An example of an electronic portfolio of an educator for certification. Ready-made electronic portfolio of a kindergarten teacher

In the context of a consistent increase in the performance indicators of preschool education, many requirements are imposed on the modern teacher, including the ability to present their professional achievements, namely, to make according to the Federal State Educational Standard, a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher according to the finished sample of 2018... A teacher's portfolio is a set of documents presented on paper in a folder or in electronic form, reflecting indicators of professional activity for a certain period of time (most often for three years):

  • achievements in educational activities;
  • indicators of education and training of entrusted preschoolers;
  • personal contribution to the development of the preschool education system (design of author's methods educational work, conducting research pedagogical activities within the framework of the chosen topic).

The teacher can add documents on additional professional education to the portfolio. For example, a certificate of completed advanced training courses at the School of Education Manager. This portal contains online courses for teachers on a wide variety of topics. For example, there is a program that covers all areas of the work of a kindergarten teacher - “Educator Competencies”.

Look academic plan can . And to sign up for the course, go here and click the "Participate" button.

Kindergarten teacher portfolio creation template which can download for free, is painstaking creative work that must be carried out systematically. In order to optimize this type of work, it is advisable for the heads of preschool educational institutions to include responsibilities for designing a portfolio in the duties of preschool teachers.

Kindergarten teacher portfolio structure

Due to the fact that ready-made portfolio of a kindergarten teacher should fully reflect the professional and creative growth of a specialist, the formation of the ability to conduct self-assessment, the willingness to productively interact with the parents of pupils and other specialists of the preschool educational institution, it is advisable to distinguish three semantic blocks in the structure of the document:

  1. Materials that reveal the level of professionalism of the educator.
  2. Data on the generalization of professional experience.
  3. Additional materials showing the ongoing process of competence development.

Among the headings presented samples of educator portfolio kindergarten, the following can be distinguished: “Briefly about myself”, “My discoveries”, “My achievements”, “My projects”, “Children and their parents”, “Pedagogical search”, “Bank of ideas”, “Topics for research”.

By creating project workreflecting the results of professional activity, it is very important for each educator to learn how to carefully select factual material that should have a high informational value, reflect the quality and effectiveness of educational work, the ability to generalize and think analytically, draw conclusions, the ability to operate with new facts, research in pedagogy and techniques. Including a random amount of data is a blunder due to the high risk of blurring key data and creating the wrong impression of low competence.

To help educators, we are pleased to present indicative portfolio models that can be used to determine the optimal structure for presentation documents of this type:

Portfolio models of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the characteristics of the content Sections
Option 1 (cumulative, attestation portfolio)
  1. Presentation (information about the teacher).
  2. Documentary evidence of the level of pedagogical skills (participation in conferences, seminars, master classes, passing refresher courses).
  3. Self-education ( theme research selected for kindergarten teacher portfolio, and achievements over the past three years).
  4. Pedagogical piggy bank (author's methodological developments).
  5. Dissemination of advanced teaching experience (dates, times and topics of speeches).
  6. My achievements (awards, certificates, awards, reviews).
  7. Reflection.
Option 2 (thematic)
  1. Business card (general information about the teacher).
  2. Self-education (topic, problems and achievements).
  3. Methodical work.
  4. Pedagogical experience.
  5. Achievements of pupils.
  6. Interaction with parents of preschoolers.
  7. Indicators of professionalism - awards and achievements.
  8. Conclusions.
Option 3 (problematic)
  1. Introduction (briefly about myself).
  2. General professional competence, pedagogical credo leading to the research topic.
  3. The essence of the pedagogical problem being developed, goals and objectives.
  4. Methods and techniques used, successes and failures.
  5. Results and further professional plans.

The kindergarten teacher must also decide on how the portfolio presentation will be organized. The defense of the submitted materials, depending on the purpose, can be organized at a pedagogical council, a methodological association or in the form of a speech to the parents of the pupils.

Free download a sample portfolio for a kindergarten teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard (presentation)
Download in .pptx

How to make an electronic portfolio of a kindergarten teacher?

In the context of a change in the paradigm of preschool education for most specialists in the field, the problem of compiling according to FGOS electronic portfolio for a kindergarten teacher based on the model... Analytical development, presented online, simplifies the process of systematic data updating, reduces the level of emotional stress during the certification training and allows you to confidently take part in professional competitions at the municipal level.

An additional factor that determines the expediency of compiling an electronic portfolio is the introduction of a professional standard that reinforces the need for preschool teachers to master ICT competencies. The work on creating and filling out an Internet page dedicated to professional achievements will not only help you confidently master the principles of working with text editors, e-mail and browsers, but will also become an indisputable confirmation of the formation of the necessary skills.

While creating kindergarten teacher portfolio for certification, participation in a professional competition or the accumulation of pedagogical achievements, experts recommend taking into account five key criteria, the content of which may change taking into account the technical capabilities and characteristics of the content:

  1. Information saturation. Achievement of optimal indicators for this item is achieved by strict filtering of data, of which at least 60% must have methodological or pedagogical value. The optimal form of presentation of the material is in the form of presentations, tables, diagrams, lecture developments, accompanied by links to the current regulatory framework. It is advisable to post photo reports, scenarios of competitions, creative workshops, research projects, news and reports on the site. At the same time, the amount of text, tabular and illustrated material should be harmoniously correlated. In the event of difficulties with the selection of factual material, experts advise to present the results of pedagogical activities in the implementation of preschool education programs - materials of educational sessions that demonstrate knowledge of age-related pedagogy, psychology, the ability to apply modern educational methods and the formation of other important competencies.
  2. The comfort of the virtual educational environment. For most educators making decisions how to arrange a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher - according to the standard sample or the original layout, it's important to remember the importance of content. In most cases, online resources with a complex structure are difficult to “read”, so you should take care of the intuitive headings and optimal navigation.
  3. Availability of a source of effective " feedback". Ideal technical solution - when any user, regardless of location, type of device used and time, can ask the author a question or leave a constructive comment. In turn, it is important for the educator to adhere to the rules communicative culture and respond to messages left no later than 3-5 days after receiving them.
  4. Updatability of information. A common practice recent years was drawing up kindergarten teacher portfolio by sample with further deliberate refusal to update it. The main task of the practice of developing a portfolio is to assess personal professional achievements in real time, which cannot be achieved in conditions with a single access to the resource. In conditions of high employment, which has become customary for many pedagogues, it is advisable to provide for the presence of a “deferred publication” function in order to be able to compile a number of materials in their free time, which the system will publish within a specified time frame.
  5. Originality and adequacy of design solutions. The practicality of the educator's electronic portfolio will largely depend on the consistency of the chosen site structure. The presence of optimal nesting indicators (headings, subheadings, tapes) will allow presenting materials in the best possible way. In light of this, experts recommend avoiding complex technical and design solutions - in conditions of insufficient self-confidence, it is better to avoid the practice of changing the standard style. It is very important that the portfolio remains one of the tools professional developmentrather than an ineffective time waster.

Kindergarten Teacher Portfolio Assessment Criteria

Evaluation portfolio samplesdrawn up for kindergarten teachers, is an important process for every conscious educator. Strict criteria according to which the quality of this development is determined has not yet been established, but the following can be attributed to them:

  1. Completeness of information about the professional activity of the educator.
  2. The consistency of building the structure of materials.
  3. The relevance of the data presented.
  4. Broadcasting.
  5. Correct design of materials, level of ethical culture (availability of links to sources used).
  6. The value of advanced pedagogical experience is the presence of author's discoveries.
  7. The flexibility of the author's thinking (rationality, originality).
  8. Formation of applied skills, ability to solve practical problems.
  9. The development of communication skills (the ability to make reports, work in small groups, the ability to clearly and reasonably express their thoughts, the formation of a written appeal), which can be evidenced by the practice of conducting correspondence with readers.
  10. The development of the skills of self-assessment and self-control (the ability to work on one's mistakes, self-criticism, realistic assessment of one's abilities).

It should be noted that this list is approximate. In each specific preschool educational institution, it can be supplemented with other criteria by the decision of the initiative-creative group of teachers, including those developed for the portfolio of kindergarten teachersdedicated to particularly acute themes.

It is worth noting that a kindergarten teacher should treat a portfolio in the same way as one of the forms of certification. It is important to keep it up to date, systematically fill it with materials. Don't forget to design your portfolio. After all, the first favorable impression will be made by the colorful cover, the presence of a table of contents and numbering of sheets, a clear designation of sections. Acquaintance with further elements of the portfolio should leave a feeling of the teacher's interest in the results of his work, its consistency, and love for children.

Kindergarten teacher portfolio ready-made 2018 sample by fgos

Kindergarten teacher portfolio ready-made 2018 sample by fgos

Isaeva Olga Mikhailovna

General information about the teacher

Appendix 1

Diploma copy

Appendix 2

Attestation sheet

Appendix 3


professional retraining

Course name

Venue, St.-va No.
Form and topic of the final work


Course name

Venue, St.-va No.
Form and topic of the final work

Appendix 4
Certificate of advanced training


The name of the program,
for which the teacher works
For teaching children, the educational process is organized according to the "Childhood" program. The Childhood program of 2014 is a variable exemplary educational program of preschool education (Model program), which was developed on the basis of the Federal State educational standard preschool education (Order No. 1155 of the Ministry of Education and Science of October 17, 2013). Teachers of preschool educational organizations can use it in the development of basic educational programs for preschool education (PRED).
Description educational activities in accordance with the directions of the child's development presented in five educational areas: Educational area "Social and communicative development"; Educational area "Cognitive development"; Educational area " Speech development"; Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"; Educational area "Physical development".
The goals of the Childhood program. Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the process of socialization begins, the child's connection with the leading spheres of life is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values. The foundation of health is being laid. Preschool childhood is the time of the initial formation of the personality, the formation of the foundations of the child's self-awareness and individuality. Therefore, the program "Childhood" was created by the authors as a program for the enriched development of children preschool age, providing a single process of socialization of individualization of the individual through the child's awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities. The goal of the program is to create an opportunity for every child in kindergarten to develop abilities, interact widely with the world, and actively practice in different types activity, creative self-realization. The program is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the behavior, activities and attitude of the child to the world.
This will be possible if adults target:
personality development of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics;
creation of conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, personal development, development of initiative and creative abilities based on cooperation with adults and peers and in age-appropriate activities;
creation of a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.
Objectives of the Childhood program.
The Childhood program of 2014, developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, is focused on:
protecting and promoting the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;
ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities health);
ensuring the continuity of goals, objectives and content of education, implemented within the educational programs of preschool and primary general education;
creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with oneself, other children, adults and the world;
combining education and upbringing into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values \u200b\u200band rules and norms of behavior adopted in society in the interests of a person, family, society;
the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity;
ensuring the variability and diversity of the content of programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of forming programs of various orientations, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of children;
the formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;
providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.
Development and upbringing tasks for the Childhood program. The priority tasks of the development and education of children are:
strengthening the child's physical and mental health, forming the foundations of his motor and hygienic culture; holistic development of the child as a subject of activities that are feasible for a preschooler;
enriched child development, providing a single process of socialization-individualization, taking into account children's needs, capabilities and abilities;
development on the basis of different educational content of emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, readiness to manifest a humane attitude in children's activities, behavior, deeds;
the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of the child's mental abilities and speech; awakening of the child's creative activity and imagination, the desire to be involved in creative activity;
organic entry of the child into modern world, diversified interaction of preschoolers with various spheres of culture: with visual arts and music, children's literature and their native language, ecology, mathematics, play;
introducing the child to the culture of his country and fostering respect for other peoples and cultures; familiarizing the child with beauty, goodness, nonviolence, for it is important that preschool age becomes the time when a child's feeling of belonging to the world awakens, a desire to do good deeds.

Description of diagnostic techniques
Pedagogical diagnostics in kindergarten is carried out in accordance with the requirements:
- the "Childhood" program.
We also use in our work:
-Tests for children. E.V. Kolesnikova.
Monitoring methods:
- study of the products of children's activities;
- gaming, test tasks;
- Conducting control and assessment classes;
- interviews with teachers, parents and children;
- questioning and survey;
- analysis of documentation;
- observation;
- in vivo: observation, conversation, questioning, analysis of documents, products of activity, work experience of teachers
- qualitative analysis and quantitative processing of results;
- individual and group expert assessment;
- rating.

All monitoring results are recorded in a special table (see Appendix 5).

Means and methods of education
In order to successfully manage the pedagogical process, it is necessary to master the methods of education; know the conditions for the formation of a personality, its freedom, responsibility for the preservation of life, nature, culture; understand the role of violence and non-violence in history and human behavior; know the moral obligations of a person in relation to others and to himself.
The method of upbringing means a set of practical or mental actions and techniques of a teacher or student, performing which you can achieve the desired results. This is a system of principles, which has an orientation character, which prescribes how to organize appropriate productive activity.
The methods of upbringing are determined by the goals, principles and content of upbringing and allow solving certain pedagogical problems, being ways of interaction with students.

