Rose of winds from magnetic arithmetic. Oral Accounts Magazine for Schoolchildren

Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the life and activities of L. F. Magitsky

Solution of one problem "Quality"


1. Biography L.F. Magnitsky

2. Magnitsky arithmetic

3. Solution of the task of magnetic arithmetic




INXVI- XVII For centuries, handwritten mathematical literature begins to appear and propagate in Russia (it requires the survey and measurement of land, the system of applied taxation, urban planning and military business, developing trade relations within the country and trade with other states). Currently, a significant amount of mathematical manuscripts are known.XVII century. Basically, they were intended for merchants, merchants, officials, artisans, farmers and were purely practical. Their material was distributed over "articles", containing instructions, as needed to act in solving certain objectives. The rules were illustrated by a variety of examples and tasks. Some of these tasks are interesting either by their wording or a solution to the solution. Many of them moved to textbooks on arithmetic and algebraXVIII century, some have been preserved to our time.

In 1703, such a textbook was published by the typographic way to be unusually large in the same time in the amount of 2400 copies. It was called "arithmetic, siren science numeral ...". The author was an outstanding teacher-mathematician - Leontius Philippovich Magnitsky. Taking the basis of the existing handwritten mathematical literature, Magnitsky created a book, which for 50 years was the main textbook on mathematics for almost all educational institutions of Russia.


Magnitsky Leony Filippovich (1669-1739), mathematician, teacher.

Born on June 19, 1669 in the Ostashkovskaya Sloboda Tver province. It came from the peasants. The father of the future mathematics was called Philipp, his nickname was calves, the surnames at that time were not relying to the peasants. The boy was still in childhood learned to read independently, thanks to which at times they performed the duties of the psaller in the local church.

The fate of the young man has changed dramatically when he was sent from his native settlement with the fish to the Josepho Volokolam monastery. Apparently, in the monastery, the parenchy showed interest in the books, and Igumen, making sure his literacy, left Leonty by the reader. A year later, Igumen blessed the young man to study at the Slavic Greco-Latin Academy, who was the main educational institution in Russia. At the Academy of Leonth, he studied about eight years.

At the end of the XVII century. He lived in Moscow, giving private lessons to children and engaged in self-education. According to some information, he studied at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. The legend says that Magnitsky called his Peter I: "... compared to how a magnet attracts iron to himself, so he drew attention to herself natural and self-educated abilities."

In 1701, Leony Filippovich was appointed to the aid of the British mathematicians who were taught in the school of mathematical and naval science, which had just opened in Moscow. In 1715, Magnitsky became a senior teacher here and the head of its study part. In addition, since 1714 he himself was gaining teachers for the "Tsifire Schools" created in Russia.

Laborly working in a navigator school for almost four decades, and then heading it, Magnitsky promoted the success of Petrov's reforms in the field of enlightenment.

Magnitsky arithmetic

Peru Magnitsky belongs to the first Russian textbook on mathematics "arithmetic, siren Numeral science", published in 1703 by a circulation of 2400 copies. Book before mid XVIII in. It was the main benefit on mathematics in Russia. It was a kind of encyclopedia of mathematical knowledge containing material on geometry, trigonometry, astronomy and navigation and giving enough extensive application. Magnitsky also participated in the publication of the first logarithmic tables in Russia.

Surprisingly, the textbook was written and published in just two years. At the same time, he was simply a translation of foreign textbooks, according to the structure and in content it was completely independent work, and even remotely resembling his textbooks in Europe at that time did not exist. Naturally, the author used European textbooks and works in mathematics and took something out of them, but outlined as he considered it necessary. In fact, Magnitsky created not a textbook, but encyclopedia of mathematical and navigation sciences. Moreover, the book was written was a simple, figurative and understandable language, to study mathematics on it, with certain initial knowledge, it was possible on their own.

According to the tradition of that time, the author gave the book a long name - "arithmetic, siren science numerical. From different dialects on the Slacensky language, perceded, and in a single collected, and the two books are divided. " The author did not forget and mention himself - "Peeping the book through the works of Leontia Magnetskago," soon everything began to call the book short and simply - "Math Magnitty".

In a book containing more than 600 pages, the author disassembled arithmetic action in detail with integer and fractional numbers, I gave information about a monetary account, measures and scales, led many practical tasks, in relation to the realities of Russian life. Then outlined algebra, geometry and trigonometry. In the last section, called "generally about earthly sizing and naz to the navigation," considered the applied application of mathematics in marine business.

Magnitsky in his tutorial not only sought to clearly explain the mathematical rules, but also to induce interest in studies. He constantly on specific examples from everyday life, military and maritime practice emphasized the importance of mathematics knowledge. Even the tasks tried to formulate that they cause interest, they often reminded jokes with an intricate mathematical plot.

The textbook was so successful that for several years spread throughout Russia. Apparently, in the period of writing the Tutorial, Magnitsky began to teach in a navigator school, with which he had to tie all his life. Until 1739, Leonati Filippovich first taught, and then headed a navigator school, raising the whole Pharya of students, many of which became prominent military and public figures Russia.

Magnitsky's authority among the contemporaries was huge. Poet and philologist V.K. Tremakovsky wrote about him as a conscientious and non-visible person, the first Russian publisher and teacher of arithmetic and geometry. Admiral V.Ya. Chichagov called the magnetic great mathematician, and his book responded as a sample of scholarships. "The gates of their scholarship" considered "Magnitsky's arithmetic" M.V. Lomonosov.

Solving the task of magnetic arithmetic


One person will drink Kadi Pius at 14 days, and with his wife will drink the same product at 10 days, and there is a partner, in number of days the wife will especially drink him the same product.


1st way.

1 Radi \u003d 839,71l ≈840l

1) 840: 14 \u003d 60 (l) -schelovka will drink for 1d.

2) Let his wife drinks for 1 day x l., Since a person will drink a number of pothi at 14 days, and with his wife will drink the same product at 10 days, and make an equation:

(60 + x) ∙ 10 \u003d 840

60 + x \u003d 840: 10

60 + x \u003d 84

X \u003d 84-60

X \u003d 24 (l) -jen drinks for 1 day

3) 840: 24 \u003d 35 (Days) - Wife will drink Reta

2nd way

1) 14 ∙ 5 \u003d 70 (DN) - equalized the time for which a person will drink a kind of pythy in time, for which a man with his wife drinks the tight

2) 10 ∙ 7 \u003d 70 (day) - equalized the time for which a person with his wife will drink a kind of potho with time for which a person will drink the tighter

3) 70: 14 \u003d 5 (k.) - drink a person in 70 days

4) 70: 10 \u003d 7 (to.) - will drink a man with a wife in 70 days

5) 7-5 \u003d 2 (k.) - drink a wife for 70 days

6) 70: 2 \u003d 35 (day) - drinks wife Radi

3rd way

1) 840: 10 \u003d 84 (l) -schelovka and wife will drink for 1 day

2) 840: 14 \u003d 60 (l) -schelovka will drink for 1 day

3) 84-60 \u003d 24 (l) - it will drink for 1 day

4) 840: 24 \u003d 35 (day) - Wife drinks for 1 day

4th way

For 100 days, he will drink 10 Kvass kegs, and together with his wife in 140 days they will drink 14 kvass kegs. Therefore, in 140 days, the wife will drink 14-10 \u003d 4 kvass keg, and then one barrel will drink in 140: 4 \u003d 35 days.

5th way

Let his wife drink for 1 dayx. Cadi Beytia, t. For 1 day, a person will drink 1/14 Cadi Piatia, and with the wife of 1/10 Cadi Kidia, and make an equation:

1) x + 1/14 \u003d 1/10

X \u003d 1/10 - 1/14

X \u003d (14 - 10) / 140 \u003d 4/140 \u003d 1/35 (Kadi Beytia) -Heen drinks for 1 day

2) 1/35 ∙ 35 \u003d 35/35 \u003d 1 (Quality Pythy) - High 1 Quality Pythy for 35 days


Working with scientific literature, I learned a lot of interesting things from the history of mathematics.It was Magnitsky first introduced our ancestors with mathematics in a rare for his time volume and showed her great practical significance. L. F. Magnitsky first introduced the terms: multiplier, divider, work, root extraction; Replaced the outdated words of Darkness, Legion with the words Million, Billion, Trillion, Quadrillion. The book is significantly improved by the material presentation system: the definitions are entered, a smooth transition to a new one is being implemented, new sections, tasks appear, provide additional information. This is the main merit of Magnetsky before the history of mathematical education in our country. It is no less important to his merit as a bench press of Russian sailors who have successful with success with success, who met him when exposing in Russian the foundations of nautical science.


1. Andronov IK The first teacher of the mathematics of the Russian youth of Leontius Filippovich Magitsky // Mathematics at school. 1969. No. 6.

3. Glaser G. I. History of mathematics at school. Manual for teachers. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1981. - 239 p.

4. Groundenko B.V. and etc. encyclopedic Dictionary Young mathematics.

M.: "Pedagogy", 1985 - 349 p.

6. Ololand S. N. and others. Vintage entertaining tasks - 3rd ed. - M.: Drop, 2006. - 173 p.

From different dialects, the translated language is translated, and is divided into two books. The current command of the Pious Great Sovereign of Our Tsar and the Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich, All Gorya, and Small and White Russia, the autocrat. With the noblest great sovereign of our Tsarevich and the Grand Duza Alexey Petrovich, in the lawospatest Great Grade Moscow typographic embossed for the training of wider-loving Russian details, and all the ranks and age of people were produced first, in the summer of the creation of the world 7211, from Christmas on the flesh of God Words 1703, Indict 11 months of Janaria. Soching this book through the works of Leonty Magnitsky. [Moscow, print yard, 1703], 326 L.L., including a capital sheet. 3 L.L. Engravings on copper on separate sheets. In addition, the book also attached 5 L.L. With tables (between 29 and 30 sheets, between 224 and 225 sheets, as well as between 282 and 283 sheets). Printing two-color: All pages - within the framework of the set decorations. Frontispis with the image of Aristotle and Pythagora and the two remaining copper engravings are made by Mikhail Karna. The initial, engraved allegorical screensaver depicts arithmetic in the form of a woman sitting on the throne in the temple of the sciences. The book is equipped with numerous drawings and tables. The largest product literature The beginning of the XVIII century!

First printed arithmetic in Russia! Published in Slavic. In the content, it was a kind of encyclopedia of the exact sciences: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geodesy and navigation. Frequency with a frontispis (is often absent). An instance on very thick paper and very clean. In Red C / to binding of the time on wooden boards, with 10 silver lining (without sample!) And with broken silver fasteners. Format: 35 x 22 cm. On the front driver Exlimbris graph L. (Ludwig) Von Der Pallen with the motto "Constantia et zelo" (constant and jealousy). The arithmetic of Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, an outstanding Russian teacher, a teacher established by Peter I, the School of Navalskikh and Mathematical Sciences, was published "for the sake of training of the wider-loving Russian counters and any nutna and age of people." Circulation 2,400 copies, but since she studied for more than 100 years in a decent form extremely rarely.In the preface, Magnitsky is famous Peter, who "has acquired free jogging" ships and created a formidable Russian fleet "enemies by our Velmi Light." Magnitsky says that he made in his work "from naval books, that an extraction", and that anyone who "at least a marine swimmer, navigator or rower" will find in it. Attracting a diverse material in his book, Magnitsky used the current long-standing terminology, tasks from vintage handwritten collections, used folk technical experience in the field of land and practical geometry. Magnitsky took care that his book would understand without a mentor, if only the reader was persistent and digested:

And the Az Yako, then you can be that myself can learn anything.

In the course of the mind, the whole collected and the rank naturally Russian, and not German.

Magnitsky sought to make his book as much as possible and entertaining. He made a lot of intricate and intricate tasks, developing smelting and mathematical thinking. Among them was such a task:

"A certain person selling a horse for 156 ruble, repentance of the merchant, begun to give the seller, verb: I can be taken to me lepo taken from a scene (such) horse attic such is high prices. The seller will offer him to buy it, the verb: the price of this is a great price of life, buy a Tokmo nails, they have to hit your legs in the horseshoe, the horse takes the same in the gift. And the nails in every horseshoe on six and for one of the nail Lady mines one half a half, for the other two semishes, and for the third penny, and so buy all nails. The merchant, seeing such a small price and horse although as a gift to themselves, promised by the price of him to pay, tea is not more than 10 rubles for the nails of Dati. And it is developing: he was supported by a collective merchant? " And the answer: "4178703 3/4 kopecks will come."

The book of Magnitsky was distinguished by the freshness and sequence of presentation. Each new rule began at Magnitsky with a simple, most often everyday example, then its general formulation was already given, after which there were many diverse tasks, almost always having practical applications. In addition, an inspection rule was attached to each action - "Teling". Outlining actions with integers, Magnitsky, before switching to fractions, or, as he called them, "broken numbers", puts the greatest chapter containing different historical information about measures and monetary units in antiquity and in the new time from different peoples, and Also various information beneficial in trade and technology. Magnitsky's arithmetic reflected the progressive principles of Petrovsky. Magnetsky managed to turn his book into a peculiar encyclopedia of mathematical knowledge, extremely necessary to meet the practical needs of the rapidly developing Russian state. In the chapter "On Butts, Citizenship Citizenship", magnetic reports practical information on mechanics and construction art and lays the foundations of technical certificates. Here it was possible to find ways to determine the height of the walls, the depths of the wells, the flow of lead, so that the "Pulk pour", the task to calculate "in what or hours or in other mahuines" gear wheels, so that the number of turns of one corresponds to the number of revolutions of the other, etc. . Magnitsky paid special attention to the sea, placing a number of special items in his book, where it leads to the rules, how to determine the position of the meridian, the latitude of the place, or, as he says, "elevation of the field" (pole), points of sunrise and sunset, calculations The highest height of the tide, etc. The value of the book increased by the tables applied to it necessary for various calculations associated with navigation. Leon At Magnitsky managed to create an original book on which entire generations of mathematically educated Russian people, technicians, navigators and scientists were brought up. At the same time, the "arithmetic" of Magnitsky was not a vault of applied knowledge or a simple directory for practical needs. It was primarily a broad, general formative mathematical course that combined deep theoretical training with a permanent loaf into practice. In his book, Magnitsky pointed out that mathematics is engaged not only by the study of "vators to us", i.e., experienced experience, but also such that is not "Tokmo our mind is subject to", but serve as a reliable way for the "reception of multicate sciences." "Arithmetic" of Magnitsky gave the Russian person such knowledge that did not flow out of direct experience. She acquainted him with a mathematical generalization, awakened in him the desire to comprehend the patterns of nature through mathematics, pointed to the measure, the number and weight as the basis of the knowledge of things. According to this book, I studied myself M.V. Lomonosov, who called her as well as the "grammar" of the mellius of a "gates of the scholarship".

Bibliographic Description:

1. Ostagozov I.M. "Book rarins". Moscow, "Russian Archive", 1891-92, No. 9.

2. Burtsev A.E. "A thorough bibliographic description of rare and wonderful books." Volume I, St. Petersburg, 1901, No. 64.

3. NB "Russian book rarity." Experience of the bibliographic description. Parts I-II. Moscow, 1902-03, № 327.

4. Book treasures GBL. Issue 1. Books of the Kirillov seal of the XV-XVIII centuries. Catalog, Moscow. 1979, No. 50.

5. From the treasure of RGB. Book culture of Russia XVI - early XX century. Moskva, 1998. No. 18.

Magnitsky, Leontiy Filippovich (1669-1739). He studied at the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy at the first time of its existence. Having studied the Latin and Greek languages \u200b\u200bthere, and outside the Academy also German, Dutch and Italian, Magnitsky got the opportunity to independently examine the mathematical sciences not taught in the Academy and, moreover, far exceeding the level of information reported in Russian arithmetic, land and astronomical manuscripts of the XVII table. Soon after the school "mathematical and navalkikkkikh in Moscow took place in 1701, that is, the seaworthy teachings of the teachings", who placed in the building of the Sukhareva Tower, was appointed a teacher of arithmetic and, in all likelihood, geometry and trigonometry. The position of the teacher in this school held until the end of his life. M. compiled an educational encyclopedia in mathematics "arithmetic, siren science numeral, etc." (1703), containing a large statement of arithmetic, the articles are essential for practical applications of elementary algebra, application of arithmetic and algebras to geometry, practical geometry, the concept of calculating trigonometric tables and on trigonometric calculations in general and the necessary initial information from astronomy, geodesy and navigation. As compiled at the very beginning of the XVIII century on sources, in the number of which, in addition to foreign books, included books "Stopvyny Slavvensky", i.e. Russian arithmetic manuscripts of the XVII Art., It is a link directly connecting Russian physico-mathematical literature XVII Art . With herself in the XVIII century. new direction. As a textbook, it is wonderful long, hugging more than half a century by use in schools. After introducing into Russia together with the Institution at the Academy of Sciences of the Gymnasium and the University of German Tutorials, its use in all other educational institutions and especially in direct or indirect communications with the old school of mathematical and naval sciences continued until half the 50s of the 18th century Magnitsky also provided The development of Russian physico-mathematical literature to the development of the mathematic and navigator to the school of translations and publishing in Russian, the logarithmic trigonometric tables of A. Vlakka and the tables on nautical astronomy in Russian. The latter were published under the title "Tables horizontal northern and southern latitude. The climbing of the Sun, with an expression: through which is comfortable, except for a difficult arithmetic calculus, an incorrect or dishonest indication of computers, southerly in all places of light are acquired, too easy to find it easy And soon it is possible to be the most useful topics that in Eastern and Western India are weselves. Executed S. dutch language, to the Slavic-Russian dialect from the book of Chaz cameras, printed in Amsterdam, 1697, etc., the career of teachers Andrei Farvars, and Leonty Magnitsky, summer from the embodiment of Christ is 1722. From the librarian of Vasily Kipilinova. "In the interests of the image of the literary activity of Magnitsky, it should still be mentioned about his" note "in the case of the heresy of Keeter Tveritinov. In this case, he took a very prominent participation, as he took over the ungrateful role of one of the main prosecutors of the defendant. This "note" was published in 1883 by the society of amateurs of ancient writing (see LXXX). The government of Peter the Great insufficiently appreciated the merit of Magnetsky and put it as a teacher below his English comrades: Farvars and Guinea. He received a much smaller salary, and when both The comrades mentioned in St. Petersburg, which opened in 1715 by the Marine Achdami, he had to stay in Moscow in the previous position of the teacher of the mathematicheological and navigator school who took the newly open academy of the secondary position. As always, Russia is quite "generous "Thank you of one of my best sons ...

Kameneva T.N.

To the history of the "arithmetic" edition of Magitsky

All interested in the history of the book is well aware of the name of Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, who made the first Russian textbook of mathematics. Many from school benches remember that with the help of this textbook, the Basics of Mathematical Knowledge Great Lomonosov received the basics. However, the details of the life and activities of L.F. are significantly less known. Magnitsky, little is known about those benefits with which he used in the preparation of his "arithmetic." Despite the fact that the Book of Magnitsky was the object of studying many scientists, both mathematicians and boncakers, sources that served as preparatory material were fully understood when working on it. The years of the life of Magnitsky (1669-1739) coincide with one of the most interesting periods of our history. Leonthius Magnitsky was born under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovic, that is, at the time when many Russian people had already sought to join the culture of the West. Son Alexei Mikhailovich, Peter I, became a transducer of political, economic, social and cultural life Russia. One of the special concerns of Peter I was the enlightenment of the Russian people. In his reign "" An important role was played by change in the education system, the creation of a network of purely secular schools, where mathematics was also taught, as well as the publication of educational literature. For the first time, the preparation of technical and highly qualified technical and scientific specialists began. In particular, in Moscow, by decree of Peter I dated January 14, 1701, a new type was created, called the School "Mathematical and Navalskikh Science". She was placed in the so-called sugar tower. It was one of the original and beautiful buildings of Moscow, built on the command of Peter I in honor of the Streetsky Colonel Sukhareva, one of the Sagittiki chiefs, who did not swear sophier and remaining faithful Peter. The tower that had three floors at the base and four in the tower itself, a wide staircase, survived until 1934 and for a long time determined the name of the surrounding area - Sukharevka (now collective farm square). On February 22, 1701, classes began at the School "Mathematical and Navitakov". Pupils - children and adults - numbered up to two hundred people. The teachers were invited by the British: Professor of Mathematics Andrei (Henry) Fathwarson, Stefan (Stephen) Guine and Richard Grace - Navigation teachers. "Guine and Grace arrived in Russia from England along with Farhvars, both were as well as known by the pupils of the University of Oxford. It is possible that it was Sackvile Gwynne, who received a university in 1689 at the age of 15, and Robert Gray, received in 1679, being 16 years old (written message Dr. Simpson (WD Simpson), through Dr. Whiteman (WPD WIGHTMAN); University's both employees in Aberdeen (Scotland). "Guine died in 1720, Grace - in 1709.3." Andrei Danilovich Farhvarson (Henry or Harry Forquhar-Son, Ok. 1675 - 9 Dec. 1739), a native of Milna near Aberdedin, he studied in 1691-1695 in the Marshall College of Aberdeen University and then taught Mathematics there. During his stay in 1698 in England, Peter I got acquainted in some way with Fermanzarson and invited him with By himself in Russia. Here, the Scottish mathematician helped the king in the organization of a navigator school, where some sections of mathematics, astronomy and a nautical case read. In 1716, he was transferred to the professor to the St. Petersburg Marine Academy. "From the Russians, Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky was appointed Mathematics for what he pressed There was a textbook of mathematics and navigation in Russian (Slavic) language. These teachers (Magnitsky, Farhvarson and Guine) were transferred from Latin and prepared the Russian publication of the book "Tables of logarithms and sinuses, tangents, serangements", printed for the first time Cyrillic and published in Moscow in May 1703, and the secondary - civilian font - in 1716 "These tables reproduce the well-known Tables A. Flacca, published in 1628 (A. Vlacq. Tabulae Sinum, Tangentium of Secantium ...)." VLAQUE Adrian (1600--1666), Dutchman, therefore it is more correct to call his vlak. The edition of 1628 is not mentioned in any of the well-known bibliographic directories. Wellak tables were published many times, starting from edition of 1651 until the XIX century, in Latin, Dutch, German and French. TA Bykova referred to the Russian edition with Amsterdam's 1681. There are no accurate data on where, under what circumstances did the Peter I considered Leonty Filippovich. There is information that he was the native nephew of Archimandrite Neticari, the organizer of the Nilo Desert near the Ostashkov Tver province. Archimandrite nectarians (in the world Nikolai Telyashin, 1587-1667), according to P. M. Stroyev, was appointed Archbishop Siberian, but soon returned to Nilov Tribunary desert, where he lived to his death; He was undoubtedly well known to King Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexey Mikhailovich. Not wonderful that the son of the peasant Ostashkovsky Sloboda, a close relative of Archimandrite, became known to Peter. Where he received Leontius Thaleshin's knowledge, especially mathematical, is unknown. They have so attracted Peter that he called him a "magnet" and gave him a nickname-surname of Magnitsky, with the appointment of the teacher to Moscow, the newly organized school "mathematical and naval sciences", where he served for many years, right up to His death. In the specified article IK Andronova (Andronov I.K. First Math Teacher of the Russian Youth of Leonati Philippovich Magnitsky. - Mathematics at school, 1969, № 6, p. 75-78), from where we have learned this information, there are very interesting data on the burial place and the remains of the remains l . Magnitsky. Magnitsky was buried in the church of Grebidskaya Mother of God, which was at the corner of the Lubyansky pass (the passage of Serov) and the Meatsnitskaya Street (st. Kirov). In 1932, when building the subway, this church was demolished. Under it, a plate was discovered with a spill-line epitaph, and then the tomb of L. F. Magitsky. In the brick masonry there was an oak deck, and in it - the skeleton of Magnitsky. The boots are preserved on the legs, under the head - the inkwell in the form of a lamp and a goose feather. Nearby was discovered by the tomb of the wife of Magnitsky - Maria Gavrilovna. Her name and the circumstances of death (from joy at a meeting with the Son, whom she considered dead) are known from the gravestone. The author of the article leads to the entire epitaph of the Magnetsky, compiled by his son Ivan. So became known exact dates Birth and death of Magnitsky - June 9, 1669 and 19/20 October 1739- "On midnight in first hour." From here, we learn that "the sciences learned the wonderful and unobevelably way," Peter the first "... For wit, I learned about the sciences since 1700," and from him "called the nickname Magnitsky and was confirmed by the Russian Noble Junior Teacher of Mathematics." Died, "leaving an example of a virtuous life, ... at six-day illness." From the publication I. K. Andronova it is clear that he himself saw the burial, the tombstone and wrote off the epitaph, thus setting the dates and facts from the life of Magnitsky before. Unfortunately, the archive I. K. Andronova has not yet been disassembled and did not receive the researchers. We have searched for magnetic tombbobs that led to the branch of the State Historical Museum (Church of Vasily Blessed), where the tombstone of Leonty Magnitsky and part (about one third) of his wife with a mentioned epitaph were in preservation (approximately one third). According to the information received from the employees of Gima, these tombstones were enrolled in 1932. The remains of the burial were not received (the burial was obviously destroyed). Nothing is known about where the sciences of L. F. Magnitsky studied. According to his son, the "inconvenient" way. The creation of such a textbook, as the "arithmetic that glorified it, demanded deep mathematical and other knowledge; In addition, he had to own Latin and some Western languages. Vasily Cyprianov (Father) was attracted to help Leon At Magnitsky. Interesting "sweeping" of the Armory Chamber preserved:

"February in 1 day (1701) - the statement of the Armory of the Armory of the Armory of the Armory, who was ordered for the nuclear foliage, to publish his Slovenian dialect of the book Arithmetic through the work. And he wishes to have a sir of Cadashevca Vasily Kyprianova with himself, in the publication of the book of commit. He recognized what he had in those sciences in part and hunting. According to which he is a dontosphere, his great sovereign, the command, Vasily, February on the age of 16 in the Armory, and through teachers of schools of mathematical arts in the above-mentioned sciences is evidenced. And according to his testimony, the great sovereign, the command was recorded in the Armory Chamber of His, the great sovereign by a decree, and ordered him to quickly in the publication of the book of commitment to repair what he could have a magnetic assistance, what he worked on the very same book. "

As you can see, with the publication of the textbook so necessary for the new school: he was published in the shortest term for such work (11 months) with a circulation of 2400 copies. "As a reward for its preparation, the author received feed money from February 2, 1701 to January 1, 1702 in the amount of 5 Altyn for the day, and only 49 rubles, 31 Alt., 4 money, in which he issued a receipt that was preserved in Sea Archive Affairs. Vasily Cyprianov helped the magnetic and in the preparation of the publication "Logarov Tables". Cyprianov's petition for the payment of this Labor of February 8, 1704 was signed by "Your Majesty Retained Slave of Mathematical Sciences Vasily Kirprianov". The title of the librarian was obtained by him only in 1705. He was a librarian at a civilian printing house, which consisted in the artillery department. It was in Moscow, "in China, the Spassky Bridge in China." What is the "arithmetic" magnetic? A lot of this book is written. Researchers characterize the content in different ways, but always positively. So, in the preface to the bibliographic description of T.A. Bykov and M.M. Gurevich P.N. Berkov calls "arithmetic" "one of the most important phenomena of bookprints" Petrovsky time. In the same place, he says that "this publication represents the first and, as experts and mathematics, successful experience of Russian mathematical science indicate. So, A.P. Yushkevich believes that "arithmetic" was a link between the traditions of the Moscow handwritten literature and the influences of the new, Western European "that about 50 years she did not have competitors and" played a lot of emergency in Russian mathematical education. "Nowadays it was called the book" Encyclopedic nature in various sectors of mathematics and natural science (geodesy, navigation, astronomy). "Researchers still have no general opinion on what guidelines made up their" arithmetic "Magnitsky. A.P. Yushkevich in the named labor leads a number of foreign Manuals that could use Magnitsky for their book. He believes that Magnitsky carefully selected and significantly processed the handwritten and printed material of earlier time, making a new original work, taking into account the knowledge and requests of the Russian reader. It is interesting to note after A.P. Yushkevich, that for the first time Magnitsky introduced the terms "multiplier", "divider", "work", "Removing the root", and tak E replaced outdated words "Darkness, Legion" with the words "Million, Billion, Trillion, Quadrillion". Turn to appearance and composition of the book. In order to avoid mistakes, still found, especially in popular literature, let's say that this book is a format in the second share of sheet, as it is customary to say - "in the leaf". The size of the title sheet, by definition, T.A. Bykov, - 235x130 mm. Not "with wooden cutting boards", and moving lists, as all the books in Russia starting with Ivan Fedorov were printed before that time. Fonts - Cyrillic three sizes (10 lines \u003d 83, 73 y60 mm). Figures in the text Slavic, in examples, tasks, tables - Arabic. Printing in two paints - black and red, pages in the framework of typical decorations. In the text - screensavers, endings, engraving. On the title page Cinnabard is: "Arithmetic, siren science is numerical from different dialects on the Slacensky language perced and is divided into two books.<...> Nowadays, the sovereign of our Tsar and the Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich ... in ... Great Grade Moscow typographic embossed for the training of wider-loving Russian extensions and all the ranks and age of people to light produced, the first of the summer of the creation of the world 7211, from christmas And on the flesh of God's word 7103 Indict 11 months of Janaria. Below in the frame small font Added: "Peep this book through the works of Leonty Magnitsky." On the back of the title leaf, the ending with the inscription: "Yako Color Silen ..." (Albom A.S. Grain No. 64715) is placed as a screensaver. Under it, Sillabic poems "to the reader young" about the need to teach arithmetic as necessary in many areas of life. Frontispis is placed in front of the title page, engraved on the copper to the famous Ukrainian master Mikhail Karnahovsky, which passed to work in Moscow. His work on two inserts (after l. 224 and 282) -cravra on copper: the sphere of the world, the sixth and "wind roses" are departed - both perfectly performed.

"Rose of Wind".

from "Arithmetic" Magnitsky.

"Sphere of the World".

M. Karnovsky copper engraving

from "Arithmetic" Magnitsky.

According to A.A. observations Guseva, starting with the "Arithmetic" edition, copper engraving appears constantly in the Moscow editions of the XVIII century. Frontispis - a rather complex composition depicting the Russian coat of arms, downstairs the image of Pythagora and Archimedes. Pythagoras with uncovered head in clothes, a fought fur. In his hands, he has a board, scales, lower - cirkul, ruler, feather, inkwell. The opposed Archimedes depicted on the right, in Turban, in clothes with a fur collar. In his hands he has a sphere, a table of mathematical formulas; Below is a globe, a ship layout. Near Pythagora - a casket and a bag with money, two forms and two bale with goods, knit bag, - shorter, trading attributes and items necessary in teaching mathematics. Over them in the cartridge Quarters: "Arithmetic politician and other logistics. And many other publishers in different times of the senior readers. " It must be assumed that the word "policy" applied to "arithmetic" is given here in the sense of management of mathematics laws. According to the elasticated tradition, the traditions for the coat of arms are followed in Ukraine. They begin with acrosthichkom: "On the Cases of Herb's sovereign to the face of His Tsarist Preswordgote of Majesty Tsar and the autocrat of Peter Alexievich, All Russia." These poems are a dedication, which may be essentially called the original poetic preface in which the author sets out the purpose of the publication, the content of the book and the sources of his work. And this is especially important. We give some of his statements: "Arithmetic is written in it in it hung from many different books by the gathering. From the walnuts and the Latin German and Italian Chin and the order of electoral and the whole of the worst of their exquisite. Elico in them in the invention in the decent plain places. Silence are kind and fair, it is still impassing our nice. Those, the desire is declared two books simply divided. In the first total all citizenship, which is either the state. Arithmetic is usually, in the merchant affairs random. Price of selling goods and worthy of calculation. And not so much, but and all people are required [always]. " The author then describes the content of each part of his book.

"And how many things are all isisms and a good floor of writing," says Magnitsky. "A pupially that Zea was useful from various books and teachings and from the sciences of heavenly trends. Also from the geometric to this science of arithmetic. Hosh to attach decent pieces of you please from those sciences. And at least a naval swimmer, the Navigator of Lee or Rower and the Site of the benefit of the area from the part of them the same boil. Now Boy and all to the best warrior on science to know worthy. And Uzreko Yako in that is the fruit of a thorough makes out of naval books that the Empty ... And the AZ Yako, then to have to be that myself can learn anything. In the course of the mind, the whole collected and the rank is more suitable Russian, and not German. The tendency of Bo in the speeches knew eating firmly and explained the whole sense of hard. The same molim about the autocratic to the honor of God is jealous. You would have this work in honor of God and in favor of people in favor of the world. "

A detailed table of contents "things Like are acquired in the book of this" is on sheets of 6 about. The first part in it is called "arithmetic practice or active." "Arithmetic" consists of two books. The first is divided into five parts, including four actions of arithmetic, fraction, triple rule and its application, "On the rules of fake", in the fifth root-roots, square and cubic, extracting roots. The second book has three parts in which the basics of algebra, geometry, trigonometry are presented. In the third part of the second book "On Earth Obstasy and Like to Maritime, the foundations of navigation, cosmography, geography are given". Each part has "limit", i.e. subtitles. Separate parts are separated by sillybic quatrasions and six-storey (for example, l. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 rubles, 11, 23, 30 vol., 31 vol., 34 rub, 41, 43B., 48 vol., 63 about ., 68 vol., 70, 71). Finishing a large section or part, the author gives a poetic appeal to the reader for the entire page, with a screensaver, in an independent frame from a typical jewelry (for example, l. 41 about., 59, 147, 178). The use of Greek and Latin fonts is drawn. So, on l. 2 "Part One, about the number of integers" has five "limits": a number, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. These words are given a column in Greek, Latin and Slavic languages. The same we see on l. 42 about. It is interesting to note in the table of contents the following sections: "On the Majesty of the bottom of various places and on the division of the entire Land Globe into climates" (l. 278) and "On the invention of the time of flooding of a nose-in-one Pomeranian places" (i.e., how to determine the flood time, l. 280). In the book there is a common preface prose:

"The hardworking and wider-friendly reader" (l. 11-18). It says again about the purpose of this edition as tutorial For again open school, the content of the book is set out, there is a philosophical reasoning about a person as the highest "creature" - "I create a person of a person to penetrate from the ground, and there is a spirit of life in him."

The entire textbook compiled according to the scheme set forth in the table of contents, far away from its arithmetic name. All rules are supported by examples for each action; Attention is drawn to a large number of tasks, their conditions are taken from life, life, modern magnetic. Many tasks and examples from trading and military life, construction, etc. On separate contributing sheets there are tables, sometimes greater than the book. At one of them, the name and comparison of ancient scales and coins are given in the first part; At the beginning of the book there are tables of figures of Slavic, Arab and Roman. The design of "arithmetic" is quite modest, but original. The frames are made up of a typical decorations, screensavers and ending are cut in the tree: fifty-three imprints of screensavers from seventeen boards, the ending - twelve prints with four boards. One of the legs of the ending, according to the album A. S. Zernova 1963 under No. 653 (l. 128, 147), is interesting to imitating the ending of the XVII century. From the edition of Elzevirov. This prototype is reproduced under No. 60 in the "Appendix to the Elzevirov Catalog" (Eduard Ranir. Catalogue d'Une Collection Unique. Paris, 1896). In the publications of Elzevirov, in the middle of the ending the bear is depicted, in Russian publications - rather a wolf. In the book a lot of drawings, drawings explaining the text. The tasks are illustrated by the image of items that are in question in the condition of the task. This is a chessboard, city, towers, fortress, tents, trees, barrels, kernels, bags, construction of troops, etc. (l. 185 vol., 189 o, -204, etc.). All these details are engraved on the tree and introduced into the text "in the ruffle". The screensaver is noted, placed before the start of the text (on the first page of the second account). It gives an allegorical image of arithmetic in the form of a woman in a crown sitting on the throne, under a canopy, fortified on eight "pillars". In the right hand, it keeps the key left - relies on a triangle with numbers. The throne stands on the elevation, they lead five steps to it, on which the following words (bottom): Nap, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Around the throne on columns ("pillars") on the left side of the reader: geometry, stereometry, astronomy, optics; With the right - mercatoria, geography, fortification, architecture. Based on the "Pillars" on the left: "Arithmetic that deet"; Right: "In the poles, everything has". At the top on the front in the rays - "Yagwe" - the name of God in Hebrew, below - saying: "care and teaching". Ends engraving with deciduous ornament. In the bibliographic description of T.A. Bykov and M.M. Gurevich we find a valuable indication that in the library of the Academy of Sciences in Leningrad there is a manuscript "Arithmetic" of Magnitsky, "which obviously served as a model for" arithmetic ", published in 1703 "twenty. There are pictures of all the large engravings on Copper Mikhail Karnovsky and small, reproduced in the text. "In the manuscript, there is no drawing of an allegorical figure" Arithmetic ". Apparently, with this manuscript, the clichés of the printed publication were made, except for the screensaver number 203. It is interesting to note that several years ago, the employee of the Department of Rare Books of the State Library of the USSR. IN AND. Lenin K.L. Beelenkaya drew attention to copper engraving in a small format book german language. This engraving undoubtedly served as a sample for the above engraving depicting an allegorical figure of arithmetic in the book L.F. Magnitsky. Thus, not only the prototype of engraving was established, but also one of the publications, which, no doubt, was used by magnetic when drawing up its "arithmetic." This is confirmed by the text of the book. However, the Russian author subjected to the used literature careful selection and processing. Under the near future with a German publication, it is noticeable that Magnitsky also borrowed the location of the text. What is this book, formerly one of the sources served by the Magnetsky? Veryoavtorislavlia : Bockler Georg Andreas. ARITHMETICA NOVA MILITARIS.NtiRNberg, 1661. The book, respectively, the name is designed to train the military. At the beginning there is a dedication to Landgraff to Hessian Ludwig, his spouse and family, signed by the author: "Liberated Bökler, Architect and Engineer" - December 1660 in Frankfurt am Main. The following should be the preface to the "sophisticated in the art of mathematics to the reader." It says that it is German that can convey the wealth of information ("information") in the most brief form. This book is a format in the eighth share of the sheet, the volume of 693 pages. At the beginning there are four arithmetic rules, the extraction of roots, the basics of geometry, etc., with a large number of drawings and drawings. Accordingly, call in the book a lot of tasks explaining the rules and examples taken from the life of the military, the construction of fortresses, the number of different types of troops, etc. They are accompanied by "figures" performed by the copper gravy; At the beginning of the book there are their detailed list. We did not specify the goal to verify the entire book in German, printed by Gothic font and anti-kilu, with Russian. Antiqua is used to transmit terms and whole phrases on latin . One thing is clear: Magnitsky, consciously retaining the basic principle of building a Boelector's book, adapted examples and tasks for the life of their country. The same in both books is given first the rule, then its verbal explanation, examples and tasks. Examples are given with verification. All with regard to navigation, of course, first attracted by Magnitsky. But the order of the explanation of the integers, fractions, the extraction of the roots, the triple rule - in the books of the same. In more detail with the German edition and comparison of the content with the "arithmetic" of Magnitsky we provide mathematicians. The main overall desire of both authors is the use of the rules set out in the book in accordance with the direction of the reader, the student. Hence the large number of tasks proposed by the authors. It is also interesting to note that Magnitsky gives tasks on topics from military life (l. 191-195). The image of the construction of troops is close to the drawings of a German textbook (for example, on l. 191 "arithmetic" is relatively with Fig. 3 at l. 39 at the booker). As for the drawings of the entire page in the German edition, they are completely different topics than Karnovsky engravings. The screensaver engraving in the Arithmetic 1703, without a doubt, is borrowed from this publication. We inform the discrepancies in both compositions: in the book in German, this engraving is made in the technique of copper engravings, placed after the title page in the form of a frontispisis, the size of the entire page (133x76 mm - the imprint. The crimp is not visible). The central figures of arithmetic are the same until the medallion on the neck. In the Russian edition, she looks a little sobc. Two other differences: Available in the German edition at the top of the architectural structure (Seni, under which the throne with a woman) two globes (star and earthly) are replaced in the Russian edition by hardwood in the style of Russian screensavers. Words in the foot of the columns ("arithmetic, that deet, on the pillars everything has") the German book is completely different. There are small inserting two sayings. Left: "That the diligent father adds, then the naughty son will deduct," right: "What is multiplied well, then God does not share." These words in the Russian edition are replaced easier. After acquaintance with the "arithmetic" of Magnitsky and one of the benefits for its compilation began to be clearer the appearance of the author was clearer. It was not only a famous scientist of his time, mathematician, which was then rarity, but in his face we see and poet, since there is no reason to think that the verses placed in "arithmetic" have another author. He was and an excellent teacher. This is clear not only from its explanations, but also from placed two, four and sixsties that give the "dry" science. In his poetic preface, Leontius Filippovich says that on his book you can learn yourself, - he understood the benefit of self-education and visibility in training. He also shows itself aware of the sciences as history, geography, navigation, philosophy. Without a doubt, he was understood well in the Greek and Latin texts and knew new languages \u200b\u200bof the West. It seems that both specialists and everyone who loving the old book will be interested to learn new about the "arithmetic" of Magnitsky.

About the "arithmetic" of Leonty Filippovich Magnetsky, in which Russian rates studied two centuries, heard many, but not everyone knows that it was created as a textbook for future trained in.
About the creator of a unique textbook, Leonty Magnetsky, not so much known. Most information about him refers to years when he has already taught in a navigator school. On the children's years, it is known that he was born in the peasant family in the Ostashkovsky Monastery Sloboda on the shore of Lake Seliger. The father of the future mathematics was called Philipp, his nickname was calves, the surnames at that time were not relying to the peasants. The boy was still in childhood learned to read independently, thanks to which at times they performed the duties of the psaller in the local church.
The fate of the young man has changed dramatically when he was sent from his native settlement with the fish to the Josepho Volokolam monastery. Apparently, in the monastery, the parenchy showed interest in the books, and Igumen, making sure his literacy, left Leonty by the reader. After a year, Igumen had blessed the young school to his studies at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, who was the main educational institution in Russia for that period. At the Academy of Leonth, he studied about eight years.
It is curious that the mathematics, which Magnitsky then was engaged before the end of his life, did not teach the Academy. Consequently, her Leonthy studied independently, as well as the foundations of navigation and astronomy. Having finished the Academy, Leonthius did not go through the clergy, as Iguumen who went to study him, and began to teach mathematics, and possibly languages, in families
In Moscow and occurred his meeting with
who knew how to find people useful for Russia, from any of the seas of society they took place. Belonny teacher who did not even have the surnames liked by the king of deep knowledge, received a peculiar gift from the monarch. Peter commanded him to continue to be called Magnitsky, since he attracted his scholarship to himself as a magnet. For modern people The significance of this gift is not entirely clear, and in fact, at that time, only representatives had the names .
The literature meets that Leonthy protested archimandrite nectarians (calves), allegedly familiar with the king. This is a mistake, the coincidence of the name of Archimandrite and the nickname of Leonty's father do not mean that they were relatives, and nectaries died two years before the birth of the future mathematics.
The Russian nobility of the royal gift did not bring Magnitsky, but it soon happened its appointment on public serviceWhat the recording is preserved: "February in 1 day (1701) taken to the statement of the Armory of the Armed Forces of the Ostushkovoye Leonty Magnitsky, who was ordered for the sake of people's benefit to publish an arithmetic book for the Slovenian dialect. And he wishes to host the Cadashevca Cyprianov's commasive community for the emergence of the commission. Please note that he is not simply charged to create a tutorial, but also allowed to take an assistant state account.
During the preparation of the tutorial, the tag was appointed a forage money at the rate of 5 Altyn a day, which is almost 50 rubles for the year - the money for those times is considerable. Apparently, Zaggnitsky began to make it possible, since at the beginning of March, at the beginning of the king, a one-time monetary suggestion from the revenues of the Armory Chamber is 12 rubles of Magnitsky and 8 rubles of Cyprian. Peter was not just an arithmetic textbook, but a comprehensive book with an affordable presentation of the main sections of mathematics, focused on the needs of maritime and military affairs. So worked above the tutorial of Magnitsky with a navigator school open this year in Moscow in
. Here he could use the library, benefits and navigation instruments, as well as advice and help of foreigners and teachers and which apparently controlled the course of writing the textbook.
Surprisingly, the textbook was written and published in just two years. At the same time, he was simply a translation of foreign textbooks, according to the structure and in content it was completely independent work, and even remotely resembling his textbooks in Europe at that time did not exist. Naturally, the author used European textbooks and works in mathematics and took something out of them, but outlined as he considered it necessary. In fact, Magnitsky created not a textbook, but encyclopedia of mathematical and navigation sciences. Moreover, the book was written was a simple, figurative and understandable language, to study mathematics on it, with certain initial knowledge, it was possible on their own.
According to the tradition of that time, the author gave the book a long name - "arithmetic, siren science numerical. From different dialects on the Slacensky language, perceded, and in a single collected, and the two books are divided. " The author did not forget and mention himself - "Peeping the book through the works of Leontia Magnetskago," soon everything began to call the book short and simply - "Math Magnitty".
In a book containing more than 600 pages, the author disassembled the arithmetic action with integer and fractional numbers in detail, gave information about a monetary account, measures and scales, led many practical tasks, in relation to the realities of Russian life. Then outlined algebra, geometry and trigonometry. In the last section, called "generally about earthly sizing and naz to the navigation," considered the applied application of mathematics in the nautical business.
Magnitsky in his tutorial not only sought
clarify mathematical rules, but also to induce interest in studies. He constantly on specific examples from everyday life, military and maritime practice emphasized the importance of mathematics knowledge. Even the tasks tried to formulate that they cause interest, they often reminded jokes with an intricate mathematical plot.

Photos from
The textbook was so successful that for several years spread throughout Russia. Apparently, in the period of writing the Tutorial, Magnitsky began to teach in a navigator school, with which he had to tie all his life. Until 1739, Leony Filippovich first taught, and then headed a navigator school, raising a whole Pharyad of students, many of whom became prominent military and statesmen of Russia.
Magnitsky's authority among the contemporaries was huge. Poet and philologist V.K. Tremakovsky wrote about him as a conscientious and non-visible person, the first Russian publisher and teacher of arithmetic and geometry. Admiral V.Ya. Chichagov called the magnetic great mathematician, and his book responded as a sample of scholarships. "The gates of their scholarship" considered "Magnitsky's arithmetic"
Leonatiy Filippovich Magitsky died in 1739 at the age of 70. At the beginning of the 30s of the last century, during the construction of the metro in Moscow, the grave was discovered at the corner of Lubyansky and Myasnitsk. In a half-brine inscription on the grave stone was proclaimed everlasting memory Leontia Filippovich Magnetsky, the first mathematician in Russia in Russia, born on June 9, 1669, and the deceased at 1 o'clock in the morning from 19 to October 20, 1739. Already in our time in the rest in memory of his famous countryman Magnets installed a small monument.

From the full title of the book
In original:
"Arithmetic siren science is numerical. From different dialects on slavic Translated, and in a single collected, and two books are divided. The current commandment of the pious and Velikago of the sovereign of our king and Velikago Prince Peter Aleksievich, All Gorya and the Malya and the Bellya of Russia, the autocrat. With the noblest great state owner, our Tsarevich and the Grand Duza Alexy Petrovich, in the lawospatest Great Grade Moscow with typographic embossed for the training of the wider-loving Russian details, and all the ranks and the rave of people were produced, the first, in the summer of the creation of MPA 7211, from the fact The flesh of God's words 1703, Indict 11, the month of Yanuaria. "

In modern Russian it sounds like this:
"Arithmetic is a science of numbers. This book, divided into two volumes, was written on the basis of texts collected worldwide on different languages. Published by order of our king Peter Alekseevich and printed in the Moscow typography. Recommended for the training of children of middle and senior school age, as well as for all those who wish to expand their knowledge.
January 7211 cm of the year or 1703 wing of year. "

Short certificate
Magnitsky, Leonty Filippovich - Mathematics (1669 - 1739). Studied at the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy; Then he independently studied mathematical sciences, in a volume far exceeding the level of information reported in Russian arithmetic, leaving and astronomical manuscripts XVII century. After opening in Moscow (1701), the school "mathematical and navigator science" was appointed there by a teacher of arithmetic and, in all likelihood, geometry and trigonometry. Compiled an educational encyclopedia in mathematics under the title "Arithmetic, siren science numeral and so on." (1703), comprising a lengthy statement of arithmetic, the articles are essential for practical applications, an elementary algebra, application of arithmetic and algebras to geometry, practical geometry, the concept of calculating trigonometric tables and on trigonometric calculations in general and the necessary initial information from astronomy, geodesy and navigation (now it turns out New edition of this arithmetic; Issue 1, Moscow, 1914, with preface P. Baranova). As a textbook, this book has been used for more than half a century in schools. Later, Magnitsky participated in the first Russian edition of Logarithmic tables A. Vlakka. The government of Peter the Great did not appreciate the merit of Magnitsky and put it as a teacher, below his comrades-British, Farvars, and Guine. He received a much smaller salary, and when his comrades were translated into St. Petersburg, in the seaside academy opened there (1715), he remained in Moscow at the same post at the School, which took the newly open academy to the secondary position.

Leonatiy Filippovich Magnitsky (calves)

9 (19) June 1669 in the Ostashkovskaya Patriarchal Slobod (now - the city of Ostashkov) Tverskaya province in the family of the peasant Philip Telshina was born Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, Russian Mathematician and teacher, author of the first Russian printed manual in mathematics - "arithmetic ..." (1703).
Leonthius Talishin grew up on the shore of Seliger, near the monastery of the Nilo-Councilian desert, which at that time was the center of the spiritual culture of Russia. In the handwritten library of the monastery, he acquired the first knowledge. It is noteworthy that the library gathered the abbot and builder of the Nilo Desert, the Metropolitan of Siberian and Tobolsky Netary, who had to the cousin Leonia. A talented boy struck the monks with his hardworking and a great desire to "read in the Church of the Current and difficult". In 1684, he was sent to Josepho-Volokolamsky monastery to improve knowledge, and then in Moscow Simonov Monastery. Given the strong desire of Leonthia to learn, he was soon determined in the Slavic Greco-Latin Academy that recently opened in Moscow.
At the Academy of Leontin, Tvershin studied Latin and Greek, and independently - German, Dutch and Italian. He also got the opportunity to independently examine the mathematical science not taught at the Academy, and moreover, in the volume, which was far exceeded the level of information reported in Russian arithmetic, land and astronomical manuscripts of the XVII century. In 1700, Leonthius was represented by the king Peter I and made a strong impression on the sovereign with its outstanding mental development and extensive knowledge, especially in the field of mathematics. As a sign of respect and recognition of the advantages of Petr I, I complained to him the name Magnitsky, "in comparing, as a magnet attracts iron to himself, he drew attention to himself with natural and self-educated abilities," said Peter.
In 1694-1701. Magnitsky taught children in private homes, and he himself was engaged in self-education. In 1701, by order of Peter I, he was appointed a teacher of the Moscow navigator of the school, or school "mathematical and naval, that is, the seaworthy of the teachings of the teachings", which was placed in the building of the Sukhareva Tower. Magnitsky began working as an assistant to the Scottish teacher of Mathematics A. D. Farvars, and then - a teacher of arithmetic and, in all likelihood, geometry and trigonometry. In the same years, he was instructed to write a textbook on mathematics and shipment. "Arithmetic, siren science numeral with different dialects to the Slameny language translated and uniformly collected, and on two books divided" Leonty Magnitsky - the first in Russia, the educational encyclopedia in mathematics - was published in 1703. Huge for those years in circulation in 2400 copies.
The "arithmetic" of Magnitsky contained a lengthy statement of arithmetic, the articles are essential for practical applications of elementary algebra, an application of arithmetic and algebra to geometry, practical geometry, the concept of calculating trigonometric tables and on trigonometric calculations in general and the necessary initial information from astronomy, geodesy and navigation. The educational book was compiled on sources, including, in addition to foreign books, the Russian arithmetic manuscripts of the XVII century were included.
Leonthius Magnitsky was a scientist who possessed deep theologian knowledge. In his "arithmetic" he tied up science with the sacred Scriptures, proving that the "acceptance of science" "is God that is immelled" beauty. " On numerous examples, the mathematician explained that "sciences" do not contradict the "law of God" - such an interpretation of the issue of "science and religion" was very progressive for that time. Many information placed in "arithmetic" was reported for the first time in Russian literature. Thanks to scientific and methodological and literary advantages, this book played a significant role in the dissemination of mathematical knowledge in Russia: on "arithmetic" studied M. V. Lomonosov, who called her "gates of learning."
In 1715, a maritime academy was opened in St. Petersburg, where the training of military sciences was postponed, and only arithmetic, geometry and trigonometry began to be taught in the Moscow navigator school. From that moment on, Magnitsky was appointed senior school teacher, and from 1732 to last days His life was the head by an educational part of the school.
Leonatiy Filippovich Magnitsky died on 19 (30) October 1739 and was buried in the church of the Grebidskaya icon of the Mother of God from Nikolsky Gate in Moscow.

In the year of the founding of Moscow University, Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov, wrote about Peter I: "To the great intentions of the monarch, the monarch provided for the necessary thing to be necessary for any kind of knowledge to extend in the fatherland and people skillful in high sciences ...". In January 2005, the 250th anniversary of the university was noted largely. President of Russia V. Putin arrived on the opening of the new building of the library. In the hall where the flags of Russia, Moscow and Moscow University hung, there was also a plasma panel showing the video offered to your attention. I wanted to remember what was meant to form for Peter I. With the huge participation of Peter in Russia, the first domestic textbook on mathematics is published. Going 1703 year. Leonatiy Filippovich Magnitsky publishes "arithmetic." "Arithmetic, siren science numeral. From different dialects to the Slavic language translated, and together assembled, and into two parts separated. " Labor Leonty Filippovich was not transferred, analogs of the textbook at that time did not exist. It was a unique book. "Arithmetic or numerator, there is an honest artistic, non-obvious, ..." studies of the most textbook "arithmetic" and his author's life is given in the book of 1914 Dmitry Dmitrievich Galanina "Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky and his arithmetic." We just have a few strokes. The tutorial contains more than 600 pages and includes both the start - the table of addition and multiplying decimal numbers, and the application of mathematics to navigation sciences. Magnitsky teaches Russia with decimal terms. What is interesting, he gives the table of addition and multiplication not in the form, as it is customary to publish on the last page of the 12-sheet notebook, but only half it. That is, the commutativity of these operations was given immediately. After the top three tasks for addition, the following examples contain more than a dozen terms. The textbook also considers geometry. For example, the Pythagora theorem is studied on the task of a tower of some height and a staircase of a certain length. How much do you need to push the lower end of the stairs to the top of the coincidence with the top of the tower? The geometry of the circle, inscribed by polygons, is studied, ... all tasks used in the book, vital. Well, the "arithmetic" ends, of course, the applications of the material studied to life. In particular, using logarithmic tables in navigation case. Several copies of "arithmetic" carefully retained in the department of rare books and manuscripts of the library of Moscow University. The second Russian textbook on mathematics was a book translated in 1708 with German Ya. V. Bruce, "Geometry of Slovenian Surveyor". The "Geometry" was based on the Austrian edition of the "Trees of Circular and Rule." Found North WarAnd in the interruptions between the battles of Peter I personally edits the textbook. The manuscript sent to him by Bruce is made by the amendments, marks, inserts and additions "in the premium places." The king gave a textbook and a new name. In this edition, Petr in practice carried out his requirement for Russian textbooks and translations from other languages. He considered it necessary to transmit the not literal accuracy of the text of the original, but "by expressing the text, [...] to write to your tongue, as it is estimated [...] and not high words of Slovenian, but a simple Russian language." In the second edition of this book, published under the "Trees of Circular and Rulers", the third part contained the texts of Russian authors, and the head of construction sun hour Peter I was written. For the textbook represented in the video, as well as the situation in Russia, the famous quotes were surprising in an amazing way that I would like to remind the President of Russia. "Mathematics - Queen of science, arithmetic - Queen of Mathematics." K. F. Gauss. "To start artillery, ..., what are the considerable knowledge of geometry, mechanics and chemistry are required ...". M. V. Lomonosov. "... We lost to the Russians for the school desk." J. Kennedy.

In Moscow and his meeting occurred with Peter I, who knew how to find people useful for Russia, from any seas of society they took place. Belonny teacher who did not even have the surnames liked by the king of deep knowledge, received a peculiar gift from the monarch. Peter commanded him to continue to be called Magnitsky, since he attracted his scholarship to himself as a magnet. For modern people, the significance of this gift is not entirely understood, and in fact, at that time, the names had only representatives of the highest nobility.
The literature meets that Leonthy protested archimandrite nectarians (calves), allegedly familiar with the king. This is a mistake, the coincidence of the name of Archimandrite and the nickname of Leonty's father do not mean that they were relatives, and nectaries died two years before the birth of the future mathematics.
The Russian nobility of the royal gift did not bring Magnitsky, but he soon happened to the public service, which was preserved by recording: "February in 1 day (1701) took into the statement of the Armory District of Leonty Magnitsky, who was ordered for the sake of people's benefit from Work your Slovenian dialect of the book Arithmetic. And he wishes to host the Cadashevca Cyprianov's commasive community for the emergence of the commission. Please note that he is not simply charged to create a tutorial, but also allowed to take an assistant state account.
During the preparation of the tutorial, the tag was appointed a forage money at the rate of 5 Altyn a day, which is almost 50 rubles for the year - the money for those times is considerable. Apparently, Zaggnitsky began to make it possible, since at the beginning of March, at the beginning of the king, a one-time monetary suggestion from the revenues of the Armory Chamber is 12 rubles of Magnitsky and 8 rubles of Cyprian. Peter was not just an arithmetic textbook, but a comprehensive book with an affordable presentation of the main sections of mathematics, focused on the needs of maritime and military affairs. Therefore, it worked on the tutorial Magnitsky with a naval school, open this year in Moscow in the Sukhareva Tower. Here he could use the library, benefits and navigation instruments, as well as advice and help of foreigners and Yakov Bruce teachers, which, apparently, controlled the course of writing the textbook.
Surprisingly, the textbook was written and published in just two years. At the same time, he was simply a translation of foreign textbooks, according to the structure and in content it was completely independent work, and even remotely resembling his textbooks in Europe at that time did not exist. Naturally, the author used European textbooks and works in mathematics and took something out of them, but outlined as he considered it necessary. In fact, Magnitsky created not a textbook, but encyclopedia of mathematical and navigation sciences. Moreover, the book was written was a simple, figurative and understandable language, to study mathematics on it, with certain initial knowledge, it was possible on their own.
According to the tradition of that time, the author gave the book a long name - "arithmetic, siren science numerical. From different dialects on the Slacensky language, perceded, and in a single collected, and the two books are divided. " The author did not forget and mention himself - "Peeping the book through the works of Leontia Magnetskago," soon everything began to call the book short and simply - "Math Magnitty".
Fedor Alekseev. Lubyanka. Left Church of the Grebnevsky Mother of God, near which L.F. was buried Magnitsky
In a book containing more than 600 pages, the author disassembled the arithmetic action with integer and fractional numbers in detail, gave information about a monetary account, measures and scales, led many practical tasks, in relation to the realities of Russian life. Then outlined algebra, geometry and trigonometry. In the last section, called "generally about earthly sizing and naz to the navigation," considered the applied application of mathematics in the nautical business.
Magnitsky in his tutorial not only sought to clearly explain the mathematical rules, but also to induce interest in studies. He constantly on specific examples from everyday life, military and maritime practice emphasized the importance of mathematics knowledge. Even the tasks tried to formulate that they cause interest, they often reminded jokes with an intricate mathematical plot.
The textbook was so successful that for several years spread throughout Russia. Apparently, in the period of writing the tutorial Magnitsky
He began to teach in a navigator school, with which he had to tie all his life. Until 1739, Leony Filippovich first taught, and then headed a navigator school, raising a whole Pharyad of students, many of whom became prominent military and statesmen of Russia.
Magnitsky's authority among the contemporaries was huge. Poet and philologist V.K. Tremakovsky wrote about him as a conscientious and non-visible person, the first Russian publisher and teacher of arithmetic and geometry. Admiral V.Ya. Chichagov called the magnetic great mathematician, and his book responded as a sample of scholarships. "The gates of their scholarship" considered "Magnitsky's arithmetic" M. V. Lomonosov.
Leonatiy Filippovich Magitsky died in 1739 at the age of 70. At the beginning of the 30s of the last century, during the construction of the metro in Moscow, the grave was discovered at the corner of Lubyansky and Myasnitsk. In a half-brine lettering on the grave stone, the eternal memory of Leonthia Philippovich Magnetsky, the first in Russia in Russia, the teacher born on June 9, 1669, and the deceased at 1 o'clock in the morning from 19 to October 20, 1739. Already in our time in Ostashkov in memory of his The famous countryman Magnitsky installed a small monument.

With the tremendous participation of Peter the first in Russia, the first domestic textbook on mathematics is coming. Going 1703 year. Leonatiy Filippovich Magnitsky publishes "arithmetic." Labor Leonty Filippovich was not transferred, analogs of the textbook at that time did not exist. It was a unique book. The tutorial contains more than 600 pages and includes both the start - the table of addition and multiplying decimal numbers, and the application of mathematics to navigation sciences.

From the preface of the book it is clear that she was printed by Peter's order Ⅰ "For the sake of learning the wider-loving Russian counters and any nutland and the age of people." Magnitsky did a huge job to the material described in the book was affordable and interesting for the reader. Many paragraphs end with poems that summarize the studied. For example, the wish from the preface to the book:

"And we wish this work

Good use Russian all people. "

In the "arithmetic" of Maginsk, for the first time in Russia, such primary figures were used for calculations for computations.

On the title page is shown in the center - the emblem of the Russian Empire, on the left - a merchant, symbolizing "politics", right - a scientist personifies "logistics". On Vignette, the inscription "Arithmetic, the policy with it is another logistics of named publishers in equal times written." Pythagoras and Archimedes are written on the sides of the ribbons. In joining, it is said: "Arithmetic, or a numerator, there is an artistic one, non-obvious and all the steady, multi-sighted and multiplied, from the oldest and newest, at different times the arithmetic components invented and outlined." In this definition, "art" should be understood as the ability, "honest" - worthy, "non-obvious" - objective. For this book, the generation of Russian people studied. Lomonosov called her "the gates of her teaching" and knew much by heart. Several copies of "arithmetic" carefully retained in the department of rare books and manuscripts of the library of Moscow University.