Fauna of the seas and oceans preparatory group. Synopsis of a cognitive lesson in the preparatory group "Marine life

New vocabulary


starfish, jellyfish, seahorse, fur seal,whale, seal, shark, stingray, dolphin, corals, crab, reefs,tail, fins, thorns; names of rivers, marine andlake fish.


swim, dive, feed, attack, hunt,defend, spread (thorns), hide.


deep sea, marine, predatory, fishy, \u200b\u200bfishy,whale.


Purpose: develop general speech skills.

In a quiet river at the pier

Fish the fish met. -

Hello !


How are you?

I was fishing.

I took the fisherman's bit

Uncle Petya is an eccentric.

Where is your fisherman?

Got you?

No, the sly one left


E. Cherepovetsky

Game "Which word does not fit?"

Objectives:develop hearing comprehension; shapegrammatical speech, word formation; teach selectionrelated words.

Hodgry.The educator invites the children carefullylisten to a series of words, name an extra word in a row and explainown choice.

For instance:

whale, whale, cat, whale;

dolphin, dolphin, dolphinarium, planetarium;

fish, fisherman, fish, chop, fish;

sea, marine, sailor, brand, seaside;

Then the children themselves choose related words to the data.

The game "The fourth odd"

Purpose:develop auditory comprehension, auditory memory,logical thinking.

Hodgry.The teacher pronounces a number of words.remembers words, repeats them after the teacher and calls them,which word is superfluous and why.

For instance:

Stingray, seaweed, shark, seahorse. - Lishneeslovo"Algae", because it calls the plant, andthe rest of the words are the names of marine animals.

Pike, shark, whale, dolphin. -A superfluous word pike, becauseit calls river fish, and all other words are namessea \u200b\u200banimals.

The game "Count"

Objectives:form grammar speech, teachharmonization of a numeral with a noun in gender, number andcase.

Game progress.The game is played with the ball in a circle.starts counting, children continue (from 1 to 10).

For instance:

One slope, two slopes, three slopes ... ten slopes.

Words: whale, shark, jellyfish, etc.

Then the teacher complicates the task by suggestingconsider who is not.

For instance:

No one shark, no two sharks ...

For instance:

I met one whale, I met two whales ...

Game "Make a word from syllables."

Objectives : develop hearing comprehension, improvethe skill of syllabic synthesis.

Game progress. The teacher informs the children that the words “blurredsea \u200b\u200bwater "and only syllables remain.a number of syllables and make up words from them.

For instance:

DU-ZA-ME - jellyfish

KU-A-LA - shark

BA-RY - fish

LAZY-TU - seal

FIN DEL - dolphin

PA-CHE-RE-HA - turtle

Game "What letters are hidden?"

Objectives: develop visual and auditory comprehension,form grammatical speech, teach correctthe use of nounsthe only number with the preposition "for", to improvereading skill, consolidate skills sound analysis and synthesis,

activate the dictionary on the topic "Animaloceans ".

Hodgry.The teacher invites children to considerpicture and answer the question "What letters are hidden?"The child calls the letters that are hidden overseas

animals, while responding with a full sentence.

For instance: The letter / O was hidden behind the dolphin (and so on).

The teacher asks to name a small preposition word thatit was necessary to answer the question (“for”).

Clarifies the meaning of this preposition, correlates with the graphic scheme.

Then the teacher asks the children to guess what the wordconceived, while naming sequentially marine animals.Children name the word.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children to drawanimals whose names they have read and compiledsound schemes (under the drawn pictures).

A game "Guess how the word is conceived"

Objectives:develop phonemic processes, auditoryattention, thinking, learning to define first and lastsounds in the word.

Game progress.In front of the children, cards with images of marineanimals. Educational names the first and last sounds inword, people guess how the word is conceived.guessed, a card is handed over to the image of the intended person.The one wins, the game will end up being biggernumber of cards.

The words: stingray, whale, shark, turtle, fish, pike, cancer, crab, perch,stickleback, catfish.

The game "Make a riddle"

Objectives:develop a coherent speech, teach compositionstories-descriptions according to the graphic scheme.

Hodgry.Children guess each other riddles by describingsea \u200b\u200banimal according to the reference scheme.

Poems for reading and memorizing


I've been fishing for trout for seven weeks

I could not catch her.

I'm all wet and cold all over

And all I tore the dress.

I caught in the woods, I caught in the gardens

I even fished in the stove.

And what then? Trout all seven weeks

I was hiding, brothers, in the river!

Scottish folklore

(trans. I. Tokmakova)


Why are you rushing, fish, along the bottom,

Like something have you lost anything there?

I'm here dived with the moon at night,

And by the morning I lost the moon!

Bayramov Nury

(lane by V. Prikhodko)

Texts for retelling


The seahorse is alive on the shores of the middle of the sea grass.

