Russian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health. Russian State Medical University

MOSCOW 2nd MEDICAL INSTITUTE (Second Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical Institute named after N.I.Pirogov) - one of the oldest medical universities country and head (since 1973) Medical Institute of the RSFSR. It trains specialists in the following profiles: general medicine, pediatrics, medical biophysics, medical biochemistry, medical cybernetics.

It arose in 1906 as a honey. faculty of Moscow higher female courses. The heads of the newly organized departments of honey. faculty were large and progressive scientists, among them D. N. Zernov, P. A. Minakov, L. S. Minor, A. B. Fokht, M. N. Shaternikov. Many listeners of honey. f-that took part in the revolutionary movement (L. S. Bogolepova, O. P. Nogina and others).

In 1918, the Moscow Higher Women's Courses were transformed into the 2nd Moscow state University... In 1930, honey. Faculty of the 2nd Moscow State University was transformed into the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute of the People's Commissariat of Health. 2nd MMI is the ancestor of special pediatric education in the USSR; in it in 1930 the pediatric faculty was created, according to the model to-rogo pediatric faculties were organized in other in-tah.

In 1963, the world's first medical and biological faculty was opened, intended for research in the field of medical biochemistry and biophysics; their preparation provides for the study of mathematics, cybernetics, physics and chemistry in the scope of university programs in combination with the study of medicine. Professors of the Institute IP Lidov, MF Merkulov, Yu. F. Isakov took an active part in the development of the scientific and organizational foundations of this faculty.

In 1954, the Central Research Laboratory (TsNIL) was organized, which became a scientific and methodological center for such laboratories. universities of the RSFSR.

The activity of the institute is closely connected with the solution of the cardinal problems facing the Soviet health care and honey. science. The teaching staff of the Institute made a significant contribution to the development of the theoretical and practical foundations of Soviet health care. The largest theorists in the field of social hygiene and organization of health care ZP Soloviev, VA Obukh, as well as the first chairmen of the Scientific Council of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR L.A. Tarasevich, P.N.Diatroptov, E.I. Martsinovsky worked here.

Formation and development of in-that, as well as the formation of large scientific schools that had a serious impact on the development of honey. science, associated with the names of such scientists as anatomists V.N. Ternovsky, V.V. Kupriyanov, physiologist L. S. Stern, histologist B. I. Lavrentiev, pathologists A. D. Ado, I. V. Davydovsky, biochemists V. S. Gulevich, A. A. Pokrovsky, microbiologists N. F. Gamaleya, V. D. Timakov, infectious disease specialists A. F. Bilibin, N. I. Nisevich, therapists A. A. Bagdasarov, V. F. Zelenin , M. P. Konchalovsky, P. E. Lukomsky, A. I. Nesterov, P. N. Yurenev, neuropathologists and psychiatrists N. N. Bazhenov, V. A. Gilyarovsky, N. K. Bogolepov, surgeons F. A Rein, S. I. Spasokukotsky, A. N. Bakulev, V. S. Levit, V. S. Mayat, V. S. Saveliev, otorhinolaryngologists L. I. Sverzhevsky, B. S. Preobrazhensky, ophthalmologist M. I Averbakh, urologists A. Ya. Pytel, N. A. Lopatkin, pediatric surgeons S. D. Ternovsky, Yu. F. Isakov, pediatricians A. A. Kisel, V. A. Vlasov, D. D. Lebedev and others . A number of professors and teachers of the institute were the authors of textbooks, according to which many generations of Soviet doctors studied: pathological anatomy (I.V. Davydovsky), organizations of health ookhraneniya (G.A. Batkis), pediatric surgery (S. D. Ternovsky), otorhinolaryngology (B.S.Preobrazhensky), etc.

Among the employees and graduates of the Institute approx. 100 academicians and corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, two academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In-those worked 23 laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes, 11 Heroes of Socialist Labor. Two professors in-that - academicians A.N.Bakulev and V.D. Timakov - were the presidents of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

Among the professors in-that were the major organizers of Soviet military medicine - Z. P. Soloviev, N. I. Zavalishin, S. I. Milovidov, etc. In 1939-1944. in the Institute acted military faculty; for 5 years of its existence, he released approx. 1.5 thousand military doctors. In the early days of the Great Patriotic War in the ranks Soviet army 185 employees of the institute were called up, in October 1941 101 employees fought in the ranks of the Moscow militia, many teachers and students of the institute took part in providing medical assistance to wounded Soviet soldiers, working in hospitals at the front and rear of the country. P.I.Goryachev and A.I.Petrov were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union... From December 1941 to February 1943 the institute worked in Omsk, where he continued to train doctors. The names of 106 graduates and employees of the institute are carved on the memorial erected near the main building of the institute in honor of the doctors who died in the struggle for freedom and independence of the Motherland.

As part of the institute since 1979, the following faculties have been functioning: medical, pediatric (with evening departments), biomedical, advanced training of teachers and advanced training of doctors. Teaching is carried out at 85 departments; 44 wedge, departments work on the bases of urban wedge, BC and have a bed fund, which is approx. 12 thousand beds. Among the wedge, bases 1st and 4th City wedge, b-tsy, 5th Soviet wedge, b-tsa, 31st, 57th and 59th wedge, b-tsy, 1st and 13 -I children's wedge, b-tsy and a number of others. The bed fund is distributed according to the main specialties.

The departments and the Central Scientific Research Laboratory have 6 problematic and 12 research laboratories and departments (1979). In 1979, at the 2nd MMI, the Research Institute of Urology was organized.

The Institute conducts a great research work on topical problems of modern medicine. In the field of inf. diseases, problems of intestinal infections and liver diseases in children are being developed; in the field of physiology and pathology of the cardiovascular system - problems of the physiology of blood circulation, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, circulatory failure, as well as surgical treatment of peripheral vascular diseases. Are carried out scientific research by molecular biology and molecular genetics, study general patterns morphogenesis in norm, with pathology and in individual development; on rheumatism and joint diseases, organ and tissue transplants, abdominal surgery; age characteristics of the child's body are studied in health and disease, blood diseases in children. In addition, the scientists of the Institute deal with issues of social hygiene, organization and management of health care, the introduction of automated management tools and computers into health care practice.

Significant scientific achievements are: the development of methods of surgical intervention on the main vessels with thrombosis (V.S.Saveliev); development of sorption methods for detoxification of the body (Yu. M. Lopukhin); development of new methods of treatment in pediatric surgery (Yu. F. Isakov); introduction and improvement of the method of kidney transplantation (N. A. Lopatkin); glaucoma microsurgery (A.P. Nesterov); development of methods for early diagnosis of liver cancer (Yu. S. Tatarinov); development of theoretical foundations of microcirculation (V.V. Kupriyanov) and others.

Ying t has a patent department, a laboratory of scientific and medical information, a laboratory of higher honey. education, a library numbering St. 600 thousand volumes.

In 1979/80 academic year at in-those trained apprx. 7.5 thousand students, more than 1440 teachers and researchers worked, of which 11 full members and 10 corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, 14 honored scientists, 149 professors and doctors of science, over 930 associate professors and candidates of medical sciences. sciences.

Ying-that is given the right to accept doctorate for defense, and cand. dissertation. In the academic councils of the Institute for 1978 and 1979. 34 doctorates, and 251 cand. thesis. Collections of scientific works on theoretical, clinical and preventive medicine are regularly published, a large-circulation newspaper "Soviet Medic" is published.

Over the years of its existence, the Institute prepared St. 39 thousand specialists (1060 before the Great October Socialist Revolution).

In 1957 the institute was named after N.I. Pirogov. For great services in training, development of honey. science and health care and in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Institute in 1966 awarded the order Lenin.

Bibliography: Essays on the development of science in the 2nd MOLGMI them. N.I. Pirogova ( Scientific schools), ed. M. M. Levita, M., 1978.

Yu.M. Lopukhin.

One of the most authoritative research universities in the country is the Russian State medical University... Its history began in 1906, when the progressive community influenced the decision of the authorities to organize Moscow women's courses. After a while, the courses were transformed, and the 2nd Moscow State University began its work, the medical faculty of which in 1930 became the basis for the creation of the medical institute, which in 1956 was named after the great doctor N.I. Pirogov.

New time

Since the Russian State Medical University has long played a leading role as a scientific medical, educational, methodological and medical center of the country, in November 1991 the medical institute became a university, and in 2010 the only higher educational institution of this profile received the status of a national research university.

In 2011, the renaming took place again - in connection with the receipt of a new status. Now it is called the Russian National research university named after N.I. Pirogov.


Everything that happened to this educational institution for so long time (more than a century!) Can be found in detail in the university museum, which was organized in 1981. A visit to the Museum of the History of the Russian National Research Medical University is an interesting pastime, students and applicants willingly study the exposition dedicated to the most different periods of the university's activity. The museum is located in the main building of the university at the address: Moscow, Ostrovityanova street, building 1, on the fourth floor.

In it you can trace the entire history of domestic medicine and even the entire development of the country, because the Russian State Medical University all the time of its activity shared the vicissitudes of life, hardships, wars, revolutions, participated in the same achievements and suffered the same losses, sharing life with the country in all its manifestations, which will be very briefly described below. There are so many historical details of the very long life of the university in the museum that even a book would be small for them.


In May, distant 1872, Count DA Tolstoy, being the Minister of Public Education, agreed to open Moscow Higher Courses for Women. This is private educational institution was approved by a special regulation. Thus, in the building of the men's gymnasium on Volkhonka on November 1, the first courses in the country for women by Professor V.I. There were at least seventy students in the first year of study, and by 1885 their number had grown to two hundred and fifty.

At first, the students studied for two years, but in 1879 a new charter was written, and the classes lasted for another year. The focus was on Moscow courses, from which the Russian State Medical University, history and philology, later grew, the students studied general and Russian history, world and Russian literature, the history of civilization and the history of art. The former obligatory physics, mathematics, astronomy and hygiene were abolished in 1879, and in 1881 a new subject appeared - the history of philosophy.

The medicine

On Volkhonka, the courses worked until 1873, then moved to the Museum of Applied Knowledge - on Prechistenka, and in 1877 they began to study in a building specially built as a polytechnic museum. And only in 1906 another charter of the MVZHK appeared, which secured the opening of a new faculty - medical. By that time, the first - the historical and philosophical - had already been added to the physics and mathematics.

Now the courses really became the basis on which the Russian State Medical University was built. In September 1906, the first lecture was held at the new faculty, and in 1908 it was opened for medical students, which later became the anatomical building of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. In the spring of 1912, the very first graduation of the first female doctors in Russia took place. There were still few of them - no more than two hundred people.

After the revolution

In October 1918, the Collegium of the People's Commissariat for Education established the transformation of higher courses for women into the 2nd State University, a mixed educational institution. There are still three faculties at the newly-minted university, the same ones, but two years later, a scientific society was opened at the medical faculty. In 1921, medical students organized a commission to combat child homelessness and fight hunger and opened an orphanage at their own expense.

In July 1926, the Faculty of Medicine was already holding a meeting to select its first graduate students, after which they periodically began to appear in print scientific works medical topics: in 1928 two issues of scientific articles of the medical faculty were published. And in 1930, the People's Commissariat for Education issued an order by which the university was reorganized into three completely independent institutes. The Russian State Medical University (RSMU) has not appeared yet, but its prototype is the 2nd Moscow


In 1930, the faculty was again reorganized into a treatment-and-prophylactic one, and in addition a second one was opened nearby. Rather - the first, the very first in the country and in the whole world practice! It was the Faculty of Maternity, Infancy and Childhood Protection. The future Russian Roszdrav continued to grow. In December 1932, another faculty was opened - medical and physical education.

True, it closed two years later, and the other two faculties were renamed as medical and pediatric. But at the same time a new - general medical - theoretical faculty was created. In March 1935, the SSS was created - student scientific societythat still exists. And then it absorbed sixteen thematic circles. A year later, there were two faculties again - the general medical faculty was abolished.

Pre-war time

Medical students have never left public work for the benefit of the capital and the country, showing extremely useful initiatives. So, in 1938, students of the institute carried out for the first time in the country a preventive examination of the entire population of an entire district of Moscow, and not the smallest one. The population of the Khamovnichesky district was put on medical records.

In March 1939, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense, a military faculty, which existed until 1944, was formed at the medical institute, supplying military doctors to all the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. With the start of the war, a huge part of the staff, professors, teachers and students of the institute volunteered. In October 1941, part of the rest were evacuated and until 1943 worked and studied in Omsk.

Post-war time

In 1948, a student of Mechnikov and Pasteur, Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya made the first speech at the walls of the future Pirogov Russian State Medical University. The topic was very topical - "Tuberculosis Microbacteria". In 1954, the Central Scientific Research Laboratory, the Central Research Laboratory for Basic Medical Research, began experiments.

Professors and students continued to participate in all endeavors and help the achievements that took place in the country. In 1956 the institute was awarded the medal "For the development of virgin lands", and the next year it was named after Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, the great anatomist and surgeon of Russia. In the sixties, an evening faculty with pediatric and medical departments and a medical and biological faculty appeared.

Moving and new achievements

In 1965, the USSR Council of Ministers gave the institute fifteen thousand square meters educational and laboratory buildings in the south-west of Moscow, so far without a project and construction, but this was not far off, because this university was extremely valuable for the country. In 1966, he was awarded the Order of Lenin for outstanding services.

Another faculty appeared in 1968. Here teachers improved their qualifications. He still exists. In 1977 a new one was opened - the faculty of advanced training for doctors. In subsequent years, pulmonology and physical and chemical medicine were created on the basis of the medical institute, which served as educational, scientific and production, that is, medical complexes.


In November 1991, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR transformed the 2nd MOLGMI im. N.I. Pirogov at the Russian State Medical University. It continued to grow: pre-university training was opened at a separate faculty, then, by order of the mayor of Moscow, a Moscow faculty was created to staff the capital's polyclinics and outpatient clinics. Faculty opens clinical psychology and all the others listed below.

The Russian State Medical University receives a lot of help and support from the government. Moscow willingly takes advantage of the space created to expand the creative and scientific boundaries in education. The university is still actively involved in organizing and holding all kinds of medical forums, exhibitions, conferences, promoting the capital's medicine to an ever higher level.

One in fifteen

Now the Russian State Medical University of Roszdrav is becoming the largest medical university in the country and one of the largest in Europe. More than nine thousand students study here at one time in one hundred and thirty-five educational departments. The staff of professors and teachers is more than one thousand two hundred people in the state.

The internship trains two hundred doctors annually, there are more than seven hundred of them in residency in thirty-six specialties. There are five hundred and fifty graduate students - physicians, biologists and chemists. And this was not the last renaming. The best university in its industry - Russian State Medical University named after Pirogov - became a national and research, basic university with a special development program until 2019. There are only fifteen of them in the country.


The faculties and departments of the Medical Russian State University are listed below:

1. Medical Faculty. This is the oldest faculty of the university. Here, doctors are trained in the medical specialty, the most demanded - there are thirty-five departments at the faculty.

2. Faculty of Pediatrics. This faculty was created as the first in the world as a pediatric one. That is why those standards of high-quality training of pediatricians, which our country is famous for, are set here. There are thirty-three departments at the faculty.

3. Faculty of Medicine and Biology with the most powerful fundamental training and specialization in the field of biochemical sciences and clinical disciplines. Here, twenty-three departments train doctors in the specialties "Medical Biochemistry", "Medical Biophysics" and

4. Psychological and social faculty. At the faculty, they study under the specialty (clinical psychology) and undergraduate ( social work). Four departments train highly qualified specialists.

5. Faculty of Dentistry. This faculty prepares dentists in the departments and maxillofacial surgery and dentistry.

6. Pharmaceutical Faculty. The only Department of Pharmacy trains excellent theorists and practitioners in botany and pharmacognosy, who have mastered the most modern trends in this area.

