Work program for extracurricular activities for the development of speech. The program of extracurricular activities for primary classes at the course "Speech creativity

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 12 "

with in-depth study of individual subjects

"School of speech development"

for 3 B class

Compiled by:

academic year

WORKING PROGRAM OF THE COURSE "School of Speech Development"

Explanatory note.

The third class program "School of speech development" is implemented within the framework of "Extracurricular activities" of the intellectual direction in accordance with the educational plan.

Classes on the development of speech are conducted according to workbooks for grade 3 "School of speech development" of the author. Author of a set of teaching aids for the course "Speech". The manual provides guidelines for working with workbooks for students in grades 1-4. It provides detailed instructions for conducting classes on the development of speech, students of primary school age, instilling their interest in the language. The various practical material contained in this manual also contributes to the development of curiosity, memory, thinking, imagination in children.

General characteristics of the subject.

The material for each lesson is 40 minutes long. During classes, the child develops developed forms of self-awareness, self-control and self-esteem. The absence of marks reduces the anxiety and unreasonable anxiety of students, the fear of mistaken answers disappears. As a result, children develop an attitude towards these activities as a means of developing their personality. This course consists of a system of training exercises, special tasks, didactic and developmental games. In the classroom, entertaining and understandable tasks and exercises are used, which is attractive for junior schoolchildren.

Language is a means of communication between people, a tool for the formation and expression of thoughts and feelings, a means of assimilation new information, new knowledge. But in order to effectively influence the mind and feelings, a speaker of a given language must be fluent in it, that is, possess a speech culture. Possession of a word - an instrument of communication, thinking - is the fundamental principle of a child's intellect. Thinking cannot develop without language material. The primary school period is one of the most important stages in mastering speech.

Children master their native language through speech activity, through speech perception and speaking. This is why it is so important to create conditions for speech activity children.

The weakest link in common system learning native language is work on the development of coherent speech of students.

The place of the subject in the curriculum.

The total amount of time allotted for the study of the subject in grade 3 is 34 hours. In grade 3, the lesson is held once a week. The working program of the course "School of Speech Development" is developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education. The form of classes on the development of students' speech can be a lesson within extracurricular activities.

Value guidelines for the content of the subject.

The value benchmarks underlying the construction work program: Lessons along these content lines are distributed throughout the course.

1) Enhancing the mental activity of students, preparing for the tasks of the main part.

2) The main part. Performing tasks of a problem-search and creative nature.

3) Entertaining tasks (puzzle games, task games, etc.)

4) Development of coherent speech of students on a specific topic.

The principles underlying the construction of the work program:

Personality-oriented: development, creativity, psychological comfort;

Personally-oriented: systematic, continuous, oriented knowledge function, mastering the culture of the language;

Activity-oriented: activities, semantic attitude to language, adaptability, transition from joint educational and cognitive activity to independent student activity.

The course "School of Speech Development" is aimed at achieving the following goals:

To promote a more solid and conscious assimilation of the norms of the native language, to promote the development of children's speech;

Improve their skills in linguistic analysis,

To improve the level of language development of schoolchildren,

Foster a cognitive interest in the native language,

Solve the problems of intellectual development of primary schoolchildren.

Course objectives:

Ensuring the correct assimilation by children of a sufficient lexical stock, grammatical forms, syntactic structures;

Creation of speech situations that stimulate motivation for the development of students' speech;

Formation of speech interests and needs of younger students.

The material of the training course "Speech" is presented in the program by the following content lines:

Sentence and phrase

Communication culture

Personal, metasubject and subject results of mastering the course.

· communicative:

Students will learn to:

Enter into a dialogue (answer questions, ask questions, clarify incomprehensible);

Negotiate and come to common decisionby working in pairs;

Acquaintance with the origin of some anthroponyms and toponyms.

Obsolete words. The ability to highlight them in the text, to determine the meaning, stylistic affiliation.

Sentence and phrase

Sentence. Ability to edit a simple sentence: correct the order of words and the order of parts, replace unsuccessfully used words, eliminate unnecessary and restore missing words, spread sentences.


Theme, micro theme, main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. Key words. The structure of the text. Plan, plan types.

Styles of speech: conversational and book (artistic and scientific). Ability to determine the stylistic affiliation of texts, to compose text in a given style.

Types of text. Narration, description, reasoning. Ability to compose a description of objects and phenomena, reasoning in artistic and scientific styles. Ability to compose a narrative with elements of description.

The relationship between sentences in the text. Chain and parallel communication. Communication means for the chain construction of the text. Communication means in the text with parallel construction. Temporal correlation of verbs, uniformity syntactic constructs.

Communication culture

Magic words: words of greeting, goodbye, request, gratitude, apology. Ability to discuss, use polite words in dialogue, taking into account the speech situation.


Polysemous words, homonyms, homoforms, homophones, phraseological units;

Figurative and expressive means of language: metaphors, comparisons, personification, epithets;

Speech styles: conversational and book;

be able to:

Recognize text types;

Establish a connection between sentences in the text;

Recognize speech styles;

Highlight polysemantic words, homonyms, homoforms, homophones, phraseological units in the text.

Educational - thematic plan.

Total hours

Skills developed as a result of student activities

Word (16 hours)

Multiple words.

Figurative and expressive means of language: metaphor, epithet, comparison, personification. Be able to determine the meaning and purpose, use when creating text in an artistic style.

The life of the word. Where do words come from? How do words live? The main sources of dictionary replenishment. Determine the origin of some anthroponyms and place names.

Explain obsolete words.

Homonyms, homoforms homophones.




Where the words come from.


What's your name?

Our names.

Place names.

Obsolete words.

Verification work.

Text (10 hours)

Types of texts.

Determine the types of texts. Ability to compose a description of objects and phenomena, reasoning in artistic and scientific styles. Be able to compose a narrative with descriptive elements. Distinguish means of communication in a text with a parallel structure.

Themes of the texts. Key words.

Communication of sentences in the text.

Unified time plan of the text.

Speech styles (8 hours)

Styles of speech.

Define speech styles. To give a general understanding of the culture of speech. Ability to determine the stylistic affiliation of texts, to compose text in a given style. Ability to use dictionaries.

Communication culture.

Scientific style.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Check yourself.

Calendar-thematic planning grade 3 (34 hours)

Lesson topic

Characteristic learning activities

Number of hours

Multiple words.

Acquaintance with polysemantic words.

Be able to distinguish polysemantic words; be able to find expressions with direct meanings of words.

Homonyms, homoforms homophones.

To acquaint with homonyms, homoforms, homophones.

Be able to find homonyms, homoforms and homophones; be able to compose sentences with homonyms in which the meaning of words would be revealed.


To acquaint with the concept of "phraseological units".

To be able to find phraseological units in the text; be able to explain the meaning of phraseological units; be able to appropriately use winged words in speech.


Introduce the concept of "comparison".

Be able to select and use comparisons in oral and written speech.


Introduce the concept of "personification".

Be able to use impersonation in speech and writing.

Figurative and expressive means of language. Epithets.

To acquaint with epithets, their purpose.

Be able to use epithets in oral and written speech.

Words are neutral and emotionally charged.

To acquaint with emotionally colored vocabulary.

To be able to highlight emotionally charged words from the text and use them in speech.

Where the words come from.

Introduce borrowed words.

To be able to find words with one phonetic sign of non-Russian origin, with two, with three.


Introduce the section of the language - etymology. Discussion about the origin and concept of words in the language.

Be able to use etymological dictionary; be able to explain the origin of words.

What's your name?

Introduce the origin and meaning of the names.

Be able to explain the origin of names.

What's your name?

To acquaint with the origin of patronymics.

Be able to explain the origin of patronymics.

Our names.

Introduce the origin of surnames.

Be able to make assumptions about the origin of the surname.

Place names.

Introduce toponyms.

Be able to explain place names.

Obsolete words.

Explore obsolete words.

Be able to find and explain the meaning of obsolete words.

Composition based on the painting "Heroes".

To acquaint with writing an essay - a description of the picture.

Be able to use phraseological phrases.

Verification work.

Types of texts.

We introduce you to different types of texts and their features.

Be able to distinguish between types of texts.

Themes of the texts. Key words.

To acquaint with the signs of the text, improve the skills of identifying key words.

Be able to determine the topic of the text; be able to identify key (key) words in the text; create text based on key words.

Communication of sentences in the text.

Discussion of the signs of the text.

Be able to compose a text from sentences.

Chain link sentences in the text.

Discuss ways to chain sentences in a text.

Be able to determine the ways of chain communication of sentences in the text.

Chain link of sentences in the text.

Discuss the concept of chain linking of sentences in the text.

To be able to compose a text from sentences in which sentences are connected by a chain link.

Parallel communication of sentences in the text.

Discuss the parallel relationship of sentences in the text.

To be able to compose a text with a parallel link from sentences.

Composition based on the painting "Date".

To be able to correctly identify and use the connection between sentences in the text.

Unified time plan of the text.

Explore a single time plan in texts with a chain and parallel connection of sentences.

Be able to identify the types of text; be able to find verbs in the text and determine their time.

Unified time plan of the text.

Acquaintance with the concept of temporal correlation of verbs in narrative texts.

Be able to explain phraseological units; be able to put in the text in the desired form.

Unified time plan of the text.

Discussion with the temporal correlation of verbs.

Be able to edit narrative texts.

Styles of speech.

Acquaintance with the concept of "speech style" and with the varieties of speech styles.

Be able to distinguish between spoken and bookish texts.

Styles of speech.

Explore the conversational style of speech; give the concepts of "Monologue" and "Dialogue".

Be able to find text in a conversational style.

Communication culture.

Explore the rules of speech etiquette during a dispute, discussion.

Be able to observe speech etiquette in a dispute, discussion.

Scientific style.

Discuss the signs of a scientific style.

Be able to distinguish scientific text from others.

Explore different types of dictionaries (explanatory, or explanatory dictionaries; dictionaries - reference books).

Be able to work with dictionaries.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Review basic concepts.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Review basic concepts.

Be able to apply the knowledge gained.

Check yourself.

Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

To implement the program content, it is used for students:

1. School of speech development (in 2 parts) 3rd grade 2013

To implement the program content is used for the teacher:

1. School of speech development (in 2 parts) grade 3 Toolkit 2013

2. Multimedia projector.

3. Interactive whiteboard.

4. Computer.

5. Internet resources.

Work program for extracurricular activities "School of speech development"

Explanatory note

Language is a means of communication between people, a tool for the formation and expression of thoughts and feelings, a means of assimilating new information, new knowledge. But in order to effectively influence the mind and feelings, the speaker of a given language must be fluent in it, that is, have a speech culture. Possession of a word - an instrument of communication, thinking - is the fundamental principle of a child's intellect. Thinking cannot develop without language material. The primary school period is one of the most important stages in mastering speech.

Children master their native language through speech activity, through speech perception and speaking. That is why it is so important to create conditions for the speech activity of children.

The course "School of Speech Development" is aimed at achieving the following goals:

To promote a more solid and conscious assimilation of the norms of the native language, to promote the development of children's speech;

Improve their skills in linguistic analysis,

To improve the level of language development of schoolchildren,

Foster a cognitive interest in the native language,

Solve the problems of intellectual development of primary schoolchildren.

Taskscourse :

Ensuring the correct assimilation by children of a sufficient lexical stock, grammatical forms, syntactic structures;

Creation of speech situations that stimulate motivation for the development of students' speech;

Formation of speech interests and needs of younger students.

The principles underlying the construction of the work program:

Personality-oriented: development, creativity, psychological comfort;

Personally-oriented: systematic, continuous, oriented knowledge function, mastering the culture of the language;

Activity-oriented: activities, semantic attitude to language, adaptability, the transition from joint educational and cognitive activity to the student's independent activity.

Technique and expressiveness of speech.

Oral and written speech. Expressiveness of speech. Ability to adjust the volume and pitch of the voice. Knowledge of tongue twisters. Ability to collectively mark up text for expressive reading; discuss the timbre, the pace of reading, make pauses, highlight logically stressed words and word combinations, think over the melody of reading.


Word. The word matters. Synonyms. Homonyms. Multiple words. Visual aids language: comparison, impersonation. Polite words.

Acquaintance with dictionaries: explanatory, spelling. Ability to determine the lexical meaning of a word according to the dictionary, context, based on word-formation analysis.

The ability to highlight words in a figurative meaning in the text, to compare direct and figurative meanings, to determine the basis of meaning transfer. The ability to construct a figurative expression (comparison, personification) according to the model, from the words given by the teacher, the ability to use words with a figurative meaning when composing sentences, descriptive and narrative texts.

Sentence and phrase.

Sentence. Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement and intonation. Ability to establish connections between words in a phrase and a sentence. Ability to edit a simple and complex sentence: correct word order or the order of parts, spread parts of a sentence, replace unsuccessfully used words. Ability to correctly read (pronounce) sentences of different types intonationally.


Text. Types of texts: reasoning, comparative description, narration.

Ability to edit text in terms of vocabulary and grammar. Repair deformed text.

Theme and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. Ability to define the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

Text plan. Types of plans. Ability to draw up plans of various types.

The relationship between sentences in the text. Ability to establish the type of connection between sentences in the text, to make chains of connections from key words.

The ability to write a creative presentation with linguistic analysis, an essay on a given beginning and key words, according to observations.

Composing riddles.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

By the end of the course "School of Speech Development", students must:


Polysemous words, homonyms, homoforms, homophones, phraseological units;

Figurative and expressive means of language: metaphors, comparisons, personification, epithets;

Speech styles: conversational and book;

Types of texts;

be able to:

It is appropriate to use the studied means of communication in oral statements (gestures, facial expressions, body movements, intonation);

Determine the degree of polite behavior, take into account the communication situation;

Make contact and support him, the ability to thank, greet, say goodbye, using the appropriate etiquette forms;

Be a good listener;

Determine the lexical meaning of a word;

To distinguish the text as a thematic and semantic unity from a set of sentences;

Edit sentences;

Determine what the text is about by the title, highlight key words in the text;

Compose based on a given plot, using means of expression.

Recognize text types;

Establish a connection between sentences in the text;

Recognize speech styles; - draw up plans of various types.

The study of the course forms the following universal training activities :


students will learn:

Enter into a dialogue (answer questions, ask questions, clarify incomprehensible);

Negotiate and come to a common solution, working in pairs;

Participate in a collective discussion of an educational problem;

Build productive interaction and collaboration with peers and adults;

Express your thoughts with age-appropriate completeness and accuracy;

Be tolerant of other opinions, take them into account in joint work.

Formulate your thoughts orally and in writing, taking into account speech situations;

Adequately use speech means for solving various communication problems;

Possess monologue and dialogical forms of speech.


students will learn:

Search for the necessary information to complete educational assignments using reference materials;

Simulate different language units (word, sentence);

Use logical methods of thinking at an accessible level (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization)

Separate essential information from small readable texts.

Proofread all types of textual information: factual, subtext, conceptual;

Use dictionaries, reference books;

Build reasoning.


students will have:

Orientation in the moral content and sense of the actions of both their own and those of those around them (at a level corresponding to age);

Awareness of the role of speech in human communication;

Understanding the richness and diversity of linguistic means for expressing thoughts and feelings; attention to the melody of folk sounding speech;

Sustained educational and cognitive motivation for learning, interest in studying the course of speech development;

Sense of beauty - to be able to feel the beauty and expressiveness of speech, to strive to improve speech;

Interest in language learning.


students will learn at an accessible level:

Adequately perceive the teacher's assessment;

Make the necessary additions, corrections to your work;

In cooperation with the teacher, set a specific educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned, and what is still unknown.

Draw up a plan for solving the educational problem together with the teacher;

In dialogue with the teacher, develop assessment criteria and determine the degree of success of one's own work and the work of others in accordance with these criteria.

Calendar - lesson planning

Characteristics of student activities

Word. Meaning of the word.

Composing a sentence from words;

Where the words come from.

participation in the dialogue in accordance with the rules of speech behavior.

Multiple words.

Distinguish between polysemantic words with direct and figurative meaning.

Working with various dictionaries.

Find homonyms in the text,

learn the exact meaning of a word, avoiding speech errors

Homophones. Omoforms.

Distinguish between homophones and homoforms


select synonyms, monitor the expressiveness of speech.


find antonyms in proverbs.


find phraseological units in the text;

explain the meaning of phraseological units;

it is appropriate to use winged words in speech.


Explain and apply proverbs in your speech.

Recognize a subject by its short description; compose your own riddles.

Visual means of language. Comparison.

Make phrases with words - comparisons, making your speech expressive and beautiful.

Visual means of language. Impersonation.

Make phrases with words - personifications, making your speech expressive and beautiful

Text. The subject of the text. Title.

Name the signs of the text;

captioning the text correctly.

Support words

Highlight key words in the text for retelling the text

"By seeds and shoots" (verification work)

Apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities.

Text plan

Divide the text into parts, highlight the most important in each part.

Plan types

Picture plan, quotation plan.

Making a difference picture plan, quotation plan.

The relationship between sentences in the text.

Chain link of sentences in the text.

Find the beginning of a story in a deformed text and be able to continue composing a story.

Relationship between parts of text

Find parts in the text and how they relate to each other

Working with deformed text

Establish a connection between events and connect events with a line, record a story.

Editing text

Select words-signs for words, add words to the text, invent your own figurative expressions.

Types of text

Text - Description

Choose phrases for description from the text, compose a description of an object, creature on questions.

Text - comparative description

Compare not only the same objects, but also different ones, comparing only the same signs.

Types of text. Narration

Compose a text based on key words and according to plan.

Types of text. Reasoning

Text is reasoning.

Distinguish text-reasoning from other types of text on questions: Why? Why? From what?

Essay on the topic: "My day off"

Answer the questions posed, write down the plan, work with key words, write down the text.

Editing text

Find and correct speech and spelling mistakes in the text.

We repeat.

To navigate in the studied concepts, distinguish them and correctly name the signs of concepts.

At the school of speech development.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic secondary school number 10"


School methodological association


______ / E.I. Smirnova /

Minutes No. _____ dated "____" _____ 2015


Deputy BP director

____ / I.A. Marchenko

"____" ______ 2015


Director of MBOU "School No. 10"

_______ / O.V. Popova

Order No. ___

from "____" _____ 2015

By the school's pedagogical council

Protocol No. ____

from "___" ____ 2015

Extracurricular activities course program

in the general intellectual direction

"School of speech development"

for the 2015-2016 academic year

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LEO


primary school teacher,


    Explanatory note

This work program for extracurricular activities has a subject orientation and is compiled in accordance with the program of the course "Speech", compiled by the teachers of the Penza State University named after V. G. Belinsky L. D. Mali, O.S. Aryamova, S. A. Klimova, N.S. Sandy and recommended by the Department for the Development of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation.

Language is a means of communication between people, a tool for the formation and expression of thoughts and feelings, a means of assimilating new information, new knowledge. But in order to effectively influence the mind and feelings, the speaker of a given language must be fluent in it, that is, have a speech culture. Possession of a word - an instrument of communication, thinking - is the fundamental principle of a child's intellect. Thinking cannot develop without language material. The primary school period is one of the most important stages in mastering speech.

Children master their native language through speech activity, through speech perception and speaking. That is why it is so important to create conditions for the speech activity of children.

The weakest link in the general system of teaching the native language is the work on the development of coherent speech of students.

The main goals and objectives of the program:

To promote a more solid and conscious assimilation of the norms of the native language, to promote the development of children's speech;

Improve their skills in linguistic analysis,

To improve the level of language development of schoolchildren,

Foster a cognitive interest in the native language,

Solve the problems of intellectual development of primary schoolchildren.

Ensuring the correct assimilation by children of a sufficient lexical stock, grammatical forms, syntactic structures;

Creation of speech situations that stimulate motivation for the development of students' speech;

Formation of speech interests and needs of younger students.

The lessons are structured as follows:

    Activation of the mental activity of students, preparation for the tasks of the main part.

    Main part. Performing tasks of a problem-search and creative nature.

    Entertaining tasks (puzzle games, task games, etc.)

    Development of coherent speech of students on a specific topic.

The relevance is due to the updating of the content of education, the formulation of the tasks of forming in schoolchildren the skills of independent acquisition of knowledge, cognitive interests, and an active life position.

Practice has shown that most children come to school with unstable attention, with a weak memory, and inability to work independently.

This course provides for a specially constructed system of tasks that will help students overcome the instability of attention, the involuntary process of visual and auditory memorization and lead to the development of mental activity and work independently.

The novelty of this work program is determined by federal state standard initial general education2010 year. Distinctive features are:

1. Determination of the types of organization of students' activities aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course.

2. The implementation of the program is based on values \u200b\u200band educational results.

3. The value orientations of the organization of activities imply a level assessment in achieving the planned results.

The principles underlying the construction of the work program:

    personality-oriented: development, creativity, psychological comfort;

    personality-oriented: systematic, continuous, oriented function of knowledge, mastering the culture of the language;

    activity-oriented: activities, semantic attitude to language, adaptability, the transition from joint educational and cognitive activity to the student's independent activity.

The form of classes on the development of students' speech can be an extracurricular elective lesson.

The program is designed for 1 year of study -33 hours per year (once a week for 20-25 minutes);

The schedule of classes is drawn up in accordance with the "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Institutions additional education SanPin ".

During classes, the child develops developed forms of self-awareness, self-control and self-esteem. The absence of marks reduces the anxiety and unreasonable anxiety of students, the fear of mistaken answers disappears. As a result, children develop an attitude towards these activities as a means of developing their personality. This course consists of a system of training exercises, special tasks, didactic and developmental games. In the classroom, entertaining and understandable tasks and exercises, questions, riddles, games, rebuses, crosswords, etc. are used, which is attractive for younger students.

    Description of valuesprograms

One of the results of teaching the Russian language is the comprehension and interiorization (appropriation) of the value system by students.

The value of good is the awareness of oneself as a part of the world in which people are connected by countless connections, including through language; awareness of the postulates of a moral life (be merciful, act as you would like to be treated with you).

The value of communication - understanding the importance of communication as a significant component of the life of society, as one of the fundamental elements of culture.

The value of freedom, honor and dignity as a basis modern principles and the rules of interpersonal relationships.

The value of nature is based on the universal human value of life, on the awareness of oneself as a part of the natural world. Love for nature is both a respectful attitude towards it as a human habitat, and an experience of a feeling of its beauty, harmony, and perfection. Fostering love and respect for nature through the texts of fiction and popular science works of literature.

The value of beauty and harmony is the basis of aesthetic education through the introduction of a child to literature as an art form. This is the value of striving for harmony, for the ideal; awareness of the beauty and harmony of the Russian language, its expressive capabilities.

The value of truth - awareness of the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of mankind, insight into the essence of phenomena, understanding of the laws underlying social phenomena; prioritizing knowledge, establishing truth, knowledge itself as a value.

Family value. The family is the first and most important social and educational environment for development. The content of literary education contributes to the formation of emotional positive attitude to family, loved ones, feelings of love, gratitude, mutual responsibility. Understanding the importance of family in human life; awareness of their roots; the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the family, loved ones, mutual responsibility, respect for elders, their moral ideals.

The value of labor and creativity - Labor is a natural condition of human life, a state of normal human existence. A special role in the development of a child's hard work is played by his educational activity. In the process of organizing it by means of the academic subject, the child develops organization, purposefulness, responsibility, independence, forms a value attitude towards work in general and towards literary work in particular. Awareness of the role of labor in a person's life, the development of organization, purposefulness, responsibility, independence, value attitude towards work in general and towards literary work, creativity.

The value of citizenship and patriotism is the awareness of oneself as a member of society, people, representative of a country, state; a sense of responsibility for the present and future of your language; interest in their country: its history, language, culture, its life and its people.

The value of humanity is the awareness of oneself not only as a citizen of Russia, but also as a part of the world community, for the existence and progress of which peace, cooperation, tolerance, and respect for the diversity of other cultures and languages \u200b\u200bare necessary.

    Planned results of studying the course: personal, metasubject, subject

The personal results of studying the course "School of speech development" are the following skills:

Orientation in the moral content and sense of the actions of both one's own and those of those around them (at a level corresponding to age);

The meta-subject results of studying the course "School of speech development" is the formation of universal educational actions (ULE).

The study of the course forms the following universal educational activities:


Students will learn to:

Enter into a dialogue (answer questions, ask questions, clarify incomprehensible);

Negotiate and come to a common solution, working in pairs;

Participate in a collective discussion of an educational problem;

Build productive interaction and collaboration with peers and adults;

Express your thoughts with age-appropriate completeness and accuracy;

Be tolerant of other opinions, take them into account in joint work.

Formulate your thoughts orally and in writing, taking into account speech situations;

Adequately use speech means for solving various communication problems;

Possess monologue and dialogical forms of speech.


Students will learn to:

Search for the necessary information to complete educational assignments using reference materials;

Simulate different language units (word, sentence);

Use logical methods of thinking at an accessible level (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization)

Extract essential information from small readable texts.

Proofread all types of textual information: factual, subtext, conceptual;

Use dictionaries, reference books;

Build reasoning.


Students will be formed:

Orientation in the moral content and sense of the actions of both their own and those of those around them (at a level corresponding to age);

Awareness of the role of speech in human communication;

Understanding the richness and diversity of linguistic means for expressing thoughts and feelings; attention to the melody of folk sounding speech;

Sustained educational and cognitive motivation for learning, interest in studying the course of speech development.

Sense of beauty - to be able to feel the beauty and expressiveness of speech, to strive to improve speech;

Interest in language learning.


Students will learn at an accessible level:

Adequately perceive the teacher's assessment;

Make the necessary additions, corrections to your work;

In cooperation with the teacher, set a specific educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned, and what is still unknown.

Draw up a plan for solving the educational problem together with the teacher;

In dialogue with the teacher, develop assessment criteria and determine the degree of success of one's own work and the work of others in accordance with these criteria.

    Expected results and how to test them

By the end of grade 1, students will be able to master the following skills and abilities:

It is appropriate to use the studied means of non-verbal communication in oral statements (gestures, facial expressions, body movements, intonation);

Determine the degree of polite behavior, evaluate it from the position of "polite - impolite-rude", taking into account the communication situation;

Assess the appropriateness of using the chosen method of expressing greetings, farewells, gratitude in terms of the communication situation;

Make contact and support it, the ability to thank using the appropriate etiquette forms;

Analyze how people listen, to what extent they seek to understand the speaker;

Be a good listener;

Analyze and evaluate spoken (oral) speech from the point of view of its properties such as voice color, loudness, tempo, their correspondence to the communication situation;

Analyze the speaker's speech using learned rules;

Appropriate, skillful use of the sound of your voice, volume, rate of speech in oral statements;

To distinguish the text as a thematic and semantic unity from a set of sentences;

Determine what the text is about by the title, highlight key words in the text;

Choose a title from these options and match your title to the text;

Conduct an etiquette dialogue;

Compose fabulous stories based on this plot, using means of expression.

V.Content of the program

Input diagnostics.

Sentence and phrase.

During the whole course

Communication culture.

Calendar-thematic planning

Names of sections and topics

Total hours

the date of the

Input diagnostics

Learning vocabulary of schoolchildren.

Studying the level of development of coherent speech.

Learning the knowledge of letters and the ability to distinguish between sounds and letters.

Studying the vocabulary of schoolchildren, the level of development of coherent speech, the ability to read and distinguish sounds.

Studying the vocabulary of schoolchildren, the level of development of coherent speech, the ability to read and distinguish sounds


Oral speech.

Written speech.

Hush, louder ...


Words words words…

Letters and sounds.

Mischievous letters.

Words play hide and seek.

The word and its meaning.

Direct meaning of the word.

Figurative meaning of the word

Multiple words.



Thematic groups words.

Mischievous letters.

Our colored world.

Multiple words.


Direct and figurative meaning of the word.

Multiple words.

Obsolete words.

What is it like.

Verification work.

Communication culture

A culture of speech.

Polite words.


Learning to reason.

Good form rules.

Polite words.

Learning to reason.

Learning to reason.


The difference between text and a set of sentences.

Title of the text.

Repetition of the past.

Parts of the text.

Key words.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

The beginning of the text.

The main body of the text.

The ending of the text.

Title of the text.

We are building the text.

We are building the text.

Illustrating the text.

Text plan.

Text plan.

Verification work

Analysis of verification work.

Final lesson.

    Resource support for program implementation

For teacher

Arsiriy A.T., Dmitrieva T.M. Materials on the entertaining grammar of the Russian language. - M .: Uchpedgiz, 1963

E.A. Vartanyan From the life of words. - M .: Children's literature, 1960

Vartanyan E.A. The birth of the word. - M .: Children's literature, 1970

Vartanyan E.A. Journey to the Word. - M .: Children's literature, 1976

Vetvitsky V.G. Entertaining linguistics. - L .: Education, 1968.

Golub I.B. A journey to the land of words. - M .: Vlados, 1998.

Grigorian L.T. My tongue is my friend. - M .: Education, 1966

Gryzlova M.L. Extracurricular work in the Russian language. M: - Uchpedgiz, 1977

Evlampieva E.A. Russian phraseology. Questions and Tasks.- Cheboksary: \u200b\u200b1977.

Ivanova V.A., Potiha Z.A., Rosenthal D.E. Interestingly about the Russian language. - L .: Education, 1990.

Kondrashov V.N. Grammar games and riddles. - Kostroma: 1961

Korchits M.A. Grammar games. - Lipetsk: 1961

Kalandarova N.N. Lessons of speech creativity: 1st grade. - M .: VAKO, 2008.

School of speech development: Course "Speech": Methodological guide. Grade 1 / T.N. Sokolova. - M .: Rostkniga, 2007.

Explanatory note

“The sources of children's abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, there are the finest rivulets that feed the source of creative thought "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

    in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, special attention is paid to the organization of extracurricular activities in various areas.Extracurricular activities program"We train fingers - we develop speech" It hasgeneral intellectual orientation and is intended for learners with speech impairments. The program is based on Sample programs for extracurricular activities of the Federal State educational standard primary general education andThe concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, and based on the recommendations of L.N. Efimenkova. "Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students."

The intellectual upbringing of a child is inextricably linked with his correctly delivered speech. The formation of a full-fledged educational activity is possible only with sufficient high level development of speech, which presupposes a certain degree of formation of linguistic means, as well as skills and abilities to freely and adequately use these means for communication. Deviations in the development of speech complicate communication, hinder the correct formation of cognitive processes, make it difficult to master reading, writing and, as a result, other school skills and knowledge.The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. Fine motor skills of the hands also interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention and thinking. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the entire future life of a child requires the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a variety of everyday and educational activities. If the child performs the exercises, accompanying them with short poetic lines, that is, his speech will become clearer, more rhythmic, vivid, and control over the movements performed will increase. Extracurricular activities "We train fingers - we develop speech"is aimed at developing and strengthening fine motor skills of the hands. Classes include a variety of games and speech therapy exercisesconducted on the material of various lexical topics.

Relevance of the present program is that pvarious hand actions, finger games stimulate the process of speech and mental development the child, since the development of the hand is in close connection with the development of the child's speech and thinking.

The program is designed for 33 hours, 1 hour per week, for grade 1 students. The number of students in a group is 3-5 people, the duration of the lesson is 30 minutes.

The program is based on the basic principles: complexity, consistency and systematicity, accessibility, individual approach, ontogenetic principle of development of the speech system.

purpose programs: development and strengthening of fine motor skills of the hands of younger students in games, exercises and different types productive activity;improvement and correction of the sound side of speech, the formation of the grammatical structure of speechpupils, increasing their vocabulary through gaming technologies related to fine motor skills.

The maintasks :

Develop speech activity, phrasal and coherent speech, enrich vocabulary, the grammatical structure of speech.

To develop and clarify the basic movements of the organs of speech (tongue, jaw, lips) through articulatory speech gymnastics.

Develop in children phonemic(sound) hearing, ability to control your vocal apparatus(change volume, pitch of voice, rate of speech, speech breathing).

Develop fine finger motor skills, through finger gymnastics, self-massage of hands with non-traditional objects, etc.

The novelty of the program : the organization of the learning process is subject to the principle of sequential solution of particular problems using a variety of methodological techniques, which providesprogress in the development of speech in children for active communicative communication withothers.

Estimated performance of the course:

Subject (first level of results) - acquisition by a student social knowledge. Through the systematic accumulation of observations on the semantic, soundwith the basic, morphological, syntactic aspects of speech, children develop a sense of language and master the speech means necessary for the process of effective communication.To achieve this level of results, the interaction of students with the teacher is of particular importance as carriers of positive everyday experience that are significant for him.

Metasubject (second level of results) - getting a student of experience of experience and a positive attitude to the basic values \u200b\u200bof society. To achieve this level of results, of particular importance is the equal interaction of a student with other students at the level of the classroom, school, that is, in a protected, friendly environment. It is in such a close social environment that the child receives (or does not receive) the first practical confirmation of the acquired social knowledge, begins to value them (or rejects).

Personal (third level of results) - the student gaining experience of independent social action,transition to independent development andenrichment of speech in the process of free communication.

Planned results: children's readiness for self-development; internal position of a student based on a positive speech development; skills of introspection, independence and accuracy.

Personal results :

The student will have:

educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new particular problem;

the ability to adequately assess the results of one's work based on the criterion of the success of educational activities;

understanding the reasons for success in educational activities;

the ability to determine the boundaries of their ignorance, to overcome difficulties with the help of classmates, a teacher;

The student will have the opportunity to form:

pronounced stable educational and cognitive motivation for learning;

sustainable educational and cognitive interest in new general ways solving problems;

adequate understanding of the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities;

conscious understanding of the feelings of others and empathy with them.

Metasubject results


The student will learn:

plan the sequence of steps of the algorithm to achieve the goal;

understand the meaning of the teacher's instructions;

exercise mutual control;

to pronounce aloud the sequence of actions performed, which form the basis of the mastered activity;

evaluate, together with the teacher or classmates, the result of their actions, make appropriate adjustments.

carry out final and step-by-step control of the result-tattoo;

look for errors in the action plan and make changes to it.

Cognitive universal learning activities:

The student will learn:

establish causal relationships;

choose the grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects;

search, analyze information;

plan your action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;

under the guidance of a teacher to search for the necessary information in teaching aids;

understand signs, symbols, models, schemes given in tutorials;

understand the question asked, build an answer in accordance with it;

generalize: select a class of objects according to a given attribute;

carry out the analysis of objects with the selection of essential and insignificant features;

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

to obtain the necessary knowledge and with their help to do specific work;

search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;

in cooperation with the teacher and classmates, find several options for solving problems;

under the guidance of a teacher to be guided by the possible variety of solutions learning task;

under the guidance of a teacher and in cooperation with classmates to generalize: to select a class of objects both according to a given criterion and independently;

build logical chains of reasoning.

Communicative universal learning activities:

The student will learn:

negotiate with partners, including in situations of conflict of interests;

control the actions of partners in joint activities;

perceive a different opinion and position;

formulate own opinion and position;

ask questions that are adequate to this situation, allowing you to evaluate it in the process of communication;

show initiative in teamwork.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

monitor the actions of other participants in joint activities;

take a different opinion and position;

build statements that are understandable for the partner;

take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation.

Subject results:

know the main articulation exercises;

choose adequate language means for the successful solution of a communicative task;

do audio parsing of a word;

analyze the meaning and structure of a word and, based on the analysis, make a conclusion about whether the words are related;

observe words that are similar in sound, analyze the results of their use in humorous texts;

comply with the norms of Russian literary language in your own speech and assess compliance with these norms in the speech of the interlocutor;

accurately navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.

Content of the course of extracurricular activities

This program uses teaching aids:Krupenchuk OI We train fingers - we develop speech., Krupenchuk OI, Vorobieva T.A. Correcting pronunciation: A comprehensive technique for correcting articulation disorders.,Speech therapy exercises:Articulatory gymnastics., Brozauskas L. G. Develop fingers: Book-game for the development of fine motor skills.


Forms of organization and types of activities

The proposed system of extracurricular activities includes the following exercises:

"Respiratory gymnastics", "Kinesiological exercises", "Isotonic exercises".

"Continue the row"Is a task for training a sense of rhythm (notnecessary to develop beautiful handwriting).

"Sketch in the cells"Is a task for training visualattention, the ability to correctly position lines in space.

"Draw the half"(or draw a completely mirror image of an object) - this task teaches you to distinguishto the leftandright;buildsymmetrical pattern.

"Color only ..."- coloring pagesare no longer so relevant, so for coloring we give drawings superimposed on each other, with the task of coloring one thing.

"Make a word from the first (or last)sounds of words "and"Make a word from the first (second or last) syllables of the words."

"Name the fourth word."

"Name all sounds in a word in order."

Do "Audible Word Parsing".

Under-take "One-root words".

To develop hand motility in the classroom, the following techniques are used: self-massage of the hands; finger gymnastics and finger games; performing movements with small objects (mosaic, constructor, cereals, small toys, counting sticks, buttons, beads); drawing (with fingers, shading, painting, mazes).

Form of classes - group.Types of activities : practical, playful, visual (work on the model).

Conversations are aimed at creating conditions: to develop the ability to listen, hear, see and notice, observe and perceive.

Discussion helps to develop the ability to speak and prove, to think logically.

Organization of game situations helps: gain experience of interaction, make decisions, take responsibility.

Thematic planning


Lesson topic

Number of hours

form of control

Let's get acquainted. Exercise "Our hands". Game "Fairy tale pointer".


Mushrooms. Breathing exercises.


Vegetables. Breathing exercises.


Fruit. Self-massage of fingers.


Berries and preparations. Self-massage of the fingertips.


Autumn. Trees. Self-massage "Clicks".


Wild animals. Exercise "Fingers nod."


Wild animals are preparing for winter. Exercise "Rings".


Migratory birds. Self-massage with clothespins.


Wintering birds. Exercise "Dough".


Pets. Exercise "Beaks".


Poultry. Ball games.


Winter. Winter clothes. Ball games.


Winter fun. New Year... Ball games.


Body parts. Ball games.


Transport. Exercise "Magician".


Tools. Exercise "Hedgehog ball".


Professions. Construction. Kinesiological exercises.


Defenders of the Fatherland. Kinesiological exercises.


Seasons. Kinesiological exercises.


Mother's day. A family. Kinesiological exercises.


Electrical appliances. Studio. Games with vowel sounds.


Spring in nature. Games with vowel sounds.


Labor of people in the spring. Games with vowel sounds.


Space. Isotonic exercises.


Insects and spiders. Isotonic exercises.


Dishes. Products. Isotonic exercises


Animals of hot countries. Game "Funny figures".


Town. Game "Funny figures".


Games with the Merry Lesovich.


Games with the Merry Lesovich.


Let's summarize.

The final


L. Abramova “Bushes are lambs. Finger games ". - M .: Karapuz, 2003.

Agayan G. G. “Visiting the Sun. Finger games ". - M .: Karapuz, 2004.

Agayan G. G. “We stomped, we stomped ... Finger games”. - M .: Karapuz, 2004.

Bardysheva T.Yu. “Gore, gore! Finger games ". - M .: Karapuz. 1999.

Brozauskas L. G. Develop fingers: Book-game for the development of fine motor skills. - SPb .: Publishing House "Litera", 2008.

Kislinskaya T. "Genius at the fingertips." - M .: "Genesis", 2008.

Krupenchuk O. I., Vorobieva T. A. Correcting pronunciation: A comprehensive technique for correcting articulation disorders. - SPb .: Publishing House "Litera", 2009.

Krupenchuk O. I., Vorobieva T. A.Speech therapy exercises:Articulatory gymnastics. -SPb .: Publishing House "Litera", 2009.

Krupenchuk OI We train fingers - we develop speech. - SPb .: Publishing House "Litera", 2009.

Razenkova Yu. A., Odinokova G. Yu. “Hey, palm! Finger games ”. - M .: Karapuz, 2004.

"Educational games with kids up to three years old": A popular guide for parents and teachers / Comp. Galanova T.V. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002.

Yanushko E. A. " Speech therapy classes with non-speaking children 2-3 years old. Development of understanding of speech // education and training of children with developmental disabilities. " - 2004. - No. 6. - p.22 - 28.