The competition for the best specialist in the fuel and lubricants service has ended. Patriarch of the Fuel Service

With Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Dmitry Bulgakov about current state Fuel Service of the Russian Armed Forces.

The launch of the Kh-101 air-launched cruise missile from the Tu-160 strategic bomber of the Russian Aerospace Forces against terrorist targets in Syria (c) frame from the official video of the Russian Ministry of Defense

Today, the management of the fuel supply system for the army and navy is entrusted to the management of rocket fuel and fuel of the MTO Headquarters Armed Forces RF. The headquarters is the central body of the military management of logistics, subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov.

The provision of fuel and technical means is now carried out according to a mixed version - centralized supplies and third-party specialized organizations, determined by the relevant decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation as the only suppliers, or based on the results of auctions, - explained Army General Dmitry Bulgakov in an interview with the correspondent of "Krasnaya Zvezda" on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the Service fuel. - We work with only suppliers in three directions: organization of filling aircraft at the airfields of the Russian Ministry of Defense; provision of the entire range of fuels and lubricants, including in the regions of the Far North; organization of bunkering of ships and vessels in ports and the coastal zone of the Russian Federation.

The work on transferring fuel supply functions to third-party organizations is being consistently continued. Out of 82 airfields of the Air Force, transferred to them for fuel supply, 36 are organized "in-wing" refueling, and 46 - by deliveries of fuels and lubricants.

In 2015, CJSC Gazpromneft-Aero completed the construction of fuel filling complexes at six airfields. These are Krymsk, Lipetsk, Engels, Kursk, Koltsovo and Domna, ”continued Army General Dmitry Bulgakov. - The construction of complexes at the Chkalovsky and Akhtubinsk airfields is nearing completion. By 2020, it is planned to build a refueling complex at 23 airfields of the Russian Ministry of Defense. At six of them, design estimates have already been completed by 95 percent.

In order to increase technical readiness and improve the material base, in 2015, refueling points were modernized and technical means of the Fuel Service were purchased for 316 million rubles. Construction of the infrastructure of the Fuel Service is underway on the islands of Alexandra Land, Sredniy, Wrangel and Kotelny, the archipelago New earth, Cape Schmidt, in Tiksi and Anadyr.

Refueling at the points of permanent deployment is carried out through 1,040 stationary refueling points. To ensure the proper quality of fuel, the laboratory carries out about 200 analyzes daily. This is about 45 thousand analyzes per year. In order to maintain the storage capacity in good condition, tanks with a capacity of up to 100 thousand cubic meters are repaired annually.

In general, according to General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov, everything that was planned in 2015 for the provision of the Armed Forces, the Fuel Service completed in full.

For the readers of "Krasnaya Zvezda", it seems, such data will be interesting. Behind last years for the supply of the Armed Forces, in particular, were adopted:

. fuel Decilin-M, allowing to increase the range of cruise missiles by 250-300 km;

Jet fuel and diesel fuel with operating temperatures up to minus 65 degrees;

Fireproof summer and winter diesel fuel;

Multigrade oil KA-7.5 for missile carriers TU-95MS (providing low-temperature launch of turboprop engines without using airfield heating means and allowing to reduce the preparation time of the aircraft for departure by 6-8 hours);

Multigrade gear oil for the operation of modern and advanced joint technology samples Ground forces, including arctic brigades. It ensures that vehicles are ready to move without heating at temperatures up to minus 60 degrees Celsius;

Universal multigrade oil KRM, which allows lubrication, cleaning and corrosion protection of small arms and tank guns at temperatures from minus 50 to plus 50 degrees.

The production of all developed fuels and lubricants is fully provided with a domestic raw material and technological base.

As General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov emphasized, the modernization of the appearance of the Armed Forces required the planned replacement of obsolete models of technical equipment of the Fuel Service with new and promising ones.

Measures are being taken to implement the decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the development of an automated control system for the availability, movement and consumption of fuel. Its goal is to introduce instrumental control over fuel consumption in the Armed Forces. Today, the Rocket Fuel and Fuel Directorate of the MTO Headquarters of the Armed Forces is working on the introduction and controlled operation of 10 automated block-modular filling stations.

