The most communist name since the USSR. Funny names in the ussr

After the 1917 revolution, the list of names by which boys and girls were called expanded significantly. Parents gave their children names in honor of leaders, revolutionary events, and even geographic locations. Inspired by news from State Duma about the ban on some names ...

The imagination of Soviet parents truly knew no bounds. But all new names and derived forms can be conditionally divided into several groups.

Nature and resources

A child born in the USSR could easily be christened Oak, Birch, Azalea, Alder or Carnation.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering

Science, which was developing at an active pace, prompted parents to have good names: Algebrina, Ampere, Hypotenuza, Netta (from "net"), Drezina, Om, Electrina, Elina (electrification + industrialization). Also in honor were minerals and chemical elements: Granite, Ruby, Radium, Tungsten, Helium, Argent, Iridium.


Of course, what Soviet Union without the slogans, in honor of which the children were invented names-abbreviations:
Dazvsemir - from "Long live the world revolution!"
Dazdranagon - From "Long live the people of Honduras!"
Dazdraperma - from "Long live the First of May!"
Dazdrasmygda - from "Long live the link between town and village!"
Dazdrasen - from "Long live the Seventh of November!"
Dalis - from "Long live Lenin and Stalin!"
Damir (a) - from the slogans "Give me a world revolution!", "Long live the world revolution" or "Long live the world."
Dasdges - from "Long live the builders of DneproGES!"
Divide - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin's cause lives."
Deleor - from "Lenin's Case - October Revolution".
Demir - from the reduction of the slogan "Give us a world revolution!"

May Day slogan. 1931

Place names and seasons

It was possible to choose a name by the month of birth: December, Dekabrina, Noyabrina, Sentyabrina, Fevralin, Aprelina. Well, and especially lucky those whom she called Oktyabrenok.
Parents were often inspired by rivers, cities and mountains. The children were given names: Neva, Cairo, Lima, Paris, Himalayas, Altai, Angara, Ural and even Avksoma - Moscow is the opposite.

Revolutionary ideology and professions

The Russian language owes the revolution a lot of new words and concepts that have become firmly entrenched in everyday life. Ideology became another source of inspiration for finding names for his children: the boy could well have received a name:
Avtodor - from the abbreviated name of the Society for the Promotion of Motoring and Road Improvement.
Agitprop - from the abbreviated name (until 1934) of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Barricade (the female version of the name is Barricade).
A fighter - from fighters for the just cause of the revolution and not only.
Voenmore - from the abbreviation of the phrase "military sailor".
The leader - everything is clear here.
Glasp - presumably from "publicity of the press".
Karmia, Karmia - from the abbreviation of the name Red Army
Kid - from the abbreviation of the phrase "communist ideal".
Kim - from the name of the organization Communist Youth International.
Kravasil - (The Red Army is the Strongest)
Kukutsapol - from the reduction of the slogan during the reign of NS Khrushchev "Corn is the queen of the fields."
National - from the abbreviation of the word international.
Pyachegod is an abbreviation for the slogan "Five-year plan - in four years!"
Revol - from the contraction of the phrase "revolutionary will".
Revdar - from the abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary gift".
Hammer and Sickle is a compound name; from the Soviet heraldic emblem.
Female names were often repeated male names, but with the addition of the letter "a" at the end. There were also original ones:
Kommunara - from the abbreviation of the phrase the communist era.
Spark - from a common noun (this is the name of the main character of Boris Vasiliev's story "Tomorrow was a war").
Laila - from the contraction of the phrase "Ilyich's lamp".
Lucia - from Revolution.
Victory is from a common noun.
Idle-light - from the contraction of the phrase "holiday of Soviet power."
Revvola - from the abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary wave".

Leaders, revolutionary leaders and heroes of the USSR

Revolutionary leaders, leaders and “simple heroes” of the USSR, gave, perhaps, the most abundant soil for new names. As a rule, they were made up of the first letters of the first name and surname, or from the surnames of several people, and sometimes it was a surname + a slogan:
Bestreva - from the contraction of the phrase "Beria is the guardian of the revolution."
Bukharin - from the name of N.I. Bukharin.
Budyon - from the name of S.M.Budyonny.
Valterperzhenka - from the contraction of the phrase "Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman astronaut."
Dzerzh - by the name of F.E.Dzerzhinsky. Dzefa - from the name and surname Dzerzhinsky, Felix.
Kollontai - from the name of the party and statesman Alexandra Kollontai.
Ledat - from Lev Davidovich Trotsky.
Malis (Mels) is an abbreviation for the names Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.
In the movie "Hipsters" main character gets to the Komsomol court after discarding the last letter of his name.

Hipster Mel
Niserha - from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev.
Ordzhonika - from the name of G.K. Ordzhonikidze.
Yurgoz - Yuri Gagarin circled the Earth.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

The names, which were based on the name of Lenin, stood apart:
Varlen - Great army Lenin
Vidlen - from the abbreviation of the phrase “the great ideas of Lenin.
Vil (a) - from the initials of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Vilen (a) - short for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Vilenor - from the reduction of the slogan “V. I. Lenin is the father of the revolution. "
Vilian - from the contraction of the phrase “V. I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences ".
Vilivs - from the initials of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Joseph Vissarionovich
Vilik - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Communism.
Vilich is an abbreviation for the name and patronymic Vladimir Ilyich.
Vilyur (a) - the name has several variants of decoding: from the abbreviation of the phrases "Vladimir Ilyich loves workers", "Vladimir Ilyich loves Russia" or "Vladimir Ilyich loves the Motherland."
Vinun - from the reduction of the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich will never die."
Zamvil - from the contraction of the phrase "Deputy V. I. Lenin."
Idlen - from the abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's ideas."
Isail, Isil - from the contraction of the phrase "executor of the behests of Ilyich."
Lelyud - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin loves children."
Lengenmir - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is the genius of the world."
Lennor (a), Lenora - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is our weapon".
Ninel - from the reverse reading of the name Lenin.
Plinta - from the abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's party and the people's labor army."
Sometimes, next to Lenin, they put other surnames no less familiar and familiar to the Soviet person (some of which, however, were later called traitors)
Lentrobukh - from the abbreviation of the names Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin.
Lentrosh - from the abbreviation of the names Lenin, Trotsky, Shaumyan.
Forest - by the first letters of the names Lenin, Stalin.
Lestak - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin, Stalin, communism!"
Lestaber - by the first letters of the surnames Lenin, Stalin, Beria.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich.

The number of names formed on behalf of Stalin is much less than the number of similar names from Lenin. However, they all sound loud:
Stalber - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin and Beria.
Steel - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin.
Stalenberia - from reduction Stalin, Lenin, Beria.
Stalenita - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin.
Stalet - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky.
Staliv - from the abbreviation of the surname and initials Stalin I.V.
Stalik - from the name of I. V. Stalin.
Stalin - also by the name of Stalin.

Actress Irina Cherichenko as Iskra Polyakova in the film based on Vasiliev's novel "Tomorrow Was War".

Borrowed names

It has become quite popular to name children after foreign heroesrelated either to the cause of the revolution, or to art and science. So, in the USSR, girls began to appear named Angela (in honor of the American human rights activist Angela Davis), Zarema (a borrowed name that was credited with the meaning "for the revolution of the world"), Rosa (in honor of Rosa Luxemburg), Clara - like Zetkin. Boys were called John or Jonrid (after the writer), Hume - in honor of the philosopher David Hume, Ravel (as the French composer Maurice Ravel) or Ernst - in honor of the German communist Ernst Thälmann.
Instead of an epilogue ...

Each era was characterized by its own fashion for clothing, hairstyle, communication style, and even names. In the Soviet Union, after the 1917 revolution and up to its collapse, children were very often given names derived from the symbols of that time. Take, for example, the well-known Dazdraperma - a name created from the slogan "Long live May 1!" This review presents the funniest names derived from geographical names, sciences, revolutionary symbols.

Commoners who were fond of cutting-edge achievements soviet science, gladly named their children: Wolfram, Helium, Hypotenuza, Drezina. Even the euphonious "Elina" is an abbreviation for "electrification and industrialization".

Abbreviations derived from patriotic slogans were especially popular. People changed them as best they could:
Dazvsemir - Long live the world revolution!
Dazdranagon - Long live the people of Honduras!
Dazdrasmygda - Long live the link between town and village!
Divide - Lenin's Cause Lives!
Deleor - Lenin's Case - October Revolution!

All sorts of social organizations also inspired citizens to create new names:
Avtodor is short for the Society for the Promotion of Motoring and Road Improvement.
Voenmore - "Military sailor"
Kid - "Communist Ideal"
Kukutsapol - the slogan of the times of Khrushchev: "Corn is the queen of the fields"
Idle-light - "Holiday of Soviet power"
Pyachegod - "Five-year plan - in four years!"

Party leaders evoked almost awe among the common people, and in order to somehow be involved in strong world this, the parents named their children by combinations of names, patronymics and surnames of the leaders:
Varlen - Lenin's Great Army
Vidlen - Lenin's Great Ideas
Vilyur - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin loves Russia
Isail - Executor of Ilyich's precepts
Lelud - Lenin loves children
Plinta - Lenin's Party and the People's Labor Army
Another unusual name Yurgag is a derivative of This man conquered millions of hearts not only by being the first to fly into space, but also by his extraordinary charisma, sense of humor and charm.

After the 1917 revolution, the list of names by which boys and girls were called expanded significantly. Parents gave their children names in honor of leaders, revolutionary events, and even geographic locations. Today we recall the most extraordinary names with which those born in the USSR had to live.

The imagination of Soviet parents truly knew no bounds. But all new names and derived forms can be conditionally divided into several groups. Geographic names and seasons It was possible to choose a name according to the month of birth: December, Dekabrina, Noyabrina, Sentyabrina, Fevralin, Aprelina. Well, and especially lucky those whom she called Oktyabrenok. Parents were often inspired by rivers, cities and mountains. Children were given names: Neva, Cairo, Lima, Paris, Himalayas, Altai, Angara, Ural and even Avksoma - Moscow is the opposite.
Nature and resources

A child born in the USSR could easily be christened Oak, Birch, Azalea, Alder or Carnation.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering

Science, which was developing at an active pace, prompted parents to have good names: Algebrina, Ampere, Hypotenuza, Netta (from "net"), Drezina, Om, Electrina, Elina (electrification + industrialization). Minerals and chemical elements were also in honor: Granite, Ruby, Radium, Tungsten, Helium, Argent, Iridium.

Of course, what is the Soviet Union without slogans, in honor of which children were invented names-abbreviations:

Dazvsemir - from "Long live the world revolution!"
Dazdranagon - From "Long live the people of Honduras!"
Dazdraperma - from "Long live the First of May!"
Dazdrasmygda - from "Long live the link between town and village!"
Dazdrasen - from "Long live the Seventh of November!"
Dalis - from "Long live Lenin and Stalin!"
Damir (a) - from the slogans "Give me a world revolution!", "Long live the world revolution" or "Long live the world."
Dasdges - from "Long live the builders of DneproGES!"
Divide - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin's cause lives."
Deleor - from "Lenin's Case - October Revolution".
Demir - from the reduction of the slogan "Give us a world revolution!"

Revolutionary ideology and professions

The Russian language owes the revolution a lot of new words and concepts that have become firmly entrenched in everyday life. Ideology became another source of inspiration for finding names for his children: the boy could well have received a name:

Avtodor - from the abbreviated name of the Society for the Promotion of Motoring and Road Improvement.
Agitprop - from the abbreviated name (until 1934) of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Barricade (the female version of the name is Barricade).
A fighter - from fighters for the just cause of the revolution and not only.
Voenmore - from the abbreviation of the phrase "military sailor".
The leader - everything is clear here.
Glasp - presumably from "publicity of the press".
Karmia, Karmia - from the abbreviation of the name Red Army
Kid - from the abbreviation of the phrase "communist ideal".
Kim - from the name of the organization Communist Youth International.
Kravasil - (The Red Army is the Strongest)
Kukutsapol - from the reduction of the slogan during the reign of NS Khrushchev "Corn is the queen of the fields."
National - from the abbreviation of the word international.
Pyachegod is an abbreviation for the slogan "Five-year plan - in four years!"
Revol - from the contraction of the phrase "revolutionary will".
Revdar - from the abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary gift".
Hammer and Sickle is a compound name; from the Soviet heraldic emblem.

Female names were often repeated male names, but with the addition of the letter "a" at the end. There were also original ones:

Kommunara - from the abbreviation of the phrase "communist era".
Spark - from a common noun (this is the name of the main character of Boris Vasiliev's story "Tomorrow was a war").
Laila - from the contraction of the phrase "Ilyich's lamp".
Lucia - from Revolution.
Victory is from a common noun.
Idle-light - from the contraction of the phrase "holiday of Soviet power."
Revvola - from the abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary wave".

Leaders, revolutionary leaders and heroes of the USSR

Revolutionary leaders, leaders and “simple heroes” of the USSR, gave, perhaps, the most abundant soil for new names. As a rule, they were made up of the first letters of the first name and surname, or from the surnames of several people, and sometimes it was a surname + a slogan:

Bestreva - from the contraction of the phrase "Beria is the guardian of the revolution."
Bukharin - from the name of N.I. Bukharin.
Budyon - from the name of S.M.Budyonny.
Valterperzhenka - from the contraction of the phrase "Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman astronaut."
Dzerzh - by the name of F.E.Dzerzhinsky.
Dzefa - from the name and surname Dzerzhinsky, Felix.
Kollontai - from the name of the party and statesman Alexandra Kollontai.
Ledat - from Lev Davidovich Trotsky.
Malis (Mels) is an abbreviation for the names Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

In the film "Hipsters", the main character goes to the Komsomol court after discarding the last letter of his name.
Niserha - from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev.
Ordzhonika - from the name of G.K. Ordzhonikidze.
Yurgoz - Yuri Gagarin circled the Earth

The names, which were based on the name of Lenin, stood apart:

Varlen - Lenin's Great Army
Vidlen - from the abbreviation of the phrase “the great ideas of Lenin.
Vil (a) - from the initials of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Vilen (a) - short for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Vilenor - from the reduction of the slogan “V. I. Lenin is the father of the revolution. "
Vilian - from the contraction of the phrase “V. I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences ".
Vilivs - from the initials of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
Vilik - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Communism.
Vilich is an abbreviation for the name and patronymic Vladimir Ilyich.
Vilyur (a) - the name has several variants of decoding: from the abbreviation of the phrases "Vladimir Ilyich loves workers", "Vladimir Ilyich loves Russia" or "Vladimir Ilyich loves the Motherland."
Vinun - from the reduction of the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich will never die."
Zamvil - from the contraction of the phrase "Deputy V. I. Lenin."
Idlen - from the abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's ideas."
Isail, Isil - from the contraction of the phrase "executor of the behests of Ilyich."
Lelyud - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin loves children."
Lengenmir - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is the genius of the world."
Lennor (a), Lenora - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is our weapon".
Ninel - from the reverse reading of the name Lenin.
Plinta - from the abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's party and the people's labor army."
Sometimes other names, no less familiar and familiar to a Soviet person, were put next to Lenin (some of which, however, were later called traitors):

Lentrobukh - from the abbreviation of the names Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin.
Lentrosh - from the abbreviation of the names Lenin, Trotsky, Shaumyan.
Forest - by the first letters of the names Lenin, Stalin.
Lestak - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin, Stalin, communism!"
Lestaber - by the first letters of the surnames Lenin, Stalin, Beria.

The number of names formed on behalf of Stalin is much less than the number of similar names from Lenin. However, they all sound loud:

Stalber - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin and Beria.
Steel - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin.
Stalenberia - from reduction Stalin, Lenin, Beria.
Stalenita - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin.
Stalet - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky.
Staliv - from the abbreviation of the surname and initials Stalin I.V.
Stalik - from the name of I. V. Stalin.
Stalin - also by the name of Stalin.

Borrowed names

It became quite popular to name children in honor of foreign heroes related either to the cause of the revolution, or to art and science. So, in the USSR, girls began to appear named Angela (in honor of the American human rights activist Angela Davis), Zarema (a borrowed name that was credited with the meaning "for the revolution of the world"), Rosa (in honor of Rosa Luxemburg), Clara - like Zetkin. The boys were called John or Jonrid (after the writer), Hume after the philosopher David Hume, Ravel (as the French composer Maurice Ravel) or Ernst after the German communist Ernst Thalmann.

Names of Soviet origin - personal names used in the languages \u200b\u200bof peoples the former USSR, for example, in the Russian, Tatar and Ukrainian languages, the fashion for neologisms and abbreviations that appeared after the October Revolution of 1917 during the heyday in the Soviet Union.

The breakdown of the previous social foundations and traditions of naming a name, associated, first of all, with the obligatory choice of a name for a newborn according to the calendar when performing a baptismal rite, provided parents with greater freedom to choose names for their children. Various common nouns began to be used as personal names: plant names (Birch, Carnation, Oak), minerals (Ruby, Granite), chemical elements (Radium, Tungsten, Iridium), toponyms (Volga, Himalay, Kazbek, Onega), technical and mathematical terms (Mediana, Diesel, Combine, Drezina), professions (Tanker), and other words colored by revolutionary ideology (Idea, Decembrist, Comrade, Will, Zarya, Atheist, Freedom). Derivative forms were also formed (Noyabrina, Traktorina). This kind of imitativeness is sometimes called semantic anthroponymization.

A large array of personal neologisms was formed from revolutionary slogans, the names of some organs new government, as well as from the names and surnames of revolutionary leaders and communist leaders (Vladlen, Damir, Kim, Roy, Elina).

Many borrowed names also belong to the names of Soviet origin. It was after the October Revolution that there was a significant influx of foreign names into the Russian language. Some of them were directly associated with the leaders of the international communist movement (Rosa - in honor of Rosa Luxemburg, Ernst - in honor of Ernst Thälmann), some were associated with heroes "Progressive" translated literary works or historical figures (Jeanne, Eric, Rudolph, Robert).

In the post-revolutionary era, non-canonical (not noted in the church calendar) Old Russian and Old Slavic names, as well as names that exist in others, came into use. slavic languages (Svetozar, Peresvet, Mstislav, Miloslava, Lubomir, Wanda, Vladislav).

Most of the names of Soviet origin - especially the newly formed ones - were rarely used and did not take root, remaining rather a historical and linguistic curiosity; many carriers of exotic names, upon reaching adulthood, applied for a name change. However, some of these names, successfully composed, have survived and gained widespread popularity.

Arvil - the army of V.I. Lenin.

Vector - Great communism triumphs.

Weor - The Great October Revolution.

Vidlen - the great ideas of Lenin.

Vilen - IN AND. Lenin.

Whelan - IN AND. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences.

Vilord - IN AND. Lenin is the organizer of the labor movement.

Wil - IN AND. Lenin.

Vilyur - Vladimir Ilyich loves Russia.

Vinun - Vladimir Ilyich will never die.

Whist - Great historical power of labor.

Vladlen - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Vollen - the will of Lenin.

Pile - Voroshilov Sharpshooter.

Gertrude - Hero of Labor.

Dazdraperma - long live May Day!

Dalis - Long live Lenin and Stalin!

Division - Lenin's business lives on.

Isaida - follow Ilyich, baby.

Kim - Communist Youth International.

Lapanalda - the Papanin's camp on an ice floe.

Flipper - Latvian shooter.

Ledat - Lev Davidovich Trotsky.

Lenior - Lenin and the October Revolution.

Tape - Lenin's labor army.

Forest - Lenin, Stalin.

Sheet - Lenin and Stalin.

Luigi - Lenin is dead, but ideas are alive.

Marlene - Marx, Lenin.

October - in honor of the Bolshevik coup in October 1917

Papir - party pyramid.

Benefit - remember Lenin's precepts.

Revmira - the world army revolution.

Rosik - Russian Executive Committee.

Silenus - the power of Lenin.

Stalin - Stalinist.

Tomil - the triumph of Marx, Lenin.

Tomik - Marxism and communism triumph.

Trick (ohm) - three "TO" - Komsomol, Comintern, communism.

Fed - Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

Manger - I'm with Lenin and Krupskaya.

Vanguard ; appeared in the 1930s.

Leontiev, Avangard Nikolaevich - actor


Avietta - from the French aviette, airplane.

Abiya - from the morpheme avia (that is, related to aviation).

Avxoma - from the reverse reading of the word Moscow.

Aurora) - by the name of the cruiser "Aurora".

Aurore - by the name of the cruiser "Aurora".

Avtodor - from the abbreviated name Society for the Promotion of Motoring and Road Improvement.

Agit - from a shortened common noun.

Agitprop - from the abbreviated name (until 1934) of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).

Adiy - from the truncation of some traditional male names (cf. Gennady, Arkady).

Azalea - from the name of the plant.

Aida - on behalf of the main character of the opera of the same name by G. Verdi.

Calamus - by the initials of AI Rykov, the second after Lenin chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

Academy - from a common noun.

Aldan - from the toponym Aldan.

Algebrina - from algebra.

Allegro (male), Allegra (female) - from a musical term.

Diamond - from the name of the mineral diamond.

Altai - from the toponym Altai.



Amur - from the toponym Amur.

Angara - from the toponym Angara.

Aprelina - from the name of the month April.

Ararat - from the toponym Ararat.

Arvil "Army of V. I. Lenin".

Argent - from lat. argentum (silver).

Aria - from a common noun.

Harlequin - from a common noun.

Arlen - from the contraction of the phrase "Army of Lenin"... Homonymous with the Celtic name Arlen.

Army - from a common noun

Artaka - from the abbreviation of the name "Artillery Academy"... Consonant with the Armenian name Artak.

Artillery Academy - compound name; Wed Artaka.

Assol - on behalf of the main character of the story by A. Green "Scarlet Sails".

Aster - from Greek - star.

Astrela - from the Greek. - star.

Atheist - from a common noun.

Aelita - the name of the main character of the story of the same name by A. N. Tolstoy, which became a personal name.

Ayan - from the toponym Ayan.


Barricade - from a common noun.

White Night - compound name, from the concept of white nights.

Birch tree - from a common noun.

Bestreva - from the contraction of the phrase "Beria is the guardian of the revolution"

Beta - from the name of the letter of the Greek alphabet.

Bonaparte - from the name of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Bolsovenza - Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

Fighter - from a common noun.

Bosphorus - from the toponym Bosphorus.

Diamond (feminine) - from the name of the gemstone diamond.

Budena - from the name of S.M.Budyonny.

Rebel - from a common noun.

Bukharin - from the name of N.I.Bukharin.


Valterperzhenka - from the contraction of the phrase .

Vanadium - from the name of the chemical element vanadium.

Vanzetti - from the surname Bartolomeo Vanzetti.

Varlen - Lenin's Great Army.

Waterpezhecosma - from the contraction of the phrase "Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman cosmonaut".

Vector - from the reduction of the slogan "Great Communism Triumphs".

Velior - from the contraction of the phrase .

Velira - from the contraction of the phrase "Great worker".

Weor - from the contraction of the phrase "Great October Revolution".

Spring - from the name of the season.

Vidlen - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin's great ideas"

Vil (a)

Vilen (a) - short for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The male name Vilen, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

Vilenin (a) - from the initials and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Vilenor - from the reduction of the slogan "AT. I. Lenin - the father of the revolution ".

Vileor (V. I. Lenin, October Revolution or V. I. Lenin - the organizer of the revolution.

Vilian - from the contraction of the phrase "AT. I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences ".

Viliy, Viliya - from the initials of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Vilyor - from the contraction of the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and the October Revolution".

Vilich - abbreviation for the name and patronymic Vladimir Ilyich.

Vilor (a) - from the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Organizer of the Revolution"

Vilord - from the reduction of the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - organizer of the labor movement".

Vilorius (Viloria) - the same as Vilor (a).

Vilorik - from the reduction of the slogan "AT. I. Lenin - the liberator of workers and peasants ".

Vilorg - from the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - organizer".

Vilork - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the organizer of the revolutionary commune.

Vilort - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - organizer of labor.

Viluza - from the contraction of the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin-Ulyanov covenants"... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Wil - by initials V.I. Lenin

Vilgenius - Vladimir Ilyich - genius

Vilnur - from Russian. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Tat. nurses (translated as ) (Tatar name).

Wilsor - from the reduction of the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Creator of the October Revolution"... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in
Tatar language.

Vilyur (a) - the name has several options for decoding: from the abbreviation of phrases "Vladimir Ilyich loves workers", "Vladimir Ilyich loves Russia" or "Vladimir Ilyich loves the Motherland"... Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Vinun - from the reduction of the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich will never die".

Violen - from the contraction of the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich, October, Lenin".

Viorel - from the contraction of the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich, October Revolution, Lenin".

Whist - from the contraction of the phrase "Great historical power of labor".

Vitim - from the toponym Vitim.

Viulen (a) - from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic, surname and pseudonym Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin.

Vladilen (a) - from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Phonetic variants - Vladelin, Vladelina.

Vladil - from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Vladlen (a) - from the abbreviation of the name and surname Vladimir Lenin. The male name Vladlen, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

Vlail - VLadimir Ilyich Lenin

Warmore - from the contraction of the phrase "Military sailor".

Leader - from a common noun.

Volga - from the toponym Volga.

Vollen - from the contraction of the phrase "Will of Lenin".

Volodar - from the name of the revolutionary V. Volodarsky.

Tungsten - from the name of the chemical element tungsten.

Will, Will - from a common noun.

Volt - from from physical unit measurements.

Pile - from reduction honorary title "Voroshilov Sharpshooter".

Vosmart - from the eighth of March (International Women's Day).


World - from the reduction of the ideologeme "World revolution".

Nominee - from a common noun.

Vydeznar - Hold the banner of the revolution higher

Vykraznar - Above the red banner of the revolution


Gaidar - from the name of the writer Arkady Gaidar.

Gamma - from the name of the letter of the Greek alphabet.

Garibaldi - from the name of Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Harrison - from the English surname Garrison.

Carnation - from the name of the flower, which has become one of the revolutionary symbols.

Hegelin - from the name of GVF Hegel.

Helian - from the Greek sun.

Helium, Helium

Gem - from a common noun.

Genius, Genius - from a common noun.

Geodar - from the connection of phonemes "geo-" and "gift".

Dahlia - by the name of the flower.

Coat of arms - from a common noun.

Heroid - from a common noun.

Hero - from a common noun.

Gertrude) - from "Hero (heroine) of labor"... It appeared in the 1920s. Homonymous with the Western European female name Gertrude.

Himalayas - from the toponym Himalaya.

Hypotenuse - from the mathematical term hypotenuse.

Glavspirt - from the abbreviated name of the Main Directorate of the alcohol and alcoholic beverage industry.

Glasp - presumably from "Publicity of the press".

Horn - from a common noun.

Granite - from the name of the mineral.

Dream - from a common noun.


Dazvsemir - from the reduction of the slogan "Long live the world revolution!"

Dazdraperma - from the reduction of the slogan "Long live May Day!"... The most famous example of ideological imyatovka.

Dazdrasmygda - from the reduction of the slogan "Long live the link between town and country!"

Dazdrasen - from the reduction of the slogan "Long live the 7th of November!"

Dazdrugag - Long live Yuri Gagarin

Dalis - from the reduction of the slogan "Long live Lenin and Stalin!".

Dahl, Dalina - from a common noun.

Dalton - from the name of the English physicist John Dalton.

Damir (a) - from slogans "Long live the world revolution" or "Long live the world"... Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Danelia - from the Georgian surname Danelia.

Gift - from a common noun.

Darwin - from the surname of the naturalist Charles Darwin.

Dasdges - from the reduction of the slogan "Long live the builders of DneproHES!".


Dekabrin (a) - from the name of the month December.

Decembrist - from a common noun.

Division - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin's case lives on".

Deleor - from the reduction of slogans "Lenin's Case - October Revolution" or "Ten years of the October Revolution".

Delhi (women) - from the toponym Delhi.

Demir - from the reduction of the slogan "Give me a world revolution!"

Democrat - from a common noun.

Jonrid - from the name and surname of John Reed.

Dzerzh - by the name of F.E.Dzerzhinsky.

Dzermen - according to the first syllables of the names of the leaders of the Cheka-OGPU F.E.Dzerzhinsky and V.R.Menzhinsky. Phonetic variant - Jermain.

Dzefa - from the name and surname Dzerzhinsky, Felix.

Diamara - from the reduction of words "dialectics" and "Marxism".

Diesel - from the common name of a diesel engine.


Diner (a), Ditnera - from the contraction of the phrase "Child of a new era".

Dognatus-Peregnatus, Dognatius-Pegnatius - a compound name formed from a slogan "Catch up and overtake"... The names of the twins Dognat and Peregnat are known.

Dolonegrama - from the reduction of the slogan "Down with illiteracy!".

Blast furnace - pre-revolutionary name (abbreviation from Dominic), homonymous with the name of the melting furnace.

Donara - from the contraction of the phrase "Daughter of the people".

Donaire - from the contraction of the phrase "Daughter of a new era".

Dora, Dorina - the decade of the October Revolution.

Dotnara - from the contraction of the phrase "Daughter of the working people".

Daughter - from a common noun.

Drezina - from a common noun.

Drepanald - from the contraction of the phrase "Papanin's drift on the ice floe".

Thought - from a common noun.

Davil - from the contraction of the phrase "Child of the era of V. I. Lenin".

Davis - from the name of the American communist Angela Davis.


Eurasia - from the toponym Eurasia.


Jean-Paul-Marat - compound name; in honor of the great french revolution J.P. Marat.

Zheldora - from the contraction of the concept of a railway.

Zhores, Zhoressa - from the name of the French socialist Jean Jaures.


Zaklymena - from the word Branded, from the first line of the anthem "International": "Get up, branded by the curse".

Zamvil - from the contraction of the phrase "Deputy V. I. Lenin".

West - from the name of one of the cardinal points.

Zarema - shorthand for the slogan "For the revolution of the world"... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language. Homonymous to the Turkic name Zarem (used by A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Bakhchisarai Fountain").

Zares - shorthand for the slogan "For the Republic of Soviets"

Zarina, Zorina - from a common noun.

Zarya, Zorya - from a common noun. Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Star - from a common noun. The red star is one of the heraldic symbols of the Soviet era.

Zoreslava, Zorislava - from phonemes "Dawn" and "glory"... Formed according to the traditional model of Slavic names (cf. Vladislav, Yaroslav).


Ibiza - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was widespread in the Caucasian republics.

Ivista - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

Ideas, Idea - from a common noun.

Idyll - from a common noun.

Edle - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin's ideas".

Isaida - from the contraction of the phrase "Follow Ilyich, baby".

Isail, Isil - from the contraction of the phrase "Executor of Ilyich's behests"... Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Izzvil - from the reduction of the slogan "Study the precepts of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin".

Isili - the same as Isail.

Isolde - from the phrase "Out of ice"; given to a girl born during the wintering of polar explorers in Taimyr. Homonymous to the Western European name Isolde.

Isotherm - from a physical term.

Ikki - from the abbreviation ECCI (Executive Committee of the Communist International).

Ilkom - from the abbreviation Ilyich, commune.

Imels - by the name of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, which in 1954-1956 was called the Institute of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin. Phonetic variant - Imels.

Indus - from the toponym Indus.

Industrial - from a common noun.

Industry - from a common noun.

Intern - from the international.

Iridium - from the name of the chemical element.

Irtysh - from the toponym Irtysh.

Spark - from a common noun. It appeared in the 1920s-1930s. "Spark" - a revolutionary newspaper founded by Lenin.

Istalina - from the name and surname Joseph Stalin. It appeared in the 1920s-1930s.

Istmath - from the abbreviation of the name of the scientific discipline historical materialism.

July, July - from the name of the month July. Consonant with the traditional names Julius, Julia.


Kazbek - from the toponym Kazbek. Also known in the Tatar language.

Cairo - from the toponym Cairo.

Potassium - from the name of the chemical element.

Kama - from the toponym Kama.

Camellia - from the name of the plant.


Karina - from the name of the Kara Sea. This is the name of the girl born during the first (and last) voyage of the steamer Chelyuskin along the Northern Sea Route (1933). The name is homonymous with the Western European Karin, and also consonant with the Eastern Karine and the Western European Corinne.

Karm, Karmius

Karmia - from the abbreviation of the name Red Army.

Karlen - (Karl (Marx), Lenin.

Kid - from the contraction of the phrase "Communist ideal".

Kim (a) - from the name of the organization Communist Youth International. The male name Kim, borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Kinemm - from the contraction of the word "cinema".

Cyrus - from the abbreviation of the name Communist International. Homonymous orthodox name of Greek origin Cyrus.

Kirina - formed according to the model of traditional female names.

Clover - from a common noun.

Club - from a common noun.

Kollontai - from the name of the party and statesman Alexandra Kollontai.

Colombia - from the name of the chemical element (its modern name - niobium) or from the name of the navigator Christopher Columbus.

Colchis - from the toponym Colchis.

Commander - from a common noun. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s in the Altai Territory.

Combine harvester - from a common noun.

Comintern - from the abbreviated name of the Communist International.

Commissioner - from a common noun.


Communera - from the abbreviation of the phrase the communist era.

Compart - from the abbreviation of the phrase the communist party.

Komsomol - from one of the names of the Komsomol, a youth communist organization.

Kravsil - The Red Army is the strongest

Karmia - from the abbreviation of the name Red Army - armed forces Soviet Russia.

Krasarm (a) - from the name Red Army. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Krasnomir - recorded in the 1920s-1930s. Formed on the model of Slavic names (cf. Lubomyr).

Krasnoslav - recorded in the 1920s-1930s. Formed according to the model of Slavic names (cf. Yaroslav).

Cromwell - from the name of the leader of the English Revolution, Oliver Cromwell.

Cucuzapol - from the reduction of the slogan during the reign of N. S. Khrushchev "Corn - the queen of the fields".

Curie - from a physical unit of measurement or from the name of French physicists.


Lavansaria - from the toponym Lavensaari.

Lagshmivar (a), Lashmivar (a) - shorthand for "Schmidt's camp in the Arctic"... It appeared in the 1930s in connection with the epic about the rescue of the Chelyuskin people.

Lagshminald (a) - from the contraction of the phrase "Schmidt's camp on the ice".

Lapis lazuli - from the name of the mineral.

Laila - from the contraction of the phrase "Ilyich's lamp".

Lapanalda - from the contraction of the phrase "Papanin's camp on the ice".

Lasmay - from the abbreviation of the group name "Tender May"

Flipper - from the contraction of the phrase "Latvian shooter".

Lachecamora - from the contraction of the phrase "Camp of the Chelyuskinites in the Kara Sea"

Levanna - from a combination of the names of the parents: Leo and Anna.

Lehrad (a) - Leningrad

Ledav - according to the first syllables of Trotsky's name and patronymic - Lev Davidovich.

Ledat - from Lev Davidovich Trotsky.

Ledrud - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is a friend of children".

Ledict - Lenin and the dictatorship

Lelud - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin loves children".

Lemar (a), Lemark - from the abbreviation of the names Lenin and Marx. Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Lemir (a) - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin and the World Revolution"... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Lena - from the toponym Lena. It is homonymous with the short form of some traditional Orthodox names (Elena, Leonida, Leontine, Leonty, etc.).

Lenar (a) - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin's army"... Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Lenvlad - according to the first syllables of the surname and first name Lenin Vladimir.

Lengward - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin Guard".

Lengenmere - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is the genius of the world".

Lengerb - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin's coat of arms".

Lange - Lenin is alive.

Lenian (a) - from the surname Lenin.

Leniz (a) - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin's Testaments"... Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Lenin (a)

Leniniana - from the surname Lenin. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Leninid - from the contraction of the phrase "Leninist ideas".

Leninism - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin and the Banner of Marxism".

Leninir - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin and the Revolution".

Lenior - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin and the October Revolution".

Lennor (a), Lenora - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is our weapon".

Lenst - Lenin, Stalin

Tape - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin Labor Army".

Lentrosh - from the abbreviation of the names Lenin, Trotsky, Shaumyan.

Lenusa - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin-Ulyanov covenants"... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Lenur (a) - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin instituted the revolution"... Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Lenera - from the contraction of the phrase "Leninist era".

Lermont - from the name of M. Yu. Lermontov.

Forest - by the first letters of the names Lenin, Stalin.

Lestaber - by the first letters of the names Lenin, Stalin, Beria.

Lestac - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin, Stalin, communism!"

Leundezh, Leundj - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin died, but his work lives on".

Liebert (a) - from the French liberte, freedom. They are consonant with some names borrowed from Western European languages.

Livadiy - from the toponym Livadia.

League - from a common noun.

Lily, Lilina - by the name of the flower.

Lima - from the toponym Lima.

Lina - from the abbreviation of the name of the international organization League of Nations. Homonymously known in European languages, the name Lin, which is short form some names (for example, Angelina, Carolina).

Lyra, Lirina

Sheet - by the first letters of the names Lenin and Stalin.

Lausanne - from the toponym Lausanne.

Laura - from the contraction of the phrase "Lenin, October Revolution"... Homonymously known in European languages, the name Laura, which is a form of the name Laura.

Lorix - Lenin, October Revolution, industrialization, collectivization, socialism

Loricerik "Lenin, October revolution, industrialization, collectivization, electrification, radioification and communism".

Loriex - an abbreviation for a phrase "Lenin, October, Revolution, Industrialization, Electrification, Collectivization of the Country".

Lorieric - an abbreviation for a phrase "Lenin, October Revolution, Industrialization, Electrification, Radioification and Communism".

Lunio - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin died, but ideas remained".

Luigi (a) - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is dead, but ideas are alive"... Consistent with the Italian name Luigi (Italian Luigi).

Lunachara - from the name of A.V. Lunacharsky.

Lundezhi - Lenin died, but his work lives on

Lga - from the truncation of the traditional name Olga.

Lyubistina - from the contraction of the phrase "Love the truth"... First recorded in 1926 in Leningrad.

Loved - from the contraction of the phrase "Love Lenin".

Luxen (a) - from lat. lux, light.

Alfalfa - from a common noun.

Lucius - from the Revolution. - Recorded in the 1920s-1930s. It is homonymous with the name of Latin origin Lucius, known from the pre-revolutionary Orthodox calendar.


Magnet - from a common noun.


May, May - from the name of the month May. The name is associated with May Day.

Mine (s) - from the toponym Mine.

Maislav, Mayeslav - from the name of the month May and the phonemes glory

Mayan - (female name; in honor of the first, Day of International Workers' Solidarity). The Mayan name was known before.

Marat - from the name of J.P. Marat.

Marilen (a)

Marklen - from the addition of the initial letters of the surnames Marx and Lenin.

Marx (a) - from the name of Karl Marx. It was fixed in the 1920s-1930s.

Marksana, Marksina - from the name of Karl Marx.

Marksen - from the names Marx and Engels.

Marlene (a) - from the addition of the initial letters of the surnames Marx and Lenin: Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Martin - from the common name of an open-hearth furnace.


Mauser - from the brand of the weapon.

Maels - by the first letters of the surnames Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin. Phonetic variant - Maels.


Maenlest - by the first letters of the names Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin.


Mezhenda - from the abbreviation of the name of the holiday "International Women's Day".

Micron - from the name of the unit of measurement.

Militia - from the name of the Soviet law enforcement agencies.

Minora - from a musical term.

Miol, Miolina - from the abbreviation of the names of the parents: male name Michael and the female Olga.

World (s) - from a common noun or from a contraction of a phrase "World revolution".

Myrrh - from the reduction of the ideologeme "World revolution".


Monolith - from a common noun.

Mopr - from the abbreviation MOPR (International Organization for Assistance to the Fighters of the Revolution).

Mora - from the name of Thomas More.

Motvil - from the contraction of the phrase "We are from V. I. Lenin".

Mela - by the first letters of the surnames Marx, Engels, Lenin.

Malice - an abbreviation for the names Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

Malor - an abbreviation for slogans "Marx, Engels, Lenin, October Revolution" or "Marx, Engels, Lenin - organizers of the revolution"... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.




{!LANG-a14ce75c83398f8ab2ef2f398ed5f3eb!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-f0094ba9cedadb148f7ba32c9b8b9c90!}.

{!LANG-8d6452ae59d170a794c5464636ce5157!} - from reduction {!LANG-06a9ec6fc46d5014ade505cb1ff17d22!}.




{!LANG-53601cef84c4afe38e2a201d58832649!} - from a common noun.





{!LANG-8bc9751134c0c09686641358cfc521a9!} - from the phrase « {!LANG-bc2a6ae36e2062994aa6b7638424eb81!}» {!LANG-b4dcb2b71a9929b352147b52fb829db3!}

{!LANG-1b2bb0fb2f3983a79becf7ea6be1670e!} - from {!LANG-d516e3ee3f048086af8ae75782c3dbf5!}{!LANG-0d5b2eb067870cc9616d5a482e2350b7!}


{!LANG-7cc23c18cc550bd141e03ad89543d71c!}{!LANG-eb28ead44d05b402e38faa14d7e55596!} {!LANG-a42abb7c44680f0f4fffcd7d2f31d973!}).

{!LANG-17ade955405587e1b28e8b0a786a20e5!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-4b5c6b7a65de463e697cf2a02f5ead02!}... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.




{!LANG-c09d4b8571d8d7ed8777faf33e8cb278!} - from a common noun.








{!LANG-0ea44994bdf8ca90b77542f1736b778d!} - from the reduction of the slogan {!LANG-65119066880e1968875838f0dcc69b7b!}.

{!LANG-92e9e7a1f2f98f2fc3916ef2de762aed!}{!LANG-6107c702d800857da2cb7228c850d162!} {!LANG-e1518d1ddc0c153b02cf2da7b6cbe057!}{!LANG-4fa9c1b2ec18c28bc3eb5e93a3930418!}

{!LANG-d179cfe84329f0286f369fe8b102f57b!} - from reduction {!LANG-acf108963d2913e805d839a2848acfd2!}{!LANG-2d56866f46a4a472bbc78acdad92d1db!}


Papir - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-022785cb632c26778e1225d8b8167428!}


{!LANG-f83d234fd26a03727d88c196dacb92f2!} - from a common noun.




{!LANG-ba3fe6ccc8ce6dfa0a868acc1971cca8!} - from the phrase {!LANG-8e601c3c4b4aa22a73b4a0c4218165f1!}{!LANG-ff5d7d8ca73e0291b9a9ee1bee19c505!} {!LANG-a668c79c71c0ace010b0c30e3f796018!}{!LANG-505aa4b6e59e5e223635a7fdd8f5b7cd!}



{!LANG-69dbb4ee9c946e506f11d69ace517907!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-d9160726719dd6c3676a86eb54be9703!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-9517926fe49444ae8f75897fa514640b!}.


{!LANG-a03fefb9339d09ef2084875c4e7acdfe!}{!LANG-d2794df493720ab0a287ee96f71da576!} {!LANG-d111ec837dd8bb08dd24761023ae624f!}

{!LANG-e0139c2cf510d50dbb92034ee6e2dc7b!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-69938bb0cb27777e8070a66defc7ed31!}.


Benefit - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-ebfeba97718503cce00e57eed403495b!}.

{!LANG-22a3e051d1908262bc18902d6f22a64d!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-221fadf90a2ca4f4b1d477b4f591e3ba!}.

{!LANG-85ad436561355ee92f88e95d2a3b738e!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-9a1074e3451ace2a19cd8fae6473dbc4!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-bfb47d7cbb353d98f76405544eb748c6!}.

{!LANG-559dce2f6d6b4640fea16de4597f817e!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-8d5c87b416a59806e8fc44b811a15905!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-f0021daff836169ab848c75110fed916!}.

{!LANG-e11b65af7c853203e527ef3078b07c44!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-456dbbca64ad12069a6ea14c5b3663e2!}.

{!LANG-37bf50545c6b7ebdfc8ddf787087a42b!}{!LANG-b1b23621f546b9149e0f7f8bf3580d54!} {!LANG-2f7f1cade8e679ff8b8ebfe5accb5faf!}{!LANG-90ff6577f3cc711639dbf43414d27640!}

{!LANG-2c3d8d736c488c197cf79777ca0efd58!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-e5c225bbe216c27f2a028e9bdfc7895a!}.

{!LANG-bf944ca67fcbae4a1e15c26dbee873b6!} - from the reduction of the slogan {!LANG-778856ec031a8ca4a5ced38b1fb224eb!}


{!LANG-e51e8a4366ac09dba5ddc3fea8d798aa!}{!LANG-13b0092c60076880798ca6f62660ca23!} {!LANG-0cc8b327eaca6cfe4ac9539ecd97afa4!}.

{!LANG-fd87712c4e1871617f407bc97b8d73aa!} - shorthand for the slogan {!LANG-0cc8b327eaca6cfe4ac9539ecd97afa4!}.




{!LANG-d260127f46a39f95b243a15acadfaf05!} - from reduction {!LANG-00da71f925b87427161bcd1a9c8e9515!}{!LANG-77268f3191fd5a2f2cfae960d6d5cd1e!}








{!LANG-e089ec3608a604b3a099257cf84f7228!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-7a876ed3cd65aec236c18ee4d35c0ab7!}... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

{!LANG-561e76eb7d716cd802a8803938a5ee11!} - from the word {!LANG-a5b7d876128492314989b91f397e7c4f!}{!LANG-fe953924f8ecdef3f47c3b775b8f1e92!}



{!LANG-7c16cb789bef0c1c0c6aedc1fe48a526!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-68d6ffbb7a1b88ca174f186ca0ca1704!}.

{!LANG-e48bb5c185cd11f00bbfaf085d8ca1c7!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-873324c3b88bbef7a178f0e2c086a85d!}.

{!LANG-be55a8d2f83baf01670193b306c8ebea!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-0ce86705943500c7d2a153757eb4d614!}... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

{!LANG-d2d70bf8088aba4338ebb1a30c0ce24b!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-d2ffcce47d23aca51f55295fd932595e!}.


{!LANG-cb222f0fee2074c6337f8dbbf73995a0!} - from the phrase {!LANG-92d45b0e7d3be312c7a72d01d945b445!}.

{!LANG-601f9dd131d84bf82e3c600e312b9466!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-1d57a70cd761fc3d99b6c7fb75b3c18e!}.

{!LANG-1caa7971b35efde42f44a8eb5f51704f!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-3e502f163059fbecd7e77698a07825a4!}{!LANG-f98e821ab82d825d684680497d009618!}

{!LANG-96cd6bc5d1f4b3788f676c586184187c!}{!LANG-01abd8acc54ec0c708f7c007f524d702!} {!LANG-12d0b8c43ac3eea49bf83be489421e21!}... Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.


{!LANG-dc0ba541b5cf3a2c0f677327436f4a68!}{!LANG-da67e755e347449947250937cf5f9eb0!} {!LANG-b612050b1afad0b62b62728c4e0ddfe0!} or {!LANG-d2ffcce47d23aca51f55295fd932595e!}.



{!LANG-59b5916775fdf54aa5ace64a546c5c84!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-6d6f821d2a6d5ea4875f1f2fad7a4fd2!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-cd0bedf0187a6b7f2fd06c50aa875054!}.

{!LANG-bf5ad242a079d5a0e4b7223ea77132e9!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-daa1d74150d8e3743567dc67ecf8292e!}.

{!LANG-ab91b365408e60b49a63100bfe6f22dd!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-3e502f163059fbecd7e77698a07825a4!}{!LANG-789befc5532a3c55eed30d4f66be3960!}

{!LANG-c6452b6453a88bc8f46df12cec50de2e!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-65487ced4ebaabb499c36ad152082ba0!}.

{!LANG-2dfbff3e659a4ab66ee8ba2f83bf8b4b!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-3e502f163059fbecd7e77698a07825a4!}... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

{!LANG-ed3d4c9442a1a0b588973f49ba387f0b!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-2f0c30c01479b9df7d03f7217aecbc1b!}{!LANG-80457451a8e8a31605fdb69b5d2ca820!}

{!LANG-6ef23785fd85b51a21098836a60050b3!} - from the reduction of the slogan {!LANG-b1f6fce0177b060fa4f775bff6c90b24!}{!LANG-cbe855484ec470fcdfc27bc6a2294181!}


{!LANG-3430fecbd1354e40f0429c6081884bde!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-a2c42fa7320da945122281d2eb2e8ade!}.

{!LANG-1b3ca68913c8cd365d1049009f55e2ab!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-2d0e2cd9acff356ec86307f6be1c3f45!}{!LANG-aff82371ec0760ca549f3e4f8a0e5408!}

{!LANG-ed263fb8e5b7c290a0942aace4281008!}{!LANG-94c76764873a5d64a374fb70aa16c227!} {!LANG-5b5bc8f3b52c08f22e2187e8ddd0ef1a!}{!LANG-1779acec86f6d724d0c63859678c15e4!}


{!LANG-4060cb1a371c94d334a3656a01eb434f!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-c029a91dcf7f9babfeb0b0c32ba62d86!}... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

{!LANG-725d55cef2528e787acc2129b54176a7!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-f449405c1913e25b2d38ac3683973c08!}.

{!LANG-5b21f9e3815ba771b7187d32c8198f8e!}{!LANG-da92fdb4541b18f33053519a4b6fb11a!} {!LANG-ccad57b0420c6a2ad8591a954ac8ef30!}.

{!LANG-410b83ce29fbd25c7790e091e0d42316!} - from a common noun.


{!LANG-5bfda9a6ec37823ddbeeed8cc16df0f5!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-9f56da086a4555bd05f87330926d215a!}.

{!LANG-ccc819a74f271a550f35d2e0617f2d19!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-d05db5d9211075149d5946770bd3b366!}.


{!LANG-59f33fb363a1f457e2c6475101b8b8b7!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-67ffac643b7ec20c632202c3173259a7!}.

Rosik - from the abbreviation of the name {!LANG-8be16dcba5843c246bee826bbd1ebd1a!}.

{!LANG-f6ad25a91f3664b46d3316fa69cbab47!} - from the name of the mineral.



{!LANG-da60fdef53f56fd88b89e92c105b27fd!}{!LANG-1c8075d1cc98ac582f500a4bbbd4b7fb!} {!LANG-9186b81ac3aa1199eecefa401e49a902!}, {!LANG-898a967cc1aa634c7fb5879357c664ce!} or {!LANG-b58e0564dcde01b2ad6a43b0eb8e4e35!}.

{!LANG-c206b22e0201d069d7408041a01f32e4!} - from the reduction of slogans {!LANG-8ad6a2d8b8a60ea83fcb24c5a4bb8dda!} or {!LANG-a7ef3643e85f09939cd2ce63394beef1!}.




{!LANG-39efaf7019edafa4e67df3859f0a0de8!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-23441146b221e85ef5450a19b561c70d!} - from the connection of phonemes {!LANG-8d22aca087da230ca942c5015c1066a7!} and "glory"{!LANG-229b6b4cd43fb04e94cad2147563c786!}

{!LANG-eaa39a35065db63fac378c3b324fe8eb!} - from a common noun.


{!LANG-143f9c0e04f657e39f34de06fdc12765!}{!LANG-390f65cd9dceb8740fc58f9ae8f0aa5c!} {!LANG-c2a415190fe696b6e8ef9281ad292ad2!}.






Silenus - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-e2802c27b2cf4117ee25e63ae21e0578!}.

{!LANG-276d4e9a952f8286929a5dc8ee5d3e78!} - from the name of the plant.


{!LANG-167ac19334a3c814f8b59b4a09af1bbe!} - from the reduction of the slogan {!LANG-e7dd64e2b3e34e3e97e89175f803b0ee!}.


{!LANG-af9fd1b97a35669ae88473404870c97f!} - from a common noun.



{!LANG-a55ff4bbb833858983af398e74dd4175!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-d99c0670649afa5687f6deec5f85d703!}{!LANG-9373e453ba44e6704d041bd667f45a71!}

{!LANG-fa2d9164c980432867541a026b38cf88!} - from a common noun.









{!LANG-3f7b0b2701ffcbc4f2d120d5db065035!} - from a common noun.




{!LANG-e4df669093ac900032b837f392899939!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-08dd87cabed4220d3d0f4fc14203752a!}.


{!LANG-9848520d47be6a00a4011783fa4919bf!} - from a common noun.


{!LANG-8421f55e60195e6b67e50119f2a3fb3b!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-529a5c875cc39e5746be7d16c9802064!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-d635d7554bafbc12a8accfcfb1943c36!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-155e420d30e3362aef5f044853d101f3!}.

{!LANG-ea7e0ae49c4759f3360b9c8a56610253!} - from a common noun.


{!LANG-63442f93ee430426a68f96bff2b97f37!} - from a common noun. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s in the Altai Territory.




{!LANG-b266318e87f7589b147e086ecaf5e9be!} - from a common noun. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s in the Altai Territory.

Tomik - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-7c613eafaaa5da6acb4421f240bff23e!}.

Tomil - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-7e61435673485d1e41657ddf77d00c26!}.



{!LANG-f7c4122e155ada66b11cc1f8f96c0574!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-132a1228b32113c40c60e7faeb329ec0!}{!LANG-f1fcb7b50a0aa71d2c43a5057c245b0d!} {!LANG-2d9d7bf5da77ded35366006a1cda9d09!}.


{!LANG-25c4a02cf6c01e6837440f701d1d2c55!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-ef82cc8cf72307fae561adfebf4b8f77!}{!LANG-41734461720627fc6c27ca91da2201c5!} {!LANG-032e27e0978766a17a61d7c8cbe884ef!} ({!LANG-59b717348011640959153f6bc3441e1e!}{!LANG-fbab2f0aaba75dc58d60098d15776bb2!}





{!LANG-a120ecf03b5976f69994d8f0fffe8ccf!} - from the connection of phonemes {!LANG-98706aa2e057d5d9d4038134d87fbf99!} and {!LANG-a67bb2073822d888c7be9c557217551a!}{!LANG-bd673cb0e1943eff6fb025d091d90509!}





{!LANG-c54cb727480c612605d5a38ea7be3f6e!} - from the reduction of the slogan {!LANG-96f8a4df42c57f35316b0d342a67d220!}{!LANG-9050247fec74b92c6a7218e67bc4a288!}


{!LANG-52bf02bd4b6dc8ee867e72ca663c1c43!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-049ad4f89889ef34f7901b25a6ee5029!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-61498eeac1a1de05a7e81106f8cebfe7!}.













{!LANG-4326d327d1bb95b57d43bb5b06f10c79!} - from a common noun.


{!LANG-640174dc315a7c89869cf4cc5278f3d9!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-c505835bc41bda2203a2b9f934400087!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-729bc628dd3406fd2880eb86008fc050!}.

{!LANG-db5e8bd3ab32e0543a5cb5c5449ccc98!} - from the abbreviation of the name {!LANG-3fa1dae8b3b0bd03d9ce3a3b8ad077b4!}.









{!LANG-aab758025060d6e831e945fab40ab144!} - an abbreviation for a phrase {!LANG-36ad2c78ee63bdfe3010bc8eb1526ac2!}.





{!LANG-724656c64c8e6977ff3967cf56fd4d41!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-5e5f88e6af44d0a7f1f28c1ac5e2b3af!}{!LANG-d88b502696f811ddc7cd8b4682f396ba!}


{!LANG-3927e62679cb984763f3b0b0aeae462f!}{!LANG-4077af6bb5d88ebcf07264b880e08898!} {!LANG-856c8e8b7f0e024adc2b5b819aaead95!}).


{!LANG-4e118e9e24b9ca66cc5e1ebd9737e3f4!} - from a common noun




{!LANG-50693fb7451ba1b287383e439fe4213f!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-2ac9b086fe2b6b8b9b0e58341d0395f5!}.



{!LANG-2af4b3fe27881db9f4385ce8b5870d42!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-431210b7c15d22bab6bf7e5e91952ff8!}{!LANG-65d18eca3ef41840e7e6f8dcda7fea47!}


{!LANG-d698eb6c29c75d13760c52c56eb7de76!}{!LANG-e574f785a68fab434e80763550a43581!} {!LANG-2b5146f5a00eee4ee451ac8b85f1e486!}.

{!LANG-53668f967752a9ee503e7042b02a2bd5!} - from a common noun.



{!LANG-ed5605f0d92f49331da43d9fab552e61!} - from a common noun.

{!LANG-5cfb6af30d1f4d897e596a92615af498!} - from the connection of phonemes {!LANG-ff3efa93cbda7b118ef421856d4e5151!} and "glory"{!LANG-bd673cb0e1943eff6fb025d091d90509!}

{!LANG-ab161dfac4b2c150db2735b1ef51b489!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-f8226c7779ba253ada4d283bc721cbbb!}.

{!LANG-71687609b5783d81de1c11ac7bfa948d!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-2991cfeb75e0970bff3c28919dc6624a!}.





{!LANG-1cdd067ec86a9c4955e4e003d6e7a672!}{!LANG-4b94d9b4d3d16ea0db4ac50e595f175a!} {!LANG-2621c46f03fd4ae2663831abd1af0e90!}.

{!LANG-c3d81537dce586384ee8458f20dbc18b!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-1d93d7d4d4bdf14eb60d170bed330845!}... Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

{!LANG-2b4d9e6bd6e23a7eb9eba613511ef6ee!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-5c960fe60ae5abd6a81188d677ec0ee1!}.

{!LANG-0cc1e04f97d5f31bd815501536125eb2!}{!LANG-390f65cd9dceb8740fc58f9ae8f0aa5c!} {!LANG-6068c6320552be4cc307bff3c08b4e92!}.

{!LANG-aa0dc5a70a8975f0ee92da7f7a564bba!}{!LANG-7e8b70f48ffd1d573f096136552bf01a!} {!LANG-9d61c2bea1374e0c432add68948b43ff!}{!LANG-8b4aab166557fdd43c405de2452f5a6a!} {!LANG-cafc2716bec3a4aee1b3b28e8771d4d0!}{!LANG-6306a61bf937e6bd1fc7c2ab7ed16b50!}

{!LANG-5ac5e3d29c8bc859e771a8808b742ad0!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-d6fb1767da39ee29ea7414a5eb3fdde3!}.


{!LANG-7fdf5fd06898d17bd3b178344072c477!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-0d0f4db4652acaaeb9a8f0843a28e123!}.


{!LANG-c4410eeb89100e492a4fb9818b902c4f!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-91bdd70743f028486955263f3cfb1311!}




{!LANG-24b41ed14600e050fdb14b723501074d!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-834ee038b20ef97b2926205f3aa25355!}.

{!LANG-4c34b9a0d931be926ca3e6615f83e7aa!}{!LANG-a5df74790f82dc197028953b827d4525!} {!LANG-7446ae4ac40c49120a1fba946db58f57!}{!LANG-5301b130835467e54bd8a74a4ee1476f!} {!LANG-fcb73fadbecfbd3bf986d809ee1b08ba!}

{!LANG-6ab4e859ab8b01ddd49f719c64076a8b!}{!LANG-18abf89b08fefc05edbb924b20e47927!} {!LANG-cc200cfa711142539dc86e3b5c3c1c2f!}{!LANG-1cfe51fdc1ba78dc2f2030d8e3b5a27b!}

{!LANG-cbbb1b30298839058449d6422eb1f186!} - {!LANG-9ac220c02dab935f4d9bb91d4bb78168!}.

{!LANG-4c56a5db57594178adda73ed3c844ff1!} - from the contraction of the phrase {!LANG-04aca363d7918923045290095de805c6!}.

The imagination of Soviet parents truly knew no bounds. But all new names and derived forms can be conditionally divided into several groups.




{!LANG-dd45efc595f473bd32fc51d9f577be36!} {!LANG-fdc7c6b81b7f3eb97963c7adf71c8dc0!}{!LANG-187072f600b66687423a901afa85d0d3!}


A child born in the USSR could easily be christened Oak, Birch, Azalea, Alder or Carnation.




Of course, what is the Soviet Union without slogans, in honor of which children were invented names-abbreviations:




The Russian language owes the revolution a lot of new words and concepts that have become firmly entrenched in everyday life. Ideology became another source of inspiration for finding names for his children: the boy could well have received a name:


Female names were often repeated male names, but with the addition of the letter "a" at the end. There were also original ones:

















