The system of speech activity, its structure and levels. Speech activity: general characteristics

Speech activity as one of the human activities is characterized by purposefulness and consists of several successive phases: orientation, internal programming, implementation and control.

Orientation.For the implementation of activities in the external plane, it is necessary to have: First, the situation in which the activity will be carried out, and secondly, a source that encourages the individual to be active. It is customary to understand a situation as a set of conditions, both speech and non-speech, necessary and sufficient for the implementation of speech activity. speech grammatical oral

Researchers distinguish between subject and speech situations. The first reflects a fragment of reality in the form of already given information, the second describes the current communication situation, therefore the participants in the objective situation are objects and phenomena depicted in the text. The participants in the speech situation are people, communicants. AT educational process the speech situation is created artificially, therefore one of the important tasks of the teacher is to bring the process of speech creation closer to natural living conditions Kovshikov V.A., Glukhov V.P. Psycholinguistics. The theory of speech activity of psychologists. M .: Astrel, 2007. Thanks to the stylistics in the learning process, a speech situation is created when students answer the questions: where, for whom, and for what purpose the text is produced by them. The source of an individual's motivation for activity is human needs. As soon as the subject is realized by the individual, the need develops into a motive. Then the nature of the activity changes: from instinctive, impulsive to consistent, directed.

At the orientation stage it is necessary:

  • - Correctly assess communication in order to choose the right means of communication in the future.
  • - To realize the motive of speech creation.
  • - Determine the purpose of generating a statement, i.e. answer the question: why am I going to say this?

In general, at the orientation stage, the student knows what he will talk about, but does not yet know how he will do it.

Consequently, the first stage of speech activity is characterized not so much by a linguistic factor as by a social one, since the emergence of speech activity is primarily due to the emergence of a speech situation, in accordance with which both the motive and the goal of creating a text are determined by L.V. Language system and speech activity. M., 2004.

Planning.At this stage, the mechanism of “anticipated synthesis” is actualized. In accordance with this, Zhinkin noted that the communicant, when planning his text, performs 2 basic operations: the operation of selecting words and the operation of placing words, i.e. the communicant selects keywords and synthesizes them, arranges them in a certain sequence. The implementation of this stage depends on the formation of a person's internal speech, because the program of action for creating a text is presented in the internal speech of the communicant.

Planning takes an important place in the structure of speech activity. The communicant's constraint in the presentation leads to the appearance of textual shortcomings and errors associated with the inability to select keywords, organize them and streamline them during planning.

External implementation.Activity is a complex and multilevel concept. It must include an internal and external plan, which are related to each other and complement each other. In the absence of one of them, activity cannot exist.

At this stage, the text undergoes lexical and grammatical design, i.e. thought is conveyed in the form of lexical and grammatical combination of words. The third stage is based on the linguistic knowledge of the communicant.

The control.The result of speech activity is checked against the goal, determined in accordance with the situation, and if communicative failures occur, the communicant again goes through all the stages of speech activity. In order for the text to be adequately perceived, it is necessary that the recipient tunes in to the same wave as the author. At this stage, errors can be checked: whether the text corresponds to the speech situation; Whether the subject of speech reveals, whether the sequence of the text is planned, the linguistic means are adequately and expediently selected, whether sentences are correctly constructed, whether there are redundant sentences - all this is carried out by the control stage.

In accordance with these phases, each individual speech action is carried out.

According to O. Ya. Goikhman and Nadein T.M., the starting point of any speech action is speech situation, that is, such a combination of circumstances that prompts a person to a speech action (for example, to a statement). As examples of speech situations, you can consider: the need to answer a question, make a report on the results of work, write a letter, talk with a friend, etc. Goikhman O.Ya., Nadeina T.M. Basics of speech communication. Textbook. - M., 1997

In the implementation of a speech action, the following stages are distinguished:

  • 1. Preparing a statement. At this stage, there is an awareness of the motive for the statement, goals, needs, and probable prediction of speech results is carried out based on past experience and taking into account the situation. These preparatory decisions are proceeding with great speed on an almost subconscious level. All these decisions end with the creation of an internal plan of the statement.
  • 2. Structuring a statement. At this stage, the choice of words, their grammatical design is carried out. It is assumed that the choice of words in memory is done by trial and error. At the same time, a mechanism for "evaluating" the words to be selected operates in the operative memory.
  • 3. Transition to external speech. At this stage, the sound design of the statement is carried out. This is the most crucial stage.

The results of a speech action are judged by its perception and reaction to it, i.e. on feedback.

The perception of speech is associated with understanding the intentions, motives of the statement, as well as with the assessment of the content of the statement, its idea, the position of the speaker himself, etc.

The understanding of the transmitted message depends on a whole complex of factors, including the explicit and hidden contexts of the statement. Explicit context includes what is subject to direct observation, as it were. This type of context is divided into verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (gestures, posture, facial expressions). The latent context is that part of the communication that is not directly observable. The hidden context includes: motives, goals, intentions and attitudes of participants in the communication process, their personal characteristics, among which one can note the level of education, age, character, belonging to a certain group, etc. Depending on the context, the statement can lead to different results.

Thus, in order for the speech action to take place, speech must go through several stages: orientation, planning, the stage of external implementation, and control. Each of these stages has its own characteristics. Namely, orientation is characterized by the emergence of a speech situation, in accordance with which the motive and purpose of creating a text is determined. The implementation of the planning stage depends on the formation of a person's inner speech. The third stage - external implementation is based on the linguistic knowledge of the communicant. And errors are checked already at the control stage.

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Speech is an integral part of the social life of people, a necessary condition for the existence of human society. Speech is used in the process of joint labor activity to coordinate efforts, plan work, check and evaluate its results. Speech is a prerequisite cognitive activities human. Thanks to speech (language), a person learns, acquires knowledge and transfers it.

Speech is a means of influencing consciousness, developing a worldview, norms of behavior, and the formation of tastes. In this function, speech is used in order to influence the views and beliefs of people, to change their attitude to certain facts and phenomena of reality, to persuade them to actions and deeds.

Speech is a means of satisfying a person's personal needs in communication, in familiarization with a certain group of people. A person, being a social being by nature, cannot live without connection with other people: he must consult, share thoughts, experiences, empathize, seek understanding, etc. In general, speech is of fundamental importance in the formation of the human personality.

Among various kinds of human affairs, actions, activities, there is also the so-called speech activity. In speech activity, a person produces and perceives information converted into text.

There are four types of speech activity. Two of them are involved in the production of text (transmission of information) - this is speaking and writing; two - in the perception of the text, the information contained in it - this is listening and reading.

Speech activity of all types is a complex process in which special psychological and speech mechanisms are involved.

The most important achievement of a person, which allowed him to use common human experience, both past and present, was verbal communication, which developed on the basis of labor activity.

1. The essence of speech activity

Activity is defined here as "a complex set of processes, united by a common focus on achieving a certain result, which is at the same time the objective stimulus of this activity, that is, what specifies this or that need of the subject."

From this definition it is clear purposeful nature activity: it presupposes a certain predetermined goal (if the act of activity is successful, it is its result) and the motive that determines the setting and achievement of this goal.

The second distinguishing feature of the activity is its structure, its certain internal organization. It is reflected, first of all, in the fact that the act of activity is made up of separate actions ("relatively independent processes subordinate to a conscious goal"). The same actions can be included in different activities and vice versa - the same result can be achieved through different actions. speech thinking mental social

This reflects, among other things, the "metric" nature of human activity, which allows using, for a fixed goal, various methods of achieving it and, in the course of fulfilling the planned plan, to change these methods in accordance with the changed situation.

Speech activity is one of the most difficult activities in all its parameters.

First, by its organization. Let's start with the fact that speech activity rarely acts as an independent, complete act of activity: it is usually included as component into activities of a higher order.

For example, a typical speech utterance is an utterance that somehow regulates the behavior of another person. But this means that the activity can be considered complete only if such regulation is successful.

Thus, speaking further about speech activity, we are not entirely accurate: it will be of interest to us and we will further consider not the entire act of speech activity, but only a set of speech actions that have their own intermediate goal, subordinate to the goal of the activity as such. Speech activity is studied by various sciences.

Speech activity is an object studied by linguistics and other sciences: language is a specific subject of linguistics that actually exists as a component of an object (speech activity) and is modeled by linguists in the form of a special system for certain theoretical or practical purposes.

2. Forms of speech

External form speech includes:

Oral (dialogical and monologue)

Conversational speech is speech supported; the interlocutor asks clarifying questions during her, giving cues, can help to complete the thought (or reorient it).

Dialogue is direct communication between two or more people. A kind of dialogical communication is a conversation in which the dialogue has a thematic focus.

The main rules of dialogical speech are:

Introduce yourself and others politely.

It is polite to ask questions and answer questions.

Express a request, wish, bewilderment, delight.

Monologue speech - a long, consistent, coherent presentation of the system of thoughts, knowledge by one person. It also develops in the process of communication, but the nature of communication here is different: we do not interrupt the monologue, therefore the speaker has an active, expressive - mimic and gesture effect.

Monologue speech is coherent, contextual. Its content should, above all, meet the requirements of consistency and evidence in the presentation. Another condition inextricably linked with the first is the grammatically correct construction of sentences.

The monologue does not tolerate incorrect construction of phrases. He makes a number of requirements for the tempo and sound of speech. The content side of the monologue should be combined with the expressive one. Expressiveness is created both by linguistic means (the ability to use a word, phrase, syntactic construction, which most accurately convey the speaker's intention), and by non-linguistic communication means (intonation, pause system, facial expressions and gestures).

Oral speech - this is the speech spoken in the process of speaking; the main form of using natural language in speech activity. For a conversational style literary language oral form is basic, while book styles function in both written and oral form (scientific article and oral scientific presentation, presentation at a meeting)

The most important distinguishing feature of oral speech is its unpreparedness: oral speech, as a rule, occurs during a conversation.

On the other hand, it can be a speech on a previously known topic, considered in certain parts. Oral speech of this kind is characteristic of official public communication.

One of the most significant shortcomings of oral speech is considered to be its discontinuity (logical, grammatical and intonational), which consists in an unjustified stop of speech, in the cut off of phrases, thoughts, and sometimes in unjustified repetition of the same words.

Written speech is a kind of monologue speech. It is more developed than oral monologue speech. This is due to the fact that written speech involves the absence of feedback from the interlocutor.

In addition, written speech has no additional means of influencing the perceiver, except for the words themselves, their order and the punctuation marks that organize the sentence.

Internal form of speech

This is a special type of speech activity. It acts as a planning phase in practical and theoretical activities. Therefore, on the one hand, internal speech is characterized by fragmentation, fragmentary character. On the other hand, misunderstandings in the perception of the situation are excluded here. Internal speech is formed on the basis of external speech.

Informativeness of speech depends, first of all, on the value of the facts reported in it and on the ability of its author to communicate.

Understandable speech depends, firstly, on its semantic content, secondly, on its linguistic characteristics and, thirdly, on the relationship between its complexity, on the one hand, and the level of development, the circle of knowledge and interests of the audience.

Expressiveness of speech presupposes taking into account the situation of the speech, clarity and distinctness of pronunciation, correct intonation, the ability to use words and expressions of figurative and figurative meaning.

Dactyl speech- speech that reproduces words with the help of dactyl letters, that is, certain configurations of fingers and their movements. Dactyl speech is used as an auxiliary speech means in teaching the deaf verbal speech, as well as in interpersonal communication of the deaf and communication between hearing and deaf.

Sign speech - a method of interpersonal communication of people who are deaf, using a system of gestures, characterized by peculiar lexical and grammatical patterns.

Sign speech is used as an auxiliary means (along with the main one - verbal speech) in the process of teaching and upbringing of children with hearing impairments.

3. Types of speech activity

The main types of speech activity include:

-Speaking (oral expression of thought)

This is the sending of audio signals carrying information;

Improving speaking skills includes increasing the readiness to maintain a conversation on various topics and mastering the technique of speech.

In order to be ready to maintain a conversation on various topics in public and private communication, a person must constantly engage in self-education in the broadest sense of the word, i.e. to acquire new knowledge, and not only in their specialty, but also other knowledge in the field of science and art that is of public interest, to develop independent thinking in order to better understand life and improve the style of their speech.

-Hearing (listening and understanding speech) This is the perception of sound signals and their understanding; Hearing is an integral part of the communication process and includes two stages: the stage of the primary analysis of the sound signal and its psycho-mechanical processing; the stage of semantic interpretation.

-Letter (graphic, written expression of thought)

This is the perception of sound signals and their understanding; Hearing is an integral part of the communication process and includes two stages: the stage of the primary analysis of the sound signal and its psycho-mechanical processing.

Written speech - verbal (verbal) communication using written texts. It can be delayed (for example, a letter) or direct (exchange of notes during a meeting). It differs from oral speech not only in that it uses graphics, but also in grammatical (primarily syntactic) and stylistic terms - typical for written speech syntactic constructs and functional styles specific to it.

-Reading (i.e. perception and understanding of someone else's recorded speech).

Reading as a type of speech activity develops on the basis of authentic texts of different genres with a communicative and personality-oriented orientation.

Before starting work on the text, the teacher is recommended to determine for what purpose this text can be used:

It is these types of speech activities that underlie the process of speech communication.

The effectiveness and success of verbal communication depends on how well a person has developed the skills of these types of speech activity.

The concept of types of speech activity allows one to more clearly imagine the psychological patterns of the formation of the corresponding skills and abilities.

"It is not thinking, it is a man who thinks," wrote the great psychologist L.S. Vygotsky. A person as an integral subject of mental activity, as a person, uses his speech (in a broad sense) skills and abilities in life to solve the problems he faces.

And to be, say, literate is needed not so much in order to get a certificate of maturity, but in order to become a full-fledged person among other people.

4. The structure of speech activity

Speech activity, as one of the human activities, is characterized by purposefulness and consists of several successive phases: orientation, planning, external implementation,

-Orientation For the implementation of activity in the external plane, it is necessary to have, firstly, the situation in which the activity will be carried out, and secondly, a source that encourages the individual to be active.

The participants in the speech situation are people, communicants. In the educational process, the speech situation is created artificially, therefore one of the important tasks of the teacher is to bring the process of speech creation closer to natural living conditions. Thanks to the stylistics, a speech situation is created in the learning process

-Planning... The implementation of this stage depends on the formation of a person's internal speech, because the program of action for creating a text is presented in the internal speech of the communicant.

Planning takes an important place in the structure of speech activity. The communicant's constraint in the presentation leads to the appearance of textual shortcomings and errors associated with the inability to select keywords, organize them and streamline them during planning.

External implementation. Activity is a complex and multilevel concept. It must include an internal and external plan, which are related to each other and complement each other.

At this stage, the text undergoes lexical and grammatical design, i.e. thought is conveyed in the form of lexical and grammatical combination of words. The third stage is based on the linguistic knowledge of the communicant.

The control... The result of speech activity is checked against the goal, determined in accordance with the situation, and if communicative failures occur, the communicant again goes through all the stages of speech activity.

In order for the text to be adequately perceived, it is necessary that the recipient tunes in to the same wave. At this stage, errors can be checked: whether the text corresponds to the speech situation; Whether the subject of speech reveals, whether the sequence of the text is planned, the linguistic means are adequately and expediently selected, whether the sentences are correctly constructed, whether there are redundant sentences - all this is carried out at this stage.

5. The main types and functions of the language

The functions of language in logic mean the role that language plays in society as a whole, in various types of human activity.

There are the following main functions of the language:



Cognitive the function of language is realized in its ability to be a means of expressing information about the world and being. Its specific role is manifested in the ability to form thought. The cognitive activity of any person is based on the ability of the language to transmit, accumulate, generalize and transform information.

The cognitive function includes a number of more particular functions of the language: significative, expressive, emotional, etc.

Significative the function of language is expressed in the ability to be a means of designating objects. As a substitute for objects in the human brain, words appear as carriers of information that the subject transforms independently of the objects - in the head.

The cognitive function includes the expressive and emotional functions of the language.

Expressive the function of language is manifested in its ability to convey internal content human consciousness in an affordable way. Language, speech are not only carriers of information, but also transmit volitional impulses, serve as a means of subordination and control.

Language also expresses the emotional experiences and states of people. With the help of language, you can communicate a state of grief, joy, and achieve the effect of emotional empathy. The entire human model is based on this, since moral compassion, the need to do good, arise from the ability to experience the pain of another person as his own.

Communicative the function of language is expressed in its ability to be a means of human communication. Words express the content of consciousness - information, feelings, experiences of one person for another person. Language allows people to reach mutual understanding and, on this basis, coordinate and organize their economic, political, military and cultural activities.

This function is at the heart of the processes of managing social systems.

By origin, languages \u200b\u200bare natural and artveins.

Natural languages - these are sound (speech), and then graphic (writing) information sign systems, historically developed in society. They arose to consolidate and transfer the accumulated information in the process of communication between people. Natural languages \u200b\u200bare carriers of the centuries-old culture of peoples. They are distinguished by rich expressive possibilities and universal coverage of the most diverse areas of life.

Artificial languages - these are auxiliary sign systems created on the basis of natural languages \u200b\u200bfor accurate and economical transmission of scientific and other information. They are constructed using natural language or a previously constructed artificial language. A language that acts as a means of constructing or learning another language is called a metalanguage, the main language is called an object language. The metalanguage, as a rule, has richer expressive possibilities in comparison with the object language.

Artificial languages \u200b\u200bof varying severity are widely used in modern science and technology: chemistry, mathematics, theoretical physics, computing, cybernetics, communications, stenography.

A special group consists of mixed languages, which are based on the natural (national) language, complemented by symbols and conventions related to a specific subject area.

Constructed languages \u200b\u200bare also successfully used by logic for an accurate theoretical and practical analysis of thought structures.

One such language is statement logic language... It is applied in a logical system called the propositional calculus, which analyzes reasoning, relying on the truth characteristics of logical connectives and abstracting from the internal structure of judgments.

6. Text as a product of speech activity

Defining the psychological content of speaking as a type of speech activity, we noted that its product - a statement (text) will be analyzed separately.

Special attention to the text is explained by the fact that, firstly, in it, as a product of activity, all its psychological content, the conditions of its course and the personality of the speaker are embodied and objectified. Secondly, the special interest in the text is determined by the fact that it is (as a product of the activity of speaking) a very complex and heterogeneous, moreover, a multifaceted phenomenon.

A statement is also called a short answer to a question, and a detailed monologue. It is quite obvious that already these two statements are completely different from each other, but at the same time they are the products of speaking.

It is necessary to immediately agree that the product of speaking in the proper sense of the word is a sounding speech signal, in which, in addition to activity signals, individual psychological characteristics are also reflected. speaking person (gender, age, education, upbringing, etc.

As already noted, the speaker's thoughts reflect the connections and relationships of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, first of all in the form of inter-concepts of semantic connections expressed by means of language

In each utterance (text) as a product of speaking, it can be distinguished, as the actual subject plan

Subject plan statements are characterized by the completeness, correctness and accuracy of the reflection of reality.If we proceed from the fact that the immediate reality surrounding us can be conditionally divided into certain situations of communication, recorded in the maps of potential acts of communication, or into hierarchically organized systems of the reflected objects and phenomena themselves in certain areas of knowledge , then the subject plan of the statement can be presented in the form of denotational cards.

7. Thinking,as a cognitive process

Thinking is a socially conditioned, inextricably linked mental process of searching for and discovering an essential new, a process of mediated and generalized reflection of reality in the course of its analysis and synthesis. Thinking arises on the basis of practical activity from sensory knowledge and goes far beyond its limits.

Cognitive activity begins with sensations and perceptions. Any, even the most developed, thinking always maintains a connection with sensory cognition, i.e. with sensations, perceptions and ideas. All its material mental activity receives from only one source - from sensory knowledge. Through sensation and perception, thinking is directly related to outside world and is its reflection.

The correctness (adequacy) of this reflection is continuously tested in the process of practical transformation of nature and society.

Since, within the framework of sensory cognition alone, it is impossible to completely dismember such a general, total, direct effect of the interaction of the subject with the cognized object, a transition from sensations and perceptions to thinking is necessary. In the course of thinking, a further, deeper knowledge of the external world is carried out.

As a result, it is possible to dismember, untangle the most complex interdependencies between objects, events, phenomena.

In the process of thinking, using the data of sensations, perceptions and ideas, a person at the same time goes beyond the limits of sensory knowledge, i.e. begins to cognize such phenomena of this world, their properties and relations, which are not directly given in perceptions and therefore are not directly observable at all.

For example, physicists study the properties of elementary particles that cannot be seen even with the most powerful modern microscope. In other words, they are not directly perceived: they cannot be seen - one can only think about them. Thanks to abstract, abstract, mediated thinking, it was possible to prove that such invisible elementary particles still exist in reality and have certain properties. These properties of directly unobservable particles are cognized in the process of thinking, again indirectly, not directly, i.e. in a mediated way.

Thus, thinking begins where sensory cognition is no longer sufficient or even powerless. Thinking continues and develops the cognitive work of sensations, perceptions and representations, going far beyond their limits.

For the mental activity of a person, its relationship is essential not only with sensory cognition, but also with language, with speech. This is one of the fundamental differences between the human psyche and the psyche of animals. The elementary, simplest thinking of animals always remains only visual-effective; it cannot be abstract, mediated by knowledge. It deals only with directly perceived objects that are currently in front of the animal's eyes. Such primitive thinking operates with objects in a visual-effective lan and does not go beyond it.

Only with the appearance of speech does it become possible to distract one or another of its properties from the object to be cognized and to fix, fix the idea or concept of it in a special word. Thought acquires in the word the necessary material shell, in which it alone becomes an immediate reality for other people and for ourselves. Human thinking, in whatever forms it is carried out, is impossible without language. Every thought arises and develops in an indissoluble connection with speech. The deeper and more thoroughly one or another thought is thought out, the more clearly and clearly it is expressed in words, in oral and written speech. And vice versa, the more the verbal formulation of a thought is perfected, the more distinct and understandable the thought itself becomes.

Thus, human thinking is inextricably linked with language, with speech. Thinking necessarily exists in a material, verbal form.


In a person's speech, the entire psychological makeup of a person is usually revealed. Such an essential aspect as the degree and peculiarity of sociability, which underlies many classifications of characters, is directly manifested in speech.

It is usually revealing how a person starts a conversation and how he ends it; his temperament appears more or less clearly in the pace of speech, in its intonation, rhythmic, generally expressive drawing - his emotionality, and in its content his spiritual world, his interests, and their direction shine through.

Bibliographic list

1 Fedosyuk M.Yu., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Russian language for non-philological students: Textbook. - 6th ed. -M .: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2001 .-- 256 p.: Ill. ISBN 5-89349-017-7 ISBN 5-02-011626-2

2 Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for universities. - ed. 29th. - M .: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2010.-539 p. ISBN 978-5-222-17831-7

3 Kuznetsov N.V. Russian language and culture of speech. - 3rd ed. - M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2009. - 368 p. ISBN 978-5-91134-302-6

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General (phasic) structure of speech activity

Like any other human activity, speech activity (RD) is determined by the level or phase structure. The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe "phase" structure of activity belongs to a prominent Russian psychologist of the XX century. S. L. Rubinstein (166, 167).

The main stages (phases) of the act of activity '.

  • 1) motivation: its product is the intention (intention) and the corresponding attitude;
  • 2) indicative actions;
  • 3) planning of activities;
  • 4) executive (implementation of the plan);
  • 5) control phase.

Characterizing the phase structure of speech activity, the authors distinguish in their works a different number of phases of speech activity. So, A.A.Leontyev singles out five independent phases of the RD, a well-known domestic specialist in the field of practical linguistics, the author of the methodology for the development of speech of students of a general education school, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya - four, I.A.Zimnyaya - three phases. The model of the phase structure of speech activity, proposed by I. A. Zimnyaya (81, 84), is most acceptable from the point of view of the “speech work” methodology. According to I.A.Zimnyaya, the structure of speech activity includes incentive-motivational, orienting-research and executive phases.

Incentive-motivational phase is realized by a complex interaction of needs, motives and goals of activity as its future result. In this case, the main source of activity is need. The source of speech activity in all its types is the communicative-cognitive need and the corresponding communicative-cognitive motive. This need, finding oneself in the subject of speech activity - thoughts, - becomes the motive of this activity. To understand the nature of the psychological processes that make up this phase of speech activity, it is important to distinguish between the concepts of need and motive. AT general psychology need is traditionally defined as a personal desire, a desire to carry out activities (figuratively speaking, “I want to say” or “I can’t be silent” - in relation to speech activity). At the initial moment of its existence, the need has an unconscious (or insufficiently conscious) character. When the need is "realized", i.e. is associated with the subject of speech (displayed fragment of the surrounding reality) and the goals of speech activity (primarily the goals of speech communication), it is transformed, turns into a motive. Based on this, the motive can be defined as a "conscious" or "objectified" need. An important component of the first phase of speech activity, which plays a decisive role in transforming the need into a stable motive of speech, is speech intention. According to I.A.Zimnyaya, speech intention is the orientation of consciousness, will and feelings (emotions) of the subject of speech activity towards the implementation of this activity.

The incentive-motivational phase of speech activity, its motive are included in the internal structure of activity, defining and directing it. It is no coincidence that L. S. Vygotsky defined the motive, on the one hand, as a "source", "driving force" of a person's speech, and on the other, as a kind of "triggering mechanism" of speech: "Every conversation, every speech communication is necessarily preceded by a speech motive." (42).

As A.R. Luria emphasized, “the choice of all possible connections behind the word depends on the motive standing at the origins of the utterance, only those that correspond to the given motive and give this utterance a completely definite subjective meaning” (130, p. 28 ). Most Russian psycholinguists distinguish communicative intention as a component of the first phase of speech activity, which determines the speaker's role as a participant in communication and a specific target his statements. The expression of communicative intention, along with the lexical and grammatical means of the language, is also intonation (84, 130).

Of scientific position about the phase structure of speech activity and the presence of a motivational-incentive phase in its structure, its role in the implementation of speech activity, an important methodological "exit" into the theory and practice of speech (speech therapy) work follows. It consists in the mandatory allocation in independent task correctional speech therapy work - formation stable motives of speech (motives of verbal communication, the need for verbal communication, motives for communicating the data of their cognitive activity to others, for the use of speech in play, cognitive, subject-practical and educational activities). First of all, this applies to "speechless" - non-speaking children, to children with severe speech impairments, in particular those suffering from alalia. Pedagogical observations and the practice of speech therapy work of domestic correctional teachers convincingly show that without the formation of stable speech motivation in children with speech pathology, the result of the formation of speech activity becomes such a level of individual speech ability when the implementation of speech communication is possible only in a "reactive" (responsive) or constantly supported from the side option; in this case, it is not possible to form an independent, voluntary speech activity in the child (V.K.Vorobyova, 1986, 1998; T. B. Filicheva, 2000, 2005; R.I. Lalaeva, 1999, 2006).

The second phase of speech activity is its indicative research (or analytical) part aimed at studying the conditions for the implementation of activities, the final selection subjectactivity, disclosure of its properties, etc. At the same time, this is the phase of planning, programming and internal - semantic and linguistic - organization of speech activity. The first (tentative-research) component of the second phase presupposes a diverse orientation of the subject of speech activity in the conditions of this activity (first of all, in the conditions of speech communication). It assumes the orientation of the subject of speech activity according to the following parameters: “with whom”, “where”, “when”, “during what period of time” speech activity will be carried out (or is already taking place). It also provides for a clear definition of the goals of speech communication (or one's own individual speech-thinking activity), as well as awareness (clarification and decoding) of the subject of speech activity, i.e. what will be the subject of discussion or analysis, and what will be reflected in the speech utterance. This component of the second phase of speech activity is shown schematically in Fig. 4.2.

Figure: 4.2.

speech activity

The second component of the phase is based on the implementation of the most important mental actions planning and programming speech utterances - conscious speech-thinking actions within the framework of speech activity. To characterize it, it is important to clearly distinguish between the main intellectual operations that provide the speech process. In psychology planning is understood as a mental action aimed at identifying the main stages of activity ( action, its components) and determining the sequence of their implementation. "A plan is any hierarchically structured process in an organism capable of controlling the order in which any sequence of operations should be performed" (143, p. 17). Create a plan includes a outline of the path and mode of action, i.e. drawing up a generalized program of upcoming actions. It should be emphasized that "internal, mental actions ... (in the system of activity) come from external ones, they are the result of the process of internalization of the latter" (47, p. 119). In its turn activity programming means the transformation, deployment of the drawn up plan into a program of activities, on the basis of its detailing and concretization, in the process of which the main actions (stages of activity) are correlated with way and means, as well as the conditions for carrying out activities. The first is various types and forms of speech (forms of realization of speech activity), and the second is the signs of the language.

A practical example

An example of speech planning is drawing up a plan for a detailed speech utterance (whole text), which consists in determining the main semantic fragments of the future utterance (subtopics, paragraphs - as part of the text) or, according to the figurative definition II. I. Zhinkia, his main "semantic milestones" and the determination of the sequence of their display in the text. This also includes the compositional construction of the text with the allocation of its main structural parts - the "beginning" (introduction), the main (cognitive) part and the conclusion and definition in the most general form of their main content. In the future, when drawing up the utterance program, these main semantic parts are concretized and detailed from the point of view of their subject content (based on the allocation of micro themes, significant informative elements, operations of space-time and conceptual development of the text); at the same time, the form of display in the speech activity of the subject of speech is selected, the style of speech is determined, some means are selected linguistic expression (72, 84).

Third - executive and, at the same time, control phase, realizing speech utterances (or their perception and understanding), at the same time includes operations control over the implementation of activities and their results. Characterizing this phase, I.A.Zimnyaya notes that it can be outwardly expressed and outwardly unexpressed. Thus, the executive phase of the listening process in speech activity is not externally expressed (or almost not expressed), while the "motor part" of the speaking activity is obvious and pronounced. The executive phase of speech activity is realized due to a whole complex of speech actions and operations, most of which in speech sciences are attributed to the sensomotor level of speech generation and perception (speech and motor operations that provide a motor act of speech, and operations that make possible speech and auditory, in particular phonemic perception speech). The psychophysiological mechanisms of speech activity in the phase of external realization were at one time investigated and analyzed by outstanding domestic scientists N.A. Bernstein (20), II. K. Anokhin (3) - in relation to the processes speech productionand also V.A.Kozhevnikov and L.A. Chistovich - in relation to the processes speech perception (162, 221). The main operations that provide the phase of external speech implementation are presented in sufficient detail in teaching aids "Basics of speech therapy" and "Speech disorders in children and adolescents."

It should be noted that in relation to speech activity, the "horizontal" scheme of the general structure of activity described above acts as a phase structure of the process of generating a speech utterance. It includes, therefore, a link in motivation and the formation of speech intention (intention); link of orientation; planning link; the plan implementation link (executive) and, finally, the control link.

  • See: Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. Cheveleva N. A. Fundamentals of speech therapy. M., 1989. Ch. 2.Disorders of speech in children and adolescents / ed. S. S. Lyapidevsky and B. M. Grinshpua, Moscow, 1969.

Activity in general is a specific human form of relationship to the surrounding world, the content of which is its purposeful change and transformation in the interests of people. Activity includes an end, means, result and the process itself. Therefore, activity is defined as a complex set of processes, united by a common focus on achieving a certain result, which is the objective incentive (motive) of this activity.

Under speech activity understand such human activity, in the course of which a person forms a speech utterance and uses it to achieve some predetermined communicative goal.Speech activity is one of the most complex types of activity in all its parameters, therefore it has become a specific object of study in linguistics, philosophy, psychology, psycholinguistics, sociology, semiotics, speech physiology.

Psychologists distinguish between external and internal speech, understanding by external speech monologue and dialogue, and by internal - the planning phase of speech utterance in practical and theoretical human activity. Internal speech is formed on the basis of external speech and is realized in three stages in three forms: 1) as internal pronunciation, or as “speech to oneself”; 2) as a proper inner speech, or as a means of thinking; 3) as the formation of a speech utterance, the whole text and its content parts.

Speech activity is characterized by purposefulness and structurally consists of several sequential phases - this is orientation, internal programming (planning), external implementation and control.

At the stage of orientation, it is necessary to correctly assess the communication in order to choose the correct means of communication in the future. In addition, it is important to realize the motive of speech creation and determine the purpose of generating the utterance. The first stage of speech activity is characterized not so much by a linguistic factor as by a social one, because the emergence of speech activity is due to the creation of a speech situation, in accordance with which both the motive and the purpose of the utterance are determined.

At the planning stage, the communicant performs two basic operations: word selection and word placement. The implementation of this stage depends on the formation of a person's inner speech, since the program of action for creating a text is presented in a person's inner speech.

At the stage of external implementation, the text undergoes lexical and grammatical design, that is, the thought is transmitted in the form of lexical and grammatical combinations of words. The third stage is based on the linguistic knowledge of the communicant.

At the stage of control, the result of speech activity is checked against the goal, determined in accordance with the situation. If communicative failures occur, then the communicant goes through all the stages of speech activity anew. At this stage, errors are checked: whether the text corresponds to a given speech situation, whether the subject of speech reveals, whether the sequence of the text is planned, whether the language means are adequately and expediently, whether the sentences are correctly constructed.

Each of these stages has its own characteristics: orientation is characterized by the creation of a speech situation, from which the motive and purpose of constructing a speech utterance follows; the success of planning depends on the formation of a person's inner speech; external implementation is associated with the linguistic competence of the communicant; errors are checked during the control phase.

The noted features of speech activity indicate that this is a complex psycholinguistic process, which can be represented both as active (expressive) speech, and as perceived (impressive) speech, as well as external and internal speech in the form of writing, speaking, listening and reading ...

Theory of speech activity The concept of language and speech. Types and functions of speech. The general characteristics of speech are usually given by contrasting it with language. The tasks that need to be solved are to reveal the concepts of speech of speech activity, to identify the structure and main types of speech activity, to find out the specific features of speech activity.

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Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… ..… 3

  1. The concept of language and speech ……………………………………………………… .5
    1. Types and functions of speech ………………………………………………………… .8

2.1. The concept of speech activity ………………………………………… ...… 12

2.2. Types of speech activity …………………………………………….… 13

2.3. The structure of speech activity ………………………………………… .... 22

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………… 27

List of used literature and sources …………………………………….… 29


Speech and language play a very important role in our life. Knowledge of the language enables a person to live in society, communicate with other people, helps to understand himself, his thoughts and feelings. Speech and language constitute a complex dialectical unity.

It is customary to understand speech as both the speaking process itself and the result of this process, i.e. speech activity, speech works, recorded by memory or writing. The general characteristics of speech are usually given by contrasting it with language. Speech is a sequence of words, it is linear, language has a level organization; speech tends to merge words in the speech stream, language preserves their separateness; speech is deliberate and directed towards a specific goal, in contrast to the non-purposefulness of language; speech is mobile, language is stable; speech reflects the experience of an individual, while language, in the system of meanings expressed by him, captures the experience of the collective. The general (language) and the particular (speech) are different and at the same time one. Means of communication, taken in abstraction from any specific application of them, are called language. The same means of communication, specifically applied, i.e. those who have come into contact with a specific content (thoughts, feelings, moods of a person) are called speech.

Along with labor, scientific, state, political and others, a person has the most widespread - speech activity. Without it, no other is possible, it precedes, accompanies, and sometimes forms, forms the basis of activity. Speech activity is an activity of a social nature, during which an utterance is formed and used to achieve a specific goal (communication, message, influence).

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the task of forming speech skills of oral creativity has become especially important for the education system in recent decades. This is due to a sharp change in the communication, and, accordingly, the linguistic situation in society, with political democratic processes. It is very important for a modern person to be able to build his own oral statement, understand and adequately respond to someone else's speech, convincingly defend his own position, observing speech and ethical-psychological rules of behavior.

My theme term paper "Language, speech and speech activity".

The purpose of this work is study the concepts of "language and speech", "speech activity", consider the main forms, types, and structural components of this process.

Tasks that need to be solved - to reveal the concepts of speech, speech activity, to identify the structure and main types of speech activity, to find out the specific features of speech activity.

Object this study is speech as one of the forms of human activity.

Chapter 1. Theory of speech activity

  1. The concept of language and speech.

The words "language" and "speech" are ambiguous, sometimes they are related as synonyms. According to the views of modern linguistics, speech is associated with language, but not identified with it.

Language is a system of signs, an objective, historically formed phenomenon of the spiritual life of society. It is customary to call a sign "substitutes" of other objects. In addition to language, a natural sign system, there are artificial ones, for example, traffic signals, musical notation, symbolic notations used in mathematics (numbers and symbols; +, -, \u003d) and other sciences. Unlike these artificial systems, the language is capable of transmitting messages of any content that is not limited by anything, that is, it is universal. Gestures and facial expressions - systems non-verbal communication - give the sounding speech only additional emotional and semantic shades1 .

Language serves as a means of communication, knowledge, storage and transmission of national identity, cultural traditions and history of the people. Language reveals itself only in speech and only through it fulfills its main, communicative, purpose.

Speech is a form of language existence, its embodiment, implementation. Speech is understood as a person's use of linguistic wealth in life situations, the result of the process of formulating and transmitting thought by means of language. The speech of an individual speaker has peculiarities of pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure. Thus, speech is specific and individual.

Language is the main feature that distinguished a person from the world of living nature and gave the spiritual principle a physical appearance. Language is a kind of human counterpart. Like a person, he combines matter and spirit.

The history of the development of scientific ideas about the nature of speech and language demonstrates different approaches to solving these problems. Until the 20th century, speech research was devoted to global problems, discussing issues of the most general nature: the origin of language, its nature, connection with the rational or emotional side of the psyche. In the twentieth century, topics of a specific empirical nature appeared in the field of speech research.

In the twentieth century, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dominant importance of the environment and society (communication, labor, collective) in the development of the human language and the development of the language of a particular person (in the onto- and phylogenesis of language) prevailed. This idea received support in the development of linguists. A prime example linguistic developments are the theory of F. de Saussure about the systemic nature of language. His approach laid the foundation for a new direction in the science of language - structuralism. He drew a clear line between language and speech. According to his theory, language is a supra-individual, general phenomenon, social in nature. Speech consists in the use of language, it is fluid, unstable, changeable (F. de Saussure, 1977). Language is the subject of linguistics, speech is psychology.

F. de Saussure drew attention to the fact that each language has its own internal organization - a structure, fastened by the relationships of its elements. The elements of the linguistic structure are signs. Each sign contains two sides: a signifier (for example, a sounding word) and a signified (mental content associated with a given sound)2 .

N. Chomsky came up with the idea of \u200b\u200binnate grammatical structures. In his work Syntactic Structures (1957), he developed the idea of \u200b\u200btransformational or generative grammar. The child learns grammar based on the limited material available to him. Within their linguistic community, children learn almost the same grammar, which is largely non-deterministic. speech material surroundings. In addition, Chomsky draws attention to the fact that almost every sentence pronounced or understood by a person, as a rule, is a new combination of words that has not previously been encountered in the speech practice of communicating people. Therefore, speech cannot be a set of elaborated responses to incoming stimuli, as the behaviorists argued. The brain of the speaking person, Chomsky develops his idea, should containprogram with the ability to produce an unlimited number of sentences from a limited number of words. This program, underlying a specific language, was named by him"Universal grammar".

Chomsky's theory made it possible, on the one hand, to explain the strikingly rapid assimilation of the native language by a small child, on the other, to find ways to understand the flexibility and productivity of the human language. The empirical confirmation of Chomsky's provisions is considered to be the study of the first children's words.

However, even empirically supported, this theory has come under heavy criticism. One of the main opponents of Chomsky was J. Piaget.

J. Piaget, polemicizing with N. Khomsky, expressed several objections. All his objections are based on many years of personal experience in the direction that he himself defines asconstructivism ... From the point of view of Piaget's constructivist position, language is formed on the basis of the infant's previous intellectual development. The most important on this path was the symbolic, or semiotic function. The symbolic function usually occurs in the second year of a child's life. Imitation plays an important role in the symbolic function, when the characteristics of the imitated object are conveyed with the help of gestures. So, wanting to open the box, the child opens and closes his mouth.

At present, as a continuation of the theoretical debates between J. Piaget and N. Chomsky, the greatest attention in the study of language and speech is given to the problem of speech and language abilities. This direction is still in infancy, but rather interesting data have been obtained.

This is how hereditary speech disorders were studied. Identification was carried out specific genes... Researchers argued that genetic factors have a greater impact on linguistic abilities than environmental factors. In these cases, children begin to speak later, have difficulty in articulating words.

With all the variety of theories, science is not yet ready to confidently answer the question of whether language and speech are innate or acquired properties of a person

Despite the similarity of the semantic subtext of the concepts "language" and "speech", they are still different. According to V.A. Zvegintsev, the following series of the most significant characteristics of language and speech opposed to each other can be distinguished:

1) speech is characterized as an individual phenomenon, and language - as supra-individual, general;

2) speech is a mental phenomenon, and language is social;

3) speech is mobile, dynamic, and the language strives for stability, static;

4) speech is historical, and language is "ahistorical", achronic;

5) the relations between the elements of speech are formed on the basis of causal dependence, and the relations between the elements of the language - on the basis of functional dependence;

6) speech, due to its burden with connections with mental, historical, social and other factors, cannot be described in a strictly formal way, while the language allows the application of formal rules;

7) the language is subject to linguistic laws, it is linguistically "regular", and speech is linguistically irregular, has a sporadic character;

8) materiality is always inherent in speech, while language strives to appear in the form of an abstract system.

  1. Types and functions of speech

Speech functions. Usually there are three main functions of speech, which are closely related to each other.3 ... The first function is the implementation of the process of communication between people, it is also calledcommunicative function... Its subtypes are: information function, with the help of which information and messages are transmitted. When communicating, a person can point to another object, phenomenon, or express his judgments on any issue. In addition to reporting any events, phenomena, speech is often aimed at prompting the interlocutor to certain actions, deeds, and also to evoke certain thoughts, feelings, desires in him. This function of speech is called incentive, or expressive.

The speech of one person encourages another person to think about something, to relate in a certain way to this or that event, to experience feelings of joy, regret, etc. The motivating power of speech is determined by its expressiveness, therefore, the third type of communicative function is called emotional-expressive. The success of the expressive function, in turn, depends on the structure of the construction of sentences, on the selection of words (liveliness, imagery of language, accessibility for understanding), as well as on non-verbal means (intonation, gestures, facial expressions, changes in posture, etc.).

The second function of speech is that speech acts as a means of expressing thoughts, their formation and development. Speech becomes such a means due to the fact that it designates certain objects, phenomena of action, quality, etc. In this connection, this function is calledsignificative, or semantic. However, the role of speech in the thinking process is not limited to this function. A person, assimilating language as a socially fixed system of signs, simultaneously masters the logical forms and operations of thinking that are inextricably linked with it. Then speech begins to perform the function of generalization, since with its help a person creates his own thoughts. Speech becomes a means of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of objects and phenomena of reality.

The speech of people, depending on various conditions, acquires peculiar features. Accordingly, different types of speech are distinguished. First of all, distinguish between external speech and internal. External speech serves to communicate (although in some cases a person can think aloud without communicating with anyone), therefore, its main feature is the availability of perception through the auditory or visual channel of other people.

Internal speech is an internal soundless speech process. It is inaccessible to the perception of other people and, therefore, cannot be a means of communication. Usually they say about it that it is a verbal shell of thinking. Inner speech is peculiar. It is very abbreviated, collapsed, almost never exists in the form of complete, detailed sentences. Often whole phrases are reduced to one word (subject or predicate). This is explained by the fact that the subject of his own thought is completely clear to a person and therefore does not require detailed verbal formulations from him. They unfold, like external speech, internal speech only in those cases when they experience difficulties in the process of thinking4 .

Oral and written speech. Depending on whether sounds or written signs are used for external speech, oral (usually sound spoken speech) and written speech are distinguished. Oral and written speech have their own psychological characteristics.

When speaking, a person perceives the listeners, their reaction to his words. Receiving instant feedback, he can correct his further speech. In addition to the actual linguistic means, a person can use extra-linguistic means (gestures, facial expressions, speech rate, pauses, etc.), which also affect the degree of listeners' understanding of his speech.

Monologue and dialogue (polylogue). Depending on the conditions of communication, oral speech takes the form of either monologue or dialogical speech. A speech in which more than two people participate is called a polylogue. In dialogue (polylogue), people speak alternately. In everyday conversation, dialogical speech is not planned. The focus of such a conversation and its results are largely determined by the statements of its participants, their remarks, comments, approvals or objections. Therefore, they say that this speech is supportive, since the speech of each participant in the dialogue is constantly supported by questions, answers, objections of the interlocutors. If there is no such support, then the speech either turns into a monologue, or stops altogether.

Sometimes the dialogue is organized specifically to clarify a specific question, then it is purposeful (for example, a student's answer to a teacher's question).

Dialogue speech, as a rule, makes fewer demands on the construction of a coherent and detailed utterance than other types of external speech; there is no need for preliminary preparation, since the interlocutors are in the same situation, perceive the same facts and phenomena and therefore relatively easily, sometimes "at a glance", understand each other. They do not need to express their thoughts in a detailed speech form. An important requirement for interlocutors in dialogical speech is to be able to listen to the interlocutor to the end, to understand his objections and respond precisely to them, and not to your own thoughts5 ... For dialogical speech, active use of extra-linguistic means is characteristic. It is conducted with an emotionally expressive contact of the speakers.

Monologue speech assumes that one person speaks, others only listen, not participating in the conversation. Monologue speech in the practice of communication of a person with a higher education takes a large place and is manifested in a wide variety of speeches: a report, a lecture, a speech on radio or television, etc. A common and characteristic feature of all forms of monologue speech is its pronounced orientation towards the audience.

The purpose of such a speech is to achieve the necessary impact on the audience, to convey knowledge to them, to convince of something. In this regard, the monologue speech is detailed in nature, requires a coherent presentation of thoughts, and, therefore, preliminary preparation and planning. It requires the speaker to be able to logically consistently express their thoughts, to express them in a clear and distinct form, to be smooth, continuous.

Features of written speech. Written speech is addressed to the absent reader who does not see or hear the writer, and will read what was written only after a while. The lack of direct contact between the writer and the reader creates certain difficulties in the construction of written speech.

Written speech, in contrast to oral speech, has almost no additional extra-linguistic means for a better presentation of thoughts, as is the case in oral speech. It does not imply any knowledge of the situation by the addressee; it cannot use gestures, facial expressions, intonation, or pauses. You can only use the selection of text elements with font, italics or paragraphs. So written language is usually less expressive than oral speech. Therefore, written speech should be especially detailed, both semantically and grammatically. The writer must build his message so that the reader can go all the way back from the expanded outer speech to the inner meaning of the material presented.

On the other hand, written speech has an advantage over oral speech: what is written can always be reread, i.e. arbitrarily return to all the links included in it. Therefore, in writing, they are not needed, even excessively frequent repetitions of the same thought, albeit presented in a different language shell, interfere. Moreover, written speech, in contrast to oral speech, makes it possible to carefully work on the expression of thoughts. It follows from this that written speech occupies a dominant position in the process of forming the general speech culture of a person.6 .

Chapter 2. Structure and types of speech activity

2.1 The concept of speech activity

Ferdinand de Saussure was one of the first to set out to create a general theory of language. However, first of all, it was necessary to answer the question: what is language? All phenomena associated with the processes of speaking and listening, Saussure designated the general termspeech activity(langage). Speech activity is extremely diverse and comes into contact with a number of areas: physics, physiology, psychology.

According to AA Leontyev, speech activity is a specific type of activity that is not directly correlated with "classical" types of activity, for example, with work or play. Speech activity “in the form of individual speech actions serves all types of activity, being part of acts of labor, play, cognitive activity. Speech activity as such takes place only when speech is valuable in itself, when the underlying motive that motivates it cannot be satisfied in any other way than speech "7 .

Speech activity is one of the most difficult activities in all its parameters.

First, by its organization. Let's start with the fact that speech activity rarely acts as an independent, complete act of activity: it is usually included as an integral part of a higher-order activity. For example, a typical speech utterance is an utterance that somehow regulates the behavior of another person. But this means that the activity can be considered complete only if such regulation is successful. For example, I ask a neighbor on the table to give me a piece of bread. The act of activity, if we take it as a whole, is not complete: the goal will be achieved only if the neighbor really gives me the bread. Thus, speaking further about speech activity, we are not entirely accurate: it will be of interest to us and we will further consider not the entire act of speech activity, but only a set of speech actions that have their own intermediate goal, subordinate to the goal of the activity as such. Speech activity is studied by various sciences. Speech activity is an object studied by linguistics and other sciences: language is a specific subject of linguistics that actually exists as a component of an object (speech activity) and is modeled by linguists in the form of a special system for certain theoretical or practical purposes.

Speech activity is defined by the leading Russian specialist in psycholinguistics A.A. Leontiev as the process of using language for communication during any other human activity8 ... According to A.A. Leont'ev (not shared by all Russian psycholinguists), speech activity is some kind of abstraction that cannot be directly correlated with “classical” types of activity (cognitive, play, educational), and cannot be compared with work or play. It - in the form of individual speech actions - serves all types of activity, being part of acts of labor, play, cognitive activity. Speech activity as such takes place only when speech is valuable in itself, when the underlying motive that motivates it cannot be satisfied in any other way than speech.9 ... Speech actions and even separate speech operations can also be included in other types of activity, primarily in cognitive activity.

It clearly follows from what has been said that speech activity has two main options for its implementation (otherwise, implementation, embodiment). The first is the process of verbal communication (verbal communication), which accounts for about two-thirds of the entire “layer” of speech activity; the second is individual speech-thinking activity, realized through internal speech.

2.2. Types of speech activity

The concept of types of speech activity came into the teaching methodology of the native language from the teaching methodology foreign language... It belongs to the famous linguist and teacher academician Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba.

In essence, this is a concept both methodical and psychological. After all, teaching reading, writing and writing, speaking is, in fact, the formation of specific speech skills and based on them speech or communicative-speech skills (meaning the use of skills for solving various specific, primarily communicative, tasks).

Types of speech activity are different types of speech skills and speech skills.

The concept of types of speech activity in the methodology of the native language allows one to more clearly imagine the psychological patterns of the formation of the corresponding skills and abilities. It is logical to expect thatmethodological techniques, types of exercises, etc. must be correlated with the structure and formation of the corresponding psychological mechanisms,always complex and multi-level.

In practice, the need to ensure the formation of individual psychological operations and their complexes cannot but reckon with the fact of interaction different types speech activity, their mutual intertwining, especially when solving complex communication problems. So, underestimating the work on the formation of phonemic hearing gives rise to many errors in writing.

“It is not thinking, it is a man who thinks,” wrote the great psychologist L.S. Vygotsky10 ... In the same way, it is not the hand that writes, it is not the tongue that speaks, and the ear that listens. A person as an integral subject of mental activity, as a person, uses his speech (in a broad sense) skills and abilities in life to solve the problems he faces. And you need to be, say, literate not so much in order to get a certificate of maturity, but in order to become a full-fledged person among other people, to be fully realized.

The main types of speech activity include:

  • speaking (oral expression of thought);
  • hearing (listening comprehension and understanding);
  • letter (graphic, written expression of thought);
  • reading (i.e. perception and understanding of someone else's recorded speech); distinguish between reading aloud and quiet reading - reading to oneself.

It is these types of speech activities that underlie the process of speech communication. The effectiveness and success of verbal communication depends on how well a person has developed the skills of these types of speech activity.

In whatever conditions speech communication is carried out, by whatever means the information is transmitted, it is based on a singlemodel of speech communication. The elements of this model are:

  1. The sender of information or addressee is a speaking or writing person.
    1. The recipient of information or addressee is a person who reads or listens.
    2. Communication is a text in oral or written form. Without text, without information, speech communication, the communication process itself, is impossible.

Now let's consider each of the types of speech activity separately:

  1. Speaking. Communication education in high school is built with an orientation towards authentic (or close to them) communication situations at school, family, in in public places... At the same time, the main attention is paid to the development of the ethics of communication at the interpersonal and intercultural levels.

Speaking - sending out audio signals that carry information; Improving speaking skills includes increasing the readiness to maintain a conversation on various topics and mastering the technique of speech. In order to be ready to maintain a conversation on various topics in public and private communication, a person must constantly engage in self-education in the broadest sense of the word, i.e. acquire new knowledge, and not only in their specialty, but also other knowledge in the field of science and art that is of public interest, develop independent thinking, trying to give the information received from books and newspapers their own assessment, read fiction in order to understand more deeply life and improve the style of your speech.

  1. Reading. As a type of speech activity, it develops on the basis of authentic texts of different genres, with a communicative and personality-oriented orientation. Before starting work on the text, the teacher is recommended to determine for what purpose this text can be used:
  • to familiarize yourself with the general content of the text(introductory reading);
  • for selective familiarization with certain provisions of the text(view reading);
  • for a detailed study of the content of the read material(study reading).

Authentic text is seen as the basis for personality-oriented communication. This means that with the help of interrelated exercises, a gradual transition from mediated communication (based on text) to direct communication (active use of language and speech means in communication situations) is provided11 .

The skills that need to be formed at the final stage of training include the following:

Receptive skills:

  • Anticipate the content of the text using a title, diagram, commentary, illustrative material based on leading questions.
  • Understand the general content of the read, highlighting the main idea, idea, key information.
  • Understand the full content of what you read based on known lexical units and language means.
  • Extract the desired fact or event from the read.
  • Predict events and facts based on the title, diagram, commentary, illustrative material, with discussion in pair or group work.

Reproductive skills:

  • Reproduce what was read based on keywords, plan, leading questions.
  • Divide the text into semantic parts, highlight the main thing in them.
  • Reduce the text by eliminating secondary information for the subsequent transfer of its content in the form of a dialogue or monologue.
  • Construct a dialogue in the form of an interview, a conversation based on the read text.
  • Make up an abstract, write down abstracts.

Reproductive and productive skills:

  • Reveal and discuss problems based on text.
  • Draw up a speech plan on the problem and make short notes for each point of the plan.
  • Transfer the content of the text on behalf of the author, third person, on his own.
  • Reconstruct the text in an interview, conversation and stage it in pair (or group) work.
  • Summarize the problem, drawing on already known facts from other areas of daily life.

Productive skills:

  • Use new linguistic and speech means imprisoned in communication situations.
  • Based on the text, write an essay or a short report for presentation in class.
  • Participate in project work on a known topic.

Reading skills vary from person to person. Sometimes school graduates read quickly enough, but ineffectively, quickly forgetting the content of what they read. Developing reading skills helps to process more information and save time. At the stage of visual perception of the text, an important role is played by:

  1. fixation of the gaze - stopping the eyes for a split second when perceiving written;
  2. eye movement - movement of the gaze from one area of \u200b\u200bthe text to another;
  3. field of view - a piece of text that is clearly perceived by the eyes with one fixation of the gaze.

Typical reading disabilities are:

  • Regressions, i.e. unjustified, mechanical returns to what has already been read, slowing down the reading process.
  • Articulation, i.e. internal pronunciation of the text being read, slowing down the reading speed by 3-4 times.
  • Small field of view. When 2-3 words are perceived in one gaze fixation, the eyes have to make many stops. The wider the field of view, the more information is perceived with each eye stop. A person trained in reading technique can perceive an entire line, and sometimes even a paragraph in one fixation of his gaze.
  • Poor development of the semantic forecasting mechanism. The ability to predict what is written and make semantic guesses is necessary to improve reading efficiency.
  • Low level of organization of attention. The reading speed of most readers is much lower than what they could have without compromising their perception if they could control their attention. In a slow reading person, attention quickly switches to extraneous thoughts and objects, so interest in the text decreases.
  • Lack of flexible reading strategy. Often people, starting to read, do not set themselves any goal, do not use the rules of text processing. In fact, depending on the purpose of reading, you can choose such methods as reading-viewing, introductory reading, in-depth reading.

Thoughts are formed in linguistic forms, expressed aloud or in writing. The differences between oral speech and writing are determined by the method of coding (in oral speech, this is an acoustic code, in writing - a graphic one), expressive capabilities, frequency of use in real life.

  1. Letter. Written speech - verbal (verbal) communication using written texts. It can be either deferred (for example, a letter) or direct (exchange of notes during a meeting). Written speech differs from oral speech not only in that it uses graphics, but also in grammatical (primarily syntactic) and stylistic terms - syntactic constructions typical of written speech and functional styles specific to it. It is characterized by a very complex compositional-structural organization, which must be specially mastered, and hence the special task of teaching written speech at school.

Since the text of written speech can be perceived simultaneously or, in any case, in large "chunks", the perception of written speech differs in many respects from the perception of oral speech.

Considering the practical importance of written verbal communication, writing as a type of speech activity develops on the basis of only authentic educational material.

Students should be able to:

1. Write out keywords, supporting sentences, and necessary information from the text.

2. Make the necessary notes for subsequent discussion of the problem.

3. Draw up and fill out a questionnaire.

4. Answer the questions of the questionnaire, text.

5. Write a job application.

6. Write a short or detailed autobiography.

7. Write a business letter using the desired form of speech etiquette.

8. Write a personal letter using the rules of speech etiquette of native speakers.

The written form of speech is the main one for official business and scientific styles of speech, for the language fiction... The journalistic style uses equally written and oral forms of speech (periodicals and television). The use of writing allows you to think about your speech longer, build it gradually, correcting and supplementing, which ultimately contributes to the development and use of more complex syntactic structures than is typical of oral speech. Features of spoken language, such as repetitions, unfinished constructions, in a written text would be stylistic mistakes... If in oral speech intonation is used as a means of semantic highlighting of parts of an utterance, then punctuation marks are used in writing, as well as various means of graphically highlighting words, combinations and parts of text: using a different type of font, bold, italic, underlining, framing, placing text on page. These means provide the selection of logically important parts of the text and the expressiveness of written speech.

In conditions of spontaneous oral speech, the conscious choice and assessment of the linguistic means used in it are minimized, while in written speech and in prepared oral speech they occupy a significant place. Various types and forms of speech are built according to specific laws (for example, colloquial speech allows significant deviations from the grammatical system of the language, a special place is occupied by logical and even more artistic speech)12 ... Speech is studied not only by the psychology of speech, but also by psycholinguistics, physiology of speech, linguistics, semiotics and other sciences.

4. Hearing. This is the perception of sound signals and their understanding; Hearing is an integral part of the communication process and includes two stages: the stage of the primary analysis of the sound signal and its psycho-mechanical processing; the stage of semantic interpretation.

Scientists have found a significant gap between the amount of information expressed by the speaker, the speaker, the participant in a normal conversation and the amount of information received by the listeners. It has been experimentally established that when listening to speech, a person, on average, reaches only 25% efficiency level in 10 minutes. Even in informal conversations, the listener assimilates, on average, no more than 60-70% of what the interlocutor says.

The reason for this gap is a number of typical hearing deficiencies.:

  • thoughtless perception, when the sounding speech is only a background for any activity;
  • fragmentary perception, when only separate parts of the sounding speech are interpreted;
  • narrowness of perception, i.e. inability to critically analyze the content of the message and establish a connection between it and the facts of reality.

In order to develop effective listening skills, you need to be able to answer the following questions for yourself:

Why should you listen? What are the factors for effective listening? How to listen?

Why should you listen? This question helps to evaluate what is useful that can be learned for yourself while listening to a lecture, oral presentation, TV show, speech of the interlocutor. It may be useful to:

  • Receiving the information. This is the main purpose of the hearing in professional activity, however, useful information for yourself can be gleaned not only from lectures and speeches at production meetings, but also from everyday conversations.
  • Entertainment. This is one of the most important human needs. The purpose of entertainment is present in ordinary conversation and in listening to certain television programs.
  • Inspiration. Often a person listens not to learn facts, but to inspire. This is also one of the human needs.
  • Analysis of facts and ideas. Needed for more full perception speech and the inclusion of the information received in the structure of existing experience and knowledge.
  • Improving your own speech. Observing the speech of others teaches a person to be more attentive to their own speech.

Factors of effective listening are:

  • Listener attitude. Successful communication requires an objective, unbiased, cooperative attitude of the audience. Overconfident people are usually bad listeners. Educated person usually more attentive than the uneducated. People with little education become passive listeners because they have little knowledge with which to compare the words of the speaker.
  • The interest of the audience. It has been noticed that people are more interested in familiar things than unfamiliar, and are also interested in practically useful and new ideas. Therefore, the speaker in his speech should show enthusiasm, talk about exciting and specific things, use the language of action.
  • Motivation of listeners. Listeners' attention is enhanced if the speech touches upon issues related to basic life needs and human feelings. Such motives are self-preservation, interest in property, desire to expand influence, concern for reputation, affection, sentimentality, taste.
  • Emotional condition. Unwanted emotions that interfere with continuous attention can come from the state of depression of the listener, his attitude towards the speaker, his objections to the speaker's statements.

For listening to be beneficial, you need to develop the following skills:

1) the ability to concentrate;

2) the ability to analyze content;

3) the ability to listen critically;

4) the ability to take notes.

The ability to concentrate allows you to constantly monitor the flow of thoughts and all the details of the message. This skill involves the following techniques:

  • Take an objective and cooperative attitude towards the speaker.
  • Remember what you already know about the subject matter.
  • Think about the topic and try to guess how the speaker will develop it.
  • Consider how the content of your speech can help you.
  • The ability to analyze the content is necessary, first of all, for listening to public speeches, because they contain different ideas, and if one of them is missed, then the connection between the parts of the text is broken.

The ability to analyze is based on the following techniques:

  • definition of the purpose of speech;
  • determination of the composition of speech;
  • definition main theme speech;
  • identification of the main ideas of the speaker;
  • determination of the forms of argumentation;
  • determination of the forms of summary and final conclusions.

Listening critically can be developed by doing the following:

  • Link what the speaker is saying to your own experience. You can agree with the speaker, postpone the decision until further information is received, and question the speaker's words.
  • Summarize and organize what you heard. Get ahead of the speaker and try to predict how he will develop the main theme.
  • Analyze and evaluate what you heard. Correlate the speaker's statements with reality, with each other and with the goals of speech.
  • The ability to take notes is required in those cases when it is important for the listener to keep a record of a lecture, report, speech. When taking notes, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles:
  • Use short sentences and paragraphs. Write down important statements and factual material only. Use abbreviations and symbols. Take legible notes. Highlight important ideas. Review the entries periodically.

2.3 Structure of speech activity

Speech activity as one of the human activities is characterized by purposefulness and consists of several successive phases: orientation, internal programming, implementation and control.

Orientation. For the implementation of activity in the external plane, it is necessary to have: First, the situation in which the activity will be carried out, and secondly, a source that encourages the individual to be active. It is customary to understand a situation as a set of conditions, both speech and non-speech, necessary and sufficient for the implementation of speech activity.

Researchers distinguish between subject and speech situations. The first reflects a fragment of reality in the form of already given information, the second describes the current communication situation, therefore, the participants in the objective situation are objects and phenomena depicted in the text. The participants in the speech situation are people, communicants. In the educational process, the speech situation is created artificially, therefore, one of the important tasks of the teacher is to bring the process of speech creativity closer to natural living conditions13 ... Thanks to stylistics, a speech situation is created in the learning process when students answer the questions: where, for whom, and for what purpose the text is produced by them. The source of an individual's motivation to be active is human needs. As soon as the subject is realized by the individual, the need develops into a motive. Then the nature of the activity changes: from instinctive, impulsive to consistent, directed.

At the orientation stage it is necessary:

  • Correctly assess communication in order to choose the right means of communication in the future.
  • Realize the motive of speech creation.
  • Determine the purpose of generating a statement, i.e. answer the question: why am I going to say this?

In general, at the orientation stage, the student knows what he will talk about, but does not yet know how he will do it.

Consequently, the first stage of speech activity is characterized not so much by a linguistic factor as by a social one, since the emergence of speech activity is primarily due to the emergence of a speech situation, in accordance with which both the motive and the goal of creating a text are already determined14 .

Planning. At this stage, the mechanism of “anticipated synthesis” is actualized. In accordance with this, Zhinkin noted that the communicant, when planning his text, performs 2 basic operations: the operation of selecting words and the operation of placing words, i.e. the communicant selects keywords and synthesizes them, arranges them in a certain sequence. The implementation of this stage depends on the formation of a person's inner speech, because the program of action for creating a text is presented in the internal speech of the communicant.

Planning takes an important place in the structure of speech activity. The communicant's constraint in the presentation leads to the appearance of textual shortcomings and errors associated with the inability to select keywords, organize them and streamline them during planning.

External implementation.Activity is a complex and multilevel concept. In its composition, there must be an internal and external plan, which are related to each other and complement each other. In the absence of one of them, activity cannot exist.

At this stage, the text undergoes lexical and grammatical design, i.e. thought is conveyed in the form of lexical and grammatical combination of words. The third stage is based on the linguistic knowledge of the communicant.

The control. The result of speech activity is checked against the goal, determined in accordance with the situation, and if communicative failures occur, then the communicant again goes through all the stages of speech activity. In order for the text to be adequately perceived, it is necessary that the recipient tunes in to the same wave as the author. At this stage, errors can be checked: whether the text corresponds to the speech situation; Whether the subject of speech reveals, whether the sequence of the text is planned, the linguistic means are adequately and expediently selected, whether the sentences are correctly constructed, whether there are redundant sentences - all this is carried out by the control stage.

In accordance with these phases, each individual speech action is carried out.

According to O. Ya. Goikhman and Nadein T.M., the starting point of any speech action isspeech situation, that is, such a combination of circumstances that prompts a person to a speech action (for example, to a statement). As examples of speech situations, you can consider: the need to answer a question, make a report on the results of work, write a letter, talk with a friend, etc.15

In the implementation of speech action, the following stages are distinguished:

1. Preparing a statement. At this stage, there is an awareness of the motive for the statement, goals, needs, and probable prediction of speech results is carried out based on past experience and taking into account the situation. These preparatory decisions are proceeding with great speed on an almost subconscious level. All these decisions end with the creation of an internal plan of the statement.

2. Structuring a statement. At this stage, the choice of words, their grammatical design is carried out. It is assumed that the choice of words in memory is done by trial and error. At the same time, a mechanism for "evaluating" the words to be selected operates in the operative memory.

3. Transition to external speech. At this stage, the sound design of the statement is carried out. This is the most crucial stage.

The results of a speech action are judged by its perception and reaction to it, i.e. on feedback.

The perception of speech is associated with understanding the intentions, motives of the utterance, as well as with the assessment of the content of the utterance, its idea, the position of the speaker himself, etc.

The understanding of the transmitted message depends on a whole complex of factors, including the explicit and hidden contexts of the statement. Explicit context includes what is subject to direct observation, as it were. This type of context is divided into verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (gestures, posture, facial expressions). Latent context is that part of communication that is not directly observable. The hidden context includes: motives, goals, intentions and attitudes of participants in the communication process, their personal characteristics, among which one can note the level of education, age, character, belonging to a certain group, etc. Depending on the context, the statement can lead to different results.

Thus, in order for the speech action to take place, speech must go through several stages: orientation, planning, the stage of external implementation, and control. Each of these stages has its own characteristics. Namely, orientation is characterized by the emergence of a speech situation, in accordance with which the motive and purpose of creating a text is determined. The implementation of the planning stage depends on the formation of a person's inner speech. The third stage - external implementation is based on the linguistic knowledge of the communicant. And already at the control stage, errors are checked.


In conclusion, it should be noted that it is necessary to distinguish between two closely related concepts - language and speech.

Language is a tool, a means of communication. This is a system of signs, means and rules of speaking, common to all members of a given society. This phenomenon is constant for a given period of time.

Speech is the manifestation and functioning of language, the very process of communication; it is unique for every native speaker. This phenomenon is variable depending on the speaker.

Language and speech are two sides of the same phenomenon. Language is inherent in any person, and speech is inherent in a specific person. Speech and language can be compared to pen and text. Language is a pen, and speech is the text that is written with that pen.

Human speech is a unique product of evolution, a historically established form of communication between people, with the help of which we grow, develop, reach the peak of our mental abilities. This is exactly what distinguishes humans from animals.

Few of us think about the question of why speech is needed, considering that this is something from the category of self-evident.

Human speech activity is the most common and most complex. Speech activity is understood as speech as a process.

The peculiarity of speech activity is that it is always included in a wider system of activity as a necessary component. According to researchers, two-thirds of human activity consists of speech. So, for example, education, training, propaganda of knowledge are unthinkable without communication, without speech activity. An entrepreneur, manager, architect, assistant, doctor, builder, broker, manager, salesman, doing their main job, are forced to discuss something, consult, negotiate, ask questions, answer. The success of any professional activity depends on how skillfully speech activity is carried out.

It should also be added that speech activity permeates the entire life of a person. Communication is his habitat. Without communication, as without air, a person cannot exist. Without communication, the formation of a person's personality, his upbringing, education, and the development of intelligence are impossible.

Communication and society are related words. It was the unification of people, their joint work, obtaining food, protection from attacks, natural disasters that gave rise to the need for communication. The word communication, like society, goes back to the word general. This is no coincidence. When communicating should be;

- general need for and interest in the transmission and receipt of information;

– common topic conversation;

- a common language, with its system of sounds and signs, with a special "voice" that allows you to convey the subtlest nuances of a person's thoughts and feelings.

Speech, as a form of communication through ordered linguistic structures, involves not only the formulation of thoughts, but also the perception and understanding of these structures. Over time, a beautiful speech developed from short abrupt phrases of an ancient man, giving rise to a whole direction of art - literature.

Speech activity helps to organize joint work, outline and discuss plans, implement them. The ability to communicate with other people allows a person to reach a high level of civilization.

Without speech, mankind could never have achieved existing level development of culture and science, rise above the animal world and realize oneself as a result of evolution.

Speech is one of the types of communicative activity carried out in the form of linguistic communication. Each person uses their native language to express their thoughts and understand the thoughts expressed by others. The child not only learns words and grammatical forms of the language, but also relates them to the content that constitutes the meaning of the word, assigned to him in his native language by the entire process of the history of the development of the people. However, at each stage of development, the child understands the content of the word differently. He learns the word together with its inherent meaning very early. The concept designated by this word, being a generalized image of reality, grows, broadens and deepens as the child develops.

Thus, speech is a language in action, a peculiar form of human cognition of objects and phenomena of reality and a means of communication between people.

List of used literature and sources

  1. Valgina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language.6th ed., Revised and enlarged. Moscow: Logos, 2012.
  2. Goikhman O. Ya. Speech communication. M .: Infra-M, 2008
  3. Kovshikov V.A., Glukhov V.P. Psycholinguistics. The theory of speech activity of psychologists. M .: Astrel, 2007.
  4. Korenkova E.V., Pushkareva N.V. Russian language and culture of speech. Publisher: Prospectus, 2010.
  5. A.A. Leontiev Language, speech, speech activity. Textbook, M., 2010
  6. A.A. Leontiev Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics. - Ed. 3rd. - M .: SPb., 2003
  7. Leontiev, A.A. Language, speech, speech activity / A.A. Leontiev. - M .: Education, 1985.
  8. Priyatkina A.F. Russian language. A culture of speech. Vladivostok: Publishing house of the Far Eastern State University, 2005.

1 Korenkova E.V., Pushkareva N.V. Russian language and culture of speech. Publisher: Prospect, 2010

2 Valgina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language. 6th ed., Revised and enlarged. Moscow: Logos, 2012

3 Zvegintsev V.A. The proposal and its relation to language and speech. M., 1976

4 E. S. Kubryakova The nominative aspect of speech activity. M., 1986

5 Psychology of business communication. V.S. Kukushin Textbook. Benefit. - M .: ICC "Mart", Rostov-on-Don, 2003

6 Gerasimova, A.S. A unique guide to the development of speech / ed. B.F. Sergeeva. - 2nd ed. - M .: Iris-press, 2004.

8 A.A. Leontiev Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1969.

9 A.A. Leontiev Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics. - Ed. 3rd. - M .: SPb., 2003

10 Klyuev E.V. Speech communication. M .: Ripol Classic, 2012

11 Lvov M.R. Fundamentals of speech theory. Mu: IC "Academy", 2012

12 Zvegintsev V.A. The proposal and its relation to language and speech. M., 1976

13 Kovshikov V.A., Glukhov V.P. Psycholinguistics. The theory of speech activity of psychologists. M .: Astrel, 2007

14 L.V. Shcherba Language system and speech activity. M., 2004

15 Goikhman O.Ya., Nadeina T.M. Basics of speech communication. Textbook. - M., 1997


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