Ege in Russian language changes. The list of changes in the exam in the Russian language is official and was provided by fipi

The official website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements - FIPI - has published preliminary versions of the KIM USE 2018. In general, the control and measuring materials for the unified state exams remain the same as in 2017, but certain changes are nevertheless present, sometimes significant. We will find out what changes await the USE in the Russian language in 2018, what is new in one of the exams required for all graduates to pass.

Changes in the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2018

Task number 20 will have a basic level of difficulty, and the meaning of the task is to test how well eleventh graders know the lexical norms that are inherent in modern literary language.

An example of such a task is contained in demo version Unified State Exam in Russian in 2018:

As follows from the correct answers attached to the demo version, the word "main" is superfluous. The essence cannot be primary or secondary, therefore the expression “ main essence”Is one of the classic examples of tautology, or linguistic redundancy, when two words standing next to each other unreasonably from the point of view of language repeat the same thing, while having the same meaning. The tautology and other language mistakes that are committed due to illiteracy will turn out to be what will be offered to graduates on the examination for detection. Thus, it will be revealed how well the graduates russian schools feel and understand the Russian language.

In principle, a new task, with proper preparation of graduates by teachers, will not be overly difficult for the majority.

The second small change in the USE in the Russian language, which follows from the first, is an increase in connection with the appearance of a new task in the maximum primary score for all work from 57 to 58.

Since the Russian language is among the subjects that are required for delivery, these changes affect one hundred percent of eleventh graders in 2018.

So far, these changes are considered preliminary, but it is unlikely that they will not be final. Therefore, graduates and teachers can be guided by the information published by FIPI as to what awaits them in the summer of 2018.

The Unified State Exam is one of the most burning topics in Russia. At the beginning of the emergence of this form of knowledge testing, there were many disputes: to introduce or not to introduce? Now this form of knowledge testing no longer scares students, but discussions around it still do not subside. Main question the coming school year: will they introduce oral part on the Unified State Exam in Russian?

As you know, the Ministry of Education annually revises examination CMMs uniform state exams. Since in grade 11, only Russian and mathematics are required for delivery, special interest arises around these subjects. So, let's see the changes in the USE in the Russian language in 2018.

The exam in Russian consists of two parts: a part with short answers and an essay. According to the majority of teachers, as well as university teachers, school graduates often do not know how to correctly formulate their thoughts, find it difficult to freely reason and do not know how to argue their own position. This issue has highlighted weaknesses school education... Despite the fact that a few years ago the test assignments were removed and the December essay was already introduced, which fixes the admission or non-admission of students to the state exam, this was not enough. Therefore, it was decided to introduce an oral answer.

So, according to experts, the oral part of the exam will allow students to learn:

  • Formulate thoughts in literary language.
  • Develop the ability to reason.
  • Form the skills of reasoned communication.
  • To expand knowledge in the field of public speaking among school leavers.
  • Be competitive in the professional field.

In fact, this is not new. For a long time, students mastered the oral part in the OGE in english language... It allows you to identify the ability of students to understand the text, highlight the main idea and formulate competent answers.

How will the oral exam take place?

In some regions, practice exams in Russian have already been passed, where students passed the oral part to a computer. The students tested new tasks and noted one important shortcoming: the answers of other examinees interfere with concentration. The officials promised that they would fix this in the future, and the children would be able to take the conversational exam in Russian in separate rooms. How this is implemented in practice is still unknown.

How will it be in 2018?

There will be no oral part in the exam in Russian in 2018, in contrast to where schoolchildren in many regions of Russia in 2018 still have to talk at the exam.

All the innovations in the Unified State Exam in 2018 were published on the official website of FIPI. In the exam in Russian, the main change in the tasks of the first part is number 20... Now this task is aimed at testing the knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian language. Students need to correlate the sentence with the mistakes that are made there. Same maximum primary score for completing all work increased from 57 to 58.

Experienced teachers are already advising 10th grade students to prepare for the oral part of the Russian language exam. it will probably appear in 2019. What should be done?

  • Read with expression aloud texts of various styles.
  • Learn to formulate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.
  • Reasonably voice your position on the text read.
  • Competently express your own thoughts.

Demo Exam

  • Download demo: ege-2018-rus-demo.pdf
  • Download archive with specification and codifier:

What do officials want?

The education minister disapproves of the drastic changes. Perhaps this is good. After all, the Unified State Exam is still stressful for graduates. According to statistics, many students do not seek to get into universities only because of the frightening USE procedure. In fact high level the introduction of an additional third compulsory subject for delivery in grade 11 is being discussed. Presumably this will be history. Officials believe that if you increase the number of compulsory subjects for delivery, then children will consider it "commonplace" and will no longer be afraid.

Will it benefit the students? Everyone will answer this question for himself. We can only wish the students good luck in their exams.

