting of four main areas, each of which is implemented by one or more subprograms:
1. Ensuring psychological well-being (“Comfort”).
2. Protection and promotion of children's health (“Health Troupes”).
3. Spiritual health (“City of Masters”, “School of a Small Entrepreneur”).
4. Moral health, introducing the child to universal values ​​("Etiquette", "Personality"). Programs cognitive development preschoolers

Program "Preschooler and ... Economics"
Author A. D. Shatova.
The program is designed to work with children of senior preschool age and is aimed at ensuring that the child can: .
learn to understand and appreciate the surrounding objective world (the world of things as a result of people's labor); .

Child in kindergarten: how to feel good. What should be a kindergarten teacher. Be sure to talk to your doctor, who should be in kindergarten. The most popular directions or programs for classes in kindergarten ...

My son is going to first grade next year. There is a possibility that the school will recruit a class according to the 1-3 system (that is, the beginning will be 3 classes, as before). Also with a high degree of probability there will be a strong teacher. Worth going? If so, which considerations prevail: the 1-3 system itself or a strong teacher? There will be a class 1-4 also with a good teacher.

Educational programs for kindergartens. "A comprehensive program for groups of short stays in the garden. Usually, the booth hangs out on the stand what program the children are engaged in. Generally convenient, the younger half of the group went to physical education ...

I would never leave my children around the clock with someone else's aunt. though golden pah-pah that we have no problem with the gardens. everyone works all summer. I don’t know families in general where parents have 3-month vacations and educational programs that kindergartens work on.

Teaching materials and manuals. Kindergartens and preschool education. Please advise which learning programs and materials are better to use for early and complex Or who is going to work in the children's center? Even if you do not know where to get the materials.

In the garden, they are engaged according to Peterson, but Mishka likes to work out at home. All the children who came to visit us asked for a primer and mathematics, it so happened that I had a child before everyone else and all my friends taught the children to read and count according to Bakhtina.

personnel optimization. Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses I would probably want to start driving in the spring, but if you take it, then you have to ...

Plus the institution implements correctional programs. Proximity to home, special schedule Section: Kindergarten (how to drive up to the head of the kindergarten). Hmm, we also tried with The site has thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and ...

Educational programs for kindergartens. The program provides for the active involvement of parents, up to compulsory classes with the child in kindergarten, in the process of raising children of four to seven years.

My child attends a commercial kindergarten. Educational programs for kindergartens. Kindergartens and preschool education. The site has thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools...

Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. We have a graduation this year, we give children 2 books each, a medal for the graduate of children. garden, a folder with a photo and we will make a photo album with photos from the holidays ourselves. Educational programs that kindergartens work on.

Educational programs for kindergartens. Kindergartens and preschool education. Thematic conferences, blogs work on the site, ratings are maintained. What kind of money is allocated to kindergartens from the budget.

Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. Educational programs for kindergartens. Game activity as a means of development speech activity preschoolers in English.

educational program in kindergarten. program "Record". Educational programs. Education of children. Thematic conferences, blogs work on the site, ratings of kindergartens and schools are maintained, articles are published daily and competitions are held.

Kindergartens and schools in Thailand and Vietnam. Distance learning. In kindergarten, in the preparatory group, we were offered to prepare for the first grade on the basis of the school. Education in such groups is often conducted according to alternative programs (for example, according to ...

What do they teach in kindergarten? Toys and games. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and What do they teach in kindergarten? Son is 3 years old. I went to the kindergarten 2 times for 5 days approximately. Since he fell ill, they no longer drove.

kindergarten curriculum. Preparation for school. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, kindergarten attendance and relationship with the kindergarten education program. Good afternoon Girls who have children in the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten!

Wenger program. Kindergarten. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with See other discussions on the topic "what conditions in the garden should be when introducing the Hungarian development program"

It was assumed that children in kindergartens study according to the Wenger program, and then go to school, where they study according to the program of D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov. I really love professionalism in everything, I like the system of D.B. Elkonina - V.V...

