Samokutyaev's biography is short. Cosmonaut alexander samokutyaev

Biographies of cosmonauts of the USSR and the Russian Federation

FLIGHT: 331 days. 11 hours 39 minutes
DURATION: 10 hours 41 minutes

in 1987graduated high school in the city of Penza;

in 1988 entered the Chernigov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, from which he graduated in 1992 with a degree in Command Tactical Fighter Aviation with the qualification of a pilot-engineer;

in 1998entered in Air Force Academy named after Yu.A. Gagarin and graduated in 2000;

in 2019 Graduated with honors from the Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in Human Resources Management and Personnel Policy.


after graduating from college, he served in the Air Force as a pilot, senior pilot, deputy commander of an aviation squadron;

in 2000 was appointed to the post of head of the department of the 2nd department in the RGNIITsPK named after Yu.A. Gagarin.


in May 2003 - was enrolled as a candidate for test cosmonauts of the cosmonaut corps of the Yu.A. Gagarin;

since June 16, 2003 by June 27, 2005 - underwent general comic training, passed state exams with an "excellent" grade;

in June 2005 - at a meeting of the Interdepartmental qualification commission (MVKK) he was qualified as a test cosmonaut.


from August 2005 to November 2008 was trained as part of a group of specialization and improvement;

from December 2008 to April 2010 trained as part of the ISS-23/24 backup crew as an ISS flight engineer and commander of the Soyuz TMA TPK;

from April 2010 to April 2011 preparing for space flight as part of the ISS-27/28 prime crew as the Soyuz TMA TPK commander and the ISS flight engineer;

from October 2012 to March 2014was trained as part of the ISS-39/40 backup crew as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-M TPK and the ISS flight engineer;

from March to September 2014 He was preparing for a space flight as a member of the ISS-41/42 prime crew as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-M TPK and the ISS flight engineer.


test cosmonaut of the 2nd class. Military pilot, 3rd class. He mastered the aircraft Vilga-35A, L-13 Blanik, L-39, Su-24M. Has a total flight time of 680 hours. Completed 250 parachute jumps. Has the qualification "officer-diver".


1 flight - from April 05, 2011 to September 16, 2011 as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-21 TPK and the ISS flight engineer together with A.I. Borisenko. and astronaut Ronald Garan. During the flight, he performed a spacewalk for 6 hours 23 minutes.
Flight duration: 164 days 05 hours 50 minutes Call sign: "Tarkhany".

2 flight - from September 26, 2014 to March 12, 2015 as commander of the Soyuz TMA-14M TPK and as a flight engineer on the ISS together with EO Serova. and astronaut Barry Wilmore. During the flight, he performed a spacewalk for 3 hours 41 minutes.
Flight duration: 167 days 05 hours 49 minutes Call sign: "Tarkhany".


title of Hero Russian Federation with the presentation of the Gold Star medal,
honorary title "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation" (2012);
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2016);
medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
“For the difference in military service»I, II and III degrees,
"For military valor" II degree,
"For service in the Air Force";
departmental awards of Roscosmos and NASA.

Honorary citizen of the city of Penza and the city of Gagarin, Smolensk region.


deputy Commander of the ROSCOSMOS Cosmonaut Detachment.

3rd class test cosmonaut,
- Head of the group of candidates for cosmonauts of the cosmonaut corps of Roskosmos (Russia),
- Colonel of the Reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
- 518th cosmonaut in the world,
- 109th cosmonaut of the Russian Federation.

In January 2003, Alexander Samokutyaev was admitted by the Chief Medical Commission to special training,
- On May 29, 2003 he was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps of the Yuri Gagarin RGNIITsPK, in June of the same year he began general space training,
- in July 2005, he was awarded the qualification "test cosmonaut",
- On April 1, 2009, he was appointed commander of the backup crew spaceship Soyuz TMA-18 and the flight engineer of the main expedition ISS-23/24.

A. M. Samokutyaev made his first space flight from April to September 2011 as a member of the crew of the 27 / 28th long-term expedition to the ISS as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-21 TPK and the ISS flight engineer.
During the flight, he performed a spacewalk lasting 6 hours and 23 minutes.
The flight duration was 164 days.

September 2014 - March 2015 - an orbital mission.

At the end of September, the Soyuz TMA-14M manned transport vehicle (TPK) was launched with a crew of Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexander Samokutyaev and Elena Serova, NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore. The crew performed over 50 scientific experiments in orbit. Many of them were of great applied importance for science, medicine and humanity as a whole.

On October 19, 2015, by order of the head of the Yu. A. Gagarin Research Institute of the CTC, he was appointed to the position of deputy commander of the CTC cosmonaut detachment, retaining the position of instructor-test cosmonaut. At the same time, he was relieved of his post as commander of a group of cosmonaut candidates.

In April 2017, Roskosmos decided to dismiss Alexander from his post for medical reasons.

Wife - Samokutyaeva (Zosimova) Oksana Nikolaevna.
Daughter - Anastasia (1995).
Mother - Maria Alexandrovna Samokutyaeva, lives in Penza.

"I remember in kindergarten our chiefs (these are now sponsors, and then they were chiefs) presented us with a small rocket, a model, somewhere 2-2.5 m in length. She was like from children's drawings, like the rocket in which the smiling Gagarin always sat. I practically "grabbed" this rocket for myself and to all the requests of other children I categorically said that it was only my rocket, "I will not allow anyone to sit in it!" I fought for her, fought, and the children made fun of, teased, called me "Sasha Gagarin" ... But that rocket was mine! "

"Each crew comes up with their own callsign and it cannot be repeated a priori. For our crew, we chose the call sign" Tarkhany. "Tarkhany is a settlement, or rather, it is currently a museum-estate. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, the famous Russian poet, playwright. Until now, his remains are stored in Tarkhany, in his estate. The motivation for choosing the call sign "Tarkhany" - I myself am from the city of Penza, and Tarkhany is in the Penza region, and I wanted to take something like that. Something close to my small homeland, so that my fellow countrymen would understand that I remember my city. My parents live there (Mikhail Nikolaevich and Maria Alexandrovna), I finished school in this city, the graves of my ancestors are in the same place. Probably, it was the main idea when I was choosing a call sign. The crew supported me. And we stopped at this - something primordial, from a small homeland. Therefore, we are Tarkhany ".

Sources of

1. Alexander Samokutyaev: "In childhood I was called Sasha Gagarin" -
2. ISS cosmonauts
ttp: //

The device of the Soyuz TMA-21 manned spacecraft landed on the territory of Kazakhstan on Friday, September 16, 2011. Having successfully undocked from the International Space Station, the 28th crew of three returned to Earth. The cosmonauts of the next expedition to the ISS - Alexander Samokutyaev, Andrey Borisenko and Ronald Garan - feel satisfactory.

The Penza Region is closely following the chronicles of the central television and electronic media, since among the returned cosmonauts there is a Penza citizen - Alexander Samokutyaev.

Governor Vasily Bochkarev expressed welcoming words to him. “I cordially congratulate you on your safe return to your homeland! Residents of the Penza region are rightfully proud of their brave fellow countryman and his colleagues who have made a worthy contribution to the conquest of outer space. I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, happiness, further success in all your endeavors and undertakings! " - A telegram with such content from the head of the region has already been transferred to Alexander Samokutyaev.

According to Vedomosti, the next expedition will start on the ISS on November 14, 2011. According to the head of Roscosmos Vladimir Popovkin, the last flight this year is scheduled for December 21. The crew currently working on the ISS - Sergei Volkov, Michael Fossum and Satoshi Furukawa - will return to Earth on November 22, 2011.

Photo - from the site of "Channel One".

The brand of the Penza region has been tested in orbit

The whole world for 164 calendar days closely followed the work of the Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft crew on board the International Space Station.

Governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev congratulated the commander of the Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft Alexander Samokutyaev (a native of Penza) on his safe return to earth. The most eminent compatriot is eagerly awaiting different peoplefeeling their belonging to the cosmos.

Thanks to Alexander Samokutyaev, who chose the name of the State Lermontov Museum-Reserve "Tarkhany" as the call sign for the spacecraft, the Penza brand became widely known all over the world. The idea to take such a call sign was born to Alexander after reading a poem by Mikhail Lermontov, where there are lines: "the earth sleeps in blue radiance." “Reading these lines, it seems that Lermontov saw the Earth from space,” the future astronaut shared in his correspondence with the museum staff.

For all his fame and widespread popularity, Alexander Samokutyaev is a real example of a patriot of the Sursk region. He does not forget about his small homeland for a minute. His boundless love is evidenced by the fact that on board the ship Alexander kept the flag of the Penza region, and while in orbit, he sent a video message and congratulations on Cosmonautics Day to the residents of the Penza region.

Coming to Penza, Alexander certainly attends high school N 56, a picture of which he took from space. His mother Maria Aleksandrovna works there as the head teacher and physics teacher, and he called back to the school director Anna Shkerdina, while in orbit, at least once a week.

The grateful teaching staff prepared an excellent gift for the meeting with their famous student. IN educational institution the premises for the school museum have been prepared. Teachers and students really hope that Alexander Samokutyaev will give them. space suit, which will become the central exhibit of the museum. the first Penza cosmonaut.

They are also waiting for the space explorer at school # 10 in Penza, where the future commander of the spacecraft took the first steps towards knowledge. They even found the desk at which he was sitting in the classroom on the third floor. Bread and salt are being prepared for Alexander Samokutyaev and his maternal compatriots from the village of Uvarovo, Issinsky District, Penza Region.

Sasha "got sick" with space as a child, and today all Penza boys know who Alexander Samokutyaev is. He is a living example for them that childhood dreams come true if they achieve their goals. Alexander Samokutyaev got his first ticket to the sky at the Penza flying club, founded in 1923 as the aviation technical circle of Osoaviakhim. I came to the parachuting section as a schoolboy. Then he mastered a sports glider.

In 1927, in aviation sports and the dissemination of aviation knowledge, the Penza organization took first place in the CS Osoaviakhim. Since 1968, the Penza Aviation Club began to train instructors-pilots of light aircraft, glider pilots, paratroopers from among conscripts, athletes in aviation sports and aviation modeling. Among the famous pupils of the Penza Aero Club: stratonaut Ilya Usyskin, eight Heroes Soviet Union, dozens of pilots of the Great Patriotic War, including the famous Valentina Grizodubova, Alexander Senatorov and many others. By the way, in the 50-60s of the last century, the connections of the Penza aviators with colleagues from the Saratov flying club were actively developed, to which the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Gagarin came for the first time on October 25, 1954.

Let us recall that Penza is a unique source of personnel for the national aviation and cosmonautics. It is associated with the names of the explorer of the stratosphere (the layer of the atmosphere, which the British gave the term "pre-space") Peter Dolgov, as well as the pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, who was a member of the crew of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft - Viktor Patsaev, who tragically died in orbit June 29, 1971.

Penza industrialists and scientists also consider Cosmonautics Day their professional holiday. In 1960, by a decree of the government of the USSR, the Penza Scientific Research Institute for Physical Measurements (NIIFI) was established, which was directly involved in the development and creation of the rocket and space computing technology: sensors, elements of the launch facility, electronic elements, resistors, capacitors, telemetry information equipment, refueling. All these developments were introduced into serial production in many Penza research institutes and industrial enterprises.

The renowned team of the Federal Research and Production Center FSUE "Research Institute of Physical Measurements" from 1995 to 2009 headed it general director and chief designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

academician Russian Academy cosmonautics them. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Russian

engineering Academy, International Academy of Navigation and Traffic Control Evgeny Mokrov.


September 16, at 04:38 Moscow time, Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft with commander Alexander Samokutyaev (Roscosmos), flight engineers Andrey Borisenko (Roscosmos) and Ronald Garan (NASA) on board

undocked from the MIM-2 Poisk module of the International Space Station.

At 07:59:39 Moscow time, the descent vehicle of the Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft. made a soft landing in the estimated area 149 km from

dzhezkazgan city (Republic of Kazakhstan). Specialists from the Rosaviatsia search and rescue group found the descent vehicle at a point with coordinates close to the calculated ones. To support the operation, special units of the Federal Air Transport Agency were involved. The landing of the Soyuz TMA-21 descent vehicle was provided by three aircraft (An-26 and An-12), 14 Mi-8 helicopters and seven search and evacuation vehicles.

Crew members (call sign "Tarkhany") Andrey Borisenko and Alexander Samokutyaev (Roscosmos), Ronald Garan (NASA) have been working at the International Space Station since April 7, 2011. The orbital watch of the ISS-27/28 crew lasted 164 calendar days.

During two long expeditions, the crew received two Russian

cargo vehicle "Progress", manned spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-02M", two

american reusable ship. Were carried out one spacewalk from the Russian and American sides.

On the Russian segment of the ISS, about fifty scientific experiments have been carried out in various fields: remote sensing of the Earth, geophysical, biotechnological and medical research, educational programs.

The Russian crew members of the Soyuz TMA-21 manned transport vehicle were taken to the complex for prelaunch training and post-flight rehabilitation of cosmonauts (astronauts). TsPK named after Yu.A. Gagarin, where they are being examined

At present, crew 29 continues to work on the ISS. a long-term expedition consisting of commander Michael Fossum (NASA astronaut), flight engineers Sergei Volkov (Roscosmos astronaut) and Satoshi Furukawa

(astronaut JAXA), - according to the press services of Roscosmos and the TsPK im. Yu.A. Gagarin.

Based on site materials http :// www . islamnews . ru / news -85751. html

For reference.

Alexander Mikhailovich Samokutyaev

russian cosmonaut, Hero of Russia.

During his studies, he was engaged in the parachuting section. Graduated from high school №56 of the city of Penza. He entered the Penza Polytechnic Institute, but a year later interrupted his studies, deciding to enter the Chernigov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, which he graduated in 1992. In 1998-2000 he studied at the Yu.A. Gagarin.

In 2003, he received a positive opinion from the Main Medical Commission (admission to special training), was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps to undergo general space training. In 2005, he passed the state exams at the CTC with an "excellent" mark, after which he was awarded the qualification "test cosmonaut". He was engaged in the group of specialization and improvement.

From December 2008 to April 2010, he was trained as part of the ISS-23/24 backup crew as an ISS flight engineer and commander of the Soyuz TMA manned transport vehicle (TPK).

From April 2010 to April 2011 he was preparing for a space flight as a member of the ISS-27/28 prime crew as the commander of the Soyuz TMA TPK and the ISS flight engineer.

From April to September 2011, as part of the crew of the 27 / 28th long-term expedition to the International space station as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-21 TPK and the ISS flight engineer. Performed a spacewalk lasting 6 hours 23 minutes. The flight duration was 164 days.

From October 2012 to March 2014, he was trained as part of the ISS-39/40 backup crew as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-M TPK and the ISS flight engineer.

Since March 2014, he has been preparing for a space flight as part of the ISS-41/42 prime crew as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-M TPK and the ISS flight engineer.

In April 2017, the interdepartmental commission of the state corporation "Roscosmos" - the deputy commander of the cosmonaut corps.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from the PenzaNews news agency and open sources. The information is current as of April 25, 2017.

Samokutyaev Alexander Mikhailovich

test cosmonaut of the 3rd class -

head of the cosmonaut candidate group

the cosmonaut corps of Roskosmos (Russia),

colonel of the Reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,

518th cosmonaut of the world,

109th cosmonaut of the Russian Federation.



Married. Wife - Samokutyaeva (Zosimova) Oksana Nikolaevna. Raises a daughter. Mother, Maria Alexandrovna Samokutyaeva, lives in Penza.


In 1987 he graduated from high school in Penza. In 1988 he entered the Chernigov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, from which he graduated in 1992 with a degree in Pilot-Engineer. In 1998 he entered the Yu.A. Gagarin and graduated in 2000.


After graduating from college, he served in the Air Force as a pilot, senior pilot, deputy commander of an aviation squadron. Military pilot, 3rd class. He mastered the aircraft Vilga-35A, L-13 Blanik, L-39, Su-24M. Has a total flight time of 680 hours. Completed 250 parachute jumps. Has the qualification "officer-diver". After graduating from the academy in 2000, he was appointed head of the department of the 2nd department at the Yu.A. Gagarin.


In May 2003, he was enlisted as a candidate for test cosmonauts of the cosmonaut corps of the Yu.A. Gagarin.

In June 2003 he began general space training, which he completed on June 27, 2005, having passed state exam with an "excellent" mark.

In July 2005, at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Qualification Commission (IQC), he was awarded the qualification “test cosmonaut”.

From August 2005 to November 2008, he was trained as part of a specialization and improvement group.

From December 2008 to April 2010, he was trained as part of the ISS-23/24 backup crew as an ISS flight engineer and commander of the Soyuz TMA TPK.

From April 2010 to April 2011 he was preparing for a space flight as a member of the ISS-27/28 prime crew as the commander of the Soyuz TMA TPK and the ISS flight engineer.

From October 2012 to March 2014, he was trained as part of the ISS-39/40 backup crew as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-M TPK and the ISS flight engineer.

Since March 2014, he has been preparing for a space flight as part of the ISS-41/42 prime crew as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-M TPK and the ISS flight engineer.