The sun shines brightly on the steppe in the blue sky. "The plural of nouns"

Tests in the Russian language (grade 4)

1 quarter

Control vocabulary dictation №1.

Milk, sparrow, crow, city, cow, frost, magpie, good, peas, road, hammer, straw, defense, about.

What unites these words?

What two groups can they be divided into?

Control dictation No. 1 "Parts of Speech"

Autumn Walk.

A group of schoolchildren went to the trans-river park in the fall. Aspen trees turned red, birches turned yellow. Bunches of berries are ripe on rowan trees.

The guys went along the forest path to the clearing. A fluffy spruce forest grows all around. Young Christmas trees are turning green. A clean spring gushes from the ground. The guys collected twigs and branches. The boys lit a merry fire on the bank of the river.

The forest was very quiet. The children sat around the fire. Seryozha filled the kettle with water. It's time to brew tea. Anna and Emma treated the children to cookies. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

The joyful guys returned from the walk.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write out from the text two words for each part of speech.

2. Write out from the text three words with a checked unstressed vowel and three words with a paired consonant, write next to test word.

3. Write out two words from the text: one - in which there are more sounds than letters; the second - in which there are fewer sounds than letters.

Test No. 1 "Homogeneous members of the proposal."

1. Write down, add punctuation marks:

Shoots rarely and accurately.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The sun is shining, but it does not warm.

2. Add homogeneous members offers. Emphasize which members of the proposal they are:

Apples grew in the garden ……… ...

The wind blew ….. ….. .

3. Parse words by composition:

Transportation, sunshine, feeding.

We, us, under, ah, through, from behind, ay, from under, near, from, and, but.

5. Write off, add punctuation marks. Underline the main members of the sentence, sign the parts of speech:

The leaf covered the ground with a variegated soft rustling carpet.

Option 2.

1. Write down, add punctuation marks:

Think first and act later.

Actions speak louder than words.

Take a walk but don't forget your business.

2. Add homogeneous members of the sentence. Emphasize which members of the proposal they are:

I have a cat in my house …… …….

The brook murmured …… …….

3 ... Parse words by composition:

Fiction, worker, forest.

4. Write down, underline prepositions:

We, a, us, under, ah, through, from behind, ay, and, near, from, but, from under.

5. Write off, place punctuation marks. Underline the main members of the sentence, sign the parts of speech:

The forest, thought and looked at the pale but low and gloomy sky. 4.


Examination number 2 "Declination of nouns"

1. Decline the noun trail

2. Insert nouns that are suitable for the meaning, indicate their case:

Don't put ___________ on the fire.

No ________ without fire.

The new __________ sweeps well.

It bites a grain and is full.

_______________ is filled with hearing.

Words for references: chicken, oil, broom, earth, smoke.

3. Make up phrases, using nouns in the required case, indicate the case:

Exhibition, visit; out, window, look; silence, enjoy; in, reflected, water.

4. Write down non-declining nouns:

Window, subway, coat, country, coffee, mountain, highway, number, milk, cocoa.

5. In this sentence, indicate the case of nouns. Parse one noun (optional) as part of speech:

A dry leaf on a birch was waiting for a sharp gust of wind.

Control vocabulary dictation №2.

Harvester, car, passenger, beautiful, farm, yesterday, road, ahead, library, yellow, collective, back, agronomist, good, village

Control dictation No. 2 "Spelling of unstressed endings of nouns"


Once the fisherman Mahmoud went to sea. By evening, a storm broke out. The waves rocked the boat. Mahmoud was lying at the bottom of the boat. He gripped the life mattress tightly. A huge wave hit the fisherman. Mahmoud fell out of the boat along with the mattress.

The night has come. The storm began to subside. And suddenly a flock of dolphins surrounded Mahmud. One dolphin pushed the mattress with its head. All night long the dolphins pushed the mattress to the shore. The salt was eating away at my back. Mahmoud groaned in pain and fatigue. From the tower we noticed a flock of dolphins and a man. Help soon arrived.

Words for information: Mahmoud, dolphin, mattress, played out.

Grammar tasks:

    Parse sentences by members, write down phrases.

A huge wave hit the fisherman.

    Determine the declension and case of a noun:

At the bottom of the boat….

Pushed to the shore ... ..

Moaning in pain ... ..


Control vocabulary dictation number 3.

Russia, electricity, power plant, kilogram, engineer, director, address, station, from afar, shore, excavator, black, neat, now, Saturday.

Control dictation No. 3 "Generalization of knowledge about the adjective and noun"

Winter night in the forest.

Frost taps on the trunks and branches of the trees. Soft frost flies like flakes. Bright stars lit up in the dark, high sky.

Quiet in the winter forest. But even on frosty nights there is a hidden life.

Here a frozen branch crunched into the thicket. It was a white hare running under the trees.

Here on the smooth snow a ferret runs after the mouse. Owls fly over the snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a large-headed gray owlet perched on a bare knot. In the darkness of the night, he clearly sees how the life hidden from people goes on in the winter forest.

Words for reference: white hare, sees.

Grammar task:

1. Disassemble by members:

1st option - first sentence.

2nd option - third sentence.

2. Determine the case of adjectives in the third paragraph.


Full name _____________________________________ Class 4 -______ Date _________

1.In what words is b written?

a) n ... eh, b) s ... edible, c) to ... reveal, d) about ... unity.

2. Find words with prefixes:

a) (c) above, b) (from) having lunch, c) (from) driving, d) (from) the building.

3. Find an extra word:

a) night ..., b) ray ..., c) help ..., d) youth ....

4. Find the opposite of the word CLEAR.

a) cold, b) light, c) dark, d) rainy.

5. Find a noun in R. p.

a) looked through the door, b) sat near the fence, c) plucked a lilac, d) buy a raincoat.

6. Find sentences with homogeneous members:

A) The wind played with ears of wheat, rye.

B) A crust of ice covered the lake, pond.

C) The leaves have darkened, the wind swirls them through the air.

D) In \u200b\u200bthe sultry steppe, an ear swaying in the wind.

7. In what words the ending -I?

a) to the palm ..., b) to the palm ..., c) to the pier ..., d) to the sirens ....

8. Indicate words in which there are more sounds than letters.

a) morning, b) deer, c) ash, d) apple.

9. Indicate the words in which only voiceless consonants:

a) I drink, b) a fairy tale, c) quiet, d) sharp.

10. In what words does the ending -YU?

a) in the mighty…. power, b) in recent .... meeting, c) reigning…. dynasty, d) in burning…. wave.


1) b, c, d, 2) b, c, 3) b, 4) d, 5) b, 6) a, 7) a, c, d, 8) d, 9) b, c, 10) b.


Control vocabulary dictation number 4.

Travel, sixteen, passenger, electric locomotive, newspaper, excursion, twelve, metal, distance, chauffeur, hello, goodbye, yellow, harvester, trolleybus.

Control dictation No. 4 "Verb conjugation"

Spring in the steppe.

Steppe. IN blue sky the sun shines brightly. You look - all the fields are around. The wind drives waves across the green sea of \u200b\u200bwheat. Here is the river sparkling in the sun. On both banks of it, flocks of sheep, herds of cows, herds of horses graze. In spring, pastures in the steppe are covered with fresh green herbs. The reeds are rustling on the shore. Various sounds are heard in the silence. You can hear the barking of dogs, the clapping of the shepherd's whip, and the plaintive cry of lambs. In the swamps, they try the voices of the frog. The sounds of this steppe life merge into a large orchestra.

Grammar task:

1.Determine the tense, conjugation, person, number of verbs: shines, sparkles, tastes, makes noise.

2. Parse verb LOOK 3 as part of speech.

3. Sort out the words: plaintive, voices, drives, reeds.

Control statement.

Once I went down to the sea and saw a little penguin. He has just grown three fluffs on his head and a short tail.

He watched the adult penguins bathe. The rest of the chicks stood by the stones heated by the sun. The little penguin stood on the rock for a long time. He was afraid to throw himself into the sea. Finally he made up his mind and went to the edge of the cliff.

A little naked penguin was standing on the edge. It was blown away by the wind. Out of fear, the baby closed his eyes and threw himself down. I emerged, climbed onto the stones and looked at the sea in surprise.

It was a brave little penguin. He was the first to swim in the cold sea.

Grammar task:

Think about how best to title the text?

Words for reference: little penguin, swim, rush, climbed out.

Control dictation on the topic: "Spelling of words with checked unstressed vowels in the root, paired consonants, unpronounceable and doubled consonants" Autumn walk A group of schoolchildren went to the park in the fall. Aspen trees turned red, birches turned yellow. The bunches of berries are ripe on the mountain ash. The guys went along the forest path to the clearing. A fluffy spruce forest grows all around. Young Christmas trees are turning green. A clean spring gushes from the ground. The guys collected twigs and branches. The boys lit a merry fire on the bank of the river. The forest was very quiet. The children sat around the fire. Seryozha filled the kettle with water. It's time to brew tea. Anna and Emma treated the children to cookies. On the way home, everyone sang songs. The joyful guys returned from the walk. Grammar assignment: 1. Write out from the text three words with a checked unstressed vowel and three words with a paired consonant, write a test next to each word. 2. Write out two words from the text: one - in which there are more sounds than letters; the second - in which there are fewer sounds than letters. Control dictation on the topic: "Homogeneous members of the sentence" Bear cub. Once hunters drove a bear out of a den. And in the den, someone is screaming. Gennady Grigorievich pulled the bear cub out of the den. He carried the baby to the village in a jacket. The bear was very curious. There were flowers on the window. The kid caught on with his claws, pulled the pot with his teeth. He swayed and fell. The flower turned out to be sour and juicy. A fat and appetizing worm crawled out of the pile of earth. He crawled, wriggled. The worm was delicious too. The hunter shook his finger at the baby. The bear hid behind the stove and grumbled. Grammar assignment: 1. Disassemble the sentence by members: A fat and appetizing worm crawled out of the heap of earth. 2. Make and write down a sentence using homogeneous members: in the forest, in the field, in the garden. Control dictation on the topic: "Declination of nouns" Cranes The cranes were preparing to fly. On the golden days of autumn, they circled over their native swamp. So slender shoals were drawn to warm countries. Cranes flew over forests, fields, noisy cities. Rivers, mountains and seas remained below. In the deep forest, the birds made their rest. An early dawn appeared in the east. The sensitive cranes are already awake. Will rise soon bright sun... We will hear the birds' farewell voices. The cranes will fly high. Goodbye! See you in the spring, cranes! Grammar assignment: 1. Disassemble the sentence by members: Cranes flew over forests, fields, noisy cities. 2. Determine the case of the nouns of the second part. Control dictation on the topic: "Spelling the endings of nouns" Dolphins are our friends. Once the fisherman Mahmoud went to sea. By evening, a storm broke out. The waves rocked the boat. Mahmoud was lying at the bottom of the boat. He gripped the life mattress tightly. A huge wave hit the fisherman. Mahmoud fell out of the boat along with the mattress. The night has come. The storm began to subside. And suddenly a flock of dolphins surrounded Mahmud. One dolphin pushed the mattress with its head. All night long the dolphins pushed the mattress to the shore. The salt was eating away at my back. Mahmoud groaned in pain and fatigue. From the tower we noticed a flock of dolphins and a man. Help soon arrived. Grammar task: 1. Parse the sentences by members, write down the phrases. A huge wave hit the fisherman. 2. Determine the declension and case of the noun: at the bottom of the boat, pushed to the shore, moaning in pain. Control dictation on the topic: " Plural nouns "Good deed. The weather has changed. By morning, the whole neighborhood was shrouded in thick fog. A sharp wind blew. Frost crackled. Inna and Gennady went to a neighboring village for a big holiday. The holiday was fun. The children returned home happy. They walked through the winter." Rarely along the edges there were trees. The branches were covered with snow. Suddenly Gena saw two birds. They were lying on the side of the road barely alive. The birds will die from the frost. We must take them home. The guys brought the birds home. They will come to life. Inna and Gennady did good. Grammar assignment: 1. Determine the case in the sentences: They walked along the winter road. Rarely came across trees at the edges. The branches were covered with snow. 2. Sort out the words: lay, winter, snow. Control dictation on the topic: "Spelling of endings. names of masculine and neuter adjectives "Winter night in the forest. Frost is tapping on the trunks and branches of trees. Soft frost is flying like flakes. Bright stars lit up in the dark high sky. Quietly. in the winter forest. But even on frosty nights there is a hidden life. Here a frozen branch crunched into the thicket. It was a white hare running under the trees. Here on the smooth snow a ferret runs after the mouse. Owls fly over the snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a large-headed gray owlet perched on a bare knot. In the darkness of the night, he clearly sees how the life hidden from people goes on in the winter forest. Grammar assignment: 1. Analyze the first sentence by members. 2. Determine the case of the adjectives in the third paragraph. Control dictation on the topic: "Change of verbs by tenses, the form of the verb is indefinite" Life is saved. There is a working village in a beautiful area. In winter, the roads are covered with snow. It is difficult for residents of the village to reach the nearest settlement. One day a man fell seriously ill in the village. He had to be urgently sent to the hospital. But how to prepare the landing site for the helicopter? Even on the river there is a thick layer of snow. The local school students decided to help. In the early morning they all came to the river, joined hands and began to trample the snow. By evening, the site was ready. The helicopter landed and in the morning delivered the patient to the city. Grammar assignment: 1. Write out 2 verbs from the text in the past tense, present and indefinite form. 2. Disassemble the proposal by members: In a beautiful area is a working village. Control dictation

Tests in the Russian language (grade 4)

1 quarter

Control vocabulary dictation №1.

Milk, sparrow, crow, city, cow, frost, magpie, good, peas, road, hammer, straw, defense, about.

What unites these words?

What two groups can they be divided into?

Control dictation No. 1 "Parts of Speech"

Autumn Walk.

A group of schoolchildren went to the trans-river park in the fall. Aspen trees turned red, birches turned yellow. Bunches of berries are ripe on rowan trees.

The guys went along the forest path to the clearing. A fluffy spruce forest grows all around. Young Christmas trees are turning green. A clean spring gushes from the ground. The guys collected twigs and branches. The boys lit a merry fire on the bank of the river.

The forest was very quiet. The children sat around the fire. Seryozha filled the kettle with water. It's time to brew tea. Anna and Emma treated the children to cookies. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

The joyful guys returned from the walk.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write out from the text two words for each part of speech.

2. Write out from the text three words with a checked unstressed vowel and three words with a paired consonant, write the test word next to it.

3. Write out two words from the text: one - in which there are more sounds than letters; the second - in which there are fewer sounds than letters.

Test number 1 "Homogeneous members of the proposal."

  1. option

1. Write down, place punctuation marks:

Shoots rarely and accurately.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The sun is shining, but it does not warm.

2. Add homogeneous members of the sentence. Emphasize which members of the proposal they are:

Apples grew in the garden ……… ...

The wind blew ….. ….. .

3. Parse words by composition:

Transportation, sunshine, feeding.

We, us, under, ah, through, from behind, ay, from under, near, from, and, but.

5. Write off, add punctuation marks. Underline the main members of the sentence, sign the parts of speech:

The leaf covered the ground with a variegated soft rustling carpet.

Option 2.

1. Write down, add punctuation marks:

Think first and act later.

Actions speak louder than words.

Take a walk but don't forget your business.

2. Add homogeneous members of the sentence. Emphasize which members of the proposal they are:

I have a cat in my house …… …….

The brook murmured …… …….

3 ... Parse words by composition:

Fiction, worker, forest.

4. Write down, underline prepositions:

We, a, us, under, ah, through, from behind, ay, and, near, from, but, from under.

5. Write off, place punctuation marks. Underline the main members of the sentence, sign the parts of speech:

The forest, thought and looked at the pale but low and gloomy sky. 4.


Examination number 2 "Declination of nouns"

1. Decline the noun trail

2. Insert nouns that are suitable for the meaning, indicate their case:

Don't put ___________ on the fire.

No ________ without fire.

The new __________ sweeps well.

It bites a grain and is full.

_______________ is filled with hearing.

Words for references: chicken, oil, broom, earth, smoke.

3. Make up phrases, using nouns in the required case, indicate the case:

Exhibition, visit; out, window, look; silence, enjoy; in, reflected, water.

4. Write down non-declining nouns:

Window, subway, coat, country, coffee, mountain, highway, number, milk, cocoa.

5. In this sentence, indicate the case of nouns. Parse one noun (optional) as part of speech:

A dry leaf on a birch was waiting for a sharp gust of wind.

Control vocabulary dictation №2.

Harvester, car, passenger, beautiful, farm, yesterday, road, ahead, library, yellow, collective, back, agronomist, good, village

Control dictation No. 2 "Spelling of unstressed endings of nouns"


Once the fisherman Mahmoud went to sea. By evening, a storm broke out. The waves rocked the boat. Mahmoud was lying at the bottom of the boat. He gripped the life mattress tightly. A huge wave hit the fisherman. Mahmoud fell out of the boat along with the mattress.

The night has come. The storm began to subside. And suddenly a flock of dolphins surrounded Mahmud. One dolphin pushed the mattress with its head. All night long dolphins pushed the mattress to the shore. The salt was eating away at my back. Mahmoud groaned in pain and fatigue. From the tower we noticed a flock of dolphins and a man. Help soon arrived.

Words for information: Mahmoud, dolphin, mattress, played out.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Parse sentences by members, write down phrases.

A huge wave hit the fisherman.

  1. Determine the declension and case of a noun:

At the bottom of the boat….

Pushed to the shore ... ..

Moaning in pain ... ..

  1. fourth.

Control vocabulary dictation number 3.

Russia, electricity, power plant, kilogram, engineer, director, address, station, from afar, shore, excavator, black, neat, now, Saturday.

Control dictation No. 3 "Generalization of knowledge about the adjective and noun"

Winter night in the forest.

Frost taps on the trunks and branches of the trees. Soft frost flies like flakes. Bright stars lit up in the dark, high sky.

Quiet in the winter forest. But even on frosty nights there is a hidden life.

Here a frozen branch crunched into the thicket. It was a white hare running under the trees.

Here on the smooth snow a ferret runs after the mouse. Owls fly over the snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a large-headed gray owlet perched on a bare knot. In the darkness of the night, he clearly sees how the life hidden from people goes on in the winter forest.

Words for reference:white hare, sees.

Grammar task:

1. Disassemble by members:

1st option - first sentence.

2nd option - third sentence.

2. Determine the case of adjectives in the third paragraph.


Full name _____________________________________ Class 4 -______ Date _________

1.In what words is b written?

A) p ... eh, b) c ... edible, c) about ... show, d) about ... unity.

2. Find words with prefixes:

A) (c) higher, b) (from) lunch, c) (from) drive, d) (from) the building.

3. Find an extra word:

A) night…, b) ray…, c) help…, d) youth….

4. Find the opposite of the word CLEAR.

A) cold, b) light, c) dark, d) rainy.

5. Find a noun in R. p.

A) looked through the door, b) sat near the fence, c) plucked a lilac, d) buy a raincoat.

6. Find sentences with homogeneous members:

A) The wind played with ears of wheat, rye.

B) A crust of ice covered the lake, pond.

C) The leaves have darkened, the wind swirls them through the air.

D) In \u200b\u200bthe sultry steppe, an ear swaying in the wind.

7. In what words the ending -I?

A) to the palm ..., b) to the palm ..., c) to the pier ..., d) to the sirens ....

8. Indicate words in which there are more sounds than letters.

A) morning, b) deer, c) ash, d) apple.

9. Indicate the words in which only voiceless consonants:

A) I drink, b) a fairy tale, c) quiet, d) sharp.

10. In what words does the ending -YU?

A) in the mighty…. power, b) in recent .... meeting, c) reigning…. dynasty, d) in burning…. wave.


1) b, c, d, 2) b, c, 3) b, 4) d, 5) b, 6) a, 7) a, c, d, 8) d, 9) b, c, 10) b.

  1. FOURTH.

Control vocabulary dictation number 4.

Travel, sixteen, passenger, electric locomotive, newspaper, excursion, twelve, metal, distance, chauffeur, hello, goodbye, yellow, harvester, trolleybus.

Control dictation No. 4 "Verb conjugation"

Spring in the steppe.

Steppe. The sun shines brightly in the blue sky. You look - all the fields are around. The wind drives waves across the green sea of \u200b\u200bwheat. Here is the river sparkling in the sun. On both banks of it, flocks of sheep, herds of cows, herds of horses graze. In spring, pastures in the steppe are covered with fresh green herbs. The reeds rustle on the shore. Various sounds are heard in the silence. You can hear the barking of dogs, the clapping of the shepherd's whip and the plaintive cry of lambs. In the swamps, they try the voices of the frog. The sounds of this steppe life merge into a large orchestra.

Grammar task:

1.Determine the tense, conjugation, person, number of verbs:shines, sparkles, tastes, makes noise.

2. Parse verbLOOK 3 as part of speech.

3. Sort out the words:plaintive, voices, drives, reeds.

Control statement.

Once I went down to the sea and saw a little penguin. He has just grown three fluffs on his head and a short tail.

He watched the adult penguins bathe. The rest of the chicks stood by the stones heated by the sun. The little penguin stood on the rock for a long time. He was afraid to throw himself into the sea. Finally he made up his mind and went to the edge of the cliff.

A little naked penguin was standing on the edge. It was blown away by the wind. Out of fear, the baby closed his eyes and threw himself down. I emerged, scrambled onto the rocks and looked at the sea in surprise.

It was a brave little penguin. He was the first to swim in the cold sea.

Grammar task:

Think about how best to title the text?

Words for reference:little penguin, swim, rush, climbed out.

Control dictation on the topic:

"Spelling of words with checked unstressed vowels at the root, paired consonants, unpronounceable and doubled consonants"

Autumn Walk

A group of schoolchildren went to the park in the fall. Aspen trees turned red, birches turned yellow. The bunches of berries are ripe on the mountain ash.

The guys went along the forest path to the clearing. A fluffy spruce forest grows all around. Young Christmas trees are turning green. A clean spring gushes from the ground. The guys collected twigs and branches. The boys lit a merry fire on the bank of the river.

The forest was very quiet. The children sat around the fire. Seryozha filled the kettle with water. It's time to brew tea. Anna and Emma treated the children to cookies. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

The joyful guys returned from the walk.

Grammar task:

    Write out three words with a checked unstressed vowel and three words with a paired consonant from the text, write a test next to each word.

    Write out two words from the text: one - in which there are more sounds than letters; the second - in which there are fewer sounds than letters.

Control dictation on the topic:

"Homogeneous members of the proposal"

Teddy bear.

Once hunters drove a bear out of a den. And in the den, someone is screaming. Gennady Grigorievich pulled the bear cub out of the den. He carried the baby to the village in a jacket.

The bear was very curious. There were flowers on the window. The kid caught on with his claws, pulled the pot with his teeth. He swayed and fell. The flower turned out to be sour and juicy. A fat and appetizing worm crawled out of the pile of earth. He crawled, wriggled. The worm was delicious too.

The hunter shook his finger at the baby. The bear hid behind the stove and grumbled.

Grammar task:

    Disassemble the sentence by members: A fat and appetizing worm crawled out of the heap of earth.

    Compose and write down a sentence using homogeneous members: in the forest, in the field, in the garden

Control dictation on the topic:

"Declination of nouns"


The cranes were preparing for departure. On the golden days of autumn, they circled over their native swamp. So slender shoals were drawn to warm countries.

Cranes flew over forests, fields, noisy cities. Rivers, mountains and seas remained below. In the deep forest, the birds made their rest.

An early dawn appeared in the east. The sensitive cranes are already awake.

The bright sun will rise soon. We will hear the birds' farewell voices. The cranes will fly high. Goodbye! See you in the spring, cranes!

Grammar task:

    Disassemble the proposal by members: Cranes flew over forests, fields, noisy cities.

    Determine the case of the nouns of the second part.

Control dictation on the topic:

"Spelling the endings of nouns"

Dolphins are our friends.

Once the fisherman Mahmoud went to sea. By evening, a storm broke out. The waves rocked the boat.

Mahmoud was lying at the bottom of the boat. He gripped the life mattress tightly. A huge wave hit the fisherman. Mahmoud fell out of the boat along with the mattress.

The night has come. The storm began to subside. And suddenly a flock of dolphins surrounded Mahmud. One dolphin pushed the mattress with its head. All night long dolphins pushed the mattress to the shore. The salt was eating away at my back. Mahmoud groaned in pain and fatigue.

From the tower we noticed a flock of dolphins and a man. Help soon arrived.

Grammar task:

    Parse the sentences by members, write down phrases. A huge wave hit the fisherman.

    Determine the declension and case of a noun:

at the bottom of the boat, pushed ashore, moaning in pain.

Control dictation on the topic:

"The plural of nouns"

Good a business.

The weather has changed. By morning, the entire neighborhood was shrouded in thick fog. A sharp wind blew. The frost crackled.

Inna and Gennady went to a neighboring village for a big holiday. It was fun at the party. The children returned home happy. They walked along the winter road. Rarely did trees come across the edges. The branches were covered with snow.

Suddenly Gena saw two birds. They lay on the side of the road barely alive. The birds will die from the frost. We must take them home.

The guys brought the birds home. They will come to life. Inna and Gennady did a good deed.

Grammar task:

    Determine the case in the sentences: They walked along the winter road. Rarely did trees come across the edges. The branches were covered with snow.

    Sort out the words: lay, winter, snow.

Control dictation on the topic:

"Spelling the endings of masculine and neuter adjectives"

Winter night in the forest.

Frost taps on the trunks and branches of the trees. Soft frost flies in flakes. Bright stars lit up in the dark, high sky.

Quiet in the winter forest. But even on frosty nights there is a hidden life.

Here a frozen branch crunched into the thicket. It was a white hare running under the trees.

Here on the smooth snow a ferret runs after a mouse. Owls fly over the snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a large-headed gray owlet perched on a bare knot. In the darkness of the night, he clearly sees how the life hidden from people goes on in the winter forest.

Grammar task:

    Disassemble the first sentence by member.

    Determine the case of the adjectives in the third paragraph.

Control dictation on the topic:

"Change of verbs by tenses, indefinite form of the verb"

Life is saved.

There is a working village in a beautiful area. In winter, the roads are covered with snow. It is difficult for residents of the village to reach the nearest settlement.

Once in the village a man fell seriously ill. He had to be urgently sent to the hospital. But how to prepare the landing site for the helicopter? Even on the river there is a thick layer of snow.

The local school students decided to help. In the early morning they all came to the river, joined hands and began to trample the snow. By evening, the site was ready. The helicopter landed and in the morning delivered the patient to the city.

Grammar task:

    Write out 2 verbs from the text in the past tense, present and indefinite form.

    Disassemble the proposal by members: In a beautiful area, there is a working village.

Control dictation

Perhaps not a single artist, not a single writer can reflect all the diversity and unique beauty of the Orenburg steppe. Either flat and endless, now rearing - hilly with copses and ravines, it stretches from edge to edge for hundreds of kilometers. Snow-covered and cold in winter, it sparkles and dazzles the eyes on a sunny day with millions of diamond sparks, further emphasizing its infinity.
Climb the highest mountain or look out of an airplane window, but even then you will not see its edge merging with the Kazakh steppe in the south and the Ural forests in the north.
On a frosty winter day, the steppe is filled with silence, broken occasionally by the squeak of the titmouse in the copses, and the chill of lonely crows. But the winter silence is deceiving, the sky is gradually tightening with haze, and now the steppe wind is blowing and whistling, carrying and spinning the snowy whirlpool, absorbing both sounds and horizons, driving all living things into their winter housing. At this time, it is better not to argue with the elements, there is no equal to it in nature, unless a lone wolf in anguish will howl somewhere in the gully, echoing the howl and whistle of a raging blizzard. But the wind will gradually subside, the snow will settle, the clouds will dissipate, the sky will turn blue, and again the sun and peace dominate the steppe.
Time flies, blizzards subside, the sun rises higher and higher above the horizon, it shines brighter from the bottomless blue sky, and now the snow on the hillocks has begun to grow, darkened and dripped in an emerald drop at noon. Finally, the day comes when the drops merge into a puddle and it runs out in the first ringing spring stream. And as if nature burst through, streams rumbled, ravines rustled and rushed into the rivers, swelled from the melt water of the river, pushed off a meter-long ice and rushed in a stormy stream through meadows, floodplain forest and, sometimes, nearby villages. The steppe woke up, roused itself, rustled and began to decorate itself on thawed patches with spring adonis, irises, sleep with grass and other flowers inherent only to it, hurrying to escape from the earth to the sun and warmth.
The steppe rang, hundreds of larks split the azure sky with their trills, rooks scream in the copses, countless meadow birds sing. Is it really possible to enumerate everything that sings and rejoices in spring in the steppe, The steppe shimmers like a carpet, breathes spring smells, sings its unrestrained spring song.
But gradually everything calms down, the rivers subside and enter their banks, the ravines dry up, the grass in the meadows and hollows becomes ever higher and juicier. Birds sing less and less, only their individual squeak and whistle remind of summer, of the annual concern of all living things to continue their race, to breed and feed chicks, to go out to a vain fluffy tribe of sherry, hamsters and other animals as survivors in the harsh winter time.
And the sun is getting hotter and hotter on the hills and plains, and now the hot July dry wind is stirring and smoothing the gray, curly feather-grass hills, as it drives endless feather-grass waves across the plains, swaying steppe grasses and grain fields. But more and more the heat dries up the lush greenery, more and more yellowness among the flowering meadows, the earth is drier and more and more often it breathes hot dust and heat. And only a few thunderstorm squalls and showers refresh the steppe, sweep by streams of muddy water. And then suddenly the steppe will breathe again with the aroma of herbs and bread, will ring with belated songs of steppe birds until the dried earth absorbs moisture and the sultry sun dries it up and lifts it into the azure sky.
And again time runs. The sun still shines brightly from the firmament, but the summer days are getting shorter, the morning dawns are growing deeper, the August nights are getting longer and cooler. And now the first, as always unwanted morning frost burned the steppe dried up by the summer heat, hurried all living things with preparation for winter and flight. The steppe has turned gray. Where did her lush herbs and flowers go? She looks sadly into the October rains and slush. For a while, the bushes and coppices blushed in the Indian summer season, the next week they adorned with their crimson and golden foliage and the leaves rustled as they flew off in calm clear weather, then on a windy chilly autumn day.
The earth subsided. Somehow imperceptibly the summer birds disappeared, the colors of autumn gradually faded away. The steppe has prepared for a long winter sleep. And now the first autumn snow fell on the wet ground, lay all night and melted. But the days are getting colder, less and less stingy. The autumn sun illuminates the earth with a pale light. First puddles freeze, then lakes and rivers. The steppe is getting cold. And again it is covered from edge to edge with white snow blanket, and again the wind hums and whistles in the lonely blades of dry grass, still sticking out from under a small snow cover, and again somewhere there, in the copse, the steppe wolf howls lonely and sadly, announcing the arrival of a harsh and long winter in the sleeping Orenburg steppe.