Ege for literature demo. New USE in literature has already been launched

- Here we are at home, - said Nikolai Petrovich, removing his cap

and shaking hair. - The main thing is now to have supper and rest.

`` It's really not bad to eat, '' Bazarov remarked, stretching.

and sat down on the sofa.

- Yes, yes, let's have supper, supper as soon as possible. - Nikolai Petrovich without

stamped his feet for any apparent reason. - By the way, Prokofich.

A man of about sixty came in, white-haired, thin and dark,

in a brown tailcoat with copper buttons and a pink kerchief around his neck. He grinned, went to the handle to Arkady and, bowing to the guest, retreated to the door and put his hands behind his back.

- Here he is, Prokofich, - Nikolai Petrovich began, - came to us

finally ... What? how do you find him?

`` At its best, sir, '' said the old man, and grinned again, but immediately

he knitted his thick eyebrows. - Do you want to set the table? -

he spoke impressively.

- Yes, yes, please. But won't you go to your room first

Evgeny Vasilich?

- No, thank you, there is no need. Just order my suitcase

to pull off this garment, '' he added, taking off his

- Very good. Prokofich, take their greatcoat. (Prokofich, as it were

bewildered, he took Bazarov's "clothes" with both hands and, raising it high above his head, retired on tiptoe.) And you, Arkady, will you go to your place for a minute?

- Yes, we need to clean up, - answered Arkady and was about to go to the door, but at that moment a man of average height, dressed in a dark English suite, a fashionable low tie and lacquered ankle boots, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov entered the living room. He looked about forty-five years old: his cropped gray hair gleamed with a dark sheen, like new silver; his face, bilious, but without wrinkles, unusually regular and clean, as if drawn by a thin and light incisor, showed traces of remarkable beauty; especially good were the light, black, oblong eyes. The whole appearance of Arkadiev's uncle, graceful and thoroughbred, has been preserved

youthful harmony and that striving upward, away from the earth, which

mostly disappears after the twenties.

Pavel Petrovich took his beautiful hand out of his trousers pocket

with long pink nails, - a hand that seemed even more beautiful from the snowy whiteness of a sleeve buttoned by a single large opal, and gave it to his nephew. Having made a preliminary European "shakehands", he three times, in Russian, kissed him, that is, he touched his cheeks three times with his scented mustache, and said: "Welcome."

Nikolai Petrovich introduced him to Bazarov: Pavel Petrovich slightly

bent his flexible waist and smiled slightly, but did not give his hand and even put it back in his pocket.

- I already thought that you would not come today, - he spoke pleasantly

- Nothing happened, - answered Arkady, - so, they hesitated a little.

(I. S. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")

Starting with the new academic year 2017-2018, changes have been made to the delivery system of the United state examination in our country in several subjects. Rumors about the coming changes have been around for a long time. On the eve of the Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva confirmed this information... According to her, the changes will affect a number of items, including Unified State Exam in Literature 2018... Next year, school graduates will take the exam differently.

The innovations developed by FIPI (Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements) will radically change the very model of conducting final tests for schoolchildren. It is planned that now the exam will consist only of creative tasks. Type tests will be removed.

Time will tell whether this will improve the quality of the check. The teachers, the eleventh graders themselves and their parents have already begun to thoroughly prepare for the exams in literature. What changes are awaiting graduates in passing the exam in literature?

FIPI presented their official list:

  1. The requirement to justify the choice of an example for comparison was canceled.
  2. A fourth was added to the three previous themes of the composition.
  3. The criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer have undergone significant changes.
  4. The maximum for the entire work increased by 15 points (from 42 to 57 points).

Testing with one short answer, which was used so often by schoolchildren, especially C-grade students, has been canceled. Thus, there will be no chance to earn points on tests. According to the developers, such innovations are fully justified. Indeed, due to its simplicity and monosyllabicity, the answer could be guessed.

