Indifference to the little man. Moral problems in modern Russian literature (on the example of the story of V.P.

Astafiev created the story "Lyudochka" in 1987. The work was written within the framework of village prose (direction in Russian literature). Depicting all the horrors of the city, Astafyev does not idealize the village itself, showing the moral decline of the peasants.

main characters

Lyudochka - a young girl who could not survive the violence and indifference of loved ones and committed suicide.

Stepfather - the husband of Lyudochka's mother, from an early age was "in exile and camps", avenged the girl.

Other characters

Strekach - a criminal, has gone to jail more than once.

Artemka-soap - was a "horseman" among the "punks" in the park.

Gavrilovna - an elderly woman hairdresser with whom Lyudochka lived.

Lyudochka's mother - woman 45 years old; I used to cope with everything on my own, so I ignored the trouble of my daughter.

The narrator heard this story "fifteen years ago." Lyudochka was born in the village of Vychugan and “grew like a sluggish roadside grass”. The girl's father disappeared long ago. Mother soon began living with a tractor driver.

After finishing ten classes, Lyudochka left for the city. After spending the night at the station, the girl went to the hairdresser. There she met the old hairdresser Gavrilovna and asked to be her student. Gavrilovna allowed Lyudochka to live with her, shifting the housework to the girl. Lyuda never learned to be a master, so she worked as a cleaner in a hairdressing salon.

From work, the girl traveled through the half-abandoned park of the car-locomotive depot - "Vepevere". In the center of the park there was a ditch with sewage overgrown with dense thickets, in which garbage was floating. The park was the favorite place of the "punks", among which Artemka-soap was the main one. Once, when a guy pestered Lyudochka during a haircut, she hit him hard. After that, Artemka forbade everyone to molest the girl. Once Artemka took Lyudochka to a disco. "In the zoo, people also behaved like an animal." Frightened by the noise and "bodily shame", Lyudochka fled home.

Soon Strekach returned to the village from prison. Now he became the leader of the local "punks". Once, when Lyudochka was returning home through the park, Strekach attacked her and raped her, and forced the others to abuse the girl. Not remembering herself, Lyudochka barely got home. Gavrilovna assured that nothing terrible had happened.

Lyudochka went home. There are two houses left in her native village - one for her mother, and the second for the old woman Vychuganikha, who died in the spring. Lyuda was met by a pregnant mother. She immediately understood "what a misfortune happened to her." “But through that trouble<…> all the women must pass sooner or later. " While walking by the river, Lyudochka saw that her stepfather was splashing around like a child. The girl guessed that he had no childhood. She wanted to cry to him, maybe he would regret her. In the morning Lyudochka returned to the village.

The girl remembered how long she had been in the hospital. A lonely guy was dying next to her. All night she tried to distract him with conversations, but after that she realized that the guy was not expecting comfort from her, but a victim. The girl thought about her stepfather: he must be from " strong people", With a" powerful spirit. "

When Lyudochka returned from work through the park, the guys began to press her again. The girl promised to return, disguised as worn. At home, Lyudochka put on an old dress, untied the rope from the village bag (earlier this rope was on her cradle) and went into the park. Throwing the rope over a poplar with a crooked branch with the thought: "No one cares about me," she hanged herself.

Lyuda was buried in the city cemetery. The funeral was held at Gavrilovna's After drinking vodka, Lyudochka's stepfather went to the park, where Strekach's company was at that time. The man tore off the cross from the criminal and, dragging it into the "impassable weeds", threw it into the gutter. "The guys felt a real, unthinkable godfather."

Artemka-soap soon went to school and got married. Even the local newspaper did not write about the death of Lyudochka and Strekach, so as not to “spoil the positive percentage with questionable data”.


In the story "Lyudochka" Viktor Astafiev reflects on the philosophical issues of loneliness in a crowd, people's indifference to each other, touches upon the problems of ecology, crime, and the moral decline of society.

Short story test

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Sections: Literature

Purpose of lessons:

  • continue acquaintance with the writer, referring to his biography and read works; to form interest in the personality and work of Astafiev;
  • to reveal the moral problems that have become defining in the writer's work;
  • to form an active life position among high school students;

Preparation for lessons:

  • portraits of the writer at different periods of his life and illustrations for his books;
  • tV film "Meetings of Nikita Mikhalkov with Astafiev" (20 minutes),
  • an exhibition of read books and questions of the upcoming quiz,
  • v. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka" (the students have previously read the named work);
  • mini-compositions "Victor Astafiev in my life";
  • annotations to the writer's works.

During the classes

I. Meeting with the writer. Conversation with students.

What do we know about Astafiev?

Astafiev in my life (reading mini-essays about the writer).