What program is everyone using? preschool institutions? and how to find it? and got the best answer

Answer from Olga Zvonkova[guru]
In any preschool institution, a comprehensive program is taken as the basis. There are many, but the main ones are six.
A lot of gardens work according to the program "Childhood", which was developed in the St. Petersburg Pedagogical University them. Herzen. It is the most simple and accessible to teachers. The main focus is on teaching children and their artistic and aesthetic development. It is much more important to teach preschoolers not to read and write (at this age it is generally not recommended to teach a child to write, since fine motor skills of the fingers are not yet sufficiently developed), but to sing, draw, sculpt from plasticine and make various crafts.
Similar tasks are set for educators by another program - "Rainbow" (developers - Doronova and Yakobson). It is also taken as a basis by many preschool institutions.
Very interesting, according to experts, the program "Development" (developers Wenger and Dyachenko). It is aimed more at the mental, intellectual development of kids. In the process of playing in the classroom, they learn the initial information about the role of man in history and culture, receive explanations in an accessible form of various physical phenomena. Often the children themselves, under the guidance of educators, conduct peculiar Scientific research”, that is, the child acts not only as a student, but also rises, as it were, on the same level with adults, independently making decisions, discovering and inventing something.
"Kindergarten - the house of joy" (author - Krylova) is both a program and technology at once. It spells out literally every day of working with children. There are separate books for different age groups. Of course, educators bring something of their own to the program. Natalya Mikhailovna Krylova, who created it, personally observed how one of the most experienced teachers worked on it, and after that she made some adjustments and additions. Most attention is paid to the moral and artistic and aesthetic development of the child. One of the main points is to teach the little creature to communicate correctly with peers and with adults.
In the center "Preschool childhood" them. A. V. Zaporozhets developed the basic program "Origins". Its authors approach the development of the child's personality comprehensively, comprehensively. Much attention is paid to introducing kids to the historical origins of their people. The program is interesting in that it has developed a "portrait of a kindergarten graduate", which describes what qualities and skills he should have. The program "From childhood to adolescence" has two stages: preschool and school development. It works in those institutions where both a kindergarten and a school are located in the same building (or on the same territory). That is, the upbringing and education of children both in preschool and in school age conducted in one key. Several more programs have been created according to this principle: "Golden Key", "Continuity", "Community". In addition to the main programs, preschool institutions and various methods are chosen in certain areas of development of babies. For example, in the artistic and aesthetic direction, the methodology "Theatre - creativity - children" works, drawing is taught according to the methods "Semitsvetik", "Nature and the artist", music - "Synthesis", "Harmony", "Musical masterpieces". There are many, many such methods. If the kindergarten works successfully on them, then its staff is replenished with additional teachers: rhythmics, drawing, physical education.
Where to go for information?
Phones of the district departments of education in Moscow
Here you will be told in more detail about all the district kindergartens you are interested in:
Central District: 951-41-67
Northern District: 456-07-32
North-Eastern District: 210-07-06
Eastern District: 963-55-35
South-Eastern District: 350-07-22
Southern District: 324-76-46
Southwestern District: 120-31-56
Western District: 249-08-86
Northwestern District: 947-88-86
Zelenograd: 535-75-31
You can buy in the stores "Pedkniga" and "House of Books".

Answer from Elena Katanova[guru]
All work in different programs.

Answer from Jane[guru]
there are different programs, they can be purchased in specialized stores

Answer from =) [guru]
The main programs are Vasilyoi (typical) and Childhood, but in fact there are many of them, there are both special and participatory (additional)

Answer from Natasha[guru]
No one has developed anything better than Vasilyeva and is unlikely to ever develop it. The new programs ("Rainbow", etc.) are based on it

The educational process is carried out by the following programs and technology: (Table 1 of the DOE Program).

Basic educational program, according to which our kindergarten works - "Rainbow". This is a comprehensive program of education and development of preschool children. It was developed by order of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation and prepared in order to implement the new concept of preschool education. The authors are well-known Russian scientists: Candidate Ped. sciences Doronova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Grizik Tatyana Ivanovna, Solovyova Elena Viktorovna and others.

The Rainbow program is focused on the comprehensive development and upbringing of children aged 2 to 7 years. In our kindergarten, under this program, they are engaged with children from the second junior to the preparatory group.

Program goals:

  • Preserve and improve the health of children; to form in them the habit of a healthy lifestyle;

  • Facilitate timely and complete mental development each child;

  • To provide every child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood.
The main wealth of the program is Rainbow Children.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, the first junior groups (1.5 years - 3 years) work under this program.

Program goals:

  • Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood;

  • Formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual;

  • Comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics.
These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities:

game, educational, artistic, motor, elementary labor.

IN syllabus The preschool educational institution includes the following classes, in accordance with the programs of training and education:

Development of mathematical concepts, physical culture,

Speech development, musical development,

Literacy education, art activities,

Acquaintance with fiction, choreography,

Acquaintance with the surrounding world swimming

Teaching children traffic rules

Pedagogical activity is based on a personality-oriented model of communication with a child. That is, the institution implements an individual approach to teaching children of different preschool ages. The preschool educational institution has created conditions for the development of children and teachers: the didactic equipment of the educational process and the developing environment is under constant control.

The entire pedagogical process in kindergarten is conditionally divided into 3 components of the block:

  • specially organized training in the form of classes;

  • individual work of educators with children, built in a relaxed manner;

  • free independent activity of children.
In the pedagogical process, frontal, subgroup and individual forms of work with children are used. They are combined in the upbringing and educational process and arrive depending on the age and training of children, the level of development, the complexity of the program material, the availability of inventory and didactic material in sufficient quantity.

The prognostic function is based on diagnostics (its repetitions), aimed at predicting the initial and final results of activities, taking into account the capabilities of children, teachers, and the conditions of a preschool educational institution. Diagnosis is seen as important component pedagogical process. In the preschool educational institution, "initial" diagnostics and "final" diagnostics are carried out - at the beginning and at the end of the year, respectively. All diagnostic work The preschool educational institution fully fits into the scheme of a personality-oriented approach.

Protecting and strengthening the health of pupils

Protection and strengthening of children's health, comprehensive physical development, hardening of the body is one of the leading activities of the institution, since the full physical development and health of the child is the basis for the formation of personality.

The physical health of children is inextricably linked to their mental health and emotional well-being. The system of physical culture and health-improving work includes treatment-and-prophylactic and health-improving measures.

The level of socialization of the personality of a preschooler largely depends on the full physical education. Based on the principle “a healthy child is a successful child”, the team considers it impossible to solve the problem of educating a socially adapted personality without implementing a system of measures for health-improving work: physical and psycho-emotional education of children. Therefore, at present, as one of the priority areas pedagogical activity the creation of a health-preserving environment in a kindergarten stands out.

A health service has been created in the kindergarten, which includes: a pediatrician, a neurologist, an educator - a specialist (physical education), and a physical education instructor.

A program has been created for the physical development and rehabilitation of the child in a preschool educational institution.

Program goal:

Protection and strengthening of the child's health, creation of an optimal daily regimen that ensures the hygiene of the child's NS, comfortable well-being, neuropsychic and physical development.

A plan of recreational activities for children is compiled monthly.

Teachers provide physical activity of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, use a variety of forms of organization of children's physical activity

Every day in the kindergarten with children, morning exercises, air hardening, motor and recreational physical exercises are carried out. minutes, physical exercises after sleep, twice a week physical education classes and classes in the pool. Outdoor and indoor games.

Once every six months for children of different age groups, sports holidays are held in the gym with the participation of teachers and parents. Once a year, children and parents participate in the city sports festival“Dad, mom, I am a sports family.” Once a year, a physical education instructor conducts holidays on the water for children 4-7 years old.

Monthly, the pediatrician spends with older children and preparatory groups“Health Days” on various topics: “Two eyes - two diamonds”, “Pillow is the best friend”, “Vitamins are our best friends" and etc.

The physical development of children occurs with the help of the L.D. Glazyrina "Physical culture - for preschoolers" and T.I. Osokina "Teaching swimming in kindergarten"

The preschool institution has a speech therapy service, it is represented by speech therapist teachers. The work of the service is carried out in three directions:

subgroup and frontal work on speech correction, on improving coherent speech, diagnostics, etc.);

  1. Work with parents (consultations for parents, educational work, the use of various forms of cooperation with parents);

  2. Organizational and pedagogical work (presenting your professional experience to colleagues at city and regional methodical associations, implementation of educational work on the prevention and diagnosis of speech disorders for educators).
Speech therapists use speech correction programs:

G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva "Program speech therapy work on overcoming phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech in children” and G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva "The program of speech therapy work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children."