Now there are 20 tasks in the test part. Task 20 tests the knowledge of lexical norms. In this sentence, you need to find a lexical error and correct it.

In previous years, there were no similar tasks in the exam, and therefore a specific strategy for preparing for it has not been worked out, but this is not scary: a person with extensive vocabulary can easily do it.

Task 20 from the demo version of the exam-2018 in Russian

Previously, the maximum primary score for all work was 57. Now that a new task has appeared, it is 58.

Social Studies

The grading system for task 28 has changed

When I was preparing for the USE in social studies, my tutor frightened me most of all with the 28th task - drawing up a plan for a given topic... To complete it, it was necessary to learn Baranov's handbook by heart or, more realistically, develop psychic abilities and guess what the experts' left heel wants. It was necessary to almost literally mention the same points as in the answers of the inspectors, and from task to task the number and wording of the mandatory points of the plan changed. Now you need to mention any two points from those indicated in the answers.

Task 28 from the demo of the Unified State Exam-2018 in social studies

Answer to task 28 of the demo version of the Unified State Exam-2018 in social studies and assessment criteria

The wording of task 29 and the criteria for its assessment have changed

The wording of task 29 - essays - was clarified: now KIMs explain how to give arguments and examples in support of their position.

Task 29 from the demo version of the exam-2018 in social studies

The evaluation criteria were also detailed. In particular, the basic criterion "disclosure of the meaning of a statement" has been specified.

Evaluation criteria for task 29 from the demo version of the USE-2018 in social studies

Increased maximum primary score

The maximum primary score has been increased from 62 to 64.


The criteria for evaluating essays have been revised (tasks 8, 9, 15, 16, 17)

In the past year, the criteria for evaluating essays were very vague, and even the evaluators fell into frustration. Nobody could explain what the "depth of the given judgments" is.

This year, the criteria have increased and they have been formulated more clearly. The “depth of judgment” has disappeared. In addition, in tasks 9 and 16 (for comparison), it is no longer necessary to justify the choice of an example.

Evaluation criteria for tasks 8 and 15

Examples of tasks 9 and 16 from the demo version of the exam-2018 for literature

Evaluation criteria for assignments 9 and 16

Evaluation criteria for assignment 17

There was a new essay topic in task 17

Earlier in the 17th task there were three essay topics: based on works created before the beginning of the 19th century, according to literature XIX century and the literature of the late XIX — XX centuries. Now a theme has been added to them, within which you can choose almost any works from the 19th to the 21st century. In addition, it differs from the three previous ones in that it does not concentrate around specific authors or works.

Examples of topics for task 17 from the demo version of the exam-2018 in literature

Increased maximum primary score

The maximum primary score for all work in 2018 will be 57 points. This is quite a significant change compared to 2017, when the maximum was 42 points.

Unified State Exam in Russian - one of two compulsory exams... The order of the exam this year remains the same - 3.5 hours (210 minutes) will be allocated for all tasks.

As a result, you can get a maximum of 58 primary points... But there will be more tasks: instead of 25, there will be 26, and therefore the system for converting primary points into test points will change.

The list of changes is official and was provided by FIPI.

1. The maximum primary score for completing tasks has been changed. Now the maximum primary score is 58 points, which is 1 point more than last year.

2. To the first part state examination task number 20 is included. This task serves to test knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian language.

The rest of the tasks are left unchanged.

Changing the Unified State Exam in Russian 2018: Assessment of the Unified State Exam

The formula for transferring primary points to test scores is updated every year and becomes known only after the exam. Therefore, it is impossible to say in advance how many primary points you need to score or how many and what tasks exactly need to be completed in order to get the minimum score.

Nevertheless, FIPI has created universal tables for converting primary scores into test scores and test points into the usual five-point assessment. They are of a recommendatory nature, from year to year the translation formula changes slightly.

Change in the Unified State Exam in Russian 2018: the task of the basic level No. 20

In 2018, the task was included in the KIM basic level (№20), which will become the main one in testing the knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian language. Students will need to edit one sentence to exclude the extra word.

The peculiarity of such tasks is that they require deep knowledge of vocabulary or ingenious intuition. Important: the compilers will take the most common speech errors as the basis for the material of task number 20. And they can also be systematized, but here you need the help of a teacher.

Change in the exam in the Russian language 2018: there will be more tasks

In 2018, graduates will have to complete not 25, but 26 assignments. The difference seems to be small, but it will have to be taken into account. Because of this, the number of points has also increased: now you can get 58 primary points for all work.

Despite the annual changes in the structure and content of the exam, in grade 11 you need to have a good idea of \u200b\u200bwhat tasks will be in the exam. By this time, you already need to be able to analyze your mistakes, know the structural features of tests, be familiar with the possible wording of questions, be able to allocate time for assignments. That is, do not sit and ponder a difficult task and do not waste time, but move on. You can always return to the complex in the remaining time.

It is not the first year that the prospect of dividing the USE in the Russian language into two parts: written and oral, has been quite actively discussed. Behind last years the test format for the unified state exam has been changed more than once, in an effort to optimize CMMs and make the test of knowledge as objective as possible.

What awaits the 11th graders of the 2017-2018 academic year and what should be prepared for everyone who plans to enter universities?

In 2017-2018, no special changes are expected in the CMMs of the written part of the exam. All innovations introduced to the ticket structure in 2017 will remain relevant, namely:

  • absence test items with one answer;
  • division of work into two blocks: tasks with a short answer and an essay on a given topic;
  • the minimum passing score is 36.

In connection with the introduction of speaking, the number of tasks for the written part and the structure of assigning primary points may change.

Why is the oral part needed?

Not only future graduates ask themselves this question. Any changes to structure of the exam have serious reasons. Thus, the conducted studies have shown that a large percentage of graduates from the regions do not speak their native language well enough. The reasons for this decline are considered:

  1. insufficient level of teaching (not all subject teachers require children to give a detailed answer to the questions posed, analyze information and give their own assessments of certain events);
  2. transition to written forms of knowledge control (many lyceums and colleges minimize oral questioning);
  3. a decrease in the number of children reading (accordingly, the lack of a certain base of literary speech among graduates).

At the same time, the ability to competently express one's thoughts and possession of the skills of oratory today are mandatory in many professional fields and a person planning to get higher education I just have to know my language at a high level.

The oral part on the exam in the Russian language in 2018

Despite a lot of talk about the introduction of the oral part, in 2017 year of the exam the Russian language passed in the format of a written exam. The Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science is not a supporter of spontaneous reforms, and therefore the introduction of innovations designed to increase the level of proficiency in the native language will be phased.

  1. Introduction of the December summary.
  2. Changes to the structure of tasks and a complete rejection of tests with a choice of one answer.
  3. Division of the exam into oral and written parts.

The first two stages have already been passed, and the third has been successfully tested in the Moscow region, Tatarstan and the Chechen Republic.

Will 2017-2018 be a significant year and whether a mandatory oral part will be introduced in the structure of the exam in the Russian language, he will officially say Federal Institute Pedagogical Measurements. The information should appear in the second half of August or early September on the official website of FIPI.

Schedule of the exam 2018 in Russian

Early period

Main exam

Reserve day

Main period

Main exam

Reserve day (Russian)

Reserve day (all items)

Reserve day (all items)


1st retake (Russian)

2nd retake (Russian)

Reserve day (all items)

Oral exam format

After the approval of the planned changes, the exam in the Russian language will be divided into two days:

  1. The written part, which will include a block of tasks with short and detailed answers, as well as an essay.
  2. The oral part, the format of which will be very similar to tests in foreign languages.

Many graduates are concerned not so much with the need to pass the oral block as with the technical side of the issue. Students who took part in trial examconducted as part of the methodology testing program, noted that the format of communication with a computer is the most inconvenient, since several people are talking in the office at the same time, which distracts many and prevents them from concentrating. Taking into account the opinions of the examinees, the organizers promise that the oral part of the exam will be taken in separate booths. Time will tell whether the promise will be fulfilled.

To successfully pass the exam in spoken Russian, you will need:

Such options for CMMs were discussed

Option number 1 of the oral part of the exam in the Russian language

In 15 minutes, the student will be asked:

The oral part provides a detailed answer to all assigned tasks.

Option number 2 of the oral part of the exam in the Russian language

Each participant is also given 15 minutes, during which the examinee will:

Time (min)

Expressively read the proposed text of the scientific and journalistic style
Retell text using additional information
Compose and voice a monologue statement (on a given topic).
Take part in the dialogue (conditionally)
Points for compliance with the norms of the literary language

All answers should also be expanded.

Preparation for the oral part of the exam

Any teacher will say that the best preparation for the Unified State Exam is to learn Russian well, but since 2018 is already very close, let's try to figure out how to quickly make up for lost time.

Experienced teachers advise:

  1. Recall the theory. To do this, you can use any textbooks recommended for schools, or special publications to prepare for the exam.
  2. Reinforce each block with practice. Tasks from the textbooks - great, it's also not bad to find sites with practice on the Internet and, of course, to process all available tickets for 2017, as well as trial versions of 2018.
  3. This year it is not enough just to know the rule, you need to be able to explain and justify the choice.
  4. Read aloud texts of different styles and train not only reading speed, but also expressiveness.
  5. Practice retelling texts.

Sure. It is rather difficult to prepare without outside help for the oral part, because without a certain level of knowledge in oratory, many simply do not notice their mistakes. If the option with a tutor is not possible in any way, prepare in pairs. So you can practice the dialogue and point out to each other mistakes that are obvious only from the outside.

We invite you to listen to what they said about it in 2016-2017 academic year experts on the introduction of speaking as a mandatory block of the Unified State Exam in Russian: