Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group for teaching literacy on the topic: "Sounds, and the letter Z". Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group for teaching literacy on the topic: "Sounds, and the letter Z" I

Summary of GCD for children preparatory to school for the group "Sound and letter Z"

The author of the summary of the GCD: Titarenko Galina Borisovna, speech therapist, MBDOU MO Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 68"

Tasks of the priority educational area: "Speech development" Formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language. Improving the sound side of speech in the field of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness. Mastering the elements of literacy. Development of coherent speech skills (teaching dialogical and monologue speech).
Educational area: "Speech development"
OO tasks in integration: "Social and communicative", "Cognitive", "Speech"
Educational: automating the correct pronunciation of the sound "Z", improving the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis, improving the skill of reading syllables and words, improving the grammatical structure of speech.
Developing: develop the grammatical structure of speech, phonemic perception, the tempo-rhythmic side of speech, develop attention, memory, logical thinking, articulatory, fine and general motor skills, develop technical skills in working with a pencil.
Educational: to form mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility.
Prerequisites for educational activities: form the ability to listen and understand the speech of an adult, develop attention, memory, thinking, develop independence in finding ways to solve new problems, be fluent in verbal communication, the ability to adequately perceive the assessment of an adult and a peer, develop perseverance when completing a task.
Equipment for a speech therapist: magnetic board, typesetting canvas, object pictures (umbrella, goat, castle, tongue, teeth, bunny, mimosa, catfish), character and attributes of a surprise moment (Dunno, letter, notebook).
Equipment for children: cut alphabet, bells, notebook, colored pencils, album sheet.
Introductory part (motivational, preparatory stage)
Guys, now I'm going to ask you riddles (as the guessing progresses, the riddles are displayed on the typesetting canvas):
He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house (lock).
Red doors in my cave,
White beasts sit at the door.
Both meat and bread - all my spoil -
I gladly give white animals (teeth)
The grain scattered by night,
We looked in the morning - there is nothing (stars)
He reveals himself,
He closes you.
Only the rain will pass -
Will do the opposite (umbrella)
- What is the same sound you hear in all these words? (sound Z).
- clarification of sound articulation;
- choral pronunciation of sound;
- characteristic of sound (consonant, sibilant, hard, voiced)
The main part (meaningful, active stage)
A knock on the door. Dunno appears with an envelope.
- Hello guys! I was told that you are familiar with sounds.
- What sound are you getting to know?
(with sound З)
- Is there a sound Z in my name? (Yes)
Yes, Dunno! Children know and hear the sound, just look - highlighting the sound by ear (bell rings)
- in syllables - CA, ZA, AZ, JA, ZU, OS
- in words - beetle, soup, tooth, hall, vase, castle, scales, bough.

Game "4 extra" umbrella - castle - winter - teeth.
- Guys, I also want to play with you, repeat after me:
For-for-for - go home goat
Zo-zo-zo - Zoe is lucky
Zoo-zoo-zoo - I'm herding a goat
Zy-zy-zy - we wash the basins.
Dunno, but guys can determine the place of a sound in a word.
Pronunciation of pictures on the panel, selection of pictures with the sound "Z" - at the beginning, middle, end. The game "Correct the mistake" - a picture with the sound "S" (som). Why doesn't this picture fit? (because there is no sound "Z")
Game "Pick an item"
voiced, voiced, voiced
Game "1-2 -5" - ringing bell
Physical education
The hostess threw the bunny (hands to cheeks).
A bunny remained in the rain (spread your arms to the sides, palms up).
I couldn't get off the bench,
All wet to the thread (raise your shoulders).
The sun came out from behind the clouds (raise your hands up, enjoy the sun)
The hare has dried up ours and on the way.
The bunny jumps quickly (jumps in place),
You catch him (they sit down in their places).
Dunno: "Guys, I brought you my notebook, check if I wrote it correctly?"
I love to ride ... swing.
Zoya came today ... with a beautiful dress.
The dog sits ... in the booth.
A nest ... a branch.
The apples are in the ... basket.
Guys, I also want to win a prize on "The Smartest" show, but I can't handle your game "Confusion". Help me please!
- Guys, let's help Dunno! Game "Confusion" Sits, bush, for, bunny -
Peek out, from behind, a bush, a bunny -
For, goes, winter, autumn -
Acquaintance with the letter Z
The letter Z and the number three,
Like two sisters.
Look carefully:
We write Z as the number three.
Working with a split alphabet:
- laying out syllables, words
- drawing up schemes for these words.
Fine motor development:
I will open the notebook
And I will put it as it should.
I won't hide from you
I'll take the pencil correctly.
I sit straight, I won't bend
And I'll get down to business.
- typing a letter in a notebook.
Dunno, our children can divide words into syllables.
Game "Telegraph" - with claps
(children put pictures on the panel for a given number of syllables).
Checking the correctness of the task

