Smallest print. Changing the font size to non-standard values

At what is the smallest font size
are the letters of the Russian alphabet still recognized?

  • 13px:
  • 9px: The fly sat down on the jam, that's the whole poem.
  • 6px: The fly sat down on the jam, that's the whole poem.
  • 5px: The fly sat down on the jam, that's the whole poem.

Words typed in small print are guessed by the letters of a simple form: U, O, T ...

Let's take a closer look at the five-pixel font:

So, the first estimate showed that 4 pixels in height is enough to read the Russian text with difficulty, but still.
Where are 4 pixels from? → 3 pixels + detail (1 pixel) for letters like P, Y, L ...

Well-readable letters

To make the letters read without question, you need to space adjacent strokes from each other by at least one pixel. Letters E (3 horizontal strokes) and Щ (4 vertical strokes) determine the minimum height and width:

To save size, microfonts use translucency, or change the classic letterforms:

The semi-transparent stroke on the letter E made it possible to reduce its height by 1 pixel (you can also decrease it by 2). But now we will do without these chips (for the purity of the experiment), however, the stroke of the letter will have to be neglected (this is the widest letter).

We get the minimum letter size: 5 × 5 pixels... Let's draw a test alphabet:

The letters can be drawn in many different ways, but it is obvious that a 5 × 5 size can fit, and even then there is even freedom to style the font.

On the Spectrum (a computer from my childhood), the letters fit into an 8x8 square (their actual size was 6x6, so they don't stick together). Dozens of unique fonts have been created in this small format. Eh, nostalgia 😃

By the way, one more trick: uppercase letters instead of lowercase letters (and vice versa). For example, lowercase d less than uppercase. The font I just drew had to use lowercase th: otherwise the upper "bird" would not fit.

A bit of information theory

There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet, but writing requires at least numbers and punctuation marks. For example, in a 2 × 3 rectangle, you can write 2 6 \u003d 64 different symbols, and this amount is enough to convey our set of letters, numbers and signs. These fictitious characters will be completely different from Russian letters:

By the way, a 5x5 pixel canvas allows you to create 33,554,432 different symbols.

Redundancy of language

In pursuit of micro-size, you can generally abandon complex letters (or depict them exaggeratedly). The Russian language is large and powerful, and also rather redundant: words with loss of symbols are determined based on the context.

Those who have used the MS Word word processor at least a couple of times in their lives probably know where in this program you can change the font size. It's a small window on the Home tab, located in the Font toolset. The drop-down list of this window contains a list of standard values \u200b\u200bfrom smallest to largest - choose any.

The problem is that not all users know how to increase the font in the Word more than 72 units specified by default, or how to make it smaller than the standard 8, or how you can set any arbitrary value. In fact, this is quite simple to do, which we will discuss below.

Changing the font size to non-standard values

1. Select the text, the size of which you want to make more than the standard 72 units, using the mouse.

Note:If you are just planning to enter text, just click in the place where it should be.

2. On the quick access panel in the tab "Home" in the tool group "Font", in the window next to the name of the font, where it is indicated numerical value, click with the mouse.

3. Highlight the setpoint and delete it by pressing "BackSpace" or "Delete".

4. Enter the required font size and click "ENTER"without forgetting that the text must somehow fit on the page.

Lesson: How to change the page format in Word

5. The font size will be resized according to the values \u200b\u200byou specified.

In the same way, you can change the font size downward, that is, smaller than the standard 8. In addition, you can set arbitrary values \u200b\u200bthat differ from the standard steps in the same way.

Changing the font size step by step

It is far from always possible to immediately understand which font size is needed. If you don't know this either, you can try changing the font size step by step.

1. Select the piece of text you want to resize.

2. In the tool group "Font" (tab "Home") press the button with a capital letter AND (to the right of the window with the size) to increase the size or the button with a smaller letter AND to reduce it.

3. The font size will change each time you press the button.

Note:Using the buttons to change the font size step by step allows you to increase or decrease the font only by standard values \u200b\u200b(steps), but not in order. And yet, in this way you can make the size over the standard 72 or under 8 units.

To learn more about what else you can do with fonts in Word and how to change them, you can learn from our article.

Lesson: How to change the font in Word

As you can see, it is quite easy to increase or decrease the font in the Word above or below the standard values. We wish you success in further mastering all the intricacies of this program.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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Despite the rapid development information technologies and the emergence of various gadgets associated with them, the main assistants of students during exams are still the good old cheat sheets, or as the students themselves jokingly call them "spurs". These small strips of paper written in small print have stood the test of time and are still used by many students during the exam period.

Where can they help? modern technologies - so this is in the process of preparing cheat sheets. Typewritten text typed in the Word editor will allow you to get the maximum density of information per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet, while earlier you had to write spurs by hand in small handwriting.

Let's consider step by step one of the possible options for composing spurs in the Word text editor, the tools, functions and settings used for this.

  1. As mentioned above, in the process of creating cheat sheets, it is necessary to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe paper as much as possible. This means that one A4 sheet should include several columns of text information, which will then be cut into appropriate strips. Therefore, the first thing to start with is to set the general formatting of the page and split the sheet into several columns.
  2. Set the left and right margins on the sheet of paper equal to 0.5-1.0 cm. They must be made equal so that the columns do not shift during duplex printing, and the sheet of paper can be cut after making up the spur without affecting the text itself.
    To do this, go to the tab Page layout and click on the arrow in the lower right corner in the settings group Page settings.

    setting page parameters In the window that opens, set the values \u200b\u200bfor the top, bottom, left and right margins and click OK to apply the settings.

    setting page parameters It is impossible to leave the document completely borderless, as the borders of the text can go beyond the printable area of \u200b\u200bthe printer and as a result either you get clipped text, or you will have to change the formatting of an already created cheat sheet.

    It is possible that when setting the margins to the same size, the printer itself will shift the text to one side by a few millimeters during printing. In this case, you will need to correct the left and right margins. For example, if during printing due to the peculiarities of the printer, the text is shifted to the left, then in the text editor in the page settings, increase the left margin and decrease the right.

    It is advisable to carry out a test print with the selected margins on your printer in order to select their optimal value and not waste time later on straightening the finished spurs.

  3. Break the page into columns. Here you need to start from the value of the width that you want to get in the ready-made cheat sheets. For example, if you need the width of the cribs 5 cm, then you need to divide the A4 sheet with the settings above into four equal columns.
    Column breakdown is done as follows. While in the same setting group Page layout click the button Loudspeakers and in the drop-down menu select the last item Other speakers.

    setting the number of columns per sheet In the window that opens, set in the line Number of columns value 4, check the box Delimiter, as a result of which horizontal lines will appear on the sheet, along which it will be convenient for you to cut the sheet later. Next, check that there is a mark on the item columns of the same size and reduce the spacing between columns to 0.2 cm. Press the OK to apply the settings.

    setting columns in a document

  4. Make sure not to set any extra padding within the columns. To do this, in the menu group home click on the triangle in the lower right corner in the settings group Paragraph and check the value of the left and right indents. They should be set to a value equal to 0 cm. Set the line spacing equal to the size of the font used. We recommend focusing on values \u200b\u200bof 6-7 pts.

    checking indentation in a document

  5. The minimum font size available for selection in the Word is 8 points. To use a smaller font, select the font size value, delete it by pressing Delete or Backspace on the keyboard and enter the value you want. The optimal font size is 5-7 pt. Please note that it is possible to enter fractional values \u200b\u200bseparated by commas. For example: 5.5, 6.5 and so on.
  6. Type in the desired text or paste it in partial or full copy if it is stored electronically. For it is recommended to use compact, readable fonts. For example, Times New Roman. An example of an extremely unfortunate font that is highly stretched horizontally is Courier New.
  7. In order to save space, it is also advisable to use various abbreviations, such as those used when taking notes on lectures. For example, the word "state" can be halved to "state", "leadership" can be reduced to "hand-in", "formula" to "f-la", "function" to "f-z" and so on. Use search and replace in text to replace all occurrences of abbreviated words.
  8. You can use colored markers or felt-tip pens to highlight various key points in the text. If you are the proud owner of a color laser printer, then this operation is very easy to do in the Word itself by highlighting sections of text with color.


  9. Print the preset in duplex mode and carefully cut the sheets along the vertical separation lines.
  10. Now all that remains is to fold the spurs "accordion" or cut them into separate cards, depending on what is more convenient for you and choose the place where you will store them for the exam.

Thus, modern technologies can be successfully applied to create small spurs. We will leave the issues of ethical use of the tricks discussed in the article for the personal consideration of each. We only note that it has always been believed that even a simple compilation of cheat sheets is already useful if they are compiled with your own hand. You may never need to use them. Indeed, in the process of creating them, you at least repeat the information and remember it.

Also, an important factor is that the presence of spurs allows many examinees to reduce the psychological stress before the exam, which in itself increases the chances of its successful passing.

When using the Word program, making out their documents, users do not even realize that much more can be done using this program than the various settings offered in the menu. This is the case with fonts. When choosing a font size, many users have the question of how to make the font in Word more than 72 or how to make the font in Word less than 8, because it is these values \u200b\u200bas the maximum and minimum value of the font size that are written in the settings.

In fact, making a large font in Word or making a small font in Word is as easy as typing the text itself. The font size in Word is not limited to the specified sizes from 8 to 72, and to make the font in Word less than 8 or more than 72, you just need to enter the required value yourself.

If you wish, you can even make the default font in Word exactly what you need. To do this, go to the "Font" settings on the "Home" tab, configure all the parameters and press the "Default" button. Now, when creating new documents in the Word, the font you selected will be installed by default.

Also articles on the website related to the Word program:
How to open a ruler in Word?
How to make a red line in a Word?

How to create a table in Word?

Inexpressive notes, eye-killing footnotes, readable only with a magnifying glass, instructions and even books from the series “What would you like for that kind of money” - all this is he, our hero. Someone is sad to put up with the inevitability, but for a professional, small print is a completely solvable typographic task, although not a pleasant one. The ability to cope with it is a sign of the designer's literacy and professionalism.

The very expression "small print" is conditional, therefore it is taken in quotation marks. Technically pin(size) is not a characteristic of a font, but from a design point of view, each font still has an optimal size range, in which it is better to read. Favorite font size Octave the eighth, it is clear from its name (legibility deteriorates in pins less than 6-7, and in pins over 12 the headset seems rough). Most textheadset ( Baltic, Literary, Petersburg, Baskerville and Caslon) in all incarnations, Stamp Garamond and other versions close to the original source Garamon, of course, The Times designed for standard 10-12 book pins. A kind of text font Academichas an elaborate pattern and a very small point, as a result of which in 12 pins it looks like The Timesat 10, and at 10 or less, it turns into unreadable beads. No less original Sentor(in Cyrillic version Venetian 301) also prefers a slightly enlarged size, because this is a true Venetian serif, quite accurately reproducing the features of Nicholas Jenson's font, created in 1470, and then books were typed in a larger type.

Loved by everyone in last years ITC Oficina ideal at 10 pins and sharp (especially ITC Oficina Serif) loses readability when reduced to 7-8. But there is no point in decreasing, Oficinaand so saves up to a third of the text space.

ITC Charterrareexample universalfont. It stands up to strong downsizing and looks good in large sizes, even in headlines.

Designed based on fonts typewriters group led by By courierlooks best in 12 pt, and some are perfectly read in 10 pt or even smaller. But there were practically no such typewriters in our country, the 12-point font was considered the standard, and publishers only accepted printed manuscripts. And here's the result: the eye is accustomed to a certain typewritten font size. It seems that now nothing prevents to print Yatranany size (at least 13.5), but the reader, especially the older generation, will definitely feel discomfort

Everything handwrittenfonts (calligraphic and free) are best printed according to the size of handwritten letters (14-18 points). In small sizes it will seem that the text was written by some dwarf, and it will be difficult to read.

How to choose

Not all fonts, even text ones, can be reduced to 6-7, especially with smaller sizes. But if alone ( Academic, Bodoni) protest categorically, then others ( Bannikovskaya, ITC Garamond) tolerate relatively well. The problem is solved by simply flipping through the catalog and selecting. Experienced layout designers also know some useful patterns. It is intuitively clear that a candidate for a small print role must have certain characteristics.

In a talk given by British typographer Mark Barrett at the ATypI conference in Helsinki in September 2005, the following guidelines for constructing or selecting typefaces for use in small size are given:

  1. The drawing of the font should be simple, clear and familiar. Revolutionary shapes and design sophistication are out of place.
  2. The font should have an enlarged lowercase point and wide proportions.
  3. Contrast is relatively weak, about 3/4.
  4. Open forms are preferable to closed ones.
  5. There are either no serifs at all, or they should be "strengthened" by giving them a simple and even rough shape. The font should not have any details that disappear when reduced.

ITC Garamonde.g. differs from canonical versions Garamongreatly altered proportions: he has a very large point and reduced, kurganzny outlets. Not the best font for typesetting books, but it is successfully used for technical purposes in 6-7 point size. A large point and fairly wide proportions have Bitstream Cooper, and ITC Oficina Sans, although it is a grotesque with a large point, does not allow for a strong reduction, since it is very narrow. Deals even worse ITC Oficina Serif, this is also prevented by massive slab serifs. Center ( Venetian 301) interferes with working in small size, another font is too light, solemn (by the way, its bold and bold styles are better suited for a regular book set than normal). It is unacceptable to use a new style serif in small size. Thin horizontal elements Didoand any versions Bodoniwill literally start to disappear, the font will become not only illegible, but downright indistinguishable. Against this background, the headset looks unexpectedly advantageous in small size Bannikovskaya... Created in 1946-51. designed by Galina Bannikova, an elegant book font copes with a difficult task due to a precisely verified, piercing drawing.

The famous French designer, president of ATypI Jean-François Porchez, who has extensive experience in designing advanced typefaces for newspapers and magazines, actually outlines the following rule for constructing such a typeface. Along with the usual rows of styles, differing in saturation and inclination, a kind of display axis is created, along which the styles change according to their purpose and preferred size. On such an axis, you can arrange fonts for headings, subheadings, standard text and options for a very small set: imprint, captions to photographs, editorial apologies and corrections, etc. Occasion is made up of several characteristics of the style, as elementary (contrast, proportions) , and more complex (characteristic features of the picture).

In fig. 4 it can be seen that in the days of metal typesetting, the type design of the various sizes did vary according to the above rules. This once again confirms that the new is just a well forgotten old.

In Western European typography based on the Latin alphabet, the question is deeply developed. Advanced headsets (but only they can bring the author commercial success) not only contain text and heading styles, but often include options specifically for typing in small size. Which Latin Fonts Are Better For This Purpose According to Barrett: Amplitude(developer by Font Bureau) Bell centennial (Bitstream), Formata(Berthold), Frutiger(Linotype), Georgia(Microsoft), Griffith gothic (Font Bureau), Gulliver(Gerard Unger), Gulliver CPA (Gerard Unger), Neue helvetica(Linotype), Lucida Fax (Bigelow & Holmes), Lucida Sans (Bigelow and Holmes), Nimrod(Monotype), Poynter Agate (Font Bureau), Swift(Gerard Unger), Verdana(Microsoft), Vesta(Gerard Unger), Weidemann(ITC).

It is a pity that most of the list are fonts that do not have adequate Cyrillic versions. One of the pleasant exceptions Verdana... Created by order of Microsoft by one of the best modern type designers, Matthew Carter, the OpenType font was designed to support many languages, including Russian. Cyrillic fonts, even those developed by the best foreign authors, are often not very successful and are alien to the Russian graphic tradition, but drawing Verdandoes not cause any criticism even among our most passionate connoisseurs of type art. Wide proportions Verdantypical of American text fonts. Yes, and Microsoft fonts were developed as screen fonts: this alone, in fact, solving the same problem guarantees good legibility in small size. All of the above applies equally to the second typeface by Matthew Carter, made for Microsoft, George; although Verdanaas grotesque is still preferable. Insofar as Verdana and Georgia is found in almost any computer running Windows, you can assume that the simplest solution for small text is always at your fingertips.

Now let's try to compose a complete list of Cyrillic we need fonts. Like all design guidelines, this opinion is controversial but, hopefully, useful. Having leafed through the font catalogs and keeping in mind the formulated criteria, the following Cyrillic typefaces and styles can be recommended for typing in small size.

Size 8, 7: Bannikovskaya, Verdana, Georgia, ITC Charter, Bitstream Cooper, ITC Garamond, Octave, Swift, Times (different versions), Melior(in the Cyrillic version of the Zapf Elliptical 711), Bell Gothic, ITC Franklin Gothic (except for narrow styles), FreeSet, Aktsidenz-Grotesque (Gothic 725), Syntax(Humanist 531), Meta, Pragmatics (except superlight and extrabold styles), Janus.

Size 6, 5: Bannikovskaya, Verdana, Georgia, ITC Charter, ITC Garamond, Octave, Swift, Melior, FreeSet, Syntax, Meta, Pragmatics (excluding superlight and extrabold styles).

Size 4, 3: Verdana, FreeSet Normal, FreeSet Bold, Pragmatics Medium, Pragmatics Bold.

Good typography rules

Let's note a regularity: from a developed typeface for small text, as a rule, it is advisable to choose bold and bold styles. And it is better not to use the selection of fragments of text in bold type in small size. It is advisable to either do without display at all, or use italics, italics, or small caps.

In addition to the selection of the font, the text, typed in small size, improves simple rules good typography. Small print does not forgive mistakes: incorrectly chosen leading, inappropriately narrow or wide columns, not to mention such unoriginal design techniques as red text on a black background or underlay textures. If in ordinary text this simply impairs readability, then small text cannot be understood at all. But most importantly, on the advice of Master Barrett, where you should always start work on the layout of small text, try to convince the customer to give you at least a little more space. Really, wouldn't it be better to make the information shorter in exchange for the assurance that the entire text is actually read.

However, sometimes the customer deliberately resorts to small print, because he is not interested in the text being read. It is easy to guess to which clauses of agreements, contracts, all kinds of obligations and guarantees this applies. It is not difficult to fulfill such a requirement, it is enough to know the rules of layout of small text and do the opposite. Probably, tobacco companies would really like the notorious inscription "Ministry of Health warns", made in a light narrow Bodoniin size no more than 7. Fortunately, here the law protects not only health, but also the rules of good typography.


  1. Jean François Porchez: Fonts Don "t Come From Nothing. - Presentation at the ATypI-2005 conference.
  2. Mark Barratt: No Room! No Room! - Report at the ATypI-2005 conference.