We use the following parenting methods:
methods of influence and persuasion: conversations
methods of organizing practical activities (selection, planning, motivation, instruction, exercise, reporting);
incentive methods (demands, assessment, control, encouragement or punishment, competition);
research and diagnostic methods (observation, interviews, tests, questionnaires, expert assessment, experiment, analysis).
Usually, educational methods are complex in nature and are applied in constantly changing specific educational situations, which are determined by external and internal pedagogical conditions. The combination of different methods allows you to quickly achieve the intended result in a learning situation.
Any method is subdivided into methodological techniques, i.e. elementary situations of the pedagogical process (explanation, praise, question, answer, show).
The form of organization of education and training is also selected taking into account the goals, principles and content of education (educational process, family education, extracurricular work).

On the basis of MBDOU No. 183 I am implementing my own program in paper plastic. Reviewer Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education MAOU DPO IPK Novokuznetsk, Cand. ped. Sciences, E.G. Votinova.
To teach children paper-plastic, the educational process is organized depending on the general goal, the tasks set, the specifics of the type of activity, age characteristics and the level of preparedness of children, on the conditions created for the organization of children's activities.
Purpose: development of creative abilities of students of senior preschool age and the formation of practical skills in paper plastic technique.
In the course of achieving the goal, the following tasks are solved:
- master the basics of making products in the technique of paper plastic and macrame;
- to develop artistic taste, creative imagination, aesthetic perception of the surrounding world;
- to expand knowledge about the traditions of Russian culture and native land, to foster feelings of belonging to their people and to its history;
- to form the need for a conscientious attitude to work, accuracy in work.
Traditional forms of education provide an opportunity to assimilate information, but they limit the opportunities for the development of creative thinking and practical skills among students. A prerequisite for achieving general success in the child's future creative activity is the ability to use the acquired knowledge, apply it in actions, in real conditions, that is, make the transition from theoretical recommendations to practical ones.
In the process of teaching children, active teaching methods are used. For this, the classification of M.N. Snatkina and I. Ya. Lerner is applied:
a) explanatory and illustrative (informational and reproductive);
b) reproductive (boundaries of skill and creativity);
c) problematic presentation of knowledge;
d) partial search (heuristic);
e) research.

The process of teaching children is conditionally divided into two stages:
Stage 1 (1 year of study) - imitative, contributing to the assimilation of the algorithm of activity. At this stage, preference is given to playful and creative forms of conducting classes: occupation - play, occupation - excursion, occupation - travel, occupation, fairy tale, etc. At this stage, one of the methods of teaching children is design based on samples, which helps to increase the level of knowledge, skills and skills in working with paper and thread.
The positive aspects of this technique: a beautiful sample creates interest in the work ahead and the desire to make the same product; helps children analyze the product according to a certain scheme, algorithm; to see the quality of the product as a whole, evokes the desire to do just as well, fosters taste.
Stage 2 (2nd year of study) - creative, which makes it possible to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. For the third and fourth years of study, the following forms of conducting classes are used: class - creative workshop, class - formulation of problems and their solutions; occupation - design; lesson - a theatrical game; lesson - excursion; lesson - creative workshop; lesson - creative generalization; lesson - mutual control, self-assessment; lesson - defense of creative works, projects; lesson - test.
At this stage, teaching techniques are used, such as design by conditions, design by a given topic, designing according to their own idea and students are invited to do project activities... These techniques provide more opportunities for independence, self-expression creative personality child.
The listed methods, teaching techniques encourage students to actively think and practice in the process of mastering the educational material. Active learning makes it possible to use such a system of methods, which is aimed mainly not at the presentation of ready-made knowledge, their memorization and reproduction, but at the independent mastering of knowledge and skills by students in the process of active thinking and practical activity. This allows not only to give children knowledge, but also ensures the formation and development of cognitive interests and abilities, creative thinking.
The use of computer presentations, slides ("The World of Origami", "Quilling", "Paper Country", "Scrapbooking, Applique, Decoupage", etc.) allow even more interest to students and show a variety of techniques, styles of paper plastic and macrame and introduce children to the masters past and present. Students develop the desire and ability to think independently, the ability to navigate in a new situation, to find their own approach to solving a problem, a desire not only to understand educational information, but also ways of obtaining knowledge; a critical approach to the judgments of others, the independence of one's own judgments.
The introduction of active forms and methods in the educational process has shown that the reasonable and appropriate use of these methods significantly increases the interest of students in the lesson, increases the developmental effect of learning. Active methods perform a guiding, enriching, systematizing role in mental development children, contribute to the active comprehension of knowledge, while speech develops, the experience of interaction in a team is formed, and students also learn to analyze, reason, plan, combine, create new things.
The creative association "Vsemeyki" implements an educational program on paper plastic, which has been tested and is constantly being improved.
The program was approved by the methodological council of MBDOU No. 183 in 2013, reviewer of the associate professor of the department of preschool education, MAOU DPO IPK, Novokuznetsk, Cand. ped. Sciences, E.G. Votinova and Yu. S. Ionova, senior educator MBDOU № 183, highest category.
The program is located in the methodological office of the preschool educational institution.

ICT use
in the educational activities of the educator

Educational innovation based on ICT meringue
Creation of presentations, organizing music files, video files; video creation; photo reports on the website of the preschool educational institution, on the website of the group; participation in forums;
maintaining and participating in blogs; creating a team site;
creation of an electronic newspaper for DOU, etc.
In my work, I use and apply in practice educational innovations based on ICT tools.

Material name

Address, location of the material

Copies of documents

Carrying out
master classes, seminars,
conferences and other events

Name of master classes, seminars, conferences, etc.

Form of participation



Self-education is the purposeful work of a teacher to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences.
The self-education process is built with the main directions of development of MBDOU, its specifics, methodological theme, on which the pedagogical team is working.
Self-education topics:
Self Study Topic Title
Product type

Improvement of pedagogical skills, growth of professionalism is facilitated by:
1. Courses for advanced training of CRIKiPRO;
2. Presentation at seminars, methodological associations.
3. Participation in the work of methodological associations of teachers - preschool education in Kemerovo.
4. Organization of pedagogical search:
- study and identification of the most effective experience of teachers;
- acquaintance with the new normative documents on education;
- study of educational and scientific-methodical literature;
- acquaintance with the new achievements of pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy, physiology;
-the study of new programs and educational technologies;
- acquaintance with the best practices of institutions;
-increasing the general cultural level;
- work with Internet resources (use of open, free and free electronic resources; independent creation of online educational content; mastering information concepts, knowledge and skills; monitoring the activities of community members).
5. Methodological support of educational activities:
- selection of software and methodological kit;
- development and systematization of video material.
6 Study, generalization, dissemination of the experience of teachers:
-participation in pedagogical councils, scientific and methodological associations, consultations.
- visiting colleagues' classes, master classes, exchange of views on the organization of classes, training content, teaching methods;
-participation in the contests organized by MBDOU No. 183.

Educational work in a group

Photo reports
Orders, etc.

Educational work in a group, the use of educational creative potential, the presence of work to preserve and strengthen the health of children
Purpose: instilling in pupils a sense of patriotism, love for their land, the formation of camaraderie and mutual assistance in the group.
The preservation and strengthening of children's health is carried out in three areas:
- prevention and recovery - physical exercise to activate the brain and relax the organs of vision, breaks during the educational process. Sports competitions, competitions organized in the framework of MBDOU No. 183.
- educational process - the use of health-saving educational technologies, rational distribution of class time.
- information and advisory work - conversations, consultations, extracurricular activitiesaimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Cooperation of the teacher with parents,
interaction with society
In work on interaction with the family, the main goal is to unite the efforts of the family and the kindergarten in creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the child.
Starting from the first year of a child's visit to kindergarten, pupils together with their parents participate in all the activities of MBDOU No. 183 - pupils' birthdays, calendar holidays, open days, etc.
The main forms of interaction with the family are individual, group and collective. Individual forms of work with parents include conversations, individual consultations. Collective forms include parenting meetings, which are held in the form of a seminar, master class, round table. The topic of parenting meetings is determined by the needs of the parents and the relevance of the topic under discussion.
1. Questioning
2.Themes for parenting meetings
3. Consultations (during the academic year)
4. Topics of master - classes (timed to calendar holidays)
5. Exhibitions for parents (at the end of the year or during collective events):
(look at the application)

Educational activities with parents and children

event title
Topic of consultation, conversation
Type of visual agitation, etc.
Parent's Meeting Topics


Experimental, innovative activities of a teacher, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience

Copies of diplomas

Copies of certificates

children's diplomas

My publications



Publication title
Place of publication

open classes,
master classes

Participation of the educator in seminars, conferences, round tables,
open classes, master classes.

Theme of the event
the date of the
Form of participation

Participation in professional competitions

Event title,
Form of participation

List of methodological and didactic material

List of methodological and didactic material for educational activities with children
(cards, diagrams, open classes, card indexes, handouts and visual materials, etc.)

Name of methodical products
Educational area

Generalized pedagogical work experience
(teaching aids, recommendations, advice, etc.)
and recommended for use by other educators

Product name

Events held with parents and children

Participation of pupils in contests, quizzes

I.F. baby
Competition name
Type of award

Certificates Certificates

Thanks from parents, administration

By order of No. 304, she was awarded an honorary diploma from the Education Department of the Administration of the Pavlovsk municipal district.

Professional card of the teacher State diploma educational institution higher vocational education Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University: awarded the qualification "teacher in the specialty" Mathematics and Informatics "(June 2003) Educator MBDOU kindergarten 5" Rodnichok "in Vorsma (July 2010) Awarded the first qualification category by order of the Ministry of Education 3988 from St. Diploma of professional retraining (LLC Training Center "Professional", Moscow from April 26, 2017 to June 28, 2017)

Improvement of qualification level Date of passing Name of continuing education courses Number of hours From year to year "Designing educational activities of preschool educational institutions based on FGT to the structure of OOP" (GBOU DPO NIRO) 144 hours From year to year "Actual problems of preschool education in conditions introduction of FGOS DO "(GBOU DPO NIRO) 108 hours Online seminar" ICT competence of a teacher and practical issues of implementation and operation of the information system of an educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards "(ANO St. Petersburg Center for Continuing Professional Education) 2 hours. From year to year "Actual problems of preschool education in the context of the implementation of FGOS DO" (GBOU DPO NIRO) 72 hours.

Center for New Educational Technologies "Tomsk State pedagogical University»GBOU DPO NIRO Internet resources used for broadcasting pedagogical experience Personal site of the teacher Educational-methodical association for pedagogical education of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Minin University) Site of MBDOU of kindergarten 5 in Vorsma: MAAM.RU.

All-Russian educational "Teacher's portal" Portal "OGONEK" Internet resources used for broadcasting pedagogical experience Electronic magazine "" All-Russian edition "Pedrazvitie" Site for educators "Preschooler. Ru"

Translation of experience (level of preschool educational institution) p / p Methodical development Where it was presented Terms of broadcast 1 Methodological development on the topic "Organization and development of independent children's activities by means of fiction in the senior group" Open screening at preschool educational institutions in 2013 2 Development of thematic plans for the organization of educational activities for senior and preparatory to school groups Meeting of the creative group 2014 3 Workshop for parents "Moral education of preschoolers through fairy tales" Competition for interaction with parents of pupils of kindergarten 5 in Vorsma "Family + kindergarten" 2016 4 Methodological development of GCD in the form of an educational situation Competition " Best synopsis GCD in the form of an educational situation "2017

Translation of experience (municipal level) p / p Methodological development Where was presented Time of broadcast 1 " Modern technologies in the upbringing of a safe type of behavior among preschoolers "Workshop on innovation activities in MBDOU 31 Pavlovo October 20, 2015 2 Presentation on cognitive and research activities "Child in the world of search" (nomination "Subject world") Contest of presentations of the Pavlovsky District Department of Education May 2014 3 Project on physical development and the formation of sustainable skills healthy lifestyle for children "Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy" Competition of the Pavlovsky District Education Department November 2015 4 Multimedia manual on social and communicative development "Lotto: Fabulous Safety" Competition of computer presentations and multimedia games of the Pavlovsky District Education Department December 2016 g.

Translation of experience (regional level) p / p Methodological development Where was presented Time of broadcast 1 System of continuous observation of natural objects during the month "How good the mountain ash has grown" Professional development GBOU DPO NIRO Nizhny Novgorod November 2014 2 Project "The Amazing World of Nature in the works of V.V. Bianchi "Competition" Innovative technologies of modern education "UMO on pedagogical education of the Nizhny Novgorod region October 2015 3 Presentation" Formation of environmental safety skills in children of senior preschool age "Conference GBOU DPO NIRO NIRO Nizhny Novgorod April 2017

Broadcast of experience (federal level) n / a Methodical development Where was presented Time of broadcast 1 Synopsis of literary leisure in the preparatory group for school "In the land of S. Perrot's fairy tales" ru "January 21, 2014 2 Methodological development on the topic" Organization and development of independent children's activities by means of fiction in the senior group "Site" "May 17, 2014 3" The official site of preschool educational institutions is the most important form of work with parents. " (ICT in preschool education -2014) Competition of the magazine "Modern preschool education" November 2014 4 Photo report "New Year's interior" Competition of the magazine "Ogonyok" December 2014

Broadcast of experience (federal level) n / a Methodological development Where was presented Time of broadcast 5 Master class "Fluttering snowflakes" Competition of the magazine "Hoop" and the publishing house "Linka-Press" January 2015 6 Pedagogical collage "In the world of animals" Competition ID "Education preschooler "(magazine" Preschool education "November 20, 2015 7" Safety lesson for children and parents "(preparation for winter holidays) All-Russian action of the School of Young Pedestrians December 2016 8 Methodological development of an interactive game for children "Dangerous situations: contacts with strangers" Competition "Interbrig" February 14, 2016

Translation of experience (federal level) p / p Methodological development Where was presented Time of broadcast 9 Presentation for children "Rules of conduct in situations with strangers" Competition of the All-Russian network publication "Teacher's portal" February 14, 2016 10 Presentation "Play as a leading activity in preschool age "Competition of the pedagogical magazine" Poznanie "March 28, 2016 11 Workshop for parents" Moral education of preschoolers through fairy tales "Competition" Kaleidoscope of educational events "(TSPU) February 2017 12 Interactive game" The Adventures of Buratino "Competition" Anti-terrorist security "(TSPU) February 2017

Translation of experience (federal level) p / p Methodological development Where was presented Time of broadcast 13 Methodical development of a project on physical development and the formation of sustainable healthy lifestyle skills in children "Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy" International scientific-practical conference "New ideas for the New century "(TSPU) April 2017 14 Presentation on cognitive and research activities" Child in the world of search "(nomination" Subject world ") International scientific and practical conference" New ideas for the New Age "(TSPU) April 2017

Changes in the work of kindergartens are associated with the adoption of the federal state standard for preschool education, which makes high demands on the organization of the educational process and the results of pupils. To do this, first of all, you need to prepare teaching staff... Throughout the country, there was a strengthening of the system of advanced training courses, new conditions for the certification of teachers appeared. One of the most important skills of the educator today is the ability to make analytical conclusions. A modern pedagogical worker needs to analyze the level of development of pupils, techniques and methods of the educational process, structure of a lesson, be able to set goals and achieve them. And the same analytical skills the educator must show in the assessment of his own professional qualities. The most modern and effective tool today that reflects the work of a teacher is the educator's portfolio. There are different types of it.

First type: cumulative

In it, the teacher enters information about all his successes and achievements. You can keep such a folder from the very beginning of your career. It can come in handy when applying for a job.

Second type: thematic

It is created when a teacher studies one educational area or topic. Can be devoted to the direction of work, which the teacher considers a priority. For example, paying special attention patriotic education, projects, notes of classes and events, documents confirming the participation of pupils in competitions of a patriotic orientation, certificates and diplomas of a teacher for participating in competitions are entered into the folder teaching materials on this topic; certificates and certificates of refresher courses related to the chosen direction, speeches at pedagogical readings, conferences, participation in seminars, publications and other forms of work.

Third type: problematic

The sections of this kindergarten teacher portfolio focus on challenging situations. There may be results of diagnostics and monitoring that require some kind of action; results of questioning parents or colleagues on a problematic issue; documents confirming the teacher's speech with this problem or his publication.

The fourth type: attestation

Such a folder is specially created to reflect the achievements of the educator in the period between certifications. It will provide the experts with all the necessary information that is the basis for awarding the declared category. But it is created primarily for the teacher himself, since it helps to visually monitor the development of professional qualities. What the educator's portfolio consists of for certification, we will consider in a little more detail.

Where to begin? Let's get acquainted!

It's very simple: imagine that a complete stranger is holding your folder. The teacher's portfolio pages should tell them about you as an experienced, competent educator. Start by dating.

The first section should provide information about the provider. It is a kind of business card that says:

First, what is your name (last name, first name and patronymic) and how to recognize you (photo). You can give the date of birth, but many women are embarrassed to miss it.

Secondly, where and when did you get the profession. Copies of documents confirming your education are attached and usually certified by the head of the preschool institution.

Third, tell us what your work experience is. Calculating the experience, you have to answer the questions:

  • how many years have you been working (general);
  • how long have you worked in education (pedagogical);
  • from what year have you held the specified position;
  • when they started to work in this institution.

Fourthly, since the teacher's portfolio is attestation, indicate the qualification category available and attach a copy certification sheet about its appropriation.

It is possible to supplement the first part with information about the advanced training courses taken (with copies of certificates). In our opinion, it is wiser to include this information in one of the following sections.

A creative streak can tell the educator to include an autobiography, pedagogical essay or your professional credo.

In some regions, special methods have been created for assessing the performance of teachers. They are presented in the form of a table, where points are put down for each criterion and according to the number of points scored, one or another qualification category is established. It is worth including criteria and indicators of professional activity in the finished portfolio of a kindergarten teacher.

Information on continuing education

In this section, it is necessary to place photocopies of certificates, certificates, certificates, certificates confirming your training in occupational safety programs, advanced training in basic pedagogical activities, on other pedagogical topics, as well as participation in various seminars.

As a rule, the finished portfolio of the educator contains the following parts:

  • Achievements of the teacher.
  • Achievements of pupils.
  • Expert assessments, reviews, recommendations.

How to tell about your work

In our opinion, the attestation portfolio should reflect the teacher's mastery of the necessary competencies, therefore, we propose to include the following materials in it.

Demonstrate the design skills of the educator, set goals for upbringing and development, select forms and methods of work, and develop programs will help the abstracts of classes, directly educational activities, activities, programs developed by the teacher, plans and other educational and methodological documentation.