The final part (reflective stage)

Game "Say a word"
Forests conceal many troubles
The wolf, the bear there and the fox!
Our animal lives in anxiety
He takes his feet away from trouble.
Come on, guess quickly
What is the name of the animal? ... / bunny /
Mikhail climbed an oak tree,
So that the doctor does not pull out ... / tooth /
The roof is in a fur hat,
White smoke overhead.
The yard is covered with snow. White at home.
At night ... / winter /
Game "Sound Lost"
The hunter shouted: “Oops! The doors (animals) are chasing me! "
The words are me. yk,. ont,. loss, to. ah, anger. before, . aika,. amok.
Guys, let's give Dunno a drawing where we will depict a letter.
Lure this bird
To our album page.
(children sketch a letter, admire the drawings, then give Dunno).
Guys, let's repeat Dunno!
- What sound and letter did you meet?
- What is he?
- What did you like about our work today?
You are all great today!
Slap yourself!

The main objectives of the lesson are: consolidation of children's knowledge of sounds [З] and [З "] and the letter З; formation of the ability to differentiate sound [З] and [C]; development of skills of phonemic representation and phonemic analysis and synthesis; education of interest in acquiring knowledge about features of the native language.

Equipment:a picture of a mosquito or a paper mosquito on a string, pictures are symbols for characterizing sound; a bag with objects, in the name of which you can hear the sound [З] "wonderful bag", cereals (corn or beans) for laying out the letter 3; individual cases with sound symbols for sound analysis, alarms.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Psycho-gymnastics "Komar"

Children stand in a semicircle, the teacher raises a mosquito on a string above them and says: Z-z-z-z.

Tell me, guys, with what sound did the mosquito fly to us?

Show how your expression changes when an annoying mosquito sticks to us, when we are “afraid of a mosquito”, “when a mosquito has bitten us”, when “we are not afraid of a mosquito”.

II. Introductory part.

Isolated pronunciation, articulation of sound [Z] and its characteristics

Let's once again say all together the sound of "annoying mosquito": Z-Z-Z
- When we say it, what do our lips, teeth do. tongue, air stream?
- If an air stream meets an obstacle, then what is this sound? (this is a consonant sound)
- Does the “voice motor” work when you make this sound? What is this consonant sound? (this is a consonant voiced sound)
- Does this sound have a "soft brother"? (there is a soft sound [Z "])

III. Main part.

1. Work on the sounds [З] and [З "] in syllables.

Repeat Correct Game

I. Option: Children are divided into two teams, one team repeats syllables three times with a hard sound [З], and the second with a soft sound [З "]

2. Work on the sounds [З] and [З "] in words.

Game "Think of a word to sound [Z]"

The teacher reads the tex, stopping at those places where it is necessary to finish the word by sound [Z].

“Zina got up in the morning, bed ... (tucked in), did ... (charging), cleaned ... (teeth)... The pasta she was cleaning with is called ... (dental)... Zina combed her hair, braids (braided), bow ... (tied up) and went to the kitchen ... (breakfast).

Physical education minute.

Jump - jump, jump-jump (bounce)
Bunny jumped on a tree stump (jumped on two legs)
The hare is cold to sit (put two arms around ourselves)
You need to warm your paws (rub your hands)
Feet up, feet down (hands up and down)
Pull up on your toes (rise on tiptoes and pull your arms up)
We put our paws on the side, (hands on the belt)
On toes, hop-hop, (jumping, changing legs on toes)
And then squat down so that the paws do not freeze. (squat)

Exercise "Determination of revenge of the sound in the word" Game "Wonderful bag".

The teacher offers children a “wonderful bag” containing objects with the sounds [З] or [З "] in the names. Children approach the teacher one by one, take out the object. They name it and determine what sound is heard in the word: hard or soft and where it is heard at the beginning, middle, at the end of a word.

Exercise to form the correct phonemic representation. Game "Which word sounds right?"

The teacher distributes signals to the children and asks to listen carefully to the words that she will read. If the word sounds wrong, the children raise a red signal, a blue one is correct.

Exercise word: bunny.

Bunny - bunny - bunny - bunny - order - bunny.
Bunny - Cage - Gang - Bunny - Hare

Consolidation of the sound [З] in sentences Game “Dunno sentences”.

The teacher asks for help to correct the sentences that Dunno made:

Zoya's phone will ring.
The roses were put in a green vase.
The bunny's teeth got sick.
Goat green eyes.

Working with the letter Z.

Laying out a letter from cereal (children take cereals and lay out the letter Z).

Game "Collect words".

(A diagram is sketched on the board).

The teacher asks the children to collect and write down on sheets of paper all possible words with the letter Z (teeth, umbrellas, basins).

Divide words into syllables.
- Change these words so that each of them has one syllable.
- Change now so that three syllables appear in these words.
- Lay out the sound schemes of these words.

Differentiation of sounds [Z] - [S].

What sound is very similar to the sound [Z] in pronunciation? What do they have in common? What are the differences?

Game "In the word, the syllable, speak, be attentive", look! "

The teacher invites children to add either the syllable zy or syllable sy to the beginning of the words that will be pronounced:

That ... (shy), to ... (sy). or (zy), but ... (sy), wa .. (zy), bu ... (sy), cha ... (sy), bir ... (PS), flask ... (sy ), relay ... (sy), arbu ... (shl), gro ... (shl).

Game "Tell me a word".

The teacher asks you to suggest a word suitable for the poem:

Roses blossomed in the morning.
The flowers sparkle ... (dew) (repeat all couplets together)
Goat nibbles grass
Mows the grass ... (braid)
There was a sike on the table
And he ran through the forest ... (bunny)
Lisa tried the soup
Liza got sick ... (tooth)
Artistic lesson with preschoolers "An invitation for Santa Claus"
| abstract | lesson outline | classes | class notes | learning | training program | literacy | literacy training | sound | download sounds | letter | russian letters | differentiation | social differentiation | sounds | [h] | [c] | download c | child | kindergarten | Educator's page | Summary of a literacy class Sound and the letter Z Differentiation of sounds [z] and [c] Kindergarten

Marina Yurova
Synopsis of the lesson on teaching literacy "Sounds [Z], [Z ']. Letter Z "

Summary of a lesson in literacy in the preparatory group for school.

Sounds [Z], [Z ']; letter Z

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of compensating type with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils No. 35 "Forest Fairy Tale"

Teacher-defectologist Yurova M.A.


1. Introduce sounds [Z], [З '], letter Z.

2. Develop the skill of clear pronunciation sounds"[Z], [Z ']", to form children's ability to distinguish the sounds by hardness and softness.

3. Determine the position sound in a word.

4. To develop auditory perception, attention, phonemic hearing.

5. Develop coherent speech (ability to write a simple common sentence).

6. Foster a positive attitude towards participation in occupations, friendly attitude towards each other.

Equipment: blue circle, green circle, card with letter"Z" (from the alphabet, workbooks, cash desk letters, colored pencils, subject images:




Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: One, two - turn around and turn into kamariks.

Draw a large mosquito flying and singing its own song.

Children: W - W - W

Speech therapist: And now we turn into a little gnat and sing his song.

Children: Зь - Зь - Зь

II. Main part.

1. Getting to know the sounds.

Speech therapist: Look at the board and name the ones drawn in the pictures subjects: UMBRELLA, BASKET, ZEBRA, STRAWBERRY, MEDUSA, CASTLE, FENCE. (Appendix # 1)

What sound do we hear in every word?

Speech therapist: That's right sound Z... Take your mirrors, pronounce sound [Z] and see how you pronounce it. What happens to the lips when you speak sound [Z]?

Children: "Smiling".

Speech therapist: And the tongue?

Children: "Lies at the lower teeth".

Speech therapist: Now let's see what kind of breeze blows when pronouncing sound.

Children: Cold.

Speech therapist: Well done, and now we will play with you.

2. D / I "Catch the mosquito"

Speech therapist: I will pronounce different the sounds, syllables and words in which sound [Z]... As soon as you hear it, clap your hands.

M - Z - R - Z - K - T - Z ...; MA - FOR - SO - ZO - PO - ZY - SI - ZI ...; ZEBRA - Poppy - FISH - CARE - CASTLE - PUMP - STRAWBERRY -…. ;

Well done, you did a wonderful job. Now let's compare sounds [Z], [З ’] among themselves. (Speech therapist conducts a comparative characteristic sounds.)

Sound [З] - consonant, sonorous, solid. We will designate it in blue.

Sound [З '] - consonant, sonorous, soft. We will mark it in green.

3. D / I "Pillow - stone"

The speech therapist invites children to determine which the sounds he will highlight with a voice in syllables and words in which it occurs sounds [Z], [З '].

Speech therapist: Now I will name the syllables and words that contain sounds [Z], [Z ’], and you must define soft or hard sound in a word and show the corresponding sign. (Appendix # 2)

FOR - ЗИ - ЗУ - ЗО - ЗЕ - ЗЫ - ЗЯ - ЗУ


4. Finger gymnastics "Castle"

Starting position: Press your palms together, interlace your fingers. Further, with movements, imitate the words of the poem.

There's a lock on the door

(Quickly connect fingers into a lock and disconnect)

Who could open it?


(Fingers - in the lock, pull without disengaging)


(Move the interlocking fingers away from you, towards you)


(Fingers remain in the lock, knock the bases of the palms together).

And they opened it!

(Disengage fingers).

5. D / I "Housewarming"

Speech therapist: Consider the houses lying on your table. Note that one house has a blue roof, and another green one. And also on your tables are cards with the image of objects in the name of which there is sounds [Z], [Z ’], you have to put them in houses. (Appendix # 3)

Speech therapist: What do you think the sounds will live in a house with a blue roof?

Children: In the names of which you hear a solid sound [Z].

Speech therapist: And in a house with a green roof?

Children: The names of which you hear soft sound [Z ’].

Speech therapist: Well done, in addition, pay attention, in each house there is a diagram by which you will recognize the place sound in a word: start, middle and end. Settle all the words - pictures, reasoning so: the word BASKET is soft sound [Z ’], so we will settle him in a house with a green roof, and himself sound is in the middle of a word, we put it in the center column. (Similarly, work with other words is carried out).

6. D / I "Make a proposal"

The speech therapist invites children to make sentences using a couple of pictures.

(Appendix No. 4)


7. Physical minutes "Bunnies"

White bunnies sit

And they move their ears.

Like this, like this,

And they move their ears.

Bunnies are cold to sit

We need to warm their paws.

Like this, like this,

We need to warm their paws.

Bunnies stand cold

We must dance to the bunnies.

Like this, like this,

We must dance to the bunnies.

Movements are performed in accordance with the text.

8. Work in a notebook.

Getting to know letter"Z"

Speech therapist: Look, here letter"Z"... (A card with a picture letters"Z").

Speech therapist: Find letter"Z" in his notebook. Run your finger over it (circle) and color it in blue pencil.

Print letter"Z" in your notebooks.

9. Working with the cashier letters... DI "Make up a word"

Children make up words from sounds: [K], [O], [Z], [A], [Z], [O], [N], [T], [Z], [I], [M], [A].

Spread out letters and print in a notebook sentence: Katya has an umbrella.

Sh. Outcome classes, assessment of children.

Guys, remember with what sound we met today at occupations?

Which one sound?

What color do we designate?

What did you like the most?


1. Agranovich Z. E. To help speech therapists and parents: Sat. home. tasks to overcome the underdevelopment of phonemes. the speeches of Art. preschoolers / ZE Agranovich; Artist. O. R. Hoffman. -SPb .: Childhood-Press, 2004.-147 p.

2. Kosinova E. Lessons from a speech therapist. Games for the development of speech. LLC Publishing House "Eksmo", 2011 .-- 174 p.

3. Limanskaya ON. First year learning... - M .: TC. Sphere, 2010 .-- 128 p. - (Speech therapist at a preschool educational institution).

4. Limanskaya O. N. Speech therapy lessons... Second year learning... - M .: TC. Sphere, 2010 .-- 176 p. - (Speech therapist at a preschool educational institution).

5. Mironova NM We develop phonemic perception. Plans class notes with older preschool children with speech impairments. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2010 .-- 48 p.

Program content: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [h], [z,] in speech, continue to teach how to determine the position of these sounds in words, improve the skills of children in conducting sound-letter analysis of a word, continue to develop phonemic hearing, continue to develop coherent speech, educate attention and perseverance.

Equipment: object pictures with sounds [h], [z,] (hare, castle, fence, tooth, winter, zebra, finch, umbrella, goat, mosaic, monkey, newspapers), letter Z, schemes for determining the position of sound in words, chips, cash registers, notebooks, pencils, symbolic daisies for reading.

I. Organizational moment.

1) Repetition of previously studied material.

The first to sit are those children who will name the words in which there is the sound n, and then those who will name the words with the sound n.

Children sit down in sequence. If there are difficulties, the speech therapist suggests remembering how a hard sound differs from a soft one, and characterizing the N and N sounds.

II. The main stage.

Topic message.

1. Learning new material.

The speech therapist shows two pictures depicting a Hare and a Zebra, and suggests identifying the first sounds in these words.

2. Working with sounds.

Pronunciation of sounds З, Зь. Observing articulation with plugging

acoustic and tactile-vibration control. Characteristic

articulation of sounds З, Зь:

  • lips in a smile;
  • the teeth are close together and create a barrier to the air stream;
  • the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth;
  • there is a strong, cold air jet in the middle of the tongue;
  • the vocal cords are working.

Children pronounce these sounds quietly at first, then loudly.

Children characterize the sounds Z, Zb:

З - consonant, hard, voiced; denoted in blue;

Зь - consonant, soft, voiced; denoted in green.

Speech therapist. How did you determine that the sounds З, Зь are consonants? (When we say them, the air stream meets an obstacle - teeth and tongue).

How did you determine that the sounds З, Зь are voiced? (While pronouncing the sounds Z, Z we put our hand to the neck - it trembles.)

What common? (Sounds З and Зь are consonants and voiced.)

How are these sounds different? (The sound Z is hard, the sound Z is soft.)

3. Development of phonemic hearing:

Differentiation of sounds by hardness-softness.

The speech therapist suggests taking a blue sound signal in the right hand, and in the left -

green. A speech therapist pronounces sounds, syllables, words with sounds Z, Z. Children on

each syllable raise the corresponding signal square. (Signal

blue to sound Z, green signal to sound Zb)

Z, M, O, P, Zb, Zb, Z, S, Y, L, L, Z, Z, Zb, Zb ...

AZ, UZ, AZ, MA, ZI, WE, VA, TO, UZ, ZY, ZY, AB, TU, ZYU, ZO, ZA, ZE ...

Zebra, umbrella, goat, mom, car, Zoya, cereals, winter, fence ...

4. Sounds in syllables.

A game "Remember and repeat" :

Children listen and pronounce syllables.

Visual gymnastics.

One - to the left, two - to the right,

Three - up, four - down.

And now we look in a circle,

To see the world better.

We train the eye muscle.

We'll see better soon

Make sure you now.

5. Sounds in words. Work with schemes and chips.

The speech therapist invites children to consider object pictures and determine

what sound is in each of these words z, or zh and indicate the position of the sound in

word. Children complete the task on their own, and then one of the children

announces what happened.

6. Physical education.

Our rest is a physical education minute. - (walking in place)

Take your seats:

Step on the spot left, right,

one and two, one and two!

Keep your back straight,

One and two, one and two!

And do not look under your feet, - (movements with your hands: to the sides, up, to the sides,

One and two, one and two!

7. Sounds [h], [z,] in a phrase.

Repeat tongue twisters:

For-for-for - here's a white goat.

Zu-su-zu - I'm herding a goat.

For-for-for - a goat in the meadow.

For-for-for - a goat grazes here.

For-for-for - a goat eats juicy grass.

Zy-zy-zy - the white goat will have milk.

Children, following the speech therapist, repeat phrases.

8. Development of coherent speech.

The speech therapist invites children to come up with their own phrasing with the sounds h, h.

9. Learning to read and write:

a) Acquaintance with the graphic representation of sounds [h], [z,]... Speech therapist

shows the children the letter Z and invites them to think about what the letter Z looks like, and

then write this letter in notebooks according to the pattern. Children are doing the task.

b) Working with cash registers. Laying out syllables for, knots, az.

The speech therapist invites children to add such a letter to the syllable az (at the beginning,

middle, or end) to make the word pelvis.

c) Sound-alphabetic analysis of the word TAZ. (consists of three sounds, one

syllables, give a characteristic to each sound).

d) Reading chamomile syllables.

