China resorts on the Russian map. China map in Russian

China is the largest state in East Asia and the world, second only in terms of territory. On an area of \u200b\u200b22,117 sq. km is home to at least 1.4 billion people. China has land borders with 14 countries, including Russia. The shores of China are washed by the East China, Yellow, South China seas and the Korean Gulf, the Taiwan Strait is separated from the continent. The coast stretches from the border with North Korea before .

The relief of the country is diverse; China has plateaus, mountains, deserts, plains and depressions. In the southwest, the Tibetan Plateau reaches an altitude of 4,000 m or more. Northern China is distinguished by high plains and mountainous belt. In the south and northeast there are low plains. The highest plateau in the world - the Tibetan Plateau is surrounded by the Himalayas, Karakorum, Pamir and the Kunlun, Altintag and Tsilyanshan mountain ranges. At an altitude of 2,700–3,000 m there is a swampy area - the Tsaidam depression with salt lakes.

To the north of the Kunlun Mountains there is an endless Tarim basin with the Taklamakan Desert and the Turfan Depression, which is 154 m below sea level. In this area, temperature fluctuations are observed from +52 ° С to −18 ° С. The depression is surrounded by oases through which the Great Silk Road passed. To the north of the Tarim basin rises the Tien Shan mountain range, behind which there is the Dzungarian depression with the Ili and Irtysh rivers flowing to Kazakhstan.

On the Mongolian plateau at an altitude of 1000 m - the province of Inner Mongolia with the Alashan and Gobi deserts. Small mountain ranges border the plateau in the south and east and terminate in the Ordos Desert. In the south of the desert, behind the Great Wall of China - Loess plateau... Most of the Chinese live in the lowlands in the northeast up to the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau and on eastern plains... In the south of the country there are several mountainous regions with an altitude of 200 to 2,000 m.

China or Chinese People's Republic - a state in East Asia. The map of China shows that the state is the third largest in the world in terms of territory. The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 9,596,960 sq. km. The population of the country is 1 347 374 752 people.

Today China is one of the world's superpowers. The PRC is the largest country in terms of population; the world's third space and nuclear missile power; second in the world in terms of GDP. In addition, China has the largest army in the world.

Today, everyone has a lot of products in the house with the stamp “Made in China”. China is the world's largest exporter of various goods and products. The country is also a leader in the production of various types of industrial products, including cars. The PRC is often called the “factory of the world”.

The largest cities in the country are Beijing (capital), Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Wuhan. China is divided into 22 provinces, but claims power over the 23rd province - Taiwan.

The rapid development of China in the 21st century has created a large social gap between the poor and the rich. The government of the country intends to artificially stop the growth of economic development and use all the funds received to improve the lives of the peasants.

Historical reference

China is one of the oldest states in the world. The approximate age of the country is about 5000 years. The history of China for many millennia was led by ruling dynasties: from 2353 BC e. until 1911. The Republic of China existed from 1912 to 1949. In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded. Since then, the ruling party has been the Chinese Communist Party.

Must Visit

Detailed map China satellite is replete with various historic cities and sights. It is recommended to visit the Great Wall of China, Forbidden City, The Summer Residence and Temple of Heaven in Beijing, the mausoleum with the terracotta army in Xi'an, the Temple of the Soul Refuge in Hangzhou, the garden city of Suzhou, the ancient capital of Luoyang, the Temple of the Jade Buddha and the skyscraper district in Shanghai, the casinos in Macau, high-rise Hong Kong and thermal springs on Hainan Island.

China is a country ideal for tourism... It is in this country that calm rural landscapes and huge skyscrapers of megalopolises coexist.

China can rightfully be considered a country of contrasts: the nature here is so different that it seems as if it is a completely different planet. Wild and lifeless deserts give way to endlessly high mountain slopes. Country striking in its sizetherefore, traveling to China can satisfy every traveler's need for knowledge.

State location

China or the People's Republic of China is located in the east of Asia. It is considered the most densely populated state on the planet and occupies the second largest land in the worldsharing it with Canada. China is adjacent to, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Laos, North Korea, Mongolia and Myanmar.

In the eastern and southeastern parts, the state adjoins the Yellow, Philippine, East China and South China Seas; there are almost 3.5 thousand small and large islands in the country.

China landscape in different regions is very different: the southwest is occupied by the mountains of Tibet, the northwest lies on flat and hilly terrain, the western part of the country is occupied by the Great Plain of China, the northeast and south are hills and stony wastelands. Only in the southeast of China can you see the dense forests of the subtropics.

Administrative division

The territory of the People's Republic of China has three degrees administrative division : provinces, districts, parishes. In turn, the provinces are divided into autonomous regions and cities.

China includes 22 provinces, there are three federal cities - Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin.

There are five autonomous regions in the country, the main population of which is national minorities. Federal cities and provinces include 31 autonomous region, 321 cities and 2046 districts.

