Course work: The process of speech therapy correction of general speech underdevelopment in children of preparatory age. Report "organization of speech therapy work in an educational institution" The relevance of speech therapy work

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Dissertation abstract on the topic "Speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten"


As a manuscript UDC 373.24 + 376.3 "

NOVOTORTSEVA Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna


dissertation for a scientific degree ■

candidate of pedagogical sciences

Leningrad - 1991

; Work done in Russian Order Labor Red

¡¿^ ¿¿Shi & eni State Pedagogical University named after A.M. Herzen

Scientific adviser - candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor G. L. Volkova

Official opponents - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V. I. Loginova

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher L.L. Danilova

The leading organization is the Department of Speech Therapy of the Lenin Moscow Pedagogical State University

By 113.05.11 for the award of the scientific degree of candidate of sciences at the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University at the address: K7046, Leningrad, Malaya Posadskaya st., 26.

The dissertation can be found in the fundamental library of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University

Defense will take place

hours at a meeting of a specialized Council

Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Council, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor

R.I. Lalaeva


Mm ^ ality_study§ddata. The relevance of speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten is due to the significant prevalence of speech disorders among children of senior preschool age and their insufficient speech readiness to study at school (M.A. Aleksandrovskaya, 1956; G.A.Kache, 1965 M.M., Alekseeva, 1975 ; L.I.Savka, 1907, etc.).

By the end of the preschool period in children, it is necessary to form, in the structure of psychological readiness, speech readiness for schooling (A.V. Zaporozhets, I960; N.N. Poddyakov 1972, 1977; L.A. Venger, 1978, 1984).

■ Violations of sound pronunciation and inadequate development of other components of speech, which are widespread among six-year-olds, often cause difficulties in schooling, especially in the acquisition of literacy. The “Kindergarten education and training program” does not provide for special pedagogical work with this category of children. For a full-fledged non-preparation of older preschoolers with speech disorders for schooling, a special speech therapy influence is needed, organically included in the educational process of a mass kindergarten.

For the formation of psychological readiness for schooling in children with speech impairments, it is relevant to determine in a mass kindergarten the main directions of speech therapy work, economical and effective methods and techniques, forms and means of corrective and preventive influence on children. Currently, in the current "Program of education and training in kindergarten", in the practice of preschool education, these aspects of special pedagogical influence are not sufficiently developed, therefore, the methodology of speech therapy work with preschoolers 6 years old: with speech disorders, contributes to the formation of their speech readiness for school, improves educational process of mass kindergarten. This led to the relevance of our research, the definition of the goal, subject and objectives.

C ^ object_research - children of six years with speech disorders, brought up in a mass-type kindergarten.

Research betrays - speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten with children with speech defects.

Research_ hypothesis: Specially organized speech therapy work in the system of teaching and upbringing of a mass kindergarten contributes to the formation of six-year-old preschoolers with speech disorders of psychological readiness and social adaptation to school education when important conditions are met: if the correctional and preventive directions of this work provide for a comprehensive examination of speech in children 6- years old; differentiated and individual approach depending on the structure of the speech defect in various activities; direct and indirect influence on speech and non-speech processes.

The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for special speech therapy influence in the educational process of a mass kindergarten for preparing older preschoolers with speech disorders for schooling.

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks were set:

1) analysis of psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy literature for the scientific and theoretical substantiation of the research;

2) development of a methodology for a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical examination of speech and non-speech processes in older preschool children;

3) identification of the level of cognitive and speech readiness for teaching six-year-old children with speech defects;

4) analysis of speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten;

5) determination of the main directions of speech therapy work in the system of education and training of a mass kindergarten;

6) analysis of the results of speech therapy impact on children of smoldering speech defects, in the upbringing and educational work of the kindergarten.

The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical provisions of linguistics, psychologin, speech therapy about the role of language in the process of cognition, about the relationship between the social and the biological in a person's linguistic ability that are significant for our problem.

For check! hypotheses and solutions of the set research tasks, a complex is used by the method:

Theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological, linguistic, speech therapy literature on the research problem;

Organizational: comparative, transversal technique (research by means of "cross-sections"), complex;

Empirical: observation, psychological and pedagogical experiment, biographical, "conversation, questioning;

The method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained.

The study was conducted from 1985 to 1991 in three stages:

Stage I - ascertaining the state of the problem under study in the theory and practice of preschool education. Specification of research tasks, specification of the hypothesis.

Stage II - development of experimental techniques, conducting a formative experiment.

Stage III - analysis of the results experimentally !; works, their approbation.

The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time:

A survey of six-year-old preschoolers with speech disorders in a mass kindergarten was carried out;

Studied the speech and cognitive readiness of six-year-old children with speech disorders for schooling;

A comparative study of six-year-old children with normal speech development and children of the same age with speech disorders was carried out;

A comprehensive approach was used to identify the structure of a speech defect in older preschoolers;

The main directions of speech therapy work are determined,

as well as the most effective and economical means of its implementation in relation to the system of teaching and educational work of a mass kindergarten.

The theoretical significance of the study is determined by the following:

The prevalence of speech defects among 6-year-old children is being studied;

The symptomatology and the severity of speech disorders in older preschool children of the cash kindergarten are being clarified;

Methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of speech disorders in six-year-old children for teachers of a mass kindergarten are developed and scientifically substantiated;

The means of speech therapy work are systematized and improved in relation to the mass kindergarten; ""

The dynamics of the development of six-year-old children with speech impairments in a mass kindergarten in the usual conditions of upbringing and training and in conditions of special correctional and pedagogical influence is revealed;

Methods for an individual and differentiated approach are being developed for six-year-old children with speech defects;

Methods of correctional and propaedeutic work are used in classes of different types, in various types of activities;

Supplements to the "Speech Development" section of the current mass kindergarten program are proposed.

The practical significance of the research lies in the development of a speech therapy methodology for a kindergarten and a family with six-year-old children who have speech disorders... The research results can be used to further improve the practice of preschool education. The dissertation materials can also be used when reading a course in preschool speech therapy at the faculties of preschool education of universities and pedagogical colleges.

The following provisions are made for the defense:

1. A comprehensive study of the state of oral speech in children of 6 years old, brought up in a mass kindergarten, revealed a heterogeneous structure of the speech defect. Various speech disorders and insufficient development of non-speech processes impede the formation of speech and psychological readiness of children for schooling /

2. The heterogeneous structure of a speech defect in different groups of 6-year-old children determines a complex and differentiated corrective effect on preschoolers, so the development and use of methods of speech therapy prevention in mass kindergarten.

3. The system of speech therapy work in a mass-type preschool institution includes direct and indirect corrective and preventive effects on the speech of six-year-old children and non-speech processes in the classroom, in play and other activities.

4. Special pedagogical work in kindergarten to foster psychological readiness and adaptation! children of six years old to the conditions of school education requires compulsory general pedagogical and speech therapy education of parents.

Research approbation. The implementation of the research results was carried out during all its stages: the materials of the dissertation were discussed at the meetings of the Department of Speech Therapy of the Russian State pedagogical university; at the Herzenoza Readings in Leningrad (IS87); at conferences of young scientists in Yaroslavl (1939, 1991) and in Leningrad (1990); at the X scientific session on defectology in Moscow (1990); in the process of giving lectures at the preschool department of the Yaroslavl Pedagogical Institute (1986-1991); through a special seminar and a special workshop with students! III - 1U courses of YGPI (I986-I99I); in the course of work on the specialization of students of YSPI (1990).

Structure :: volume of the thesis. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, conclusions, a bibliography and an appendix. The volume of the dissertation is 156 pages of typewritten text, of which 138 pages are the main text. There are 18 tables in the work. The list of literature includes 210 titles, of which 7 are in a foreign language.

The introduction substantiates the urgency of the problem, defines the subject and purpose of the research, reveals the tasks, theoretical and practical significance, scientific novelty of the research.

In the first chapter, "The problem of correction and prevention of speech disorders in older preschool children in a May kindergarten", an analysis of pedagogical, psychological linguistic and speech therapy literature on the problem under study is given.

The problem of overcoming deviations in the development of speech in children of preschool and primary school age in conditions of mass

learning rose in domestic pedagogy and remains relevant at the present time (V.P. Vakhterov, 1915; L.V. Shcherba, 1915; E.A.Flerina, 1936; E.I. Tikheeva, 1937).

The need for speech therapy work in school and kindergarten, provided that teachers know the basics of speech therapy, was pointed out by M.E. Khvatsev (1948, 1958, 1959, 1961). The merit of IvI.S. Khvatseva is the systematization of the theoretical foundations of speech therapy, the scientific substantiation of methods for overcoming age-related and pathological imperfections in the speech of preschoolers in a mass-type kindergarten. However, the ¡.i.S. Khvatsev's progressively declared principle of an integrated approach to the study of speech is not sufficiently implemented with the method of speech therapy examination and corrective work with children.

The direction of speech therapy, indicated by M.E. Khvatsev, was reflected in the pedagogical literature of the 30s-50s (M.A. Aleksandrovskaya, 1956; 0.II. Solovyova, 1956; V.I. Gorodilova, E.I. Radika, 1961; A.D. Zglippova, 1967; N.D. Puravina, 1964; M.D. Fomicheva, 1968).

Researchers note that children with deviations in speech development turn out to be unprepared for mastering literacy (H.A. Nikashsha, I.II. Sadovnikova, etc.). The significant prevalence of defects in oral speech among older preschoolers (MA Aleksandrovskaya, 0.3. Pravdpna, Eyo. Pay, R. Becker), making it difficult for children to learn at school, led to the search for new methods of speech therapy work in general education schools. The symptomatological approach to the study of speech disorders in children was overcome and a new systemic approach was developed, based on a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical study of speech "defects in preschoolers and junior schoolchildren (P.E. Levin, L.F.Spirova, L.S.Volkova, G.A.Kache and others). Based on the research of those years, a system of speech therapy work was developed for the "primary school teacher of a general education school (LS Volkova, 1964). However, there is still no methodology for speech therapy work with children for the children's" mass type.

The analysis of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" showed that it does not reflect the correctional and preventive aspects of speech work with children who have deviations in speech.

Thus, an analysis of the literature on the problem showed that the issue of overcoming speech impairments in children in the system of mass-type kindergarten work has not been resolved. There is no methodology for a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical examination of six-year-old preschoolers with speech disorders; their psychological readiness for school has not been studied; directions of corrective and preventive speech therapy impact on children in mass kindergarten have not been developed; the pedagogical conditions, forms and methods of working with these children in kindergarten and in the family have not been determined.

The second chapter "Scientific and theoretical foundations of research" reveals the methodology of psychological and pedagogical research of six-year-old preschoolers, describes the principles of constructing a research methodology. Based on the methodological and specific tasks of the psychological and pedagogical study of children, methods are determined, a program for organizing the research is presented.

Psychological and pedagogical research of six-year-old children was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, in order to select a relatively homogeneous experimental group, an "express method" was used, which is a scheme for a brief examination of the child's speech and intelligence.

For the second stage, two groups of six-year-old children, 30 people each, were selected: experimental and control. The control group consisted of children with normal conditions ”! speech and general mental development. The experimental group consisted of children with intact hearing and intelligence, with deviations in speech.

The technique of the second stage of the ascertaining experiment consists of the following sections:

1. Study of anamnesis.

2. Examination of the speech of older preschoolers.

3. Survey of non-speech processes directly and indirectly associated with speech.

4. Research the degree of mastering some of the prerequisites :! educational activities.

5. Study of speech therapy assistance to children in a mass kindergarten and family.

The third chapter "Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with speech disorders in mass kindergarten (according to the ascertaining experiment)" presents characteristics of the development of children and their speech according to anamnesis, characteristics of speech, mental processes older preschoolers; the analysis of the state of speech therapy assistance to children in a mass kindergarten and family is given.

Analysis of the anamnesis data, psychological and pedagogical characteristics, medical documentation showed that the majority of children are physically healthy, mentally developed in accordance with the age norm. In 36/1 subjects of the experimental group, a delay in the formation of the sound structure was noted in speech ontogenesis.

The study of the structure of the articulatory apparatus showed that features in the structure of the organs of articulation were noted only in% of children with speech disorders.

The data of the study of the phonetic side of speech in older preschoolers at the first stage of the ascertaining experiment showed a high detectability of violations of sound pronunciation - $ 63. Of 304 surveyed six-year-old preschoolers, defects in pronunciation of sounds were noted in 59 £, out of 339 five-year-old children - with monomorphic disorders being more common

"In the prevalence of defects in sound pronunciation, differences were revealed by gender: in five-year-old boys, these defects are 3.8 times more common than in girls of this age, and in boys of six years - 2 times more often than in girls.

The study revealed the prevalence of various forms of dyslalia, pronunciation disorders in various phonetic groups of sounds.

The high prevalence of speech defects among older preschoolers of mass-type kindergartens, as well as the tendency to an increase in speech impairment, justifies the advisability of introducing special speech therapy work into the practice of raising children in mass-type preschool institutions.

The data of the results of the study of phonemic processes showed that in children with speech disorders, errors in complex types of analysis (comparison of words by sound composition, conversion of words) were more pronounced in 33 $ cases. It says

about the inability of children to establish phonemic differences, which serve as the basis for the differentiation of words. Typical mistakes were revealed: they do not distinguish between hard and soft consonants of $ 50 of children of the expert and $ 16 of the control group (I \u003d 2.2); mistakes in distinguishing between vowels and consonants were made only by children with speech impairments (23%). Only 16% of children with speech disorders and $ 50 of children in the control group coped with the tasks of the most difficult phonemic dictation (I \u003d 3). The differences between the experimental and control groups of children are reliable based on the percentage comparison method (V.S.Genes, 1964).

Thus, the study of the ability of children to analyze speech units (sound, syllable, word, sentence) showed that children with speech deviations to a greater extent manifested undifferentiated ideas about speech reality, lack of segmentation in understanding the elements of speech, lagging behind in practical mastery. the skill of language analysis, which indicates their readiness for teaching literacy.

Children with speech impairments also have shortcomings in the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. Features in upotreolsnpi adjectives and participles were found in $ 86, adverbs - in $ 36 children Errors in inflection were noted in $ 23, in the construction of compound and especially complex sentences - in $ 36 children. The indicated shortcomings are of a rough, unstable character and manifest themselves to varying degrees depending on the complexity of the speech task.

Analysis different types children's stories (by perception, memory, imagination) allows us to conclude that the level is formed1 !!! coherent monologue speech in general in six-year-old preschoolers is not high enough. To a creative race of rendering, based on a developed imagination, fantasy, there are only $ 20 children. In this type of storytelling, the majority of children, especially those with speech disabilities, showed an inability to use their experience, familiar images, plots, characters in a transformed form in relation to a given topic. Based on the significance of this skill and the research data obtained, we conclude that it is necessary to optimize the process of developing a coherent PC and speech culture in the practice of verbal communication. The level of developed coherent speech among preschoolers is an indicator of general and speech!

culture of the child, outlook, life experience, the maturity of their cognitive processes.

During the study of mental processes, directly and indirectly related to speech, the principle of parallelism was realized in the study of speech and non-speech processes. The ability to denote by the word the perceived qualities and properties of objects, spatial and temporal relations were studied in children; the features of verbal-logical thinking and verbal-semantic memory were revealed. Tasks were offered verbally. The evaluation of the research results was carried out in percentage and points. When analyzing the data obtained, the method of comparison by percentage was used (B.C. Genes, IS64).

Research data on cognitive processes indicate that six-year-old preschoolers with speech disabilities have shortcomings in terms of verbal designation of shades of color, shape, various connections and the relationship between objects. Difficulties in independently naming some shades of color of the presented samples, geometric shapes were noted in 35 $ children. Insufficient differentiation of spatial and temporal representations was revealed in 30 ^; imperfection speech expression thinking operations (comparison, generalization, analysis, synthesis) were manifested in 62SS children, the experimental group.

With the help of the methodology developed by the Scientific Research Institute of Preschool Education A1SH USSR (supervisor - L.A. Venger), in 83f children, a low level of formation of important prerequisites for educational activity was revealed. Children do not know how to listen carefully, understand quickly enough, remember and follow the instructions of an adult, subordinate swap actions to the rule.

Thus, the readiness for school of children with speech disabilities who are brought up in a mass-type kindergarten is inadequate in many Baknshl indicators.

We have identified four levels that characterize the different degree of readiness of children for schooling.

The first level - children are physically healthy, with normal speech and high mental development, with a sufficiently formed! prerequisites for educational activities and psychological readiness for schooling. Children from socially prosperous families with favorable conditions for? ® family education.

The second level - children who are physically healthy, with only phonetic disorders of speech, with normal general mental development, with sufficiently formed prerequisites for educational activity and psychological readiness for school. These are children, as a rule, from socially prosperous families, with favorable conditions for family education ...

The third level - children who are practically healthy, with phonetic and phonemic disorders, with insufficient heights of development of other components of speech and mental processes, with insufficiently formed prerequisites for educational activity and psychological readiness for schooling. These are children, usually from families with unfavorable upbringing conditions ..

The fourth level - children are somatically weakened, in which: violations of sound pronunciation are combined with deviations:, l in other components of the speech system, with insufficient development of coherent speech and the cognitive sphere. They have not formed the prerequisites for educational activity and psychological readiness for schooling. These are children, often from socially disadvantaged families.

Children of the first and second levels of readiness for schooling have a fairly high degree of adaptation to new4 conditions;.: Education and training. Degas of the third level are characterized by an average degree of adaptation, the fourth level -. low level of adaptation to schooling. The criteria for determining the degree of adaptation to school were the attitude to learning, the effectiveness of the assimilation of program material, academic success, the degree of independence and assistance of adults, the status position of the peers' environment.

“The data obtained convinced us of the need for the kindergarten to carry out targeted special work to correct speech disorders and align non-speech processes in six-year-old children, as well as to prevent difficulties in mastering the school curriculum, especially literacy.

An analysis of the pedagogical process in a mass kindergarten showed that the speech therapy direction is not reflected in the programs and has not been developed in practice. Analysis of pedagogical documentation and different types of classes allows us to conclude that methods of early diagnosis have not yet been introduced into kindergartens! speech disorders, corrective-pedagogical work with a "risk group",

dysgraphia and dyslexia profile in children. In classes of different types and in various types of activities, individual work with children with speech deficiencies, methods of their differentiated teaching, correction and developmental possibilities of the game are not used enough.

The results of the analysis of questionnaires for parents indicate the lack of correct, systematic speech work with children in the family, about the lack of continuity in the work in this direction of the kindergarten and the family, about the kelashsh parent "to cooperate with the kindergarten to improve the speech of children. The survey data set up a search for new and diverse forms of work of the kindergarten with the family on the development of children's speech.

Analysis of the data of the ascertaining experiment made it possible to single out the main directions and tasks of speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten.

In the fourth chapter, "Speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten", the scientific and theoretical substantiation of special pedagogical work in the conditions of a general preschool institution is given, the tasks of speech therapy work are formulated, the experimental pedagogical work at the formative stage of the study is described.

In accordance with the data of the ascertaining experiment, we have identified four groups of children: "

made the first group! children with high level speech and mental development;

the second - children with disabilities!, w only sound-piercing, with normal development of other aspects of speech and mental processes;

the third - children with phonetic-phonemic disorders, with insufficiently high development of other components of speech and mental processes;

the fourth - children with deviations in different components of speech, with insufficient diffusion of coherent speech and cognitive sphere. - The methodology of the formative experiment included:

a) differentiated correctional and pedagogical work with children of four groups in the process of their learning in the classroom;

b) correction and developmental orientation of different types of activity;

c) preparing children with speech disorders for school in a family setting.

The program was carried out in stages:

1) preparatory stage;

2) the main stage of work on the formation of speech and psychological readiness of children with speech disorders for school;

3) the stage of formation of the prerequisites for the socio-psychological adaptation of these children to school education.

IIa preparatory stage special pedagogical work! the following practical tasks are being solved:

Psychological and pedagogical examination of children is carried out;

The groups of children are determined according to the level of their speech and general mental development;

Microprograms of differentiated education of children are being drawn up (definition of tasks, content, methods, forms of organization

So, at the preparatory stage, with children of group I, carry out: work to improve cognitive processes, speech, psychomotor skills in conditions increased complexity, ß work with children of the i group, special attention is paid to the improvement of articulatory motor skills and speech hearing. With children III and IV i "pynii" work is being carried out to improve their vocabulary, to expand their range of knowledge about the world around them, and to develop articulatory motor skills and phonemic processes.

Educators conduct speech training in different types of classes, as well as in special speech training (subgroup and individual). With children of group II (np) shx preparatory articulatory exercises are practiced, phonemic hearing is improved; with children LLL and IV g [) upn - in addition to the tasks of correcting speech defects, mental development problems are solved. Special work on the development of speech and mental health< цессов проводится с целью выравшшашш общего развития детей и подготовки их к основному периоду коррекцпонной работы.

The tasks of the main stage of education are the correction of speech defects and deviations in the cognitive sphere in children, forcing them to have important prerequisites for educational activity. 13 the main period of work on the formation of speech and cognitive readiness for schooling in preschoolers with displacement in speech, effective means of special pedagogical work are used:

I. Use of personal types of classes for special pedagogical work. Correction of speech and non-speech upoU "i: eo! I in individual lessons for children IL,] [[, 1U groups.

2. The use of various forms of organization, methods, techniques of differentiated teaching of children: didactic and subject-role-playing games, the problem of a situation, the execution of actions in the course of productive activity, etc.

3. Organization of complex lessons with a combination of tasks from different sections of the program, combined thematic principle... Classes of this type require preliminary preparation, which includes "advanced" study of the material and corrective work with children of groups II, III, IV.

4. Submission to a single topic of several activities of various types contributes to a more solid consolidation of speech skills in children, for example: development of speech, design, drawing are united by the theme "My hometown".

5. Allocation of a priority direction in speech work - the formation of coherent speech skills necessary for communication and further education at school. Teaching children dialogical and monologue speech is carried out in all classes and in different types of activities.

6. Creation in the classroom and outside of school, in kindergarten and in the family of natural situations of various communication between children and with adults, in which the culture of verbal communication is brought up, the horizons are broadened, knowledge is clarified, the personality of the child as a whole is enriched, and important for school education is formed communicative readiness.

On final stage in children, speech defects and shortcomings in general development are eliminated, psychological readiness for schooling is formed.

This chapter describes the methodology for developing and correcting the impact on the speech of children in various activities. The system of general developmental and speech therapy games is presented.

The chapter reveals the work on the preparation of children with speech disabilities in a family environment, which provides for traditional and new forms of cooperation with parents: meeting, conference,. consultation, seminar, business game, contests, general labor matters and celebrations !.

this forsh of cooperation between parents, children and teachers has a profound effect on family upbringing: the humanization and democratization of the communication style, the diversity of contacts between parents and children, and speech work with them.

Complex and differentiated corrective action on children in the system of mass kindergarten and in the family, the use of a system of preventive measures provided the necessary conditions for the formation of psychological and speech readiness in children; to school education, determined the effectiveness of the preparation of preschool; nicknames with speech disorders to school.

Analysis of the results of the formative experiment showed that non-gross deviations in speech and in general mental development in children in a mass kindergarten are completely corrected. 92 percent of preschoolers have mastered skills that are important for learning activities: to understand and highlight the learning task, to help in accordance with the rules, to use a variety of models, final reading, and graphic skills.

In conclusion, a generalization of the results of the study is given and the main conclusions are presented.

1. A survey of the speech of older preschool children has revealed a significant prevalence of mild speech disorders caused by various functional and socio-psycho-logical factors.

2. A comprehensive examination of speech and non-speech processes directly and indirectly associated with speech in six-year-old children revealed a heterogeneous structure of the speech defect.

3. The majority of children of senior preschool age with speech impairments who are brought up in a mass kindergarten, without creating special conditions and conducting specifically; "; pedagogical work does not form a sufficient psychological readiness for schooling.

4. Experiential teaching has shown the need to select four groups of children for speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten

depending on the structure of the speech defect and their psychological readiness for learning.

5. The heterogeneous structure of the speech defect in different groups of six-year-old children determined the complex and differentiated nature of speech therapy impact on preschoolers, which is implemented in the classroom, in various activities and in special pedagogical work with children in the family.

6. Effective pedagogical conditions for speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten are the organization of stage-by-stage, comprehensive and differentiated special education of children in the classroom, correctional orientation of various types of activities and a combination of different forms of speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten.

7. Speech therapy work in the educational process of a mass kindergarten is affective and provides preschoolers six years of age with the formation of psychological and speech readiness for school education.

The attachment contains a methodology for psychological and pedagogical research of six-year-old preschoolers, recommendations for conducting special speech work in classes of various types, examples of games and entertainment for the formation of speech and psychological readiness in children for school training, a seminar program for parents.

1. Theoretical foundations of speech therapy work in a mass kindergarten // Abstracts of the 1st conference of young scientists

/ Yaroslavl Pedagogical Institute.- Yaroslavl, 1989.- S. 86-88.

2. Features of the perception of six-year-old children with speech disorders // Modern research on the problems of educational and work activity of abnormal children: 10th scientific session on defectology. - M., 1990. - pp. 354-355.

3. Features of the process of perception in six-year-old children with; .. severe speech impairments // Psychological and pedagogical foundations of correctional work with abnormal children.- L., 1990.- pp. 29-30.

4. On the question of the prevalence of violations! sound production in children of senior preschool and primary school age // Abstracts of the 2nd conference of young scientists / YAGSh.-Yaroslavl, 1991.- pp. 24-26.

Source link:
Alakhtaeva A.P. Relevance of speech therapy work in rural areas // Modern scientific research: methodology, theory, practice: materials of the III International scientific-practical conference (Krasnoyarsk, August 19, 2014). - Krasnoyarsk: IC "Inspaer", 2014. - P. 5-7.


Azaria Petrovna Alakhtaeva

MBDOU "Kuibyshevsky kindergarten "Kolobok",
Republic of Khakassia, Kuibyshevo village,

Language acquisition is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool age... It is well known that the success of speech development is largely determined by the adults around the child, their role in the process of communication and teaching the child so that his speech is formed correctly and in a timely manner.

Keywords: Key words: speech, preschoolers, speech therapy work.

In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the main components of the upbringing and teaching of children, since the success of schooling, the communicative and intellectual development of the child depends on its development, coherence, correctness, and vocabulary wealth. Speech is a mental process associated with the development of the higher departments of the psyche, therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of children's speech is one of the most important pedagogical tasks, and the problem of the development of a child's speech is one of the most pressing problems of modern pedagogy.

This is significant for a normally developing child, but even more important for preschoolers with speech disorders. L. S. Volkova and S. N. Shakhovskaya one of the most acute contemporary problems in working with this group of children, they call the problem of early prevention and elimination of speech disorders. The authors point out the need for creative and scientifically grounded development of the content, methods of teaching and upbringing of children both in special kindergartens and in ordinary kindergartens. It is necessary to "consistently implement an integrated approach in identifying and correcting speech disorders, ensuring continuity in speech therapy work of preschool, school and medical institutions, improving the theory and practice of differential diagnosis of various forms of speech disorders and much more to solve the problems of speech development in children with disorders."

This problem is relevant for rural areas as well, but its complexity is aggravated by the elementary lack of specialists. On the territory of the Askiz district, for example, out of 15 settlements, there are general kindergartens only in 10 settlements, and a speech therapist works only in kindergartens of the district center. At the same time, the need for such specialists is extremely necessary in all villages of the region.

The instructional and methodological letter on the work of speech therapists at general education schools states that "the presence of even mild deviations in phonemic and lexical-grammatical development in schoolchildren is a serious obstacle to mastering the general school curriculum." While in the general education school of our village, for example, there are children in every class of primary school who need the help of a speech therapist. They did not undergo a correctional course, went to school and experience certain difficulties in learning. GV Chirkova writes that such children "show insufficient readiness to master writing and reading (persistent dysgraphia, dyslexia appear), difficulties in verbal communication, the formation of complex forms of monologue speech, peculiarities of verbal-logical thinking, and more."

Of course, medical-psychological-pedagogical commissions send parents to republican centers, but the solution to the problem depends solely on the responsibility, enthusiasm, education of the parents, in some cases, even on their financial situation. This is a point result that is rarely observed in rural areas. For the most part, the speech problems of the child, and then of the adult, accompany him all his life.

This is all the more sad in modern conditions, when speech therapy has achieved significant success. The authors cited above note, in particular, that “at present, there is a noticeable progress in the development of speech therapy. On the basis of psychological analysis, important data on the mechanisms of the most complex forms of speech pathology were obtained. Speech disorders are studied with complicated defects. Modern neurophysiological and neuropsychological research methods are being introduced into speech therapy practice. Speech therapy at an early age is intensively developing: the peculiarities of pre-speech development of children are being studied, techniques and methods are being developed to prevent the development of a speech therapy defect ”. Everything is aimed at making the correction of speech disorders as early as possible, but the lack of specialists, the lack of knowledge in the field of speech therapy among employees of educational institutions hinders the solution of the problem.

Thus, in modern socio-economic conditions, the development in rural areas of a system of speech therapy assistance to children with speech disorders is topical. The search for ways and modern means of providing speech therapy assistance to children living in rural regions, and the assessment of its effectiveness is also becoming acute.


  1. 1. Volkova L.S., Shakhovskaya S.N. Speech therapy. - M., 1987.
  2. 2. Chirkova GV Actual problems of the development of speech therapy science // Defectology. - 2012. - No. 1.
  3. 3. Yastrebova A. V., Bessonova G. P. Instructional and methodological letter on the work of speech therapists at the secondary school.


    Introduction. Relevance.

    Introducing the profession of speech therapist.

    Organization of speech therapy work in a comprehensive school:

a) a speech therapist's office and the necessary equipment;

b) development of an annual work plan;

c) implementation of activities and execution of documentation:

Stage I - diagnostics;

Stage II - organizational work;

Speech therapist documentation.

Stage III - correctional and developmental work

    Consultative and educational work.

    Self-education and methodical work.

    Dysgraphia as a writing disorder.

    Actual problems of speech therapy.

Recently, more and more often you can hear about an unhealthy tendency that has appeared in our society - deceleration.

Deceleration is a slower pace of physical and intellectual development. The reasons for this phenomenon are multiple:

 Mass alcoholization;

 Neuroses of parents;

 Dysfunctional families;

Mass reduction networks preschool institutions;

 Lack of narrow specialists in the preschool education system, speech therapists and psychologists;

 Employment of parents;

 Excessive impact of mass telecommunications on the unstable psyche of children.

And this is one of the few reasons why it is necessary to attract specialists in the field of defectology and correctional pedagogy to the village.

Thus, a completely new pedagogical situation has been created in the country, associated with a qualitative change in the contingent of children entering school.

Children entering the first grade have a limited vocabulary, underdeveloped hand motor skills, inadequate emotions, orthoepic defects. Children's readiness for schooling is dramatic.

Speech disorders statistics invariably record the growth of speech pathologies. Speech disorders are manifested not only in the shortcomings of sound pronunciation, but also affect other components of speech as the phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Defects are systemic. Children with speech impairments certainly need qualified help from a specialist. Many parents are unaware of the seriousness of the problem, believing that their child is doing well. Parents cannot independently determine the content of work on the development of a child's speech and correction of its deficiencies in the context of family education. But a speech therapist not only "puts sounds", but also the work of a speech therapist begins with the development of all mental processes in children (visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, thinking), which will certainly contribute to the development of the child and his cognitive activity.

Deviations in speech development are of a different nature and affect the general development of the child and his cognitive activity in different ways, however, academic lag is inevitable if the child is not provided with speech therapy assistance in a timely manner. But after all preschool education is the first step continuing education.

The speech therapist not only opens up unlimited opportunities for communication for the child, he is a kind of guide little man into the diverse world of human relationships. Overcoming speech impairment instills confidence in the child's own abilities.

    Introducing the profession of speech therapist.

So, a speech therapist is not only a “sound specialist”. Who is this, the following words will best answer this question:

Perhaps the child has speech problems,
Then I can give you practical advice: The solution to the issue will be provided only by a real LOGOPED.
He teaches speech: clean, smooth, intelligible.
He knows the secret of eloquence:
How to speak clearly and understandably -
Qualified master -

He teaches speech communication grammar and vocabulary of his subject.
Breathing, phonation, articulation
With knowledge of the matter will teach you

He will explain, aim, justify, Tell and show tete-a-tete, Write down, specify, recommend An attentive, tactful LOGOPED.

He works subtly, patiently, Composing the result of small victories, Works skillfully, efficiently An intelligent, delicate LOGOPED.

Now you are familiar with the wonderful profession, you just have to knock on the office (In a hospital, school or kindergarten) With a modest sign "LOGOPED".

3... Organization of speech therapy work in a comprehensive school:

a) a speech therapist's office and the necessary equipment;

I started organizing my own work in an already equipped study room. The speech therapy office is designed in accordance with the necessary requirements and includes:

    a place for group lessons (group lessons are aimed at correcting all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical and grammatical);

    a zone for individual work with a mirror, a place for a teacher and a student, a sink (in individual lessons, a speech therapist teacher corrects defects in pronunciation of sounds);

    a zone for relaxation, physical education, etc. (it is necessary to carry out motor exercises in speech therapy classes, to carry out a change of activity);

    multimedia complex (on the present stage in the educational process, the work of a teacher is unthinkable without the use of ICT. It is very convenient to use already existing resources in the classroom in the form of presentations, special computer games and teaching aids. But this should not be abused, since speech is a process of live communication, and when it is corrected, it is the ability to communicate with each other live that is appreciated);

    methodological complex (At the moment, there is already everything you need: methodological and visual aids, games, handouts of speech and visual material, manuals for the development of motor skills and all kinds of diagnostic materials, in addition, there is a list of necessary electronic links by which you can find information of interest. Of course, this is not enough, but work on replenishing the necessary literature is underway, and the methodological complex will be constantly replenished and updated.)

b) development of an annual work plan:

On initial stage a work plan was developed for the whole year, aim which is assisting primary school students with impairments in the development of oral and written speech (primary), in their mastering general education programs.

Tasks: 1. Timely identification of students with difficulties in mastering general education programs.

2. Correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students who have difficulties in mastering general education programs.

3. Explanation among teachers, parents of students of special knowledge in speech therapy in order to prevent speech disorders.

c) implementation of activities and execution of documentation

The work was planned in stages:

I stage - diagnostics.

At my disposal were primary school students who are recommended classes with a teacher - speech therapist. All of them were examined, and the results were entered into speech cards along with a speech therapy report for each child.

Stage II - organizational work.

Speech therapy work was planned and formed according to the disorders in the development of oral and written speech in the examined children. speech therapy group... Forms of work - group and individual lessons. Group classes are held 2 times for 30 minutes according to the speech therapy program for correcting violations of oral and written speech by L.M. Kozyreva.

Individual lessons are aimed at correcting sound pronunciation, such a lesson lasts 15 minutes. The frequency of classes depends on the complexity of the defect: 1 - 2 times a week with each student. An individual program is drawn up for each child for this purpose.

There is a work schedule for a speech therapist, a schedule of group and individual lessons.

Stage III - correctional and developmental work.

Speech therapy classes for the correction and development of different aspects of speech:

a) group.

These classes always include the organizational aspect, the definition of the topic of the lesson. As a separate element at the beginning of the lesson, articulatory gymnastics acts, during which mirrors are used. Speaking exercises help you articulate sounds clearly. In the main part, tasks are carried out to enrich the lexical stock by introducing adjectives, synonymous verbs, work on pictures stimulates children to speak, develop coherent speech. An important part of speech therapy is the development of phonemic hearing, the skill is formed to find a given sound in a word, to determine the position of a certain sound at the beginning, middle or end of a word. Children differentiate the concepts of "sound" and "letter". There is constant training in distinguishing between vowels and consonants. The value of speech therapy classes lies in the development of fine motor skills of the hand, which contributes to the successful correction of speech disorders (work with counting sticks, finger gymnastics, exercises with strings, strings, cereals, puzzles.)

It is imperative to include physical education minutes in the work, which are any actions with pronouncing in the form of quatrains, counting rhymes, and pure phrases, which allow children to abstract from cramming and make the memorization process fun and interesting. In the final part, it is advisable to draw a conclusion on the work done, to clarify what you liked, the most memorable, as well as to predict the topic of the next lesson, focus on the work ahead.

b) individual.

These classes are conducted with the aim of correcting existing violations of sound pronunciation in children and are conditionally divided into classes according to:

    sound staging (sound staging can be carried out by imitation, mechanically: using probes, spatulas, nipples, spoons, etc., or mixed). Most often, a mixed method is used;

    automation of sound (first we learn to pronounce a sound in isolation, then in syllables, words and sentences);

    sound differentiation is the introduction of sound into speech.

Consultative and educational work:

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to teachers, parents:

    speeches at MO of primary school teachers, parent-teacher meetings upon request;

    systematic consultations and individual interviews with parents and teachers;

    helping parents in the selection of speech and visual material to consolidate the correct pronunciation skills with children at home.

Self-education and methodical work:

    Participation in the work of the MO of primary school teachers, pedagogical councils.

    Study of special literature on the issues of helping children with speech disorders.

    Acquisition, development, production of educational - didactic aids to prevent and eliminate violations of oral and written speech of students:

Replenishment of handouts with new manuals;

Further replenishment of the card index with tasks to enrich the vocabulary;

Making cards with assignments for parents.

Dysgraphia as a partial writing disorder.

Nowadays, primary school teachers in general education schools often face problems with writing disorders. Children confuse letters, skip them, write in a mirror image, or add unnecessary letters to the word. Very often, teachers write off such mistakes on the inattention of students or on their excessive laziness, add these errors to spelling and punctuation, and display a solid "two" at the end of the quarter. Meanwhile, this is a very serious violation that requires long correctional work, and if you do not start to correct this problem in time, then in the future the child's written speech will only worsen.

Dysgraphia is a partial writing disorder that manifests itself in persistent repetitive mistakes and is caused by the lack of formation of the higher mental functions involved in the writing process (RI Lalaeva).

Difficulties in mastering writing appear already in grade 1. Indicators are fuzzy knowledge of all letters of the alphabet, difficulties in translating sound into letters and vice versa, difficulties in translating printed graphemes into written ones, difficulties in sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

In the future, the formation of the writing process is disrupted. Children mix written and printed letters according to optical and motor characteristics, write words without vowels, merge several words into one, or vice versa, split words into parts. If you do not help the child to correct these shortcomings in time, then by the end of the second grade they can lead to dysgraphia, which is the most common form of speech pathology in younger students.

Dictation. 1st grade, end of 4th quarter:

    The beginning of sentences is not capitalized.

    Word forest - extra elements of letters, extra letters.

    The words redheads branches- missing vowels

    Word tree- permutation of letters

    word mink- inaccuracy of the graphic transfer of the letter image

    In words next to an apple under a twig jumping fishing rod- a mixture of voiced and voiceless consonants (a fishing rod is a duck - this indicates FFNR)

    By branchcontinuous spelling words.

In this regard, it seems necessary to diagnose first-graders for the presence of violations of written language. According to the surveys carried out, it is necessary to plan and organize work for the next academic year to correct the dysgraphia that first graders have. There are 3 approaches to the correction of dysgraphia in schoolchildren. One of them is described in the book by I.N. Sadovnikova, in which the author proposes his own method for diagnosing writing disorders, identifies possible areas of work, offers types of exercises for their implementation. This approach is based on the results of a speech therapy examination of children with dysgraphia, which makes it possible to identify defective links of the functional writing system, to study the types and nature of specific errors in writing and, on the basis of this, determine the leading directions of speech therapy correction.

So, among the leading I.N. Sadovnikova identifies the following areas of work to correct dysgraphia: the development of spatial and temporal representations; development of phonemic perception and sound analysis of words; quantitative and qualitative enrichment of the dictionary; improvement of syllable and morphemic analysis and synthesis of words; assimilation of word combination and conscious construction of sentences; enrichment of the phrasal speech of students by acquainting them with the phenomena of polysemy, synonymy, antonymy, homonymy of syntactic constructions and others.

In conclusion, I would like to add that all methods for overcoming dysgraphia, according to the studied methodological literatureare traditional and may not be effective enough. But there is no alternative yet, and there is nothing more to do than work with what is, trying to achieve results in this activity, which will be reflected in the educational success of their wards. But the main thing in the work of a teacher, in the opinion of the head of the Ministry of Education of teachers - speech therapists in the city of Kostroma Vinokurova EK - is not to harm!

Skibina O.A.
teacher-speech therapist MOU secondary school №18, Kursk
Original article in MS Word format (132Kb) download

Speech disorders are one of the most common problems of the psychophysical development of children, which requires the coverage of speech therapy services to a significant part of the child population. Speech therapy assistance to schoolchildren with speech disorders is provided by institutions of various departmental subordination, which explains the need for a complex infrastructure of a regional speech therapy service and suggests the presence of significant potential for its further development in the direction of creating a single correctional space. Insufficient elaboration of the indicated questions determined the choice of the topic and its relevance.

Speech is a form of thought transmission by means of language and the main method of communication. The level of personality realization depends on her condition. Outside of speech, it is not possible to fully master any type of mental activity, including the higher forms of thinking, memory, as well as behavior in society.

Children with severe speech disorders and other higher mental functions cannot successfully study, master the school curriculum, and therefore about 50% of those who are persistently unsuccessful in primary school.

Thus, a huge number of such children need urgent organizational measures to create a specialized service in the Russian Federation that would meet the modern requirements of science and practice.

"The task of a speech therapist in any institution is to combine the efforts of the family and their own in achieving the main goal - the development of the correct and beautiful speech of the child."

Today, the existing network of speech therapy rooms in health care institutions is mainly aimed at serving the child population. The number of institutions for the treatment of adolescents with stuttering, aphasia, dysarthria and other speech disorders does not correspond to the real needs of the population. Analysis of the activities of speech therapy offices, polyclinics and neuropsychiatric dispensaries in the cities of the country shows that their work is not organized accordingly. In particular, due attention is not paid to the prevention and detection of speech disorders. Pediatricians, psychiatrists and speech therapists are not actively involved in this work. No risk groups are identified. Early diagnosis is not carried out. The treatment of children with speech pathology, especially with delays in general and speech development, as well as stuttering, is carried out out of time, which leads to a chronic course of the disease.

Preschool institutions for children with speech impairments are a promising link in common system education and training of abnormal children, ensuring the prevention of further development of the defect. The weak link in the activities of special kindergartens is inadequate medical care for children, inconsistency in the timing of speech therapy and recreational activities, late identification of children, and incomplete coverage.

Children who have mastered normal speech, who have successfully completed their studies and have not reached the age of seven, are transferred to preschool institutions of the general type.

What is the state and what are the problems of speech therapy assistance in the conditions of a school speech center, as well as the prospects for its further improvement within the framework of the current system of assistance to school-age children with developmental disorders? The problem of diagnosing and correcting the causes of difficulties in teaching the Russian language to primary schoolchildren of general educational institutions is especially relevant at the present stage. As noted in the Federal Target Program "Russian Language", "The modern language situation is characterized by the development of processes that negatively affect the state of the Russian language, serious difficulties have arisen in teaching Russian in schools." Speech therapy occupies a special place in the system of teaching the Russian language, since many students have a lag in speech development, as well as fairly persistent phonetic and phonemic disorders, accompanied by writing disorders.

Improving the efficiency and quality of education of students of general education schools presupposes the timely identification, prevention and elimination of deficiencies in oral and written speech that some of them have. The speech therapy center of our school has existed for 7 years. Observations show that the percentage of students with speech disorders is increasing every year.

Timely identification of students with speech pathology among them, the correct qualification of existing defects in oral speech and the organization of correctional education adequate to the defect allow not only to prevent the appearance of writing and reading disorders in these children, secondary to oral speech, but also to prevent a lag in the assimilation of program material in the native language. That is why we organize a survey of future first-graders at the Saturday Development School. With children who have deficiencies in sound pronunciation, a speech therapist teacher conducts classes in summer holidays, according to the schedule. Thus, reading and writing impairments are not tolerated.

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I would like to emphasize that specific writing errors associated with difficulties in analyzing the speech flow will disappear only when the child fully masters the skills of sound-letter analysis of a word. For example: the number of students with impaired oral and written speech decreases with systematic correctional speech therapy work.

The positive dynamics of speech therapy impact depends on many reasons:

  • from the mechanism of occurrence;
  • from the severity of the speech defect;
  • from the timing of the recognition of the defect and the organization of correctional classes;
  • from the regularity of classes;
  • from individual planning to eliminate the defect;
  • from complex medical treatment;
  • from the active participation of parents in correcting speech;
  • from the conscious activity and self-control of students;
  • from close contact and uniform requirements for the speech of children of the teaching staff;
  • from the formation of cognitive processes;
  • from the compensatory capabilities of the brain.

The work of a speech therapist should be well equipped with various aids. Toys, pictures, cards, board games, books, tables in the Russian language are used as aids in speech therapy work. The speech therapist uses the benefits depending on the immediate task that he sets for himself in connection with the nature of the violation, the stage of work, intelligence and general development of the child.

In addition to classes, we systematically conduct parenting meetings, consultations for parents. Work is underway with methodological associations, work at meetings and pedagogical councils. The speech therapist devotes a huge role to educational work. In the 2008 -2009 academic year, 4 events are planned with children attending the school speech center (Holiday of beautiful speech, oral magazine "What we know about folk art", theatrical performance "Carnival of fairy tales", "These mysterious words").

Keeps in touch with preschool educational institutions, with special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, speech therapists and specialist doctors of children's polyclinics and psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions.

Unfortunately, in school practice, the identification of children with impaired writing (reading and writing) is delayed. Teachers refer students with such disabilities to a speech therapist in the second or third grade and beyond. It is necessary to identify students with speech disabilities as early as possible and direct them to correctional classes with a speech therapist. The sooner their correction begins, the higher the effectiveness of eliminating speech deficiencies proper, not complicated by secondary consequences, as well as the accompanying pedagogical neglect. That is why a speech therapist teacher in a general education school should pay special attention to first grade students.

For the successful formation of the correct sound pronunciation, the speech therapist is forced to offer the child an infinitely long and repeated repetition of rather limited speech material (pictures, cards, tasks, etc.). Children need a variety of jobs. They quickly get tired, attention drops if you keep them on one exercise for a long time. Knowledge, assimilated without interest, not colored by one's own positive attitude, does not become useful by emotions - it is a dead weight.

Helping a child can be truly effective when we believe in the value of his personality, no matter how peculiar it may be, accept the child as he is, and do everything in our power to promote his development. To do this, a general education school needs qualified specialists in the field of correctional and developmental education. And well planned, systematic, timely and joint work can solve the actual problem of speech development.

Used Books.

  1. Volkova L.S. Speech therapy. - M., Education, 1989.
  2. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. - M., Education, 1991.
  3. Efimenkova L.N., Misarenko G.G. Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center. - M., Education, 1991.
  4. Mazanova E.V. Speech therapy. Overcoming violation writing. - M., Aquarium, 2006.
  5. On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution: Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 / Scientific and methodological journal "Speech therapist". 2004. - No. 2.
  6. Work of a speech therapist with parents in a children's clinic / Scientific and methodological journal "Speech therapist". 2004. - No. 1.

Sections: Speech therapy

On the pages of a special press, including the journal Izvestia of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, it was repeatedly reported about an unhealthy tendency that appeared in our society on the verge of the 20th and 21st centuries - a target. Desire is a slow pace of physical and intellectual development of children. Children entering the 1st grade have a limited vocabulary, underdeveloped hand motor skills, inadequate emotions, orthoepic defects.

According to numerous studies, children's readiness for schooling is dramatic.

The low level of preparation of children for primary education reaches 47-50%. Socio-psychological studies of Russian scientists have shown that already in the mid-1990s, 85% of children studying in a mass school needed specialized psychological and pedagogical help. Thus, statistics invariably record the growth of speech pathologies. Comparative characteristics of students with speech disorders show that the picture of pathologies changes qualitatively.

Note: FN, SFN and OHR, as a rule, are determined by biological factors, and NVOIR - by socio-ecological ones. The results of the above studies show that the number of children entering school has changed completely in the country. Hence the need for a complete revision of the forms and methods of organizing the educational process. At the same time, even teachers of the highest class will not be able to do without the help of a psychologist and a speech therapist at either stage 1 or stage 2, and their work must be clearly coordinated.

The functions of the school speech therapist are also changing: now he deals not only with the problems of speech and motor skills of the hand, but also the general development of the child. According to scientists, more than 200 factors affect academic performance, but there is factor number 1, the impact of which on academic performance is undeniable. This factor is the level of development of the child's oral and written speech. After all, it is speech that is the means of obtaining and expressing knowledge. As practice shows, today in the country as a whole, over 30% of children entering school have persistent speech pathology. These deviations in speech development are of a different nature and affect the general development of the child in different ways, however, a lag in learning is inevitable if the speech pathologist is not provided with speech therapy assistance in a timely manner. There are often cases when, due to speech disorders, the child practically does not learn the primary school program.

With the correct organization and implementation of correctional work, a speech therapist teacher helps children cope with their speech disorders and, along with other students, master school knowledge.

The reasons for the deceleration of recent generations are multiple:

  • mass alcoholization and drug addiction of the population (including tobacco smoking);
  • abuse of pharmaceuticals;
  • poor quality nutrition of pregnant women;
  • the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • telegony (decisive influence on the offspring of a woman of the first man in her life - often not the best in terms of the gene pool);
  • "Afghan" and "Chechen" syndromes;
  • aggravated hereditary pathology of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • anemia and neuroses in parents.

These are biological factors that explain the drama of our society. But there are also factors and socio-economic:

  • reduction of the network of preschool institutions and health resorts;
  • gross deviations from sanitary standards in the training mode;
  • lack of narrow specialists in the preschool and school education system;
  • the employment of parents (partly - their ignorance and carelessness in raising children);
  • oversaturation of the impact of mass media on the unstable psyche of children.

As a result, the IQ index of 9th and 11th grade graduates annually decreases by 1.5–3.0%. The number of “exceptional” children entering the 1st grade is growing at about the same rate. The situation is complicated by the emergence of refugee and “orphans” children with living parents from wealthy families, where the elders “have no time” to raise their children, as well as families of forced migrants, unemployed, single mothers and children from disadvantaged (asocial) families.

Modern speech therapy considers the correction of the following violations to be an area of \u200b\u200bits activity:


The contingent of primary school children suffering from speech disorders is represented mainly by children with residual manifestations of organic lesions of the central nervous system. This causes a frequent combination of a persistent speech defect with various mental disorders: immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere, low mental performance, sometimes motor disinhibition, increased affective excitability. many children are characterized by cerebroasthenic syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of disturbances in active attention and memory, limited distribution capacity. speech disorders are often combined with a lack of fine motor skills, lack of formation of spatial relationships, lack of temporal concepts, perception of colors and shades, geometric shapes, and counting operations, which ultimately, without providing timely assistance, leads to persistent specific errors in writing, when reading, those. dysgraphia and dyslexia. the possibility of successful learning in mathematics, natural sciences, music, and the visual arts also decreases.

Specific violations in the mastery of writing can manifest themselves in two forms: dysgraphia and dysorphography, the differential diagnosis between these violations of writing is determined primarily by what principles of spelling are violated.

The basic principles of spelling include: phonetic (phonemic), morphological and traditional, etc.

Dysgraphia is a violation of the predominantly phonemic principle of spelling (lobata - shovel, sopaka - dog, on trees - on trees).

Dysorphography is a persistent and specific violation in the assimilation and use of the morphological and traditional principles of spelling, which manifests itself in a variety of and numerous spelling errors.

At present, in most scientific works, dysgraphia and dysorphography are considered as a language disorder, as a disorder associated with the underdevelopment of symbolic activity in children, the processes of coding and decoding, and language ability.

Linguistic ability is formed in a child in the process of his speech experience, analysis of the speech of others, simultaneously with the development of cognitive structures.

Dysgraphia and dysorphography in schoolchildren arise mainly as a result of the lack of formation of the phonemic, lexical and morphological components of language ability.

For a speech therapist teacher, the pedagogical approach to the analysis of speech disorders in children is of interest. last years wide use. According to this approach, it is of paramount importance to analyze which components of the linguistic system are affected by certain violations: does the defect extend to one component - phonetic, in which predominantly incorrect pronunciation of sounds (phonemes) is noted, or also affects phonemic processes when not only speaking, but also writing and reading; there may be an underdevelopment of the speech system of pronunciation and differences in sounds, vocabulary and grammatical structure.

In accordance with this approach, speech disorders, manifested in the lack of formation of linguistic means, can be conditionally divided into three large groups:

  • the first group - phonetic speech disorders, they are expressed both in defects in the pronunciation of individual sounds and their groups without other accompanying manifestations.
  • the second group - phonemic disorders, they are expressed in the fact that the child not only pronounces certain sounds defectively, but also does not distinguish them enough, does not catch the acoustic and articulatory difference between the opposition sounds. this leads to the fact that children do not master well enough sound composition words and make specific mistakes in reading and writing.
  • the third group is general speech underdevelopment. It is expressed in the fact that the violation extends to both the sound and the semantic side of speech. If speech therapy assistance is not provided to such a child in a timely manner, he will not be able to fully master the literacy in the future.

It has been established that pronunciation deficiencies are often accompanied by difficulties in the sound analysis of a word, not always clearly differentiating the selected sound by ear, they mix it with an acoustically paired sound, and cannot compare the sound composition of words that differ only in sound.

In the written work of all children with phonemic underdevelopment, regardless of the degree of their mastery of the corresponding skill. There are specific (dysgraphic) errors for substitution and mixing of letters. Examples of typical mistakes: “voshad” (horse), “zhuby” (teeth), “vodka” (boat), “horn” (spoon), “sinok” (puppy), “solka” (jay). The replacement and mixing of letters corresponding to the sounds of one specific group is a consequence of insufficient assimilation of the system of signs necessary for distinguishing similar sounds within certain groups.

Along with specific errors, such as omission of letters, additions, rearrangements, replacement of letters by graphic similarity, the so-called antipations and perseverations, are also observed. For example: “Magazim”, “Tezlevisor”, “Devevya”, “Babushka”, “Beetles of Beetles”, “Prospectus” (construction of avenue), etc.

Errors in spelling rules, which can be found in students with normal speech development, in children with phonemic underdevelopment are more common and more persistent. So, a child who does not distinguish between soft and hard consonants poorly has difficulty in mastering the spelling of words with hard and soft consonants before vowels. A child, practically poorly distinguishing and contrasting voiced and voiceless consonants, makes mistakes on the spelling rules of a dubious consonant in the middle and at the end of a word. Despite knowing the learned rule, he cannot apply it in practice, since he does not distinguish which consonant is voiced or voiceless - even in those cases when the sound is in a strong position, i.e. before a vowel.

In connection with the presented facts and the identified problems, the main areas of work of a speech therapist at school are: timely diagnosis and assistance to children in need.

The work of a speech therapist teacher is carried out in accordance with the basic tasks set out in the “Instructional and methodological letter on the work of a speech therapist at a secondary school”, ed. Yastrebovoi A.V. and Bessonova T.P. - M, RIPKRO, 2000:

  • correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students;
  • timely warning and overcoming difficulties in mastering general education programs by students;
  • explanation of special knowledge on speech therapy to teachers and parents.

The main stage in the work of a speech therapist is the stage of diagnosing speech disorders. Early diagnosis makes it possible to identify and timely prevent many problems in the education of children.

After the examination, appropriate recommendations are given to parents and teachers on timely measures to correct violations of oral speech.

Full diagnostics of all children is carried out at the beginning of the school year from September 1 to 15. At the end of the survey, a comparative analysis of all material is carried out, after which, the children in need are divided into subgroups, in accordance with the identified violations. The examination results are recorded in the speech card.

Work on overcoming the OHR, HBONR, FFNR is preceded by work on the elimination of violations of oral speech. Such work is being built in stages. The entire content of speech therapy work on the correction of violations of sound pronunciation can be conditionally divided into three stages, each of which has a very specific goal:

  1. Preparatory stage (not always, for some disorders: the development of the speech-auditory analyzer in comparison with the speech-motor analyzer; phonemic analysis of words)
  2. Sound production.
  3. Sound automation.
  4. Differentiation of the newly educated sound from similar ones.

All speech therapy work is built in stages, taking into account the structure of the defect.

At the end of the academic year, on May 10-25, a final examination is carried out, and the dynamics of correctional and educational training is revealed. All results are recorded in the speech map.

Summing up, it is necessary to emphasize the fundamental points of the work of a speech therapist teacher:

  1. All the work of a speech therapist teacher is aimed not at repeating what was learned in the classroom, but filling the gaps in the development of language means and the function of speech, which means that in the process of speech therapy classes, full-fledged prerequisites are formed for teaching children their native language; this is precisely the essence of speech therapy work at school;
  2. The specificity of speech therapy techniques and methods is created due to a special presentation and form of correctional classes, the purpose of which is not to duplicate class assignments, but to activate the child's speech and mental activity;
  3. The specifics of the organization and conduct speech therapy classes lies in the fact that the formation of a complete speech activity is closely related to the development of a number of OHP in children psychological characteristics - attention to language phenomena, auditory and visual memory, ability to switch.

List of references:

  1. Speech therapy at school: practical experience. - Ed. V.S. Kukushkina. Publishing center "Mart" Moscow - Rostov-on-Don, 2004
  2. Lalaeva R.I. Dysgraphia and dysorphography as a disorder of the formation of language ability in children. - / Materials of the I International Conference of the Russian Association for Dyslexia / Moscow, September 2004
  3. Instructional and methodological letter "On the work of a speech therapist teacher at a secondary school" Moscow 2000