Restoration of China's loess plateaus. The meaning of the loess plateau in the modern explanatory dictionary, bse

Loess Plateau

Loess Plateau (Loess Plain, whale. 黃土高原; pinyin: Huángtǔ Gāoyuán; pall. : Huantu Gaoyuan) is a plateau in the middle of the Yellow River basin in China. One of the main historical regions of the formation of the Chinese nation, which is due to the highest soil fertility.

The loess plateau, which has an area of \u200b\u200babout 430 thousand km 2, lies between the Taihangshan and Qinling mountain ranges and the eastern spurs of the Nanshan mountain range. Its relief is dominated by hilly-ridged plains up to 1500 m in height, in some places the ridges reach up to 2500 m.The surface of the plateau is composed of loess to a depth of 150 to 250 m and deeper, while characterized by large-scale erosion, which is expressed in a large number of ravines (up to 5 km or more per 1 km 2 with a depth of up to 150 m). There are rich deposits of coal on the plateau.

The rivers flowing along the plateau cut through deep gorges and carry a huge amount of sediment.

The overwhelming majority of the territory of the Loess Plateau is used in agriculture; artificial terracing of the slopes of hills and mountains is characteristic. The main crops cultivated on the plateau are cotton, kaoliang, millet, and wheat.

The natural vegetation inherent in the steppe and forest-steppe on the Loess Plateau has been preserved in an extremely small number of places, and only where the land is absolutely inconvenient for agriculture.

The Loess Plateau is densely populated, especially in the Weihe River Basin. Major cities are Xi'an and Taiyuan.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    In China, in the middle of the river basin. Yellow River. About 430 thousand km2. Prevailing are hilly and rolling plains 1200-1500 m high, composed of loess 100 250 m thick. Strongly dissected (5 6 km of ravines per 1 km2 at a ravine depth of 100 150 m). Rivers with ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Huang He Loess Plateau Geographic names World: Toponymic Dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Loess Plateau (Huangtu Gaoyuan), Loess Plateau ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Loess province, a natural area in China, in the middle part of the river basin. Yellow River. It is bounded in the south of the Qinling ridge, in the east of the ridge. Taihanshan, in the north by the Ordos desert, in the northwest by the Alashan desert, in the west by the eastern spurs of the Kunlun. The area is about ... ...

    1) on land - an elevated flat or slightly wavy plain, bounded on all sides or partially by steep slopes and ledges that separate it from the surrounding low spaces. The plateau is formed on horizontally lying or gently sloping ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Loess Plateau (Loess Plain, Whale Huangtu gaoyuan , 黃土高原) plateau in the middle of the Yellow River basin in China. One of the main historical regions of the formation of the Chinese nation, which is due to the highest soil fertility. Loess Plateau, ... ... Wikipedia

    The river flows into the Yellow Sea; China. In the middle course it flows through the Loess Plateau and the Shanxi Mountains, which are intensively eroded. The abundance of suspended matter imparts a specific color to the water, which has determined the name of the Yellow River (Chinese Huang Yellow ... Geographical encyclopedia - Yellow River, Yellow River, a river in the east of China, one of the greatest rivers in Asia. The length is 4845 km, the basin area is 745 thousand km2 (according to other data, 771 thousand km2). It originates in the east of the Tibetan Plateau, in the Bayan Khara Ula ridge, at an altitude of over 4000 m. In the upper ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Agroecology enables the rehabilitation of large-scale damaged ecosystems.

The loess plateaus cover over 640,000 km² in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River. Loess, the so-called highly erosive soils that are susceptible to the forces of wind and water, have been deposited on the plateau by wind storms for many years. The soil in this area is “the most erodible soil on earth”.

In ancient times, trade and cultural exchange flourished along the Northern Silk Road across the southern loess plateaus. Historically, houses carved into loess cliffs have provided the Chinese with a simple but isolated shelter from the region's cold winters and hot summers. The loess plateaus tend to have fertile soil and ideal agricultural conditions, which contributed to the development of early Chinese civilization around the plateau. However, centuries of deforestation, overexertion and overgrazing, compounded by China's rapid population growth, have led to ecosystem degeneration, desertification and widespread poverty in areas around the loess plateau.

More than 2.5 million people have been lifted out of poverty following the implementation of a plateau forest ecosystem restoration program in four of China's poorest provinces — Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu — and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. By adopting sustainable management practices agriculture, farmers' incomes have doubled, employment is diversified and the unsuitable environment has revived.
For the first time, people in households saw their incomes grow from about $ 70 per year per person to US $ 200 through increased agricultural productivity and diversification.

2.5 million people doubled their incomes, the employment rate rose to 87%, grain production increased from 365 kg to 591 kg per year.
The cost of the project to restore the forest plateaus was $ 252 million, that is, $ 100 per person.
Even within the project, the ecological balance has been restored in a vast area, in the opinion of many, going well beyond the investment.

The sedimentation of waterways has been dramatically reduced: The flow of sediment from the plateau to the Yellow River has been reduced by more than 100 million tonnes per year. Better rainfall control has reduced the risk of flooding with a network of small dams, which has helped conserve water for cities and for agriculture when rainfall is low.
introduced significant contribution restructuring the agricultural sector, adjusting the market economic environment and creating conditions for sustainable conservation of soil and water.
The erection of the terraces on the plateau required the development of roads that facilitate access for vehicles, agricultural machinery and labor in these areas. Sediment control and capture have transformed previously unproductive land into valuable cropping areas, helped increase water storage for human populations and agricultural uses, and reduced flood risk. Terraces have reduced labor costs, allowing farmers to pursue new income-generating activities.

"Restoration of large scale damaged ecosystems is possible." Environmental filmmaker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects in China, Africa, South America and the Middle East, highlighting the tremendous benefits to people and planet of these efforts globally.

Based on materials.

Loess Plateau Loess Plateau

in China, in the middle of the river basin. Yellow River. About 430 thousand km 2. Hilly-ridged plains with a height of 1200-1500 m, composed of loesses with a thickness of 100-250 m, prevail. They are strongly dissected (5-6 km of ravines per 1 km 2 with a ravine depth of 100-150 m). Rivers with a lot of sediment. Slopes are usually terraced and cultivated. The main cities are Xian and Taiyuan.


FOREST PLATO (Loess Province), a natural area in China (cm. CHINA), in the middle of the river basin. Yellow he (cm. HUANGHE)... Bounded in the south by the Qinling Ridge (cm. QINGLING), in the east by the Taihangshan ridge (cm. Taihangshan), in the north by the Ordos desert (cm. ORDOS), in the northwest by the Alashan desert (cm. ALASHAN (desert)), in the west by the eastern spurs of Kunlun (cm. KUNLUN)... The area is about 430 thousand km 2. The prevailing heights are 1200-1500 m.Within the Loess Plateau, there are separate ridges (Liupanshan, Liulyanshan, Utaishan (cm. TAKE OUT) and others), the ridges of which in some places reach 2500 m and more.
The loess plateau is a depression filled with a thick stratum of Mesozoic sediments overlain by loess ( cm. LESS). The thickness of the loess is 100-200 m, in the north up to 250 m. The loose strata of the loess are strongly dissected (5-6 km of ravines per 1 km 2 with a ravine depth of 100-150 m). In the north, loess ridges and ridges prevail, elongated in the direction of the prevailing winds, with a total dissection depth of up to 300-400 m. In the south, flat and gently undulating plateaus are developed, indented by ravines. Deposits of coal, iron ore, oil, oil shale, gypsum, salt.
The climate is temperate with dry, cold winters and hot summers. Average January temperatures range from –8 ° C in the north to –4 ° C in the south, July temperatures range from +22 ° C in the north to +24 ° C in the south. Annual precipitation ranges from 500 mm in the east to 250 mm in the north-west. Most of them fall during the summer monsoon (July-September), usually in the form of showers that stimulate the development of erosion.
Rivers (basin of the Yellow River (cm. HUANGHE)) often flow in deep gorges and with a large amount of sediment. Loess soils are characterized by high fertility, but most of them are washed away. The entire surface is plowed up, loess slopes up to 1000 m and more are artificially terraced. Cotton, millet, kaoliang, wheat are cultivated. Natural vegetation (forest steppe in the southeast, dry steppe in the northwest) has been preserved only in places that are inconvenient for cultivation. High population density (especially the Weihe River valley (cm. WEIHE (tributary of the Yellow River))).
Major cities - Xi'an (cm. XIAN), Taiyuan (cm. TAIUAN).

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what the "Loess Plateau" is in other dictionaries:

    This article is missing links to sources of information. The information must be verifiable, otherwise it can be questioned and deleted. You can ... Wikipedia

    Loess Plateau Yellow River Geographical Names of the World: Toponymic Dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Loess Plateau (Huangtu Gaoyuan), Loess Plateau ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Loess province, a natural area in China, in the middle part of the river basin. Yellow River. It is bounded in the south of the Qinling ridge, in the east of the ridge. Taihanshan, in the north by the Ordos desert, in the northwest by the Alashan desert, in the west by the eastern spurs of the Kunlun. The area is about ... ...

    1) on land - an elevated flat or slightly wavy plain, bounded on all sides or partially by steep slopes and ledges that separate it from the surrounding low spaces. The plateau is formed on horizontally lying or gently sloping ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Loess Plateau (Loess Plain, Whale Huangtu gaoyuan , 黃土高原) plateau in the middle of the Yellow River basin in China. One of the main historical regions of the formation of the Chinese nation, which is due to the highest soil fertility. Loess Plateau, ... ... Wikipedia

    The river flows into the Yellow Sea; China. In the middle course it flows through the Loess Plateau and the Shanxi Mountains, which are intensively eroded. The abundance of suspended matter imparts a specific color to the water, which has determined the name of the Yellow River (Chinese Huang Yellow ... Geographical encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Yellow He (meanings). Huanghe 黄河 ... Wikipedia

    Homogeneous, usually non-layered, porous, slightly cemented, marly or loamy overburden. They consist of grains of silt size with subordinate participation of particles of fine sandy and clay fractions. Depending on their ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    United States of America USA, state in North. America. Title includes: geogr. the term states (from the English, state state), as self-governing territorial units are called in a number of countries; definition connected, i.e. included in the federation, ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    The Yellow River, a river in eastern China, one of the greatest rivers in Asia. The length is 4845 km, the basin area is 745 thousand km2 (according to other data, 771 thousand km2). It originates in the east of the Tibetan Plateau, in the Bayan Khara Ula ridge, at an altitude of over 4000 m. In the upper ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

́ (Huangtu Gaoyuan), Loess Plain, in eastern Asia, on Wednesday. flow of the river. Yellow River, between the Alashan, Qinling and Nanshan ridges (China). Pl. OK. 430 thousand km². Hills and ridges with heights of 1200-1500 m, above which separate ridges with a height of 2500 m rise. The plateau is formed by a thick 250-m thick loess strata, strongly dissected by erosion: up to 5-6 km of ravines per 1 km²; the depth of the ravines is 100–150 m. The rivers cut deep gorges in the loess strata and annually carry out a huge amount of loess material. The soils are highly fertile, the plateau is plowed up, its slopes are terraced. Cotton, millet, kaoliang, wheat are grown. Natural steppe (in the northwest) and forest-steppe (in the southeast) vegetation has been preserved on insignificant areas of inconvenient lands. High population density. A special type of dwelling is widespread - caves dug in the walls of loess cliffs. Most big cities Xi'an and Taiyuan.

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Plateau - unsl., Cf. (fr. plateau). 1. Low plateau (geogr.). 2. Tray without sides, stand, advantage. round, under something. (under a lamp, flower vase, dishes, etc.).
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Plateau - unchanged; Wed [French. plateau] An elevated plain, bounded by clearly defined ledges, steep slopes. High p. Descend from p.
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Loess Plateau - in China, in the middle of the bass. R. Yellow River. OK. 430 thousand km2. Prevailing are hilly-ridged plains 1200-1500 m high, composed of forests 100-250 m thick. Strongly dissected (5-6 km ........
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Loess Plateau, Loess province, a natural area in China, in the middle part of the river basin. Yellow River. It is limited to the south of the Qinling ridge, to the east of the ridge Taihanshan, in the north by the Ordos desert, in the northwest. the Alashan desert, in the west by the eastern spurs of the Kunlun. Area about 430 thous. km 2, prevailing heights 1200-1500 m. Within the limits of the L.P. there are separate ridges (Lyupanshan, Lyulyanshan, Utaishan, etc.), the ridges of which in places reach 2500 m and more. Geologically, the lagoons represent a depression filled with a thick stratum of Mesozoic deposits overlain by loesses. Loess thickness usually ranges from 100 to 200 mincreasing by S. to 250 m. Loose strata of loess are subject to intense erosion. The network of ravines in some areas reaches 5-6 km by 1 km 2 at a depth of 100-150 m.In the north, loess ridges and ridges predominate, elongated in the direction of the prevailing winds, with a total dissection depth of up to 300-400 m; in the south there are flat and gently undulating plateaus indented by ravines. The climate is temperate with dry, cold winters and hot summers. The average January temperature is from -8 ° C in the north to -4 ° C in the south, in July - from 22 ° C in the north to 24 ° C in the south. Osadkov from 500 mm per year on V. up to 250 mm in the northwest Most of them fall during the summer monsoon (July - September), usually in the form of rainstorms that stimulate the development of erosion. Rivers often flow in deep gorges and carry a huge amount of sediment. The annual volume of solid runoff of the river. The Yellow River below the L.p. exceeds 1.3 billion. t.Loess soils are characterized by high fertility, but most of them are washed away. Natural vegetation (forest-steppe in the southeast, dry steppe in the northwest) has survived only in places inconvenient for cultivation. The entire surface is plowed, loess slopes up to 1000 mand more artificially terraced. Cotton, millet, kaoliang, wheat are cultivated. Deposits of coal, iron ore, oil, oil shale, gypsum, salt. The LP (especially the valley of the Weihe River) has a high population density. The most important cities are Xi'an, Taiyuan, Lanzhau.

V. T. Zaichikov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia M .: " Soviet encyclopedia", 1969-1978