New rules for certification of educators c. New Model for Teacher Appraisal

Annually the legislative framework RF is undergoing changes. In 2019, amendments were made to the certification procedure for teachers. What is certification? How is it carried out and what changes have been made?

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What it is

Attestation teaching staff (APR) is a complex system of measures aimed at assessing the level of qualifications of teachers, teachers, educators, as well as assessing their personal and professional qualities and productivity labor activity.

The test results are used not only to assess an individual teacher, but also to identify the effectiveness of a particular educational institution.

Certification solves several tasks:

  1. Identification of candidates for a managerial vacancy.
  2. Identification of the teacher's compliance with the position.
  3. Determination of the possibilities for personal and professional growth of an employee of the pedagogical sphere.
  4. Determination of readiness for professional development.
  5. Assigning a higher category.
  6. Encouraging teaching staff to use innovative methods, approaches and technologies in their work.
  7. Identifying the need for additional training, including refresher courses.
  8. Opportunity for career growth.
  9. Skills and knowledge check teaching activities specific employee.

Thus, the main purpose of certification is to identify suitability for the position held and improve qualifications. In practice, APR is increasingly used for the search and selection of personnel for leadership positions in the educational sphere.

Certification of teachers is carried out once every 5 years or more often at the request of the employee himself or at the discretion of the employer.


APR is carried out on the basis of the current Federal Law No. 273 "On Education" and the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 276 on the approval of the procedure for the procedure.

Certification is carried out every 5 years or more often among all employees of the educational sphere, including the management.

The exceptions are:

  • teachers who already have qualifications;
  • teachers or employees of the field appointed to the position by the Government of the Russian Federation or the President of the Russian Federation;
  • teachers with less than 2 years of experience in their current position;
  • employees holding a senior management position temporarily;
  • pregnant employees or employees on maternity leave;
  • employees who are on maternity leave or parental leave for a child under 3 years old;
  • teachers who are absent from the workplace for more than 4 months before certification.

APR for compliance with the position or for advanced training has several features and nuances that must be observed:

  1. An attestation commission must be assembled to evaluate an applicant for the position or for the suitability of the position held. Commission composition:
    • chairman;
    • deputy;
    • secretary;
    • ordinary members of the commission.
  2. Before the APR is carried out, the employer must issue a corresponding Order. The employee must be familiarized with the document no later than 1 month before the event.
  3. The results of the commission meeting will be accepted as competent if the majority of the commission members (at least two thirds) were present at the certification.
  4. A meeting and assessment of a teaching staff member can only be held in his presence. If necessary, the certification can be postponed to another day.
  5. The results of the meeting should be expressed in one of the following forms:
    • suitability of the position;
    • inappropriateness of the position;
    • qualification assignment (1, 2 or higher);
    • refusal to grant qualifications.
  6. Voting is conducted at an open meeting without the participation of the applicant.
  7. The results of the event must be recorded, and the protocol itself must be signed by all members of the commission and the certified teacher.
  8. The attestation result can be appealed in accordance with the established procedure.
  9. The meeting of the certification commission can be initiated by the teaching staff for the purpose of improving their qualifications. In this case, the consideration of the case is carried out only on the basis of a written application from the applicant. By law, the application is considered no more than 30 days after filing.
  10. Advanced training is possible no earlier than 2 years after the assignment of another category.

What changes have occurred

The latest changes in the certification of teachers in 2019:

  1. Introduction of general federal standards for conducting APR.
  2. Checking the level of pedagogical and psychological skills of an educational worker by video recording of the learning process.
  3. The assessment of the professional competencies of pedagogues is carried out according to a highly specialized essay, which can subsequently be replaced by an exam.
  4. A beginner teacher can receive a category already 2 years after the start of labor activity.
  5. Introduction of stages of passing certification activities.
  6. Introduction of additional criteria for evaluating teachers.
  7. Introduction of the possibility to challenge the decision of the certification commission in court.

Despite significant changes, the procedure for attestation for compliance with the position held has not changed.

How is

In accordance with the changes in 2019, the certification procedure includes the following stages:

  1. Identification of the need for an APR, including for the reasons:
    • personal statement of the teacher for professional development;
    • personnel selection for new or leadership positions;
    • standard check for suitability for the position held.
  2. Gathering of the certification commission and appointment of the chairman.
  3. Publication of the Order and the schedule of certification activities.
  4. Carrying out the APR in two stages:
    • stage 1: confirmation of professional knowledge and skills;
    • stage 2: Defense of teaching qualifications.
  5. Making a decision on awarding qualifications or meeting the position by a majority vote at a general vote.
  6. Issuance of the Minutes, including the main aspects of the meeting, decision, signatures of all members of the commission and the teacher who passed the certification. The protocol should be entered into the employee's personal file. The results of the meeting can be appealed against in court.

To pass the APR, the certified teacher must provide the commission with the following package of documents:

  • written consent to conduct certification activities;
  • application for attestation for qualification assignment;
  • a copy of the results of previous certification (if any);
  • higher education diploma;
  • a detailed report on the activities carried out in a specific position;
  • document on assignment of a pedagogical category (if any);
  • characteristics from the current place of work;
  • cover letter from the manager;
  • letters of recommendation from colleagues and other officials;
  • employee information card;
  • two videos taken in the teaching process.
  • other documents at the discretion of the certified teacher.

A sample application is presented below:

Thus, the certification of teaching staff should be carried out at least once every 5 years in order to identify the compliance with the position held and other competencies.

Changes in 2019 tightened the certification procedure, which, according to experts, can qualitatively improve the level of education in the country.

The new certification of teachers in 2018, tested in the fall in a number of regions of Russia, was developed last spring and is designed to bridge the gaps of teachers in specialized subjects... About 30% of teachers are not able to solve problems on their own, to write a dictation accurately. What kind of qualitative leap in education can we talk about if it is lame basic training teachers? The certification, which teachers will now pass every 4 years, is aimed at filling gaps in specific disciplines, increasing the level of general knowledge, including psychology. This, according to the ideas of the developers, will serve to rapprochement with students, increase the prestige of the profession. Is it really capable of this new form teacher certification?

At the desk with the students

The appraisal block is shaped like an exam sheet, so that primary and secondary school workers will have to sit down at a desk with their students. However, in essence, the new model is noticeably different. Mentors will be asked to tick off the answers they think are correct, and to be creative by writing an essay or essay proposing their own approach to teaching.

Intentions designed to raise general level professional competence teachers are understandable, but not fully worked out. Most experts are inclined to believe that the new form of teacher certification in 2018 should include 3 main sections.

  1. The block of knowledge of the subject in which the teacher specializes. The teacher is obliged to answer questions, show imagination, solve independent work.
  2. Psychology unit, which is designed to assess the communication skills of the mentor. The results of the section show how the teacher manages to find a common language with the students.
  3. Block assessing teacher's pedagogical training. Its results will become a criterion for the ability to get out of difficult situations, smooth out conflicts.

What outrages teachers

Representatives of the Ministry of Education assure that the new rules for certification of teachers in 2018 are not a punitive measure aimed at reducing the number of teachers who are already in short supply. The mentors who fail the exam will be sent to refresher courses, where they will be able not only to prepare for the second exam, but also to raise the grade, which will have a positive effect on income. However, good intentions sound great on paper, but it is not clear how this will be organized in practice, which causes justified indignation of teachers. The weakest points of the new certification rules, according to school workers, are the following factors.

  1. The mechanism for checking creative works has not been defined. It is not entirely clear who and by what criteria will check the essays and essays written during the certification.
  2. The level of psychological abilities of the teacher is supposed to be assessed on the basis of video recording of the lesson. However, this requires hardware and parental consent.
  3. Teachers' professional competence can be challenged in court on the basis of existing diplomas. It is problematic to establish professional suitability or incompetence.

Should you be afraid of the upcoming certification?

Despite the obvious shortcomings, a program to improve the level of training of specialists has been launched. It is unlikely that it should be regarded as a panacea that can dramatically and quickly transform the existing concept of education. However, even if ten, twenty, one hundred cases of the teacher's inadequacy are found, this is already not bad, since it will save the school from people who are not doing their own thing. At the same time, we are not talking about instant dismissal: if desired, each mentor will have the opportunity to raise the level of knowledge in the relevant courses, to think about further prospects in the chosen field.

Do not forget that from new certification teachers in 2018, a significant part of teachers was released. Among them are pregnant women, workers with a qualification category, employees who left after illness or maternity leave.

There is no need to be afraid of certification - when it comes to raising the level of education of the younger generation, any means are good. The technique has not yet been worked out, but life itself will offer the best options for certification. It remains to be hoped that positive innovations will have a real impact on the professional growth of teachers, and will not become a formal dummy and fertile ground for scandals.

They were implemented last year and continue to operate this year. Changes in the certification of teaching staff in 2017 will affect many teachers of preschool, secondary and higher educational institutions.

Recent changes in the certification of teachers in 2017

A new approach to assessing the knowledge of teachers in 2017 will affect all representatives of this field. Innovations in the law of the Russian Federation 273 allow a completely different attitude to certification, which will now be carried out in two stages:

  • attestation of the appropriateness of the position (the quality of the competencies should be sufficient for effective work, the ability to interact with children is checked, the existing level of the category is determined);
  • professional development (This opportunity is given to teachers after a positive result of passing the first stage of the test).

Now in Russia teachers are assigned the first and highest category. Applicants for the first can be certified for the first time or have an expired term of the same category.

New regulations and rules

Now there is obligatory and voluntary varieties of the assessment exercise. The first type is carried out state actors in order to determine the degree of the teacher's solvency, his compliance with the position held, and the second - on a non-compulsory basis at the request of the employee.

Teachers who were certified 5 years ago are subject to mandatory competence assessment. Those who already have a category or are in a position are removed from it.

List of official papers

The order and place of submission of documents for passing the check was changed. Previously, teachers whose goal was to improve their pedagogical skills or to assign a category would submit an application in their area. Now the higher educational institutions of the state level are responsible for carrying out the "inspection" of knowledge.

Below is a list of documentation that must be provided to those who are going to undergo the verification procedure:

  • a statement signed in person;
  • a copy of the previous certification sheet (if passed);
  • copy of the diploma;
  • a copy of the sheet on the acquisition of a qualification category;
  • professional portfolio illustrating work achievements;
  • a copy of additional documents necessary to confirm the truth and consistency of the data (for example, when changing the name);
  • it is advisable (but not necessary) to attach a testimonial from the workplace or a cover letter describing the qualities of the educator in the context of his work.

Within a month's term, the applicant will receive a notification at the specified address. It will inform you of the date and time at which the certification event is scheduled.

Who might be interested in voluntary certification?

The voluntary form should attract the attention of those educators who consciously strive to increase their level with the aim of self-improvement, self-realization and professional advancement. The new inspection schedule in 2017 has similar features to the previous one.

A representative of the educational sphere of functioning, who has shown a willingness to subject his teaching skills to an optional form of testing, should first contact his boss on this issue in order to write the necessary petition. It must indicate the pursued goal of passing the test (establishing a new category, confirming the existing one).

This form can be of interest both for teachers without a category, and with it, but who have not yet exhausted their career opportunities. To get the highest grade, you need to have the first category, and also be well prepared in terms of skill.

How is certification carried out?

The passage of compulsory certification in 2017 is controlled by a special one, consisting of authorized members of an educational organization. Who is included in it is decided by the leading person who confirmed the order on its formation and composition. The manager must submit a list of employees subject to control.

If a desire to undergo an optional assessment procedure is revealed, the application is written by the employee himself. He should indicate the position held and the presence (absence) of the category. Within a month, the application will be checked, after which the date of testing the teacher's experience will be determined. The duration of the procedure itself (taking into account the date of the decision) is up to 60 days.

There are times when an employee does not agree with the announced outcome. He has a chance to challenge it within 90 days in one of two ways:

  • go to court;
  • form a special council to resolve labor disputes.

Having received a satisfactory final answer, the teacher, having taken up his duties, has the legal right to demand an increase in his salary.

Preparation for certification for professional suitability

It used to be enough to prepare children for open lesson, find a "common language" with representatives of the certification committee, etc. Now the process has become more complicated, the set of requirements for the auditors has increased, which must prove to the verification group that they have the right to carry out their teaching service, and the degree of their awareness corresponds to it.

Attestation for compliance with the position held is an important incident in the professional life of every teacher. Therefore, you should prepare for it with great responsibility in order to be able to fully reveal your potential and shine with awareness of your business. It is these criteria that the commission uses to assess the level of professional suitability.

In the inter-certification period, an educational worker is obliged to take care of improving his own level of competence in all available ways (take additional courses, conduct lectures, seminars, participate in various competitions, olympiads, etc.). Fruit professional activity should be recorded in their pedagogical portfolio of achievements.

No less stimulating to successfully pass the test, and, therefore, to carry out the necessary, high-quality training, is the fact of an increase in salary if the test is passed successfully.

Execution of certification for compliance with the position held

In 2017, every employee in the educational sphere is subject to verification of compliance with the workplace. It will not affect those who fall under the following statements:

  • “Newly minted” who have worked in their place for no more than 2 years;
  • staying on maternity leave (after leaving which you must work for at least 2 years to be able to undergo certification steps);
  • who have not worked at their place for more than 4 months (they are allowed to “revise” their knowledge only after a year of returning to the workplace);
  • pregnant women.

If necessary, the above subjects have the right to write an application for passing optional, if this coincides with their career interests and benefits.

The updated rules of verification actions pursue the task of assessing the suitability of a particular specialist's job position. In case of non-confirmation of competence, he is replaced by a suitable candidate.

Certification actions can be carried out without a participant. In order to be present at the announcement of the results, a request for this must be submitted along with the main documentation.

Regardless of the presence of the subject during the issuance of the conclusion, the commission forms a protocol. It records the estimated results, personal data of the person being checked and other necessary information. The result of the verification event is recorded in certification sheet... With a positive decision, there is a confirmation of the correspondence of the teacher's competence to his position.

The new procedure for the certification of teaching staff implies more expenditure of time and power resources for training. Perhaps not everyone will like it, which will force some, first of all, “old-timers”, to prematurely terminate their teaching.

It is possible that such a check may frighten young candidates who are unsure of their ability to work. In order not to worry in vain, it is necessary to focus on premature preparation. You can agree or disagree with the innovations, but if you are determined to develop and grow in your field of activity, it is important to simply accept them and start the required preparatory activities.

Certification of teaching staff - verification of employees educational institutions, happens every 5 years. In the process of this verification, the certification committee must clarify the following questions:

  • Are the teaching staff fit for the position they hold?
  • Do they know how to build even relationships with students and it is interesting to present information to students?
  • Did the teacher improve his / her professional level in the period between certifications?
  • Is it legal to raise his qualification level?

Events of this kind are aimed at encouraging teachers to improve their professional level, helping the higher management to adequately form the staff.

Based on the results of the passed certification, the further professional fate of the teacher is decided.

Who will be certified in 2019?

There are 2 types of attestation checks:

  • Mandatory - all education workers who do not have a grace period for one reason or another are subject;
  • Voluntary - is organized after writing a relevant application on the initiative of an employee with the goal of moving up the career ladder;

Who is exempt from certification?

  • Young employees of the teaching staff who have been working in this field for no more than 2 years;
  • Pregnant women and employees on maternity leave, as well as persons on maternity leave;
  • If the teacher is sick for a long time (more than 4 months in a row);
  • If the employee already has a qualification category obtained no more than 5 years ago;

It should be remembered that after a pedagogical worker leaves parental leave for a child under 3 years of age to work, such an employee is subject to certification no earlier than 2 years later.

The same period has been set and for those who wish, they will once again move up the career ladder. You must wait 2 years after the last refresher.

What is the composition of the certification commission?

For this purpose, members of the commission are elected from the ranks of the educational organization itself. It may also include the chairman, deputy chairman and secretary. The composition must be approved by the head of the institution.

The package of documents required for successful certification:

A statement written by the teacher with all the details; In the event that the certification is not the first, copies of previous documents (their results) should also be provided;

  • A copy of the diploma of teacher education;
  • If the employee has a qualification category, present a certified copy of it;
  • A copy of the document confirming the fact of changing the surname, if any;
  • Detailed description from the workplace;
  • Information card with the results of professional activities;

For employees of an educational organization who have expressed a desire to improve their qualifications by going through the procedure voluntary certification, it is necessary to add a video presentation to the package of documents proposed above with two classes held between the certification period in the amount of 2 copies.

Teacher certification schedule

Schedule of meetings of the City Attestation Commission:

P / p No. month 2017-2018 account g.
approved by order of DOGM dated August 29, 2017 No. 725
Approximate schedule of meetings
City Attestation Commission

in accordance with the terms earlier
meetings held
certification commissions in Moscow

for 2019-2019 account g.
1. september27.09.2017 25.09.2018
2. october25.10.2017 30.10.2018
3. november29.11.2017 27.11.2018
4. december27.12.2017 25.12.2018
5. january31.01.2018 29.01.2019
6. february28.02.2018 26.02.2019
7. march28.03.2018 26.03.2019
8. april25.04.2018 30.04.2019
9. may30.05.2018 28.05.2019

The Government and expert communities are discussing the addition of the national project "Education". It includes 9 large federal projects, including laying the foundations for a new approach to testing the professionalism of teachers. In particular, the All-Russian popular front proposes to abandon the current certification system, and instead introduce a unified professional exam. And although the goals of checking the level of training of teachers will not change, the new exam will allow educators and teachers to make plans for their professional development, independent experts say.

The ONF emphasizes that the exam must meet the requirements of the teacher's professional standard and federal educational standards general education.

It is not known whether the officials will agree to such a proposal, but now another experiment is underway in the Russian Federation - a new model of teacher certification is being tested within the framework of the same national project "Education". Its main difference is that teachers must pass an independent qualification assessment based on the use of uniform federal assessment materials. No portfolio, certificates and other materials proving that the specialist teaches children well is not needed. It is planned that under the new model certification will begin in 2020. At the same time, the division into mandatory and voluntary will remain, and the frequency of inspections will not change either.

What is the time frame for certification now?

Certification for compliance with the position held in the preschool educational institution of the educator (2019) is carried out, depending on its type, in the following terms:

  1. Certification of teaching staff in order to confirm compliance with the position. It is mandatory and takes place within the timeframe specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It should be held at least once every 5 years. This type is a check for professional suitability for the position held.
  2. Certification of teaching staff to establish a qualification category is voluntary and is carried out at the request of the employee. This type is a test of professional compliance for an upgrade.

If the category is valid for 5 years, it is possible to retest after 2 years from the date of receipt of the previous category. If the applicant receives a refusal to re-check, he can apply again after 1 year after the refusal received.

According to the regulation on the planned certification of teachers, the period for confirming compliance with the position held is 5 years. Consequently, in 2019, the teaching staff, certified in 2014, will be sent to it.

To pass the check for compliance with the position of the employee, the manager sends educational institution.

In case of late confirmation of the category, it will be canceled.

  • an employee with the first category must apply for attestation to obtain the first category and go through the procedure in general;
  • if the pedagogical worker had the highest category, then it will be downgraded to the first, while there is no need to wait two years to apply for the highest category (meaning, if the person has been holding this position for two years).

In this case, the qualification categories assigned before 01/01/2011 remain valid for the period for which they were assigned. However, the rule according to which a teacher who has worked in the profession for 20 years was assigned the second category “for life” is canceled. These educators must also be certified every five years.

List of required documents

List of required documents for attestation:

  1. Application for certification of a teacher for the highest category (2019).
  2. A copy of the result of the previous certification, if any.
  3. Copies of diplomas in specialized education (secondary and higher pedagogical education).
  4. In case of a change of surname, a copy of the document is attached.
  5. A cover letter or testimonial from the place of work, which can serve as confirmation professional competence educator.

Educator certification application

Application for the highest category preschool teacher (2019 according to the Federal State Educational Standard) must be performed on a special form in free form. Information about the addressee is filled in the upper right corner. Next, you need to enter basic information about the applicant. This information includes full name. the employee of the preschool educational institution, his address and telephone number, the full name of the educational institution in which the applicant works. Further in the application, the following information is indicated in stages:

  • request for certification for the selected category;
  • information about the category at the moment and its validity period;
  • the grounds for assigning the category are indicated. At this point, it is important to focus on the requirements for the chosen qualification;
  • a list of educational events in which the employee of the preschool educational institution participated;
  • information about the applicant. Education data, general teaching experience, work experience in last place. If the teacher has diplomas, documents on completion of advanced training courses, it is necessary to reflect this information in the text of the application.

At the end of the document, the date and signature of the applicant are put.

Sample application

When filling out the application, the achievements of the educator are especially highlighted. If you participated in methodological developments, creating interactive lessons or applying other innovations, you need to mention this in the text of your statement. You can also attach applied materials demonstrating developments, etc. to the application.

In some regions, multi-stage certification procedures are carried out. For example, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan included additional testing in the inspection of educators: the list of variable forms associated with the examination of the professional competence of a certified employee includes a computer test. Based on the results of testing, the employee is handed a certificate indicating the number of points scored. To successfully pass the test, an applicant for the highest qualification category must score 90 points.

We publish examples of tests of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan for certification of educators.

Test tasks for educators

Preschool Pedagogy Tests

An analytical reference for certification for the highest category of educator is a document showing the level of qualifications of a teacher based on conclusions about his professional activity. It indicates all professional achievements for the inter-certification period.

The analytical report of the teacher on the Federal State Educational Standard for certification 2019 consists of:

  • annotations;
  • analytical part;
  • design part;
  • conclusions;
  • applications.

The analytic report of the educator for the first category (sample according to the Federal State Educational Standard) contains the following personal data:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic of the applicant.
  2. Information about education.
  3. General work experience.
  4. Work experience in a certified position.
  5. Work experience in an educational institution that sent for certification.
  6. The skill level for the job.

The next mandatory step when filling out the document is to indicate the required information:

  1. Goals and objectives, the implementation of which is carried out by the applicant.
  2. Goals achieved.
  3. Application of innovations in teaching.
  4. Data on the professional activity of a preschool educational institution employee: the composition of the group of pupils, positive dynamics in their development, the formation of their personal qualities, the results of various activities and other indicators.
  5. Application of knowledge of psychology in the process of professional activity: techniques and methods.
  6. Positive feedback on the pedagogical activity of the applicant from the parents of the pupils of the preschool institution. These data can be verified by a commission.
  7. Information on the implementation of activities aimed at maintaining the health of the educated and the prevention of a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Information about educator training, refresher courses, participation in competitions, etc.
  9. Educator communications, his publications on the upbringing and education of children and other materials related to his professional activities.
  10. Documentation skills and other skills required for the position held.
  11. Prospects for the personal and professional development of the applicant: training plans, etc.
  12. Date and personal signature of the applicant.

The completed document is stamped by the educational institution in which the applicant currently works and the signature of the head.

This certificate is a kind of introspection of the preschool educational institution teacher for category 1 for certification in 2019 according to the Federal State Educational Standard, and it shows the employee's achievements and his plans for professional improvement.

Sample Educator Analytical Report for Certification

Certification procedure


Checking the professional suitability of educators preschool institutions held every five years. Exceptions are persons who have been challenged from passing the test for valid reasons. These include:

  • pregnant women. For them, the test is carried out no earlier than two years after the teacher leaves maternity leave to work;
  • employees with less than 2 years of experience;
  • employees who have spent more than 4 months on continuous sick leave. It is recommended for them to pass the test 12 months after their return to the workplace.

The knowledge test procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Formation of an attestation commission.
  2. Preparation of the list of attested and scheduling of the inspection.
  3. Formation of a presentation for each subject.
  4. The procedure itself.
  5. Derivation of evaluation and presentation of results.

If in previous years teaching experience of 20 years or more was a guarantor of lifelong preservation of the second category, today there is no such indulgence. Certification of educators is also required to confirm qualifications.

Currently, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is developing new criteria for assessing the professional compliance of teaching staff:

  1. Upon successful completion of the certification, the commission gives an opinion on the suitability of the position held.
  2. If the check was unsuccessful, the commission makes a decision on the inconsistency of the position held.

According to this decision, the employment contract with the teacher can be terminated on the basis of clause 3 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, the verdict on the inconsistency of the position held does not require the obligatory dismissal of the teacher. An employer can send an employee who has not passed certification to refresher courses so that after they graduate he can take it again.

But a teacher cannot be fired if there is a possibility of transferring him with his written consent to another, lower, position or lower-paid job. It is also impossible to dismiss a pedagogical worker if he falls into the list of persons specified in Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


Any teacher can take a test to improve their level and submit an application on their own.

Voluntary verification steps include:

  1. Verification of the submitted application.
  2. Appointment of the term for passing the test. The verification period may not exceed 60 days from the date of commencement until the moment the decision is made.
  3. Written notification of the applicant about the time and place of the inspection. The notification is sent within 30 days.
  4. Assessment of the subject.
  5. Registration of test results.

The category is valid for 5 years. You can send a request for a proficiency test after 2 years after receiving the previous level. If a candidate was denied certification, a repeated request can be sent no earlier than one year after the refusal.

If the teacher successfully passes the certification, then the commission makes a decision on the teacher's compliance with the requirements that apply to the first (highest) category. The qualification assignment takes place on the same day, and the salary at the new rate is paid from the day the qualification is awarded. An entry is made in the work book about the corresponding category without mentioning the subject taught.

If the teacher could not pass the certification, the commission makes a decision on non-compliance with the requirements. Those who passed to the first category remain uncategorized and are required to pass a test for compliance with the position held.

If the teacher passed to the highest category, then in case of failure he will have the first one until the end of its validity period. After the end of the term, it will be necessary to either confirm the first category, or be certified for the highest.

The decision of the attestation commission can be appealed in accordance with the "Procedure for attestation of teaching staff." An appeal can be filed with the regional education authority's labor dispute committee or with a court. An application to the court must be submitted before the expiration of 3 months from the day when the employee learned about the violation of his right.