Make up fairy tale heroes quiz questions. Fairy tale quiz

Quizzes are entertaining games in which you need to quickly and correctly answer the questions asked. In elementary school, it is relevant to conduct a quiz based on Russian fairy tales.


Quizzes are distinguished by:

  • The topic of the event.
  • Complexity of questions.
  • Rules of conduct.
  • Winner's reward.

The quiz is open to:

  • Two people: one asks questions, the other answers.
  • One leader and one team of players.
  • Two or more playing teams.

Quizzes for kids

At school age, quizzes are encouraged in extracurricular activities. Choosing various topics for competitions, the teacher arranges entertainment and educational activities in order to expand and strengthen existing knowledge. A quiz based on Russian folk tales is not the last place in school events.

The purpose of the school quiz:

  • Unite the class: the team must act as a single whole organism.
  • Check the knowledge of students.
  • Preparation for the quiz will be a motive for self-improvement and strengthening the knowledge of students.
  • The prize becomes an incentive to win and, thus, stimulates the expansion of existing knowledge.

For lower grades

The fairy tale quiz is most often organized in the lower grades. At this age, children are interested in such works and from them gain a lot of knowledge. Fairy tales contribute to the development of the concepts of "good" and "evil", the child learns honesty, justice, sees that a bad deed is followed by punishment, that anger, resentment, revenge do not lead to anything good.

Thus, a quiz based on Russian folk tales will contribute to the development of positive qualities in a student.

Classification of Russian folk tales

There are three large sections of works of this genre:

  • About animals.
  • Household.
  • Magic.

They also differ in the acting characters. In the tales of our brothers, the lesser qualities of humans are transferred to animals that speak, think and behave like humans. In everyday life, there is a vital truth, greed and stupidity are ridiculed. The magic ones are full of miracles.

The meaning of all fairy tales is to show how good overcomes evil, stupidity, and rudeness. The main characters are endowed with ingenuity, kindness and responsiveness.

Why run a competition?

A quiz for children based on fairy tales has the following goals:

  • Summarize available knowledge of fairy tales.
  • To foster a love for oral folk art.
  • Develop imagination.
  • Learn to recognize fairy tales by characters.
  • Develop associative memory.
  • To motivate students to continue reading works of fiction.

A quiz based on folk tales has a positive impact on the correct education of schoolchildren.

For example, the tales of G. H. Andersen are relevant in They tell about kindness, friendship, responsiveness and willingness to always come to the aid of a friend.

Quiz based on the fairy tales of G.Kh. Andersen

  1. Who carried away the sleepy Thumbelina from the woman's apartment in which she lived (according to the fairy tale of the same name "Thumbelina"):
  • Toad.
  • Mouse.

Correct answer: Toad.

2. What a wish did Thumbelina make before the wedding with a mole (based on the fairy tale of the same name):

  • Eat.
  • Sing a song.
  • Look at the sun.

The correct answer is to look at the sun.

3. As in the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" the queen found out that the girl who came to them is a princess:

  • I asked her to dance.
  • I put a pea under the mattresses for her.
  • I took my word for it.

Correct answer: put a pea for her under the mattresses.

4. What did the Little Mermaid sacrifice to the witch in exchange for legs instead of a tail (according to the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"):

  • I paid the money.
  • Gave her vote.
  • Gave me a necklace.

5. Who was the first to shout "And the king is naked!" (based on the fairy tale "The new outfit of the king"):

  • The old lady.
  • Child.
  • One of the courtiers.

Correct answer: child.

6. What birds aroused admiration of the duckling in the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling":

  • Chickens.
  • Ducks.
  • Swans.

Correct answer: swans.

7. What flowers grew at Kai and Gerda in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen":

  • Roses.
  • Chamomile.
  • Tulips.

Correct answer: roses.

8. What metal was the stalwart soldier made of, who fell in love with the beautiful dancer (based on the tale "The Stalwart Tin Soldier")?

  • Copper.
  • Tin.
  • Bronze.

Correct answer: tin.

9. How many brothers did Elsa have in the fairy tale "Wild Swans":

  • Eleven.
  • Nine.
  • Thirteen.

Correct answer: eleven.

10. How Ole Lukkoye "gave out" dreams to children (based on the fairy tale of the same name "Ole Lukkoye"):

  • I put it under the pillow.
  • I told the kid in the ear.
  • Opened an umbrella over a sleeping child.

Correct answer: opened an umbrella over a sleeping child.

Love for fairy tales

  1. When the cockerel choked on a grain, to whom the chicken ran first for some water (based on the fairy tale "Bean Seed"):
  • Sticky.
  • To the girl.
  • To the river.

The correct answer is to the river.

2. What did the Fox treat to the Crane in the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane";

  • Potatoes.
  • With milk.
  • Semolina porridge.

Correct answer: semolina.

3. Where did the seventh goat hide from the wolf (based on the tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"):

  • Under the table.
  • On the roof.
  • In the oven.

The correct answer is in the oven.

4. Who drove the fox out of the hare's hut (based on the fairy tale "Zaykin's hut"):

  • Cock.
  • Wolf.
  • Bear.

Correct answer: Rooster.

5. How Masha outwitted the bear and was able to return home (based on the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"):

  • She hid in a box of pies.
  • She ran away from the Bear.
  • She followed the Bear when he carried gifts to her grandparents.

Correct answer: hid in a box of pies.

6. Whom Kolobok did not meet on his way (according to the fairy tale of the same name "Kolobok"):

  • Wolf.
  • Hare.
  • Hedgehog.

Correct answer: Hedgehog.

7. How the cancer outwitted the Lisa and was the first to "run" to the agreed place (based on the fairy tale "The Fox and the Cancer"):

  • I asked the Wolf to carry him to the place.
  • Clung to the tail of the Fox.
  • I just crawled first.

Correct answer: hooked on the Fox's tail.

8. How many animals fit in the teremka (according to the fairy tale of the same name "Teremok"):

  • Four.
  • Five.
  • Six.

The correct answer is five.

9. How the Wolf was catching a fish in the ice-hole (based on the fairy tale "Little Fox and the Wolf"):

  • Fishing rod.
  • With your tail.
  • Butterfly net.

Correct answer: with your tail.

10. How the Fox wanted to make the black grouse go down to the ground (based on the fairy tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse"):

  • She said that a decree had been signed according to which the animals did not touch each other.
  • I wanted to treat him with grains.
  • She invited me to visit her.

Correct answer: she said that a decree was signed, according to which the animals do not touch each other.

Magic in fairy tales

One of the interesting topics in the extracurricular lessons is a quiz based on fairy tales. Primary school is the most suitable time for this. Children primary school they are just at that age when everything unusual and magical is interesting. Some students believe in miracles and want to meet fairies and other unusual characters. therefore fairy tales - some of the favorite among primary school students.

One of the most relevant events at this age is a quiz based on fairy tales.

We consolidate knowledge about folk tales

The proposed tasks can be used in extracurricular activities in which a quiz based on fairy tales is held, with the answers given below.

  1. Who constantly gave advice and helped Vasilisa to carry out all the tasks of her stepmother (based on the fairy tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful"):
  • Kitty.
  • Doll.
  • Girlfriend.

Correct answer: doll.

2. Who stole from the royal garden (based on the tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"):

  • The robbers.
  • Firebird.
  • Wolf.

Correct answer: Firebird.

3. The princess was sitting at the window in a tall mansion. What had to be done to marry her and get half a kingdom in addition (according to the fairy tale "Sivka-burka"):

  • Jump on a horse to the window and touch the princess's hand.
  • Sing her a song.
  • Jump on horseback to the window and kiss the princess.

The correct answer is to jump on a horse to the window and kiss the princess.

4. Who did brother Ivanushka turn into, disobeying his sister and drinking water from a hoof (based on the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"):

  • Calf.
  • Little goat.
  • Lamb.

The correct answer is a kid.

5. Because of what the Snow Maiden has melted. What she did (based on the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"):

  • She jumped over the fire.
  • I went to the stove.
  • I went out into the sun.

Correct answer: I jumped over the fire.

6. Why did you leave Ivan Tsarevich? What he did (based on the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"):

  • Burned the frog skin.
  • I told my brothers about her magical transformation.
  • He left her at home without taking her to the feast.

Correct answer: burnt the frog skin.

7. Who the girl first asked where she could find her brother, carried away by the swan geese (based on the fairy tale “Swan Geese):

  • By the apple tree.
  • By the stove.
  • By the river of milk.

Correct answer: by the stove.

8. What magic fish did Emelya catch (based on the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"):

  • Goldfish.
  • Pike.
  • Crucian carp.

Correct answer: pike.

9. Who helped the girl escape from Baba Yaga and gave her a comb and a towel, from which a wide river was obtained and (according to the fairy tale "Baba Yaga"):

  • Birch.
  • Dogs.

Correct answer: cat.

10. What bird helped Tereshechka to get to the house and run away from the witch (according to the fairy tale "Tereshechka"):

  • Gosling.
  • Swallow.
  • Firebird.

Correct answer: gosling.

Fairy tales are an extraordinary world filled with magic, in which good wins despite all difficulties. Children are happy to perceive the positive coming from such works. Therefore, a quiz based on fairy tales at the school will give students positive emotions and allow them to have a good time.

Irina Khasanova
Quiz based on Russian folk tales for older preschool children

Preliminary work: reading russian folk tales"Swan geese", "By the pike's command, "The Frog Princess", , "Kolobok", , "Three Bears", "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Examining illustrations, learning to compose descriptive riddles, making emblems with team names.


Form u children the ability to listen carefully to the teacher's questions, to follow the order, while answering questions, to listen to another child without - interrupting, to bring up such qualities as the ability to play in a team, friendliness, honesty in the game, fairness;

Develop in children's auditory attention, coherent speech, the ability to guess and guess riddles.

To attach children to folk culture - knowledge of fairy tales.

Recall read fairy tales.

Develop speech children, expand the active vocabulary, activate oral speech, develop correct speech breathing, speech apparatus, memory.

Expand knowledge children about fairy tales;

Create conditions for promoting a healthy lifestyle;

Promote the development of physical qualities: quickness, coordination, dexterity;

Foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, camaraderie.

Equipment: exhibition of books from fairy tales, illustrations russian folk tales, illustrations to fairy tales, two brooms, letters, bumps, d / and “Collect a picture from fairy tales» .

Organizing time.

Hello guys! Today we are invited to visit Fairy tale.

Guys, do you love fairy tales? (Answer children)

And I love. Merry and sad, scary and funny fairy tales familiar to us from childhood. They are associated with our ideas about good and evil, about peace and justice.

Children also love fairy tales, and adults. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. By fairy tales plays and films are staged, operas and ballets are created.

Fairy tales - the oldest oral genre folk art... They came to us from ancient times.

And why fairy tales are called folk? (Answer children)

Right, folk tales were invented by the people and passed them from mouth to mouth, from

generation after generation. When you were little you told stories

mothers or grandmothers, and soon you will go to school and learn to read them yourself. Reading

fairy tales, you will enter a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world.

AT fairy tales the most incredible miracles are performed.

And today we will take a trip to this mysterious world russian folk tales... I will help you remember your loved ones fairy tales, meet your favorite heroes and even become heroes of one of fairy tales... I will help you on this journey to be fun, curious and witty.

I know that you guys are very friendly and brave. During quiz you will helpand help each other out. Is that right, I say? (Answer children)

Now you will see small pictures from fairy talesthat many kids love. I think you love them too and easily recognize the heroes and determine which they are from. fairy tales.

So friends, let's start the program,

Then we have a large supply.

Who are they for? For you.

We know you love games,

Songs, riddles and dances.

But nothing is more interesting

Than our magic fairy tales.

- Why are they magical?

- Yes, because animals can talk in them, there are non-existent heroes (Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, goblin, miracles happen - the frog turns into a princess, brother Ivanushka into a kid, the buckets walk by themselves.)

There are folk tales, and there are copyright. They are called so because they invented people... Copyright fairy tales invented and written down by a certain person-author. For example, you know everything fairy tale “About the dead princess and 7 heroes”, “About the fisherman and the fish”. it fairy tales A... S. Pushkin. Or “Moidodyr” is fairy tale K... I. Chukovsky.

- And we have gathered today to conduct quiz on Russian - folk tales between the two teams.

- Each team will receive their task. If the team does not cope with the task, then the question goes to another team. All your answers will be evaluated by the jury and the result will be announced.

- So, let's begin!

1. The first round is called "Warm-up"... In this round, each team will have to answer questions about the heroes russian folk tales.

Which hero in fairy tale used your tail instead of a fishing rod? (Wolf)

Whom in fairy tales dubbed by patronymic - Patrikeevna? (Fox)

What a hero fairy tales lay on the stove all the time? (Emelya)

Who did the stove, apple tree and river help? (Masha)

The Beetle called the cat Masha. Masha for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather ("Turnip")

She came into the wilderness, into the thicket. He sees - there is a hut. I knocked, they don't answer. She pushed the door, and it opened. (Masha and the Bear)

Run away from dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling

And on the road, tears are pouring. (Fedora)

Both the hare and the she-wolf - Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)

Over my simple question

You won't waste a lot of energy.

Who is the boy with the long nose

Made of wood?

(Papa Carlo)

Cinderella fell off her leg by accident. She was not simple, but crystal (shoe)

Who destroyed the teremok? (bear)

From what Ivanushka drank from fairy tales"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"? (from the hoof)

From what item did the fox treat the crane? (from the plate)

What item did the crane use to treat the fox? (from a jug)

Who was the first to meet the kolobok? (hare)

The tiniest girl (Thumbelina)

Whom did the Kolobok leave from his grandparents first meet on his way? (Hare)

What the hero released into the hole from fairy tales"The Fox and the Wolf" (tail)

What words usually begin russian folk tales(Lived once)

What tale... hero say: "Butter head, silk beard." (cock)

What animal carries in fairy tale name - Mikhailo Potapych (bear)

From what the hare built himself a hut in fairy tale"Zayushkin's hut?" (made of wood)

Physical workout.

The game "Flies, does not fly".

(flying carpet, jug, ball, flying ship, Serpent Gorynych, mirror, running boots, crane, ring, fox, sparrow, firebird, geese-swans, Baba Yaga's stupa)

Second round: “Do you know well fairy tales"

I will show you illustrations, and you will tell me fairy tale.

a) Masha and the Bear.

b) kolobok

c) The wolf and the seven kids.

d) Zayushkin's hut.

e) chicken ryaba

f) cat, rooster and fox

Educator: Let's warm up a little.

Physical education

The cubs lived more often

twisted their head.

Like this, like this

They twisted their head.

The cubs were looking for honey,

They shook the tree together.

Like this, like this

They shook the tree together.

Walked across

And they drank water from the river.

Like this, like this

And they drank water from the river.

And then they danced

Paws raised together.

Like this, like this

Paws raised together.

Round 3 "Telegram"

- Guys, I went to the garden today and met the postman. He gave us telegrams because he himself cannot guess who they came from. Help him.

"Save us, the gray wolf ate us" (kids)

“I'm very upset. Accidentally broke a testicle " (mouse)

"Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole" (wolf)

"Help, our house is broken, but we ourselves are safe" (beasts)

“Dear grandparents, don't worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I'll be home soon" (Masha)

"Help, my brother turned into a kid" (Alyonushka)

"Disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair" (bear cub)

“Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. Marrying a frog " (Ivan Tsarevich)

Round 4 Relay "Flight of Baba Yaga"

- The indispensable attributes of Baba Yaga were a stupa and a broom. In the relay, it is used as a broom - a broom. The participant sits on a broom, runs around the chair and passes the broom to another participant.

Round 5 is called "Riddles by fairy tales» ... The participants in the game need to name which characters the words from fairy tales.

Swim out onto the shore.

The bonfires are burning high

Cast iron boilers,

They sharpen damask knives,

They want to stab me! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

Blundered a little:

Didn't obey the cat

I looked out the window.

"Cat, Rooster and Fox")

There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Delicious water

In the fossa of the hoof.

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

I uttered a word -

The stove rolled

Straight from the village

To the king and princess.

And why, I don't know

Lucky for a bummer?

("By magic")

Round 6 "Ears on the crown"

An arrow flew and hit the swamp.

And in that swamp, someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

Has become sweet, beautiful, handsome. (Princess Frog)

The kids opened the door

And they all disappeared somewhere. (Wolf and kids)

At the window he froze

Took then and rolled away

To be eaten by a fox. (Gingerbread man)

The apple tree helped us,

The stove helped us

A good, blue river helped,

Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,

We got home to Mother and Father.

Who took the brother away? Name the book? (Swan geese)

With Heel, he goes to visit

Loves honey, asks for jam

Who is this, say it out loud:

Teddy bear (Winnie the Pooh)

She is like snow, white and light.

She's like snow, afraid of the heat

Both the children and the hen are glad to the sun!

He is not happy only (Snow Maiden)

All dirty people will wash quickly

All sluts will be washed clean

Washbasin chief

And the loofahs commander

Famous (Moidodyr)

Round 7:Relay race "Go through the swamp".(children cross the swamp over bumps)

Round 8 “Guess”

1 - What song did Kolobok sing?

2 - What was the goat singing to its kids?

3 - What did Mashenka say to the bear, sitting in the box?

4 - What did Ryaba the hen say to grandfather and woman?

5 - With what words did the wolf help itself to fish on its tail?

6 - What did the fox say at this time?

7 - What the animals asked in fairy tale "Teremok" before entering it?

9. In the last round, teams need to complete a collective creative task to collect a picture. Teams receive one set of cut pictures for the plot russian folk tales... It is necessary to collect an illustration for fairy tale and determine its name ( "Little fox-sister and the gray wolf" and "Three Bears")

10. Summing up quiz... Rewarding of participants.

So our journey in the world of Miracles and Magic has ended. Thanks to your knowledge fairy tales, your friendship, we were able to go this way. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy path is endless... When you open the collection russian folk tales, and go!

Did you enjoy the trip to russian folk tales? (Answer children) What did you like best? (Answer children)

Why do you think we need fairy tales? What are they teaching? (Answer children) Fairy tales teach to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and courageous. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in good luck, love your Motherland and protect the weak.

Saying goodbye to you, I want to tellthat you are wonderful and very talented guys. I love you all. Bye. And see you soon.


There are many funny and sad fairy tales,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Let the heroes fairy tales give us warmth

May good forever triumph over evil!

Nadezhda Vasilieva
Quiz on fairy tales with children 3-4 years old "Chest of fairy tales"

Fairy tale quiz

for children 3-4 years old.

« Chest of fairy tales» .

goal: to consolidate knowledge of Russian folk fairy tales.


Form a coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention.

Develop teamwork skills.

Development of fine motor skills, logic and creativity.

To cultivate friendly relations in the children's team.


1. Illustrations to fairy tales(Puzzle).

2. "Wonderful bag" from things: turnip, egg, pie, bear.

3. Chips for teams.

4.2 carrots.

5.2 balls and 2 plates

6. Chest of fairy tales.

7. Envelopes with tasks.

We know you love games,

Songs, riddles and dances.

But nothing is more interesting

Than our magic fairy tales.

So we begin our quiz.

Let's split into 2 commands: a team of boys and girls.

For each correct answer, the team receives chips. At the end of the contests, we will count the chips received and determine the winners. Before you chest of fairy tales... You get one person from the team out of chest envelopes with tasks, who will give the correct answer first, will receive such a chip. Each team has a cup in which you will add the chips you earn. At the end of the game, we will count them and find out whose team will be the winner.

So, let's begin….

First competition "From what fairy tale excerpt

1. Once upon a time there were a grandfather and a woman, and they had (Ryaba chicken)

2. Don't sit on a tree stump, don't eat a pie! Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandfather! (Masha and the Bear)

3. The old woman took a wing, scraped it along the box, swept it along the bottom of the barrel, and a handful of two or so handfuls of flour gathered. Kneaded in sour cream, fried in oil, and put it on the window to cool. (Gingerbread man)

4. Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry, but in a hurry, but the hen should know condemns: - Petya, take your time. Petya, take your time. (Cockerel and bean seed)

5. - I am a little mouse!

I, the frog-frog!

And who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny. -

Come live with us! (Teremok)

6. Tili - bong! Tili - bom!

The cat's house is on fire!

The cat's house is on fire!

There is a pillar of smoke! (Cat house)

Second competition "Kolobok"

Leading. Teams will need to carry a kolobok on a plate without dropping it.

Third competition "Give me a word"

1. What song did Kolobok sing?

2. What did the goat sing to its kids?

3. What did Mashenka say to the bear, sitting in the box?

4. What did Ryaba the hen say to grandfather and baba?

5. Whose names are these - Nif - Nif, Nuf - Nuf and Naf - Naf?

6. Whom did the Geese-Swans carry away?

7. What the animals asked in fairy tale"Teremok" before entering it?

8. Who's in fairy tale"Turnip" was between a granddaughter and a cat?

Fourth competition "Collect the picture"

Terms of play: each team must assemble a cut picture with an illustration from fairy tales"Turnip"... The winner is the team that will do it faster and will call its name.

Fifth competition. "Bunny with carrots"

Leading. Now we will play. Two players from the team will need to turn into a bunny and move the carrot from the garden to their house. Let's see whose team will complete the task faster.

Sixth competition "Guess!"

Leading. You have to get from "Wonderful bag" any thing, and name what it is fairy tales... Children from different teams come up one by one and take out a toy from the bag and guess fairy tale.

Seventh competition. "The best expert fairy tales» .

Leading. I will ask each team questions in turn, and you must answer the question.

1. What egg did Ryaba's chicken lay? (gold)

2. Who broke Ryaba's hen's testicle? (mouse)

3. What vegetable could not be pulled out of the ground by the grandfather and his whole friendly family? (turnip)

4. Who helped the granddaughter to pull out the turnip? (Bug)

5. How many children did the mother goat have? (seven)

6. Where did the smallest kid hid so that the evil wolf would not eat it? (into the oven)

7. What hero was so round that he drove away from both the woman and the grandfather? (Gingerbread man)

8. Who ate Kolobok? (Fox)

9. Scary and angry, loves to fly on a broomstick. Who is it? (Baba Yaga)

10. What birds were Baba Yaga's faithful helpers? (Swan geese)

11. Who lived in the house? (mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf and bear)

Well, so we visited the country fairy tales... And now we will summarize. Let's count your chips. The team with the most chips won our game.

Related publications:

"Integrated interaction with children of the middle group according to the fairy tale" Kolobok " "A journey through the fairy tale" Kolobok "Objectives: to teach children to choose round objects by word; to consolidate the ability of children to correlate two groups of objects.

"Quiz about nature". Ecological play with older children Program content: to develop in children a joyful experience of participating in the quiz. To form a sustainable interest in natural objects.

Quiz game with children of the older group "What do we know about sports?" Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about sports, athletes, sports with children; inspire respect for Russian athletes, pride in the winners.

Fun with children of the I junior group "Adventures in the fairy tale" Kolobok " Fun with children of the I junior group "Adventures in the fairy tale" Kolobok "" Purpose: To improve different types movements, create fun for children ,.

Natalia Vladimirovna Khlebnikova
Quiz based on fairy tales "Humorous"

Fairy tale quiz

« Humorous»

1. Who are the heroes of the Russian folk fairy tales was a baked product? (Gingerbread man)

2. Name the heroine of the Russian folk fairy taleswhich was an agricultural product? (Turnip)

3. Which of fabulous loved heroes proverb: "One head is good, but three is better"? (Dragon)

4. In what Russian folk fairy tale brother did not listen to his sister, once violated sanitary and hygienic rules and paid dearly for it? ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

5. Name the heroine French fairy taleswho was engaged in unskilled labor. I cleaned the stove and cleaned the house. What was she called for that? (Cinderella)

6. What a French hero fairy tales loved shoes and what was his nickname for that? (Puss in Boots)

7. What is the hero of the Russian folk fairy tales caught in a very original way? (Wolf, lowering its tail into the hole)

8. Name the heroine French fairy tales, which got its nickname from the headdress. (Red Riding Hood)

9. What is the name of the hero of the English folk fairy tales: he built a house according to best practices, and his brothers worked the old fashioned way and therefore nearly lost their lives. ( "Three pigs" Naf-Naf)

10. What fairytale hero sowed moneythinking that a money tree will grow and will only have to harvest? (Pinocchio)

11. What family of poultry did the heroine of the Russian folk belong to? fairy taleswho brought precious metal products to the owners? (Ryaba Chicken)

12. Name the hero famous fairy tales of the Russian poetwho ends up with a head injury, speechless and crazy? (A.S. Pushkin « Fairy tale about the priest and his worker Balda ")

From the first click

Jumped pop to the ceiling;

From the second click

Has lost the pop language;

And from the third click

Knocked out the old man's mind.

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All quiz questions with answers.

Quiz "The Tales of My Mother Goose" (based on the tales of Ch. Perrault)

1. Does the name of this heroine come from the word "ash"? Answer: Cinderella.

2. What was the name of the heroine who got her nickname from the headdress? Answer: Little Red Riding Hood.

3. What was the nickname of the hero who loved to wear shoes? Answer: Puss in boots.

4. What appeared to Donkey Skin when she hit the ground with her magic wand? Answer: Outfit Chest.

5. Who wore a belt with the inscription “When I am evil, I kill seven”? Answer: Brave tailor.

6. To whom, instead of words, did snakes and toads fall from the mouth? Answer: The rude girl from the fairy tale "Sorceress".

7. In what fairy tale does it snow on earth if a feather bed is whipped up in the sky? Answer: "Mrs. Blizzard."

8. What happened to the stupid beauty princess when the prince Rike-Khokholok fell in love with her? Answer: She became smart.

9. Which girl at the ball lost her shoe? Answer: Cinderella.

10. What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots? Answer: Marquis Karabas.

11. How did the knight brothers pierce through the bloodthirsty villain-killer, who had the terrible nickname "Bluebeard"? Answer: With swords.

12. What birds were caught in the bag when the cat was hunting for the second time in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"? Answer: Partridges.

13. Who inherited the miller's middle son in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"? Answer: Donkey.

14. Who had big hands, big ears, big eyes, big teeth? Answer: At the wolf.

15. Who, at the request of the cat, did the man-eater become for the first time in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"? Answer: In a lion.

16. What vehicle did the fairy turn the pumpkin into with the help of a magic wand in the fairy tale "Cinderella"? Answer: Into the carriage.

17. What did the eldest son inherit from his father in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"? Answer: The mill.

Quiz based on fairy tales "Fairy Men"

■ Which is the most popular male name in fairy tales? Answer: Ivan.

■ Who drove the sled itself? Answer: Emelya.

■ Which girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? Answer: Gerda.

■ Who ate for three and worked for seven? Answer: Balda.

■ Who sowed the money, thinking that they would grow a money tree and only have to reap the harvest? Answer: Buratino.

■ Who lived on Basseinaya Street? Answer: Absent-minded.

■ Who cooked porridge with intelligence and ingenuity? Answer: Soldier.

■ What is the heroine of the Russian folk tale was it an agricultural product? Answer: Turnip.

■ What was the name of the cat's cow Matroskin? Answer: Murka.

■ What was the name of the genie that Volka freed from the bottle? Answer: Hottabych.

■ What were the names of the three fat men? Answer: They had no names.

■ What was the name of the sorceress who was afraid of water, and how many years did she not wash? Answer: Bastinda, 500 years old.

■ Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? Answer: Kolobok.

■ What was the name of Pierrot's fiancee? Answer: Malvina.

■ Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog? Answer: Koschey the Immortal.

■ Which hero of a Russian folk tale caught fish in a very original way? Answer: Wolf.

■ What was the name of the young man who had the nickname Dwarf Nose? Answer: Jacob.

■ What was the name of the boy who was carried away by the wild swans? Answer: Ivanushka.

■ Who built the house according to best practices, and his brothers worked the same way and nearly lost their lives? Answer: Naf-Naf.

■ Who is the world's best dreamer and sweet tooth? Answer: Carlson.

■ Who was shipwrecked and captured with the midgets? Answer: Gulliver.

■ Who rushed after the White Rabbit, fell into a very deep well and ended up in a wonderful country? Answer: Alice.

■ What was the name of the jackal, the servant of the tiger Shere Khan? Answer: Jackal Tabaki.

■ Who loved the saying “One head is good, two is better”? Answer: Serpent Gorynych.

■ What was the name of the toy with a very funny namethat fell off the table? Answer: Cheburashka.

■ What king forgot about the death of his children at the sight of the beautiful queen? King Answer: Dadon.

■ Who was the first animal in the jungle to exemplify friendship with a human baby? Answer: Wolf Akela.