The best works of feta. Afanasy fet

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a recognized genius of literature, whose work is cited both in Russia and in foreign countries. His poems, such as "I won't tell you anything", "Whisper, timid breath", "Evening", "This morning, this joy", "At dawn you don't wake her up", "I came", "Nightingale and a rose "And others are now compulsory for study in schools and higher educational institutions.

In the biography of Athanasius Fet there are many mysteries and secrets that still excite the minds of scientists and historians. For example, the circumstances of the birth of a great genius who praised the beauty of nature and human feelings are like a Sphinx riddle.

When Shenshin was born (the name of the poet, which he bore for the first 14 and last 19 years of his life), it is not known for certain. They call it November 10 or December 11, 1820, but Afanasy Afanasyevich himself celebrated his birthday on the 5th of the twelfth month.

His mother Charlotte-Elisabeth Becker was the daughter of a German burgher and for some time was the wife of a certain Johann Feth, an assessor of the local court in Darmstadt. Soon Charlotte met Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, an Oryol landowner and a retired captain.

The fact is that Shenshin, having arrived in Germany, could not book a place in the hotel, because they simply were not there. Therefore, the Russian settles in the house of Ober-Kriegskommissar Karl Becker, a widower who lived with a 22-year-old daughter, pregnant with her second child, son-in-law and granddaughter.

Why did a young girl fall in love with 45-year-old Afanasy, who, moreover, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, was an unprepossessing person - history is silent. But, according to rumors, before they met the Russian landowner, the relationship between Charlotte and Fet gradually came to a standstill: despite the birth of their daughter Carolina, husband and wife often clashed, moreover, Johann got into numerous debts, poisoning the existence of a young wife.

It is only known that from the "City of Sciences" (as Darmstadt is called) the girl, together with Shenshin, fled to the snowy country, the severe frosts of which the Germans never dreamed of.

Karl Becker could not explain such an eccentric and unprecedented act of his daughter for those times. After all, she, being a married woman, left her husband and beloved child to the mercy of fate and went in search of adventure in an unfamiliar country. Grandfather Athanasius used to say that "the means of seduction" (most likely, Karl meant alcohol) deprived her of her mind. But in fact, later, Charlotte was diagnosed with a mental disorder.

Already on the territory of Russia, two months after the move, a boy was born. The baby was baptized according to the Orthodox tradition and named Athanasius. Thus, the parents predetermined the future of the child, because Athanasius in translation from Greek means "immortal". In fact, Fet became a famous writer, whose memory does not die for many years.

Converted to Orthodoxy, Charlotte, who became Elizaveta Petrovna, recalled that Shenshin treated his adopted son as a blood relative and endowed the boy with care and attention.

Later, the Shenshins had three more children, but two died at a young age, which is not surprising, because due to progressive diseases in those troubled times, infant mortality was considered far from uncommon. Afanasy Afanasyevich recalled in his autobiography “ early years my life ”, how his sister Anyuta, who was a year younger, went to bed. Near the girl's bed, family and friends were on duty day and night, and in the morning doctors visited her room. Fet remembered how he approached the girl and saw her ruddy face and blue eyes, motionlessly looking at the ceiling. When Anyuta died, Afanasy Shenshin, initially guessing about such a tragic outcome, fainted.

In 1824, Johann made a marriage proposal to the governess who raised his daughter Caroline. The woman agreed, and Fet either out of resentment at life, or then, in order to annoy the ex-wife, deleted Afanasy from the will. “I am very surprised that Fet forgot and did not recognize his son in his will. A person can be wrong, but to deny the laws of nature is a very big mistake, ”Elizaveta Petrovna recalled in her letters to her brother.

When the young man was 14 years old, the spiritual consistory canceled the baptismal record of Athanasius as the legitimate son of Shenshin, so the boy was given his surname - Fet, since he was born out of wedlock. Because of this, Athanasius lost all privileges, therefore, in the eyes of the public, he appeared not as a descendant of a noble family, but as a "Hessendarmstadt subject", a foreigner of dubious origin. Such changes were a blow to the heart for the future poet, who considered himself to be primordially Russian. For many years, the writer tried to return the name of the person who raised him as his own son, but the attempts were in vain. And only in 1873 Athanasius won a victory and became Shenshin.

