Dictation of crossbills. Control and examination work in the Russian language for the II quarter

Dictations in Russian for grade 4

In winter

The fields turned white. The river was covered with ice, fell asleep, as in a fairy tale. Winter walks through the mountains, through forests, through valleys.

Here the wind blew off the white cap from a hillock in the clearing. The early sun came out and lit up the treetops. Red and green lights lit on fluffy snow, Well in the winter forest! The skis glide easily on the soft carpet.

Silence! The bear sleeps in a den. A prickly hedgehog in a hole closed with dry leaves. The cunning fox made a home. A cowardly hare sleeps under a bush during the day, and eats tree bark at night.

Mighty oak

A mighty oak tree grew on the edge. He was the most prominent in the area. The giant stood and surveyed the whole area, the foliage rustled softly. The emerald grass under the tree lay in a lush carpet.
Once people came to the oak and put benches. Now people crowded here from morning until late evening. The freshness attracted everyone. Children loved to play at the edge of the forest. The oak gave joy to everyone. It's good to sit on soft grass! It has become a favorite vacation spot.

Blooming linden

I walked through the forest and caught the strong smell of linden. I turned off the path and headed for the edge. The tree was blooming. “It will win any beauty contest,” I thought. Lipa complained: "An inept tailor was sewing clouds today." I threw back my head and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind throws her snow-white clothes aside. All the surrounding lindens were preparing for the flowering ball. The mushroom rain has started. A joyful ray of the sun peeped out through the cloud, a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow over the dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful outfit at the holiday. (87 words)

(According to A. Trofimov)

Be able to control yourself

A person must suppress anger, a bad mood in himself. Every day in life is not joyful and successful. Monkeys in moments of excitement beat themselves in the chest, the dog growls and bares its teeth, the elephant waving its trunk. A person is obliged to control himself! Endurance is appreciated by people, but not easy. You sat down to play with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. But now you are losing. Immediately you become suspicious, you check every move, you argue, you quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself: "My friend was stronger." Master your senses. Self-control will serve you good service... (82 words)

Forest miracle

F andvet somewhere in the world is smallen bkaya fairy. She has no one to play withb, so she ran away somehow into the forest. Goes towards leinand the little fairy l bwow never notsaw. Zarych andl he is menacing, pr andsat down, by the way fku cook tsya! And the fairy smiles tenderlytsya, play b collecting with him tsya... Oud andvlya is a lion! Why its not a fighttsya? Is it bad or x aboutr aboutsho? FROM erdi be need or see ei be?.

Etc aboutt inula fairy l bwoo magic fellpointat. Lion sn andh andla left to fell glasses P aboutd aboutwalked, n aboutthe volume on the right. And sonot took. But with erdi be no way notget andelk. The fairy and the terrible lion are coming soonaboutfriends andfox.

(88 words, service 19)

Complex task

1 . The tale seems complete. And you make it so that the last sentence is the penultimate one.

2. Show any 10 traps in the text.

3. Find words with the letter "a" at the end. Show only those with the letter "a" in the base. You need everyone to see what kind of morpheme it is.

4. In the very first sentence, indicate the grammatical basis. Write from which island the words that work in it.

5. Find the sentence with which the second paragraph begins. We now need something that looks like magic wires between antennas in the beautiful city of Syntax. Then it will turn out to show each member of the sentence. It is important!

6. Choose any word from this sentence and tell us what you can learn about it if you remember which island it is from.

Autumn time

(dictation No. 1 of OS "Harmony")

The sultry summer has passed. The golden autumn has come. Take a look into the forest. Mushrooms grow along the edges. Among the withered grass, aspen boletuses turn red. Slippery milk mushrooms and fragrant mushrooms can be found along the edge of the spruce forest. Old stumps are covered with mushrooms. Moss swamps are strewn with ruddy cranberries. Rowan clusters are burning in the clearing. The days are fine. The sky is high and clear. Every blade of grass is visible at the bottom of the stream. The bird voices fall silent. There is peace and quiet in the forest. Good in the woods! (68 words)

Words for information: in the clearing, strewn, peace.

Grammar task:

  1. In the ninth sentence, find the grammatical basis, indicate the parts of speech.
  2. Parse the words: it has come, aspen, a blade of grass.
  3. Phonetic analysis of the word bunch.

The cranes fly away

(dictation No. 2 OS "Harmony")

IN autumn days the cranes were preparing to leave. They circled over the river and over their native swamp. Cranes were flying high in the sky. In a dense forest at the edge of the lake, birds stopped to rest. The forest stands dark and gloomy at this time.

It is still dark, and the sensitive cranes are already awake. An early dawn appeared in the east. Soon a cheerful sun will rise over the river. Everything will sparkle and shine with bright colors of autumn. The cranes will fly high. See you in the spring! (72 words)

Grammar tasks

  1. In the second sentence, emphasize the grammatical basis, show the connection of words in the sentence.
  1. Determine the case of nouns.

1st century Cranes were flying high in the sky.

IIc. An early dawn appeared in the east.

3. Write out two phrases from the text, a noun with an adjective.

Indicate the number, gender and case of the adjective.

4. In the first sentence, find the word (j) departure and parse it as part of speech (morphological parsing).

Autumn Walk

(dictation No. 3 OS "Harmony")

A group of schoolchildren went to the autumn park. All the trees have already shed their golden leaves.

The guys went along the forest path to the clearing. A fluffy spruce forest grows all around. A clean spring gushes from the ground. The guys collected twigs and branches. The boys lit a merry fire on the bank of the river.

The forest was very quiet. The children sat around the fire. Seryozha filled the kettle with water. It's time to brew tea. Anna and Natalya treated the children to cookies. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

The joyful guys returned home. (75words)

Grammar tasks

1. In the third sentence, underline the grammatical basis, write down the phrases.

2. Write out the word joyful from the last sentence and parse it as part of speech (morphological analysis).

3. Analyze the words by composition: autumn, walked, (along) the path.


(dictation No. 4 OS "Harmony")

There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold.

Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with noise over the quiet clearing. Birds stuck to the top of the furry spruce. At the very top were clusters of ruddy cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds.

Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the old spruce. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge.

Why do crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far North. According to G. Skrebitsky (77 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline adjectives with a wavy line, highlight endings, determine the number, gender and case.

2. In the first and second sentences, determine the declension and case of nouns.

3. Complete phonetic analysis the words ate.

Winter forest

(dictation No. 5 OS "Harmony")

howwonderful winter forest! After the blizzard, the forest stood like a fairy tale. The spruce was in coniferous mail. There is a snow cap on top of a pine tree. At the birch tree the blizzard has silvered the flexible branches with hoarfrost. Red bunches of mountain ash are visible from afar. How many footprints there are in the clearing by the path! Here the hare was cunning, dodging, listening to the sounds of the winter night. A fox ran in search of prey. A lynx lurked at the top of the spruce. An elk crept through a snowdrift. And life glimmered under the snowdrift. You rake the snow to the ground, and there are bushes of lingonberries and blueberries.(78 words)

Grammar assignment.

  1. Determine the case and declension of nouns: in chain mail, at the path, at the top.
  1. Parse the sentence by the members of the sentence, write down phrases.

A lynx lurked at the top of the spruce.

  1. Parse words by composition: birch, winter, ran.

Spring morning

(dictation No. 6 OS "Harmony")

How good a spring morning! The sun appeared from behind the blue strip of the forest. In its rays the tops of giant pines blush. Mist swirls over the river in golden haze. Here the fog disappears in the transparent air and reveals the blue surface of the river. In the mirror surface of the river you see blue sky and clouds. Dew glistens on the bright greenery. A gentle breeze rocks the willow catkins. A blackbird on a spruce top is whistling a song. Whistles and listens. And in response to him, an amazing silence.

Grammar assignment

1. Parse the composition of the verbwhistles.

2. Find the verbs of the II conjugation and highlight the endings in them.

3. Form from a verbwiggles past tense feminine verb.

Teddy bear

(dictation No. 7 OS "Harmony")

Once the hunters were driven out of the den by a bear. And in the den, someone is screaming. Gennady Grigorievich pulled the bear cub out of the den. He carried the baby to the village in a jacket.

The bear was very curious. There were flowers on the window. The kid caught on with his claws, pulled the pot with his teeth. He swayed and fell. The flower turned out to be sour and juicy. A fat and appetizing worm crawled out of the pile of earth. He crawled, wriggled. The worm was delicious too.

The hunter shook his finger at the baby. The bear hid behind the stove and grumbled. (73 words)

Grammar assignment.

1. Underline homogeneous members offers.

2. Disassemble the words in composition: kicked out, sour, threatened.

3. Write out the word hidden from the last sentence and parse it as part of speech (morphological analysis).


(dictation No. 8 OS "Harmony")

At the edge of the forest, nuts have remained on the tree since autumn. Now they hang in large clusters. Two nimble squirrels often began to appear around them.

Once our cat saw them. He mewed, hissed and rushed at the animals. The squirrels jumped onto the fence and rushed along it to the trees. Can you imagine the picture ?! Light squirrels deftly jump along the fence one after another, and a cat chases them. But then the squirrels flew up to the white-trunk birch and ran briskly along the trunk. The cat snorted angrily and trudged back.By L. Savonenkova (80 words)

Grammar tasks

1. In the first and last sentences, mark the main members.

2. Write out phrases from the last sentence, show the main and dependent words, write questions. Indicate the part of speech above the addicts.

3. Indicate the declension above the nouns of the first sentence, and the conjugation is chasing the word.

4. They jumped over the verb to inscribe its indefinite form.

5. In the last sentence, find a compound word and show its structure.

Dictations by topic


Selective dictations

1. Write down only common sentences, sort them out by sentence members.

1) The bears are coming! 2) The sun has risen over the forest. 3) A nightingale snapped in the bushes. 4) The fire flared up. 5) Swifts whistled piercingly in the summer sky. 6) The wind died down. 7) Rooks announced spring. 8) Rooks were met in the fields by jackdaws. 9) Clouds are running. 10) Wild geese fly low over the tundra.

2. Write out phrases from sentences (subject and predicate do not make up phrases).

1) We were sitting in a hut. 2) A dark night has come. 3) A hare ran out of the forest. 4) The sailors left the ship. 5) Ice went along the river. 6) In the morning a bright sun came out. 7) Stars shine in the night sky. 8) I returned from the forest at noon. 9) Apple trees bloomed wildly in the garden. 10) Black grouse sang at the edge of the forest.

Sample recording: sat (where?) In a hut, the night (what?) Is dark.

Free dictation

Former street children

A blue bell grew by the road. So frail, so grimy. The leaves are like gray rags.

The teacher Sergei Stepanovich dug this bell and carried it to the school garden. There he has already planted many of these street children. Here are daisies, and here are cornflowers. Sergei Stepanovich takes care of them, watering them, feeding them.

And then miracles happen. Small chamomiles are made large, big-eyed. Cornflowers are like in blue crowns. And there are so many flowers on the bells that there is enough for a whole bouquet. People admire flowers. And they do not know that these are former street children.

Verification dictations

Red snow

Polar explorers landed on the island and were surprised. Red snow lay by the rocks! The Arctic fox trotted - behind him a red line of footprints. The partridges ran - they left them with red crosses.

We made a snowball from the snow - pink! We skied down the hill - there were red stripes behind. Don't believe your eyes! But you have to believe your eyes. Why did the snow turn red? From the spring sun and warmth, a red algae grew in the snow. And the snow has bloomed! (63 words)

Early morning

The sun lit up the mossy swamp. Along the edges, the swamp is overgrown with frequent birch forests. Young pines darkened among the birches. The ground in the lowlands was covered with green moss. On the hillocks there are bushes of lingonberry and blueberry. The smell of herbs in the air. The first strands were golden on the birches. Yellow leaves swirled in the air. Cold dew silvered the earth at night. In the morning, the earth and trees sparkled with lights. A ray of sunlight flashed in every blade of grass. (60 words)


Recovered dictations (write out homogeneous members of the sentence from each sentence, and then write down the whole sentence from memory)

The summer sun floats over the fields, over the dusty road. I lie in the green grass, inhaling the moist smell of earth and plants. White, gold, blue flowers sway overhead.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

I poured bread crumbs to the sparrows, and then immediately threw a whole crust. The sparrows are huddled in a flock, they jump on the hump, strive to pinch more.

