The oral part in the English exam. Oral tasks

Increasingly, parents of schoolchildren turn to our school with a request to prepare future graduates for the Unified State Exam in English 2018. Therefore, we decided to write a detailed article in which we will tell you how to prepare for this exam: we will consider its structure and give practical advice for successfully passing each part of the Unified State Exam and present the best tutorials and online resources to prepare you for this challenging challenge.

What is the Unified State Exam in English 2018

The Unified State Exam in English 2018 is the final exam at school, which counts as entrance exam to the university, which is why it is so important to pass it with a high score. So far, this exam is not mandatory, but if a graduate is going to enter a specialized university, he needs to pass this test.

The structure and level of complexity of the Unified State Exam is similar to the FCE international exam. This means that for successful delivery, the student must have a level (above average). This is a high level, so we recommend starting to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English from grade 10, then in 2 years the student will be able to master the entire required amount of material at a normal pace.

In principle, you can prepare for the exam in 1 year, but only if at the time of the start of preparation the student already speaks English at the (intermediate) level. Don't know what level the graduate has? Then invite him to go.

How is the exam in English going in 2018? The exam consists of a written and an oral part, which are held on different days. On one day, students take the written part, it includes the following sections: listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. In total, on this day, the graduate needs to complete 40 tasks in 180 minutes. A student can receive a maximum of 20 points for each section. Thus, for this day, you can score 80 points.

The second part - oral - takes place on another day and rented at will... It lasts only 15 minutes and consists of 4 tasks. On this day, the graduate can earn 20 more points. We strongly advise all graduates to take the oral part: in case of unsuccessful answers, you do not lose anything, and in case of successful - earn extra points.

Thus, a graduate can score a maximum of 100 points in the exam. The minimum score for passing the exam is 22 points.

Below we present a table for converting USE scores in English into a five-point system.

The USE results are usually published 14 days after passing the second part of the exam, but in some cases they are known as early as 12 days. You can find out your results on the official website of the exam by filling in all the required fields. The paper certificates of the exam were canceled in 2014, so now only electronic certificates are available.

The structure of the Unified State Exam in English 2018 and the principles of successful completion of each part

In this chapter, we will tell you in detail what tasks the graduate will have to complete in each part of the exam. In addition, we will provide advice from our teachers who prepare students for the USE. By the way, if you are looking for a teacher who will prepare your child for the exam, take a look at. They have been doing this for several years now and have developed their own strategy for successful preparation, they know what pitfalls await in the exam, what typical mistakes schoolchildren make and how to get rid of these mistakes.

As an example, we will present you with a demo version of the USE in English provided by the official website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements


Listening lasts 30 minutes and consists of three parts. The first two parts are the first and second tasks, respectively, and the third part is tasks №3-9 (from the general list of 40 tasks).

Listening to the Unified State Exam in English in 2018 includes 3 audio fragments combined into one recording. The examiners turn on the recording and do not stop it until the very end, however, there are pauses between the fragments for reading the assignments and transferring the answers to the form. For each correct answer in this and other parts of the exam, the student receives 1 point. Let's see what the graduate has to do in listening.

Exercise 1: 7 statements are given. The student listens to 6 statements and correlates them with statements, one of which is superfluous.

6 points.


Listening, task 1

Assignment 2: 7 statements are given. The student listens to the dialogue and determines which statements correspond to the content of the dialogue (True), which do not correspond (False), and which are not mentioned in it (Not Stated).

Maximum points: 7 points.


Listening, task 2

Assignment 3: 7 questions are given, each of them is offered with 3 answer options. The student listens to the audio recording and selects the correct answer to each question.

Maximum points: 7 points.


Listening, task 3

Our advice:

  1. When preparing for the exam, you need to do as many listening tasks as possible in the exam format... So the graduate will get used to quickly read assignments and catch key words in speech that will help find the right answer.
  2. When choosing an answer, you need to rely not on the words mentioned in the speaker's speech, but on the meaning of his words. So, for example, in his speech he can in one way or another mention all the answers to the task, but if you delve into what has been said, you can understand that there is only one correct answer.


Reading lasts 30 minutes and consists of 3 parts (9 tasks). For each part, we advise you to spend no more than 10 minutes in order to keep within the allotted half hour.

Exercise 1: 7 short texts (3-6 sentences in each) and 8 headings are given. You need to read the texts and choose the appropriate heading for each of them. In this case, 1 title will be superfluous.

Maximum points: 7 points.


Reading task 1

Assignment 2: Given a text with 6 gaps. Below are 7 excerpts, 6 of which must be inserted in place of the gaps.

Maximum points: 6 points.


Reading task 2

Assignment 3: A small text and 7 questions to it are given. There are 4 answer options for each question, of which you need to choose 1 correct one.

Maximum points: 7 points.


Reading task 3

Our advice:

  1. When completing the first task, you need to look for keywords that indicate the meaning of the text and help you find the title you want. In addition, often the main meaning of a paragraph is reflected in the first sentence, and some small details are given in the rest. Therefore, in some cases, you just need to carefully read the first sentence in order to correctly complete the task.
  2. To successfully complete the second task, you need to have a good understanding of how complex sentences are built in English. The fact is that the missing part in most cases is part of a complex or complex sentence. For example, if a student understands that in the subordinate clause who is used for people, which for objects, and where for places, he will be able to successfully complete most of the tasks. You also need to reiterate, for example, that the infinitive is used to express purpose.
  3. In the third task, the questions are arranged in the order in which they are answered in the text. That is, the answer to the first question will be at the beginning of the text, and not in the middle or at the end, the answer to the second question will be after the answer to the first, etc.

Grammar and vocabulary

This section of the 2018 English exam tests the graduate's grammatical knowledge and vocabulary. The student is given 40 minutes to complete it. Let's see what the student has to do.

Exercise 1: A text is given with 7 words missing. To the right of the text are the words that need to be transformed grammatically (for example, put the verb at the right time) and insert in place of the gap.

Maximum points: 7 points.


Grammar and vocabulary task 1

Assignment 2: A text with 6 gaps is given. On the right are the words that need to be transformed both lexically and grammatically - to form a single-root word that matches the meaning of the text.

Maximum points: 6 points.


Grammar and Vocabulary Task 2

Assignment 3: The text is given with 7 gaps. You need to select for each of them 1 correct answer out of the four proposed.

Maximum points: 7 points.


Grammar and vocabulary task 3

Our advice:

  1. Conversion of a word in the first part usually follows the following principle. If you are given a verb, you need to either use it in the correct tense, or put it in the correct form of the voice (active or passive), or form a participle from it. If an adjective is given, you must put it in the comparative or superlative degree. If you need to change a number, most likely you need to make it ordinal.
  2. The second part mainly tests the knowledge of suffixes and prefixes, including negative ones, the ability to form different parts of speech from the same root word.
  3. The third part most often tests the knowledge of word collocations, the so-called collocations. In addition, out of 4 words, you will need to choose the most appropriate in meaning, that is, you need to know the difference between similar words, to read the context.


The graduate is given 80 minutes to write and check 2 written works.

Exercise 1: Given the text of a short letter from a friend asking questions. The student needs to read it and write an answer letter: answer the friend's questions and ask him questions.

Volume: 100-140 words.

Maximum points: 6 points.


Letter, task 1

A letter to a friend is written in an informal style. The structure of this work is as follows:

  1. We design the "header"

    In the upper right corner we write the address: on the top line we indicate the city, under it - the country of residence. No need to write the street and house number: This can be regarded as the disclosure of confidential information, even if the address is fictitious.

    After the address, we skip 1 line and write the date of writing the letter all in the same upper right corner.

    Further, as usual, on the left we write an unofficial appeal: Dear Tom / Jim (the name will be given in the task). It is unacceptable to write Hello here. After addressing, put a comma and continue to write the text of the letter from a new line.

  2. Text of the letter

    We start writing each paragraph with a red line.

    In the first paragraph, you need to thank your friend for the letter you received (Thanks a lot for your last letter) and apologize for not writing earlier (Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long). You can also mention some fact from the received letter.

    In the fourth paragraph, you need to summarize - inform that you are ending the letter (I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favorite TV show), and offer to keep in touch (Take care and keep in touch!).

  3. End of letter

    At the end, you need to write a final cliché phrase, after which a comma is always put: All the best, Best wishes, etc.

    On the next line under this phrase, you enter your name.

Assignment 2: A statement (usually controversial) is given. The graduate writes an essay in which he discusses this topic, expresses his point of view, and also gives the opposite opinion and explains why he does not agree with him.

Volume: 200-250 words.

Maximum points: 14 points.


Letter, task 2

The essay is written in a neutral style and consists of 5 paragraphs:

  1. Introduction: we formulate a topic-problem and immediately point out that there are two opposite points of view.
  2. Your opinion: we express our point of view (one) on this issue and give 2-3 arguments that confirm it.
  3. Opposite opinions: write 1-2 opposite points of view and give arguments in favor of their existence.
  4. We disagree: we explain why we do not agree with the above points of view, and we provide arguments in defense own opinion... However, they should not repeat the arguments from paragraph 2.
  5. Conclusion: we draw a conclusion on this topic, indicate that there are different points of view, and finally confirm our point of view.

Our advice:

  1. Adhere to the required volume. It is permissible to deviate by 10% from the specified number of words, that is, you can write from 90 to 154 words in a letter and from 180 to 275 in an essay. If a graduate writes at least 1 word less (89), he will be given 0 points for the task. If the limit is exceeded, the examiner will count 140 words in a letter or 250 in an essay and grade it, moreover, remove points for work in progress, assignment design, topic disclosure, etc.
  2. Avoid paragraphs consisting of one sentence, you need to supplement and justify every thought. To do this, you can use the constructions In my opinion, I believe, etc.
  3. Follow the style of your writing: Colloquial expressions like Guess what? or Wish me luck !, and your essay should be more formal. It is important not to overdo it with "informality": all kinds of well, cause and slang expressions are unacceptable.
  4. Use linking words, they make the text logical, allow you to supplement or contrast sentences.

Oral speech

The oral part of the exam is the shortest, taking only 15 minutes. A graduate needs to have time to complete as many as 4 tasks, for which you can get a maximum of 20 points. The student hands over the assignments in front of the computer, his answers are recorded using a headset, and a countdown is shown on the screen. At the same time, there is an organizer in the audience who monitors the course of the exam.

Exercise 1: Popular science text is displayed on the screen. In 1.5 minutes you need to prepare and in the next 1.5 minutes read it expressively aloud.

Lead time: no more than 3 minutes.

Maximum points: 1 point.


Oral speech, task 1

Lead time: about 3 minutes.

Maximum points: 5 points.


Speaking task 2

Assignment 3: Show 3 photos. You need to choose 1 and describe it according to the plan proposed right there in the assignment.

Lead time: about 3.5 minutes.

Maximum points: 7 points.


Oral speech, task 3

Assignment 4: 2 pictures are given. It is necessary to compare them, describe the similarities and differences, explain why the chosen topic is close to the graduate.

Lead time: about 3.5 minutes.

Maximum points: 7 points.


Speaking task 4

Our advice:

  1. Take advantage of online trainer for the oral part of the exam on the website It completely simulates the exam, so that you will get acquainted with the format and understand exactly what you need to do, what time to fit in, etc.
  2. To complete the first part of the exam, you need take texts on different topics and learn to read them with the correct expression: there should be pauses in speech, logical stress, natural intonation. In addition, the graduate must fit into one and a half minutes, because the score decreases if the text is not read to the end. However, one should not rush either, because it is not the reading speed that is tested, but the ability to expressively read the text.
  3. To successfully complete the second task, you need learn to ask questions to different texts... In principle, the task itself is elementary, most of the mistakes are associated with the loss of an auxiliary verb or its incorrect agreement with the noun. This problem is easily solved by doing the question-formulation exercises repeatedly.
  4. In the third task, the examinee needs to choose 1 photo out of 3 proposed and describe it. Here's our top tip - read the task carefully... The fact is that it changes slightly every year, so learn to respond accordingly to the wording of 2018. In 2018, graduates will have to describe a photo to a friend, that is, an appeal to him should sound in a monologue. In addition, it is necessary answer all questions in the assignmentfor example, if it says where and when the photo was taken, you need to answer both where and when questions. At the beginning, it is imperative to inform about which photo will be discussed (I’ve chosen photo number ...). Don't forget about the opening (Would you like to have a look at my picture? / I'd like to show you a picture from my photo album.) And the closing (That's all for now. / I hope you liked my picture.) phrases that make speech logical.
  5. In the fourth task you need to do the main emphasis in speech on comparing picturesrather than their description. Moreover, it is necessary use speech cliches: The first picture depicts ... whereas / while the second picture depicts ..., The main difference is that ..., In comparison to the first picture, this one ... etc. More similar speech cliches you Learn Phrases for Comparison and Contrast with our article.

Textbooks and sites for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English 2018

Now you are familiar with the structure of the exam and understand that graduates will face a difficult test. However, the USE in English in 2018 can be passed easily and successfully if you prepare well for it in advance. And in this, the student will be helped first of all by a good teacher, as well as resources to prepare for this exam. We want to acquaint you with some textbooks and websites that our teachers use to prepare their students for the Unified State Exam. Take note of at least a few of them.

  1. The Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia series of textbooks includes books on preparation for each part of the exam. With authentic writing and assignments, this series is one of the best for exam preparation. These books are quite difficult, so we recommend studying them for schoolchildren with a level not lower than Intermediate.
  2. "Typical exam variants of the exam, edited by Verbitskaya" - exist in various variations, include standard exam tasks with answers. With the help of the book, you can check how well the graduate is ready for the exam.
  3. is the official website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements, which presents a large bank of standard tasks for the Unified State Exam. On the specified page, click on the inscription "English" and in the tab that opens on the left, select the skill you want to train. Please note: there are no answers to the tasks on the site, therefore, so that the efforts of the graduate are not wasted, we advise you to study with the teacher and send the completed tasks to him for verification.
  4. ,, - sites with educational podcasts in English. They, of course, do not have typical tasks for the exam, but you can train your listening skills in an interesting way and get a little distracted from the same type of tasks for the exam.

Our teacher Natalia has already prepared more than a dozen excellent students for the Unified State Exam in English, in her article "Exam, be good to me, or How to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in English" she shares her personal experience and advice for graduates.

So, now you imagine the volume of work and know the secrets of successfully passing the exam in English. We wish all graduates easy exams and high scores! And if you haven't found a suitable teacher yet, sign up to us at.

Task 3. Imagine that while traveling during your holidays you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

  • when
  • what / who
  • what
  • why

I "ve chosen photo number ...

Approximate answer (photo # 1):

I "ve chosen photo number 1.

  • I took this photo last summer when I went to London during my holidays.
  • In the foreground of this photo you can see the London Eye which is the largest observation wheel in Europe. It is located on the south bank of the river Thames. There are two motor boats on the river.In the background you can see some modern buildings.
  • As you can see the day is dull and gloomy and the sky is gray with clouds.It looks like it "s going to rain what is very typical for London. But nevertheless there are always a lot of people waiting for a ride on this popular attraction. There are 32 (thirty-two) capsules on the wheel which are rotating very slowly. Ech capsule contains 25 (twenty-five) people.
  • I took this photo because it is a well-known landmark of London. From the very top of the London Eye we had a stunning view of this magnificent city. We saw the river Thames, the Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and other sites.
  • As my friend has never been to London, I decided to show him this picture and to share all my impressions of this terrific flight with him.

That "s all I wanted to say.

Approximate answer (photo number 3):

I "ve chosen photo number 3. (Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number.)

  • It is very lovely, isn "t it? I took this photo last summer when I went to Moscow to visit my relatives. It was my first trip to the capital of our country and I wanted to see as many historical places as possible.
  • In the background of this picture you can see the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed. Its tremendous domes struck my imagination. It "s unbelievable but none of them is like the others. Each dome has its own shape and color. Once I have read a legend that Ivan the Terrible blinded the architects Barma and Postnik because he didn" t want them to create another masterpiece. There is a lot of greenery in the courtyard of the Cathedral. In front of the Cathedral there is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky.
  • The Cathedral and the monument are situated in Red Square. There are always a lot of tourists from different countries who want to visit these places. But now you cannot see any visitors because it was early morning.
  • I took this photo because these sights are famous landmarks of Moscow.
  • As my friend is fond of history and often makes reports for history classes, I think, he can use this picture for his school project.

That "s all I wanted to say. (End your answer with this phrase, which will signal the end of communication.)

Approximate answer (photo number 2):

I "ve chosen photo number 2. ( Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number).

After examining the approximate answers, independently describe the photo No. 2.

As you can see from the answers given, you will need not only knowledge of the language, but, possibly, life experience. If it does not turn out to be, which is unlikely, use your knowledge from other subjects, for example, history, geography, literature or art.

So, to summarize:

1) The time to complete this task is very limited - 1.5 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to answer. During preparation, youWill not the ability to make any notes and notes. Hence the conclusion - it is extremely useful to memorize the necessary clichés for fluency:

  • In the picture you can see ...
  • On the left / on the right of the picture ...
  • In the foreground of the picture ... (in the foreground)
  • In the background of the picture ... (in the background)
  • In the middle of the picture ... (in the middle)
  • At the top of the picture ... (top)
  • At the bottom of the picture ... (below)
  • Next to (next to)
  • Behind (behind)
  • Near
  • Under (under)
  • In front of (before)

Turnovers will be appropriateThere is ... / There are ... I would like to draw your attention to the fact that after the turnover in units. number must use the indefinite article"A" before countable nouns.

e. g. There is a ticket office near the Eiffel Tower.

2) Answering the plan question “whenyou took the photo ”, use Past Simple Tense. remember, thatyou were a photographer, and therefore (well, of course, if this is not a selfie) you need to describe the people in your photo (relatives, friends, acquaintances or strangers), and not yourself.

e. g. I took this photo two months ago when I went to Paris to study French.

3) Stick to the set topic of the statement. To do this, carefully read the assignment. For example: Imagine that you arepreparing a presentation about london (Russia) or Imagine that you arepreparing a school newspaper about Art.

4) Answering the plan question“What / who is in the photo”, try to describe not only the person's appearance, but also, presumably, his mood (sad - sad, happy - happy, serious - serious, angry - angry). Pay attention to the weather conditions in the photo (sunny - sunny, hot - hot, warm - warm, cloudy - gloomy, rainy - rainy, cold - cold, frosty - frosty day). What is the time of year (month) when you took the photo.

5) As you can see the question What is happening in the picture? stands in Present Progressive Tense, therefore, when describing events in the photo, also use verbs in the form of the present long tense, supporting your answer with the phraseAt this particular moment ... (at this very moment ...). You can also continue your story in Past Simple Tense.

6) Think over several answers to the question“Why you took this photo”: I took this photo to remember the best moments and places of my journey. / I think this picture will remind me about my new foreign friends I met during my visit to Scotland (Italy, Egypt etc) and wonderful days we spent together.

7) Remember, your description should not be too detailed, because you may not meet the allotted response time. As you prepare, write down your answers and then speak them out using the timer. Thus, you will form a sense of the time that you need to answer the task 3 of the oral part of the exam in English.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak not more than 2 minutes.

In your talk remember to speak about:

  • when you took the photo (when you took the photo)
  • what / who is in the photo (who / what is in the photo)
  • what is happening (what is happening in the photo)
  • why you took photo (why did you take this photo)
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend (why did you decide to show this photo to your friend)

You have to talk continuosly, starting with:

I "ve chosen photo number ...

Sample answer (photo # 1)

I "ve chosen photo number 1.

(Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number).

  • I took this photo in one of the beautiful parks in Edinburgh when I was on my trip to Scotland two years ago. It is quite amazing, isn "t it?
  • In the foreground of the photo you can see two girlfriends spending their free time hanging around. They might study or work together. They seem to be in a good mood. They both are wearing all Scottish style suits, but the girlon the right who "s got blond hair is wearing a yellow tartan, while the girlon the left has got a black-and-white pattern.Moreover, she "s got an incredible hat which perfectly matches the rest of her clothing. The most stunning thing that caught my eye was her hair done in dreadlocks. In her right hand she is holding a black handbag made of leather.
  • In the background of the picture there are a lot of green trees with bushy (thick) crown. It was early September andit happened to be a very warm and sunny day. Butnevertheless some people put on their jackets because the weather is very changeable and unpredictable on the British Isles.The man on the right who is wearing a checked shirtmight be a tourist because he has got a blue backpack. As you can see at this particular moment the place is not overcrowded,so I think , it is great to enjoy your leisure time with your nearest and dearest in such a place.
  • I asked the girls to take their picture because I liked the style they were dressed up and I decided to show it to you because you are also keen on wearing unusual and freakish hats and maybe, the picture will give you some new ideas.
  • That is all I wanted to say

Sample answer (photo # 2):

I "ve chosen photo number 2.

(Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number).

  • I took this photo during my winter holidays when we went to the ski resort in the Caucasus. After the Winter Olympic Games 2014, Sochi attracts lots of tourists both from Russia and from around the world.
  • you can see two children: a boy and a girl. They came here from Novosibirsk. They told me that they had started to ski when they were only three years old, that "s why they look very confident on the snowy mountain slopes. The children are wearing bright ski suits made of special fabrics that protect them from cold and at the same time are very light that helps them move quickly. They also have all the necessary skiing equipment for this kind of sport such as alpine skis, plastic boots with special bindings, helmets, ski poles and goggle mounts.
  • you can see mountain peaks covered with snow and some kind of pines. You can "t see the mountains quite well from behind the clouds but it is a common phenomenon in this area.
  • At the very particular moment the children are learning a new downhill technique. And now they stopped for a while to take breath. Sometimes I saw them landing in a fall but they went to square one again and again. They didn "t give up, so I should admit that they have got strong willpower. As you can see they look very healthy and happy. I believe that it" s very useful to take up to sport from childhood. This will teach you to overcome difficulties in life, will teach you to win or to lose.
  • I took this photo because we made friends with the family from Novosibirsk and their cute kids and I want to remember the beautiful moments of my vacation.
  • I decided to show you this photo because I want you to appreciate these two young sportsmen and the beauty of the Caucasus Mountains.
  • That is all I wanted to say ... (obligatory phrase for the examiner, indicating the completion of communication)

Sample answer (photo # 3)

photo 3

I "ve chosen photo number 3.

(Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number).

  • I took this photo in London Zoo when I was on my trip to the UK a year ago. To tell the truth, I’m not very good at photography but this picture turned out to be a beautiful one.
  • In the foreground of the picture you can see a colony of pelicans.You can’t but agree with me that pelicans are large birds with very long beaks. They have a long neck and short stout legs with webbed feet. The tail is short and square. They have pale plumage with some gray feathers on the wings.
  • On the left of the picture there is a pond where the birds can swim. The zoo keeper told us a lot of interesting things about pelicans. She explained us that some species could make their nests in the trees while the others nest on the ground. It was interesting to know that they can fly but cannot dive because of their light skeleton. I also learned that pelicans live up to 25 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity. But the most amazing fact is that pelicans never store their food in their throat pouch contrary to popular folklore. They use it for catching fish.
  • In the background of the picture you can see a girl taking photos.At this particular moment the birds are cleaning their feathers after being fed. Guess what! We were allowed to give them some fish and it was really exciting! All in all the weather was warmish and I had a great time there.
  • I took this photo because I had never seen those birds before in real life and wanted to remember all places I had visited in London.
  • I decided to show you this photo because you are interested in photography and have got a big collection of snapshots of birds. I think, it would be great if you could add my picture to it.
  • That’s all I wanted to say. (obligatory phrase for the examiner, indicating the completion of communication)

The main mistakes that students make when completing this task:

  • description of three pictures instead of one;
  • incorrect interpretation of the content of the picture;
  • lack of expressing your opinion about the plot of the picture;
  • lack of colloquial cliches when describing a picture;

Assignment 4 representsmonologue-comparison two photographs or pictures.

To successfully complete this task, you need to adhere to the proposed plan:

  • give a short description of the photos (what happens in the picture, the scene)
  • tell me what these photos have in common (what theme unites them)
  • tell me how these photos differ
  • express your preference for one of the photos
  • explain why the topic of the chosen photo is close to you

Time to prepare -1.5 minutes

The duration of your response is2 minutes

Maximum score -7 points

The following tips help you create a logical description of your photos or pictures:

When describing rooms or houses use a right-to-left or left-to-right trick (so called "walking tour of the house");

When describing photographs or paintings use a left-to-right, right-to-left technique, from the edges to the center, from the foreground to the back;

When describing a person use a top-down or bottom-up technique.

Task4 Variant 1

  • explain why

Answer start with introductory phrase:

I would like to compare and contrast these two photos. / I would like to point out right at the beginning that there are different ways of going in for sports. And these two photos prove that.

I should say that the common theme of these pictures is doing sports. / I think the common thing here is ... / I believe that the theme which relates these photos is ... / One thing that picture 1 and picture 2 havein common is ...