Sometimes life poses unexpected and very difficult tasks for the Fuel Service, the Deputy Defense Minister continued. - Because of the heat in Russia in the summer of 2010, there were many fires. Army forces were also sent to eliminate them. At the forefront were two pipeline battalions. They made a raid on difficult terrain, promptly laid the field main pipeline PMTP-150 and provided more than 1 million tons of water for extinguishing fires and watering drained peat bogs. And later, in 2014, the pipeline battalion of the logistics brigade of the Western Military District, redeployed by rail in the shortest possible time, deployed and successfully operates 48 lines of the PMTP-150 pipeline with a total length of 410 kilometers to supply water to various vital facilities of the Republic of Crimea. Its total productivity is 150 thousand cubic meters of water per day.

Concluding the conversation, General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov drew attention to the fact that the Fuel Service would not have coped with all the complex tasks and problems if it had not taken care of training specialists in its profile. Today they are trained on the basis of the Volsk Military Institute of Material Support. More than 400 cadets are now mastering the specialty at the formed faculty of the Fuel Service.

An important role in the training of officers for the Fuel Service (for a special period) is played by the military training center and military departments (faculties) of the Russian state university oil and gas named after Gubkin. In 2015, 300 specialists were graduated there for the Fuel Service. Graduates of the Ufa State Oil technical university, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University and other universities.

Today, celebrating the next anniversary of the Fuel Service, we again and again gratefully remember our honored veterans, - said General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov in conclusion. - Veterans of the Fuel Service have united in a very close-knit interregional organization, which turns 20 this year.

The Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation expressed his conviction that the Fuel Service at the present stage its development will adequately solve all the tasks of ensuring the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of troops and naval forces in any development of the situation.

Bmpd note... "Decilin-M" is a high-calorie synthetic aviation fuel, which is further development fuel "Decilin" (T-10), used in small-sized turbojet engines of the P95-300 series of cruise and anti-ship missiles.

According to the message of FSUE "Institute organic chemistry named after N. D. Zelinsky " Russian Academy Sciences (Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS), among the most important results of applied research of the Institute, obtained in 2013-2014, are:

"Based scientific developments The Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences at OJSC "Redkinskiy Experimental Plant" on a pilot-industrial scale implemented an original safe process of catalytic cyclopropanation of strained unsaturated hydrocarbons with diazomethane generated in situ directly in the reaction medium, providing 100% yield of cyclopropanes. This process forms the basis for the key stage in the production of the high-energy rocket fuel Decilin-M, which was successfully tested during training and combat launches of air-launched cruise missiles. "(Department of Chemistry of Unstable Molecules and Small Cycles, Head - Academician OM Nefedov, Lab. No. 6, Head - Professor YV Tomilov).

Agency TASS also cites D. Bulgakov's statement to journalists that "In recent years, Decilin-M fuel has been adopted for the supply of the Russian army, which makes it possible to increase the range of strategic cruise missiles by 250-300 km; it is planned to be used as fuel for jet engines of new hypersonic strategic cruise missiles."

It is also worth noting the statement by D. Bulgakov, transmitted by TASS, that in 2015 2 million tons of oil products were supplied to the troops, of which 1.4 million tons of aviation fuel for refueling aircraft of the Aerospace Forces and 50 thousand tons of fuel oil for ships of the Navy.

The Department of Rocket Fuel and Fuel Supply at the Volsk Military Institute of Material Support was established in accordance with the Directive General Staff Of the RF Armed Forces of July 10, 2009 No. 314/10/2582 after the disbandment of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport (UF VATT).

The main efforts of the department leadership were aimed at organizing educational process and the formation of the teaching staff. Initially, the department included graduates of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport (Logistics) named after V.I. General of the Army A.V. Khrulev lieutenant colonels Shcherbina A.V., Nikitin A.I., reserve officers associate professors P.M. Sechnoy, Sviridov V.A., senior teacher Kukartsev R.D., as well as educational support staff: head learning laboratory reserve lieutenant colonel Vazhnov E.E. and laboratory assistant Bochkareva L.V.

The staff of the department first of all began to develop educational and methodological complexes in the disciplines "Economics and Management of Fuel Supply", "Fundamentals of Fuel Supply" of higher vocational education with a degree in Organization Management. Provision of troops with rocket fuel and fuel. "

In 2011, Colonel Yu.P. Martsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, was appointed head of the department. Together with him, teachers, Candidates of Technical Sciences, Colonel Inkov G.N., Lieutenant Colonel Mikhailov V.V., arrived at the department from UVVTU. and candidate of pedagogical sciences lieutenant colonel Veretin S.V.

On September 25, 2012, Colonel D.Kh. Fakhretdinov, Candidate of Military Sciences, was appointed head of the department. In the future, the staff of the department expanded due to the arrival of new full-time teachers: professor of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bondarenko E.A., associate professor of the department Petrov A.A., teachers Kalashnikov V.A., Arushanyan G.S., candidate of economic captain Revin V. IN. The staff of training and support personnel has been expanded. Today these positions are occupied by N.M. Nikiforova, L.A. Veretina, N.I. Shirokova, S.A. Zhivaev. , Kabanov N.V., Zvonarev Yu.K.

The educational process in the disciplines of the department is focused on the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are necessary in the performance of official duties in primary positions, such as the head of the fuel and lubricants service of a military unit; assistant chief of staff of the pipeline battalion; assembly company commander, pipeline company commander; commander a separate company refueling; head of the BCh-6 group.

The department carries out multilevel training of fuel service specialists.

Training of specialists with secondary vocational education in the specialization "Operational activities in logistics" provides for the study of the following disciplines at the department:

"Fundamentals of control and evaluation of the efficiency of the functioning of logistics systems and operations";

"Provision of rocket fuel and fuel";

"Optimization of the organization's resources";

"Evaluation of investment projects in the logistics system";

Training of specialists with higher education specialization: "Provision of troops (forces) with rocket fuel and fuel"), provides for the study of the following disciplines at the department:

"Fuel supply management";

"Technological structures of fuel";

"Main pipelines and fuel depots";

"Fundamentals of fuel supply".

The department organized educational process for additional professional training of specialists of the fuel service. Within the framework of the program, they are trained annually in the following specialties:

“Chief (manager) of the fuel and lubricants warehouse of a formation, military unit and organization” - 10 servicemen;

“Commander (chiefs of staff) of a pipeline battalion” - 8 servicemen;

"Chiefs of the fuel and lubricants service of the compound (military unit)" - 12 servicemen.

At the department, the professional level of the teaching staff is constantly improving. As part of the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, they are trained:

in the postgraduate study at VAMTO - Lieutenant Colonel Shcherbina A.V;

in postgraduate study at VVIMO - Captain S.V. Stulov

The teaching staff are actively introducing advanced teaching technologies, improving the educational and material base. All efforts are aimed at improving the quality of graduate training.

In accordance with the requirements of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2015 No. 630 "On the procedure and conditions for professional retraining in one of the civilian specialties of certain categories of military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation passing military service by contract "at the department is carried out professional retraining officers discharged to the reserve. Every year 20 servicemen undergo retraining in the specialty: "Design, construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities."

For the training of specialists of the fuel service at the department, the educational and material base is constantly being improved. The department is equipped with a modern laboratory "Trunk pipelines and fuel depots".

Conducting classes in this laboratory contributes to the deepening and consolidation of the knowledge gained at the lectures, as well as instilling the skills of conducting experimental research, measurements and processing their results. In addition, two specialized classes are equipped: “Field and main pipelines” and the class “Fuel service warehouses”.

To conduct practical exercises on the command base of the institute, the following were created:

1 Section for receiving (issuing) fuel from railway tanks.

2. The section for the mass delivery of fuel to road transport.

3. Platform for technical means of fuel storage.

4. Site of the field main pipeline.

In 2016, the staff of the department significantly improved the field educational and material base. At the training complex of the Krasnoe Pole Institute for practical, group, tactical and special classes, the following elements of the fuel service have been created:

battalion filling station;

pipeline landfill;

In cooperation with the company LLC NPF Polytechnika, the third in a row in the RF Armed Forces field fuel storage with a capacity of 600 tons, designed for technological operations with railway, water, road transport and main pipelines for receiving, storing and issuing fuel, was deployed and prepared for operation ...

At present, the main task of the department is to fulfill the requirements of the Minister of Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the training of highly qualified specialists of logistics services.

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Major General Viktor Vasilievich Kauk was born in 1958 in the Vinnitsa region. Graduated from the Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School, Military academy rear and transport (with a gold medal), Higher academic courses of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. He served in the Central Group of Forces, the Carpathian, Far Eastern, Moscow military districts in engineering and command positions, including the head of the fuel service of the army, the deputy head of the fuel service of the military district, the first deputy head of the TsURTG of the Ministry of Defense. By Presidential Decree No. 38 of January 17, 2007, he was appointed Chief Central Office rocket fuel and fuel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Viktor Vasilyevich, you have served in the troops in various positions of the Fuel Service for over 25 years. During this period, they traveled the country from west to east, visited almost all military garrisons. Recently appointed to the most important position in the Fuel Service - the head of the Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. What is your vision of service today and what place does it occupy in the Armed Forces?
- The fuel service is one of the youngest services in the Logistics of the Armed Forces. She celebrated her 70th birthday last year. Its purpose is uninterrupted supply of troops and naval forces with components of liquid rocket fuel, fuel, lubricants, special fluids and technical means designed to work with them.
I know at the cost of what enormous efforts the service was created, what a driving force it was during the years of the Great Patriotic War... According to Marshal Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, not a single operation was disrupted due to the fault of the Fuel Service. And during the disintegration of the Union, despite any difficulties, she overcame them and took her rightful place in the Armed Forces of Russia. And here one cannot but say a kind word about those who selflessly worked for the benefit of the development of the Fuel Service. This is her "patriarch", State Prize laureate Colonel General Vasily Vasilyevich Nikitin, his successors and followers Lieutenant General Ivan Nikolaevich Bazanov, Vladimir Alekseevich Blokhin, Pavel Ivanovich Gorupay and, finally, Gennady Nikolaevich Ocheretin, from whom I took over the baton.
The fuel service today, under the leadership of the Rear Services of the Armed Forces, is dynamically developing, optimizing its structure in order to maintain its functional capabilities at a level corresponding to the nature, volume and conditions of performing the tasks at hand.

It is known that the solution of these tasks does not take place in simple conditions, because the Armed Forces are not supplied with fuel to their full need. How do you have to get out of the situation?
- Indeed it is. In recent years, with a constant increase in funding for the purchase of fuel, the security of the Armed Forces has remained approximately at the same level. The reason for this is the rise in prices for petroleum products, which outpaced the growth in appropriations. federal budget for their purchase and did not allow the Russian Ministry of Defense to purchase previously planned volumes of fuel. This could inevitably lead to non-fulfillment of the plan for the supply of fuel to the military districts and fleets and, accordingly, a reduction in measures for combat training of troops. Under these conditions, the state allocated additional budgetary allocations for the purchase of fuel.
However, despite the existing problems, the situation with the provision of troops with fuel has been changing for the better in recent years. Funding for its purchase is carried out in a timely manner, military units and formations of constant readiness and military educational institutions receive fuel in the first place and in full. Last year, all launches were supplied with liquid propellant components and fuel. spacecraftas well as planned exercises and sea trips.
For several years in a row, joint special exercises with the joint-stock company Transnefteprodukt have been positively assessed by the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Northern delivery is one of the priority tasks of the service. In 2006, the plan for the delivery of fuel was fulfilled. To the regions of the Far North, Siberia and Of the Far East about 120 thousand tons of fuel were supplied.
Our fuel supply service military units and the formations of federal executive bodies within the framework of the interdepartmental (coupled) unified logistic support system (MUSO) allows to optimize the federal budget expenditures for the maintenance of the military organization of the state. In addition, considerable savings are achieved - tens of millions of rubles.
True, problems remain with the provision of aviation fuel for aviation flights. The amount of budgetary funds allocated for this year for the purchase of aviation kerosene, do not allow to fully fulfill the established flight crews.
There is also a problem that cannot be avoided - the state of the stationary tank farm of the service. Warehouses and fuel depots are mostly post-war construction. Some of them have natural wear and tear and function at the limit of their technical capabilities. We have a lot of work to do on their technical examination and significant repairs.

Everyone knows that the internal reserve in the provision of fuel is the observance of limit discipline and fuel economy ...
- It must be strictly observed as a law. How is it going? Every year, to ensure the training of troops, the Minister of Defense assigns fuel consumption limits to military districts (types, arms of the troops), which are communicated to each military unit in accordance with the established procedure. Measures for the economical and efficient use of fuel were approved by Order of the Minister of Defense No. 340, which put into effect the "Program for saving fuel and energy resources in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010." I must say that this program is being implemented. In 2006, the commanders of the military districts, fleets, and commanders of all levels did everything necessary for the rational consumption of fuel, which allowed the Armed Forces in general to carry out planned activities within the established limits.

Viktor Vasilyevich, real winter has finally come, frost has hit. How does the Fuel Service cope with the task of providing garrisons with liquid fuel oil?
- Heat is life, therefore the creation of stocks of liquid boiler fuel (GIT) is one of the main tasks of the Fuel Service. The entire life activity of military units and organizations depends on its presence in each particular garrison. This is well understood by the specialists of our service. Thanks to the assistance of the Armed Forces Logistics, its headquarters at all levels, the necessary supplies of liquid boiler fuel were created, which allowed all military garrisons to confidently enter the winter.

At the recent 6th All-Army Exhibition "Russian Manufacturers and Supply of the Armed Forces", exhibits of the Fuel Service were presented, speaking about the prospects of its development, intellectual and creative potential ...
- To go to new technologies in the development of the Fuel Service, I think, is the primary task. Without this, today it is simply impossible to provide the troops with high-quality fuel, and to develop new highly efficient models of our equipment.
For creative work, we traditionally have a green street. In this regard, the 25th Research Institute of the Fuel Service, headed by Major General Vladimir Sereda, has many achievements. IN recent times an additional set of field main fiberglass pipeline (PMTS) has been developed, which is intended for hard-to-reach areas (forest, mountains, swamps) where installation of metal pipes is difficult (the ratio of the weight of one pipe: metal - 80 kg, fiberglass - 38 kg), ATMZ- 10-6350 with elements of local protection of technological equipment against small arms, refueller with special liquids ZSZh-3308 and water-alcohol refueling station VSZ-3308. Work is underway to approve the use of winter fireproof diesel fuel on equipment, which ensures the fire safety of equipment in case of damage to fuel tanks under negative ambient temperatures, and also new promising brands of oils and lubricants for weapons and military equipment... All this and other know-how is already yielding fundamentally important results.

Viktor Vasilyevich, at the end of the year and on the eve of the next anniversary of the Fuel Service, which collectives of military units and organizations would you celebrate for the better?
- Our specialists basically all serve and work in good faith. Among the best at the end of last year I can name the teams where the leaders are Colonels Viktor Rutkovsky, Shakirzhan Shaydullov, Alexander Barmin, Alexander Eremin, Anatoly Kustov, Vadim Shevchenko, Sergey Shmigelsky. The list goes on.

February 16, 2012 to the Office of the (Rocket Fuel and Fuel) Department resource provision Russian Defense Ministry turns 76 years old

Fuel service - the youngest in the Logistics System of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It was created in the early 30s of the twentieth century in connection with the rapid development of weapons and military equipment, which required an increasing amount of fuel, lubricants and special fluids (POL). Then it became obvious the need to create an organizational and staff structure for uninterrupted fuel supply of combat training and combat readiness of the army and naval forces.

Commander Nikolai Movchin became the creator and first head of the Fuel Service. According to his report at the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR on January 11, 1933, the Red Army Fuel Supply Directorate was created, which, after a series of reforms on February 17, 1936, became the Red Army Fuel Supply Directorate. This date is considered to be the day of the creation of the Fuel Service. Together with the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Day of the Fuel Service is celebrated by our colleagues in other law enforcement agencies.

On the eve of the holiday, Colonel Pavel BARINOV, Head of the Directorate (Rocket Fuel and Fuel) of the Department of Resource Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, answered the questions of the "Red Star".

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Pavel Gennadievich Barinov was born on April 9, 1972 in the city of Gomel, Byelorussian SSR. Graduated from the Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School (1994), the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport (2003). He held various positions in the structure of the Fuel Service. Served in the Leningrad Military District, Siberian Military District, PurVO, Central Military District.

- Pavel Gennadievich, how was the formation of the Fuel Service?

The fuel service was reformed and developed in strict accordance with the real state of the army and navy and reliably provided an ever-increasing volume of fuel for both combat training and mobilization readiness of the country's Armed Forces.

The first experience of work in combat conditions in pre-war years the service was received on Lake Khasan, on Khalkhin-Gol and in other conflicts. The state of the troop fuel supply system was tested in major maneuvers and exercises near Kiev and Kharkov.

Relying on a powerful state-owned oil industry and having its own infrastructure, thoughtfully and really focused on providing military operations based on the experience of exercises and maneuvers, the Fuel Service provided all operations of the initial period of the war.

For exemplary fuel supply of military operations and for the displayed courage only in 1943-1945, 2,637 orders and medals were awarded.

In the post-war years, in the conditions of an arms race caused by “ cold war”, The Fuel Service had to closely monitor the development of weapons and military equipment and promptly respond to the growing requirements for fuels and lubricants.

In 1946, the transition of military aviation to jet technology began. A new type of fuel was required for a jet engine with high quality requirements. The consumption of aviation fuel increased sharply.

The growing volumes of fuel supplies to the troops in modern strategic operations, based on the experience of large exercises and maneuvers, required a number of organizational measures, among which the creation of pipeline troops was revolutionary. In the shortest possible time, first pipeline battalions were formed, and then brigades. The training of personnel for their staffing has begun.

Pipelines have demonstrated the effectiveness of field trunk pipelines during the Afghan war and in emergency situations, including the consequences of the earthquake in Spitak, Chernobyl, massive fires in peat bogs, etc.

A special place in the history of the Fuel Service takes afghan warin which she showed her high vocational training and military prowess. It was there that the field trunk pipeline became the most efficient.

- As is known, effective work The fuel service gave impetus to the development of applied branches of chemistry ...

In the system of the Fuel Service a new branch of applied science was born and grew - chemotology. At the beginning it was military chemism, but now it is a generally recognized science with various branches, for example, aviation chemmotology.

In 1946, a Research Institute of Chemotology was established in the Fuel Service, now the FAU 25th State Research Institute of Chemotology, headed by Major General Vladimir Sereda, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

- Did the Fuel Service have difficult times? ..

Unfortunately yes. The pages of our history remember May 1992, when a new period began in the history of the country and all the Armed Forces. The fuel service here, of course, did not stand aside. In the new economic conditions, the task of providing troops with the entire range of fuel and lubricants, rocket fuel and technical means has become much more complicated. Instead of funds for centralized and decentralized supply government bodies only began to assign budgetary allocations for the purchase of petroleum products. Such concepts as "marketing", "contests", "contracts" have come into being. The solution of these tasks required an increase in the level of economic and legal training of our personnel.

- I remember the "hot" summer of 2010. How did the units subordinate to you prove themselves in the fight against forest fires?

In the event of massive fires in the summer of 2010, two pipeline battalions supplied more than 1 million tons of water to extinguish them and water the previously drained peat bogs. On August 15 this year, the commander of the pipeline platoon, Lieutenant Nikolai Kuzmin, accomplished a real feat. Having fallen into a fiery trap, he showed courage and courage, with his competent actions saved his subordinates and expensive equipment, for which he was awarded a high award - the Order of Courage.

- It's no secret that with the transition of the Armed Forces to a new look, part of the functions of the Fuel Service was transferred to third-party organizations. How well do they cope with the existing volume of tasks?

The general trend of transferring the functions of technical and logistic support of the Armed Forces to specialized civilian organizations has proven itself on the positive side.

Implementation is progressing successfully outsourcingand in the fuel supply system. Aviation kerosene refueling of aircraft at the airfields of the Russian Ministry of Defense is now carried out by civilian refueling organizations. At the same time, this company on the allocated land plots of the military department is obliged at its own expense to create modern refueling facilities that meet the requirements civil aviation... This process is strictly controlled by us. After the completion of construction, new facilities are transferred to the ownership of the RF Ministry of Defense and continue to be used by the organization free of charge.

Generally, outsourcing system bears certain fruits. It is being implemented at air force bases, albeit not everywhere yet. Since 2011, such work has been organized by CJSC Gazpromneft-Aero at 11 airfields, including Chkalovsky, Khurba, Ukrainka, Domna, Tolmachevo, Engels, Krymsk, Levashovo, Tver, Voronezh. It is planned to transfer 11 more airfields to the company this year. Working with the company freed the Ministry of Defense from lengthy and often unsuccessful auction procedures, eliminating losses and unauthorized spending fuel, the technological culture, the level of fuel quality control have significantly increased, there is an opportunity to abandon the already necessary multi-billion dollar investments in the reconstruction of the material base of the refueling complex.

The company has already invested 40-50 million rubles in each airfield. These funds were used to purchase new batteries, tires, filters, laboratory equipment. This year, design will begin, and next year, the construction of new refueling facilities.

Other oil and refueling companies (Rosneft, LUKOIL, TNK-BP, Aerofuels) have also shown their interest in this direction, which makes it possible to count on the transfer of the main airfields of the RF Ministry of Defense to outsourcing within two years.

In addition, this year it is planned to refuel vehicles of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 96 cities and towns at civilian filling stations.

Positive results - the absence of unnecessary stages of transportation and transshipment of fuel with its inevitable losses, as well as the possibility of round-the-clock refueling. Well, the problem is the instability of prices common to all types of oil products provision, which prevents the conclusion of long-term contracts.

As for the refueling of ships and vessels of the Russian Navy by third-party organizations, since 2011 in foreign ports of the World Ocean it has been produced by JSC Sovfrakht, an organization authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to replenish all types of reserves, founded by the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

- When will the transition of all parts to the outsourcing system be completed?

In my opinion, outsourcing will cover all parts only if it is possible to achieve the organization of refueling equipment with fuel directly in the parks of military units and at training grounds, providing military units with lubricants and special fluids. To achieve this goal, these structures, if necessary, can be transferred to warehouses, filling stations, storage facilities for containerized oil products.

Starting this year, it is also planned to organize service maintenance of weapons and military equipment of the troops by the only contractor - Oboronservis OJSC. His responsibilities include working with refueling facilities and transporting fuel. The parts and assemblies necessary for replacement are purchased by the organization independently or, if available in the warehouses of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, are issued.

I would like to emphasize that the transition to outsourcing does not mean liquidation of the Fuel Service. As the head of the fuel service, I am still responsible for maintaining combat readiness, preparing calculations of the need for fuel both in peacetime and in a special period, monitoring the provision of military units with fuel and lubricants, executing contracts by outsourcing organizations and the quality of services provided, and most importantly - performing their tasks in wartime.

Before the solemn rewarding of the winners in the club of the Institute for all participants, the group of amateur performances VVIMO prepared a concert program. The event was opened by a graduate of the Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School, Captain Komarov, with the song "There is only a moment". For all those present, the cadets performed with vocal, dance and acrobatic numbers.

On the eve, on June 29, competitions in 4 nominations were held at the training complex "Krasnoe Pole" VVIMO. The panel of judges included the head of the main directorate (rocket fuel and fuel) of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Colonel Vladimir Ivanovich Demirov; Major General of the Reserve Viktor Vasilievich Kauk; Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Anatolyevich Buzhaev.

As a result of a tense struggle of the contestants in the nomination "The Best Fueling Driver", cadet A.G. Begishanov (VVIMO). The VVIMO team won in the nomination "The best calculation of a motor-pump unit". In the nomination "The best calculation of the pumping station" the 1st place was taken by the team of the Central Military District. And in the nomination "The best pipeline department" the places were distributed as follows: 3rd place - the team of the Central Military District; 2nd place - team Airborne troops and 1st place - the VVIMO team.

In addition, Sergeant I.A. Yarnykh (Southern Military District) in the nomination "The best sergeant of the service of rocket fuel and fuels and lubricants". And for best result in firing from standard weapons, a private was awarded a diploma by K.F. Kraus (Central Military District).

Diplomas, cups and valuable gifts were awarded to teams that took pride of place in individual and team championships. In the overall team standings, the 1st place was taken by the command of the Airborne Forces, the 2nd place by the team of VVIMO, the third - by the team of the Central Military District. At the end of the solemn summing up, the participants of the competition marched in a solemn march accompanied by a military brass band.