7. Faculty of Education foreign citizens... There are thirty-two departments at the faculty, where foreign citizens are trained in the specialties "General Medicine" and "Pediatrics". Training takes place in Russian, but also english language used here.

8. International faculty. Graduates are awarded a double degree (with the University of Milan). The specialty "General Medicine" is studied at the Department of Humanities.

Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov - largest center medical education and science, recognized worldwide. It trains doctors, pediatricians, dentists, specialists in the field of pharmacy, psychology, social work, as well as researchers specializing in medical biochemistry, cybernetics and biophysics.

At the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, programs of pre-university training, bachelor's and specialties, master's degrees, residency, postgraduate studies, as well as additional vocational education programs are being implemented. IN educational process distance educational technologies are applied.

RNRMU annually provides applicants with about 1400 budgetary and 1500 paid places. 88.17% of students study in the direction "Clinical Medicine", 5.36% - "Fundamental Medicine", 2.94% - "Psychological Sciences", 1.55% - "Pharmacy", 0.74% - "Sociology and social work ", 0.2% -" Biological sciences ".

RNRMU students have at their disposal about one and a half clinical bases. The total area of \u200b\u200beducational and laboratory buildings is over 176 thousand square meters. There are two medical centers in the structure of the university: NIKI Pediatrics. ac. Yu.E. Veltischeva and the Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center. We have our own simulation center provided with modern equipment.

RNIMU is successfully developing international cooperation. For example, there is a program of 2 diplomas with the University of Milan, specializing in General Medicine. Joint research is underway with large foreign biomedical centers.

Pirogov University is the parent organization of the Moscow cluster of medical technologies "Yuzhny", which unites about twenty scientific organizations and industrial enterprises. The cluster's activities are aimed at researching the latest medical technologies and their implementation in practical healthcare based on the principles of translational medicine. In addition, RNRMU is the coordinator of the East European Scientific and Educational Medical Cluster.

The average cost of training per year is 337,000 rubles. On paid basis about 25% of students study. All students are provided with a hostel. The electronic educational environment is well developed.

RNRMU has more than 3300 teachers, 80% of them have academic degrees.

The employment rate of graduates is 75%, the average salary is 49,866 rubles.

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Russian State Medical University

Russian State Medical University

GOU VPO "Russian State Medical University Federal agency on health care and social development "
(GOU VPO RGMU Roszdrav)
Former names 2nd MOLGMI them. N.I. Pirogov
Year of foundation
Rector Volodin, Nikolay Nikolaevich
Location Moscow
Legal address 117997, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, 1

The modern building of the Russian State Medical University in Troparevo.

Russian State Medical University - a medical university in Moscow. One of the largest medical universities in Russia and Europe. The total number of students is over 9000 people. There are 115 educational departments in the RSMU. The total number of the teaching staff is 1205 staff units. More than 200 people study in the University internship annually. In the clinical residency of the Russian State Medical University, over 700 residents are trained in 36 specialties at 72 departments of the University. In postgraduate study (full-time and part-time) 550 people study at 90 departments of the Russian State Medical University in 36 specialties (medical, biological and chemical).

Full name of the University: State educational institution higher vocational education Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development.

Abbreviated name of the University: GOU VPO RSMU Roszdrav.

History of University

The history of the university begins with. Then the Moscow women's courses were organized. Then the courses were reorganized into the 2nd Moscow State University, from which the independent 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute emerged, which received the name of the outstanding Russian surgeon and anatomist Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (-). On November 28, 1966, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Institute was awarded the Order of Lenin on the occasion of its 60th anniversary.

November 5, 1991 by order of the Council of Ministers Russian Federation 2nd MOLGMI them. N.I. Pirogov was reorganized into the Russian State Medical University.

History of RSMU buildings

In September 1965, the USSR Council of Ministers authorized the design and construction of educational and laboratory buildings of the institute with a total area of \u200b\u200b15,000 square meters in the south-west of Moscow. m.

University structure

Faculty of Pediatrics

Dean of the Faculty - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Polunina Natalya Valentinovna.

It was opened in 1930. It was the first pediatric faculty in the world.

Learning principles

Students study medicine, various aspects her for six years at 54 departments of the University. Training is carried out not only in purely pediatric departments, but also in departments where diseases among adults are studied.

In addition to clinical training, pediatricians study basic sciences. Graduates have the opportunity, after receiving a pediatrician diploma, to work in any medical specialty.

In addition to theoretical training, students must go through industrial practice... In accordance with curriculum students undergo practical training as assistants: after the 2nd year - orderlies, after the 3rd year - a ward nurse, after the 4th year - a hospital doctor (surgery, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology), after the 5th year - a polyclinic doctor.

Medical Faculty

Dean of the Faculty: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Poryadin Gennady Vasilievich

Faculty of Medicine and Biology

Dean - Balyakin Yuri Viktorovich, professor. January 9, 1963 by the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to further development biological science and strengthening its connection with practice ”, a biomedical department was established. By order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated December 15, 1964, the biomedical department was reorganized into the biomedical department (MBF).

Faculty of pre-university training

International Center for Theoretical Medicine

Moscow faculty (pediatrics, general medicine)

Dean - Ilyenko Lidia Ivanovna, professor.

On June 29, 1998, in accordance with the order of the Mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov "On measures to provide the Moscow health care system with medical personnel" and with the aim of staffing outpatient clinics with medical personnel, the Moscow faculty was created.

Faculty of Dentistry

Founded in 2008. Dean - Pankratov Alexander Sergeevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Faculty of Pharmacy

Founded in 2008. Dean- Kozlov Ivan Genrikhovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Psychological and social faculty

The Faculty of Clinical Psychology was founded in 2001.

Faculty of Clinical Residency, Postgraduate and Doctorate Studies

Faculty of Internship and Industrial Practice

Dean - Assoc. Gaponenkov Yuri Petrovich.

Contact phone: +7 495 434-4522.

Faculty of advanced training for doctors

The faculty was opened in March 1977.

Faculty of advanced training for teachers

Foreign Citizens Training Department

Educational support units of the University

The supreme governing body of the RSMU is the Academic Council. The term of office of the Academic Council is 5 years. Guided by the principles of publicity, the Academic Council provides an opportunity for broad discussion and joint solution of the problems of the university and the prospects for its development with society.


The administration is the executive body of the University. It is headed by the rector; the administration also includes five vice-rectors: two vice-rectors for academic affairs, a vice-rector for scientific work, vice-rector for medical work, vice-rector for AHP.

Rectors of the Russian State Medical University, the 2nd Moscow State University, the 2nd MOLGMI named after N.I. Pirogova and directors of MVZhK

These people have led the University throughout its history:

  • Gerrier, Vladimir Ivanovich 1872-1888, 1900-1905
  • Pinkevich, Albert Petrovich 1924-30
  • Zukerstein, Evgeny Izrailevich 1930-1931
  • Fisherman, Joseph Isaakovich 1932-1936
  • Basias, Lyubov Yakovlevna March, 1937-December, 1937
  • Topchan, Avraam (Abram) Borisovich 1937-1946
  • Milovidov, Sergei Ivanovich 1946-1956
  • Kerbikov, Oleg Vasilievich 1956-1958
  • Sirotkina, Maria Gavrilovna 1958-1964
  • Volodin, Nikolay Nikolaevich since 2008

Educational part




Museum of the Russian State Medical University

International connections

RSMU maintains contacts with the following universities in the world:

  • with A. Poincaré University and A. Voutrin Center, Nancy (France)
  • with the Institute of Medical Biological Physics, Leipzig
  • with the Rhine-Westphalian Medical School, Aachen
  • with the University of Berlin (Germany)
  • with the University of Basel (Switzerland)
  • with Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia (with student participation)
  • with Iowa State University (USA)
  • with Oxford and London Universities (UK)

Famous graduates

  • Sidelnikova V.M.


see also


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