Training of personnel for work in the field. Lesson V

November 30, 2014 business coach, organizational consultant. IP Wulf

One in the field is not a warrior, or the secrets of field training

Field training is the process of training directly at the workplace of one or a small group of company employees. This format of the trainer's work allows you to quickly introduce new employees into the work, while it requires much lower organizational and financial costs compared to classroom training. Complexity of field training, in that it, in our opinion, makes high demands on motivation and readiness to work together from all its participants.

Field training is often used in restaurant or pharmacy chain companies, insurance companies, and furniture companies. In our opinion, these companies are united by the presence of a streamlined service production process, on the one hand, and the presence of a constant change of part of the team, on the other. Training "newbies" in the process of work allows you to reduce the potential loss of profits when changing employees.

However, the application of field training can face objective difficulties:

  • New hires may be reluctant to learn because they feel like they are being evaluated from day one
  • If the training is aimed only at teaching functional responsibilities, then the new employee will not always be able to connect them with the general business processes of the company.
  • With a large number of trainees and high level staff turnover, the coach may lose interest in work, not notice individual characteristics new colleagues.

The last of the above points in to a large extent associated with management processes in the company as a whole, and management of the learning process. The next article will be devoted to these questions. Here we bring to your attention a few tricks that will help set up the interaction between the trainer and the new employee in a constructive way.

Use your sympathies
Based on common interests with a new colleague, matching tastes, the coach can choose a common goal working together, equally interesting to both participants in the process. In this case, the coach acts as a like-minded person, thereby reducing the fear of evaluation.

Agree on cooperation in training
Learn a little about the learning experience of a new colleague. Does he like to study? How it is easier for him to learn. Suggest an interesting problem for him that can be solved during the training. In this case, it is important that the learning tasks become more complex gradually.

Offer a challenge
In some cases, the coach's very decision to work for your company may be the support for the coach. What is the reason for his choice of your company? Why did he decide to change jobs? Tell us about your company, think about in what business processes the experience of a new employee can potentially be applied.

Involve your peers in training
If any department or individual employees aroused interest and sympathy in a new colleague, then find a way to involve them in the learning process. Perhaps this will bring help not only to the beginner, but also to your colleagues.

"Field" training:

Effective post-training support at the seller's workplace

Until recently, it was believed that in order to effectively communicate with customers, it was enough for an employee of the sales department to undergo training, the unshakable basis of which were the stages and corresponding sales techniques. Employees in classroom training cram the ABC of sales like a multiplication table. At the end of the training, almost each of them can demonstrate during role-playing games how to establish contact correctly, how to correctly identify the client's needs, in order to effectively present and respond to objections. And this is the correct approach, but not self-sufficient.

Trainers (especially those working in the retail, restaurant business and in the sale of complex intellectual services, for example, in real estate, insurance) sooner or later come to the realization that classroom training does not give the result they are striving for. Surely, many have faced the fact that employees come to the workplace after training at the Training Center and .... Continue to do everything as before, although they were involved in training, everything worked out for them. It is very important to make sure that the knowledge gained during the training is immediately applied in the workplace. So that an unsuccessful interaction with a client would not lead to disappointment in their professionalism: "I can't do anything" or denial of training: "Training is great, but THERE we played, and HERE is life." And as a result - the lack of sales dynamics and wasted time on training. This is why post-training "field" training is essential. It aims to consolidate skills and turn them into skills. Only then will there be a result.

The training will be useful for you if:

  • You are a business coach who knows the technology of conducting training, and you want to enrich your experience on this particular topic.
  • You are a field trainer and conducting on-site training is your main function.
  • You are the line manager who is interested in supporting the learning outcomes of the training center in your department

What the training will give you (learning outcomes):

  • The idea of \u200b\u200bthe place of "field" training in the training system
  • Mastering the technology of conducting "field" training
  • Ability to effectively conduct training in an individual format
  • Introducing Training Feedback Forms


  • Field Learning Objectives
  • When and by whom is post-training training delivered?
  • "Field" training and "field" coaching: what is the difference
  • Stages of "field" training
  • Methodology
  • Technological tools in field training
  • Post-training was conducted: what to do with the results of observation and learning

About how the training "FIELD" TRAINING took place: corporate training in the company "CORPAS" on January 26-27, 2018; September 02, 2015; December 20, 2011 ; January 24, 2012

Training is carried out in an individual format, face-to-face or remotely. Duration of training: 2 hours.

Date and time of the event: as agreed with the participant.

Feedback from the participants of the "FIELD" TRAINING program:

"What are your impressions of the training?":

"This training is maximally coupled with theory and practice, everything that I have learned can be applied in my work and many tools will help in improving the work of the training and business growth department."

Lyubov Kharchenko

“I liked the presentation very much: clearly, with examples from practice, systematically. Lots of practical information and tools. "


"Actual, practically valuable, emotional contact, helped to evaluate and analyze the current situation in the training system in the company."

Lyudmila Sazonova

“I liked the structure of the training and how simple and accessible the information was. As well as examples from practice. "

Julia Zel

“The impressions are positive. Clearly, structurally, and most importantly, really applicable. "

Samira Bedieva

“Bright, emotional, a lot of positive emotions. Received competent answers to long-standing questions "

Yesenia Zhirnova

“The impressions are the best. A lot of information has been received, it is necessary to assimilate. Thank you, Svetlana "

Polina Burno

Which of the training received will you apply in your work in the near future ?:

"Methodology for working with different consultants, strategy for working with interested services"

Lyudmila Sazonova

"I was interested in the methodology of field training and the format of reporting on the results of the conduct, as well as working with the motivation and types of students."

Julia Zel

"Graduation of employees and approaches to them"

Polina Burno

"Field training scheme, types of change acceptance."


"Checklists, structure of work in the" fields ", work with rigid employees"

Samira Bedieva

"There is a clear structure in relation to field training, its importance for reporting."

Lyubov Kharchenko

“Thank you, Irina! The master class was productive. In 2 hours I received answers to all my questions regarding the field training of employees. "

Ksenia Zabegina

“The training took place in the format of mini-lectures and consultations, everything is accessible and understandable, I received specific ideas and tools that can be adapted for yourself.

Irina, as always, is at her best - a positive charge of energy is transmitted even remotely! Thank!"

Svetlana Shumilina

“The Field Training training was really useful for me. Received the structure of work in the fields and the necessary information to be able to build a field training system in the company.

The information was given in a clear and structured manner. It is useful that all the information provided is tested in practice, and it is easy to adapt it to your own tasks.

Special thanks to Irina for her professionalism! "

Ksenia Shchetinina

"I got knowledge that I can put into practice. I am sure that I can do it. And I will try to teach this to managers. I liked it: the feedback forms are very valuable for me, the moment of diagnostics for building further work with the trainee."

Zhanna Razina.

"Positive impressions: informative, accessible, applicable in practice. I recommend."

Daria Matsuk.

"1. I really liked the structure of the training. - everything is clear and understandable. 2. I like the style of the trainer, that is, the style of presenting information. 3. After the training, there were no unanswered questions, there was a desire to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Thank you, Irina!"

Arpyatkina Elena

"1) Despite the limited time - the training was rich in information. 2) There were not enough exercises. 3) The material was presented in a structured way. 4) The training was emotionally colored due to the dynamism, artistry of the personality of the trainer."

Tatiana Romanenko.

"As a result of the training, it became clear what is meant by the name" Field training ", how it can be carried out in the company. In addition to the theoretical foundations, invaluable material was obtained in the form teaching aids, forms. Those. at the beginning of work, there will be something to rely on, which means that you can safely come not only to a company where there are ready-made established standards, but also to one where there is only the most general idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe work of a field trainer (and field training). Thank you so much Irina !!! "

Novoselova Alevtina.

"I really liked the dynamism, vigor of the learning process. The active transition from words to" deed "(ie exercises (practicing) - Super! I liked it: a clear feeling and understanding of obtaining new knowledge and information for me. And this in 3 hours, after 8-hour training. "

Mesedu Zalumkhanovna Makhamadova.

“Irina, thank you! The information is clearly structured. Only practically proven recommendations. Excellent ability to give useful and required material in sufficient volume for use. Until next time. "

Gerasimova Anna

“Everything is very cool! Gorgeous information! I got what I wanted! Thank."

Morozova Natalia

“The training is excellent. Nothing more, everything to the point. Irina presents the material in a logical and consistent manner, a clear structure is built in her head. Thank! Good luck in job!"

Semenova Julia

“I received specific information, specific answers to my questions. Everything is structural, short and clear, practical. Take it and do it. Fine! Dynamic and useful! "

Eremina Ekaterina

"All reviews are posted on the site with the consent of the participants. The originals of reviews are kept in the TrenerPROFI Center, everyone can get acquainted with them."

Field training - this is one of the types of training for employees who work on the territory of clients (in the fields), the specificity of which is to conduct it directly at the workplace of an employee in the process of performing his job duties. Field training is the most powerful tool of influence a leader has. In field training, information is assimilated much more efficiently than in other training methods and, most importantly, it can correct the work of a subordinate in real time, and in some cases help in the process of communicating with a client.

Field training and field control are not synonymous. Field control, in contrast to field training, is one of the options for employees' compliance with labor discipline (going to work in accordance with the approved schedule, appearance employee in accordance with the established requirements, etc.).

The main purpose of field training is an increase in employee productivity - efficiency. This is achieved through practical training in the skills of applying the stages of sales and the correct feedback, pronouncing the main areas of growth and the timing of correction. ... During the field trainings, the specialist repeatedly applies the skills acquired during the training, and the field trainer gives him feedback on what is going well and what growth zones are. At the same time, it is important to understand that field training is only a part of the personnel training cycle and skills are developed in the process of field training, and if an employee does not have enough basic knowledge of sales techniques and the product to be sold, then field training will not yield results and does not have to be carried out. meaning.

Field Learning Objectives:

2) to teach a specialist to apply the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities through multiple consecutive repetitions, produced directly at the workplace; monitor their application.

3) develop in a specialist the need and ability for self-learning and self-improvement of his professional level.


When supervised, the coach simply observes the employee's work from the sidelines. This method is used to train experienced salespeople who already have sales skills. This method has to be used most often.

It is clear that, depending on the goal pursued, a trainer in field training can use several types of field training. Regardless of the type, high quality feedback should be given to the employee at the end. B - field training plays a very important role as it allows you to quickly influence the productivity of employees working remotely.

The company's success today depends on the quality of the services provided. In turn, only those companies that care about the development of their personnel can provide quality services. One of the most effective methods of personnel training is the technology of learning by doing - directly during the performance of their activities, and today we will talk about training the company's salesmen at their workplace. Most often, the workplace of the seller. This is the territory where current and potential clients are deployed, and in other words "fields".

So, field training- this is a visit to the employee in order to create motivation for him for further development, improving his professional qualities.

A structured and systematic process of such training is the key to success for each employee in charge of final result companies.

Quite often, there are situations when managers responsible for training encounter difficulties in transferring their experience to subordinates. Not infrequently, this happens due to the fact that students do not see the practical application of the knowledge and skills given to them, perhaps the focus of the manager himself goes far from the business indicators and goals of the company, smoothly moving into training for the sake of learning.

Employee motivation for the upcoming training:

The ability to formulate a goal in front of oneself when working on a particular learning topic is one of the most important skills of a mentor.

The result of the training will depend on how clearly the mentor has drawn the goal, gave this goal clear, measurable criteria.

The ability to link learning topics to the employee's current business performance is key to mentoring.

It is no secret that in order to increase the motivation of an employee for training, he needs to show the "practical exhaust" from these classes, and increasing sales for specific brands, or selling to predetermined "difficult" customers, are the most eloquent argument when summing up the training results for a particular day.

Rules and principles of training:

Of course, in addition to motivation both before and after the training, it is necessary to use certain rules and principles of training in the workplace, such as:

  • Purposefulness of mentored examples
  • Availability of presentation of material
  • The activity of the learning itself
  • Applicability in activity
  • Systematic conduct

These teaching principles will help in unambiguous acceptance and understanding of the topic given by the mentor.

Field training structure:

  • Start date
  • Conducting joint visits
  • Feedback by visit
  • Summing up the results of "field training"

When conducting training according to a specific structure, it is easier for the mentor to control the process of mastering the skills of the mentored employee. In this case, he can diagnose in time and, if necessary, make certain adjustments to his actions. Moreover, moving according to a certain algorithm, the mentor by his actions shows how to behave when following a particular scheme, being a kind of model for the student. Also, a big plus of a structured approach to teaching is that the mentor does not miss the slightest details in the student's behavior, which are so important in the process of transferring experience, knowledge and skills.

Applying the mentoring model in the field:

In this section, I would like to say that the use of the same training model, in this case, it is a mentoring model, in the course of classroom training and training directly in the workplace sounds, and, accordingly, is perceived in completely different ways. As a consequence, the following rules for applying the mentoring model in the “field” can be distinguished.