Club lesson on the rules of the road in the GPD.docx - Club lesson on the rules of the road in the GPA “Safe road. Traffic light extracurricular event: "travel to the country" traffic light Open traffic traffic event traffic light in traffic light

GBOU SOSHNO "School of home education" №196

Extracurricular activity on traffic rules "Traffic light and me - best friends»

The event was prepared and held by:

Teacher 1a - Smirnova T.E.

Teacher 2a - Prikhodko E.A.

Extracurricular activity on traffic rules "Traffic light and I are the best friends" for primary grades. goal : systematization and control of students' knowledge of traffic rules, development of cognitive processes and skills in schoolchildren independent workas well as the development of communication and group work skills.Location: classroom or recreation, (teachers choose road signs for competitions at their discretion).Time spending : 45 minutes Content.

    Org. moment, message topic.
- Guys, a traffic light came to our class today.- What do you think it will be dedicated to? (SDA)II... Main part: Division into teams, team name. So that we are not bored and interesting to repeat and learn something new about the rules road traffic, you will now split into two teams, and we will conduct a competition. (Each student is given a token; in accordance with the color of the token, the students sit at their desks.) We now have two teams. Now each team will come up with a name in accordance with the theme. Remind the topic of our lesson. (SDA).(Two strips are attached to the board, and the name of the team, which the guys came up with, is written on them with a marker).So, let's begin. Task number 1. Warm up. The moderator asks the teams in turn. If the team does not answer, then the other team is given the right to answer the question. The teams receive 2 points for the correct answer.Complete the sentence:
    Red, yellow, green - (traffic light) Drives the car - (driver) Traveling in transport - (passenger) Two-wheeled vehicle - (bicycle) Crosswalk) Bus stop)
Summing up the results of the 1st competition.

Task number 2. "Envelopes" Each team receives an envelope with traffic signs. Each has 3 signs. Students must say what each mark stands for and sign the mark.For a correctly named badge, 1 point is given.

Task number 3. "Come up with your own road sign that is missing on the road." Children are given blank signs on which they depict the sign.We post signs on the board, discuss. Teams receive 2 points.

Task number 4. Puzzles. Each team member is given riddles. They read them to the other team. Correctly guessed riddle 2 points.Consideration of the situation on the road - and the answer to the question is 1 point. Review the Road Behavior illustrations and discuss them after the riddles.

    Striped horse. Her name is zebra.
But not the one at the zoo -People all walk along it. (Transition)

What types of transitions are there?

    Look, what a strong man:
On the go with one handUsed to stopFive-ton truck. (Policeman, traffic police officer)
    House is wonderful - slider
On his eight legsDay - day on the roadRuns along the alley On two steel snakes. (Tram)

How should you bypass the tram when crossing the road? Why?

    That's so miraculous!
There are two wheels under me.I spin them with my feetAnd swing, swing, swing! (A bike)

How should you ride your bike on the road?

    By the side of the road
How the soldiers stand.We all carry outEverything they tell us. (Signs).
    To help you
The path is dangerousBoth day and night are burningGreen, yellow, red. (Traffic lights)

What traffic signal do the cars go to? Are there pedestrians coming?- How to cross the road correctly?- Sound traffic lights appeared. Who are they for?

    What a miracle, a red house
There are many passengers in it.Shoes are made of rubberAnd it feeds on gasoline. (Bus)

How to get around a bus, trolleybus? Why?

    Rushes and shoots
Grumbles quickly.I can't keep up with the tramBehind this chatterbox. (Motorcycle)

If you are riding a motorcycle, be sure to wear a helmet.

    I'll turn my long neck -
I'll pick up the heavy load.Where ordered - I will putI serve a man. (Crane)
    Where a new house is being built
A warrior with a shield walksWhere he goes, it becomes smoothThere will be a flat area. (Bulldozer).

Where can you find a crane, bulldozer?Builders are allowed to be at the construction site. Outsiders, in particular, children at a construction site have nothing to do.

Task number 5. "Create your car" A car is collectively drawn along the contour on a sheet and given a name. They defend their project: they tell what kind of car, what is it called, what it is needed for. Receive 3 points. We have repeated the rules of the road. Remember, following these rules can save your life, injuries and accidents.I would also like to name one more rule. It is politeness on the road, as between drivers, between passengers, between passengers and drivers. Please be polite.

Now let's summarize. We count the points.We present prizes.


- to repeat and consolidate the students' knowledge of traffic rules;
- repeat road signs;
- to educate attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life;
- foster a culture of behavior as pedestrians;
- to form communication skills, cooperation, collective creativity;
- to develop the stage abilities of children.

Form of conducting - club hour.

Equipment: posters on traffic rules; road signs; student notebook "The Road and I".

Course of the lesson


The city is full of movement
Cars run in a row
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night are burning.
And where there are trams during the day
Ringing from all sides
You can't walk yawning
You can't count the crows.

Guys, we live in a beautiful city with green wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks move along them, trams and buses go. And nobody bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. Going from one side of the street to the other is not easy. Who helps us with this?

Three eyes - three orders
Red is the most dangerous.

(That's right, traffic light.)

1st student:

Along the streets hurries
On business the flow of cars.
They, like a conductor,
Traffic light controls.
Well, if you are a passerby,
The traffic light will help too.

2nd student:

We are not afraid on the street
We all know for a long time:
Red light - it's dangerous to go
The path was blocked by a traffic light.

3rd student:

Yellow light is on - look
We'll be able to cross over soon.

4th student:

The light is green (don't forget)
Says: "The way is free!"

5th student:

It's dangerous to run from the bushes -
You will jump out to meet trouble.
Look around - everything will become clear
I will see all the cars.

6th student:

From behind a standing car
Another may jump out:
So that you don't get hit by the tires
Remember, the danger is great.

7th student:

In front of a fast car
No one can run!
I need mom by the road
Hold your hand tight!

8th student:

If there are no transitions,
Give your friends advice
Hurry to warn:
You cannot go here!

9th student:

Stop! Bus bypass
Scary and desperate!
Get under the car
May we accidentally!

10th student:

We must remember every hour:
It's dangerous to play on the roads!
You have to choose a place
Where it's not scary to play!

11th student:

Who, deciding to cross
Will talk -
Can please quickly
Into a traffic accident!

Educator: Where a traffic light does not work or there is none at all, a traffic controller regulates the movement of pedestrians and vehicles. The traffic controller is a strict master, everyone obeys him. With a rod, he indicates who to go, who to stand. It turns left and right, waves a wand - it will raise it, then lower it. Sometimes he “speaks” with a rod - come in, I blocked the way for the cars, go calmly. The place of work of a policeman - traffic controller - traffic police, in which there is a road patrol service “DPS”, it very strictly monitors the observance of traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians.

Game: “Green, yellow, red”.

The game is conducted by a traffic controller (teacher or one of the children). When he raises the green flag, the children go in a circle, when he raises the yellow flag, they stop, when the red one, they squat.

Educator: Children become part of the traffic every day, for example, when you leave home to go to school or meet friends. On the street, unexpected situations can await you everywhere - if you are riding a bus, riding a bicycle, when crossing the street, and even when you are playing on the sidewalk.

Guys, remember!

- It is dangerous to enter the carriageway because of the standing traffic.
- It is dangerous to go out onto the carriageway because of the bushes.
- It is dangerous to bypass the bus in front.
- It is dangerous to bypass the bus from behind.

You must wait until he leaves the stop. Then the roadway will be clearly visible in both directions.

We will now make an exciting walk along the street "Rules of the road".

Educator: Going out into the street, we will become who?

Children: Pedestrians.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of behavior for pedestrians.


- Never stand behind a car that is parked or drives out of a parking space.
- In the city, move along the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the opposite side of the road towards traffic.
- Cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing. Stop at the edge of the sidewalk first and gauge the traffic. If the road is controlled by traffic lights, wait for the green light for pedestrians.
- Look to the left, and after reaching the middle of the road - to the right. Wait until cars come to a complete stop before crossing the road.
- When crossing the road, watch the traffic carefully. Never run across the road, even on a pedestrian crossing.
- If you need to cross the road after you got off the bus, do not cross the street either in front of him or behind him. Wait until the bus leaves, the driver of a car passing by the bus may not notice you.

Now open the notebooks “The Road and Me” on page 2. Consider the drawing. Find in the picture those people who, in your opinion, violate the rules of behavior on the road, and fill in the number in the circle in red. Now find in the picture those people who, in your opinion, do not violate these rules - fill in the number in the circle in green.

Educator: Listen, children, poetry.

Which one of you is coming forward
Only where is the transition?



Who flies so soon
What does not see the traffic light?

Children: are silent.


Who among you, going home,
Keeping track of the pavement?

Children:This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.


Who knows that the red light -
Does this mean there is no move?

Children:This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

At the end of the lesson, test questions and tasks are asked:

  1. Is it possible to cross the street with a yellow traffic light?
  2. What traffic signal prohibits crossing the street?
  3. At what traffic light can you cross the street?
  4. How do you cross the street if there is no traffic light?
  5. When is a traffic controller on the road?
  6. Can I get distracted when crossing the road?
  7. The boy is in a hurry to the cinema, is late. A truck approaches the crossing, but the boy sees that he will have enough time to cross. What is the danger of the situation?


Be careful on the street, children!
Remember these rules!
Always remember these rules
So that trouble does not happen to you.

(At the end of the lesson, each child receives a DIPLOMA for successful completion of the Road and Me course, as well as attentive behavior on the road and observance of traffic rules.)


  1. UMK “Safety on the roads”.
  2. A set of posters on traffic rules for grade 1 students. "We are not afraid on the street." Moscow.
  3. Poems A. Belonozhkina.
  4. Ensuring the safety of life. A set of posters on traffic rules for 3 classes.
  5. Collection “ Cool watch Grade 2 ”(compiled by G.P. Popova) Volgograd 2008.
  6. Collection "Extended Day Group" / class notes, event scenarios. Grades 1-2. / Author - compiler L.I. Gaidina, A.V. Kochergin. Moscow, ed. WACO, 2007.

Traffic rules event in the group. The game is a quiz.

This development can be used class teachers, day care educators. Intended for students in grades 1 - 4.
1. Prevention of child road traffic injuries.
2. Development of creativity.
- repeat the traffic rules, - develop the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life,
- to consolidate knowledge of the types of road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescribing, service signs)
Preliminary work: conversations on traffic rules; reading the works of S. Mikhalkov, A. Severny, B. Zhitkov, V. Klimenko; guessing riddles; games, drawing road signs and traffic situations; exhibition of children's drawings.
Educator: Guys, what do you think we're going to talk about today? (Student responses).
Educator: Why did you decide so? (Student responses).
Educator: What types of signs do you know and what do they look like? (Warning - in the form of a triangle with a white field and a red border; prohibitive - in the form of a circle with a white or blue field and a red border, a red circle with a white rectangle in the middle of the "brick" field, a red octagon with white letters "STOP"; prescribing - in the form of blue circles; informational - indicative - in the form of blue rectangles or squares; service signs - in the form of blue rectangles with a white square inside). (There are two signs of each type on the table).
Educator: I suggest we play. We need to recruit 2 teams of 6 people each, the rest of the fans are experts. For each correct answer you will receive a phantom in the form of a small traffic light. Whichever team gets more forfeits won.
1. Station. Check yourself. (There are 12 envelopes with road signs on the table, you need to find an extra one. For example, 3 service signs, one prohibiting).
2. Station. Backfill questions... Each player takes a ticket from the table with a question and answers independently.
- Which line separates the oncoming traffic? (Solid white).
- What passenger vehicles do you know? (bus, trolleybus, tram).
- Is the pavement a pedestrian path or a carriageway? (Carriageway).
- Where do the railroad tracks cross? (On bridges, tunnels, crossings).
- What is the traffic flow during rush hour, large or small? (Large).
- Is the footpath and sidewalk the same thing or not? (Same).
- Can I eat and drink on public transport? (No).
- What is installed on the roadside to regulate traffic? (Road signs).
- How should you bypass the bus and tram? (The bus is in the back and the tram is in the front).
- Which side of the rural road should you go? (Left, towards a moving vehicle).
- Which side of the sidewalk should you go on, right or left? (Right).
- How to cross to the other side on a country road after getting off the bus? (Go around the bus from behind, look left, walk to the middle of the road, look right, if there is no danger, continue driving).
3. Station. Recognize the road sign. Relay races... The players are built in two columns. At the signal, they take turns running and bringing a sign to the team. Add fant for speed. After the meeting, the teams call them.
Play with the audience. - If there is a traffic light and a traffic controller at an intersection, who should you listen to? (The traffic controller. There is an emergency situation on the road, the traffic light may be faulty).
- At what age can you ride a bike down the street? (From the age of 14). And with one hand? (You can't at any age). How to cross the road with a bike? (On foot, leading him alongside). Does the bike have a stopping distance? (Yes, all vehicles have it).
4. Station. Creative. What is the name of the person sitting next to the driver? (Passenger). Can children ride in the front seat? (No). Why are car and school bus restraints needed? (Stay safe in case of an emergency).
I suggest a theme for drawing "This is a chair for me."
Educator: Why follow traffic rules? (Children's answers). We are counting forfeits and presenting homemade medals. One team is "Traffic winner", the other - "Traffic expert.

MBOU "Arskaya average comprehensive school No. 1 named after VF Ezhkova with in-depth study of individual subjects "

Long day group event according to traffic rules"Traffic light is our faithful friend"

Educator: Abdullina R.R.

Traffic events "Traffic light is our true friend"

goal : to consolidate the students' ideas about the rules of conduct on the street, the purpose and appearance urban transport.

Equipment : toys or pictures corresponding to answers to riddles about transport, fake medals for the winners of the game with a picture of a traffic light.

Event progress

(The teacher asks the children to guess who will visit them today.)


Got up from the edge of the street

In a long boot

Scarecrow three-eyed

On one leg.

Where the cars are moving

Where paths converged

Helps the street

People go over. (Traffic lights.)

L. Sandler

Our guest is the owner of the street - a traffic light.

Buses, cars

Standing at the crossing:

Traffic light eye ordered

Walk only for pedestrians.

Another peephole will blink:

Now stop, buddy,

The way is now open for machines,

And let the pedestrian stand.

(A traffic light is drawn on the board.)

The traffic light decided to check if you guys know the street well, the rules for crossing the carriageway, various types of transport.

(For correct answers, children receive traffic lights with a bright green eye.)

Competition 1. "The meaning of traffic signals"

Continue the lines of S. Mikhalkov's poem.

If the light turns red

So to move ... (dangerous).

Light green says:

"Come on, the way ... (open)!"

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal for ... (movement).

(The teacher reads a poem.)

Seryozha asked his father:

“What is a traffic light?

Why, why

I still don't know

Why is it a different color

Sends us greetings? "

The father replied to his son:

“You need to know these signals.

If the red light shines -

Transition forbids us

Traffic lights.

Yellow light - attention!

And the green peephole is shining -

Can adults, can children

Walk across the street.

Should you signals these

Remember firmly, know firmly

Never forget! "

Competition 2. "Very important questions"

1. What is the name of people walking? (Pedestrians.)

2. What part of the street do pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk.)

3. What part of the street is the crossing point? ("Zebra" is a pedestrian crossing.)

4. If there is no pedestrian crossing across the road, where is it allowed to cross it? (Crossing is allowed only through the underground passage.)

Competition 3. "Very important riddles"

If I stood up

I would reach the sky. (Road.)

Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with the people here

They run along the street. (Underground.)

What a miracle - the house is going

The windows are bright all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline. (Bus.)

Competition 4. “Very important rules»

In conclusion, the teacher organizes an outdoor game, which is aimed at exercising children in crossing the street according to traffic signals. For this, two teams are created, which face each other at the opposite walls of the room where the game is held. A pedestrian crossing with a safety island is schematically depicted on the floor in chalk. "Traffic light" stands between the commands and the voice or gives its signals with the help of circles. Hearing the word "red" or seeing a red circle, the players stay on the sidewalk. At the yellow signal, they raise a leg or take a step forward, without going out onto the road. At the green signal, children cross the street on the right side of the crossing. If the actions of the players do not comply with the rules established for the game, the "traffic light" fines the violators - gives a "receipt", and in return takes the fant from the violators. Forfeits are played at the end of the meeting - the fined answer questions about the rules of behavior on the street.

Drawing competition "Traffic light is our faithful friend"


Awarding of winners and presentation of gifts.

Board game Lotto "Traffic signs"

Scenario of an event on traffic rules "Traffic light is our faithful friend"

goal: to consolidate the ideas of students about the rules of behavior on the street, the purpose and appearance of urban transport.

Equipment: a hat for the presenter playing the role of a traffic light, toys or pictures corresponding to the answers to riddles about transport, fake medals for the winners of the game with a picture of a traffic light.

Event progress

(The teacher asks the children to guess who will visit them today.)


Got up from the edge of the street

In a long boot

Scarecrow three-eyed

On one leg.

Where the cars are moving

Where paths converged

Helps the street

People go over. (Traffic lights.)

L. Sandler

Our guest is the owner of the street - a traffic light.

Buses, cars

Standing at the crossing:

Traffic light eye ordered

Walk only for pedestrians.

Another peephole will blink:

Now stop, buddy,

The way is now open for machines,

And let the pedestrian stand.

(A traffic light is drawn on the board.)

The traffic light decided to check if you guys know the street well, the rules for crossing the carriageway, various types of transport.

(For correct answers, children receive traffic lights with a bright green eye.)

Competition 1. "The meaning of traffic signals"

Continue the lines of S. Mikhalkov's poem.

If the light is on red

So to move ... (dangerous).

Light green says:

"Come on, the way ... (open)!"

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal for ... (movement).

(The teacher reads a poem.)

Seryozha asked his father:

“What is a traffic light?

Why, why

I still don't know

Why is it a different color

Sends us greetings? "

The father replied to his son:

“You need to know these signals.

If the red light shines -

Transition forbids us

Traffic lights.

Yellow light - attention!

And the green peephole is shining -

Can adults, can children

Walk across the street.

Should you signals these

Remember firmly, know firmly

Never forget! "

Competition 2. "Very important questions"

1. What is the name of people walking? (Pedestrians.)

2. What part of the street do pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk.)

3. What part of the street is the crossing point? ("Zebra" is a pedestrian crossing.)

4. If there is no pedestrian crossing across the road, where is it allowed to cross it? (It is allowed to cross only through the underground passage.)

Competition 3. "Very important riddles"

If I stood up

I would reach the sky. (Road.)

Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with the people here

They run along the street. (Underground.)

What a miracle - the house is going

The windows are bright all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline. (Bus.)

Competition 4. "Very important rules"

In conclusion, the teacher organizes an outdoor game, which is aimed at exercising children in crossing the street according to traffic signals. For this, two teams are created, which stand facing each other at the opposite walls of the room where the game is held. A pedestrian crossing with a safety island is schematically depicted on the floor in chalk. "Traffic light" stands between the commands and the voice or gives its signals with the help of circles. Hearing the word "red" or seeing a red circle, the players stay on the sidewalk. At the yellow signal, they raise their legs or take a step forward without going out onto the road. At the green signal, children cross the street on the right side of the crossing. If the actions of the players do not comply with the rules established for the game, the "traffic light" fines the violators - gives a "receipt", and in return takes the fant from the violators. Forfeits are played at the end of the meeting - the fined answer questions about the rules of behavior on the street.


Awarding of winners and presentation of gifts.

Literature: Author-compiled by L.I. Gaidina, A.V. Kochergin. Extended day group: class notes, event scenarios. 1-2 classes. Moscow "VAKO" 2010

Board game "I am the driver"

Stukalova Lidia Ivanovna