Ancient Kazakh names of boys. Kazakh names for boys

IN modern world there are more than 10 thousand Kazakh names, and they all have their own origin, the origins from which they spread. The lion's share of male and female Kazakh names has Muslim roots. They began with the Turkic, Arabic, Persian, Mongolian dialects. But there are also Kazakh names for girls and boys that have come into use from the Russian language. For Kazakhs, naming a child is not only an important process, it is also a certain ritual. For a long time they are sure that female and male Kazakh names are not only a name, but also prophesy further destiny to its carrier. Therefore, they tried to include positive character traits, virtue, beauty, responsibility, courage, and so on in the name. This is how they wanted to see their boys and girls in the future.

Kazakh ritual dedicated to choosing a name

The old ritual, which has survived in modern times, was carried out by the elders of the clan on the fortieth day after the birth of the baby. At first, a blessed prayer was performed, the result of which was male or female Kazakh names received from the Almighty, depending on what gender the child was to be called. Then the advice was carried out taking into account all opinions, after which they agreed on one of the proposed names.

The title chosen was included in the prayer the elder recited. Everything happened according to this scheme, the reader had to bend over to the baby in the process of prayer and say his future name to the newborn in the ear. Thus, Kazakh names for boys and girls with a semantic history were put into the ears of children, and they, in turn, had to subconsciously catch them and correspond in the subsequent name, which was predetermined by his family and destiny.

What are the Kazakhs guided by when choosing

Choosing female Kazakh names, parents want to reward their girl with such virtues as beauty, chastity, kindness, etc. So, for example, Bagila should always be faithful, Badiga - a beautiful written beauty, Gaukhar - a diamond, Dara - special, etc. Often calling girls, Kazakhs compare them to something, Balgan is pleasant, sweet as honey, Balgul is a melliferous flower, Gulbarshyn is similar to a beautiful flower, Daria is a big river, Dilda is gold, etc.

Choosing male Kazakh names, parents try to instill in their baby responsibility, courage, aspiration, will, courage and many other strong qualities.

Named Gabbas should become strict and stern, Dildar - brave, courageous, caring, compassionate. If the parents want their boy to become a religious person or devote himself to the service, they call him accordingly (Gabiden is a minister of religion, Gabidulla is a servant of Allah, Zainiddin is a perfect religion, Magzum is kept by God, etc.).

They call Kazakh boys and compare them with animals (lion, wolf, falcon) or with natural phenomena (month, dawn, hurricane). Kyran means a golden eagle, Diaz - the sun, etc. And also, predicting a certain appearance for them. Diasyl - sun-like, sublime, Didar - beautiful outwardly, Kurmet - respected, revered, etc. Parents who want to stand out from the general mass of names used also call their children rare female and male Kazakh names (Assine, Aryan, Ayup, Abrar, Alibi, Andir, Bekarys, Bifatima, Batyrsagyz, Batyrlan, Danat, Dimnura, Yesenia, Edyge, Yerzhebet, Zauzamira, Kamarsulu and others).

If there is a famous or revered person in the family, the child can be named after her example. It is believed that the combination of all positive characteristics will pass from the ancestor to the new bearer of his name.

A child can be named by correlating the period of his birth with a specific date or a natural phenomenon that was on the baby's birthday. For example, a bright moonlit night can cause an unforgettable association, and parents will name the girl according to this principle, and a big holiday will indicate the name of the baby, etc.

When choosing a name for their child, Kazakh parents are based not only on its designation, they take into account several more factors. The combination with the surname, patronymic, as well as its very sound. If one of the parents is from another country, the pronunciation of the name in the foreign language is taken into account. It shouldn't sound strange or mean an indecent word. Therefore, when choosing Kazakh names for girls and boys, parents think over all the pros and cons and only then stop at the final version.

Designation of Kazakh names

Kazakh names for boys and girls have their own designation, which can be either direct translation or indirect speech. For many centuries, names have been archived, some are outdated and used little, but there are many modern ones that replace outdated analogs. There are two root names different wordsthey produce difficulty in pronunciation and comprehension. Other names are wishes for children; they can have one-word and wordy meaning. There are also names with a lost meaning, as well as dissonant names, they tried to ward off the evil eye from the child.

Modern parents strive to give their child a fashionable name, forgetting that fashion is a passing phenomenon. Let's turn to the national name-book and see what beautiful Kazakh male names with meaning can be used now.

Giving a child a name is not easy. I want it to be sonorous, pleasant to the ear and meaningful. The Kazakhs had a tradition to name the boys - the successors of the family - in honor of the eminent and significant people - batyrs, sages, pious men:

1. Names of boys with "A" - a large group. Among them there are those that indicate the personal qualities of the future warrior: Abay - ‘watchful’, ‘prudent’, Abyz - ‘defender’, Arlan - ‘bogatyr’, ‘ferocious wolf’, Aryngazy - ‘warrior’, Arystan- ‘lion’, ‘brave’.

The Kazakhs have male names that predict the boy's fate of an intelligent, noble, respected and rich person: Akylbay - ‘wise’, ‘reasonable’, Akylzhan - ‘enlightened’, ‘wise soul’, Altynbek- ‘rich gold’, Atabay- ‘notable’, ‘well-off’.

10. The Kazakh name in "L" suggests one name for the boy - Lesbekwhich means 'follower'.

11. Male names on "M" emphasize masculinity, heroism of their carriers. Purposeful, victorious boys bear names Maksat, Manar, Mansur, Murat, Murgen.

12. Kazakh names on “N” have a harmonious first component “nur”, which means ‘ray of light’, ‘reflection’, ‘shine’. Names Nurbek, Nurbergen, Nurbolat, Nurdaulet, Nurzhan, Nurlanworn by bold, courageous and handsome men.

13. The letter "O" gave Kazakhs a few male names with the meaning: Olzhas - ‘brave’, Onege- ‘exemplary’, ‘moral’.

14. A small number of Kazakh names on the "P". Names Paluan and Parmenemphasize the strength and power of their owners, talk about their extraordinary physical capabilities and good health.

15. Male Kazakh names in "C" mean the protective wisdom of their owners. Men with names Sayazhan, Senim, Serke - real leaders, ready at any time to intercede for their subordinates. They will always come to the rescue, you can rely on them in difficult times.

16. There are not many names for boys with "T", but they have interesting meanings: Tamerlane - ‘iron lion’, Tlektes - ‘benevolent’, Tleu - ‘welcome’.

17. Choosing a name for a boy on "Y", pay attention to the following: Ulbala - ‘heir’, Umitzhan- ‘hope’, Urzhan - ‘beautiful’, ‘perfect’.

18. Names ending with "Y" are sonorous, with a deep meaning: Yntymak - ‘unity’, Yrys - ‘happy’.

Kazakh names for boys mainly reflect strength, will, dexterity, masculinity, dedication, high moral qualities - kindness, perseverance, commitment, loyalty.

When choosing a name for a boy, pay attention not only to his euphony, but also to the semantic code that subconsciously determines the fate of the child.

A man's name should be energetic, demonstrate the leadership qualities of its owner, form the image of a defender and a good family man.

Use the Kazakh name, because the spirit of the ancestors sounds in these names, which means the child will always be under their protection.

ABAY - translated from the Kazakh language means observant, prudent, thinker.

ABBAS - translated from Arabic and Iranian, harsh, strict, warlike. Options - Gabbas, Kappas, Kapbas.

ABDI - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless.

ABDIBAY - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + from Kazakh - bai. The name means eternally rich.

ABDIBAKI - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + Bahi - eternal, vital. The name means - long-lived, long-liver.

ABDIBAKYT - translated from Arabic abdi - eternal + bakyt - happiness. The name means forever happy.

ABDIBEK - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + from the Kazakh language - bey. The name means - always strong, strong, mighty.

ABDIGAZIZ - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + gaziz - dear, respected.

ABDIGALI - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + gali - dear, precious, beloved. The name means - forever beloved, always dear, honorable.

ABDIGAPPAR - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + ghaffar - forgiving. The name means - the servant of the forgiving master, the servant of his master.

ABDIGOZHA - translated from Arabic as Khoja - master, teacher, mentor, master.

ABDIJAPPAR - translated from Arabic as Jabbar - the servant of the almighty, mighty.

ABDIZHAMIL - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + zhamil - beautiful, beautiful, amiable; merciful, condescending, kind, polite.

ABDIKARIM - translated from the Arabic language gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + karim - generous, powerful; gracious, amiable, pleasant, nice.

ABDIKADIR - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + kadir - almighty. The name means - advantage, dignity, superiority.

ABDIKAIM - translated from the Arabic language gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + kaim - eternal, eternal.

ABDIKHAIR - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + hair
- good, good, a minister of a good cause, nobility, kindness.

ABDIKHALIK - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + khalik - people, people, nationality. The name means - the servant of the people.

ABDIMAZHIT - translated from the Arabic language - majit - mighty, glorious, noble. The name means - the servant of the noble, glorious.

ABDIMANAP - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + manap aristocrat, nobleman.

ABDIMALIK - translated from Arabic gabd (abdi) - eternal, endless + malik - king. The name means - the servant of the king.

ABDINASYR - translated from Arabic as nasir - helping, winner.

ABDINUR - translated from Arabic - eternally blooming, sparkling.

ABDIRAHIM - translated from Arabic - rahim - merciful, merciful, good-natured. The name means - a minister of mercy, kindness.

ABDISAMAT - translated from the Arabic language samad - eternal, constant, stable. The name means - forever living.

ABDISALAM - translated from Arabic salam - peace, prosperity. The name means - a supporter of peace, tranquility, prosperity. Synonym - Absalam.

ABDISATTAR - translated from the Arabic language, sattar - forgiving, covering, hiding; protector, patron.

ABDISEYIT - translated from Arabic gabd - rab + sayyid - master, owner, master, head. The name means - the executor of the will.

ABDIKHALIK - translated from the Arabic language gabd - servant, slave + khalk - creator, creator; people, crowd. The name means - the servant of the people.

ABDIKHAMIT - translated from the Arabic language Hamid - commendable, worthy of praise.

ABDISHUKUR - translated from the Arabic language is shukran - respect, thank, praise, praise.

ABET - translated from Arabic abad - eternity, endless. The name means - long-lived.

ABIL - translated from Arabic abu - is the father in common parlance and is often used as part of complex personal names such as: Abilgazy, Abilmanap, Abiltai, etc.

ABILGAZIZ - translated from the Arabic language gaziz - strong, mighty; rare, valuable; dear, dear.

ABILGAZY - translated from the Arabic language gazy - warrior, fighter, soldier.

ABILKASIM - translated from Arabic - hasim - beautiful, pretty.

ABILKAYUM - translated from the Arabic language kayum - exists forever.

ABILKHAIR - translated from the Arabic language hair - kindness, mercy. The name means - the father of kindness, mercy, humanity.

ABILFAIZ - translated from Arabic - feyz - abundance, excess; generosity, wealth; winner, winner. The name means - the father of generosity.

ABILKHAN - translated from the Kazakh language as khan - ruler. The name means - the father of the ruler.

ABDUALI - translated from Arabic - wali - ruler, chief, ruler, government representative.

ABDRAKHMAN - translated from the Arabic language - Rahman - merciful, merciful, modest. The name means servant of mercy.

ABDRASHID - translated from Arabic - Rashid - reasonable, prudent, reasonable. The name means - the minister of prudence.

ABDIRASUL - translated from Arabic - rasul - messenger, ambassador, messenger, representative. Synonyms - Abdrasil, Abdirasl.

ABZAL - translated from Arabic and Iranian - respected, dear, excellent.

ABSALAM - translated from the Arabic language, the name means - welcoming, peaceful, calm.

ABYZ - translated from the Arabic language has two meanings - keeper, protector, guardian; modern meaning - a scientist, knowledgeable. Options - Hafiz, Kapyz. Composite name - Abyzbay.

ABYLAY - translated from Arabic abyl (abil) - grandfather, father. Abbreviated form of the name Abdilmambet.

ABYLGAZY - translated from Arabic abyl - grandfather + gazy - warrior. Translated from Iranian, it means - an example of a strong, brave warrior.

ABU - translated from Arabic abu - father.

ABUBAKIR - translated from Arabic abu - father + biker - firstborn; honest, clean. The name means - the firstborn of the fathers.

ABUGALI - translated from the Arabic language abu - father + gali - high, great, supreme. The name means - the father of the great.

ABUGALIM - in translation from the Arabic language abu - father + galim - scientist, learned husband. The name means - educated, knowledgeable, the father of knowledge.

ABUNASYR - translated from Arabic abu - father + nasr - help, assistant; winner. The name means - the father of victory.

ABUSADYK - translated from Arabic abu - father + sadih - sincere, frank, honest, true, truthful. The name means - faithful, honest, father of truth.

ABUTALIP - translated from Arabic abu - father + Talib - seeker of knowledge; petitioner; student.

Kazakh names include not only names of Turkic origin, but also borrowed names, which are used along with native names. By their type of origin, Kazakh names are divided into several groups.

Turkic names

Türkic names have a close connection with the surrounding world, therefore most of the names have to do with the way of life of the Türks, nature, but, of course, with the best wishes for their children. So, when naming their children, girls were often given names containing part of the name "gul" - "flower", "jean" ("dan") - "soul", "dil" - "beautiful", "nur" - light, etc. .d. At the same time, the Kazakhs considered the Moon the most beautiful luminary, therefore there are a lot of female names containing part of the name "ai", which means "moon", "lunar", "month" (Ainur, Aigul, Aidana, Aisulu, Aiza, Aina, Aigerim and etc.).

Names-wishes are widespread among the Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples. Naming a child with such a name, parents want to celebrate his fate (Bulat - "mighty", "indestructible", Tamerlane (Timur) - "iron", "unwavering", "strong", Ilgiz - "traveler", Mergen - "skillful hunter" , Ural - "joy, pleasure", Khadiya - "gift").

One-piece Turkic names most often have a direct translation (Koyash - "sun", Arman - "dream", Chulpan - planet Venus, Kanat - "wing"). Also, both a girl and a boy can wear the same name.

Some of the Turkic names have a temporary meaning, indicate the time of birth or date (Silker - "born in May", Aytugan - "born at the beginning of the month", Aydolay - "born on the full moon", Kutken - "long-awaited", Zamam - "time , era ", Buran -" was born during a storm, blizzard "). But, like most names in the world, the most ancient names are associated with the surrounding world - animals and plants (Khulun - "foal", Ortek - "duck", Milyausha - "violet", Nymyrt - "bird cherry"). These names, according to the ideas of the Kazakhs, should have reflected distinctive features these animals - their cunning, quickness, courage, intelligence, etc.

The next part of the Turkic names denotes various jewelry, most often these are female names, but there are also male names (Almaz - "diamond", Yzyrga - "earring", Ainagul - "mirror flower").

Often two-part male Kazakh names of Turkic origin end in “-bek” (“-bik”), “-bay”, “-khan” (Arabic analogue). This part of the name has the meaning of "ruler", "bek", "khan", "ruler" (Bikbulat - "iron bek", Bikbai - "very rich", Alikhan - "great khan").

At present, a large number of names in the Caucasus have been formed from the Turkic language, which have become part of the language of many peoples (Tatar, Uzbek, Ossetian, Kyrgyz, Altai, Khakass and many others). Many names have become the basis of surnames.

Religious borrowing

Also, some of the Kazakh names are borrowed from religions with which the Kazakhs have historically contacted. These are names from Islam, Christianity, Judaism, which have been slightly changed in pronunciation. Maryam, Mariam - Mary, Isa - Jesus Christ, Musa - Moses, Israel - Israel, Zhusup - Yusuf (Joseph), Zhakup - Yakub (Jacob), Sarah (Zara, Shara) - Sarah, Yahya - John, Ilyas - Elijah, Haua - Eve, Suleiman - Solomon, Dauyt (Davut) - David, Yskak - Isaac, Zhabrail - Gabriel, Ibrahim (Ibrahim) - Abraham. These are just the most basic names borrowed from the Abrahamic religions.

Arab borrowings

From the Arabs, Kazakhs borrowed names related to faith, history, reflecting moral values \u200b\u200band personality traits. This is how the names Zhangali appeared - "brave like Ali", Amanzhol - "the way of salvation", Kamil - "perfect", Mansur - "winner", Omar - "long-liver", Hakim - "wise", Kadyr - "venerable".

The name of the Prophet of Muslims - Muhammad - in the Kazakh language has various interpretations - Mahmed, Mukhamed, Mambet, Makhambet, etc. Arabic female names are widespread (Aisha, Alfiya, Dinara, Fatima, Saida, Nabat, Zakia, Zarina and others).

From many long Arabic names in the Kazakh language, short names appeared - Abish, Kulyash, Saken.

Soviet and Russian borrowing

Names that are of Russian and European origin are also present in the Kazakh language. They, in general, did not undergo any obvious changes in either spelling or pronunciation. Examples of such names can be the names Valentina, Raisa, Svetlana, Marat, Eduard, Sergey, Rimma, Arthur, Boris, Maxim, Klara, Albina, Nikolay, Elvira, Indira, Sabina, Tamara, Tamila and others.

In Soviet times, neologisms appeared among Kazakh names, which later either disappeared from the language, or changed their meaning. This is how the names of Kim, Kim, May, Damir, October, Oktyabrina, Mira, Dina, Zarema, Karina, Lenura, Lin, Rem, Renata, Ural, Chara, Emil, Berlin, Washington, Marlene, Mels, Council and many others.

The traditional pronunciation and spelling of some female Kazakh names is also possible with the addition of the vowels "-а" and "-я" at the end of the name. So, for example, the name Gulnar, traditionally sounding without a softening vowel, began to be pronounced both as Gulnara, and also with the addition of a softening of the first part of the word - Gulnar, Gulnara. The names Asel and Aigul - Asel and Aigul and also many other names.

The most popular Kazakh names

In 2013, the most popular name given to their girls by their parents was the name Aizere, and the parents of the boys were Alikhan. Other popular names also included the names of Ersultan, Artem, Amir, Miras, Sanzhar, Nurasyl, Diaz, Arsen - male names, and Ayana, Inzhu, Aisha, Kausar, Amina, Aruzhan, Diana, Milana - female names.

For comparison, in 2012, one of the most popular male names among Kazakhs were Yerasyl, Sanzhar and Artem, and the most popular female names were Aizere, Ayaru and Sofia. Also, the top 20 most common names included Islam, Maxim, Damir, Aldiyar, Kirill, Azamat, Alexander, Ilya, as well as some of the names that became popular in 2013. The top twenty female names included Sezim, Nurai, Diana, Victoria, Madina, Inker, Alina, Zhansaya, Anastasia, Arailym, Zhania, as well as names that became one of the most popular names in 2013.

Kazakhs today are the most numerous people of Kazakhstan (10 million 98 thousand 600 people according to the census of February 25, 2009). Outside Kazakhstan, Kazakhs live compactly in the south of Western Siberia, in the Southern Urals, in the Lower Volga region, in the Mongolian People's Republic and in Northwest China. 1 million 500 thousand Kazakhs live in Uzbekistan and China. Small diasporas of Kazakhs are found in almost all Muslim countries and in some European states. In total, the number of Kazakhs in the world is estimated at about 15 million people in 2009. Basically, the Kazakhs left their lands during the periods of the Dzungarian invasions, after the revolution during the civil war, and during the famine in the early 30s of the twentieth century.

The Kazakh language is part of the Kipchat group of Turkic languages. Kazakh names in structure, they are simple, complex and complex. Complex Kazakh names are formed mainly by adding nouns or stems of nouns with verbs, for example: Bytas: buy- "rich" and tas - "a rock", Zhylkeld: lived - "Year" and keld - “Arrived”, etc. Many Kazakh names are derived from the names of animals, birds, household items, food and other words, are associated with the traditions, culture and religion of the Kazakh people.

When giving a name, Kazakhs chose names with suitable qualities. So most of the names have a transparent etymology and a clear meaning, for example: Alma - "Apple"; Sheker - "sugar"; Arystan - "a lion"; Temir - "iron"; Balta - "ax"; Zhylkybay“Horse” and “rich man” (ie rich in horses), etc.

Some Kazakh names are Arabic in origin. They arose at various stages in the history of the people, reflect the nature of its moral values, faith, for example: Kalima -"Word" in the sense of testimony of monotheism, Zhangali -brave like Ali (4th righteous caliph, a brave warrior who did not know defeat), Zhusip - the name of the prophet Yusuf, Amanzhol "The way of salvation".

The choice of Kazakh names is practically unlimited - over ten thousand words. For many centuries there has been a process of archaization and falling out of use of some names and the emergence of new Kazakh names. The motivation for Kazakh names can be different. Sometimes the child was given a name due to different circumstances of birth, for example: Aytugan - the name was given to a boy born on the new moon, Zhanbyrbay "Rich in rain" (that is, born in rainy weather), etc.

Often, Kazakh names were the names of animals and birds, which in the minds of the Kazakhs were associated with such qualities as courage, courage, ability, intelligence, etc., for example: Arystan "Lion" (ie, bold as a lion), Tulkibay "Fox" and "rich man" (ie smart, cunning, like a fox), Burkit "Golden eagle" (ie brave, brave, courageous, strong, like a golden eagle), Karlygash -"swallow".

Female Kazakh names were associated with beauty, tenderness, grace, for example: Aisulu - "Beautiful as the moon" Ayday - "moonlike", Sulukhan - "beautiful khanum", Altyn - "gold" (ie beautiful, dear, like gold), Zhibek - "silk" (ie, pleasant, delicate, like silk), Meruert - "mother of pearl", Marzhan - "coral", etc.

In many cases, Kazakh names were previously given on the basis of folk customs and traditions. In those families where children often died, newborn sons received names like Tokhtar -"Let it stay" , Turar - "will live" , Tursyn -"let him live" , Tokhtasyn -"Let it stay." Traditional Kazakh names of epic heroes, legendary knights, famous sages were passed down from generation to generation.

In Kazakh anthroponymy there are borrowings from Russian, Arabic, Persian, and also Mongolian languages. Borrowed names in the Kazakh language underwent significant phonetic changes. For example, Arabic names Muhammad in the Kazakh language takes the form Makhambet, Mukambet, Mahmet, Mambet; Ibrahim - Ibraim, Ybyrayim, Ybyray; Aisha - Raisha, Kaisha etc. Names borrowed from Russian and European languages \u200b\u200breceived little distribution during the Soviet period and mainly as an alternative to the Kazakh name. Such names, as a rule, were used orally and were not written down, and Kazakh names were listed in the documents. Names from the Russian language were included in Kazakh names mostly unchanged: Andrey, Arthur, Sergey, Boris, Maxim, Maria, Valentina, Svetlana, Rosa, Clara, Ernst, Edward, Marat etc.

In Soviet times, Kazakh names of Kazakhs were replenished with a small group of neologisms, for example, male names appeared Kim, October, Marshal, Damir, Council, Soldierback, Army, Maiden ("front"), Sailau ("Choice"), Edebiet ("literature"), Madeniet ("Culture"), Galym ("scientist"), Sovkhozbek and etc.; and women: Maya, Kim, Oktyabrina, Mira, Gulmira, Dokhtyrkan("Doctor" + "khan"), Seulet ("the beauty"), Law and others. Now these names have practically disappeared or acquired a different meaning

Nicknames often serve as a second, additional name for an individual. In the pre-revolutionary Kazakh aul, each person had, in addition to the name, a nickname indicating the negative or positive character traits of his bearer, his inclinations, position in society, physical characteristics, etc. By the nickname, it was possible to accurately determine which of the namesakes in question. In connection with the development of surnames, nicknames began to be used not as widely as before.

Kazakh surnames began to appear in the second half of the 18th century. However, their final formation refers only to the post-October period. Surname affixes are borrowed from the Russian language -ev, -ov, -in, -eva, -ova, -ina... Family names are inherited through the paternal line. Therefore, the surname was formed on behalf of the father, i.e. most often has a patronymic origin: Mamazhan - Mamazhanov, Sersenbay - Sersenbayev, Bektai - Bektayev, Zhanbolat - Zhanbolatov... The surnames of some citizens are formed on behalf of their grandfather.

For example, if the Kazakh names of a Kazakh Seydin, surname Sataevso his grandfather's name Satay, and the inherited surname of Seydin's children is Sataevs.

In the old days, Kazakhs used the names of clans, tribes: Kara Kypshak Koblandy (Kazakh names - Koblandy), Shakshak Zhenibek, Kanjygaly Kabanbai, Alban Asan and etc.

Patronymic of Kazakhs began to be used relatively recently, so it is still impossible to talk about its widespread use in colloquial speech. But more and more often in the circle of the Kazakh intelligentsia we hear addresses by name and patronymic, both in colloquial and in official speech. Patronymic is made out using suffixes -ich, -ych, -evna, -ovna, borrowed from the Russian language or the Kazakh word uly "a son", kyzy "Daughter", for example: Sara Mukanovna Botbaeva, Aizhan Berishevna Zhumabaeva, Esem Deuytkyzy Elzhanova, Bekezhan Dosymuly Asylkanov, Talap Shynybekovich Musabayev, Samat Bekenovich Muratov and etc.

For the Kazakh people, the conversion formulas have their own specific features and distinctive features associated with the way of life and way of life. In family and everyday communication, referring to the elders, the younger use the vocative form of kinship terms, for example: atay "granddad", apai "Older sister", "aunt", ejay "Grandmother", "granny", eke "father", agay "Older brother", "uncle", zhengey "Aunt", "daughter-in-law". Before the revolution, there were other forms of address: myrza "Lord" bikesh "young lady", taksyr"Lord", etc. These forms have long gone out of use.

The most common form of official appeal these days is zholdas "Comrade" azamat "citizen". In an official speech or in business correspondence, appeals are also used asa kymbatty "respected", asa kurmetti"Dear". When referring to older ones, affixes are added to the first syllables of their name, expressing a respectful, respectful attitude: Ebe, Ebeke, Eben from Kazakh names Ebdimanap, Ebdirahman; Sebe, Seben from Kazakh names Sabit; Flour, Mukan from Mukhtar; Zheke from Zhamal, Zhamila; Kuleke from Kulzhakhan, Kulzhan and etc.

Like many peoples of the world, among Kazakhs, parents use a derogatory form of a name in relation to children, for example: Magysh on behalf of Magrif, Satysh from Satylgan, Kulyash from Kulbaharam, Saken from Saduakas, Seyfolla, Shacken from Scheimerden and others. Parents, relatives or elders in family and everyday communication address children, as well as young people, using the words: ayim "my moon", kunim "my sun", cheating "my star", sholpany "My Venus" hot "Light", janem "darling", kalkam shyragym "Cute", "cute", hags "Jackdaw" balapanym "Chick" coershin "Dove" kulin "foal", bots, botany, botash "Baby camel" goat "lamb", konyr goat "Gray lamb" torpagym"Calf", etc.

Male Kazakh names:

Amanzhol - (Kazakh) road of salvation
Abay - (Kazakh) observant, prudent, vigilant
Abdullah - (Arabic) slave of Allah
Abdurrahman - (Arabic) slave of the Merciful
Abzal - (Kazakh) respected, highly respected
Abulkhair - (Arabic) kind father
Abyz - (Kazakh) keeper, protector, clairvoyant
Abylai - (Arabic) grandfather, father
Agzam - (Arabic) great
Adilet - (Arabic) fair
Adil - (Arabic) honest, fair
Azamat - (Arabic) dear, venerable
Azat - (Persian) free, independent, free
Aybar - (Kazakh) with the beauty of the month, shines like a month
Aybar - (Turkic) authoritative, impressive; brave, courageous; ay - moon bar - present
Aydar - (Turkic) a bun of hair, forelock, crest usually on the boy's head; strong, mighty, famous
Aydos - (Kazakh) Ay - moon, dos - friend
Aytugan - (Kazakh) name was given to a boy born on the new moon
Akshora - (Kazakh) lord, sovereign, tycoon
Akylbay - (Kazakh) rich mind
Akylzhan - (Kazakh) Akyl - mind, jean - soul
Aldiyar - (Kazakh) your majesty, your honor
Altai - (Mongolian) golden mountain, the name of the Altai mountains
Altynbek- (Kazakh) golden rich man
Aldair - derived from Altair - the name of the star
Aman(bai, bek) - (Arabic) healthy, unharmed
Amir- (arabic) overlord, lord
Anwar- (Arabic) light, bright
Anuar- (Arabic) light, bright
Arcat- (Arabic) to be strong, strong; the chosen one, led by the will of the gods
Arlan- (Kazakh) ferocious wolf; bogatyr
Arman- (Kazakh) dream
Arnur- (Arabic) ar - humanity, conscience, honor, shame. Nur - light
Aryngazy- (Kazakh-Arabic) aryn - impulse, pace, gases - leading warrior gazovat
Arystan- (Kazakh) lion, a symbol of bravery
Asan(Khasen) - (Arabic) good, cute
Askar- (Kazakh) support, support, inaccessible, unapproachable, very high. And also, the pinnacle of something, deep thoughts.
Askat- (Arabic) Happiest
Atabay- (Kazakh) popular, noble, prosperous
Atabek- (Turkic) teacher, educator
Ataniyaz- (Kazakh-Arabic) ata - grandfather (father), niyat - desire, intention
Atymtay- (Kazakh-Arabic) atym - my name or my horse, tai - obedient, ready; generous
Ahan- (Iranian) iron, hard, strong
Ahat- (Arabic) single
Akhmet- (Arabic) praiseworthy
Ahram- (Arabic) most generous, (Hebrew) prolific
Ayan- (Kazakh) widely known, see with your own eyes, truth
Baybarys- (Kazakh) brave: buy-rich, barys-bars

Balken(Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. Ken, translated from Kazakh and Arabic, is a fossil, a mine, a place teeming with something, wealth.

Balkumis (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. (Kazakh) kumis - silver, valuable metal.

Balmagambet (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. Magambet is a phonetically modified name of the Prophet Muhammad. The name Muhammad means "praised one."

Balman (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. The (Arabic) word mann means "man."

Balmakhan (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. Mahan is an abbreviated form of the name Muhammad, which means "praised one"

Balmurat (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. Murat (Kazakh) means - a desired object, desire, aspiration, goal.

Balmyrza (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. Translated from Arabic, Persian and Kazakh, the word myrza is generous; lord, a person belonging to a privileged society.

Baltabay (Kazakh) balta - strong, strong. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Baltabek (Kazakh) balta - strong, strong. The word bek is mighty, strong, impenetrable, strong. In the past, the title bek was used separately from the name; it was given to the sultans in power. In our time, in many names, bek is part of the word.

Baltash (Kazakh) balta - strong, strong. The name Baltash is an affectionate form.

Baltemir (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. Temir in translation from Kazakh means iron. The symbolic meaning of the name is persistent, invincible.

Baltleu (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. Tleu is translated from the Kazakh language as “to wish, to ask”.

Baltura (Kazakh) ball - honey, sweetness. The title of the tour was held by people in high position, nobility.

Baluan (Kazakh) hero, fighter, strongman.

Barzhaks (Kazakh) bar has a meaning: abundance, wealth. The word jax is the best, the good.

Barlybai (Kazakh) wealthy. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Batyr (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave.

Batyral (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave. Ali, the righteous caliph, did not lose either a single battle or a single duel. Cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet (mercy and peace of Allah).

Batyrbay (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Batyrbek (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave. The word bek is mighty, strong, impenetrable, strong. In the past, the title bek was used separately from the name; it was given to the sultans in power. In our time, in many names, bek is part of the word.

Batyrgali (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave. The word gali (Arabic) means - the highest, great, expensive, special price.

Batyrzhan (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave. The word zhan in the Persian and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bis breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this term is also used as an affectionate form.

Batyrlan (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave. The word lan is translated from Arabic as lion. Leo is a symbol of power and strength.

Batyrsayan (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave. The name Sayan comes from the name of the mountain of the same name. The name of the famous Kazakh batyr.

Batyrserik (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave. Serik is translated from Arabic and Kazakh as “comrade, companion, satellite”.

Baubek The (Kazakh) word bau comes from the wish "Bauy berik bolsyn!", which means "May his life be strong!" In relation to the name, it can also matter: persistent, loyal, reliable. In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Bauken The (Kazakh) word bau comes from the wish "Bauy berik bolsyn!", which means "May his life be strong!" In relation to the name, it can also matter: persistent, loyal, reliable. Ken, translated from Kazakh and Arabic, is a fossil, a mine, a place teeming with something, wealth.

Bauyrzhan, Bauyr (Kazakh) means a blood relative. The Kazakh people have an appeal "Bauyrym", which translates as brother. Jean in translation from Persian and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this word is used in an affectionate form. A person who loves relatives very much. The symbolic meaning is kind, sympathetic. The historical name Baurzhan Momyshuly is a Kazakh writer, a hero of the Patriotic War.

Bakhtiyar (Iranian) happy, happiness companion

Bashir (arabic) messenger, herald. A person who brings good news.

Accordion (Mongolian) word for bayan - rich, famous, famous. (Kazakh) - beauty of presentation, clarity, good result.

Bayanbai (Mongolian) word for bayan - rich, famous, famous. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Bayanbek (Mongolian) word for bayan - rich, famous, famous. In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). The similarity with the term or title bai is obvious, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Bayands (Kazakh) name - faithful, reliable, strong. When they say a wish, add this word.

Ran (Turkic) in this language there are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. Ali, the righteous caliph, did not lose either a single battle or a single duel. Cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet (mercy and peace of Allah). The most courageous hero, brave man.

Begimbai (Turkic) respectful address to a man is similar to the address of a khanum to a woman, which means "mistress". The word bai, translated from the Turkic and Kazakh languages, means - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Begimbek (Turkic) respectful address to a man, similar to the address of a khanum to a woman, which means "mistress". In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Begimzhan (Turkic) respectful address to a man, similar to the address of a khanum to a woman, which means "mistress". The word zhan in the Persian and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bis breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this term is also used as an affectionate form

Begimtai (Turkic) respectful address to a man is similar to the address of a khanum to a woman, which means "mistress". The affectionate form of the name Begim.

Bedelbay (Kazakh) bedal - authority, influence, dignity, honor, prestige, respect. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Beibut (Kazakh) beibit - peaceful, peaceful, calm.

Beisenbay (Kazakh) name is formed from the word beisenbi - Thursday. This is the name of a child born on this particular day. The word bai, translated from the Turkic and Kazakh languages, means - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Beysengali (Kazakh) name is formed from the word beisenbi - Thursday. This is the name of a child born on this particular day. The word gali (Arabic) means - the highest, great, expensive, special price.

Beck (Turkic) there are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads, who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. They enjoyed great privileges and constituted the highest military nobility. In the former Turkish Empire, the Bey ruled over the area. In the Central Asian khanates, the beks were the highest nobility, the khans, who appointed them governors of certain regions. And initially the word bek, attached to the empire, served as a special distinctive sign (title). But gradually the bey and bey components began to serve not only as a title, but simply as a degree of respect, a form of polite treatment.

Bekasyl (Turkic) languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz bey (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. Asyl (Arabic) means - root, origin.

Backball (Kazakh) Turkic languages \u200b\u200bhave different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, beks were called the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Bol (Kazakh) be, become.

Bekbolat The (Kazakh) name is formed from the word bek and is associated with the wish: "Let it be strong, strong!" In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, beks were called the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. Bolat is tough steel.

Beckdilda (Kazakh) Turkic languages \u200b\u200bhave different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as a part of the name. Dilda (Arabic) word means - gold coin, gold.

Bekdiyar (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as a part of the name. The word yar is translated from the Turkic as "friend".

Beckham (Kazakh) bekem - strong, strong, solid.

Bekemtas (Kazakh) bekem - strong, strong, solid. Tas is a stone. "Hard as a stone." Bekzhan (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The Jean component in Persian and Kazakh is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this term is also used as an affectionate form. Bekzhan is an energetic person.

Bekzat (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. Zat is an abbreviated form of the word back, which means - child, child. Bekzada in a figurative sense means - saint, noble. Descendant of an aristocrat.

Bekkali (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The word gali (Arabic) means - the highest, great, expensive, special price.

Bekmurat (Kazakh) Turkic languages \u200b\u200bhave different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. Murat (Kazakh) means - a desired object, desire, aspiration, goal.

Bekmukhambet (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. Muhambet is a modified form of the name Muhammad, which means "praised".

Beknazar (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The word nazar is translated from the Arabic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bas look, gaze, attention, reasoning, consideration.

Beknar (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. From Kazakh Nar means: 1. loving his people; 2. strong; 3. one humped camel.

Bekniyaz(Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The Persian word niyaz is a gift, a gift.

Beknur (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The Arabic word nur means - reflection, radiance, ray of light.

Bexeite (Kazakh) Turkic languages \u200b\u200bhave different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The Arabic word seit has the following meanings: 1. lord, head, chief; 2. honorable, respected. Bexeit is revered.

Beksultan (Kazakh) Turkic languages \u200b\u200bhave different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The Arabic word for sultan is a title supreme ruler in Muslim countries, as well as the person bearing this title. Sultan is lord, ruler, sovereign. The head of a small Kazakh tribe and the ruler of the Ottoman Empire had the same title - sultan. Literally means power. The personal name Sultan appeared very early. Already in the XIV century, this name was borne by people who had nothing to do with the ruling family.

Bektai (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The word tay is used in an affectionate form.

Bektas (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. Kazakh tas means "stone". The semantic meaning of the name Bektas is “strong as a stone”.

Bektemir (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. Temir means "iron" from Kazakh.

Becktleu (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The Kazakh word tleu is to desire, to want, to ask.

Bektursyn (Kazakh) in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name. The word tursyn (Kazakh) means "longevity", "living".

Beles (Kazakh) beles has the following meanings: 1. pass, hill; 2. period, time. "All people are children of their time" - (Kazakh proverb.)

Berdibay (Kazakh) Berdi means "dal". The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Berdibek (Kazakh) Berdi means "dal". In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Berdiyar (Kazakh) Berdi means "dal"; yar is translated from the Turkic language as "friend". Bereke (Kazakh) bereke - abundance, unity, happiness, share. "Unity and happiness are one" - (Kazakh proverb.)

Beren (Kazakh) beren means "the best steel". The name is strength, courage, courage. Berzhan (Kazakh) in relation to the name, the word ber is translated from the Kazakh language as "to entrust", "to give strength." The Jean component in Persian and Kazakh is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this term is also used as an affectionate form.

Berik (Kazakh) berik means - strong, persistent, constant, faithful.

BernardThe (Kazakh) word ber is translated from the Kazakh language as "to entrust", "to give strength." The Kazakh word nar means "strong".

Bernour (Kazakh) in relation to the estate, the word ber is translated from the Kazakh language as "to entrust", "to give strength." The word nur is a reflection, radiance, a ray of light.

Biali (Kazakh) word bi means: 1. a representative of the authorities, resolving disputes; 2. title, position in society. Ali, the righteous caliph, did not lose either a single battle or a single duel. Cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet (mercy and peace of Allah). The most courageous hero, brave man; strong, powerful. The word Ali is of Arabic origin and can mean: 1. the strongest, most powerful; 2. tall, great, prominent, famous.

Biakhmet (Kazakh) word bi means: 1. a representative of the authorities, resolving disputes; 2. title, position in society. For example: Tole bi - statesman of the Kazakh khanate, judge of the Senior zhuz. Kazybek bi - statesman, chief judge of the Middle Zhuz. Aiteke bi - statesman, chief judge of the Younger zhuz. (Arabic) Ahmet means "praiseworthy."

Bibatyr The (Kazakh) word bi means: 1. a representative of the authorities who resolves disputes; 2. title, position in society. (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave.

Bigali The (Kazakh) word bi means: 1. a representative of the authorities who resolves disputes; 2. title, position in society. (Arabic) Gali means - the highest, great, expensive, special price.

Bigeldi (Kazakh) word bi means: 1. a representative of the authorities, resolving disputes; 2. title, position in society. Geldy (keldy) means “came”. The semantic meaning of this word is “human health”.

BijanThe (Kazakh) word bi means: 1. a representative of the authorities who resolves disputes; 2. title, position in society. The word zhan in the Persian and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bis breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this term is also used as an affectionate form.

Bizat The (Kazakh) word bi means: 1. a representative of the authorities who resolves disputes; 2. title, position in society. Zat is an abbreviated form of the word back, which means - child, child.

Beeman (Kazakh) word bi means: 1. a representative of the authorities, resolving disputes; 2. title, position in society. The (Arabic) word mann means "man."

Birzhan (Kazakh) "only soul". Within the meaning of this name, it means: brave, brave, readiness.

Bogenbai (Kazakh) bogen - dam, dam, protection. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans: a rich or respected person. The title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth. Historical name: Bogenbai Kanjygaly - the commander of the Kazakh troops. Bogenbai won nationwide glory, successfully defending the capital of the Kazakh Khanate, the city of Turkestan, in stubborn battles from the Dzungarian invaders in 1725-1727. Having reached his advanced years, Bogenbai for his wisdom and indisputable authority received the nickname Kart - the Elder.

Bolat (Kazakh) bolat literally means "steel", "steel". According to the meaning, this name is a strong, persistent man or horseman; another meaning is “let it be bold, courageous”. “Steel on fire, batyr is tempered on fire” - (Kazakh proverb).

Bolatkhan (Kazakh) bolat literally means "steel", "steel". According to the meaning, this name is a strong, persistent man or horseman; another meaning is “let it be bold, courageous”. The word khan (Kazakh) - king, head, ruler; earlier in the eastern countries it was the title of princes and monarchs.

Boribay (Kazakh) bori, in relation to names, means "brave hero", "hero". The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans: rich or respected person. The title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Bota (Kazakh) bota means - baby camel; also this word is used for affectionate treatment.

Botagoz (Kazakh) bota means - a camel, and this word is also used with affectionate treatment. Goz (goats) - eye. Big, beautiful eyes.

Buran (Kazakh) blizzard - storm, blizzard, snow storm. The name is associated with circumstances: if a child was born during a storm, they give such a name.

Buranbai (Kazakh) blizzard - storm, blizzard, snow storm. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans: rich or respected person. The title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Burkut (Kazakh) burkut means "bird of prey". "The king of birds is the golden eagle, the king of beasts is the lion" is a Kazakh proverb.

Burkhat The (Kazakh) name Burkhat means "abundance".

Bukhara (Arabic) Bukhara means - people, mass. The name of the city in Uzbekistan.

Bukharbai (Arabic) Bukhara means - people, mass. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans: a rich or respected person. The title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Gabbas (Arabic) name means - stern, strict, warlike. It is rare, associated with character traits.

Gabdir (Arabic) abdi means: 1. eternal, endless; 2. a servant of God.

Gabiden (Arabic) means minister. The word din (Arabic) means - religion.

Gabidulla (Arabic) means "minister". (Arabic) Allah is God. Servant of God.

Gabit (in Arabic) this name means "minister"

Gabithan (Arabic) means minister. The word khan (Kazakh) means - king, ruler.

Gazi (Arabic) Gazi comes from a title that in the Middle Ages was given to a ruler or commander for outstanding victories over the "infidels."

Gaziz (Arabic) the word gaziz has meanings - venerable, respected, kind, sweet, precious.

Gazizbek (Arabic) gaziz means: honorable, respected, kind, sweet, precious. The word bek (Kazakh) is mighty, strong, impregnable, strong. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Gazizzhamal (Arabic) Gaziza - honorable, respected, amiable, sweet, precious. The word zhamal is translated - beauty, prettiness, attractiveness.

Gaynan (arabic) eyes.

Galiakpar (Arabic) word Gali - highest, high, great, expensive, special price. Akpar (Arabic) - the greatest, great.

Galiascar (Arabic) word Gali - highest, high, great, expensive, special price. Askar is translated from the Kazakh language as - inaccessible, unapproachable, very high.

Galym (Arabic) knowledgeable, knowledgeable, learned, great connoisseur. Teaching is knowledge, a spring, knowledge is a lamp of life (Kazakh proverb).

Galymbek (Arabic) word galym - knowledgeable, knowledgeable, scientist, great connoisseur. In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Galymzhan (Arabic) the word galym means - a great connoisseur, scientist. The zhan component in Persian and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this term is used in an affectionate form. Scientist man.

Ghani (Arabic) the word gani has a meaning - wealth, wealth, good, rich, wealthy.

Ganibek (Arabic) gani means rich, wealthy, wealth, wealth, goodness. In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Garif (Arabic) helping, patronizing Allah.

Garifulla (Arabic) The word garif has a meaning - helping, patronizing Allah. Translated from tatar language Garifullah (Avfullah) means forgiveness or a gift from Allah.

Garysh (Kazakh) this name means - space, celestial sphere.

Gubaidulla (Arabic) word ubay means - junior, junior slave. (Arabic) The word Allah is God. Literal translation - the younger slave of God.

Dair (Arabic) dair means: 1. around; 2. composite.

Darmen (Arabic) darmen: 1. strength, power; 2. drug. Darmen is translated from the Kazakh language as life force, energy, strength.

Darkhan The (Kazakh) name Darkhan has several meanings 1. completely free life, a spacious world 2. a good-natured, generous person 3. translated from the Turkic language, the word tarhan means a title (position at the khan's court), which gives a person the right to freely enter the tent to the khan and freely leave it. Tarkhan had the right to pardon nine times. This title passed up to the 9th generation.

Daryn (Kazakh) name daryn - talent, ability of a person. Knowledge and seventy crafts are not enough for Dzhigit (Kazakh proverb).

Dastan (Kazakh) translated from the Iranian language - a heroic legend, history, poem, fairy tale, legend, music.

Dauken (Kazakh) dau means "big". The ken component in translation from Kazakh and Arabic is a fossil, a mine, a place teeming with something, wealth.

Daulbai (Kazakh) Daul means - storm, hurricane. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth. The name is associated with a natural element: if a child was born in a hurricane, he could be given this name.

Daulen (kashakhskoe) affectionate form of the name Daulet (Kazakh) daulet - wealth, treasure, blessing, happiness, property. (Arabic) - state, empire, power.

Daulet (Kazakh) daulet - wealth, treasure, blessing, happiness, property. (Arabic) - state, empire, power.

Dauletali (Kazakh) daulet - wealth, treasure, blessing, happiness, property. (Arabic) - state, empire, power. Translated from Kazakh ali or ali means "hero".

Dauletiar (Kazakh) daulet - wealth, treasure, blessing, happiness, property. (Arabic) - state, empire, power. (Arabic) word yar - friend, wealth, happiness.

Dauletkali (Kazakh) daulet - wealth, treasure, blessing, happiness, property. (Arabic) - state, empire, power. The word Kali (Arabic) is the highest, high, great, expensive, special price.

Dauletkerey (Kazakh) daulet - wealth, treasure, blessing, happiness, property. (Arabic) - state, empire, power. According to the chroniclers Rashid-ad-din, Abulgazy, Najip Gasimbek, the word kerey means “black”. According to legend, one Mongol had eight sons, and they were all black (black-haired). The people called them kereyt, that is, black.

Daurbek (Arabic) daur means: period, cycle, era. The word bek in translation from the Kazakh language means - mighty, strong, unapproachable, strong. In the past, the title of bek was given to sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Dauren (Kazakh) translated from Arabic Dauren means: life, time, time, the most interesting happy time. The name is associated with the wish that the whole life be happy.

Dout (Arabic) translated from Persian, the word daut means "inkwell". The name of the prophet and king of the people of Israel, David.

Demeu(Kazakh) name - support, support.

Jalil (Arabic) great, majestic.

Jamal (Arabic) meaning of this name in arabic dictionary is explained as - beauty, attractiveness. Indeed, in modern Arabic and in all other modern Oriental languages, this Arabic word retains that meaning. As a woman's name Jamal sounds great. But there is also a male name. The fact is that in the past the word Jamal had a different meaning, namely kindness, perfection. Hence the epithet Allahaal-jamal - perfection.

Jamil (Arabic) handsome, kind.

Diaz (Spanish) translated from spanish the word diaz means - "sun". This name has been popular since 1963. Given in honor of the leader of the Spanish uprising, Jose Diaz.

Diasyl (Spanish) translated from Spanish, the word diaz means "sun". (Arabic) asyl - noble, noble birth.

Didar (Persian) didar - appearance, face, appearance. Handsome.

Dildabek (Arabic) word dilda (Arabic) - gold coin, gold. Bek component (Kazakh) means mighty, strong, unapproachable, strong. In the past, the title of bek was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Dildar (Persian) 1. bold, courageous; 2. caring, compassionate.

Donen (Kazakh) donen - a four-year-old horse, very strong, lively.

Dos (Kazakh) in translation from Kazakh and Persian languages \u200b\u200bdos means: friend, friend, comrade, beloved, close person. The table is rich - the body gets fat, rich in friends - the soul gets fat. (Kazakh proverb)

Dosai (Kazakh) in translation from Kazakh and Persian languages \u200b\u200bdos means: friend, friend, comrade, beloved, close person. (Kazakh) ay means "moon". The meaning of this name is for a friend to be eternal, faithful.

Dosaly (Kazakh) translated from Kazakh and Persian languages \u200b\u200bdos means: friend, friend, comrade, lover, close person. (Kazakh) Ali - the righteous caliph, did not lose either a single battle or a single duel. Cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet (mercy and peace of Allah). The most courageous hero, brave man.

Duysenbay (Arabic) du means two, sen - senbi, shambe. Literally means - the second day of the week. In Russian, this day is called Monday. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Duysenbek (Arabic) du means two, sen - senbi, shambe. Literally means - the second day of the week. In Russian, this day is called Monday. In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere are different forms of the word bey, for example, Turkish bey, Kyrgyz biy (judge). Obviously, the similarity with the term or title bai, which means "prince", "rich". Among the Turkic-speaking peoples, the leaders of individual regiments and squads who were in the service of the khan, the ruler, were called beks. In the past, the title was given to the sultans in power. Nowadays, in many names, bek serves as part of the name.

Duisenbi (Arabic) du means two, sen - senbi, shambe. Literally means - the second day of the week. In Russian, this day is called Monday. Dulat - (Kazakh) du means "noise", lat serves as a suffix. The name dulat means "have fun, make noise".

Duman (Kazakh) fun, holiday, celebration. This name comes from two words: du (Kazakh) means "noise"; The Arabic word for mann is translated "man". The semantic meaning of this name: cheerful, happy, cheerful person.

Egizbay (Kazakh) egiz - twins, twins. The word bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a rich or respected person. In the past it was the title of rich, ruling people. Nowadays, it serves as part of the word, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Edige (Kazakh) translated from the Turkic language, the name means - good, kind.

Edil (Kazakh) name of the Volga river. The name is associated with nature. An euphonic, beautiful name.

Elbar (Kazakh) means "people", bar means "is".

Elzhar (Kazakh) the term ate - people, country, homeland, aul. Heat is a friend. Friend of the people.

Elzhas (Kazakh) the term ate - people, country, homeland, aul. (Kazakh) zhas means - young, young.

Elmurat (Kazakh) the term ate - people, country, homeland, aul. Murat (Kazakh) means: desire, striving, goal.

Elnaz (Kazakh) the term ate - people, country, homeland, aul. Naz translated from Persian is a joke, affectionate, beautiful.

Elnar (Kazakh) the term ate - people, country, homeland, aul. Nar is translated from the Kazakh language as big, strong, special, loving.

Enlik (Kazakh) enlik is a steppe plant, from the roots of which hair dye is prepared.

Eraly (Kazakh) er - a hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous. Ali component (Arabic) - height, great, prominent, famous. Most powerful powerful. Consonant names: Nuraly, Bekaly.

Erdar (Kazakh) er - a hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous. The (Persian) word for gift means "to possess."

Erdaulet (Kazakh) er - a hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous. (Kazakh) daulet - wealth, treasure, blessing, happiness, property. (Arabic) - state, empire, power.

ErdenErdene (Mongolian) means “jewel”. By calling their child by this name, parents emphasize that he is dear to them.

Yerzhan (Kazakh) ep means - hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous, brave. Jean in Persian and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bmeans - breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this term is used in an affectionate form.

Erzheter (Kazakh) er - a hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous. Zheter comes from the Kazakh word zhetu - to grow up, maturity. In the Kazakh people, the elders, addressing the words of wishes or gratitude, say - "Er zhet!"

Yerzhigit (Kazakh) er - a hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous. Dzhigit translates as a young man with good qualities. A horse is worth a hundred horses, his honor is worth a thousand horses (Kazakh proverb).

Erke (Kazakh) erke means - gentle, affectionate.

Erkebolat (Kazakh) erke - spoiled, affectionate. Bolat - metal, steel. The semantic meaning of the name is a strong, persistent man, a horseman. Or "let it be bold, courageous."

Yerkebulan (Kazakh) erke is translated from the Kazakh language - spoiled, affectionate. The word bulan is moose. The semantic meaning of the name is easy, free, courageous in the family. Nowadays Erkebulan is a harmonious beautiful name.

Yerman (Kazakh) ep means: hero, hero, courageous, brave. The (Arabic) word man means "man." Courageous man.

Ermurza (Kazakh) ep - courageous, brave, hero. Translated from the Arabic, Persian, Kazakh languages, the component murza means - generous, master, a person belonging to a privileged society.

Ersayin (Kazakh) er - a hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous. Sain (Mongolian) means good. The name literally means - remarkable, very strong. Historical name: Ersayin - Kazakh folk batyr, the hero of the epos of the same name. Hero, protector of the people.

Erseit (Kazakh) er - a hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous. The word sows - 1. lord, head, chief; 2. honorable, respected.

Ersinai (Kazakh) ersin means - "let it follow", ay - the moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, soft light that does not burn like the sun in southern countries.

Eskair (Kazakh) eu means - mind, consciousness. Kaiyr in translation from the Kazakh and Arabic languages \u200b\u200bmeans: mercy, good deed, kind, excellent, best.

Eskali (Kazakh) eu means consciousness, reason. Kali (Arabic) - supreme, high, great, expensive, special price.

Esken (Kazakh) eu means consciousness, reason. Ken (Kazakh) languages \u200b\u200bmean: fossil, mine, place abounding in something, wealth.

Yeskendir(ancient greek) winner of husbands, protector. A modified form of the name Alexander.

Esman (Kazakh) eu means consciousness, reason. The word man (Arabic) is man.

Esmahan (Kazakh) eu means consciousness, reason. The mahan component is an abbreviated form of the name Muhammad, which means “praised”.

Esnazar (Kazakh) eu means consciousness, reason. The word nazar translated from the Arabic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bhas meanings: look, gaze, attention, reasoning, consideration.

Estiyar (Kazakh) esti - reasonable, conscious. Yar is translated from Arabic as "friend"

Zhadiger (Kazakh) comes from the Iranian edgor - memory, relic.

Zhaik (Kazakh) Ural river. Geographic name in the Kazakh language.

Zhaidar (Kazakh) zhaidars are a cheerful, affable, easygoing, cheerful person.

Zhalgas (Kazakh) zalgas means subsequent, continuing. The name is associated with circumstances and desire: if there is only one child in the family, parents, wanting to have more children, give a similar name.

Regretted (Arabic) sorry - great, famous, glorious, famous. The most beautiful.

Zhami (Arabic) word zhami has two meanings: 1. collector, unifier, connector; 2. whole.

Zhamihan (Arabic) word zhami has two meanings: 1. collector, unifier, connector; 2. whole. The khan component means - king, head of state.

Zhanabatyr (Kazakh) zhana - new, perfect, special. (Kazakh) batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave.

Zhanabil (Kazakh) the word zhan in translation from Persian and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200b- breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh people, this word can be used in an affectionate form, as a source from the word zhanym - "my soul". (Arabic) abil means "father".

Zhanay (Kazakh) word zhan translated from Persian and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200b- breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language, this word is used in an affectionate form. Ai is translated from the Kazakh language as the moon. The name Zhanay means - a beautiful, loyal, long-lived person.

Fat (Kazakh) this name means "redhead".

Zholdybai (Kazakh) zhol - way, road; bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bis a rich or a real person. In our time, it symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Zhumabay (Arabic) juma - week, Friday, holiday. Bai in translation from the Turkic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bis a rich or a real person. In our time, it symbolizes abundance, wealth.

Zaire (Arabic) means - open, light, obvious, prominent.

Zainiddin The (Arabic) word zaini means decoration, perfection. Din translated from Arabic means - religion.

Zakaria (Arabic) means - mention of God.

Zaki (Arabic) means - pure, noble.

Zaman (Arabic) means - time, era, era, times.

For peace (Arabic) Zami means a secret dream.

Zaur (Arabic) the word zuhur has a meaning - to appear, to be famous, to appear.

Zein (Kazakh) translated from Kazakh and Arabic, zein means - ability, intelligence, attention, intelligence.

Zerek (Arabic) means - smart, quick-witted, quick-witted, docile.

Ibadat (Kazakh) means - modest, educated, decent.

Izbasar (Kazakh) izbasar means heir, successor, successor, follower.

Izgilik (Kazakh) izgilik means “good”.

Iztay (Kazakh) from means "heritage". Tai is used in an affectionate way.

Ikram (Persian) ikram means honor, reverence, respect.

Iliyas (Hebrew) Elijah means "strength", "power".

Isa (Hebrew) the name of the prophet Jesus, translated from the Hebrew language means "God with us."

Ismail (Hebrew) means "God will listen."

Ismet (Arabic) Ismet - protection, care, support. Similar names: Esmet, Hismet.

Ikhlas (arabic) sincere feeling.

Kabyl (Arabic) to be accepted, to be approved.

Kadyr (Kazakh) kadyr means respect, respect.

Kazbek (Arabic) kazy means judge, just. Beck is mighty, strong, strong, unapproachable. In the past, the title of bek was given to sultans who had power to people. Nowadays it serves as part of many names.

Cairo (Arabic) haiyr means kind, merciful, excellent, best.

Kairat (Kazakh) strength, energy, jealousy, zeal, zeal.

Kaisar (Kazakh) kaisar - brave, stubborn, persistent.

Sea otter (Persian) this name means: great, senior.

Calau (Kazakh) kalau - desire, desire.

Camille (Arabic) Kamil means - complete, whole, perfect.

Rope (Kazakh) rope means - faithful companion, support.

Kasiet (Kazakh) this name is a characteristic feature, property, positive quality, dignity.

Kasym (Arabic) the name Kasym is translated as beautiful, beautiful.

Kaharman (Kazakh) kakharman - a hero, a hero, powerful.

Kelbet (Kazakh) kelbet means beauty, appearance, figure, posture.

Kemel (Arabic) kemel means completeness, completeness, completeness, perfection.

Kenen (Kazakh) this name has the following meanings: 1. sufficient, abundant; 2. generous, generous.

Kenes (Kazakh) kenes - advice, consultation, conversation, meeting.

Kentai (Kazakh) ken translated from the Kazakh and Arabic languages \u200b\u200bmeans - a fossil, a mine, a place abounding in anything, wealth. In the Kazakh people, Thai is used in an affectionate form.

Kerim (Kazakh) wonderful, amazing, beautiful. This name describes the external beauty of a person.

Kiyas (Arabic) word qiyas - support, support, help.

Comectes (Kazakh) help

Mow (Kazakh) from the word khosh, which translates as pleasant, cheerful, joyful, sweet; ay - the moon.

Cosman (Kazakh) from the word khosh, which translates as pleasant, cheerful, joyful, sweet. The (Arabic) word for mann is man.

Kuan (Kazakh) kuan means "rejoice". When a child is welcome, they are called by that name.

Kuat (Kazakh) name means - mighty, strong, influential, powerful, lord. And also - significant, invincible, stable, reliable.

Kudaibergen (Kazakh) this name means - given by God.

Kurban (Arabic) qurban - a sacrifice of animals brought as a gift to the deity in order to cleanse sins, according to the rites of the Muslim religion.

Kurmet (Kazakh) kurmet means respect, dignity, honor.

Kyran (Kazakh) kyran is the name of a bird of prey - golden eagle.

Lesbek (Kazakh) literally means follower.




















































































































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