10. The result of the GCD.

  1. What sounds did we remember with you today? Give their characteristics.
  2. What letter did we meet today?
  3. What I liked the most in today's lesson.

To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it: https://accounts.google.com

Slide captions:

Lesson presentation: Studying the letter Z, z.

I have six servants, Agile, daring. And everything that I see around, I know everything from them. They are at my call Come to me. Their name is How? and why? Who! What? When? And where?

Poster with diagrams: First word in the sentence Surnames, names, patronymics of people Nicknames of animals. Each line of the poem is Geographical Names.

For Zo Zu Zy Ze Zya Zyu Zi

"Reading algorithm". Read Understand I Explain Make sentences.

Patterns on glass


Public lesson

on literacy (reading).

1 "A" class

"We study the letter Z, z."

Prepared by:

Khafizova Fanuza Asgatovna,

Teacher of the 1st qualification category

Secondary school number 22 of the Soviet district of Kazan

Lesson topic: Studying the letter Z, z. (according to the teaching materials "Primary school XXI century").

The purpose of the lesson: Education and development of personality traits that meet

the requirements of the information society.

Lesson objectives: 1. To form the basic techniques of semantic reading

aBC page:

a) recognize and name the tasks of the textbook;

b) interpret the information received - reformulate

practical tasks (what to do?) into the educational tasks of the lesson (what will

teach yourself? how to do it?)

2. Build initial information gathering skills using

questions of a cognitive nature.

3. Develop skills in working with text and non-text information.

4. Teach children to answer questions about what they read.

5. Develop algorithmic and logical thinking.

6. Practice various methods of tracking planned


a) be able to ask questions of a cognitive and educational nature to

textbook page materials,

b) be able to listen, understand the question, using words from the question to answer,

c) be able to correlate the syllables read with a particular word in which

there is a given syllable,

d) independently carry out sound-letter analysis of the word based on

sound matrix and algorithm of sound-letter analysis.

Lesson equipment.

For students:

1. ABC book: Grade 1: a textbook for students of general education

institutions: at 2 hours 41./ L.E. Zhurov, A.O. Evdokimova. - M .: Ventana -

Graf, 2012.

2. Abacus.

For the teacher:

1. Cards with questionsAS? WHY? WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE?

2. Textbook "Primer".

3. List of educational tasks p. 88:

1) Acquaintance with new letters,

2) Sound analysis of words.

3) Reading syllables with this letter,

4) Reading and understanding words with a new letter,

5) Reading texts,

6) Working with illustrations.

4. Algorithm for the first task (Scheme):

1) We ask a question.

2) We listen to the answers.

3) We discuss, generalize.

5. Poster with the scheme "Capital letter work":

1) The first word in a sentence.

2) Surnames, names, patronymics of people.

3) Nicknames of animals.

4) Each line of the poem.

5) Geographic names.

6. Schemes: conduct a sound - letter analysis of words and divide the word

into syllables.

7 toy

8.Abak. Letters z, a, i, o, e, y, u, s, i.

9 syllables for, zo, zu, zi, ze, zy, zya, zi

10. "Reading Algorithm" poster:

1) I read.

2) I understand.

3) I explain.

4) I make proposals.

11. Dictionaries S.I.Ozhegov and N.Yu.Shvedov "Explanatory Dictionary of Russian

language "; A.A. Semenyuk, M.A. Matyushina "School sensible

dictionary of the Russian language ".

During the classes .

I. Organizational moment.

A schoolboy is not the one who goes to school, but the one who teaches himself and

gains new knowledge, calling for help from his faithful

assistants. Let's tell you who they are.Reading by children

poems by S.Ya. Marshak "I have six servants ..."

I have six servants

Agile, daring.

And all that I see around me

I know everything from them.

They are at my call

Come to me.

Their name is How? and why?

Who! What? When? And where?

These questions and true friends of students - textbooks help us

learn the secrets of native speech.

What is the name of the textbook that introduces us to the letters of Russian

alphabet, their secrets and helps you learn to read?


II. Statement of educational tasks.

Open the tutorial on p. 88.

Count how many learning tasks are on this page? 1, 2, 3 ... on

show your fingers.

How do we know this?(We look at how many tasks it offers

textbook and set educational tasks.)

1 task - Acquaintance with new letters.

(Educational task: find out how many secrets the letters З, З and which ones have.)

Task 2 - Sound - letter analysis of words (zebra, castle).

(Tutorial: Remember the order of highlighting sounds in a word,

ways to denote them with letters.)

3 task - Reading syllables with a new letter.

find words with each new syllable.)

4 task - Reading and understanding words with a new letter.

explain their meaning.)

5 task - Reading texts.

questions about what you read.)

6 task - Working with illustrations.

(Learning Problem: Compare what is written in the text with


III. Completing educational tasks.

1. - Let's start performing 1 task. Meet new


We will work according to the algorithm:

1.3 we ask the question.

2. We listen to the answers.

3. We discuss, generalize.

Ask cognitive questions.

(- What is the name of this letter?

Why did the artist draw two letters?)

Stand up those children who have a first or last name, patronymic

hides the letter Z, z.

In what position: at the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end of a word? - Stand up those children who live on Zavoisky Street, Zarya. - In what other cases is a capital letter written in a word?

(Repetition of the capitalization rule).

2. Let's get down to doing 2 tasks. Reading words by

picture and performing sound - letter analysis of words.

Read 1 word (2) from the picture.

What task does the textbook give you?

(The textbook tells us to do a sound-letter analysis of words.)

Divide words into syllables.

Name only the first syllable in the word zebra.

Name the vowel in this syllable.

What is the second syllable of this word?

What is the vowel letter of this syllable?

What is the first syllable of the word lock?

What are the vowel sounds in this word?

Compare the sounds of the words pointed to by the red arrow.

(In the word lock the sound is hard, and in the word zebra it is soft.)

Conclusion: The letter "Z" has two jobs: to denote soft and hard


We will learn about two more works of this cunning letter in 2 lessons.

IV. Physical education.

What does the letter Z look like?

Z is not just a curl, Z is a spring, pretzel, shavings. Read the bunny tongue twister on the chalkboard.

The sultry bunny's name is Zaznayka.

What have you noticed?

(The letter Z is hidden in every word.).

V. 3 task. Reading syllables with a new letter. Working with syllabic

abacus. 1. -

The bunny loves to play, call each other, make up syllables, so that later

come up with words with them. Let's play. Take the abacus. AT

put the letter Z in the first window.

The bunny will show the letter a - we will answer firmly - for,

The bunny will show the letter I - we will answer softly - zya, ..

2. - In what words is there a syllable for (zo, zu, zi, ze)?

(Dawn, zoo, bison, winter, grain, ...).

Vi. 4 task. Reading columns of words. Work in pairs.

Reading algorithm:

1.) I read.

2.) I understand.

3.) Explain.

4.) I make proposals.

We will carry out this task in pairs, alternating, reading on

queues of 1 word. (1 minute)

2. Checking the self-reading of words.

Let's check our work.

1, 2 column.

What letter did you replace in the first word to get the second? (Replace "n" with "m", "l" with "k".)

3 column.

How many objects does the first word represent? Second?

Make a sentence with the first word 4 columns. With the second word.

(Know the rules of the road. Bunny sits under a bush.)

VII Physics minute. VII I ... 5 task. P. 89 Read the words in the first column. (dawn, castle, tan, splinter) - What do these words have in common? (The first syllable is for). Make sentences with these words. - Read the words of the second column. (Rose, thunderstorm, splinter, eyes) Make sentences with these words. We read and work with the text.

1. - How many offers are there from 89?

How did you know?

In Russian, there will be sentences consisting of one word.

Let's read the first sentence together.

What is it about?

(About winter).

We read the second sentence.

What is it about? (It's frosty outside). - We read the third sentence. - What did you learn from the third sentence? (There are different patterns on the window). - Who of you observed this natural phenomenon in winter? - What did you see on the windows of your apartment? - - What other natural phenomena did you observe in winter? (Snow, ice, blizzard, frost).

6 task. We correlate the read text with the illustration.

Those who want to can draw an illustration for


7 task. Read the words on the second half of the page. Match each word with a picture. What are the words that consist of 2 syllables. How many syllables are in the words mirror, mimosa, hairpin? - Prove it.IX Let's summarize the lesson.

1. - How many learning tasks did we set at the beginning of the lesson? Succeeded

should we fulfill them?

2. If you liked the work in the lesson, draw on your

a leaf of a flower.

If the tasks of the lesson were still difficult for you and not everything

still it turns out, do not be upset: very soon we will master them and