With the help of tests of this type (in the current USE, there are 12 such questions), the knowledge of terminology in literary studies was checked. In addition, experts believe that such testing is unnecessary. Since in a detailed written answer it is already necessary to operate with terms. And this is enough to test basic knowledge. Now, in order to successfully pass the unified state examination in literature, the children will have to work hard.

Starting in 2018, literature assignments will be aimed at testing graduates to present their thoughts beautifully and competently, to be able to reason based on the books they have read. Many tasks are related to the development of oral speech in schoolchildren and their vocabulary

Increasing the number of optional assignments

Graduates will still be able to choose the assignments for the essay from the proposed options. If before there were only three tasks, now the list has increased to four. Thus, the choice has expanded, and the student can stop at an interesting question to answer the work.

Recall that earlier literature of three periods was offered for the topic of the essay:

  • from ancient Russian to the first literature half of XIX century;
  • the second half of the 19th century;
  • russian literature of the XX century.

In 2018, the developers added works of the late XIX - early XXI centuries. Now the "latest" literature of our state is also included. This also includes works that have appeared in the last ten years. The addition of a fourth essay topic is the most important innovation in the literature exam

The fact that the themes for the essays have become works of the post-Soviet period does not at all mean that graduates should read any specific authors (the obligatory names are not on the list). This innovation will allow the examiner to reveal on the material of literary works of the late XX and early XXI centuries a given topic of your choice.

The volume of the essay will grow

As for the minimum volume of a detailed essay, it has become larger. This year it was enough to use 200 words in your answer. Next year, the number will increase by 50 to 250 words.

The requirements for mini-essays have changed. They have become clearer and more specific. If earlier it was necessary to write a text 5-10 sentences long. And, as you know, sentences are also short, of three words, for example.

There are also complex ones, using a large number of turns and introductory words. Now everything became very clear. The mini-story should be at least 50 words long. This applies to any tasks related to both text analysis and comparative and contrastive tasks.

Simplify Matching Jobs

Next year, it is proposed to simplify the comparison tasks as much as possible. To show their reading horizons, graduates had to compare the text using two works. Now one will be enough to justify your choice.

Clarification of assessment criteria

For a long time, the experts thought about the question of how to assess students' knowledge in full and as objectively as possible. After all, now there are no tasks with short answers that made the test of knowledge automatic.

From 2018 for graduates criteria assessing the exam it is proposed to tighten. It is specified that in addition to testing, which takes into account knowledge of terminology, the assignment must contain five essays on selected topics.

According to the developers, now the unified exam will be as close as possible to the traditional version of the school exam. Perhaps, over time, the unified state exam will be canceled altogether.

Specialists participating in the development of a new USE model in literature continue to work on a system for assessing knowledge in this subject. They hold meetings, voice problematic issues, express opinions, try to find optimal solutions.

New USE in literature has already been launched

The trial (experimental) USE in literature with some changes, which at the moment have already been officially approved, was held for the first time in academic year (2015-2016) in 13 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. More than 1000 students from 60 educational institutions took part in it.

It should be noted that 94% of teachers in the literature are the results of the experiment on the implementation of the new model holding the exam on this subject satisfied. In their opinion, today such a variant of the exam allows one to fully give an objective assessment of the knowledge of students.

But graduates don't need to worry. The updated exam practically does not differ from the tests of previous years. Yes, and the state exam in literature is unlikely to become more difficult. It will not cause any difficulties for graduates.

Already on the Internet, developers have published demo version of the exam on literature 2018 with answers and criteria. Prospective graduates, parents, teachers and all interested persons can familiarize themselves with demo version and understand the structure of test materials, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. This gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe requirements that will be imposed on the answers to the exam in literature.

