Chechen University is official. Chechen Basic Medical College

About the university

Chechen State University - ChSU - dates back to 1938. For 70 years of its existence, the university has achieved a lot.

Initially, the university was created as a two-year Teachers' Institute, on the basis of which teachers were trained primary grades... In 1941 the institute was reorganized and renamed into the Chechen-Ingush State pedagogical institute, which later grew into the Chechen-Ingush State University named after L.N.Tolstoy. In 1995, the university became known as the Chechen State University.

During the 1994-1996 war, the university suffered enormous damage. The loss of the richest library of the university alone amounted to about a million volumes. Training bases, scientific laboratories, a computing center, a printing house, and a botanical garden were destroyed.

The restored university resumed its educational and scientific activity in 2000.
About 15,000 students annually receive higher education in 36 different specialties at 13 faculties. Help them acquire professional knowledge the highest level more than 800 teachers, including 34 doctors of sciences and almost one and a half hundred candidates of sciences in various specialties.

AT last years based on Chechen state university there are two special councils for the defense of candidate dissertations (philology, history).

CSU faculties

1. Institute of Chechen and General Philology (specialties: "Russian language and literature", "Chechen language and literature", "pedagogy and psychology", "journalism", "acting")
2. historical (specialties: "history", "regional studies", "museum business and protection of monuments")
3. medical (specialty "general medicine")
4. legal (specialties: "jurisprudence", "social care")
5.economic (specialties: "accounting, analysis and audit"; "economic theory"; "economics of enterprise management"; "taxes and taxation")
6. financial and economic (specialties: "finance and credit"; "commerce")
7. government controlled (specialties: "state and municipal administration", "organization management")
8. foreign languages (specialty: " english language", "French, " german»)
9.biological and chemical (specialties: "biology", "chemistry", "microbiology")
10. agro-technological (specialties: "technology of production and processing of agricultural products", "fruit and vegetable production and viticulture", "agronomy", "zootechnics", "plant protection", "veterinary medicine")
11.physical (specialties: "physics", "radio physics and electronics")
12. mathematics and computer technology (specialties: "mathematics", "applied mathematics and computer science", "mathematical methods in economics")
13. geography and geoecology (specialties: "geography", "geoecology", "SCS and tourism").

In terms of specialties, both full-time and part-time forms of study are possible.
The head of the Chechen State University is Rector Zaurbek Aslanbekovich Saidov.

Chechen State University
Former names

Grozny Teachers' Institute
Grozny State Pedagogical Institute
Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute
Chechen-Ingush State University named after Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Year of foundation

Chechen State University (Chech. Nokhchiin mekhkan university) is a classical university in the city of Grozny. Founded in 1938.


The university traces its history back to February 7, 1938, when the Grozny Teachers' Institute was opened in Grozny on the initiative of the regional party committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR with a two-year period of study. The contingent of students was 120 people. On September 1, 1938, the teacher's institute was transformed into the Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute with a four-year training period. The institute had philological, history and physics and mathematics departments.

After the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, the equipment of the institute was evacuated, but already in the middle of 1943, the restoration of the educational institution began.

In 1955, a large educational building of the institute was built, in 1957 - workshops for the physics and mathematics faculty. In 1956 the institute opened the faculty of physical education, in 1958 - the faculty of pedagogy and methodology primary education, in 1960 - Faculty of Natural Geography, in 1962 - Faculty of Foreign Languages. For several years, the Faculty of History and Philology have been merged into the Faculty of History and Philology.

In 1960, the institute was given a new name - the Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute.

In the 1960s, the material and technical base of the institute was strengthened: a dormitory for 632 places was built, new offices and laboratories were created, scientific equipment was significantly increased and improved.

On March 9, 1971, the institute was transformed into the Chechen-Ingush State University. Educational institution named after Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. By the mid-1980s, the university already had 8 faculties - history, philology, Romano-Germanic philology, economics, physics, mathematics, geography, biology and chemistry. In 1990, the Faculty of Medicine was opened, in 1993 - the Faculty of Law and Finance and Economics.

In January 1995, during the hostilities, the university buildings were severely damaged. Educational buildings were turned into ruins, a library, a botanical garden, unique scientific laboratories, educational and production bases, a computer center, and a printing house were destroyed. Nevertheless, the classes continued in several surviving premises.

On February 28, 1995, the Chechen-Ingush State University named after Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy was renamed into the Chechen State University.

After the end of the First chechen war and the proclamation of independence of Chechnya, the university was subordinated to the new authorities, in fact it was withdrawn from the educational space of Russia, deprived of financial support. Nevertheless, the university continued to work in the destroyed and looted premises.

The agro-technological faculty was opened in 1997. In November 1997 in Urus-Martan opened correspondence faculty Chechen State University. It was planned to open similar faculties in the Shalinsky and Shelkovsky regions of the republic.

In 1997, reconstruction work began at the university. By the beginning of 1998, the construction team repaired the premises for training sessions in a hostel and two educational buildings of the ChSU, created autonomous system heating. During 1998, the restoration of the third academic building, as well as the building of the former boarding school, which was transferred to the university, took place.

In July 1998, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria made a decision to close the Chechen Pedagogical Institute, which, according to the authorities, "duplicated" the Chechen State University. The entire material base and staff of the pedagogical institute were transferred to the university. Reduced five faculties and 36 departments. Nevertheless, the teachers of the pedagogical institute defended their institution, and the closure of the institute was not carried out.

In 1999, during the next hostilities, the university was again damaged and suspended. In April 2000, after the establishment of a pro-Russian administration in the city, the university resumed its work. On May 6, 2003, the university was entered into the unified state register of legal entities under the name State educational institution higher vocational education "Chechen State University".

The main building of the ChGU under construction. Grozny, Fight Square, Leo Tolstoy Square, 2012

In the early 2000s, the restoration of the material and technical base began. In 2003 restored 2,500 square meters training areas, in 2004 a canteen, training workshops, two reading rooms were commissioned. In March 2005, an educational building for faculty of Economics and the administration, in 2006 6 more educational buildings were repaired. In October 2006, the educational building of the Faculty of Medicine was opened. In 2009, the 3rd educational building was overhauled. In March 2007, construction began on the main university building on the site of the destroyed one (Aslanbek Sheripov Street, Fight Square, Lev Tolstoy Square).

In the early 2000s, the structure of the university includes 13 faculties - history, mathematics and computer technology, physics and information and communication technologies, biology and chemical, medical, legal, economic, financial and economic, geography and geoecology, agrotechnological, foreign languages, philological (in 2007 it was transformed into the Institute of Chechen and General Philology), public administration (since 2005). In 2003, the Center for Continuing Professional Education was created to deal with professional retraining specialists. In 2006 it was transformed into the Faculty of Additional Professional Education and Advanced Training.

The University has a Botanical Garden, a Zoological Museum, a Museum of History and Local Lore, a library with 5 service departments, subscriptions and reading rooms, and a catering complex.

On July 25, 2011 the university was transformed into a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Chechen State University"


There are 814 teachers at ChSU, including 55 doctors of sciences, professors, 236 candidates of sciences. There are 72 departments in the university.

13 faculties, which graduate specialists in 40 specialties. The total number of full-time students and extramural forms training - almost 15 thousand.

Since 2003, a joint journalism partnership project with the Danish School of Journalism has been implemented.


  • Faculty of Continuing Professional Education and Professional Development
  • Faculty of Geography and Geoecology
  • Mathematicians and CT
  • Faculty of Physics and Information and Communication Technologies
  • Agrotechnological faculty
  • Faculty of Biology and Chemistry
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of Public Administration
  • Faculty of Finance and Economics
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • History department
  • Institute of Chechen and General Philology


Chechen State University (Russian). - Official site of the Chechen State University. Retrieved February 5, 2009.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Host - Timur Uzhakhov

In a studio:

Makhmud Magomedovich Kerimov - Professor of the ChSU Minazova Venera Magomedovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

Vakhid Ustarkhanov, student of Chechen State University Timur Uzhakhov: Today we will tell you about the Chechen State University.

REFERENCE: The University was founded in 1938 as the Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute, which initially had two faculties in its structure - philological and historical. On March 9, 1971, the institute was transformed into the Chechen-Ingush State University. The educational institution was named after Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. By the mid-1980s, the university already had 8 faculties - history, philology, Romano-Germanic philology, economics, physics, mathematics, geography, biology and chemistry. In 1990, the Faculty of Medicine was opened, in 1993 - the Faculty of Law and Finance and Economics.

In January 1995, during the hostilities, the university buildings were severely damaged. Educational buildings were turned into ruins, a library, a botanical garden, unique scientific laboratories, educational and production bases, a computer center, and a printing house were destroyed. However, the classes continued in several surviving rooms.

On February 28, 1995, the Chechen-Ingush State University named after Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy was renamed into the Chechen State University. With the coming to power in the republic of Akhmat-khadzhi Kadyrov, the university began to recover. Today, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe university infrastructure is more than 26 thousand square meters. m and includes, in addition to classrooms, laboratories and a large sports complex with a swimming pool. The university includes two educational institutes, 11 faculties and 86 departments.

Timur Uzhakhov: Mahmud Magomedovich, you represent the Chechen State University. As a person who has been working within these walls for many years, what can you say about your university, about its history, about the period of restoration that the university has gone through in recent years?

Mahmud Kerimov: For almost a quarter of a century I have been associated with our native Chechen State University. The Chechen State University has historically been a visiting card, the face not only of our republic, but of our entire multinational Chechen people. Almost all of our republican elite, the intelligentsia left the walls of our university. Undoubtedly, the events that took place in our republic passed like millstones through our university, through our lives. We have lost our university, which was famous not only in Russia, not only in the Soviet Union, but also in the world. And so in 1994-2000. we have lost absolutely everything. After the first Chechen campaign, when we arrived in the city of Grozny, we saw that our university was not there, everything was in ruins, everything was destroyed, we were allocated the territory of the dilapidated building of the boarding school number 2 in Grozny. On this territory, we began to gather people. We have lost many of our colleagues, famous scientists - Chechens, Russians, Armenians, Ingush, but nevertheless, the remaining people gathered. We could not imagine our people or our republic without our university. And so they began to assemble the university themselves, to collect students, their own team. One of the first days when we came here in April 1995, we spent three days looking for one table and one chair to seat at least the rector. Holes were covered with tape, gas was pulled in and the rector was imprisoned. This is how we started. But nevertheless, so much has been done in 10-12 years that when delegations from neighboring regions come to us, they do not believe that this luxury, order, comfort has been created during this time, educational buildings, material and technical support, professorship have been restored. -Teaching Staff. In 200 we had only 8 doctors of sciences, today I have more than 80 doctors of sciences. People write dissertations. In the long term, we are building a university campus. We rebuilt our main building on the historic site where the main building of the Chechen-Ingush State University stood. Slowly they began to populate this building. Within a month, the university administration will move to a new building, the Faculty of Economics and Finance will start working there. Opposite the second building of the university - these are the buildings that the whole republic knew. They are one floor higher, they are more beautiful, better. I think our team and university have a good future. The Chechen State University will become an interuniversity center.

Timur Uzhakhov: I would like to ask a question about a little earlier history. How did the formation of the university take place during the Soviet years?

Makhmud Kerimov: It was the Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute, which was founded in 1938, in 1972 it was transformed into a classical university. It all started with two faculties - the Faculty of Philology, then the Faculty of History spun off from it. Today we have 13 faculties, more than 80 specialties, postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Timur Uzhakhov: How many students are there?

Mahmud Kerimov: As of January 1, 2013, we have within 20 thousand students studying all forms of education.

Timur Uzhakhov: In context common processes integration of the interuniversity space of the North Caucasus what place does your university occupy?

Makhmud Kerimov: We are very closely cooperating with the former Rostov, now the Southern Federal State University. We have common research projects. Almost 30% of our scientists defended themselves there. A year ago, we opened the North Caucasus Federal University in Pyatigorsk. Good scientific and personal ties with scientists of the Dagestan State University, with the Kabardino-Balkarian State University.

REFERENCE: Kerimov Mahmud Magomedovich - was born in 1959 in the village of Orekhovo, Achkhoi-Martanovsky district of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR. Islamic scholar, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, graduate of the Philosophy Faculty of Leningrad State University. Since 1989, he taught at the Chechen-Ingush State University, at the same time engaged in scientific work. Over the years, he worked as vice-rector of the Chechen State University, and since 2010 he has been the head of the Institute of Chechen and General Philology at the Chechen State University. A large number of Kerimov's works on the problems of culture, Islam and philosophy have been published.

Timur Uzhakhov: Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Minazova Venera Magomedovna told us about how the teaching community of the university lives.

Venera Minazova: When I started working at the university, it was called the Chechen-Ingush State University, I have been working for 26 years now and I am experiencing all the hardships and joys. There was such a gap when we worked without wages, when we worked in very difficult conditions, and there was an opportunity to go to another region, to another country, which some colleagues did, but I do not regret that I stayed. This is my homeland, this is my home university.

Vakhid Ustarkhanov: For me, the first impression is, of course, my faculty. Of course, you always have to test something new, a different education system. I was pleasantly surprised, I lived most of my life in Siberia, and when I returned home, I had my own stereotypes, but when I came to the university, I realized that I was very a good education can be obtained, although many believe that it is not. A very good teaching staff, a very good dean of our faculty, the administration - these are people who root for students.

Full version available in audio format

On February 7, 1938, on the basis of small preparatory pedagogical courses, the Chechen-Ingush Teachers' Institute was opened with a two-year period of study, and from September 1, 1938 - the Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute with a four-year period of study. The institute had three faculties: philology, history and physics and mathematics. A little later, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography was added to them. The first graduates of the young university were 79 people.

In 1940, the structure of the ChIGPI already included 8 departments (physics, mathematics, pedagogy and psychology, languages, literature, Marxism and Leninism, general history, history of the peoples of the USSR), 6 classrooms, other auxiliary institutions: classrooms for school hygiene, military training, gym, physics laboratory, library.

Along with the solution main task - preparation teaching staff higher qualifications - scientific and scientific-methodical work was started at the departments of the institute. A.I. Boyarchuk, T.T. Malsagova, F.G. Petrash, S.K. Shenets and other university professors.

The pre-war period in the activities of ChIGPI was characterized by organizational development. Its structure was improved and developed, the material base was strengthened, the enrollment of students increased, scientific work... Joint research with the republican scientific research institute of history, sociology and philology was conducted.

In 1958, the faculty of pedagogy and methodology of primary education was opened at the institute, in 1960 - the faculty of natural geography, in 1962 - the faculty of foreign languages. Teachers were trained at all faculties high school in 19 specialties, including teachers native language and literature. The contingent of students was constantly increasing. In 1956 there were just over 1000 students, in 1962 there were 3218. In 1963, the number of students increased to 4,750

The first who, at the head of the Grozny Teachers' Institute, began the difficult path to science and education, was Evgeny Fedorovich Bykov. In 1938, Yevgeny Fedorovich was appointed director of the Grozny Pedagogical Institute. E.F. Bykov led it until 1945. Subsequently, in different periods, the university was headed by:

1945-1951 - Alexander Petrovich Efleev.

1951-1959 - Ph.D. Khabech Aslancherievich Pchentleshev

1960 -1963 - P.M. Stepanov.

1963-1966 - Doctor of History Nikolai Pavlovich Gritsenko.

1966-1970 Victor Isaakovich Sinelnikov.

1970-1986 - Doctor of Economics Mikhail Pavlovich Pavlov

1986-1991 - D.Sc. Victor Abramovich Kan-Kalik

1992-1994 - D.F.-M. n. Mukhadi Shahidovich Israilov.

1995,2000-2006 - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Adnan Daguevich Khamzaev.

1996 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ibragim Uzumkhadzhievich Israilov.

1996-1999 - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences District committee Khasimkhanovich Dadashev.

2006-2008 - Ph.D. Anzor Akhmedovich Muzaev.

2008-present Ph.D. Zaurbek Aslanbekovich Saidov.

In 1972, the Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Chechen-Ingush State University (CHIHU), becoming the fifty-sixth university in the USSR.

The scientific research sector coordinated the extensive and varied ties of ChIGU with enterprises and organizations of Checheno-Ingushetia, other republics, territories and regions of the country. A number of educational and scientific departments of the university had long-term agreements on creative cooperation with the labor collectives of factories and plants.

Developing and strengthening our own base for research work, the university actively influenced the formation of scientific personnel in various fields of the national economy, science and culture of the Republic. Suffice it to say that during the existence of ChIGU, more than three hundred specialists have received academic degrees and titles within its walls.

In any school, vocational school of the Chechen Republic, you can meet university graduates. They continue to educate and educate the younger generation.

From the day of its foundation, our university has been and remains the most important center of the social and political life of the Republic, a forge of specialists with good professional knowledge, organizational and educational work skills.

Since the foundation of ChIHU in 1972, new faculties and departments have been opened at the university, new educational buildings, student dormitories have been built.

In the second half of the 80s of the last century, specialties such as physical electronics, medicine, jurisprudence, acting, journalism, and microbiology, which are in demand in the republic, were opened.

In the period from 1994 to 2000, as a result of two military campaigns that took place in Chechnya, the state university suffered significant damage. Educational buildings, dormitories were turned into ruins, libraries, a botanical garden, unique scientific laboratories, educational and production bases, a computer center, and a printing house were destroyed. However, having resumed its activities in April 2000, the staff of the Chechen State University not only restored the pre-war level of the material base, but also reached new frontiers.

A Shared Use Center was established, equipped with modern scientific equipment. The "technopark" is functioning. The construction of a student campus that meets all international standards is underway. The total area allocated for construction is 100 hectares.

Much attention is paid to personnel training. Graduates of leading universities in Germany and Great Britain, who were sent there under the program of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic to train young specialists abroad, return to the university and work in various positions.

Today, the university has 81 departments that fully provide studying proccess... There are about 1100 teachers working. The structure of the university includes 10 faculties and 3 institutes, where about 17 thousand students study. There is also an institute of additional professional education.