Speech therapy exercises for the sound of t. We are engaged in speech therapy exercises for the sound of t


1. Repeat syllables.

Yes-yes-yes yes-yes-yes yes-yes-yes

Do-do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do

2. Repeat the words.
The sound at the beginning of the word: Dam, give, lady, date, Danya, dacha, Dasha, distance, gift, free; smoke, melon, smoke, haze, breath, breathe, hole, hole; don, house, house, dock, milking, daughter, dominoes, wash, get finished, finish off, top up, rain, road, good, doctor; oak, Dunya, thought, blow, arc, perfume, oak, think, shower, soul, stuffy, blew, muzzle, hollow, pipe.

3. Repeat the sentences.
Dasha is at home. Danya at the dacha. The house has a shower. The lady is walking along the road. She has a melon. Dunya thinks: "I will not fall." Dasha has a hole in her dress. The road is visible in the distance. Woodpecker in the hollow. Danya received a medal. The janitor sweeps the yard. The wind is blowing in the yard. Dunya plays the pipe. There are many berries near the pond. Danya and Dasha are picking berries. Dani has a dacha. The cottage is far away. Our house is on the Don. Don is a river. Ships are going along the Don. In the garden there is an oak tree. The sorcerer built a palace. My daughter has a pencil. Danya and Dasha are friends. They don't have twos. You need to breathe fresh air in the forest. Lyuda, it's time to go home.

4. Repeat clean talk.

Yes - yes - yes - the water is running. Doo - doo - doo - I'll find you. Before - before - before - a beep sounds. Dy - dy - dy - the gardens are blooming.

5. Repeat proverbs and sayings.
One for all and all for one.
The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem.
You cannot easily get a fish out of the pond.
I walked in the forest, but I didn't see any firewood.
They give nothing for nothing.
The quarrel will not lead to good.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.
Daria gives Dana melons.
Don, don, don - the cat's house caught fire.
Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo - I'll find you anyway.

Sound in the middle of a word: Food, water, trouble, weather, throw, Luda, medal, pedal, prowess, deck, dishes, freedom, settlement, Wednesday, ore, blow, pencil, fence, joy, stage, obstacle, reward, fashion , berries, waterfalls, gardens, plants, footprints, fruits, ponds; milk yield, whistle, walker, young; go, find, fall, air, blew, sorcerer, put, rainbow.

A confluence of consonants in syllables and words:

Two, two, bottom; food, dlo, dro, dro, dru.

Two, twenty, twice; two, deuce, yard, janitor, mongrel, yard, palace; bottom, trendy, tray, vessel, okay; gave up, squeeze, give up; mean, mean, broken; drama, fight, dragon, drape, skittish, tease; shot, crush, blackbirds, tremble; friend, other, friends, squad, friendship.

Rainbow arc, rainbow arc - don't let it rain!

7. Repeat the riddles.
He makes noise in the field and in the forest,
But it doesn't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
While he walks.(Rain)

White pillar stands on the roof
And it grows higher and higher.
Now he has grown up to heaven -
And disappeared. (Smoke)

New dishes, and all in holes.(Sieve)

In the yard it is a mountain, and in a hut with water.(Snow)

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem.(Sea)

8. Learn a poem.

Animal trainers!
Give sugar quickly!
For a long time the animals taught you
To give them the award.(V. Berestov)

9. Game "Tell me a word".

An adult invites the child to listen to poems and suggest the right word at the end of each of them.

Our boy walks with difficulty,
For the first time bypasses ... (house).

Rain! Rain! We need
Disperse to ... (houses).

I will sew new legs for him
He will again run along ... (track).

10. The game "Name affectionately".

The adult asks the child to name the following items affectionately: House - (house) pipe - (pipe)
Oak - (oak) hole - (hole)
Road - (path) smoke - (smoke)

11. The game "Be attentive."

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound D that occur in him.

Here is Aunt Luda's house. The house has a garden. Aunt Luda is a gardener. Apple, plum and raspberry trees grow in the garden. Aunt Luda loves to look after her garden. In the fall, she collects many fruits. Aunt Luda distributes apples, plums, raspberries to her friends.

In this exercise, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper teeth and the mouth is open.
We pronounce the sound "T - T - T" loudly and distinctly.

2) Onomatopoeia

Knock - knock (hammer), tick - tock (clock).

3) The game "Guess what is this?"

Pronounce the onomatopoeia “knock-knock” or “tick-tock” and suggest child guess what it is: a hammer or a watch.

4) Fingers greet

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, in turn touches thumb with the same hand, we pronounce the syllables "ta", "that", "tu", "you" at each contact.

5) Game

First, you stomp loudly with the baby and pronounce these words in a low voice:

Now stomp softly and speak in a high voice:

6) Pure clause

7) Poem

Learn a poem by V. Zhukovsky with your child:

8) Patter

Repeat the tongue twister with the child:

Exercises in pronouncing the sound "D"

1) Articulation gymnastics

We achieve a clear and sonorous sound "d-d-d".
Imagine with your child that you are hammering a nail into a wall.
Let the child bang his fist against another fist and make the sound "D".
The tongue is pressed against the upper teeth, the mouth is open.
We pronounce the sound "d - d - d" loudly and distinctly.

2) Onomatopoeia

Du - du (pipe), tu - tu (train).

3) The game "Guess what is this?"

Pronounce the onomatopoeia "doo - doo" or "tu - tu" and have the child guess what it is: a pipe or a train.

4) Fingers greet

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index finger, in turn touches the thumb of the same hand, pronounce the syllables "yes", "do", "du", "dy" at each contact.
An adult can help a toddler if he is unable to connect his fingers correctly.

5) Thorough deals

6) memorize the word

Read 2 different phrases to your child:

Now ask to insert the missing words:

7) Poem

The bells are hanging
They swing, ring.
You repeat their ringing:
Ding ding dang dang don dong

8) Patter

Elena Nikandrova
Automation of sounds [t] - [d] in pure clauses

IN last years more and more often there are children with a violation of the pronunciation of occlusive front-lingual sounds T, D. Feeling shortage speech material for automation of these sounds, I found several phrases on the Internet and added many of my own. I present them to your judgment. Sincerely, Elena.

From-from-from - the plane flies in the sky.

From-from-from - a gray cat walks.

At-at-at - I have a brother.

Yut-yut -yut - I love comfort.

From-from-from - a mole digs the ground.

Ta-ta-ta - a fluffy tail of a cat.

Ta-ta-ta - we will catch the cat.

Tu-tu-tu - we will give milk to the cat.

That's it - let's buy a new coat.

That's it - I'm going in a coat.

Ta-ta-ta - I carry a cat in the basket.

Tu-tu-tu - help the cat.

You-you-you - Sveta has new bows.

You-you-you - I love flowers.

Ta-ta-ta - darkness fell.

You-you-you are not afraid of the dark.

Tu-tu-tu - I'll braid my braids.

It-it-it - Vanya is fast asleep.

Ta-and-ta - we have a new stove.

It-it-it - the water in the kettle is boiling.

It-it-it - Zoe's tooth does not hurt.

Yes, yes, yes - the wires are buzzing.

Yes, yes, warm water.

Doo-doo-doo - I'm not going to sleep.

Yes, yes, yes - don't go there.

Doo-doo-doo - I'll go there anyway.

Doo-doo-doo - I will not be lost anywhere.

Doo-doo-doo - I will not fall into a puddle.

Doo-doo-doo - I won't get into trouble.

Yes, yes, yes - I have water.

Yes, yes, yes - I will build cities.

Dy-dy -dy traces in the snow.

Doo-doo-doo - I'll go for water.

Yes, yes, yes - ducks by the pond.

Doo-doo-doo - I'm fishing in the pond.

Doo-doo-doo - I'm playing in the garden.

Doo-doo-doo - I'll go for the berries.

Do-do-do - a nest in the tree.

Ada-ada-ada is my reward.

Oda-oda-ode - beautiful nature.

Oda-oda-ode - construction site at the plant.

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Sound [b]
ba - bo - boo - would
bo - boo - would - ba
boo - ba - bo
would - ba - bo - boo
Lesson 2.
luggage, base, tank, ballet, beam, bank, bow, banana, bath, fable, tower, ball, button accordion, tank, tanks, buoy, bar, ram, steering wheel, balalaika, rosemary, badger, bagels, balcony, loaf, head, bazaar, tub, eggplant, balyk, balsam, pool, shoe, boar, farmstead, wedding, plane, hut, dam, lip, washer, pipe, zucchini, tobacco, dam, rumba, flower bed, carving, shooting, lump, Lyuba, fur coat, toad, lampshade, dog, fish, shirt, pussy willow, fisherman, fun;
Lesson 3.
fight, side, boxing, boxer, sick, barefoot, barefoot, bor, fight, beard, board, Boris, boletus, bot, bots, glass, big, pain, fighter, fighter, fighters, barrel, barrel, bolt, hurt, borsch, board, bogatyr, boots, swamp, tops, chatterbox, Saturday, any, sky, thank you, sambo, football, tangle, robot, surf, fungus, choice, album, care, cleaning, freedom, trunk, sable, fence, recruitment, work;
Lesson 4.
mound, alarm clock, booth, beech, letter, bouquet, buffet, bud, pin, loaf, roll, bottle, bottle, elderberry, blizzard, drill, stormy, burka, beads, storm, riot, primer, bay, weekdays, buffalo, paper, broth, bulldog, insect, blizzard, gurgle, shoes, forget-me-nots, alphabet, bus, watermelon;
bull, epic, true story, blade of grass, everyday life, goby, bulls, quickly, was, forgot, teeth, crabs, oaks, fish, fur coats, pipes, willows, lips, pillars, mushrooms.
Session 5
blessing, block, blockade, notebook, blond, blouse, flowerbed, pancakes, dish, finch, chill, carving, saucer, glutton, cloud, apples, apple tree, ruble, pipe, marriage, abuse, bronze, eyebrows, armor, throw, brooch, feta cheese, bar, bar, uneven bars, splashes, breakage, rake, ribs, razor, chaise, blur, blur, nonsense, curbstone, roach, factory, zebra, trousers, bison, lingonberry, pancake, apricot, saber, pancake, strawberry, heel.
Sound [b "]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
by - by - by - by - by
by - by - by - by - by - by
by - by - by - by - by
bi - ba - ba - ba - bu
by - by - by - by - by
calico, byaka, guys, foals, love;
comb, hut, child, foal;
can, tusk, ticket, binoculars, bandage, beat, beat, encore, scourge, tag, turquoise, battle, bison, beads, Bishka, little balls, biscuit, biathlon, curlers, cube, be rude, tube, pigeons, rowan, cabin, cabinet, downtrodden, bully, love, favorite, collect, chop, Siberia, offense;
running, running, trouble, poor man, poor, poverty, whitewash, white, squirrel, beluga, linen, white hare, gasoline, shore, conversation, gazebo, runner, hip, birch, hippo, concrete, hare, fugitive, whiteness, beret, den, golden eagle, sneak, twitter, comb, scallop, victory, swans, lunch, dine, race, monkey, sparrow, twitter, report card, furniture, quinoa;
budget, bureau, bust.
Lesson 4. Pronounce words clearly with two sounds.
Grandma, beans, bamboo, bomb, fight, bagel, tambourines, tambourine, bell, library, bible, beavers, beaver, drum, drummer, Bobik, Barbos, butterfly, balabolka, dunce, baobab, barberry, Barbie, bob, baba, baboon.
Ba-ba-ba - there's a big fish here.
Ba-ba-ba - Lyuba came to us.
Ba-ba-ba - a ringing trumpet.
Ba-ba-ba - a pipe sticks out of the window.
Ba-ba-ba - mom, mom! There is the pipe!
Ba-ba-ba - here is the hut.
Bo-bo-bo - I put on my clogs.
Bo-bo-bo - I lay down my side.
Boo-boo-boo - buy me a pipe.
Boo-boo-boo - uncle, give me a pipe.
Boo-boo-boo - they visited Lyuba.
Mushrooms grow in the forest.
Would-be-would be - outside the window oaks.
Would-be-would-like teeth ache.
Would-be-would - I paint the pillars.
Would-be-would-I carry mushrooms.
Would-be-would - there are pillars in the yard.
Lesson 7. Pronounce phrases clearly.
BBC - the car hums, I will not go without gasoline.
BBC - don't trumpet loud.
BBC - you love me.
Be-be-be - I play the trumpet.
Be-be-be - again we go to you.
Lesson 8. Pronounce phrases clearly:
big oak porcini mushrooms
toothache white barrel
big bouquet butter roll
big notepad fast squirrel
large selection of greyhound dog
white swan white doves
funny monkey white rams
white bow white paper
white butterfly big birch
Lesson 9. Pronounce sentences clearly.
Bori has a roll.
Brother has a notebook.
Lyuba loves bananas.
Lyuba has a toothache.
Grandma bought Bora an ABC book.
The guys took porcini mushrooms.
Grandmother cooked beans for dinner.
Squirrel dries mushrooms for the winter.
The zoo had zebras, monkeys, hippos.
We got the luggage.
Fresh water was poured into the tank.
The girl has a big bow.
The store sells bananas.
A banner fluttered on the tower.
The bomb destroyed the house.
We were looking for mushrooms in the forest.
Lesson 10.
They threw bananas at the funny monkey, they threw bananas at the funny monkey.
White rams beat drums, beat indiscriminately - they broke their foreheads.
- Be-be-be, - the white lamb bleats, more letters does not understand.
The hippopotamus opened his mouth, the hippopotamus is asking for a roll!
Lesson 11.
Oaks grow on the mountain, mushrooms grow under the mountain.
All beavers are kind to their beavers.
Beavers go to bora cheeses.
Beavers are brave, for beavers they are kind.
Malanya-chatterbox chattered milk, chatted, did not blurt out.
Lesson 12. Pronounce lines of poems clearly. Learn (optional).
Little goby,
Red-haired barrel,
Steps with his feet,
Head shakes:
“Where is the herd? Moo-oo-oo!
Sku-o-o-o-o-o-o! "
Grandma had a ram
He beat the drum briskly.
And the butterflies danced
Under my grandmother's window.
G. Sapgir
the ram butted.
Boo! - and burst
G. Vieru
Our Mary has a ram
He is more accurate than a dog.
In a thunderstorm and in a storm and in a fog
The ram walks after her ...
S. Marshak
Lesson 13-15. Pronounce texts clearly. Retell (optional).
Here is a woman. Baba at the house. At the house Bobik and Vova. Bobik barks at the woman: "Am-am!" Bobik, don't bark!
Lyuba and the lamb
In the summer, Lyuba visited her grandmother in the village. Grandmother had Bunka the lamb. Lyuba was tending the lamb to Bunka.
Beavers are in the swamp. They are builders. Beavers have razor-sharp teeth. Beavers have dams from aspen trunks in the swamp.
Borya and Bobik
Borya is small, but knows the letters. He called Bobik: "Look, Bobik, here are the letters!" And the dog yawned and crawled into the booth. Bobik does not want to learn letters.
Bori had a drum. He beat the drum very loudly. Grandma got a headache from the sound of the drum. She asked Borya not to play the drum anymore. He obeyed his grandmother.
Lyuba ran through the meadow and caught a butterfly. There were many butterflies. For a long time she could not catch a single butterfly. Finally Lyuba caught a large, beautiful butterfly. At first she was delighted, but then she felt sorry for the butterfly, and Lyuba let her go.
Sound [in]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
wah - woo - woo - you
woo - you - woo
woo - you - wa - woo
you - wa - woo - woo
you, your, bath, vanilla, jam, cooking, cotton wool, cotton wool, watch, wax, petroleum jelly, cheesecakes, felt boots, Vanya, Valya, Vasya, Vadim, Varya, vase, wagon, roller, boulder, cornflowers, mittens, quilted jacket, owl, halva, willow, cornfield, plum, quince, Neva, sofa, Slava, Klava, ditch, fun, bed, forge, head, cow, grass, Lev, mallow, nettle, cranberry, pumpkin;
vobla, water, leader, cart, ox, waves, will, crow, Volga, wolf, eight, wax, air, hair, here, there, war, warrior, army, screams, glow, vegetables, oriole, plant, cart, new, left, lazy, beer, left, lace, wood, right, word;
university, volcano, veil;
choice, pasture, exit, exhale, exit, challenge, udder, release, wash, learn, tower, height, height, exhibition, howl, inventor, willows, owls, plums, cows, shackles, manes, herbs, pumpkins, ditches.
With a confluence of consonants:
sound, moisture, power, suddenly, below, grandson, granddaughter, attention, contribution, insert, inclusion, taste, tasty, kvass, starling, rosehip, gooseberry, Moscow, oath, foliage, roach, razor, rank, enemy, doctor, village, peacock.
Sound [in "]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
vya - vyo - vu - vi - ve
ve - vu - vi - ve - vya
vu - vi - ve - vya - ve
vi - ve - vya - veo - vu
ve - vya - veo - vu - vi
Lesson 2. Pronounce words clearly:
in and
Vitya, Vika, Vilya, wine, wine, vit, visible, visit, business card, screeching, grapes, cherry, view, fork, villa, screw, screw, temple, vitamin, pitchfork, jam, novelty, button, blackberry, lentils, mitten, that's right, eyebrows, pavilion, kiwi;
Lesson 3. Pronounce words clearly.
branch, broom, weight, whole, scales, Venya, Faith, spring, lead, fun, hanger, wreath, willow, wind, fan, willow, verst, century, eyelids, Vienna, giant, evening, things, bucket, camel, ham, all-terrain vehicle, top, paddle, vermicelli, riding, vershok, led, bicycle, helicopter, hello, answer, downpour, canopy, hang, story, curtain, curtains, bear, ignoramus, ant, believe me, hello, answer, took away, Pavel;
Lesson 4. Pronounce words clearly.
oars, buckets, springs, oats, screwdriver, carpet;
withers, sluggish, elms, viscous, knit, knits, knitted, dried, bundle, tie, Christmastide, bandage, worm;
blizzard, pack, loach, view, trees, set.
words with two sounds.
Brood, withdrawal, export, export, Vova, set, rope, branches, Vavila, veil tail.
Lesson 5. Pronounce phrases clearly.
Wah-wah-that's the tall grass.
Va-va-va - the grass is good in the forest.
Va-va-va - a quince hangs on a branch.
Va-va-va - an owl is sitting on a bitch.
Wa-va-va - the owl is flying.
Wu-woo-woo - we saw an owl in the forest.
Wu-woo-woo - cornflowers bouquet of narwu.
Wu-woo-woo - do not mow the grass in the forest.
Lesson 6. Pronounce clean words clearly.
You-you-you are grass above your head.
You-you-you are no grass.
You-you-you - love Valya plum.
You-you-you - the owls have owls.
Wee-wee-wee - don't pick flowers in the forest.
Ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.
Lesson 7. Clearly pronounce phrases:
knitted mittens willow branches
beautiful fan vase of flowers
cherry jam blonde hair
beautiful view jerky roach
new exhibition delicious ham
lazy Leva Valina mallow
new bath new car
Lesson 8. Pronounce sentences clearly.
Here is cotton wool.
Vava has vata.
Vova has cotton wool.
Here is the water.
Vova has water.
Vava has water.
There is water in the bath.
Vera washed Vanya in the bath.
Valya bought a vase.
There are cornflowers in a vase.
Lesson 9. Tongue twisters.
Three crows at the gate.
Vava bought a quince.
Vitya sees cherries in a vase, and Vitya sees cherries in a vase.
Oatmeal flew to the oats, and Ivan carried the oats.
Lesson 10. Pronounce clean words clearly.
At Vanka at Vstanka, unhappy nannies, unhappy nannies at Vanka at Vstanka.
Varya's mittens disappeared on the boulevard. Varya returned from the boulevard in the evening. And she found Barbara's mittens in her pocket.
The duck-tail duck dived and dived, dived and dived.
Lesson 11. Pronounce lines of poems clearly. Learn (optional).
- Owl, owl,
Big head.
Where did you live?
Where have you been?
The sparrow flew higher.
Everything is visible from a high roof.
B. Timofeev
Lesson 12-14. Pronounce texts clearly. Retell (optional).
Here is a willow tree. Willow by the water. Vova by the water. Vova drank water. Vova fell into the water. Ay! Vova fell into the water.
Vova and Valyushka
Vova runs out of the gate. And little Valyushka with a bucket met him. Vova collided with Valyushka - and both fell. Valyushka began to cry, and Vova took her hands, helped her up, gave her a bucket.
“Don't cry,” he says, “it's my fault.
Valyushka wiped away her tears, smiled and answered Vova:
- No, it's my own fault. I'm always spinning under everyone's feet.
Lesson 15.
Repeat sentences:
Here are Vova and Vasya. Vasya bought cotton wool. The owl drinks water. Vova's mittens are wet. The owl was sitting on the cart. The leader of the flock flew ahead. The cow has a large head. Vanya dropped the waffles into the grass. A wolf howled near the willow. Vanya carries a vase.
Valya is eating plums. Vova goes to the plant. There was a strong sound. The grandson and granddaughter ate deliciously at their grandmother's. Ivan has great power. Valya took an oath.
The foliage lies below
Session 16
1. Repeat the proverbs.
Everything has its time.
Every thing has its place.
To be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest.
A lot of water - a lot of grass.
2. Learn a poem.
The spring air is fresh and clean.
The first leaf turns green.
The ground is visible in the thawed patches.
Around streams run, ringing.
3. The game "Name it affectionately".
Vase - (vase) plum - (cream)
Water - (water) plant - (plant)
Wagon - (trailer) sofa - (sofa)
Willow - (willow) head - (head)
Session 17
Retell the story.
A forest grows near the river. In the forest there are tall spruces and pines. There is a hole. Ivan and Valya are standing by the hole. Valya looked into the hole. There were cubs. The guys wanted to play with the foxes, but did not have time. A fox has appeared near the hole, it's time to go home.
Lesson 18: Repeat sentences.
I will see Vovik soon.
Trees come alive in spring.
Vovik carries a screwdriver.
The wind shakes the branch.
Grandma knits a rug.
The entire village is visible below.
The newcomer saw the whole class.
A pipe is whistling below.
Vovik is a beginner in the class.
We hung up the curtains.
Birds made a nest in a tree.
Vitya is carrying buckets.
Trees sway from the wind.
You whistle to the whole village.
Vitya is tying his shoelaces.
Lesson 19. Retelling.
Vera and Venya have many different toys. Venya often plays with the helicopter.
He lifts the helicopter and runs around the room with it. Vera loves to play with the owl. She feeds the owlet, goes for a walk with him. Guys love their toys.
Lesson 20.
Vitya and Vanya are friends.
Vera is sitting on the couch.
Vovik is a beginner in the class.
The grandson's name is Vitya. Vera goes to Lithuania.
The wind is howling outside the window.
Valya hung up the curtains.
The owl saw its prey.
Vanya heard a whistle.
The willow has green foliage.
Vera brushed her hair.
Vitya loves halva.
Beautiful music sounded all evening.
Vitya works at the plant.
Vasya and Vera are traveling in this car.
In the evening, the water in the river is cold.
Vera bought waffles.
Valya saw a beautiful fan.
Vanya reads a story.
Valya knits a sweater.
Lesson 20.
Repeat clean talk.
Va - vya - va - yellow foliage.
You - vi - you - go cows.
Be - ve - ve - we will give Vova the colors.
Be - ve - ve - we will pat Sawa.
You - vi - you - ripe the plum.
Sound [f]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
fa - foo - fu - fy
fo - fu - fy - fa
foo - fy - fa - foo
fy - fa - fo - fu
Lesson 2.
factory, phase, pheasant, torch, phalanx, surname, apron, beans, Fanya, fanta, style, veil, candy wrapper, plywood, fact, fakir, fauna, headlight, minced meat, bassoon, drying oil, harp, sundress, sofa, alphabet, asphalt, mullet, bustard;
Lesson 3. Pronounce words clearly.
background, focus, magician, foil, lantern, flashlight, fountain, form, photo, window, Thomas, fund, fort, trout, camera, telephone, gramophone, tape recorder, plafond, siphon, symphony, traffic light;
van, football, T-shirt, case, fugue, funtik, land mine, wagon, wine glass, typhoon, embarrassment;
Lesson 4. Pronounce words clearly.
snort, snort, sofas, reefs, harps, wardrobes, scarves, giraffes, golfs, myths, safes, vultures;
wardrobe, giraffe, count, telegraph;
bodice, myth, vulture.
flag, flag, bottle, flute, navy, phrase, tailcoat, dandy, front, fruit, shoes, scarf, lift, jacket, flask, phlox, transom, Frosya, fruity, taffeta, caftan, flank, souffle. Session 5
Game "One - many".
Ficus - (ficus) farm - (farms)
Violet - (violets) decanter - (decanters)
ottoman - (ottomans) Owl - (owls)
buffet - (buffets) Figure - (figures)
Session 6
Fenya loves flowers very much. Ficus and violets grow at home.
Fenya waters them every day, loosens the earth.
The girl is helped by her little brother Fedya. Well done boys.
Session 7
Fomka - Fimka Form - farm
Focus - ficus Form - firm
Fugue - fig Furor - Fuhrer
Background - hair dryer Pound - feint
Lesson 8 Repeat sentences.
Fimka carries a crowbar. Fedya showed trick. The count is drinking coffee. On the sofa is a form. Fili has a torch. Feni has beans. Frosya and Fedya are drinking kefir. Thomas has candy. Feni has a red sundress. Filat wears a uniform. Thomas works as a driver. The driver wiped the headlights off the car. Fedya is on the phone. Filat has the dog Pythagoras. Frosya planted ficuses and violets. Fedya watches football. Thomas bought potatoes. Fenya is standing by the fountain. Thomas drew an owl.
Lesson 9.
Repeat clean talk.
Fe - fe - fe - my uncle lives in Ufa
Phy - fi - phy - not to get to Ufa.
Fa - fya - fa - we have a big harp.
Fu - fu - fu - we bought a sofa.
Lesson 10.
Repeat tongue twisters.
Fomka's guest is Fimka,
Fimka's guest is Fomka.
Fani has a sweatshirt. Fedya has shoes.
Fedot has a bassoon. Fima has myths.
At the cafe - Thomas. Thomas has coffee.
Sound [f "]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
fya - fe - fy - fi - fe
fe - fy - fi - fe - fya
fyu - fi - fe - fya - fe
fi - fe - fya - fe - fy
fe - fya - fe - fi - fi
Lesson 2. Pronounce words clearly:
Fedya, Fenya, hair dryer, fairy, February, sweets, farm, Fedot, felt, fez, tiles, buffet, briefcase, potatoes, truffle, coffee, coffee pot, shoes, napkin;
Filka, Filya, Fima, Philip, owl, filter, film, ficus, dates, violet, finca, fillet, Filat, final, figure, finish, wick, finn, decanter, ottoman, kefir, scarf, officer, marshmallow, poster;
Lesson 3. Pronounce words clearly with two sounds.
Fedor, Fyokla, chauffeur;
Fanfare, sweatshirt, porcelain, photographer, photography, phosphorus, philosopher.
Fa-fa-fa - we have a big harp.
Fu-fu-fu - we bought a sofa.
Fy-fy-fy - do not get to Ufa.
Fe-fe-fe - my uncle lives in Ufa.
Af-af-af - we will put a closet in the corner.
Lesson 5. Pronounce phrases clearly:
purple blouse porcelain decanter
family china football uniform
factory buffet candy wrapper
fantasy movie candy factory
factory sweatshirt pistachio tshirt
flannel sundress fruit fanta
purple apron stuffed mullet
Lesson 6. Pronounce sentences clearly.
Feni has shoes.
Fani has a jacket.
Fedya has coffee.
Fedya works in a factory.
My surname is Fedorov.
Fenya put on an apron.
The magician shows the children tricks.
A lantern was burning near the house.
The boys played football.
Lesson 7.
Pronounce lines of poems clearly. Learn (optional).
Fedya got into the buffet for candy -
The fact is that there will be no sweets in the buffet.
V. Lunin
For sale very urgently
Our old gramophone.
Here is a phone number for reference ...
According to L. Kaminsky
The magician is dressed in a tailcoat,
The torch turned into a bouquet.
The fairy will jump out of there.
Is it a trick or a miracle?
V. Berestov
Lesson 8. Pronounce texts clearly. Retell.
Fenya loves flowers very much. Ficus and violets grow at home. Fenya waters them every day, loosens the earth. Fene is helped by her little brother Fedya. Well done boys!
Lesson 9. Pronounce texts clearly. Retell.
Mom Fedya works in a factory. The factory produces sweaters, sweatshirts and scarves. Daddy Frosy is a chauffeur. He takes goods from the factory to the shops.
Lesson 10. Pronounce texts clearly. Retell.
New Year
Pope Fyodor and his son Fyodor decorate the tree. Grandpa Philip helps them. Papa Fedor is the son of Philip's grandfather. There are flags, lanterns, sweets on the tree. Faya's mother and grandmother Fyokla are setting the table. Mom is carrying fruit. Grandma carries marshmallows.
Sound [d]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
yes - do - doo - dy
do - doo - dy - yes
doo - dy - yes - do
dy - yes - before - du
two - two - two - move - day
two - two - dvi - days - two
two - dvi - days - two - two
move - day - two - two - two
day - two - two - two - dvi
Lesson 2. Pronounce words clearly:
crush, give, dal, dam, lady, tribute, Danila, long ago, gift, for nothing, give, dacha, summer house, date, Dasha, Dunya, water, food, trouble, victory, fashion, luck, task, transfer, weather, Lida, Luda, wednesday, cities, beard, freedom, breed, soda, medal, almond, medallion, pedal, prowess, prodigy, deck, dishes, blow, pencil, lipstick, team, veranda, second, garland, award;
Lesson 3. Pronounce words clearly:
dog, rain, dose, doctor, share, lobule, house, drink, don, dol, valley, pretty, daughter, kind, boards, house, daughter, milkmaid, milking, dominoes, road, bottom, whistle, can, fishing rod, walker, young, palm, honey;
oak, oak, thought, think, Dunya, hollow, muzzle, shower, soul, stuffy, arc, duel, spirits, rainbow, pillow, go, fall, food, air, dandelion, thermometer, conductor, chest, cockatoo, go, I will find, sorcerer, Fedul, cheated;
smoke, haze, smoke, melon, hole, hole, breath, fruits, berries, ponds, lily of the valley, gardens, passages, years, peoples, traces, factories, sneakers, views, hikes, parades, outfits, shells, rows;
two, twenty, twice, barely;
two, double vision, deuce, double, double, twins, courtyard, courtyard, palace, janitor, mongrel, courtyard;
door, door, door, door, twelve, two hundred;
move, engine, movement, engine, move;
day, day, diary;
bottom, fashionable, tray, ship, okay, boring, visible;
days, bottom, alone, water worker.
Lesson 5. Repeat words.
Give, give, lady, date, Dania, dacha, Dasha, distance, gift, for nothing; smoke, melon, smoke, haze, breath, breathe, hole, hole; don, house, house, dock, milking, daughter, dominoes, wash, get finished, finish off, top up, rain, road, good, doctor; oak, Dunya, thought, blow, arc, perfume, oak, think, shower, soul, stuffy, blew, muzzle, hollow, pipe.
Lesson 6 Repeat Words
Food, water, trouble, weather, throw, Luda, medal, pedal, prowess, deck, dishes, freedom, settlement, Wednesday, ore, blow, pencil, fence, joy, stage, obstacle, award, fashion, berries, waterfalls, gardens, plants, traces, fruits, ponds; milk yield, whistle, walker, young; go, find, fall, air, blew, sorcerer, put, rainbow.
Lesson 7 Repeat sentences.
Dasha is at home. Danya at the dacha. The house has a shower. The lady is walking along the road. She has a melon. Dunya thinks: "I will not fall." Dasha has a hole in her dress. The road is visible in the distance. Woodpecker in the hollow. Danya received a medal. The janitor sweeps the yard. The wind is blowing in the yard. Dunya plays the pipe. There are many berries near the pond. Danya and Dasha are picking berries. Dani has a dacha. The cottage is far away. Our house is on the Don. Don is a river. Ships are going along the Don. In the garden there is an oak tree. The sorcerer built a palace. My daughter has a pencil. Danya and Dasha are friends. They don't have twos. You need to breathe fresh air in the forest. Lyuda, it's time to go home.
Lesson 8 Repeat clean talk.
Yes - yes - yes - the water is running.
Doo - doo - doo - I'll find you.
Before - before - before - a beep sounds.
Dy - dy - dy - the gardens are blooming.
Repeat proverbs and sayings.
One for all and all for one.
The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem.
You can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty.
I walked in the forest, but I did not see any firewood.
They give nothing for nothing.
The quarrel will not lead to good.
Lesson 9 Learn a poem.
Animal trainers!
Give sugar quickly!
For a long time the animals taught you
To give them the award.
Lesson 10.
Game "Tell me a word".
Our boy walks with difficulty,
For the first time bypasses ... (house).
Rain! Rain! We need
Disperse to ... (houses).
I will sew new legs for him
He will again run along ... (track).
Game "Name it affectionately".
House - (house) pipe - (pipe)
Oak - (oak) hole - (hole)
Road - (path) smoke - (smoke)
Lesson 11. Retelling
Here is Aunt Luda's house. The house has a garden. Aunt Luda is a gardener. Apple, plum and raspberry trees grow in the garden. Aunt Luda loves to look after her garden. In the fall, she collects many fruits. Aunt Luda distributes apples, plums, raspberries to her friends.
The children saw a small oak tree near the oak.
“Oh, what a small oak tree,” said Nadia. - Where is he from?
“This oak tree grew out of an old oak acorn,” Lida answered.
- Let's transplant the oak tree where there is more light, - suggested Nadia.
- Do not. The old oak tree protects it with its branches from the wind and the sun's rays.
Sound [d "]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
dia - du - di - de
du - di - de - dia
di - de - dia - du
de - dia - du - di
Lesson 2. Pronounce words clearly:
woodpecker, Nadya, Vadya, Volodya, Fedya, copperhead, vagabond, water, ice, bucket, boat;
dozen, Thumbelina, dunes, inch, duchess, viper, turkey;
sofa, marvel, wondrous, wild, announcer, alarm clock, diet, game, diploma, Dima, Dina, disc, curtain, crocodile, ice floe, lady, one, people, swans, melody, homeland, beef, comedy, surprise, carnation, garden, acorns, currants, radishes, nails, radio, Edik, refrigerator, neighbors;
Lesson 3: Pronounce words clearly with two sounds.
virgin, nine, grandfather, case, dolphin, day, day, money, demon, tree, detail, girl, ten, attendant, december, depot, gum, Demian, village, idea, blanket, lot, well, monday, week, poodle, cologne.
Rain, twice, uncle, bears, grandfather, diadem, blackbirds, waterfalls, pipe, pipe, Dodon, clothes, hope, submariner, all-terrain vehicles, supply, decade.
Lesson 4. Pronounce clean words clearly.
Yes, yes, yes - the water is running.
Yes, yes, yes - our mother is young.
Yes, yes, yes - don't go, Vadim, there!
Yes, yes, yes - oh, cold water.
Yes, yes, yes - the wires are buzzing.
Do-do-do - beep sounds.
Doo-doo-doo - children run in the garden.
Doo-doo-doo - I'm walking through the garden.
Doo-doo-doo - I'll find you.
Doo-doo-doo - I'm going home.
Doo-doo-doo - I'll go there anyway.
Lesson 5. Pronounce phrases clearly.
Dy-dy-dy - the gardens are blooming.
Dy-dy-dy - I know all the moves.
Du du du - here's a turkey.
Di-di-di - come here.
Di-di-di - don't wake me up.
Di-di-di - you go home.
Di-di-di - you're dressed, don't go!
De de de - the day has come.
De de de - to be in trouble.
De-de-de - we are glad to win.
De-de-de - That's the problem! Vadim, where are you?
Lesson 6. Pronounce phrases clearly:
academician diploma business management
wakes up the alarm clock tricks of the children
marvelous carnation wooden well
badass woodpecker ice water
cross-country vehicle driver angry turkey
gray hair of parents cold weather
rainy day distant smoke
two days good uncle
ten houses long nails
kindergartens orphanage
cold december wooden house
long ago inflated Fedul
honey melon cold water
nine inches gray-haired grandfather
ten dolphins marvelous
good dog, you have to get there
gotta finish a cold shower
Lesson 7. Pronounce sentences clearly.
Dima has a house.
Dunya has a house.
Dima has a melon.
Dima, give me a melon.
Grandfather has a summer residence.
The cottage is far away.
Summer cottage by the pond.
Our house is on the Don.
Ships are going along the Don.
There is an oak in the garden.
Lesson 8. Learn tongue twisters. Repeat three times in a row, accelerating the pace.
Tongue Twisters.
Don, don, don, the cat's house is on fire.
Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, the man lost the arc.
I will swim day-day along the river of the Don water.
Grandfather Dodon played a pipe, grandfather touched Dimka with a pipe.
The woodpecker pounded the tree, woke the grandfather with a knock.
A pipe, a pipe-whistle began to hum.
Lesson 9-10. Pronounce lines of poems clearly. Learn (optional).
Owls flew
All the people looked
The owls sat down
All the people were amazed.
The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
The oak chiselled like a chisel.
S. Marshak
Ay doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo,
A raven is sitting on an oak tree.
A raven sits on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet.
Rain, wait
Rain, rain, don't rain!
Rain, rain, wait!
Let's get home
To the gray-haired grandfather.
E. Blaginina
Lesson 11: Repeat Sentences:
Nadya, Fedya, Volodya are children. Vadya carries acorns. The girl Nadia is sitting on the sofa. The poodle crawled under the covers. Children saw a dolphin. One week left until December. Wild bears live in the forest. Uncle put on a budenovka. Fedya was alone on the ice. Children plant trees. Monday is the first day of the week. Denis drove an all-terrain vehicle. Nadia was woken up by an alarm clock. Volodya looked into the refrigerator. The children were seated on the sofa.
Lesson 12.
1. Repeat the phrase.
Dya - dya - dya - uncle is coming.
De - de - de - the day has come.
Di - di - di - come here.
Di - di - di - don't wake up.
De - de - de - to be in trouble.
Du - du - du - here's a turkey.
Dia - dia - dia - a woodpecker knocks.
2. Game "One - many".
Tree - (trees) Dolphin - (dolphins)
Woodpecker - (woodpeckers) Turkey - (turkeys)
Case - (cases) Ice floe - (ice floes)
Lesson 13 Learn a poem.
Swans, swans
White swans.
Swans flew
And they sat down on the water.
Sat down, sat down,
We flew again.
Lesson 14-16. Pronounce texts clearly. Retell.
Dima drew a tree. There is a small pond near the tree. There were magnificent white swans swimming in it. Dima showed the drawing to his mother. - Dima, how beautiful, - said my mother. Dima was glad.
There is a house in the valley. Smoke over the house. Apparently the house is being heated. There are two in the house. Lida and Danil. Danil swept the floor with a broom, and Lida washed it with water.
- Lida, that's enough. Come on, my palms. Toilet soap in the bathroom.
Dima has a dog. Her name is Dick. Dima loves Dick and always takes him for a walk. They go swimming together in the pond. Dima throws a small ball into the water, and Dick takes it out. Dick likes the game. Then Dima and Dick swim together in the pond. Children love to watch them.
The turkey walks around the yard, pouted like a ball, and is angry with everyone. It furrows its wings on the ground and spreads its tail wide. And the kids walked by and let's tease him.
- Hey, india, india, show yourself!
Walk around the yard!
Sound [t]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
that - that - that - you
then - that - you - that
that - you - that - that
you - that - that - that
at - from - ut - yt - it
from - ut - yt - it - at
ut - yt - it - at - from
yt - it - at - from - ut
it - at - from - ut - yt
yat - yot - yut - it - em
yot - yut - it - em - yat
yut - it - em - yat - yot
it - it - it - it - it
em - yat - yot - ut - it
tva - your - tvu - you
wea - weave - weave - weave
hundred - one hundred - stu - st
Lesson 2. Pronounce words clearly.
taz, mystery, so, there, tank, dance, tango, Tanya, Tasya, slippers, plate, table, wheelbarrow, taxi, thawed, tara, Tamara, cotton wool, mint, hut, bit, shovel, Nata, Nikita, jacket, captain, sour cream, rocket, company, Rita, note, rounders, ribbon, coin, chamber, minute, plane tree, metal, candy, newspaper, gate, fee, height, carriage;
Lesson 3. Pronounce words clearly.
current, tone, volume, top, Tonya, Tosya, Toma, ton, Tolya, crowd, longing, point, ax, tone, poplar, stream, ceiling, summer, hoof, skating rink, skein, Anton, shawl, hammer, coat, twig, mesh, sieve, bus, flower, lotto, photo, then, therefore, flood, automatic machine, car, place;
ace, tuk, sheepskin coat, fog, curbstone, tunnel, ink, ink, clouds, Tuzik, shoes, horizontal bar, nature;
you, pumpkin, tyn, rear, thousand, notes, bots, honeycomb, courts, cats, candy, shorts;
Lesson 4. Pronounce words clearly.
mat, pat, scooter, rope, Marat, watt, salad, robe, brother;
behold, sweat, cat, lot, bot, mot, mouth, mole, compote, hammer, murmur, raft, roach, plumb, gate;
fuel oil, boot, boots, day, duck, joke, jester, joker, bear, whip, rogue, shod, inflated, extinguished, get wet, wither;
whale, hit, boils, walks, Lithuania, battle;
walking, singing, drinking, airplane, helicopter, flight, ice, raid, machine gun;
blows, runs, thinks, sonnet, writes, jumps, rolls, jacket, vest, package, bouquet.
Lesson 5. Pronounce words clearly.
yours, cottage cheese; bandage, screw, umbrella, bow, fant, welt;
cloth, weaver, weaver, thread, aptly, scarves;
stork, bush, machine tool, steel, joint, bridges, skirmish, groan, stop, table, chair, knock, leaf, post, tail, perch;
port, March, briefcase, cake, court, board, grade;
broom, boilers;
ladder, grass, tram, throne, path, morning, cable, cane, pipe, trumpeter, coward, cowards.
Sound [t "]
Lesson 1. Pronounce syllables clearly:
cha - cho - ty - ty - those
cho - ty - ty - te - cha
ty - ty - te - cha - cho
ty - te - cha - cho - tu
te - cha - cho - ty - ty
Ate - ot - ot - ot - it - eat - ive
from - to - to - to - to - to - to - at
to - to - to - to - to - to - from
it - it - it - it - it - it - it
it - to - to - to - to - to - to - to
to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to
yat - at - yt - yt - yt - it - eat
Lesson 2. Pronounce words clearly:
traction, tractor, litigation, heavy, toffee, tyapa, hoe, lazy, Katya, Mitya, Petya, Vitya, Motya, Kostya, Nastya;
Tes, cliff, turn, grater, heifer, dark, warm, Tyoma, cauldron, fitter, kitten, duckling;
tube, bale, tulip, mattress, tulle, tulle, seal, prison, jail, iron;
Lesson 3. Pronounce words clearly:
tick, Tina, Tima, type, tina, shooting gallery, typhus, tyrant, quiet, quiet, Tikhon, Tishka, silence, tiger, tigers, dash, nets, cobweb, boots, picture, apartment, motive, junk, satin, cosmetics, cat, umbrella, find, wick, batting, lead, revenge, let go, bones, ways, candy wrapper, screw, boat;
Lesson 4. Pronounce words clearly:
body, theme, dark, tempo, crown, shadow, warmth, tower, teremok, braid, ribbon, dark, cart, cramped, calf, telephone, telegraph, now, gimmick, blizzard, wattle, bed, wind;
Lesson 5. Pronounce words clearly:
draw, grace, bed, mother, host, dress, think, run, catch, wave, cry, swim, write, sleep, listen, eat, walk, sob, decide, break, play;
soot, bast shoe, chunk, nail, prick, smack;
chest, dregs, way, blow, essence, bend, stick;
whine, swim, be, forget, wash, howl, dig;
Lesson 6. Pronounce words clearly:
glue, live, beat, pour, thread, drink, saw, walk, catch, fish, teach, buy, love, sculpt, knead, wear, mow, hurry, boil, talk, whitewash, fry, paint;
to sing, whip, see, watch, crate, smite, be in time;
hug, solder, strand, five, wrinkle, walk;
news, poverty, greed, bone, power, brush, leaves, news, flattery, revenge, guest, part, color, let it be sadness.
Lesson 7. Pronounce words clearly with two sounds.
Worth, title, dough, aunt, aunt, grated, heaviness, drown, roll, patch, fly, stomp, mercury, titanium, black cock, theater, burden, pulls, yaps, calves, kittens, ducklings, duck, meteorite, tamer, cook, poke, that, here, drowning, cake, stately, waste, cane, sidewalk, Titus, sad, Tata, babble, stomp, trample, title, meatballs, appetite, cambric, pill, tourist, cutlet, answer, tractor.
Lesson 8. Pronounce phrases clearly.
Ta-ta-ta - a fluffy tail of a cat.
Ta-ta-ta - our house is clean.
That's it - we started playing lotto.
You-you-you - all the cats ate sour cream.
You-you-you - cats are running to me.
At-at-at - we take a scooter with us.
Ty-cha-cha - here comes Vitya.
Lesson 9. Clearly pronounce phrases:
a quiet apartment a meteorite flies
loss of heat is sweeping a blizzard
dark boots tiger tamer
shadow theater warm iron
interesting motive brush master
tulip bloom tube of mastic
Petina aunt warm meatballs
quiet wind yellow tulips
Mysteries of ducklings interesting topic
now the heat has died down
Lesson 10. Pronounce sentences clearly.
Nata has a cat.
Toma has a duck.
Nata has a Tata doll.
Nata rolls Tatu.
Water was poured into the basin.
Mint grows in the garden.
Current flows through the wire.
The notes are on the table.
Nata buys a scooter.
Lesson 11. Learn tongue twisters. Pronounce three times in a row, accelerating the pace.
Shadow, shadow, shade, wattle above the city.
Our guest bought a cane.
Sap from birch, sap from birch.
From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field.
The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's shawls.
Do not be rushed, but be patient.
Lesson 12-13. Pronounce lines of poems clearly. Learn (optional).
Pines up to the sky
They want to grow up
The sky with branches
They want to sweep.
I. Tokmakova
The tiger is a ferocious beast.
But still
The tiger is quiet too.
The tiger is quiet with the tigress,
Because he is afraid of her.
V. Lunin
Cat and goat
There is a mustache cat
Wanders through the garden,
And the horned goat
Follows the cat.
V. Zhukovsky
An owl was flying -
Cheerful head.
So she flew, flew
And she sat down.
Yes, she turned her tail
Flew again;
Flew, flew and sat down,
Yes, she turned her tail.
Folk saying
Lesson 14-16. Pronounce texts clearly. Retell (optional).
Tai has talent. Taya sings. She sings the note "la" and note "e". Taya will sing at the concert.
Aunt Katya has five kittens. She gives one kitten to little Petya. Petya will have his own kitten. Petya will love the kitten and will call him Tyapa.
Tanya and Tonya are friends. Tanya lives in Tula, and every summer she comes to Tonya in the village.

Irinka Bashkanova
Speech therapy lesson "Sounds [T] and [T ']"

Speech therapy lesson in the senior group

Topic: Sounds T and T '

Correctional and developmental tasks:

Reinforce discrimination and clear pronunciation skills sounds T and T 'in syllables, in words, phrases.

Develop phonemic hearing

Learn to form shape genitive nouns

Learn to retell text using reference pictures.

Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.


Guys, today we will go to visit Tim the puppy and Tom the kitten. But take it off, something happened. Draw a puppy named Tim getting wet in the rain. We feel sorry for Tim. Depict a guilty kitten who was punished by the hostess. Show how sad they wander down the street, what a sad mood they have. They met us, we smiled at them, your smile will cheer them up.

2. Repetition of the past.

Guys, what's the first sound in the word Tom? (sound T)

We are with this sound met in the past occupations.

Articulation sound

Characteristic sound.

3. Acquaintance with new material.

Speech therapist exhibits the following images: telephone, notebook, TV, tiger, calf, black grouse, tractor.

Children name pictures and identify the first sound in words

Speech therapist: What do you think sound will we meet today? (with sound T ')

Clarification of articulation sound(Tongue tense, hitting bumps).

Characteristic sound(consonant, soft).

Speech charging.

Puppy Tim invites us to play a game "Say it softly"

Ta-cha at-at that-those-o-o

Tu-ty ut-ut you-ty-it

Pronouncing pure phrases:

Tee-tee-tee-ate almost all the porridge.

Te-te-te, we postponed sewing.

At-at-at-we are going for a walk.

Didactic game "Tom and Tim"

Children have pictures on their tables sounds T and T 'in names.

Speech therapist: Guys, puppy Tim and kitten Tom are looking for friends

On sound Tom's friends get up, on sound Tim’s friends stand up.

Didactic game "What is gone". Formation of the genitive case of nouns.

"Complete the sentence"

Tom (plate)... Tim has a big (TV set)... Tom (wheelbarrow)... Tim came to visit (to the tiger)... The postman brought (telegram)... Tanya has beautiful ones in her hand…. (tulips).

Physical education

I'm playing the violin, now I'm playing the drum

Tili-tili-tili Boom-boom-boom,



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