We compose a fairy tale. We compose a fairy tale The project we compose a fairy tale 3 cl

The tales of Bannikova Lera, Lokshina Masha, Nekrasova Lena, Levintan Artem, Levillien Dani, Popova Dasha and Chernovaya Masha were awarded special diplomas.

We present the work of the guys.

Chernova Masha

Strong love

In the late evening, an evil sorceress settled in the castle. She wanted to become the most powerful sorceress in the world in order to take over the world. For this she came up with a plan. The sorceress wanted to turn into a beautiful princess who lived next door, and turn the princess into some kind of beast or bird. Then she could take possession of her kingdom and the neighboring one.
The princess of that kingdom had beautiful black hair, green eyes and a slightly snub nose. The princess's name was Aurora. She was friends with a prince from a neighboring kingdom.
The prince's name was Charles. He was a real prince.
The witch wanted to turn Aurora into a fat Christmas goose to be eaten at Christmas, but the princess turned into a beautiful swan because she was very good, kind and beautiful. The swan princess flew through the open window and settled in the forest.
Charles went to look for Aurora because he loved her very much. He rode on a horse and stumbled upon the witch's palace. The cunning witch came out to the prince in the guise of Aurora and said to him:
- Get me out of here quickly!
Charles did not believe the witch, he felt that the princess was somehow not the same as always.
Then the angry sorceress cast a spell on him so that the prince would believe her every word. But the prince's love was so strong that her spell did not work.
Charles didn’t show that the spell wasn’t working on him. And he took the witch - Aurora through the forest. They drove up to the river. The bridge was very fragile, and it would not have held the three of them. Charles started the horse first. When the horse walked across the bridge, the bridge suddenly widened, and the horse walked as if nothing had happened. Then the witch went. But the bridge did not widen; on the contrary, it began to narrow even more. The sorceress fell off the bridge, but she grabbed the stone. Charles helped her out - he held out his hand to her. But then he suddenly grabbed her by the neck and began to shake her over the abyss, asking: "Where is the real Aurora?" The sorceress replied: “You will never find her! She flies in the forest with wild birds! " Charles threw the witch into the abyss.
The prince went to look for the princess in the forest. One thing he knew for sure was that the princess was now a bird. He thought, "Why didn't the spell come off?" In thought, he came across a lake where birds were swimming - white and black swans. And the prince suddenly felt that his beloved was here. A snow-white bird flew up to him. He felt that it was she, this was Aurora. He took the bird in his arms and carried it to his palace.
A good old wizard lived in Charles's palace. The wizard told the prince that the spell could be removed with a kiss. Charles kissed the bird and it turned into Aurora.
They lived happily ever after, had many children and died on the same day.

Nekrasova Lena

The tale of the cat

Once upon a time there was a kind sorceress. Her name was Cecile. She knew how to turn evil creatures into good ones. She had a wicked black cat named Melida. Cecile did not know that she was angry, because Melida only became angry at night. When Cecile slept, Melida turned into a spirit, and in order to become a cat again in the morning, she had to find any ordinary black cat and kill her. Without this, she could not regain her feline appearance.
On a summer night, when Cecile was fast asleep, Melida, as always, turned into a spirit and went to look for her new victim. She searched all night but never found it.
When morning came, Melida's spirit sat on an apple tree that grew in the courtyard. But in doing this, he was very wrong.
The fact is that brother Cecile Jack, who was famous for his incredible strength, picked apples from this particular apple tree every morning. This morning Jack came as usual and started shaking the apple tree. As soon as Melida did not try to stay in the branches, she fell down anyway.
Jack covered it with a handkerchief like a butterfly, put it in his pocket and carried it to Cecile. Cecile began to ask the spirit who he was, where from and what did he do on her tree? The spirit realized that Cecile was not going to do anything wrong, and told that he was in fact the enchanted cat of Melida.
Cecile felt sorry for Melida and all the other cats that her spirit had to kill at night. So she turned the spirit back into a cat.
Now forever.

Marine history

One girl went to the sea with her mom and dad. Dad and mom sunbathed in the sun, and the girl swam and swam far, far away. Then a violent storm began. The girl's circle was blown away and she drowned.
She woke up at the bottom. Many colorful fish swam around. As soon as she opened her eyes, a large, very beautiful fish swam up to her. Oddly enough, the girl could breathe, speak and even hear. She tried to surface, but she failed, because two jellyfish were holding her hands. As soon as she jerked, one of the jellyfish stung her. It didn't hurt very much.
The girl looked around. She saw what was in the old ship, and she also saw the door through which a large beautiful fish swam. The girl gathered her strength and tried to escape. And she did it. She opened the door and was free.
She surfaced near the shore and saw that dad and mom were still sunbathing.

Living in a dream

The girl Zhenya played a lot with the computer. Once her dad gave her a strange game. It was called "You Lose - You Can't Get Out". Zhenya began to play it. She suffered for a long time, nothing worked for her, and most importantly, she could not leave the game either. Evening came. Zhenya left the computer on. At night she had a dream in which she played her new game, and easily completed all the tasks, although during the day she did not succeed.
In the morning, Zhenya started playing with the computer again. The same game. And again she could not get out of it. At night, the girl had a terrible dream. Zhenya woke up, saw a hole in the wall and looked into it. She saw how the sun was shining, although it was night now, how the children were playing ... And she entered there. It was very similar to the game her dad gave her. As soon as Zhenya entered, she saw that there was no way out. The girl began to hammer on the wall, but all in vain. She ran up to the children, but they turned out to be not alive, but just dolls. So the girl remained to live in her dream.

Tarasova Christina

Little Fairy

A little Fairy lived on the shore of a large lake in a beautiful house. She had a magic wand.
With her help, the Fairy helped the unfortunate and did everything beautifully around her house. An evil Magician lived on the other side. He didn’t like Fairy because she’s kind. He wanted to destroy her. The magician turned into a gray wolf and ran to the other side of the lake. The fairy noticed the limping wolf and ran out of her house, taking the medicine with her. The wolf began to whine, but the Fairy sensed that something was amiss. She took out her wand and cast a spell. The wolf turned into a magician again. He started throwing balls of fire at her. The Little Fairy decided not to use her witchcraft and hid behind a tree. She took a ball of thread from her pocket, quickly pulled it between the trees and called the Magician. "I'm here! I'm here! - shouted the Fairy, enticing the Magician. The evil wizard did not notice the trap, stumbled and sprawled on the grass. The fairy instantly plucked a dandelion, because she knew that if you blow on the Magician, he will explode. She did just that. The fairy gathered all her strength and blew. The magician disappeared. A real holiday began in the forest, everyone sang and had fun!

Marmontov Andrey

There lived a woodcutter. His name was Jack. He worked all day at work. And received a paltry pay. And then he met a devil. And the goblin said: "Don't cut down the trees, take this wallet, but promise that you will use it if you count all the money in it." Jack said, "I promise!" - and, grabbing the wallet, ran home.
He did not eat or sleep, but counted and counted everything. Counting and counting, he passed away counting the third million.

Levintan Artem


In one fairy forest there lived animals who knew how to talk. They had a wise ruler - a bear named Stepan. But he had a grief: his daughter disappeared. The king of the forest kingdom gave an order: whoever finds his daughter, he will receive half of the forest castle.
The hare decided on this act. He came to the palace to the king of the forest kingdom and told the king that he would go to look for his daughter. The next morning, the hare took a bag of food and went, farther and farther from the kingdom. He walked and saw a crying bird. The hare asks: "Why are you crying, bird of the Mountains?" Horus replies: "I can't find food for my chicks." The hare says: "Take half a loaf of bread." The bird said, “Thank you, hare. What can I do to you? " He asks: "Have you seen who stole the princess?" She replies: "I saw who stole her - it's a wolf." They walked along the path.
They walk, walk and see - the path ends. And suddenly two fox cubs crawl out of the bushes. The hare asks: "Have you seen where the wolf went?" And the cubs answered: "We did, but we will tell you if you take us with you." He agreed and they went together. And suddenly they noticed that the rain was coming. The hare said: "We ought to find shelter before it starts to rain."
They saw a fir tree in the distance and went to her. We waited under it all day. The next morning they woke up and saw mice running in the distance. And when the mice approached them, the hare asked: "Didn't you see where the wolf and the princess went." And the mice said they were over there, and very much asked to be taken with them.
They walked, walked and saw that there was a big river ahead. And the hare says, "Let's build a raft." Everyone agreed and started building the raft. Two fox cubs dragged the roots, and the hare took logs and tied them with roots. The next morning the raft was ready to sail. Their whole team was assembled, and they swam.
Swam - swam and suddenly saw an island. And they landed on this island and went to the cave. They found the princess there, untied her and ran with her on the raft. But the wolf noticed them and ran after them. But they were already on the raft, and the hare gave the command to sail away. But the wolf went mad. He wanted to jump on the raft. But the raft was far away. The wolf jumped and fell into the water. And he drowned.
When the hare brought the princess, her father fulfilled his promise.

Popova Dasha

Spring came

It was bad for the animals this winter. Titmouses say - we want warmth, bunnies say - we want warmth, and winter has become even more angry. The squirrels, who had prepared supplies, hid some and waited for even colder days to come. And suddenly a magpie flew out of nowhere and said: “Spring is coming! Spring!"
The animals were delighted. Winter says: "I will freeze the spring, I will wear it out!" There were many grieved and disappointed faces in the forest. Bunnies, squirrels, bears were crying, because the spring could not cope with the winter: the cold snow did not leave, it lay as if nothing had happened. Small thawed patches glowed, but the snow immediately covered them. Winter did not want to give up power to spring. And then spring decided to outwit winter. She went to the meadow and began to defrost it. Winter rushed to sweep it, and spring ran into the forest, warmed the trees and animals. Winter could do nothing.
Spring won, and each animal gave her a snowdrop. In the end, a whole mountain of snowdrops flaunted in the warm hands of spring.

Larionova Dasha

A tale of all sorts of things

Lived - there was an old man with an old woman by the very blue sea. The old man went fishing. The first time he caught Emelya on the stove - it didn't help! The second time he caught the trough, he thought ... He thought, and threw the trough. The third time I caught a golden frying pan. He took it home and said: "Here, old, golden frying pan, you will now bake pancakes for me." So the old woman began to bake. I cooked it and put it on the window to freeze. And the frying pan was not simple, it was rejuvenating. Whoever fries something on it and eats what he cooks will become forever younger. And the old man and the old woman did not know this. They wanted to live and live, which is probably why they got a golden frying pan. When the pancakes were cold, the old woman set the table. The old people began to eat. When they ate and looked at each other, they could not believe their eyes! Who were they? In my opinion, they dreamed of being a boy and a girl. And they began to live even better than they lived!

Ivanov Vova

Magic stick

Once upon a time there was an evil man Gazli in one village. And the good boy Sam worked for him. Once the owner sent the boy to fetch some brushwood into the forest. There was little brushwood in the forest, and he collected it for a long time. When he collected an armful of brushwood and came home, the owner began to scold Samm for being in the forest for a long time. At this time an old man approached Gazli's house. He walked from afar and was very thirsty. The old man asked Gazli for water to drink, but he drove the poor man out of the yard. Sam took pity on the old man and gave him a bucket of water. For this the old man gave the boy a stick. And this stick was magic. If you say to her: "Come on, help out the stick," then the stick began to beat the one who offended the boy.
Once a stick beat the evil master Gazley, and since then he has never hurt the boy Samm.

Levillien Danya

Friendly trees

Two trees grew side by side - elm and hazel. They were very friendly with each other.
One clear winter morning some men arrived there. They cut down these trees, loaded them onto a sled, and took them home. And now the hazel says: - Farewell, brother! Now we will never meet again. And how merrily and amicably we lived!
- Farewell, my friend, and remember me! - answered the elm.
Time has passed. The men made sleds and skis from elm, and ski poles from hazel.
The guys came to ride from the hillock.
- Hello, buddy! - exclaimed the skis when they saw the walnut sticks. - Now we will meet every day on this hillock and will always be friends.
Both hazel and elm were very pleased with their lot.
That's the end of the fairy tale, who wrote, that fellow.

Arosieva Ira

Two kittens

Once, when I was resting at the dacha, I made friends with the girl Alice. And at her dacha there were two abandoned kittens, a brother and a sister, however, we did not know their names.
The kittens lived under Alice's house. And in the morning and in the evening they came to me for a walk. The boy was gray, and the girl was red and white. I fed them milk and cookies. They really liked the food. They climbed trees. When they didn't like something, they bit slightly. They loved to run around the well one after another.
Once the boy climbed onto the roof of our house and could not get down. And we are from the attic window. Meanwhile, his sister climbed a tree and could not go down. And then we went down from the attic and took it off. In order for the kittens to spend the winter, we built a house out of the box, put a warm rug there and put food and drink there.

Bannikova Lera

Two stars

Once upon a time there was one small beautiful star in space, and no one noticed it. But once a small star saw next to her the same very small - a small star. The next night she went to that little star. And told her that she wanted to have a girlfriend. She willingly agreed, and they went for a walk together to celebrate.
They went further and further away from home and did not notice how they got lost. The stars began to look for their way home, but they did not find it. They began to look for other planets and stars.
The first they came across was a planet under the strange name of Mercury. The stars asked Mercury: "Where is the Blue-Red region?" Mercury said the area was little known and had no map. Mercury invited them to go to his younger brother Pluto.
But Pluto didn't have the map the stars needed. Then Pluto told the stars to go to his friend - Saturn.
The stars flew to Saturn. On the way, we almost fell into a black hole, but finally we got there.
Saturn had the map the stars needed. Saturn showed the stars where their region is, called a comet and strictly ordered the comet to take the stars to their home. The stars landed on a comet and flew to their home in a few moments.
But the comet did not want to part with them. Then they came up with an activity that was interesting for all three.
The comet began to deliver the stars to different planets and stars, and the stars studied everything they saw.
Since then, the stars have never been lost. And, perhaps, they have visited the planet Earth.

Lokshina Masha

There lived a king. He had a daughter - a beauty - a beauty! He decided to marry her off. The ball was fun! Suddenly all the candles went out, the curtains came off and an evil sorcerer appeared There - There. He approached the king and asked the hand of his daughter. The king refused. Then the evil sorcerer got angry, growled and turned the princess into a green prickly cactus. And disappeared.
The king was grieving. He watered the cactus all the time, put it in the sun on the window. So two months passed. The king called all the gardeners, all the botanists to his place and said: "Whoever removes the spell from my daughter, to him I will give her as a wife and half a kingdom."
The botanists thought for a long time, but no fertilizers helped the cactus (princess).
At night, one astrologer jumped out of bed with the words "Eureka!" And rushed into the sovereign's bedroom. He dreamed that if a handsome prince kissed a cactus, the spell would subside. It didn't take long to look for a handsome prince! The next day, as usual, going out onto the porch, the king saw a carriage. Prince Ivanushka was sitting in it. Seeing a cactus, the prince asked to stop the carriage. He took a thorny cactus in his hands and wanted to buy it, since the prince had only a cactus in the garden. But suddenly all the horses were bitten by bees at once. The horses rushed to run, and the prince flew his face straight into the cactus and kissed him! The princess is disenchanted! And they fell in love with each other!

Nikolaeva Zhenya

Giraffe and turtle

Once upon a time there were two friends: a giraffe and a turtle. The turtle had a birthday soon: it turned 250 years old. A wonderful holiday was planned. Only one thing upset the giraffe, he did not know what gift to give the turtle. And the turtle loved to dance, but could not, because it moved very slowly. Then the giraffe came up with a great idea: he would give her two pairs of rollers.
The turtle's birthday has come. The giraffe solemnly handed her rollers and taught her to ride them. When the stars lit up in the evening, dancing began. And in the center, a giraffe and a turtle on rollers danced the most merrily.

Sipeikin Nikita

Flying hat

Once, when my friend Vova was visiting me, we decided to read. We sat down on the bed, Vovka opened a magazine about cars. Suddenly it became cool, I looked at the open window. And for some reason a hat lay on the windowsill. The hat is the very beloved grandfather's. I wanted to take her, but she jumped and flew to the floor. Suddenly the hat was lifted, we got scared and ran into the next room. Vovka told me that N. Nosov had such a story; there was a kitten under his hat. And suddenly we heard from the next room "Kar! Kar!" I say, "So this is right, little crow? Maybe a hat - with a vacuum cleaner?"
And then my grandfather came and saw a flying hat and raised it. And we all saw the little crow. We went into the yard and released him.

From the site administration

pupils of the 3rd grade of the Bolsheokhochevsky branch of MKOU "Okhochevskaya secondary school"

This project is a collective creative work to create a "Book of Fairy Tales" for a literary reading lesson in grade 3 under the "School of Russia" program



Bolsheokhochevsky branch of MKOU "Okhochevskaya secondary school"


"My fairy tales"

Project creators: grade 3 students

Project Manager: teacher primary grades Delova Irina Anatolyevna

year 2014-

The tale of Prince Dmitry.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state he lived - there was Prince Dmitry.

One day, the prince, along with his father, King Yuri, went to the neighboring kingdom for a ball dedicated to the birthday of Princess Mary.

As soon as the prince saw the beautiful princess, he immediately fell in love with her. They ate ice cream and danced together.

Suddenly a hurricane hit. The sky was covered with clouds and thunder struck. An evil sorcerer appeared on a black horse and stole Princess Mary. Maria's father was inconsolable. Then Prince Dmitry went in search of the beauty.

The road led him to a dark forest. For three days and three nights Dmitry wandered in the forest, tired and hungry. Looks, and an old woman meets him! She barely moves her legs, and on her back the old woman has a huge bundle of brushwood. The prince took pity on the old woman, helped bring her brushwood to the hut. And while they were walking, Dmitry told about his misfortune.

Then the old woman took a nut stick out of the bundle and said: “I will thank you, well done, for your kindness! Here's a wand - a lifesaver, it will fulfill your three wishes. "

The old woman said so and immediately disappeared.

The prince went further, and here the lake is on the way. Dmitry waved his wand, and that hour the boat appeared in front of him. The prince swam to the other side. He looks, and in front of him is a high mountain, and at the very top of the sorcerer's castle stands. Dmitry waved his wand, and his wings grew like a bird's. He ascended into the very sky, and here the sorcerer on his horse. They began to fight with swords, the prince cut off his head, and the sorcerer's castle collapsed. Princess Mary ran out of the dungeon, and the prince waved his wand for the third time, and they were at home. That - that joy was with the father - the king! We didn't get together for a long time, played a wedding. And Prince Dmitry lived with Princess Mary happily ever after!

The tale of the fairy Martha and the golden antelope.

Among the flowers, on a green lawn, lived - there was the fairy Martha. And she had a girlfriend - the Golden Antelope. Once the fairy boasted that she had a magic wand, and that with this wand she was stronger than anyone else in the world.

Suddenly a strong wind rose, and the little fairy was carried away into the dark forest. And she dropped her magic wand out of fear.

She walked, walked, and entered the thicket. And here in the hollow of an old oak tree lived a forest witch.

The witch wanted to catch the fairy Martha and take away her magic wings. Yes, where - there! The fairy flapped her wings and instantly flew away from the evil witch.

A fairy flies, and here, out of nowhere, an evil kite attacked. The villain wanted to take the fairy to his nest, to make him his wife. Barely - barely the poor thing took off her legs.

She hid under a bush, sits, cries. She doesn't know how to get out of the forest and get home.

Then Martha heard someone galloping through the forest. Look, this is a golden antelope, her faithful girlfriend is in a hurry. The antelope grabbed the fairy on her back and carried her home, to the green meadows, to the flower meadow.

They began to live happily ever after, and make friends more tightly than before. And Martha forgot to think about the magic wand! Why does she need her when she has a real friend.

Magic bear.

I will tell you an interesting and interesting fairy tale, magic - magical.

I had a teddy bear: old, with an ear torn off. But I loved him more than all the toys.

My bear was the most ordinary one, and then suddenly he began to talk! He said that he could fulfill three wishes, but only the kindest.

My friend Lena dreamed of a Baby Bon doll, and the bear immediately fulfilled her dream.

I really wanted to have a dog, and she immediately appeared! And I didn’t make a third wish, let it remain in reserve. And my bear is gone! Noah, I hope he will definitely come back when I decide to make my third wish.

Bear promised me this!

The tale of turning a lazy girl into a hardworking one.

There was a girl - Svetochka. She loved watching cartoons. At this time, Sveta forgot about everything in the world: both that she needed to do her homework, and that she needed to go to bed early so as not to doze tomorrow in class. She forgot to put away toys, brush her teeth, help her mother and much more ...

So Svetochka grew up as a naughty, sloppy and very lazy girl. And Sveta had no friends! It takes time for friends, but the girl watched TV all day.

Then one day the girl turned on the TV, and from the screen she was looking at her herself! The girl on TV repeated everything after the real Svetochka and even showed her tongue! No matter how Sveta tried to switch channels, nothing came of it.

The girl became scared, and she rather turned off the TV. And since she had nothing to do, Svetochka decided to remove the toys.

The next day the same thing happened again! She turned on the TV, and there she was again: disheveled, untidy, notebooks scattered about, homework had not been done! Svetochka turned off the TV and let's do my homework as soon as possible!

Now, after returning from school, the girl was in no hurry to turn on the TV. She will help mom and take away the toys and do the homework. And then Svetochka's friends appeared, playing with them turned out to be much more fun than sitting alone at the TV.

So the girl has changed, which is beyond recognition!

She became obedient, hardworking, and even pulled herself up in her studies. And of course Svetochka watches TV, but only rarely and a little. What if they show her there again ?!

"The old sorceress"

Once upon a time there was one kind boy. He helped the old women cross the road. Once a boy was standing at a pedestrian crossing. An old woman approached him, whom he helped to cross the road yesterday. He translated it again. The next day, Maxim, that was the name of the boy, saw the same old woman again. She told him: No. You are a very good boy, Maxim, I have been watching you for a long time. You make way for the elders on the tram, help carry heavy bags. You took me across the road for three days. For this I will fulfill your three wishes. Everything that you have in mind will come true! You just need to close your eyes and repeat your wish three times. " The old woman said so and disappeared.

Maxim was eager to check whether the old woman had told the truth or not. He walked and saw a very sad girl.

Why are you sad? - asked Maxim.

I am sad because my mother is ill.

Then Maxim closed his eyes and repeated three times: "I want this girl's mother to stop hurting." Immediately, the girl's mother walked towards the children and smiled - she was completely healthy.

The boy ran home joyful. There he was met by his beloved dog Barbos. “It would be nice to learn to understand the language of animals! I could talk to Barboska! " - thought Maxim. He closed his eyes and repeated his wish three times. And then he heard: "Wow-wow, do we have anything tasty, for example ham ???".

In the morning Maxim went to school. On the way, he met his friends Kolka and Vitka. They said they had not learned their homework and were afraid to go to school. Then Maxim closed his eyes and repeated three times: “I want all children to always do homework and studied only for grades. "

Since then, at the school where Maxim studied, all the children became excellent students. And their school became the most best school in the world!

Vanya and Deer

(Korystin Alexey grade 3)

Once upon a time there was a boy named Vanya. One day, he went for a walk in the forest. Suddenly he sees the Deer, who has fallen into the trap of the hunters. Vanya helped Olen to get out. And he said to him: “Thank you, Vanya! For your kindness, I will fulfill your three wishes! " He said so and ran away on his reindeer business.

Vanya goes on and sees a duckling who cried bitterly because he lost his mother. Vanya immediately thought that the duck mom would find her son. Lo and behold, mom duck is right there.
Vanya was delighted and went further along the forest path. An apple tree grew in the clearing, with liquid apples. And under her a hedgehog runs: he wants to taste the apple, but he just can't get it. Vanya made a plan for several apples to fall to the ground. The hedgehog was delighted, picked up the apples and ran


Vanya came home happy. It was not in vain that Vanya spent his desires - he helped the animals.

"A good deed is worth a lot"

Duck Haze.

Once upon a time there was a duck Dymka She had three ducklings. Once the duck took the ducklings to the river. Then a cat jumped out from behind the bushes and grabbed the duckling.

Children played near the river. Among them was the boy Vitya. He saw how the cat stole the duckling, chased the robber and took the baby away. Vitya brought the duckling to his mother, and the duck flapped its wings and says: “Thank you, Vitya, for saving my baby!

For this I will fulfill your three wishes. "

The boy thought and decided:

May everyone in my family be healthy!

May all people on Earth be kind!

Let me have a little sister!

Everything that Vitya has thought will come true. Because goodness will respond well!

  1. Project name:

"We compose a fairy tale"

  1. Justification of the project:

Development of creativity;

Personal moral guidelines;

Increasing motivation for learning activities

Cognitive interest in reading.

3. Relevance of the project:

Fostering interest in reading children fiction, development of speech, fantasy, creative activity; ability to understand and accept learning task, schedule the execution of this task; to find the necessary information in various sources, to comprehend the information received in the process of research and to organize their work - all these are the tasks of the modern school.

4. Purpose of the project:

Create and write down a fairy tale, make an illustration for it; create a book of fairy tales for our class.

5. Deadlines: lesson and extracurricular activities.

6. Forms of work:

Individual creative activity of students; collective discussion and correction of the received material;

Presentation of works.

7. Project result:

MBOU Preobrazhenskaya average comprehensive school №11

Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai

Project on literary reading

"We compose a fairy tale"

MBOU Preobrazhenskaya average

secondary school number 11

Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai.

Teacher: Tsyrkova Maria Alexandrovna.

n. Transfiguration

2017 year

A boat is sailing on the blue sea

The crew lives on that ship

A team of pirates, but not simple ones -

Not evil one-eyed and not lame.

The pirates on that ship are good-natured

They obey their captain,

There is no more reliable and better friend in the world -

Pirates named Jack, Willie, May.

Pirates do not rob ships

And they never take sailors prisoner,

The pirate team always helps

To all those who are in trouble at sea.

* * *

Pirates walked for many years

Through the endless sea

Explored all the islands in the ocean

That they met on their way more than once.

One early morning

Through the blue fog

Taking a familiar route

The pirates saw the island

Which was unfamiliar to them.

They decided to go to the island,

Find fresh water and fruits.

Jack, Willie and May escaped down the gangway

They walked along the coast of the island

And we entered the forest along the path.

And the island did not arise by chance,

For many heroes from fairy tales

That island became like a prison.

Here in the woods in the great dungeon

Sister Nastenka is languishing

And the prince Elisha is closed from all people,

Wise Goodwin, Vasilisa,

Kind doctor Aibolit -

Who will help, who will save

Will he return them to his fairy tales?

* * *

The pirates didn't know about it

They walked carelessly through the forest.

And among the thick foliage they saw a light.

The pirates decided: “Someone lives here!

He's probably calling us to visit him! "

We went along the path and went out to the clearing,

There is a tower on it - a wooden house.

They knocked on the first door

But, apparently, guests were not expected here:

Nobody opened, invited

And he didn't give the pirates tea.

Suddenly on the top floor

A window opens

And there is a girl in the window

"Help us, save us!

Return us to your fairy tales!

After all, there are no fairy tales without us -

Good fairy tales for children ”.

An evil sorceress came out of the tower,

Said: "I have bewitched them all!"

And then she whispered to the pirates quietly:

“I agree to return the heroes to their fairy tales,

But you need to guess riddles!

First riddle - tell me

Who is the kindest of doctors

Heals all sick animals? "

"This is Doctor Aibolit!" -

Willie speaks out loud.

“That's right,” said the evil sorceress.

Here is the second riddle:

Dear kind wizard,

He helped everyone in the Emerald Land:

Ellie and Totoshka sent home,

He gave courage to the cowardly Leo,

Helped the Lumberjack, helped the Scarecrow,

Guess who it is - he will be free. "

“This is Wise Goodwin! -

Remembered the pirate May

Let him go, sorceress, quickly! "

"You guessed. The third riddle now

About those who are very similar, pirates, to you -

They are not afraid of villains

Bravely saving friends:

Who loyally slain the evil Koshchei?

Who loved the forest monster?

Who kissed the princess and cast a spell out of sleep? "

Jack thought and said:

“There are three heroes in your riddle -

Vasilisa, Nastenka and the prince Elisha,

Let them go as soon as possible! "

The dungeon door opened

Doctor Aibolit came out,

Wise Goodwin, Elisha,

And behind them - two girls of unprecedented beauty -

All heroes are saved!

* * *

The wicked sorceress approached them

And asked for forgiveness

Then she turned to the pirates:

“Take me with you too,

I don't want to be angry anymore! "

Together they returned to the ship,

They sailed to the lost fairy tales ...

... And the island of stolen tales,

Melted away somewhere in the distance

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Project: "We compose fairy tales"

Literary reading. Grade 3. Project manager: G.V. Nesterenko

Slide 2

Brief description of the project idea: In the program primary school for literary reading, much attention is paid to the tale as literary genre... The types of a fairy tale are considered, the laws of a fairy tale are revealed, distinctive features, its structure and composition. In this project, all information about fairy tales is systematized and summarized.

Project objectives: To teach how to distinguish between a fairy tale and other types of fairy tales, especially a fairy tale. Development of the ability to analyze a work of art, compare various literary material, master the elementary methods of obtaining and processing information, work in groups.

Slide 3

All children love fairy tales, many even compose them themselves, but a fairy tale keeps secrets. Knowing them will help you compose a real fairy tale.


Slide 4

Problematic questions of the project: How do fairy tales differ from other tales? Are fairy tales similar to each other? What characters can be found in fairy tales? Is it possible to do without villains in a fairy tale? How are fairy tales arranged?

Fundamental questions of the project: Fairy tales have their own characteristics, knowing them, a child can also compose a fairy tale.

Project educational questions: What is a fairy tale? What fairy tales are there? What are the differences between a fairy tale? What do fairy tales teach?


"We compose a fairy tale"

draft prepared

grade 3 students

under the direction of

primary school teachers

Krasikova Larisa Borisovna

2015-2016 academic year

Goal:teach students how to write fairy tales;

working in a team, be able to choose the best version of the storyline of a fairy tale, assign roles, rehearse, show the play to younger friends.


    develop the ability to navigate the read works and analyze them;

    develop creativity, speech, memory, thinking.

Planned results:students will learn to compose a fairy tale based on key words and read works of art.

Work on the project will contribute to the development of the following general educational skills and abilities:

Reflexive skills: the ability to comprehend a problem for which there is not enough knowledge.

Skills and skills of working in cooperation:the ability to interact with any partner, participate in the work of a group, read fragments of text in pairs, negotiate with each other, express their position.
Presentation skills and abilities:
monologue skills, expressive speech.



PROJECT TYPE: CREATIVE, short-term, collective


FORM OF PRODUCTS OF PROJECT ACTIVITY:A performance based on a fairy tale composed by students

Project work plan

    We decide what will be our fairy tale (magic).

    We remember its signs.

    Coming up with the main characters of the tale, the plot.

    We remember with what phrase fairy tales usually begin.

    We write it down.

    Coming up with the end of the tale. Do not forget to use words and expressions that usually end with fairy tales.

    Designing costumes and decorations.

Fairy tale "The Return of Kolobok Home"

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather's name was Foma, and grandmother's name was Klava. Once the grandfather asks the grandmother:

Why would I have my grandmother lying on the stove, but there are rolls. Let me go and catch some fish.

Go, old man, go, - the grandmother answers.

The grandfather went and wandered into the forest, and Oak met him. Grandfather sees that Oak is showing him the way:

If you go to the right, you will be rich, if you go to the left, you will be dead, if you go straight, you will find Kolobok. He went straight, and he hears Baba Yaga singing:

Kolobok, kolobok, kolobok.

The grandfather was scared that Baba Yaga would bewitch him and ran home to his grandmother.

Grandma, you know who I saw, - says the grandfather, - Babu Yaga! And she has our Gingerbread Man!

Grandma did not believe grandfather, but how she screamed:

You, that old stump, Grandma Yedzhek does not exist!

There is, - the grandfather answers.

Go, prove it, bring me a Kolobok, then I will believe, - says the grandmother. There is nothing to do, the grandfather went to the forest for Kolobok. He walks through the forest, and an oak tree meets him.

Grandfather asks Oak how to find his way to Kolobok. And the oak answers:

Go right and see Kolobok. Grandfather walked - walked, but never met Kolobok.

Meanwhile, Kolobok ran away from Baba Yaga. Rolled along the path until he met a wolf. The wolf asks Kolobok:

Kolobok, kolobok, will you live with me?

Gingerbread man and agreed.

How long did the grandfather wander through the forest for a short time, but then the Wolf met him. The grandfather was very happy to meet the Wolf, because he saw Kolobok in the hands of the Wolf.

Come on, Volchok, give Kolobok back! - shouted the grandfather.

No, I won't give it up, - Volchok resisted.

Give it back, or I'll lower the skin! - the grandfather did not calm down.

The wolf was also not inclined.

Will not give it back!

Grandfather did not retreat, swung his stick at the wolf, the Wolf got scared and ran away. And grandfather took Kolobok and went home happy. At home the grandmother met my grandfather. She was very happy to find her grandfather, hugged Kolobok and kissed him for joy. So the three of us began to live: grandfather, grandmother and Kolobok.