Typical mistakes in Russian: grammatical, speech and spelling. C - stylistic error

2014-2015 school year essay is conducted in schools. He's called final, graduation, winter, December, essay on literature, final essay on literature.

All about the final winter composition

Job status?

This is a graduation essay. The exam is compulsory for all graduates: you cannot finish school without it. For those who are going to enter the humanities faculties, this is an introductory work: it must be submitted to the university, which organizes the test itself and will give points from 0 to 10. 10 points is a lot. This means that the final winter essay can become decisive in a competition situation. So to him and need to be treated.

FIPI has developed the "Criteria for evaluating the final essay by organizations implementing programs higher education". The project has been published. But a caveat is made: universities have the right to develop their own criteria. This means that you can only partially focus on this document.

Pass - fail

There will be no points for the exam at school. To graduate from school, you need to get a credit for work. Only the essay credit will be a pass to the rest of the exams. Those who cannot cope with the essay are not allowed to other exams.

And if it fails?

Those who cannot get credit will be given the opportunity to retake. Later. In the spring.

Who will check the essays?

Your teachers. Therefore, they will be your main advisers in preparation.
If you are entering the humanities faculties, the work will be checked again by the teachers of the university to which you apply.

How long is the exam time?

This is a complete exam. It will last three hours and fifty-five minutes (235 minutes).

Estimated amount of work?

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe essay: what it checks

The essay should reveal the level of the graduate's speech culture, his erudition, personal maturity and the ability to reason based on literary material on the chosen topic. Thus, the purpose of the final essay is, first of all, to test speech competencies and the ability to refer to literary material, to choose the work (works) that best suits the problematic of the essay to reveal the topic (FIPI Project).

Your essay must be based on the works of Russian and (or) world literature.

Reliance on a work of fiction when writing an essay implies not just a reference to a particular literary text, but also an appeal to it at the level of argumentation, the use of examples related to the problems and themes of the works, the system of characters, etc.

To ensure the clarity of the requirements for the essay (assessment parameters), including the obligation to rely on works of domestic and world literature, each set is accompanied by the following instruction for graduates, placed on the examination sheet.

Choose only ONE of the following essay topics, and then write an essay on this topic (the recommended volume is at least 350 words (approximately 2-2.5 sheets of A4 size).

Formulate your point of view and argue your position, building reasoning within the declared topic on the basis of at least one work of domestic or world literature of your choice (the number of works involved is not as important as the depth of disclosure of the topic based on literary material).

Think over the composition of the essay. Pay attention to speech and literacy.

Write your essay clearly and legibly.

When evaluating an essay, first of all, the correspondence to the chosen topic and reasoned involvement of literary works are taken into account.

What will be the topics?

You will receive the answer to this question only during the exam. The final list will be approved by Rosobrnadzor. The theme bundles will vary by time zone.

When compiling the themes of the essays, narrowly defined formulations are not used and the following principles are relied on: feasibility, clarity and clarity of the problem statement. Themes will allow the graduate to choose literary material on which he will rely in his reasoning. As an example, below are several topic wording. Important: the topics of the essays will not directly correspond to the open thematic areas. Thematic areas are announced in advance (in 2014 they were announced by the beginning of the academic year).

Examples of wording

What life questions can literature help you answer?

Why do people write poetry?

Does a dream take you away from life or lead you along the path of life?

What will be known in advance? Thematic directions!

Here are the 2014 thematic areas.

They were developed by a special commission led by ND Solzhenitsyna. A commentary was prepared by FIPI.

Thematic direction


"It is not for nothing that the whole of Russia remembers ..." (200th anniversary of M.Yu. Lermontov)

Themes of the essays formulated on the basis of the work of M.Yu. Lermontov, aim at reflections on the originality of M.Yu. Lermontov, the peculiarities of the problems of his works, the specifics of the artistic picture of the world, the characteristic features of the Lermontov hero, etc.

Questions posed to humanity by the war

Themes in this direction orient students to think about the causes of war, the impact of war on the fate of a person and a country, about moral choice man in war (based on the works of domestic and world literature).

Man and nature in Russian and world literature

Themes, formulated on the basis of the specified problems, allow reflecting on the aesthetic, environmental, social and other aspects of the interaction between man and nature.

Generational dispute: together and apart

Topics in this area focus on reasoning about family values, about various facets of the problem of relationships between generations: psychological, social, moral, etc. (based on the works of Russian and world literature).

How are people alive?

Topics in this direction imply a discussion about the value orientations of man and humanity, about the ethical, moral, philosophical, social aspects of life (based on the material of domestic and world literature).

"Evaluation criteria ..." for everyone

FIPI project (further cited)

The composition is evaluated according to five criteria. Criteria # 1 and # 2 are basic.

To receive a "credit" for the final essay, it is necessary to receive a "credit" according to criteria No. 1 and No. 2 (setting a "failure" according to one of these criteria automatically leads to a "failure" for the work as a whole), as well as an additional "credit" at least according to one of the other criteria (No. 3-No. 5).

The volume of the essay is taken into account when giving the mark. The recommended number of words is 350. If the essay contains less than 250 words (all words are included in the count, including official ones), then such work is considered uncompleted and is estimated at 0 points. The maximum number of words in an essay is not established: in determining the volume of his essay, a graduate must proceed from the fact that 3 hours 55 minutes are allotted for all work.

Criterion # 1 "Relevance to the topic"

This criterion aims at checking the content of the essay.

The graduate discusses the proposed topic, choosing the path of its disclosure (for example, answers the question posed in the topic, or reflects on the proposed problem, or builds a statement based on theses related to the topic, etc.).

"Failure" is put only if the essay does not correspond to the topic or the specific purpose of the statement is not traced in it, i.e. communicative intention (in all other cases, "credit" is set).

Criterion # 2 “Argumentation. Attracting literary material "

This criterion aims to test the ability to use literary material to build reasoning on the proposed topic and to argue your position.

The graduate builds reasoning, involving at least one work of domestic or world literature for argumentation, choosing his own way of using literary material; shows a different level of comprehension of literary material: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, topics, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to integrated analysis literary text in the unity of form and content and its interpretation in terms of the chosen theme.

“Failure” is placed on the condition that the essay is written without the involvement of literary material, or the content of the work is significantly distorted, or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a basis for reasoning (in all other cases, “credit” is given).

Criterion No. 3 "Composition"

This criterion aims to test the ability to logically build reasoning on the proposed topic.

The graduate argues for the thoughts expressed, trying to maintain the relationship between the thesis and evidence.

"Failure" is put on the condition that gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of what has been said or there is no thesis-proof part (in all other cases, "credit" is given).

Criterion No. 4 "Speech quality"

This criterion aims at checking the speech design of the text of the essay.

The graduate accurately expresses thoughts, using a variety of vocabulary and various grammatical structures, if necessary, uses terms appropriately, avoids speech stamps.

"Not pass" is given if the low quality of speech significantly complicates the understanding of the meaning of the composition (in all other cases, "pass" is given).

Criterion No. 5 "Literacy"

This criterion allows you to assess the literacy of a graduate.

“Failure” is given if speech, grammatical, as well as spelling and punctuation mistakes made in the essay make it difficult to read and understand the text (in total, more than 5 mistakes per 100 words).

"Evaluation criteria ..." for universities

FIPI project (cited below)


The essay is evaluated according to ten criteria and taking into account its volume.

Criteria # 1 and # 2 are basic. If 0 points are given for K1 or K2, then the essay is not further checked: 0 points are given for all other criteria.

The recommended number of words is 350. If the essay contains less than 250 words (all words are included in the count, including official ones), then such work is considered uncompleted and is estimated at 0 points. The maximum number of words in an essay is not set.

Evaluation criteria

K1. Relevance to theme

The graduate in one form or another discusses the proposed topic, choosing a convincing way of its disclosure (for example, answers the question posed in the topic, or reflects on the proposed problem, or builds a statement on the basis of theses related to the topic, etc.), communicative the idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition is clearly expressed.

The graduate discusses superficially on the proposed topic, the communicative intention of the essay can be traced.

The writing does not fit the topic,

and / or the communicative intent of the composition is not traced.

K2. Argumentation. Attracting literary material

When disclosing the topic of an essay, a graduate builds reasoning on the basis of at least one work of domestic or world literature of his own choice, determining his own way of using literary material; shows a different level of its comprehension: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, topics, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to a complex analysis of a literary text in the unity of form and content;

no more than 1 factual error was made related to knowledge of the literary material (an error in the spelling of the author and the title of the work, the names of the characters and toponyms of the work, in the presentation of the storyline, literary and historical facts etc.)

The graduate builds reasoning based on literary material, but is limited to general statements about a work of art;

and / or limited to a simple retelling of a work of art;

and / or made 2-4 factual errors related to knowledge of the literary material.

the essay was written without the involvement of literary material,

or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a support for reasoning,

and / or the composition contains 5 or more factual errors.

K3. Composition

The work is distinguished by compositional integrity, logical presentation of thoughts and proportionality of parts, there are no violations of the sequence and unreasonable repetitions within the semantic parts.

The work is distinguished by compositional integrity, its parts are logically connected with each other, but within the semantic parts there are violations of the sequence and unreasonable repetitions,

and / or the compositional intention is traced in the essay, but there are violations of the compositional connection between the semantic parts,

and / or the thought repeats itself and does not develop.

Gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of what has been written, or there is no thesis-proof part, or the argumentation is not convincing.

K4. Speech quality

The graduate accurately expresses his thoughts, using a variety of vocabulary and various grammatical constructions, if necessary, appropriately uses terms, avoids cliches.

The graduate accurately expresses thoughts, but his speech is characterized by the poverty of the vocabulary and the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech.

Poor speech quality significantly complicates the understanding of the meaning, or the essay is written in a poor, primitive language, or is replete with vernacular expressions and vulgarisms.

K5. Originality of the composition

The graduate demonstrates a creative, non-standard approach to the disclosure of the topic (the essay notes interesting thoughts, or unexpected and at the same time convincing arguments, or fresh observations, etc.) or the brightness of the style.

The graduate does not demonstrate independence of thought, and / or creative, non-standard approach, and / or originality of style.

K6. Speech norms

No more than 2 speech errors were made.

3-4 speech errors were made.

5 or more speech errors were made.

K7. Spelling norms

There are no spelling errors, or 1 serious mistake was made.

2-3 spelling mistakes were made.

4-5 spelling mistakes were made.

More than 5 spelling mistakes were made.

K8. Punctuation norms

There are no punctuation errors, or 1 blunder was made.

2-3 punctuation errors were made.

4-5 punctuation errors were made.

More than 5 punctuation errors were made.

K9. Grammar norms

No more than 2 grammatical mistakes were made.

3-4 grammatical mistakes were made.

5 or more grammatical mistakes were made.

K10. Actual accuracy in background material

There are no actual errors.

There were one or more factual errors in the background material.


To get 1 point on a 10-point scale, you need to have 5 or 6 primary points... Further, each two primary points corresponds to 1 point on a 10-point scale, but, mind you, only up to 6 points. Then the price of each primary score increases. This means that the conditions of the competition are becoming tougher, and only the strongest continue to fight for a place in universities.

In contact with

The maximum number of words in an essay is not set. If the essay contains less than 250 words (all words are included in the count, including official ones), then “failure” is given for non-fulfillment of requirement No. 1 and “failure” for the work as a whole (such an essay is not checked according to the evaluation criteria).

Requirement number 2. "Independence of writing the final essay"

The final essay is performed independently. Copying of an essay (fragments of an essay) from any source or reproduction from memory of someone else's text (work of another participant, text published in paper and (or) electronic form, etc.) is not allowed.

Direct or indirect citation is allowed with a mandatory link to the source (the link is given in free form). The amount of citation should not exceed the amount of the participant's own text.

If the essay is recognized as not self-sufficient, then a “failure” is given for non-fulfillment of requirement No. 2 and “failure” for the work as a whole (such an essay is not checked according to the evaluation criteria).

The final essay that meets the established requirements is evaluated according to five criteria:

  1. "Relevance to the topic";
  2. “Argumentation. Attracting literary material ";
  3. "Composition and logic of reasoning";
  4. "The quality of written speech";
  5. "Literacy".

To receive a "credit" for the final essay, you must get a "credit" according to criteria No. 1 and No. 2 (setting a "failure" according to one of these criteria automatically leads to a "failure" for the work as a whole), as well as an additional "credit" one by one from other criteria.

Criterion No. 1 "Relevance to the topic"

This criterion aims at checking the content of the essay.

The participant should reason on the proposed topic, choosing the way of its disclosure (for example, answering the question posed in the topic, or reflecting on the proposed problem, etc.).

“Failure” is put only if the essay does not correspond to the topic or the specific purpose of the statement, that is, the communicative intention, is not traced in it. In all other cases, "offset" is set.

Criterion No. 2 “Argumentation. Attracting literary material "

This criterion aims to test the ability to use literary material ( works of art, diaries, memoirs, journalism, works of oral folk art (with the exception of small genres), other literary sources) to argue their position.

The participant must build reasoning, involving at least one work of domestic or world literature for argumentation, choosing his own way of using literary material; at the same time, he can show a different level of comprehension of a literary text: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, topics, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to a comprehensive analysis of the work in the unity of form and content and its interpretation in terms of the chosen topic.

"Failure" is put on the condition that the essay was written without the involvement of literary material or the content of the work is significantly distorted in it, or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a support for argumentation. In all other cases, "offset" is set.

Criterion number 3 "Composition and logic of reasoning"

This criterion aims to test the ability to logically build reasoning on the proposed topic. The participant must maintain a balance between thesis and evidence.

“Failure” is put on the condition that gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of what has been said or there is no thesis-proof part. In all other cases, "offset" is set.

Criterion No. 4 "Quality of written speech"

This criterion aims at checking the speech design of the text of the essay.

The participant should accurately express thoughts using a variety of vocabulary and different grammatical structures, if necessary, use terms appropriately.

"Fail" is given if the low quality of speech (including speech errors) significantly complicates the understanding of the meaning of the composition. In all other cases, "offset" is set.

Criterion No. 5 "Literacy"

This criterion allows you to assess the literacy of a graduate.

“Failure” is put on the condition that there are more than five errors in total per 100 words: grammatical, spelling, punctuation.

The essay is evaluated according to ten criteria and taking into account its volume and independence.

Criteria # 1 and # 2 are basic.

If, when checking the essay by criterion No. 1 or No. 2, 0 points are given, then the essay is not further checked: 0 points are given for all other criteria.

I - spelling error

V - punctuation error

When the sun rose (,) he saw his mistake. Many writers (,) artists (,) singers gladly responded to the invitation. The ticket (,) bought by my uncle last week (,) was not valid. Every day (-) is an opportunity to change the world for the better. All (:) trees, bushes, foliage on the ground (-) fluttered from the gusty wind. The inspector replied (: ") I disagree (").

G - grammar mistake

P - speech error

C - stylistic error

These are mistakes in the use of stylistically colored words in a foreign style. Consistency of style is an important component of any work. (Vocabulary and Speech Development). As a rule, students use reduced vocabulary: colloquial, slang words, colloquial vocabulary.

Red-haired, fat, healthy, with a sleek face, singer Tamagno attracted Serov as a person of enormous inner energy. - The tremendous internal energy that Serov attracted the singer Tamagno was also reflected in his appearance: massive, with exuberant red hair, with a face splashing with health.

L - logical error

These are errors of logical construction of the text. Among them, the most common is the lack of a causal relationship:

There are many works telling about the author's childhood in world literature. - In world literature, there are many works telling about the author's childhood.

Ф - actual error

Z - violation of paragraph division

The man was wearing a hardened quilted jacket. It was roughly darned. The boots were almost new. The socks are moth-eaten. - The man was dressed in a roughly darned burned-out quilted jacket, although the boots were almost new, the socks were moth-eaten.

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"Classification of errors in the Russian language."

Classification of errors.

I - spelling error

These are mistakes in words (alphabetic, hyphenation, combined and separate spelling) (Spelling)

As (-) then races pashol snow. Spoilers Rooks. The steam teachers have to give them replacements. He failed to build (s) build.

V - punctuation error

These are errors in the formulation of punctuation marks (comma, period, dash, colon, question and exclamation marks, semicolon, quotes, brackets, ellipsis) (Syntax)

When the sun rose (,) he saw his mistake. Many writers (,) artists (,) singers gladly responded to the invitation. The ticket (,) bought by my uncle last week (,) was not valid. Every day (-) is an opportunity to change the world for the better. All (:) trees, bushes, foliage on the ground (-) fluttered from the gusty wind. The inspector replied (: ") I disagree (").

G - grammatical error

These are mistakes in the formation and use of the form of the word, i.e. compatibility in grammatical forms (Morphology)

immortality, instead of the British, on the bridge, Grinev lived a small man, He was not afraid of dangers and risks, A big swing was built in the yard, One brother was richer than the other, This book is more interesting, I went to him, their house, He never made a mistake , Mom is always happy with guests, Embroidering in the middle of the room, he spoke, In the far corner was a smiling child, We put the tree in the middle of the room and decorate it. The first two places were determined in an uncompromising struggle.

P - speech error

This is the use of words or forms of the word that do not correspond to the meaning of the word (Vocabulary) Here and the misunderstanding of the meaning of the word, tautology, misuse of synonyms, homonyms, paronyms, etc.

C - stylistic error

These are mistakes in the use of stylistically colored words in a foreign style. Consistency of style is an important component of any work. (Vocabulary and Speech Development). As a rule, students use reduced vocabulary: colloquial, slang words, colloquial vocabulary.

The trustee of charitable institutions sucks up the auditor (The trustee of charitable institutions curses up with the auditor). In this episode the main character screwed up. (In this episode, the main character made a mistake / made a mistake).

Stylistic and semantic discrepancy between parts of the sentence:

Red-haired, fat, healthy, with a sleek face, singer Tamagno attracted Serov as a person of enormous inner energy. - The enormous internal energy that Serov attracted the singer Tamagno was also reflected in his appearance: massive, with exuberant red hair, with a face splashing healthily.

L - logical error

These are errors of logical construction of the text. Among them, the most common is the lack of a causal relationship:

Oblomov was brought up in the village, so he could not do anything himself.

Logical errors should also include the order of words in a sentence, leading to a distortion of meaning:

There are many works telling about the author's childhood in world literature. - There are many works in world literature that tell about the author's childhood.

Ф - actual error

These are semantic errors, distortion of the original content of the text (in the composition and presentation) (Development of speech)

Z - violation of paragraph division

The text is incorrectly divided into micro themes, paragraphs (Syntax and Development of speech)

Poverty and the monotony of the used syntactic constructs.

The man was wearing a hardened quilted jacket. It was roughly darned. The boots were almost new. The socks are moth-eaten. - The man was dressed in a roughly darned burned-out quilted jacket, although the boots were almost new, the socks were moth-eaten.

This is a very serious shortcoming of student work. And very common.

Error classification (conventions)

Error type

Error legend

What is the error

How to fix the error

1.Mistakes in

Not the main idea (topic not disclosed) is expressed in the composition.

There is something extra.

Rewrite the sentence again without this word or phrase.

Not enough is said about something, a word, a whole phrase or a sentence is missing.

Thoughts are presented inconsistently, logic is broken

Rewrite this sentence again by adding the required word, phrase or sentence.

Distorted fact of text

Re-write this sentence to correct the factual error.

2. Speech mistakes and omission

The wrong word was used.

Rewrite this sentence again using the required word.

Extra word used

Use of sentences that are uniform in structure.

Rewrite this sentence

removing the extra word again.

Words are repeated unnecessarily (speech repetition).

Rewrite this sentence so that it sounds grammatically correct. Build a complex one from a few simple sentences and write it down.

3.Grammatical errors.

Incorrectly formed word or its form. Incorrectly formed phrase. Incorrectly constructed sentence.

Rewrite a phrase or an entire sentence by correcting this word.

Rewrite the phrase by correcting it.

Rewrite the proposal as amended.

4. Spelling errors.

The word is misspelled.

Make work on mistakes in the word.

5. Punctuation errors.

Wrong or missing punctuation mark in the sentence.

Rewrite the sentence in a corrected form, underline the punctuation mark, draw up a sentence diagram explaining the setting of the mark.

Now, grade 11 students will have to write as admission to state exams. According to the schedule, work to be done December 7, 2015... For schoolchildren with disabilities, a statement is provided.

Students will pass the test at their place of study. Also, prior to the test, participants from previous years are allowed, who will be attached to educational institutions... Pupils of the previous period also include those students who missed the test for valid reasons or were unable to complete the work begun due to illness or other valid circumstances. Control and verification of the work performed will also be carried out at the school.

To take part in the test, a student must submit an official application for participation in the exam at least 2 weeks before the start of the exam.

Preparation for the final essay 2017 will help increase speech level graduate and will help to improve the student's reading, development of the ability to express their thoughts. In other words, conducting the final work is another form of testing the student's communicative and verbal skills, as well as his skills in working with literary works.

It is the writing of a work on a certain literary work that makes it possible to understand how a student is able to determine the problems of a text, a system of characters, and how well he can use arguments.

Such work plays an especially important role for graduates planning to continue their studies in the humanitarian direction. A well-written essay can add up to 10 points upon enrolment.

Essay requirements

To complete the essay, schoolchildren are given 235 minutes... If the student has health limitations, then the duration of the test is increased for 1.5 hours.

The legislation provides that in the event that the test proceeds more than 4 hours, the organizers are obliged to provide hot meals for the participants. As for the final essay, since its duration is only 3 hours 55 minutes, then schoolchildren are allowed to take food with them to the test and have a snack after writing the work.

The organizers are obliged to feed only those schoolchildren who have health limitations, since for them the time period is more than 4 hours.

Repeats will be allowed for the final composition. Before re-writing the work, those schoolchildren who have received "failure" for the essay, as well as students who, for valid reasons, could not attend the test, will be allowed. Such reasons must necessarily be confirmed by appropriate documents.

Also, those graduates can re-write the work. current year and past periods that could not complete the performance of the essay for reasons beyond their control or for valid reasons.

The list of items that can be taken with you is presented only with a black gel or capillary pen, a passport and in case of urgent need, medicines and nutrition. Already in the classroom, the student will be given a spelling dictionary.

It is strictly forbidden to bring cell phones, smartphones, tablets and other photo, video, audio equipment with you for testing. In no case should you take out drafts from the audience and take photographs of the themes of the essays.

To complete the work, schoolchildren are given black and white registration and recording forms.

Types of mistakes in the final essay

During the check of the work, not only a correctly drawn up plan is taken into account, but also the following errors :

  • actual;
  • spelling;
  • brain teaser;
  • speech;
  • grammatical;
  • punctuation.

Actual errors usually lies in the fact that the student cannot reliably convey the factual material read earlier and allows distortion of real situations and individual details. There are two groups of factual errors. The first group includes inaccurate transmission of historical and literary facts, names of characters, places, events, dates, as well as errors in describing the sequence of actions in the work, errors in terminology. The second group includes distortions of background material not related to a literary work. Also, actual mistakes can be gross and not blatant.

Spelling mistakes are primarily in the incorrect spelling of a word. As a rule, such inaccuracies take place in words where sounds have a weak phonetic position. Errors of this type can be both gross and not gross. When checking the work, two minor inaccuracies are considered one. Such errors include such as writing exceptions, capital letter in compound proper names, in the case of a merged or separate spelling words, spelling the letter "s" after the prefixes.

