The lexical topic is our army. Lexical topic our army Lexical topic February 23 at dhow

Thematic lesson "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Purpose: patriotic education preschool children.

Tasks: to foster respect and love for the Motherland, its defenders; to expand children's ideas about the branches of the armed forces.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: The winds blow in February,

They howl loudly in the pipes.

Rushing like a snake on the ground

Light drizzle.

Climbing rush into the distance

Aircraft links.

It celebrates February

Army birth.

Educator: Guys, the whole country will celebrate a big holiday. What's the celebration? What does protector mean? What does Fatherland mean? (Answers of children.)

Educator: On February 23, our people will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. The word Fatherland comes from the word father, Motherland, fatherland, fatherland. Fatherland is our country. Defenders of the Fatherland are wars that defend their people, their Motherland, Fatherland from enemies. This is the army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army. And she more than once defended her people from invaders.

The teacher pays attention to the pictures on the board (tanker, sailor, pilot, border guard, submariner, infantryman, paratrooper).

Educator: Whom do you see here? (children's answers: tankman.

Educator: And what technique helps him in the service? (children's answers)

Educator: Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,

On tracks, the tank will pass

A gun barrel in front

Dangerous, enemy, don't come near!

The tank is firmly protected by armor

And he can meet the battle!

Educator: Guys, who is this? What's his technique?

(Pilot. Airplane.)

Educator: He is a metal bird

Raise into the clouds.

Now airborne

Reliable and strong!

Educator: Well done! And now we will play with you. We turn into pilots and fly!

A physical training session "Airplanes" is being held.

The planes hummed rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows

The planes flew ... Hands to the side

They quietly sat down in the clearing, sat down, hands to knees

Yes and flew again ... Hands to the sides with rhythmic bends to the sides.

Educator: Guys, look, and who is this?

(Border guard.)

Educator: Border guard

Guards our land

To work and study

Our people could calmly.

Educator: Who serves on warships? What is their technique?


Educator: Our tricolor flag is on the mast,

A sailor is standing on the deck.

And he knows that the seas of the country

Both day and night, there should be

Under vigilant protection!

Educator: What is the name of a person jumping from an airplane with a parachute?


Educator: Paratroopers in minutes

Descend from heaven.

Untangling the parachutes

They are combing the dark forest

Ravines, mountains and meadows.

They will find a dangerous enemy.

Educator: Guys, who is this? Where does it serve? What's his technique?

(Submariner, submarine.)

Educator: Here is a marvelous picture-

Comes out of the depths

Steel submarine,

Like a dolphin!

Submariners serve in it

They are here and there

They circle under the water surface,

The border is protected.

Educator: Well done! Guys, but the soldier who does not military equipment, only equipment, weapons. Who is it?


Educator: Soldiers defend our homeland! Homeland means native, like mom and dad. Homeland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live. You are very small now, but you can also do a lot to make our Motherland even more beautiful. Do not litter on the street, do not break bushes and trees. And the most important thing is to love loved ones, to be friends with children in kindergarten, to grow up smart, strong, healthy.

Educator: I want everyone to laugh

So that dreams always come true.

So that children have joyful dreams,

To make the morning good

So that mom does not be sad

That there was no war.

Educator: Let's make our dads and grandfathers happy and make holiday cards for them.

Children, under the guidance of a teacher, perform the "Postcard for Dad" application.

Abstract educational activities with children with severe speech impairments in the preparatory group for school. Lexical topic: "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with different types of troops (infantry, naval, air, tank forces) and professions.
Correctional educational tasks:
1. To clarify and generalize the knowledge of children about the Russian army, about its importance for the country.
2. To activate the dictionary: the names of military professions, technology.
Enrich children's vocabulary: ground troops, navy, airborne troops; gunners, submariners, tankers, anti-aircraft missile launcher, etc.
4. To improve the grammatical structure: to improve the skill of choosing antonyms, the skill of word formation.
Correctional and developmental tasks:
1. Develop voluntary attention, logical thinking children.
2. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bmilitary professions.
3. Improve the skill sound analysis, reading skill.
4. Develop a linguistic flair by working on proverbs.
Correctional and educational tasks:
1. To cultivate the ability to communicate in a team.
2. To cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards the warriors-defenders.
Technologies used:
ICT - technologies
Health-saving technologies

Course of the lesson

Organizing time.
Speech therapist:
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we will smile at each other
-I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other so that you and I will have a good mood.
Children gather around a speech therapist.
Speech therapist: Well done! Look what Aunt Spring has brought us.
This is magic sand and a letter for you.
“I have prepared a riddle for you - a rebus. Put the symbols in turn and think about what word will turn out if you solve the puzzle. "
Speech therapist: Before we start looking for symbols in the sand, let's remember the rule:

There are no harmful children in the country -
There is no place for them in the sand!
You can't bite here, fight
And throw sand in your eyes!

On the desk - REBUS

- Guys, look at the board and solve the puzzle. Who guessed what word is hidden here.
Children: HOMELAND (in case of difficulty, the speech therapist, together with the children, guesses the word).
Speech therapist: Correctly. Motherland - Fatherland - Fatherland.
What do you think is Motherland?
Children: Homeland is the place where a person was born. Homeland is native home and parents. Homeland is our family and friends. This is our street, yard. it kindergartenwhere we come every day. This is our city where we were born and live. This is the nature that surrounds us.
Speech therapist: Correctly. I heard so many kind and dear words.
- How many homelands does a person have?
Children: A person has only one homeland.
Speech therapist: That's right, a person has one - a mother, one and the Motherland. Our big Motherland is called ...?
Children: Russia.
Speech therapist: And our small homeland - our native land?
Children: - Our native land is Yaroslavl.
- Native land can do anything: feed us with bread, give us spring water, surprise us with its beauty. And only she cannot defend herself.
- Who defends the Motherland? Fatherland?
Children: The homeland is defended by soldiers, warriors, Russian army, people who love her.
Speech therapist: Indeed, the defense of the Fatherland is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty. Russian soldiers have always been famous for their courage and courage. When our boys grow up, they will also become worthy defenders of our Motherland.
Speech therapist:- Guys, every year - on February 23, our country celebrates a holiday.
And it is called ...?
Children: Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

Game "Say the other way around" with a ball (in a circle)
Speech therapist: Children, let's play game "Vice versa"... I will say what kind of Defender, and you say the opposite.
Strong - Weak
Young - old
Smart - stupid
Healthy - Sick
Brave - cowardly
Fast - slow

Speech therapist: They say: "The Russian soldier is rich in mind and strength." Let's warm up.
Sprays with fire
That thunder thunders.
(A gun)

Boldly floats in the sky
Overtaking birds flying
Man controls it
I fly up without acceleration,
I remind you of a dragonfly
Takes flight
Our Russian ...

Miracle - bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars.
Our people built this
Interplanetary ...

You can become a sailor
To guard the border
And serve not on earth,
And on a military ... (Ship)

I walk in an iron shell
Armor all sheathed.
I shoot shells
And very formidable in appearance. (Tank)

Speech therapist: Lay out the outline of the word "tank". Perform sound analysis.
- How many sounds are in this word? How many consonants? (t, n, k).
- How many syllables? Why? (This word has one syllable, because one vowel sound [a])
- Change the word so that it has two vowels? (tan-ki)

Speech therapist:- What is the stressed vowel sound in the word tanks? (AND)
- How to turn a combat vehicle into a military profession?
Children: It is necessary to add the letters C, T - you get the word tanker.

FIZMINUTKA. "Soldiers»
Speech therapist:
It's time to take a break.
We got up straight, guys,
They walked like soldiers.
Lean to the left, to the right,
Stretch on your toes.
One is a jerk
Two is a jerk
Have you rested, buddy?

Let's now tell you together what other professions there are in the army:
The infantry troops also belong to the ground forces - they move on foot, which is why they were called that. And the soldiers are called ...? (Infantrymen)

Our seas are protected by warships and submarines. Together they make up the navy. Guys, tell me, what are the military men who serve in the navy? (The military who serve in the navy, on the ship, are called sailors.)
Russia also has submarines. Submarines move under water, they go to the open sea for many months. What is the name of the people who work on the submarine.
And then there are the airborne troops. Who do you think serves in such troops? (These troops are paratroopers and pilots).

The Russian army also has military equipment - artillery mounts, which fire shells from cannons, and rocket mounts, which fire missiles. The famous Katyusha rocket launcher smashed enemies during the Great Patriotic War. And what are the names of the military, which are controlled with such installations ...? (Gunners, missilemen).

Speech therapist: Well done! Cope with such difficult tasks.

Speech therapist: Many of your dads served in the army, they defended our Motherland. Many of your grandfathers fought in the war, they also defended our Motherland.
Let's read others Proverbs about the Motherland and remember.
Children read TEXT
"Where not to live - to serve the motherland"
"There is safety in numbers"
"That hero, what a mountain for the Motherland."

Speech therapist:- When you grow up, you will also serve in the army. You will be worthy defenders of our Motherland.

Speech therapist: So our lesson, which we dedicated to our dads, our defenders of the Fatherland, our Motherland, has come to an end. Let's summarize:
- what new have you learned today?
- what did you like?
- what was difficult?

Abstract of a thematic lesson on the development of speech in preparatory group.

Prepared by the teacher

MBDOU No. 2 Art. Leningrad

A. V. Piunova


To consolidate knowledge about the army, about the types of troops;

Develop memory, imagination;

Fostering a respectful attitude towards the defenders of our Motherland.

Equipment: multimedia presentation with pictures and photos depicting combat arms, musical accompaniment, cut pictures depicting an airplane according to the number of children.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, viewing photo albums: "Our Army", "Military equipment", memorizing proverbs and sayings about the army; laying out from the counting sticks various subjects and samples of military equipment.

Course of the lesson:

1. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" is approaching. Who knows who the defenders of the Fatherland are? (Title-slide 1)

We live in a country called Russia. Russia is our Fatherland. Our country has an army, like other countries. Soldiers, sailors, pilots, border guards serve in the army. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. The holiday of our army is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is celebrated on February 23rd. (Slide 2)

The army has various types of troops - such an army is strong: it can defend its country both at sea and on land and in the air.

2. Acquaintance with the branches of the armed forces.

So, the first type of troops, with which we will meet today, is:

Border troops... (Slide 3)

How many knows who the border guards are?

Border guards are soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to meet enemy troops when they cross the border. Border guards, like all military men, are the defenders of our Fatherland. The border detachment has a guide with a dog. The dog helps the border guards, follows the trail.

Air force... (Slide 4)

How many knows who the landing is?

The Air Force is ready to defend, if necessary, our Fatherland from the air. Pilots - members of the crew of an airplane or helicopter - should not be afraid of heights and be able to take responsibility for themselves in a critical situation.

Let's become pilots and fly by plane.

Physical education "Airplanes".

The planes hummed

(rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)

The planes flew.

(hands to the side)

They quietly sat down on the clearing,

(sit down, hands to knees)

And they flew again.

(arms to the sides with rhythmic bends to the sides).

Navy... (Slide 5)

The seas of our Motherland are protected by warships. There are sailors, among them there are captains. These are the commanders of the ship, they are responsible for the entire ship. Large surface ships are equipped with cannons, anti-aircraft guns, missiles, bombs. They can defend our Motherland on the water.

Ground troops.(Slide 6)

IN ground forces infantrymen, artillerymen, missilemen, tankmen serve. Tanks are self-propelled, tracked vehicles that allow them to traverse any terrain. The tanks are equipped with cannons and machine guns. Signalers, miners, and military builders also serve in the ground forces.

Guys, but now there is no war, why the necessary army in peacetime?

The army must always be ready to repel the attack of enemies. (Slide 7)

Guys, what are the soldiers doing in the army in peacetime?

The soldiers are training.

What are the soldiers training for?

To be strong, courageous, strong, healthy, courageous. (Slide 8)

Physical education.

One, two, together in a leg,

Three, four, harder step.

Soldiers go to the parade

And they mint a step together.

Educator. Guys, now, I suggest you take seats at the tables, on which are the envelopes with the task.

3. Game "Collect the picture"

(children collect airplane pictures)

4. Game "One - many".

Tanker - tankers - many tankers;

pilot - pilots - many pilots;

seaman - seamen - many seamen;

soldier - soldiers - many soldiers;

warrior - war - many warriors;

hero - heroes - many heroes;

missiles - missiles - many missiles;

garrison cap - garrison caps - many garrison caps;

infantryman- infantrymen- many infantrymen;

paratrooper-paratroopers - many paratroopers;

border guard - border guards - many border guards.

5. Guys, let's guess the riddles:

Who are the guys on the border

Guarding our land?

To work and study

Could all the people calmly?

(Border guard)

Who is sailing on the ship?

He does not yearn for land.

He is friends with the wind and the wave

After all, the sea is his home.

So who guys is he?


The plane hovers like a bird

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a military ... (Pilot)

The car rushes into battle again,

Caterpillars cut the ground.

That car in a clean field

Driven by ... (Tankman)

6. Bottom line: "Border guards, pilots, sailors and other military personnel that we talked about today" are the servicemen of the Russian army. Our army does not attack, but protects, and the Russian military is rightly called defenders. The most worthy, strong, courageous and courageous serve in the army. Military service is an honorable duty of every Russian man. " (Slide 9, 10)

Ask questions:

What kind of troops do you know? (list)

tatiana kolikova

IN on the eve of February 23, we had a week on the lexical topic in our group"Military equipment"We have supplied such goals:

Give children initial idea of \u200b\u200bmilitary equipment in the Russian army, about the types of troops and military professions: tanker, pilot, sailor.

Raise pride in your country, respect for the profession « military» .

Introduce children to the public holiday 23 february - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Create a festive mood for children.

Motivate children to congratulate dads, grandfathers and all men on this day.

Parents responded with pleasure to our sentence visit the memorial of military glory with the children, where the children could see the real military equipment... After such an excursion, the children with interest shared their impressions of what they had seen.

During weeks together with the children we sculpted, painted. We even created our own museum military equipment... Some of the exhibits for the museum were brought by children from home.

We also conducted a role-playing game "Sailors", where the boys were brave captains.

We have not forgotten about the dads. We have issued a wall newspaper for the holiday. It includes children's stories about dads. We also prepared greeting cards for dads.

Week is gone quickly and efficiently.

Here's a laptop we got. It includes poems, riddles, coloring by subject.

Related publications:

Abstract on drawing in the preparatory group "Military equipment" (scratchboard). Program content: familiarizing children with the concepts of “defenders.

During the whole week, the guys talked about how the animals got ready for winter, watched the presentation, looked at the album with illustrations.

This week, the children were often visited by a fox and a wolf, a squirrel and a bunny, a bear and a hedgehog. Squirrel Asya showed the guys how she does it.

Abstract of a design lesson in the preparatory group "Military equipment" Tasks: - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the types of military equipment; -exercise children in modeling military equipment on a plane according to a given scheme.

The "Duty of Memory" project. Military equipment. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 42" of the city district, the city of Salavat.

Thematic planning in the senior group October, the first week, on the lexical topic "Forest (Mushrooms and wild berries)" October 3 Monday Topic of the week: Forest (Mushrooms, wild berries) Purpose. Generalization of children's knowledge about mushrooms and berries of our forests. joint mode.

In our group, a week was held dedicated to the holiday of dads on February 23! Of course, first of all, the children got acquainted with the holiday on February 23.

Goals and objectives:

Educational: continue to generalize and concretize knowledge about the Russian army, about the branches of the armed forces, about the features military service; to acquaint with new concepts: a helmet of a tanker, a sailor's peakless cap, a soldier's cap, a pilot's cap, a border guard.

Educational: to form a sense of patriotism in preschoolers, to teach to recognize soldiers by their uniform;

Developing: develop intelligence, logical thinking, memory, attention, stimulate the speech activity of children, develop creativity;



Abstract of direct educational activities

Goals and objectives:

Educational: continue to generalize and concretize knowledge about the Russian army, about the branches of the armed forces, about the features of military service; introduce new concepts: a tanker's helmet, a sailor's peakless cap, a soldier's cap, a pilot's cap, a border guard.

Educational: to form a sense of patriotism in preschoolers, to teach to recognize soldiers by their uniform;

Developing: develop intelligence, logical thinking, memory, attention, stimulate the speech activity of children, develop creativity;

Material used:

Presentation "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Preliminary work:

conversation about the "Army", "Motherland", warriors - heroes; memorizing poems, songs about soldiers, viewing albums, illustrations, war photographs.

Use of modern technologies:

Health-saving: performance of game physical. exercise; ICT (Presentation "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Integration of areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical culture", "Readingfiction »,

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, the holiday is coming soon - February 23 is the holiday of the military, the holiday of our dads, brothers, grandfathers and our boys - future defenders. The people will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday of people who defended our Motherland from enemies, and those who now serve in the Russian army. Each country has an army that is called upon to defend its homeland. Our country also has its own army. The Russian army has repeatedly defended its people from invaders. Our army is large and strong.

The armed forces can be divided into three main groups - ground or ground forces; air Force; naval forces... And each branch of the military has its own military uniform. Today we will get acquainted with some types of military professions and consider their form.

(Slide 1) What are the names of these military men? That's right guys, these are tankers

To be a tanker means to be tough,

To be a tanker is always to be brave.

For a tanker, the main task is

Serve your homeland in full.

A tanker's headdress is called a helmet.

(Slide 2) What is the profession of these military men? That's right guys, these are sailors. These are the naval forces of our troops. The sailors' hats are called peakless caps.

(Slide 3) And these guys are a soldier - an infantryman. We must remember how difficult it was for our soldiers to withstand the terrible Great Patriotic Warhow hard it was for them to win, and how many Soviet soldiers died on the battlefield. Soldiers put a cap on their heads.

(Slide 4) These troops are border guards, they stand on the border of our homeland and protect our country from invaders.

Sleep well, dear Russia!

Sons take care of your heart.

Day and night, eyes not closing,

They are guarding the border!

Green border guard uniformcolors , and the headdress of the border guard is called a cap.

(Slide 5) And these are the pilots. Their hats are also called caps, only blue pilots' caps.

All soldiers are very brave, strong, enduring, courageous. In order to become such, you need to train a lot, learn military science: be able to overcome obstacles, shoot accurately, develop dexterity, dexterity, strength. Now I will show you how soldiers train.

(slides 6, 7, 8). And soldiers in the army begin their day with exercises. You guys, I also propose to do some exercises now.

Dynamic pause.

Every day in the morning

Doing exercises

We like it very much

To do in order:

Times - fun to walk

Two - raise your hands

Three - squat and get up

Four - jump and jump.

And now guys, I suggest you play a game. I show you the headdress, you remember its name and the soldier who wears this headdress (slide 9). Tanker's helmet. And what kind of equipment is the tanker using?

That's right guys, on the tank (slide 10). And what is the name of this headdress (slide 11). The sailor's cap. Sailors sail on warships (slide 12). What is the name of this headdress (slide 13). Soldier's cap.

And this cap green as it is called (slide 14) That's right guys, this is a border guard's cap, it is green, like a soldier's cap.

And this cap is blue (slide 15). Who does it belong to? That's right - to the pilots. Why do you think the pilots have blue uniforms? Pilots fly on airplanes across the sky, and therefore their shape is the color of the sky (slide 16).

Well done boys. You remember all the soldiers we talked about today. Now I think that if you meet a soldier on the street, you will be able to guess by the form in which armed forces he serves.