An example answer:

Let me start with the first picturewhich shows a little girl who is in the gym at the moment. The girl is going to play table tennis because she is carrying a red tennis racket in her hand. As we can see the gym is well equipped. In the middle of the gym there is a big blue table with a tennis net on it.In the background of the picture you can see some sports facilities such as flying rings, a gymstick, a rope, a hoop and others. All in all, it seems to me that the gym is quite large and light.

As for the second picture it showsa young man running in the field.It might be summer time because he is wearing a green t-shirt, black shorts and white sports shoes. Also, he is wearing a watch on his wrist for timing his heats. Though the sky is blue and the weather is warm and sunny you can see two mountain peaks covered with snowin the background of the picture.

As I "ve already mentioned both pictures are connected with doing sports. You can "t but agree with me that both - a girl and a young man look fit and healthy.

Obviously, we can see certain (some) differences. The first picture shows a little girl whose hobby is playing tennis. On the contrary, the man in the second picture is a professional sportsman as he looks very sporty and strong.Besides, the first picture shows the girl who is playing tennisindoors while the young man is going in for sportsin the open air. Moreover, table tennis is a team game and you need at least one more person to play it with. As to the track-and- field athletics, you can do iton your own.

As for me, I "d prefer to take up to table tennis because I am fond of doing sports with my best friends or relatives.Secondly , this game develops quick thinking and reaction.Finally , you can do it outdoors as well as indoors and bad weather cannot spoil the pleasure.

In conclusion, I would like to say that both pictures make me think that sport is a great way to spend your free time and, of course, it is useful for your health.

That "s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. / That" s where I "d like to end. (closing phrase)

There were 25 phrases in total. It is necessary to build your answer so as to keep within the time allotted for the answer (2 minutes). Recommended number of phrases:12 -15 , but not less. Remember that the opening and closing phrases are judged by experts; their absence will negatively affect your assessment.

Task 4 Variant 2

Study the photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you "d prefer
  • explain why

Answer start with introductory phrase:

I would like to point out right at the beginning that I willcompare and contrast these pictures.

I believe that the theme which relates these photos is a life style of the youth.

Let me start with the first picture that shows a group of young people who are at work now. The man on the right and a young woman in a black suit are sitting around the table while the woman in a beautiful white suit is standing at the moment. Unfortunately, I can’t see the face of their boss who is giving them some instructions. They are listening to him very attentively. It looks as if they are ready to make some notes because you can see pads (notebooks) in front of them.

As for the second picture I have the impression that the group of young people is enjoying their free time sitting on the grass. I can only guess that they might be co-students at the international language school because you can see them carrying their workbooks. They are probably having their break time now. As the weather is warm and sunny, they decided to spend it in the school yard. They all are smiling and look very happy so I think they did their test successfully.

I should say that the only similarity between picture 1 and picture 2 is that they depict young people who are practically of the same age.

One of the main differences between pictures is that in the left picture you can see two men and two women (four people) workingin the office, whereas in the right picture there are two girls and a boy who are having a rest in the open air. The most obvious difference for me between these two pictures is people’s clothes. For example, people in the first picture arewearing suits according to the dress code of their firm, while people in the right picture are wearing casual clothes such as jeans, jumpers and trainers.

As for me, I would rather go to a language school because my dream is to speak English fluently. Moreover, it would be interesting to make some new friends from abroad.

To sum it up, I would like to say that to work or to study together with smart and intelligent people is always great pleasure.

(closing phrase)

Task 4 Variant 3

Study the photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you "d prefer
  • explain why

Answer start withintroductory phrase:

I would like to compare and contrast these two photos.

I think the common thing here is classical music.

Photo 1

Let me start with the first picture which shows a young girl who is performing on the stage at the moment. She is wearing a white blouse and a dark skirt. She is playing the grand piano together with a string orchestra.In the background of the picture there is a beautiful organ ... In the foreground of the picture you can see a lot of spectators. That’s why I can say that music is not just her hobby but she is involved in it very seriously.

As for the second picture it also shows a young girl playing the piano. She looks very elegant in her black velvet dress. As you can see she is wearing glasses.In the background of the pictureyou can see a portrait of a famous composer. Unfortunately I’m not very good at classical music that’s why I don’t know his name. Under the portrait there is a basket of lovely roses, soI can only guess that it might be the anniversary of the composer.

As I have already mentioned the theme which relates both pictures is classical music ... The most obvious similarity between photo 1 and photo 2is the musical instrument the girls are playing and it is a piano.It is evident that the girls are practically of the same age.In my opinion, they might be very talented.

You can’t but agree with me that the main difference between picture 1 and picture 2 is that the girl in the first picture is performing in a big concert hall whereas the girl in the second picture is playing the piano in a small room. (It is probably the classroom in a local Art School.)Besides , the girls are wearing different items of clothes.Last but not least , in the first picture you can see a lot of audience while in the second picture we cannot see any listeners.

As for me, I would rather go to a big concert hall because I’ve always wanted to listen to the organ.

Summarizing, I may say that it is great to have a good ear for music and play a musical instrument because music always makes your life brighter. (23)

That’s where I’d like to end.(closing phrase)

Task 4 from the section Speaking at the Unified State Exam 2015 in English,use the following expressions:

Firstly - Firstly

Secondly - secondly

Thirdly - third

Moreover - more than that

It seams to me / It looks like / It might be -It seems to me / should be

I can only guess - I can guess

If I "m not mistaken - If I'm not mistaken...

I "m not sure exactly (what this is) but ... - I'm not sure exactly what it is, but ...

As for me / To my mind / In my opinion / I think / I believe / Personally -As for me / In my opinion / I think / I am sure / Personally I ...

In contrast / Unlike ... - Unlike

The most apparent / obvious difference (similarity) between photo 1 and photo 2 is ... - The most obvious difference (similarity) between photo 1 and photo 2 ...

The main difference / similarity between picture 1 and picture 2 is ... -The main difference / similarity between photo 1 and photo 2 ...

The only difference / similarity is ... -The only difference / similarity ...

To sum it up I would like to say that ... - Summing up, I want to say ...

All in all, it "s evident ... - In general, it's obvious ...

Summarizing, I may say that ... - Summing up, we can say that ...

The main mistakes that students make while completing assignment 4:

  • description of the plot of the two pictures, and not their comparison;
  • lack of highlighting common and distinctive characteristics of pictures;
  • lack of expression of attitude to pictures;
  • lack of opening and closing phrases;
  • lack of colloquial cliches when comparing pictures;
  • phonetic and lexico-grammatical errors in the answer.

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You are considering joining the Yoga Club

1) address of the club

2) opening days

3) if they offer classes for the aged people or for the young

4) fee per week

5) morning training programs

Tips for completing the assignment:

To successfully complete this task, you must repeat the topicbuilding questions in English: all the details

The question should correspond to the task at hand.

The question should be pronounced with an intonation corresponding to the type of question being asked, for example - rising in general questions and lowering in special questions.

You can ask all five questions of the same type (for example, special questions Special questions); it will not affect your rating.

An example answer:

After a test exam in the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English, it became obvious that it was not possible to start a conditional dialogue-questioning with the phrases below !!!

Each of the five task items will appear on the computer screen in turn. You will have only 20 seconds to build a DIRECT QUESTION, therefore, without distraction, proceed to the task.

1) What is the address of the yoga club? /Where is the club situated?

2) What are the opening days? / What days is the club open? / When is the club open?

3) Do you offer classes for the aged people or for the young only?

4) How much is the training program per week? /What is the training fee per week?

5) You have got morning training programs, haven "t you? / Are there any morning traning programs? /Have you got any morning programs?

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You have decided to celebrate your birthday in the restaurant and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) availability of table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon

2) if booking is free

3) kinds of meat dishes on the menu

4) variety of dessert they serve

5) place to dance

Sample answer:

1) Is a table for 10 people available for Sunday afternoon? /Can I book a table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon?

2) Is booking free? / Should I pay for reservation? / Is booking free or should I pay for reservation? / Booking is free,isn "t it?

3) What meat dishes do you have on the menu in your restaurant?

4) What do you serve for dessert? / What desserts do you serve?

5) Where can we dance? / Is htere any place to dance? / Do you have any place to dance? / You "ve got some place to dance,haven "t you?

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You are going to visit the fashion show and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) how to get there

2) if you can book tickets on-line

3) price of the tickets

4) information about the clothes

5) opportunity to buy any items of clothing

Sample answer:

1) How can I get to the college?

2) Can I book tickets on your website? /Can I book tickets on-line? / Is there any possibility to book tickets on-line? /Are the tickets available online?

3) What is the price of the tickets? /How much are the tickets? / How much do the tickets cost? / The price of the tickets is not very high,isn "t it? / The tickets are not very expensive,are they?

4) Where can I find information about the clothes on the show? / Is there any information about the clothes on your website? / I can find some information about the clothes on your website,can "t I?

5) Will I have the opportunity to buy any items of clothing after the show?

Preparation for the exam and exam

Average general education

UMK line M.V. Verbitskaya. English "Forward" (10-11) (basic)

UMK line O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva, K. M. Baranova. "Rainbow English" (10-11) (basic)

We analyze the exam in English: the oral part

We analyze the oral part of the exam with experienced teachers, build reasoning, choose the best answer options.

Dzhalolova Svetlana Anatolievna, English teacher of the Highest qualification category. Winner competitive selection for a grant from Moscow in the field of education in 2010. Senior expert of the GIA EGE in English. Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of English teachers "Profi-krai" 2015. Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2014, Certificate of honor of the winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation in 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for a Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.

Nedashkovskaya Natalia Mikhailovna, English teacher of the Highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2007. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in Education 2010. Expert of GIA OGE in English. Conducted pedagogical expertise of educational publications at RAO 2015-2016. Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2013, Certificate of honor of the winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation in 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for a Moscow grant in 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Podvigina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the Highest qualification category. Winner PPPE 2008 Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in Education 2010. Senior expert of the GIA EGE in English. Conducted pedagogical expertise of educational publications at RAO 2015-2016. Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2015, Certificate of honor of the winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation in 2008, Diploma of the winner of the competition for a Moscow grant in 2010. Work experience - 23 years.
Trofimova Elena Anatolievna, English teacher of the Highest qualification category. Senior expert of the GIA EGE in English. Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013. Work experience - 15 years.

Task 3. Description of the photo

Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what / who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number ...”

Work program for EMC Enjoy English (basic level) for grades 10-11 ... Available for viewing and free download.

Methodical tip

Read the assignment carefully and familiarize yourself with the presented plan. You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task. It takes 2 minutes to complete it (that is, a description of the photo). Select one of the suggested photos for description. When choosing, be guided not by what kind of photo you like, but by how familiar the topic and vocabulary are to you, and how much you can describe in it. The choice should not take more than three seconds.

Important! The proposed plan does not indicate the introduction and conclusion, but they must be present, since you are offered to make a coherent complete description of the photograph, which in itself implies the presence of an introductory and concluding part.

For the introduction and conclusion, as well as for the answers to the first, fourth and fifth questions, several templates can be prepared in advance, which can be easily and quickly modified depending on the photograph. Thus, the bulk of the time (about a minute out of one and a half) allotted for preparation, you can spend on describing the photo itself, that is, who and what are in the photo (second point of the plan) and what happens on it (third point of the plan) ... A few tips:
1. It's always easier to talk about people you know, so imagine that your friends or relatives are in the photo, determine what kind of relationship you have, and give the people names.
2. When describing the photo itself, it will be advisable to divide it into parts and describe first what is in the background (in the background), then on the sides (on the left / right side), gradually moving to the center or foreground (in the center of / in the foreground). Do not forget that if the photo was taken outdoors, then you can always say a few words about the weather.
3. When describing people in the photograph, one can say about their age and appearance, what they are wearing, what emotions they experience.
4. Next we describe what happens in the photo. For this we use Present Continuous time. Sometimes there are practically no actions in the photo for some reason. It is necessary to mention this, explaining the reason. Suffice it to name three actions.

The description of the photograph as such (that is, the answer to the second and third points of the plan) should take about half of the entire time, the second half should include the introduction and conclusion and answer to points 1, 4, and 5 of the plan.

Important! Remember that this is not a story about what happened in your life or in the life of your relatives / friends at the time the photo was taken, but a description of what is happening in the photo.