To talk about his diagnostic and evaluative skills, the teacher can give a list of modern methods of diagnosing, monitoring and assessing the achievements of pupils that he uses in his work, give examples of diagnostic cards or the results of monitoring.

If the teacher independently develops questionnaires, questionnaires or other control and evaluation materials, then it is worth putting them in the finished portfolio of the kindergarten teacher.

The ability to draw conclusions from the results obtained will be shown by certificates based on the results of diagnostics.

Another important skill is to identify pupils who are capable of a particular type of activity (for example, creative or sports). The presence of this skill will be confirmed by the results of the pupils' participation in contests and competitions of various levels. But the next section is intended for them.

In the same way, the teacher can talk about how he uses information and communication technologies, how he creates conditions for the development of children.

Be sure to post materials indicating the active participation of the educator in methodological and innovative activities. Diplomas, diplomas, certificates and other documents should be placed in this section of the educator's portfolio.

The completed space of the next section will be the achievements of the pupils.

The main result of the teacher's activity is children

To describe what and how you taught the children, provide comparative data from two diagnostic studies. For example, at the beginning of the school year and at the end. A significant increase in the indicator for some of the areas of work will indicate active work educator in this direction.

Information about the participation of pupils in competitions, contests, festivals and other events, supplemented by photocopies of diplomas and certificates, will show the level of the teacher's work with talented children.

Even if your children did not become winners of some kind of competition, and their creative works, in your opinion, are simply masterpieces, add photos of exhibitions of drawings, crafts, and other creative works to the teacher's ready-made portfolio.

Educator's communicative competence

To talk about the results of interaction with participants in the educational process, devote one of the sections of the certification portfolio to parental reviews, recommendations from colleagues and administration.

When compiling an attestation portfolio, remember that it only includes materials created after the last attestation. We hope our recommendations will help you prepare a modern and unique folder of pedagogical documents that demonstrates your compliance with the stated category.

Boarding school teacher. Most preschool teachers know what a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher is for certification. As soon as the manager proposes to her colleagues to prepare such a document, many are afraid, because it seems impossible for them to tell about themselves in such a form, attaching some documents. To conquer new heights by people raising little children, we suggest on this page download samples of ready-made portfolios for certification of educators and, based on the proposed templates and examples, create exclusive own works. everyone? This is the teacher's personal portfolio (folder), which contains documents confirming the effectiveness of his activities, participation in competitions and events, and regular professional development. In order not to be unfounded, we will immediately turn to ready-made samples, which can be downloaded from the links. Ready-made teacher portfolio for certification (electronic) (. Ppt)

How to make a portfolio of a preschool teacher?

When preparing for certification, each teacher must clearly understand how to make a teacher's portfolio so that it meets all the requirements and serves to represent their own experience. To draw it up correctly, you need to make a lot of effort, everyone knows about this, before whom such an urgent goal has been set. However, you should know that it is this portfolio filled with documents that will replace the existing self-education folder for years, which did not have a clear structure, therefore, it has now lost its relevance. The Regulations, which will be described in detail below, as well as those ready-made samples of work that we offer to download for free for review, will help to make the portfolio correctly. other people's information, any educator will have to determine the structure of his folder and collect the appropriate material. Since the document is usually presented in a folder on sheets A4, it is better to make a portfolio in the Word program. And again, help for those who are going to deal with the design of the “portfolio. Below are links for downloading ready-made samples, which will help anyone who was looking for an answer to the question of how to make a portfolio preschool teacher.

Regulations on the portfolio of the preschool educational institution

Each author of the work must compose a portfolio of the educator in accordance with the requirements that apply to the design of this document. On June 26, 2000, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation developed a regulation on the portfolio of the preschool educational institution, which is a guiding document that determines the structure and content of this folder. On its basis, as well as within the framework of the previously adopted Law "On Education in the Russian Federation, available Methodical recommendations The Ministry of Education in each institution, the teaching staff is developing its own regulation on the portfolio of the preschool teacher, which will serve as further guidance for everyone who works in a particular kindergarten. The drawn up Regulation should be adopted at the teachers' council. Download the Regulation on the portfolio of the preschool educational institution “Teremok s. Chistoozerie of the Kurgan region

Examples, free preschool teacher portfolio templates

Since any portfolio of a preschool educational institution must be made flawlessly, you must try to fulfill it efficiently. The folder provides a generalization of their experiences, so there cannot be two completely identical content, as well as two equally working teachers. However, you always need to focus on something, so it is easier to collect and arrange personal work if you first look at examples of ready-made, beautifully and well-designed portfolios of educators, and then create your own folder based on a clean template using the material prepared in advance. Someone prefers to draw up one sheet a day, for someone it will be more convenient to work all day long, in order to end up with a finished masterpiece, with which it is not a shame to go to new jobDownload an example of a teacher's portfolio for certification After looking at the examples, choose a template for your teacher's portfolio and painstakingly fill the folder, letter by letter, until it becomes as weighty as those of authors who have already coped with a test and are proud of their work. A ready-made template is not enough for a decent work. You need to stock up on photos, scans of documents and patience, which will be the key to success.

Kindergarten teacher portfolio design

When starting to design your own portfolio of a preschool educator, you need to clearly understand what the goal is for the author of this work: what it will be needed for. In accordance with this, design requirements are drawn up. If the portfolio will be presented for certification, then it is necessary to reflect the results of work, all your achievements for a specific period. Sometimes the educator wants to draw up a cumulative portfolio that he may need in the future. When working for the future, you can collect achievements in your folder throughout the work. A problem or thematic portfolio is drawn up a little differently, when all the educators of the institution study a certain topic, and then the results are drawn up in the form of a folder. A person's own mood and temperament also affect the design of a teacher's portfolio, which is why we have such a large selection of backgrounds, pictures and frames for decoration in the materials for download. And again, first a sample for decoration:

How to make a portfolio of a preschool or nursery teacher?

The portfolio of the educator of the junior or nursery of the junior group is compiled in accordance with the Regulations developed at the preschool educational institution. Almost all sections are filled in the usual way. Someone will have difficulty filling out the practical part. What achievements can the toddlers have in the nursery or 1 junior group? So think those who have not been in the garden and have not worked with these children. A real educator knows that there are many of them and they are different, and in order to convince the reader or his manager that the work of this teacher is effective and efficient, you can attach video materials on disks. They will become a vivid confirmation of the fact that the author of the work is an extraordinary personality, although he works in the first junior group, and take the theme for design and templates yourself from the proposed ones.

Boarding school teacher's portfolio - a story about work in a special school or boarding school, in a hostel

Not every teacher works in kindergarten. Someone happened, or maybe lucky enough, to work as a teacher in a boarding school, in a hostel where schoolchildren or students live. If another certification looms on the horizon or you have to change jobs, take the trouble to have a boarding school teacher's portfolio in order to present your achievements with dignity. Not everyone in our society has enough knowledge about this work. Someone considers it hopeless. Try to dispel all these false doubts by proving that success can be achieved anywhere if you work creatively. And the evidence of the portfolio of the teacher of the boarding school of a general education or correctional school, which collects material about the work of this teacher.Here is a sample portfolio of the teacher of the boarding school of the correctional school Sherstyuk M.Yu. which was compiled by a teacher working in a special school VIII species. It is not easy to work with such kids, but even here there are achievements that are not easy to get at the cost, but they are not always noticed, so you need to be able to present them.

Or maybe buy a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher?

Does every educator perfectly own a computer in order to draw up a portfolio of personal achievements? Unfortunately, not everyone. Especially often people with great experience, experience, who are loved by children and respected by their parents, face such a problem. Do you really have to blush during the certification, presenting material that does not meet the requirements of modern design? Why, if you can buy or order a ready-made portfolio from specialists. Who said you can't do this? And why don't we sew ourselves a festive costume after reading an amazing article on how easy it is to sew without having any skills? If you are proud of your work, then present it with dignity. And it doesn't matter who is the performer in this case. The main thing is that you are the author of the idea, the results are there and everyone knows about them, and it does not matter who typed the letters on the computer. In addition, it is not so expensive to buy a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher, but it will last more than one year, and, perhaps, will help to win some competition or get a prestigious position. So why deny yourself what can change your life? Don't add complexity to it, don't create it! Let every kindergarten teacher have the best portfolio that will make others pay attention to his difficult work and appreciate it.

Electronic portfolio of the educator Nikitina Anastasia Anatolyevna.

Electronic portfolio of Nikitina Anastasia Anatolyevna... MBDOU "Berezovsky kindergarten No. 4" Krasnoyarsk

The term “portfolio was borrowed by pedagogy from politics and business. Technology“ Portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating individual results in a certain period. A portfolio allows you to incorporate results across a variety of activities. A portfolio is more than just a folder of works; This is a pre-planned and specially organized individual selection of materials and documents that demonstrates the efforts, dynamics and achievements of the educator in various fields. I present to your attention a portfolio of an educator with a year of teaching experience. The portfolio is prepared for attestation for 1 qualification category.

Attached files:

Educator's portfolio: Skorobogatova E.A.

01/09/2015 at 22: 37 My first impression is a shock)), I am also a teacher and I cannot imagine how it is possible to combine participation in so many contests of different levels, to manage to improve my qualifications having received such a number of certificates, I got the impression that it is simple race for "papers. I have no doubt you are a talented, able-bodied educator. isn't it better to pay more attention to children

    01/18/2015 at 17:40

    Thanks for the comments! This is not a race for diplomas ... there is a gap of 5 years between certifications. We constantly participate in competitions with children ... We had a lot of our own material, but there was still no time to send it ... on the eve of certification we really had to sit on weekends and even on vacation. I don’t know about your region, but we are constantly forced to participate in competitions. The advanced training also took more than one month, we were simply obliged to take courses in FGT, then the Federal State Educational Standard appeared, I took HLS on the website, correctional ones were also necessary, since I work at the logogroup ... So I don't understand what the shock is? Maybe in your region it is not required ... But we are used to working in this mode. Yes, a lot of time is spent on all this ... but this does not affect work with children, rather you yourself do not have free time at home. But I'm so used to working ... My children are always very creative and we take part in various competitions with great pleasure ... For teachers, there are also a lot of competitions now and it doesn't take much time to send their material there, but time? Found a competition. paid and sent the material ... it's not that long. I wish you creative success!

›Presentations› Presentation of the "Educator's Electronic Portfolio"

Presentation of "Educator's Electronic Portfolio"

Hurry up to take advantage of discounts of up to 50% on the courses "Info lessonFind a course suitable for you." Description of the presentation for individual slides: 1 slide STRUCTURE OF PORTFOLIO General information Scientific and methodological activities Professional competence 3 slide. Description of the slide: Full name - Marina Alexandrovna Koryakina Date of birth - 26.09.1983. Education - specialized secondary Labor and teaching experience –11 years Work experience in this institution– 7 years GENERAL INFORMATION 4 slide GENERAL INFORMATION Education, experience Diplomas, certificates Further education 5 slide. Description of the slide: SELF-EDUCATION Educator: Koryakina M.A. second junior group Topic: "Upbringing and education of children in the second junior group Goal: To form in children of younger preschool age the ability to perceive and represent objects and phenomena that contribute to the improvement of the processes of drawing, modeling and development of speech, and, to highlight in them the most essential, characteristic (signs , quality). Learn to apply the knowledge gained in practical and cognitive activities. Develop attention in children, mental operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization). 6 slide. Slide description: Goal: development and improvement sensory processes (sensation, perception, representation) in children of younger preschool age. Tasks: To form in children of primary preschool age the ability to perceive and represent objects and phenomena that contribute to the improvement of the processes of drawing, modeling and development of speech, and, to highlight in them the most essential, characteristic (signs, qualities). Learn to apply the knowledge gained in practical and cognitive activities. Develop attention in children, mental operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization). Methods: Game method (didactic games). Visual method (considering didactic aids, items). Practical - showing ways of working with objects, experiment. Circle on the sensorics "SMEKALOCHKA 7 slide. Description of the slide: ADVANCING THE QUALIFICATION № Name of the courses Terms 1. "Modern approaches to the content and organization of the educational process in the conditions of the introduction of FPE before (based. MBOU Konoshskaya. Secondary school) 03.02.2009 - 24.11.2009 8 slide. Participation of children in competitions Mastering the educational program RESULTS OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES 9 slide. Description of the slide: WORK WITH PARENTS 2013-2014 uch.y -Week "Healthy baby" Colorful week -Contest of sports equipment, do it yourself. Competition in mathematics. -City competition of snow sculptures. Parental meeting “Age characteristics of children 2-3 years old Academic year Effective forms of work with parents Joint activities with objects of social environment Various means of informing parents 10 slide. Self-Study Activities Program, methodological support educational process Professional self-development PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF THE TEACHER 11 slide 12 slide. Slide description: Electronic publications Participation in the work of the Ministry of Education Reports, speeches, development of classes Participation in pedagogical and creative competitions SCIENTIFIC-METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY 13 slide. Lesson notes Perspective planning Card index of experiences and experiments Material for parent meetings METHODOLOGICAL PIGGER 14 slide. Slide description: Program "Childhood Working programm educator for the program "Childhood ( daily planning) authors: Gladysheva N.N. and Serzhantova Yu.B. PROGRAMS USED 15 slide