(E. Shim)

The cat saw Kashtanka jumped up, arched its back, lifted its tail and ruffled its fur. The dog got scared, barked loudly and rushed to the cat.

(A. Chekhov)

Red-headed boletus boletus, greenish and pink boletus boletus, slippery milk mushrooms and fragrant mushrooms grow along the forest edges.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Visual dictations

Specify orally missing punctuation marks and write down sentences under dictation.

1) A frog-frog sat in a swamp catching mosquitoes and a midge in the spring croaked loudly together with its friends (V. Garshin). 2) A heron flew to the lake, entered the water up to its knees, bowed its head and hid (I. Drobkov). 3) There is an initial short but wondrous time in autumn (F. Tyutchev). 4) I saw foliage not only gold and purple, but also scarlet purple brown black gray and almost white (K. Paustovsky). 5) The month of September is the time of variegated leaves; leaves fly, spin, fall, jump (N. Sladkov).

Verification dictations


Petka lived in the reserve. It was a big, black, serious bird. I once gave a raven a cookie. He took the biscuits and hid them in the underbody bag. I took out a small coin and showed it to Petka. He hid this coin too. Then Petka flew onto the road, made a round hole with his beak, hid the gifts in the sand. The raven pulled out a clump of grass and stuck it into the sandy house. (58 words)

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Words for information: in the reserve, coin, too, sandy.


Night in a dense forest. The moon came out from behind a cloud. The snowflakes on the branches, on the spruces, on the pines sparkled, sparkled. The trunk of an old aspen is silvery. A hollow blackened at the top. There lived a flying squirrel. A long animal ran up through the snow with soft leaps. He stopped, sniffed, raised his sharp muzzle up. The upper lip lifted. Sharp, predatory teeth flashed. It was a marten. The marten ran along the aspen to the hollow. The squirrel noticed a predator and easily jumped onto a branch of a nearby pine tree. (71 words)

(V. Bianchi)

Words for information: her, because of, neighboring.

End of August

Summer was over. Yellow strands appeared in the green foliage of the birches. Rooks and swallows huddled together in huge flocks. Rooks walked around the meadow, hunted various bugs and worms. Swallows scampered over the meadow, over the river, hunted for midges and mosquitoes.

Sunday was a warm but cloudy day. Fallen leaves lay on the grass, on the paths in the forest. There were many mushrooms in the forest. Boletus, white and black boletus peeped out of the grass merrily. In the meadow I saw two porcini mushrooms. The legs are thick and strong. (77 words)

2nd grade


Objective- check the ability to apply the passed rules: spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word, unstressed vowels, dividing soft signs, the ability to transfer words.

Option 1

Bird food

There was a blizzard at night. Yegor and Oleg go to the forest. They carry food for the birds. Beats in the face angry sth wind. The boys put them on the old tree stumps eon. On the branches of the trees they are weighed anddry mountain ash.
A flock of sin flew up andc. Here comes the food!

Grammar tasks

1. From the fourth sentence write out a word that cannot be hyphenated.

2. Underline words with a separating soft sign in the text.

Option 2


Winter came. There is snow on the fields and hills like a fluffy carpet. The trees are still about... All the paths were covered with snow in the forest. You can only ski in the forest. Hit andwhether severe frosts. The river is frozen. Guys frommade a big skating rink. The rink is always cheerful about.

Grammar assignment

1. Write out three words from the text with an unstressed checked vowel at the root of the word. Write the test words next to it.



Option 1

Glorious frost

The sun went down. The moon appeared in the blue sky, full, large, bright. The chain dog barked hoarsely. He turned around himself three times and lay down in his kennel. It was a glorious frost. The wind bit great.
By morning, all the windows were covered with a wonderful pattern of ice leaves. The weather was real winter.

Option 2


Snowflakes fell from the sky onto the roofs of houses. Winter was coming. The water in the puddles is frozen. Ice crunched underfoot. Birch twigs rang from the wind. Their tips were covered with ice. The sun came out. The snow became pure droplets of water. The droplets rolled down to the ground like beads. Nice view at the ground.

I. Instructional presentation on issues

Ice rink incident

It was a frosty sunny day. The boys were playing snowballs by the river. The girls were making a snowman.
Vitya ran out onto the ice on skates. Thin ice cracked. Vitya fell into the water and screamed.
Uncle Fedor came running to the scream. He threw a rope to the boy. Vitya grabbed her and climbed out of the water.

Read the text. Find words in the text that can answer the questions.


1. What day was it?
2. What did the boys do?
3. What did the girls do?
4. Where did Vitya run out on skates?
5. What happened to the thin ice?
6. What happened to Vitya?
7. Who came running to the scream?
8. What did he throw to the boy?
9. How did Vitya get out of the water?


1. What was the weather like?
2. Where did the children play?
3. What were they doing?
4. What happened to Vitya?
5. Who saved Vitya?

II. End text


A rooster walked importantly in the yard. The warm sun warmed the yard. Dew drops rolled down from the leaves. Flowers raised their heads. Vaska the cat came out onto the porch. Suddenly a rooster for-ku-ka-re-cal.

III. Compose and write a short story on a given topic

In the forest in winter

winter, snow, trees, ground, woodpecker, footprints

Grade 3


Objective - check the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules.

Option 1

In winter

The wind howled. In the evening, the sky was covered with heavy, low clouds. Bad weather began at night. Flew snowy cereals. Snowstorm skidded track... At ten o'clock we looked out of the window. Crow and hare tracks are visible in the snow. A giant snowdrift poured across the porch. Slippery steps must be walked carefully. The cornice is hung with dangerous icicles.

Grammar tasks

1. In the second sentence, underline the main members of the sentence.

2. Disassemble the selected words by composition.

Option 2

Winter forest

Miracles en Russian forest in winter! White fluffy snow hung on the branches of the trees. Cm aboutleafy cones adorn the tops of the firs. Nimble tits squeak in branches. Patterns of hare and fox tracks are visible on the snowdrifts.
Here is a squirrel running across the road. Jumped on a pine tree, wagged her tail. Light snow dust flew. The woodpecker knocked on the trunk with a hammer.

Grammar tasks

1. In the third sentence, underline the main members of the sentence.

2. Find and write down two words that contain only a root and a zero ending.


Option 1

Write off the text. Find words in the text where the letter denoting an unpronounceable consonant is written. Underline this letter.

Autumn and winter

In late autumn, the weather in our area is often inclement. As if autumn is going through hard its loss to winter. Clouds fly in tatters across the firmament. It's raining. The sun looks like a soccer ball turned yellow from rain. The trees sway and creak from the violent gusts of wind.

Option 2

Snow groats

Stood the last days late autumn. It rained all night, the wind hummed and whistled. By morning it got colder. I looked out the window. The clouds flew low above the ground. Soon thorny groats fell out of them. She was as hard as sand. Sharply hit the glass. A thick snow mound quickly formed on the roof of our bathhouse. We wanted to go to the balcony, but we could not open the door. Snow covered her. We walked along a narrow path to Aunt Zoya and took a shovel from her.


I. Working on the text

Change the text - write a story not about a little kitten, but about a big fat cat. Determine which suffixes in words will help with this.

A little kitten is sitting by the porch. We named him Murzik. The kitten is gray, with a fluffy tail and a white tie on the chest. The cat closed his eyes, bent his back, wiggles his antennae. He hid sharp claws in his paws and purred sweetly, amusing the kids. We love to play with him.

II. Presentation of the text according to a collectively drawn up plan

Caring mother

A fox made his home under an old spruce. There were kids in the hole. The fox was careful. Near the burrow, she dodged for a long time, tangling her tracks.
The cubs were very funny and very pliable. They tried to get out of the hole all the time. The kids loved to play in the green meadow. Mother was returning. The cubs fell silent. The fox took each fox and dragged it into the hole.
Soon all the cubs were back in the hole. Mother calmed down.

Approximate plan

1. Burrow under the spruce.
2. Restless kids.
3. All at home.

Key words: arranged, close, confused, get out, quieted down, by the collar, soon, again, calmed down.

III. The writing

Select a heading to which you can compose and write text.

Birds in the winter in the forest.
Fairy forest.
Interesting in the winter in the forest.

