Convergent approach in technology education of schoolchildren. Global Education Convergence Begins

We bring experiment back to schools

The main result of schooling is the mastery of basic theoretical concepts (time, substance, volume, amount) and the ability to apply them in solving practical problems and gaining new knowledge. In the natural sciences, the future lies with interdisciplinary research in chemistry, physics and biology. Convergent learning, for the implementation of which the Kurchatov project was created, is aimed at creating just such an interdisciplinary educational environment in the lesson and in the extracurricular activities of students.

Project background

One of the problems of modern education is the traditional teaching of subjects of the natural science cycle in isolation from each other, as a result of which students have an incomplete formation of an integral picture of the world.

Project task

To form a systemic understanding of the world around at the stage of primary education, which determines the student's motivation and for the entire subsequent educational cycle.

Project goals

To form students' motivation to receive natural science education.
- To lay the foundations for the perception of the surrounding world as a whole on the basis of interdisciplinary educational programs.
- Provide the opportunity to participate in the implementation of educational research projects.
- Orient graduate students to enroll in the best universities that provide interdisciplinary training.

about the project

The project was attended by 37 Moscow schools, which are united by interest in new technologies, active development of new educational methods. Within the framework of the project, these schools are equipped with the most modern teaching and laboratory equipment designed to conduct lessons, experimental workshops and fieldwork in 4 subjects: physics, chemistry, geography and biology. Also, computer equipment, necessary software, consumables for laboratory equipment and even furniture were supplied to each school.

For the full use of the supplied high-tech equipment, commissioning work was carried out, teachers were trained, educational materials were supplied to schools, and service support is provided.
Participating schools not only use the equipment themselves, but also act as a network of innovative educational institutions "within walking distance". Teachers and students from other schools use these resource centers to learn from experience, conduct offsite classes.

The concept of the project was formed by Moscow educational institutions together with the Kurchatov Institute. Within the framework of the project, Softline, in addition to the supply of computer, educational equipment and software, carried out commissioning, teacher training and technical support. The competition, in which Softline won this contract, was organized by the District Education Department of ZAO Moscow at the initiative of the Moscow Department of Education.

Convergent Learning

One of the founders of the Kurchatov project, Mikhail Valentinovich Kovalchuk, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, notes that information and nanotechnologies should become the basis for convergence (convergence) of sciences and technologies, and highlights the following features of the development of natural sciences:
- transition to nanosize;
- changing the development paradigm from analysis to synthesis;
- convergence and interpenetration of inorganics and the organic world of living nature;
- an interdisciplinary approach instead of narrow specializations.

These provisions determine the content of the educational resources of the Kurchatov project.

Equipment supplied

The foundation for all sets of laboratory equipment is the use of modern technology, as close as possible to that used by adult scientists in real laboratories. It is complemented by computer technology (after all, modern laboratory equipment is connected to a computer) and new solutions in the field of ergonomics of the educational environment.

Each cabinet includes:
- an interactive whiteboard,
- digital laboratory equipment, sensors,
- necessary consumables,
- educational furniture.

For the full use of the equipment, electronic educational resources and specialized software are provided.

Laboratory equipment

The chemistry room is equipped with a spectrophotometer that allows for quantitative and kinetic measurements, and for determining the absorption spectrum of substances.
Digital ionomer, allows you to carry out high-precision measurements and investigate the concentration of ions in any solution.
Electronic scales allow you to measure mass with an accuracy of thousandths and solve problems in quantitative chemistry.
Kits of reagents allow you to carry out not only basic experiments from the course of school chemistry, but also to study the physical and chemical parameters of substances and prepare for specialized Olympiads.

The physics room is equipped with an atomic force microscope, with which you can study physical properties and the structure of matter at the nanoscale level.
The set "Laser radiation" allows you to obtain holographic images of various three-dimensional objects.
The kit for determining the specific charge of an electron makes it possible to observe and study the movement of electrons in a magnetic field.
The telescope allows you to study in more detail various astronomical objects and phenomena (lunar and solar eclipses), as well as make a map of the starry sky.


Thanks to a modern digital remote meteorological station, it is possible to create a school meteorological service, and in conjunction with other equipment (in biology, chemistry and physics) - the implementation of environmental monitoring of abiotic environmental factors.
The Scanex hardware and software complex for receiving Earth remote sensing data allows the use of space technologies that help to receive the most modern information about the processes and phenomena occurring on the planet.
Interactive tables allow you to work with interactive maps, 3D models of natural objects and phenomena, satellite images.


A set of equipment for biology allows you to conduct research and experiments on school grounds, park areas, water bodies.
The set of equipment includes a mobile laboratory, which is necessary for conducting biological-ecological and biological-chemical research, analysis of soil, water and air.
Set Molecular biology"Allows you to isolate DNA from biological objects, conduct biochemical diagnostics.

Innovative furniture

The concept of furniture has been completely revised, which consists in the rejection of a large number of wires and the impossibility of mobile movement in the classroom.

A modern system of upper communication lines is used, which simplifies the installation of power circuits, water, gas, ventilation systems, etc.

The transforming classroom can be used as a lecture room or as a class for workshops.

Visualization system

Modern blackboard systems with short throw projectors and integrated interactive whiteboards.
Computer control system for class equipment.

Using video walls as elements of an accessible visualization.

3D technologies

Possibility of conducting virtual laboratory work in 3D mode.

Application of the Augmented Reality technology.

Multitasking and cross-platform.

3D video output improves efficiency and interest in educational process.
Interactive globe with set interactive maps with the ability to display current information received from satellites online.

The 3D content system integrated into the overall complex allows you to study the processes "from the inside".

Distance learning

The use of modern software products to create distance learning based on innovative classes.
Organization of online broadcasts on the Internet with the ability to connect other institutions to the educational process.

From delivery to full use


In order for several dozen large and small boxes that were brought to each of the 37 schools, unloaded on the first floor and accepted on balance, turned into laboratory classes, a huge amount of commissioning work had to be done.

According to the terms of delivery, each school had to prepare the premises in accordance with the technical requirements regulating the number and location of outlets, the placement of water supply and sewerage systems, preparation of ventilation mines for connecting hoods, etc. A team of installers came to the prepared site and assembled columns for interactive whiteboards, island tables with hoods, assembled furniture, and connected communications.

At the next stage, servers and PCs, network equipment were installed and configured. Then it was the turn of assembling laboratory equipment, connecting to computers, installing special software.

On final stage finished laboratory classes were tested and handed over to schools.


To master the new technique, all teachers were trained on the basis of methodological recommendations on the use of educational equipment in all subjects. System administrators were also trained in the use of software and equipment, including specialized ones - projectors, interactive tables, etc.


The project provides 3-year support for all supplied equipment. Since the warranty of most manufacturers is 1 year, further support was undertaken by the supplier under the contract, Softline. At the same time, the guarantee provided for the replacement of non-working equipment within a period of no more than 2 working days.

Currently, applications are accepted both by phone and through a special functionality on the school portal Dedicated engineers process applications. In the future, it is planned to transfer the process of processing applications to Softline's own servicedesk, which has ample opportunities for tracking applications, connecting any necessary specialists and managers to solve problems.

Currently, the volume of applications - about 30 per month - ranging from banal problems with power supply and ending with a full-fledged repair of equipment.

The scale of the Kurchatov project is large, and a special warehouse for replacement equipment was organized to provide warranty service.

City methodological center

On the website of the methodological center you can find:
- Lists of equipment for the Kurchatov project;
- Guidelines for the placement and use of educational equipment in all subjects (biology, chemistry, physics, geography).
- Collection of instructions on labor protection and safety.

These materials made it possible to timely connect and configure the equipment, correctly place it in learning laboratories taking into account the requirements of SanPiN.


Ability to learn. In modern federal state educational standards, for the first time in the history of Russian education, the ability to learn is singled out as an independent and important result of education. The active mastering of the subject, individual projects that students can carry out in the conditions of convergent laboratories, form the ability to think and learn independently.

Interdisciplinary education. Training in convergent laboratories is aimed at mastering universal educational actions and concepts that are at the junction of subject disciplines, which in the future will allow you to achieve high subject results.

Effective education. The equipment of the project allows for individual and group research work, successfully preparing for the USE, admission to the natural science and engineering faculties of universities.

New requirements for the execution of a government contract

Compared to traditional ones, we applied higher requirements in the following parameters:

Type of requirements Nature of execution
Extended warranty period. 3 years warranty for all supplied items.
Technical and information support service center. Call center, website, monthly reporting, quarterly preventive visits of specialists.
Replacement fund. Replacement of equipment within 2 working days
Professional development of specialists working with equipment. Professional development of specialists with the issuance of a state-recognized certificate.
Additional financial guarantees. For the entire warranty period.
Complete readiness to work. Full commissioning and installation on site
Functional and technical compatibility. The product must be technically and functionally compatible with each other and in the aggregate must constitute a single hardware-laboratory complex for convergent learning.

Feshchenko T.S. 1, Shestakova L.A. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-3571-3647, Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-6148-369X, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Institute of Open Education"



The convergence of science and technology is one of the most important problems of our time. A convergent approach in this area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge has already been described. It is interpreted as a methodology for erasing the interdisciplinary boundaries between scientific and technological knowledge. Overcoming these boundaries opens up opportunities for obtaining new knowledge necessary in the creation of objects that are close to natural objects in function and purpose. Convergence opens up prospects for obtaining new knowledge and ideas for new discoveries that can affect all areas of human activity. The purpose of this article is to show the importance of the convergent approach in school education for preparing the younger generation for life in the technosphere of a dynamically changing world. The answer to the questions of how and what should change in the school system is the key idea of \u200b\u200bthis article. The main research methods include a convergent approach in school education based on the convergence of knowledge and technology in the sixth technological order. The convergent approach in school education is a qualitatively new level for the successful socialization of the younger generation in the world of the future. Moving away from the “subject-centered” approach in teaching schoolchildren, which still prevails in most schools, to a convergent approach will help to bring up a competitive graduate.

Keywords: convergence, education, convergent approach in the education of schoolchildren.

Feshchenko T.S. 1, Shestakova L.A. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-3571-3647, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate professor, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-6148-369X, State autonomous educational institution of higher education "Moscow Institute of Open Education"



The convergence of science and technology is one of the most important problems of our time. The convergent approach in this area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge has already been described. It is interpreted as a methodology for erasing the interdisciplinary boundaries between scientific and technological knowledge. Overcoming of these boundaries opens up opportunities for acquiring new knowledge needed to create objects close to natural objects by function and purpose. Convergence opens the prospect of gaining new knowledge and ideas for new discoveries that can affect all areas of human activity. The purpose of this article is to show the value of the convergent approach in school education for preparing the younger generation for life in the technosphere of a dynamically changing world.

The answer to the questions, how and what should change in the system of school education is the key idea of \u200b\u200bthis article. The main methods of research include the convergent approach in school education on the basis of the convergence of knowledge and technology in the conditions of the sixth technological order. Convergent approach in school education is a qualitatively new level for the successful socialization of the younger generation in the future world. Avoiding the “subject-centered” approach in the education of schoolchildren, which prevails in most schools, to a convergent approach will help bring up a competitive graduate.

Keywords: convergence, education, convergent approach in schoolchildren education.

One of the ideologists of combining such areas of knowledge as nano-, bio-, info- and cognitive technologies (NBIK-technologies) is MV Kovalchuk, director of the Kurchatov Institute research center. In his opinion, the main features of the modern stage in the development of science can be considered a change in paradigm (from analysis to synthesis), the convergence of inorganics and the organic world of living nature, an interdisciplinary approach (as an instrument of integration).

In the article "Convergence of Science and Technology - a Breakthrough into the Future" M.V. Kovalchuk analyzes scientific approaches period of Newton and comes to the conclusion that at that time there was only one science - natural philosophy. All scientists of that time were natural philosophers, natural scientists who studied the single and indivisible nature. Currently, there is a return to a single integral picture of the world. The so-called "tetrahedral" concept of interconnection of convergent technologies (M. Roco and W. Bainbridge) - "NBIC-convergence" is the unification (merging) of four global directions: NANO, BIO, INFO, COGNO. The convergent stage of interaction (mutual influence, interpenetration) is characterized not only by intensity, but above all, by the breadth of coverage (atomic level - intelligent systems). The main characteristics of the interaction are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 NVIC / NBIK interaction

Civilization is moving to the latest level, industrial society is changing to a post-industrial society, the basis of which is information. It is no coincidence that information technologies M.V. Kovalchuk figuratively compares with a "hoop", which methodologically and theoretically united, integrated different scientific disciplines and technologies. "

It is important to understand that the prospect of increasing human development opportunities will affect, first of all, the economy, and, as a result, education: educational practices will be required, focused on an interdisciplinary approach, high technologies, and advanced learning. It is essential that new approaches in content, forms, methods, technologies of teaching should be implemented already at the school level. At the same time, the mechanisms and tools of education that motivate schoolchildren to learn have not been completed. The educational system basically transfers factual knowledge to the new generation, but it does not provide enough knowledge necessary for professional self-determination. For a number of reasons (unclear perspective, material difficulties, etc.) young people are uncertain about the future and do not know the answer to the question of what their professional activities will be connected with. An additional difficulty is to determine your professional future in school years. Thus, for many graduates, the way of their interaction with the rapidly changing surrounding world is not defined.

Students and their parents want to know more about the professions in demand in the near and distant future. Currently, the requirements of schoolchildren and their parents to the level of education are radically changing, which is explained by the following reasons:

- “a generation that is familiar with the Internet from birth” enters into big life;

- in the global economy, the demand for specialists in such areas of knowledge as natural sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - STEM) is constantly growing, and students with high motivation and good preparation in these subjects from school are an increasingly popular resource.

The objective complexity of the surrounding world is determined by the social consequences of technical progress. The patterns of interaction between the technosphere, personality and society form the basis of socio-humanitarian technologies (C-technologies). NBICS convergence (fusion of social technologies with NBIK) is postulated as the basis of social progress. The idea of \u200b\u200bNBICS convergence by D.I. Dubrovsky was reflected in the work of a unique complex of NBICS technologies created in our country in 2009 at the Kurchatov Institute. Since 2012, on the initiative of the Moscow Department of Education and the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", the so-called "Kurchatov Project" has been implemented in the city's schools, the purpose of which, according to V.M. Kovalchuk, to form at the school level - at the level of "primary knowledge" - a fundamentally new type of thinking - to form systemic ideas about the world around us. To do this, it is necessary to improve the educational environment through interdisciplinary integration not only at the level of lesson classes, but also at the level of integration of classroom and extracurricular activities, at the level of interaction with specialized universities. And in order to “be in time for tomorrow” it is necessary today to provide schoolchildren with access to high-tech equipment for the implementation of educational and research projects. A large role in providing an understanding of the perspective of life and work undoubtedly belongs to the school and the teacher. To make education interesting, relevant, effective - to provide pedagogical, psychological and informational assistance in choosing a profession - the pre-professional training of schoolchildren is called upon, implemented within the framework of pre-profile and specialized training.

Currently, NBICS technologies are widely discussed, which have a strong impact on the development of industrial production, medicine, communication, on the thoughts and work of a person. The interest in this process is constantly growing.

In the works, it is noted that the progress of human capabilities with the help of endo prosthetics, pharmacology, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology has a huge impact on society, however, the awareness of the ongoing processes and changes does not keep pace with the improvement of technologies. Not only the form of behavior, thinking, desires contribute to the formation of a person's personality, but also new research and advances in technology and technology make changes in a person's life. The authors distinguish two philosophical groups for assessing the impact of NBICS technologies on humans. Some believe that NBICS are capable of creating all conditions for improving human life. This group is transhumanists. The creation of a posthuman will help solve a number of problems, for example, to overcome disease, mortality, limitation of human capabilities, etc. The second group of researchers opposes this idea. They believe that NBICS technologies contribute to the loss of moral and spiritual guidelines, a person becomes weak, soulless and lost.

Let's consider the meaning and origin of the abbreviation NBICS.

In the United States of America in 2002, M. Rocko and W. Bainbridge, put forward an initiative called NBIK, where they indicated 2 areas of research: 1) scientific and technological direction, within which the problems of convergence and synergy of advanced technologies and a new level of research in science; 2) anthropological or social and humanitarian direction, which is associated with the processes of improving a person and his abilities The first direction has been studied in sufficient detail in the works of the following domestic authors: B.M. Velichkovsky, A.V. Vartanov, S.A. Shevchik, M.V. Kovalchuk and others,,.

The works of O.E. Baksansky. The scientist considers convergence from the standpoint of the philosophy of education and considers convergence to be a fundamental principle of the worldview of the future.

However, to describe the second direction, serious reflection and study is still required - it is very difficult to imagine what changes will occur in a person's thinking and in himself. It is necessary to see what will happen between man and machine, how the functions will be distributed, what functions “they” will perform, how “their” work will be organized.

The development of NBICS technologies will have an impact on a person and the form of his existence, and gradually a person will be replaced by a mechanized model. And this is a global problem for all mankind.

In his work V.A. Arshinov calls Rocko and Bainbridge the creators of a convergent scheme, which he describes as a tetrahedron, at the vertices of which are located basic elementary nanoobjects: an atom, a gene, a neuron and a bit. These nanoparticles are interchangeable, respectively, we can talk about the synergy of 4 directions in science.

Later, the Russian scientist M.V. Kovalchuk during his scientific works added the letter "C" to denote social humanities.

Transhumanists support converging NBICS technologies, work and research aimed at the "creation" of a new improved human - "posthuman" .. The term "transhumanism" was introduced by evolutionary biologist J. Huxley in 1957. At the beginning of the twentieth century for man, religion faded into the background and science came to the fore. It was then that the convergence of man and machine began. Supporting the NBIK initiative, transhumanists create a model of an ideal person, while excluding philosophical and humanitarian studies in which one can discuss the gradual replacement of a person with a machine.

F.N. Fedorov, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Vernadsky and I.I. Mechnikov take Russian cosmism and scientific and technological progress as the basis of their research. Russian modern author-philosopher M.N. Epstein suggests new science "Humanology", with the help of which it shows different forms of human existence .. This science presupposes a connection between theoretical and practical changes in man and his nature during the transition to mechanical forms, i.e. a person becomes a “outgoing” species.

Each person strives to make his life comfortable, therefore civilization and technologies do not stand still, but develop every day. At the same time, the living conditions and the person himself change. It changes physically, emotionally, psychologically, thinking changes and so on. At the same time, something changes more, while something changes almost imperceptibly in a person. The obvious positive changes in a person today are caused by the changes that have occurred with the advent of writing and printed books. Decrease in physical abilities occurs due to changes in working tools (computers ® decreased vision, curvature of the spine; player ® hearing impairment, etc.). More and more phones, tablets, and other devices appear that can "take over" the work of a person (implants, artificial organs, automata, etc.). From a historical point of view, the information "age" began quite recently. But, the transition from local networks to communication between objects such as “physical objects” and “cyber-physical systems” (Internet of Things) is already being formed. What impact does this technology have on people? And can we say that these technologies are developed for people? Yes, as opportunities open up for remote monitoring of health indicators of the elderly, improving the ambulance system, improving the quality of life of people, and above all, those with disabilities (Alekseeva, V.I., etc.) ..

Alekseeva I.Yu. believes that convergence is not limited to simple integration, especially since there is not always a need for it, we should talk about the convergent development of different areas of knowledge, since “what is happening in some areas contributes to the awareness of issues that are relevant to other areas, the emergence in these areas similar methods and approaches ”.

In the works of P.S. Gurevich notes that new words are often found in the philosophical literature, for example, bioengineering, nanotechnology, and others. Arshinov V.I., Laszlo E. Macrosdvig and a number of other authors note that we are on the verge of great discoveries and changes,,,.

Due to development information technologies the Internet appeared with its achievements and dangers. On the one hand, a person does not limit himself in communication, has access to various information, including scientific, news, entertainment, to all areas of services. On the other hand, the Internet can be used to manipulate people.

In his work M.V. Kovalchuk argues that with the help of nano- and biotechnology a system of living nature is reproduced, and not a technical copy of a person is created.

Science is moving forward and changing the structure of the world. A new person will appear - “posthuman”, who will have perfect physical body and intellect. In our time, we partially observe these changes: how many people visit beauty salons, gyms, how fashionable it has become to change their appearance with the help of plastic surgery, implantation of body parts is available.

Groups of people who oppose the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman improvement believe that it is impossible to know in advance what will become of people, and most of all they are afraid that humanity is threatened with destruction. While a person is changing technically, he forgets about his feelings, i.e. it all improves technically, but feelings such as love, hope, friendship fade into the background, a person's consciousness changes.

All of these scientific ideas must be taken into account in preparing the growing generation for life and work in the era of convergence of sciences and technologies. A modern school, first of all, must be sensitive to the changes taking place. Research on the topic: "Organizational model of the environment of professional self-determination: early career guidance and pre-professional training of Moscow schoolchildren" - one of the possible ways to ensure the resolution of problems existing in education today is:

the gap between the needs of the labor market of the Moscow region in middle-level personnel and the professional choice of young people

"Academicism" of education: the lack of inclusion of schoolchildren in real professional practices; lack of formation of a conscious choice of profession, education of the rising generation of values \u200b\u200bof labor and professionalism.

“Conservatism” of education: the orientation of the content of education and teaching methods to the past, the lack of “practices of the future”, breakthrough technologies for vocational guidance and self-determination of schoolchildren.

Training of professional personnel of the 21st century through the creation of an organizational model of professional self-determination in educational organizations with pre-professional training is the basis for obtaining high-quality vocational education ensuring the competitiveness of Moscow in the JuniorSkills, WorldSkills championships, the reliability of the school for life.

In modern conditions, of particular importance for the development of the Moscow education system, the implementation of the key project "Ready to study, life and work", the preparation of schoolchildren for successful socialization in the world of the future is the development and implementation of school life convergently oriented basic educational programs and additional professional training programs for teachers capable of implementing these programs.

The development of such programs should involve specialists and representatives of those organizations that have practical experience and the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of convergent learning.

Actual problems related to improving the Moscow education system; preparing schoolchildren for successful socialization in the world of the future; providing advanced learning in the context of convergence of science and technology; approach to the design of convergently oriented basic educational programs; development of cooperation between educational, scientific and other organizations, were discussed at round tables, conferences, during discussions. As a result of the discussions, the following positions were identified

  1. When designing convergently oriented programs, use a single "conceptual field" formed during the discussion by the participants of the events.
  2. The design of convergently oriented programs and their further implementation should take place in an organized network interaction that allows students to create unique conditions for the early determination of their vocational and educational trajectory and the advanced development of elements of future professional competencies.
  3. It is necessary to involve representatives of industry associations and specific enterprises - customers of personnel in the development of convergently oriented educational programs, as well as programs for the professional educational cycle and the variable part of secondary and higher vocational education.
  4. When designing and implementing a convergently oriented educational program, be guided by a unified methodology:

Scope: part-time / extracurricular, specialized training, preschool.


the goal is the formation of pre-professional competencies;

form of implementation - network (inclusion of resources of secondary vocational education, higher education, industrial enterprises, health care, research institutes, museums, etc.);

principles - interdisciplinarity, overdisciplinarity;

approach - technological (integrates educational and NBIK technologies).

material and technical conditions for the implementation of the program - high-tech equipment, laboratory equipment based on digital technologies;

Convergent education technology (example)

STEAM education (S - science, T - technology, E - engineering, A - arts, M - mathematics):

Combines an interdisciplinary and applied approach,

Is a tool for the development of critical thinking,

Research competencies,

Group work skills.

This technology is aimed at future professions based on high-tech production at the intersection of natural sciences (bio and nanotechnology), mathematics, engineering, humanities, arts.

The dictionary of terms and definitions of convergent education is used in the framework of the system of advanced training for school teams in the city of Moscow as a basis for understanding the essence and purpose of convergent education, which provides a modern educational environment necessary to prepare schoolchildren for life and work in the society of the future. In the process of use, the dictionary undergoes substantial changes, since it can be supplemented by all participants in the interaction and independently adapted by each educational institution, taking into account the educational specifics.

As part of the study, a definition is given, a methodology is proposed, and the key principles of convergent education are highlighted.

Convergent education Is a purposeful process of developing competencies necessary for life and labor activity in the era of convergent science and technology.

  • Methodologyconvergent education:
  • interaction of scientific disciplines (subjects), primarily natural;
  • implementation of interdisciplinary design and research practices;
  • the interpenetration of science and technology.
  • Key principles convergent education:
  • interdisciplinary synthesis of natural science (and humanitarian) knowledge;
  • reorientation learning activities from cognitive to projective-constructive;
  • cognition model - construction;
  • network communication;
  • teaching not subjects, but various types of activities;
  • supra-subject knowledge through NBIK technologies
  • the leading role of self-organization in learning processes.

Note that in relation to education and training, we considered the concept of interdisciplinarity as a feature of knowledge that is suppressed by several traditional subjects, for example, physics, biology, chemistry, information technology. At the same time, researchers, schoolchildren and teachers are involved in the problem of establishing a connection and integrating several subject areas, professions or technologies with their methods and characteristics to achieve a common goal. The outstripping education system should, first of all, meet the personnel needs of the economy. Converged education is the path to this provision.

Among the principles of the advanced education system are the following:

  • Understanding the demand for personnel for 5-15 years in advance (the "Atlas of new professions" can be used as a navigator).
  • Business and production should order specialists themselves to universities.
  • Employers should themselves actively participate in the training process.
  • Availability of flexible educational programs.
  • Learning by doing using all possible resources

The peculiarities of the formation of the educational environment of a Moscow schoolchild are associated with a project approach, the essence of which is reflected in his motto - “Ready to study, life and work in modern world! ". The projects of the capital's education are related to the training of engineering and technical medical, military, scientific, and also workers necessary for the stable advanced development of Russia in the XXI century, its competitiveness in the global world.

The interim results of the study give grounds to conclude that the convergent approach in school education has the potential to improve the graduate's opportunities for successful socialization and professional self-determination.

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  11. Velichkovsky, B.M. Interdisciplinary research of consciousness: from homo economicus to homo cognitivus / B.M. Velichkovsky // Foresight. –2007. - T. 1, - No. 4. - S. 32-35.
  12. Velichkovsky, B.M. The systemic role of cognitive research in the development of convergent technologies / B.M. Velichkovsky, A.V. Vartanov, S.A. Shevchik // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. - 2010. - No. 334. - S. 186-191.
  13. Gorbacheva A.G. Socio-philosophical analysis of the influence of converging NBICS technologies on humans: dis ... cand. philosopher. Sciences: 09.00.11 .: protected 18.01.17 / Anna Gennadevna. Gorbachev. - Tomsk, 2016 .-- 151 p.
  14. Gurevich PS The logic of bios and the brain of a machine / PS Gugevich // Philosophy and Culture –2008. –№8. S. 29-44.
  15. Kovalchuk, M.V. Convergence of Science and Technology - a Breakthrough into the Future / M.V. Kovalchuk // Russian Nanotechnologies. –2011. - T. 6, - No. 1-2. - S. 13-23.
  16. Kovalchuk, M.V. Science and life: my ICC convergence / M. V. Kovalchuk - "Academbook" M: - 2011. - Volume 1. - 222 p.
  17. Kovalchuk, M.V. From nuclear project to “convergence” [Electronic resource] / M.V. Kovalchuk // Nature. –2013. –№ 12. - С. 3-7.– URL: (date of access: 03.02.2017).
  18. Kovalchuk, M.V., Naraikin, O.S., Yatsishina, E.B. Convergence of Science and Technology - a New Stage of Scientific and Technological Development ∕ M.V. Kovalchuk, O.S. Naraikin, E.B. Yatsishina ∕∕ Questions of philosophy. - 2013. - No. 3. - P.3-11.
  19. Laszlo E. Macrosdvig. Towards the stability of the world in a course of change: popular science literature / E. Laszlo. - M.: Tydeks-Ko, 2004 .-- 208 p.
  20. Letov O.V. Transhumanism and Ethics [Electronic resource] ./ O.V. Letov // Culturology. - - No. 4. - P. 18-30. URL:\u003d1184 (date of access: 26.01.2017).
  21. Chernikova, I. V. On the influence of information and cognitive technologies on educational strategies and consciousness / I.V. Chernikova, E.V. Seredkina // Language and Culture. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 128-138.
  22. Epshtein M.N. From post- to proto-. Manifesto of the new century / M.N. Epstein // Banner. - 2001. –№ 5. - S. 180-198.
  23. Roco, M. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science [Electronic resource] / M. Roco, W. Bainbridge (eds). - 2003. - URL: /Report/NBIC_report.pdf.
  24. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science. NSF / DOC-sponsored report / Ed. by Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge. National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2002.

References in English /References in English

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  24. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science. NSF / DOC-sponsored report / Ed. by Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge. National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2002.

School - science - production
Convergence (from English convergence - "convergence at one point") means not only mutual influence, but also the interpenetration of individual scientific disciplines and technologies, when the boundaries between them are erased, and the results arise precisely within the framework of interdisciplinary work at the intersection of areas.
The implementation of the convergent approach in teaching in Moscow schools is aimed at creating such an educational environment in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, in which students perceive the world as a whole, and not as a list of individual disciplines studied at school. But for the organizational and methodological support of the convergent approach, in addition to the special training of teachers and the development of educational and methodological materials, it is necessary to organize the design and research activities of schoolchildren. This problem is being solved not only by building up school reserves, but also by large-scale attraction of external resources of the city. therefore distinctive feature the new educational environment of the Moscow education system is becoming a deep integrative relationship between school, science and industry.
This relationship is most revealingly traced on the example of convergent-oriented projects of metropolitan education. For example, the project "Kurchatov Center for Continuous Interdisciplinary Education" (Kurchatov Project), which has been implemented in Moscow since 2011, brings together the efforts of teachers from 36 educational organizations capital, resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education and specialists of the national research center "Kurchatov Institute". The educational organizations of the Kurchatov project use equipment for teaching more than 65,000 schoolchildren, 146 circles function, and 52 optional courses are held. Teachers and students carried out 16 field practices, completed almost 300 design and research works, which they presented at conferences and competitions of various levels.

Cool dive
Within the framework of the project "Medical class in a Moscow school", which has been implemented in the capital since 2015, there are several educational programs, each of the schools chooses them independently. Pre-profile classes - 8-9th, profile - 10-11th. The main academic subjects are biology and chemistry. The schools have elective courses: fundamentals of medical knowledge, workshop on microbiology, fundamentals of physiology and anatomy, human functional systems, first aid. The practice of future doctors takes place in a special laboratory, where there are medical simulators, measuring devices, mock-ups of organs, equipment for first aid.
Schoolchildren studying in medical classes, immerse themselves in research projects - engineering technologies in medicine, bioinformatics technologies, medical robotics - and get the opportunity to perform research work under the guidance of graduate students and researchers medical universities... In fact, such a system of training and transformation of practical skills ensures the readiness of graduates to work in a team, having mastered the skills working together... The project is being implemented in 69 schools and covers over 6,000 students. More than 50 metropolitan enterprises are involved in the project.
And in the project "Engineering class in a Moscow school", which was also launched in 2015, today 103 educational organizations are taking part, providing the implementation of programs of natural science and technology profiles of an engineering focus for more than 13,000 students.
Over the past three years, such federal universities as the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Moscow State Automobile and Highway technical University, Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN", Moscow State Machine Building university of construction, Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university), Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russian state University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, National Research Technological University "MISiS", Moscow State Technical University civil aviation, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow State Transport University.
But that's not all. The project participants include high-tech enterprises: State Corporation Rosatom, OJSC NPP Pulsar, JSC Radio Engineering Concern Vega, Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Center for Photochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Technopolis Moscow, LLC Autodex CI-ES , LLC National Instrument Rus, OJSC VPK NPO Mashinostroyenia, OJSC RSC Energia, OJSC RusHydro, OJSC Russian Airplane.
Engineering industry organizations participate in the design and research activities of students, the development of a system of requirements for the competencies of graduates of engineering classes.
“NUST MISIS joined the project“ Engineering class in a Moscow school ”in 2015,” says Vadim Petrov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, NUST MISIS. - We currently cooperate with 35 schools and more than 10 enterprises. The procedure is simple and transparent: we determine the schools on the basis of which engineering classes will open, and together we develop educational program... Engineering classes are not only specially equipped premises, but also a special learning environment in which all of Moscow is an educational territory. Project activities form the necessary competencies for successful university studies. An important part of the project is enterprise-based work. This allows students to master modern technologies, exactly those actual tools with which they will work.
According to Vadim Petrov, work with each student is carried out according to an individual plan. To do this, schoolchildren come to the university laboratories, attend practical classes and communicate with their scientific advisor, go on excursions to enterprises. Students also participate in University Saturdays. And for their teachers, within the framework of trilateral agreements, seminars, master classes and advanced training are provided for both engineering courses and project activities.
The engineering class not only helps to prepare for the exam and enroll in technical university, but gives the opportunity to express themselves in research and design activities, the Olympiad movement, engineering creativity.

Lines about out-of-class
Further education is another essential resource for creating a converged environment. According to electronic record, in Moscow, over 120 thousand various circles and sections have been opened, which are attended by about 840 thousand children. The largest city system of additional education is the system of the Moscow Department of Education. Conditions for additional education have been created in more than 700 schools and centers for children's creativity.
The expansion of opportunities for attending additional classes in Moscow is facilitated by:
- the creation of specialized medical, engineering and cadet classes in schools. Their curriculum includes blocks that go beyond the basic school curriculum;
- revival of stations young technicians on the basis of colleges and institutions of additional education. Here you can get additional knowledge in technical and natural-scientific fields on a high-tech basis and a high professional level;
- opening of inter-school and inter-district subject circles, including math circles for the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads;
- Creation of children's "Quantoriums" in Moscow technoparks;
- creation of centers for technological support of education - points of collective access to high-tech equipment based on a network partnership of universities, schools, colleges;
- expanding cooperation with private companies providing additional education services.
In addition, in order to motivate children, adolescents and young people to acquire knowledge, competencies and skills of a wider range and to make conscious choice life path, in Moscow there are large urban educational projects:
- "University Saturdays" - lectures, master classes and excursions in the leading universities in Moscow;
- "Professional environment" - acquaintance with professional education institutions;
- “Activist Saturdays” - events for those interested in governance and self-government issues in education.
“We applied a convergent approach at the school and in the first year we got the result,” says Natalya Rastegina, deputy director for the implementation of educational programs and projects, teacher of technology at school No. 1454 “Timiryazevskaya”. - Our guys became winners of the WorldSkills and JuniorSkills championships in the City Farmer and Agricultural Biotechnology competencies. What have we done? In the subject "Technology", in work programs, we introduced the competencies of JuniorSkills, reinforced with additional education and extracurricular activities (biology, physics, technology), the main educational program. We took advantage of the city's resources and involved specialists from the Timiryazev Academy.

Program for a deputy
Active work on solving the problems of developing a convergent approach in metropolitan schools is currently being carried out at the Moscow Center for the Development of Human Resources in Education as part of the advanced training course "Modern Deputy Head of an Educational Organization." The course program is aimed at developing a new perception of the content among students educational process and the restructuring of the interaction of all its participants in the course of fulfilling the needs of society, and it is obvious that convergence is one of the most important such requests.
Current and future deputy heads of educational organizations are immersed in topics such as "School in a digital environment", "Information management", "Human resource management and team building in order to create a single school team to implement a converged approach to learning and obtain high-quality results", "Organization educational process and the content of training: how to avoid a mono-subject view of the learning outcomes of schoolchildren.
Within the framework of the course, an analysis of the main educational school programs is carried out in order to identify points of convergence - positions by which it is possible to merge the content of educational subjects, levels of general and additional education, areas of activity. The issues of interaction between the administration and the head of the class, the cooperation of teachers, the development of network interaction, the use of educational resources of the city are considered. And the final assessment work of each student becomes “ road map»Implementation of a convergent approach in a Moscow school.

According to the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, 57 professions in demand today will disappear by 2030. 186 others will take their place, including GMO agronomists, architects of living systems, cyber prosthetists, programmers of virtual worlds. Who will prepare professionals who, in just a few years, will be in the first team of specialists of the future? How to develop a unified learning approach?
This issue was discussed at the Moscow Institute of Open Education in the framework of the round table "Convergent Education for the Future". Moscow was the first to take important steps towards achieving the goal. "Kurchatov project", "Medical, engineering classes" - this is the basis of a new approach to education. The schools participating in these projects are equipped with equipment that allows them to study medicine, engineering, robotics, physics, not in theory, but experimentally.
“Schools are developing partnerships with leading universities, industrial enterprises and production sites in our country so that children can make projects under the guidance of scientists, engineers, practitioners and get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe competencies of the future right now,” says Natalya Ryabkova, director of school # 2030. “Their school convergent laboratory is developing a remote-access vehicle and the Modern Cosmonautics project.
Not only schools, but also colleges in the capital offer new vectors of education.
“Interdisciplinary integration, system-activity and metasubject approaches are the basis of a new learning model,” says Natalya Sedova, director of the Moscow College of Management, Hotel Business and Information Technologies "Tsaritsyno".
Here within social partnership students take part in a business game at the Domodedovo airport, where an imitation of real production processes is created, and the guys compete with representatives of their future profession in performing well-defined tasks. Most of them become winners and prize-winners of the WorldSkills national championship, international and city competitions.
Anton Aristov, Associate Professor of the Department of Design Automation and Design at the Institute of Information Technologies and Automated Control Systems, MISiS, suggests considering IT technologies as the core of convergent education with a specific approach to teaching schoolchildren. During the round table, he presented programs implemented on the basis of the university, which will be of interest to teachers of additional education.
Svetlana German, the head of the additional professional education department at the Moscow Center for the Technological Modernization of Education, noted that the main goal of convergent learning is to develop students' ability to think and learn independently, to create a holistic picture of the world around them.
Systems thinking, cross-industry communication, multilingualism and multiculturalism are the skills that our graduates will need to possess. And, possibly, the analysis and projects presented during the round table educational complexes Moscow will be at the heart of a new, unified "Convergent Education for the Future."

Press Service of the Moscow Institute of Open Education