Using ICTs for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. "The use of modern information communication technologies in the development of speech in children of senior preschool age

Currently, the system of preschool education is undergoing significant changes associated with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. The practice of preschool educational institutions indicates the need to expand the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the organization educational process.

At the same time, the use of computer technologies and electronic educational resources in today's education is mostly episodic. A holistic electronic educational environment as a factor in improving the quality of education has not yet been created. However, even now the introduction of new information computer technologies (ICT) not only changes the traditional view of education, but also helps in the implementation of the ideas of developing education, improving the forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

Referring to one more regulatory document. According to SanPin clause 12.21. “Directly educational activities using computers for children 5 - 7 years old should be carried out no more than one during the day and no more than three times a week on the days of the highest working capacity: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After working with a computer, children are given gymnastics for the eyes. Continuous duration of work with a computer in the form of educational games for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes. "

The advantages of using ICT can be summarized in two groups: technical and didactic.

The technical advantages are speed, efficiency, the ability to view and listen to fragments and other multimedia functions.

Didactic dignity - creating the effect of presence ("I saw it!"), Children have a sense of authenticity, reality of events, interest, desire to learn and see more. English proverb reads: "I heard - and forgot, I saw - and remembered." According to scientists, a person remembers 20% of what he hears and 30% of what he sees, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time. Thus, information technologies facilitate the process of perception and memorization of information using vivid images.

The systematic use of educational computer games, educational videos and demonstration presentations as a means of teaching develops imagination, abstract thinking in preschoolers, increases interest in the material being studied and in the topic of the lesson in general.

The priority area of \u200b\u200bour work is the development of speech. This direction was not chosen by chance, since many children have poorly developed speech. And therefore, the goal of our work is to teach children to speak cleanly, coherently, and grammatically correctly. To achieve this goal, we use various forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching in our work, as well as apply modern educational technologies, including information educational resources. Such requirements are imposed on the modern teacher.

We use ICT with children in the process of joint activities in speech development classes as a modern visual material. But problems often arise. Where to find required material and how best to demonstrate it? Available in kindergarten visual material is outdated. And the acquisition of a new one requires considerable material costs. Do-it-yourself manufacturing requires ability, and it does not always meet the necessary requirements for visibility.

The practice of using ICT allows us to conclude that the use of ICT in the educational process has the following advantages over traditional education:

1. Modernity and relevance of educational material.

2. Availability of additional and accompanying material.

3. Aesthetics and clarity.

4. Learning through play or practice

5. Increased interest in the problem.

The use of ICT in the educational process allows:

Enhance educational effects;

Improve the quality of assimilation of the material;

Implement a differentiated approach to children at different levels;

Organize simultaneously children with different abilities and capabilities.

ICT implementation is carried out in two directions:

Use of Internet resources; use of ready-made training programs;

Create presentations and interactive games yourself.

The need to improve the quality of visual material is the most compelling reason to think about using computer technology. One of the most successful forms is multimedia presentation.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bmy work is to harmoniously combine modern technologies with traditional methods of developing a child's speech.

Therefore, the main target of our work is: the development of speech of preschoolers through information and communication technologies.

Based on the goal, the following were set tasks:

Study regulatory legal documents, pedagogical literature on the use of ICT in work with preschoolers;

Justify the forms and methods of work when using ICT in working with children for the development of speech;

Use ICT tools to interact with parents on the development of children's speech;

Create a set of interactive games, computer didactic and teaching materials on the use of ICT for the work of a speech development teacher.

Classes using ICT are complex, combine both traditional and computer-aided learning tools, and they also integrate educational areas.

Creating a presentation lesson includes three stages:

1. Development of the plot, taking into account the methodological requirements for the lesson on the development of speech.

2. Selection of speech and visual material.

3. Technical execution of the presentation.

I believe that the use of non-traditional methods and techniques in speech development classes, for example, multimedia presentations, prevents children's fatigue, supports children's cognitive activity, and increases work efficiency in general. Their use in the classroom is interesting for children and, importantly, for me. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with children in front.

In our kindergarten, a set of multimedia presentations and interactive games is being formed in the following areas of work:

· Sound culture of speech.

· Development of phonemic perception, mastering the elements of literacy.

· Formation of lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

· Development of coherent speech.

The accumulated experience in working with ICT allows us to conclude that the use of ICT in communication makes it possible to increase the efficiency of work on the development of speech, optimize the educational process, individualize the teaching of children with insufficient speech development, and also form the success of children, increase motivation, and significantly reduce the time of mastering the material. ...

The use of ICT allows conducting classes:

· At a high aesthetic and emotional level (photography, animation, music);

· Provides visibility;

· Attracts a large amount of didactic material.

And in general, it helps to improve the quality of education.

The following positive factors speak about the effectiveness of using ICT in joint activities:

1. Pupils are more motivated to work due to the attractiveness of the computer and multimedia effects.

2. The acquired knowledge remains in memory for a longer period and is easier to recover for practical application after a short repetition.

So the use of funds information technologies will make the process of learning and development of the child preschool age quite simple and effective, will free you from routine manual work, will open up new opportunities for preschool education.

One of the urgent problems of the formation of a schoolchild in modern conditions is the level of development of coherent speech. From the level of proficiency in oral and written speech further mastering of knowledge by students depends. Information and communication technologies open up new perspectives for the teacher in finding ways to develop the coherent speech of students.

Today, Russian language lessons are increasingly used modern technologies: these include showing presentations, and playing musical compositions, and watching movies online, and working with the Internet, and training programs, and simulators.

It is known that the learner remembers 25% of what he hears and 35% of what he sees from the first try. With a combined effect on hearing and vision, 50% is remembered. And when the student is involved in active actions, the share of what has been learned can be 75%. These facts prove the need to use information and communication technologies in the learning process for the effectiveness and improvement of the quality of education.

The specificity of the subjects "Russian language" and "literature" is that they are associated, first of all, with the formation of a culture of speech, the development of spiritual, moral and creative qualities of the student's personality, which involves working with text, artistic words, therefore, the use of computer support on our lessons should be appropriate, thoughtful and appropriate.

Of course, the use of multimedia is not possible and appropriate in all lessons. However, in the course of the Russian language in elementary school, there are hours for speech development lessons according to the description of the picture. In this case, it is quite advisable to use a computer presentation. Because one of the main goals of these lessons is to develop students' creativity. It is very important to create an atmosphere of creativity, to show the beauty and harmony of paintings in order to arouse the desire of students to show their creative abilities. Sometimes this can be quite difficult, since the quality of the reproductions in the textbook is poor. And here are reproductions of paintings projected on a large screen in good quality and additional Information will contribute to the creation of the necessary emotional background, the development of the creative potential of students and the skills of writing an essay-description on the picture.

The computer in lesson activities can be used in any type of lesson, at all stages of learning. At the same time, for the child, he performs various functions: a teacher, a working tool, an object of learning, a play environment. In the function of a teacher, a computer represents a source of educational information, a visual aid, an individual information space, a simulator, a diagnostic and control tool.

You cannot do without a computer in speech development lessons - here you can show everything: the key concepts of the topic, and the portrait of the artist, and the reproduction of the painting, and much better than the textbook suggests. When preparing for lessons, the PowerPoint application, which is part of the Microsoft Office suite, can be an indispensable assistant for teachers. This application allows the teacher to independently prepare an interactive multimedia manual for the lesson with minimal time investment. The advantages of this program include accessibility, ease of learning, ease of creating presentations, the ability to transfer data from other applications, significantly save time in the lesson, increase the level of visibility during training, add elements of entertainment, revitalize the educational process. PowerPoint allows you not to overload the visual space, fixing your attention on the object under study. In addition, it allows you to return to any point in the lesson, spending a minimum amount of time. The presentation is effectively used at various stages of the lesson, the visual perception of the studied objects allows you to perceive the studied material faster and deeper. So, when studying styles of speech, ICT makes it possible to prepare a presentation of illustrative and informational material, visibly implementing the principle of visibility, to highlight the most important characteristics of the objects under study, for example, the artistic style of speech.

When preparing to write an essay on a painting, the computer is an indispensable tool for learning. Using a multimedia project, I demonstrate slides created in Microsoft PowerPoint. And here the presentation is not limited only to showing the artist's portrait. It is advisable to acquaint students with other works of the creator, you can also put a pre-thought out plan of the essay on the slide. It will be visible to children for the entire time they are working on the text. All stages of work on an essay on a painting can be shown visually. You can put work on the word on the slides. Then, when doing the work, children will be able, for example, to choose the right word from a number of synonyms, and describe the objects of the image (for example, in the painting "March") from different sides.

Information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information. The use of color, graphics, sound, all modern means of video technology allows you to recreate the real environment of activity. When writing an essay based on a painting by F.P. Reshetnikov's "Two Again" slides that tell the story of the painting are no less interesting for students than the painting itself. The history of the painting makes children think about the author's idea and its skillful implementation. And the conversation activates students, develops their memory and speech.

The computer is an indispensable assistant when working on essays - descriptions. Now you can find any information about cities, including the sights of any city. From this information, you can make a presentation about any monument, architectural structure. Such work will not only give children knowledge on a specific topic, but also broaden their horizons, make them remember the material of other subjects. Children themselves can do similar work: find photographs of monuments, beautiful architectural structures, and also use your personal archive. Children's presentations in the classroom are of great educational value. The student feels like a creator, a teacher's assistant, realizes his importance in the lesson. Such lessons, as a rule, take place in one breath. And children, once feeling themselves a full-fledged participant in the work, begin to collect the necessary material for other lessons on the development of speech.

Thus, the use of ICT in the classroom significantly increases not only the effectiveness of teaching, but also helps to create a more productive atmosphere in the lesson, to interest students in the material being studied. Also, owning and using ICT is a good way to keep up with the times and with your students. ICTs involve students in the educational process, contributing to the widest possible disclosure of their abilities, enhancing mental activity. The presentation gives the teacher an opportunity to show creativity, individuality, avoid a formal approach to the lessons, makes the lessons bright and attractive. A computer, of course, in a speech development lesson cannot replace the living word of the teacher, creative communication, but it can become a good helper.

Preparing for such a lesson becomes a creative process. And the spectacularity, brightness, novelty of the computer elements of the lesson, combined with other methodological techniques, make the lesson unusual, exciting and memorable.

The result of creative activity was an understanding of the semantic content of a speech utterance (reading and listening) and a response speech activity (speaking and writing). The semantic analysis of the text contributed to the formation of motivation for creative activity. Creative tasks were both speech statements on the perception and comprehension of the text, and written texts created by students; group and individual forms of work; performing work according to the algorithm; work with a dictionary: with Internet resources. All forms of work in the classroom contributed to the development of universal learning activities.

Quantitative advantages are expressed in the fact that the multimedia environment is much higher in information density. Indeed, the teacher speaks one page of the text for about 1-2 minutes. Full-screen video brings in more information in the same minute.

The ability to think logically, to formulate a rule, definition in one's own words, to perceive and understand the material are general educational, necessary for schoolchildren to master the material of the programs. They are formed in a child only in personal experience, the acquisition of which must be organized by the teacher.

It is necessary to develop speech for both "strong" students and "weak" ones. Without special training, thinking and speech in poorly performing schoolchildren do not develop, independently students a basic level of knowledge and skills do not come out, they lag behind their peers.

The development of speech and the ability to analyze and generalize depends on a person's ability to communicate, understand others, and express his thoughts in a variety of ways, accurately and logically. The lack of these skills in children leads to a narrowing of the circle of communication, isolation, loneliness. ICT will help to develop students' speech in Russian language lessons and after school hours. This program provides for an increase in the number of hours for the development of students' speech. The appropriate use of ICT will also help to solve the problem of the development of students' speech.

The technology for the development of thinking and speech in poorly performing schoolchildren is based on the following stages:

a) creating a problem situation; b) discussion of the general direction of the solution, since weak students cannot always determine the sequence of the assignment; c) organization of the search for a solution; asking leading questions that stimulate intellectual activity; d) discussion of the results and solutions for the assimilation of new methods of mental activity; d) reflection, since poorly performing students, receiving new methods of cognition, do not realize what specific new methods of thinking they have learned. Again, the use of ICT helps us here.

Experienced training allowed us to identify effective techniques for creating a problem situation:

  • - the creation of a contradiction by the teacher;
  • - identification of different points of view, several options for answering the same question;
  • - posing specific questions that stimulate generalization, the logic of reasoning.

A large number of exercises in the study of grammar in textbooks are focused on logical thinking and develops with the help of speech tasks, which ensures the development of speech for both motivated and poorly performing schoolchildren:

  • - the volume of essays increased in comparison with the initial stage of the experiment by an average of 35 words, 2 sentences;
  • - in essays, students use 4-5 verbs of an intellectual orientation;
  • - the number of schoolchildren who have learned to reveal the main idea of \u200b\u200ban essay has increased by 31%;
  • - the number of logical errors decreases by 17%, grammatical errors by 21%;
  • - Difficulties in creating their written text are experienced by 22% of students, which is 3 times less than at the beginning of the year. Further work is required to improve students' ability to establish connections between sentences in a text.

The position of a "discoverer" - a researcher or a traveler, allowed students to reach a creative level, create projects, including multimedia projects, and write essays.

Approximately 41% of the fourth-graders reached the level of generalization of the material, 50% spoke in front of the class, which is about 4 times higher than before experiential learning.

Every Russian lesson and literary reading - this is not only implementation, but also the search for reserves for the development of speech and abilities of students.

Conclusion on chapter 2

Lessons using ICT have become familiar to students. It is obvious that ICT is a powerful pedagogical tool in the hands of a teacher, they must be mastered and widely used in their lessons.

Organization of the educational process in primary school, first of all, should promote the activation of the cognitive sphere of students, the successful assimilation of educational material and contribute to the mental development of the child. Therefore, ICT should perform a certain educational function, help the child understand the flow of information, perceive it, remember it, and in no case undermine health. ICT should act as an auxiliary element of the educational process, not the main one. Given the psychological characteristics junior student, work using ICT should be well thought out and dosed. Thus, the use of ITC in Russian language lessons should be sparing. When planning a lesson, you need to think carefully about the place and way of using ICT.

GBOU Samara region the main comprehensive school No. 21 of the city of Novokuibyshevsk, urban district Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region structural subdivision "Kindergarten" Friendly family "

Milyutkina N.N., Platonova O.N. Application of ICT in the speech development of young children // Sovushka. 2015. N1..2015.n1.00012.html (date of access: 23.10.2019).

It is impossible to imagine modern life without computer technology. The advantages of computer training are undeniable, and the need to master computer literacy for those who will live in the 21st century is obvious. One of the main processes that characterize modern society is informatization. Possession of new information technologies are on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write.
Modern preschool education is the first step in the unified education system in Russia. This provision is enshrined in the Federal Law "On Education" and in State standard preschool education (FSES). One of the requirements of the principles and tasks of teaching and upbringing of preschool children is the variability and diversity of the content of organizational forms of preschool education, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of pupils.
We, preschoolers, need to adapt to the new information age. Today, almost all teachers use computers, both for self-education and for searching for new information, sharing experiences, in the classroom for teaching children. The use of a computer opens up unlimited opportunities for the teacher, new perspectives in the search for improving the educational process. In your work, you can use a computer as a tool:

  • creation of an electronic library
  • e-portfolio
  • piggy banks of didactic games
  • creating presentations for parents and children

In modern conditions, with the widespread introduction of new information technologies, the problem of the development of a child's speech remains relevant. After all, the further mastery of knowledge and the full development of children depend on the level of development of speech abilities. I think many will agree that modern parents read little and reluctantly to their children, do not encourage them to speak in dialogue, so the speech of children is not particularly expressive, children often allow agramatisms in their speech (violation of the ability to use the grammatical structure of speech), are limited to monosyllabic answers. To increase speech development, the use of computer technology comes to our aid as one of the sources of motivation. One of the most important lines of the child's cognitive and speech development consists in the sequential transition from more elementary forms of thinking to more complex ones. Thanks to the multimedia method of presenting information, the following results are achieved:

  • children learn more easily the concepts of shape, color and size;
  • the concepts of number and set are comprehended deeper;
  • the ability to navigate on a plane and in space develops faster;
  • trains the effectiveness of attention and memory;
  • learn to read and write earlier;
  • vocabulary is actively replenished;
  • fine motor skills develop, the finest coordination of eye movements is formed.
  • the time of both a simple reaction and a choice reaction decreases;
  • purposefulness and concentration are brought up;
  • imagination and creativity develops;
  • elements of visual-figurative and theoretical thinking develop.

Young children actively strive for cognitive and intellectual communication with adults. This is manifested in numerous questions of children to the teacher: "Why?", "Why?" Children are interested in games designed for the interactive whiteboard and prefer different types of games. For this, various methods and techniques are used: - the method of generalization, analysis, comparison, classification, formulation of concepts.
When preparing for GCD, I use electronic resources educational purpose:

a) multimedia presentations (animation, sound, image, drawings, digital camera);
b) Internet resources;
c) electronic encyclopedias.

It is possible to formulate the requirements for a teacher working with the use of I.K.T:

  • master the basics of working on a computer;
  • the basics of working on the Internet;
  • have skills in working with multimedia programs.

Multimedia presentations allow you to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid reference images, in an algorithmic order.
In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to put information not only in photographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children.
Submission of material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces the time for memorizing new things, frees up the resources of children's health, which is prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard.
Practice has shown that subject to the systematic use of presentations in combination with traditional methods of child development, children significantly increase their interest in cognitive and playful, speech activities.
The use of a computer affects the motivation of children, shows its originality, ask questions, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the development of speech. This is due to the presence of elements of fun and play, which are the strongest means of increasing motivation. Information technologies allow not only to recreate a real situation, but also to show processes that cannot be noticed in reality. After all, multimedia makes it possible to present information not traditionally, but with the help of photos, video graphics, animation, and sound. Children are attracted by the novelty of these activities. An environment of real communication is created in the group, in which children strive to express their emotions from what they saw in their own words, willingly perform the proposed tasks, and show a strong interest in new things. For greater efficiency, presentations are built taking into account individual age characteristics, they include animated pictures, game elements, fairy tales. Organization of the educational process using ICT directly educational activities promotes a high degree of efficiency for the development of all aspects of speech. This is a long, continuous work that prepares children for life in conditions of unlimited access to information. Thus, the use of ICT in preschool education is necessary, it contributes to an increase in interest in learning, the all-round development of children.
And no matter how positive, huge potential information - communication technologies, but they cannot and should not replace live communication between the teacher and the child.

List of references:

  1. Gorvits Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten // Preschool education. 1991. No. 5.
  2. Kalinina T.V. Management of preschool educational institutions // New information technologies in preschool childhood. Moscow: Sphere, 2008.
  3. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. Moscow: Sphere, 2008.
  4. A.I. Yakovlev Information and communication technologies in education. 2005.
  5. Belaya K.Yu. The use of modern information technologies in preschool educational institutions // Modern preschool education. Theory and practice. 2011. No. 4. 12-13.
  6. Kalinina T.V. Management of preschool educational institutions // New information technologies in preschool childhood. Moscow: Sfera, 2008.36 p. P.23.
  7. A. V. Krapivinko Technologies of multimedia and perception of sensations. Moscow: BINOM Laboratory of Knowledge, 2009.271 p.
  8. Shamanskaya N. Interactive methods // Preschool education. 2008. No. 8.
  9. Gorvits Yu.M. New information technologies in preschool education.

"The use of ICT in the development of speech in preschoolers"

The mass media, especially electronic ones, are actively penetrating the lives of children. Domestic and foreign studies of the use of computers in preschool educational institutions convincingly prove not only the possibility and feasibility of these technologies, but also the special role of computers in the development of intelligence and the personality of a child in general (studies by S.L. Novoselova, I. Pashelite, G.P. Petku , B. Hunter and others).

In the conditions of a dynamically changing world, constant improvement and complication of technologies, the informatization of the educational sphere acquires fundamental importance. This direction of development of the educational industry, as emphasized in government documents, is recognized as the most important national priority.

In modern conditions, with the widespread introduction of new information technologies, the problem of the development of the speech of a preschool child remains relevant. After all, the further mastery of knowledge and full development depend on the level of development of his speech abilities. Many will agree that modern parents read little and reluctantly to their children, do not encourage them to speak in dialogue, therefore, the speech of preschoolers is not particularly expressive, they often admit agrammatisms in their speech, limit themselves to monosyllabic answers. Due to the underdevelopment of speech, the poverty of the vocabulary, pupils often lose interest in speech development classes, there is no educational motivation. In such conditions, the use of computer technology comes to our aid as one of the sources of motivation. The possibilities of a computer are inexhaustible here. It allows you to immerse preschoolers in a certain game situation, to directly make educational activities more meaningful, interesting, attractive and truly modern.

ICT are becoming the main tool that a person will use not only in professional activitybut also in everyday life.

The main goal of the implementation of information technology is to create a single information space educational institution, a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level: administration, teachers, pupils and their parents.

To implement this, trained pedagogical personnel are needed, capable of combining traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies.

The teacher should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create his own educational resources, widely use them in his teaching activities.

Information technology is not only and not so much computers and their software... ICT means the use of a computer, the Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide broad opportunities for communication.

I use my skills in my work:

With kids

With parents

With colleagues

In methodological, experimental, innovative activities.

It is preschoolers, with their visual-figurative thinking, that it is clear only that they can simultaneously consider, hear, act or evaluate the action of the object. In this regard, in my work I use multimedia presentations - this is a program that can contain text materials, photographs, drawings, slideshows, sound design and narration, video clips and animation, three-dimensional graphics.

Using presentation tools allows me to bring a visual effect to the class and helps the children to learn the material faster and in full.

Educational activities using ICT are complex, as I combine traditional and computer-based teaching tools, as well as the integration of educational areas.

I believe that the use of multimedia presentations in my work prevents fatigue of children, supports their cognitive activity, and increases the efficiency of my work in general. Their use in speech development classes is interesting for children and, importantly, for me. The screen attracts attention that we sometimes cannot achieve when working with children in groups.

The use of ICT in the development of the speech of children in preschool age allows:

1. The students' ideas about the world around them are expanding, vocabulary is enriched.

2. Children will express their thoughts more logically and consistently, more deeply understand the meaning of words.

3. The ability to convey your impressions of the listened musical composition, from the scanned painting or illustration.

4. Children will use artistic merit in speech native language, and at the end of the training they will show a desire to create them independently.

5. The use of these techniques will allow the child to gradually show interest in poetry, riddles, fairy tales.

6. In this approach, the envisaged interconnection of group and subgroup, joint and individual forms of organizing work with children will justify itself.

Relevance - the problem of speech formation in preschool children is relevant today. Formation of speech among preschoolers is an important and difficult task.

The successful solution of this task is necessary both for preparing children for the upcoming schooling, and for comfortable communication with others. However, the development of speech in children in the present tense is an urgent problem, which is due to the importance of coherent speech for preschoolers.

ICT applications enhance:

1. Positive motivation for learning.

2. Activates the cognitive activity of children.

The use of ICT allows for educational activities:

at a high aesthetic and emotional level (photography, animation, music);

provides clarity;

attracts a large amount of didactic material;

contributes to improving the quality of education.

So, let's consider the first feature of computer technology - the versatility of computer technology as a teaching tool with wide demonstration capabilities - using the example of writing stories from a picture.

This task can be completed in 3 ways:

1. The screen displays 3-4 pictures representing a related story (1-beginning, 2-continuation, 3-end). Children simply describe the events depicted in the pictures. In this case, each picture acts as another chapter.

2. Children are offered only one picture. The teacher asks the question: What happened before? What could come after? After the statement, it is suggested true story and all pictures are displayed on the screen.

3. The educator shows pictures on the screen that follow each other not according to the plot, but in a confused sequence. Children should arrange these pictures in order, and then make a coherent story. This is the most difficult version of the work, assuming that the child has a certain degree of formed logical thinking.

The PMC on "Development of Speech" by A. Yu. Korkina is used in her work in the classes on the development of speech and preparation for literacy, speech therapy classes and in correctional work with kids.

The program is multi-user, adapted for use with interactive whiteboard, is designed for effective speech development of children from 3 years old through interactive features:

1.the use of the program contributes to the development of auditory perception in children;

2.forming skills sound analysis and synthesis, correct pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words;

3. development of the ability to speak, independently build sentences;

4. the presence of several levels of difficulty in each task allows individualization of training.

The program includes the following sections:

1. non-speech sounds: Acquaintance with the sounds of the objective world and the natural world.

2. onomatopoeia: Familiarity with the sounds of the animal world.

3. speech sounds: Development of the skills of recognition and correct pronunciation of the sounds of the Russian language.

4.development of coherent speech: teaching the construction of sentences (from a phrase to a text)

5. special "Interactive section", allows you to create your own tasks and didactic materials, make signatures and drawings on top of educational material, print.

Working with the program involves a variety of forms of children's activities: speech, cognitive, practical.

This makes it possible to make variable speech activity children through the use of different types of activities, both directly on the development of speech (phonetic, coherent speech, etc., and on the development of cognitive - research and practical activities.

My use of this PMC in speech development classes not only causes a broad positive response in children, but also contributes to the assimilation speech material at a high level.

The program “Getting ready for school with Bunny Know-it-all! »Developed with the active participation of professional teachers and child psychologists. In the process of creating the game, the wishes of parents, teachers and directly children were taken into account, which made it possible to achieve maximum efficiency in using the educational product. In addition to a computer disk with tasks, the products contain visual aids-cards with bright pictures, songs that help the child to quickly consolidate the material studied. The Know-it-all Bunny instills in the child the skills of independent answers, promotes the development of phonemic hearing, oral speech, and replenishes vocabulary.

Here you can find an illustrated vocabulary for the development of the speech of older preschool children and story albums.

A resource addressed to both teachers preparing senior preschool children for school, and to preschoolers themselves. It is mainly intended to increase the vocabulary of children; it can be used as didactic materials when teaching children to read.

An illustrated dictionary can provide the teacher with the following features:

    selection of illustrations for a given topic,

    selection of illustrations for words containing a specific letter at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word,

    viewing selected illustrations and downloading them to a personal computer.

Designed for the development of coherent speech in children.

Electronic albums provide the teacher with the following opportunities:

    selection of illustrations for download (for printing),

    viewing selected,

    set and save texts of stories, compiled from pictures.

Electronic teaching aids are designed specifically for preschool children. They will help you learn how to draw letters and learn to read. These developments fully take into account the mental, cultural and social characteristics of children's comprehension of such a cultural phenomenon as word and word composition.

Search engines the Internet provides teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on issues early development and training and any photos and illustrations for classes.

b) Using a computer for documentation purposes.

A computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and "advanced" parents in drawing up all kinds of action plans with the help of organizer programs, keeping an individual diary of a child, recording various data about him, test results, building schedules, in generaltrack the dynamics of the child's development ... This can be done manually, but the time costs are incomparable.

An important aspect of using a computer is maintaining a databaseby books ... Today, a very large number of books on the upbringing and development of children have appeared, many books reflect integrated approaches to teaching, others reflect the development of a certain quality, differentiating age categories, etc. Without a database, it is difficult to navigate the literature.

2. Direct training.

a) Use of developmental computer programs

The capabilities of the computer allow you to increase the amount of offered for

familiarization of the material. A bright luminous screen attracts attention, makes it possible to switch children's audio perception to visual, animated characters arouse interest, as a result tension is relieved.

But today, unfortunately, there is not enough good computer programs that are designed for children of this age.

American experts identify a number of requirements that must be met by developmental programs for children:

    research character,

    ease for self-study of the child,

    developing a wide range of skills and beliefs,

    high technical level,

    age compliance,


Educational programs available on the market for this age can be classified as follows:

1. Games for the development of memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

2. "Speaking" dictionaries foreign languages with good animation.

3. ART-studios, the simplest graphic editors with picture libraries.

4. Games-travel, "adventure".

5. The simplest programs for teaching reading, mathematics, etc.

For the development of preschoolers, you can use the series of programs "Frivolous lessons", produced by the company "New Disc".

The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use a computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are beyond the child's own experience, but also to increase the child's creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on the monitor screen helps to optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and directing games creates additional motivation in the formation learning activities; individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that the child can solve independently.

b) Using multimedia presentations

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in factual, but also in an associative form in the memory of children.

The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is to form a system in kidsthought images. The presentation of the material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces the learning time and frees up the resources of children's health.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom allows you to build an educational process based on psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, thought activity, humanization of the content of education and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

3. Preserving the health of children when working with a computer.

Speaking about the use of a computer by young children, the question arises of maintaining health and vision. It is reasonable to make time restrictions on PC activities, but involuntary attention in children of this age is very small (10-15 minutes), therefore, as a rule, children cannot be at the computer for a long time. A normally developing child at this age moves 70-80% of the waking time, so while the question of "sitting up" at the computer is not relevant.


So, the use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of a young child quite simple and effective, free from routine manual work, and open up new opportunities for early education.


    Artemova L.V. The world in didactic games preschoolers: A book for kindergarten teachers and parents - M .: Education, 1992.

    Gorvits Yu.M., Chainova L.D., Poddyakov N.N., Zvorygina E.V. and other New information technologies in preschool education. M .: LINKA-IIPESS, 1998.

    Gorvits Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, No. 5 - p. 92-95.

    A.A. Zubrilin "The game component in teaching computer science". Informatics in primary education. 2001, No. 3, p. 3 - 16.

    Ibuka M. It's late after three. - M .: Knowledge, 1992.

    Karalashvili: E. "Exercises for the health improvement of children 6-7 years old." Preschool education. 2002, No. 6, p. 39 - 41.

    Makaser I.L. "Play as an element of learning". Informatics in primary education. 2001, No. 2, p. 71 - 73.

    Motorin V. "Educational possibilities of computer games". Preschool education, 2000, no. 11, p. 53 - 57.

    Novoselova S.L., Petku G.P. The computer world of the preschooler. M .: New school, 1997.

    Petrova E. "Developing computer games". Preschool education, 2000, no. 8, p. 60 - 68.

    Fomicheva O.S. Raising a successful child in the computer age. M .: "Helios ARV", 2000.

Organization: MDOU D / S No. 4 "Forget-me-not"

Location: Ulyanovsk region, Barysh

In modern conditions, with the widespread introduction of new information technologies, the problem of the development of the speech of a preschool child remains relevant. After all, the further mastery of knowledge and the full development of children depend on the level of development of speech abilities. I think many will agree that modern parents read little and reluctantly to their children, do not encourage them to speak in dialogue, so the speech of children is not particularly expressive, children often admit agramatism in their speech, confine themselves to monosyllabic answers. Due to the underdevelopment of speech, poor vocabulary, children often lose interest in speech development classes, there is no educational motivation. In such conditions, the use of computer technology comes to our aid as one of the sources of motivation. The possibilities of a computer are inexhaustible here. It allows you to immerse preschoolers in a certain game situation, make the lesson more meaningful, interesting, attractive and truly modern.

Psychologists note that the child has practically no fear of technology, the computer is attractive to children like any new toy. Modern children sometimes turn out to be more labile and learn faster in the field of computer technology, so the need to use ICT in preschool education is obvious today.

Having started working on the topic "The use of ICT in the process of GCD for speech development of preschoolers" I put forward a hypothesis: the use of ICT in the process of GCD for the development of speech and the use of age-appropriate methods and techniques will contribute to solving problems of speech development of children, the accumulation and enrichment of their vocabulary, development coherent speech, the ability to describe what he saw, talk about the created image, thus, will give a learning and developmental effect.

Therefore, the goal of my work in this direction is the development of all components of oral speech of preschool children through the use of modern information technologies.

Recognizing that computer presentations are a new powerful tool for the intellectual development of children, their use for educational purposes with children was built taking into account health-saving technologies, based on the following rules:

1. To clarify the state of health of the child from the nurse of the preschool educational institution, whether any of the children has a group of contraindications for working with IC equipment.

2. Multimedia presentations should be short in duration (3-5 minutes).

3. During the show, monitor the child's posture.

4. After watching the multimedia presentation, conduct outdoor games and physical minutes.

Applying multimedia presentations in practice, I also rely on didactic principles:

1. The principle of activity: using ICT, I stimulate cognition. The activity of children, thereby, increasing interest in participating in the GCD for the development of speech due to the novelty, realism and dynamism of the image, the use of minimized animation effects.

2. Guided by the scientific principle, I aim to help children learn real knowledge that correctly reflects reality. ICT enables me to present realistic, non-distorted information materials (reproductions of paintings, photographs, sound recordings) in multimedia form.

3. Implementing the principle of accessibility, I select visual material, forms and methods of organizing educational activities in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

4. The principle of systematicity and consistency - the assimilation of educational material is in accordance with long-term and calendar-thematic planning.

5. The principle of visibility, which is fully consistent with multimedia technology.

The forms of using presentations as a teaching tool are different, they are directly dependent on the form of organizing the pedagogical process for speech development. This is work with all children, subgroups and individually.

In my work on the development of speech using ICT, I use the following options:

1. Composing sentences from words according to the picture, according to the scheme, key words.

2. Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures.

3. For the development of phonemic hearing, the selection of pictures for a given sound.

4. Stories in a chain.

5. Games like: "What's gone", "Show and name", "What's missing", "What's too much?"

6.Wide opportunities for multimedia presentations when reviewing works fiction... Children really like the colorful depiction of the plots of their favorite works, and this stimulates their activity to listen

7. Use of exercise minutes.

Within the framework of such classes, the prospect of using new methods and techniques that activate mental activity and creative imagination both visually and with the help of an auditory analyzer opens up: a large number of illustrations contain musical fragments that increase the efficiency of children's assimilation of material, which is presented visually, dynamically, spectacularly.

Systematic work on the use of integrated education and information computer technologies allows children to focus on self-development, to gain new knowledge.

Initially, most teachers were convinced that ICT could be used only occasionally, as an instructional material, while the current understanding of the role of information technologies is to facilitate the work of the educator, increase the efficiency of pupils, and form a persistent interest in learning.

The experience of organizing the educational process using ICT in speech development classes contributes to a high degree of efficiency for the development of all aspects of speech. This is a long, continuous work that prepares children for life in conditions of unlimited access to information.

Thus, the use of a computer in preschool education is possible and necessary, it contributes to an increase in interest in learning, the all-round development of preschoolers. Computer programs involve children in developmental activities, form culturally significant knowledge and skills.

Computer technology today is one of the most effective ways to transfer knowledge. This modern method develops an interest in learning, fosters independence, develops intellectual activity, and allows one to develop in the spirit of modernity.


1.Gabdulina Z.M. Development of computer skills in children 4-7 years old. Volgograd, 2010.

2. Komarova T.S. Information and communication technologies in preschool education. Moscow, 2011.

3. Sypchenko E.A. Innovative pedagogical technologies... Method of projects in preschool educational institutions. SPB.: LLC "Publishing house" Childhood-Press ", 2013.

4. Atemskina Yu. V., Bogoslovets L.G. Modern pedagogical technologies at preschool educational institutions. SPB .: OOO "Publishing house" Childhood-Press ", 2012.