Samara State Technical University. Samara State Technical University military department Samgtu military

5.5 Training at the military department

The military department is structural unit university and trains reserve officers for Armed Forces Russian Federation in three specialties: commander of a motorized rifle platoon on an infantry fighting vehicle; commander of a general-purpose automobile platoon; platoon commander for automotive repair. Full-time 2nd-year university students who are male citizens of the Russian Federation, fit for military service for health reasons, and whose age at the time of graduation will not exceed 27 years have the right to study at the military department.

The selection of students wishing to study at the military department is made by the military department of the university in the third semester on the basis of a personal application (Appendix 3, p. 31), which is submitted to the deputy dean for educational work.

  • Lists and applications are transferred to the military department for consideration.

  • The number of students in the military department is limited, so enrollment is made at on a competitive basis decision of a special commission based on the results of an individual interview.

  • During the interview, each student must have a personal passport, registration certificate, grade book, and a medical certificate from the military medical commission.
Primary requirements:

a) state of health (preference is given to those students whose medical certificate contains a general conclusion “fit for military service without restrictions”);

b) academic performance (according to the grade book);

Classes at the military department begin in the fourth semester.

Classes are held once a week, the day of classes is included in the general class schedule. There are no other classes on this day. Duration of training is 2.5 years. Upon graduation from the military department, he is assigned military rank“reserve lieutenant” and is issued a document confirming receipt of a military specialty. Full-time students are granted one deferment from military service. The deferment begins from the moment of admission to the university and ends in connection with graduation from the university or expulsion for academic failure, unpaid studies on time, etc.

The right to the stipulated deferment from conscription for military service, is retained by the citizen who continues continuous education in the educational program of the next level of higher education vocational education, in the same educational institution. This right also remains in the event (provided that the expiration date educational institution increases by no more than 1 year):

  • receiving academic leave during the study period;

  • transfer in the same educational institution from one educational program to another;

  • transfer to another educational institution of the same level.
When reinstated after expulsion from the same educational institution, the right to deferment is retained if the deadline for graduation from the educational institution does not change (is not increased). In case of expulsion for violation of the charter, internal regulations or other unjustified reasons, the deferment is not maintained.
5.6 Golden Fund of SamSTU

University graduates for outstanding achievements in studies and scientific activities, for Active participation in the cultural and social life of the university can be included in the Golden Fund of SamSTU, and also awarded the gold medal of SamSTU. The Golden Fund of the University has the following nominations: for excellent studies and scientific activity(gold medal), gold pen, for active work on the development and interaction of SamSTU students with student organizations Russia and the CIS countries, for versatility in creativity, for the development of the choreographic genre at SamSTU, for the development of youth parliamentarism, for outstanding talent in vocal art, a golden voice, for the originality of performances.

Applicants for nomination to the Golden Fund (receiving a medal) must submit the following documents to the University Academic Council:

  1. “Representation – characteristic” in the form
a short summary of your studies and achievements.

  1. Photos on paper and electronic media
(in the presentation-characteristic).

  1. List scientific works(if any).

  2. Copies of scientific theses (articles) and documents on awards.
The award of a gold medal and inclusion in the Golden Fund of SamSTU is carried out at a meeting of the Academic Council of the university.

Students are required to: be disciplined and tidy, take care of equipment, furniture, books, maintain cleanliness and order in the premises and on the territory of the university. Respect the university, remove your hat when entering its walls. It is prohibited to wear shorts, T-shirts (tops), or soiled clothing in university buildings. It is prohibited to wear outerwear during classes. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, are prohibited on university premises. Students may enter the classroom after the start of the lesson only with the permission of the teacher. Students are required to stand when the teacher enters the classroom.

For violation academic discipline and internal regulations, as well as for misconduct that compromises a student, one of the penalties is imposed: reprimand, reprimand, severe reprimand, expulsion from the university. For property damage and material damage, the university management has the right to recover monetary compensation from the offender for the damage caused and expel him from the university.
6.1. Session extension and academic leave

  1. Academic leave and extension of the session for family reasons are carried out by Order of the University Rector upon the personal application of the student and the petition of the dean.

  2. For health reasons, academic leave and extension of the session are made by decision of the medical commission of the Student Clinic Center medical university(located in the premises of the diagnostic clinic of the city clinical hospital at the address: Moskovskoe highway, 2 a).

    1. Expulsion from the university
Expulsion from the university is carried out by order of the rector upon the recommendation of the dean.

a) for academic failure (if there are two or more debts on the day the session ends and any number of debts two weeks after the end of the session);

b) for inappropriate behavior both on the territory of SamSTU and outside it;

c) for absences training sessions in an amount of more than 36 hours and unsatisfactory current academic performance;

d) for violation of the Internal Regulations in the buildings and dormitories of SamSTU;

e) for financial debt (for commercial students);

f) at his own request based on the student’s application.

Students expelled from the budget form of education can be reinstated as students under the terms of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services. In case of reinstatement as a student, the deferment from the army may not be maintained (see clause 5.5).

    1. Restorations, transfers and parallel training
In case of expulsion from the university, reinstatement to the number of students on a budgetary basis is possible only if there are vacant places at the university as a whole, or on a commercial basis in the absence of vacant state-budgeted places, within the time limits established by the Rector's Order.

When transferring within the university or reinstating, the following documents are required:

a) personal statement signed by the dean and vice-rector (Appendices 4.5, p. 32);

b) when registering for training on a commercial basis: the original agreement establishing the rights and obligations of the parties in 3 copies (room 318, Main building);

c) a copy of the cash receipt for payment.

The documents are signed at the rector’s office, after which one copy of the agreement, a personal statement and a copy of the payment receipt must be submitted to the HR department, student sector (room 110, Main building). Using the student’s study card, which he must bring from the dean’s office of the faculty where he previously studied, the MRM specialist checks learning programs and issues directions for pre-passing those disciplines that the student has not studied.

Transfers to SamSTU or from SamSTU to other universities are made by Order of the Rector within the established time frame, provided the following documents are available:

a) personal statement (Appendix 5, p. 33);

b) academic certificate and extract from the order (on transfer) of the university from which the transfer is made;

c) a certificate of the established form from the receiving university, certifying the guarantee of admission by transfer, signed by the rector of the university with a visa from the dean of the faculty;

d) document on secondary education;

When registering for training on a commercial basis, additionally: the original agreement establishing the rights and obligations of the parties in 3 copies and a copy of the cash receipt for payment.

When transferring, a bypass sheet is signed, the form of which is taken from the student personnel department. In case of transfer from another university, the deferment from the army remains if the deadline for graduation from the educational institution is increased by no more than 1 year (see clause 5.5).

For parallel studies (studying at two universities or at two faculties of one university at the same time), you must provide the following documents:

a) a personal application addressed to the rector of the host university with visas from the dean of the faculty and the head of the department;

b) a certificate from the main place of study;

c) a copy of the document on secondary education;

d) academic certificate or a certified copy of the student’s academic card or record book;

e) photographs (6 pcs., size 3×4 cm).

When registering parallel training on a commercial basis, additionally: the original agreement establishing the rights and obligations of the parties in 3 copies and a copy of the cash receipt for payment.

    1. Transition from a commercial form of education to a budget form of education
Nomination of candidates for transfer from a commercial form of education to a budget-funded one and training necessary documents for transfer is carried out by the dean's office and the student council of the faculty. The transfer is carried out during the summer winter holidays(usually in February and August) by a commission consisting of: the rector, vice-rector for academic affairs and deans.

Terms of transfer (in accordance with the Regulations on transfer):

a) availability of vacant budget places throughout the university;

b) based on the results of four semesters, have only excellent grades or, based on the results of six semesters, have only excellent and good grades;

c) in exceptional cases, the commission may consider transferring a student studying “good” or “excellent” to a budget place: in the event of the death of one of the parents; the student has children under three years of age in a student family; having forced migrant status; for other social and everyday circumstances; making a significant contribution to the development of the university, raising its rating and prestige.

To transfer, you must provide the following documents: a student’s personal statement, endorsed by the dean, a copy of the grade book, certificates of family composition and income of its members for the past or current year; having the status of unemployed - a document from the employment service; other documents confirming the reasons for transfer to budget places specified in paragraph c).

Documents are provided to the commission by the dean of the faculty. From the date specified in the rector’s order to transfer the student to a budget-funded place, the agreement on tuition fees is terminated, the amount paid for tuition is returned from the date of termination of the agreement.


7.1. Faculty Student Council

The student council of the faculty works together with the ETF dean's office, the university trade union, the student scientific society, cultural center university, student council of dormitories. The chairman of the ETF student council is a student from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Structure and functions of the ETF student council.

The ETF Student Council consists of six sectors.

  • Educational, the functions of which include monitoring the progress and attendance of students with the design of an attendance register, holding a headman and re-electing headmen, as well as holding a review competition for the best educational groups and best students university.

  • Social, whose functions include identifying students in need of financial assistance; distribution of tickets to cultural and entertainment centers among students who have achieved academic success; prefects, student council; The distribution of vouchers for vacation periods among students who have achieved academic success, prefects and the student council is carried out jointly with the student trade union organization. Representatives of the sector cooperate with the center for promoting student employment (clause 7.4 p. 23). The social sector includes the faculty trade union.

  • Scientific, whose functions include informing and motivating students to participate in student scientific conferences and conducting research work under the guidance of the faculty.

  • The media, whose functions include publishing the newspaper of the electrical engineering faculty at least 2 times a semester, submitting material to the university website.

  • Culture, Sports and Leisure, whose functions include identifying and recruiting talented students, holding events such as initiation into students, student debut, student spring, as well as participation in public events of the university.

  • For work in a hostel, whose functions include monitoring order and discipline in the hostel, conducting cleanup days and educational work with violators of internal order in the hostel, as well as holding holidays, meetings and other events according to the campus work plan. Representatives of the dormitory work sector are members of the dormitory student council.
The Faculty Student Council monitors compliance with the rights and benefits of students. The student council includes a scholarship commission, which is formed from members of the faculty student council. The scholarship committee is responsible for the appointment of scholarships together with the ETF dean's office.

Information about the current and future work of the student council is posted on the university website www. samgtu. ru. The student council of the university is located in the main building on the 1st floor in room 103.
7.2. Trade union organization of students

The trade union organization of students is an organization that unites university students on a voluntary basis for the representation, protection and implementation of their educational, labor, professional and socio-economic interests and rights. At each faculty, the chairman of the faculty trade union bureau is elected. By contacting the chairman of the ETF trade union bureau or directly to the trade union organization, a student can become a member of the student trade union organization.

Members of the student trade union organization have the right to:

1) New Year gifts and benefits for children (for students with children);

2) discounted vouchers to sanatoriumSamSTU dispensary, who during the rehabilitation period provides diagnostics, treatment, dietary nutrition, massage, and restorative procedures;

3) discounted trips to sportyhealth camp SamSTU "Polytechnic";

4) encouragement with tourist vouchers;

5) discounts on visiting entertainment events and driving courses at reduced prices;

6) compensation payments for the cost of travel to the place of permanent residence, recreation and industrial practice:

a) travel to the place of permanent residence (and back) is paid within the limits Samara region no more than 4 times a month in the amount of 50% of the cost of transport services provided;

b) travel to the place of rest is paid - if you have a trade union voucher;

c) travel to the place of practical training is paid if there is an order to be sent to practical training.

7) receiving financial assistance.

Each member of a student trade union organization experiencing financial difficulties has the right to receive financial assistance once a semester in the amount of (usually) a basic scholarship. In exceptional cases (death of close relatives, loss of material assets as a result of fire and other disasters, criminal attacks, etc.), the amount of financial assistance and the number of applications per semester may be greater than established. Awarding a scholarship to a student does not deprive him of the right to receive financial assistance.

Procedure for receiving financial assistance:

a) an application of the established form is filled out (application forms are available in the student union and in the dean’s office);

b) the application is accompanied by a certificate of assignment of financial assistance from the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City (District) Administration at your place of residence (similar to the certificate of assignment social scholarship(p.6));

c) a fully completed (signed) application and a certificate from the Department of Social Protection of the Population are transferred to the student union of the university for consideration;

d) in case of a positive decision material aid obtained at the university cash desk using a personal passport or transferred to the student’s bank plastic card.

In the event of exceptional circumstances, financial assistance is issued out of turn, but documents confirming the exceptionality of these circumstances are attached to the application.

The student trade union organization is located in the main building on the 1st floor in room 102. Tel.: 278-43-74.

Topic No. 4 Movement order.

Group lesson method

Samara 2005

Samara State Technical University


"I approve"

Head of the military department

Colonel S. Voblikov

"____" _____________ 200__g.

Ex. No.______


for a group lesson

according to traffic rules

Topic No. 4 Movement order.

Lesson No. 1 Warning signals, their types and purpose. Responsibilities of drivers before starting to move, when entering the road, when changing lanes and turning (turning). Cases where a U-turn is prohibited. Requirements for placing vehicles on the roadway. Speed ​​limit and the possibility of increasing it in certain areas. Requirements for drivers of low-speed and heavy-duty vehicles. Procedure for stopping vehicles, safety rules.

Place class of traffic rules and OUAiBD

Discussed at the cycle meeting

"____" _____________ 200__g.

Protocol No. _____

Samara 2005

I. Learning objectives: Know:

    the procedure for giving warning signals;

    rule for starting movement;

    maneuvering rule;

    the order of location of vehicles on the roadway;

    that the wrong choice of speed leads to an accident, the procedure for overtaking and oncoming traffic;

    stopping and parking rules.

P. Educational goals: Develop a sense of confidence when driving a vehicle on highways.

III. Time 90 min.

Calculation of study time:

Time, min.



1. Warning signals, their types and purpose. Requirements for issuing warning signals. Responsibilities of road users in accordance with warning signals. Hazard warning lights and their application. Signals to attract the attention of the overtaken driver. Cases of application of emergency light signaling. Dangerous consequences of violating the rules for issuing warning signals.

2. Responsibilities of drivers before starting to move, when entering the road, when changing lanes and turning (turning). The procedure for leaving yards and other areas adjacent to the road. Driver behavior in the presence of an acceleration lane or acceleration lane.

3. Cases where a U-turn is prohibited. Reverse driving procedure.

4. Requirements for the placement of vehicles on the roadway, depending on the number of lanes, the type of vehicles and the speed of their movement. Cases when traffic on tram lines is allowed. Turns onto roads with reverse traffic.

5. Speed ​​limit and the possibility of increasing it in certain areas. Prohibitions for drivers while driving. Safe distances and intervals between moving vehicles.

Requirements for drivers of low-speed and heavy-duty vehicles. Dangerous consequences of non-compliance with speed, distance and intervals.

6. Conditions for overtaking. Driver's responsibilities when overtaking. Overtaking order. Cases of prohibited overtaking. Rules for oncoming traffic (three cases). Dangerous consequences of failure to comply with the rules of overtaking and oncoming traffic.

7. Procedure for stopping vehicles, safety rules. Stop at an angle to the edge of the roadway. Places where stopping and parking are prohibited are exceptions to this rule. Conditions under which the driver can leave his seat. Parking procedures for vehicles, safety rules. Places where parking is prohibited. Exceptions. Peculiarities of parking in sidewalk parking lots. Dangerous consequences of failure to comply with stopping and parking rules. Responsibilities of drivers in case of a forced stop.


  1. Educational and material support: Posters, slides, polylux, stands.

V. Methodological recommendations for the leader on preparing and conducting a practical lesson: On the eve of the lesson, prepare didactic material (transparencies). Prepare technical training tools. It is advisable to conduct a control survey in a comprehensive manner using control cards and questions for oral answers. During the lesson, it is advisable to use examples of problem-based learning, actively use projection equipment and stands.

Connect the material being studied to the life of the troops. Strengthen the attention to the correct judgment of team skills in organizing the operation of machines, excluding road accidents by personnel. During the lesson, make extensive use of technical teaching aids.

Anonymous review 02/25/2019 05:26

I want to leave my impression about this university. It’s better not to come here, it doesn’t give you any knowledge. Teachers shirk from work and teach at a poor level. If you want real knowledge, go to other universities. The ranking is based on Russia. But in fact, everything is very bad here. I really regret that I came here. On Faculty of Economics don’t act, there is no knowledge and prospects here

Alena Muzacheva 02.06.2013 13:06

I am a 4th year student at FAIT. Specifically for my specialty, there was a very large competition for budget places (specialty “Computer machines, complexes, systems and networks”). But they were accepted into less popular specialties with a small number of points.

I got in without any problems, since I had enough points on the Unified State Exam. The group initially consisted of 30 people. Then, of course, people started dropping out. Some left in the first semester under the pretext of “choosing the wrong specialty,” others were expelled for poor academic performance. By the way, the number of retakes is unlimited. The main thing is to close your debts before the next session. But if there are 1-2 debts left, then most likely you will not be expelled. They don't buy exams from us often. Teachers do not shake money, as in some universities. But, as they say, you can buy anything, you just need to offer the required amount.

In general, our university is very popular, especially among males. After all, the main advantages are military department(graduates of which, by the way, do not later go to serve, but remain in the reserve with a military ID in hand. SamSTU is the only university in Samara with such a military department) and the Faculty of Petroleum. In addition, students are offered training at a driving school. The last price I saw was 15,000 for category "B".

As for practice, now we go through it 4 times. You can choose a company yourself and enter into an agreement with it, or the university will send you. In the 2nd and 3rd years you will of course be sent to admissions committee or to a computer center or simply to your department. But what is surprising is that in the 4th year the enterprises offered are very worthy. This includes Transneft and customs and epam-systems. You don’t even have to look for enterprises, but agree to these ones.

Since the 3rd year I have been working in my specialty. Most of my work is related to the Internet. But someone from the group has already got a job as a software developer, someone as a system administrator. IT specialists are needed everywhere now. And even more so with knowledge. After SamSTU you will not be left without work.

Vladimir Keshenov 04/22/2013 19:26

SSTU is the most popular university in Samara, popularly called “Polytech”. People come here for both budget and paid places, but there are still more payers.

The main building of the Polytechnic University is located near the Volga embankment, in the city center. The remaining buildings are scattered throughout the city, which is one of the disadvantages of the university.

The education here is of high quality, and graduates of chemical faculties are especially valued; almost all of them then go to work in the oil sector; fortunately, there are plenty of oil refineries in the region. Technology graduates also do not need work.

There are 20-30 people studying in groups, there are a lot of target students. Educational programs standard, new approaches to teaching are rarely used, but the university is excellently equipped technically, there are many laboratories, field practitioners, test sites.

The military department of the university is another reason for its popularity among school graduates. Motor vehicle officers are trained here, so when enrolling with the expectation of joining the department, you need to think about obtaining a driver's license of category "B" and "C". SSTU has its own shooting range, well equipped.

The university dormitories are overcrowded, and it is almost impossible to get a room here.