Rules for a teacher engaged in project activities. The course "Pedagogical theory for the modern teacher

Obtaining a significant result in the new conditions of improving the quality of education presupposes the use of modern pedagogical technologies. Design technology - as a set of methods and techniques, allows you to create a "natural environment", real conditions for the formation of key competencies of students. Creation of a "natural environment" is the main mission of a teacher, organizer project activities students. He is not just a teacher, but an initiator of interesting undertakings, provoking the activity of students, a generator of ideas.
How can a teacher create these real conditions for personal development? The answer to this question is given by a list of roles that the teacher has to "live" in the course of guiding the student project:
1. an enthusiast who increases the motivation of children;
2. a specialist with knowledge and skills in related fields;
3.the consultant organizing access to resources, including
4. a leader who plans not only his project activities, but also helps children build a work plan;
5. "the person who asks questions" skillfully supports feedback;
6. coordinator of the entire design process;
7. project product expert, including children in the analysis and reflection of the results.
Teaching girls in grades 5-8 in the course of technology, I realize that for this discipline the question is "how to study?" is more important than the question "what to study?" as part of this course. Therefore, for the last few years I have been actively using the project method in my work. It is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bfocusing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren on the result obtained when solving a problem.
The introduction of design technology into the general educational process is a serious painstaking work that requires a system of thoughtful actions from the teacher, the ability to manage this process.
At the initial stage, I study the methodological literature and the experience of teachers in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. Then I work according to the following algorithm:
- I revise my planning - I determine the time of my project activities, I think over the time of students' work on projects;
- outline the range of possible project topics;
- I orient students to the implementation of specific products, taking into account fashion trends, the level of development of practical skills and the material wealth of their parents. This can be, for example, items of sewn and knitted clothing and accessories;
- I teach technologies of artistic processing of materials, accompanying the educational process with educational research and practical training of skills in the course of individual creative projects;
- at all stages of the project, I increase the degree of parents' trust in the teacher, because all the source materials for children's projects are provided by the parents. I use every opportunity to show the results of children's project activities: I demonstrate computer presentations with photographs of the best projects and fragments of lessons, organize exhibitions of works and fashion shows at parents' meetings, conferences, invite parents to public defense of projects at competitions.
With a differentiated approach, with each child completing his annual project, it is not easy for the teacher to organize the productive work of all students. This is possible if the teacher:
- possesses knowledge and skills on the technology of manufacturing a product and technology of individual training;
- plans the stages of each child's project;
- distributes the time of work on a part of the design product in the lesson, taking into account individual characteristics student;
- makes requirements for the implementation of stages of work, carries out pedagogical control of the quality of the result;
- strive to maintain a benevolent psychological climate in the lesson, sincerely rejoice at success and is ready to help in case of failure;
- creates together with the student, together with him "lives" his roles: researcher, designer, constructor, seamstress, expert.
In the lesson, it is important not to lose a minute of time, to organize the work of not only everyone, but everyone, using various types of activities, but always individual practical work... At the suggestion of the teacher, students in the class can complete projects as variations of one common theme. Then separate projects, combined into a single whole, can make up one group project. For example, a collection of clothing models made from one fabric according to a single artistic image. In this case, it is important for the teacher to create conditions for mutual assistance of children in communication. The one who does better helps others. And the teacher acts as a coordinator of the group's work.
In order to obtain a high-quality result of the work of each child, I have developed recommendations for students, which are drawn up in the collection "We write and defend a project using technology." This methodological guide was reviewed at the Department of Pedagogy of the Novosibirsk State University for the Humanities. The collection helps the teacher organize independent work students at all stages of the project.
As a rule, even with the productive work of children, the lesson is still not enough. Therefore, I have provided for extracurricular communication with children in the framework of project activities, which is implemented during the subject circle. Students, authors of projects can additionally work on school equipment, get advice from a teacher.
In individual consultations, the teacher's main tool is a question. Questions can have different purposes:
- establishing contact with the designer;
-obtaining information about the student's vision of the situation;
-evaluation of the internal result of the project - the child's experience.
It is better to use open-ended questions that are able to "talk" the interlocutor. They usually start with adverbs: who, what, how, where, how much. Asking questions, the teacher must be ready to actively listen to the answers and give recommendations.
With the help of questions, it is easier for the student to analyze and self-assess the activity and the result of his work. The main task of the teacher during the examination of the project is to help the child realize all the pros and cons, to identify ideas for improving the result.
To implement project ideas, students also use sources of information recommended by the teacher, including the archive of the best student projects, reference books, and dictionaries. Important working conditions: the presence of modern computer equipment in the office, and free access to the Internet at the school.
In addition to project activities, covering all students, I carry out extracurricular planned work on individual plans with gifted children. Their designs have more extensive research, more time consuming design items to manufacture. The algorithm of work is the same, but the time for close contact with the child increases. On preparatory stage the project reveals an important problem for the student, taken from real life, familiar and significant for her. Further work is organized according to the principle “everything ingenious is simple”, and consists in finding ideas for solving the problem and implementing the best idea. It often happens that knowledge of one educational area is not enough, then the project manager recommends the child to contact subject teachers and specialists outside the school. A versatile look at the project problem increases the importance of such interdisciplinary interaction. The teacher is a specialist in project activity algorithms and ensures that these algorithms are assigned to the student. As a leader I have successful experience work with student research projects not only in technology, but also in history, psychology, ecology, and the Russian language.
An important stage of any project is its defense, presentation of results. Under the guidance of the teacher, at this stage of work, the child develops the skills of monologue speech, the ability to keep oneself during a performance, artistic skills, the ability to answer unplanned questions, the ability to use a variety of visual means.
From work experience I know that at the last stage of design the manager needs to work a lot:
- give recommendations to the student on writing abstracts, revealing the topic, focus on the main thing, while “keeping within the time schedule”;
-If necessary, help the child compose a computer presentation that complements the speech;
- organize a preliminary defense in front of grateful listeners (for example, junior schoolchildren, in this case they also acquire a certain experience);
- make a video recording of the performance and show it to the teenager, paying attention to the appearance, facial expressions, gestures. How to name a teacher in this situation - a director.
Summarizing the above, it is necessary to single out the main thing: a teacher, as an organizer of project activities, is a teacher-manager who controls the entire process of educational design.
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Kravchenko Larisa Nikolaevna, teacher of geography and technology, head of the RMO for teachers of technology

with. Donskoe

Soviet 16


MBOU "Krasnogvardeyskaya Gymnasium"

Kravchenko Larisa Nikolaevna, geography and technology teacher


    Explanatory note.

    Methodological assistance in the preparation and implementation of projects.

    Stages of the project

    Materials for diagnosing students (identifying a propensity for research and social activities).

    Application form.

    General rules for the project manager.

    Memo to the head (organizer) of the project.

    To help students.

    Methodical planning of project activities.


Explanatory note

Global changes in the information, communication, professional and other spheres of modern society require adjustments to the substantive, methodological, technological aspects of education, revision of previous value priorities, targets and pedagogical means.

The technology of the classroom-lesson system for centuries has proven to be the most effective for the mass transfer of knowledge, skills, and skills to the young recruits. Changes in social life taking place in our time require the development of new methods of education, pedagogical technologies dealing with individual development personality, creative initiation, the skill of independent movement in information fields, the formation of the student's universal ability to set and solve problems to solve problems of professional activity, self-determination that arise in life, everyday life... The emphasis is transferred to the upbringing of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, to obtain and apply knowledge. Thoroughly think over the decisions made and clearly plan actions, effectively cooperate in groups that are diverse in composition and profile. Be open to new contacts and cultural ties. This requires widespread introduction of alternative forms and methods of teaching into the educational process. educational activities.

New principles of personality-oriented education, individual approach, subjectivity in teaching demanded, first of all, new teaching methods. The school in modern conditions required such teaching methods that:

    would form an active, independent and proactive position of students in learning;

    would develop, first of all, general educational skills and abilities: research, reflexive, self-evaluating;

    would be primarily aimed at developing the cognitive interest of students

One of the forms in educational activities is"Project method". In a short form in my work, I outlined different approaches to some issues of organizing the project activities of students and teachers at school.

Methodological assistance in the preparation and implementation of projects

To help the teacher.

The most important thing in the project after defining the topic ishypothesis development, problem statement, planning training activities, comparison of facts .

All this step-by-step activity forms the culture of mental work of students, teaching them to independently acquire knowledge. All this must be taught to children, and preferably not during the preparation of a specific project, but in advance during the course of teaching the subject. That is why lessons-research and lessons-projects are especially relevant today. After all, they not only contribute to the intensification educational process, but also form a culture of mental work of students, preparing them to create independent projects.

Stage 1 of the formation of a culture of mental work of students during the preparation and presentation of the project -research lesson .

The preparation of this type of lesson involves the organization of research activities of students and pedagogical activities of the teacher.

Student research model:

    formulation of the problem

    clarification of unclear issues

    formation of the research hypothesis

    planning training activities

    data collection

    data analysis and synthesis

    preparation of messages


    answers to questions, adjustments

    generalization, conclusions


Teacher pedagogical activity

    Goal setting.

    The choice of a meaningful model (a model that corresponds to the objective goals).

    • Comprehension of ways, techniques, means of motivation;

      Planning educational activities as a process of gradual mastering of knowledge, mastering a system of skills;

      Organization of the reflection process.

    Process analysis by the teacher.

Stage 2 -project lesson .

The pedagogical activity of the teacher is the same as in the research lesson.

Educational project as technology

The main value of the project is the overall end result

Goal: formation and development of skills and abilities for solving practical problems.


    Determination of the project goal and stages of goal achievement;

    Role assignment and work planning

Stages of work:

    Collection of information

    Discussion of data, systematization

    Making a hypothesis

    Making models (models, scenarios)

    Choosing a way to present the results

    Distribution of roles for protection

    Defense (presentation)

    Bargaining protection, assessment

Thus, by conducting these two types of lessons, we form a culture of mental work among students, accustoming children to research work, to independent conscious work on a project.

Typology of projects


I demand a well thought out structure, goals, relevance for all participants, well thought out methods, experimental and experimental work, methods of processing results.


They do not have a detailed structure, it develops along the way, only the final result is planned (published newspaper, video)


The structure is only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants assume certain roles based on the content of the project. They can be literary characters or fictional characters that imitate social and business relationships.


Aimed at collecting information about any object. Its structure: purpose, methods of obtaining and processing information, result, presentation.


A clearly defined result, a carefully thought-out structure, a clear definition of the functions of each participant, coordination of work stages, presentation of the final results, performance evaluation.

    The project is your independent creative development. In doing this, involve your parents, friends, and others. Remember that the main thing for you is to develop your creativity.

    Run the project in the following order:

    • Choose a topic with the help of parents and a teacher;

      Pick up information (books, magazines, computer programs, TV shows, etc.)

      Plan the entire volume of work and the organization of its implementation with the help of a teacher;

      Complete the theoretical and practical parts of the project;

      Make adjustments to the theoretical part according to the results of the product;

      Print the graphic part of the project;

      Prepare to defend and assess the quality of your work by performing demonstration visual materials for the defense;

      Protect the project;

    Use reference literature in your work: catalogs, dictionaries, magazines, books, etc., as well as materials from museums and exhibitions.

    Try to use modern technology in your work: a video camera, a computer, video and audio recorders, photo and photocopiers, the Internet.

    Think about how your work will be useful to you in the future, try to connect it with your chosen profession.

    Take into account the traditions and customs of the district and the city in which you live.

    Always remember about ecology hometown and your health.

    Use your knowledge of any subject, as well as your everyday experience. When showing creativity, rely only on scientific knowledge.

    Do not hesitate to contact the project manager for all questions.

So the concept"Project" again thrown into Russian pedagogy. The project is multifaceted, the project is effective, the project is promising, the project is inexhaustible!

School of the Present - School of Projects !!!

What is a project?

Study project or research from the perspective of the student Is an opportunity to maximize your creative potential. This activity will allow you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, bring benefits, show publicly the achieved result. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem, often formulated by the students themselves in the form of a problem, when the result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is of a practical nature, has an important applied value and, which is very important, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

Project problem

(this is important to me personally)

The urgency of the problem - motivation

Objective of the project

"What for?"
(we are doing a project)

Goal setting

Project objectives

(for this we do)

Setting goals

Methods and methods

(we can do it)

Choice of methods and methods of planning


"What happens?"
(as a solution to the problem)

Expected Result

Study project





1st stage - immersion in the project



1) Project problem

1) personal assignment of the problem

2) The plot situation

2) getting used to the situation

3) Purpose and objectives

3) acceptance, clarification and specification of the goal of the tasks

2nd stage - organization of activities

Organizes activities - involves:

Carry out:

4) Organize groups

4) breakdown into groups

5) Distribute the role in the groups

5) distribution of roles in the group

6) Plan activities for solving project tasks

6) work planning

7) Possible forms of presentation of results

7) the choice of the form and method of presentation of the expected results

3rd stage - implementation of activities

Does not participate, but:

They work actively and independently:

8) Advises students as needed

8) each in accordance with his role and together

9) Unobtrusively controls

9) consult as needed

10) Gives new knowledge when students need it

10) “get” the missing knowledge

11) Rehearses with the students the upcoming presentation of the results

11) prepare the presentation of the results

4th stage - presentation

Accepts the report:


12) Summarizes and summarizes the results obtained

12) understanding the problem, the purpose of the task

13) Summarizes the training

13) ability to plan and carry out work

14) Assesses the skills: communicate, listen, substantiate one's opinion, etc. (according to the test and observation card)

14) found a way to solve the problem

15) reflection of activity and result

16) give a mutual assessment of the activity and its effectiveness

Stages of the project

    Preparatory, or introductory (immersion in the project)

    • The choice of a topic and its specification (definition of the genre of the project).

      Determination of the goal, formulation of tasks.

      Formation of project teams, distribution of responsibilities in them.

      Approval of the project topic and individual plans of the group members.

      Establishment of procedures and criteria for project evaluation and presentation

    Search and research stage

    • Identifying sources of information

      Planning ways to litter and analyze information.

      Preparation for research and its planning.

      Conducting research. Collection and systematization of materials (facts, results) in accordance with the goals and genre of work, selection of illustrations.

      Organizational and consulting sessions. Interim student reports, discussion of alternatives that arose during the project.

    Broadcast and design stage

    • Project pre-protection

      Finalization of the project taking into account comments and suggestions.

      Preparation for public defense of the project:

      • determination of the date and place of protection

        definition of the program and scenario of public defense, distribution of tasks within the group (media support, audience preparation, video and photography, etc.)

        poster information about the project

    The final stage

    • Public defense of the project.

      Summing up, constructive analysis of the work performed.

Materials for diagnosing students (identifying a propensity for research and social activities)

Application form

    What area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge are you most interested in?

    What school subject are you most interested in?

    In what subjects are you interested in reading additional literature?

    What informative literature have you read for last year? Name her.

    Do you study in circles, sections, do you attend electives? What and where?

    Which of the scientific problems of our time seems to you the most urgent (significant)?

    Would you like to participate in the research of any problem?

    What real social event with the involvement of your peers would you like to hold within the school, district, city?

    Are you a member of any public youth associations? Name them.

    Who from the school teachers could become your consultants, advisor in the organization and implementation of the project?

    Would you like to involve your parents in your work? (well no)

General rules for the project manager

    Get creative with this work.

    Don't hold back students.

    Encourage independence, avoid direct instructions, teach children to act independently.

    Remember the main pedagogical result - do not do for the student what he can do (or can learn to do) on his own.

    Do not rush to make value judgments.

    When evaluating, remember: it is better to praise ten times for nothing than to criticize once for nothing.

    Pay attention to the main components of the learning process:

    • learn to trace the connections between objects, events and phenomena;

      try to build skills independent decision research problems;

      try to teach the student the ability to analyze, synthesize, classify the information he receives

    In the process of work, do not forget about education.

Memo to the head (organizer) of the project

    Suggest project topics with different dominant methods (research, social, creative, informational, practice-oriented, gaming, etc.)

    Describe and complement projects on other grounds (nature of contacts, nature of project coordination, duration, number of participants). Select the most relevant one (based on the results of the discussion in the group of course participants).

    Indicate the problem, formulate the goals and objectives of the project, educational material on the subject and interdisciplinary connections (in the form of didactic units) that should be involved in the course of the project.

    Consider the practical or theoretical value of the project.

    Indicate what developmental goals you set (intellectual, moral, cultural development of students).

    List what creative techniques will be used to complete the project.

    Indicate how this project fits into classroom and extracurricular activities.

    Consider how the results of the project might be framed.

    Indicate the forms of control over the stages of the project.

    Suggest criteria for evaluating the success of the project.

    Consider how this project can affect the social adaptation and professional self-determination of a teenager, motivation to work in the chosen area (only for high school students)

    Think about what psychological and pedagogical effect is possible as a result of this project.

To help students

    Exactly formulate the question we are looking for the answer to. It is necessary to strictly limit the scope of research.

    Evaluate, from the point of view of existing knowledge, whether it is possible to get a true answer to the question posed.

    Divide the problem into subtasks and subquestions, look for answers to them first by deriving solutions from known truths or reducing them to solving similar problems.

    Directly deduce the solution from the mind of the available knowledge, if possible.

    Put forward hypotheses by full or incomplete induction or analogy.

    Use the fourth and fifth techniques together.

    Compare the obtained result with the known knowledge.

    Check the accuracy of the applied logical techniques.

    Check the correctness of all definitions and judgments used in the solution.

    Express all the concepts of the problem to be solved in "useful" signs (using symbolic language).

    Strive to develop visual images of objects of the task.

    Formulate the result of the decision logically strictly.

    Evaluate all the pros and cons of the result.

    Solve the problem as focused as possible.

Methodical planning of project activities

    Setting lesson: goals, tasks of design work, main idea, approximate topics and forms of products of future projects.

    Preparation of information about project work.

    Consultation on the choice of topics for educational projects, formulation of ideas and ideas.

    Formation of project teams.

    Group discussion of ideas for future projects, drawing up individual plans for working on projects.

    Approval of the subject of projects and individual plans for work on projects.

    Search stage

    Interim student reports

    Individual and group consultations on the content and rules of design work.

    Generalizing stage: registration of results.

    Project pre-protection.

    Finalization of projects taking into account comments and suggestions.

    Formation of groups of reviewers, opponents and "external" experts.

    Preparation for public defense of projects.

    Dress rehearsal for public defense of projects.

    Coordination meeting of persons in charge of events.

    Final stage: public defense of projects.

    Summing up, analysis of the work performed.

    Final stage. Gratitude to the participants, generalization of materials, preparation of reports on the work performed.


    A. V. Bychkov The method of projects in the modern school. - M., 2000.

    V.V. Guzeev Development of educational technology. - M., 1995. - No. 6.

    Kilpatrick V.H. Project method. Application of the target attitude in the pedagogical process. - L., 1925.

    Kilpatrick V.H. Fundamentals of the method - M. - L., 1928.

    New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat. - M., 2000.

    Petrova V. Method of projects. - M., 1995.


Try to approach everything creatively, fight all forms of conformism and stereotypical banal decisions.

Focus on the exploratory search process, not just the result.

Strive to discover and develop in each child his individual inclinations and abilities.

In the process of work, do not forget about the education of the student.

Try to do less instruction, help children to act independently, and avoid direct instructions as to what they should do.

Don't make hasty assumptions, learn to take the time to make value judgments, and teach your children to do the same.

When evaluating, remember - it is better to praise ten times for nothing than to criticize once for nothing.

Do not rely on the fact that children already have certain basic skills and knowledge, help them learn new things.

Remember the main pedagogical result - do not do for the student what he can do on his own.

Do not hold back the initiative of children and do not do for them what they can do for themselves or what they can learn on their own. Avoid direct instructions.

Teach children to trace distant connections and build long associative chains.

Learn to identify connections between objects, events and phenomena.

Teach children to act independently, teach them the skills of original problem solving, independent search and analysis of situations.

Try to develop skills for independent research problem solving.

Use difficult situations (problems) that have arisen in children at school and at home as an area of \u200b\u200btasks for applying the skills acquired in solving research problems.

Teach children primarily not thinking, but thinking. Learn the ability to extract information, not swallow it off the shelf.

Try to teach students the ability to analyze, synthesize, classify the information they receive.

Help the children learn to manage their own research.

Design and research activities of students

Project research activities of students are spelled out in the educational standard. Therefore, every student must be trained in this activity. The curricula of all school subjects are focused on this type of activity. Oral exams in grades 9 and 11 involve project defense as one of the types final certification... Thus, the project research activity of students is becoming more and more relevant in modern pedagogy. And this is no coincidence. Indeed, it is in the process of correct independent work on the creation of a project that the culture of mental work of students is best formed.

The most important thing in the project after defining the topic isdeveloping a hypothesis, posing a problem, planning educational activities, comparing facts. All this step-by-step activity forms the culture of mental work of students, teaching them to independently acquire knowledge. All this must be taught to children, and preferably not during the preparation of a specific project, but in advance during the course of teaching the subject. That is why lessons-research and lessons-projects are especially relevant today. After all, they not only contribute to the intensification of the educational process, but also form the culture of mental work of students, preparing them for the creation of independent projects.

Stage 1 in the formation of a culture of mental work of students during the preparation and presentation of the project- research lesson... The preparation of this type of lesson involves the organization of research activities of students and the pedagogical activity of the teacher (table 2, table 3).

Stage 2 - project lesson (table 4). The pedagogical activity of the teacher is the same as in the research lesson.

Thus, by conducting these two types of lessons, we form a culture of mental work among students, accustoming children to research activities, to independent conscious work on a project.

Typology of projects


They require a well-thought-out structure, goals, relevance for all participants, thoughtful methods, experimental and experimental work, methods of processing results.


They do not have a detailed structure, it develops along the way, only the final result is planned (published newspaper, video)


The structure is only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants assume certain roles based on the content of the project. They can be literary characters or fictional characters that imitate social and business relationships.


Aimed at collecting information about any object. Its structure: purpose, methods of obtaining and processing information, result, presentation.


A clearly defined result, a carefully thought-out structure, a clear definition of the functions of each participant, coordination of work stages, presentation of the final results, performance evaluation.

Student research model

Teacher pedagogical activity

Educational project as technology

The main value of the project is the overall end result

Purpose: formation and development of skills and abilities for solving practical problems.

Motivation: 1) determination of the project goal and stages of goal achievement;

2) distribution of roles and work planning.

Stages of work:

1. Collection of information.

2. Discussion of data, systematization.

3. Putting a hypothesis.

4. Making models (models, scripts).

5. Choosing a way to present the results

6. Distribution of roles for protection.

7. Defense (presentation).

8. Collective discussion of protection, assessment.

Global changes in the information, communication, professional and other spheres of modern society require adjustments to the substantive, methodological, technological aspects of education, revision of previous value priorities, targets and pedagogical means.

The technology of the classroom-lesson system over the centuries has proven to be the most effective for the mass transfer of knowledge, skills, and abilities to young recruits. The changes in social life taking place in our time require the development of new methods of education, pedagogical technologies dealing with individual development of the personality, creative initiation, the skill of independent movement in information fields, the formation of a universal student's ability to set and solve problems to solve problems arising in life - professional activities, self-determination, everyday life. The emphasis is transferred to the upbringing of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, to obtain and apply knowledge, to think carefully about the decisions made and to clearly plan actions, to effectively cooperate in groups of diverse composition and profile, to be open to new contacts and cultural ties. This requires the widespread introduction of alternative forms and methods of educational activities into the educational process.

This is due to the introduction of methods and technologies into the educational context of educational institutions based on the project and research activities of students. The Moscow Department of Education pays special attention to the work of teachers of experimental and innovative institutions, educational institutions with an increased educational content. In this direction, it assists in the development of the competitive movement among the design and research works of students.

The pedagogical community should realize the project and research activities of students as an integral part of education, a separate system in education, one of the directions of modernization of modern education, the development of the concept of a specialized school. In accordance with the order of the Moscow Education Committee dated 30.08.2002 No. 750 "On the organization of the Moscow city competition of research and design works of students of educational institutions", the city competition is held annually, which is a system of conferences in various areas of knowledge, held in several stages.

The organization of project and research activities of students in educational institutions requires a competent scientifically grounded approach and solving a complex of organizational and managerial, educational and methodological, staffing, organizational and methodological, informational, didactic and psychological and pedagogical tasks. These tasks can be solved in any educational institution in the presence of an initiative group of like-minded teachers headed by a manager, organizer of the educational process and scientific leadership of the development of this activity on the part of a specialist or scientific institution. These teachers will need a certain level of scientific and methodological training, knowledge of design technology and research method.

Research activities of students - the activities of students associated with the solution by students of a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution (as opposed to a workshop that serves to illustrate certain laws of nature) and assuming the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field, normalized on the basis of accepted in science traditions: formulation of a problem, study of a theory devoted to a given problem, selection of research methods and practical mastering of them, collection of their own material, its analysis and generalization, scientific commentary, own conclusions. Any research, no matter in what area of \u200b\u200bnatural or humanities it is executed, has a similar structure. Such a chain is an integral part of research activity, the norm for its conduct.

Project activities of students - joint educational, cognitive, creative or playful activity of students, having a common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a common result of activity. An indispensable condition for project activities is the presence of pre-developed ideas about the final product of activities, design stages (concept development, definition of project goals and objectives, available and optimal resources for activities, creation of a plan, programs and organization of activities for project implementation) and project implementation, including its understanding and reflection on the results of activities.

Design and research activities - activities for the design of their own research, involving the allocation of goals and objectives, the selection of principles for the selection of methods, planning the course of research, determining the expected results, assessing the feasibility of the study, determining the necessary resources. It is the organizational framework of the study.

Educational research and scientific research. The main point of research in education is that it is educational. This means that his main goal is to develop the personality, and not to obtain an objectively new result, as in "big" science. If in science the main goal is the production of new knowledge, then in education the goal of research activity is to acquire a functional research skill as a universal way of mastering reality, to develop the ability for a research type of thinking, to activate the student's personal position in the educational process based on the acquisition of subjectively new knowledge ( i.e. independently acquired knowledge that is new and personally significant for a particular student).

Therefore, when organizing the educational process on the basis of research activities, the first place isstudy design task... When designing the research activities of students, the model and research methodology developed and adopted in the field of science over the past several centuries is taken as a basis. This model is characterized by the presence of several standard stages that are present in any scientific research, regardless of the subject area in which it develops. At the same time, the development of students' research activities is standardized by traditions developed by the scientific community, taking into account the specifics of educational research - the experience accumulated in the scientific community is used through setting a system of norms of activity.

Development of subject-subject relations in the development of research activities. In a typical educational situation, which, as a rule, determines the nature of the educational process, the standard positional scheme "teacher" - "student" is implemented. The first broadcasts knowledge, the second assimilates them; all this happens within the framework of the worked out classroom-lesson scheme. In the development of research activities, these positions collide with realities: there are no ready-made standards of knowledge that are so familiar to the blackboard: the phenomena seen in living nature do not mechanically fit into ready-made schemes, but require independent analysis in each specific situation. This initiates the beginning of evolution from the object-subject paradigm of educational activity to a situation of joint comprehension of the surrounding reality, the expression of which is a pair of "colleague-colleague". The second component - "mentor-junior comrade" assumes the situation of transferring the skills of practical activity associated with mastering reality from the teacher who has them to the student. This transfer takes place in close personal contact, which determines the high personal authority of the position "mentor" and specialist, teacher, its carrier. The main result of the considered positional evolution is the expansion of the boundaries of tolerance of participants in research activities.

Modern understanding of the meaning of research activities of students. There are long traditions in the development of student research activities in Russia. Thus, in many regions, youth scientific and technical societies and small academies of sciences were created and functioned. The activities of many youth scientific and technical societies often boiled down to the implementation of a model of functioning of academic research teams among senior schoolchildren, the implementation in a simplified form of the research tasks of laboratories of scientific research institutes. The main goal of this activity was the preparation of applicants for universities and the formation of a young shift for research institutes. In fact, this meant the implementation of the educational process in a more individualized form in an additionally introduced subject area. In modern conditions, when the issue of reducing teaching load children, the meaning of the term "student research activities" takes on a slightly different meaning. The share of the vocational guidance component, factors of scientific novelty of research, decreases in it, and the content associated with the understanding of research activity as a tool for improving the quality of education increases.

The difference between research activities and design and constructive. The main result of research activity is an intellectual product that establishes one or another truth as a result of the research procedure and is presented in a standard form. It is necessary to emphasize the intrinsic value of achieving truth in research as its main product. Often, in the context of competitions and conferences, one can meet requirements of practical significance, applicability of research results, characterization of the social effect of research (for example, environmental effect). Such activity, although often called the organizers of research, pursues other goals (in themselves, no less significant) - socialization, the development of social practice by means of research activity. The child research leader should be aware of the shift in the goals of the work being carried out when such requirements are introduced.

The specifics of the implementation of research tasks at school. No less important restrictions are imposed on the topic, nature and volume of research requirements developmental psychology... For adolescence, a still low general educational level, an unformed worldview, an underdeveloped ability for independent analysis, and a weak concentration of attention are characteristic. Excessive workload and specialization that lead to a shift into a narrow subject area can be harmful general education and development, which are certainly the main task at this age. Therefore, not every research problem brought from science is suitable for implementation in educational institutions. Such tasks must meet certain requirements related to general principles designing research tasks for students in various fields of knowledge.

Classification of tasks by complexity. Among the requirements for the tasks, such as the limited amount of experimental material, the mathematical apparatus for data processing, the limitations of intersubject analysis. According to the degree of complexity of the analysis of experimental data, we divide the tasks into the tasks of the workshop, actually research and scientific.

Workshop objectives serve to illustrate a phenomenon. In this case, a parameter is changed (for example, temperature) and the associated change, for example, volume, is investigated. The result is stable and does not require analysis.

Research tasks represent a class of problems that are applicable in educational institutions. In them, the investigated value depends on several simple factors (for example, contamination of the area, depending on the distance to the plant's chimney and weather conditions). The influence of factors on the studied value is an excellent object for analysis, feasible for students.

In scientific tasks there are many factors, the influence of which on the investigated quantities is rather difficult. The analysis of such tasks requires a broad outlook and scientific intuition and are not applicable in the educational process.

Research presentation. The presentation of research, especially in modern times, is critical throughout the work. The presence of presentation standards is a characteristic attribute of research activity and is expressed rather harshly in contrast, for example, to activities in the field of art. There are several such standards in science:abstracts, scientific article, oral presentation, dissertation, monograph, popular article... Each of the standards defines the nature of the language, volume, structure. During the presentation, the leader and the student must, from the very beginning, determine the genre in which he works and strictly follow its requirements. The most popular at modern youth conferences are the genres of theses, articles, reports. Moreover, in these forms, not research works, but, for example, abstracts or descriptive works can be presented.

Classification of creative works of students in the field of natural sciences and humanities... Analysis of the works presented at conferences and competitions allows us to distinguish the following types of them:

Problem-abstract - creative works written on the basis of several literary sources, involving a comparison of data from different sources and, based on this, their own interpretation of the problem posed.

Experimental - creative works written on the basis of performing an experiment described in science and having a known result. They are rather illustrative, suggest an independent interpretation of the characteristics of the result, depending on changes in the initial conditions.

Naturalistic and descriptive - creative work aimed at observing and qualitatively describing a phenomenon. May have an element of scientific novelty. Distinctive feature is the lack of a correct research methodology. One of the varieties of naturalistic work is the work of a social and environmental orientation. IN recent timesapparently, another lexical meaning of the term "ecology" has appeared, denoting a social movement aimed at combating anthropogenic pollution environment... Works done in this genre often lack a scientific approach.

Research - creative works performed using a scientifically correct methodology, having their own experimental material obtained using this methodology, on the basis of which analysis and conclusions are made about the nature of the phenomenon under study. A feature of such works is the uncertainty of the result that research can give.

To organized education in a general education institution it is recommended that research activities be included in an integrated program of general and additional education... In this case, research activities can be included: in courses included in the basic syllabus (invariant component - technology, elements of design research within government programs on basic subjects); during the hours of the school component (courses in methodology and history scientific research, theoretical specialized subjects); to the block of additional education (group theoretical and practical classes in certain thematic areas, individual sessions and consultations on the topics of research performed), a system of theoretical and practical training, independent research during field activities during vacation time (excursions and expeditions). On the basis of the technology of research activities, a model of a specialized school can be implemented both on the basis of a general education institution and in cooperation with institutions of additional and higher professional education.

The research activity of students is a technology of additional education, since it has two signs that are mandatory for additional education:

  • flexible educational programs, built in accordance with the specifics of the task being performed, the inclinations and abilities of a particular student;
  • the presence of individual forms of work for the teacher and the student - group and individual lessons and consultations, offsite events, seminars and conferences.

Research activities can be successfully applied in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, colleges and vocational schools.

Design and Research School and Student Research Innovation Network. In Moscow, a relatively constant circle of organizations has developed (these are schools, institutions of additional education for children, children's groups at scientific institutions, etc.), in which the traditions and culture of research work with schoolchildren have developed. Each of these organizations is well recognizable by its characteristic "handwriting": it can be a favorite subject, or methodology, or research location. Every year they present at various conferences the work of different children, sometimes the teachers change, but the "handwriting" remains unchanged. A special term is introduced for them -design and research schools, they are the real subjects of students' research activities. The focus on working with design and research schools sets an innovative network in which the technological model of research activities of students in the educational system is distributed (introduced) as a model of their involvement and retention in joint activities.

For each participant in the educational process, it is important to set their own accents when planning and organizing this type of student activity.

Wherein it is important for the head of an educational institution to understand:

  • What does project and research activity give students along with the traditional way of teaching?
  • How does the role of teacher and student change in the educational process?
  • How do you teach teachers to lead students?
  • How to attract scientists and specialists from the scientific industry to the school to advise on the organization of research activities?
  • How is the organization of the educational process of an educational institution changing?
  • How is the success of a student in project and research activities evaluated?
  • How to develop a work program for an educational institution for the development of research activities and where to attract resources for its implementation?
  • What increments in ZUN, in the development and education of a student, can be obtained as a result of the implementation of one project or research, a series of projects or research, at the end of the training cycle?

The head teacher needs to understand the following issues:

  • Everything listed in the sectionfor the head of the school.
  • How to draw up a class schedule to use the resources necessary for a training project or research (information, material and technical, classroom, personnel)?
  • How to reconcile thematic plans courses of subjects in which a study project or research is carried out.(Together with teachers)?
  • How to organize monitoring of the formation of ZUN necessary for the implementation of a training project or research?
  • How to select educational projects and studies that correspond to the specifics of the school, the characteristics of the class, and the tasks of the educational institution.(Together with teachers)?
  • How to organize monitoring of the formation of skills of independence used in the implementation of a training project or research?
  • How to build a series of projects or studies of one student for the sequential formation of specific skills and abilities in project and research activities.(Together with teachers)?

The teacher needs to know:

  • Everything listed in the sectionfor the head teacher with a note "Together with teachers".
  • How to draw up a curriculum for the course, which provides for the project or research activities of students?
  • How to prepare students to work on a curriculum project or research?
  • How to adapt a well-known educational project or research to the characteristics of your class, educational institution and the conditions of the available support?
  • How to develop a training project or research?
  • How to evaluate the performance of pedagogical tasks as a result of a training project or research?
  • How to carry out a training project or research. What forms of educational activity should be used?
  • Who to consult on the content of project research activities?

In theoretical and methodological issues on this issue, materials from publications, methodological and informational sites (see Appendices 1 and 2) can be useful, as well as it is advisable to use the possibilities of course and modular training of teachers on research and project activities of students in the system of advanced training of the Moscow Regional Educational Institution of Education according to the appropriate subject.

The most decisive link in this innovation is the teacher. The role of the teacher is changing and not only in design and research teaching. From a bearer of knowledge and information, an all-knowing oracle, a teacher turns into an organizer of activities, a consultant and a colleague in solving a problem, obtaining the necessary knowledge and information from various (maybe non-traditional) sources. Working on an educational project or research allows you to build conflict-free pedagogy, together with children to relive the inspiration of creativity again and again, to turn the educational process from boring coercion into effective creative creative work.

Study project or research from the perspective of the student - this is an opportunity to maximize your creative potential. This activity will allow you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, be useful, show publicly the achieved result. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem, often formulated by the students themselves in the form of a task, when the result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is of a practical nature, has important applied value and, which is very important, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

A curriculum project or research from a teacher's perspective is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and design and research skills in students, namely to teach:

  • problematization (consideration of the problem field and highlighting subproblems, formulating a leading problem and setting tasks arising from this problem);
  • goal setting and planning of the student's content activities;
  • introspection and reflection (the effectiveness and success of solving the project problem);
  • presentation of the results of their activities and progress of work;
  • presentations in various forms, using a specially prepared design product (layout, poster, computer presentation, drawings, models, theatricalization, video, audio and stage performances, etc.);
  • search and selection of relevant information and assimilation of the necessary knowledge;
  • practical application of school knowledge in various, including atypical, situations;
  • selection, development and use of a suitable technology for manufacturing a design product;
  • research (analysis, synthesis, hypothesis, detailing and generalization).

The mastery of independent project and research activities by students in an educational institution should be built in the form of purposeful systematic work at all levels of education.

For students in primary school

When organizing this work in primary school, it is necessary to take into account the age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of children of primary school age. Namely:Themes children's works are selected from the content of educational subjects or close to them.Problem a project or research that provides motivation for inclusion in independent work should be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe child's cognitive interests and be in the zone of proximal development. It is advisable to limit the duration of the project or research to 1-2 weeks in the mode of extracurricular activities or 1-2 double lessons.

At the same time, it is important to set, together with children, educational goals for mastering design and research techniques as general educational skills. It is advisable in the process of working on a topic to include excursions, observation walks, social actions, work with various text sources of information, preparation of practically significant products and a wide public presentation (with the invitation of older children, parents, colleagues, teachers and leaders).

Along with the formation of skills for individual elements of design and research activities, students in traditional classes starting from grade 2 (such as: goal-setting, formulating questions, reflection, action planning, etc.), it is possible to conduct in the 3rd grade in the 2nd half of the year one project or research, in the 4th - two projects or research. If the resources of the study time permit, project and research activities can be organized at school hours, but subject to the child's personally motivated involvement in the work.

For students in basic school

In accordance with the age specifics, the goals of mastering communication skills come to the fore for a teenager. Here it is advisable to organize project or research activities in group forms. At the same time, one should not deprive the student of the opportunity to choose an individual form of work.

Themes children's works are selected from any content area (subject, interdisciplinary, non-subject),problems - close to understanding and exciting adolescents in personal terms, social, collective and personal relationships. The result obtained must be socially and practically meaningful.

It is advisable to present the results of design or research at meetings scientific society students or a school conference - preparations are underway for various events at the district and city levels (idea fairs, district and city competitions and conferences). At the same time, teachers should keep in mind the real timing of such events and accordingly plan the completion of the students' work, thereby giving the student a chance to publicly declare himself and his work, to get reinforcement in the development of personal qualities and project and research competence.

For high school students

The formation of the appropriate level of competence in design and research activities (that is, independent practical knowledge of design and research technology) should be achieved by the end of grade 10.

Topics and problems design and research works are selected in accordance with the personal preferences of each student and should be in the area of \u200b\u200btheir self-determination. Individual or mini-group forms of work are preferred. The implementation of projects or research in the 11th (senior) grade can be as individual cases of outstanding success of gifted students, or as course design for profile subject with the subsequent protection of the results as a creative exam. In high school, it is advisable to carry out work on the basis and with the involvement of specialists from specialized scientific institutions and universities. The prospectively widespread use of various forms of design and research activities: expeditions, conferences, etc.

For students in institutions of additional education

The design and research form of work with students should be a priority. In the conditions of additional education, there is no rigid framework for the classroom-lesson system, the choice of the content, topics and problems of projects and research by students occurs at the time of choosing the sections, circles and societies in which he attends. When choosing a form of work, it is also necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children. Depending on the level of the results obtained, it is necessary to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate them at public presentations at various levels: in front of peers, parents, teachers, for the general public.

Wherever we are engaged in project or research activities with students, it must be remembered that main result this work is the formation and education of a person who owns design and research technology at the level of competence.

Ensuring the implementation of a training project or research

In order to create conditions for independent creative design and research activities, students need to carry outpreparatory work... Should be providedstudy time resources, in order to avoid overloading students and teachers. Before starting work, the student must have the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities (starting ZUN ) in the content area of \u200b\u200bthe project or research. He will need to a certain extent formedspecific skills and abilities (design or research) for independent work.New knowledge for students in the course of a project or research, a teacher can give, but in a very small amount and only at the time of its demand by students.

Each project or study should be provided with everything necessary:logistical and educational-methodical equipment, staffing (additionally involved participants, specialists),information (library fund and catalogs, Internet, CD-Rom audio and video materials, etc.) andinformation technology resources (computers and other equipment with software),organizational support (special timetable for classes, classrooms, library work, Internet access), separate from lessonsa place (a room that does not restrict free activity with the necessary resources and equipment - a media library). Different projects will require different collateral. The design and research activities of students encourage the organizationinformation space educational institution.

All types of required collateral must be available before starting work on the project. Otherwise, the project does not need to be undertaken, or it needs to be redone, adapted to the available resources. Insufficient provision of design or research work can negate all expected positive results. It is important to remember that the tasks of a project or research shouldage appropriate and to lie in the zone of proximal development of students - interest in work and feasibility largely determine success. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that children are motivated to work on a project or research -motivation , which will give an undamped source of energy for independent activity and creative activity. To do this, you need to make a pedagogically competent immersion in a project or research at the start, to interest you in the problem, the prospect of practical and social benefits. In the course of the work, the motivational mechanisms incorporated in the design and research activities are included.

Since carrying out the project and research activities of students requires significant resource costs (time, materials, equipment, information sources, consultants, etc.), it is advisable to form specific skills and abilities of independent project and research activities not only in the process of working on a project or research, but and within traditional occupationselement by element ... They are mastered as school-wide (supra-subject) and combine general technological skill in the process of working on a project or research. For this, special organizational forms and methods are used, special attention is paid in the outline of the lesson. For example, a problematic introduction to the topic of the lesson, joint or independent planning for the implementation of a practical assignment, group work in the lesson, including with the role distribution of work in a group.

The following elements of design and research activities needs to be formed in the process of working on a project or research and outside of it:

Mind-activity: putting forward an idea (brainstorming), problematizing, goal-setting and formulating a problem, putting forward a hypothesis, posing a question (searching for a hypothesis), formulating an assumption (hypothesis), making a reasonable choice of a method or method, a path in activity, planning one's activities, introspection and reflection;

Presentation: construction of an oral report (message) on the work done, the choice of methods and forms of visual presentation (product) of the results of activities, the production of visual objects, the preparation of a written report on the work done;

Communicative: listening and understanding others, expressing oneself, finding a compromise, interacting within a group, finding consensus;

Search engines: find information in catalogs, contextual search, in hypertext, on the Internet, formulation of keywords;

Informational: structuring information, highlighting the main thing, receiving and transmitting information, presentation in various forms, ordered storage and search;

Conducting an instrumental experiment: organizing a workplace, selecting the necessary equipment, selecting and preparing materials (reagents), conducting the experiment itself, observing the course of the experiment, measuring parameters, understanding the results obtained.

Assessment of the student's success in carrying out a project or research

When assessing the success of a student in a project or research, it is necessary to understand that the most significant assessment for him is public recognition of solvency (success, effectiveness). Any level of results achieved is worthy of a positive assessment. Assessing the degree of formation of the skills and abilities of project and research activities is important for a teacher working on the formation of appropriate competence in a student. You can evaluate:

  • the degree of independence in performing various stages of work on the project;
  • the degree of involvement in group work and the clarity of the fulfillment of the assigned role;
  • practical use of subject and general school ZUN;
  • quantity new information used to complete the project;
  • the degree of comprehension of the information used;
  • level of complexity and degree of proficiency in the techniques used;
  • the originality of the idea, the way to solve the problem;
  • understanding the project problem and formulating the goal of the project or research;
  • the level of organization and presentation of the presentation: oral communication, written report, providing visual objects;
  • possession of reflection;
  • creative approach in preparing objects of presentation visibility;
  • social and applied value of the results obtained.

Attachment 1

Project method

  • Gromyko Yu. V. Concept and project in the theory of developing education by V.V.Davydov // Izv. Grew up. acad. Education.- 2000.- N 2.- C. 36-43.- (Philos.-psychological. Foundations of the theory of V.V. Davydov).
  • Guzeev V.V. "The method of projects" as a special case of integrative technology of teaching. // Director of the school, No. 6, 1995
  • Guzeev V.V. Educational technology: from reception to philosophy M., 1996
  • Guzeev V.V. Development of educational technology. - M., 1998
  • J. Dewey. Democracy and Education: Per. from English. - M .: Pedagogika-Press, 2000 .-- 384 p.
  • Training project methodology. Materials of the city methodological seminar. - M .: MIPKRO, 2001.144 p.
  • Novikova T. Design technologies in the classroom and during extracurricular activities... // Public education, No. 7, 2000, p. 151-157
  • New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. Textbook. manual for stud. ped. universities and systems of raising. qualif. ped. personnel / Polat E. S. et al. Edited by E. S. Polat. - M.,: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999, - 224 p.
  • Pakhomova N. Yu. Method of projects. // Informatics and Education. International special issue of the journal: Technological education. 1996.
  • Pakhomova N. Yu. Method of educational projects in an educational institution: A guide for teachers and students pedagogical universities... - M .: ARKTI, 2003 .-- 112s. (Methodical library)
  • Pakhomova N. Yu. Educational projects: its possibilities. // Teacher, No. 4, 2000, - p. 52-55
  • Pakhomova N. Yu. Educational projects: search methodology. // Teacher, No. 1, 2000, - p. 41-45
  • Project "Citizen" - a way of socialization of adolescents. // Public education, no. 7, 2000.
  • Chechel I. D. Method of projects or an attempt to relieve the teacher of the duties of an all-knowing oracle. // School Director, No. 3, 1998
  • Experimental sites in Moscow education. Sat. articles No. 2. - M .: MIPKRO, 2001.160s

Research method

  • "Research work of schoolchildren". Scientific-methodical and informational-publicistic journal. Editorial Board "Public Education". Ed. 4 times a year. The subscription index is 81415.
  • Borzenko V.I., Obukhov A.S.You can't be nice by force. Approaches to the problem of motivation in school and educational and research activities // Development of student research activities: Methodological collection. M .: Public education, 2001.S. 80-88.
  • Gurvich E.M. Research activity of children as a mechanism for the formation of ideas about the polyversion of the world of creating skills for polyversion research of situations // Development of student research activities: Methodological collection. M .: Public education, 2001.S. 68-80.
  • Daniltsev G.L. What experts like and what do not like when assessing educational research work of students // Development of research activities of students: Methodological collection. M .: Public education, 2001.S. 127-134.
  • Demin I.S.Application information technologies in educational and research activities // Development of students' research activities: Methodological collection. M .: Public education, 2001.S. 144-150.
  • Leontovich A.V. Research activity as a way of forming a worldview. // Public education, No. 10, 1999.
  • Leontovich A.V. Model of a scientific school and the practice of organizing research activities of students / A.V. Leontovich // Shkol. technologies. - 2001.- N 5.- C. 146-149.
  • Leontovich A. V. Educational and research activity of schoolchildren as a model of pedagogical technology: [Study experience. complex based on environments. shk. N 1333 "Don Gymnasium" and the House of Scientific and Technical. creativity of Moscow youth] // Shkol. technologies. - 1999. - N 1-2. - C. 132-137.
  • Lerner I. Ya. Problem learning... - M .: Knowledge, 1974.
  • Loginova N.A.Phenomenon of apprenticeship: introduction to scientific school... // Psychological journal. 2000, volume 21, no. 5.
  • Obukhov A.S. Research activity as a way of forming a worldview. // Public education, No. 10, 1999.
  • Poddyakov A. N. Children as researchers: [Psychol. aspect] // Magister.- 1999.- N 1.- C. 85-95.
  • Development of research activities of students. Methodical collection. - M .: Public education, 2001 .-- 272 p.
  • Savvichev A.S.Model of the subject content of a youth research expedition. // Public education, no. 10, 1999.
  • Savenkov A.I. Children's studies in home teaching // Research work of schoolchildren. 2002. No. 1. S. 34-45.
  • Chechel I. D. Management of research activities of a teacher and student in a modern school. - M .: September, 1998.

Appendix 2
Internet resources on the problems of design and research activities - Methodological site of the laboratory of methods and information support for the development of education of the Moscow Institute of Education - Portal of students' research activities with the participation of: House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth MHDD (Yu) T, Lyceum 1553 "Lyceum on Donskoy", Representative Office of Intel Corporation in Russia, "Phystech Center" of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. There are published texts on the methodology and methods of research activities of students, scientists and teachers from Moscow and other cities of Russia, research work of schoolchildren, network projects are organized, links to other Internet resources are provided. Up to 250 visits per day. - the site of the Lyceum No. 1553 "Lyceum on Donskoy", materials of the City experimental site "Development of a model for organizing the educational process on the basis of educational and research activities of students" are published. Up to 50 visits per day. - site All-Russian Competition youth research works them. V.I. Vernadsky. Russian and English versions. Regulatory documents for the competition, recommendations for participation in it, children's research papers are published. The system of on-line registration of reviewers is organized, each visitor of the site can write a review or a review of the selected work. Up to 300 visits per day during the readings to them. V.I. Vernadsky. - review of research and scientific-practical youth conferences, seminars, competitions, etc. Organized on-line placement of regulations for competitions from all comers. Up to 50 visits per day. - distribution of news and information on various problems and activities within the framework of the system of student research activities (in development).

Formation of a technological type of culture at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. stimulated scientists to analyze the methodological foundations of project activity as a very special phenomenon. Design came to be seen as a special kind of thinking activity.

The application of project activities to the field of education and upbringing became especially active in the second half of the 1990s. in connection with the development of ideas for the standardization of education. The works of V.P. Bespalko are characteristic in this respect. Gradually, there was a humanization of approaches to design, signified by the introduction of philosophical, cultural and psychological knowledge into its methodology. There were interpretations of design as a cultural form of educational innovation (N.G. Alekseev, Yu.V. Gromyko, V.A. ... The practical possibilities of project activities in education have expanded even more with the emergence and intensive development of network (and) information and communication technologies.

Gradually, design properties and characteristics are assigned by the educational process and the educational system as a whole. Design ideas apply to the level of pedagogical systems, educational environment, personality, the content of education and training, the expected results of personal development. We can say that a special project space for the life of the participants in education is being formed before our eyes. Designing becomes for pedagogy a specific way of "future creation".

From the method of projects, the pedagogical community is moving to project-based learning (learning through design, learning in a project. The project environment acquires the properties of an educational environment. Using the capabilities of the logic of creating standard projects acts as the main teaching tool.

As society develops, design encompasses an ever larger educational space. It expands from a single medium to an educational ideology as a whole. This is facilitated by the process of changing the relationship between science and education, which was formed in the era of the Enlightenment. Today, the ability to acquire new scientific knowledge within the educational system is being affirmed, which leads to the formation of a new social status of education as a sphere of production of new knowledge, which requires the massive dissemination of teaching methods that have a research, experimental and design nature.

The well-known Russian methodologist Yu. V. Gromyko believes that under the conditions of the changing paradigm of education, the scientific nature of the project-program type is currently being formed. It is based on design and programming activities, characterized by the development, formation and creation of education systems that do not yet exist in practice. At the same time, a scientific description and constructive development of fundamentally new educational systems and their fragments that differ from the past are provided.

The need for mass mastering of the basics of project activities becomes even more obvious if we turn to the peculiarities of modern education. As the principle of continuous education is implemented, the nature of motivation and knowledge that a person needs at every stage of his life changes. Teachers and educators also have to deal with the ever-increasing volume of information in order to keep pace with the development of science represented by the subject or specialty.

Paradoxically, the main problem of education is not the assimilation of an ever-increasing volume of knowledge, but orientation in the flow of increasing information, as well as the production of knowledge that does not exist, but the need for which a person feels. The rapid obsolescence of scientific information makes us look for a source of new knowledge directly within the education system and educational processes. Design can be such a source.

An increase in educational design opportunities occurs as a new culture, called screen culture, is formed. It is based on a temporary stream of screen images that freely accommodates the behavior and speech of characters, animation modeling, written texts and much more. The main feature of the screen culture, which qualitatively distinguishes it from the book culture, is the every second changing dialogical nature of the relationship of the screen text with a partner. Screen culture brings us back to a culture of personal contact by organizing a dialogue between various users of information through the creation of communication networks that allow everyone to communicate with everyone and everyone with everyone. A direct connection is established between the concept of "education" and the image, image, display. Education is understood as an independent construction of an image of the surrounding world based on screen information representations. But it is precisely the image, the imagination that are the central concepts of design.

The transition from the "knowledge" to the informational paradigm of education gives rise to the practical issue of "swelling" of the content of education. It becomes unclear what to teach now? The issue of choosing content from the problem of selecting the volume of knowledge, skills, and abilities turns into the task of identifying typical problems and tasks, the solution of which requires a person's life and profession. For example, highlighting the tasks of preserving health, finding the necessary information (working with sources). Thus, the projective nature of the content itself and the methods of its construction are revealed. In fact, the ways of constructing the content of education become an organic component of its structure.

If the education system that has existed for centuries was focused on the bearer of ready-made knowledge - on the teacher, teacher, scientist, who endows students and listeners with their knowledge, who knows the "recipe" for solving their problem, then today everyone can become a carrier and source of information regardless of the level of education received. Students at all levels of education find themselves in a situation of independent determination (design) of the trajectory of movement in the information field (educational route), independent creation (design) of educational content, independent design of educational materials that may be in demand by others, design of the educational environment.

Education in the information society ceases to be a means of assimilating ready-made generally recognized knowledge, it becomes a way of information exchange between a person and the people around him. An exchange that takes place throughout her life and involves not only assimilation, but also the generation of information. Thus, attention to pedagogical design is not just a reflection of the fashion trend in modern education... It is historically determined by the objective need for development in subjects teaching activities projective imagination, thinking, mode of action.

1. Why was the activation of project activity in pedagogy of the 20th century observed precisely during periods of social transformations?

2. Based on the articles of the Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia (Moscow, 1993): “Brigade-laboratory method”, “Dalton plan”, “Research method”, “Project method”, “John Dewey”, “V. X. Kilpatrick "," E. Parkhurst "," S. T. Shatsky "and prepare an Internet search short message on the historical and pedagogical context of the emergence of the project method in Russia in the 1920s.

3. Below are the guidelines for a teacher who decides to work using the project method developed by the Dalton Plan Schools Association (Netherlands).

· The teacher himself chooses whether he will work using the project method. No one from the school administration can prescribe this decision to him. At the same time, all members of the school team share the responsibility for its work.

· The teacher is fully responsible for the children participating in the project, for their success and for their safety.

· The teacher trusts the students, considers them equal participants in the common creative work and constantly emphasizes this trust with his behavior.

· The teacher provides children with opportunities for independent work. He arranges his class so that he can work freely and independently in it.

· The teacher develops a new position. He moves from the position of a lecturer and controller to the position of an assistant, mentor.

· The teacher monitors his speech from the point of view of the Daltonian approach (not "You did it wrong!", But "Why did you do it this way?").

The teacher intervenes in the independent work of children only when circumstances require it or the students themselves ask for it.

From the standpoint of the modern understanding of the activation of learning, is it enough for the teacher to fulfill these requirements for the project to be effective in pedagogically?

Formulate your Guidelines for a Project Teacher. It is better if the development of such rules will be done in the mini-project mode.

4. Teachers who in the 1920-1930s. began to actively use research and design methods, believed that in order to work on a project, the school should have an extensive library and a documentation center, available to students and teachers at any time. Classroom furniture should be arranged conveniently for group work. Inside and outside the classroom, it is necessary to have corners where children can work individually or in small groups. In order for the guys to use the corridors during work, work corners should also be arranged there. In order to regulate work by the students themselves, it was assumed that there are hours in each class; there are enough reference books and materials for self-examination in classrooms and other work rooms, tutorials and other materials are selected according to their applicability for the independent.

The role of the teacher is very important in the school project. He organizes and carefully controls each stage of work, makes sure that the project participants do not deviate from the set goal, their search activity was aimed at achieving a certain result, interesting and feasible for the project participants. In addition, the teacher to a noticeable degree contributes to the informal communication of students with each other, which is the basis for the success of this form of student activity, is aimed at solving educational problems.

The introduction of the project method into the school assumes that the teacher acts not as an interpreter of ready-made knowledge and their translator in optimal form and optimal logic, but as an equal participant in the process of obtaining, processing, analyzing knowledge. In a certain sense, the teacher ceases to be a "subject student", but becomes a general teacher. To do this, he, as a project manager:

  • 1) must have high level culture and some creativity;
  • 2) his authority should depend not only on knowledge of his own subject, but also on the ability to initiate interesting undertakings;
  • 3) have broad erudition and high pedagogical skill.

Often, the teacher is faced with pedagogical problems associated with the development of general educational skills in schoolchildren, which can be solved within the framework of project activities.

Basic skills

  • 1. Reflexive skills:
    • - the ability to comprehend a task for the solution of which there is not enough knowledge;
    • - the ability to answer the question: what do you need to learn to solve the problem?
  • 2. Search (research) skills:
    • - the ability to independently generate ideas, i.e. invent a way of action, drawing on knowledge from various fields of science;
    • - the ability to formulate a goal and set tasks;
    • - the ability to request the necessary information from an expert (teacher, consultant, specialist);
    • - the ability to find several options for solving a problem;
    • - the ability to put forward hypotheses;
    • - the ability to establish causal relationships;
    • - the ability to formulate problems and set tasks arising from this problem.
  • 3. Skills and skills of working in cooperation:
    • - collective planning skills;
    • - ability to interact with any partner;
    • - skills of mutual assistance in a group in solving common problems;
    • - business partnership communication skills;
    • - the ability to find and correct errors in the work of other project participants.
  • 4. Management skills and abilities:
    • - the ability to design a process (product);
    • - ability to plan activities, time, resources;
    • - ability to make decisions and predict their consequences;
    • - skills in analyzing their own activities (its progress and intermediate results);
    • - skills in the practical application of knowledge in various and atypical situations;
    • - the ability to master and use adequate technologies in the manufacture of design products.
  • 5. Communication skills:
    • - the ability to initiate educational interaction with adults - to enter into a dialogue, ask questions, etc.
    • - the ability to conduct a discussion;
    • - the ability to defend your point of view;
    • - the ability to find a compromise;
    • - interviewing skills.
  • 6. Presentation skills and abilities:
    • - skills of monologue speech;
    • - the ability to confidently behave during a performance;
    • - artistic skills;
    • - the ability to use various means of visualization when performing;
    • - the ability to answer unplanned questions.

All of the above allows you to formulate approximate requirements for a teacher who decides to engage in project and research activities.

  • · Abandoning an authoritarian learning style.
  • · Possession of the necessary arsenal of research, search methodological techniques.
  • · Ability to organize and conduct discussions without imposing your point of view, without suppressing students with your authority.
  • · Possession of techniques for integrating knowledge from various fields to solve the problems of selected projects.
  • · Ability to establish and maintain a business emotional attitude in groups working on a project, directing students to find a solution to the problem.

It should be recalled that real knowledge and skills remain with a person when he studies with interest, when he understands why he needs these same knowledge and skills, how they are personally significant for him and what are needed for.

How, by participating in project activities, can a teacher create conditions for students to acquire new knowledge and skills? The answer to this question is given by the list of roles that the teacher “lives” during the implementation of the educational project:

  • - an enthusiast who inspires and motivates students to achieve their goals;
  • - a specialist with knowledge and skills in several subject areas;
  • - a consultant organizing access to information resources, including other specialists;
  • - a leader and coordinator who knows how to clearly establish the interaction of group members and define a task for each;
  • - an expert with the ability to ask indirect and leading questions, helping to detect errors.

The most difficult question for a subject teacher is the question of the degree of independence of students working on a project. What tasks facing the project group should the teacher solve, and which are solvable through their cooperation? Obviously, the degree of independence depends on many factors: the age and individual characteristics of children, their previous experience, the complexity of the topic being studied, the nature of relations between students in a group, etc.

A.V. Leontovich 14 believes that in a typical educational situation, which, as a rule, determines the nature of the educational process, the standard positional scheme "teacher - student" is implemented. The first broadcasts knowledge, the second assimilates them; all this takes place within the framework of the worked out classroom-lesson system. In the development of research activities, these positions collide with realities: there are no ready-made standards of knowledge that are so familiar to the blackboard: the phenomena seen in wildlife often do not mechanically fit into ready-made schemes, but require independent analysis in each specific situation. All this presupposes a situation of constructive cooperation between teacher and student.

V.Yu. Izvekov 11 determines the structure of pedagogical management of the student association in the course of design workincluding the following actions:

  • · Analysis of interests, abilities and potentialities of group members;
  • · Determination of goals, tasks of actions and means of development of individual and group abilities;
  • · Assimilation of the content of project assignments, tasks of educational, social and vocational-orientational work;
  • · Preparing team members for the project, community work plan and career guidance;
  • · Using the most effective principles and methods of project team management;
  • · Organization of interaction within the group;
  • · Inclusion of teachers and parents in the work of the group;
  • · Reflexive analysis of the group's activities and the results obtained;
  • · Summing up the results of the tasks.

In the process of project-group interaction of students, their interests, qualities and abilities are comprehensively studied.

Resolving the most important contradictions of modern school education, such as: content overload, strict control on the part of the teacher, alienation of the studied material from the student, passivity in the assimilation of the content and a number of others, the method of pedagogical projects undoubtedly contributes to the preservation and strengthening of students' health.

Yu.V. Gromyko 7 in his monograph on design and programming in education emphasizes that today the design and program forms of thinking and consciousness form acme - the epicenter of the development of forms and structures of consciousness. The author identifies a number of components of this type of thinking activity: project thinking, project thinking, project communication, project reflection and project understanding.

In this case, the educational design of schoolchildren has the ultimate task of creating conditions for mastering design thinking activity, and, consequently, all of its components listed above. The implementation of the content of education built on such a basis is possible provided that the teacher himself has a project culture, can design his own professional activity and organizes the project movement of children.

According to G.I. Lerner 15, the teacher should not act as a permanent guardian, but in relation to the student acts as a consultant and scientific advisor, as it happens in big science. A young researcher must understand that the main responsibility for the quality of work lies with him. The student should think about the timing, conscientiousness and scientific validity of his research. The teacher's job is to remind about this, to show the direction in which to look, to edit the text, if necessary.

L.N. Galeeva 4 notes that the subject teacher, who realizes the developing and socializing potential of the subject content in the educational process, becomes a real partner for students in understanding the world by means of a school subject. Practice shows that teachers themselves are happy to carry out and come up with developmental tasks, while at the same time assimilating the subject content, its factology, concept, and meanings. Educational activities the student becomes meaningful for himself, he understands how it is more convenient for him personally to act in order to assimilate the content. The student really begins to learn, i.e. teach yourself.

L.N. Galeeva 4 proposes to accentuate the developmental goals of a non-core subject, changing the student's psychological attitude: “in the lessons of a non-core biology subject (physics, history, etc.), I first of all develop my cognitive capabilities, which I can realize at any moment of my life”. In her opinion, the teacher should help the student in his process of self-knowledge and self-development, help him find and appropriate for this adequate techniques and methods.

And here is how A.V. Khutorskoy 28 the image of a teacher-innovator of a student-centered school:

  • 1) diagnose the individual personal potential of students;
  • 2) identifies the personality traits of students in each specific educational area;
  • 3) clarifies fundamental educational objects, related problems and other elements educational program personality-oriented type;
  • 4) selects cultural analogues for the alleged products of student educational activities;
  • 5) ensures the implementation of an individual set of personal qualities and roles of each student in learning;
  • 6) organizes and monitors the technology of movement of students along their individual educational trajectories;
  • 7) fixes changes in the personal qualities of students and the degree of realization of their internal potential, as well as external educational products of students (portfolio).

The image of a student of a school of personal orientation is also interesting - it is innovative in relation to the mass school. According to A.V. Khutorsky 26, such a student is characterized by the following parameters:

  • 1) knows their individual characteristics, character traits, the most optimal rates and forms of classes in each of the academic subjects;
  • 2) has experience in realizing their most creative abilities in the form of performing and defending creative works, holding competitions, holidays, Olympiads, etc.
  • 3) understands and knows how to explain the goals of classes in one or another subject, clearly understanding why he goes to school and in what he realizes himself;
  • 4) knows how to set an educational goal in a given area of \u200b\u200bknowledge or activity; make a plan to achieve it; fulfill the plan based on their individual characteristics; get and realize your result; compare it with similar results from classmates; to make reflection and self-assessment of their activities;
  • 5) has a personal understanding of the meaning of each of the studied subjects; possesses basic knowledge, skills and abilities; is guided in basic academic subjects, problems of the relevant sciences and arts;
  • 6) has personal educational outcomes that differ from federal and regional educational standards depth, subject matter, the presence of an opinion different from the generally accepted one;
  • 7) is able to indicate his understanding (or lack of understanding) on \u200b\u200bany emerging issues; knows how to understand and evaluate a different point of view, conduct a dialogue or dispute;
  • 8) is the bearer of cultural norms and traditions lived and assimilated by him; knows how to argue his knowledge and the results obtained;
  • 9) knows how to determine their actions in situations of choice; possesses relaxed thoughts, feelings and movements, at the same time knows how to withstand the norms of behavior that are set in school and (or) family;
  • 10) has a worthy goal in life, knows how to build their further training plans for the future.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to disagree with this! After all, the goal of general secondary education is “the formation of a diversified, creative personalitycapable of realizing its potential in dynamic socio-economic conditions, both in its own vital interests and in the interests of society (continuation of traditions, development of science, culture, technology, strengthening the historical continuity of generations). "