Differentiation of c h speech material. Differentiation of consonants in syllables, words, sentences

Purpose: Differentiation of the sounds [Ч] and [Ц] in words, sentences and their designation with the corresponding letters.


Clarification of the articulation of the sounds [h] and [c];
Consolidation of children's knowledge about the characteristics of sounds.
Consolidation of children's knowledge about the root of the word, the formation of cognate words.
Teaching the correct use of nouns in the form genitive with a preposition for, u;
Formation of relative adjectives;


Development of phonemic hearing;
Development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis;
Development of analysis and synthesis at the supply level;
Development of visual attention and memory;
Development and activation of the children's vocabulary on the topic "Dishes".


Education of self-control, mutual control, love for native language, culture of speech communication.

Equipment: a poster with a drawn table (with slots for pictures), subject pictures (sugar bowl, candy bowl, kettle, salad bowl, bread bowl, rusk bowl, rosette, gravy bowl, pepper bowl), a poster with written dishes, where instead of h and c there are empty squares, a rebus with encrypted lexical
the topic of the lesson, types of materials (pieces of glass, wood, plastic, porcelain, crystal, metal), a poster with one-root words.

The course of a speech therapy lesson.

Organizing time.

Hello children. Now, the one who will highlight the first sound in the words that I will name will sit down.

A figure, a miracle, a heron, a suitcase, a turtle ...

What sounds will we learn to distinguish?

Main part.

Pronounce the sound [h], what organs of speech are involved in the pronunciation of this sound, give a full description of the sound, which letter is designated, write the letter in the air, on the desk. Pronounce the sound [c], what organs of speech are involved in the pronunciation of this sound, give a full description of the sound, which letter is indicated, write the letter in the air, on the desk. Compare sounds, find similarities and then differences between the sounds.

Prepare signal cards. Take the card with the letter h in your right hand, and the card with the letter c in your left. I will name the words, and if you hear a word in which the sound [h] is hidden, then raise the card with the letter h, and if you hear a word in which the sound [c] is hidden, then pick up the card with the letter c. If you hear both sounds in the word, then lift both letters.

Help me finish the word by choosing one of the sounds CH or Ts, mark it with a letter and raise it:

Cala .. wound .. bite .. yard .. god ..

Vienna .. vie .. gra .. zaya .. strength ..

Re .. deck .. younger .. weaver .. horse ..

Help me set the table, and what we need for this you will find out if you solve the puzzle.

Floors '' + ship '' '' + gift '' \u003d?

Guys, the poster contains the words in which our studied H and Ts disappeared.Now each of you will go to the blackboard, read the word to determine which sound has disappeared, designate it with the corresponding letter and write the letter in the missing cell, and then find the guessed object on the table and put on our table. Tell me what this dish is for?


Let's read the unraveled words again.

Work in a notebook.

- I say what is put into this dish, and you name it. We pronounce the word by syllable and write it down in a notebook. With what letter we write the first word, how we write the rest of the words. Writing words. Find the letter C in the words and underline it with one line, and the letter C with two. Exchange notebooks for cross-checking.

Physical minute. Ball game.

I throw the ball and name the dishes, and you return the ball to me, naming what products and objects it is intended for.

E.g .: Sugar bowl - for sugar, etc.

See what materials I brought you. Who will name what it is? Cookware can be made from these materials. I show the material, and you name the dishes that can be made from it. What kind of dish is it?

Nr: This is plastic. Choose utensils that are made of plastic. What is she like? (E.g .: plastic sugar bowl, plastic bread bowl, plastic salad bowl, etc.).

We speak all kinds of materials (glass, porcelain, metal, wood, crystal).

Recently we have New Year, Christmas has passed. What it is? (These are the holidays).

We set the table and what did we do? (Celebrated).

And what was the mood? (Festive).

Holiday, holidays, celebrate, festive. Tell me, what is common in these words, as they are called? Read the word holiday carefully, look at it, remember how this word is spelled.

Let's remember what a proposal is. Tell me if a sentence is what I will call.

Festive, pupils, y, and, mood, pupils.

Who will make the proposal. How many words are in it? Find a preposition in a sentence, how is it spelled with words? Let's remember the rules for writing a sentence. Let's write it down in a notebook. We emphasize the studied h and c.

Tell me, what other mood can there be? (cheerful, perky, or vice versa sad, sad).

The result of a speech therapy lesson.

Our speech therapy lesson has come to an end. Let's remember what sounds we learned to distinguish, how they are similar and how they differ. The name, what kind of dishes do you remember and what material is it made of? Name the group of related cognate words you are learning in class today. What proposal have we made? In what mood are you leaving the lesson?

Well done! You were very attentive and active in the lesson today. Lesson is over, goodbye guys!

Shkredova Marina Nikolaevna,
teacher-speech therapist MBOU secondary school № 90,
Samara city

Lesson 1

Lesson objectives

§ to form the ability to differentiate the sounds C and C,

§ to correlate them with the letters Ц, Ч;

§ develop auditory and speech attention;

§ develop phonemic analysis;

§ develop speech and auditory memory;

§ develop logical thinking;

§ develop the ability to do self-analysis, self-assessment of their activities.

Material for the lesson

1. Listen to the words and name the first sound in the word.

Heron, compasses, clatter, chicken, circus.

Cup, worm, watch, man, siskin.

We draw attention to the differences in the pronunciation of the sounds C and C: When pronouncing the sound H, the tip of the tongue is lifted up and closed with the upper alveoli (tubercle), then the bow explodes. The lips are extended into a tube.

When pronouncing the sound C, the tip of the tongue is below, behind the lower teeth, and the back of the tongue closes with the upper alveoli. Lips - in a smile.

Control yourself: when pronouncing the sound H, the air stream is warm, when pronouncing C, it is cold.

2. Game "Echo". Repeat syllables:

Tsa - cha, cha - tsa, tsa - tsa - cha, chu - chu - tsu, cha - tsa - cha, tsa - cha - tsa.

Cha - tsa - cha - tsa, tsa - cha - cha - tsa, chu - tsu - chu - tsu.

3. Listen to the words. Determine what sound is used in the word - Tsili Ch and its place.

The sun, buckwheat, circus, kettle, stove, blizzard, sheep, doctor, suitcase, cricket, hare, starling, weaver, clever, hook, icon, ball, bloom, finger, tit, pepper, stairs.

4. Think, what does the letter C look like? What does the letter H look like?

Draw these letters with your eyes closed in the sand, on your palm, in the air. Cut these letters out of the paper. Lay out these letters from small objects.

You can put the letter H and the sound [H] to the child without the help of speech therapists, but when organizing independent systematic classes. There are many interesting wayshow to help children understand how the language needs to be rebuilt so that the articulatory sound [H] comes out.

The age of the child and the readiness of the speech apparatus

If a baby 3-4 years old does not pronounce the sound and the letter H, this is still within the normal range, since the articulation of the sound [H] is complex:

  • the tip of the tongue rises to the palate, bending with a hook so as to touch the alveoli of the upper teeth from the inside;
  • for a short moment it sticks to the palate;
  • then the whole body of the tongue drops sharply down.

Such complex articulation of sound [H] is available to children from 5 years old. The child is ready to pronounce it, pronounce it, if he has already mastered the sounds, and [Щ].

Listen to the sound generation [H] and you will hear that the sound consists of soft [t ’] and sharp [u’].

Sound characteristic [H]:

The sound [Ч ’] is a consonant, deaf, always soft.

Sound setting [h]

Sound articulation [H] can be set in 3 ways:

  1. Using the [t '] part: pronounce this sound at a very fast pace so that the tip of the tongue reaches the base of the upper incisors from the side of the palate. Then begin to wrap it up, as if stroking the tubercle at the roots of the teeth - the alveoli. And at the same time, you need to widely stretch the corners of your mouth, as if in a smile.
  2. With the use of two components [t ’] and [u’]: smiling broadly, slowly at first, and then faster and faster to pronounce alternately [t ’] and [u’]. The speed allows them to merge and get clean articulation of the sound.
  3. Explain sound production by decomposing the process into stages: for the exercise you need a piece of paper or chocolate. He lies on the tip of the tongue and the child is asked to stick it over the hole, which is located between the upper incisors on the inside. To do this, you must first grope for this place, and then, with a piece of delicacy, send your tongue on a "task". To fix the chocolate or paper, you must apply force, which will serve and will automate the movement of the tongue.

In all cases, it is necessary to sit the child in front of a mirror and focus on the fact that he watches his movements in the reflection. Some parents ignore this rule, however speech therapy session is many times more productive with visual control of the positions of the mouth and tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

First, you need to "warm up" the tongue, because this organ is a large muscle. Here are some exercises to help get her ready for work:

  • "Teeth cleaning": the tongue should be driven along the inside of the upper teeth. This should be done with increasing speed. It is important that it comes into contact with the base of the teeth - the place where they meet the gum. This is where the alveoli are located.

  • "Mushroom": the task will help those children who had problems with other sounds due to the short bridle. The baby needs to stretch his lips in a smile and press his wide tongue against the upper palate. The wider the mouth is, the better the result.

  • "Delicious": put a toffee, a chocolate bar on the tip of the tongue and glue it to the upper palate near the front teeth. It is important that the mouth is wide open. Unlike an exercise for setting a sound, the child does not need to pronounce it, because the task is to strengthen the muscle.

If the child likes to do this, then he can be put at the end of the articulation block and from it he can switch to pronunciation of the sound [H]: first, the exercise is without sound, and then its complication by the need to pronounce [H].

Correct articulation

The exercises described above clearly demonstrate that setting the sound [H] is possible in several ways, which differ in the method of sound production:

1. The use of a reference sound and the correct formulation of sequential movements of the tongue:

  • the baby is offered to pronounce always soft [t '] and at the same time focus on ensuring that the tongue is tightly adjacent to the alveoli. Then the specialist shows how to wrap the tongue to the larynx from this position. To do this, use a spatula. If the isolated sound [t '] is difficult for him, he can replace it with [at'];
  • the child is asked to say [t '] and at the same time press the corners of the mouth with his fingers, pulling his lips with a tube. With this position of the lips, the tongue automatically slides back.

2. Using the effect of merging parts [H]:

  • you need to ask the kid consistently, but quickly pronounce a hard deaf [t], and after him [u]. At first this is done slowly, and then with increasing acceleration rate. It is important that pronunciation is formed as you exhale.

3. Exercise with application play form imitations:

  • imitate the chirping of a grasshopper or "call" ducks - "swing-swing";
  • read poetry to the baby: an adult reads the lines and pauses in those places where the child should utter a sound.

4. Use reference sounds:

  • ask to pronounce the sound "t", focusing on the correct position of the tongue. While the child speaks, accompany the sound production with the movement of a bending palm.

It is difficult for a layman to determine which of the methods is suitable for a child. To do this, parents can use each of these exercises alternately. Based on the results of the work, its effectiveness is assessed. The main thing is not to dwell on the fact that the child gets the differentiation of the sounds [t '] and [h], because the articulation skill has not yet been fixed.

Sound automation [h]

To automate pronunciation, the following sequence of exercises is used:

  • first pronouncing direct, and then reverse syllables: cha-ach, uch-chu, cho-och;
  • pronouncing one- and two-syllable words with [h] at the end: ball, game, bulls, bird;
  • pronunciation of words where the sound is in the middle: barrel, duck, spiders;
  • pronouncing words that begin with [h]: kettle, cast iron, Chukotka;
  • reading or pronunciation of phrases with sound, pairing them: tea cups, leather case, tree stump, cat-cat.
  • pure phrases and verses saturated with this sound - the final part speech therapy work on automation.

Sound automation [h] in phrases and sentences
Sound automation [h] in pure phrases

Differentiation of sounds [h] - [t], [h] - [c], [h] - [u],

The problem of separating the sounds [h] - [t] is typical for babies who learn to pronounce this sound in one language. Differentiation of sounds [c] - [h] "and [u] - [h] is relevant for children from bilingual families. This replacement is typical for foreign languages Altai family.

For differentiation, the child is offered to pronounce syllables, words, phrases, sentences containing the sounds [h] - [t], [h] - [c], [h] - [u].

Differentiation of sounds [h] - [c] in verses
Differentiation of sounds [h] - [w ’] in syllables Differentiation of sounds [h] - [w ’] in words
Differentiation of sounds [h] - [w ’] in texts Differentiation of sounds [h] - [w ’] in verses


1) Display of a subject picture (chain). Highlight the first sound c. Clarification of articulation (voiceless, explosive, difficult q - ts).

2) Display of a subject picture (seagull). Highlight the first sound h. Clarification of his articulation (voiceless, explosive, difficult h - t "w").

3) Matching sounds c and h by articulation:

a) similarity: deaf, explosive, complex;

b) difference: place of education.

At sound c the tip of the tongue in the lower position (at the lower teeth).

At sound h the tip is in the upper position, at the upper alveoli.

At sound c lips smile.

At sound h lips are extended into a tube.

At sound c exhaled air jet cold.

At sound h the exhaled air stream is warm.

Observe and compare the articulation of both sounds: c-ch.(Recognize sound in isolation from silent articulation.)

4) The relationship of sound with a letter:

A) the similarity of the upper element of h with a gull wing (letter h. Remember:

the top element is the top position of the tongue);

B) the similarity of the lower loop of the letter c with chain link (letter c.

Remember: lower language position - lower letter element).

5) Reading syllables.

tsa - cha tsy - chi chach tsoc tsoch

tso - cho tse - che chats tsach choch

tsu - chu tzatz chots

6) Selectively record syllables for dictation.

7) Differentiation c - h in words (verbally). Raise the corresponding letter.

Straight, stranger, towel, sand, racing, sight, hairstyle, gypsy, cup, stranger, acacia, sentry, whole, cleaned, heron, blooming, reading, finger, trailer, brave, sheep, radiant, bird cherry, well done, swing.

8) Insert a syllable cha or chu (after repeating the spelling rule for these syllables).

Shka, -sy, say-, ho-, thief-, semi-, kalan-, nato-, -lan, meeting-, saran-, prey-, stu-, tu-, -shechka, -joy.

9) Write out words with combinations in two columns cha and ca.

Sample: cha ca

dacha street

Good luck, mischief, often, lightning, heron, watch, ashtray, sadness, sheep, seal, shout, pier, capital, merry fellow, knocked, palisade.

10) Modify words by pattern, noting alternation c-h.

Sample:porch-porch, hare-bunny.

11) Insert missing letters in related words.


sleep - sleep

creative - - creative

singing - singing

arrow - - shooting

commander - - commander

sun - sun

table-a - table-ny

horse - horse

cucumber - cucumber

ov-s - ove-iy

sit-, sit-ik, sit-evy

rub-, rub-ik, hack-eaten

mill-a, mill-ny, grind-it

12) Insert missing letters c and h:

a) ud-a, zarni-a, -aplya, -often, ladders-a, naughty-a, mischievous, sku-al, fun-ak, pri-alit, -have, grief, soap-a ...

b) gor-and-a, -arevna, -arevi-, ox-and-a, -asti-a, u-etelny-a, -epo-ka, -e-evi-a, -rnilni-a, - veto-ki, -veto-no-a, -repi-a, -worm-ok, excellent-no-a, u-eni-a, u-astni-a, le-ebni-a, pad-eri-a , klyu-i-a, -ulo-ki, -human-ek.

13) Lay out the proposal outline, insert letters c, h.

The smell of cherry blossoms spreads far away. There, Tsar Kashchei languishes over gold. Silence reigns in a dense forest. Black clouds covered the sun. We cleared the snow off the porch.

The girl was awakened by the rays of the sun. The she-wolf sensed a man.

14) Suggestions for analysis and recording.

Weavers weave chintz. There are wonderful flowers in the country. After Thursday it will be Friday. The birds are busy all day. Dandelions were blooming on the side of the road. The stream is smaller than the river. The cuckoo lays eggs in other people's nests. The father shovels the snow off the porch. The rays of the sun woke us up. Bats sleep all day, and at night they fly after prey. Rooks, starlings and swallows are the first to fly to the south. Tits look for insect larvae. Thousands of flowers are in full bloom. The children fed the chick with worms and butterflies. Birds build nests on the branches of trees, lay eggs and hatch chicks.

15) Dictations.

1) Olga and Zoya are sisters. Girls love to sew. Mom bought the daughters needles, scissors and colored threads. The whole evening the girls were embroidering flowers.

2) Why do migratory birds arrive in the spring at different times: a rook arrives in March, and a swallow only in early May? Because the rook will be fed up with what it finds on the thawed patches, and the swallow hunts for its prey in the air. If a swallow arrived in March, when there are no midges or mosquitoes, it would die of hunger.

3) Flowers and trees have their own spring schedule. Willow blooms in April and lily of the valley in late May. An apple tree will never bloom before a bird cherry, and a bird cherry before a birch.

In the spring, simply by the flowering branch to find out what month of the year it is. If hazel blossoms, it is April. If there are catkins on the birch - the beginning of May, and spring ends with the flowering of lilacs.

4) Why does a person keep sheep? A sheep is of great benefit to man. Various clothes are usually made from sheep wool. The leather goes to the boots. Meat is used as food. People are raising sheep. In summer they are grazed in meadows with lush grasses. With the onset of cold weather, the sheep are placed in warm sheepfolds.


1. Correctional - developing:

  • development of phonemic perception;
  • development of thinking, attention, memory, visual perception.

2. Educational:

  • the ability to distinguish the sounds CH, C by articulation;
  • expansion and activation of the dictionary based on the topic "Birds";
  • differentiation of sounds and letters C, C;
  • exercise in correct reading words with letters Ц, Ч;
  • mastering the concept of the meaningful role of the letters C, C;
  • the ability to navigate in space;
  • formation of skills to work according to instructions.

3. Educational:

  • fostering interest in learning.


  • workbooks;
  • mirrors;
  • pictures of birds;
  • demo cards depicting the letters Чч, ЦЦ;
  • table with letters.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

(Students stand at their desks.)

Speech therapist: The first to sit is the one who clearly, clearly repeats the tongue twister: "The black hen has four chickens."

(Students complete the assignment.)

Speech therapist: What sounds are most often repeated in a tongue twister?

Pupils: Sounds [h] and [c].

Speech therapist (hangs up demo cards with letters on the board): What letters will we talk about in class?

Pupils: About the letters CH and Ts.

2. Working with mirrors.

Comparison of [c] and [h] by articulation is carried out with clarification sound composition: [ts] \u003d [t] + [s], [h] \u003d [t "] + [w"].

Speech therapist: Guys, let's look in the mirrors and find the differences in the articulation of the sounds [h] and [c].

(Students complete assignments.)

3. The ratio of sounds to letters.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen to the poems:

Letter C - below the hook,
Exactly with a tap a barrel.
Here is the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Scratching claw,
Like a cat's paw.
Chizhik confused with four
And I read: "Four Izhik".
Yes, you made the right decision
We write as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We cannot confuse letters.

Speech therapist: Guys, what else do you think the bottom element of the letter C looks like?

Pupils: On the link of the chain and on the leg of the heron.

Speech therapist: And the top element of the letter H?

Pupils: On the wing of a gull and on the spout of the teapot.

4. Development of phonemic perception.

Speech therapist: Now I will pronounce syllables and words with the sounds [c], [h]. If you hear the sound [h], then raise your hand up, if [c] - lower it down.

Tsa, chu, och, ec, qi, chi, hour, goal, chain, kidney, ring, wheelbarrow, handkerchiefs, mirror, finger, boy.

(Students complete assignments.)

5. Didactic game "Chicken".

The game is aimed at developing visual perception.

Speech therapist: Guess the riddle: "Clucks, clucks, summons children, gathers everyone under his wings."

Pupils: It's a chicken.

Speech therapist: Right. Chicken is poultry. She lives in a chicken coop, sleeps on a roost. She walks around the yard and collects seeds. But our chicken is unusual, instead of grains, it will collect letters. If the chicken picks them up correctly, it will have a whole word. Listen carefully to my commands and write down the letters that the chicken will collect - and at the end of the journey you will be able to read the received word.

M H Yo S C B

The first letter that the chicken collected was C. Then she went to the left and stopped - Y. Down, down, left - P. Up - L. Up - E. Left - N. Down - O. Down - C. Left - E. Up - K.

What word did you get?

Pupils: Chicken.

Speech therapist: Which letter is the first and which is the eighth in this word?

Pupils: The first letter is C, and the eighth is Ch.

Speech therapist: Let's write down the combination ЦЧ, ЦЧ to the end of the line, pronouncing it aloud.

(Students complete the assignment.)

6. Physical education minute.

Speech therapist: Well done. Now we will have a little rest.

Girls and boys
They jump like balls. (Jumping on two legs.)
They stomp their feet, (They stomp their feet.)
They laugh merrily. (Pronounced: ha ha ha.

Speech therapist: Guys, what other birds do you know whose names contain the sounds [C] and [C]?

Pupils: Starling, tit, siskin, heron, gull, rook.

(A speech therapist posts pictures of birds on the board.)

7. Encryption of words.

Speech therapist: Well done! Now you will write down these words in a notebook, drawing a triangle instead of the letter C, and a square instead of H.

At the end, a test is carried out: the students read the words together.

8. Game "Big-small".

Speech therapist: Now let's play the game Big-Small. Talked great tit and little titmouse (words are written on the board).

Pupils: Porch, chicken, egg, chick.

Speech therapist: What sound C or C sounded in large objects? And in the little ones?

Pupils: The C sound sounded in large objects, and the H sound sounded in small ones.

Speech therapist: Now write these words down in your notebook in two columns.

9. Repeat after me.

  • Tsa-tsa-tsa - chicken.
  • Chi-chi-chi - rooks.
  • Cha-cha-cha - seagull.
  • Tsy-tsy-tsy is a chicken.
  • Chi-chi-chi - chiji.

10. Lesson summary.

Speech therapist: So our lesson is over. Let's remember what we did in the lesson. How to distinguish between the letters C and H? What tasks did you like the most?

(Students answer questions.)


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  2. Gadasina L. Ya., Ivanovskaya OG Effective lesson planning of sound pronunciation correction. St. Petersburg, "KARO", 2009
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