Academic holidays for the academic year. Vacation in quarters

Main question, who worries a student who opens the school door on September 1 - when will school break... The school year has just begun, and many are already interested in the problem of recreation. Of course, every student and his parents want the holidays for the child to be not in vain. In just a week, you should gain strength before the next training start. And there is very little time.

Why are vacations so small? - schoolchildren ask a question.

What's in store for the guys this year?

Consider the 2015-2016 vacation calendar academic year.

According to the order issued by the Moscow Department of Education dated 05.24.2103, school holidays will take place on the following dates:

  • Autumn break - November 2, 2015 - November 9, 2015 (1 week)
  • Winter Holidays - December 28, 2015 - January 12, 2016 (2 weeks)
  • Spring Break - March 24, 2016 - March 31, 2016 (1 week)
  • Vacation schedule in schools where training takes place in terms of trimester:
  • autumn first - October 7 - October 13 (1 week)
  • autumn second - November 18 - November 24 (1 week)
  • winter first - December 31, 2015 - January 08, 2016 (9 days)
  • winter second - February 19 - February 23 (1 week)
  • spring - April 9 - April 13 (1 week)

Additional vacation dates are possible for first grade children and students of correctional and developmental education.

By the way, it should be said that academic terms and the schedule of school holidays can differ significantly in different cities and regions of Russia. This is due to the fact that the Department does not give an exact schedule, but only recommends possible days of rest for students among the year. Traditionally, the holidays are associated with a new school week:

  1. autumn - from the first Monday of November;
  2. winter - with the last Monday in December;
  3. spring - with the last Monday in March.
  4. Summer break days usually start on May 25, i.e. after the holiday of the Last Call.

The vacation schedule for any academic year assumes their division into "long" and "short":

  • spring and autumn last about a week, therefore they are called "short",
  • and the winter ones cover the days of the New Year holidays and last for two weeks, hence the definition - "long".

However, the schedule and dates may vary, not only due to the decision of the regional authorities, but also depending on the preferences of the school leadership. While public schools generally adhere to the schedule given by the Department, private schools allow themselves significant deviations.

The vacation calendar can vary significantly depending on various unforeseen circumstances or national events. So, the autumn school holidays can be postponed or prolonged in connection with the November elections, winter - in connection with the quarantine. Of course, the missed days sometimes have to be worked out, but during such periods schoolchildren still walk more than usual.

The vacation calendar, as already mentioned, can be determined and geographic location... Let's give an example. In St. Petersburg, the holiday schedule for schoolchildren will be reduced by a week in winter: they go on vacation on December 28 and come out on January 8. The vacation days for this academic year will not differ much in other regions of Russia.

So, vacation fall for russian schoolsthe nicknames have already started and will only last 7 days. Maybe this will not seem enough to someone. The guys in St. Petersburg may well complain about the small winter holidays and envy their Moscow comrades. But in general, these are little things school life, to which they have long been accustomed. In any case, rest in the middle of the school year should contribute to renewal of strength, restoration of health, so that upon leaving school the student feels vigorous, cheerful, ready for new achievements. May this academic year bring you successes, achievements, the joy of victories and, of course, a pleasant vacation during the holidays!

In order to create conditions for organized recreation of children, ensuring the safety of life and health of schoolchildren, the implementation of a unified plan of events with students during the vacation time, the Moscow Department of Education recommends the following vacation periods

School Vacation Schedule 2014/2015 - Spring, Autumn, New Year

The beginning of the academic year 2014-2015 - (PRELIMINARY)

September 1 (Monday)
Autumn holidays 2014 -from 27.10.2014 to 05.11.2014 (8 days)
New Year holidays 2014-2015 -from 27.12.2014 to 11.01.2015 (16 days)
Spring Break -03/21/2015 to 03/29/2015 (9 days)
When it comes to the timing of school holidays, it will probably seem to many that there are strictly defined rules prescribing to set any dates for the beginning and end of this period of schoolchildren's rest. In fact, the dates of vacations often "walk" according to the calendar and sometimes coincide with some major events that are held in the building of an educational institution - for example, with the November elections

This is because at the legislative level, the right to decide on the timing of vacations is assigned to the administration of a particular school. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation constantly issues recommendations that most schools are guided by.

How the vacation calendar is formed

Traditionally, holidays are tied to the beginning of a new school week: autumn starts on the first Monday in November; winter - on the last Monday in December; spring - on the last Monday in March. Summer vacation usually starts on May 25, the day of the last call.

Also, the holidays are divided into "long" and "short": autumn and spring usually last about a week, winter - two or three, and summer, standing alone, - for three months.
The dates of the holidays are determined in advance - at the beginning of each academic year. Therefore, no one, in principle, is insured from rest two or three weeks earlier than the usual "vacation". And if this practically does not happen in public schools, then the heads of private schools often allow themselves large discrepancies with the traditional timing of the holidays.

According to the law, Russian schools can set their own vacation time - this is the prerogative of the administration of the educational institution. However, education authorities annually issue recommended schedule for school holidays - and the vast majority of educational institutions adhere to it.

As a rule, the timing of short autumn and spring school holidays is set so that they begin with weekends and end with them - in this case, the children rest for a whole week, and not two halves.

In Moscow schools, starting from the 2015-2016 academic year, vacations will take place according to one of two schedules - the classical one, when the academic year is divided into four quarters with short autumn and two-week winter vacations (this is how most Russian schools study) or according to a modular scheme, when 5-6 weeks of study alternate with one week of rest. Which of these two schedules the school operates on is determined by the board of the educational institution.

Dates of autumn holidays in 2015

Duration autumn holidays will be 9 days, including weekends. Traditionally, the holidays coincide with the week when the Day of National Unity is celebrated in Russia.

When schoolchildren have winter holidays 2015-2016

Schoolchildren will be able to celebrate New Year's holidays for 16 days - this will be the duration of their winter rest.

Winter holidays start on December 26 () January 10 (Sunday). The end date of the school holidays coincides with the end of the All-Russian New Year holidays - January 11 will be the first working day after the New Year and Christmas and the first day of the third academic quarter.

Additional holidays for first graders in 2016

In the middle of the third, longest quarter, first graders will have an additional short vacation. They will start February 8 (Monday)and will last exactly one week. Vacation end date - February 14, Sunday.

Spring Break 2016 Schedule

Traditional schoolchildren start week of spring rest on March 19, on Saturday - it will be the first day of the March holidays. Their duration will be the same as in the autumn - 9 days.

In some schools, spring break will take place a week later - from March 26 to April 3 - to start new quarter since April is more familiar to many.

Vacation dates for the schedule "5 (6) +1"

Schoolchildren, whose school year is built not in quarters, but according to the modular system "5 (6) +1", will have a special rest schedule: the study period, which includes five or six weeks, will alternate with weekly holidays. There will be five such small vacations throughout the school year.

Vacation schedule on a modular schedule in 2015-2016:

  • October 5-11

  • November 16-22

  • December 30 - January 5

  • 15-21 February

  • April 4-10.


  • School Holidays Schedule for the 2015-2016 academic year

At the moment, the Ministry of Education has not yet approved the school vacation schedule for the next academic year. But, if it is important for us now to understand when the schoolchildren will rest, we can try to draw up a schedule by looking at the schedule of past years.

When will schoolchildren rest in the 2017-2018 academic year? Let's try to answer this question. In this article, we will look at the "classic" school schedule: four quarters, holidays in between, and additional holidays for those who are in school for the first year.

The first school day in the 2017-2018 academic year is September 1. In 2017, this day falls on Friday.

Autumn holidays usually fall in late October and early November. In 2017, autumn holidays are expected to begin on Saturday 28 October. The last day of the fall break is Monday, November 6th. This is due to the fact that the holiday (non-working) day of November 4 falls on Saturday, and is postponed to November 6 (Monday).

Winter holidays for schoolchildren will begin on December 25, and will last until January 9, 2018, and a week of additional rest for first graders may fall for a week, which will begin on February 19.

Summer holidays, as in other academic years, will begin on June 1, and for students of grades 1-4 - on May 25, and for students in grades 9 and 11, the academic year will end according to the final certification schedule.

Finally, we note that all the terms determined by the Ministry are of the nature of a recommendation. The school decides whether to follow them, and, if necessary, can shift the holidays in one direction or another.

All children look forward to the holidays every year to take a break from busy school days. Information about the 2015-2016 vacation schedule will be useful not only for students, but also for their parents, who can plan a vacation and come up with a plan of children's entertainment in advance for this period.

Autumn vacation

Despite the fact that each educational institution has the right to independently set the timing of scheduled breaks in educational process, at recent times society is increasingly returning to a single format that is most common in the country's schools.

The first opportunity to postpone textbooks for children will be provided by the autumn school holidays of the 2015-2016 season. According to the schedule, their start is scheduled for October 31, duration - 9 days until November 8. They will return to classes on Monday 9 November.

Festive Winter - Winter Holidays

The longest and, perhaps, the most beloved by children after the summer are the winter days free from school. During this period, there are two magical holidays - New Year and Christmas. Besides, cultural life offers a rich educational and entertainment program.

It is assumed that the New Year holidays in 2016 may begin from December 26th. In this case, schoolchildren are given two full weeks and two days for rest. The best winter 16 days for children will expire on Sunday January 10, and on Monday January 11 they will have to return to school classes.

Winter holidays 2015-2016 are also good because most of the parents at this time are also on legal rest and have the opportunity to go on a trip with their children or just enjoy a joint pastime.

Spring respite

In the spring, as the school year gradually draws to a close, the 2015-2016 spring school break provides schoolchildren with a little respite before the intense April and May.

The school vacation schedule in 2015-2016 promises children 9 free spring days, starting from 26 March. Rest will last until Monday 4th April, when the 4th quarter begins.

The last chance to catch your breath before will be only during the May holidays: from May 1 to May 3, as well as May 7, 8, 9.

Additional ones can be introduced from 16 to 28 February 2016. In addition, students in educational institutions Russian days off will be February 23, 2016, March 8, 2016, 2, 3, and May 9, 2016.

By planning holidays for the 2015-2016 academic year and their duration, schools provide children with the opportunity to relax a little, “digest” the load of the school curriculum and recuperate before the next quarter. And how fruitful this vacation will be depends entirely on loving parents.

Schoolchildren are always looking forward to the onset of the vacation time, when you can at least for a while forget about the "granite of science" and devote more time to your favorite hobbies, walking with friends, playing games and relaxing with your family. Information about the vacation period is always of interest to parents, as it makes it possible to control all possible "tails" of the child, plan a family vacation and joint entertainment. This year, for schoolchildren and their parents, the question of possible reforms in determining the dates of vacations became relevant.

Recall that until recently in Russian Federation a well-established scheme worked, according to which the Ministry of Education received recommendations on the duration of the holidays planned for the autumn, winter, spring and summer periods, as well as provided information on the recommended timing of their holding.

The usual school vacation system may change in 2016

The management of state-type schools had the opportunity to set the final dates for the onset of vacation rest independently, having made an appropriate decision at the teachers' council. The main requirement of the Ministry was to comply with the specified number of days and start the holidays on Monday.

School innovation

Today, the issue of returning to the old norms and the possibility that the dates of the beginning of the holidays will again become uniform are being actively discussed, regardless of the region of the state. The capital was ahead of other regions and has already conducted polls and votes regarding this proposal.

The initiator of the introduction of uniform dates was Isaac Kalina, who holds the post of the Minister of Education of the Moscow Government. As it became known after processing the results of the survey, none of the proposed options received more than half of the respondents' votes. It is known that parents chose from several proposed options:

  1. the first concerns the classical type of education, in which the academic year is divided into quarters. In this case, schoolchildren will be given the opportunity of three vacations (in autumn, winter and spring) between quarters and a long summer vacation;
  2. the second of the options makes a proposal to divide the year into three terms, lengthening the vacation time between them;
  3. the third is to divide the year more fractionally, into five periods of study, separated by four vacation periods of 6 or 7 days.

The total time that students will spend on vacation will be kept unchanged for any option, and this, according to current educational standards, is 34 or 35 days (excluding the summer vacation period).

Vacation in quarters

Thus, the vacation time, in the case of training in quarters, was determined as follows:

  • autumn holidays begin on October 26 and last for eight days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) - until November 4;
  • winter vacation is quite long and lasts two weeks - from December 28 current year until January 10 next;
  • spring break will last from March 21 to March 29 inclusive, that is, 9 days;
  • summer holidays last at least eight weeks and begin from May 24-25.

In this case, additional rest time is also planned for first graders and children studying in classes with developmental correction - from 22 to 29 February.

Vacation by term

In the case of training in terms of trimesters, it was proposed to distribute vacation time as follows:

  • autumn rest takes place during the week - from October 5 to 11, and another week - from November 16 to 22;
  • winter vacation time will be from December 31 to January 10, that is, as a result, schoolchildren will receive 10 days of rest during the New Year's celebrations, and then they will continue to rest for another week - from February 15 to 22;
  • spring rest was planned from 04 to 12 April;
  • summer holidays should eventually last at least eight weeks, starting May 24-25.

First graders and classes enrolled in the developmental correction system have additional vacations, lasting five days - from March 9 to 15.

As a result, it was decided that vacations in Moscow would be appointed either according to the usual version of quarters with days off after each of them, or according to the option of a modular (fractional) year: 5-6 weeks of study, interrupted by seven days of rest. The final decision rests with the school's pedagogical council.

Each school can independently decide how many days to study - 5 or 6

We also note that schools in Russia have the right to independently determine the number of days per week allocated for training, that is, they themselves decide whether the children will study six or five days a week. Until recently, a six-day period was the norm, however, after obtaining such independence and a survey of parents, most of the country's educational institutions switched to training according to the standard system 5 days after 2.

Holidays 2015-2016

As a result, most schools operate according to the following schedule determined for the current academic year:

  • autumn holidays last in 2015 from October 26 to November 1. The possibility of extending this time depends on the will of the leaders of the school collective, since immediately after the holidays, the holiday date is November 4, which means that there is an opportunity to go to school, starting from November 5;
  • winter holidays, which are one of the most anticipated, will be held simultaneously for children and their parents in the period from 12/28/2015 to 01/10/2016;
  • spring break will provide an opportunity to gain strength before the crucial period of graduation. They will be held, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, from March 28 to April 3.

To these dates, you can safely add the February rest of the first graders and the general weekend of the first (1.05-2.05) and second (1.05-9.05).