The song has flown summer vacations. Autumn holidays flew by unnoticed

The summer vacations flew by - this is a wonderful children's song that you can listen to online, or download it for free in mp3 format. If you want to learn the lyrics by heart, just print out the words in PDF format and sing along to our backing tracks.
Children's songs will be a great gift or musical accompaniment for any occasion. They can be listened to online during children's disco, competitions, tea drinking, matinees, dancing, games, exercise and other events.
Children's song The summer vacations have flown will surely appeal not only to children, but also to their parents, so we propose to go to the song section for September 1 and listen to the entire collection. The songs are selected for children of different ages, here everyone will choose the music to their liking.

Spent summer vacations listen online

Summer holidays flew by

Leaving us mercilessly.
On the autumn sidewalk,
I am going to the last class.
Smiling at your classmates
I caught a mysterious look.
How our boys have grown!
We cannot bring our childhood back.

Into immodest blue eyes
I look as if spellbound
And the bell rang - it didn't save me.
The crazy mill is turning
And in love up the school stairs
On the first day of September I step into class.

How reckless we were recently
Without wondering what will happen!
You were friends with a girl from a parallel,
Without noticing me then.
Who knew that love was mischievous
Everything will change in one moment
When you are a grown-up youth
Give me one compliment.

Song twice two four

Leading. Hello dear parents, students and guests of our holiday!

We are glad to see you again today. In all schools of our vast country, the school year begins on this day. And everything repeats itself: lessons, changes, control. But all worries will begin tomorrow, and today is a holiday! A celebration of meeting classmates and teachers after a long summer separation. On this day, all roads lead to the school. Smart students, excited parents and teachers.

To the soundtrack of the song "School Waltz"

Leading Study, hello! School, hello!

We go on a hike for knowledge.

It is a holiday today! School holiday!

We meet the school year!

Leading Summer flew by like a comet

The leaves on the trees turned yellow

The holidays and summer are over,

The birds just haven't flown away ...

Leading And on the sunny schoolyard

Children are having fun today.

And the familiar school waltz sounds,

Invites us to the line.


The right to raise the flag and open the solemn ruler, dedicated to the Knowledge is provided to students of grade 11 ___________________

Anthem of the Russian Federation

School, you welcome guests again

Kind, reliable and loyal friends!

May it be warm and cozy

You are within the walls of your school!

Leading And who, if not the school director, will make sure that it is pleasant and comfortable for the children to study and spend their leisure time in comfortable, beautiful classrooms renovated over the summer.

The word for greeting is given to the headmaster _________________

Leading When September is at school doorstep

Scatter petals of tender phlox,

Our hard road will begin

As they say, from an untouched board.

Leading To school, to school - the Motherland calls

To school, to school - the wind sings to us!

Let it be good, let it be funny, year

Leading Every autumn comes here

First-graders noisy round dance,

Joyful, thoughtful, cheerful,

Our teacher will lead them to class.

Leading We will ask with applause to leave today's heroes of the occasion - our wonderful first graders.

Music "First Grader"

1cl. Today is a festive day with us!

We go to first grade together!

We will study there,

We will not be lazy.

We will answer loudly during lessons

We will receive fives.

And how many interesting things we will learn!

And how many good books we read!

We want to know a lot, a lot.

To learn business,

We have to work hard.

We will be taught everything at school.

Educate our will.

Mom and dad and I are worried

Our family is worried all evening.

For a long time everything is ready and the form and the bow

And the miracle flowers adorn the sideboard.

And my mother is confused: "Is everything all right?" -

And again on the form I ironed the folds.

And dad forgot himself completely from excitement-

Instead of porridge, he poured jam on the cat.

I'm worried too, and even trembling,

I follow mom and dad all evening:

“Set the alarm so we don't oversleep.

For six hours or better for five "

Mom told me: “Don't be naive

I think how to fall asleep today!

Because you go to school tomorrow for the first time

Everything changes in our life tomorrow ”

Leading Dear guests are present at our holiday!

Leading I give the floor (administration representative) _______________________________

Leading Congratulatory address (head of the settlement) _____________

Leading I am in a hurry to congratulate everyone, especially first-graders, on Knowledge Day ________________________________

Leading Our smallest residents of the country School, we congratulated you on becoming its full-fledged inhabitants. Do you know anything about the life that awaits you and about school?

1cl. Of course we know there is a class there,

We will sit at the desks now.

There is a board hanging on the wall,

The teacher stands in front of her.

He will explain everything to us,

We listen and memorize together.

When the lesson is over

Then the bell will ring loudly.

Then let's go to recess to rest,

We will play with friends.

It is necessary to attend school,

Otherwise you won't know anything.

Leading We think that adults, experienced students - our 11th graders - can better tell you about the school!

1st student. That was 11 years ago,

We are the first time too

With a crowd of peers, guys

We arrived at the first grade.

2nd student. We are grown up now

We cannot return our childhood.

School opened the door for us

And she showed the way.

3rd student. Studying at our school is interesting

But it's not easy either, to be honest.

I'm going to the last class

And so guys, I'll tell you -

Sometimes it's hard to learn lessons every day

There are enough worries and troubles.

You sit, you solve a difficult problem

And sometimes you don't understand anything.

But it's great to solve it later

And get an A for it!

As you can see, it takes work to study,

You can't learn a lesson in five minutes.

4th student.

The work is skillfully organized at the school,

All teachers are masters of their craft.

And here's what we wanted to say:

Children in this school do not have to be bored.

Olympiads, lessons, entertainment events,

Games and contests, educational quizzes,

Folk festivities, tea drinking with pancakes ...

Everything can be called in one word - "Development".

5th student. Now the desired hour has come

You're enrolled in first grade.

Now, friend, listen to us

We will give you an order.

Tell everyone about the school

Treasure the honor of the school.

Keep it always in order

Books, recipes, exercise books.

6th student. You should know perfectly well

Fighting at school is indecent.

So that you are always cheerful

Sing more good songs.

To be always healthy

Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf.

Listen to mom, listen to dad

Doctors and chefs.

5th student. You learn the program

If anything, we will help!

If you fulfill the order -

Get ready for the second class!

Response word from first graders:

I will do all my homework clearly

I will come running to the lesson without delay in the morning.

And to greet everyone, to dress a shift at school.

At home I will not forget the pen, and the notebook, pencil

And I forgot, I will not cry for the whole class, for the whole floor.

In the classroom, I promise not to make noise or talk.

If I don’t know the answer, I’ll raise my hand.

And during the break, I promise not to make noise,

Don't hit people and walls, don't push like a bear

And in the dining room I will be quiet, I will eat everything

I will be nimble, I will be brave, I will play football

So I will keep hammering the ball into the windows every now and then

I will become my records, to devote to a sweet school

I will be smart and cheerful, do good deeds

So that me home school I never forgot!

Horom A so that this day is cheerful, we will sing a song together!

(performance of the song)

Leading Well done guys, accept a gift from your older comrades and a parting key

Leading The academic year is ahead, it will not be easy for you. Let this last year studying in our school will be happy.

- I wish you happiness, dear graduates!

I would like to wish all the guys happy school year! Let all adversity and setbacks remain in the past.

Work conscientiously, strive for knowledge.

Be the masters of your destiny.

Leading Once again, the golden autumn will arrive just in time.

In the morning, at eight sharp, the bell will ring again.

- Hello teacher, hello!

Look around:

You see how many of the most eyed

Suddenly, it suddenly quieted down.

Leading This year, there is a new addition to the teaching family of our school. The teacher of mathematics and physics will continue her working career________________

And the young teacher of physical education will begin his pedagogical path___________________

As a social teacher will work___________________________

Leading As a sign of inexhaustible energy, new beginnings, the warmth with which new teachers came to our school, the fire of knowledge is lit (they light a fire in a bowl and walk with it in a circle)

Leading The right to light the fire of knowledge is granted to newly admitted school teachers

Music "Together All Russia and the Fatherland"

Director. Colleagues! Now we are prepared to give the Oath to the disciples!

Director. Colleagues! Now is prepared for us

An oath to the disciples!

Music teacher. I swear by the piano and the music of Schnittke,

Labor teacher. I swear by a typewriter, a needle and a thread

Physical education teacher. I swear by the bar and the ball

The teacher is mute. language. I swear by my thickest vocabulary

Mathematic teacher.

I swear by the protractor and the theorem

I swear by the coordinate system,

Teacher of Russian language. I swear by morphology and punctuation

IT-teacher. I swear by the latest internet information

A history teacher. I swear by the history of the ancient world

Director. I swear by our school seal:

The school is completely ready for occupation.

Teacher. We will not part with you until the summer,

We swear to teach you!

Together. We swear!

Leading And what about our dear parents? Quiet on the sidelines and stand watching what is happening. You won't be able to keep silent. Let the parents also take an oath that they will have enough patience for the period of study. So…

We will always help children in their studies! Yes? (Parents answer in chorus) Yes!

To make the school proud! Yes Yes!

We are not afraid of leapfrog problems! Yes Yes!

Formulas remember for us nonsense! Yes Yes!

We swear never to scold children! Yes Yes!

Just a little scold sometimes! Yes Yes!

Let's get up in the morning in the cold! Yes Yes!

To catch both here and there! Yes Yes!

Pamper sweet children sometimes! Yes Yes!

When will the study end,

Let's take a walk with the children then! Yes Yes!

Leading A solemn holiday in the schoolyard

Let the first bell ring in September.

The Day of Knowledge is coming to an end with us!

Ring, bell! Good luck! Good hour!

Leading The right to make the first call is given to a student of grade 11____________ and a 1st grade student______________________

Leading The holidays have passed. Fall.

And the rains rustled furtively.

They will ask us again, they will ask again -

Show me your notebooks.

And in the notebooks there are empty leaves ...

Blank slate - waiting for a miracle.

There is not a line, not a word, not a dot,

Everything is planned, everything will still be.

Leading School, to attention! Matching the flag!

The right to lower the flag and close the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is given to students 10class ____________________________

Leading Solemn rulerdedicated to the Day of Knowledge is considered closed

Autumn holidays at the Station young technicians brought students not only a lot of impressions, but also taught them new skills.

And the most memorable and striking event was the city robotics competition "Lego-Sumo". They were attended by eleven teams from schools No. 3,16,17,19, 35, gymnasium 1, KSHI 3-4 types and the combined team of SYUT. During the competition, the teams played a knockout. Two robots tried to push each other over the field line. And it was a gambling show!

According to the results of the competition, the champions in different age categories were: Anatoly Andryushin (KSHI 3-4 types, team "Storm"), Anastasia Mazur (school №35, team "Navators"), Vlad Voronov and Stas Pomilovsky (SYUT, team "Gonchaya" ), Artem Rodimov (school # 19, team "Sumodozer"), Dmitry Emelyanov (school # 3, team "Lego"), Stepan Kornienko and Anastasia Falileeva (school # 16, team "Sokol-1"). A total of 33 people took part in the event. The winners were awarded with diplomas.

No less excitement was caused by the passing of computer testing according to the rules road traffic... Schoolchildren tried their hand at a computer simulator. The testing program is designed to prepare adult road users for an exam in a driving school. But the schoolchildren bravely took this peak.

52 schoolchildren of grades 2-9 from schools # 17, 18, 7, 33, 1, gymnasium # 1 passed computer testing. All participants prepared for testing during the holidays and trained on computer simulators. 15 people received the certificate for the error-free passing of the test.

And the most spectacular and massive event was the final of the "Golden Autumn" craft contest. More than three hundred works of young participants are exhibited in the hall of the Station of Young Technicians. The fantasy of children, parents and teachers can only be admired. For example, Ivan Eremeev, a fourth-grader at gymnasium # 1, made a picture of a cat using only beans. Ilya Burmistrov from school No. 11 made the craft "Three owlets" from birch blocks. A whole bucket of real mountain ash was used for the craft by Arthur Diesel from school # 33. The panel made of natural materials and toys "Fairy Glade" was made by the fourth-grader of school №2 Yaroslav Efimenko. Vladislav Khalansky, a third-grader of school # 6, made the "Autumn Girl" craft from a real pumpkin.

Pupils of 3-4 types of correctional boarding school took an active part in the exhibition. For example, second-graders led by Tatiana Serikova presented a collective craft "Autumn cake" made of artificial fruits and sweets.

During the ceremony of awarding 70 winners of the competition, schoolchildren took part in a game program and in a master class on making autumn crafts. In addition to well-deserved certificates, the winners received incentive prizes.

Station of young technicians, like all institutions additional education AGO, during the holidays, gives children the opportunity to become participants in interesting events.

Date of publication of the material: 09.11.2018