Name the books read. Briefly formulate the problem depicted in the work, reveal the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author.

A word about the writer.

Victor Petrovich Astafyev was born on May 1, 1924 in the village of Ovsyanka, not far from Krasnoyarsk. The writer lived both a long and a short life (he died in December 2001), leaving behind a noticeable mark in literature as a writer and a person. He reports about his homeland as follows:

“Everyone who has traveled or is going to go to the power plant will never pass my native village - it is between two cities, and now there is a small railway station in Ovsyanka ...”.

Currently, Ovsyanka is upset, has become almost a suburb, stands on the border of the Stolby reserve and is a source of curiosity for tourists, because many admirers of Astafiev's talent dream of visiting the land that raised Astafyev, his love for the land, man and life itself.

Having lost his mother early, he was brought up by his grandfather and grandmother, and then in an orphanage. A huge role in the formation of Astafiev's personality was played by the following people, about whom the writer writes with tenderness and deep gratitude in his autobiography. Who are they?

Vasily Ivanovich Sokolov - a former educator, and then director of the igarsk orphanage (read an excerpt from the article to the book "So I Want to Live", pp. 7-8).

Ignatiy Dmitrievich Rozhdestvensky - Siberian writer, former teacher Astafieva (ibid., Pp. 9-11)

In his autobiography, Viktor Astafyev names all his friends and thanks them for everything. What did they do for him. And most importantly, they were close at different periods of his life and helped not to get lost in the maze of problems that had to be solved from an early age (ibid., P. 12).

Watching a TV movie.

What new have you learned about Astafiev?

What impression did Astafiev make on you as a man?

How does a writer feel about his work?

Astafiev's credo. What is it based on?

Nikita Mikhalkov. Astafiev in his life.

Milestones in the life of the writer.

(Compiled together with students based on the knowledge gained in preparation for the lesson and in the lesson)

  • 1941 railway school FZO at the Yenisei station, trainer in the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk;
  • 1942 front, chauffeur, artillery reconnaissance, signalman, seriously wounded.
  • 1945 demobilization. For 18 years he lived in the Urals, a loader, a locksmith, a foundry worker, an evening school.
  • 1951 The first story "Civilian Man" in the newspaper "Chusovskaya Rabochy".
  • 1953 Perm. The first collection of stories "Until next spring".
  • 1961 Higher literary courses at the Union of Writers of the USSR

A famous writer whose works have been translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

State Prize Laureate.

Reflecting with the writer

What is the main task a writer as an artist of the word?

"... each person is a separate world, whether bad, good, criminal, or sick, but the world, and the process of self-knowledge is the process of comprehending the meaning of life" through oneself. "

(The main task is to help readers to comprehend the meaning of life, to know themselves and through this knowledge, perhaps, to change and define themselves in themselves and among others).

What is Astafiev's particular concern?

"Here we talk: children are happiness, children are joy, children are light in the window! But children are also our torment! Our eternal anxiety! Children are our judgment on the world, our mirror, in which conscience, intelligence, honesty, our neatness - you can see it all. Children can hide with us, we can never use them. "

(Astafiev is especially worried about the younger generation. He cannot help but see what is happening with our youth. Therefore, most of his works are about reflections on life, the problems that gripped society. The writer claims that parents, the older generation are responsible for everything.)

II. Literary quiz based on the works of Astafiev.

Assignment: find out the work of Viktor Astafiev and say a few words about the book, based on the knowledge gained.

(students are pre-distributed with excerpts from works on separate cards; before answering the question, high school students expressively read the text for everyone)

"The boy wandered, almost falling from fatigue. Suddenly the forest parted, revealing the sloping bank of the Yenisei in front of him. The boy froze. He even took his breath away - so beautiful, so wide was his native river! And before that it seemed to him for some reason ordinary and not He rushed forward, fell on the edge of the shore and greedy gulps began to grab the water, slapping it with his hands, dipping his face into it ... "

("Vasyutkino Lake", the first story, which appeared on the basis of a student's composition, which was called "Alive!").

"The Levontiev horde piled up, and the berries instantly disappeared. I got only a few tiny berries. Sorry for the berries. It's sad. But I put on despair, waved my hand at everything. It's all the same to me now! I rushed with the Levontiev kids to the river and boasted:

I'll steal a roll from my grandmother! "

("Horse with pink mane"This is the name of both the story and the gingerbread bought by the grandmother for the grandson.)

"The school photo is still alive. It turned yellow, broke off in the corners. But I recognize all the guys on it. Many of them died in the war. The whole world knows the famous name - Siberian."

("A photograph in which I am not. Why? - On the day when they took pictures at school, Viktor Astafyev was ill. They did not forget about him, they brought the photograph home).

Assignment: name other works of Astafiev, known to you. (This task is given to the children on the eve of the lesson). ("Tsar-fish", "Deadline", "Zatesi", "Cursed and killed", "So I want to live", "Lyudochka").

The final word of the teacher.

According to contemporary critics, "Astafiev is a musician of human destiny." The writer himself said: "There is no worse fate - to remain a man alone with himself, to get lost in the darkness of his soul, to become petrified in himself." Indeed, in his books he reflects on life, our reality; thinks about a person, treating him carefully, with great love; observes the surrounding nature, of which man is a part. Astafiev's work rightfully presents the readers with life lessons and inspires hope that "tomorrow is a clear morning." After all, each of us "so wants to live", to live with dignity and happiness.

III. Ideological and artistic analysis of Astafiev's story "Lyudochka".

Reading with conversation elements.

1. The lesson begins with the teacher reading the beginning of the work.

2. What kind of story did the writer tell in his work?

(The work is based on the tragic fate of a girl who began an independent life in the city, but never found her place in it.)

An excerpt is read, page 13, from the words "" In the park, she found a long-noticed poplar ... "to the words" ... Endless and bottomless. "

3. What did Astafiev make you think about?

(The story makes you feel horrified, look back and think. What are we? What is life? What is its price? Who is to blame? What to do?)

4. What is the girl's tragedy?

(The tragedy of the girl is that she turned out to be defenseless in front of the forces of evil, violence. She was poisoned by the atmosphere of cynicism and lack of spirituality that surrounded her since childhood.)

Features of the composition of the story.

(A composition plan is drawn up together with the students, episodes of Lyudochka's life are highlighted, which determined her fate).

Before choosing.(Why do we call this semantic part of the story that way?)

At home. The importance of school in the formation of a girl's views.

Arrival in the city. Acquaintance with Gavrilovna.

City park and its "sights".

Lyudochka and her new "friends" (Artemka-soap, Strekach).

Relatives.(Prove the correctness of the formulated thesis.)

1. In my native Vychugan. True Vychuganikhi.

2. Meeting with mother, memories of stepfather.

3. Dialogue with Gavrilovna.

4. Memories of a dying lumberjack.

In the labyrinth of life. (Explain the lexical meaning of the name.

Does it match the content of the story?)

1. Decisive and tragic step.

2. Lyudochka's funeral.

3. Second death.

4. Epilogue.

Conversation with the class. Student messages.

1. Lyudochka has been fighting for the right to live with dignity since early childhood. Prove.

Family Father died of drunkenness and illness acquired as a result of a riotous lifestyle; without him they lived freer, better, more cheerful;

  • the stepfather is completely indifferent to the fate of the girl;
  • mother advises to go to the city, out of sight: Lyudochka has become a burden for her.

The school is weak, incapable, but it never went down to solid twos; disciplined, diligent, no friends, no girlfriends.

The work is hardworking, brave, offered herself as a student to the hairdresser, patient, persistent.

Gavrilovna's house is warm, comfort, sympathy, understanding, but disappointed in the strength of human relations.

2. Who took away her right to live with dignity?

Artyom-soap, who turned her into his property, which she realized late

Lyudochka therefore recklessly trusted the scoundrel.

A streakach turned into an unrestrained tyrant-tyrant who raped girls.

A city park that has become a haven for juvenile delinquents, rapists, libertines and murderers.

The right to live was taken away by the corrupting, oppressive environment in which Lyudmila's peers live, those spiritual and social processes in society that are "worse than the truth."

3. Who is to blame for the girl's tragedy?

A mother who could not help her daughter in a difficult moment of life, who forgot about her. Classmates who did not show any attention to the girl, except for neglect; of course, Lyudmila herself, who did not find the strength to resist the cruel, insane world of evil and violence, who did not learn to share joy and misfortune with loved ones, which means she was left alone with her, as it seemed to her, insoluble problems.

4. What to do in this situation?

Students share their thoughts, try to convince themselves and others that life is a great value, given to manand no one has the right to kill her. You need to "live and when life becomes unbearable, you need to make it useful." Examples from life, from literature, from films, programs are given.

Astafyev claims that the strongest survives in this violent world. It is necessary to become such from early childhood, resisting circumstances, confidently go towards the intended goal, not be afraid of difficulties and trials, otherwise life will doubt you, deprive you of the most important thing ... Therefore, the author calls his heroine Lyudochka.

She evokes sympathy and regret in her soul: a heroine with such a beautiful and warm name did not turn into Lyudmila, a serious and independent girl. "Lyudmila" - "dear to people" - turned out to be a victim of a spiritless life and her own helplessness. The death of the heroine is a terrible reflection on life and death.

Note: the students' reasoning included an analysis of episodes illustrating the answer to the question; expressive reading of selected excerpts from the work with subsequent commentary was encouraged.

As homeworkoffered

  • read Astafiev's work to choose from, write a review or an essay;
  • prepare an abstract, independently formulating the problem and choosing another work of the writer.

Attachments to lessons

  1. V.P. Astafiev. The story "Lyudochka".
  2. V.P. Astafiev. Get lost. Introductory article to the book.
  3. Film by Nikita Mikhalkov. Meeting with V.P. Astafiev.
  4. Slides dedicated to the personality of the writer.
  5. Exhibition of works by V.P. Astafiev.
  6. Pupils' compositions based on the book "Zatesi".
  7. Abstract "V. P. Astafiev - a musician of human destiny".

The story of Lyudochka is a verdict to Brezhnev's stagnation, a time when the global and inevitable problems of Soviet reality became obvious to everyone, but the authorities stubbornly did not strive to correct them and only jibbled upon the people with regular slogans. At the same time, Astafiev touched upon global trends: the ecological crisis, the urban mentality, the marginalization of society, and so on.

VP Astafiev wrote the story "Lyudochka" in 1987, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work was born fifteen years earlier. The author, like a child, carried her and pondered how best to present the whole "bad truth" about that difficult time for ordinary people from the village, who did their best to move closer to civilization (but it was not for nothing that Rousseau said that “civilization is evil”) and change reality, find their place under the sun, live more or less with dignity.

Astafiev wrote this work based on a story that he once heard. The name of the heroine is conditional, the author no longer remembered the present, but this is not so important. The writer wanted to summarize this story, because such was the fate of the majority of "Lyudochki" of that time.

main idea

This story is about the defenseless people of our country, about injustice, about hopelessness, about the moral impoverishment of the human soul. “The Bad Truth” is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story “Lyudochka”. The heroine, like a moth on a flame, strove to leave the provincial "nest" and the first train she came across to "fly" to city happiness. But she did not know that this city flame would burn her soul and body to ashes. The expected collision of the ideal, illusory world, with the real world, full of evil, hatred and injustice will take place.

The author wanted to draw the reader's attention to the general indifference of city dwellers who pass by someone else's misfortune, because there are so many misfortunes and so little time. If everyone in the village knows each other, and grief becomes common, then a large anthill will not notice the loss of a fighter. Its whirlwind will continue at the same pace. It is she who kills in a person the readiness for empathy, without which the soul itself is inconceivable.


Astafiev sees the root of evil in the very structure of city life. He shows her squalor, her selfish motives. The people of the city are tough and cynical, take, for example, the hostess who rents Luda housing. She is a grated roll, her essence hardened in sorrows cannot be broken through with a shot, so she indifferently listens to the genuine grief of the raped girl and lets out vulgar comments. Due to her own depravity, she is not able to understand the moral purity of the heroine and the depth of her suffering. Therefore, the main theme of the story "Lyudochka" is the pernicious influence of the city on a person, the urban decomposition of the soul, which is replaced only by the material needs of the body.

The theme of poverty in the Soviet countryside is also acute. People flee from there not because of vanity, they just have nothing to live on. Kolkholz are falling apart, idle men like Lyuda's father get drunk, and women get rude, but drag on the burden of bleak days. The authorities do not care about the problems of the countryside: against the background of general impoverishment, vigorous false slogans about a wonderful tomorrow are weighing. The villagers were thrown overboard, like Lyudochka: no one cared about them.


  • A lot of questions from the modern reader are raised by the criminal situation in the city. Nobody controls the street gangs, even the police bypass the ill-fated park aside. No one is involved in the development and education of young people, therefore, in the place of enlighteners and teachers of life, prisoners like Strekach come - that marginal stratum of society that cannot be re-educated. The problem of crime and the marginalization of youth is central to the story. The author sees in her a dark foreboding of the collapse of the power system, which cannot cope with criminal gangs and releases its leaders without any control and supervision.
  • People are left alone with criminals, therefore they carry out lynching, not hoping for justice. This means that there is a problem of cruelty that permeates all of society, from young to old. Lyudochka's stepfather is forced to dirty his hands and risk his own freedom by punishing the rapist on his own. He does not believe in prisons and their corrective effect, because he sees that there evil is only systematized and already leaves organized crime with relevant knowledge, skills and connections. What is left for a person in such a situation? Become just as ruthless and cruel.
  • The wilting of the country is accompanied by a crisis of nature. The environmental problem is becoming threatening in scale. A lean, rotten park becomes a place of decay for the soul. The stinking and clogged waters emit a stench, as if confirming the general decay. They are the ones who absorb the murdered criminal: dirt combines with dirt. The river carries away the next human waste. In a city with such an ecological situation, people cannot be healthy either morally or physically. The problem of nature becomes a burden and a fault of humanity, it was in the 20th century that it realized it.
  • The girl did not receive any support from her relatives. Some did not understand her grief, others reacted indifferently to it. Alas, the unfortunate heroine did not find another way out, because "no one cares about her." The problem of indifference of relatives to each other leads them to unconscious ruthlessness. They contributed to Lyudochka's despair, they pushed her to commit suicide.
  • Also, the heroine did not regret her friends, who succumbed to the influence of the criminal. Even though Artem ordered at first not to touch the moral girl, he could not resist the weighty word “godfather” and joined in collective violence. The problem of mercy is taking on unimaginable proportions: a group of adult guys could not besiege one prisoner and protect the girl. They, like a herd, meekly pounced on her. This is the extreme degree of moral decline, after which they all healed ordinary life - that's what terrifies the most.
  • The problems in the story "Lyudochka" are raised not only social, but also philosophical. Most of all, Astafyev is outraged not so much by the events of this story, but by the reaction of the people around him, the authorities to injustice. Human life is of no value to the world, everyone around is saturated with indifference to "one's neighbor". The problem of human loneliness in conditions of complete defenselessness has acquired particular relevance in the work. The girl died, she was actually killed, and they did not even publish notes about this, so as not to spoil the statistics to the head of the regional department of the Internal Affairs Directorate, after all, he was only 2 years away from his pension ...
  • Lyudochka's image

    The main character is on a par with Akaki Akakievich ("The Overcoat" by Nikolai Gogol) and Samson Vyrin ("The Station Keeper" by Alexander Pushkin) in the gallery of "little" people. She was born in the tiny dying village of Vychugan. Parents are collective farmers. Father from work and drunkenness was "sickly, puny, fussy, dull", and after a while disappeared without a trace. At the same time, Lyudochka's mother tried to find her “keys to women's happiness,” changing men like gloves. That is why the girl grew up like “a sluggish roadside grass, weak, sickly, weeping. I didn’t come out of the C grade ”. As soon as 16 passed, the heroine decided to go to the city to try to find herself. Upon arrival, she was sheltered by a local hairdresser Gavrilovna, who herself barely makes ends meet (at one time she cut jailers and lichen to earn a living).

    The barber did not come out of Lyudochka, the training in the art of pakdressing was slow, I could not pass the exam for the master, I had to remain a cleaner at the salon. In the house of Gavrilovna, the girl turned into a Cinderella: she washed, washed, and in the evenings she rubbed the sore legs of an old woman "with black edged veins" with an ointment with a foul smell. Every day Lyudochka walked past Vepevere Park, where “mud, fuel oil and a ditch, into which puppies and dead piglets were thrown, and you can also notice a red circle from the hospital or stuck together condoms” and slogans everywhere for contrast

    “The Lenin-Stalin case lives on and wins! The party is the mind, honor, conscience of the era ”.

    The culmination of tragedy in Lyudochka's life came with the appearance of Strekach, a vicious bandit since childhood, who had just got out of prison, all in tattoos and gold chains. At the moment when he was yelling all over the street: “I want a woman,” Lyudochka, unfortunately, walked by. In the end, it all ended in gang rape. In a semi-conscious state, the girl crawled to the threshold of Gavrilovna, but instead of words of support she heard:

    Taste some water with lingonberry, wash away the bitter from your soul ... Baba needs to take care of her heart, she doesn't know the rest of her wear ... Well, they broke the seal, what a disaster. Nowadays they can get married.

    There was no support home for Lyudochka either, her mother is pregnant, she is going to move with her stepfather, she has her own life. I had to go back to the city. The girl could not complain to the authorities, they threatened. Now she walked in the park only with a razor in her pocket, dreaming of meeting her defiler and cutting his dignity to the root.

    The more I gave birth to you, the more I will kill you, ”Lyudochka remembered the joke from someone's school essays.

    With such a burden on her soul and loneliness in her heart, the martyr could not live for a long time, she hanged herself on a bitch, saying:

    Good God! Mum! Gavrilovna! Forgive everyone. If you are, Lord, forgive me, I still lost the Komsomol badge. Nobody cares about me ...

    Who is to blame for Lyudochka's death?

    There is no specific answer. The problematic of the work is so global that it affects not only the anger and cruelty of the marginalized from the outskirts, but also the crisis of universal human values. The girl became a victim of the moral fall of the whole society as a whole, its spiritual impoverishment, which the city covered with the noise and clamor of an eternally seething anthill.

    Her silent victim should not remain in the shadows, according to the writer. The horror of her position should be realized by people so that they are more attentive to their loved ones and kinder to those around them. Perhaps it was the usual, everyday evil that shaped Strekach, harsh morals and ignorance subdued Artyom, and an endless string of difficulties broke Gavrilovna and Luda's mother. They, in turn, killed the heroine. So this relay race will not be interrupted until we all begin to monitor our actions as strictly and uncompromisingly as for the heroes of Astafyev.

    Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

The writing

In the September issue of the magazine " New world "for one thousand nine hundred and eighty-ninth, Astafiev's story" Lyudochka "was published. It is about youth, but there is no youth in his heroes. Especially striking in the heroes of Astafiev is the loneliness. Eerie and unchanging. Lyudochka is trying to break out of this circle. But the very first lines of the work, where the heroine is compared to a sluggish, frozen grass, suggest that Lyudochka, like this grass, is not capable of She leaves her parents' house, where people are strangers to her. And they are also lonely. Mother has long been accustomed to the arrangement of her life. Lyudochka's stepfather did not treat her in any way. "He lived, she lived in the same house and only." home. A stranger among people. Today it is clear to everyone that our society is sick. But in order to treat it correctly, you need a correct diagnosis. The best minds of the country are fighting over this. A very accurate diagnosis of one of the terrible diseases that struck the country, put Astafiev. The main tragedy of the heroine of his story "Lyudochka", in the image of which the pain of the overwhelming majority of our compatriots was reflected like two drops of water, he saw in mental loneliness. The story easily fits into the literary process of our time. One of the main features of Viktor Petrovich's talent is the ability to grasp the problems of concern to many writers: mismanagement, decline in morality, the collapse of the countryside, the growth of crime. Astafiev shows us everyday, gray, most ordinary life: home - work - home. In this circle lives Gavrilovna, who lost her health in a hairdressing salon, her friends, taking for granted all the sorrows and blows of fate. The main character of the story, Lyudochka, should also be in this circle. When Lyudochka spent ten grades at school and became a girl, her mother told her to go to the city - to get settled, since she had nothing to do in the village. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is to show the intricate fate of the girl, squeezed by the economic framework (the need to do any work in order to somehow exist in the city) and the cruel customs of the city, unacceptable for the village. The author's skill in revealing the character of a girl, in revealing the moral problems of society of that generation can be singled out as the merit of the story. The author was able to reveal many serious things in an accessible way, which arouses sympathy and compassion for the unjust fate of the girl. Arriving home, Lyudochka did not find proper support even from her mother, who was concerned about her problems. Lyudochka was, like all closed people, decisive in herself, capable of a desperate act. In childhood, she was always the first to throw herself into the river. And here, with a noose around her neck, she, too, as in childhood, covered her ears with her palms and, pushing herself off with her feet, as if from a high washed-out bank, she threw herself into a whirlpool. Endless and bottomless. And the soul? But who needs it, a simple, unpretentious, ordinary flesh, huddled soul? On the one hand, she decided to simply leave this life and thus solve her problems without interfering with anyone, and on the other hand, one can envy the strength of her determination, which is not characteristic of many of today's young people.

The writer strives for such an image when the reader gets the opportunity not only to see, but literally feel the living current of life in the picture that rises in front of him. The plot is not only and not just a visible eventful, but more often and more hidden subtext connection, linking the text with the guiding movement of the author's thought. In our case - thoughts about the universal interconnectedness of destinies living in a divided, split, but in one world, on one land. Lyudochka took upon herself the sins of many: Strekoch, mothers, schools, Gavrilovna, the Soviet police, the youth of the town. This is what Dostoevsky could not agree with - the atonement by the innocent and those who do not understand someone's sins. The girl's tragedy is a short life, hopeless, monotonous, gray, indifferent, without affection and love. The death of the heroine is her rise. Only after death she suddenly became necessary for her mother, Gavrilovna, she was noticed. The story is extremely touching, because the reader feels how the author himself is surprisingly caring and kind-hearted to this girl. In the mouth of Gavrilovna Astafiev put a large number of aphorisms, stable turns ("my little gold", "blue-winged little blue", "swallow", "ornamental"). This is used by the author to characterize the hostess, an emotional assessment of her individual qualities. Astafiev's heroes inherit the style and spirit of their time and their speech is not just a dialect, but "an exponent of all mental and moral forces." The bad ones are written out with gusto. It remains only to applaud the writer for his excellent knowledge of the jargon ("tearing claws", "homies", "fuck off", "godfather"). Russian proverbs, sayings and other stable phrases and expressions occupy a significant place among those used by the writer visual media primarily because they have great expressive capabilities: high degree generalization, emotionality, expressiveness. The author conveys to us his perception of the world in an amazing artistic expressiveness, capacious, plastic language. Stable turns give the characters' speeches the liveliness, accuracy characteristic of folk speech ("it was in the head", "bend the back", "worked like a horse"). Astafiev's language is rich, colorful, unique in its melodic sound. In addition to simple personifications (such as "the village suffocated in the wild growth", "the crocodile Genu who emitted the rubber spirit"), many complex, full of epithets and metaphors are used, creating a separate picture ("drunkenly staggering, squatting, dancing a worn-out heart", "silver overseas the buttons were shot back from the tailcoat "). Therefore, the work turned out to be so rich, bright, unforgettable. The writer does not focus only on the shadow sides of life. In his story there is a bright beginning, which, brightening up many adversities, comes from the hearts of the workers, who are not translated into Russia. I recall the scene of haymaking, when "Lyudochka and mother threw a haystack," and then the girl "washed off the hay dust and dust from herself in her native river" with the joy that is known only to people who have worked hard. emphasizes the spiritual closeness of man with nature, which is impossible to feel in a city mired in the darkness of ignorance, poverty and complete backwardness.Look around: strife, anger, pride torture and torment our land.

Astafiev's "Lyudochka" is attractive in that in such a small work the author was able to pose a number of important problems to the reader and in a vivid artistic form depicted pictures of our real life. But I think the main task of a writer is to show what kind of abyss we are going into. And if we do not stop in time, we are in danger of complete degeneration. The author encourages everyone to think about their soul and the world around them, try to change themselves, learn to love and sympathize with their neighbors. See the beauty of the world and try to keep it. After all, beauty will save the world.

This is how we with the 10th grade worked with V. Astafiev's text "Lyudochka", we saw such arguments for composing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language for the listed problems. As for the essay on literature, the arguments should be expanded and correlated with the dominant themes.




Lyudochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev is trying to escape from loneliness. But the very first lines of the work, where the heroine is compared to a sluggish, frozen grass, suggest that she, like this grass, is not capable of life. The girl leaves the parental home, where people are strangers to her, who are also lonely. Mother has long been accustomed to the structure of her life and does not want to delve into her daughter's problems, and Lyudochka's stepfather did not treat her in any way. The girl is a stranger both in her own home and among people. Everyone turned away from her, even her own mother was like a stranger to her.


Lyudochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev was everywhere faced with indifference, and the most terrible thing for her was the betrayal of people close to her. But the apostasy showed up earlier. At some point, the girl realized that she herself was involved in this tragedy, because she also showed indifference, until the trouble touched her personally. It was no accident that Lyudochka remembered her stepfather, whose plight she had not previously been interested in; it was not for nothing that she recalled a guy dying in the hospital, all the pain and drama of which the living did not want to understand.


The problem of crime and punishment in the story "Lyudochka" by V. Astafiev is the embodiment of the author's experiences, who points out to people their sins, for which they, in one way or another, are responsible.

Social crimes are perceived here as everyday. However, to this day, the most terrible crime is violence against a person. It was committed by Strekach, having outraged Lyudochka. The girl was punished for lethargy and indifference, atoning with her death not only her sins, but also the sins of her mother, school, Gavrilovna, police, youth of the town. But her death destroyed the indifference reigning around: she suddenly became necessary for her mother, Gavrilovna… Her stepfather avenged her.


Probably none of us could remain indifferent to fate Little people in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev.Any human heart will tremble with compassion, but the world the writer shows is cruel. The insulted, humiliated girl finds no understanding in anyone. Gavrilovna, who is already accustomed to insults and did not see anything special in them, does not notice the girl's suffering. The mother, the closest and dearest person, also does not feel the pain of her daughter ... The writer calls us to compassion, mercy, because even the girl's name means “dear to people”, but how cruel is the world around her! Astafiev teaches us: we must say a good word in time, stop evil in time, do not lose ourselves in time.

5 . THE PROBLEM OF FATHERS AND CHILDREN, misunderstanding of loved ones in a difficult situation

One can feel some kind of disharmony in the relationship between mother and daughter in V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka"; something that each of us is accustomed to is violated: the child must be loved. And the heroine does not feel maternal love, therefore, even in the most terrible trouble for a girl, she is not recognized by a loved one: she is not understood in the family, she is a stranger to her native home... Mother and daughter share a moral abyss of alienation.


We are accustomed to the fact that a park is a place where a person can relax, breathe fresh air, and relax. But everything is different in V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka". A terrible sight appears before us: along the ditch, breaking into the weeds, there are benches, bottles of various shapes stick out of the mud and foam, and there is always a stench in the park, because puppies, kittens, dead pigs are thrown into the ditch. And people behave like animals here.This "landscape" resembles a cemetery, where nature takes death at the hands of man. To a person, according to V. Astafiev, it is impossible to exist without it. That's the moral foundations are destroyed - this is the result of the punishment for the committed crime against nature.

7 ... Children's impressions and their impact on the future life of a person

Lyudochka lived at home uncomfortably and lonely in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev, because there is no warmth, understanding and trust in the relationship between mother and daughter. And Lyudochka even during adulthood remained shy, fearful and withdrawn. Her unhappy childhood seemed to be imprinted on her further short life.

8 the problem of disappearing villages

The village of Vychugan is dying out spiritually and gradually disappears in V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka", and along with it traditions and culture disappear into the past. The writer sounds the alarm: the village, like a burning candle, is living out its last months. People break the ties between man and nature, forget their origins, where their roots grow from. They did not even dare to bury Lyudochka in their native village Vychugan, because soon the united collective farm will plow everything into one field and the cemetery will plow.

9 the problem of alcoholism

It is bitter, painful to read how drunken young people behave at a disco in V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka". The author writes that they rage like a “herd”. The girl's father was also an inveterate drunkard, fussy and dull. The mother was even afraid that the child might be born sick, and therefore conceived him in a rare break from husbands drunkenness. And yet the girl was bruised by her father's unhealthy flesh and was born weak. We see people degrade under the influence of alcohol.

10 the fall of public morality

What killed Lyudochka? Indifference and fear of others, their unwillingness to interfere. And Astafiev says that people in the city live separately, every man for himself, that wolf laws reign around. All around drunkenness, violence, moral decline. But it is in our power to make this world a better place so that we can enjoy life!

11. "Reading" and a true, living book.

The cruel reality of life is described in Viktor Astafiev's story "Lyudochka". The author wrote it at the end of the eighties of the twentieth century, but the work is still relevant now, because it raises problems that worry my contemporaries - environmental pollution, a decline in morality and personal degradation, the death of a Russian village, mental loneliness. The story makes you think about the world around us, about indifference and indifference. In my opinion, "Lyudochka" is one of the best works Russian literature. The story encourages us, young readers, to think about life, about choosing a path, about the moral problems of society.

12. The problem of cleanliness native language, speech culture. The problem of communication between language and society.

V. Astafiev's heroes inherit the style and spirit of their time, and their speech is not just a dialect, but an “exponent” of a person's mental and moral qualities. The words of swaggering young people are an indicator of lack of spirituality: “tearing claws”, “homies”, “fuck off”, “godfather”. The clogging of the language with criminal jargon reflects the unhappiness of society, and the reader rejects such characters and their speech lack of culture.

13. The problem of late repentance, the realization that you missed something important in life.

Everywhere the main character was faced with indifference and could not withstand the betrayal of loved ones, who did not listen to her, did not help. Only after death did she suddenly become necessary for her mother, Gavrilovna, but, alas, nothing could be changed. Later, repentance came to Lyudochka's mother and will now accompany her through life. She gives herself a word that the future child will bond them with her husband, keep them afloat, will be their joy.

14. The problem of education.

Lyudochka grew like roadside grass. The girl is timid and shy by nature, she did not communicate much with her classmates. The mother did not openly show her love for her daughter, she did not knock on the soul of her daughter, as they say, did not give advice, did not warn against the hardships of life and, in general, was practically not engaged in education, therefore there was no warmth and kindred spiritual closeness between them.

fifteen . About God.

We do not see believers in the story: the heroes lack this moral foundation that could support them in difficult times, could save them from a destructive step ...It was terrifying to listen to Vychuganikha. The women cowardly, clumsily, forgetting which shoulder to start with, crossed themselves. Exhausted them, she taught them to put the sign of the cross again. And in solitude, old, willingly and obediently, the women returned to faith in God.Lyudochka's mother remembers him, who understands her guilt before her already dead daughter. Before dying, the girl herself turns to God with a request to forgive her. She did not believe in him, but at the subconscious level she understood that she no longer had anyone to turn to for help, but she did not dare to go to church ...

16. About the absence of love

V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka" shocks the reader with the harshness, indifference of his characters and the lack of warmth, kindness, trust in relations between people. But, perhaps, most of all, the readers are shocked by the absence of love, without which neither harmony nor the future is possible. Children not born out of love are a doomed generation of either cynics or weak, weak-willed people.

17. About attitude to their professional duties, about honesty; about indifferent attitude to your profession

Young paramedic in the story with squeamish fingers, she squeezed the abscess swollen on the young man's temple. And a day later, she was forced to personally accompany the young lumberjack, who fell into unconsciousness, to the regional hospital. And there, in a place unsuitable for complex operations, they were forced to give the patient a craniotomy and saw that nothing could be done to help. The death of a person is on the conscience of an unscrupulous squeamish girl who did not even grieve about this.