Approximate completion of task 1

I "ve chosen photo number 1. (Intro) You know, taking photos is my hobby, and I always take a lot of photos wherever I go. I keep the best photos in my family album. (Plan Question 1) I took this photo last summer in the forest near our country house when we had a family reunion. (Question 2 of the plan). In the photo you can see a group of children playing football (general information on the picture). The day is nice, it is sunny and not windy. In the background you can see a forest with tall trees and bushes and in the foreground there is green grass. There are some children in the center of the picture - they are all my relatives. They are all quite young. The oldest girl is 6. She is my sister Olga. She is at the front of the group. And the youngest one is my nephew Nikolay who is just behind Olga. They are all wearing light clothes-T-shirts and shorts as it is very warm. They all look very happy and excited as they are playing together. They are running after a ball trying to kick it. And y ou can see that Nikolay is very concentrated as he is moving very fast to be the first to catch the ball. (Please note that the entire description is in real tense - Present Simple (for describing static) and Present Continuous (for describing movement)! (Answer to question 4 of the plan) I keep this photo in my family album as it is very dear to me. It was actually a very memorable day when our big family got together and I could meet all my cousins \u200b\u200band nephews and nieces and enjoy time together. (Answer to Plan Question 5) I decided to show it to you as I "m proud of my family and happy that we get together from time to time and I wanted to share my emotions with you. Maybe next year you 'll be happy to spend time together with us. (Conclusion) This is all I wanted to tell you about this photo. I hope you liked it.


Task 4. Comparison of two photographs, identification of common and differences.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the professions presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

When completing this task, remember the following:

It takes 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task, and 2 minutes to complete it.

As in the third task (description of the photograph), when completing task 4, you must make an introduction and conclusion before you proceed directly to the answer according to the plan. The introduction is one or two sentences common theme, revealed in the photographs (the fourth point of the plan may suggest the topic) and one sentence informing about what you will do now. If the topic is not formulated in any way, one last sentence is enough. In conclusion, summing up what has been said, you need to return to the topic again (one or two sentences).

Answering the first point of the plan, a very brief description of each photo is sufficient. It is imperative to say for each picture what is happening and where. And you can add one general sentence about what is in the first and second photos.

When we disclose the second and third points of the plan, we must find two common features and two differences. And the common features and differences should be general. Point number 4 of the plan can help not only with the introduction, but also with significant similarities and differences, because they are also related to the main theme of photography.

When answering the fourth point of the plan, it is enough to rearrange the word order of the phrase I "d prefer the ...... (Profession) presented in the picture number ....... You cannot say I" d prefer the picture number. ... as it does not fit the assignment. You can not say I "d prefer to be in the picture number ...., since this is incorrect in meaning, we cannot be in the picture. In the fifth paragraph of the plan, you need to substantiate your choice made before that with 2-3 detailed sentences (paragraph four).

Do not forget, structurally task 4 is close to the format of the essay, therefore it is necessary to use linkers (union words) when listing the common features and differences. For example, Firstly, / Secondly, ..... Or To begin with, -Furthermore, (Moreover, .... What is more ....). In conclusion / To conclude .....- in conclusion.

Before listing the general features, it must be said that you will now talk about general features. For example, Both pictures have some features in common. Before moving on to the differences, this also needs to be mentioned. For example, however, there are some differences.

When comparing, phrases or verbs that express assumptions will sound well. For example, they could be designers. They must be in the office. They seem to be teenagers. They look like young employees. ......

Differences should not duplicate common features. With an approximate timing of the introduction, the answer to the first and second points of the plan should not take more than one minute.

Approximate completion of task 4

(In modern society there is a great variety of different professions. People try to choose one according to their taste and abilities. And these two pictures show this. - You don't have to say this part of the introduction) Now I "d like to compare and contrast these two photographs. In the first picture there is a young teacher explaining something to the pupils in front of her. They all are in the classroom. In the second photo there are two people who look like designers studying what might be a project in their office . Both pictures have some similarities. Firstly, the most striking common feature is that both pictures show people engaged in doing jobs. Secondly, people are interested in what they are doing. They look quite concentrated on their work. Nevertheless, both photos have some differences. To begin with, in the first picture we can see the profession which presupposes working with people - the teacher is teaching pupils on her own, other people are not included in the process. Whereas in the second picture there is a profession which involves doing the job with co-workers. Moreover, in the first picture the classroom is practically empty except for a blackboard and some desks while the second picture depicts an office with a lot of furniture, models and whiteboards. I would prefer the profession presented in picture number one as I think it is a very challenging but rewarding job. Besides I love working with people, especially children and I have always been good at teaching my friends and my younger sister "s friends some things. (In conclusion, choosing the right profession which will suit you in all aspects is a very hard task and we must think a lot and ask for advice before we make the correct choice. - in case of lack of time, this sentence can be omitted) That is all I wanted to tell you.

English tutor m Otradnoe examines in detail the task C5 of the oral part of the new demo version of the USE in English 2017. With us you will pass the USE speaking well.

1 Description of task C6

In this last task of the oral part of the exam, we are asked to compare two photographs. No choice is given - what is present in the variant, then we compare.

The main purpose of this article is to convince you that you have very little freedom of expression in speaking the USE in English. If you do everything right, your speech is completely standard and almost impersonal. There is no escape from this - it is generated by the following factors:

1 Rigid exam format - very little time for preparation and the presentation itself

2 Rigid fixation of those points that need to be reflected in your speech.

If you have not reflected an item, you will lose points. If you didn't reflect it because you inserted Shakespeare-level lines and read them like Edmund Keane, you won't get extra points and your grade will remain low. Yes, experts are likely to smile subtly and clink their tongues. But this is all that you gain, perhaps losing in the process budget place at the chosen university. The choice is yours.

If you want to get the maximum score, your speech should be 60-80% standard.

Let us show one of the variants of this standard.

2 A practical example from the demo version of the exam 2017

As an example, we again take the speaking task from the 2017 demo version of the USE in English.

We read the task

Task 4. Study thetwo photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

Say what the pictures have in common

Say in what way the pictures arc different

Say which of the ways of reading a book presented in the pictures you "d prefer

Explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

Please note that paragraph 4 contains a direct indication of what should be emphasized - on the methods of reading. In this case, electronic and paper.

A lot of people like reading. (1 - introductory phrase)

In these pictures we can see people reading something. (2) In picture 1 there is a girl reading something on her tablet. She is relaxing on a comfortable sofa. The room is nice. In the background we can see several bookshelves with some books and CDs... (3-6 - description picture 1)

In picture 2 we can see a girl on a train. She is standing next to the window and reading a book. There are not many people there. (7-9 - description picture 2)

These two pictures have something in common. In both pictures the girls are reading. What is more, both girls are enjoying their books. (10-12 - what is common)

On the other hand, the pictures are different. In picture 1 the girl is reading at home. Moreover, she is reading electronically on her tablet. In contrast to picture 1, the girl in picture 2 is reading while traveling. More than that, she is reading a paper book. (14-17 - contrast, that is, contrasting photos)

As for me, I prefer reading electronically because I can get all the books I want Besides, it’s better when the light isn’t perfect.(18-19 - personal preference and why)

That’s all I wanted to say. (20) (Closing Phrase)

As always, in square brackets - an option for the advanced.

