The head of administration distributes and manages the property. reference


Syntax -

Basic syntax units:phrase and sentence.

The phrase -


Sentence -


Syntactic norms

S and n t a s and c e s c and e norms

1 .Management with homogeneous members of the proposal

In a sentence, with two or more control words, one general addition can be used if the control words require the same case and preposition: Read (what?) And take notes (what?) A book

the trust creates (what?), finances (what?) and supplies (what?) the enterprise

Wrong: the trust organized and managed enterprises (organizedwhat?, leadsthan?)

The way to fix it isadding a pronoun to the second governing word, replacing the noun at the first word : the trust organized and managed enterprises.

2 . Nominal and verbal management(correct choice of the case form of the subordinate word)

Table 16.

mistake and control
-uning of genitives: to solve the problem of accelerating the search for an effective means of combating the epidemic To accelerate the search for effective means in the fight ...
-uning of instrumental cases the issue will be resolved by a commission appointed by the management The issue will be decided by a commission appointed by the management
-use of case forms with the same prepositions we talked with a doctor with extensive experience We spoke with a doctor with extensive experience
-combination in one sentence of the genitive subject and genitive object: people's assessment of the upcoming elections Replacement genitive subject creative People's assessment of the upcoming elections

3.Choosing the correct case and preposition

Table 17.

!!! When using synonymous prepositions to denote causal relationships due to, due, due, due to it must be remembered that they have not yet completely lost their original lexical meaning associated with the meaning of their roots.


In view of the past rains ... (rains are already a fact, not coming)

Due to the upcoming departure (the departure is yet to come, and we cannot talk about its consequences)

Due to illness (you can hardly thank for illness)

Correction method:preposition of reason for a reason, for a reason, because

4. The use of adverbial turns

4.1 .When using adverbial turns, remember that the action they call denotes the action of the subject.

Passing a birch grove, I remembered my native village (I passed, and I remembered)

You can't: Driving through a birch grove, my head began to spin.(correctly: As I drove through a birch grove, my head began to spin.)

4. 2 . It is possible to use an adverbial turnover in an impersonal sentence with an infinitive. Such sentences have neither grammatical nor logical subject. : When editing a manuscript, you need to consider the author's style.

5.Homogeneous members of the proposal

5.1 . Homogeneous members of the proposal must be associated with the same member, answer the same question, be one and the same member of the proposal.

5.2 ... Definitions are homogeneous if they characterize the subject from one side:

a strange, sharp, painful cry rang out in the silence ( you can put an alliance between them and).

5.3 .Single definitions and the participle behind it are homogeneous:

That was the first joy, not clouded by any fears.

5.4. Homogeneous definitions after the word being defined, consistent and inconsistent: The truth is eternal, undoubted(agreed)

A man shining with health, with laughing eyes and lips (inconsistent)

But: early harsh winter dawn (heterogeneous,since characterize the subject from different sides)

Approval of the predicate with the subject

6.1 ... Verb - predicate with the subject agrees in number and gender:

I hear a funny speech. Clouds are rushing. The glow went out.

6.2 Predicate verbs stand in the singular with homogeneous subjects, if they are connected by unions or, either, or ... or

On the way, one comes across either a birch, or a willow.

6.3. .With a subject denoting an indefinite quantity or an expressed quantitative numeral, there are possible variants of agreement in the number: Five people were on horseback. Most of the players were included in the national team.

Most of the people were silent.

6.4. Variants are also possible with the subject of the type "brother and sister":

The brother and sister went to the village. - Brother and sister left for the village.

7. Use of participle

The noun being defined must be either before the whole turnover, or after it, but not inside the turnover: wrong: Torn off man from reality finds its place in life with difficulty(follows: A person cut off from reality ...)

Application alignment

8.1. City names are consistent in all cases with the word being defined:

in the city of Moscow, to the city of Warsaw

Composite city names usually do not agree: in the city of Mineralnye Vody

City names ending in -o allow both forms - consistent and inconsistent:

in the city of Kemerovo - in the city of Kemerovo

8.2. River names agree with the word being defined: on the Dnieper river

However, little-known river names remain unchanged: by the river Ptich

Composite names also do not agree: on the Western B riverat r

8.3. The names of lakes, bays, straits, bays do not agree with the generic name: on lakes Elton and Baskunchak

8.4. The names of the islands, peninsulas, mountains also do not agree: on the island New earth

8.5. Street names in the form of g.r. agree, other names do not agree:

on Sretenka street, on Arbat street

8.6. The names of foreign republics agree if they end in -ii, the rest of the names do not agree: in the Republic of Cuba, in the Republic of Bolivia

8.7. Astronomical names do not agree: the movement of rockets towards the planet Venus.


Task 1. Make a summary of this material.

Task 2. Determine what kind of management the words below require.

worry, worry about someone, about someone

blame, blame for something, for something

surprised, surprised by something, something

superiority, advantage over something, over something

confidence, belief in something, in something

pay, pay anything, for anything

to touch, to relate to someone, to someone

hinder, slow down something, something

Task 3. Eliminate the violation of the rules of management.

1. Should pay more attention to the culture of speech. 2. First graders already distinguish between sound and letter. 3. The mother worried about her son who had left. 4. The speaker noted the shortcomings in the work of the ministry. 5. The book review summarizes its content. 6. Many people are in need now - can't we agree on this. 7. The speaker noted that a lot of funds were required to carry out the planned plan. 8. A review of the new film has already appeared. 9. He was sentenced to five years in prison. 10. The courage of the paratroopers instilled fear in the enemy.

Task 4. Make phrases using homogeneous terms on the left and dependent words on the right.

postgraduate training and guidance

assistance and cooperation related enterprises

leadership and supervision of local organizations

hope and believe your graduates

understand and accept the difficulties of the transition period

selection and observation facts

coordinate and manage the activities of student scientific associations

Task 5. Read the sentences. Find grammar and stylistic errors in them and edit them.

1. The head of the administration distributes and manages property and finances. 2. Reading and taking notes of scientific literature is best in the morning. 3. The innovation became objectively useful, since it regulated and introduced a new order in the relationship of power structures. 4. The bodies authorized by the mayor shall independently form and dispose of off-budget funds. 5. Market relations form producers and consumers independence, interest and responsibility for end results... 6. For the successful defense of the dissertation, it is necessary to compile and study a bibliography on your topic. 7. The center-left bloc does not yet have and is in dire need of a leader. 8. Marxism asserted that the state will wither away with the disappearance of classes, since it arose in connection with and as a result of the class split of society. nine. Scientific work requires skillful selection and study of facts.

Task 6. Correct possible errors in the sentences.

1. She loved and preferred clothes of bright colors all her life.

2. Curiosity and fear parried him.

3. This poem contains not only love, but confidence in the happy future of Russia.

4. From the very first grade I did not like to do homework and school.

5. Walking from morning to evening and if you do not study, you will not pass the exams well.

6. I do not like milk and when they put mustard plasters on me.

7. When you come to this city, you are amazed at the cleanliness of the streets, squares, squares and even alleys.

Task 7. Analyze the mistakes made in the sentences. Suggest your version of stylistic editing.

1. Among other advantages, A.I. Ivanov was and a good specialist... 2. Villages and workers' settlements are serviced by motion picture vehicles. 3. According to the plan, it is planned to build 4 clubs, 3 libraries, nurseries, as well as the construction of roads, bridges, landscaping of villages, laying of parks, etc. 4. The walls are decorated with posters and flags. 5. The comrade who reported these data and turned out to be a passionate patriot of river transport, made an interesting comparison. 6. Staff turnover leads to lack of attention from the administration. 7. Whoever needs additional studies, it is necessary for that to provide them. 8. Anton Ivanov refused to take the winter session with all the students. 9. The speaker stated that the preparation of school buildings for academic year, which may adversely affect educational processwhich is invalid. 10. Kutuzov, as L. Tolstoy showed, being on the battlefield, most of all cared about maintaining the fighting spirit in the soldiers. 11. The main thing to pay attention to is the violation of discipline in the group. 12. The newspaper called this decree a bitter pill for supporters of "shock therapy", which must be swallowed. 13. There are many positive examples of the high quality of written work. 14. The new excavator crashed due to the neglected state of one of the components. 15. Classes at the faculty are conducted using a computer class. 16. In 100-meter swimming, competitions are held in freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly.

Task 8. Analyze the grammatical coordination of the main members of the sentence in the examples. What explains the choice of one form or another?

3. Most of the group were newcomers.

4. Most of the fighters managed to jump ashore and hit the enemy from the rear.

5. Most of the first-year students who entered universities immediately after leaving school have successfully passed the winter examination session.

6. Most of the spa guests are accommodated in a boarding house.

7. Most of the doors were low for his height.

Task 9. Fill in the missing letters in the endings. Highlight the main members of the proposal. Explain the use of the singular or plural form of the predicate.

1. For a month… one thousand rubles was spent.

2. How many noble tasks one hundred ... tons before the teacher!

3. The last two students have successfully passed ... exams.

4. After the revolution, most of the foreign experts traveled ... to their countries.

5. 45 minutes past ... imperceptibly.

6. The 45 minutes you asked for is past….

7. The Congress was attended by ... 117 delegates, and most of them were ... representatives of certain regions.

8. Some of our workers still need ... training.

9. Most of the athletes, despite their fatigue, were ... ready ... for new games.

10. In worries unnoticed past ... a few more days.

11. Several graduates of our school work… t at a watch factory.

12. Most of the items on the table were ... covered with ... dust.

13. Most of the students did well ... the final exams.

14. A row of new houses one hundred ... t at the end of the street.

15. His pride, or rather egoism, unpleasantly struck ... everyone.

16. The chair-bed was ... in the far corner of the room.

17. Print, including regional, city and regional newspapers, should ... play an important role in the development of production.

18. A pretty girl was sitting at a table in the reading room. It was ... the trade union leader of our group.

19. Most of the players on the team fought ... selflessly for the victory.

20. The design bureau of the plant, together with the institute, developed ... a new standard project.

Task 10. Compose sentences with a participle, using, where possible, sentences (phrases) given in the right and left columns. Explain why in some cases the use of the adverbial phrase is impossible.

Task 11. Correct the grammatical and stylistic mistakes in the use of adverbs. Explain what the errors are.

1. Passing by the monument, a feeling of pride covers us.

2. An explanation of these phenomena can be found by taking as an illustration

recent events.

3. Back at the construction site, it was still dark.

4. Not everyone, buying herb at the pharmacy, had the thought of how difficult it is


5. After graduating from school, everyone faces the question of choosing a profession.

6. Using the calculator, the calculation is correct and easy.

7. In the soul of Raskolnikov, meeting with Sonya, a turning point came.

8. Raising prices for cars, fuel, this directly affects the cost

agricultural products.

9. Sitting in front of the TV, you cannot prepare for exams.

10. Starting the day with exercise, it will seem easier for you.

11. The trading floor was cleared of people, fearing that the ceiling would collapse.

12. Having read the manuscript a second time, I think that it needs a serious


Task 12. Correct possible errors.

1. School in the village of Volchikha.

2. To the village of Zhavoronki.

3. On the banks of the Lisno River.

4. Leave the city of Kamen-na-Obi.

5. At Cape Zeleny.

6. On the island of Sicily.

7. We arrived at the Tule station.

8. In the Sahara Desert.

9. On Mount Ararat.

10. On Ostozhenka Street.

11. In the Golden Horn Bay.

Task 13. Put the names in brackets in the required form.

1. The famous artist toured the summer garden ("Hermitage").

2. For two years my brother lived in the city (Kirovsk).

3. We rested in the summer on the river (Oka), a tributary of the river (Volga).

4. The water in the lake (Naroch) is clean and cold.

5. The plane flew up to one of the largest islands (New Zealand).

6. We stayed at a hotel ("Minsk").

7. Our correspondent met with the governor of the state (Michigan) in the USA.

8. A selection of the poet's poems will be given in the next issue of the magazine ("New World").

9. The bus arrived at the city bus station (Vologda).

10. A pedestrian was hit on the carriageway of the street (Petrovka).

11. At the station (Voronezh) many empty cars have accumulated.

12. Andrei Voznesensky likes to rest on the lake (Svir).

Task 14. If there are mistakes in the sentences related to word order, correct them.

1. The directors of the shops did not carry out the orders issued by the management of the plant.

2. She had a flushed face from the frost, but very upset.

3. I recognized a boy running towards me on a bicycle.

4. In my house there is a wonderful room for you, bright and warm.

5. This is a story about a young woman suffering from unrequited love.

6. Out of twenty, only six graduated from college went to college.

7. He was not hungry, but he drank a lot of water.

8. Only a well-known cardiologist Sergeeva decided to operate on such

unusual patient.

Task 15. Run the test.

1. The continuation of the sentence is grammatically correct:

Writing down a mathematical expression,

1.Use only natural numbers.

2. I made a mistake.

3. certain rules for the arrangement of signs and symbols must be observed.

4. attention is required.

2 ... A correctly constructed sentence with an adverbial turnover:

1. Walking through the evening city, we struck up a conversation.

2. Refuting the general statement, give at least one reason against.

3. Looking at the picture, it seems that the bird is alive.

4. Applying the basic principle of spelling, almost any word will

spelled correctly.

5. Composing a model of the problem, several options for its solution are taken into account.

3 ... An error in the use of the case form in a phrase: act according to the order of the director

2. to be in time due to a lucky coincidence

3. meet after the time is up act contrary to common sense

4 ... An error in matching the subject with the predicate:

1. A row of new houses stood at the end of the street.

2. Several dusty light bulbs went out.

3. A lot of people came.

4. Several dozen men and women stood at the hospital.

5 ... There was a grammatical error in the sentence:

1. Contrary to the established rules of punctuation, journalists often use

a dash instead of a colon.

2. Everyone who has the ability to exact sciences has a well-developed logical


3. The literary critic investigates and marvels at the diversity of manifestations of the writer's talent.

4. Outside the window, it was raining or fine snow.

6 ... Offer without grammatical error:

1. In A. Chekhov's comedy "The Cherry Orchard", the theme is the fate of Russia, its future.

2. The participant of the city Olympiad was awarded the title of laureate.

3. High school students from this school participated and won the competition.

4. Everyone who attended the performance was satisfied.


Vocabulary - a section of linguistics that studies the lexical meaning of words and their use in speech.

Morphology -a branch of linguistics that studies parts of speech.

Morphological norms - this is the correct formation of grammatical forms of words different parts speech (forms of number, gender of nouns, short form and the degree of comparison of adjectives, etc.)

Orthoepy -it is a set of rules that establish a uniform pronunciation of individual sounds, combinations of sounds, grammatical forms and individual words.

Sentence -syntactic unit, differing in intonation and

semantic completeness; it is a unit of communication .

Syntax -a section of the science of language that studies phrase and sentence.

Syntactic norms - this is the correct use of words in a phrase, sentence, text.

The phrase -a combination of two or more significant words,

related in meaning and grammar; consists of two parts: the main and


Stress (accent) -it is the forceful selection by the voice of one (sometimes two) of the syllables in the word in the process of its pronunciation.

Phraseology -a branch of linguistics that studies phraseological units.

Phraseologism -stable indivisible combination of words used to name individual objects, signs, actions .

Language norm -it is accepted in public speech practice educated people pronunciation rules, grammar and other language means, word usage rules, i.e. the logical choice of words in speech (oral and written).


test questions

1. What is etiquette?

2. Determination of speech etiquette. Its importance in the life of the individual and society as a whole.

3. Determination of business etiquette. Norms and rules of business etiquette.

4. Formulas of speech etiquette.

5. Ethical standards relationships with colleagues, partners, clients.

Constructions with words,

close in meaning, but requiring different cases:

    worry (about com?) to worry (per whom?)

worry about children - worry about children;

    embodiment (in what?) - implementation (in than?)

implementation - implementation in practice;

    identical (what?) -similar (with what?)

identical to the former - similar to the former;

    take offense (for what?) -offended (than?)

offended by these words - offended by these words

    rejoice (what?) -delighted (than?)

be glad to return - glad to return;

    pay attention (for what?) -to pay attention (to whom; to what?)

pay attention to something - pay attention to something;

    review (about what?) - review (for what?)

book review - book review;

    differ (what from what?) -making a difference (what and what?)

to distinguish day from night - to distinguish between day and night;

    superiority (above what?) - advantage (before what?)

superiority over the old - superiority over the old;

    making a difference (what and what?) -differ (what from what?)

to distinguish between business and idleness - to distinguish bad from good;

    get angry (for what?) - angry (than?)

angry for a joke - angry at the news;

    confidence (in what?) -vera (what?)

confidence in success - faith in success;

    be surprised (what?) -surprised (than?)

surprised by hard work - surprised by hard work;

    pay (for what?)- pay (what?)

pay for travel - pay for travel;

Let's check ourselves?

In what sentences is there a grammatical error in the choice of case? How would you fix it?

    In a book review its contents are summarized.

    Unfortunately, at the moment he was too angry with his creditor.

    I was no longer ashamed of either my ignorance or his superiority over me.

    Not worth it worry about grown children.

    Easy to spot the advantages of a new car model over a hundredroy.

    I was very offended by these words former friend, but said nothing.

    Checking the dean's office of living conditions students in the dormitory of the institute revealed a number of shortcomings.

    Read book review took about a page.

    Pay due attention to each competitor becomes unreal.


№ 1: in the review (about what? ) about the book;

№ 2: angry (by whom? ) his creditor,

№ 3: nor his superiority (over whom? ) over me;

№ 5: worry (about whom? ) about adult children;

№ 7: offended (than? ) these words;

№ 8: check (by whom? ) dean's office;

№ 10: pay attention (to whom? ) to each contestant.

Option number 3. Management with homogeneous members of the proposal

Is it possible to carry out

“Selection and observation of facts”?

I say: "No!"

I'm ready to explain. This is a grammatical error.

Often in sentences with two or more homogeneous governing members there is a common addition. Such constructions are quite correct if the control words require the same case and preposition, for example: read and take notes of the book (to read - what? outline - what?).

In our example, the control words are "Selection" and "Observation". Supplement, I think, saw it yourself ( "Facts"). But the word « selection " requires a question what ?,and "Observation" - over what?Therefore, without breaking the rules literary language, you can only say this: selection (what?) of facts and observation (over what?) over them.

Let's check ourselves?

What sentences is there a grammatical error? How would you fix it?

    The firm's management coordinates and manages the activities of related organizations.

    The bodies authorized by the mayor independently form and dispose of off-budget funds.

    The head of administration distributes and manages property and finances.

    Scientific work requires skillful selection and study of facts.


An error was made in the sentences:

№ 1: The firm's management coordinates(what?) activities of related organizations and manages(than?) her.

№ 2: The bodies authorized by the mayor independently form (what?) extrabudgetary funds and manage(than?) by them.

№ 4: The head of administration distributes(what?) and runs(than?) property and finance.

Option number 4. Choosing the correct case and preposition (prepositional-case form of a controlled noun)

      “Due to illness, I could not

pass the exam on time ... "

(from student statement)

Prepositions sometimes play an insidious joke on us! Is a student who did not pass the exam on time really grateful to his illness for such a "gift"? Hardly.

Most likely, using the preposition thanks to, he did not think that he refers to derivative prepositions, which, despite their official role, retain a semantic connection with the words from which they are derived. For example, the preposition thanks to keeps in touch with the verb thank , and therefore it is advisable to use it only when it comes to the reasons that caused desirable result (that is, "there is something to thank for"): due to a reasonable preparation schedule, students successfully passed the exam; no disaster happened thanks to the driver's skilletc.

Like thanks, the words due to also belong to the group of causal prepositions. The difference between them lies in the temporal attribution: in view of introduces a circumstance expected reasons that have yet to come: due to the upcoming holidays, the defense of course papers will take place on Monday; flights are canceled due to an expected thunderstorm.

Pretext due to on the contrary, introduces into the sentence the circumstance already arrived causes: due to illness, I missed classes in a foreign language.

The preposition is extremely "cunning" by its nature at the expense , which also has a causal meaning, but retains the connotations arising from its literal meaning:

Shades of meaning of a preposition at the expense

Examples of

1. Winning in one respect becomes possible due to loss in another

Living room increasedat the expense bedrooms : moved the wall.

2. A gain in any respect becomes possible due to the use of some reserve, a source

Engine power can be increaseddue to the use of higher quality fuel.

3. A gain in any respect becomes possible due to the use or, conversely, the exclusion of any elements of the whole

The conditions of everyday tasks, as a rule, are greatly simplified. by discarding minor details, that only seem important.

The use of this preposition requires great care: carelessness in its use can lead to semantic effects contrary to the intentions of the writer. For example, phrases like: The victory in the match was achieved due to accurate passes and well-aimed shots on goal(you might think that the players achieved victory by reducing the number of accurate passes and well-aimed shots on goal); You can increase the body's resistance to infections by hardening(it turns out that there is no need to temper), etc.

Good advice: universal for all cases of designation of the cause is the preposition because of (what?). Use it if you

doubt the correctness of the choice of the synonymous preposition.

A question for the curious

How would you say “grieving for a lost wallet” or “grieving for a lost wallet”?

No matter how they say, but the wallet is a pity! 


And yet, we must clarify the situation, because difficulties in choosing the prepositional-case form of a noun when verbs describing a person's emotional experiences (miss, grieve, cry, yearn etc.) happen quite often. This is because with these verbs two prepositions are possible - about and by, - requiring different cases.

The modern rule is: with the preposition about in such structures there should be prepositional case, and with the preposition by dative... And only for personal pronouns - an exception: 1st and 2nd person plural pronouns. used with the preposition by not in the dative, but in prepositional case ( they must bemiss us ; wewe miss you ), although the 3rd person pronouns are used with the same preposition in the dative case ( of course you alreadymissed them ?). And personal pronouns in the singular can be used in both cases: miss on it - misson it.


A table can come to the rescue (combinations that do not allow options are italicized):

О + P.p.

By + D.p.

By + P.p.

Miss home

Miss home

I miss you

I miss for him

I miss him

Miss us

Miss you

So, back to the "lost wallet". What are we doing: we grieve for the wallet or grieve for the wallet? Both options are correct. (Although in any case "sorry for the bird"! )

And here is one more question "for filling".

How to write down, for example, the following phrase in the minutes: Ivanov's nomination was supported by over thirty people or... over thirty people ?

It turns out that neither the first nor the second is true, because the predicate was supported requires tv. P. ( by whom?), and the preposition over (more) - R.p (what?). It is impossible to "reconcile" them. How to be?

To solve the problem, the following technique is used: after the preposition, a union is inserted than. As soon as it appears, the genitive claim coming from the preposition over (more), is neutralized: Ivanov's nomination was supported more than (over than ) by thirty people.

To summarize: in cases where a verb and a preposition require different indirect cases of a controlled word, it is necessary to replace the preposition with a word close in meaning or to insert a union, so that the requirement for an indirect case coming from the preposition is neutralized.

So, undoubtedly, the correct choice of case and preposition is important for the correct construction of sentences. But, unfortunately, in our speech (both business and non-business) we are often too careless, and therefore we make other mistakes in the use of the prepositional-case form of a controlled noun.

The most typical:

    the use of a prepositional combination instead of a non-sentence structure. For example: clarification of the meaning of the decree(instead of the correct one: clarificationmeaning decree)

    the use of a non-sentence structure instead of a prepositional combination. For example: the need for funds for production (correctly: needin means)

    the wrong choice of a preposition or its inappropriate use. For example: pointed out… (correctly: pointed outon then…).

There is one more complication that we must certainly consider.

Some verbs (or verbal nouns) can have dependent words in different cases (or with different prepositions). This is due to the different semantic or stylistic shades of such words.

For example:


watch what? (observe, watch): watch solar eclipse;

watch what for? (supervise): observe the behavior of children;

be amazed

be amazed than? (admire): be amazed at the grandeur and beauty of the structure;

be amazed what? (be surprised): marvel at his courage;


agree for what? (agree to something; agree to an offer): opponents agreed to a draw;

agree with what? (to express their solidarity with something, to join something): agree with the opinion of the reviewer;

in formal style speech: agree about what? (agree on something): the meeting participants agreed on the following ...


compete for what? for the right to participate in the competition;

compete for what? for the Faculty Championship;

compete in what? Running, swimming;

to satisfy

to satisfy what? (fulfill someone's tasks, desires, requirements): the library neatly satisfies the needs of readers - the quality of new books satisfies the needs of readers.

satisfy what? (to be in accordance with something that fully corresponds to something): the quality of new books meets the needs of readers;


honor what? (recognizing worthy, reward with something): to award a government award;

honor than? (do something as a token): honor with an answer;


reproach in what? (object of reproach): reproach for negligence;

reproach for what? (reason for the reproach): reproach for bad behavior;

33. Indicate what communicative speech quality is violated in the sentence: In order to somehow amuse the children from the orphanage, we decided to arrange a holiday for them.

35. Indicate what communicative speech quality is violated in the sentence: Passports are required for currency exchange.

A. Relevance.

B. Consistency.

B. Informational content.

D. Cleanliness.

36. Indicate what communicative speech quality is violated in the sentence: Do not rely on help, fix your jambs yourself.

A. Relevance.

B. Consistency.

B. Informational content.

D. Cleanliness.

37. Indicate what kind of language norm is violated in the sentence: I would also like to note that it is everyone's civic duty to participate in the elections.

A. Lexical norm.

B. Phraseological norm.

B. The grammatical norm.

D. Norms are not violated.

38. Indicate what kind of language norm is violated in the sentence: Three teachers were presented with a bouquet of chrysanthemums.

B. Lexical norm.

B. The grammatical norm.

D. Norms are not violated.

39. Indicate what kind of language norm is violated in the sentence: The French trio made an exciting impression.

A. Word-formation norm.

B. Lexical norm.

B. Morphological norm.

D. Norms are not violated.

40. Indicate what kind of language norm is violated in the sentence: The owners were merciful to me.

A. Word-formation norm.

B. Lexical norm.

B. Morphological norm.

D. Norms are not violated.

41. Indicate what kind of language norm is violated in the sentence: When choosing a gift, I want to hope that the birthday boy will like it.

A. Lexical norm.

B. Phraseological norm.

B. The grammatical norm.

D. Norms are not violated.

42. Indicate what kind of language norm is violated in the sentence: The boy is not smart for his age.

A. Lexical norm.

B. Phraseological norm.

B. Syntactic norm.

D. Norms are not violated.


Indicate a line in which in all words the stress falls on the third syllable.

A. Catalog, apply, contract.

B. Connect, pick up, facsimile.

V. Pamper, ease, Ukrainian.

D. In a boutique, it is unwise to run out.

Indicate in which of the underlined words the stress falls on the second syllable.

A. I don't enviably.

B. Water disabled for two hours.

B. She ripped off chamomile.

D. Public spoiled.

Indicate in which of the underlined words the stress falls on the first syllable.

A. Pick up from crèche.

B. Swarthy smiling gypsy.

B. Rarely is calling.

G. He joiner.

Indicate in which case the norms of word formation are not violated.

A. The skirt can be shortened a little.

B. This is the best cough remedy.

Q. The fuel supply to our region has gone bad.

D. Wait, I will change money.

Indicate in which case the norms for the formation of names of residents of Tobolsk have been violated.

A. Tobolsk.

B. Tobolichi.

V. Tobolyaki.

G. Tobolyane.

Indicate in which case the norms for the formation of names of residents from the names of the specified geographical objects are violated.

A. Arkhangelsk - residents of Arkhangelsk.

B. Tynda - Tyndinsky.

V. Kursk - kuryans.

G. Omsk - Omsk.

Indicate the word from which it is impossible to form the name of a female person by profession (occupation).

A. Dancer. B. Waiter. V. Conductor. G. Pilot.

8. Specify the meaning of the word stagnation.

A. Defaming smb. fabrication; slander.

B. Lack of development; stagnation.

B. Solemn ceremony of the official inauguration of the highest person of the state.

D. Depressed, depressed state, accompanied by a complete breakdown and indifference to the environment.

Indicate in which case the paronyms are presented.

A. Frivolous - serious.

B. Lightweight - heavy.

V. Veskiy is weighty.

D. Easy - uncomplicated.

Indicate in which case pleonasm is presented.

A. Plans for the future.

B. Pull the trigger.

Q. How to find out how yesterday's match ended.

D. A strange and unusual game.

List a number of words, one of which contains a spelling error.

A. Temperament, hypothesis, installation, compromise, agency.

B. Extravaganza, badminton, doping, opponent, proportion.

B. Pedestal, report, dolmens, killer, talisman.

G. Benefit, crossword puzzle, operate, arm wrestling, fumigator.

Indicate the phrase in which the speech error was made (in the use of paronyms).

A. Put on a bracelet.

B. An angry look.

B. Signature of the teacher.

D. Submit to the order.

Enter a sentence with a speech error.

A. Studying in high school was not easy for him.

B. It turns out that money is not the most important thing in life.

Q. It would be nice to learn how to express your thoughts in a concise manner.

D. We have seen what is the attitude of the creative elite to ethical standards.

Origin of type Rachel, Ruth, Judith lean: with Rachel, with Judith... Female names are not inclined Nicole, Ninel, Rachelle and etc.

Syntactic norms

This section includes 6 tasks, which are provided with theoretical reference material.

When completing tasks, rely on the "help".

Exercise 1

1. Give a definition of management as a type of subordinate relationship.

2. Compose phrases using homogeneous terms on the left and dependent words on the right.

Preparation and guidance

Postgraduate students

Help and cooperation

Related businesses

Leadership and control

Local Organizations

Selection and observation


Understand and accept

Difficulties in the transition period

Coordinate and lead

Activities of related organizations

3. Find and correct errors in the control in the proposals for homogeneous members of the proposal.

1. The head of the administration distributes and manages property and finances. 2. Reading and taking notes of scientific literature is best in the morning. 3. The bodies authorized by the mayor independently form and dispose of off-budget funds. 4. The center-left bloc does not yet have and is in dire need of a leader. 5. Market relations form producers and consumers' independence, interest and responsibility for the final results.

Assignment 2

Put the words in parentheses in the case you want, using prepositions if necessary.

1. The project deserves (approval). 2. The new leader quickly earned (respect). 3. In last years serious changes have taken place (life of society). 4. The change (direction) was indicated on the diagram. 5. Preparation (text of the report) is entrusted to the referees. 6. During preparation (exams), students receive advice. 7. Time has proven the superiority of this method (others). 8. Superiority (technique) helped the team to win. 9. All this is done for the good (children, homeland). 10. According to the (order) of the director, the enterprise switched to round-the-clock work.

Assignment 3

Correct the stringing of cases where necessary.

Reference: Stringing of cases is the arrangement of several identical case forms in a chain, which is not justified by the context and makes it difficult to understand the phrase. Wed: House of the nephew of the wife of the coachman brother of the doctor (example).

1. The dissertation contains an analysis of the theory and practice of solving the problem of strengthening the economic base of the enterprise of our time. 2. The speech was greeted by the deputies with loud applause. 3. We talked with an engineer with extensive production experience. 4. The method of systematic and consistent presentation of the teaching material by the teacher was used.

Assignment 4

1. Give the definition of the subject, predicate and agreement as a type of subordinate relationship.

2. Coordination of the predicate with the subject. Put the predicate in the past tense and in the desired number form, matching it with the subject.

reference: Predicated with a subject expressed by a collectornoun with a quantitative meaning (compare: many in, row, part, minority, majority) or counting turnover(cf .: two people),is put in plural form if:

1) with the subject - a collective noun with a quantitative meaning, there is a dependent word in the form of a genitive padeja plural, cf .: Most playersnational teammandas performedin a tournament;

2) there is a transfer in the subject, compare: Most of the works sneezes, engineers, employees, took participation in subbotnik;

3) homogeneous predicates are listed, compare: Most teach tellers present high requirements for students and seek good results;

4) the predicate is expressed by a verb denoting an active act vie, cf .: Fourteen people pulledrope;

5) the number of "objects" is called approximately, cf .: About twenty people came(words can be used over, more, lessand etc.).

The predicate is put in the singular form if:

1) the subject is expressed by a collective noun with coa physical meaning without dependent words, with a dependent word ingenitive singular or dependenta word denoting an inanimate object, compare: Most votedfor the proposed resolution; Moststudent youthwill go to construction brigades; A row of tables stoodalong the walls;

2) the subject names a large number of "objects" that are perceived as a whole, cf.: At the stable worth thirty horses; A hundred and fifty people poured outto the street;

3) the subject denotes a measure of weight, space, time, compare: It will take five kilograms of paint; Seven years have passed;

4) subject is expressed by a compound numeral, endingfor one, cf .: Composition written by thirty-one students;

5) predicate expressed by a verb denoting passive deiration, or a verb with the meaning of being, presence, existence,positions in space, wed: Twenty people stoodaside; Have father had two sons.

1. Behind a carriage (run) four dogs 2. A minority (high read) against the adoption of the proposed resolution. 3. About ten people (follow) his example and also (earn) with fists. 4. A number of young researchers of the institute (to leave) to Prague for symposium. 5. The village seemed to him quite large; two forests (to be) on her right and left. 6. Two old Negro (wave away) from it flies. 7. Half a month (pass) since the exams began. 8. The majority of surgeons, radiologists, therapists (to unite) their efforts in solving an important problem. 9. Set ... two new world records for weightlifting. 10. In a short period of time, fifty-one industrial facilities were built ... and commissioned ...

Task number 5

Match the definitions with the noun wherethere are numbers two three four.

Put in the desired shape; case definition-adjective,matching it with a noun.

reference: For masculine and neuter words,definitions in the genitive case ( two large houses, four small windows), and with feminine words - in the nominative plural ( two spacious rooms).

Definition before a numeral two three four, notdepending on the gender of the noun, it is put in the nominative case (for the last two months, Wed: for the last two months). An exceptionmake up adjectives whole, full, kind ( two whole days, full three weeks ).

Possessive adjectives in - in and - ov for numerals two three four are put in the genitive form ( three mami books, two sister bows).

1. The apartment was divided into two (unequal) parts. 2. (Whole) we have been preparing for this exam for two months. 3. For them he traded(greyhound) three dogs. 4. Two (new) AV models have gone on sale car. 5. For the last three months, many artists have visited the city. 6. Three (huge) buildings were engulfed in flames. 7. Two (grandmother's) balls rolled under the sofa. 8. Opposite the door wastwo windows, (hung) with kerchiefs. 9. Two (fiery) pillars of the cut whether the darkness of the night. 10. Three (our) athletes reached the final competitivelyvanii.

Assignment 6

6. Journalistic style

7. Art style

8. Conversational style

9. test questions

11. Practical tasks

Goal: learn to distinguish between functional styles of speech, get acquainted with the main characteristics of each functional style, master the structure and linguistic design of scientific written texts.

Functional style - this is a kind of language (such a subsystem), which is determined by the conditions and goals of communication in some area social activities and has a certain set of stylistically significant linguistic means... The term "functional" emphasizes that the varieties of a literary language are distinguished on the basis of the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case.

Conversational style - communication function. Scientific, formal business - message function.

Publicistic, artistic - function of influence.

So, in accordance with the spheres of social activity in the modern Russian language, the following functional styles are distinguished: scientific, official-business, newspaper-journalistic, artistic and colloquial everyday.

Each functional style is characterized by certain forms of speech.

Scientific styleis the style of scientific articles, reports, monographs, textbooks, etc., whichdetermined by their content and objectives - by carthe ability to accurately and fully explain the facts surroundingour activities, show the cause-and-effectconnections between phenomena, identify patternsty historical development, provide information, etc.

The emergence and development of the scientific style of communicationbut with the expansion of various fields of activitypeople. At first it was close to the hu styleartistic narration and stood out in selfsolid, when scientific terminology.

In Russia, the scientific style began to take shape infirst decadesXVIII century, significant role inplayed his formation and his teachingnicknames. But the scientific style finally developed inthe second half of the 19th century.

Main style features:

logical sequence of presentation;

unambiguity, accuracy, conciseness with informative content richness;

concreteness, dispassion, objectivitystatements.

Characteristic features of the scientific style.

saturation with terms that make up15-20% of all vocabulary;

scientific phraseology (right angle, pointintersections, etc.);

the predominance of abstract vocabulary (development,movement, factor, activity, etc.);

use of the singular inmeaning of the plural (wolf is a predatory animalfrom a kind of dogs);

preferential use of the creature instead of verbs (there is an increasetemperature / temperature rises);

spreading complex sentences.

{!LANG-c75a71eecb4778425ebb934531aefee6!} {!LANG-eb7629aa6408dd4c3f727247032c6d85!} {!LANG-c5cf44beedba73a808c2dbffdd651434!}{!LANG-e3e2849588166d9e9b73eb353f97ff4d!}{!LANG-25d0cc7800ca4dec38df479e5908e607!} {!LANG-1cf09e325c9dad7e79483ad431d34c83!}{!LANG-fe34a476b2406d7a41df2d9821642c27!}{!LANG-15bd26a4bb051a2cbdb430779d8056f2!}{!LANG-2f08a603cd9720acb0dcabecad538b06!}{!LANG-1b355e27854026fe378fd642454d79b5!} .

Main style features:











{!LANG-3e6c55c6f367045d5dd7db7c09a0c8f3!} : {!LANG-e5096c70d03a89f5aef928d350227180!}{!LANG-4bfb6432d7bb214319efc6d48e31988d!} {!LANG-361d92bd1599a76fe754707573d319fc!}

Journalistic style {!LANG-6bd39e3933c6fc8f0365758ed4d8f5df!}{!LANG-a9ee8fa4a83f4beddde4d4b071e20613!} {!LANG-5ca198d7d96dfedeb93067080e14e508!} {!LANG-031178b53cab0b82cc8ebddb9f59e3b7!} {!LANG-2b2b7ca2baf5a7f0b148ad21955e7efd!}{!LANG-bf5c45cfb54a0beec6abd6c3c0f0efa2!}







{!LANG-85cb32e84d714702f09046ed3aeac7db!} {!LANG-e0b891de9312cbb57511e34061455491!}{!LANG-7c4efefc57563d53bbca4399c6364997!}


{!LANG-975b6784902fbabbc967b906d66e5e1c!} {!LANG-f09e5f9c88df47853c74ebbc8c94c6fb!} {!LANG-4fab1b9ab47e8520d6fc524312962bde!}) – {!LANG-794ece559dfda310a163fd3520ffcf04!}{!LANG-b982c5750abd4bbe3823b5f690a001fd!}




{!LANG-df5f93ada41072171fc093c13470372a!} {!LANG-8af4177b53619014cab938d7a6751efb!}{!LANG-913bbb1992294a44186a335a5376c366!} {!LANG-c74cd2c740f3e34d386d85e2b7210ed1!}{!LANG-f2e3c386214024be1283d69f34b528c8!} {!LANG-65c39faf3154ce5ce561d2a1707fa547!}{!LANG-b889a13ed553f8b2747c3d32cd2ad6a3!} {!LANG-5b1df6a4e01f2632e213e265f83652c0!}{!LANG-3a5c64a845ba4f64f7f6148598a485c3!} {!LANG-22fbc18eb9289cf91b225f1a79995999!}{!LANG-a6dd15676a756d87ed643b9de4821cc7!} {!LANG-1c236990ce7ca10d2bcca09304f8fd06!}{!LANG-908f22fa853317a3715273f7107d6038!} {!LANG-88b465c005742dee4a79efd81841a79c!}{!LANG-f2ad49d67a99cdd2d4fe30e4e6981d75!} {!LANG-861fa0085368ddafd33331393d9d66c8!}{!LANG-f57dda54dd3d42556a177bea43273e3f!} {!LANG-c4ba0b5bb47755bee979f8100797329e!}{!LANG-72402db69aba31857a4ab98dfd22b0a7!} {!LANG-ee260b6e1374254701e8024238748baa!}{!LANG-aa2d9fd2fefcd49bcd93515e28eb5f9e!} {!LANG-a1935a16eb866f523e8141f2a8915e3e!}{!LANG-50c64e40bd0f26ed86783f6c23f31339!}




{!LANG-c83bc1dcce646862d6fd8fee90b16ca5!} {!LANG-87ffc48241e8a6facf31a8aa617515c7!}{!LANG-5ce7ed131bca4047ab7f639f38a5b9d4!} {!LANG-cc6990f2232a66d728587d9b489e3a4a!}{!LANG-d6299fa21e21c1e496cd7d1f3b83423a!} {!LANG-0d11ccb1794c3dac2ca513c96f74c480!}{!LANG-e5c500affa5a9caf1e812d7bd218855b!} {!LANG-81677297d5b5e16d4572f6fddc45163a!}{!LANG-5c729bd215fdc598646600cc7f63ed11!} {!LANG-fa967e8d64e690e6312ac25cf26ec27f!}{!LANG-88dcd9d15bf0a77a4cc2ff85be4b962a!}

{!LANG-6b6f7b724d2c0c34d784751c948a7359!}Compose phrases using homogeneous terms on the left and dependent words on the right.


{!LANG-13af307c8c44a89400a93deb5be254d7!} {!LANG-927d099d3ca27421c9c913f1e5549375!});

{!LANG-9d8ee7fd6e75ab0e4a0401d033d392d4!} {!LANG-aa016fafd89fc004d8cccf7814b9966d!});

{!LANG-62ce048c8ec30897b6d979ea67345b36!} {!LANG-90c19820b2fa77c74446dd5288c869ba!});

{!LANG-bd2d42aba739862c9a62f29e7438b603!} {!LANG-04190ff2cbd6df898f1f6361f4a9c248!});

{!LANG-5f190ba01b3d93d4ecf2a9efbd031edd!} {!LANG-02e0be3f6f5cd7c7d67ef3ebf79ace7f!});

{!LANG-61087c1bf39e2e632630ff4dc1ebec60!} {!LANG-b33da48c9771047fb8d096d0238ce375!});

{!LANG-04dc81edefbd437d5793e5cee688a5f1!} {!LANG-83935e504b37f50dae9d264bda2efaba!});

{!LANG-4792f475afdeffd1ada79ecc5c0a7a4f!} {!LANG-6c98b6067e1ca21c2ddad5b46439af1b!});

{!LANG-5a51adba99eb0eadcfe262501a42e8b0!} {!LANG-cda38392f2536e94ba8dbf95d5bdfd58!}).