Logical errors consist in the fact that the student violates the laws of logic and, the argumentation given does not correspond to the stated topic of the work. As a result of the violation, the graduate draws the wrong conclusions. Typical logical inaccuracies usually look like a violation of the sequence of statements, as the absence of a connection between statements, repeated repetition of the same thought, the inclusion of another micro topic in one micro topic, non-observance of the proportions of parts of the essay, violation of cause and effect relationships in the work and as a result of the logical structure of the entire work.

Speech or stylistic errors, as a rule, consist in the misuse of various linguistic units. Usually, this is a violation of vocabulary norms. The characteristic types of speech errors include such as: the use of a word in a different meaning, the use of foreign-style words and expressions, inappropriate expression and impaired lexical compatibility of words, tautology, scarcity of speech structures.

Grammar disorders in the work can be represented by non-observance of the grammatical norm of the language, namely, in incorrect word formation, violation of word concordances, incorrect combination of the foundations of a sentence.

A special place when checking an essay is given to punctuation errors... These are the inaccuracies in the placement of punctuation marks in the text of the work. There are blunders as well as blunders. Errors made as a result of the transfer of the author's punctuation, in adverbial and participial phrases, and when approving are not taken into account.

@ It makes sense to argue with the Gospel of Judas. You can, yes, but why [email protected]

It was about betrayal. And he did not "argued with the Gospel of Judas" (did not quite understand what this could mean?), But the episode he used for argumentation / example, he took from this Gospel (as material about the traitor Judas - why is this irrelevant material in conversation about betrayal ??). And I repeat: they soldered him a _factual_ error for using E. from I., because it is apocryphal, and not a logical error for incorrect / irrelevant argumentation, and they said that if he used the Four Gospels, everything would be fine. That is, the very conversation about Judas was counted as relevant (which is quite understandable, since it was about betrayal), they did not find a logical error, they actually saw that the apocrypha was used (as if the author of the essay was trying to speak in this place about a real event, and not about the legendary plot of the narrative, and the examiner also knew for sure that it was the Four Gospels that convey this real event correctly, but the apocryphal one is wrong!)

Yes, undoubtedly, it is better not to "show off" - but this is better not because it is essentially better (see * at the very end), but because going to a robbery den, it is better not to annoy people there once again - although you can , of course, to get on a kind person who is engaged in robbery only for duty and so that the victim of the robbery was easier. But you can get both on an ordinary robber and on an evil one. All this does not in any way change the fact that this business itself is robbery (cf.). Examination essays on literature (both graduation and introductory) have always seemed to me a particularly sophisticated mockery of common sense, exam and literature at once. They are designed to reveal the ability and ability to generate and organize thoughts and express it in writing. But the obvious evil is the presumption that 16-18-year-old children about the problems of Pushkin or Lermontov, or the moral problems to which the "writings-reasoning" are devoted, _obey_ a series of thoughts to be born worthy of ordering and expressing them on letter. An adult in a hundred will have one such thought, an adult expert (and non-expert) cannot cope with elementary moral and life problems in his life, nor can he really pronounce them, - and here, then, it is required that the student cheerfully expressed himself about all this, and the expert assessed adequately the logic and content of such explanations! Yes, he will not connect two words coherently and meaningfully with his own husband / wife in any personal clash / dispute affecting moral matters - and here, then, it is necessary to demand the opposite. What else can this turn out to be if not a profanation of everything - topics, tasks, and tests? People are given the task of explaining in 2-5 pages what the clever commentators cannot express in five volumes or what great writers write fiction to convey. Probably, if there could be something at least somewhat adequate about betrayal or love, their place in life, positive or negative value (that is, exceeding "two legs is good, four is bad! Love is a great feeling, but betraying is not good!) ") to say a little on 2 pages, without a literary gift, then world culture would look very different from what it looks like in reality! That is, the student must deliberately speak out _inadequately, deliberately must give out a blatant profanation of the topic, and he can only demonstrate the quality of syntax, grammar, spelling and punctuation when preparing this obviously low-quality craft, and dexterity when clinging to "examples-arguments", which, by the way to say, arguments cannot be by definition. Trying to "argue" about a value thesis of any importance for people in 200 words is possible only in mockery of this thesis and the very concept of argumentation (**).