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In 2007, during archaeological excavations in the crypt of the Cathedral of St. John the Theologian of the Polish city of Kidseyn (Marienverd) was discovered three skeletons. From the very beginning, scientists involved in the study of this burial suggested that the remains belong to the three great masters of the spiritual and knightly Order of the House of St. Mary of Jerusalem (Teutonic Order).

The detected burials were placed in a particularly dedicated site of the Cathedral - prebisbit, which was intended for the burial of the bishops and the great masters of the Teutonic knights. The remains of buried in the sclepe belonged: Varnet von Orzelnu, Lyudolf König von Watzau and Heinrich von Plauena.

Warner von Orzeln was elected a great master in 1324. It was known as the Orden reformer. In this connection, most likely, and was killed by one of the orders of the Knight, Johann von Endorph on November 18, 1330 in Marienburg. During the assassination, he received several RAS as a result of which he died. The culprit of the attack, the very day after the funeral in Marienverde, was declared Prussian bishops of the mentally ill. Varnet von Orzelna at the time of death was between 50- 60 years, an average of 55 years. On the skull of the corresponding age, only fragments of jaws remained. The growth of the deceased was about 165-175 cm.

Lyudolf König von Watzau was elected a great master in 1341. He is known for his unsuccessful expedition to Lithuania in 1345 in which King Carl Robert from Hungary and Jan Luxembourg from the Czech Republic, together with her son, the future emperor Carl IV. Because of this unsuccessful hike, he apparently had to say goodbye to the authorities in 1345 as a result of which he fell into deep depression. Lyudolf König died in 1348 and was also buried in the cathedral of Marienverder Cathedral. The skeleton belonging to him characterizes Lyudolph Königa as a human low growth. The study of the skeleton showed that at the time of death, the age of its owner was about 50 years (death occurred between 45-55). The skull had a rather thin structure, relatively long, narrow, high. Eyeballs big round. The growth of the deceased was about 165 cm.

Heinrich von Plauen was officially proclaimed by the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order on November 9, 1410, after the removal of the Polish-Lithuanian troops of the siege from Marienburg. Its main task was to save and revive the Order, but in 1414 he was overthrown and spent in imprisonment for many years. The former Master in 1429 died and was also buried in the Cathedral of St. John the Theologian in Marienverde. Studies that identify as those belonging to Heinrich, the background of Playan showed that at the time of death he was about 60 years. (range from 50-60 years). This is the oldest person of three buried in the crypt. The growth of the buried was about 172-175 cm. The skull is very durable, with thick walls. The frontal bones are strongly rounded, sculptural, strongly developed, which gives it a harsh appearance. Eye orbits are low and rectangular, protruding nose. The skull arched and round, has a circle of 480/500 mm.

In search of the tomb of the Great Master of Master of the Order, the 16th century frescoes were useful, which are in the upper temple of the cathedral. They depict them: Varnet von Orzelnu, Ludolf König von Watzau and Heinrich von Plauena, precisely thanks to the frescoes, the researchers suggested that somewhere under the floor of the Altar Cathedral are the remains of these three great masters of the Teutonic Order. The results of a full-scale study coincided with written sources.

Characteristic anatomical features of skeletons: injuries, age at the time of death, and the results of DNA analysis provided a solid base made by conclusions.

The biochemical analysis of one of the skeletons gave reason to say that his owner was sharply different from the other two. Bone Study has shown that the last 10 years before his death, their owner should have been powered only by dairy products, this fact is indirect evidence that their owner is Henry Background, who had to adhere to a prison diet for a long time.

At the same time, the chronicle it was known that Lyudolf König von Watzau had serious health problems. DNA test studies confirmed. The study of the bones of the presumably belonging to him showed that their owner had a predisposition to Cratetzfeld's disease - Jacob, some forms of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer, but he also had problems with long-term memory storage and protection against oxidative stress.

The political system that has developed in the east of the central and in Eastern Europe in the first half of the XIV century and finally developed at Vinrich the background of Kriprod, began crystallized by the end of the century. Now the political trends have previously developed as if on inertia, and with the slightest shift in this planned movement of the state turned out to be drawn into conflicts, which could be solved only with the help of force. The Order State continued to grow, as far as its geographical position allowed. The tension in relations with the Polish neighbor was intensified, and if the Order intended to preserve the integrity of his lands at the lower flow of the Vistula, he should have not yet to descend the eyes from this natural turn. That is why the Order expressed his readiness for a considerable amount to redeem the Prince of Ladislava Opole Principality prominent on Vistula. In 1402, he acquired a new brand from Sigismund only so that she did not get Poland; The Order territories began to grow to the West and soon they could have merged with the German lands, while the territory along the Rivers Nothec and Varta were connected to the lands along the lower flow of the Vistula. The new acquisition, like the purchase of good, was fraught with an increase in friction in relations with the Polish neighbor. The policies of the Order in the Baltic States successfully deployed in the middle of the century, which developed from participation in peaceful rivalry and military conflicts, and here it turned into a purchase of territories: in 1398 the Order acquired the Gotland Island to put an end to pirate raids; Ten years later, the island was again sold by the King of Norway and Sweden Eric, but for ten years the Order could seriously influence the situation in the Baltic Sea. Treaty of 1384 with Prince Vitovt Lithuanian, finally, secured the right to possession of the hemite territories, which were a land bridge between the Prussian lands of the Order and the Livoni; However, it was only a preparatory step: further was to find out the relationship with the eastern and southern neighbors.

The main event occurred outside the Order of the United States: in 1386, Lithuanian Prince Yagailo, married to the Queen of Jadvig, the heiress of the Polish Crown, adopted Christianity and the Polish royal throne, followed by Christianity and all Lithuania. Soon the country as the principality where the cousin Yagailo remained to rule, entered the Ulya with Poland, and the new Polish king, who accepted the name of Vladislav, remained Grand Duke Lithuanian. Now, from the south and east, the Order of the Earth turned out to be captured in ticks, which at any time could have a bombing. With the advent of the Polish-Lithuanian Union ceased to exist whole system other unions that began to develop in the East in the first decades of the XIV century; War was inevitable. Both Prussian, and the Polish side tried to delay it in every way. However, it was impossible to prevent it. Peaceful tools have already been not enough to put the hardened geopolitical relief.

In the meantime, political groups were imposed inside the order, and the former equilibrium between the Order, bishops, cities and chivalry was changed by some inner tension, which under certain external circumstances could be poured into the internal crisis. Back in 1390, the Great Master could write about the Order of the City Policy: "The fact that they are removed from the community cities and do not belong to the community, our cities are unprofitable and inconvenient." However, at the beginning of the new century, this policy has acquired a unitary in nature. It is difficult to say whether there remained the general political and economic interests with the Order of the United States large citiesBut their very independent policy, in particular, the foundation in 1397 union of lizards (association of knights of the Kulm region), suggests that the internal relations between the state and the estates, which presented the population of lands, became more and more intense.

Thus, with the development of both internal political and foreign policy, the solutions affecting the foundations of the Order of the United States were inevitably breed. And it is still as 200 years ago, it came from the fact that only the Order and his Grand Master are carriers of power. The construction of the Order was determined by the structure of the state. The people have already been included in the already established design, the structure itself remained unchanged, and the Order was calculated that the structure of the population consisted of Prussians and Germans would be so unchanged, and it, meanwhile, began to fight into a single people. Any change in this order meant not only the internal restructuring of the state, but was a betrayal in relation to the law of the Order, which was distributed only to the brothers. The Order did not want to rebuild his internal politics at all, as, however, did not want to refuse and from his foreign policy idea, on which his state was built. After all, the main and internal, and in foreign policy was the struggle against the pagans. Neighborhood with pagans It was necessary to fight with them (such was a Christian's debt). It was impossible to admit Christianity to come on the other side. The Christianization of Lithuania looked somewhat incredibly; The brothers, not without reason, were seen in the Polish-Lithuanian Union not only a foreign policy danger, but also a serious threat to the very existence of the Order of the United States, which in the absence of a combat problem lost any meaning. After all, not only for the sake of the opinion of Europe, which still supplied him to help his knights, the Order continued to fulfill his duty. In the existence of the state should be a certain meaning, and brothers, trying to preserve the ideas and objectives of their state, supported life in it. Now the collapse was inevitable: the idea, in the XIII century, who conquered and filling the East's life, did not mean anything else.

So, the brothers stood before the choice: the law of the Order or the law of the state. And only one person was ready to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Order and preferring the state is the Grand Master of Heinrich von Plauen. So he came, although he was not supported by the brothers. That is why there was a failure. The opinions of the brothers, he opposed his strong will. He was one against the whole community. Its fate differs from such a similar lines of the great masters of great masters, for it is determined by the laws of the tragedy. The only tragedy flewing inside the cohesive orders of the Order.

Heinrich von Plauen was from the same edges as Hermann Starza and some more of the great masters and the German orders brothers. And in it there was a spirit of those places: as a true Tyuringhants, he was inclined to reflections, and at the same time, as well as all the inhabitants of East German lands, he was inherent in rectinence and severity. Much connected the homeland of Heinrich with Prussia, and the led from Thuringia was not so difficult to get into the Order and its Baltic state. From the XIII century, when frequent crusades were taken and the fight against the pagans was carried out, the fogians from the genus of Playans were associated with the United States. From this time, the brothers from the genus of Plauenov is also mentioned in the history of the Order. They were all Henry. And all, at least those who are known to us, were distinguished by the irrepressible, rough strength, which was so rushed out. Three from the plauenov were the ordinary brothers at the time of the battle of Tannenberg. The fourth arrived too late with reinforcement with their common homeland. But from all the plauenov, only one was able to achieve official heights and enter the story.

Heinrich was born in 1370. He first fell into Prussia at the age of 21, by taking part in the campaign of the Crusaders. Many, passing through such a test, became the ordinary brothers. He really joined the Order in a few years and the second time arrived in Prussia already in the White Ordinance. In 1397, he was a company, that is, an adjutant comut in Danzig. A year later, he had already taken the position of hawkur, which forced him to plunge into diverse relations with the authorities of the self-government of this proud Hanseatic city; The experience gained during these years was clearly affected by the attitude of the Grand Master to Danzigu. Having spent many years in the Kulm land as a comut of Nessaão, in 1407 he was appointed then the grand magician Ulrich von Yungingen Comnour, a small district in South Perezellia. There were no special success and dizzying victories in his career. He calmly moved on the service staircase, like many other brothers. Nothing said that Schwden's combo, many years, modestly fulfilled his official duties, would be ascended by the unprecedented height at the time of the collapse of the state, achieving truly tragic greatness. Heinrich von Plauen would be a man with ordinary destiny, do not be so unusual time itself. He lived under the cover of everyday, until fate called him; Since then, he has ever obeyed her call, opposition to the law, which lived before, time and people, devoting himself to his new task, and the path that wanted to go to the end - to victory or defeat.

Since the Lithuanian-Polish Union has been formed, the offensive in Lithuania, which for the Order still remained the pagan state, meant the attack on Poland. Veliky Master Ulrich von Jungingen, who was trying, as long as the Order had enough breathing, unleash these enemy bonds, now did not see for this other way except the war. The war began in August 1409, but soon a truce was established, and an important step was postponed again. Negotiations and decisions of the Arbitration Court were called upon to settle what could be settle only with the help of a sword. By June 24, 1410, when the terrestrial period has expired, the parties have already been eager for the battle.

A place of collecting the Order of the Order The Grand Master appointed the castle of Shvets, the residence of Heinrich von Plauen. As one of the southwestern outposts of the Order of the Earth, it is not better suited for these purposes; The Polish offensive from the Great Poland was expected here, their own troops of Order and mercenaries from the Empire were expected here, as well as from Pomerania and Silesia, and reunite as soon as possible. Thus, the shvets, unlike most of the other fortresses of the Order, was perfectly prepared for the defense of the Order of the Odden lands from the south-west. And the enemy army between those gathered elsewhere. Its purpose it chose the main residence of the Order, Marienburg, however, by the river 'river' by the pool, the army was forced to move to the east and took Gilgenberg on July 13, he was trying to break it. On July 15, 1410, two enemy troops lined up face to face between the villages of Grunefeld and Tannenberg. Small german army It was not solved to start the first, but the United Polish-Lithuanian troops were also waiting for something, and meanwhile the sun on the hot July sky rose higher and higher. Then the Grand Master sent two sword to the Polish king with herrdami, inviting you to fight, as applies to knights. Yagailo took the challenge. Soon the battle began. At first, the Prussian soldiers accompanied success: the Grand Master's Master himself crashed three times into enemy rows at the head of his knights. However, later the army was coincided with the flanks, besides, the knights from the Kulm land turned out to be traitors: they agreed into the sign of their signs of Nickel von Renis (he lowered the banner). It solved the outcome of the battle. Veliky Master, almost all the highest officials of the Order, 11 Comments, 205 Knights of the Order fell in battle, and the army of the Order was hosted on all four sides.

On the battlefield at Tannenberg, there were not just two enemy troops, but two worlds. The unforgettable world of the East rose against the clear and noble forms of Western and German knighthood, destructively aimed to the West. And this world won. It would be more logical if he could not win.

The surviving brothers passed their fortresses to the Polish king. Others endured "from there what property could and money could. Part of the brothers, losing everything, left from the country; Another part was filed to the princes and gentlemen of Germany and complained about the grave misfortunes and suffering sent to the Order. " The chronicler of that time could not regret it. However, he does not condemn the Order. It was much harder to be the sacrificial death of 200 brothers on the field of Brahi with Tannenberg. While people like the Grand Master Ulrich von Yungingen and his warriors died for the Order, no one had the right to doubt it. Of course, they fought no longer for missionary ideas. But their lives were sacrificed to the Order. Courageous warriors and could not do otherwise. However, the backbone of the Order was not amazed in Tannenberg battle. And when Henry von Plauen expressed the desire to save Marienburg, those who survived this mission to him.

The defeat with Tannenberg unexpectedly opened the inner situation in the state. There was no soored state of internal unity between the brothers and the people of the Order Land. The structure of the state and its population, the form and content, connected by virtue of necessity, continued to exist independently of each other. At first they were associated with the overall growth and formation, then, however, their interests were separated: now the estates, local nobility, cities, even bishops, was their own care, which did not coincide with the claims of Order-soverene. And all of them, even "who have not seen a shield, nor a spear," swore to the Polish king in the hope of a broken property (as they believed) the Order. Heinrich von Plauen courageously perceived this news, being a decent successor of the warriors who fell under Tannenberg. However, the difficult task of saving the state entirely and completely fell on his shoulders. The uncomplicated courage of the soldiers of the Order caused him to a historical mission. But barely satisfied his star, he began to approach his collapse inexorably.

Now, when the old order no longer existed, the path of the great personality was opened. Plauen was in the shadows for a long time before his hour has come. The fate removed him from the battle "for special glory and mercy," as one chronicler was expressed. The news of the terrifying defeat with Tannenberg, like the wind, burst into the country, threatening to see the remnants of the state, and brothers, instead of saving what else could be saved, began to scatter; Then the time of Heinrich Von Plauen was coming, he was no longer just a comuro among several surviving brothers. It's time to take power and consult your cruel will for the sake of a great goal.

Heinrich raised the remaining troops and hurried to Marienburg. It was important to keep the main residence of the Order, which was the initial goal of the enemy troops. Henrich's cousin who did not have time to take part in the battle, waited for him near the fresh strength; This "courageous and kind warrior" (as the chronicler refers to him) was also ready to engage in the fight. 400 Danzigs "ship children", as then called sailors, amounted to the desired reinforcement. The city of Marienburg was devoted to fire, in order not he served as a shelter for the enemy. The orders now gave Schwden's combo. The brothers who remained in the fortress were elected by his Master's Master's Council, although it was only a purely formal confirmation of the authority adopted by them.

Ten days after the battle of Tannenberg; Going to the castle, the Polish-Lithuanian army found his opponent in fulfillment. On the site of the city only a pile of ashes remained, but she served as defense. 4000 people, including residents of Marienburg, expected battle. But the Poles and here were expected to win the victory. The day after day the siege continued, and every new day meant the moral and military victory of the Germans. "The longer they stood, the smaller they achieved," the chronicler of the Order of the enemies reports. The deposited was taken out, and the sailors were led; "When they ran out of the fortress, considerable labor was worth returning them back," says the chronicler about these brave puzzles. Every day the siege worked on the Germans and against the Poles. In the West, the new brand fogh collected mercenaries arrived from Germany, the Livonian army was moved from the northeast. In the meantime, the precipitated boldly applied blows along the Poles, Lithuanians and Tatars from the gate of the fortress. In the Order Retell the Words polish king: "We thought that we were deposited by their fortress, but they themselves were in siege." In the camp before the castle, epidemics were rampated. The Military Brotherhood of Polyakov and Lithuanians did not happen. Great Prince Lithuanian Vitovt with his army left, at the end of September was forced to remove the siege and the Polish king Vladislav Yagello. Marienburg bravely defended more than two months and was saved. It was the first victory of the hard and decisive nature of Heinrich von Plauena. On November 9, 1410, Great Master was elected in the liberated capital of Order the Order of Henrich. This ceremony approved his right to power, which he took into his hands in grave times.

He was the only person who had the courage to continue the struggle after the defeat of the Prussian branch of the Order; Only he knew one how the Order should grow further. Now it was not about the fighting courage, when His predecessor Ulrich von Yungingen on the battlefield. The courage of a different kind was required: it was necessary to give his life to the service day after day, it was necessary to be merciless to themselves and to those who can still benefit, should have abandoned the old people, in which there was no intention, and all for the sake of the only goal - to save Order State

In February 1411, the Torn-bird world was concluded, the conditions of which determined the victory of the Order in Marienburg. Prussian possessions remained behind the Order. Gemium, the land bridge between Liovonia and Prussia, retired Yagaylo and Vitovt, but only in lifelong possession. In addition, it was necessary to pay 100,000 cop of Bohemian pennies. Apparently, the Grand Master did not give himself a report in the fact that these payments would finally burst with the already weakened ordinance state.

Permanent income of impoverished land would never have compiled the amount required. Heinrich decided to stick this serious burden on the shoulders of the brothers. Now he took advantage of the Master's right, and, expressing his obedience, the brothers had to transfer the Order all the money and silver, which were in the castles and which Knights owned. Heinrich was firm in his brothers demands, however, and for himself did not make exceptions. But since the Lord suffered, the victims were also required from the subjects. Henry put forward unheard of demands: to implement only the first share of payments, he considered it necessary to introduce a special tax. Representatives of the estates, that is, representatives of cities, nobles and clergy, recognized his necessity and, gathering on February 22, 1411 in Osterod, approved this proposal. For internal politicians Supreme Master It was a serious victory.

He almost forced the country to victims. Only Danzig refused to pay a new tax. Leading during the war, the deft negotiations and with Polish, and with the Prussian side, this purposeful Hanseatic city was trying to gain independence, which other Baltic Hanseatic citys have possessed. Torny world deceived their expectations. And now, refusing to pay the tax, Danzig tried to at least weaken the power of the Order of the United States. But negotiations ended with a disaster.

Having become a great master, Heinrich appointed his younger brother's comurig. And he also wore the name of Heinrich von Plauen. It seemed that friction between the Order and the city were somewhat settled. The situation barely discharged as a combo committed an absolutely meaningless act. On April 6, 1411, having caused Letskau and Hehet's Danzig burgomystres to negotiate and the member of the Goss City Council, he ordered them to grab them right in the castle, and the next night they were executed. Only a week later, the citizens found out about their death. Yes, and the Grand Master himself remained in the ignorance for several days. Then, however, he took responsibility for the actions of the comache - not as a brother, but rather as a representative of state power - and then acted very strongly: there were serious changes in the city council - there were introduced representatives of workshops, designed to resist the fraud of Dankic patrician.

All this has even got closer to the brothers. Soon, the Danzig's compence became the only trustee of the Grand Master. They had not only identical names, but also too similar characters. The difference was only that the comvor was younger, and therefore the rigidity and rudeness of his character immediately found the exit, and the Grand Magister knew how to restrain himself, directing energy to great goals. However, the great qualities inherent in Magist were not alien to his younger brother. Of course, they lacked the main - deep morality, and the activities of the elder brother suffered too much from it. And until the tragedy of his life was accomplished, the younger brother remained only his evil shadow, a sort of demon who gained flesh, black force, bursting into his fate.

The difference between the brothers was manifested when it took to shed the blood of the subjects in order to cleanse the state. There was no month from the date of that execution in Danzig, as they were captured by Komtus Redden, Georg von Virsberg, and a few nobles; They were accused of preparing the murder of the Grand Master, whose place was supposed to take Georg von Wirrsemberg, and were going to capture the comache of Danzig, and the land to transfer Poland. And here the Master acted decisively. Nikolaus von Renis, the leader of the union of lizards uniting the Klights of the Kulm land, which during the battle of Tannenberg filed a signal to escape, and a few more nobles ended their lives on Eshaf. Komtur Redden was sentenced to the ordinance of the Order of Lifetime.

The conspiracy ended. However, for the Great Master, it served as a signal of danger. He was concerned about this even more than Danzig resistance. After all, Georg von Virsberg was also a member of the Order! So, the enemies were not only among the Poles. And it was necessary to establish relationships not only with Prussian estate representatives. The enemies were in the very Order. As he was imprudent, demanding from the brothers of so many victims. After all, the brothers did not want to go along the way he considered the only possible way. He felt that he would soon be in complete loneliness.

However, he continued to go in the same way. Perhaps he laid some hopes for the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Roman King in Offen. To pay with the Poles, it was necessary to introduce another tax. And he should have been charged from all: from the laity and clergy, with bara and home servants, up to the most recent shepherd. Of course, this could entail new unrest and protests from representatives of the estates and the very ordine. Heinrich understood that before demanding something from the estates, it was necessary to endow their rights. And he decided: the state should no longer be based on one of the orders. In the fall of 1412, having enlisted the consent of the Supreme Officials of the Order, he established the Land Council from the representatives of the nobility and the cities, which, as stated in the chronicle, "to be dedicated to the Order of the Order and conscientiously help him with the Council in the management of land." Each of them solemnly swore, which will "give loyal advice on the best of my understanding, experience and knowledge that you and the whole of your order will bring the greatest benefit."

The Land Council (Landezrat) was not at all a democratic institution, with the help of which the estate representatives could affect soverene. Council members were appointed great masters for quite a long time and, mainly, only to bring his will to the population. This is not the estate-parliamentary representation at all, and the authority with the help of which the Grand Master carried out the leadership of the people. However, these functions of the Land Council were not limited. After all, he was still instructed by "conscience to help the Council in the management of land." True, representatives were not intended to not talk about "our land", but, according to the oath, to give proper advice to the Order and the Lands of the Supreme Master. Nevertheless, the estate representatives have already carried their share of responsibility for the fate of the Order of the Odden land. They were waiting for not only victims, but also to participate.

Creating the Land Council, Heinrich von Plauen pursued another goal. In the state to whom the enemy threatened, it was necessary to streamline the alignment of the forces. The advantage of any of the groups with its private egoistic interests was in the state as a whole. And attracting the Land Council to His side, Heinrich could somewhat limit the "Big Five". In Danzig, he broke the primacy of the urban patrician, whose policy was directed against the Order by introducing representatives of workshops and workshops in the city council. He supported small cities in opposition to large, Prussian free people in Samoland, along with chivalry, as, however, the lower classs that were endowed with important fishery privileges and wood production. Bypassing the city council, he applied directly to the communities, preferred to deal not with class representatives, but directly with the estates themselves. In the interests of the big game, he faced her involuntary participants (I must say, this method has adopted later by the Lategories of Governments), and then with the help of obvious actions tried to restore the balance, as was done in the past, happier and rich times.

At the same time, the essence of the Order of the United States changed in the root. The life of the Germans in Prussia went differently. Now that these lands, until recently, thriving, threatened a terrible danger, Henry von Plauen otherwise determined for himself the concept of the Order of the United States. Ministry, sacrifice, the struggle was no longer exhausted for brothers only a vow, but for the laity of their legal obligations; Now it was the common fate of all residents of Prussia, who had a common enemy. Great sacrifices for the sake of salvation of the country who demanded the Grand Master - if not theoretically, then actually equated the loyal duty of residents of the Order of the Tsvetyar or monastic ministry of the brothers. After all, the victim was also required from those and from others. They served one way of life, and they had one common enemy - on the other side of the border. And the citizens of orders also felt now their responsibility for the general being, dividing historical destiny with the brothers. Therefore, the basis of the relationship between the Order and the population itself has changed; After two centuries great History The character of the Order of the United States has changed: otherwise it was impossible to protect the joint being that the story itself concluded into the Prussian borders. This new state was intended to be all the great victims of the Order and the people. And now it was not only about the independence of the Order, but also about political freedom.

Only Heinrich von Plauen has enough courage, following the victims of the dead brothers, continue the struggle and after the battle of Tannenberg, he was the only one of all the brothers - for that time was the requirement of time - to finish with the past of the Order and his Prussian brainchild. For the first time in the two-day history of the Prussian state at the head of the Order stood a man who, obeying the Vote, served not only by the Order, but also to the state itself. For the sake of this state, he concluded peace with Poland and was ready for a new war in the name of the freedom of this state. For the sake of this state, the brothers had to show the same dedication as he himself, refusing some of his rights, if these rights did not serve the freedom of this state. From the estates living in the Order Lands, he demanded enormous material victims, but at the same time gave them the opportunity to take part in the management of lands and influence own fate. The concept of serving the Order Now meant duty before the state, which was also the population of lands, "the internal structure of Prussia changed. Heinrich was still not going to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Order and his state that did not lose its significance and after the battle of Tannenberg, from the idea of \u200b\u200bfighting the pagans, but he also believed that the Prussian state needs to assert, gain power and their own rights, Explaining this struggle for existence. It was really a good argument, and the actions of the Order of the United States could no longer be justified by the missionary struggle; Thus, for the first time the idea of \u200b\u200bthe German Order was formulated as maintaining the viability and domination of the German Baltic state under his power. This idea of \u200b\u200bthe Prussian state, which Heinrich tried to restore from the wreckage after the battle of Tannenberg, became almost obsessive, it pushed him to betrayal and caused the failure.

Plauen followed relentlessly to his goal and was increasingly distinguished from the brothers. Now he did not hide from them that she was accepting with his loneliness. By giving orders, he could no longer resist, and increased his voice. His brother called the residents of Danzig "treacherous creatures" and "Sukina children." The Grand Master also gave free to his violent temperament once, using strong expressions. Livonsky Magister strongly asked him in his letter: "Be kind and friendly, as before, in order to be constantly fixed between us consent, love and friendship."

Grave burden fell loneliness on the Grand Master in Marienburg. However, if he continued to follow the rules of the Order, without adopting without approval of the brothers or senior officials of the Order, his hands would have been connected. Therefore, he preferred to be limited to the Council of Lower Chins. And when it comes to the time of the final discussion, his frontal chambers were closed for the highest leaders of the Order, the doors were guarded by armed servants. He did not let anyone, except his brother and laity. And in the castle, meanwhile, the ordinance brothers who suspect that the Grand Master surrounded himself as astrologers and predictors, and they advise him in matters of war and peace and decide the destiny of the country.

But, despite all these burrs, a lot of oppressing Playen, he only thought about his goal - to save Prussia, about the release of the Order of the United States from the burden of exorbitant payments. For too soon it turned out that all these sacrifices were in vain to which the country was going to pay the amount of 100,000 Copher Bohemian pennies. The Grand Master was experiencing that from one trap they were asked to another, much greater, from which it would be more difficult to free themselves, and "they will have to dance for someone else's den." So he saw the position of the Order. Over the year has passed since the Land Council was created. Heinrich decided that he himself and his state, which was gained by fresh strength, ready for the battle: otherwise it was impossible to get rid of the Polish-Lithuanian yoke. And in the fall of 1413, the battle began. Three troops were exhibited: against Pomerania, Mazovia and Great Poland. One army he handed over to command his native brother, the second - his cousin, who stood on his side, in the defense of Marienburg, although he was not a member of the Order. Nobody trusted the great Magister more. He himself was ill and remained in Marienburg, and the troops of the Order who replenished mercenaries entered the enemy territory. But then the Marshal Order Mikhael Kühmeister, who conducted military issues in the lands of the Order, returned the Danzig Compact army, which has already managed to attack Mazovia.

The brothers already openly did not obey their Master. Marshal and the highest leaders of the Order of Henry called for the answer at the Order of the Charter in Marienburg. And as a result was convicted himself. Master who has not yet recovered from the disease, put in the dungeon. He was deprived of a key and seals, signs of it high position. The prosecutor turned into the accused and was shifted from his post. On January 7, 1414, Heinrich Von Plauen officially refused the position of the Grand Master. And two days later, the Marshal of the Order Mikhael Kühmeister was elected a great master. Now Heinrich was supposed to bring her oath to his evil enemy. According to his own desire, he was appointed in the Nursery Engelsburg in the Kulm land. And four years have not passed since the little-known combo Heinrich von Plauen, leaving the castle in the coat of the Shvets (by the way, not far from Engelsburg), saved from the Poles Marienburg and took up the restructuring of the state, which he just led. He suddenly rose to an unprecedented height, where he was destined to soar alone, and as unexpectedly was overthrow.

The lawsuit against him is nothing more than the reflection of the petty hatred of the brothers and their superstitious fear, which is experiencing children, putting the eldest on both blades. They knew his nature, the "riot of his heart," as they expressed, calling him an incractive person who "wanted to live only by his mind." They did not like this the most acquired by the greatness, which they did not want to support even for the sake of common state, and therefore Avented Heinrich with infidelity for its superiority. All his crazy actions were mentioned quite by the way, and at the same time the accusation of the brothers did not cost anything. Only one item really got into the goal: the brothers accused the defeated Master in the fact that he was looking for advice from the Mijan "disgusting our orders", to the loyalty to which he swore.

The accusation concerned the entire policy of Henry, including the creation of the Gas Council. By establishing this advice, Heinrich von Plauen really went against the Spirit and the letter of the Order, violating the loyalty to the brothers who once swore serve. They were right in their own way, explaining their actions in letters to the German princes by the fact that "all of us could not and did not want more, contrary to the laws of our Order, to endure such a person as a great master." But at that moment, when the whole state threatened the danger, to live, as before, only by the laws of the Brotherhood meant to put the personal interests of the community above the tasks put forward by time. In the rigid team rule, the brothers saw only his despotism (in their opinion, he simply did not want to coordinate his actions with the Convention, as the orders ordered); They did not suspect that this is a harsh board and was his own ministry, so it seemed to them that they themselves still serve the Order, and meanwhile the Order had long become just a tool in their hands.

Where they were to understand that in the depths of the soul, Magistra did not change or the ordinary state, that he rightfully put the country and the people above the egoism of the brothers. Creating the Land Council, the Grand Master wanted so that the unsighted potential of the German population of Prussia was also involved in the Office of the country; This responsibility was to work out in it willingness to the victim and help realize their duty. Of course, Henry is guilty of the Order and his law, but the stories should give him due: from all the Knights of the German Order he was the only one who had to go through the United States; He not only understood, in which direction it should develop, but also was going to form this process and lead them.

After spending a few months in a small Engelsburg, a recently mighty person lost his humble position. The dark shadow of his brother got up behind him: then the great thing was laid in both places, turned into their curse. When the elder brother was shifted from the post of the Supreme Master, the younger was appointed by the trustee in the Lohastt at the Freshes Huff Gulf. As once in Danzig, a restless character inherent in all Plauenms, which constantly eased activities and managed their destinies, again involved him in another senseless asphar. Having entered into collusion with the enemy, he gathered supporters of the defeated grand master and pulled his brother in a bad story, which was the cause of his tragic end. Letters of the younger Plauen intercepted. Under the cover of the night and fog, he fled to Poland, crushing through Neudu, and the former great master in the meantime came to prison on suspicion of treason (which, however, did not need to prove). Seven for long years He conducted in the sentence in Danzig, then three more years (from 1421 to 1424) in Brandenburg on the bay of Friezez-Huff, until he was sent to the neighboring castle of Lochstedt.

Was Henry von Plaume by a traitor? Even if we assume that he was going to get into the hands of the Order with the help of Poles, and then together with the brothers go against Poland, this does not prove anything. However, the defeated Master definitely expected to return to Marienburg. It was not by chance that he chose an Engelsburg for service, which, by virtue of his geographical position, was primarily in the zone of the occurrence of Poles (and the offensive was undoubtedly expected). Perhaps he hoped here to sit here and repeat the entire path, which only a few years ago he led to the comut of Schwdena to the main residence of the Order.

While Heinrich was sitting in the dungeon, his most big enemy And at the same time, his successor Michael Kyukhmeister voluntarily refused the post of the Grand Master, realizing that he had nothing left, except to continue the policy of his predecessor (and it was she who was the reason for the resignation of the Plauen). However, Plauen gave her all his passion, and the weakweight Kühmeister followed her sluggishly and hesitantly, only obeying the circumstances, because he did not know how to subjugate them. As a result, he left the post from which he had expelled a stronger policy.

Powl von Rusdorf, who replaced Michael Kühmeister at the post of the Great Master, there was no reason to hate the Lohastdt prisoner. And he could care about him if possible. However, we should learn that it was for care, and we will understand the entire tragedy of the provisions of the former Master, who, having achieved mature years, was fenced even from the most modest activities of the castle of their own order. He was born for power, and meanwhile in Lohastte, he was forced to write humiliating letters to the Grand Magist Powl von Rusdorf, reporting elementary domestic needs. He needed a new Sutan, because the old one completely worn out. He asked him to be a diligent servant and another servant, to whom he could completely trust. He complained about the Great Magist: "We are forced to complain that we are not domineed by nothing to manage that the Marshal with his guests and the hills drank all our wine and the best my honey and wanted to take a barrel of honey, which I had a bishop Halessberg, and intended Rob our cellar.

Such were now the troubles of the former master. For ten years he spent in a sharpening in Danzig and Brandenburg and five more sitting in front of his window in a small castle of Lohasttt, idly looking at the waves of the bay and on the edge of the wooded shore. In May 1429, he was appointed to a very insignificant position of the trustee of Lohasttta, just what was now in that proc. It was a courteous gesture, probably even pleasant to a tired man, but he could no longer return him to life. In December 1429, Heinrich Von Plauen died. Dead Heinrich was safe, and the Order gave him the honors whom he was deprived of his life. The Body of Plauen was buried in Marienburg with the remains of other great masters.

Reading about the insignificant worries of a great man and his quiet death, we understand what this defeat mean. German historian Heinrich Background Track, who first comprehended and recalled the German settlement of the Prussian Order of Prussian land in his entire depth, writes to his friend, reflecting on the essence and formation of the Order and Heinrich Stona Playne, that "Strength, the only lever state life, I didn't mean anything anymore for his knights, and with the fall of Plauenas served as a moral defeat of the Order. " The brothers were no longer capable of a feat, since they did not have more of the strength - the "state life lever", with which it would be possible to give the United States a new meaning.

Only Heinrich resolutely pressed on this lever, trying to change the state and thereby save him. Having rejuvenated to oppose his own essence of the whole community, he broke with the past of the Order and opened the gate at the last stage of his history: the transformation of the Order of the United States into secular duchy. Perhaps he did not put such a goal, but only wished to create a state living according to his internal law and at the expense of his own forces. Heinrich von Plauen - one of those historical personalitieswhich existed under the laws of the future, and therefore contemporaries were perceived as traitors.

Unlike the former great masters, he, of course, is not the embodiment of the German Order and the then World. Great masters first were the ordinary brothers. He always remained primarily by himself. Therefore, he, alone, which brightened the cargo of inevitable guilt, is the only tragic figure in the history of the Order. Against the background of a powerful epic, what is this story, only his fate stands out - the fate drama. How passionately he rebelled against the blind cohesion of his brothers, and at the same time almost did not think about his own freedom! He did not belong to himself, as, however, and the Order, the Fair Order, he was the property of the future state. Truly, the tragic loss of power inevitably makes him guilty of his brothers, but forever justifies him before the story.


Kopa - Measure in 60 units. - Approx. ed.

On June 9, thousands of people in Russia and former Republicans of the USSR celebrate a memorable date - the day of the Soviet troops in Germany (HSVG Day). On this day, in 1945, a group of Soviet occupying troops in Germany (GSSG) was formed, transformed in 1954 to a group of Soviet troops in Germany (HSVG), and then, in 1989, in the Western group of troops (ZGV). A group of Soviet troops in Germany (it. Gruppe der Sowjetischen Streitkräfte in Deutschland, GSSD) was the world's largest operational-strategic association of the armed forces abroad, stationed in Germany (GDR, FRG). It was part of the Armed Forces of the USSR (1945-1991), the United Armed Forces of the CIS (1992) and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1992-1994). The group of Soviet occupying troops in Germany (GSSG) was created after the end of the Great Patriotic War and unconditionally surrendering Germany, on the basis of the Directive of the Supreme Command Rate No. 11095 of May 29, 1945. It was from this document that the almost half-century history of the group began, which by June 9, 1945 was formed and the next day, on June 10, began to go to their activities. The GSSG began at that time the largest military association of Soviet troops, stationed in close proximity to NATO's armed forces, and was considered the most efficient. The basis of the group was the troops of the 1st and 2nd Belarusian and 1st Ukrainian fronts. And the first commander-in-chief of the GSSG was appointed Marshal Soviet Union George Zhukov, who simultaneously became the main-private Soviet military administration in Germany. The troops of the occupation group from the West bordered by the allies with the troops, from the east, the border was held on the rivers Oder and Neutise, from the south - it was the border of Czechoslovakia with Germany. The zone of the Soviet occupation was 107.5 thousand with a population of more than 18 million people. Initially, the headquarters of the group was located in Potsdam, and in 1946 he was translated into the suburb of Berlin - Vyunsdorf. The issue of the placement of the group's troops, and these are several hundred compounds and parts, was solved, mainly due to the use of former venge sites of the Wehrmacht. Soviet troops were based on the territory of Germany from 1945 to 1994, more than 8.5 million USSR and Russia citizens were held through the service in GSVG. The initial number of groupings was approximately 1.5 million soldiers and officers, by 1949 - about 3 million people, and in the year of its conclusion - about 600 thousand servicemen. This shock offensive group Soviet army It was capable of necessary, according to the plans of the Soviet military strategists, to apply a dangle tank blow to NATO troops and "flash" Western Europe to La Mansha. And, of course, during its content in Germany, the group turned into a kind, "state in the state": military townships, infrastructure facilities, schools for officer children, pioneer camps, sanatoriums were created here ... The main task of the group was to ensure protection Western winds of the USSR from external threats and crushing any opponent. Therefore, these troops were equipped with the most perfect and modern military equipment and weapons, including nuclear. The group has always been a test site of the possibilities of the newest samples of weapons, the level of training personnel and personnel. The group of troops belonged to the first strategic echelon (cover troops). In addition, HSVG has become the famous forge of personnel: the future ministers of defense of the USSR, the CIS, the heads of the General Staff, the Commander, the majority of Marshals, Generals, the Supreme Officer of the USSR, Russia and the CIS countries were the school of training and education here. After all, in the HSVG, the readiness for war was always constant and checked around the clock. It should also be said that the group has repeatedly turned out in a situation of direct confrontation with former allies on the anti-Hitler coalition, especially during the Berlin crises of 1948-1949, 1953 and 1961. In 1968, individual parts of the group took part in the operation of "Danube" (inserting troops to the territory of Czechoslovakia). By their combat power, the Group contributed to the recognition of parity in the military field, the discharge policy and advocated a containment factor.

As the Supreme Master of the Teutonic Order of Count Heinrich Von Plauen, concluded on February 1, 1411, in the Order of the Eternal World, and Lithuania, prisonered on February 1, 1411, turned out to be a typical "rotten compromise." According to this 1st Torun peace treaty, Dobrinskaya Land (defended by the Silesian Prince Vladislav Opole Tutonovsky Order and since then, which has been a permanent facility of Polish claims) was transferred to Poland, and all the alarms and the Kulm region became enshrined at the Order of the Virgin Mary. The question of Sock and Drezdenko's controversial castles, with surrounding areas, was transferred to the commission of 12 people appointed by the Polish king and Hochmayster of the Teutonic Order (under the Supreme Arbitration of Pope).

However, the hostility of Poland and Lithuania to the Order of the Holy Virgin Mary did not at all weakened, but on the contrary, only intensified. In both states, a frank disappointment reapplying the very modest results of a brilliant victory, who has been united by the United Polish-Lithuanian army over the Army of the Teutonic Order in 1410 at Tannenberg. After all, even the formal goal of Poland was not achieved in the war - the seizure of the Order of Eastern Pomerania - Daellia (not to mention the seemingly, after the victory in Tannenberg, so possible and close to destroy the Tuton State Prussian state)! The case with Lithuania, whose Grand Prince Alexander-Vitovt was similar to the order of claims on the territory, who never part of the Lithuanian dignity of Samogiacs-Zhmuda, to return which, for the period before the death of Vitovt, agreed on a peace treaty ( For example, a castle and a memel area).

Announced the Order of Marian in the war with the Polish-Lithuanian coalition of loss in a living force (especially as for the "brothers-knights"), were irreparable (nor in quantitative or qualitatively). Heavy damage was applied and the horse's composition - Poles and Lithuanians defeated the famous Prussian equestrian plants of the Order, causing a lot of thoroughbred horses and tribal stallions (and the knight without a horse is not a knight). In the situation after the war, in the face of the overwhelming military, numerical and material superiority of the enemies, there were no incentives that could encourage young knights to join the Teutonic Order, the future of which was extremely dark (or, in any case, unclear). Heinrich von Plauen was tirelessly looking for opportunities to put the strength and potential of Prussian classes to the service chaired by him. He demanded from Prussian cities, secular knights, cities, clergy and the Order of the Virgin Mary to participate in the payment of military conjugation of Lithuania and Poland. For this purpose, a universal cash tax was introduced. Against his introduction was actively protested by Prussian cities in the Supreme Suspension of the Teutonic Order, and mostly - the largest and rich of them (first of all - Danzig). In Danzig, it went so far that the townspeople surrounded the ridden wall located within the city of the Order of the Order. The relationship between Danzig and the Order was aggravated by the Day of Day, until finally on April 6, 1411. The Order of the Tanziga Henry Ston Plauen (the younger brother and the host of Gokmeyster) did not ordered to arrest Danzig Burgomistra Letska and Gekhta, as well as a member of the city council of Danzig Gross. On the night of April 7, the arrested were executed by order of the comut.

Conspiracy and excitement occurred everywhere, and therefore Gokmeyster "Marian", for the sake of maintaining state authority, approved the actions of his brother (although he did not agree with him). Georg von Visberg, Oddensky Comsent Raren, consistent with the leader of the "Union of Lizards (s)" Nickelon von Renis (whose variable care from the battlefield at Tannenberg at the head of the militia of the Klights of the Kulm region - the secular vassals of the Teutonic Order - July 15, 1410 appeared at one of The reasons for the defeat of the Order of the Army under Tannenberg) was a conspiracy with the aim of killing the Supreme Master. The plot was revealed, and the treacherous combo sentenced to life imprisonment. However, henrich von Plauena became obvious that not all of his brothers at the Order were ready to go on chosen to the thorny path of great works and deprivation. On the contrary, the hostility towards the arrower in his own ranks was increasing and, as she showed a case with a comeworthy, nests even in the Ordinance manual.

The leaders of the rebellious knighthood, led by Nickel, Backnis, were captured and folded their heads on the plate in the Graze.

In 1412, Landezrat (Zemsky Council) was formed in Elbing in 20 prominent representatives of the most significant birth of secular knights - Vassalov Order of the Virgin Mary - and 27 citizens, representatives of large and small cities. Its purpose was to put all the forces of Prussia to the Order of the Order. For Plauena, the interests of the Prussian state of the Teutonic Order became more important than the interests of the Order as such. This proud, unreleased husband did not have a gift to forgive persons guilty to him and the Order of the Virgin Mary. Gokmeister ordered to return all fugitives to Prussia, accustomed to the territory of the Sacred Roman Empire. Knights who did not fulfill their military duty in the battle of Tannenberg or entered into an agreement and the Union with the Poles (like some Prussian bishops) were accused of state treason and deprived of their posts. From the "Ordinsky brothers" Plauen demanded unquestionless subordination and blind obedience in the spirit of the founders of the Teutonic Order. He did not always find a common language with subordinates. There was an alienation between the Supreme Magister and entrusted to him the Order. Plauen was increasingly relied on his brother, relatives and friends of his powerful family. Without trusting anyone else and constantly fearing for his own life, he, by the end of his rule, was even forced to surround himself by the bodyguards, which did not make any supreme master all his thoughts and affairs were aimed at rescuting Prussia. Already by autumn, 1411 it became completely clear that the payment of the required military conjugation of the Lithuanians and Poles would not only break the order state, but also fully subjugate it to Polish influence. By March 10, 1411, the 1st, and by June 24 - the 2nd tranche of the contribution to the payment was paid. However, the Poles did not freed the prisoners, and therefore Hochmeister refused to pay the 3rd tranche (subject to payment by November 11 of the same year). In response to Polish threats, Plauen planned on July 25, 1412 in Union with Hungary to attack Poland. However, on the recommendation of Marshal instead, in the Hungarian city of Offen (Buda), with the mediation of King Hungary, Sigismund Luxembourg, peace negotiations, who did not lead to satisfactory results for the Order. Little of! The Order of the Virgin Mary was presented with new financial requirements. This time, they were presented by his recent ally - the King of Hungarian Sigismund von Luxembourg, which demanded monetary compensation for his mediation. The worst concerns of the Hochmeyster, who did not expect anything good and inspired by the Marshal, were justified, "you know the Poles well, and you know well that you can not believe."

In this situation, Heinrich von Plauen, without seeing a different exit, except for the war, decided to describe the current situation and thereby substantiate the image elected to them in the acquittal epistle addressed to the secular knighthood and cities of Prussia, as well as the owner of the sacred Roman Empire. Gokmeister ordered to strengthen the strengthening of Marienburg (and in particular, new bastions were erected for the "fiery fight" on the eastern side of the castle complex). At the same time, Plauen tried to strengthen the artillery armament of all Orelinsky castles.

In addition, Gokmeyster, despite the costs, he was harmful by a large number of mercenaries (mainly as usual, Slavs - Czechs and Salests). Henrich's Armed Forces, Heinrich Von Plauen divided into three detachments.

To command the first detachment, he appointed a great comut of Count Friedrich von Trollena - one of his few faithful friends and participant in the battle of Tannenberg, never forgetting this tragic day. Friedrich von Tsollerone was in the time described one of the few "gebitues", many years faithfully served by the Order of the Virgin Mary. In 1389, Count Von Troller became a company of Comut of Brandenburg, and later - a company of Marshal Order. In 1402, he became a Foght Dirchau, then - Kits Ragnit, and in 1410 - Kitsu Balgi.

At the head of the second detachment of the Order of the Troops, Gokmeister Plauen put his brother Heinrich von Plauena (mentioned above the compection of Danzig).

At the head of the third - his cousin and comrades of Marienburg defense, who was also called Henry von Plauen!

The moment for the attack was very well chosen. It was in the described time of Yaghello and Vitovt celebrated in the city-le on the bougie conclusion of the Polish-Lithuanian Golden Union. Gokmeister could not personally lead the Order of the Army army, who spent on a campaign. A sudden attack of the disease chained him to bed in Marienburg. The goal of the beginning of 1413 of the military campaign, which began in the fall of 1413, was to empty the Polish and Mazovian border. "Teutons" tried to take a bout of several fortified cities, but they could not worry them. On the 11th day of the campaign, his supreme leader, Marshal Order Mikhael Kyukhmeister von Sternberg, commemorately ordered the Order of the Force to retreat. He acted as a chapter of one of the parties to which the Teutonic Order - Party, who was in opposition to Gokmeistra von Plauenu, a party of supporters of the world at any cost. Gokmeyster, despite the illness, appointed a meeting of the Supreme Council of the Order on October 14 in Marienburg, which was going to call Marshal to answer. But Marshal did not sleep. As a countermeasure, with the assistance of the Deachmeister (!) And the Livonsky Landmister (!), Built plans to reject the Supreme Master from office. The conspirators were pre-enlisted by the support of 73 "Brothers-Knights" of the Teutonic Order. They declared Heinrich von Plauena (still chained to Audru's illness) detached from office, at his signs of the arrogance system (including the famous Supreme Master's Ring, decorated with ruby \u200b\u200band two diamonds). Playan accused of inciting war, in violation of the spirit and letters of the Charter of the Teutonic Order and in the ruin of the Order of the United States exorbitant taxes and charges. Most of these accusations were sudden from the finger and could be easily refuted, but no one did. In fact, it was that the attempts of reforms taken by Playen were infrained with the momentary "skinny" interests of selfish, short-sighted, who lived only by today's "Order of the Trenniki brothers".

After the deployment of the former Hochmeyster for a while, at his own desire, appointed a comurore of Engelsburg. However, on January 7, 1414, Plauena was forced to publicly declare his own - allegedly voluntary! - Refusal to the position of the Supreme Master. When January 9, the Veroprist Mikhael Kühmeister von Sternberg, Heinrich von Plauen, was defeated by the Supreme Master, Heinrich Von Plauen was forced to swear to the traitor and the Korotnieu in loyalty. Heinrich von Plauena junior (the brother of the lowlands of the Hochmeyster) was dismissed from the post of comut of Danzig and appointed an insignificant post of caretaker of the Order of the Stash Strochette. In Lohastte, he tried to collect around himself supporters of the deplorable arrometer and restore him in office, with the help of foreign sovereigns (including even with the support of the Polish king, to which the next confusion in the "damned cridesks" was only on hand). However, among the conspirators there was a traitor. The plot was revealed, many of his participants were arrested. Heinarih von Plauen's younger, accused of treason and in absentia to death, managed to escape to Poland, where he, in the White Ordinsky Cloak with a black "Teutonic" cross, was adopted with honor, in the presence of all cans (magnates) of the kingdom, the king himself Polish, who did not give, however, a fugitive from the Lohastt no real help. Further fate Heinrich, the Junior Unknown, Heinrich, is covered with mrak.

Although the former Gokmeister Heinrich von Plauen was not personally involved in a conspiracy organized by Playan younger, he was captured on charges of treason to the Supreme Magist and the Order and abandoned the bars. Marienburg Hero had to see 7 years in Danzig, and then - another 3 years in the Brandenburg prison,

From the moment of rejoicing the background of Placean from the post of the Supreme Master, the entire military-political history of the Teutonic Order in Prussia went under the slope. The former ordinance structure has not yet responded to the spirit of the times and, as it turned out, did not have durable roots in Prussia. Only this can be explained by the collapse of all ordinar structures after the battle of Tannenberg. Playen's attempt to lead the Order and the subordinate Order of Prussia by reforms, leading at the same time armed struggle for independence, was the only possible alternative ...

The low-key of the Supreme Master was something unfriendly unheard of the Holy Virgin Mary's Teutonic Order. This event demonstrated to the whole world (and first of all - to the Polish king), that the former basics of the power of the Order of the Order - Discipline, obedience, order. The hopes of "Grossgebitigiers" reassure the Poles and keep them from hostile actions by the deployment of Hochmeyster von Plauena, the Iron Will and the incrementable character of whom the Teutonic Order from the inevitable death after defeat with Tannenberg was in vain. In 1414, King Yagello unleashed against the Order of the Virgin Mary, another war.

The new Supreme Master Michael Kyukhmeister von Sternberg did not dare to go out in the field to fight with Yagello. The troops "Marian" remained behind the walls of fortified order castles.

From there, they, especially in clear weather, could be observed how Polish interventions once again burn the city and villages, torture, kill and hijack the population in full. The Poles destroyed Allenstein, Galesberg, Landsberg, Creicburg, Christburg and Marienverder, rebuilt shortly before that with such difficulty. Little of! Chapel, erected by the orders of Heinrich, the background of Plauena in 1411 on the field of the Tannenberg battle "For the sake of rescue the soul and resting in the world of all eighteen thousand, Christians fallen in this field (that is, not only" Teutons ", but also their opponents!)" First looted, and then destroyed by Polish warriors. At the same time, the victim of the fire "The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Indiposable Beauty".

With this leadership, the Teutonic Order did not have anything else, except for signing a humiliating world, fraught with tangible territorial losses. March 10, 1422 Mikhael Kühmeister von Sternberg refused the position of the Supreme Master. His successor in this post, Paul von Rusdorf (1422-1441), ordered on May 28, 1429. Free the hard sick Heinrich von Plauena from the conclusion. Exactly 7 months old, December 28, 1429, the hero of Marienburg moved to best world. And - a strange thing - the dead hero, the Teutonic Order provided those honors in which he refused to him during his lifetime. His stained remains covered by the White Hochmyaste Cloak were buried in the Marienburg Chapel of St. Anne - the tomb of the Supreme Master - next to the ashes of the Hero of Tannenberg Ulrich von Yangingen ...

However, the defender still did not have to be confused in Marienburg forever. In 2007, reportedly in the Polish and German Press, Polish archaeologists have discovered in the crypt of the Cathedral of Cvidzin (ancient Marienververder) as a few dies of the Teutonic Order, judging by the remains of expensive silk fabrics and accessories on the skeletons (zippers, etc.) from precious Metals. As a result of anthropological analyzes and analysis of DNA, archaeologists have come to the opinion that three skeletons found in Kripte belonged to the Supreme Magistra. The Order of the Virgin Mary - Vernera von Orzelna (1324-1330), Ludolf Königu (1342-1345) and ... Heinrich Paouuen's background (1410 -1413) ...

In 1430, the Grand Prince Lithuanian Alexander-Vitovt died. In 1434, his cousin was followed during Vitovt, the Polish king Vladislav II Yagello (King, whose rule was the longest in the history of the Polish monarchy). None nor the other lived to the final crash of the authorities of the Order of the Virgin Mary over Prussia, but both were clearly realized that her victory over the Order of the Tannenberg was created for this the main background.

As a result of all the Military and Financial problems listed above, the Order of Mary was so weakened that his own subjects rebelled against him - German origin! - Citizens and - most importantly! - Knights-vassals of the Order of the Virgin Mary (even before Tannenberg defeat, those who were mentioned above the secret "Union of Yagcerits (s)", striving for the overthrow of the Order of the Order), united with other ordinary states, including the rebellious Burgers "Union of Cities", in The so-called "Prussian Union", who captured the treason, most of the Odden castles and called on to the rescue of the Polish king.

Invalid vassals of the Teutonic Order, at the head of which the Knight Hans von Bayizen stood, sought to replace the stronghold of the Polish-Lithuanian "Snharynxual Volinity" for themselves. Citizens who are dissatisfied with the increased charges necessary for paying Poland and Lithuania contribution, and prevent them from management state casesAlso rebelled against the authorities of the Order (after Gokmeyster Heinrich von Plauen, who tried to meet their requirements and attract burghers to government management, faced the "irreconcilable opposition" in the face of the Order of the Ordansky knights, was renounced from power and imprisoned in the ql).

It should be noted that the "brothers-knights" of the Teutonic Order of steel to the time described no longer the ones that before. Over time, they began to make all major demands on the standard leadership regarding the standard of living (although when he joined the Order, on old memory, adults were brought, that is, to live in poverty before God and the Virgin Maria, somehow confronts the monks). It came to the point that the Supreme Magistu Konra von Ell-Richsgauzen (hereinafter referred to as Erlikhsgau-Xen) even had to introduce a separate paragraph to the order, permitted officials Order to keep hunting falcons, and simple "knight brothers" - dogs. Little of! I also had to publish the official ban "Brothers-Knights" to take dogs with me to church! If the "knights" did not receive a decent, in their opinion, the content, decent to their noble status, they could now apply to their influential relatives, who often provided the appropriate pressure on the Dayachmaster, Landmaceister of Livonia and even at the Hochmeister of the Order of the Virgin Mary!

There was no farming that day was 1454, in which the Czech and Silesian mercenaries who defended Marienburg from Polyakov and who had not received a salary that had previously received, rebelled and sold the castle complex (laid down by Hochmyister to the future complaint) Poles. Gokmeyster Ludwig von Ellrichsgauzen, generalized mercenaries to the thread, was forced to flee from Marienburg, who served for 148 years by the residence of the Seventeen Supreme Masters of the Teutonic Order. The city of Marienburg was put by relentless citizens of the "Prussian Union" troops (a traitor of Hans von Bayizen by that time had already received from the Polish king the position of "Governor" Prussia). Marienburg Burgomaster Bartholomew (Bartolomeus) Bloom, who preserved the loyalty to the Order, was quartered, his comrades in the city council were also quartered or decapitated. From now on, Königsberg became the residence of arrows. Subsequently, according to the conditions of the 2nd Tornsky (Torun) peace treaty signed in 1466, the Order of the Virgin Mary had to give up Poland all Eastern Prussia.

In the meantime, this black for the Teutonic Order has not yet come. But the war with rebelled subjects and the Polish-Lithuanian coalition were complicated by invasions in the Order of the Troops of Yeretikov-Gusitov - "fear and horror" of the entire then Central and Western Europe.


Essay history

Part 4.

Sunset of the Teutonic Order.

The Order at the beginning of the XV century is in the current power of its power. He owns a whole country. More precisely, the Order at the same time and the military monastic community and the state.

But the meaning of the existence of the Order is lost as a combat detachment of the Holy Roman throne, as a Taran who cleared the path of the Catholic Church to the Earth of Public Nations. Such in the foreseeable space no longer left.

In addition, the orders who generated by the power of the Order, the TEVTONES have become even less reached with the authorities of the Pope, and more often did contrary to the requirements of Rome. Pope support became weaker.

European monarchs, who in the past unequivocally supported the Order in his campaigns and military conflicts, began to jealous and increasingly come to the conclusion that the costs and losses that they carried in wars in the interests of the Order, did not give anything worthwhile to them that they themselves said The state that is now trying if you do not dominate in Europe, then in any case play a huge role.
More and less monarchs knew the order in the territorial disputes with neighbors.

One of the main and organic defects of the Order was the principle of attracting knights into their ranks. If the national states were usually becoming a feudal (or his younger sons), having owned, land, power on his land, family, then entering the Order He gave vows of celibacy, poverty and obedience. Those. In his country, the knight was for what to fight and he entered the monarch's army in order to defend not only his suzerane, but also directly his estate and his family.
In the order, the knight had to go and fight in other people's lands for distracted ideas. And the victory did not personally brought him anything.

And if in the past, the Order Although not without difficulty, could regularly replenish his rows of knights, then by the beginning of the 15th century this stream began to dry out.

And on both sides, the Order will be chosen by the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom too strong.

By the time of the maximum development of the Order as the state had a population of about 2 ml. human. There were 19 thousand villages on its territory, 55 cities, 48 \u200b\u200bordinar castles and outside the territory of 16 comvoria, i.e. Large places in different countries of Europe. The annual income of the Order reached 800 thousand silver grades.

But at that time, a radical contradiction between the Order as the Military Monastic Organization and the Order is clearly manifested.

And if the interests of the state were all the same as the secular states of Europe, the interests of how organizations are becoming more blurred and incomprehensible to anyone. Actually, with the disappearance of paganism and loss of the idea of \u200b\u200bcrusades, the Order How the organization became unnecessary. Residents of the Order of the Order of Prussia wished their prosperity and wealth, and if not participating in government management, then in any case the laws guaranteeing their rights and protection of property.

The existence of the ruling top (knight monks), consisting of people who do not have any of their property, which means that have no personal interest in the prosperity of the state, no longer answered the interests of society.

As a result of increasing contradictions at the end of the XIV century, political parties arise in Prussia, which are beginning to fight the top of the Order for power. Then such organizations were called leagues. One of the first was the "Lizard League". Members of League became rich townspeople and landowners who wish to fight for their rights.

At the same time, many of the cities of Prussia, primarily the ports, were members of Hanza, the commercial community of German cities. The urban bourgeoisie of Prussian cities, acquiring an increasing weight as the enrichment, did not like the intervention of the administration of the Order in trade affairs, attempts to affect the neighboring states of various kinds of trade restrictions, forbids import or export.

This is discontent with the top of the Order Inside Prussia coincided with the dissatisfaction of Poland, which the Order was separated from the main Sea Port of Danzig, from which the main trade artery of the Vistula River was in the depths of Poland.

The Polish king of Yagailo (Vladislav) in every way promoted processes in Prussia, which led to the destruction of the Order. In addition to the influence through the Hanseatic merchants, he secretly supported the opposition leagues in Prussia, hesitated the order belonging to the Order at this time, on metries.

In 1407, the hemights raise the rebellion. Commander of the Order in the hemisytics von Elfenbash managed to suppress him, but already in 1909 the rebellion flashes again.

Grossmaister Ulrich von Yungingen demanded from Yagailil to stop supporting the rebels. However, the course of events promised the release of the sequence from under the Order and accession to the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom.

July 22, 1409 Yagailo announces his title - God's love Vladislav King of Poland Grand Prince Lithuania Heir to Pomerania Lord and Heir to Russia (Wladislaus, Dei Gratia Rex Polinae, Dux Supremus Lithuaniae, Haeres Pomeraiae et Russiae Dominus et Haeres).

This is a direct challenge to the Order and provoking the war. Already at least the fact that Yagailo declares Pomerania (squeezing) with his victim. Yagailo openly starts military preparations. The king of the Czech Republic is able to impose a truce conflict to the parties, which will last until the summer of 1410.

Grunwald - Fatal Defeat of the Teutonic Order

June 30, 1410 Army Yagailo, in which, except Polyakov and Lithuanians, included several Russian regiments, Czech mercenaries (at the head of which he later stood by the famous head of Czech Taborites Yang Zhizhi) and Tatar detachments, forced Vistula and moved to the Odden Lobau castles, then to Soldau And Guildenburg.

By July 14, 1410 Polish-Lithuanian army and Teutons agreed on the plain between the villages of Grunwald and Tannberg. The opposite Order of the Force clearly exceeded the number of Teutons, but how much, it will forever be secret because the chroniclers of both sides, as always godlessly lick, in every way exaggerating the strength of the enemy and the smallest troops.

From the author. It has long been a stamp and banality. Always at the enemy " superior forces"He always has" selected divisions ", always has a" innumerable set of reserves. "
Bored, girls!

In my opinion, it would be worth it at all to prohibit legislatively, whether to use these solid-sized phrases, testifying only about military illiteracy and extremely poor Word of writing.

The battle began early in the morning and lasted until the evening. Teutonic Order has suffered a crushing defeat.

It is not known how many died on both sides, but the documentary chronicles indicate that the 51 standard of the Order was put up for everyone to review and rugging in the chapel of St. Stanislav in Krakow.

Documented the death of the Grossmaister Order of Ulrich von Jungingen, the Grossky of Conrad von Valenrod, Tomas Tomas von Meme.

In the tactical plan, this defeat was not the hardest. The order of defeat and worse than, but in the past he always quickly restored his strength, gaining new knights in his ranks, turning to the Pope of Roman, to the monarchs of Europe (primarily to the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, to the Kings of Hungary, the Czech Republic).

But by 1410 the political situation was already different than in the past. Especially count on Support from the outside the Order did not have to. Rouges of new knight brothers dried up.

And more and more noticeable in the war, it became that the hard knights champed in armor can no longer be the main impact power in the battle. The appearance and development of firearms strongly reduced the combat value of the knight. The battle is increasingly becoming hiking.

And if earlier any battle, one way or another, disintegrates the sum of the martial arts of the knights, around which the group of their squires and servants were fought, then now they went to the fore martialctions organized large infantry groups.
At the same time, the dominant role is now playing not the individual training of the equestrian warrior, and the ability to act as part of the Hiking Unit; And not the bravery of a separate knight, and the ability to command subordinates.

In the XV century, the professional soldiers who usually united in groups, called companies (Company) and those who are ready for anyone were most responsible for these requirements. In the chapter, just say, the gangs stood the leader, called the captain and most often elected by members of such a group or collecting the detachment of mercenaries for his money. For what country and for which monarch, they still have to fight.

From the author. Interestingly, we are used from where the term "company" came from where in most European languages \u200b\u200bfor the infantry unit at 100-200 people the name "Company" was fixed. So the correctness in the famous Roman Duma would be translated from French not the "company royal musketeers", but the "Royal Musketeers Company".

And further. The hired soldier serves not to his people and not his country, and to the one who pays him. And in battle, he is not for the freedom of his country, not for his people, but only practicing his salary.
Landsknecht he is Landsknecht, as it is not called. The modern Russian term "Soldier-Contractor" is synonymous with the term "Landsknecht".
Especially, if taken into account the fact that to enter the contract service in the Russian armies it is not necessary to be a citizen of Russia.
What will cost the Order of the mercenaries, we will see below. They will become one of the main causes of the death of the Order.

So, on July 15, 1410, the Teutonic Order tolerate defeat in the battle of Grunwald (at Tannberg). Polish-Lithuanian army, which suffered great losses, remained on the battlefield. The next three days they will mourn and bury the fallen, rest, put them in order.

This delay allowed Komutsu Heinrich von Playan to take measures to prepare the capital of the Order of Marienburg to Defense. Teutons survived in the battle, residents of nearby villages will be gather. In the castle, the background of Plauen will brings all the stocks of food and forage from the county. The surrounding castle of the village will be burned. The comur will direct the Lionia of the Races for the Possess.

July 25, Yagailo begins the siege of Marienburg. Among the residents of Prussia is split. The bishops of Kulm and Sambi are sworn at the loyalty to the Poles. Locks Thorn and Stuttin are surrendered without a fight and recognize Yagailo with their suzerane. But Königsberg castles, Ellbing, Balga, Kulm resist.

Lithuanian prince Vitovt, in whose troops of which the dysentery broke out and which and so they suffered the hardest losses on September 11 leads their people in Lithuania.

Followed by learning that reinforcements from Germany and Hungary (information turned out to be reinforced false) leaves the king and the duke Mazovian.

In the created atmosphere, Yagailo on September 19 is forced to remove the siege of the capital of the Order, but he occupies the castles of Marienverder and Redare.

Outwardly everything cost.

In such situations, the Order fell more than once. And the consequences of past defeats managed the Order is not cheap.

On December 8, the background of Plauen begins negotiations with Poland, which are completed by signing on February 1, 1411 in a torch of the peace treaty.

According to the Treaty of Zhemitetia, he is moving into the power of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt Vassal King of Poland Yagailil (Vladislav), but only as long as they do not die. Delzhin returns Poland. Pokremia, Kulm and Mikhailovskaya lands remain at the Order. The free movement of merchants and goods through Prussia and Poland proclaims.

The crisis development of the Teutonic Order.

It seems that everything happened and the Order came out of the war without particularly serious consequences. And before, the Order was losing land and castles, which then returned.

However, this war war spawned many problems inside the order.

The new Grossmaister had to go to a number of unpopular measures for the restoration of order. There were strictly punished by those who betray the Order in difficult times. Many of them were executed, and their property was confiscated in favor of the Order.

Grossmaister introduced a new type of tax, which were literally all living in Prussia without distinction of classes. Today, such a tax is called income.

It was especially not like to rich citizens and landowners, since it was not paying anything the most upper order. After all, by law, the monks that have no property and no personal income.

Cities inhabited by bourgeoisie, which has common interests and identical views, and artisans, closely adjacent to the bourgeoisie, become hotels and opposition centers. It comes to open rents in the richest cities of Danzig and Thorn.

League Lizards is preparing a conspiracy with the aim of limiting the power of the Grossmaister. Some of the highest dignitaries of the Order are adjacent to the conspiracy. In particular, the marshal of the Order of Kukuyster.

Grossmaister is forced to steal. In 1412, at the Council of the Order, which used to meet exclusively, the highest dignitaries from the number of knights-monks, he invites representatives of cities and provincial nobility. However, the result is directly opposite. The knights considered themselves humiliated by the presence of "Cherni", and the citizens and provincials, the absence of the right to vote on the advice.

In addition to political contradictions in the Order of the State, as well, and in all of Europe there is a religious reformity, criticizing and rejecting a number of dogs of the Catholic Church. In particular, the celibacy of priests, church services in anyone not understandable Latin.

The reformity finds many supporters in the Order of Prussia. Grossmaister Henrich Von Plauen himself leans in reformity, for which supporters of Catholicism is declared heretic. The gossary of the order of the Order of the Order of the Order Armsmaster, but he evades the presence on the capitol. By decision of the capital, the oldest Knight of the Order of Otto, the background Bernstein arrests the background of Playen and concludes it in the castle Tapio.

By the decision of the capital of the Order of the gathered in Marienburg in October 1413. Von Plauen is removed from power. Knights and commanders supporters of reformity are excluded from the Order.

January 9, 1414 The new Grossmaister Mikhael von Sternberg is elected. The measures taken by them did not cease to develop the reformity. The society is split on supporters and opponents of the reformery.

An external danger from Poland is superimposed on domestic political and religious reset. In July 1414, Polish troops invade the territory of Prussia and capture several locks. And only the intervention of the Pope stops bloodshed.

In 1421, the Order De facto loses power over his hemitey. It remains only a narrow coastal strip, providing the connection of Prussia with a livonia.

In 1422, the Poles again attack the Order, capture the Kulmous land and Culm Castle himself. After a series of battles on September 27, 1422, the Melnovsky Peace Treaty on which the Order is inferior to Poland Nesau Castle, half of the duties from cross-border trade, recognizes the Lithuanian Gemium.

Understanding that the main danger for the Order still remains internal problems. The new Grossmayster von Russdorf is convened in 1425 the General Assembly of Compets of the Order and the richest citizens, on which many issues of management are inferior to cities. In particular, Thorn and Danzig get the right to chasing their own money.

In 1430, the Great State Council (Gross Landsrat) is created at the New General Assembly. Chairman Grossmäster Order, members - six Comments, six representatives of the Church and four representatives of cities. Laws on the independence of the heads of cities and that taxes cannot be changed without the consent of urban magistrates.

Thus, the administrative power in the Order of Prussia begins to gradually flow from the hands of the orders of the Order in the hands of a local bourgeoisie.

In the meantime, Poles as their state and weakening, torn by internal contradictions of the Order, are making efforts to delegate.

In 1433 Yagailo recruits mercenaries in the Czech Republic and Moravia and throws them on berants along with their soldiers. The Order, no longer having an army corresponding to the era, is unable to provide due resistance and agrees first on the Lensinian world on December 15, 1433, then on December 31, 1435 to the Brezhsky world, according to which large contribution is imposed on the Order.

The result was the aggravation of the contradictions in the top of the Order. Von Russdorf was accused of violating fundamental legislation.

In the meantime, the league of lizards, using dissatisfaction of residents, how the top of the Order manages the country, forms on March 14, 1440. The Prussian Confederation (Der PreussisChe Bund) is essentially a political union, which includes both rich townspeople and rural landowners.

The main goal is to protect your rights and privileges, and essentially the removal of chivalry from power.

The Assembly of the cities, convened by Rusdorf, convened to an open confrontation with the elite of the Order and voted to abolish the majority of taxes. This radically undermined all the efforts of the leadership of the Order of maintaining a combat-ready army, which now consisted mainly from mercenaries with their own commanders.

Without opportunity to effectively manage the state and without seeing ways to exit the crisis, von Russdorf on the Charter on December 6, 1440 is composed of san.

So the first stage of the death of the Teutonic Order is ends as a state.

Mount of the Prussian Confederation

In fact, in the Order of the Prussia is a drooping. Prussian Confederation is achieved on February 6, 1444 from the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of its official recognition as a representative of the interests of Prussia's population. But nominally at the head of the Order of the Prussia is still being Grossmaister. They were elected on the Konrad von Erlichsgauzen.

The new Grossmaister is trying to preserve the world with Poland and at the same time trying with the help of the emperor and Pope to curb the Prussian Confederation.

Since the confederation actions are directed against the Order, the King of Poland Casimir IV in every way encourages rebellious moods.

In early February 1454, it comes to armed rebellion. At the head of the Prussian Confederation Hans von Bayzen. The rebels capture a number of ordinar castles and destroy them. Danzig, Ellbing, Konigsberg are then captured.
February 17, 1454 Confederates are deposited by the residence of Grossmaister Marienburg.
Grossmister has no money to hire soldiers, and he entrusts the great Commander Saxony to rent a part of the Order of the Overnight Land of the Brandenburg for 40 thousand Florins.

In the meantime, confederates are offered to the Polish king all Prussia in exchange for cancellation of customs duties and free trade privilege.

February 15, 1454 Confederation comes on loyalty to the king of Poland. Prussia Church also becomes the side of the king. Half of the Prussian cities on the side of the Confederation. A war begins between the Order and the Confederation, which will go down in history as the "Thirteen-year-old War".

Thirteen-year-old war

The war actually begins on arrival at the help of the Grossmaister of the troops of the Order from Germany under the command of Commut of Germany. These troops cast confederates from Marienburg. By September, the castle of the concerns in Pomerania exempt.

The Poles together are confidential in October 1455 to the counteroffensive, but the Order manages to repel and even regain a few locks.

From the author. Here, it was manifested in all the urgency system (the "Service under the contract" elected today in Russia), for which today at the beginning of the 21st century, insane Russian democrats so actively steal.
The lessons of history do not go to them in the future, and they believe that it is believed that it is possible to step on the same rake as the TEVTONES in the middle of the century XV.

How many times repeated the world that the mercenary, siren the contractor, is not a homeland, not the government, not the people, and the employer. Pays - serve, not paying - do not serve. Although it will beer to say - sell the employer to get their blood.

Oh, gentlemen Putin with Medvedev, make sure that you will sell you mercenaries at the right moment, how to sell the grandmaster of the Teutonic Order of Ludwig von Erlichshausen. He failed to pay the promised and cruelly paid. You also twist and deceive mercenaries, from which today consists Russian army. Unquided perspectives you have.

The Order did not have free funds to pay the German, Czech, Moravian and Gypsy hired soldiers. Therefore, the Order was forced to deposit his order castles, including Marienburg. Prospects to get the money mercenaries did not see, and, having entered the castles, made a grandmaster and all the highest dignitaries with their hostages, and the property began to sell out. Having learned about this, the king of Poland offered the captains of mercenaries to sell him the castles laid down. Money should have been paid in advance before the classes of castles.

On August 15, 1456, an agreement was concluded for the sale for 436 192 hungarian Florin Castles Marienburg, Diershau, Mevé, Conits and Hammrestein.

From the author. Business is a business, nothing personal. There can not be a speech about betrayal. Here the relationship is purely business. And maybe the employer to pay or cannot, this employee does not occupy. Hired soldier too. And do not guys lie to yourself that there is some difference between the mercenary and the contractor.

June 8, 1457 King Poland Casimir IV joined the purchased Order of Marienburg to leave him for Poland forever.

Marienburg became Polish Malbork. In this status, he stays today at the beginning of the XXI century.

Grossmaster von Erlichsgauzen managed to buy only himself, and Mercenaries Taborites allowed him to run on the eve of the entry into Casimir IV Castle, who had a pleasure to see the crankshaded grandchildren of the once proud and great Teutonic Order.

Grossmaister runs to the Order of Königsberg, who will be destined to become the last capital of the Order of the Order of Prussia. The castle from which the Great Path of the Order will begin, the path of humiliation and shame, the path to non-existence.

The last capital of the Order of the Prussia - Konigsberg.

From the author. This castle today does not exist. Having survived the fall of the Order, Seven-year war With Russia, Napoleonic Wars, the First World War, the castle was strongly injured during completely unnecessary airlinals of the extremely vengeless British in August 1944 and during the storming of the city soviet troops In April 1945.

And was destroyed to the foundation in 1966-72 in favor of party bosses of the city and the region that had long been dreamed of "to demolish this symbol of Prussian militarism and German aspirations against the USSR."

And in vain. It would just be worth keeping the castle at least as an eternal reminder to the Germans about what the concluded wars end.
Well, the Poles of Marienburg retained. And nothing. They are even proud that they can wipe the nose to be tuttered.
No, there was no decision to demolish Königsberg castle the best solution to Soviet power. It did not add or respect from citizens or from neighboring countries.

The war of the Order with Poland and the Confederation continued until the autumn of 1466. In early August, negotiations began in Shtetin.

The Order of the defeated Poland of the Kulm land with all castles, pomerania is also with all cities and castles, among whom Danzig and Stetin, the castle of Marienburg, the city of Ellbing, Church, were of particular importance.
Bishopric of Warmia and Klam also moved to the jurisdiction of Poland.

Over the orders remained only the ever-mounted once in the Prussians of Eastern Prussia, including Sumbia, theft, Königsberg castles, Memel, and less major castles and cities in this area.

The Order recognized himself by the Vassal of the King of Poland.

This meant that Grossmister Order claims and removes the king of Poland; Up to half of the knights of the Order may be Poles.

The Prussian confederation did not receive anything at all, and was dissolved by the Polish crown. The weak attempts of confederates protested were suppressed by force with the inherent Poles cruelty. In general, this is true. It is impossible to rebel against its own government, how bad it would be. And even more so rely on the enemies of your fatherland. Traitors always despise and never believe them, including those who used their services.

Subsequent gossmaisters tried to raise Eastern Prussia from the ruins, to restore at least partially the power of the Order. Nevertheless, the Order In addition to Prussia, a significant part of the Livonia remained, extensive estates in the Holy Roman Empire, Italy and Hungary.

Among the attempts to get rid of Polish dictates and find the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing the San Grossmister to someone from European monarchs or their sons. He a priorie spread the sovereignty of his state and to the Order and take him under protection.

After the death of Grossmister Johann Background Typhen in 1498. Grossmaister post was proposed to the younger son of the Duke of Saxony Albrecht III Friedrich Saxon (Friedrich Von Sachsen he was Friedrich Von Wettin), which was never a Teutonic knight. In his youth he served as a canonik in Cologne, then he was at the courtyard of Archbishop Mainz.
Those. The order for survival was ready to trade his dignity.

September 28, 1498 Friedrich was elected Grossmister Order. However, when the Polish king, specking that he acquired a new Vassal in the face of the Saxon Duke, offered Friedrich to appear to him for approving and dealing with the oath to loyalty, the latter reasonably noticed that the 1466 Stector's contract nor Rome nor the Empire was ratified. Poland did not dare to war with the Order, fearing that the German Duke will take a papal throne and empire under defense.

Although, nothing outstanding Grossmaisster Fritrich did not manage to commit, but ensured the peaceful existence of the Order of Prussia until his death in 1510.

This success of foreign policy prompted the elite of the Order to repeat a good move. They offered San Grossmister to the Thirty-year-old Albrecht Von Brandenburg-preussen. He was the son of Marcgraf Brandenburg Friedrich and Marcgrief Sofia, who was the daughter of the Polish king Casimir IV.
Albrecht received upbringing at the court of Cologne Archbishop, who made him canonik.

Would they know who was invited to head the Order ...

Sources and literature

1.Guy Stair Sainty.The Teutonic Order of Holy Mary In Jerusalem (
2. Heraldic collection of FPS of Russia. Moscow. The border. 1998
3.I.Bryukov. The Amber Room. Myths and reality. Moscow. Ed. "Planet". 1992
4. Anglary - Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad book publishing house. 1983
5. Site "Borussia" (
6.A. Bogdan.Tutton knights. Eurasia. St. Petersburg.2008
7.T.URBAN. Warband. AST. The keeper. Moscow.2003
8.Sight "Iconography and Heraldry Master of Teutonic Order (