In our kindergarten there is a social-psychological-pedagogical service of the preschool educational institution. It is represented by a social pedagogue and educational psychologists (2). The work of the service is carried out in three directions:

  1. Work with children (systematically individual,
subgroup work on the correction of social and emotional development, on the correction of cognitive development, diagnostics, etc.);

  1. Work with parents (consultations for parents, educational work, participation, speeches at meetings with parents, training in parent-child relations);

  2. Organizational and pedagogical work (presenting your professional experience to colleagues at city and regional methodological associations, carrying out educational work on issues related to raising children in the family, on the psycho-emotional development of preschool children for educators).
In working with children, a social teacher uses the program of S. Knyazev "I-you-we";

Teachers-psychologists use the programs of N. Yakovleva "Psychological assistance to a preschooler", work programs for the correction of anxiety, for preparing a child for school.

An important role in the development of children is played by the artistic and aesthetic service of the preschool educational institution, it is represented by the musical directors of the preschool educational institution (3), the teacher for choreography and the teacher for art activities. The work of the service is carried out in three directions:

  1. Working with children (individual, group work, frontal exercises with children, organization of holidays, entertainment, matinees with the participation of children);

  2. Working with parents (consultations for parents, educational work at meetings, living rooms, holding contests, exhibitions among parents of preschool educational institutions);

  3. Organizational and pedagogical work (organization of various exhibitions, cooperation with district, city, regional cultural institutions, transfer of experience to colleagues at various methodological associations. Participation of children and teachers in district, city, regional creative competitions and festivals).
Musical education of children is carried out with the help of the program "Ladushki" by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva and "Kid" V.A. Petrova.

Creative development in art activities occurs with the help of the program of G.S. Shvaiko "Visual activity in kindergarten"

In kindergarten, classes are held with children, once a week, according to the program "ABC of traffic" (second junior groups - preparatory) by T.B. Sokolova "ABC of traffic". Once a year we take part in the City festival "Preschoolers-propagandists of the Rules of the road".

With children of preparatory groups, educators conduct free circles:

"Skillful hands" for working with natural material;

"Collection of ideas" for working with natural and waste materials;

"Magic threads" for working with iso-thread.

In 2010-2011 academic year more than 50% of pupils of MDOU No. 229 "Developing Kindergarten" became participants and winners of events at various levels:

  • international festival of children's drawings "Rabbit goes to Prague" in the city of Prague - "Melody of the winter Czech Republic" (December) - members ;

  • regional exhibition of children's drawings "Magic of the New Year" (December) - winners ;

  • XIII regional competition of performers of children's pop song "Fortuna-2011" (February) - members ;

  • district children's sports contest "We meet Spring" (March) - winners ;

  • IV city festival of associations of preschoolers propagandists of traffic rules “Preschoolers for road safety” (March) - winners ;

  • festival of creativity of children and teachers of the Zavodsky district "Solnechnaya drops -2011" - (April) - members :

  • city ​​mini-football tournament "Victory Cup 2011" (May) - members ;

  • All-Russian campaign "Days of protection from environmental hazards" (March-June) - members
In the 2010-2011 academic year, teachers of MDOU No. 229 "Developing Kindergarten" became participants and winners of competitions at various levels:

  • The regional stage of the I All-Russian competition "Kindergartens for Children!", in the framework of the project of the United Russia Party in the nomination "The Best Kindergarten Teacher" Penkova S.N. (November) - Winner regional stage I.;

  • All-Russian competition "Kindergartens for children!", in the framework of the project of the United Russia Party in the nomination "The best kindergarten teacher" Penkova S.N. (December) – winner of the first All-Russian competition"kindergartens for children";

  • regional competition "Debut - 2010" Shakhmanova G.V. (November-December) – participant;

  • city ​​competition "Kemerovo citizen of the year - 2010" Shakina N.P. . in the nomination "She will help";

  • international competition "Rabbit goes to Prague" Reznichenko Zh.V. (December);
In the 2010-2011 academic year, more than on the basis of MDOU No. 229 "Kindergarten of a developing type", events of various levels were organized and held:

  • Open events for educators, students of KRIPK and PRO “Theory and Practice preschool education» (October, November, March, May);

  • Methodological associations for senior educators of the district (December);

  • Methodological associations for city swimming instructors (September, February, May);

  • Methodical associations for musical directors of the region (September, November, February, May);

  • Methodical associations for educators of senior groups (March);

  • Methodical associations for educators of early age groups (September - May).

During the year, MDOU No. 229 "Kindergarten of a combined type" collaborated with the following socio-cultural institutions of the city.

Work programs teachers - the materials of this section. contain copyrighted and modified programs based on theoretical studies and practical experience. These publications will serve as a good help for novice educators and preschool specialists, for teachers who improve their professional level.

In this section you can find the following materials:

  • Patriotic and spiritual and moral education programs
  • Programs for familiarization with the environment and ecology
  • Programs for life safety and the formation of safe behavior
  • Healthy lifestyle programs
  • Programs of the artistic and aesthetic cycle
  • Programs for the intellectual development of preschoolers
  • Family programs
  • Programs additional education
  • Programs for specialists of preschool educational institutions

Work programs

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Circle work. Circle programs, work programs for additional education of children
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 6358 .
All sections | Programs. Educational, working, variable, additional education

The program and plan of the circle work "Little Artists" Program and plan of circle work. Kruzhkovaya Job for children speech therapy group(6-7 years old "Little Artists" Target: Formation of the child's creative personality by means of theatrical activity. Tasks: 1.Creating conditions for the development of creative activity of children in the theater ...

Lesson "Speech and alternative communication" in grade 3. Adapted work program for children with disabilities Subject: "The letter of the words "wasp", "catfish", "mother". Sound-letter analysis of words." Adapted working programm for children with disabilities based on an approximate adapted basic general education program primary general education students with mental retardation (intellectual ...

Programs. Educational, working, variable, additional education - The program of classes for the development of attention

Publication "Study Program for Development..." PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES (fragment) SESSION 1 1. Acquaintance and greeting The game "Snowball" The first child calls his name, passing the ball to another, and he, in turn, calls the name of the first and his own, then the third participant receives the ball, etc. The game is played in a circle with all...

MAAM Pictures Library

Program for additional education in creative activity "Young Masterilka" Explanatory note The problem of the all-round development of children in the outside world is becoming dominant. Attention to this problem is dictated by the conditions modern life. Creative activity contributes to the versatile development of the child's personality. That's why it's so important...

Modeling work program municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Rostov-on-Don "Kindergarten No. 272" "ACCEPTED" by the Pedagogical Council Minutes No. 1 dated 31.08.2018. "APPROVED" by the head of MADOU No. 272 ​​_ G.A. Berlizov Order No. 68 dated 31.08.2018 Working program for the main...

Thematic control program "Organization of the educational process to foster a culture of communication" Program thematic control"Organization of the educational process for the development of a culture of communication and socialization in groups of preschool educational institutions" Dates: from to Performers: deputy head. , senior educator The purpose of control: to study the state of work on the development of communication skills and ...

Programs. Educational, working, variable, additional education - Additional program for experimental research activities "Young ecologists-researchers"

Work program for circle work "Rules of the Road" WORKING PROGRAM FOR CIRCLE WORK "ROAD RULES" Instructor for FC Kundozerova L.N. 2019-2020 Direction: cognitive-speech Explanatory note Motorization of the country, an increase in the intensity of traffic and pedestrians on the streets and roads ...

Work program "Know your body" The author is the compiler of the instructor in physical culture O.V. Levkina The work program is part of the Health program and is part of the Krepysh sports and health system. The program presents a cycle of cognitive - gaming activities aimed at the development of children ...

The program of the circle "Abvgdeyka" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 67 of the city of Blagoveshchensk" Additional general developmental program of a social and pedagogical orientation for children of older (5-7 years) preschool age Program implementation period: 2 years ...

Educational programs DOW is considered to be a management document that fixes certain norms, goals, content, technologies and methods, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution when organizing the educational process. Methodist scientists develop exemplary basic educational programs that preschool institutions take as a basis for developing own program taking into account the regional component and local conditions.

Based on the educational program, the teacher develops work program, serving as a model of pedagogical activity in a specific area of ​​education and training of preschoolers and including integrated planning of the educational process. The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved at the federal level.

In the work program, the teacher prescribes goals and objectives, sections and their content, a list of classes by topic, indicates the conditions for the implementation of the program and expected results, as well as other necessary information to present the level of development of educational material by preschoolers and its practical application. The work program is a regulatory document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution.