Sound and letter c speech therapy lesson. Cognitive and speech development of preschoolers

To acquaint children with the sound [c], use the idea of \u200b\u200bOlga MENDEL, teacher primary grades school number 23 Art. Khan's town of Maykop: make a model of a seven-color flower and place all the tasks for the lesson on its petals.

Topic. "Consonant sound [c] and letter Ts, Ts ".

Objectives.Introduce the new consonant sound [c] and the letter Ts, Ts ; learn to hear new sounds in speech, highlight them in words; develop phonemic hearing, memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

Equipment.Textbook "Primer" (ed. N.M.Betenkov, V.G. Goretsky. St. Petersburg: Special literature, 1998. 208 p .; ill.); portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky; tape recorder and recordings: "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P.I. Tchaikovsky; fairy tale "Chicken Chicken" (recorded by the teacher by roles); the book "Seven-color flower" by V. Kataev; drawing of the sorceress heron; flower-seven-flower with tasks; word table, alphabet poster, letter cards c .


I. Organizational moment

Children enter the classroom. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" sounds. At this time, one of the students, chosen by the teacher, makes a sound analysis of the word "flower" behind the curtain.

Teacher.You have listened to "Waltz of the Flowers" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

A portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

II. Lesson topic message

W.Consider the audio parsing of the word "flower". Do you agree with him?

On the desk:

- In this lesson we will get acquainted with the new sound [c] and the letters denoting it.

A card appears on the board:

A prepared student reads poems by E. Tarlapak and A. Shibaev.

Letter C -
There's a hook at the bottom,
Exactly with a faucet tank.
Here is the letter C -
With claws at the end.
Scratching claw -
Like a cat's paw.

W.Look at the writing of the alphabet. Between what letters is c ?

D.Between letters x and h .

W.Read syllables with a letter c recorded in the table.

First one student reads, and then all the children in chorus.

- Finish the clean speech.

On the desk:

- Compare the sound [c] in two last words... What have you noticed?

D.In a word scissors after c there is a letter s , in a word figures after c - letter and but the sound [ts] sounds solid.

W.The sound [ts] is always solid. Read the chalkboard entry.

On the desk:

Vetik-seven ... vetik

- Which letter was lost?

D.Letter c .

W.Read what happens.

D.Seven-flowered flower.

The book was read to students in extracurricular reading; she appears on the board.

D.Valentin Kataev.

W.What is instructive in this tale?

The children's answers are heard.

- Look, who came to us from this fairy tale?

On the desk drawing of a sorceress:


W.What did the sorceress bring with her?

D.Seven-flowered flower.

W.Tasks are written on the petals of our seven-colored flower. If we fulfill them all, then a surprise awaits us. Can we handle it?

D.We'll handle it!

W.But first, let's get some rest.

IV. Physical education

The teacher reads the poem "Flower".

Delicate little bud
It is rolled up tightly.
(Children squat and "close".)
The sun will stretch out a ray to him,
And the bud will become a carnation.
(Stand on tiptoes and stretch their arms up.)

V. Reading words with a new letter

The teacher picks off the petals and reads the assignment.

W.The first task of the sorceress: make a word using the first letters of the words: chicken, stork, sail, swallow, yacht.

A heron drawing appears on the board:

The teacher explains the lexical meaning of words chintz, dressmaker.

- Third task. Read the words. Select the common part. What is it called? What are these words?

On the desk:

flower garden
flower girl

Children complete the task.

- Who is a florist?

The children's answers are heard. In case of difficulty, the teacher helps.

- A florist is a floriculture specialist, a person who grows flowers. A flower grower is a profession. It can be obtained at the agricultural institute at a special faculty.

Fourth task: guess the riddle.

People call me
Queen of flowers
For color and smell
Of my petals.

D.It's a rose.

W.What flowers do you still know?

The children's answers are heard.

Vi. Physical education for the eyes

Vii. Reading sentences with a new letter

Quick-reading students are asked questions about the text.

Children read aloud by meaning.

Queen of flowers

Both in beauty and in smell, the rose is called the queen of flowers. It grows on bushes. The roots of the rose bush are long, straight. The brown trunk and green young shoots are covered with thorns.
Rose flowers are white, crimson, pink, yellow, but always the same color.


- What is the name of the story? Why was the rose called the queen of flowers?

Children's answers.

- The sixth task - "Say a word."

All my girlfriends are
There are frogs in the reeds.
And be a frog itself
I don't want a drop
Because it's better to live
In the swamp ...


W.On the seventh petal - a surprise: the fairy tale "Chicken Chicken". Listen to the story and memorize the words with the sound [c].

The teacher turns on the tape recording.

Chicken Chicken

The Chicken Chick was the first to hatch from the egg and was now sitting on the porch and waiting for the rest of the chicks to hatch.
- Mom, you are sitting wrong! See - no one is hatching anymore!
The chicken was so surprised that she just blinked.
- Well, you sit down, - says Tsyp, - and I'll go for a walk.
Tsyp went out into the field, went up to the flower and said:
- You're blooming wrong! It is necessary to bloom down a flower, then all sorts of butterflies and beetles will not sit on you.
He said and went on. Looks - the caterpillar is crawling.
- Hey, caterpillar, you're crawling wrong.
- And how is it necessary? - the caterpillar was surprised.
- It is necessary to curl up in a ring and roll, so it will be faster.
He said and went on. Looks - the heron catches frogs.
- Hey, heron, you're not catching right. Look how it should be! And how he will jump into the swamp.
Then the end would come to Tsypu, well - the heron pulled him out.
“To teach,” says the heron, “you have to know something yourself. Got it, Chip? ..

(G. Yudin)

VIII. Lesson summary

W.What words with the sound [c] do you remember?

Children list the words with the sound [c] that they remember.

- What letter did you meet today? What have you learned about her? What did you like the most in the lesson?

The children's answers are heard.

Theme: Sound C. Letter C

Tasks: Teach children to highlight a given consonant sound at the beginning,

in the middle and at the end of words, from a stream of words, from a text;

To consolidate the concept of "syllable";

analysis, synthesis and reading of syllables and words from 2 and 3 sounds.

Organizing time (on the carpet).

Educator: -Guys, today we will remember what sounds are, and play games with them, get to know the new letter, and which one, you will find out a little later.

1. -What are the sounds?

Children: -Vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless.

What vowels do you know?

Why are they vowels?

What are the consonants?

Why are they consonants?

2. Educator: Now listen to the riddles:

On the sixth palace

In the palace, the singer (starling)

Whoever gets scared is saved under the bush

Angry wolf gets in the teeth (hare)

No windows, no doors

The room is full of people (cucumber)

Children: (guess)

Educator: -Tell me, what is the last sound you heard in the words-answers?

Children: -Sound Ts.

You must not only guess, but also determine the first sound in the answer, divide the answer words into syllables.

Educator: (offers to repeat again all the answer words, but so that the sound C is clearly heard).

Drawing up proposals based on pictures-answers.

Now let's make sentences with guess words

3. Characteristic of sound.

Q: Pronounce the Ts sound correctly.

Children pronounce the sound C in chorus, individually.

Educator: -What do you think is the sound of C a vowel or a consonant?

Children: (answer).

Educator: - Bring your palm to your mouth and say the sound C. How air comes out of the mouth (not free, jerks). What is an obstacle to the air (tongue, teeth).

Now put your hand on the neck, say the sound Ts again. Is the neck trembling?

Well done boys! You have coped with this task

It's time to play a little

4. Breathing exercise.

Take a few short breaths through the nose and long exhales through the mouth

5. "One and many". I will name one, and you must name many.

(Chicken - chickens, mill - mills, mitten, button, onion, fox.)

5а Game "Magic Well".

In the center of the group, a "well" is equipped out of the box. There are pictures: a heron, a chain, a ring, an egg, a well, an Indian, a flower, a sheep, a cucumber, a hammer, a saw, a cat, a tit.

The leader is selected. He "catches" a picture from the well. If her name contains the sound c, he gives it to any child who makes up a sentence with this word (The variegated hen laid an egg. My mother has a gold ring). After the child has said his sentence, the children all together count, bending their fingers, how many words are in this sentence

6. I will speak the words. If you hear the sound C in a word, jump up and clap your hands above your head. If there is no C sound, do a squat.

7. Finish the words with the syllable CA.

And now I will say the words, and you end this word with the syllable CA: milli (CA), vodi (CA), pevi (CA), smoke (CA), umni (CA), sick (CA).

1) Educator: -The first task on the first line: mark the place of the sound C with a circle (at the beginning, middle, end of the word) for each drawing, with a simple pencil.

Children: (completing the task)

Second task: on the second line, divide the words into the syllables that I will pronounce (wrestler, singer, salesman

8. Educator: -Now you will not be guys, but turn into a heron, which is waiting for a frog in the swamp. (execution of movement in accordance with the text)

Physical education "Heron".

Gray-nosed heron (hands to nose)
Stands like a statue all day (hands on belt, shoulder blades bring together)
Stand on one leg, (hands on the belt raise the left leg)
If you are a tough soldier.
Now stand on your right, (hands on your belt, raise your right leg)
If you are a brave soldier.
Gray-nosed heron, (on two legs, hands to nose
Stands like a statue all day. (hands on belt)

9. Before you the scheme of the word. How many sounds should there be in a word? (Four). I suggest you remember as many words as possible, which consist of four sounds. For every word you will receive a token. Whoever gets the most chips will get an asterisk.

Rebus "Guess the word by the first letters of the pictures"

Drawing up a diagram of the word CHICK.

Let's outline the word CHICK.

10. Acquaintance with the letter Ts.

"What a ponytail at the end,

At the end of the letter C?

This ponytail doesn't wag

Komarov does not drive away. "

This is the letter C

With a claw at the end.

Scratching claw,

Like a cat's paw.

C- chain, decoration

All people for a feast for the eyes.

Let's repeat together (repeat 2 times).

Finger gymnastics

We touch our fingers

And we get the chain.

Analysis and reading of syllables and words: ac, ots, uts, its, tsa, tso, tsu, tsap, tsok.

We write the letter C and syllables.

Let's once again remember what the sound "C"

(consonant, hard and voiceless). And tell me the words that have the sound "C"

Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of the sound and familiarity with the letter C; the formation of neuter nouns with a diminutive-caress meaning using the suffixes -ets, -its, -ts-; determining the place of sound in a word; work with a sentence, reading, typing words, sound analysis.



Theme: Sound and letter C

Purpose: Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of the sound and familiarity with the letter C;

Formation of neuter nouns with diminutive -

Affectionate value using the suffixes -ets, -its, -ts-; definition

Places of sound in a word; work with a sentence, reading, typing words,

Sound analysis.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Psycho-gymnastics.

Riddle: "He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye two shells" (Chicken). Toy display. Request to depict a chicken sitting in an egg. To show how he crawls out of the shell: first he stuck out the head, then the right wing, then the left.

2. Pronunciation, characteristics of the sound C: consonant, voiceless, sibilant, always hard.

3. Speech charging.

Ac - oc - uts - itz tsa - tso - tsu - tsy

Acl - ocl - ul - ytsl tsva - tsvo - tsvu - tsvy

Tsa-tsa-tsa - a chicken has two eggs

Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid an egg

Tsu-tsu-tsu - here are the chicks to the egg

Tsy-tsy-tsy - all the chicks are great

4. Isolation by ear and pronunciation

A) ac, ac, so, tsu, mustache, su, hundred, tsla, tsta, ost, ots.

B) heron, haymaking, telephone, policeman, leaf fall, sugar bowl, tea, chicken, vacuum cleaner, ring, calf, mill, chain.

5. Make (repair) a proposal.

Flowers, many, in a flower garden, different.

Hen, chickens, twelve, ooh, motley.

Five, pen, on, fingers.

Bread box, table, stand, on.

Candy bowl, in, candy, lie.

6. Physical education - logo rhythm with musical accompaniment


7. Determination of the place of sound in a word.

Sheep, heron, chicken, chick, chicken.

8. Acquaintance with the letter Ts.

a) showing the letter

B) drawing in the air

C) laying out on the carpet

D) being at the checkout

9. Working with split alphabet

Color - flowers - bloom - flower - flower

10. Physical education.

Finger game "Wheat Pies"

We bake wheatChildren "bake pies" (either one hand on top, then

The pies are great. another).

Who will come to tryRaise your shoulders up, spread your arms to the sides.

Wheat pies?

Mom, dad, brother, sister,Bend the fingers on the hand, starting with the little finger.

Shaggy dog \u200b\u200bfrom the yard.

And others, everyone who can,"Call" hands.

Let them come with them too.Stretch your arms forward, leaning slightly.

We kneaded the doughKnead your thighs with your fingers.

We haven't forgotten the sugarThey quickly touch it with their fingers ("pour sugar").

Wheat piesPress their palms loosely together, showing


We put it in the stove.Stretch straight palms forward, touching them

Lateral to each other.

The stove is on fireThey quickly move their fingers raising and lowering their hands ("fire").

Our mom says:Put your hands on a shelf in front of your chest.

The crumbs that remain"Crumbs are crumbling."

The sparrow will get it.Pounding index fingers on knees

("Sparrows bite")

11. Printing.

Street, cucumber, flowers, sheep.

Flowers are blooming.

12. Ball game "Say it kindly"

Business is business

Quest - quest

Dress - frock

Soap - soap

Poem - Poem

Schedule - Schedule

Shotgun - shotgun

Lard - salce

Building - building

Shiloh - shilze

Mirror - mirror

Blanket - blanket

Butter - butter

Jam - jam

Cookies - biscuits

Letter - writing

Decoration - adornment

Treat - treat

We continue to train children in the correct pronunciation of sounds. Today it s strengthening the sound [Ts] and the letter Ts.

Has sent a lesson educator speech therapy group GBDOU №22 Krasnogvardeisky district st. Petersburg Rositskaya Galina Evgenievna.

Use video presentation and simply colorful pictures in your homework.


Frontal lesson for children of the preparatory group

purpose: Securing the correct pronunciation of the C sound in words, sentences.


I. Correctional educational:

Consolidation of children's knowledge about the sound [C] and the letter C: clarification of the articulatory structure, characteristics of the sound (consonant, solid). Clarification of children's ideas about the graphic image of the letter. Teaching the skills of conducting a speech dialogue; culture of communication; the use of interrogative intonation in speech. Development of mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Learn to reconcile numerals with nouns in gender. Exercise in the formation of nouns in plural in the Genitive case.

II. Correctional and developmental:

Development of phonemic perception - the separation of sound from a number of sounds of different articulation and acoustic sound; highlighting sound against the background of syllables and words.

Development of phonemic analysis - finding the position of a sound in a word (at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, at the end of a word).

The development of phonemic synthesis is the selection of the first sound in a word and the compilation of a word from a set of selected sounds.

Development of visual attention - analysis, comparison.

Development of auditory attention - perception and reproduction, the ability to follow verbal instructions.

Development of speech breathing.

Development of general and fine motor skills.

III. Correctional and educational:

Cultivate an interest in knowledge, to native language... Education of benevolence; culture of communication.


A set of subject pictures, an Old Man-Zvukovichok mitten doll, a screen, an audio recording, a computer, an interactive board, a multimedia presentation "In a fairytale palace", speech therapy computer program "Play and Learn"

Resources used:

1. Speech therapy computer program "We play and learn" (Kotova, EA We play and learn [Electronic resource])

2. Multimedia presentation "In the fairytale palace"

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment

2. Topic message

3. Finger gymnastics.

4. Development of speech breathing - work on increasing the duration of speech exhalation.

Catch the Sound game.

6. Development of general motor skills "Playing with movements".

8. Development of phonemic analysis.

10. Development of the grammatical structure of speech - the coordination of a numeral with a noun.

11. Development of phonemic representation and synthesis.

The course of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment

(children stand in a semicircle, teacher in the center).

Educator. Guys, what sound did we meet in the last lesson?

Children. With sound [Ts]

Educator. Go to the table, choose a picture in the title of which you will hear this sound ... (children complete the task).

Educator. Name your pictures.

Children Heron, porch, ring, cucumber, flower, finger, bird.

Educator. Well done! Take your pictures and sit down in your seats.

2. Topic message.

Educator. Who was our guest at the last lesson?

Children. Chicken Chicken.

Educator. Yes, I told you about the first trip of the Chicken Chicken. And you want to go on a journey too.

Children. Yes.

Educator. I invite you to a magical land where the Queen of Sounds, the King of Words, Prince Syllable, Princess Letter live. And the old resident of this country Old Man-Zvukovichok will help to find the way. Are you ready?

Children. Yes.

(the audio recording is turned on, a melody sounds and from behind the screen a mitten doll Old Man-Zvukovichok appears)

St-Sound. I was tired from the road. I will rest with you a little.

Educator. Of course, the Old Man-Soundman. Sit on the chair. And we will play with you.

3. Finger gymnastics

4. Development of speech breathing - work on increasing the duration of speech exhalation (standing)

Exercise 1. Inhale, and as you exhale clearly, at one pace, count aloud to five.

Exercise 2. Perform exercise 1. Then draw in air (1 second) with lower breathing (shoulders are motionless), while exhaling, say: "five".

5. Development of phonemic perception.

Game "Catch the Sound"

Educator. Old man-Sound, do you know any game?

St-Sound Of course I know and will teach you to play it. The game is called "Catch the Sound". The rules of the game are as follows: I name different sounds, and you catch the sound you want by squeezing your cam.

Educator. And what sound are we going to catch today?

St-Sound. The kids have pictures on their tables. What sound did you find when choosing them today?

Children. Sound [Ts].

St-Sound. This is the sound you will catch.

Educator. Guys get ready! The old man-Zvukovichok prompted me what sounds to name, I will name them, and you will catch the sound [C]. When you hear it, then squeeze your fingers into a fist.

B, M, C, G, K, O, C, V, P, C.

Now catch it in syllables.

Ac, am, ok, uts, ep, itz.

Mu, ba, tsa, ko, you, tsu, pi, te, tso.

The hardest part is catching the sound in the words.

Arch, stamp, figure, heron, house, dance.

6. Development of general motor skills "Playing with movements"

Educator. Do you like the Old Man-Zvukovichok game? Have you rested? Then let's hit the road!

Come out guys to me.

"Playing with Movement"

With the Old Man-Soundman along the path we go Marching on the spot
Don't yawn, don't lag behind! Catch up quickly! Running in place
Here is a swamp ahead Shake their head
We can't get around it Head turns to the right, to the left
Look around.What will help us in this? Turns the torso to the right, left
Look under your feet.What's on the track? incline
This stick is a lifesaver!This stick will help us! sat down
They took the stick in their hands firmly. The arm is bent at the elbow, the fingers are clenched into a fist
They took up each other tenaciously. Stand one after another, put their hand on the shoulder in front of the
Don't rush, don't yawn.Follow me, follow me. They walk slowly, step is wide
Here is the swamp and passed! Unlocked, hands dropped down
What awaits us there ahead? Shrug their shoulders
Field, river, forest, road?Friend's faithful help! Put their hands on each other's shoulders
Mystery, fairy tale, don't guess! Hands down
Oh, behind! Catch up! Running in place

7. Development of coherent speech - dialogical speech.

Educator. Multimedia presentation "In the fairytale palace" (Slide 1) Look, guys, where we came to.

(on interactive whiteboard the picture of the palace is displayed)

What is this building?

Children. Palace.

Educator. And where is the Old Man-Zvukovichok? Yes, there he is! I sat down on a tree stump.

St-Sound. I have become old for traveling. I took you to the palace. And then you yourself. I will go to my grandchildren sounds. They are also funny, mischievous. No matter how much they have done!

Educator. Children thank the Old Man-Zvukovichka for helping to find the way to the palace and to get to the Magic Land.

Children. Thank you, Old Man-Zvukovichok!

Educator. Let's see who lives in the palace. Just how to enter it? There are no windows or doors? But someone appeared on the path.

Educator. Let's find out who it is? Just don't forget how to politely address a question to a stranger.

Children. Hello! Please tell me what is your name?

Hello children! My name is the Queen of Sounds. I saw guests from the palace and went out to meet you. I invite you to my palace.

Educator. But how do we enter the palace? All doors are firmly closed.

You have entered the Magic Land. Everything is not easy here. And to get to the palace, you need to complete my task.

8. Development of phonemic analysis

My court sounds like to play hide and seek. You will need to find what sound is hidden in the words and where it is hidden in the word.

Children. This is the sound [Ts].

Why did you decide that this particular sound was hiding?

Children. All these words have the same sound.
And where did he hide in the word "Flower"?

Children. At the beginning of a word.

And in the word "egg"?

Children. In the middle of the word.

But what about the word "cucumber"?

Children. At the end of a word.

9. Development of sound culture of speech.

I see you are very familiar with this sound. Which one of you can tell me about it? (Slide 4)

Children. This is a consonant sound. He is a stubborn sound that does not obey the command of vowels and always sounds solid.

Why did you decide that this sound is a consonant?

Children. Because when we say it, there is a barrier.

What a barrier. Children. Tongue.

And what lips when we make this sound?

Children. Stretched out in a smile.

And what does the tongue do when we pronounce the sound [Ts]?

Children. The tip of the tongue rests against the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is curved, the edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth.

Did the neck wake up or sleep when we utter this sound?

9. Development of the grammatical structure of speech - the coordination of the numeral with the noun.

Look here and doors appeared in the palace and windows.

Educator. Guys, how many windows and doors, count them.

Children. Two windows, three porches, four balconies, five doors.

10. Development of phonemic representation.

I want to introduce you to my family. This is my son - Prince Sylog. (Slide 5)

He loves to play with syllables.

Yes, this is my favorite game. Dear children, but you can, after listening to them, come up with words with these syllables.

Children. Yes.

Come up with words with the syllable CA.

Children. Queen, heron, bird.

With the syllable ЦО.

Children. Egg. Porch, ring, face.

And with the syllable TSY.

Children. Fingers, chicken.

What good fellows you are! It was a pleasure to meet you.

11. Development of phonemic synthesis.

Now I want to introduce you to the King of Words

The king is busy with his favorite pastime. He makes words from letters.

King. Hello children! I am glad to see you visiting us. Please help me spell the word. Today I am not doing anything.

Educator. Of course, we are happy to help you. But what should you do?

King. It is necessary, looking at the picture, to find the first sound in the words and from these sounds to form a word.

Educator. Guys, what were the first sounds in the words you found?

Children. THE CIRCUS.

Educator. And what word can be made from them?

Children. The word "circus"!

King. Thanks guys!

12. Development of visual attention - analysis and comparison.

King. Let me introduce you to our daughter - Princess Letter (slide 7) She loves to dress up very much and you will not recognize her every time. Here we go again! Yesterday I was in one outfit, and today in another. See for yourself!

Educator. Guys, look at what the princess was wearing yesterday and today. Find the differences and name them. Just remember that you need to answer not in one word, but in a sentence. For example: Yesterday the princess had pockets on her dress, and today she is wearing a dress without pockets.

(children find differences and answer, the teacher monitors the correctness of the construction of the sentenceeny).

13. Consolidation of skills to highlight words with the sound Ts (work with a computer speech therapy program "We play and learn", section "Acquaintance with consonants. Sound Ts. Sound at the beginning and end of a word" lesson 1, 2)

A princess. Yes, I really like to dress up, have fun, play. Therefore, I do not have enough time for other things. Today I wanted to collect words with the sound C and did not have time.

Educator. Guys, let's help the Princess collect the words from the C at the beginning. Children work on an interactive whiteboard.

Now choose words with a C at the end.

Educator. Well done!

Lesson summary

Educator. Now it's time for us to go home. Let's say goodbye to the owners of the palace and thank them for the warm welcome. (Slide 9)

Children get up from their seats, walk in place and wave their hands. Quiet music sounds.

Children. Thank! Goodbye!

Educator. Well done boys! Did you enjoy today's trip? What did you like the most?

(children's answers)

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Funtikova Natalia Viktorovna

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU number 421


  1. Continue to develop the child's sense of language and rhyme.
  2. To teach how to pronounce the sound "Ts" correctly.
  3. Improve the skills of sound and syllabic analysis.
  4. Continue teaching your child to form sentences with a given word.
  5. Learn to select words with a given sound from the text.
  6. Exercise in word formation and inflection.


  1. Mirrors for every child.
  2. Pictures on the sound "C".
  3. Handouts for performing sound-syllabic analysis of words, split alphabet.

Lesson plan:

In the group, flowers are laid out on the carpet. Children enter the group and the speech therapist suggests taking one flower at a time.

Guys, today we will meet with you a new sound and a new letter. And with what? I'll tell you now. You are holding the hint in your hands. (Flowers) What sound does the word flower begin with? (to the sound of C). Place the flowers in a vase and sit in their places.

Now look in the mirrors and tell me what happens to your lips, teeth, and what the neck does when we pronounce the sound "C"

(The lips in the smile of the zuki are drawn together, but not closed, the neck is silent).

Repeat after me, and don't forget to look in the mirrors. TSA-TSA-TSA, TSO-TSO-TSO, TSU-TSU-TSU, TSY-TSY-TSI. And vice versa АЦ-АЦ-АЦ, ОЦ-ОЦ-ОЦ, УЦ-УЦ-УЦ, YTS-YTS-YTS. Well done!

Now look at the picture. As the grasshopper chirps "Ts-Ts-Ts-Ts-Ts". Give me a characterization of this sound. (Consonant sound, always solid, deaf)

Now look at the board and name the pictures for the Ts sound.

(Children's answers)

It's time to play One and Many for a bit. I will name one, and you must name many.

(Chicken - chicken, mill - mills, mitten, button, onion, fox.)

And you love to guess riddles, then listen. You must not only guess, but also determine the first sound in the answer, divide the answer words into syllables.

"Smart little sisters

Guests are welcomed all day

They are treated with honey. "(Flowers)

(Flowers, two syllables)

“He appeared in a yellow fur coat,

Goodbye two shells. " (Chick)

(Tsy-plyo-nok, three syllables)

Now take sound schemes words and sounds. We will now determine where the sound "C" stands. At the beginning, middle, or end of a word. Look, I have a little tip for you. Who is it? That's right, this is a kind dolphin, he will help you.

Tell me, what does the dolphin's head mean?

That's right, the sound at the beginning of the word.

And what about the dolphin's body?

Sound in the middle of a word.

Sound at the end of a word.

Words (heron, voditsa, singer, gypsy, cucumber.)

It seems to me that we need a little rest.

Physical education.

“Once we ran into the garden. Running in place

Ten little chickens.

I started them from the street. Hands to the sides, up, down

Mother hen hen.

You were wrong on the street, Torso bends

Though the hen is clever to the left, to the right.

This glorious kindergarten... Wandering in place

For children, not for chickens. Hands to the sides, spread in a bow

and on the belt.

And now we will work with the alphabet. But first, I want to introduce you to the letter "C". Look at the picture.

"What a ponytail at the end,

At the end of the letter C?

This ponytail doesn't wag

Komarov does not drive away. "

What does the letter C look like?

(Children's answers)

Sound-syllabic analysis of the words CHICKEN, CIRCUS, laying out a scheme of words, compiling a split alphabet from letters.

Working with beans. We spread the letter C.

Let's once again remember what the sound "C"

(consonant, hard and voiceless). And tell me the words that have the sound "C"

Children's answers.