Video news

The general model of the literature exam remains the same as in previous years:

  • an excerpt from an epic, lyric-epic or dramatic work included in the codifier and seven questions with short answers, checking the knowledge of basic literary terms (in relation to this work) and the realities of the text;
  • two mini-essays on this work (5-10 sentences each) - one with an emphasis on the analysis of the given passage, the other - a comparative one, where the problems, themes and ideas raised by the author are considered in comparison with other works of similar problems;
  • an excerpt from a lyric work of a poem in its entirety and five questions on it (similar to the first block);
  • two mini-essays - also for analysis and comparison;
  • a detailed essay of at least 200 words on one of the proposed topics (at the choice of the examiner).

There is only one change here - in the last task, graduates will be offered a choice four themes.

Recall that earlier, for writing a detailed essay on the exam in literature, it was proposed to choose one of three topics, one for each time period:

  • from Old Russian literature to literature of the first half of the 19th century;
  • second half of the 19th century;
  • russian literature of the XX century.

By 2018 chronological framework the last period are expanding - it covers the period from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century, that is, it now includes the "newest" Russian literature, works that have been released in recent decades.

And, since there are three periods, and there will be four themes for the essay, one of them will have two themes of a different nature. It is most likely that such “doubles” will most often refer to the last period - as in the demo version prepared by FIPI, where three classic “program” themes on Griboyedov, Tolstoy and Yesenin are supplemented by post-Soviet literature. However, this is not necessary - according to the specifications for the "double volume" exam, any period can be submitted.

Incorporation into essay topics of post-Soviet literature does not mean that it becomes obligatory for graduates to read any specific authors who are not included in the school curriculum - the names of modern Russian writers did not appear in the codifier. And topics devoted to the literature of the late XX-early XXI century will thus be presented with survey options that allow the examiner to reveal a given topic on the material of the work (or works) of his own choice.

New system for assessing the exam in literature

Minimal changes in the exam model should not mislead students - a radically new approach to assessment completely shifts the focus and requires a change in the approach to preparation.

Previously, the maximum primary score on the exam for literature was 42 points, distributed as follows:

  • 12 points - for 12 questions with short answers;
  • 16 points - for 4 short compositions (4 for each);
  • 14 points - for a "great" essay.

In 2018 number primary points for a perfectly performed work, it will jump by 15 - up to 47... At the same time, the "share" of tasks will change very unevenly:

  • for short answer questions 12 points can still be earned (21% of total points)
  • mini-essays for text analysis will “cost” 5 points - a total of 10 for both (17.5%);
  • the assessment of the ability to immerse a literary work in context sharply increases - for each of two comparative writings it will be possible to get 10 points each, for a total of 20 (35%);
  • for a detailed essay you can get up to 15 points (26%).

The increase in the number of primary points is good news for graduates who apply for admission to top universities and expect to pass the USE "to the maximum." The results of the literature exam will become much more differentiated, and one or two mistakes made will no longer be so radically reflected in the positions in the ranking. Let us remind that among high-score students the loss of one primary point in literature meant the loss of 4-5 test scores at once, while, for example, in Russian the “cost of error” was significantly lower and amounted to 2-3 points.

However, the "C grade" will have to strain. If earlier it is guaranteed to cross the threshold according to the literature (corresponding to 9 primary scores) could have been memorized a small number of terms and limited to a part with short answers, but now this will no longer be possible.

Criteria for evaluating essays and detailed answers to the Unified State Exam in Literature-2018

In parallel with the change in the number of points assessment criteria are also changing - the scoring system (especially in comparative essays) has become more detailed and "transparent". In addition, the ability to write accurately and correctly is becoming much more significant - points for speech are now awarded in all tasks with detailed answers. Recommended volume of mini-compositions remains the same - from 5 to 10 sentences, while if the graduate is able to formulate the answer more succinctly (or vice versa - to write a more detailed work), "going beyond" will not affect the assessment in any way - the main thing is the ability to give a direct and clear answer to the question.

Skill test mini-essays analyze the work or a fragment of it (tasks 8 and 15) will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • match answer the question posed - 1 point, in addition, if the work gets "no credit" by this criterion, then it is not checked;
  • the argumentation of the statements made and the involvement of the text of the work to support them - up to 2 points;
  • - up to 2 points.

"Expensive" (and quite difficult to write) comparative compositions (tasks 9-16) assessed by three criteria. In this case, the first two are the main ones - if the subject receives zero points for at least one of them, the task is considered completely unfulfilled and not evaluated. So:

  • up to 4 points can bring adequate selection of two works for comparison (for getting maximum score it is necessary to select works that correspond to the wording of the task, correctly indicate their names and authorship);
  • up to 4 points - the comparison itself (ideally, both selected works are convincingly compared with the original text in a given perspective, and the comparison is made based on the text of the works);
  • up to 2 points - lack of logical, factual and speech errors.

Detailed essay on literature (task number 17) - the task that traditionally receives the most attention. The recommended amount of work - from 200 words (including pronouns, prepositions, particles and other service words). If the essay contains less than 150 words, the work is not evaluated, even if the topic is disclosed. In addition, in order for points to be awarded, work should be relevant to the topic and reveal it... By the way, graduates often lose points for an essay due to inattentive reading of the wording - for example, in 2017, in an essay that was supposed to be based on contemporary literature, many have chosen the works of Simonov and Bulgakov, thereby going beyond the given period.

The writing on the exam in literature in 2018 will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • relevance to the topic - 1 point (if the work is off-topic or empty - points for other criteria are not awarded);
  • the argumentation of the statements made and the involvement of the text of a literary work for their confirmation, including the presence of references to specific episodes and characters - up to 2 points;
  • use of basic concepts of literary theory - up to 2 points, and in order to get the maximum score according to this criterion, it is no longer enough to simply use words such as "novel", "conflict" or "hero" in the text - you need to isolate at least one artistic medium, fundamentally important for the development of the topic;
  • compositional design compositions, proportionality of parts relative to each other, work integrity - up to 2 points;
  • consistency of presentation - up to 2 points;
  • absence in the text actual errors - up to 3 points;
  • absence speech errors - up to 3 points.

The version of the exam in literature consists of 17 tasks, which are divided into 2 parts:

  • 1 part. It includes analysis questions. USE options in literature from 1 to 9 - excerpts from epic, lyroepic or dramatic works. The first 7 of them require a short answer - in the form of a number, word or phrase. On 8 and 9 you need to answer in detail. Tests 10 to 16 are based on lyric works. Some of them (10-14) need to be answered briefly, the 15th and 16th questions should be answered by 5-10 sentences.
  • Part 2... Consists of one 17th task. Includes 4 tasks (17.1-17.4), of which you need to select only ONE and give a detailed reasoned answer to it in the genre of an essay on literary theme not less than 200 words.

The work will take 325 minutes.

Distribution of points

  • Tasks 1-7, 10-14 \u003d 1 point
  • Tasks 8, 15 \u003d 6 points
  • Tasks 9.16 \u003d 10 points
  • Task 17 \u003d 14 points

The result is drawn up as "pass" or "fail", the minimum number of points is 32. A "five" corresponds to 58 points.

Works required for the exam

Number of pieces :

  • poetry - more than 150 poems and 9 poems;
  • novels - 11;
  • plays - 6;
  • stories - 4;
  • stories - within 20.

A detailed list can be found in.

How to prepare for writing an essay

Despite the small volume of the exam essay, it is not easy for many to write it: it gets in the way of excitement and lack of experience in creating written works.

So that everything goes smoothly on the exam, with preparingyou must adhere to certain rules:

  • write as much as possible, write regularly;
  • start;
  • build your own unique template, on the basis of which you will create essays on different topics;
  • regularly write essays, prescribing the introduction, the main part and the conclusion.
  • delve into the problems of the work;
  • write cards for each work or author;
  • write down all the successful phrases and quotes that can be used for the composition;
  • train online.

The exam in literature is taken by students who want to connect their lives with philology, journalism, linguistics and other humanitarian areas in the future. The main difficulty of this work is due to the fact that the graduate will have to read a large amount of lyric and prose works.

Changes in the system of holding the Unified State Exam in 2018 were known for a long time. For the first time, Dmitry Litvinov, the former head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, announced big changes. In particular, innovations will affect Unified State Exam in Literature 2018.

The new exam, which will be taken by all graduates of the 2017-2018 academic year, will consist entirely of creative assignments. According to the current Minister of Education of Russia Olga Vasilyeva, next year a new promising model of the unified state examination will come into force, specially developed by leading specialists of the FIPI Institute.

FIPI has completed the approbation of a new model of the unified state exam in literature and graduates - 2018 will already take the exam in a completely new way.

Employees Federal Institute pedagogical measurements went to drastic measures, completely excluding test tasks from the CMM. What other innovations await already alarmed 11th graders?

There will be no more short answer tasks

To begin with, let's figure out which ones are the most important in literature. So, as stated above, the tests were pulled from the exam.

The reasons for this step were found - according to the developers of the new method, tests do not pose any difficulty for the graduate, being an unnecessary element of assessment. IN test items there is a high probability of "guessing" the correct answer, with which the FIPI experts in no way agree.

In the USE in literature there will no longer be open-ended test questions, where the student is required to answer in one word or in the form of numerical sequences.

Today's exam has twelve of these questions out of the total. Most of these questions test the graduate's knowledge of basic literary terms.

However, schoolchildren these days are well-versed on these points. In addition, tasks where detailed written answers are assumed, and so are designed to operate with terms, so that additional verification of this knowledge is not required.

To the great sadness of graduates, they lose the guaranteed opportunity to score points on just one thorough knowledge of the terminology. In addition, the strategy of the C-grade students is completely collapsing to get off with "little blood", that is, to do only one part with tasks that require short answers. Beginning in 2018, every examinee will be expected to demonstrate their ability to communicate their thoughts in a sensible and beautiful way.

Increasing the number of optional assignments

From now on, graduates will have a wider choice of options: instead of three tasks for a detailed essay, there will be four. That is, you will need to take one topic from the enlarged list. Having received this or that work for a "large" essay, the student can choose which question will be more interesting for him to answer.

The volume of the essay will grow

In the "main" essay, the minimum required text will be increased. In the current USE in literature, the minimum length is 200 words, but in a year you will need to "put" at least 250 words on paper.

Also, the developers of the new method came to the decision to specify the requirements for mini-compositions. If now there are no strict conditions regarding the number of words in such essays (when writing mini-essays, there is a recommendation of 5-10 sentences), then by 2018 the FIPI plans to establish a minimum length of 50 words. This requirement will apply to both comparative assignments and text analysis assignments.

Simplify Matching Jobs

The changes also affected the tasks for the so-called "immersion in the literary context." If today in the Unified State Exam in Literature it is proposed to compare the text with two texts, thereby showing one's outlook as a reader, then in 2018 it is proposed to abolish the task, mentioning only one text for comparison.

Clarification of assessment criteria

Now, when there are no tasks with short answers in the Unified State Exam in literature, automatic verification has become impossible. In light of this, the developers of the promising method of the unified exam in literature faced an important task - how to achieve the most objective assessment of the student's knowledge?

Now the exam in literature is five compositions, which brings it closer to the "traditional" school final exam... The experts approached the matter seriously, all kinds of meetings are held where wishes and suggestions for the approach to evaluating work are expressed. Presumably, by the time of delivery we will know the final decision of the FIPI specialists.

The new USE in literature has already been launched

In the academic year 2015-2016, trial exam on the literature with some changes. More than 1000 students out of 60 took part in the "experiment" educational institutions in 13 subjects of the Federation.

In the course of testing a new approach to passing the Unified State Exam in literature, it was revealed that 94% of teachers were in favor of introducing an updated exam. Moreover, experts emphasize the fact that new model not too different from the previous one in its complexity. In other words, schoolchildren should not worry - it is fundamentally more difficult passing the exam on literature in 2018 will not.