{!LANG-acb12025e463e055cff0ce53dd455229!} {!LANG-3d97c44b9c8846b4ca2c8171a379c25c!}{!LANG-79e7198aba607d851a5c42c93d025178!} {!LANG-be2c9908d2bb58c2f2a81c4a84cfcaff!}{!LANG-abd3728df1150955593960a0d19b1c5b!} {!LANG-a2dc20166ee3b337d1d29b5a172cbf2b!}{!LANG-4670620087a179d55ff014734a6cac62!} {!LANG-ce353974500067e21cf3619852bca5a3!}{!LANG-3e159a9c1d61dc24253726fe5573c709!} {!LANG-1992d4b4e77fe581a04f2d8baca6bbf9!}{!LANG-290922b22ee036e0ec224d3f8d89b730!} {!LANG-2fbd484d00c72256dfc452a111e27574!}{!LANG-eeca332f6aebe09911ffb23a3c2d5e71!} {!LANG-7a0ea690cae32c8b16a9f63ee243e82e!}{!LANG-d4e12b94843e42d24988f032836ab639!} {!LANG-f303fc5e4c467a0510d212fe1d478622!}{!LANG-e430574d39201b4cba15b53f5c8ea9b0!} {!LANG-a83970f1498d91bb9dc10bd217f30129!}{!LANG-a099c643a757454e690997142a167a5b!} {!LANG-ab7c1bb954989f2e693e7d3d5ccb2bd1!}).


{!LANG-5e23e7bb6682fe3c218211c015e5e36f!} {!LANG-3ffe25df45dda30cc0a3d867b15fb972!}{!LANG-f55eb521960c64913ecab2189cde53d7!} {!LANG-37f63ee78d359c771e1d7faac2a14a53!}{!LANG-45437b41e78630ac018d970c48648007!} {!LANG-e1d3ba46a346f2651a533136ed62934b!}{!LANG-bb77888b08aacfa116987237a5275345!} {!LANG-f260ecc2dbeeefeb399ea4d39f470938!}{!LANG-6ab66c3eb70a25808c24d2552c0eff8e!} {!LANG-eb69fc030701ed85d7be80df90bd1273!}{!LANG-2e65451404c9f3dc13bf33b9d717333b!} {!LANG-cf697c9bf4fb2103f348cf5e407f1993!}{!LANG-c4ed79b9cd42835ff768030df59fb8d1!}




{!LANG-3908d1e85f98ee370c79ec614334fac3!} {!LANG-131d7614880088b0a11a0575bfc1e3d9!}{!LANG-5a3d9d5cb93fcb51dda5c8586b4182fd!} {!LANG-b7f10d5eedfd64d15b66bb5c1616b6c1!}{!LANG-f4b959f385348b355746386ffd7f4976!} {!LANG-18c38617fe2a56e63d2780ecf624ad89!}{!LANG-1a6ceb27b6ee16bb4a8a20bb8e9bc3d3!}


{!LANG-c3af6a77bfdfebd07d599006f8f4701e!} {!LANG-cf9f6064c11ac9282e9be7666b18d8ff!}





{!LANG-4c1d820ddfc6662a58eb1c5993a02f5f!} what?{!LANG-c8912af2ee635035ac6bd80fb87e6670!} than?{!LANG-cf688d303444b7ff1a016f9a701e0c38!} than?{!LANG-4927621f70d776efd19b19ff8f8c191f!} {!LANG-8538d308d84eb1a7e3f8c478be37789c!}{!LANG-6cd5e3cd62ddbce00fa2a916faffa5ed!} {!LANG-5307b1f911fe3cd3d24f22a323b3a004!}{!LANG-f318ae49f2444d979721fb0576a88c12!} {!LANG-218d05463c87f2f513d7687c5c1dcbaa!}{!LANG-91fc39bb057e8a0e61587adebbb2b276!} than?{!LANG-7db98b991ba997554a9fc9686493dd6b!} {!LANG-915ed30a625bf50845c913553f890807!}{!LANG-060aae123386ef4972cb5cc4106e670b!} {!LANG-e426568340036372bb461a742a4e1a45!}{!LANG-0ea86faf4c6eb464ff8c46f8a81158a8!} {!LANG-6c585775cca50202def7fb232d9350b7!}).




{!LANG-5f0315a76156b5a3e3481019fbd43443!} {!LANG-cbd002142291fb8ff38d358804446f96!}{!LANG-5b49466fe21e995ad24f63303229e028!} {!LANG-a6fa9155c9dac31a87ce7c127e574d18!}{!LANG-37b20f7cd362781024d0e3306521427c!} {!LANG-2e653311deba19498bfb7c59aff81a4b!}{!LANG-0529418815f6cd2ecd98e32ee44488cc!} {!LANG-e2ad6cbfe64f351e4b240eb1621866a7!}{!LANG-738c52535d7edd81b7cf399b0a1b7886!} {!LANG-5cad200f0933689ec79d5a172317eefa!}{!LANG-6da430bfc30e8d0bfcf397d85fd1d8b2!} {!LANG-59d9539f3bd85f8d0e55835d02638a77!}{!LANG-3e97621101f0ca63da5e779ee34a1397!} {!LANG-c31867254099ab3c632bc92c76492780!}{!LANG-cf2634a47c62c2b6a0b7a56bef390f10!} {!LANG-93e2afb30d42a14712af70c3a1ed77ee!}{!LANG-9b53bc647a577cb1df7c15520befcc4f!} {!LANG-622d9805138f2732a69c1c979a94e7f9!}).

{!LANG-0be5d60483e603f2f8eb866acfc7c144!}{!LANG-6dc529a62ea4a50983ed94de24d49df0!} {!LANG-f8847ff18013b4cd4d47f37864324304!}{!LANG-fe42075c95b73ac5e149319d64adeb9f!}

{!LANG-3efd81d191810a4816aa4823a7240e12!} {!LANG-ad1499733f59f0e382ea340904cda2df!}{!LANG-3999d098168a46ab547a34fd4c9793b8!} {!LANG-5ec97e8944486fb2d9beba891d95038a!}{!LANG-7780f850575bdcd5ee678fc36be1189e!} {!LANG-fa05e90f81c8d67b32977e1fb2392804!}{!LANG-b2a8c961667cdd7d67b6e9a755a08c7d!} {!LANG-672ef7d6ba739da7875a44d381685d6f!}{!LANG-a13b9eb6b9c4403b790ba70cde0ebc93!} {!LANG-9185be79fbb68eb6a48c9dfd594e3752!}{!LANG-6ec26a0cfcafaf62864ae823c660f2f0!} {!LANG-d99f3c99d2fd1d8aa26430e51c6db778!}



{!LANG-2b10510d8eace39aeed9c714632b9118!} {!LANG-4fe2bbd722792e4cc2cf90004709965d!}{!LANG-82e41a4b7867f34f70148d4b8287a84a!}