4th grade


Objective- check the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules, put a comma with homogeneous members of the sentence.

Option 1


They were born on a short autumn day. It was cloudy and boring on the ground. A cloud floated slowly. Snowflakes swirled in the air. In the whirlwind of the dance, they flashed with amazing lights. Snowflakes flew over the grove, field, village. Where to stay for the night? The roof of the lonely hut was empty. The snow beauties decided to stop here. They decorated the path to the river, the top of an old spruce. We laid down on the meadow like a fluffy carpet. In the morning, the first tracks of animals and birds appeared on the snow surface.

Words for references: slow, stop, here.

Grammar tasks

1. In the last sentence, underline the main members of the sentence.

2. Indicate the cases of all nouns in the tenth sentence. (They graced the path ...)

Option 2


There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold.
Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with noise over the quiet clearing. Birds stuck to the top of the furry spruce. At the very top were bunches of cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds.
Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the old spruce. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge.
Why do crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far North.

Grammar tasks

1. In the fourth sentence, highlight the main members of the sentence.

2. List the cases of all nouns in the fifth sentence. (Birds clung ...)


Objective - check the ability to copy text, detect spelling.

Option 1

Mishkino childhood

Mishka loved to go to the forest with his grandfather. The bear felt in the forest as if he were being hugged by someone big and affectionate. The oaks smiled good-naturedly. Aspens happily clapped their hands, greeting old acquaintances. Closer to autumn, the thin and tenacious hands of blackberries with handfuls of ripe berries protruded onto a narrow forest road: here, good people, help yourself! The boy noticed long ago that under his grandfather the forest became brighter and more joyful. And the grandfather walked and purred a song.

Option 2

A good spruce in winter, heavy hats of pure snow hang on its spreading branches-paws, high peaks are decorated with garlands of fir cones at the edge of a spruce forest; green young growth grows among people. freedom in the winter starry and moonlit nights the snow glitters on its branches as a fabulous tree in the moonlight.


I. Instructional presentation

The first steps

Early in the morning Marina woke up, looked out the window and gasped. The morning was sunny and frosty. The branchy trees were covered with furry frost. Such patterns are painted by frost on the windows. The yard skating rink looked like a mirrored saucer.
After breakfast Marina threw on a downy shawl, put on her white fur coat and ran out into the yard.
The brothers brought her brand new skates. In five minutes, Marina was sliding on the shiny, smooth ice. Legs twisted. But the brothers took Marina by the arms.
A prickly wind beat in the face. It was breathtaking, but it was fun.

Add missing points of the plan.


1. ...
2. Marina runs into the yard.
3. ...
4. Marina is having fun.

Tell according to plan. Prepare to record the presentation.

Words for references: shaggy frost, on shiny (ice), twisted up, it was breathtaking.

Write down the outline according to the plan.

II. The writing

Will there be different compositions


for the I half of the 2012-2013 academic year

Russian language

Grade 4 (1-4)


Objective- check the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules. Check your spelling skills case endings nouns, definitions of their declensions.


There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with noise over the quiet clearing. Birds stuck to the top of the tree. At the very top hung bunches of delicious cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the tree. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why do crossbills winter in our region? They are warmer here than in the far North.

Words for references: hide andus, worried andvye, sem eon.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write out the first sentence. Underline the main terms of the sentence. Indicate parts of speech. Indicate the cases of nouns.

2. Determine the declension and case of nouns. Highlight endings.

Option 1: with noise-…, spruce, top, across the sky, under a branch.

Option 2: with food - ..., distance, mother, in the wind, under a bush.




for the I half of the 2012-2013 academic year

Russian language

Grade 4 (1-4)


Objective - check the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules. Check the formation of the spelling skill of the case endings of nouns, determining their declensions.


There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with noise over the quiet clearing. Birds stuck to the top of the tree. At the very top hung bunches of delicious cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the tree. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why do crossbills winter in our region? They are warmer here than in the far North.

Words for references: hide us, caring and vie, family.

When writing Control dictations grade 4 1 quarter materials from the book were used: E. A. Nefedova, O. V. Uzorova. “500 control dictations in the Russian language. 1-4 grades "

1 quarter

Teddy bear

The captain brought a little bear cub from the forest to the outpost. At the outpost, the kid was delighted.
Once a teddy bear was lying in the sun by the rubble. Mike's cow approached him. The bear jumped up, bristled, raised his paw. Suddenly he smelled a warm milky smell and ran to the cow. Since then, every morning, the teddy bear ran after Mike and grabbed her by the legs. The teddy bear did not back down until there was warm fresh milk in its bowl.

(70 words) (after V. Korzhikov)

Grammar tasks

  1. Parse the last sentence by members of the sentence, indicate parts of speech, write out phrases.
  2. Find nouns in the first sentence of the second paragraph; indicate their declension and case. Highlight endings.

Enemies of snakes

Even the giant snake has enemies. Such an eagle lives - a snake-eagle. He only feeds on snakes. Three hundred snakes are eaten by his chick. Deftly exterminates the mongoose snake. He even copes with a cobra. He is specially kept in the place where snakes crawl into houses. Hedgehogs attack vipers. Hedgehogs defend themselves in the fight with thorns. Predatory fish attack sea snakes. Snakes perish in large numbers and in a fire. There are many rare snakes among them. Many species are recorded in the Red Book.

Grammar tasks

  1. Write out one noun from the dictation singular in the genitive, instrumental and prepositional cases.
  2. Write out three words from the dictation with a checked unstressed vowel at the root. Write test words.
  3. Write out one word from the dictation with b. Write two more words for the same spelling.


There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. With a noise, the boughs swept over a quiet meadow. Birds stuck to the top of the tree. At the very top hung bunches of delicious cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the tree. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why do crossbills winter in our region? They are warmer here than in the far north.

(76 words) (after G. Skrebitsky)

Grammar tasks

  1. Write out three words from the dictation with b - an indicator of softness. Write two more words for the same spelling.
  2. Write out one masculine and feminine adjective from the dictation.


The father brought his son a new book. The boy looked at the beautiful pictures for a long time. The artist painted the sea, ships.
Where did the book come from? Who invented the miracle of miracles? The life of the book begins in the forest. From tree to book a long way... People cut down trees and took them to the factory. The workers sawed them, boiled paper dough. This mass was rolled into thin strips and rolled into rolls. The finished paper is sent to the book factory.
There are typesetting, printing and bookbinding shops. From here the book goes to the library, shop.

(76 words) (after A. Barkov)

Grammar tasks

  1. Find nouns in the first paragraph; indicate their declension and case. Highlight endings.
  2. Write out a sentence from a dictation without unions with homogeneous predicates.
  3. Write out one word with a doubled consonant from the dictation. Write two more words for the same spelling.


Eider lives in the north by the sea. She builds her nest from the fluff. The bird plucks the fluff out of its chest. Then the eider holds it together with sticks and moss. Now the fluff won't blow the wind. The nest stands on the ground between the stems of a low bush. The shrub protects the nest from the wind. Egg chicks appeared. The mother immediately takes them out to sea, and throws the nest. Down from rains and snows coils into a ball. This nest is no longer suitable for next year. Locals collect such nests without any harm to eiders.

Grammar tasks

  1. Write out one word from the dictation with a paired consonant in a weak position. Write test words.
  2. Underline among the words FIRE, HIKE, SORA suitable for the scheme: prefix, root, suffix, ending.
  3. Write out two words of this composition from the dictation: root, suffix, ending.

Penguin kindergarten

Five weeks have passed since the birthday of the penguin. The kid steps with his paws on the snow and goes into kindergarten... The penguin's peers are already there. They huddle together in a tight crowd and warm each other's sides. Such gatherings are called kindergartens. Adult penguins protect them from petrels. Parents come and in shouting and din find their children among thousands of strangers. They only feed their chicks. The most voracious swallow six kilograms of fish at a time. In the summer, graduates of penguin kindergartens sail to practice in the sea.

Grammar tasks

  1. Write down the word PENGUIN in the accusative and instrumental cases.
  2. Parse the word CHILD. Write two more words of the same composition.
  3. Write out three words from the dictation with an unpronounceable consonant. Write test words. Write two more words for the same spelling.

Puss in Boots

Border guards go on patrol with service dogs. And at our outpost, the cat began to walk on patrol. One day one of the soldiers brought a kitten to the outpost. The kitten turned out to be very capable. Soldiers are standing on the line. The cat is with them on the left flank. The soldiers leave on patrol. The cat goes after them. For every rustle, the cat's fur stands on end. Once in winter the cat went to the post and froze its paws. The border guards decided to shoe the cat. But you can't buy shoes for a cat. Then they sewed fur pimas for the fluffy border guard. This is how the cat in boots appeared at the outpost.

Grammar tasks

  1. Find nouns in the first sentence; indicate their declension and case. Highlight endings.
  2. Write out a sentence from a dictation with a union with homogeneous predicates.
  3. Write out three words of the same root for the word CAT from the dictation.


There are many types of sharks. They vary in size and appearance... The length of the giant whale shark is fifteen meters, and the barbed one is only twenty centimeters.
Can a shark attack a person? There are such types. Among them are white and tiger sharks. But they do not attack a person as a means of food. Sharks eat fish, turtles, dolphins and birds. The whale shark feeds on small fish and tiny crustaceans. Sharks feel constant hunger and even eat inedible items. Pieces of tires and cans were found in the stomachs of sharks. An angry shark can destroy a boat and attack a person.

Grammar tasks

  1. Find nouns in the last sentence; indicate their declension and case. Highlight endings.
  2. Write out one word from the dictation with an unpronounceable consonant. Write a message test word... Write two more words for the same spelling.
  3. Write out a proposal from the dictation with an alliance with homogeneous minor members.

Hunter's Tales: Into the Winter's Cold (story)

The cold, dull sun rises in the winter fog. The snowy forest sleeps. It seems that all living things froze in this cold - not a rustle, not a sound, only from time to time trees crackle from frost.

I go out into a forest clearing. Behind the clearing is a thick old spruce forest. All trees are covered with large cones. There are so many cones that the ends of the branches bent under their weight.
How quiet! In winter you will not hear the birds singing. Now they have no time for songs. Many flew south, and those who remained huddled in secluded corners, hiding from the fierce cold.
And suddenly, like a spring breeze, rustled over the frozen forest: a whole flock of birds, echoing cheerfully, swept over the clearing. Why, these are crossbills - natural northerners! They are not afraid of our frosts.
A flock of crossbills covered the tops of the fir trees. The birds grabbed the cones with tenacious claws and hung upside down on them. Swinging on the cones, as if on a swing, they pulled tasty seeds from under the scales with their crooked noses. When the harvest of cones is good, these birds are not afraid of the lack of food in winter.
I stood in the clearing and admired how the crossbills were busy in their airy dining room.

The morning sun shone brightly on the green tops of firs, clusters of ruddy cones and cheerful, feasting birds. And it seemed to me that spring had already come. Now the melted earth will smell, the forest will come to life and, meeting the sun, the birds will chirp.
Admiring the crossbills, I suddenly saw how one of them flew up to an old spruce and disappeared into the snow-covered branches, as if diving into a snowy cave, and then I remembered one remarkable feature from the life of these birds, a feature that I could never believe. And now the opportunity presented itself to be convinced.
I sneaked up to that spruce and climbed up the trunk. Sharp needles gnawed at my face and hands, but I climbed higher and higher.
“Now the top is close, but there is nothing on the tree,” I thought with regret. "All this is just fiction."
I began to descend, and suddenly, right in front of me, I saw the very thing that I no longer hoped to find: among the icy, snow-covered branches I could barely see a small nest, and in it, as if in spring, with anxious fluff, sat a greenish bird - a female crossbill.
I swung the branch awkwardly. The frightened bird flew up. I bent down and almost cried out in amazement: in the nest, the newly hatched, completely naked chicks were swarming.
Snow-covered branches hung over the nest. In the forest, trees were cracking from frost, and here it was as if spring had come between the branches of the old spruce: a caring mother brought out chicks.
I got down from the tree as soon as possible so as not to disturb this amazing family. I easily jumped into the snow, looked around, and the winter forest no longer seemed to me, as before, gloomy and lifeless.
Standing under the tree, I rubbed my hands numb in the woolen mittens, laughed at myself and thought with delight about the naked babies in the nest, which are not afraid of the winter cold.