Afanasy spent his childhood in the village of Novoselki, in the Oryol province, in his father's estate, in a house with a mezzanine and two outbuildings. The boy's eyes opened onto picturesque meadows covered with green grass, the crowns of mighty trees illuminated by the sun, houses with smoking chimneys and a church with ringing bells. Also, young Fet got up at five in the morning and in one pajamas ran to the maids, so that they would tell him a story. Although the maidservants who were busy spinning tried to ignore the annoying Athanasius, the boy eventually got his way.

All these childhood memories that inspired Fet were reflected in his subsequent work.

From 1835 to 1837, Athanasius attended the German private boarding school of Krümmer, where he showed himself as a diligent student. The young man pored over textbooks on literature and even then tried to come up with poetic lines.


At the end of 1837, the young man went to conquer the heart of Russia. Afanasy diligently studied for six months under the supervision of the famous journalist, writer and publisher Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin. After training, Fet easily entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow University. But soon the poet realized that the subject patronized by Saint Ivo of Breton was not his path.

Therefore, the young man, without any hesitation, transferred to Russian literature. As a first-year student, Afanasy Fet took up poetry seriously and showed his test of writing to Pogodin. Having familiarized himself with the works of the student, Mikhail Petrovich gave the manuscripts, which declared: "Fet is an undoubted talent." Encouraged by the praise of the author of the book Viy, Afanasy Afanasyevich published his debut collection Lyric Pantheon (1840) and began to appear in the literary journals Otechestvennye Zapiski, Moskvyanin, etc. The "lyrical pantheon" did not bring recognition to the author. Unfortunately, Fet's talent was not appreciated by his contemporaries.

But at one point Afanasy Afanasyevich had to leave his literary activity and forget about the pen and inkwell. A black streak has come in the life of the gifted poet. At the end of 1844, his beloved mother, as well as his uncle, with whom Fet developed warm friendly relations, died. Afanasy Afanasyevich counted on the inheritance of a relative, but his uncle's money suddenly disappeared. Therefore, the young poet was literally left without a livelihood and, in the hope of acquiring a fortune, entered military service and became a cavalryman. He achieved the rank of officer.

In 1850, the writer returned to poetry and released a second collection, which received rave reviews from Russian critics. After a fairly long period of time, the third collection of the talented poet was published under the editorship, and in 1863 a two-volume collection of Fet's works was published.

If we consider the work of the author of "May Night" and "Spring Rain", then he was a refined lyricist and, as if, identified nature and human feelings. In addition to lyric poems, his track record contains elegies, thoughts, ballads, messages. Also, many literary scholars agree that Afanasy Afanasyevich invented his own, original and multifaceted genre of "melodies", in his works there are often responses to musical works.

Among other things, Afanasy Afanasyevich is familiar to modern readers as a translator. He translated into Russian a number of poems by Latin poets, and also introduced readers to the mystical Faust.

Personal life

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet during his lifetime was a paradoxical figure: before his contemporaries he appeared as a brooding and gloomy man, whose biography is surrounded by mystical halos. Therefore, a dissonance arose in the minds of poetry lovers, some could not understand how this man burdened with everyday worries could so exaltedly praise nature, love, feelings and human relationships.

In the summer of 1848, Afanasy Fet, serving in the cuirassier regiment, was invited to a ball in a hospitable house former officer Order regiment M.I. Petkovich.

Among the young ladies flitting around the hall, Afanasy Afanasyevich saw a black-haired beauty, the daughter of a retired cavalry general of Serbian origin Maria Lazic. From that very meeting, Fet began to perceive this girl as or as -. It is noteworthy that Maria knew Fet for a long time, however, she met him through his poems, which she read in her youth. Lazic was educated beyond her years, knew how to play music and was well versed in literature. It is not surprising that Fet recognized a kindred spirit in this girl. They exchanged numerous fiery letters and often leafed through albums. Maria became the lyrical heroine of many Fet's poems.

But the acquaintance of Fet and Lazic was not happy. The beloved could become spouses and raise children in the future, but the calculating and practical Fet refused an alliance with Mary, because she was as poor as himself. In his last letter, Afanasy Afanasyevich Lazich initiated the separation.

Soon Maria died: because of a carelessly thrown match, her dress caught fire. The girl could not be saved from numerous burns. It is possible that this death was a suicide. Tragic event Fet was struck to the depths of his soul, and Afanasy Afanasyevich found consolation from the sudden loss of a loved one in his work. His subsequent poems were received by the reading public with a bang, so Fet managed to acquire a fortune, the poet's fees allowed him to travel across Europe.

While staying abroad, the chorea and iamba master became friends with a rich woman from the famous Russian dynasty - Maria Botkina. The second wife Feta was not pretty, but she was distinguished by good nature and easy disposition. Although Afanasy Afanasyevich made an offer not for love, but for calculation, the couple lived happily. After a modest wedding, the couple left for Moscow, Fet resigned and devoted his life to creativity.


On November 21, 1892 Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet died of a heart attack. Many biographers suggest that the poet attempted suicide before his death. But at the moment there is no reliable evidence for this version.

The grave of the creator is located in the village of Kleimenovo.



  • 2010 - "Poems"
  • 1970 - "Poems"
  • 2006 - “Afanasy Fet. Lyrics"
  • 2005 - "Poems. Poems "
  • 1988 - Poems. Prose. Letters "
  • 2001 - "Poet's Prose"
  • 2007 - "Spiritual Poetry"
  • 1856 - "Two Sticky"
  • 1859 - "Sabina"
  • 1856 - The Dream
  • 1884 - "Student"
  • 1842 - "Talisman"

Fet's poems amazed his contemporaries and amaze us with the brightness and harmony of colors, great emotional intensity.

The poet believed that it is necessary to create by inspiration and inspiration. The subject of art can be nature, love, beauty - and this he followed in his poetic practice. He entered the history of Russian poetry as an original poet-lyricist, master of lyric miniature.

Nature occupies a significant place in his lyrics; it seems to respond to the poet's feelings. Man is a particle of living nature, a being equal to it. The poet loved to depict the transitional states of nature, different seasons: autumn, spring, summer and winter - all equally beautiful.

His love lyrics are very significant, singing the joys and misfortunes of great human feelings. A whole cycle of poems about love for a woman is dedicated to Maria Lazic, most of them are of a dramatic nature.

The prevailing mood in his works is delight with nature, beauty, art, memories, delight. These are the features of Fet's lyrics. Often the poet has a motive of flying away from the earth, following the moonlight or enchanting music.

Poetry for Fet is pure essence, something like thin air on mountain peaks: not a human house, but a sanctuary.

Like any poet, Afanasy Afanasyevich writes about the eternal theme of life and death. He is not equally afraid of death or life. The poet experiences only cold indifference to physical death, and earthly existence is justified only by creative fire, commensurate in his view with the "whole universe." Both antique and Christian motives sound in verses.

In this section you will also find all the best Fet poems that students of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 pass through the school curriculum. Patriotic poems about the Motherland and Russia, about war and about freedom. Sad poems about the cemetery and religion, about loneliness, about freedom. Dedications to mother and women. Philosophical reflections on good and evil, on friendship, on the abyss.

Adult readers will love short poems about sleep, satirical poems with obscenities. As well as lyrical, romantic and historical works. And also read dedications, epigrams, romances - and enjoy the pearls of world lyrics.

The future poet was born on November 23 (December 5 in a new style) 1820 in the village. Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province (Russian Empire).

As the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker, who left Germany in 1820, Athanasius was adopted by the nobleman Shenshin. 14 years later, an unpleasant event occurred in the biography of Afanasy Fet: an error was discovered in the birth record, which deprived him of his title.


In 1837, Fet graduated from the Krummer private boarding school in the city of Verro (now Estonia). In 1838 he entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow University, continuing to take a great interest in literature. He graduated from the university in 1844.

The poet's creativity

In a short biography of Fet, it is worth noting that the first poems were written by him in his youth. Fet's poetry was first published in the collection "Lyric Pantheon" in 1840. Since then, Fet's poems have been constantly published in magazines.

In an effort to regain the title of nobility in all possible ways, Athanasius Fet went to serve as a non-commissioned officer. Then, in 1853, in the life of Fet, there was a transition to the guards regiment. Fet's creativity, even in those days, does not stand still. In 1850, his second collection was published, in 1856 - the third.

In 1857, the poet marries Maria Botkina. Having retired in 1858, without having achieved the return of the title, he acquires land and devotes himself to housekeeping.

Fet's new works, published from 1862 to 1871, comprise the cycles From the Village and Notes on Free Hired Labor. They include short stories, short stories, essays. Afanasy Afanasievich Fet strictly distinguishes between his prose and poetry. Poetry is romantic for him, and prose is realistic.


Evening lights
Collection of poems

Out of fashion
Uncle and cousin
Goltz family
Articles about poetry and art

Two sticky



Pierre-Jean Beranger

Criticism and journalism:

A.A. Fet about F. Tyutchev's poems


My memories
Early years of my life
Early years of my life (excerpts)

Apollo Belvedere ("Stubborn bow, slightly inclined from sight ...")

Ball ("When these sounds tremble ...")

"A fragrant night, a blessed night ..."

Into the album ("Victory! Anger is unarmed ...")

Spring thoughts ("Again birds fly from afar ...")

Spring in the yard ("How the chest breathes freshly and capaciously ...")

Evening ("It sounded over a clear river ...")

"So the summer days are decreasing ..."

"Everything is as it happened, cheerful, happy ..."

"I got up early over the mountain ..." (Moon and rose)

"The depths of heaven are clear again ..."

"There is little comfort in love for a long time ..."

"Long ago, at the time of your childish ..." (Transformations)

Village ("I love your sad shelter ...")

"How long will I drink your flicker ..." (To the fading stars)

To a friend ("When there is suffering in your chest ...")

"Spruce covered my path with a sleeve ..."

"It's still spring, as if unearthly ..."

"Still spring fragrant bliss ..."

"More more! Ah, the heart hears ... "

"I still love, I still languish ..."

Another May night ("What a night! What bliss on everyone! ..")

"Dawn. The edge of the east is shining ... "(Impossible)

"Dawn says goodbye to the earth ..."

"Leaning his head to the window ..." (At the window)

"How sad are the gloomy days ..." (Autumn)

"How the chest breathes freshly and capaciously ..." (Spring is in the yard)

“What sadness! The end of the alley ... "

“What a night! How clean the air ... "

“What a night! What bliss is all over! .. "(Another May night)

"Clouds are swirling, milling in the shine of scarlet ..." (Steppe in the evening)

"When there is suffering in your chest ..." (To a friend)

"When these sounds tremble ..." (Ball)

Bell ("The night is dumb, like an ethereal spirit ...")

Swallows ("Nature's idle spy ...")

"The swallows are gone ..."

"In the forest, we walked along the only path ..."

"Summer evening is quiet and clear ..."

"I love your sad shelter ..." (Village)

"I love it in my room at night to stand at the window in the dark ..."

The moon and the rose ("I got up early over the mountain ...")

"He wanted my madness, who adjacent ..."

"The leaves were silent, the stars glowed ..."

"The stars pray, twinkle and glow ..."

"Frost and night over the snowy distance ..." (On railroad)

Muse ("You want to curse, crying and wailing ...")

On the railway ("Frost and night over the snowy distance ...")

"At dawn, don't wake her up ..."

"I fell off on an armchair and looked at the ceiling ..."

"On a haystack at the southern night ..."

"I can't hear this bird ..."

"Do not refer to cold dispassion ..."

It is impossible ("Dawn. The edge of the east is shining ...")

"Bad weather - autumn - you smoke ..."

"No, don't wait for a passionate song ..."

"The night is dumb, like an incorporeal spirit ..." (Bell)

"Now we heard the first thunder ..."

“Oh, the first lily of the valley! From under the snow ... "(The first lily of the valley)

"Oh, this rural day and its beautiful splendor ..."

"A wavy cloud ..."

"Again invisible efforts ..."

Autumn ("How sad are the gloomy days ...")

Singer ("Take my heart to the ringing distance ...")

The first lily of the valley ("Oh, the first lily of the valley! From under the snow ...")

"Victory! Anger is unarmed ... "(To the album)

"Understand at least once a melancholy confession ..." (Anruf an die Geliebte Beethoven)

"The last sheaf was brought from naked fields ..." (Hound hunting)

Why? ("Why, how do you sit illuminated ...")

"Why, as you sit illuminated ..." (Why?)

To poets ("The heart trembles with joy and pain ...")

Transformations ("Long ago, at the time of your childish ...")

"Nature's idle spy ..." (Swallows)

"It sounded over a clear river ..." (Evening)

Hound hunting ("The last sheaf was brought from naked fields ...")

