What is the professional growth of a teacher. Professional growth of a teacher


The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, which considers the issues of professional self-improvement of a teacher. The main directions, representing the main elements of the mental content of the dynamics of mental support of labor (including professional) activity, are considered. Determining the parameters of a professional in various spheres of life, tracing the main changes that occur in these parameters as a person's professionalism increases, led the author to understand the importance of the mechanism of self-development in the professional development of a person. The problem of professional and personal development is considered from the position that the main internal mechanism of personality development is a conscious, qualitative change in oneself. Development positive attitude to oneself is considered as a personal resource for the professional success of a modern teacher. A significant way to improve yourself today is active participation in the life of the professional community, professional competitions, creative associations, socially significant projects, and achieving social recognition of the results of activities. Through such activity, the teacher gets the opportunity to go beyond the program-specific activity, expand the possibilities of personalization and receive social confirmation of his own solvency and competence. The professional activity of a teacher is immersed in the context of an innovative educational environment, which requires from its subject an increased level of development of the ability for personal and professional growth.

professional growth of a teacher

professional and personal development

professional self-improvement

personal growth

1. Vershlovsky, S.G. The teacher of the era of changes, or How are the problems of the teacher's professional activity being solved today / S.G. Vershlovsky. - M .: September, 2002 .-- 160 p.

2. Volgina, I.V. Personal and professional development of teachers of institutions of additional education / I.V. Volgina // Pedagogical education in Russia. - 2011. - No. 4.

3. Ezhak, E.V. Personal resource of a teacher in the context of professional success / E.V. Ezhak // Humanities and social sciencies. – 2014. - № 4.

4. Klimov, E.A. Introduction to Labor Psychology. Textbook for university students. / E.A. Klimov. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1988. - S. 101-102.

5. Petrovsky A.V. General psychology / A.V. Petrovsky. - M., 1976.

In modern conditions of modernization of education, the issues of vocational training specialists able to be competitive in the labor market, fluent in their profession, competent.

One of the most important directions in the psychological study of a person's professional development - his formation as a professional - is the analysis of the dynamics of the mental support of labor (including professional) activity. Methodologist practical psychology, labor psychology and vocational guidance E.A. Klimov identifies five main directions in the professional development of the individual (the development of the subject of labor), which in fact represent all the main elements of the mental content of this development. Consider them:

1) "the acquisition by a person of an increasingly accurate and broad orientation in the environment (natural, technical, social, informational)";

2) "the formation of orientation, in particular labor, professional (development of the need for productive socially valuable activity)";

3) "assimilation (and improvement as one's gains) of socially developed methods of action and use of tools, means of activity";

4) "the formation of a system of stable personal qualities that create the possibility of successful performance of activities ... (ability)";

5) "development ... knowledge about oneself."

Obviously, a person who wants to achieve success must develop. Self-development involves constant work on yourself. It affects all spheres of human life: career, love, friendship, hobbies, etc. Successful professional activity is impossible without striving for self-improvement and personal growth. In turn, personal growth is the pursuit of the ideal, the desire to become better, to strengthen one's self-esteem. In fact, this is a component of success in any business. This is the work that a person should perform on himself.

Personal growth is necessary for professional success, it gives you the opportunity to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. Gradual personal growth young specialistundoubtedly entails a change in the content of his professional activity.

The study of the problem of professional self-development in psychology is presented by works on professional development, psychology of professionalism, professional suitability. The initial thesis of most domestic studies is the idea of \u200b\u200bdetermining the development of a personality by activity, and therefore a person is studied from the standpoint of his correspondence to the profession and successful activity in it.

Analyzing research in this area, we find that professional self-development is a purposeful process of improving professionalism, determined by the person himself. Personal development occurs in the process of successfully mastering professional activities that are significant for the subject. Becoming a professional is possible only as a result of the unity of development, both professionalism and personal development. The study of a person during his life path shows that education and the manifestation of the qualities of an active subject of activity in it last as long as this activity continues. Moreover, only meaningful activity can become the basis for self-development.

Determining the parameters of a professional in various spheres of life, tracing the main changes that occur in these parameters as a person's professionalism increases, led to an understanding of the importance of the mechanism of self-development in the professional development of a person. Establishing the level achieved by a person as a subject of activity, traditionally, is assessed by the results in professional activity, the compliance of its properties, the requirements of the activity.

For a person, a profession is a source of existence and a means of personal self-realization. Professionalization influences personality, can stimulate it or, conversely, destroy it, thus acting as a factor of personal self-development.

The analysis of the research allows us, as a conclusion, to single out the most essential characteristic of self-development: the main internal mechanism of personality development consists in a conscious, qualitative change in oneself, self-development of a personality is associated with the formation of subjectivity. Subjectivity is a qualitative indicator of personality self-development. Professional self-development is an internally conditioned progressive self-change of a person, expressed in a change in the quality of his professional activity and is dialectically connected with the dynamics of change in this quality.

The personal result of a person's professional development is undoubtedly much wider than the traditionally distinguished forms of professional experience - knowledge, abilities, skills.

In professional activity, it is almost impossible to separate the personal from the professional. In this regard, the meaning of professional activity to the maximum extent coincides with the realization of the main human need - to be a person, the need for self-fulfillment, self-realization.

Technological and informational changes in the world are taking place so rapidly that a good education once received today can no longer guarantee the effectiveness of further work without systematic and continuous personal improvement and development. Without constant updating of previously acquired knowledge and formed skills, without a skillful analysis of the situation, tracking changes in regulatory documents and legislation, the results of a specialist's activities can be recognized as unprofessional. In some professions, which include teaching, this provision is not yet given to everyone as indisputable and obvious, although the real state of affairs suggests otherwise.

The system of modern education is characterized by inertia, adherence to traditions, and resistance to change. Any significant innovation is perceived by the environment rather painfully. At the same time, the traditional system of retraining and advanced training of teachers high school are not able to fully provide continuous education, therefore, each of them is obliged to independently support their professional growth and personal development.

The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation, among the priority tasks facing the domestic education system, highlights ensuring the organization of the educational process, taking into account modern scientific achievements; systematic renewal of all aspects of education; continuity of education throughout a person's life; creation of programs implementing information Technology in education; training highly educated people and highly qualified specialists capable of professional growth and professional mobility in the context of informatization of society and the development of new science-intensive technologies. In this regard, the modernization of the education system taking place in Russia imposes special requirements on the level of qualifications. teaching staffimplementing educational programs the new generation, in particular, to their continuous professional and personal self-development.

The task of forming an independent, responsible and socially mobile personality capable of successful socialization in society and active adaptation in the labor market determines the need to prepare teachers capable of personal self-determination and self-development, for constant personal growth. Scientists note that a teacher has three possibilities or three ways in determining the prospects for his development: the path of adaptation, the path of self-development and the path of stagnation (decay of activity, degradation of the personality). Adaptation makes it possible to adapt to all the requirements of the educational system, to master all types of activities, to master role positions. Self-development allows you to constantly improve yourself, change, ultimately fully realize yourself as a professional. Stagnation occurs when, according to Vershlovsky, when the teacher "stops in his development, lives by exploiting stereotypes, old baggage." As a result, professional activity decreases, immunity to new things increases and, as a result, even what once allowed to be at the level of requirements is lost.

Personal and professional growth and self-improvement throughout the entire period of pedagogical activity is an indispensable condition for the successful work of a teacher. Self-education is a necessary constant component of the life of a cultured, enlightened person, an occupation that always accompanies him.

Thus, the personal and professional growth of a teacher is understood as a continuous process of disclosing his personal and professional potential, affecting teaching activities generally. Of course, the most important thing in this is the teacher's personal interest in self-improvement. If a teacher strives for self-development and personal growth, is aimed at deepening knowledge and skills, broadening his horizons, then the stages of his personal and professional growth will look like this:

Figure: 1. Stages of personal and professional growth of a teacher

Professional development and formation of a teacher without a competently built self educational process impossible. Self-education can be viewed in two meanings: as “self-education” (in the narrow sense - as self-study) and as “self-creation” (in the broad sense - as “self-creation”, “self-construction”). In the second case, self-education is one of the mechanisms for the transformation of the teacher's personality into a creative personality. Therefore, professional growth can also be called the search for your own path.

The key to the successful growth of a teacher will be systematic independent, motivated work with scientific and methodological publications, developments, recommendations, where the experience of colleagues is presented. The broader the outlook of the teacher, the more seriously he is theoretically grounded, the easier it will be to find the most successful method, the form of presenting the material, the greater the range of his skills.

In foreshortening modern research a teacher as a subject of professional activity, great importance is attached to personal potential as a specific “internal support” that allows to create productive conditions for the implementation of pedagogical activity in a sufficiently entropic environment. Personal potential is viewed as an integral education, including a high level of meaningfulness in life and time perspective; productive self-realization and self-determination.

Thus, the development of a positive attitude towards oneself can be considered as a personal resource for the professional success of a modern teacher. An important way to increase a positive attitude towards oneself today is active participation in the life of the professional community, professional competitions, creative associations, socially significant projects, and achieving social recognition of the results of activities. Through such activity, the teacher gets the opportunity to go beyond the program-specific activity, expand the possibilities of personalization and receive social confirmation of his own solvency and competence. The professional activity of a teacher is immersed in the context of an innovative educational environment, which requires from its subject an increased level of development of the ability for personal and professional growth.

The possibility of continuous professional and personal growth implies the development of analytical, evaluative, reflective and predictive skills, the ability to make independent choices in situations of uncertainty and be responsible for the results of activity. It is professional responsibility that contributes to the consistent achievement of the goal, the embodiment of an individual development project. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in many ways responsibility is associated with the severity of personal meaning and the teacher's satisfaction with his activities.

Summing up, we will highlight the main directions of the teacher's professional and personal self-development, contributing to his professional growth.

Study of professional literature. The study of the works of domestic and foreign authors allows you to track new trends in education, for example, in teaching methods. Reading specialized literature in other fields allows you to extract information that is so necessary to replenish knowledge in the field of related sciences. In addition to gaining new knowledge from other areas, such literature helps to understand the complex aspects in their specialty. A fresh look from the outside, not burdened with professional stereotypes, allows you to look at the problem from a different angle, to find parallels in the search for solutions to certain problems. Oftentimes, these books provide answers to specific questions, such as what teaching techniques to use to make the material easier to understand or how to increase student motivation.

Establishing professional communication. It is very difficult for a communication specialist to be in a state of information hunger. Professional associations come to the rescue, whose activities are aimed at maintaining contacts between specialists from different regions. Nowadays, our country hosts many local and international conferences organized by associations. The wide geography of the conferences allows teachers to take part in them, which is extremely useful even as a listener - in a short time you can learn a lot of new things, familiarize yourself with a variety of ideas, and observe the course of discussions. In addition, new professional contacts are being established.

Attending refresher courses, seminars, presentations. Organizations are actively working in the country, one of the activities of which is to conduct methodological events for teachers. In addition to state institutions for advanced training, many universities have faculties or departments of additional education. Trainings for teachers are actively conducted by non-state training centers.

Obtaining additional qualifications in educational management. Career opportunities for educators today are not limited to academic positions alone. Educational institutions have to engage in attracting additional sources of funding. Managing financial flows, recruiting personnel, performing marketing research and conducting advertising research requires administrators who are proficient in both management technologies and modern educational approaches.

The real range of possibilities that exist within continuing education personality, is not limited to the above actions. They only roughly illustrate the possible areas of activity of teachers.

Thus, the first and main condition, without which it is impossible to enter pedagogical activity, is the teacher's personal acceptance of self-development as a special type of activity. We know that a teacher deprived of any clear professional position is doomed to fruitless activity. But in the modern changing world, it is not so much a certain professional pedagogical position that is valuable, the experience of self-development itself, the very creative attitude to one's work is valuable. This experience is not only the experience of success, but also the experience of difficulties, crises, problems. The teacher is able to go beyond the continuous flow teaching practice and see your professional work in general.

The teacher's psychological well-being, satisfaction with one's life activity, ascending personal self-development, the ability to function positively are projected into the space of pedagogical interaction, creating conditions for the successful formation of basic personal skills in students. In the positive functioning of a teacher in the profession, an adequate assessment of their personal resources, awareness of their content-specific nature and possible ways of expanding, as well as the orientation of the personality are of great importance. In the orientation of the teacher's personality, social and personal values \u200b\u200bare integrated, setting a certain vector and strategy for professional and personal self-development, using one's own resources and building professional behavior. In essence, focus is a powerful driving force in the professional and personal development of the subject.

The profession of a teacher has its own specifics: he works with a Man, which means that his own personality is a powerful "working tool". And the more perfect this tool, the more successful the professional result. Thus, it is in the teaching profession that professional and personal self-development is an indispensable condition for achieving professionalism.


Vershinin MA, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, VGAFK, Volgograd;

Kolomok OI, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Volgograd branch of AOCHU VO "Moscow Financial and Law University MFLA", Volgograd.

Bibliographic reference

Sergeeva N.I. PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT AS A GOAL OF PROFESSIONAL GROWTH OF A TEACHER // Contemporary problems science and education. - 2015. - No. 2-1 .;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id\u003d18933 (date of access: 21.12.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The professional growth of a teacher is a pedagogical phenomenon, stages: self-determination, self-development, self-realization and self-improvement, blocks: target, procedural-functional, effective are interrelated.

Target - priority areas public policy - improving the quality of education, which depends on the quality of teaching: continuous prof. teacher growth: first stage - prof. self-determination; the second - prof. self-development; the third - professional self-realization; the fourth is professional self-improvement. Professional self-determination - the search and finding of personal meaning in the mastered labor activity... Professional self-determination includes the adaptation and socialization of the teacher. Each stage of professional self-determination is accompanied by reflection. The goal of the teacher's professional self-development is in building a strategy for his own professional activity, its implementation, focusing on the personality of the child and the goals of the educational organization, consistent with the priorities of the state educational policy. The inter-certification period is used for real professional development. Professional self-realization of an individual is the realization of the existing potential, knowledge, skills and abilities in activities. A self-realized teacher is a master who is able to share pedagogical experience. Professional self-improvement of a teacher is understood as a set of psychophysiological, psychological and personal changes occurring in him in the process of performing activities, providing a qualitatively new, more effective level of solving complex professional problems in special conditions. Propaedeuticstage : diagnostics of abilities, vocational education, vocational consultation, inclusion in activities (counseling, volunteering). In college, you can get a specialized secondary pedagogical education, in a higher education institution. Vuzovsky: atthe academic process at the university is carried out in such a way that students are offered various forms of education, both theoretical and practical. A graduate who has received a bachelor's degree (qualification) in pedagogy must be ready to solve educational and research tasks focused on the analysis of scientific and scientific-practical literature in the field of education; ready for the types of professional activities in accordance with the level of their qualifications: research; organizational and educational; correctional and developmental; teaching; cultural and educational; advisory. Bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies (under the new Law) Postgraduate:advanced training, self-education. The concept of "competence", which characterizes the fusion of theoretical and practical readiness of a person to perform any activity. "Competence" involves the development in a person of the ability to navigate in a variety of complex and unpredictable work situations, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe consequences of their activities, as well as be responsible for them. The competence-based approach focuses on building the educational process in accordance with the result of education: curriculum or the course is initially provided with distinct and comparable description parameters (descriptors) of what the student will know and be able to do "at the exit". Pedagogical culture- characteristics of the personality and activity of the teacher, the system of pedagogical values, features of the activity and professional behavior of the teacher, components: humanistic pedagogical position and personal qualities; professional knowledge (methodological; theoretical; methodological; technological; psychological and pedagogical; general) and the culture of pedagogical thinking; professional skills (informational; goal setting; organizational; communicative; analysis and self-assessment; pedagogical technique; applied; management planning; moral-volitional self-regulation) and the creative nature of pedagogical activity; self-regulation of personality and culture of professional behavior. The highest level of pedagogical activity: ped. skill (a high degree of perfection - Makarenko) and innovation (a radical change in the educational process - innovative teachers: Amonashvili - to school from the age of 6).

Each time has its own characteristics. The present time is a time of changes. And, first of all, these changes are associated with the life of the school, with the increased requirements for the learning process. If earlier education was given for a long time and was intended to ensure uninterrupted professional activity of a person in any one industry or field of activity, now, we are talking about the formation of a fundamentally new system education, involving constant renewal. Moreover, the key characteristic of such education is not only the transfer of knowledge and technologies, but also the formation of creative competencies.

The professional development of a teacher is a complex, multifaceted process of a person entering the profession, characterized by an ambiguous contribution of personal and activity components with the leading role of the teacher's personality.

Model professional competence a teacher must contain knowledge about all the components of the education process (goals, content, means, object, result, etc.), about himself as a subject of professional activity. It should also include experience with professional techniques and a creative component.

Professional pedagogical skills, which are a combination of the most diverse actions of a teacher, correlate with the functions of pedagogical activity, to a large extent reveal the individual psychological characteristics of a teacher, testify to his professional competence.

Considering that it is in the school that the emotional and social formation of the personality takes place, special requirements are imposed on the teacher who is called to bothsinter this becoming. School is teachers who are open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren. Therefore, it is quite obvious that a teacher, more than ever, needs today not only to teach in a new way, but also to learn in a new way. First of all, to learn new pedagogical thinking, to learn to be in a constant creative search for approaches and techniques that ensure co-authorship, cooperation with students in all work.

the main task modern school - disclosing the abilities of each student, educating a personality ready for life in a high-tech world. Therefore, it is not surprising that the part of the presidential message, which is devoted to the development strategy russian education, was widely discussed by teachers. The main emphasis in the President's message was placed on school education, since it is this that is the defining and longest stage in the life of every person.According to the President, the sphere of education is not a set of services, but above all a space for the formation of a moral, harmonious person, a responsible citizen of Russia.

The teacher is in constant creative search for an answer to the question: "How to teach a student?" The tasks facing the teacher today are fundamentally different from those that he performed recently. It is not enough for a modern teacher to pass on ready-made knowledge to his students, to give instructions on their memorization. The very first task of educational policy on the present stage is the achievement of the modern quality of education, its compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, the development of his cognitive and creative abilities. To achieve these goals, the teacher needs to formulate them through the student's educational activities and work on organizing the learning process in order to achieve maximum results. And setting different goals also involves the use of different methods and techniques of teaching. Therefore, the teacher needs to have in his arsenal a lot of techniques, methods and strategies, since he has to solve problems of different levels. But it should also not be forgotten that the forms of teaching used should vary depending on the age, level of preparedness of students, and their interests. The presence of a culture of educational work implies that high demands are made on schoolchildren, but at the same time they are not afraid to take risks, expressing any idea.

The modern educator must identify best qualitiesinherent in the child, to encourage children to enjoy the acquired knowledge, so that after graduating from school, they are clearly aware of their place in society and can work for its benefit, and also be ready to participate in solving the promising problems of our society.

Havea worker must be a professional in his field, and professionalism is determined by the purposeful formation of such qualities as self-improvement, erudition and a high work culture. Professional growth of a teacher is impossible without self-educational needs. For a modern teacher, it is very important never to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, but it is imperative to go forward, because the work of a teacher is an excellent source for unlimited creativity. For a modern teacher, his profession is an opportunity for self-realization, a source of self-satisfaction and recognition. Modern teacher - a person who can smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive, while the teacher is interested in the child. And from whatever position we approach the question of the teacher's role in modern society, we recognize it as key. After all, the teacher is the main link, the basis and the soul of the education system. Society expects from the teacher a high tension of labor, dynamics of thought, initiative, perseverance and full dedication to the teaching and upbringing of the future generation.

In the context of modernization of education at the present stage, one of the central tasks is to improve social status. teacher, registration legislative framework regulating the status of teachers.

One of the tasks of the Russian legislation in the field of education is to clearly define the rights and obligations of teachers, to create appropriate conditions for their fruitful activities, legal and social protection. This task was reaffirmed by the President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: “The main goal that we set as part of the modernization of education is, first of all, the growth of quality school education... The work on updating the material and educational base of schools, on improving professional qualifications, the prestige of teacher work, including through its fair, well-deserved payment, is subordinated to the solution of this task. " What should be the teacher of a new school? Is he ready to meet modern requirements for the learning process?

Teacher status - it is an indicator of the effectiveness of the state and social system. The professional development of a teacher is of paramount importance in the development of society as a whole: the personality of the teacher, like his professional knowledge, is the value capital of society. The teacher is able to convey to the students only those value orientations that are inherent in him.

Therefore, one of the directions is the development of teacher potential. Much attention is paid to the organization of continuousprofessional development of teachers, improvement of forms and methodstraining, improving the professional competence of teachers. Underthe professional competence of a teacher is understood as a setprofessional and personal qualities necessary for successfulpedagogical activity. Professionally competent canname a teacher who, at a sufficiently high level, implementspedagogical activity, pedagogical communication, achieves stablehigh results in teaching and educating students. Developmentprofessional competence is the development of creativeindividuality, the formation of receptivity to pedagogicalinnovations, the ability to adapt in a changing pedagogical environment.

Based on modern requirements, it is possible to determine the main ways of developing the teacher's professional competence:

- work in methodological associations, creative groups;

Research activities;

Self-educational activities;

Innovative activity, development and use of new pedagogical technologies;

Broadcasting your own teaching experience, etc.

But not one of the listed ways is notwill be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence.

Competence in teaching at a boarding school reflects the teacher's ability to organize interaction with children, communicate with them, manage their activities and evaluate its results. This is manifested in the preparation and conduct of classes, in the teacher's ability to manage a class (group). The teacher tries to organize the work of each child, create a working mood and a business environment. All this increases the interest, attention, educational and cognitive activity of students (pupils). This behavior of the teacher allows you to find an approach to individual students (pupils), taking into account their individual abilities, to help them express themselves positively.

In the classroom, the teacher combines various forms of collective and individual work, organizes the independent work of students (pupils), reduces exercises of the same type. Creates a situation of active communication - not only a monologue, but also a dialogue, allowing the student (pupil) to express himself, show initiative, independence in the methods of choice cognitive activities, types of educational tasks, type and forms of the didactic mother. It is impossible to be an effective teacher without revealing to the students your "symbol of faith", the principles of your attitude to events and people, the elements of your life experience... The value role of the teacher is unique. A teacher, as an exemplary citizen, is a temple minister who carries his cross to his Calvary in front of the eyes of children and does not expect an earthly reward. "

This is the image of the ideal teacher - educator for all time. Therefore, raising the professional level of a teacher and the formation of a pedagogical corps that meets the needs of modern life is a necessary condition for the school to work in the Russian education system, a condition that must meet the level of modern quality of education.


teacher and literature

Novocheboksarsk 2011


The article actualizes the problem of the professional and personal growth of teachers through self-education and self-improvement, subject to personal activity, the teacher's need for his development, the ways of determining the effectiveness of the teacher's professional growth are presented.

Problem, professional and personal growth, self-education, personal activity, results of professional growth

The reform of education is in full swing, starting with technical re-equipment, computerization of schools, the use by teachers in and ending with the creation of experimental sites in schools at various levels, the introduction of new educational standards... The teacher's salary largely depended on the results of his work.

But, despite the positive changes, the problem of teaching staff remains a sore one. Currently, there is a shortage of professional teachers in schools - bright, memorable, modern, introducing active methods of teaching and upbringing in the pedagogical process.

Observations show that in average general education schools many teachers of retirement age work. Many of them are motivated by family and personal problems, lack of material well-being, as well as the desire to "push back old age." They go to work every day and are convinced that they are conscientiously fulfilling their duties as subject teachers, etc. Although there is "pedagogical fatigue", "professional burnout", lack of self-motivation, activity, interest in the profession. In the activities of such teachers, a stereotype is triggered: they work in the old-fashioned way, with difficulty accepting innovations in school, adhering to the methods of Soviet times. They are not interesting for children and are not role models. Of course, it is very difficult to rebuild your psychology when you are already 60-70 years old or more. However, the lack of satisfaction from work at school, the inability to "reach out" to the child, to captivate children with their subject, to find a common language with children are also inherent in some young teachers.

The influence of the teacher is the stronger, the brighter and more distinctive his personality. This concerns the outlook of the teacher, his general culture. After all, it is impossible to give to another what you do not have yourself. A teacher who does not possess methodological skills, an unqualified teacher is the trouble of not just any collective, this is the trouble of the whole society.

All this allows us to speak about the urgent need for the professional and personal growth of teachers as one of the most important conditions for improving the quality of teaching and upbringing of the younger generation.

The concept of "professional and personal growth of a teacher" is complex, and its formulations are different.

The professional growth of a teacher is an independent and / or someone controlled at a rational (conscious) and / or intuitive level, "growth" of a variety of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, skills, methods of activity necessary to solve pedagogical problems and situations ().

Professional growth is the teacher's unavoidable desire for self-improvement, which is based on the natural need for creativity and work with children ().

Personal growth is the development of personal qualities that are integrated into a person's character traits and abilities. Among the personality traits, there are those that influence the effectiveness of pedagogical activity - these are professionally important qualities. includes such qualities as interest and love for the pupil, fairness, sociability, poise, exactingness, organizational skills, etc.

Where does the professional and personal growth of a teacher begin? The answer is simple: from self-education, from self-improvement of the teacher. But he must do this with desire, mood, himself, on his own initiative. The main thing in self-education is the presence of a motive equivalent to the presence of personal meaning in this activity. This is what the motivating cause independent work above oneself, and it is always associated with meeting the needs of the teacher as a subject in his development, that is, in professional and personal growth.

That is why self-education assumes personal activity as an initial internal condition.

In the opinion, it is precisely the factor of the teacher's voluntary participation in certain methodological activities makes them a part of the teacher's self-education, and involuntary, coercion excludes these measures from the number of factors of his professional growth in view of their (in this case) absolute uselessness.

Moreover, it should be noted that the self-education of professional teachers, masters of their craft occurs "spontaneously", naturally, it is not planned, but is an integral part of their life, they just love to learn, comprehend new things and bring it to life.

In addition to self-education, special training of high-level pedagogical personnel at the municipal, regional and federal levels should also be updated. Such training should be carried out by both advanced training institutes and information and methodological centers, inviting the best Russian lecturers, educational and cultural figures, organizing master classes in order to ensure the professional growth of teachers.

How to track the results of a teacher's professional growth? offers a technology to determine one or more specific professional knowledge or skills of a teacher as a way to assess his professional growth in this specific knowledge or skills. The bottom line is this. For example, a certain requirement for a teacher is formulated, and the head teacher is asked to assess the degree of mastery of this skill using three assessments: “I don’t know”, “I know, but I have difficulty,” “I can speak freely.” If you conduct a survey at the beginning school year (before the start of self-education and methodical work) and at the end of the academic year, then, by comparing the grades, it is possible to determine whether there was professional growth in a specific skill,

The dynamics of the teacher's professional and personal growth as a whole will be determined in the acquisition of new professional knowledge and skills, and most importantly, in the development of a positive, value-based attitude towards his own, namely: towards the children themselves - the objects-subjects of this activity; to the subject taught, to, to special professional knowledge. The development of these value relationships will be indicators of his professional and personal growth.

Thus, professional and personal growth is one of the main ways to maximize creative potential! This is very important for a teacher. It is necessary to keep up with the times, not to be afraid to learn! As the proverb says: "It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to study!" This is the only way to achieve respect from students and their parents.

List of references

Management of teacher professional development in modern schools. Toolkit /. - M .: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2010 .-- 448 p. Acmeology of physical culture and sports: Textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions /,. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 208 p.

Making changes in any area requires personnel with the appropriate level of competence. Meanwhile, constant changes in the external environment force the employee to adapt to new conditions, so the education received at the beginning of his career is not enough for productive work. All this fully applies to education, where in order to successfully adapt to the changes taking place in this area, the teacher needs to grow and develop both professionally and personally.

Speaking about professional and personal development, one can, first of all, have in mind such a professional quality as professionalism, which can be considered as a kind of unity of a person's professionalism and professionalism of activity, but is most often viewed as a synonym for professional competence.

Issues of professional competencies and the transition to them from qualification competencies were especially actively discussed at the beginning of the 2000s. Simonenko V.D. understands by professional competence "an integral characteristic of the business and personal qualities of specialists, reflecting the level of knowledge, abilities and skills, experience sufficient to carry out a certain type of activity that is associated with decision-making."

According to Mitina L.M. professional competence is knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as methods and techniques for their implementation in activities, communication, development (self-development) of the individual. In other words, professional competence is understood as a harmonious combination of elements of activity and communication (culture of communication, skills social behavior) substructures.

Now, not knowledge - skills - skills, but the readiness to apply them in the professional sphere is put in the foreground when it comes to the professional qualifications of a teacher. A. Slastenin developed a model of the teacher's professional competence, N.A. Goncharova - a structural-functional model of the formation of the professional competence of a future teacher in the context of informatization of education.

EM. Nikitin distinguishes qualification and competence as two aspects. Obtaining a qualification is the result of training a teacher in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions... And he understands competence as recognition of a teacher by the professional community and continuous professional growth of a teacher.

But we are not talking so much about professional competencies as about the problem of the teacher's professional growth. Moreover, at the present time in the literature you can find two terms: professional growth and professional development of a teacher, which are often used as synonyms.

Studying various sources, we were convinced that scientists mainly use the term "professional growth". In the studies of J. Super, professional growth is understood as the process of personality development that occurs in human ontogenesis, aimed at assimilating professional roles, professional motivation, professional knowledge and skills.

M.M. Potashnik calls professional growth the goal and the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, methods of activity by the teacher, which allow him not by any, but to optimally realize his purpose, to solve the tasks facing him in teaching, upbringing, development, socialization and maintaining the health of schoolchildren. ...

A.V. Mudrik believes that the professional growth of a teacher is an independent and / or someone controlled at a rational (conscious) and / or intuitive level, the "growth" of a variety of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, skills, methods of activity necessary to solve pedagogical problems and situations ... Those. the scientist claims that professional growth is the total accumulation of various information.

M.V. Levit defines professional growth as, on the one hand, spontaneous, on the other, purposeful, always authorial-personal self-construction of the teacher himself as a professional from internal qualities and external sources. Those. here special attention is paid to the personality of the teacher and his personal needs for self-development.

E.A. Yamburg believes that professional growth is an unavoidable desire of a teacher for self-improvement, which is based on the natural need for creativity when working with children. ...

In all of the above definitions, professional growth is considered as a certain amount of knowledge, skills, methods of activity.

N.I. Lialenko means by professional growth the purposeful activity of a teacher, aimed at acquiring certain knowledge, skills and methods of activity, allowing him to realize his pedagogical mission and solve social problems facing him.

A slightly different definition of this concept by O.V. Pletenev and V.V. Tselikov, who understand professional growth as a positive dynamics in overcoming professional difficulties by a teacher through the acquisition of knowledge, skills, methods of activity that allow him to successfully solve the pedagogical tasks facing him.

We see that here the emphasis is shifting from the accumulation of certain knowledge by teachers to the awareness of their professional difficulties and overcoming them.

At the same time, in the literature, you can often find the concept of professional development. In particular, this term is used in the new standards.

In philosophy, the term development is defined as a process and result of qualitative and quantitative changes in the physical and spiritual forces of a person. This is a process as a result of which there is a gradual accumulation of quantitative changes and their transition into qualitative changes.

Professional development of an individual implies the ability to quickly find solutions in a constantly renewing world, the ability to be the subject of one's own development.

Currently, many researchers are considering the problem of professional development. L.I. Antsyferova understands development as “the main way of existence of a person: mental and social formation of a person is carried out at all stages of a person's life. The more mature a personality becomes in social and psychological terms, the more its ability to develop further increases. "

L.M. Mitina believes that professional development is the growth, formation, integration and implementation of the personal qualities of an individual in professional work and, most importantly, creative implementation in the profession, which is due to the qualitative transformation of the inner world.

According to V.I. Slobodchikov, the concept of "development" includes the processes of formation, formation, transformation. Becoming is understood as “a transition from one definite state to another — a higher level; the unity of the already realized and the potentially possible ”. Formation - this unity of purpose and result of development refers to the socio-cultural aspect. Transformation - refers to the spiritual and practical aspect, this is self-development.

Many researchers define various stages of professional development.

The stages, stages of professional growth are devoted to the works of E. Gusinsky, E.F. Zeer, A.K. Markova and others.

Common in the views of these scientists can be considered the definition of certain stages. For example, all these researchers consider the first stage to be some kind of adaptation of the teacher, the formation of interest, the initial assimilation of techniques, forms, minimum norms of the pedagogical community. The next stage is the accumulation of personal experience, the development of professional qualities. E.F. Zeer, who gives a more detailed description of the stages of professional growth, attaches the formation of readiness for independent work to the third stage. E. Gusinsky calls the final (third) stage “comprehension of the meaning of activity”, when the teacher can generalize his own experience. A.K. Markova believes that the final (fourth) stage, at which the teacher masters the profession as a creator, should be preceded by the teacher's fluency in his profession using a variety of teaching materials. E.F. Zeer also believes that the final stage is the stage of professional skill, the teacher's creative activity, which will be preceded by professional adaptation, primary and secondary professionalization, when from the formation of readiness for self-development through an individual style the teacher will come to the development of innovative forms and methods of activity.

I.N. Shmatko identifies the following levels of professional development: pedagogical competence as an effective mastery of pedagogical skills and abilities, allowing to carry out pedagogical activities; pedagogical skill, which presupposes “polished” application of pedagogical theory in practice; and pedagogical creativity is not only the production of new ideas, but also their modification, modernization. On this the highest level professional development, we can talk about pedagogical innovation, about the ability to create new pedagogical technologies... Thus, the professional development of a teacher is expressed in the motivation of activities, job satisfaction, the need to recognize the social significance of his activities.

T.A. Caterbarg defines the professional development of a teacher as “a complex multicomponent education, reflecting the degree of the teacher's cognitive capabilities, awareness in the field of pedagogical systems and technologies used in a general educational organization, the use of software products to ensure the quality of professional activity, manifested through qualitative and quantitative changes in personal and professional spheres teacher ".

B.S. Gershunsky, speaking about the professional development of a teacher, proposes the following model: specialist (owns modern educational technologies) - personality (sociability, mobility, citizenship, media education, ability to self-actualize) - researcher (ability to approbate innovative technologies, pedagogical experiment, performance monitoring)

If we bear in mind the definition of “professional development” of a teacher, then we can speak not so much about the total accumulation of knowledge and methods of activity, but about a qualitative change in the teacher's position. So G.A. Ignatieva understands professional development as the process of development of the subject of his own activity in professional development, which is a “movement” from mastering the subject of activity (specialist) to building up the means of transforming activity (professional) and to designing new means and subject of activity (expert). ...

The latter definition seems to us the most accurate, since it shows the stages of professional development and reflects the consistent accumulation of professional competencies by the teacher.

But it seems to us very important to talk not just about professional development, but about professional and personal development. Part of professional and personal development is the teacher's readiness for creativity, the search for new non-standard solutions, the manifestation of initiative, constructive dialogue with students. Personal and professional development is interpreted as "a quantitative, qualitative change in the psychological characteristics of an individual associated with the performance of various actions in the process of professional activity."

For professional and personal development, a teacher needs to show personal activity, use the conditions of the external environment for personal development, self-actualize, disseminate his experience to society, and manage his own professional activities.

Thus, the main factors in the development of professionalism can be considered “the desire for self-realization, responsibility for self-development, self-awareness, personal creative potential, achievement motivation, value orientations, high professional and personal standards in professional activity, personality traits, etc.

In addition, a teacher should not just be a high-class professional: know the subject well, use modern teaching methods, but also possess those moral qualities that he should instill in his students in the process of education. When a teacher has a good command of subject competences, he is confident, convincing, and interesting to his students. The teacher must be an actor, i.e. owning the ability to control your voice, gestures - this will give him even greater authority. The third important personal quality is erudition. The teacher should not only be guided in his subject, but be well-read, know interesting and useful facts from various fields of knowledge, understand art, sports, etc. The teacher should develop their creativity and demonstrate their passion for the subject in each lesson.

If professional qualities include knowledge of the psychological age characteristics of school-age children, then personal qualities include love for children. Unfortunately, this quality cannot be acquired; most likely, the very people who have this quality become teachers. Love for children means an attentive attitude towards a child, a desire to understand him, patiently explain to him all the questions to which he has to look for an answer in life. So, speaking about professional and personal development, one must understand that it is a combination of the following qualities: professionalism in the field of the subject taught; self-control, control of your mood and emotions; development and improvement of comprehensive erudition; creative development; sincere love for children.

If we talk about the psychological requirements for the personality of the teacher, then the following can be considered as such: variability of thinking, empathy (the ability to tune in to the “wave” of another person), tolerance (tolerance for dissent), communication (as a culture of dialogue), reflexivity, the ability to cooperate and dr.

It is important to remember that the content of professional and personal development also changes under the pressure of environmental factors. The role of the school is changing, the context in which it functions, new functions appear. The large flow of migrants to Russia has led to the fact that in many schools teachers are forced to work in a multinational environment, with students from other cultures, with their own religious and linguistic characteristics. The role of the teacher in working with students who have special learning needs, experience certain difficulties in learning, or, conversely, have special talents, is increasing. Teachers today should be able to work competently, as social partners for parents to involve them in school activities, etc. Finally, the effective use of ICT, which was discussed in section 1.1. Of course, theoretical training and passing traditional refresher courses are not enough for this. Continuous professional and personal development is required, including various formal and informal forms. At the same time, the responsibility for the content and organization of this process should be assumed by the teachers themselves. Mandatory refresher courses, in which teachers are often not eager to take part, do not always lead to any increase in the effectiveness of the educational process. An independent choice of the most effective forms of professional and personal development from the teacher's point of view will increase the motivation of teachers and lead to real changes in education. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about managing the professional and personal development of a teacher.