Without a grammatical error I speak Russian. “I don’t like Russian without a grammatical error

Then the pupils, after the "mistake" in the school essay, assure: “This is my author's mark. Why is Leo Tolstoy allowed, but not me? " Natalia Leonidovna Shilova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Literature and Journalism of PetrSU, spoke about the possibility of the classics to make "mistakes" at a lecture at the philological club "New Word".

The teacher identified the following violations of literary norms: deviations at the level of stress ("Muzyka is already tired of thundering; / The crowd is busy with a mazurka" A.S. Pushkin), spelling (" Used to, he is still in bed: / There are notes to him "A.S. Pushkin), combinations of words / style (" The gray day is crawling lazily, / And they chatter unbearably / WALL CLOCK ON THE WALL / Tongue indefatigably "A.A. Fet), punctuation (" And so on - All these little joys surprise me<…> - It is difficult to explain, and the main thing is not to fake ... ”D. Kerouac).

Everyone is perplexed: "Is this a typo, a writer's mistake or a deliberate deviation from the norm?" Errors of the authors themselves in the texts occur, but not often. It is easier to "calculate" a typo: a university teacher advises to open an academic publication (collection of works) and compare the spelling. But if this is not a mistake or a typo, one excuse remains: "the author's mark." Is it so? And if so, why do you need to do this? Really A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy do not know the rules of the Russian language, and their vocabulary so scarce that it does not allow you to find synonymous expressions?

Natalya Leonidovna explains this phenomenon as follows: “A lot of things that we today qualify as mistakes, in fact, were the norm of writing or pronunciation in the same XIX century. Words of this kind are not mistakes, but an outdated norm. " An example the lecturer gives the following: in the aforementioned lines from the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" ("Muzyka is tired of thundering ...") the word music has an unusual stress. The fact is that the word "music" came from the Greek language and gained popularity in Russia thanks to the Polish language, in which the stress is most often placed on the penultimate syllable. Subsequently, the stress changed its position due to the influence of German culture (stress on the first syllable).

Sometimes an outdated norm appears in the form of writing. “If you take War and Peace in the old editions, you will see the following phrase:“ I argue everything with your husband; I don't understand why he wants ITTI to go to war. " It will be written there exactly like this: through T. The spelling changed after the reform of the 60th year of the XX century, when the current norms of the word were established, ”the teacher explains.

The second explanation of the author's “mistakes” is as follows: “Modern science distinguishes three forms of language: colloquial, literary and poetic. Literary language Is the official form of the written language. And poetic language is the language in which literary texts are written. Violation of the norm is the rule of poetic language. That is, literary texts are never written in the "correct" language. " An explanation of the conscious committing of mistakes by writers can be the words of Jan Mukarzhovsky: “The poetic language, as it were, flaunts its form, inviting the addressee of the poetic message to realize or intuitively feel the reasons and consequences of choosing this (sometimes unusual or even unexpected), and not any other way of expression; moreover, the external everyday life of the poetic language, which sometimes takes place, is itself perceived against the background of expectations of the unusual form as a special aesthetic device. " It turns out that the author's mistakes are not mistakes at all, but only the writer's tools for giving the text an unusual, definite and specific form. “The function of poetic language is the expression of new meanings,” says Natalya Leonidovna.

"Like a ruddy mouth without a smile, without a grammatical error, I do not like Russian speech," wrote Pushkin. And, as always, the genius was right. Nice slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, some mistakes in every text of a living person will certainly be, this is normal. But sometimes our young people write in such a way that it becomes impossible to recognize the word:
Knight instead of rummaging;
Potent instead of patient;
Sofetsky instead of Soviet.
These are some of the mistakes from the dictations of our students in 2009. Internal university exams were canceled that year, and we only recruited students based on the USE results.
Every year (for 40 years), teachers of the Russian Language Stylistics Department of the Faculty of Journalism give dictations to freshmen in September in order to understand whether they will have to open a special elective in spelling. We do not have separate hours for punctuation and spelling as part of the compulsory course: it is believed that in 11 school years everything has already been learned and learned. However, there are always twenty people who need to improve their literacy.
In 2009, there were 188 out of 229. The number of errors in some works reached 80. The dictation itself, I want to note, is only 200 words, counting prepositions and conjunctions.
We grabbed our heads and began to beg the management to give us extra hours for spelling. The news of our trouble was leaked to the press. An interview with me appeared in MK, which I did not give. There was only a call from a correspondent and an invitation to talk, so I turned out to be a switchman and fought all year with our education officials, who consistently accused me of:
firstly, I tried to double-check uSE results (this is a crime that is punishable by law);
secondly, I used a very difficult text and dictated it on purpose quietly / loudly, swallowing all letters and sounds;
thirdly, I myself put down mistakes in all the works of the honors students.
Ironically, the third charge was the most difficult to refute. Although, of course, not only I checked the dictations, but all the teachers - each in his own group.
Uchitelskaya Gazeta wrote a whole article about how I, under cover of night, stuff the ideal dictations of excellent students with mistakes. A kind of image of a maniac philologist who rapes other people's wonderful works.
When I was asked again at Echo of Moscow if it was true that I had inserted all the mistakes into my work, I proudly replied: “Yes, the truth is! ! " To which the presenter exclaimed with inimitable intonation: "In all 200 works ?!"
- Yes!!! - I just yelled in an inhuman voice. - I'm just terribly hardworking !!!
And they believed! I had to immediately chide them all a little.
And the dictation was proven and well-deserved: for four years the students had already successfully written it. None of the teachers who conducted the dictation began to lisp and lisp. But the officials had to find an extreme, and they demanded to give the dictations of the poor in order to start criminal cases about how they became excellent students with such mistakes. But I don’t play by these rules, I don’t give out students to punitive authorities, and I promised to burn this material evidence in Red Square in the presence of journalists. At that time, my reputation was already such that they believed me and gave up.
Then I began to study these tests closely, because of which a scandal erupted. It turned out that they contain a huge number of errors and ... check anything, but not spelling. No, there are such questions, but if you don't answer any of them, you still have a chance to get a positive assessment.
And the main thing is not this, the main thing is that poor schoolchildren now do not learn to write and formulate their thoughts, they only insert letters and tick the boxes. The salary of teachers and the reputation of the school directly depend on how students pass the exam.
There is nothing terrible in the tests themselves. If they are bad, you can fix it. But it is absolutely immoral to reduce all training to filling out forms with questions.
They say the internet influences literacy. Yes, there are many mistakes in virtual texts. But what if we use networks and blogs for learning? A student can write on a special page about what excites and interests him, and friends and a language teacher will comment. It seems to me that many high school students would like to learn how to write texts that are literate and attract attention.
Why am I? Firstly, yesterday my students wrote the last dictation in their first year. And secondly, this disgusting abbreviation, which sounds like a gagging urge, is creeping up to our children again. FROM new exam, tovarisschi! With new happiness!

"Like a ruddy lips without a smile, Without a grammatical error, I don't like Russian."
Having pulled this phrase out of the text, they try to convince that mistakes are dear to the poet's heart. In fact.

"Eugene Onegin", chapter three.

I also foresee difficulties:
Saving the honor of the native land,
I will have to, no doubt,
Translate Tatiana's letter.
She didn't know much Russian,
I haven't read our magazines,
And expressed herself with difficulty
In your native language
So I wrote in French.
What to do! I repeat again:
Until now ladies' love
Didn't speak Russian,
Hitherto our proud language
I'm not used to postal prose.

I know: they want to force the ladies
Read in Russian. Right, fear!

Can I imagine them
With the "Well-intentioned" in hand!
I aim at you, my poets;
Isn't it true: cute items,
Which, for their sins,
You secretly wrote poetry,
To which the heart was dedicated
Isn't it all, in Russian
Owning weakly and with difficulty,
He was so sweetly distorted

And in their mouths a foreign language
Have you turned to your native?

God forbid me to meet at the ball
Or when passing on the porch
With a seminarian in a yellow chalet
Or with an academician in a cap!
Like a rosy mouth without a smile,
No grammatical error
I don't like Russian.

Perhaps, for my misfortune,
Beauties of the new generation,
The magazines heeded the pleading voice,
It will teach us to grammar;

Poems will be put into use;
But I. what do I care?
I will be faithful to the old days.

Incorrect, careless babbling
Inaccurate pronunciation of speeches
Still heart flutter
They will produce in my breast;
I have no strength to repent
Gallicisms will be nice to me,
Like sins of the past youth,
Like Bogdanovich's poems.
But complete. It's time for me to get busy
A letter from my beauty;
I gave my word, and what then? she-she
Now I'm ready to refuse.
I know: gentle Guys
The pen is out of fashion these days.

Like rosy lips without a smile, / Without a grammatical error / I don't like Russian speech
From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) by Alexander Pushkin (Chapter 3, stanza 28).
Quoted as a humorous formula for self-consolation (apology) in the event of any error committed against the rules of the Russian language.

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