University of Telecommunications named after M. Bonch Bruyevich. Military department

  • In 1929, the Higher Courses of Communications Engineers were located in house number 61 on the Moika River embankment,
  • Since 1930, the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (LIIS) has settled there. In the same year, the workers 'faculty (workers' faculty) and the technical school of communications were opened, which formed a single structure with the institute, called the Leningrad educational communications complex (LUKS).
  • October 13, 1930 - Decree of the USSR Council of People's Commissars on the organization of the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (662 people were admitted to the first year).
  • 1931-1941 - the evening department is open. The publishing and research sectors have been created.
  • On June 8, 1940, the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (LEIS) was named after Professor M. A. Bonch-Bruevich.
  • 1941, June-August - 70% of the teaching staff, staff and students go to the front. The departments of the university were reorganized to fulfill military orders. More than 300 students and staff members participated in the construction of defensive structures every day, 360 students worked at special military facilities in the Leningrad Region. Training and production workshops fired shells, made devices for the navy, radio stations. Courses for radio operators and telegraph operators have been created.
  • 1941-1942, winter - more than 50 teachers and university employees died of hunger and cold.
  • January 1942-1945 - evacuation of LEIS to Kislovodsk, then to Tbilisi. In July 1942, classes at the institute resumed in Tbilisi. A branch of the institute was created in Leningrad. In January 1945 the institute returned to Leningrad completely.
  • 1945 - there are three faculties: radio communication and radio broadcasting, telephone and telegraph communication, evening training. The work of graduate school resumed. A military department and a television research laboratory have been created.
  • 1947 - the first scientific and technical conference of the teaching staff was held, which later became annual. The Institute is entrusted with training specialists for foreign countries.
  • 1949 - the first in Russia research in the field of color and stereoscopic television began at the Department of Television.
  • 1959 - the scientists and employees of LEIS designed and built the first experimental tropospheric communication line in the USSR. About 10 new departments have been created; 12 sectoral self-supporting research laboratories were organized. In the village of Voeikovo near St. Petersburg (Leningrad), a scientific training ground was created. In 1959, an experimental television center was created, which, together with the Leningrad Television Studio, conducted weekly programs.
  • 1960-1966 - LEIS is entrusted with the release of Proceedings of educational institutions of communication. The radio engineering faculty and a branch of the university - the Plant-VTUZ at the NPO named after Comintern (1963) The second educational building and two dormitories for 700 and 600 places were put into operation. LEIS was granted the right to admit doctoral dissertations. 89 Ph.D. theses were defended. In 1964, a dean's office for work with foreign students was formed. Specialized computers have been developed and created. The first domestic apparatus for copying drawings was made.
  • In 1965 the Institute was awarded the Diploma of Honor of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements for the exposition "The role of scientific research in improving the quality of the educational process."
  • 1966 - Head of the Television Department, Professor P.V.Shmakov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • 1972 - two leading communication faculties were formed - MES and NPP.
  • 1973 - the team of authors of the textbook "Television" was awarded the State Prize.
  • 1978-1992 - LEIS was included in the list of the country's leading universities in scientific work (1978) LEIS was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the USSR MS and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Communications Workers. The construction of a teaching and laboratory building on Bolsheviks Avenue (1978-1992) began.
  • 1992 - the Faculty of Economics and Management was founded.
  • 1993 - the university received the status of a university. New name: St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT). The St. Petersburg College of Telecommunications is included in the SPbSUT. Arkhangelsk and Smolensk colleges of telecommunications became branches of the university. The state educational institution "Lyceum at SPbSUT" was founded.
  • In 2009, the Scientific Research Innovation Center for Telecommunications was established at SPbSUT.
  • In November 2008, the construction of a new educational and laboratory building for the training of masters began on Bolshevikov Avenue (university campus). On September 5, 2008, a solemn ceremony of its opening took place.
  • Since March 2, 2015, SPbSUT has been conducting courses on the basis of the Department of Design and Production of Radioelectronic Devices (KPRES) from the PT Electronics holding.
  • May 11, 2017 Rector of SPbSUT

Today marks 75 years since the end of the Battle of Leningrad. The battle of Leningrad became one of the longest in the history of the Great Patriotic War, which lasted from July 10, 1941 to August 9, 1944.

Guided by Art. 39 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Regulations on the Procedure for the Provision of Accommodation in Dormitories of SPbSUT, by the decision of the operational headquarters for meeting and accommodating 1st year students in student dormitories, the first lists of students for settling in hostels were approved. The list includes students in need of a hostel, enrolled in 1 course within the quota of persons with special rights, as well as for targeted admission. The lists are available on our website in the "Campus" section.

Volunteers will help voters with disabilities in the election of the Governor of St. Petersburg on September 8, 2019. The task of volunteers is to help voters with disabilities.

On August 2, the opening of the seventh CTF Summer School took place in Zvenigorod. All participants of the Summer School are divided into teams, the goal of each of which is to score the highest number of points at the end of all days of the school. Points are awarded for completing assignments and participating in various competitions. During the day, participants are offered an educational and practical part from heads of information security services, analysts and famous experts in the field of information security, and in the evening - an entertainment program.

Dear Applicants! We remind you that the time to enter SPbSUT is not over yet. The doors of the Admissions Committee are still open for applicants wishing to receive education at full-time and part-time (evening) local departments under contracts for the provision of paid services. Tuition fees for applicants for the 2019/2020 academic year can be found here.

The website of the SPbSUT Admissions Committee has published orders for enrollment in undergraduate and specialist programs for 1 year at the expense of budgetary allocations (full-time, part-time and extramural education), as well as orders for admission to places under contracts with payment for educational services. You can view the orders here.

SPbSUT provides four hostels for students: · "Far East" · "Fisherman's" · "Vasileostrovskoye" · "Forest"

In Russia, the implementation of a joint project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and PJSC "Sberbank" on state support for educational lending of citizens begins

Are you dreaming of studying at SPbSUT, but did not find yourself on the list of applicants? There is still a chance to get into a leading communications university and get the education of your dreams! The doors of the Admissions Committee are still open for applicants wishing to receive education at full-time and part-time (evening) local departments under contracts for the provision of paid services.

Date of publication 13.05.2013 St. Petersburg

This choice is now being made by many applicants. Moreover, both boys and girls. Which one? They would like to serve in the army or in the navy as officers, and at the same time they want to acquire a solid civilian profession. Two diplomas at the same time? It turns out that this is quite possible - there is a compromise option: to enter the Military Training Center (UMC) at a civilian university.

In St. Petersburg, UVCs were created at four state universities: Baltic Technical ("Voenmech"), Marine Technical, Aerospace Instrumentation and the University of Telecommunications. prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich. The first enrollment was carried out back in 2006, and since then there have been two graduations, but still many do not know about such a universal form of full-time higher education. There is a reason for this: in the last three years there has been no recruitment at the UVC (as well as at military universities). But now the go-ahead has been received, and this summer the admission of freshmen will take place. True, those who want to become a student of one of these military training centers should hurry up - there are slightly different admission rules. However, about everything in order and with a specific example - the UVC of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT).

At first glance, the Military Training Center is a kind of symbiosis of civilian and military education. Young men and women who have entered the UHC study according to regular university programs and receive a civil diploma from St. Petersburg State University of Technology, which, as you know, is quoted very highly. But once a week, and in 4-5 courses, these students completely devote two to three days to mastering the military specialty: in army uniforms they study in the seven-story building of the Institute of Military Education (IVO) on Angliysky Prospekt, 3. In addition, the training program includes training fees and internships in military units. Simultaneously with the graduation from the university, each graduate of the UCC is awarded another diploma in accordance with the specialty received and is awarded the military rank of "lieutenant".

There is an analogy with the military higher education institution of the RF Ministry of Defense, but the UHC has a more sparing routine of student life. Along with obtaining a military education, a full-fledged diploma of a civilian university is also issued. After graduation, you need to serve as an officer not five years (as after a military college), but three years.

SPbSUT also has a military department - everyone has heard about this form of training reserve officers since Soviet times. She and the UVC form the Institute of Military Education (IVO) of the university.

“Of course, there is a certain similarity between these two forms, but there are still significant differences,” explains Colonel Igor SHTERENBERG, deputy head of the IVO. - If students are enrolled in the military department after the second year, then they enter the UHC on purpose with the obligatory passage of officer service after graduation. The procedure for admitting freshmen to the UVC is also different. For them, the first instance is the military commissariat at their place of residence. "

It is worth dwelling on the order of admission in more detail. In the military registration and enlistment office, the applicant's personal file is drawn up, he passes the military medical commission, professional psychological selection and receives a referral. With a sealed envelope with a personal file, direction and results of the exam (mathematics, physics, Russian), the applicant arrives in St. Petersburg, where he submits documents to the admissions office - until the end of July. Formally, you can send all this by mail, but practice shows: personally, it is safer.

“As an exception, the rector of the university is given the right to send those wishing to study at the UVTs to the military enlistment office of St. Petersburg assigned to us - the combined Admiralty and Kirovsky districts, where they draw up the necessary documents for admission,” said Colonel Vitaly GIRSH, head of the UVC. - It happens that for objective reasons in the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence it is not possible to do this on time. In short, the approach is individual, since we are also interested in the admission of well-trained boys and girls. True, the enrollment procedure is somewhat different from the usual in universities: the USE is in third place in importance. First, the state of health, then the results of the professional and psychological selection (there are four groups of recommendations for admission based on the testing results) and only then the USE ”.

What do the students themselves think of studying at the UVC? Here are just two first-hand opinions on the pros and cons.

Samson Kadashnikov, 4th year student: “Before entering here, I managed to graduate from the Marine Fisheries College in Murmansk, to work on ships supporting the Northern Fleet, so I made my choice of profession quite deliberately. During the four years of study, there was never a single doubt about its correctness. After all, you get two educations at once, and you have a much wider range of further activities. You are not initially worried about employment - you will serve as an officer. Now this is a high monetary allowance, a number of benefits for housing - there is social protection. "

Marina Doronina, 5th year student: “My studies at the UVC are coming to an end, and soon I will have two specialties: civilian -“ Communication networks, switching systems and computer technology ”and military -“ Operation and repair of wire communication equipment ”. She firmly intends to go to serve - she dreamed about it even before entering. The desire became even stronger after an internship in the troops at one of the communication centers. Our training was highly appreciated there, so I have no doubt that we will feel confident in our new position. I would like to be distributed to the Southern Military District, although I myself am from the Bryansk region. By the way, nonresidents live in a very good, conveniently located hostel. Among the advantages of the UHC and an increased scholarship, which for 2-5 courses is about four times higher than the usual student's one and can reach 7 thousand rubles. Military uniforms for training are given to us free of charge. "

... Very soon, the UVC of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. MA Bonch-Bruevich will produce the third graduation of the newly made lieutenants. Almost all of them expressed a desire to continue serving in the Armed Forces. And, importantly, there is such an opportunity - there are vacancies in the signal troops. Their mentors have no doubts about the successful start of graduates: they are all perfectly prepared and truly focused on service. Well, if something does not work out, then after three years of officer service, you can return to civilian life and continue to build a career. In the eyes of any employer, not only a diploma from a prestigious university, but also experience in military service in a specialized engineering specialty will become a significant advantage.


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Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich

St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich
International name

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

Former names

Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (LEIS)


Always in touch with the future!

Year of foundation
A type



Bachevsky Sergey Viktorovich

Legal address

191186, St. Petersburg, nab. Moika river, 61
193232, St. Petersburg, Bolshevikov Ave., 22


Coordinates: 59 ° 56′05 ″ s. sh. 30 ° 19′04 ″ in. etc. /  59.934722 ° N sh. 30.317778 ° E etc. (G) (O) (I)59.934722 , 30.317778

St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT), the former Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications ( LEIS) is a higher educational institution that trains specialists in the field of communications and telecommunications.


The history of the university began in 1930, when a special higher educational institution in radio engineering and telecommunications was created in Leningrad on the basis of the Higher Courses of Communication. A little later, it was named the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (LEIS).

From the very beginning, the best specialists in radio and wire communication technology in the country were involved in the educational process at the institute. Among them were scientists from the Central Radio Laboratory (the former Nizhny Novgorod Radio Laboratory, relocated to Leningrad) - M. A. Bonch-Bruevich, A. M. Kugushev, B. A. Ostroumov, V. V. Tatarinov, etc.

During the war years LEIS was evacuated to Tbilisi. There continued active research and educational activities. In the postwar years, the institute became a major educational and scientific center for the training of communications engineers. For example, it was at LEIS that the first research in the field of color and stereoscopic television began in the USSR (1949, Department of Television).

The following years became the time of technical and scientific achievements for the Institute. This was due to the expansion of educational services, updating curricula and the entire learning process at the institute. Over the years LEIS them. prof. MA Bonch-Bruevich became an important structural component of the communications industry. In 1993 LEIS received the status of a university and its current name.

Today, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after prof. MA Bonch-Bruevich is a modern, competitive state educational institution of higher professional education. Here, a student can receive education at all levels - from secondary to higher, in more than 20 specialties of a technical and humanitarian profile, as well as improve their qualifications through the system of additional education. The high rating of SPbSUT among technical universities in Russia is ensured and supported by its highly qualified teachers and scientists.

International cooperation of SPbSUT is the participation of teachers and students in internships, seminars, conferences, symposia. For several years the university has been actively working under the International Integrated Education (IIS) "Double Degree" program in partnership with the Higher School of Telecommunications (University of Applied Sciences) Deutsche Telecom, Leipzig, Germany. Here are just some of the foreign higher educational institutions-partners of the university: Donau-University (Austria), Fachhochschule Leipzig (Germany), Fachhochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (Berlin) Germany), Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), University of Helsinki (Finland), ENST-Bretagne (France), Danderyds Gumnasium (Sweden).

Students are sent to partner universities for “inclusive learning”, for writing theses, for obtaining a master's degree in EUROMASTER. The exchange of graduate students and trainees was organized; exchange of teachers - for giving lectures, conducting joint research and seminars. Joint laboratories and training centers have been created to retrain communications specialists with the participation of such foreign companies as Siemens AG, Nokia, Alkatel, AT&T, FINNET, NEC, Teletechno OY.

Path stages

1930-1941 Formation of a branch university

October 13, 1930 - Decree of the USSR Council of People's Commissars on the organization of the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (662 people were admitted to the first year). 1931-1941 - an evening department was opened (specialties: radio communication, telephony, telegraphy). The publishing and research sectors have been created. On June 8, 1940, the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (LEIS) was named after Professor M. A. Bonch-Bruevich. More than 40 research papers have been completed, more than 30 textbooks and monographs, 50 teaching aids, 19 scientific and technical collections of the institute, 152 scientific articles have been published, 2,155 specialists have been published, 21 graduate students defended their dissertations. The institute trained 1,400 students (in 1941), 400 teachers and employees, 23 departments, 40 educational and scientific laboratories, training and production workshops worked.

1941-1945 Together with the country

1941, June-August - 70% of the teaching staff, staff and students go to the front. The departments of the university were reorganized to fulfill military orders. More than 300 students and staff members participated in the construction of defensive structures every day, 360 students worked at special military facilities in the Leningrad Region. Training and production workshops fired shells, made devices for the navy, radio stations. Courses for radio operators and telegraph operators have been created. 1941 1942, winter - more than 50 teachers and employees of the university died of hunger and cold. 1942 January 1945 - evacuation of LEIS to Kislovodsk, then to Tbilisi. In July 1942, classes at the institute resumed in Tbilisi, 471 students studied. A branch of the institute was created in Leningrad (1943), where 181 students were admitted. In January 1945 the institute was completely re-evacuated to Leningrad.

1945-1993 Leading university in the communications industry

1945 - there are three faculties: radio communication and radio broadcasting, telephone and telegraph communication, evening training. The work of graduate school resumed. A military department and a television research laboratory have been created. 1947 - the first scientific and technical conference of the teaching staff was held, which later became annual. The Institute is entrusted with training specialists for foreign countries. 1945-1956 - 83 doctoral and candidate dissertations were defended. 52 textbooks and teaching aids were published. The total number of students studying at LEIS is about 5000 (as of 1956). 1960-1966 - LEIS is entrusted with the release of Proceedings of educational institutions of communication. The radio engineering faculty and a branch of the university - the Plant-VTUZ at the NPO named after Comintern (1963) The second educational building and two dormitories for 700 and 600 places were put into operation. LEIS was granted the right to admit doctoral dissertations. 89 Ph.D. theses were defended. 1978-1992 - LEIS is included in the list of the country's leading universities in scientific work (1978) Construction of a teaching and laboratory building on Bolshevikov Avenue (1978-1992) began. More than 8500 students study at seven faculties in five specialties, including 300 foreign students (1980). The number of teachers is about 600 people, the teaching staff is more than 400 people.

1993 to the present in University status

1993 - the university received the status of a university. New name: Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT).

The priority research areas are: the development of digital information transmission systems, the introduction of fiber-optic communication lines, the development of information networks, mobile communication networks. New departments have been created: digital signal processing; communication networks; information security of telecommunication systems; biomedical engineering; information control systems; global information technology; global infocommunication networks and systems.

The St. Petersburg Telecommunication Center, an industry center for training and advanced training of specialists, was created on the basis of SPbSUT. The Department of Fundamental Training was created, which provided training at the university for specialists in the "bachelor-master" system. The St. Petersburg College of Telecommunications is included in the SPbSUT. Arkhangelsk and Smolensk colleges of telecommunications became branches of the university. The state educational institution Lyceum at SPbSUT was established. The Institute of Information Technologies was established.

On September 5, 2008, a solemn ceremony of opening a new reconstructed academic building of the university on Bolshevikov Avenue took place. Reconstruction of the building allows organizing the educational process at a qualitatively new level. The program "1 student - 1 computer" has been successfully implemented, within the framework of which each student of the day department receives a laptop computer Apple MacBook for free use.

In 2009, the Scientific Research Innovation Center for Telecommunications was established at SPbSUT, which is designed to ensure the integration of science, education and business, as well as to create a domestic sector of manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and solutions in the field of digital media. Here students study at the same time and improve the qualifications of already working personnel.

In order to meet modern requirements for educational activities, curricula are constantly being improved and new specialties and specializations are being opened.

In November 2008, the construction of a new educational and laboratory building for the training of masters began on Bolshevikov Avenue (university campus). On September 5, 2008, a solemn ceremony of its opening took place, which made it possible to organize the educational process at a qualitatively new level. Construction of another new educational and laboratory building is underway on Bolshevikov Avenue for the training of masters and highly qualified specialists, which is planned to be completed by 2011-2012.

In October 2012, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after I. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruyevich entered the TOP-10 effective universities of St. Petersburg.

University today

St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. MA Bonch-Bruevich is a well-known university in the communications and telecommunications industry. SPbSUT, having a rich history and traditions, at the same time is one of the most innovative universities in Russia. The main activity of the university is the training of high-quality specialists in the field of telecommunications, who possess the fundamental principles of knowledge, applied methods and techniques, who are able to set and solve scientific and technical problems, and make independent decisions.

SPbSUT offers the most popular labor market training programs for specialists for the communications and telecommunications industry, economics, management, advertising and public relations. Today, 7 thousand students study at the university in 15 areas of training. The university develops a multilevel system of continuous training: school - lyceum - college - university.

SPbSUT occupies a leading position not only among communications universities, but also among other technical universities in Russia. The best specialists in the field of communications, telecommunications, radio broadcasting, infocommunications, multimedia, information systems, advertising and television teach here.

The international cooperation

SPbSUT carries out international cooperation on the basis of contracts and participation of teachers and students in internships, seminars, conferences, symposia. For several years the university has been actively working on the International Integrated Education (IIS) "Double Degree" program in partnership with the Higher Special School of Deutsche Telekom in Leipzig (Fachhochschule Deutsche Telekom). Some foreign higher educational institutions-partners of the university:

  • Donau-University (Austria)
  • Fachhochschule Leipzig (Germany)
  • Fachhochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (Berlin, Germany)
  • Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
  • University of Helsinki (Finland)
  • ENST-Bretagne (France)
  • TELECOM Lille 1 (France)
  • Danderyds Gumnasium (Sweden)

Students are sent to partner universities for "inclusive learning", writing thesis, to obtain a master's degree in EUROMASTER. An exchange of graduate students and trainees was organized; exchange of teachers - for giving lectures, conducting joint research and seminars. Joint laboratories and training centers for retraining communications specialists have been created with the participation of such foreign companies as Siemens AG, Nokia, Alcatel, AT&T, FINNET, NEC, Teletechno OY.

A department for promoting the employment of graduates has been created at SPbSUT. For holding competitions of sports teams, the university rents halls, purchases uniforms and equipment. The university has three student residences.

University faculties

  • Faculty of Radio Communication, Television and Multimedia Technologies. ().
  • Faculty of multichannel telecommunication systems. ()
  • Faculty of communication networks, switching systems and computer technology. ().
  • Faculty of Communication Technology and Biomedical Electronics. ().
  • Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies.().
  • Faculty of Economics and Management. ().
  • Department of Fundamental Training. ().
  • Faculty of Evening and Distance Learning. ().
  • Faculty of advanced training and retraining of engineering and teaching personnel. ().

The university includes (), which includes a military training center, a military department, a department for retraining specialists, a group of patriotic education.


No later than February 1, SPbSUT shall publish the following information on its official website for applicants:

  • a list of areas of training (specialties) for which SPbSUT announces admission in accordance with a license to carry out educational activities;
  • annual rules for admission to SPbSUT;
  • annual admission rules for training in basic vocational educational programs of secondary vocational education;
  • annexes to the admission rules for secondary vocational education programs;
  • a list of entrance examinations in general education subjects in each area of \u200b\u200bstudy (specialty) in accordance with the List of entrance examinations to state-accredited educational institutions of higher professional education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the List of entrance examinations;
  • list and information on the forms of entrance examinations for persons with higher professional education, and the rules for their conduct;
  • list and information on the forms of entrance examinations for training in master's programs and certification tests for admission to the second and subsequent courses and the rules for their conduct;
  • a list and information on the forms of conducting entrance examinations for persons with secondary vocational education and entering for training in an abbreviated bachelor's program of the corresponding profile, and the rules for their conduct;
  • programs of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently, and the rules for their conduct;
  • information on the forms of entrance examinations for foreign citizens and the rules for their conduct;
  • information on the possibility of accepting applications and necessary documents provided for by this Procedure in electronic digital form;
  • features of the entrance examinations for citizens with disabilities;
  • information on the timing of the USE for passing the USE by persons who do not have USE results.

Students can be trained at the Faculty of Military Education, and also have the opportunity to get a second higher education in the specialties of SPbSUT. Upon graduation, students receive state diplomas.

Famous graduates

  • Touré, Hamadoun - Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union


Head of the military department:

Historical reference

On the basis of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars No. 534 of October 13, 1930, the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications was established.

By order of the VPU LVO dated 21.11.30, number VPU / 5/2111, military training began at the institute.

November 21, 1930 is the day of the beginning of military training at the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers.

On April 13, 1946, a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers was adopted on the formation of military departments at institutes, including at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications named after V.I. prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich.

In 1996, by order of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 1164 of 04.07.1996, the military department of St. prof. Bonch-Bruevich was transformed into the Faculty of Military Education.

By the decision of the Academic Council of St. prof. M.A.Bonch-Bruevich "Protocol" No. 2 dated 23.10.2008 and by order of the rector of the university No. 395 dated 29.10.2008. The Institute of Military Education was established. The structural unit of which is the military department.

The Military Department provides training according to military training programs from among the citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 30 that meet the requirements for officers, sergeants and reserve soldiers studying full-time under higher professional education programs that have state accreditation.

Admission to the military department is carried out on the basis of the voluntary desire of citizens, on the basis of the selection made by the commission of the military department.

Reasons to enter the military department:

1. Additional education.

2. Military service while studying at the university.

3. Acquisition of volitional qualities.

4. Fostering discipline and responsibility.

5. Ability to independently make decisions and implement them.

6. After receiving a military rank, at will, the opportunity to undergo military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other ministries and departments in which military service is provided for by law.

The procedure for admission to the military department

Candidates for admission to the military department can be citizens of the Russian Federation up to 30 years old, who are on the military register in military commissariats, as well as in the military registration desk of the university, full-time students in the basic educational programs of bachelor's and specialty.

The selection is carried out:

officers (reserve) from among the students of the 3rd and 4th year of the university studying in the basic educational programs of the bachelor's degree with the subsequent graduation of the magistracy and the students of the 2nd year studying in the basic educational programs of the specialist.

For military training programs soldiers and sergeants (reserve) from among the students of the 2nd and 3rd courses of bachelor's degree.

For admission to the military department, you must:

Arrive at the military department at English avenue, 3 and write an application addressed to the rector of the university.

Have with you:

A photocopy of the certificate of the citizen of the Russian Federation, subject to conscription in the Armed Forces;

Photocopies of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th pages of the passport;

Photocopy of temporary registration;

Photos 3x4 - 4 pieces, black and white, matte;

Grade book.


Get a referral at the military department to undergo a medical commission, professional psychological selection in the department of the military commissariat.

Pass the preliminary selection in the department of the military commissariat and submit the documents to the educational unit of the military department.

To pass tests on physical training at the department of physical culture of the university.

Based on the results of the submitted documents, the commission of the military department selects candidates for concluding a training agreement at the military department.

Based on the results of the commission's work, an agreement is concluded with candidates for training at the military department and by order of the rector of the university they are admitted to classes.

The order of training at the military department:

Classes are held by the military day method once a week.

By training programs:

Reserve officers 2.5 years;

Reserve sergeants 2 years;

Reserve soldier 1.5 years old.

After completing the training course at the military department, a training camp is held in the troops for a period of 1 month, at which the military oath is taken, and at the end of the training, final certification is carried out. In case of positive results of certification and upon receipt of a diploma of graduation from the university, a military rank is assigned and enrollment in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The military department has 3 cycles:

Cycle of radio relay, tropospheric and space communications

Cycle of conductive and courier-mail communication

Cycle of electronic warfare

More detailed information about VK on the IVO website: