Disadvantages in the interaction of a teacher and a speech therapist. Interaction of a speech therapist and educator at a dhow

Vostrikova Elena Murzagereevna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten №7
Locality: Osinniki town, Kemerovo region
Material name: article
Theme: "Interaction of a teacher-speech therapist and educator to overcome severe speech disorders in preschoolers."
Date of publication: 29.04.2018
Section: preschool education

Interaction of speech therapist and educator

to overcome severe speech disorders in preschoolers.

Planning and organization of a clear, coordinated work of a speech therapist teacher





speech disorders, carried out in the following directions:

1) correctional and developmental;

2) general education;

3) educational.

The teacher, together with the speech therapist teacher, participates in the correction of children

speech disorders, as well as related non-speech cognitive mental

processes. In addition, the educator must not only know the nature of these violations, but

and master the basic techniques of corrective action to correct some

Most of these children have deviations in other components of the language

systems: children have lexical difficulties, have characteristic grammatical

and phonetic errors, which is reflected in coherent speech and affects its quality. For

many children are characterized by insufficient formation of attention, memory, verbal

logical thinking, finger and articulatory motor skills. The main tasks in

speech therapist





comprehensive correction of not only speech, but also non-speech processes closely related to it

and the formation of the child's personality as a whole. It is very important to avoid direct duplication

the teacher of the lessons of the speech therapist. Joint correctional and developmental work

educator and speech therapist at a preschool educational institution is carried out as follows:

1) a speech therapist teacher forms primary speech skills in children;

2) the teacher consolidates the formed speech skills.



correctional and developmental


there is a separation of the functions of a speech therapist and educator.

Functions of a speech therapist teacher:



individual and personal

characteristics of children; determination of the main directions and content of correctional

speech therapy work with each child.




expressiveness of speech; work on the prosodic side of speech.

Correction of sound pronunciation.

Improving phonemic perception and skills sound analysis

and synthesis.

Elimination of deficiencies in the syllable structure of the word.

Formation of post-word reading.

Development of new lexical and grammatical categories.

Coherent speech training.

Prevention of violations of writing and reading.

Development of mental functions.

Educator functions:

Taking into account the lexical topic when conducting all classes in a group during

Replenishment, clarification and activation of the vocabulary of children according to the current

lexical topic in the course of all regime moments.

Systematic control over the delivered sounds and grammatical

the correctness of the speech of children in the process of all regime moments.






natural communication of children.




acquaintance with fiction; work on retelling and compilation of all

types of storytelling).

Strengthening speech skills in individual lessons with a child

the task of a speech therapist.






imagination in game exercises on correctly pronounced speech material.

correctional and developmental

teacher speech therapist


diagnostic examination children: it lasts for a month (September). Teacher-

the speech therapist, together with the educator, carries out targeted observation of children in

group and in direct educational activities, reveals the structure of speech

violations, behavioral features, personal characteristics of children.






speech therapy






children of the rules and requirements of behavior in the speech group, teaching calm joint

games, creating an atmosphere of benevolence and attention to each child.

On initial stage the speech therapist teacher also identifies the characteristics of the behavior of children,

specific manifestations of their character, tactfully correcting the noted deviations in

the time of the corresponding games, conversations, performance of the regime moments. If not

create a calm atmosphere in the group, do not teach children to play together, right






deviations, then the transition directly to speech work will be impossible.



teacher speech therapist

draws up



Speech map for each child;

Notebook for the relationship between the work of a speech therapist and educators;

Draws up a work plan for the year.

Basic requirements for the organization in a preschool educational institution speech therapy classes children,

having speech disorders:

1) classes reflect the main tasks of correctional and pedagogical influence

on the speech and personality of the child;

2) classes are conducted according to the scheme: sequentially, in stages; taking into account the main

didactic principles, individual characteristics; based on conscience and

activity of children; using didactic aids, visual and technical

teaching aids;

3) classes are consistent with the requirements of the educational program;

4) in the classroom, correct speech is trained;

5) classes keep the child in a good mood, cheerfulness, confidence in

their strengths;

6) in the classroom with such children, samples of correct speech are constantly present

speech therapist teacher,

engaged in

tape recorders

records with performances by masters of the artistic word; demo audio

performances of children who have successfully completed a speech therapy course, etc .;





a child with speech disorders and his correct upbringing.

The speech therapist teacher conducts speech therapy classes daily in the morning.

These classes can be subgroup (2-8 children) and individual. Teacher speech therapist





developmental and speech therapy tasks:

1) education of perseverance, attention, imitation;





arbitrary regulation);


sensations of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, trunk, face;

4) teaching children the elements of speech therapy rhythmics;

5) correction of violations of sound pronunciation; development of lexical and grammatical

hand of speech, phonemic processes.

correctional and developmental

speech therapy


are used

didactic games, singing games, elements of dramatization games. Solving corrective

teacher speech therapist




disorders of motor skills, sound pronunciation, etc.






a speech therapist teacher, which usually includes:

1) exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus;

2) exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers;

3) exercises for automation and differentiation set by the speech therapist

sounds, and control over them;

4) work on speech breathing, smoothness and duration of exhalation;

5) lexical and grammatical tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech.

The teacher regularly monitors the dynamics of sound production

all children

group or a particular child. Based on the results of their observations,



To the teacher


pick up





teacher speech therapist).



the teacher knows what answers he can expect from the child and does not seek to demand

from the last impossible effort. Thus, the child does not provoke fear.







sounds that he is not yet able to do.

Teacher speech therapist



pick up


corresponds to the norm of sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders. Recommends









speech therapy



literature and speech material.

An important

speech therapy



The most important conditions for correct speech are a smooth and prolonged exhalation, clear and

relaxed articulation. In each exercise, children's attention is directed to

calm, relaxed exhalation, for the duration and volume of the sounds pronounced.

The speech therapist and the teacher make sure that when inhaling, the child's posture is free, the shoulders




motor skills



cutting out.

provides not only the development of tasks common for the entire group to prepare the hand for

writing, but correctional and developmental work on the interaction of small

motor skills and articulation apparatus (this is especially important for children with dysarthria).

Lexico-grammatical tasks offered by the speech therapist teacher

aimed at repeating the material passed by the child in speech therapy classes. it

gives the teacher the opportunity to once again identify the child's problems and help in their

overcoming. In your free play time, invite your child to play not just

a didactic game, but a game that corresponds to the lexical topic.




teacher speech therapist,

finds continuation in the teacher's classes and when organizing a diverse group

activities of children outside of class. At the beginning school year speech therapist makes


correctional and developmental





are selected

are combined




generalized and expanded when studying others.


teacher speech therapist

picks up



correctional and developmental





teacher-speech therapist



classes, speech skills are consolidated by the teacher not only during classes, but also during

all regime moments, since the teacher is with the children in very different

setting: dressing room, bedroom, play area, etc. He works with children all day and

has the ability to repeatedly repeat the speech developed by the speech therapist teacher

material, repeat and consolidate new words with children, without which it is impossible to enter them into

independent life.




carried out

the formation

full answer in frontal and individual lessons, in the process of drawing up

stories and descriptions on the lexical topic, in games and exercises, games-dramatizations,

staging games. The duration of the individual speech lesson of the teacher

with a child with speech disorders, 10-15 minutes.

All educational activities of the educator, didactic games, regime

are used




The basis for this work is the skills acquired by children in speech therapy

classes. During the day, the teacher organizes such regime moments in the group as



at the same time


detailed answers to questions (depending on the stage of correctional speech therapy






walks strengthen the physical state children provide adequate sleep.







moments have a positive effect on the physical and mental state

the child and, therefore, on the state of his speech. Ability to approach everyone correctly










are necessary for the educator when working with children with speech disorders.

Speech requirements for children with OHP

The educator should not:

Rush the child with an answer.

Interrupt speech and rudely pull back the child; he must tactfully give the child

sample of correct speech.

Make the child say a phrase that has not yet been delivered

him with sounds.

Give to memorize texts and poems that the child cannot yet pronounce.

To release a child with an incorrect speech on the stage (matinee).

The teacher needs:

constantly monitor the speech of children, instill in them a critical attitude towards

of his speech. If the child's sounds are delivered, it is necessary to require only

correct answers, seek correct articulation.

Interaction of a speech therapist teacher with parents

Increasing the efficiency of the preschool educational teacher-speech therapist is extremely



teacher-speech therapist

parents. The task of the speech therapist teacher is to help parents understand their role in the process

development of the child, to arm with certain methods and techniques for overcoming speech


to learn and consolidate the knowledge gained in the preschool educational institution. teachers are working to create a single

a community of adults and children.

Basic forms of interaction with the family

Familiarity with the family:meeting-acquaintances, questioning of families.

Informing parents about the progress educational process: open days

doors, individual and group consultations, parent-teacher meetings, decoration

information stands, organization of exhibitions of children's creativity, invitation

parents for children's concerts and holidays, creating memos, online magazines,

e-mail correspondence.

Parent education:organization of a "school for parents" (lectures, seminars,

workshops), conducting master classes, creating a library (media library).

Team work:involving parents in organizing music evenings

hypoetry, living rooms, competitions, weekend itineraries (to the theater, museum, library and

etc.), family associations (club, studio, section), family celebrations, walks,

excursions, family theater, to participate in a children's research and project


In groups, the speech therapist and other professionals try to involve parents in

correctional and developmental

in writing on cards or in special notebooks. Recommendations for parents

by organization homework with children are necessary so that as soon as possible

eliminate the backlog of children in both speech and general development. Parents should

stimulate the cognitive activity of children, consolidate the knowledge gained in the preschool educational institution.

Interacting with the family is important not only for educators, but above all for

parents whose children attend a preschool educational institution.

speech therapist


is an

developing interactions in kindergarten and family, where each of its members is not

only contributes to the development of another, but also finds conditions for his own personal

Purpose: building a unified system of interaction between a speech therapist and preschool educators. Objectives: 1. To develop unified (variable) approaches to the interaction of a speech therapist and preschool educator. 2. Pick up new effective and exchange existing forms of interaction in a specialized group or preschool educational institution and in a speech center (interaction technology). 3. To delimit the areas of responsibility of a speech therapist and preschool educators in correctional and developmental work. 4. Select software for interaction of a speech therapist and educator using ICT.

Work plan 1. Interaction of a speech therapist and educators in diagnostics, determination of volumes and spheres of influence, forms of cooperation. 2. The interaction of the speech therapist and educators in the course of correctional and developmental activities, forms of cooperation. 3. Functionality of a speech therapist and educators. 4. Building interaction with the use of information and computer technologies. Planned result: selection and development of unified (variable) approaches to the interaction of a speech therapist and preschool educators.

Theoretical basis and parkic material in the manual Mikheeva I.A., Chesheva S.V., Chescheva S.V. Interaction in the work of a teacher and a speech therapist: Card file of tasks for children 5-7 years old with general speech underdevelopment. (Popular speech therapy) Series: Popular speech therapy Popular speech therapy Publisher: KARO, PUBLISHING AND PRINTING CENTER, 2009 KARO, PUBLISHING AND PRINTING CENTER The manual is aimed at attracting educators and parents to active participation in correctional speech therapy work on overcoming a speech defect in a child The authors-compilers have distributed according to lexical topics and included in the manual: · descriptions of finger games and exercises for coordination of speech with movement; · Tasks aimed at the development of general speech skills based on small texts (dialogues, pure words, tongue twisters); · A large number of games for the development of auditory, visual attention, phonemic representations, to enrich the vocabulary and improve the grammatical structure of speech; · As well as poems, riddles and texts for retelling. The exercises, tasks and texts offered in the manual are focused on working with children 5-7 years old.

Diagnostic work The teacher conducts diagnostics of general development reports to the speech therapist the results of his observations of the child in various activities; the history of his early speech development and the conditions of family upbringing, relying on the diagnostic data of a speech therapist, plans classes with children based on the main correctional tasks A speech therapist teacher conducts an annual comprehensive speech therapy examination of all children of middle and senior preschool age, the results of which are reflected for each group of children: - in the "Screens of sound pronunciation", which clearly indicate the sounds disturbed in the pronunciation of each child, as well as the stages of work on them, - "tables of interaction", which reflects the level of development of the structural components of speech; - in the "Sheets of the registration of the results of the examination of children", in which each child is assigned to one of the following groups: with normal speech development, defects in sound pronunciation (simple dyslalia, complex dyslalia, erased dysarthria), lexico-grammatical disorders, underdevelopment of phonemic perception, disorders of syllabic structures experiencing difficulties in mastering language analysis and synthesis.

Correctional work The teacher monitors the speech of children in the classroom and during the regime moments is engaged in the development of fine and articulatory motor skills, assists in automating the delivered sounds, contributes to the improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of phonemic perception and syllable structure, conducts the necessary work with parents to optimize the correction process. The speech therapist teacher assists the educator in organizing individual and group work on the development of speech, gives monthly recommendations on planning group and subgroup games and classes, taking into account age norms and lexical topics studied in this period.

Recommendations of a speech therapist for planning work on the development of speech in different age groups (for a month) Preparatory group I. Expand vocabulary on lexical topics: “Winter”, “Travel to Europe”, “Clothes. Footwear. Hats". 1. To learn to select nouns for given adjectives: didactic exercise: "Pick an object to a feature": frosty - .., snowy - .., icy .., impetuous - .., warm - .., fur - .., fluffy - .., winter - .., cloudy - ... 2. To learn to select words with the opposite meaning: didactic exercise "Say the opposite": long - short, dirty - clean, new - old, light - dark, bright - dull, soft - hard , warm - cold, frosty - hot.

Recommendations of a speech therapist for planning work on the development of speech in different age groups (for a month) Preparatory group II. Improve word formation skills. 1. To learn to form nouns by merging two bases: didactic exercise "Why is it called that?": Snowfall - snow is falling, snowmobile - .., icebreaker - .., snow scooter - ... 2. To learn to form relative adjectives from nouns: didactic exercise "From what - what? ”: leather shoes - leather shoes, boots with fur - fur boots, a wool jacket - a woolen jacket, a silk dress - a silk dress; didactic exercise "Where - what?": in England .., in France - .., in Italy - .., in Denmark - .., in Poland - .., in Romania - .., in Austria -… 3. To teach to form related words: didactic exercise "Words-relatives": snow - snowball, snowballs, snowflake, snowy, snowy, snowfall, bullfinch, snow maiden, snowdrop; winter - winter, winter, winter, winter, winter, winter, winter, winter; dress - little dress, little dress, wardrobe; France - French, French, French.

Recommendations of a speech therapist for planning work on the development of speech in different age groups (for a month) Preparatory group III. Improve the grammatical structure of speech. 1. To teach to reconcile nouns with adjectives in gender: didactic exercise “What? Which one? What? ”: Winter - cold, frost, day; winter - time, weather, walk, blizzard; winter - time, entertainment; winter - days, blizzards, entertainment, walks, fun ... So with the words: frosty, icy, cold, new, female, male, children's, beautiful, English, Italian. 2. Learn to use nouns in plural, genitive: didactic exercise "One - many": French - French, English - British, country - countries, inhabitant - inhabitants, day - days, snowflake - snowflakes, storm - storms, cold - cold, hat - hats, dress - dresses, coat - coat, boots - boot, boots - boots. 3. To learn to coordinate nouns with numbers: didactic exercise "Let's count": 1 dress, 2 dresses, .., 5 dresses, .., 10 dresses. 4. To teach to form and correctly use simple participles: didactic exercise "Name, what, what?": Sew - sewn, untie - untied, knit - knitted, fold - folded, embroider - embroidered, wear - worn, wash - washed. IV. Improve the syllable structure of speech. Practice pronouncing words of complex syllabic structure, sentences and phrases with these words.

Recommendations of a speech therapist for planning work on the development of speech in different age groups (for a month) Preparatory group V. To develop coherent speech. 1. Compose descriptive stories on the studied lexical topics. 2. Compose a story about winter according to the plan: - how did you notice the onset of winter; - her first signs in nature; - winter months; - the life of animals and birds in winter; - winter fun and entertainment. 3. Compose comparative stories: ice and snow, ice and glass, ice and mirror, snow and cotton wool, jacket and coat, mittens and gloves, boots and boots. 4. Compose creative stories on the topics: “What I see from the bus window”, “What I see from the airplane window, flying over Europe”, “Train travel”, “Where would I like to travel”, etc.

Recommendations of a speech therapist for planning work on the development of speech in different age groups (for a month) Preparatory group VI. Literacy training. 1. To improve the skills of sound-letter analysis: the didactic exercise "Name by sounds": it is proposed to name simple, disyllabic words without consonant concatenation by sound: fish - p, s, b, a. 2. Learn to highlight a given sound in a word and determine its place (at the beginning, middle, end). 3. Learn to make sentences with a given word. 4. To teach to make sentences on the basis words: didactic exercise "Make a sentence": snow, on, lies, houses, roofs; y, warm, jacket, Tanya. Vii. Improve fine motor skills of hands: coloring, strokes, shading.

Preventive work The teacher organizes such a subject environment that contributes to the fullest possible disclosure of the potential speech abilities of pupils, the prevention of their difficulties in speech development pays increased attention to children with a high degree of risk of the formation of speech impairments Teacher-speech therapist monitors the compliance of the developing environment with the age needs of children and gives recommendations to educators for its enrichment.

Forms of work on interaction with educators 1. Individual work for one month in the following sections: - work on the automation of sounds and control over them; - work on fine motor skills; - overcoming the lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech on a specific lexical topic; - the development of coherent speech. Based on this table - the scheme of individual work, the teacher can build his classes taking into account the speech problems of each child. So knowing that the child's sound [S] is at the stage of automation, the teacher can include tasks with this sound, even minimally, in all the lessons of the group. For example, a child is asked to count in mathematics only the dishes, the name of which contains the sound [S] - pots, pans, saucepans. And let the other child count teapots, cups, spoons (if he goes through “hissing” sounds with the speech therapist). In a lesson on the sound culture of speech, each child can be asked to parse words with those sounds that they correct with a speech therapist.

Forms of work on interaction with educators 2. Observation of the dynamics of sound production in children. Observing the dynamics allows the educator to visually track the dynamics of the sound pronunciation of all speech children of a group or a particular child. Relying on conventions, the teacher offers the child only that speech material that he can do. It becomes easier for the teacher to pick up poems for the holiday (in case of difficulties, a speech therapist helps). There are fewer problems in the classroom: the teacher knows what answers he can expect from the child and does not seek to demand impossible efforts from the latter. Thus, the child has no fear of responding in the classroom, there is no reinforcement of the incorrect pronunciation of those sounds that he is not yet capable of. Sometimes educators persistently ask to repeat a word with a sound that the child does not have, and begin to get angry if the child does something wrong.

Forms of work on interaction with educators 3. Joint recommendations of a speech therapist and a psychologist for children who are part of the "risk group". In this regard, the educator receives recommendations from two specialists. He sees the relationship in their work and relies on them himself. For example, recommendations were given for Alyosha M .: the psychologist writes - to increase the child's activity in the circle of peers; speech therapist - to activate the child's speech by memorizing poems or speech passages. The teacher can offer Alyosha to become the leader of the game with words, or give one of the roles in playing out the scene. Or Masha N .: psychologist - recommends increasing the motivational side of the activity, striving for the end result; speech therapist - to increase the child's criticality to his own speech, to monitor the sounds being practiced. The teacher invites Masha to take "patronage" over a lagging friend, or to become a leader in a didactic game where Masha will announce the names of the cards.

Forms of work on interaction with educators 4. Speech therapy aids and booklets, issued once every 2 months, to help teachers and parents in overcoming speech problems. Issue of thematic speech therapy booklets "Speech therapy path" and reminders that would help educators and parents without special education to master the skills of speech therapy correctional assistance for their children. Colorfully designed booklets attract the attention of not only adults, but also children who want to take part in playing them. So, for example, in a booklet on [L and L], a child on plot picture it is proposed to find words and objects with these sounds. Having played on the drawn objects, the child begins to actively search for familiar words and sounds in the world around him and attracts parents to this activity. The teacher, like the parents in the section "Correct articulation", monitors and focuses on the position of the child's articulation organs when pronouncing the practiced sound.

Forms of work on interaction with educators 5. Selection of speech material: pure phrases, rhymes, poems, tasks and exercises for correcting various components of speech activity. The teacher in the selection of speech material must remember about the speech problems of each child. But he does not always have the opportunity to track those moments that may interfere with the work of the correct consolidation of speech material. The mass literature does not always print suitable clean words, tongue twisters, and poems. Consider the pure clause "To the court - to the court - to the court - Larisa washed the dishes." It cannot be used to automate sound [S] if the child does not have sounds [L and R]. The educator may not know about this if he is guided only by sound [S]. You can advise yourself or with the help of a speech therapist to remake it ("To the court - to the court - to the court - I will wash the dishes" or "To the court - the court - the court - mom washes the dishes"). Therefore, we help to select speech material that corresponds to the norm of sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders. We recommend that educators work with ready-made printed publications, we advise you to use literature and speech material that is correct from a speech therapy position.

Problems that complicate the joint activities of a speech therapist and educator: - combining the program of Correctional education and training of children with general speech underdevelopment (5-6 years) TB Filicheva, GV Chirkina with the main general education program MDOU - the absence of requirements for the organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educators in the regulatory documents and methodological literatureavailable today - the difficulty in the distribution of the planned correctional work within the framework of working hours and the requirements of Sa NPiN - the lack of a clear division of functions between the educator and the speech therapist; - the impossibility of mutual visits to classes by a speech therapist and an educator in groups of different ages.

The combination of programs is considered in the manual: L.R. Lizunova. Organization of a unified educational space for children with speech disorders in preschool educational settings: toolkit... - Perm: Publishing house "OT and Do", - 114 p. The manual deals with the creation of optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming and preventing speech disorders in children of preschool educational institutions. Structural-organizational and program-methodological aspects of the upbringing and teaching of children with speech disorders are the result of research and correctional educational activities of the preschool educational institution. The presented program and methodological materials include a description of the structural components of the system of correctional, developmental and preventive work, directions for organizing a single speech mode, program content and planning of integrated educational and educational activities of preschool teachers. educational institution in order to organize a single educational space for children with speech disorders.

The joint activities of a speech therapist and educator are organized in accordance with the following goals: - increasing efficiency correctional education work - elimination of duplication by the teacher of speech therapist classes - optimization of the organizational and content aspects of correctional teaching activities speech therapist and educators, both for the entire group of children and for each child.

Joint correctional work in a speech group provides for the solution of the following tasks: - a speech therapist forms primary speech skills in speech pathology children - the teacher consolidates the formed speech skills The main types of organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educator: 1. Joint study of the content of the training and education program in a special preschool institution and drawing up a joint work plan 2. Joint planning of the teacher's classes ensuring the necessary consolidation of the material in different types of children's activities 3. Discussion of the results of joint study of children, which was carried out in the classroom and in everyday life 4. Joint preparation for all children's holidays (the speech therapist selects speech material, and the teacher fixes it) 5. Development of general recommendations for parents.

The educator plans and organizes classes taking into account the next topic, and their tasks are related to the tasks of speech therapy classes. Forms the necessary level of knowledge in children vocabulary topic during walks, in drawing lessons, modeling and construction. speech therapist Plans and organizes classes based on age and individual speech disorders in children. Conducts basic vocabulary work

Educator Educator teaches children to clearly express their requests, desires, to answer questions beautifully full offer... When observing the objects of reality, the teacher acquaints children with new words, clarifies their meaning, contributes to their repetition in different situations, activating them in the children’s own speech. speech therapist On the basis of the knowledge gained in the course of observations, he conducts correctional and developmental speech exercises and improves the speech skills of children.

The educator Be sure to encourage the child to take the initiative to speak up. Does not stop children, suppressing their desire to speak out, but on the contrary, supports the initiative, expands the content of the conversation with questions, creates interest in the topic of conversation among other children. speech therapist Works on familiarizing children with new words, clarifying their meanings and activating them, selects lexical material on the topic.

The educator Forms technical and visual skills speech therapist In subgroup lessons he consolidates technical skills and visual skills, with the aim of further developing such complex forms of speech as planning speech. Thanks to this, the speech of children in the classroom becomes a regulator of their behavior and activities.

Educator Conduct classes to clarify the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus daily using a set of articulatory exercises. Assists the speech therapist in introducing sounds set by the speech therapist into the child's speech. This work is carried out with the help of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters. speech therapist Learns a set of necessary articulation exercises, provides them to the teacher for consolidation. He puts and introduces sounds into speech, prepares speech material for the automation of sounds by the teacher.

Educator Strengthens skills in coherent speech with the help of poems, etc. Provides a complete parkic acquaintance with objects, using them in everyday life for their intended purpose. speech therapist Conducts classes on the development of coherent speech, prepares material for the teacher to consolidate. Deepens vocabulary work, forms lexico-grammatical categories in children, and in the course of special exercises ensures their conscious use in verbal communication.

Educator Conducts classes on the development of speech, familiarization with the environment ( cognitive development) according to a special system, taking into account lexical topics; replenishes, clarifies and activates the vocabulary of children, using regime moments for this; controls the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of the speech of children during the entire time of communication with them; when planning writing classes and developing graphic skills, she is guided by the methodological instructions of a speech therapist. speech therapist Formulates topics in frontal classes; works with children material on pronunciation, sound analysis, teaches the elements of literacy, at the same time introduces children to certain lexico-grammatical categories. Supervises the work of the educator to expand, clarify and activate the vocabulary, mastering grammatical categories, and developing coherent speech.

Functional speech therapist: Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual-typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them. Formation of correct speech breathing, a sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech. Work on sound pronunciation correction. Improving phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Work on correcting the syllable structure of the word. Formation of post-word reading. Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories. Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic utterance, consisting of logically combined grammatically correct suggestions... Prevention of violations of writing and reading. The development of mental functions closely related to speech: verbal and logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.

Functionality of the educator: Taking into account the lexical topic during all classes in the group during the week. Replenishment, clarification and activation of the vocabulary of children on the current lexical topic in the process of all regime moments. Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and general motor skills. Systemic control over the delivered sounds and the grammatical correctness of the speech of children in the process of all regime moments. The inclusion of worked out grammatical constructions in the situation of natural communication in children. Formation of coherent speech (memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, texts, acquaintance with fiction, work on retelling and compiling all types of storytelling). Strengthening reading and writing skills. Strengthening speech skills in children in individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist. Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material.

Integrated classes - as a form of joint activity of specialists, educators and parents Integrated classes - as a form of joint activity of specialists, educators and parents Increase professional competence... Comprehensively solve preventive tasks Forms of interaction

With a musical director Logorhythmics with children of the second junior group Recreation and speech gymnastics With a physical education instructor Joint classes with a teacher-psychologist Purpose: prevention and correction of speech development and the emotional sphere of children Final lesson Specialists, educators and parents Integrated lessons

Interaction of a speech therapist with a teacher using ICT conducted by a teacher speech therapy group at regular moments and at a speech therapy hour in the afternoon, on the recommendation of a speech therapist, finger games with children, breathing exercises using a computer, the use of a certain video sequence (for example, picture material on lexical topics) for demonstration in complex classes conducted jointly by a teacher and a speech therapist in a speech therapy group, as well as for the teacher to consolidate the educational material in his classroom and at regular moments in the afternoon, the use of various speech therapy games, exercises in individual lessons of the teacher on the instructions of a speech therapist

Speech therapy classes using computer programs and technologies are carried out in compliance with the San PiN norms: using new computer models, working with a computer in one lesson for a short time (5-10 minutes) and no more than twice a week (individually, depending on the age of the child, his nervous system) carrying out hygienic gymnastics for the eyes, during work, we periodically move the child's gaze from the monitor every 1.5 - 2 minutes for a few seconds, including games aimed at preventing visual impairments and working out visual-spatial relationships into speech therapy sessions

Ekaterina Mineeva
Joint activities of a speech therapist and educators of correctional groups

In our kindergarten, the successful overcoming of speech deficiencies is carried out in people with speech disorders. High results are possible only with well-coordinated work of the entire team kindergarten, and especially depend on the relationship, continuity in work speech therapist and educators.

The main ideas that determine the content of the interaction of teachers groups consider the following:

unity correctional, educational, educational tasks;

corrective orientation of general education classes and regime moments;

the developing nature of the work and the formation of the personality traits of the child;

maximum identification and use of reserves mental development, education in children, interest in classes, cognitive activity and independence, reliance on the personal experience of children;

achieving success in each lesson as the most important means of stimulating cognitive children's activities;

activation of mental children's activities, development of attention and memory

consistency in training and systematicity in consolidating the skills and abilities formed;

variety and variability didactic material and receptions correctional work of the teacher and speech therapist;

use in speech therapy work productive and play activities.

The work is based on the following principles:

The principle of an integrated approach to organization correctively-the pedagogical process.

The principle of unity of diagnosis and

correctively-pedagogical process

The principle of cooperation between educators

and a speech therapist, educators and children

The principle of taking into account the interests of all participants

correctively-the pedagogical process.

The principle of a differentiated approach

to education of correct speech

At the beginning of the school year with the results of a survey of children, which was carried out in the first two weeks of September.

If, as a result of the examination of children, gaps in the assimilation of the program are revealed, educators receive a recommendation on the need to study, repeat or consolidate the basic educational material.

When defining the content of work teacher-speech therapist introduces educators with a long-term work plan, and throughout the school year systematically informs them about changes in the requirements for the speech development of children at different stages of education.

The main work of shaping

correct primary speech skills conducts teacher speech therapist, and educators are included in it at the stage of consolidation of already formed speech skills to a certain extent. Many of correctional tasks are solved by us jointly(development of the communicative function of speech, education of speech activity, teaching grammatically correct speech and storytelling, enrichment and activation of the dictionary, the formation of a sound culture of speech).

At the same time, functions are clearly delineated. speech therapist and educatorto eliminate the possibility of duplicate activities. For this educators are present at the frontal classes speech therapist, and he attends separate classes educators for the purpose of both monitoring the speech of children and providing methodological assistance educators.

Tasks speech therapist:

1. Studying the level of speech development of children, determining the direction of work

2. Work on correction of sound pronunciation

3. Development of phonemic hearing

4. Assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories

5. Training the liaison speeches: a detailed semantic statement

6. Formation of speech breathing, a sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech

7. Work on corrections syllabic structure of the word

8. Work on the prosodic side of speech

9. Prevention of violations of writing and reading

10. Formation of skills of post-word reading.

11. Development of general and fine motor skills

12. Development of thinking, memory, attention.

Job responsibilities teachers of the speech therapy group are:

examination of cognitive, visual and other types activities and establishing their compliance with this age group;

conducting frontal, subgroup and individual lessons with children according to the program and task of a speech therapist in the evening;

creation in group of conditions, contributing to the activation of the speech of children;

systematic control over the speech of children, not only during classes, but also during regime moments;

explanation (if necessary) tasks of a speech therapist to parents to consolidate the material covered during homework.

Into the task the teacher of the speech therapy group includes

Daily monitoring of the state of speech activities children in each period correctional process.

Control over the correct use of sounds set or corrected by a speech therapist, learned grammatical forms, etc. Special attention educator addressed to children with late-onset speech activitieswith aggravated history, characterized by psychophysiological immaturity.

The teacher of the speech therapy group should not:

1. To rush the child with the answer

2. Interrupt speech and be rude

pull back, but tactfully give

sample of correct speech

3. Make the child speak

the phrase is not yet saturated

the sounds delivered by him

4. Give texts and poems to be memorized,

which the child cannot yet


5. Release on stage (matinee)

a child with the wrong speech.

It is necessary: Constantly monitor the speech of children, educate critical attitude to your speech. If sounds are delivered, require only correct answers, correct articulation.

Work specifics teacher of speech therapy group

Work specifics a teacher in a speech therapy group is, what educator organizes and conducts classes on assignment speech therapist... Individual or subgroup classes with children are held in the afternoon after an afternoon snack. During the evening classes, the material of the vocabulary topic, recommended teacher-speech therapist, the material of frontal and individual speech therapy classes is fixed. The following types are performed exercise:

consolidation of the set sounds, pronunciation of syllables, words, sentences, repetition of poems, stories; Exercises to develop attention, memory, logical thinking, phonemic hearing, skills of sound analysis and synthesis; Activation of coherent speech in a conversation on familiar lexical or everyday topics.

All correctional educational work in Group carried out both in special education and in free from classes activities. Educatorknowing the content of not only those sections of the program in which he directly conducts classes, but also those that the speech therapist conducts, provides the necessary consolidation of the material in different forms children's activities: in all regime moments, during a walk, in individual and group communication of children, when familiarizing with fiction, in the game activities.

Children with no assignment speech therapist, are busy with board-print games, games for the formation of fine motor skills of hands (mosaics, puzzles, speech therapy coloring, free drawing, modeling, construction, i.e. those types activitiesthat do not require participation at the moment educator.

Well-coordinated work of teachers groups gives positive results. Children master the correct speech. They develop the skills of a clear, grammatically correct formulation of statements and expression of thoughts.

Organization of the correctional and educational process in the speech therapy group.

Interaction in the work of a speech therapist and educator.

1 Principles and objectives of building a correctional educational process.

The success of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is to integrate speech therapy into the educational process of children's life.

The natural way to implement speech therapy is the relationship, the interaction of the speech therapist and educators (for different functional tasks and methods of correctional work, which we will talk about later).

The pedagogical process in the speech therapy group is organized in accordance with age needs, functional and individual characteristics, depending on the structure and severity of the defect.

The ultimate goal of the correctional group: education of a humane personality, comprehensively and harmoniously happy child; social adaptation and integration of the child into the environment of normally developing peers.

Work is being built in a speech therapy group, taking into account the age, group profile and individual manifestations of a speech defect (from the Regulations - the principle of age and differential in diagnosis)

When working with children with FFN speech, the main tasks are:

1. Statement and consolidation of sounds in speech, if necessary, differentiation according to similar characteristics.

2. Development of phonemic processes and skills of full-fledged sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

3. Preparation for literacy training.

When working with children with OHP tasks:

1. Development of lexical and grammatical means of speech.

2. Formation of correct sound pronunciation.

3. Development of phonemic processes and the skill of sound-letter analysis.

4. Development of coherent speech in accordance with age standards.

5. Preparation for teaching literacy.

2. Functions of a speech therapist and educator in the process of work.

What are the functions of a speech therapist and educators in the process of working on lexical topics:

The work of a teacher and speech therapist in the correction of sound pronunciation

Preparatory stage

Sound appearance stage

Sound assimilation stage (correct pronunciation of sound)

3. The central position in the correctional educational process belongs to the speech therapist.

Functions of a speech therapist:

1. Diagnostic

2. Preventive

3. Correctional and pedagogical

4. Organizational and methodological (teaches educators, parents)

5. Advisory

6. Coordinating (coordinates areas of work)

7. Control and assessment (the dynamics of promotion is assessed only by the speech therapist)

Tasks of interaction between speech therapist and educator.

Tasks of a speech therapist:

1. Examination, identification of children with speech disorders.

2. Studying the level of speech, cognitive, social-personal and individual characteristics of children.

3. Determination of the main directions and content of work with each child.

4. Systematic implementation of correctional work with children, in accordance with their individual and subgroup programs.

5. Evaluation of the effectiveness and assistance to children and determining the degree of their readiness for schooling.

6. Formation of informational readiness for correctional work among the pedagogical staff of preschool educational institutions and parents. Help in organizing a full-fledged speech environment.

7. Coordination of efforts of teachers and parents. Control over the quality of the work carried out.

Tasks of educators:

1. Providing pupils with comfortable conditions for development, training and education.

2. Creating an environment for psychological, pedagogical and speech support for the child:

Strengthening speech skills in individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist (correction hour)

Conducting group lessons on speech development. These classes are conducted by the teacher according to a scheme that is different from similar classes in mass groups.

Systematic control over the delivered sounds and grammatically correct speech.

Enrichment, clarification and activation of the worked out vocabulary in accordance with the lexical topics of the program.

Development of articulatory and finger motor skills.

Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games, exercises on defect-free speech material.

3. Carrying out the necessary work on the prevention and correction of speech. Ensuring the effectiveness of general and speech preparation for school.

4. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical culture and competence of parents, encouraging them to consciously engage in individual development preschooler in the family.

4. Knowledge of the individual and mental characteristics of children is the key to effective planning of correctional work by the teacher

The educator, like the speech therapist, must know not only the features of speech pathology in children, but also the features of mental processes closely related to speech activity, namely:

- impaired attention and memory

- disorders of digital and articulatory motor skills

- insufficient formation of verbal and logical thinking.

Disturbances of attention and memory are manifested in children in the following way: they find it difficult to restore the order of arrangement of even 4 objects after their rearrangement, do not notice inaccuracies in joke drawings; not always objects or words on a given basis. For example, this happens in cases where it is proposed to show only squares on the sheet (simple figures, circles, etc.); clap your hands if clothes are named (food, etc.); collect all metal objects in a box (wood, plastic, etc.)

It is even more difficult to focus and keep their attention on purely verbal material, outside of a visual situation. Therefore, such children cannot fully perceive the lengthy, non-specific explanations of the teacher, long constructions (lesson without visualization is not effective for a speech therapy group)

It is characteristic that memorization at an involuntary level in children is much better than at an arbitrary level. For example, a child can easily reproduce the names of six to eight birthday gifts and finds it difficult to reproduce the names of 4-5 toys hidden in the lesson.

Articulatory motor disorders are manifested in limited, inaccurate, or weak movements of the movable organs of articulation - the tongue, soft palate, lips, lower jaw.

In the vast majority of children, fingers are inactive, their movements are inaccurate or inconsistent. Many children hold a spoon in their fists, or they can hardly take a brush and pencil, sometimes they cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes, etc.

Since speech and thinking are interconnected, therefore, the verbal-logical thinking of children with speech underdevelopment is somewhat below the age norm. Children find it difficult to classify objects, generalizations of phenomena and signs. Often their judgments are poor, fragmentary and logically disconnected from each other. For example, "It's warm at home in winter, because (because) there is no snow", "A bus travels faster than a bicycle - it's bigger." Both a lamp and a TV can be attributed to furniture, because they are in the room; difficult to solve the simplest math problems, unable to guess simple riddles.

The personal characteristics of children in a speech therapy group are noticeable to any teacher who has worked in a specialized group at least for a shift. So, in the classroom, some of them get tired very quickly, begin to spin, get distracted, i.e. stop perceiving educational material. Others, on the contrary, sit quietly, calmly, but do not answer questions, or answer inappropriately, cannot repeat a friend's answer.

In the process of communication with each other, some children are too mobile, difficult to control, while others, on the contrary, are sluggish, apathetic. There are children with an obsessive sense of fear, overly impressionable, prone to the manifestation of negativity, excessive aggressiveness, or vulnerability, resentment.

All these features must be taken into account when planning remedial work.

5. The main directions in the work of a speech therapist and educator

In the work of a teacher and a speech therapist, two main areas can be distinguished:

Correctional and educational

General education

The teacher, together with the speech therapist, participates in the correction of speech disorders, as well as the processes associated with it, and, in addition, carries out a number of general educational activities provided for by the mass kindergarten program (mental, moral, aesthetic, patriotic, etc.) However, it is necessary to take into account that of the two directions, the first - correctional and educational - is the most significant, leading. And the second - general education - to subordinates.

Correctional work, as we have already noted, is carried out under the guidance and control of a speech therapist. His leading role is explained by the fact that he knows better the speech and psychological characteristics of children, the degree of lag of each from the age norm, the dynamics of all correctional processes.

Let us dwell in more detail on the content and methods of implementing each of the above tasks in the organization of the correction process.

During the first 2 weeks of the school year, the speech therapist examines each child individually. Establishes the nature of speech and accompanying violations, determines the severity of all violations, chooses ways of correction.

At the end of the examination, the speech therapist informs the group educator in detail about the results of his diagnosis (mini-pedagogical council or individual conversation), the parameters of which include:

Pronunciation of speech sounds

Their perception

Reproduction of the syllable structure of a word

The state of vocabulary and grammatical structure

The formation of coherent speech

The level of attention, memory, imagination (psychologist)

The state of finger and articulatory motor skills.

Based on the information received from the speech therapist, the teacher will be able to solve a number of practical problems:

a \\ will imagine which of the children to put forward because of weakened attention, restlessness, poor eyesight;

b \\ plan with which of the children you will need additional lessons on the development of finger and articulatory motor skills;

c \\ take into account whose pronunciation will have to be carefully controlled, etc.

The importance of contact, continuity in the work of a speech therapist and educators is explained by the fact that the elimination of complex speech disorders (for example, as OHR, FFN with a dysarthric component is possible only with an integrated approach.

Moreover, the work should not be formal, but thoughtful, serious, painstaking, systematic. And the first, very important stage of correctional work is the examination, which is carried out in the first two weeks of September. The educator reveals the level of knowledge and skills in all types of educational activities. A special examination protocol is filled in.

The educator can assess some qualities of a preschooler in the course of observing children at regular moments, in joint play, in work and everyday life.

Moreover, like a speech therapist, the educators must keep the examination material separately.

Based on the examination, the educator can deduce the developmental levels of children (just not for formalities), assemble subgroups for individual correctional work with children. The survey results are used for:

1 \\ planning educational and correctional work (mathematics is bad, one year ago);

2 \\ selection of program and corrective tasks;

3 \\ creating a subject-developing environment;

4 \\ organization of subgroup and individual work;