"I would like to shake your hand again! .."

“The candle is on fire. Portraits in the shade ... "

"The heart trembles with joy and pain ..." (To the Poets)

“The night was shining. The garden was full of the moon. They lay ... "

"Again birds fly from afar ..." (Spring thoughts)

"The sun is setting, and the flying wind has died down ..."

Steppe in the evening ("Clouds are swirling, blazing in a shine of scarlet ...")

"The dear pages have opened their fingers again ..."

"You see, behind the backs of the mowers ..."

"You want to curse, crying and wailing ..." (Muse)

By the window ("With his head pressed to the window ...")

To the fading stars ("How long will I drink your flicker ...")

"The willow is all fluffy ..."

"Take my heart to the ringing distance ..." (To the singer)

"Stubborn bow, slightly inclined from sight ..." (Apollo Belvedere)

"Tired everything around: tired and the color of heaven ..."

"Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch ..."

"Though luck was not given to me by fate ..."

“What an evening! And the stream ... "

“What is the sound in the evening twilight? God knows ... "

"Whisper, timid breath ..."

"This morning, this joy ..."

"I say that I love meeting with you ..."

"I came to you with greetings ..."

"I won't tell you anything ..."

"A fire blazes with a bright sun in the forest ..."

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (real name Shenshin) (1820-1892) - Russian poet, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1886).

Afanasy Fet was born on December 5 (November 23, old style), 1820 in the village of Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province. He was the illegitimate son of the landowner Shenshin, and at the age of fourteen, by decision of the spiritual consistory, he received the surname of his mother Charlotte Fet, at the same time losing the right to nobility. Subsequently, he achieved a hereditary noble rank and regained the surname Shenshin, but the literary name - Fet - remained with him forever.

Afanasy studied at the Faculty of Literature of Moscow University, here he became close to Apollo Grigoriev and was part of a circle of students who were intensively engaged in philosophy and poetry. While still a student, in 1840, Fet published the first collection of his poems - "Lyric Pantheon". In 1845-1858 he served in the army, then acquired large lands and became a landowner. According to his convictions, A. Fet was a monarchist and conservative.

The origin of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is still not fully understood. According to the official version, Fet was the son of the Oryol landowner Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin and Charlotte-Elizabeth Fet, who fled to Russia from her first husband. The divorce proceedings dragged on, and the wedding of Shenshin and Fet took place only after the birth of the boy. According to another version, his father was Charlotte-Elizabeth's first husband Johann-Peter Fet, but the child was born already in Russia and was recorded under the name of his adoptive father. One way or another, at the age of 14, the boy was declared illegitimate and deprived of all noble privileges. This event, which overnight turned the son of a wealthy Russian landowner into a homeless foreigner, had a profound impact on Fet's entire subsequent life. Wanting to protect their son from legal proceedings regarding his origin, the parents sent the boy to a German boarding school in the city of Verro (Võru, Estonia). In 1837 he spent six months in the Moscow boarding school of Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin, preparing to enter Moscow University and in 1838 became a student of the historical and philological department of the philosophical faculty. The university environment (Apollon Alexandrovich Grigoriev, in whose house Fet lived during all his studies, students Yakov Petrovich Polonsky, Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev, Konstantin Dmitrievich Kavelin, etc.) contributed to the formation of Fet as a poet in the best possible way. In 1840 he published his first collection, Lyric Pantheon A. F. The Pantheon did not generate much resonance, but the collection drew the attention of critics and opened the way to key periodicals: after its publication, Fet's poems began to appear regularly in Moskvityanin and Otechestvennye zapiski.

Hoping to receive a diploma of nobility, in 1845 Afanasy Afanasyevich enrolled in the cuirassier order regiment, stationed in the Kherson province, with the rank of non-commissioned officer, a year later he received the rank of officer, but shortly before that it became known that from now on the nobility gives only the rank of major. During the years of the Kherson service, a personal tragedy broke out in Fet's life, which left an imprint on the poet's subsequent work. Beloved Feta, the daughter of a retired general Maria Lazic, died of burns - her dress caught fire from a match accidentally or deliberately dropped. The version of suicide seems to be the most probable: Maria was a dowry, and her marriage to Fet was impossible. In 1853, Fet was transferred to the Novgorod province, having the opportunity to visit St. Petersburg frequently. His name gradually returned to the pages of magazines, this was facilitated by new friends - Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, Alexander Vasilyevich Druzhinin, Vasily Petrovich Botkin, who were part of the editorial board of Sovremennik. A special role in the poet's work was played by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who prepared and published a new edition of Fet's poems (1856).

In 1859, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet received the long-awaited rank of major, but the dream of returning the nobility was not destined to come true then - since 1856 this title was awarded only to colonels. Fet retired and, after a long trip abroad, settled in Moscow. In 1857 he married the middle-aged and ugly Maria Petrovna Botkina, receiving a substantial dowry for her, which allowed him to acquire an estate in the Mtsensk district. “He has now become an agronomist - a master to the point of despair, has let his beard go to his loins ... he doesn’t want to hear about literature and he scolds magazines with enthusiasm,” Turgenev commented on the changes that happened with Fet. Indeed, for a long time, only accusatory articles about the post-reform state came out from the pen of the talented poet. agriculture... "People do not need my literature, and I do not need fools," Fet wrote in a letter to Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov, hinting at the lack of interest and misunderstanding on the part of his contemporaries, keen on civic poetry and the ideas of populism. Contemporaries responded in the same way: "All of them (Fet's poems) are of such content that a horse could write them if it learned to write poetry," - this is the textbook assessment of Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky.

Afanasy Fet returned to literary work only in the 1880s after returning to Moscow. Now he was no longer a rootless poor man Fet, but a rich and respected nobleman Shenshin (in 1873 his dream finally came true, he received a noble letter and his father's surname), a skillful Oryol landowner and owner of a mansion in Moscow. He again became close to his old friends: Polonsky, Strakhov, Solovyov. In 1881, his translation of the main work of Arthur Schopenhauer "The World as Will and Representation" was published, a year later - the first part of "Faust", in 1883 - the works of Horace, later Decimus Junius Juvenal, Guy Valerius Catullus, Ovid, Maron Publius Virgil, Johann Friedrich Schiller, Alfred de Musset, Heinrich Heine and other famous writers and poets. Collected editions of poetry collections were published under the general title "Evening Lights". In 1890, two volumes of the memoirs "My Memories" appeared; the third, The Early Years of My Life, was published posthumously in 1893.

By the end of life the physical state Feta became unbearable: vision deteriorated sharply, aggravated asthma was accompanied by attacks of suffocation and excruciating pain. November 21, 1892 Fet dictated to his secretary: "I do not understand the conscious increase in the inevitable suffering, I voluntarily go to the inevitable." The suicide attempt failed: the poet died earlier from a stroke.

All Fet's creativity can be viewed in the dynamics of its development. The first poems of the university period gravitate towards the glorification of the sensual, pagan principle. Beauty takes on concrete visual forms, harmonious and complete. There is no contradiction between the spiritual and the fleshly worlds, there is what unites them - beauty. The search and disclosure of beauty in nature and man is the main task of the early Fet. Already in the first period, there are tendencies characteristic of later creativity. The objective world became less clear, and the shades of the emotional state, impressionistic sensations came to the fore. The expression of the inexpressible, the unconscious, music, fantasy, experience, an attempt to grasp the sensual, not the object, but the impression of the object - all this determined the poetry of Afanasy Fet of the 1850-1860s. The writer's later lyrics were largely influenced by the tragic philosophy of Schopenhauer. The art of the 1880s was characterized by an attempt to escape to another world, the world of pure ideas and essences. In this, Fet turned out to be close to the aesthetics of the Symbolists, who considered the poet their teacher.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet died on December 3 (November 21, old style), 1892, in Moscow.

"His articles, in which he stood up for the interests of the landowners, aroused the indignation of the entire progressive press. After a long break in poetry, in his seventh decade, in the 80s, Fet published a collection of poems" Evening Lights ", where his work unfolded with new strength.

Fet went down in the history of Russian poetry as a representative of the so-called "pure art". He argued that beauty is the artist's only goal. Nature and love were the main themes of Fet's works. But in this relatively narrow sphere, his talent manifested itself with great brilliance. ...

Afanasy Fet especially skillfully conveyed the nuances of feelings, vague, fugitive or barely emerging moods. "The ability to catch the elusive" - \u200b\u200bthis is how criticism characterized this feature of his talent. "