It hooks on a blade of grass with its tail and sways: back and forth, back-forward, along with the surf.

As the sun shines on the sea, the grass becomes green, andthe sea will turn green, the sun will set, the grasses willbrown, the icon turns brown.among the seaweed and sea grass.

According to G. Snegirev


Where does the seahorse live?

What is the seahorse tail clinging to? What for?

how disguised as a seahorse?


In the sea, the fish are disguised.round as a pancake, and her eyes are above, so that enemies can see -predatory fish.

Novrahame is difficult to find. A catfish swims nearby, andflounder will not notice. The sand at the bottom is yellow and the flounder is yellow.The flounder will swim further to look for food at the bottom among the stones.And the flounder will become gray like stones.They even made such a trooper experience.aquarium checkerboard. flounder thought a little andbecame all like a chessboard ...

So the flounder changes color - disguises itself like a real onescout.

According to G. Snegirev


What kind of fish is mentioned in the story?

What does a flounder look like?

Why is it difficult for enemies to find flounder?

What experience did you have with flounder?

Text to retell


A stickleback lives in the Baltic Sea, in the White Sea and in the Neva River,a small fish in a half palm. On her back she has nine sharpthorns to defend against predatory fish.In spring, stickleback does not release its eggs into the water, but buildsfor them is a nest. All is business: and underwater grasses, anda piece of a tree a tree-everything intertwines a stickleback in a roundnest. The stickleback floats around the nest, then rub against itsideways - will it try, is it firm? Suddenly he sees a big fishwill spread the thorns and rush at her.

But now the nest is ready, and the stickleback mother lays in ita total of fifty eggs. But the stickleback father so protectsa nest that not a single egg, not a single fry dies.

G. Snegirev


Where does stickleback live?

What does a stickleback look like?

Where does the stickleback lay eggs?

What does stickleback build its nest from?

How does a stickleback protect itself from large fish?

How does a stickleback father behave?

Summary of the lesson on the topic "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans" for children of the preparatory group for school.

Purpose: Expand, deepen and consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.


Continue to acquaint children with sea animals, some representatives (whale, shark, dolphin, sea turtle, crab, jellyfish, octopus, seahorse): appearance, peculiarities of movement, adaptation to life in the aquatic environment, dietary habits, behavior; to acquaint with some forms of protection of marine life.

Activate cognitive activity: foster a desire to learn more about marine life, develop children's curiosity.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Enrich and revitalize children's vocabulary.

To foster a caring attitude towards wildlife objects.

Material: illustrations with marine animals; puzzles on a marine theme; finger games; V. Lancetti's poem "Multicolored Octopus"; red cardboard, a set of cardboard geometric shapes of different colors.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Today we will talk about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. What marine life do you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: Right. The seas are home to many different animals. And they are not exactly like animals living on earth. There are sea cows and seals and starfish here, sea \u200b\u200burchins, fish - a needle, fish - butterflies, there are fish - clowns. There are animals that are safe for humans, and there are also dangerous ones. Let's get to know them better?

Well then let's go on a journey! We will get acquainted with marine life.

Where are we going to travel? (children's reasoning). Guess the riddle:

The palace floats on the waves

Are people lucky?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, this is a ship.

We will now board our ship and hit the road!

(Children take their places on an impromptu "ship" made up of chairs. The melody "Free Wind" is played).

Are you sitting down? Please bring your binoculars to make it easier to observe the sea and its inhabitants. Connect thumb with the rest of your fingers folded together and round them. Place the resulting "bagels" to your eyes, as if looking through binoculars.

What do you see? I see the endless expanses of the sea, it blue - the sky is reflected in it, I see light waves.

Let's depict the sea and waves. Bend your elbows in front of you, intertwining your fingers. Lift your elbows alternately, making a wave-like motion.

While we were depicting the waves, the first marine life appeared on the horizon. Listen to the riddle and try to identify who it is:

Island with a water palm,

Say hello to me!

He puffs offendedly:

“I'm not an island! I ... ”?

Children: Keith!

Educator: That's right, guys. This is a whale. Why was it compared to an island in the riddle?

Children: It's huge. If his back appears from the water - like a piece of land, an island.

Educator: And what is this "water palm" on his back?

Children: This is a fountain.

Educator: where is this fountain from? - (children's reasoning).

Educator: These are the nostrils that are on the top of the head, and from them, when the animal breathes, a fountain of steam comes out. What else can you say about this wonderful marine life? - (statements of children)

Educator (clarifying and generalizing statements): That's right. The whale is the largest animal in the world. (Shows an illustration). The body is slender, strongly elongated, rounded, smooth, instead of the front paws it has two fins, and instead of the hind ones it has a large, fish-like tail. All this he needs in order to easily move in the water. The body color is dark gray with a bluish tint.

Please tell me, is a whale a fish or not? - (statements of children).

Educator: Whales are not fish. They, like fish, live in water, but breathe air, floating to the surface of the sea. They feed their young with milk. There are such huge whales that they weigh as much as 25 elephants or more. Some whales have teeth, while others do not. The toothless have a mustache instead of teeth. Such whales feed on small crustaceans, krill. They are eaten in large quantities, since they are large - they need a lot of food. They swallow a large amount of water with various small animals, then the water seeps through the mustache, like through a sieve, and the prey remains in the mouth.

In general, whales are very diverse: there are hulks, and there are relatively small ones.

Now grab your binoculars again and see if the next sea dweller is on the horizon?

I see, guess who:

He is a real circus performer -

He hits the ball with his nose.

Both French and Finn know:

Loves to play ..?

Children: Dolphin!

Educator: That's right, guys. (Shows an illustration).

What do you know about dolphins? - (statements of children).

Educator (clarifying and generalizing statements): They are one of the most intelligent and useful animals for humans. A man teaches them to find sunken ships, drive fish into a net, dolphins protect people from sharks, rescue drowning people. And for their ability to jump high out of the water and skillfully perform various tricks, they were nicknamed "sea acrobats". This is a very friendly animal, like a person, it breathes with its lungs. Dolphins are a type of toothed whale, and unlike fish, they cannot breathe underwater. They breathe air, rising to the surface from time to time. They can stay under water for a long time due to the fact that they know how to hold their breath for a long time. Dolphins are very playful, like whales, they live and hunt in flocks, help each other and do not quarrel with their relatives.

What do they eat? - (children's answers: eat fish)


Guys, let's portray whales and dolphins. Jump into the water! You are whales first: interlace your fingers, extend your arms in front of you and round them. Swim, whales! (Children run after each other around the perimeter of the group room, imitating a "whale").

And now you are dolphins: put your hands together with your palms, stretch your arms forward, connect your thumbs and put them up - this is the dolphin's fin. Make waves with your hands left and right, up and down, showing how the dolphin swims. Swim dolphins!

Educator: Well done. We swam and again on the road. To the ship!

Look through binoculars. Guess who I saw this time?

This fish is an evil predator

He will swallow everyone with his head.

Showing teeth, yawned

And went to the bottom ...?

Children: Shark.

Educator: Of course, this is a shark. (Shows an illustration).

What do you know about sharks? - (statements of children).

Educator (clarifying and generalizing): Sharks are large, fast, toothy fish. Their teeth grow in several rows and are sharp as a saw. They breathe under water thanks to the gills with air dissolved in water. They are very voracious and mobile.

Let's look through the binoculars again. Don't you see anyone? Then guess which next marine life I found:

For myself at the bottom of the sea

He builds a house with his claws.

Round shell, ten legs.

Have you guessed? It..?

Children: Crab.

Educator: Right. (Shows an illustration).

What can you say about this animal? - (statements of children).

Educator (clarifying and generalizing): The body of this animal resembles a smooth thick cake with small eyes and short antennae - antennae. The crab does not know how to swim, but quickly runs sideways, walks along the bottom of the sea. He has 10 legs: 8 are used for movement, and the two front ones have turned into pincers. With their help, he defends himself from enemies and cuts his food into pieces, then sends it into his mouth.

Crabs collect garbage, clean the seabed.

Traveling along the bottom, crabs are forced to hide from predators and disguise themselves. They put on pieces of seaweed, often collect everything that falls into their claws - empty shells, shards of glass, fish heads - and put them on their backs. Such "decorations" perfectly mask the crab. When the crab is in danger, it substitutes the back with trash for the predator.

Well, what's on the horizon again? Ready to solve the next riddle?

Pear with long legs

Settled in the ocean.

As many as eight arms - legs!

This is a miracle ..?

Children: Octopus.

Educator: That's right, guys. It's an octopus. (Shows an illustration). Why do you think it was named an octopus? - (statements of children).

Educator: An amazing cephalopod: a head and eight legs (arms, tentacles). The octopus has suckers on its tentacles, so it can hold any little thing. It crawls using tentacles and suction cups. More often it prefers to sit in a shelter, in order to avoid the attack of a predator. They settle on a rocky bottom where there are many caves in which to hide. They feed on small marine animals. They know how to change their color, disguise themselves as the surrounding area. (Demonstrates the phenomenon of masking: applies to the red background of the cardboard geometric figures different colors, it turns out that on a red background figures of the same color are better "masked").

And he can also let paint (ink), fleeing from the pursuer.

By the color of the octopus, you can determine its mood: a very frightened octopus is white, at the moment of anger, rage it acquires a reddish tint.


Go down to sea. We all turn into octopuses. Let's move our tentacles:

I don't recognize myself:

I don't get tired of changing my color.

Was a polka dot an hour ago

And now I'm striped.

I swim to the corals -

I am becoming scarlet - scarlet.

Here I am a clown - an octopus -

Eight colored legs!

I can become blacker than the night -

Put out the light. Goodnight!

(Children portray octopuses)

Educator: And now we return to the ship. And here's another riddle for you:

Stone shell - shirt.

And in a shirt ..?

Children: Turtle.

The teacher shows the illustration and asks: What can you say about the sea turtle? - (statements of children).

Educator: There are land turtles, and there are sea turtles. They are fully adapted for life in water. Their paws have turned into flippers, and their shells have become much smaller and lighter. A sea turtle cannot hide in it, like a land turtle in its own. In water, they are mobile and graceful, and on land they move slowly. Turtles in sea turtles hatch from eggs that mother turtles lay in the sand on the seashore.

Hear the following riddle:

Guess what kind of horses

Rushing into the sea in pursuit?

The seaweed could hide

Little marine ..?

Children: Skate.

The teacher shows an illustration and asks: Why was he called a skate? - (children's reasoning: looks like a chess piece of a knight).

Educator: Seahorses live in thickets of sea grass. Hiding in it. Each mouth has a straw. They are good parents: dads have handbags on their bellies, a little danger, fry - yurk, yurk in them - and hid.

And here is the final riddle:

A transparent umbrella is floating.

“I'll burn it! - threatens. - Don't touch it! "

Her paws and belly.

What is her name?

Children: Medusa.

Educator: (Shows an illustration). What can you say about jellyfish? - (statements of children).

Educator: These are gelatinous creatures. They come in a wide variety of shapes and colors, but the body is almost always transparent and very delicate. There are very poisonous species. They feed on small marine animals.

Well, let's head back home. Let's wave to the sea creatures and promise to meet them again.

Let's take another look through binoculars, admire the sea. (Play music).

Educator: Well, here we are at home. You can get out of the ship. Did you enjoy the trip?

What marine life have we met today? - (children's answers).

What do you remember the most? - (children's answers).

Would you like to continue to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the sea? - (children's answers).

Abstract cognitive activity using ICT on the topic: Marine life.

Abstract of a cognitive lesson using ICT "The World of the Sea King"

Description of the material: I bring to your attention a summary of the lesson using ICT on the topic "Marine life" for the senior and preparatory groups. The material will be useful for educators in these groups. The summary of a cognitive lesson is aimed at developing children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the underwater world, a caring attitude to nature.
Objectives: To acquaint children with the inhabitants of the depths of the seas and oceans. Arouse the desire to learn as much information as possible about the representatives of the animal world of our planet. To cultivate a respect for nature.
Software content:
1. To acquaint children with the names of some seas and oceans.
2. To form an idea that living organisms are everywhere on our board;
3. Expand vocabulary children;
4. Develop the ability to conduct a conversation (speak yourself and listen to your friend)
Additional material:
Presentation "The World of the Underwater King"
Scrapbook sheets, paints and brushes to create drawings;
Starfish, shells, corals.
Soundtracks with the sound of the sea, ocean can be used throughout the lesson as a background.
Course of the lesson:
Place starfish, shells, corals freely on the table in front of the children (create an imitation of the seabed).
Introductory part.
Educator: Children, today the Sea King invites us to visit. He wants to introduce you to the inhabitants of his kingdom. Are you ready to travel? (Children's answers)
Educator: Okay, but first we need to solve the riddle of the Sea King. He asks us to take the shells from this table and listen to the sounds that she will sing to us. Well, guys, can we guess? (Give some shells to children and turn on the soundtrack of the sound of the sea, surf)
Educator: Guys, have you guessed what the shells were singing about? What is their singing like? (wind noise, water splash) Children's answers. If necessary, ask leading questions.
Educator: Well done boys! Now we can go on a journey. And here the king himself meets us! (1 slide)
Main part.
Educator: The underwater world is a whole country! She is fascinating and very beautiful. Just like animals and birds live on land, trees and shrubs grow, fish, crabs, mollusks live under water, reefs grow. On our planet, there are not only rivers and lakes, but also seas and oceans. For example: Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, Black Sea; Indian, Quiet and Atlantic oceans... Let's find on the globe where they are? (looking at the globe).
Educator: Now, we can get to know the inhabitants deep seawhom we will meet today. (2 slide) Guys, look carefully, do you know who this is? (children's answers) That's right, it's a starfish! Starfish live for 20 years or more. These are predators that feed on mollusks, plankton, and marine worms. Starfish have a feature - regeneration, they are able to regrow lost rays (arms).
Educator: (3 slide) Let's get acquainted with this unusual sea creature. This is a seahorse. In fact, this is a fish, and they were named so because their body shape is similar to a chess horse. Numerous long spines and ribbon-like leathery outgrowths located on the body of the ridge make it invisible among the algae and inaccessible to predators. The sizes of seahorses range from 2 to 30 cm, depending on the species to which a particular individual belongs.
Educator: (4 slide) And this, guys, is a moon fish. Doesn't it look like the moon we see at night? (answers). This fish usually swims in the open sea near the surface, and its fin shows up from the water. Because of this, it is often mistaken for a shark, but the moonfish is completely harmless.
Educator: You will recognize this guest without any problems, by the many tentacles (5 slide). Who is it? (Children's answers) That's right, children! It's an octopus. It has eight tentacles. The octopus lives on the seabed and can change color, becoming invisible. In times of danger, he throws out ink and thus escapes from the pursuer.
Educator: Guys, tell me, who kept the golden key in the fairy tale about Buratino? (Children's answers) Right! Of course, the turtle! (6 slide) Turtles live not only in fairy tales, but also in the seas. They are centenarians, that is, they live a very long time. The turtle is a very agile swimmer. They feed on shellfish and crayfish.
Educator: What do you think is the largest animal on our planet, both in water and on land? I give a hint - this is an inhabitant of the seas and oceans (Answers of children) Correct answer: blue whale (7 slide). A blue whale cub is born eight meters long and weighs up to three tons. He, like us, needs oxygen for breathing; they cannot breathe rarefied oxygen, like other fish. These animals feed on plankton (8 slide). These are microscopic organisms that are carried by the current. They are divided into phytoplankton (composed of algae) and zooplankton (formed by animal organisms). Plankton cannot be seen with the naked eye. These organisms are not only food for marine animals, but also necessary for oxygen recovery.
Educator: (9 slide) This, guys, is a sawfish. It cannot be confused with anyone else. Distinctive feature - long and flat snout with small teeth (like saw teeth). With it, the fish comb the sandy bottom in search of small prey, sometimes, it is used to protect against enemies.
Educator: (10 slide) Did you guys know who it is? (children's answers) Of course, it's a sea urchin. Hedgehogs vary in colors and needles. In some, they are short and frequent, while in others they are rare and long. They have five constantly growing teeth in their mouths.
Educator: (11 slide) This underwater inhabitant is a crab. A distinctive feature of crabs is a specific way to move sideways. They have a permanent burrow, where they return after night forays for food: this suggests that they are well oriented in space.
Educator: And our last guest for today (12 slide) Medusa! Jellyfish is more than 90% water. These predatory animals feed on fish. Jellyfish are poisonous. Some are longer than an adult.
Educator: Now, let's have a rest with you? (physical education "Fish swims in water")
The fish swims in water (small steps, arms along the body)
The fish is fun to play (clap your hands)
Fish, naughty fish (shake our head)
We want to catch you. ("Catching" the fish with our hands)
The fish bent its back, (we bend)
I took a crumb of bread (with our hands we show the opening mouth of the fish)
The fish waved its tail, (turned)
The fish quickly swam away. (ran to the chairs)
Educator: Well done guys, good fish of you turned out, and now sit on your chairs. As I said, the underwater world is similar to ours. There are also whole forests there, which are created by algae (slide 13 - algae), there are dangerous "flowers" - anemones (slide 14). They are poisonous, but some fish live in them. For example, a clown fish (slide 15). There are whole “cities” under water - reefs (slide 16). As you can see, their world is the same as ours. We must not only not disturb their lives, but also take care of their inhabitants in every possible way. Guys, how do you think a person can take care of the inhabitants of the underwater world? (children's answers, if necessary, ask leading questions about ecology, poaching, etc.)
Educator: That's right guys, we must help and protect all the inhabitants of our planet, since it is we (people, humanity) who are responsible for the fact that many of them are on the verge of extinction. Now, I would like to invite you to draw the underwater world, with which we got acquainted today. In front of you are sheets, paints and brushes. You can start drawing.
Final part.
Educator: (after completing the drawings) What wonderful work you have done, in my opinion, even the Sea King liked them very much. So, guys, tell us what you especially remember and find interesting in today's lesson? Did you like it? (children's answers)
Educator: Great! You have memorized and learned a lot. Of course, you and I met only a few representatives of the underwater world, but most importantly, we realized that we should take care of our planet, because it is so beautiful and so fragile. The sea king also says goodbye to us (slide 17). Thank you for your attention!

Yulia Proskurina
Lesson summary in senior group "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"

purpose: consolidate children's knowledge about inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

Tasks: develop oral speech, enrich vocabulary, develop memory, imagination and thinking, cultivate a respect for to the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

The course of the lesson.

The teacher has children in group, welcome guests.

Guys, tell me please, what time of year is it? What month? (children's answers)

Today I want to tell you a tale about a curious little snowflake. Are you ready to listen? Then the tale begins (the teacher's story is accompanied by a presentation).

Far, far away, in the Far North, lived a small blue snowflake. Every day she had fun with her friends, other snowflakes, spinning in a round dance and catching up with each other. Then, exhausted, they descended on trees, ground, houses and rested, talking among themselves.

And it also happened that the snowflake friends gathered in a flock and listened with interest to the stories of the wind about distant countries, seas, oceans ...

One day our little snowflake became interested in those who live in the seas and oceans and asked the wind to carry her to the sea. The wind caught the snowflake and carried it far to the seas. So her journey began.

Physical education

La la la, la la la

A cloud floated across the sky.

Suddenly from a cloud above the ground

A swarm of snowflakes flew.

The wind blew, hummed-

A swarm of snowflakes flew up.

The wind carried them to the seas,

Towards adventure.

Guys, are you curious to know what happened next? (children's answers) Then listen.

Approaching the sea, the wind became warmer and, having reached it, our snowflake melted and turned into a droplet that fell into sea... Another new, completely different amazing underwater world opened before her. It was the fabulous underwater kingdom of Neptune with its inhabitants.

The first person the droplet saw was a huge one ... who, guys? (whale)... The droplet knew nothing about him at all. Children, tell us what you know about the whale (children's answers)... The teacher complements the children's answers. Everything is correct. The whale is the largest animal in the world. The body color is dark gray with a bluish tinge.

Please tell me, is a whale a fish or not? - (children's statements).

Educator: Whales are not fish. They, like fish, live in water, but breathe air, floating to the surface of the sea. They feed their young with milk. There are such huge whales that they weigh as much as 25 elephants or more. Some whales have teeth, while others do not. The toothless have a mustache instead of teeth. Such whales feed on small crustaceans, krill. They are eaten in large quantities, since they are large - they need a lot of food. They swallow a large amount of water with various small animals, then the water seeps through the mustache, like through a sieve, and the prey remains in the mouth.

Then the droplet began to sink even deeper and suddenly saw a formidable, toothy fish. Do you recognize her? (shark) Tell us about her (children's answers).

Educator (clarifying and generalizing)Sharks are large, fast, toothy fish. Their teeth grow in several rows and are sharp as a saw. They breathe under water thanks to the gills with air dissolved in water. They are very voracious and mobile.

Our frightened droplet hastened to swim away from the shark and, having swum quite a bit, it met a friendly creature. Who is it? (dolphin) What do you know about dolphins (children's answers)... Educator (clarifying and generalizing statements): They are among the most intelligent and useful animals for humans. A man teaches them to find sunken ships, drive fish into a net, dolphins protect people from sharks, rescue drowning people. And for their ability to jump high out of the water and deftly perform various tricks they were nicknamed "Sea acrobats"... This is a very friendly animal, like a person, it breathes with its lungs. Dolphins are a type of toothed whale, and unlike fish, they cannot breathe underwater. They breathe air, rising to the surface from time to time. They can stay under water for a long time due to the fact that they know how to hold their breath for a long time. Dolphins are very playful, like whales, they live and hunt in flocks, help each other and do not quarrel with their relatives.

What do they eat? - (answers children: feed on fish)

The dolphin got acquainted with the droplet and he also wanted to know who lives on land.

Guys, let's play a game "Earth-air-water".

And our tale continues.

Soon our droplet was on the seabed. How surprised she was that in the very depths of the sea there is also life, so diverse and beautiful that it takes your breath away. Look, guys, who our traveler saw in the seaweed (sea Horse)... What do you know about him? (children's answers) Educator: Seahorses live in thickets of sea grass. Hiding in it. Each mouth has a straw. They are good parents: dads have handbags on their bellies, a little danger, fry - yurk, yurk in them - and hid.

Soon the droplet saw some kind of light and hurried there. It turns out that it was ... who? (jellyfish) Why is it unusual? Tell us.

Educator: They are gelatinous creatures. They come in a wide variety of shapes and colors, but the body is almost always transparent and very delicate. There are very poisonous species. They feed on small marine animals.

After meeting the jellyfish, the droplet swam further and saw an amazing fish. Do you recognize her? (hedgehog fish) What do you know about her? (children's answers)

Guys, look, who else did the drop see? (octopus) Educator: Right, guys. It's an octopus. (Shows a slide)... Why do you think it was named an octopus? - (children's statements).

Educator: Amazing cephalopod animal: head and eight legs (arms, tentacles)... The octopus has suckers on its tentacles, so it can hold any little thing. It crawls using tentacles and suckers. More often it prefers to sit in a shelter, in order to avoid the attack of a predator. They settle on a rocky bottom, where there are many caves in which to hide. They feed on small marine animals. They know how to change their color, disguise themselves as the surrounding area.

And he can also let paint (ink, fleeing from the pursuer.

The color of the octopus can be identified mood: a very frightened octopus - white, in the moment of anger, rage, it acquires a reddish tint.

Physical education

We stand at the bottom of the sea

And we follow the fish:

Here they float in a circle

One after another, one after another.

Deep in salt waters

The fish are dancing in a circle.

Then they spun on the spot

Then they went down to the bottom.

We close our eyes

To remember miracles!

If only we want

We will portray them all.

Guys, now I want to see how attentive you are. You listened to the fairy tale, look at the pictures, name who is depicted on them and tell which of the bottom was not in our fairy tale. (A game "Who is superfluous")

Children, now I suggest you come to the tables. What do you see on them? That's right, these are fish, but they are sad and completely faceless. I suggest you transform the fish, make them bright and beautiful. You are ready? Then let's get started. (Children paint fish to the music of the sea and the voices of dolphins)... Then we launch our fish in sea(Whatman, depicting sea) .

Children, did you like the fairy tale? This is not all the adventures of our snowflake, on others occupations we will learn a lot more new and interesting things.

Related publications:

And you know that catfish In the blue sea is weightless. And you know that the whale Glides easily on the waves. And the Sea holds huge ships without difficulty! AND.

Summary of GCD on modeling in the senior speech therapy group “Marine inhabitants. Undersea world" Type of GCD - artistic creativity Prepared by: educator Chuprinina T. N. Direct educational activities.

Synopsis of a cognitive lesson in the preparatory group "Marine inhabitants" Synopsis of the cognitive lesson "Marine inhabitants" in the preparatory group.

Topic: "Inhabitants of the aquarium". Tasks: 1) To convey the features of the shape of fish in modeling, to observe proportionality between parts of the image.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Bolshalekseevsky kindergarten combined type "Kalinka"

Stupinsky municipal district







Educator: Rasskazova O.V.

S. Bolshoe Alekseevskoe

February 2012



  • Refine and activate the dictionary on the topic: "The fauna of the seas and oceans" (fish, sea, scales, fins, tail, gills, scalar, guppies, cockerels, swordtails, gold fish, telescope, catfish, cardinal, neons, veil tail, jellyfish, elephant seal, shark, starfish, flounder, sea urchin, shrimp, lobster, electric ray)
  • Improve the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Improve quantitative counting.

Fix the names of geometric shapes in speech.


  • Develop coherent speech, auditory and visual attention and perception.
  • To develop general, fine, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
  • Develop taste sensitivity.
  • Develop general speech skills - clarity of diction, correct pronunciation, speech breathing.
  • Develop and stimulate attention.


  • To foster goodwill, skills of cooperation, independence.

To foster respect for the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.


Projector, sea coast image recording, marine life presentation; glasses of fresh and salt water according to the number of children; a large piece of turquoise fabric; blanks with fish silhouettes, sand, PVA glue, brushes, wet wipes; didactic game "Aquarium" ball.


Reading works: A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Goldfish", K.I. Chukovsky "Aybolit", Russian folk tales "By the Pike's Command", "The Frog Princess".

Reading the book "What We Know About Fish"

Guessing riddles on the topic.

Learning finger gymnastics "Rybka"

Examination of the aquarium and its inhabitants with children.

Examination of pictures depicting various fish; conducted conversations about their habitat.

Stroke direct educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Today we will go on a journey to the sea. How can you get to the sea? (By car, plane, train, bus).

I suggest taking the bus.

We got on the bus together (they squat down.)

And they looked out the window (they turn their heads to the right, to the left.)

Our chauffeur has pressed the pedal (one foot is pressing on an imaginary pedal.)

And the bus started running (running on tiptoes, holding an imaginary steering wheel.)

Educator: So we ended up on the seashore. Sit right down on the carpet. Today we will talk about the inhabitants of the sea and descend into its depths to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the life of marine fish and animals.

Everyone sits down on the carpet.

Educator: What do we hear sitting on the seashore?

Children: The sound of the surf, the rustle of sea pebbles, the cries of seagulls.

Educator: Right. Now get up. Let's put on suits

for snorkeling and dive under the water.

The children and the teacher show how to put on the costumes.

2.Exercise "At the bottom of the sea"

The teacher offers to start watching the presentation, accompanied by the reading of poems.

Educator: So we ended up in the depths of the sea.

Lies an underwater country

Deep under water

There the fish swims the moon

Next to the starfish.

But although it glows

The star is not a bit brighter

She never shines

And what about stingrays and eels

They could find their home

Lights are burning everywhere there -

Luminous fish.
Tell poetry about the inhabitants of the sea that surround us.

1st child: What are the stars in the depths,

Are on the sands at the bottom?

The answer is simple:

There are starfish on the sand.

2nd child: “What kind of fish are these?

There are rumors on the sea, -

Not fish, but pins

Not fish, but needles. "

3rd child: Electric ramps

Clumsy, rustic

But anyone inadvertently

Strong electric shock.

4th child: The crab huddled between the stones:

It's calmer and clearer there,

Who is going to hunt

Who wants to eat someone.

Educator: What kind of fish and animals swam in the sea!

Continuation of showing the presentation.

Educator: list what other sea animals and fish you see in the depths of the sea.


I see in ………… in the depths of the sea.

I see in ………… in the depths of the sea

I see in ………… in the depths of the sea.

I see in ………… in the depths of the sea.

I see in ………… in the depths of the sea.

3.Exercise "Drawing with sand"

The teacher invites the children to a large piece of cloth lying on the carpet. Blanks with fish silhouettes are hidden under the fabric.

Educator: I suggest you put your hands "under the water". Which represents the fabric, find the "silhouette blanks" and take them out of the water. Go to your tables!

Children sit down at their tables.

Educator: The guys our fish are uncomfortable without water, they may die. Let's sprinkle our fish with sand. First, apply liquid glue to the surface of the fish, and then take the sand in your palm and sprinkle it on the glue. We will pour the sand so that there are no empty places. Before proceeding with the assignment, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Fish":

The fish swims in waterkids wiggle stacked together

The fish is fun to play.palms from side to side.

The fish is fun to play.

Fish, fish, mischief,Threaten with a finger

We want to catch you.Slowly bring the palms together.

The fish bent its backLean forward slowly

Folded palms.

She took a crumb of bread.Make a grasping motion

With both hands.

The fish waved its tail,Wiggle folded together

The fish quickly swam awaypalms right-left.

Children sprinkle sand on the fish.

Educator: Well done guys! Now let’s rest with you. Come out onto the carpet.

4.Coordination of speech with movement:

Waves go in the open. (They walk in circles, wave smoothly

Did you find out? This is the Sea. hands.)

Fish frolic fun(They do arbitrary movements.)

In clean warm water

They will shrink, unclench,(Squat and stand up.)

They will bury themselves in the sand.(Lie on your back, arms and legs

Up, shake them.)

5. Exercise "Say the opposite":

Educator: It's time for us to return to land. Come ashore, take off your costumes.

Children pretend to go ashore and take off their costumes.

Educator: Now we will play on the seashore, but first I want to treat you with well and sea water.

The teacher invites children to the tables and gives each child two glasses (blue and green). In blue - salty water, and in green it is fresh.

Educator: What was the water in the blue glass?

Children: Salty.

Educator: And in green?

Children: Unsalted.

Educator: Right. She was insipid.

The teacher collects the cups and picks up the ball.

Educator: Let's play the familiar game "Say the opposite". I'll start a sentence and throw the ball at you. You will catch the ball and end the sentence by choosing the words “vice versa”.

Sea water is salty, but well water ……. (Fresh)

Sea water is warm, but well water …… .. (cold)

Well water is soft, and sea water is …… .. (hard)

The sea water is muddy, and the well water is …… .. (transparent)

6. Working with a tongue twister:

Educator: I suggest you repeat the tongue twister with me:

"There is a carp in the lake, and a crab in the sea." (Children speak a tongue twister with the teacher)

First, let's say quietly. (Children speak a tongue twister in a whisper with a teacher)

Now speak loudly. (Children speak a tongue twister loudly)

Try to speak quickly. (Children speak a quick tongue twister)

Even faster. ... ( Children speak a tongue twister even faster)

Who wants to repeat a tongue twister on their own?

Children repeat the tongue twister at will.

7. Compilation of stories-descriptions about fish:

Educator: Compose stories about the fish that you saw today according to the plan you know. Try to speak beautifully.

3-4 children compose a story according to the scheme.

8. Exercise "Our aquarium":

Educator: An unusual river that does not flow anywhere, with glass banks - this is an aquarium. The aquarium is a piece of the underwater world, which was transferred to the house. See how the emerald green stretches upward, colorful fish - blue neons, scarlet barbs, transparent veil-tails, silver scalars, big-eyed telescopes, like goldfish emerging from a fairy tale - swim - and you relax. People brought out a huge variety of aquarium fish.

What geometric shape does our aquarium look like?

Children: On the rectangle.

Educator: What geometric shapes can aquariums look like?

Children: Circle, square, cylinder.

I put it in the aquarium Educator: But unfortunately our aquarium is empty. Let's populate it with aquarium fish. Take a fish and attach it to the aquarium.

Children take one fish at a time and attach it to the aquarium.

Children: - I put a scalar in the aquarium.

I put it in the aquarium ... ..

I put it in the aquarium ... ..

I put it in the aquarium….

Educator: Count how many fish live in the aquarium?

Children count fish in the aquarium.

Educator: Well done guys!

9. Lesson summary:

Educator: Did you like our trip? What do you remember and like the most? I really liked the way you answered my questions. I hope that in the future you will try too.