Despite the instruction to say 12-15 phrases, I ended up with 20 phrases to fully describe these photos. This is the upper limit of what you can say. That is, in a real answer, you need to focus on 15-17 phrases. All my suggestions are simple, I don't use and. Why? In order not to get less than 12 phrases, I do not want to lose points on such a technical point as the number of sentences.

3 How much is standard?

Let's highlight the standard things that practically do not change and do not depend on the set of photos:

A lot of people like reading.

In these pictures we can see people reading something. In picture 1 there is a girl reading something on her tablet. She is relaxing on a comfortable sofa. The room is nice. In the background we can see several bookshelves with some books and CDs.

In picture 2 we can see a girl on a train. She is standing next to the window and reading a book. There are not many people there.

These two pictures have something in common. In both pictures the girls are reading. What is more, both girls are enjoying their books.

On the other hand, the pictures are different. In picture 1 the girl is reading at home. Moreover, she is reading electronically on her tablet. In contrast to picture 1, the girl in picture 2 is reading while traveling. More than that, she is reading a paper book.

As for me, I prefer reading electronically because I can get all the books I want Besides, it’s better when the light isn’t perfect.

That’s all I wanted to say.

If we omit everything in square brackets, we have 175 words, 82 of which are standard. That is, in my version 47% of the standard. In fact, the percentage is even higher, since you say practically the same thing from variant to variant, with quite a few variations.

4 Do you want 7 points for this task and 100 for the Unified State Exam in English?

If yes, then:

1 At the beginning of grade 11, form your standard, and do not deviate from it when preparing. Your personality reflects the standard you choose.

2 Train with time control all the time to get used to the 2 minute interval. The simplest thing is to set a timer with a sound signal.

3 Practice either with the music of your choice or with the hindrance of someone else's speech. It makes sense to connect noise and music around the New Year, when you feel that your standard has already been formed and worked out.

4 Good luck - you will need it too.

I'd like to write about why the oral part of the exam does not reflect the student's real speaking skills, but I will restrain myself. Instead, we will discuss more pressing issues - what does speaking at the Unified State Exam consist of and how to beat it.

Oral tasks

The oral part of the Unified State Exam consists of 4 tasks:

  1. Reading text
  2. Dialogue-questioning with support
  3. Photo description
  4. Comparison of two photos

All this is assigned 15 minutes... For the correct completion of all tasks you can get 20 points.

The peculiarity of this part of the exam is that it is passed on the computer... You come to a specially equipped classroom and receive a CD with the program. Launch the program on your computer, put on your headset and follow the instructions on the screen. You can see how it will look on the exam in online simulators or. You will see a timer on the display that will help you track the response time yourself.

If you have any difficulties with the program, an assistant who is present in the class will help you. After recording each assignment, the student will be able to listen to himself. Please note that if the answer was not recorded, or was recorded with strong interference, you must definitely tell the assistant about it! If you don't, the incorrectly written answer will go to the expert for evaluation.

Reading text

Task 1 of the oral part of the exam is reading the text of popular science topics. Legend has it that you are preparing to report on foreign language and rehearse it in front of a friend.

On training the task is given 1.5 minutes, and for reading text 1.5 minutes are also allowed. The text is small, so it is quite possible to meet this time.

Here is an example of such a task:

Evaluation criteria

For the task you can get everything 1 pointif “speech is perceived easily: there are no unreasonable pauses; phrasal stress and intonation contours, pronunciation of words without violations of the norm. No more than five phonetic errors are allowed, including one or two errors that distort the meaning. "

A mistake that distorts the meaning is:

  1. Sound substitution, which changes the meaning of the word. For example, live is pronounced with a long vowel - leave, cut - like cart. Or, put is pronounced with a vowel "a" in the middle, and science with two consonants at the beginning.
  2. Incorrect pauses when reading text.

Simple phonetic errors include:

  1. Incorrect reading of enumerated sentences (should be with ascending intonation)
  2. Incorrect intonation of affirmative sentences (should be in a descending tone)
  3. Incorrect statement of logical stress (it should fall on words that carry the main meaning in a sentence - most likely, it is a noun or a verb)
  4. Incorrect pronunciation of sounds typical for the English language, substitution of their pronunciation for Russian sounds: [θ], [ð], [w], [h], [ŋ], [ɜ:]
  5. The absence of a "linking r" - that is, the sounding of the final r / re in a position before a vowel if the next word begins with the vowel (for example, where is ..., there are ...)


In fact, getting a maximum of 1 point for the first task is not difficult.

How I practice reading aloud with students:

  1. I select the text (I take the texts for reading from the Solutions textbooks of the Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels - they are voiced there), listen.
  2. We are working together to sort out incomprehensible places.
  3. We are looking for a suitable passage in size.
  4. We look through it and mark semantic pauses with vertical lines - | ...
  5. We emphasize words that carry meaning (we ignore all the service words - articles, prepositions, pronouns, auxiliary verbs).
  6. We listen to the passage again and repeat after the announcer, then the student reads himself.

Then I put the same algorithm at home and listen to the student in the lesson. Below is an example of the text parsed in this way:

About the reading rules, which I pay attention to in preparation, I already wrote in, and. These are articles about the OGE, the first task in both exams is very similar. Also on the links you will find exercises for the sounds learned.

  • Practice at home with a voice recorder, listen to yourself, and spot mistakes. Since during the exam you will encounter noise interference in the face of other students who will start talking with you and will annoy you, I advise you to turn on the TV or radio during training to simulate this very irritant.
  • If you do not know how a word is read (for example, shallow), remember how similar words (narrow) are read and read by analogy. When preparing, I strongly recommend the pronunciation of all difficult words to check with the dictionary
  • Pause on punctuation marks and highlight independent parts of speech with intonation
  • Do not hurry! 90 seconds is enough to read the entire text at a calm pace
  • If you realized that you read some word incorrectly, reread it correctly. Only the last word reading will be counted.
  • Before the oral part of the exam in the morning, speak one option at home

To prepare for this part of the exam, I, as always, recommend assignments from the FIPI website, as well as the following books: