Who are the Octobrists and the Pioneers. Extracurricular activity "Who are the Octobrists?"

Oleinikov Nikita 9 "A" class

The work contains a historical background of the development, structure and significance of the October movement in Soviet society



Competition of scientific projects for schoolchildren

Within the framework of the regional scientific and practical conference "Eureka"

Small Academy of Sciences for students of the Kuban

Section "Sociology"

Oleinikov Nikita Sergeevich

Grade 8, MAOU SOSH No. 17,

Slavyansky district, Slavyansk-on-Kuban


Sidorova Irina Mikhailovna,

History and Social Science Teacher


slavyansk-on-Kuban 2011


October movement - as a social phenomenon of Soviet society

1. The history of the formation of the October movement

2. Structures and tasks of the October movement - as part of the general structure of the education of Soviet society

3. Educational tasks of the October movement

4.Systems of educational work with october in the Soviet Union


List of used literature and sources


1. Sociological survey

2. The structure of the October movement


Relevance of the research topicdue to the fact that the Octobrist movement in Soviet society was the first stage in the involvement of the younger generation in the country's society. On the eve of the 21st century, our country needs a revival of the ideological education of young people, remarkably staged in the USSR. We have to solve many problems for the first time. Historically, the development of ideological education occurs as a natural process in society,

largely predetermining the social progress of mankind. In Soviet society, the upbringing of a person began, one might say, from the moment of his birth. And, therefore, it is very important that in our modern country, upbringing, built on the formation of the life goals of young people, is restored, as in Soviet society, since everything that represents life attunes a person to life values.

Our task is to study the foundations of the October movement, its significance in the ideological education of Soviet society, as the first stage of introducing children to the country's society.

Purpose of the study:to form, scientifically substantiate and experimentally test the significance of the October movement for Soviet society.

Research objectives:

  1. consider the concept and essence of the October movement in the USSR;
  2. to reveal the peculiarities of the development of interaction between the October movement, the pioneers and the Komsomol;
  3. analyze the rules and regulations of the October movement in Soviet society;
  4. conduct and process the results of a sociological survey on the history and significance of the October movement in the Soviet Union.

Object of study -the process and result of the study and research of the October movement in Soviet society.

Subject of study- history of the October movement.

Working hypothesis.The October movement was the initial stage of teaching children in Soviet society to independence, responsibility, dedication and enthusiasm for life.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the research is:general scientific concepts of historical, comparative, socio-psychological methods. Scientific articles and textbooks, teaching aids on education, scientific developments of methodologists, and other specialists in the field of education and upbringing of Soviet society. The work used a sociological survey and structuring of the October movement

Practical significancequalification work consists in the development and implementation into the practice of secondary schools of the basic methods of the Octobrist movement, as the initial stage of the ideological education of modern children.

Chapter I

. The history of the formation of the October movement

During the years of Soviet power, everyone who came to study in grade 1 became october for the October holiday. How else? Has it ever been different? The first graders were sincerely convinced that it had always been this way.

The first October in the distant 1924 was seven years old. They were the same age as the Great October Revolution. Can you find a more accurate name for them -october?

This name was established in 1924. But the very first associations of younger guys appeared even earlier ...

Who is walking with a chased step? - the counselor asked loudly. - Who does not get tired of walking?

And the whole detachment, in time with their march, answered:

We are brave, we are young, we are children of the commune. Our army is vigorous and strong. We will always be able to defend the working class with pride and firmness!

The workers at the factory checkpoints were smiling, Komsomol members in red kerchiefs waving to the guys.

Salute to the young shift!

Seeing all this, the guys dreamed of becoming pioneers, being everywhere with them.

They very much asked their older brothers and sisters to enroll them as pioneers. And often parents came to party committees, to Komsomol members and fiddled with: "Take the youngsters into the detachment!" Even at general party and workers' meetings, the issue of working with children of pre-pioneer age was discussed.

And then N.K. Krupskaya invited the Komsomol members to unite the kids in special groups. Younger groups with the detachments of young pioneers were born in Moscow, in the area that is located south of the Moskva River and has long been called Zamoskvorechye. Here, in April 1923, at the Kranats pencil factory, children from the age of eight were united in such a special group.

And soon such associations appeared at the pioneer detachment of the First city hospital and the detachment of the textile factory named after M.I. Kalinin. In the summer and autumn of the same year, groups of juniors arose in the Ukraine, Siberia, and the Caucasus. In the city of Tver they were called “Maychat”. In Kharkov - "red stars". In Irkutsk and the then Irkutsk province - "ants", "sparrows", then also "red stars". In the Caucasus, children ("flowers") were combined into a "bouquet", "bouquets" made up a "garden" (group). In Odessa, "red grains" were collected in a "spikelet". Several "ears" made up a "sheaf". "Spikelets" listened to the word "plowman" - a pioneer. The "sheaves" were led by a "miller" - a pioneer or a Komsomol member. The "red seeds" had their own rules. The "grains" obeyed the "ploughmen" - they said. - “Pahari” consulted with “millers” in everything.

In Moscow, at the suggestion of the Moscow Bureau of Young Pioneers, the younger friends of the pioneer detachments were called october. And this name, in those days, unusually quickly spread everywhere. Therefore, what was accurate was - proud, loud and at the same time cheerful, affectionate: october.

Because on this day, for the first time in the whole country, it was announced about the creation of October groups under the pioneer detachments.

The Central Committee of the RCP (b) approved on this day the Regulations, which stated how they would build, live and work with the detachments of young pioneers named after V.I. Lenin's group october - children from 8 to 11 years old

The uniform of the first Octobrists was exactly the same as that of the pioneers - khaki shirts, girls had dark skirts, boys had short shorts. And they have one common motto: "Be ready to fight for the workers' cause!" Answer: "Always ready!" the main slogan: "Change is coming!" The laws of the Octobrists and their customs were established.

Laws october

The October Revolutions help the pioneers, Komsomol members, communists, workers and peasants.

October aspires to be young pioneers.

Customs october

The October Revolutions keep their bodies and clothing clean.

The October Revolutions love to work.

Laying the foundationsthe existence of Octobrist groups, the Regulations, approved on August 4, 1924, relied, of course, on the experience of the life of the very first of them - "Maychat" and "grains", "ears" and Octobrists. But then there were very few of them: in June 1923 there were only 1250 october. Today in one single school there will be more students than in those years there were all the Octobrists together.

But only six months after the adoption of the Regulations, by January 1, 1925, their number increased almost 100 times! One hundred thousand three hundred twenty-five boys and girls began to be called october.

The decree of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "On the Pioneer Movement", adopted on July 24, 1925, noted the successful beginning of the work of the Komsomol and pioneers among the Octobrists and invited all party and trade union bodies to help the Komsomol in every possible way in developing this work. "To consider it necessary," the resolution said, "to continue the gradual expansion of the Octobrist groups with the strengthened detachments of young pioneers, carefully studying all the issues of this work and carefully choosing certain forms and methods, adapting them to the characteristics of this age."

In the mid-1920s, the affairs of the October groups were divided into nine thematic stages. In January they united under the theme "Lenin", in February - "Red Army". From the beginning of March to April 10 - "Mother-worker", from April 10 to May - "May Day". From May to June, preparations for the camp went on, and from June to August, the whole camp life developed under the slogan "Links between town and village"

From the very birth of the Oktyabryat groups, friendship between the pioneers and the Octobrists of the village and city was proclaimed. The “Autumn Campaign of Friendship” of urban pioneers to primary rural schools is an annual milestone in the annals of this friendship.

The October Revolution in those early years was often called the third shift, ready to fight for the cause of Lenin, the cause of the party, following the Komsomol and pioneers. This is understandable: the Komsomol is a change of party fathers, the pioneers are the change of the Komsomol, and the Octobrists are replacing the pioneers. They were then called the fourth generation of fighters for the triumph of the revolution among the communists, Komsomol members and pioneers.

So, the third shift - October - both in the city and in the village took up the fact that all eight-year-old children went to school (then they began to study at the age of eight, but not all children and not all parents realized the need for learning).

The October Revolution announced a campaign for "growing and flowering" medicines and collected mountains of medicinal plants.

They nursed the little ones quite well and played with three-year-olds and five-year-olds in city yards, in rural huts, while the mothers of the kids worked in the factory or in the fields.

In a word, the affairs of the Octobrists had grown by the end of the 20s - early 30s. Their ranks also expanded. By August 1, 1930, there were already 750 thousand Octobrists in the country.

The growth of the October groups was noticeably restrained by the lack of counselors. The Central Bureau of Young Pioneers announced the mobilization of pioneers and Komsomol members to work with the October. By October 1930, 100 thousand Octobrist leaders had been nominated from their midst - 100 thousand "most self-possessed and initiative" friends!

And the Komsomol members allocated counselors to the October groups. At seminars and courses, the organizers of the October work began to study. The conditions in which they lived, worked and played were improved. As a gift from the Komsomol members, they received tools, sports and play equipment, playgrounds were built for them. All this was the practical implementation of the resolution of the VVI Congress of the Komsomol, which proposed, taking into account the peculiarities of the complex and difficult work with the October, to strengthen the leadership of the groups, to improve the qualifications of the leaders.

A review of the affairs of the Octobrists, a review of the Komsomol-pioneer care for them was the All-Union Five-Day Week of the Octobrists announced by the Central Bureau of Young Pioneers, which took place in October 1930. Committees for the promotion of the five-day week were set up everywhere to direct all preparatory work.

And now the holiday that everyone was waiting for came. Orchestras started playing in the streets in the morning. Trucks filled with noisy Octobrist people with flags and garlands drove along the central streets of the cities, in the villages the Octobrists drove smartly dressed carts.

In the workers' clubs matinees were arranged with performances on the topic of the day, in schools the Octobrists were gathering together with the pioneers, the Party members and Komsomol members invited the Octobrists to a frank, sincere conversation about all October affairs and concerns.

The five-day holiday, the five-day review were remembered for a long time by both children and adults. She completed her tasks. The number of Octobrists has increased substantially. If on August 1, 1930 there were 750 thousand of them, then by January 1933 - 1 million 776 thousand 325!

Almost every pioneer detachment worked with the October group. In the squads, where there were 400-500 Octobrists, in addition to the released senior leader, a special Octobrist counselor was approved. In the Palaces and Houses of Pioneers, circles were created for kids, matinees were arranged, and parades were held. The growing methodological and practical experience of games, holidays, gatherings and other activities of the Octobrists was covered on the pages of the magazines "Leader" and "Toy".

However, along with the successes, obvious miscalculations in the organization of the life of the Octobrists became noticeable. Often, counselors arranged a special reception for children in the October group: "We will accept you, but you are not worthy, you need to change your behavior, work on yourself." The guys did not know how to "work on themselves", they did not know how to "change their behavior". There were grievances, severe mental trauma.

The decree of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of March 4, 1936 strongly condemned this practice, since then all children of the primary grades were considered octopuses. By 1940, the number of Octobrists in the country was 4 million.

But the peaceful life of the country was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. During the war years, new groups of Octobrists were no longer created. There were not enough cadres of adult counselors, premises - there were not enough for the joyful life of the guys. But the pioneers, especially the Timur pioneers, still cared about their younger friends. And the younger ones went to the aid of the pioneers: they gathered spikelets in the fields, medicinal herbs in the meadows, and mushrooms and berries in the forests; they also helped the front.

In November 1957, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol adopted a resolution, which stated: “To oblige the Komsomol and Pioneer organizations to improve work with younger students. To restore the Octobrist groups under the pioneer detachments and squads. "

All the previous experience accumulated in October groups and stars was thoroughly studied. To develop the pedagogical, methodological foundations for the activities of the Octobrists, people were invited who retained the memory of the past October gatherings and holidays, games and competitions. This is how a new stage of work began with the October.

In 1963, the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Conference on the problems of the pioneer movement was held. Among other recommendations, the conference discussed and adopted a methodological letter "On working with October". It defined the tasks of educating the Octobrists, outlined the components of the system of work with the Octobrists, and pointed out the role of the teacher and the pioneer detachment in organizing the life of the Octobrists.

By this time, 16 million junior schoolchildren were united in groups of october.

Each new stage in the chronicle of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin brings something new to the life of young Leninists and their younger friends - the Octobrists. Their plans become richer, more varied, more fulfilling, more interesting things. All of them are closely related to the most important events in the life of our country, the Komsomol, the pioneers.

In 1972, on the eve of the celebration of the half-century anniversary of the Leninist pioneers, the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution “On the 50th anniversary of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin ". Improvement of its activities, stated in the resolution: “It requires further strengthening of its leadership by the Komsomol. It is necessary to continue to improve the content, forms and methods of working with children, to take fuller account of the psychological characteristics, age of schoolchildren, their needs and interests. The whole life of a pioneer organization should be aimed at the development of children's initiative and amateur performance, the involvement of each pioneer in its work. Young teachers, the best production workers, students and high school students should be more widely involved in the leadership of pioneer detachments and squads. To strengthen the attention of the Komsomol and Pioneer organizations to work with the October, help them in their studies and in organizing recreation. "

The decade between two big holidays, great milestones in pioneer history - the half-century anniversary and the sixtieth anniversary of her birth - was marked by new all-Union October affairs: the tradition of October-pioneer "campaigns of friendship" became a traditional All-Union week of October "October - in the country of October".

Chapter II

Structures and tasks of Oktyabryatsky

movement - as part of the general structure of the education of Soviet society

Tasks to raise patriots of the pioneer-October forms of work of children's groups.

October, represent the "younger branch" of the children's communist movement. They are not a special organization. Any public organization is an association of people pursuing a certain social goal, self-governing, acting on the basis of rules adopted by all members of the organization, and having a pronounced structure of construction.

The goal that the Octobrists set themselves: to grow up worthy of the title of a pioneer, a young Leninist. They also had rules by which they acted, first of all, the Rules of the Octobrists, there were also Octobrist customs, rituals, traditions (for example, the tradition of becoming Octobrists on the eve of the October holiday; the custom of gathering for their Octobrist gatherings; the ritual of the Octobrist ruler). These customs, rituals, traditions also represented a kind of rules that organize their life.

But the third and fourth necessary conditions - a system of self-government and an organizational structure that unites them into one whole - do not have the Octobrists, unlike the pioneers.

True, at their training camp, the Octobrists tried to make collective decisions, make plans, evaluate what had been done - they learn to manage themselves, to manage their own affairs. But they did not have self-government bodies like the council of the detachment, the council of the squad. Only the stars chose their commanders.

The organizational regulation on the children's communist organization of young pioneers named after V.I. Lenin, approved in 1924 by the Central Committee of the RCP (b), it was said:

  1. A group of Octobrists is created with the detachment ...
  2. The group consists of 25 people
  3. The group is divided into five links of five people (later links became known as asterisks.)
  4. The leader of the Octobrist group is a Komsomol member who is an assistant to the leader of the detachment.
  5. At the head of the link is a pioneer, an October child is chosen to help him.

What should be the counselor of an October star? Leader Octobrists in full accordance with the pioneer law, first of all their comrade. This determines the style of his relationship with younger ones.

The group consists of asterisks, but the groups do not unite further into larger units, as, say, the pioneer detachments into the pioneer squad. The pioneers' squads further form the district pioneer organization, the district - the city one. All city and regional organizations are combined into district, regional, regional, regional and regional organizations make up the republican, and together they merge into a single and harmonious All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin.

The word organization, by the way, it comes from the Latin "organizo", which means "I give a slender look, I arrange."

The Oktyabryatskaya group is the largest association among the Octobrists.

Octobrist groups do not arise by themselves. They are created by pioneer squads and detachments. Groups of Octobrists and do not exist on their own - they live and act with pioneer detachments, and if there are less than twenty pioneers and no detachments, then a group, or several such groups, act directly with a squad.

The October Revolution is not an organization. But the October groups are not on their own. They are in the organization of pioneers, in the pioneer squads and detachments.

Pioneer squads and detachments create Octobrist groups in the first and third grades, each group - with a pioneer detachment.

The squad council creates a headquarters or council for working with the october.

The pioneer detachment is the collective leader of the Octobrists. The detachment singles out the leaders of the October stars, but each pioneer of the detachment takes part in the work with the October, strives to make the kids interesting and fun. Involves them in pioneer affairs, helps them fulfill the Octobrists Rules. Every Leninist during his stay in the pioneer organization works with the October.

Each pioneer is tied to constant concern for the Octobrists by his pioneer law: "A pioneer is a comrade and leader of the Octobrists."

Regarding the october themselves, the Regulations on the pioneer organization say the following:

The October group is divided into asterisks. Each star has five or six october.

On the left side of the chest, the guys wear an October star.

A group of Octobrists has a red flag.

Life, deeds, behavior of the october are built in accordance with

October rules:

The October Revolutions are the future pioneers.

The October Revolutionaries are diligent guys, they love school, they respect their elders.

Only those who love work are called October.

The October Revolutions are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.

The October Revolutionaries are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, live happily.

So, we see that the Oktyabryat groups are closely connected with pioneer detachments and squads, Komsomol organizations, making up three successive stages of life in the ideological, civic, labor and moral formation of the country's young generation. This closest connection characterizes, on the other hand, one of the most important parameters of systematic education.

The 19th Congress of the Komsomol held in May 1982, among the many important tasks that the Komsomol members are called upon to solve, called this one in its resolution: "Pay more attention to the October."

In the report of the VI Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization to the XIX Congress of the Komsomol, young Leninists wrote: “The October Revolution is a pioneer change of the country. We are carrying out the most important assignment of the Komsomol - to be the collective leaders of 13 million Octobrists. "

The All-Union Leninist Pioneers confidently entered their seventh decade. In the new program of the All-Union March of Young Leninists, the routes, all areas of activity of pioneer detachments and squads are permeated with concern for their younger friends, the Octobrists.

The foregoing convinces us that, while not being an independent children's public organization, the Octobrist groups were nevertheless social collectives of younger friends and assistants of pioneers and Komsomol members, whose life and deeds helped the Octobrists in adopting the position of a pioneer - a young Leninist, and then a Komsomol member -leninets. Komsomol members and pioneers had a constant organizing and educating influence on the Octobrists and their teams.

The October group was the first collective in a child's life with a social orientation of life - at the same time, it is an educational collective. As a part of the educational activities of the Komsomol and Pioneer organizations at school, work with the Octobrists was an organic part of the entire educational work of the school.

Chapter III

Educational tasks

october movement

To prepare the Octobrists for joining the pioneer organization - this was the main educational task in the context of the general tasks of communist education.

And this meant that the group of Octobrists learned step by step to act like a pioneer squad, that is, to make plans independently and collectively implement them, evaluate the results of what was done, so that tomorrow they will act more confidently than yesterday, and most importantly - to act for the good of everyone, for to make life better.

The main task consists of a multitude of educational tasks. What are these tasks?

  1. Expand and deepen the social and political ideas of the Octobrists, acquaint them with the concepts:Homeland, party, communism.
  2. To develop in children the desire to actively and independently act as part of an asterisk, a group, to be responsible for a common cause, to encourage their word to be consistent with their deeds, to teach them to obey the will of the team, to fairly evaluate their behavior and the behavior of comrades, to protect those who are right defend your opinion.
  3. Persistently bring the Octobrists to the understanding that study is their main work and duty, that Octobrists learn conscientiously, that they know how and love to work for the common good, that Octobrists respect their elders, take care of the kids, and help everyone who needs help.
  4. Encourage them to follow the rules of the Octobrists, maintain their friendship, develop a desire to be honest, humble, considerate of others, persistent and courageous, enduring and strong.
  5. Arouse their interest in reading, teach them to see the beauty of their native land, a person and his work, feel the poetry of folk tales and songs, love and understand art.

The upbringing of junior schoolchildren took place continuously - in study, work, social concerns of the kids, in their games and all kinds of activities. October affairs constituted a very significant part of their life, but nevertheless they were only part of the whole.

The life of the Octobrist group and all its stars is part of the entire education system, but at the same time it is completely special. This is the life of a social collective, which in a socialist society possessed such inalienable features as self-government, election of all its bodies, subordination of all to the collective decision of the majority. The October Revolutions are small, they were just beginning to learn this, they were beginning to comprehend the foundations on which Soviet, socialist social life is based.

The October Revolutionaries, preparing to become pioneers, must learn to act - decide, organize, evaluate, obeying the will of the collective, and not only the will of the teacher.

Chapter IV

Educational systems

work with october in the Soviet Union

Working with the october was an integral educational system, where all the elements are interconnected and interdependent, act in unity.

What are these elements? First of all, these are the goals (general and specific), the main tasks of education, content, methods and forms of work with the Octobrists, the organizational structure of the Octobrist group, pedagogical guidance of its activities, as well as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of education.

All elements were subordinated to the implementation of the common goal of communist education - ideological and moral education and the all-round development of the individual. Within the framework of the general goal, a private goal was also achieved - to prepare the Octobrists for joining the pioneer organization, for life according to the laws of young Leninists.

The main methods of working with the october played the main role in this system.

October assignments. The first innovation that awaits the Octobrists after their first gathering is the Octobrist errands.

Becoming october, the first-graders felt older. And they wanted to show it in reality, to prove to themselves and to everyone around them that they are ready for the most serious responsibility.

October assignments are both a matter and a responsibility. The assignment to the Octobrist proved that they trusted him, they hoped for him. It really made every kid feel that something had changed in his life.

Assignments educate. They foster will, and perseverance, and independence, and organization, and the ability to bring any business to the end. The assignment, if given to the little ones according to their character, helped to develop the inclinations and interests of the children and to get rid of weaknesses and deficiencies.

The order was given for a short period - from two weeks to a month. The change of commanders in the star occurred at least once every quarter. During the year, it is useful for all October to be in the role of commanders.

On the day of the change of orders, the change of commanders, the asterisk was collected. The guys told how they coped with the assignments, and everyone discussed what was good in their work, what did not work out and why, what conclusions everyone should draw for the future.

Such a conversation is very important - he taught the children to independently, collectively and fairly evaluate their work and the work of their comrades, to accumulate useful skills and experience.

What were the assignments for the asterisks and specific responsibilities?

Book lovers kept in touch with the library, made sure that the books read were returned on time; designed the "Bibliophile's Corner": checked the readers' diaries; organized exhibitions of the best reading diaries; talked about interesting books; helped the teacher in the extracurricular reading lessons.

Orderlies watched the appearance of the children; checked removable shoes, cleanliness of hands before eating; we kept order in the dining room, cleaning the dishes after breakfast; provided possible medical assistance; made sure that school supplies were neat; monitored the timely delivery of certificates to the school doctor after illness; monitored the children’s daily routine.

Why Much talked about something interesting from the life around us; published thematic newspapers; made riddles; from the second half of the year they worked with the newspaper "Leninskie Iskra", followed current events in the country, abroad, and supplemented the teacher's story about them.

Class hosts were on duty in the classroom, monitored the cleanliness of desks, window sills, boards, floors; congratulated comrades on their birthday; published newspapers; preparing the class for a lesson in labor, drawing; handed out checked notebooks.

Naturalists talked about interesting natural phenomena, filled out a cool calendar of observations of nature; the completion of individual observation diaries was checked; tending the plants in the classroom and in the hallway; assisted the teacher in preparing for the lesson in natural history.

The change of orders took place in two weeks, the commander of the star was elected for the same period. The results were not summed up by the general assembly of the October group. The result was noted on the competition screen.

It is important here that every Octobrist lives and is brought up in a system of mutual care for each other and care for others.

October line. October stars marched on their line, and the commanders carried emblems on the shafts in front. For "Suns" it is a smiling radiant sun, for "Sailors" - the steering wheel. And what is the emblem of the "Neunyvaek"? They have a snub-nosed freckled face and a full-mouth smile.

Everyone on the line stood so that they could see each other's faces. Everyone stood closely, shoulder to shoulder, and at times they held hands in order to specially emphasize that they were really friendly guys - October.

On the line, the guys spoke phrases and short reports on cases also spoke in the form of chants. The leader of the line leads it in a laconic and major tone, so that everyone is interested and fun. The line helped the October people quickly get together, check their readiness for collection, work, competition, make a common decision, praise those who deserve praise, discuss the event that excites everyone today.

October collection. The gathering of the October group was usually carried out once a month. Different fees have different purposes. It lasted no more than forty minutes, collecting babies, but nevertheless it consists of a number of different elements.

An element of the gathering was a conversation between the group leader, teacher, and older friend of the Octobrists.

The guys listened to the counselor and amicably, in chorus, like a speech, repeated after him: "Our rules are exactly five, we will all follow them."

Another element of the collection was the star competition. A short-term competition in some kind of common work, in a game, strengthens a sense of belonging to one's small team, a sense of elbow, and cooperation skills.

And it is clear that the harmonious work of all stars to achieve the common goal of the entire group should become part of the same gathering, because the rivalry must necessarily be blocked by the community.

Case council supervised, gave assignments, monitored their implementation, praised, advised, taught. The Council of the case organized, fixed terms, negotiated, provided. The Council maintained an interest in the case: reminded, encouraged, encouraged, rejoiced at every success.

The October Revolutions, perhaps, did not cope very well with all these complex duties. But they must learn! And initiative, and creativity, and independence, and skills of public organizers.


The October Revolutions took only the very first steps in comprehending social life, but they already realized that their star, their group were connected by many threads with other groups of the October movement - those that are nearby, through the class wall, and those that are very far, beyond many hundreds and thousands of kilometers. Connected by friendship, connected by friendly correspondence.

The consciousness of connection and community also strengthened the big - regional and regional, republican and all-Union - affairs of the Octobrists, their games and travels.

The alliance of the pioneers with their younger friends was strong and strong. It was felt not only in the squad - it manifested itself in the affairs of the pioneers throughout the country. Of course, the Octobrists knew about them, and they themselves actively participated in the All-Union Octobrist games.

The Octobrists of the country and their common history - seven decades of the existence of the Octobrists and asterisks - were united into one common family.

In connection with this information, we can come to the following conclusions:

  1. The youth of modern society is not aware of the organizational movements of the Soviet school of the 60-90s.

IV List of used literature

and sources.

  1. A.V. Lunacharsky about upbringing and education. - M. 1976
  2. XIX Congress of the Komsomol. Verbatim record. - M. 1982
  3. V.M. Korotov. Educational work at school. Collection of documents. - M. 1977
  4. All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin: Documents and materials. - M. 1974
  5. CPSU in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee. - 8th ed. - M. 1978
  6. Directives and documents on the pioneer movement. M. 1962

Attachment 1.

Sociological survey

2.Participants of a sociological survey -100 people

3.Social groups of the survey20

4. Questions used in the sociological survey:

  1. Did you know that in Soviet society the October movement was the first stage in the ideological education of young people?
  2. Were you or your acquaintances october?
  3. Do you know the October rules and attributes?
  4. Do you think that the introduction of elementary school students to the social life of Soviet society had a positive result?
  5. Do you think it is necessary to revive the model of the October movement in a modern primary school?

Social groups

Positive answer to question number 1

Positive answer to question number 2

Positive answer to question number 3

Positive answer to question number 4

Positive answer to question number 5



Industrial workers

Market vendors

The youth

5. Results of the sociological survey:

6. Conclusions of the sociological survey

  1. Generations of retirees and middle-aged people believe that the organizational movement in primary school introduces students to independence and organization.
  2. The October movement was an important step in the ideological education of society.
  3. The youth of modern society is not aware of the organizational movements of the Soviet school of the 60-90s.
  4. More than half of the respondents believe that the revival of the organizational movement in modern schools, including elementary ones, will contribute to the education of purposefulness, independence and organization among young people.

Appendix 2.

The structure of the October movement.

Appendix No. 3

October attributes.

October star

Oktyabryatsky flag

October group

From a very young age, the ideology of the USSR inspired that you need to be a patriot and a highly moral person. The Octobrist badge became an attribute of Lenin's philosophy. And to get it, it was necessary to join the Octobrists detachment. Many people remember what an expected event in their life was.

A bit of history

The term october arose in 1923–24, when the first groups of children began to appear in Moscow, into which children of the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution were admitted.

Groups of Octobrists were created in the first grades of schools and operated until the Octobrists entered the pioneers and the formation of pioneer detachments. When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby \u200b\u200bstar with a portrait of Lenin as a child. The group's symbol was the red October flag. The group of Octobrists consisted of several divisions called "stars", each of which usually included 5 children - the symbol of a five-pointed star. As a rule, in the "star" every October he held one of the positions - commander, florist, orderly, librarian or sportsman.

The Central Committee of the Komsomol approved a set of "rules" for the October:

  • The October Revolutions are the future pioneers.
  • The October Revolutionaries are diligent guys, they love school, they respect their elders.
  • Only those who love work are called October.
  • The October Revolutions are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
  • The October Revolutionaries are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, live happily.

The activities of the Octobrists took place mainly in a playful way and were organized by teachers and counselors. The All-Union October Week was held annually on April 16-22. At the school for the Octobrists, “Lenin's readings” could be organized, when on the 22nd of every month a designated high school student came to class and read stories about V.I. Lenin (his birthday was April 22, 1870). All-Union ("Vesyolye Kartinki" and "Murzilka") and republican magazines were published for the Octobrists. For example, in the Moldavian SSR, the magazine "Steluza" ("Star") was published in Moldavian and Russian. Pioneer newspapers also published materials intended for the Octobrists. Annually for October, the Malysh publishing house issued the Zvezdochka desk calendar. Methodological materials on work with the October days were regularly published in the journals "Vozhaty", "Elementary School", "Education of Schoolchildren" and other publications.

Associations of junior schoolchildren under pioneer and other children's organizations, like the Octobrists, operate in many countries. Obviously, the children's association got its name thanks to the Great October Revolution, thereby determining the age of those entering this group. As a result, an October badge with a photo of Lenin appeared.

Features and varieties of October icons

The main distinctive symbol of October is the icon! The Oktyabryatsky badge was a ruby-colored star with five rays, in the center of which was a photograph of little Lenin.

There were two types of badges:

  • metal
  • plastic.

The first one met very often and was the most common, which is not surprising: in October all the younger schoolchildren of the Soviet Union were admitted, which means that a sufficient number of symbolic attributes had to be made. The plastic one was quite rare, and it took a lot of work to get it.

Badges made of metal by stamping, because a lot of October stars were required: for every child of a huge country! A large number of these badges were made, so that you can still find completely new, without a single scratch, copies.

A rarer variety is the Octobrist badge made of plastic with a photograph of the leader. Much fewer such models were made, and even in Soviet times they were a rarity, not to mention our days.

Children perceived the ceremony of acceptance in October with great joy, because not long ago they were just “preschoolers”, and now they are standing in front of the whole school at a memorable event! Schoolchildren were presented with Octobrist badges. They became a real source of pride.

The Octobrist badge was the first official insignia; wearing it did not require observing any special rules. The Octobrists' rules stated that one must study well, love school and respect elders. And the children, of course, tried to justify such a high confidence given to them by adults.

As noted earlier in the text, they were proud of the badges, they were taken care of, they were worn without taking them off - both at school and on the street, while playing with friends, and even at home, doing certain things. But over time, as they grew older, the passion for badges subsided somewhat - the children were preparing to join the pioneer squads, were full of new expectations and anticipation. In the third grade, boys no longer often wore Octobrist badges, because they already saw themselves with a red tie, and the five-pointed Leninist star was considered a sign for little, first-graders. Especially active and mischievous guys even had their own entertainment - when they were growing up and no longer considered themselves so small to wear an Octobrist badge, but were not yet suitable for pioneers by age, they played sheriffs.

The essence of the fun is that the star from the front side was turned with a stone. Because of this, the portrait of the leader was erased, and the sign looked like the order of the American sheriff. Of course, such behavior was not encouraged, and such mischievous people were taken on bail, re-educated at meetings of the Octobrists. The girls were more restrained in their ideological views, and continued to wear the symbol of the October movement until they were accepted into the pioneers.

The Oktyabryatsky badge in the form in which it was distributed in the USSR was invented by Nikolai Tomsky. The great sculpture designed the design of the sign. The appearance, which had the main distinctive symbol of the Octobrists, was entirely his merit - both the five-pointed ruby \u200b\u200bstar and the photo of little Volodya Ulyanov. The number of badges produced reached five million units per year. Every schoolchild in the Soviet Union possessed a sign defining his communist affiliation - the first step in educating a comrade.

Who is depicted on the Octobrist badge?

This badge depicts Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the leader of the proletariat and leader of the young Soviet country, at an almost infancy. The history of this image is interesting.

In 1874, photographs of the Ulyanov family were taken in the city of Simbirsk at the Zakrzhevskaya photo studio. Young Vladimir turned out great in a joint photo with his sister Olya. It was this photo of the curly-haired baby Volodya that was taken three decades later by the Soviet artist Parkhomenko as the basis for creating a portrait of the young V.I.Lenin. The extra details in the form of a sister and an armchair were removed - and an image appeared, well known to everyone who managed to catch the Soviet era.

Activity october

The name "October Star" belonged not only to symbolism. There were also groups in the school class with this name. A whole class was considered a detachment, which was subdivided into star links. This or that link was in charge of different activities

For example, they were engaged in such things as:

  1. helping classmates who are lagging behind in school;
  2. amateur performance;
  3. feasible repair.

These guys had their own code that they followed. October should be:

  • friendly;
  • honest;
  • hardworking;
  • fair.

These attributes were made by stamping, because it was necessary to provide for every kid in such a huge state. So many badges were produced that new copies can be found today. By the way, our company offers custom-made orders and medals.

In the library I found books about the october. Information about them is contained both in the reference and in the educational and methodological literature. It was also interesting for me to read children's fiction, for example: "Star", "October week", "October holidays". From the books I learned how the class hours, games and holidays among the Octobrists went. In the book by V.F.Matveev, I read that the Octobrists had counselors - pioneers who organized many interesting things for the kids.

After analyzing the information I received, I found out that the october in the USSR is schoolchildren of 7-9 years old, united on a voluntary basis in groups at the pioneer squad of the school. The October groups prepared children to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. The first groups of Octobrists appeared in 1923-1924. in Moscow with detachments of pioneers. They accepted children of the same age as the October Revolution of 1917. Hence the name - OCTOBER. Groups of Octobrists were created in the 1st grade and existed until the formation of the pioneer detachment. When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby-colored star with a portrait of V.I.Lenin in childhood. The October group was presented with a red flag. The Octobrist group consisted of several stars, each with five Octobrists - the symbol of a five-pointed red star. Children were united in stars taking into account their wishes, mutual interests and friendship. At the head of the star was the commander. Each October had a standing order, which was more often given for one week. In our school, as I learned, the instructions were changed during the operation "CHTTD" / alternation of creative labor /. The methods of pioneer and out-of-school work were used in educational work from October onwards.

The role of V.I.Lenin in the name of the children's organization

V.I.Lenin is the leader of the Bolshevik Party, which came to power after the revolution in October 1917. He headed the first Soviet government. He developed the first Soviet laws that determined the life of our country for several decades. The Bolshevik Party was called the Communist Party. She was the only one in the country, and the entire population was brought up in loyalty to the ideas of this party. Therefore, starting from childhood, various organizations were created: Octobrists, who became pioneers, and they, in turn, became members of the Komsomol, and the Komsomol members joined the Communist Party.

Having got acquainted with the history of the Octobrists, I realized that for thousands of boys and girls, the Octobrist movement was a fascinating game, during which the same human qualities were brought up as now.

October rules.

The Octobrists had five rules of their own:

The October Revolutions are the future pioneers.

The Octobrists are exemplary guys, they study well, they love school, they respect their elders.

The October Revolutions are honest and truthful guys.

The October Revolutionaries are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, live happily.

Only those who love work are called October.

Every October child had to observe these rules in everyday life. Violators could let down their comrades in the "asterisk" - the so-called small groups of Octobrists. Therefore, the guys were responsible for these rules, they tried to live like an Octobrist. The meaning of these words became clear to me when I read the story of V. Golyavkin "Star". Here is a small excerpt from this story:

“-Have you seen? - Vovka opened his coat. He had a red star on his chest. - I'm an October now! I will live like an Oktyabryat! ”Vovka beamed with happiness.

How is it to live in October?

Oh you! You need to know the October rules. I am a future pioneer. Clear? It means having fun, working, helping your elders. To be honest.

And what else?

Study well, love school, be friendly, sing, paint.

Can I live like an Octobrist?

You see, - said Vovka, - how to say I think that, of course, you can. For example, I swept the floor today. And you can quite do it.

Certainly can.

Well, - continued Vovka calmly, - you can, of course, do it. But you don't have to. But I can't. I'm an october.

I envied Vovka. He's so happy. Still would! He has an asterisk! He's an October! "

Thus, being an Octobrist first of all meant being a good, honest person, helping people. We are taught this now, only there are no "stars", but there are small creative groups. There are no attributes - icons, flags; but there are other forms: for success in studies or events, we get stickers, tokens or something else.

Life is october after hours.

The Octobrists also had an extracurricular life, very similar to the modern one. Holidays, class hours, sports competitions were held. Both children and parents were involved in their preparation, as well as the chiefs - counselors, as they called the children of grades 5-7 who helped the kids in school life. This is how the Red Star Festival was held in our school in November 1980 / from the memoirs of I. T. Zhuravleva, a former school teacher responsible for working with the October /. It was a game - a journey according to the October rules. A task was given for each rule. For example: the station "Guess" - the guys were guessing riddles, "Ununyvayka" - they sang songs, "Play" - played the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!", Then they showed their crafts. Having passed these tests, having told the rules of the Octobrists and promising to fulfill them, the guys became Octobrists. This holiday reminded me of "Dedication to Discipleship", where we also swore an oath to be good students, but, it is true, we did not swear allegiance to Lenin's cause. But even then, hardly all the guys considered the October movement political. It seems to me that it became such under the guidance of adults, those who ruled our country. Children, on the other hand, just played, cultivating in themselves the qualities necessary for a true citizen, a patriot of their Motherland.

One of the tasks of my work is to poll those people who were once themselves Octobrists. This is what my mother, Elena Vladimirovna (she studied at school number 11 in Chelyabinsk), recalls: “In November 1978, being a first grader, I became an October child. It is difficult to describe my first feelings after being put on a badge with a young Vladimir Ilyich. You kind of become so big and grown up right away. On this day, all the pupils of our 1st "A" grade received an Octobrist badge and memo, pledged to listen to their older pioneer brothers and carry out all their assignments. For all the time that I was an Octobrist, I believed that it was really necessary to listen to the pioneers and carry out all sorts of Octobrist tasks, thereby, as it were, helping our parents raise their children so that they would be the successors of the Communist Party. This is what these different children's organizations were for: first the Octobrists, then the Pioneers, then the Komsomol members and finally the Communists. "

As you can see from the memoirs, becoming an Octobrist was a significant event for children of that time.

3. Conclusion.

Thus, I come to the conclusion that if the idea of \u200b\u200beducating future communists disappeared from the October movement, it could exist to this day. But in those years when a single party was in power, this was impossible. Therefore, in the late 80s. In the 20th century, along with the Communist Party, the October movement, the All-Union game-journey "October across the country of October", and the paraphernalia of the October Revolution disappeared.

The rules remained unchanged: to be honest, hardworking, friendly, to help people, to love your Motherland.

OCTOBER. pl. from october. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

In the USSR, schoolchildren of the 1st and 3rd grades, united by the pioneer squad in groups to prepare for joining the pioneer organization OKUDZHAVA Bulat Shalvovich (1924 1997) Russian poet. In verse (collections of magnanimous March, 1967, Arbat, my Arbat, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

In the USSR, schoolchildren of the 1st and 3rd grades, united by the pioneer squad in groups to prepare for joining the pioneer organization. Political Science: Dictionary Handbook. comp. Prof. Paul Sanzharevsky I.I .. 2010 ... Political science. Dictionary.

october -, yat, pl. (units of October). Younger schoolchildren 7-10 years old, united in groups at the pioneer squads to prepare for joining the pioneer organization. MAS, v. 2, 614. ◘ What every first grader dreams of being an Octobrist, wearing ... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

In the USSR, schoolchildren of 7-9 years old, united on a voluntary basis in groups at the pioneer squad of the school. The October groups prepare children to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization (see All-Union Pioneer Organization) them. IN AND.… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Ryat; pl. (unit october, nka; m and f). In the USSR: junior schoolchildren of 7-10 years old, united in groups at the pioneer squad of the school to prepare for joining the pioneers. ◁ Oktyabryatsky, oh, oh. Oh link. Oh star (an icon depicting a young ... encyclopedic Dictionary

October - in the USSR, elementary school students, united by the pioneer squad in groups to prepare for joining the pioneers (see. Pioneer organization). The first associations of O. appeared in 1923 24 in Moscow. They accepted children of the same age as Oktyabrskaya ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

october - ryat; pl. see also. Oktyabryatsky (singular october, nka; m. and f.) In the USSR: junior schoolchildren 7-10 years old, united in groups at the school's pioneer squad to prepare for joining the pioneers ... Dictionary of many expressions

Coordinates: Coordinates ... Wikipedia

octobertasal - October; Octobertasal mene dola kevelӣ, uledi, the octobertas live well and amicably ... Nanai-Russian Dictionary


  • Do you know what? .., Kharms Daniil Ivanovich. Daniil Kharms is widely known as a children's writer and author of satirical prose. From 1928 to 1941 he constantly collaborated in the children's magazines "Ezh", "Chizh", "Sverchok", "Oktyabryata". Poems and ...
  • Burn our fire! , Mogilevskaya Sofia Abramovna. The dream of two inseparable friends Vasya and Grisha has come true - they are going to a children's camp for the first time! Ahead they will meet other guys, the leader of the detachment Tanya, a trip to the forest, fishing with an unexpected ...

Under the first pioneer detachments in the cities, groups of children of the proletariat aged 8 to 11 were organized - assistants and future replacements of pioneers and Komsomol members. These groups were given various affectionate names, for example, "red stars" in Ukraine, "red poppies" in Siberia, "flowers", "bouquets" and "gardens" in the Caucasus, "red seeds" in Odessa, etc.

In Moscow, the name "october" became popular, in honor of the victory of the October Revolution. So since 1923 they began to be called officially. The October Revolutions united in stars (an analogue of the pioneer link) - 5 October and also the "sickle" and "hammer" - the leader of the stars and his assistant.

Just as the Komsomol directed the activities of the pioneer organization, young Leninists were responsible for the Octobrists - the Pioneer squads and detachments created Octobrist groups and organized their work. One of their laws directly said: "A pioneer is a comrade and leader of the Octobrists."

The first laws and customs of the Octobrists, in fact, are the quintessence of the pioneers.

The laws:
The October Revolutions help the pioneers, Komsomol members, communists, workers and peasants.
The October Revolution strives to become young pioneers.

The October Revolutions keep their bodies and clothing clean.
The October Revolutions love to work.

The kids had the same mottos and slogans as the pioneers. But instead of a red tie, the Octobrists wore a red star sewn onto the shirt on the chest on the left. Subsequently, it transformed into a star-shaped icon, in the middle of which was a portrait of Lenin as a child.

In the 1930s-40s, the number of Octobrists increased slowly, their laws and symbols often merged with those of the pioneers. For example, the first October March, written in the early 1920s, began like this:

We go on a merry march
Children of villages and cities
To the aid of older brothers
The pioneer is always ready!
Hey, the squad is October,
Drive up the columns!
Slender in a row!
To the parade.
Raise your banners.

And in the primer of 1936, by which they learned to read in elementary school, the following rhyme is given:

We are funny guys.
Our name is October.
We don't need extra words.
Be ready!
Always ready!

After a radical restructuring of the pioneer organization according to the school principle, Octobrist groups began to be created in grades 1–3 of the school. The groups were led by counselors from among the pioneers or Komsomol members of the school. In these groups, the children were preparing to join the Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization.

When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby \u200b\u200bstar with a portrait of Lenin as a child. The group's symbol was the red October flag. The group of Octobrists consisted of several divisions called "stars", each of which usually included 5 children - the symbol of a five-pointed star. As a rule, in the "star" every October he held one of the positions - commander, florist, orderly, librarian or sportsman.

All-Union ("Vesyolye Kartinki" and "Murzilka") and republican magazines were published for the Octobrists. For example, in the Moldavian SSR, the magazine "Steluza" ("Star") was published in Moldavian and Russian. Pioneer newspapers also published materials intended for the Octobrists. Annually for October, the Malysh publishing house issued the Zvezdochka desk calendar. Methodological materials on work with the October days were regularly published in the journals "Vozhaty", "Elementary School", "Education of Schoolchildren" and other publications.

The Octobrists' rules were fully explained both orally and in posters, and in literature for the little ones. To make them easier to remember for young children, they were rhymed.

Here's the latest revision october rules:
The October Revolutions are the future pioneers.
The October Revolutionaries are diligent guys, they love school, they respect their elders.
Only those who love work are called October.
The October Revolutions are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
The October Revolutionaries are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, live happily.

AND march October became the verse of O. Vysotskaya "October":

We are funny guys
We are October guys.
So they called us for a reason
In honor of the victory of October.
We are all accustomed to order.
We do exercises in the morning
And we want a mark "five"
In the classroom, receive ...