Educator portfolio for certification. Ready-made portfolio of a kindergarten teacher

Changes in the work of kindergartens are associated with the adoption of the federal state standard for preschool education, which makes high demands on the organization of the educational process and the results of pupils. For this, first of all, it is necessary to train teaching staff. Throughout the country, there was a strengthening of the system of advanced training courses, new conditions for the certification of teachers appeared. One of the most important skills of the educator today is the ability to make analytical conclusions. A modern pedagogical worker needs to analyze the level of development of pupils, techniques and methods of the educational process, structure of a lesson, be able to set goals and achieve them. And the educator must show the same analytical skills in assessing his own professional qualities. The most modern and effective tool today that reflects the work of a teacher is the educator's portfolio. There are different types of it.

First type: cumulative

In it, the teacher enters information about all his successes and achievements. You can keep such a folder from the very beginning of your career. It can come in handy when applying for a job.

Second type: thematic

It is created when a teacher studies one educational area or topic. Can be devoted to the direction of work, which the teacher considers a priority. For example, paying special attention to patriotic education, projects, notes of classes and events, documents confirming the participation of pupils in competitions of a patriotic orientation, certificates and diplomas of a teacher for participating in competitions of teaching materials on this topic are entered into the folder; certificates and certificates of refresher courses related to the chosen direction, speeches at pedagogical readings, conferences, participation in seminars, publications and other forms of work.

Third type: problematic

The sections of this kindergarten teacher portfolio focus on challenging situations. There may be results of diagnostics and monitoring that require some kind of action; results of questioning parents or colleagues on a problematic issue; documents confirming the teacher's speech with this problem or his publication.

The fourth type: attestation

Such a folder is specially created to reflect the achievements of the educator in the period between certifications. It will provide the experts with all the necessary information that is the basis for awarding the declared category. But it is created primarily for the teacher himself, since it helps to visually monitor the development of professional qualities. What the educator's portfolio consists of for certification, we will consider in a little more detail.

Where to begin? Let's get acquainted!

It's very simple: imagine that a complete stranger is holding your folder. The teacher's portfolio pages should tell them about you as an experienced, competent educator. Start with an introduction. The first section should provide information about the provider. This is a kind of business card that says: - First, what is your name (last name, first name and patronymic) and how to recognize you (photo). You can give the date of birth, but many women, embarrassed, miss it. - Secondly, where and when you got the profession. Copies of documents confirming your education are attached and usually certified by the head of the preschool institution. - Thirdly, please tell us what your work experience is. Calculating the experience, you have to answer the questions:

  • how many years have you been working (general);
  • how long have you worked in education (pedagogical);
  • from what year have you held the specified position;
  • when they started to work in this institution.

- Fourth, since the teacher's portfolio is attestation, indicate the existing qualification category and attach a copy of the attestation sheet on its assignment. You can supplement the first part with information about the advanced training courses taken (with copies of certificates). In our opinion, it is wiser to include this information in one of the following sections. Since the content of the teacher's portfolio is not regulated by any state document, each kindergarten can develop its own form. If there is none, then the teacher can choose the sections and their filling independently. The creative vein can tell the teacher that it is worth including an autobiography, pedagogical essay or his professional credo. In some regions, special methods of assessing performance teaching staff... They are presented in the form of a table, where points are put down for each criterion and according to the number of points scored, one or another qualification category is established. It is worth including criteria and indicators of professional activity in the finished portfolio of a kindergarten teacher.

Information on continuing education

In this section it is necessary to place photocopies of certificates, certificates, certificates, certificates confirming your training in occupational safety programs, advanced training in the main pedagogical activity, on other pedagogical topics, as well as participation in various seminars. As a rule, the finished portfolio of the educator contains the following parts:

How to tell about your work

In our opinion, the attestation portfolio should reflect the teacher's mastery of the necessary competencies, therefore, we propose to include the following materials in it: Demonstrate the teacher's design skills, set goals for upbringing and development, select forms and methods of work, and develop programs to help outlines of classes, directly educational activities, events, programs, plans and other educational and methodological documentation developed by the teacher. To talk about his diagnostic and evaluative skills, the teacher can give a list of modern methods of diagnosing, monitoring and assessing the achievements of pupils that he uses in his work, give examples of diagnostic cards or monitoring results. independently develops questionnaires, questionnaires or other control and evaluation materials, then it is worth placing them in the finished portfolio of a kindergarten teacher. The ability to draw conclusions from the results obtained will be shown by certificates based on the results of diagnostics. Another important skill is to identify pupils who are capable of a particular type of activity (for example, creative or sports). The presence of this skill will be confirmed by the results of the pupils' participation in contests and competitions of various levels. But the next section is intended for them. In the same way, the teacher can talk about how he uses information and communication technologies, how he creates conditions for the development of children. It is imperative to post materials that testify to the active participation of the teacher in methodological and innovative activities. Diplomas, diplomas, certificates and other documents should be placed in this section of the educator's portfolio. The completed space of the next section will be the achievements of the pupils.

The main result of the teacher's activity is children

To describe what and how you taught the children, provide comparative data from two diagnostic studies. For example, at the beginning of the school year and at the end. A significant increase in the indicator in some of the areas of work will indicate the active work of the educator in this direction. Information on the participation of pupils in competitions, competitions, festivals and other events, supplemented by photocopies of diplomas and certificates, will show the level of work of the teacher with talented children. if your children did not become winners of some kind of competition, and their creative works, in your opinion, are just masterpieces, add photos of exhibitions of drawings, crafts, other creative works to the finished portfolio of the educator.

Educator's communicative competence

To share the results of interaction with participants in the educational process, devote one of the sections of the certification portfolio to parental reviews, recommendations from colleagues and administration. When compiling a certification portfolio, remember that it includes only materials created after the moment of the last certification. We hope our recommendations will help you prepare a modern and unique folder of pedagogical documents that demonstrates your compliance with the stated category.

Ready-made electronic portfolio of a kindergarten teacher