The largest centers of the republic


Harbin - one of the largest educational and financial districts Republic of China. The city is located in Heilongjiang province and occupies the position of the capital.

Harbin was founded by Russian pioneers only in 1898, originally it was intended as a station of the Transmanchurian railway. Nowadays, in the most ancient areas, you can see the details inherent in Siberian architecture.

Harbin has almost 4 million inhabitants.

The city has the largest Far East christian Hagia Sophia, made in the Byzantine style. It occupies the place of one of the most important monuments in the history of the state. The cathedral was restored in 1997, after which it changed its name to the Harbin Palace of Architecture.

Here is located jilesi Buddhist Temple, which is a sacred pilgrimage site for northern China, was erected in 1920 of the last century.

Tourists from Russia will surely enjoy the Russian historical monuments preserved in Harbin. One of them - tourist center Volga-Manor.

All buildings here are made in the original Russian style, there are hotels, a small village, souvenir shops, business centers, cafes and restaurants serving both Russian and Chinese national dishes, baths, saunas, swimming pools, etc.

The Pushkin salon is open nearby, where you can learn the history of relations between Russia and China.

The city is located Harbin Oceanariumwhich is popular with local residents and tourists. Here you can observe various representatives of the flora and fauna of the Arctic. Also, for all comers, performances with the participation of polar bears, beluga and sea lions are held here.

Within the city limits is a favorite of tourists Sunny island, washed by the waters of the Songhua River. This evergreen island is renowned as a family getaway in nature.

During the winter months, the city takes place festival "Snow and Ice", which is attended by ice sculptors who came here from different parts of the world.

During the festival, almost two thousand ice sculptures have been performed, the best of which are exhibited in the local park and on the Sunny Island.

Beer festival Is another favorite event, which attracts brewers and simply connoisseurs of the intoxicating drink from many countries.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean. City divided into four parts: Coulon Peninsula, Hong Kong Island, New Territory and the Distant Islands.

Hong Kong ranks as the largest industrial, commercial and economic region. Also, in the city there are magnificent reserves, parks and squares, ancient temples, monasteries and sanctuaries.

Ancient villages, rural temples, livestock farms and graceful bays with spacious sandy beaches coexist here.

Almost all of them are concentrated in Hong Kong. state trade, therefore, the city is home to an uncountable variety of shops. Travelers who arrive here can take part in local festivals, taste dishes of foreign and national cuisine. Almost all entertainment venues are open 24 hours a day.

Most interesting Facts about China - see the following video:

China is one of the largest states in the world, occupies the 3rd place in the world in terms of area occupied by territories, and China ranks first in terms of population. China is a state located in East Asia. The full name of China is the People's Republic of China. The territory of the Republic of China can be traced on a world map, making sure that it occupies a fairly large area.

The main attraction is the Great Wall of China, which can be seen on more detailed maps of the country. The wall is about 8851.8 kilometers long, which is why it is considered a majestic and large-scale architectural monument.

Rice is grown in China, more than 10,000 BC. This grain crop is grown throughout China, most of the rice is exported. Chinese rice accounts for about 35% of the world market.

You can find out where China is on the interactive map of the world.

A detailed map is presented in Russian.

Satellite map of China. Explore China satellite map online in real time. A detailed map of China based on high resolution satellite imagery. As close as possible, a satellite map of China allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of China. The satellite map of China can be easily switched to the regular map mode (diagram).

China - one of the most mysterious Asian countries, which for a long time was closed to outside world... It occupies the territory of East and Central Asia and is washed by the East China, South China, Bohai and Yellow Seas. The Chinese themselves call the country the Center of the World, and for good reason - since ancient times, China has been called the world empire. The capital of China is Beijing, official language - Chinese.

China is located in three climatic zones - tropical, temperate and subtropical. In view of this, temperature readings vary depending on the region. So, the average temperature in winter is from -23 C to +17 C, and in summer - from + 20 C to +28 C.

China is invariably associated with attractions. There are a lot of them in this country, and most of them are of value not only for China itself, but for the whole world. The most famous attraction, which has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1987, is the Great Wall of China. Its length is about 6700 km. It is believed that this wall is the only human-made creation that can be contemplated from space.

The UNESCO list also includes such unique buildings as the Imperial Palace in the capital, the city of Xi'an, the Moga grottoes in the Gansu province, a mountain resort with Chengde temples, the house and mogu of Confucius, the Potala Palace in Tibet, the ancient city of Lijiang and much, much more. The list goes on and on, because China is the country with the richest cultural heritage in the world.

Tours to China interesting not only for the opportunity to learn the history and culture of China, but also for beach holidays. China's beach resorts are located in the south of the country. One of the most exotic and most visited is the Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is located at the same latitude as the Hawaiian Islands. This makes the island an ideal destination for a beach holiday in China.