Profession English lesson for toddlers. "the mysterious world of professions"

This open lesson plan for preschoolers is good because you can easily change some parts of the lesson by inserting your own poems or songs.

1. Beginning of the lesson. Greeting.

Hello Song (your song that starts the lesson).

Hello! Hello! Good afternoon, my dear friends! How are you? "

“I'm fine, thank you. I'm OK, thank you. "

"Guys, today we will go to the zoo on a magic flying carpet, and not simple, but fabulous."

2. The main part of the lesson.

2.1 Repetition and consolidation of the construction “My name is…”.

“But to take your place on the magic flying carpet, you have to say your name. How do we say our name in English? "

"My name is ..."

“Let each one in turn say his name in English. You, please. All right. Take your seat, please. "

2.2 Phonetic charging.

"Our carpet flies, the wind blows in our faces and makes noise"
“But we are flying right through the cloud, and the carpet is gaining strength:“ ”
“And now we are already flying up to the fabulous zoo, our carpet stops and says:“ ”
"The plane flies and hums: [ð]"
"A snake crawled near us and hissed: [θ]"
"And over there, a bee on a flower is buzzing: [ð]"
"And to her the snake poses: [θ]"

2.3 We repeat and consolidate the words on the topic "Animals".

“Here we are with you and flew to our fabulous zoo. Let's go and see what animals live there.
Who's that? Who is this? (Tiger - tiger).

Where to see, guess
In the city of the tiger tiger,
Or a mountain goat?
Only at the zoo. Zoo.

Look who it is there. Who is this? (Leo - lion).
And there is a rhyme about the lion:

The king of beasts - we know it -
English will be a lion.

Who is this? (Fox - fox).

Red-red miracle phlox!
Red fox ... fox.

Who is this? (The frog is frog).

Jumped out of the garden, right on the threshold
Green beauty, in English ... frog.

Who is this? (Bear - bear).

The clubfoot bear can barely walk.
Teddy bear, teddy bear in English ... bear.

Who is this? (Crocodile - crocodile).

It's a pity I didn't know what to treat
Crocodile. crocodile.
I offered him candy -
He was offended for this.

Who is this? (Pig - pig).

The pig wants to eat every moment,
We call a pig ... pig.

Who is this? (Horse - horse).

I’ll ask you a difficult question:
"What was the name of the horse?" ... horse.

Who is this? (Elephant - elephant).

Not ordered to come
Me to the elephant elephant.
He's terribly mischievous:
Pours water over everyone.

Who is this? (Rabbit is rabbit).

Grandfather rakes grass with a rake.
He wants to eat our rabbit ... rabbit.

Children, let's see what color the animals are. Who knows what color the rabbit is? What is the English word for "green frog"? What about the brown horse? And the pink pig? And the gray elephant?

Well done boys!

Guys, a kind gnome named Tom works in this fabulous zoo, but he does not know English very well, and he needs your help. We need to feed the animals, can we handle it ?! But in order to know if we have enough treats for all, we need to count how many animals we have in the zoo, and how many vegetables and fruits.

Well done boys! You did a great job!

2.4 Physical education (reinforcement of the verbs jump, run, sit down, stand up and other verbs).

We flew for a long time on an airplane carpet, walked around the zoo for a long time and counted and fed the animals, of course, we were tired. Let's go to the clearing near the zoo and play a little.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, run!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, sit down!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, stand up!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, jump!

(you can add your own verbs).

3. Repetition of the covered material.

Guys, the inhabitants of this fabulous zoo liked you so much that they wanted to tell you a poem called "Little Mouse and Little Cat".

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,
Where is your house?
Little Cat, Little Cat
I am a poor mouse
I have no house.

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,
Come to my house.
Little Cat, Little Cat,
I can’t do that,
You want to eat me.

4. Song "If you are happy"

Did you guys like our trip? Let's sing a song for our new friends!

5. Final part.

Guys, now it's time for us to go back. The magic flying carpet has been waiting for us. Take your seats, please.
Now it's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, my dear friends!

If you find the material interesting, share it with your friends on social networks.

Open lesson summary.

Topic: "Gift to a veteran"

(Making a flower - carnation)

Educational area: arts and crafts. Association: the exemplary team "Azhur".

Children age: 9-11 years old.

Venue: MAUDOD DTDiM "Northern Lights".

FULL NAME. teacher: Olga Nikolaevna Konyukova, teacher of the first qualification category.

Department: Artistic.

Focus: social and pedagogical

Theme lessons : What are you going to be?My future profession.

The purpose of the lesson: Development of communication skills of monologue and dialogical speech, listening to texts on the topic.


1. Ensure the consolidation of vocabulary on the topic.

2. To form the skills of monologue and dialogical speech and understanding of the text on the topic of the lesson.

3. To promote the development of language guess, imagination and attention.

4. Expand children's knowledge of professions.

5. Foster a respectful attitude towards different professions.

Occupation type: Lesson consolidation of knowledge, development of skills, skills.

Lesson form: Educational irga, practical lesson.

Forms of work organization: Collective, group and individual.

Techniques and methods of organization: visual, verbal, method practical work, elements of the game method, elements of the problem method.

Didactic materials: Study guide by M. Z. Biboletova "EnjoyEnglish”-5, Cards with vocabulary, video“ Professions ”. (Appendix 1)

Technical equipment: Computer, TV, media - discs with audio texts in English.

Stages of the lesson:

    Preparatory stage;


    Repetition of the studied material;

    Knowledge update;

    The stage of generalization of the passed material;

    The stage of consolidating new skills and abilities;

    Reflection stage.

The course of the lesson.


Greeting: Good afternoon dear students .Nice to meet you.

Conversationfromon duty:

Who is on duty today?

Good afternoon, dear teacher. Nice to meet you too.

I am on duty today. P. is absent. Today is the… of… .Our homework is….

Preparatory stage


Today we are going to speak about different professions and about the traits of people of different professions.

Repetition of learned material

The teacher suggests repeating words in English on cards, the name of the professions:

Let’s repeat the new words.

Children read new words for the teacher and translate them.

Vocabulary cards are on the chalkboard. Consolidation of vocabulary

Phonetic development of vocabulary on the topic of the lesson.

Knowledge update

1Let's see a video film about professions.

2. The teacher distributes cards describing the professions.Whoknowsprofessionsbetter?

Children are watching a movie.

The guys read the stories of children individually and guess who these guys want to be in the future.

2 .Guys work individually.

Film presentation. "About professions"

Execution control - brainstorming.

2. Control - brainstorming.

Repetition of the material studied.

Conversation about personality traits required for different professions

Differentprofessionsneeddifferent traits of character.

Children fill out the table.

Then, in a detailed answer, they express their opinion in English.

All pupils take part in the discussion

The stage of generalization of the passed material

The guys are asked to name the most popular profession in their group. I suggest to play:

Let’s see, what you are going to be in future?


Pupils ask each other about who they want to become in the future, using the poem: “Whatareyougoingtobe?”

Role-playing game

Relaxation stage

ANDnowlet's rest.

Let’s have a break.

Children perform an exercise to relieve muscle and mental tension.

Dynamic exercises.

The stage of consolidating new skills and abilities

Children read carefully and guess what professions they are talking about

Reading unfamiliar texts using the techniques of "imagination" and language guesswork.

Reflection stage.


Children are invited to prepare presentations for the next lesson and talk about their future profession.

In preparing the lesson, I used materials from the site:


Task 1. Answer the questions.

    What is your father (mother)?

    Is your mother a doctor (nurse)?

    Where does your mother work?

    Does your father work in a hospital?

    What do you want to be?

    Do you want to be a dentist?

    Was your grandmother a teacher or a doctor?

    Were your grandparents doctors?

Task 2. Fill in the blanks.

    My sister… a nurse.

    You ... a baker.

    They… engineers.

    I ... a fireman.

    My parents… doctors.

    Tom and John… pilots.

    He… a good farmer.

    We ... students.

    His father… a policeman.

    I ... a clown.

Task 3 Unscramble the words









Task 4 Guess different professions.

    Who works in a field?

    Who works with computers?

    Who helps sick animals?

    Who helps children to learn?

    Who takes pictures of famous people?

    Who makes new cars?

    Who flies in a spaceship?

    Who helps doctors?

    Who flies in airplanes?

    Who can play tricks?

Task 5 Match the words and the sentences

    a teacher

    a doctor

    a policeman

    a clown

    a postman

    a dancer

    a fireman

    a baker

    a dentist

    a pupil

a) He bakes bread.

b) He works in a circus.

c) He takes care of our teeth.

d) He fights fires.

e) She studies at school.

f) He delivers letters.

g) She gives pupils homework.

h) He helps sick people.

i) He protects people.

j) She works in a theater.

Task 6 Correct the sentences.

    Doctors teach children.

    A nurse helps doctors.

    A pilot drives a car.

    A farmer works on a farm.

    Teachers work at school.

    A fireman brings letters.

    Workers bake bread.

    A programmer fights fires.

    Dancers work in the hospital.

    Clowns work in the circus.

Task 7 Tell about your parents ’professions.

My mother is a nurse. She works in the hospital. My dad is a driver. He drives a bus. My granny was a baker and my granddad was a worker.

Task 8 Fill in the gaps with words in the box.

fights, drives, work, helps, bakes, brings, flies, protects, play, take care of

    A postman ... letters.

    Clowns ... tricks in the circus.

    A policeman ... people.

    A fireman ... fires.

    My mother ... cakes well.

    His father… a car.

    I ... my teeth.

    An astronaut… in a spaceship.

    Teachers ... at school.

    A vet… sick animals.

Choosing an Occupation

One of the most difficult problems a young person faces is deciding what to do about a career. There are individuals, of course, who from the time they are six years old "know" that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problem.

Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do. You may find that you will have to take special education in Czechia to qualify for a particular kind of work, or may find out that you will need to get some actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to counsel you and to give detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions. But even if you get other people involved in helping you make a decision, self evaluation is an important part of the decision-making process.


to make a decision -to acceptdecision

toforce - compel, compel, compel

qualify [" kwolifai] for - prepare for activities; acquire qualifications; get the right (to something)

tocounsel [" kaunsl] - to give advice; advise, recommend

self evaluation -self-esteem


1. What is the most difficult problem for a young person?

2. Why don "t the majority of young people know what they want to be?

3. When do they make a decision about an occupation?

4. What things do you have to think about when choosing an occupation?

5. What should one do to qualify for a particular job?

6. Whom can you turn to for advice when making your decision?

7. What is the most important part of the decision-making process?

I Want to be a Doctor

There are many interesting and noble professions. I want to be a doctor. It is an interesting profession. I understand that it is necessary to study a lot to become a doctor. I also understand that this profession requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has - with his health.

My mother and my grandfather are doctors. My grandfather is working as a surgeon in a hospital. I have been several times at the hospital and spent some time watching him working. His main task is to operate on the people. After each operation he takes care of patients until they are recovered.

He listens very attentively to what his patients tell him. He is always kind and attentive to his patients. They feel it and believe him, and it makes his work easier. I know that he wants to see all his patients able - bodied and I notice that he is happy when his patient is recovered. My grandfather can also help if somebody catches a cold or has a fever. My grandfather told me a lot of true stories about doctors and their profession. I love and respect my grandfather and want to become a doctor as well.

Vocabulary :

noble -noble

necessary -necessary

to require -require

responsibility - responsibility

precious - valuable

surgeon - surgeon

to be recovered - to recover

able-bodied - healthy

Questions :

1. Is it necessary to study to become a doctor?

2. Is profession of a doctor connected with a great responsibility? Why?

3. Have you seen a doctor working?

4. In your opinion, must a doctor be a kind and attentive person?

5. What do you think, is it pleasant to see a person healthy again?

6. What else do you know about doctors and their profession?

"My Profession"

David : Hi, Kate! How are you?

Kate : Hi, David! I "m fine, thank you! And, how are you?

David : Very well, thanks! Just a bit worried about the coming exam.

Kate : Why? Is it so difficult to pass?

David : No, I wouldn "t say it" s very difficult, but it "s definitely important for my future profession.

Kate : I see. Are you worried about Biology?

David : Yes, I really need good marks in this exam, because I want to enter a Medical college.

Kate : I remember that you "ve planned to study in the field of medicine. What" s so interesting in it? In my opinion, it "s a very difficult job to deal with various human illnesses..

David : You "re right. I" ve never thought it "s easy. But I know for sure that working in medical field is interesting and useful. When I imagine that after several years of studying I" ll be capable of treating people around me , I want to study even more eagerly. Other than that, I "m interested in various innovations. It would be great if I could make my own discovery in medicine.

Kate : Sounds great! And, have you chosen the exact field, yet? I mean, do you want to work in dentistry, gastroenterology, traumatology or any other fields?

David : Yes, I know what you mean. I want to be a humble physician, because these people "s work involves lots of knowledge almost in every medical field. They should be aware of many health problems.

Kate : I see. That "s a good choice.

David : Remind me, please, what did you choose to do after the school is over?

Kate : I want to go to a Law school. My parents insist on it.

David : Are you unhappy with their choice?

Kate : Kind of. I "ve always wanted to be an artist. You know, I" m really fond of drawing. But my father says that being an artist is more of a hobby than actual work. He says that I can draw in my free time just for pleasure.

David : He might be right. However, if you don "t want to become a lawyer at all, then better refuse now.

Kate : No, it "s fine. It has lots of advantages too. Lawyers sometimes deal with interesting people and cases. I will probably like the process of investigation or negotiations at court.

David : Sounds interesting! I think, you should pass Social studies to enter the City Law School, is that right?

Kate : Yes, that "s true. I" m also a bit nervous before the exams. However, I think we "ll do just fine.

David : Thanks for cheering me up! I feel much better now.

Kate: No problem! We can talk about it anytime

Class: 2

Lesson topic: "What professions do we know?" (fragment for the district seminar on the topic "Professions", 25 minutes).

The purpose of the lesson: to systematize the knowledge of students on the topic "Professions", the development of ZUN in the field of oral and written speech on the topic.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Educational:
    • actualization of knowledge, abilities, skills acquired earlier, formation and development of speech competencies;
    • the formation of grammatical skills in the use of verb forms to be in Present Simple,building affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences in the present simple tense based on vocabulary on a given topic;
    • contribute to the formation of skills in monologue and dialogical speech on the topic of the lesson;
    • practicing phonetic skills;
    • the formation of spelling skills.
  • Developing:
    • develop attention, memory, logical thinking, linguistic guess;
    • development of the communicative competence of students.
  • Educational:
    • instill love and interest in a foreign language;
    • develop the ability to work in pairs, independently;
    • foster a respectful attitude towards various types of professional activity.

Lesson type:lesson of complex application of ZUN students.

Types of speech activity:speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer system unit, keyboard, mouse, mutimedia presentation on the topic of the lesson, audio recording from the series "Songs for Children in English" (disc "People and places"), thematic cards in English from the series "Professions.Hobbies", flashcards "Claro" (equipment "Spectra"), illustrative clarity, magnets on the board.


I. Organizing time. Greeting

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you.

Good morning, good morning, good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning I`m glad to see too.

Teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson; we have guests at our lesson. Turn around, please, and say "Hello!" all together. Smile to each other. Let`s start. Today we shall speak about different professions. Dear friends, at first let`s do our exercises! (Children do exercises, looking at the screen (slides 1-4), on which 4 professions appear: students, farmer, policeman, teacher). The song “I went to school one morning” sounds:

I went to school one morning
And I walked like this, Joyful students on the screen
Walked like this, walked like this. are walking to school. Large
I went to school one morning the inscription "Pupils".
And I walked like this,
All on my way to school.

I saw a little rabbit
And he hopped like this On-screen farmer surrounded
Hopped like this, hopped like this. jumping rabbits. Large
I saw a little rabbit inscription "Farmer".
And he hopped like this,
All on my way to school.

I saw a tall policeman
And he stood like this,
Stood like this, stood like this. On the screen, a policeman adjusts
I saw a tall policeman em movement. Large inscription
And he stood like this, "Policeman"
All on my way to school.

I heard the school bell ringing
And I ran like this,
Ran like this, ran like this. A smiling teacher on the screen
I heard the school bell ringing tsa meets the children on the doorstep.
And I ran like this, Children run to her from all sides.
All on my way to school. Large inscription "Teacher".

II. Phonetic charging

Working out the studied vocabulary on the topic "Professions" (slides 5-20). Pictures of people of various professions appear on the screen: doctor (a doctor), dancer (a d ancer), astronaut (a c osmonaut), engineer (an en gineer), driver (a dr iver), worker (a w orker), police officer (a pol iceman) / policeman (a mili tiaman), farmer (a f armer), teacher (a t eacher), firefighter (a fireman), postman (a p ostman), veterinarian (a v et), pilot (a pilo t), student (a p upil), programmer (a programmer), chef (a c ook).

Now, children, tell me please, what professions can you see on the screen? What is he or she? (Students name the proposed occupation one at a time, the teacher clicks and checks each word on the screen. Then the students collectively name each occupation. The teacher pays special attention to the highlighted sounds, drawing the attention of the children to them).
Pupil: I think, he is a doctor.

Teacher:Let`s check it. O.K. Well done! Let`s train our Mr. Tongue: [d], [d], [d]. Doctor!

III. Speech warm-up

Work of children in pairs (slide 21). According to the established model, the guys make up dialogues about the professions of parents and about themselves.

P1: What is your father?
P2: He is a worker.
P1: What is your mother?
P2: She is a doctor. And what about your parents?
P1:My father is a… What do you want to be?
P2: I want to be a pilot. And what about you?
P1: I want to be a ...

IV. Homework check

Working with "Claro" cards with self-test. (Students were asked to prepare for the dictation by profession: a doctor, a worker, a pilot, a driver, a teacher, a vet, a cook). Students fill out the cards with markers, then self-check and correct mistakes).

- And now we have a test. Take your cards and fill up your cards, please. (Children fill in 7 words on the topic "Professions" with markers).
- Turn your cards. Check yourself. (Turn the cards over, check yourself).
- Who did the test right? Stand up! Excellent!
- Who has 1 or 2 mistakes? - Good.
- Who has more than two mistakes?
- I hope you will be better next time!
- Clean your cards!

V. Main stage

Task 1: Repetition of the to be verb in Present Simple.

Fill in the blanks, please. (slide 22)

  • My mother ... a teacher.
  • They… doctors. am
  • She ... a pupil.
  • His father… a farmer. is
  • Tom and Bob ... painters.
  • I ... a fireman.
  • You ... a baker. are
  • Her sister ... an engineer.
  • My brother… a businessman.
  • I ... a pilot.

(On click, each link is exposed for verification after the student has read and translated the sentence by inserting the link verb.)

Task 2. The game "Who does Pancho Carancho want to be?" (slide 23)

The teacher distributes color cards to students with various professions: musician, teacher, policeman, programmer, pilot, builder, stewardess, doctor, dancer, veterinarian, etc. (cards are distributed according to the number of students in the class).

- Now children, let`s play. Look at the screen, please. This man`s name is Pancho-Carancho. Try to guess, what does he want to be? I think, he wants to be a slown.
Next, students who received cards with professions in no particular order express their versions according to the model on the slide:
Pancho-Carancho doesn`t want to be a ... He wants to be a ...

(Children assume their profession and post a card on the board: physical education + lexical and grammatical exercise). At the end of the game, the answer appears on the slide: Pancho-Carancho wants to be a musician. This fabulous character plays the saxophone.

Task 3. Unscramble the words game (slide 24)

  • heecatr - teacher These professions are depicted on 7
  • corotd - doctor pictures on the right side. By
  • rowker - worker clicked next to the anagram appears
  • umocasont - cosmonaut is the correct word.
  • eirengne - engineer
  • liopt - pilot
  • okoc - cook

Task 4. Match the words and the sentences (slide 25)

Now children your task is to match every word and the sentence correctly.

  1. a dentist a) He bakes bread.
  2. a doctor b) He takes care of our teeth.
  3. a teacher c) She gives pupils homework.
  4. a baker d) He drives a car.
  5. a driver e) He works at a hospital.

When the children offer their versions of the answers by clicking, the keys appear: 1 - b, 2 - e, 3 - c, 4 - a, 5 - d.

Task 5. Correct the mistakes (slide 26)

Boys and girls, tell me please, true or false.

  • Doctors teach children.
  • Dancerswork in the hospital.
  • A farmerworks at a farm.
  • Workersbake bread.
  • Teachers work at school.

Revised suggestions appear after click-to-check. In words where there was a mistake, the letters are located at an angle and in a different color.

Vi. The final stage

Summing up, giving marks, d / z.

- Guys, what did we talk about today in the lesson? - About professions.
- Yes, today we have spoken about different professions. To be a doctor or a teacher depends on you. You should choose your profession wisely. It depends on you guys who you become. Study well and choose a profession you like. Good luck with your choice! Good luck!

- Now children open your notebooks and put down your homework, please (ex. 6, p. 64). Thank you very much for your work at the lesson. Come to me please to get your marks. The lesson is over. (Slide 27).

Children come up with diaries for grades, the song “Goodbye, littleFriend!” Sounds.

Go through the topic Professions? Preparing for a lesson on Professions? This means that the following exercises will be useful to you, thanks to which you will not only remember the names of the professions in English, but also learn how to describe your (future) profession in English.

Read the following before starting the exercises. Exercises for practicing professions are in increasing order of difficulty. At the end you will find answers for self-testing.

Exercises on professions. Exercises for children and beginners to learn English.

Exercise 1. Read the names of the professions and circle the two professions you like best.

  • a doctor - doctor
  • a nurse - nurse
  • a driver - driver
  • a worker - worker
  • a builder - builder
  • a seller seller
  • an economist - economist
  • an engineer - engineer
  • a housewife - housewife
  • a businessman - business man
  • a military man - soldier

Exercise 2. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs

  1. A hairdresser
  2. A vet
  3. A carpenter
  4. A cook
  5. A pilot
  6. A stewardess
  7. A militiaman
  8. A racing driver
  9. A nurse
  10. A nursery school teacher
  11. A waiter
  12. A clown
  13. A farmer
  14. A postman
  15. A banker
  16. A builder
  1. a) teaches small children
  2. b) flies airplanes.
  3. c) looks after air passengers.
  4. d) serves people food.
  5. e) makes things of wood.
  6. f) cuts people’s hair.
  7. g) drives fast cars.
  8. h) looks after sick people.
  9. i) regulates traffic.
  10. j) works on a farm.
  11. k) cures sick animals.
  12. l) makes people laugh.
  13. m) makes food.
  14. n) builds houses.
  15. o) counts money
  16. p) brings letters.

Exercise 3. Listen to the names and say what these people were.

Example: Beethoven - a composer.

Exercise 4. a) Look at the list. Do you know all the words? Give the definitions.

a shop-assistant

a police officer

b) which of these are not actually professions (4)?

c) Underline the jobs you think are exciting.

Circle the jobs you would never like to do.

Put brackets around the well-paid jobs.

Cross out the jobs you think are boring.

Tick \u200b\u200bthe jobs you think you’ll be good at.

d) Which jobs from the list match these definitions?

  1. - a person who does experiments.
  2. - someone who works in the country with animals or plants.
  3. - a person who cooks in a restaurant.
  4. - a person who makes things from wood.
  5. - a person who helps a doctor in a hospital.
  6. - someone who does office work, such as typing letters, answering phone calls, etc.

e) Write 3 more definitions of the jobs people do. Work in groups. Can your classmates guess the jobs?

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the names of professions or activities.

A person who writes for newspapers is a journalist.

  1. A doctor who treats teeth is ...
  2. A person who paints pictures is ...
  3. A person who types papers is ...
  4. A person who takes part in public life is ...
  5. A scientist who studies the structure of materials is ...
  6. A scientist who studies the structure of organisms is ...
  7. A person who writes books is ...
  8. A person who knows a lot about his job is ...

Exercise 6. Look through the list of circus jobs. Translate them and say which of them you like best and why.

Acrobat, clown, magician, tamer, ringmaster, horse-rider, fire-eater, manager, musician, weight lifter, jumper, dancer

Exercise 7: Write the names of five jobs that people do:

  • inside the building,
  • in the open air,
  • with their hands,
  • with the help of a computer,
  • using a pen.

Exercise 8. Write the names of professions that are connected with the words.

Example: mark - teacher

Exercise 9: Build the names of jobs and professions from the given English words. Translation may help you to do it.

  1. build (builder) ____________
  2. music (musician) ____________
  3. employ (employer, employee) a) ____________b) ____________
  4. history (historian) ____________
  5. biology (biologist) ____________
  6. invent (inventor) ____________
  7. account (accountant) ____________

Exercise 10. Choose from the box gender-neutral names for the given professions.

Mail carrier, congressional representative, salesperson (2), bar person, police officer (2), flight attendant, chairperson, firefighter, business executive (2)

  1. Chairman _____________________
  2. Businessman _____________________
  3. Businesswoman _____________________
  4. Mailman _____________________
  5. Stewardess _____________________
  6. Policewoman _____________________
  7. Policeman _____________________
  8. Salesman _____________________
  9. Saleswoman _____________________
  10. Barman _____________________
  11. Fireman _____________________
  12. Congressman _____________________


1 - f, 2 - k, 3 - e, 4 - m, 5 - b, 6 - c, 7 - i, 8 - g, 9 - h, 10 - a, 11 - d, 12 –l, 13 - j, 14 - p, 15 - o, 16 - n.

  1. poet / playwright / dramatist
  2. Scientist
  3. Presidents
  4. Singers
  5. Detectives
  6. Printer
  7. Sailors
  8. test pilots
  9. goalkeeper

B) a businessman, a housewife, a student, a traveler.

D) a) a scientist, b) a farmer, c) a chef, d) a carpenter, e) a nurse, f) a secretary

Possible answers:

1 a dentist, 2 a painter, 3 a typist, 4 a politician, 5 a chemist, 6 a biologist, 7 a writer, 8 a professional

Acrobat, clown, magician, trainer, arena inspector, rider, fire-eater, manager, musician, weight-lifter, jumper, dancer

  1. builder 2. musician 3. a) employer; b) employee 4. historian 5. biologist 6. inventor 7. accountant

Answers: 1. chairperson executive3. business executive 4. mail carrier 5. flight attendant 6. police officer 7. police officer 8. salesperson 9. salesperson 10. bar person II. firefighter 12. congressional representative