Project "How to Make Change Interesting?" Essay on the topic: "At recess

School break: for and vs

Basargina Maria

schoolgirl 4 class "B"


educational institution

"Secondary general education school number 22

with in-depth study of mathematics "

Town: Kamensk - Uralsky

201 3 year

Turn! Turn! Climbs the 1st class on the wall. Very friendly 2nd "B" All is on the head. Well, and the 3rd and 4th Sit on a pipe .

My theme project:

School break: for and vs


identify conditions conducive to maintaining and promoting health junior schoolchildren, as well as good academic performance and efficiency in the classroom through the organization of school changes. How can you make a change in the spirit of the times, with benefits for the body and spirit ... ..


I suppose

what if rest on

change is good and

well organized,

it will increase

performance of students,

keep health

before graduation


  • Accumulation, study and generalization of theoretical material.
  • Research

work to determine how elementary school students conduct change.

  • Analysis of results


  • Creation of a bank of games for children with

different levels of mobility.

5 . Development and distribution

memos for students.








My work plan:



replacing one with something else


a change in something

turn to something new,

short break between lessons

(Explanatory dictionary by D. Ushakov.

Explanatory Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova)

What is the change for?


Unwanted Change Option

  • preparing for the next lesson
  • reading fiction
  • games that require mental stress (checkers, chess, electronic games)


  • The risk of getting sick increases

brain cancer

  • Guys suffer from

memory lapses

headaches and

feeling sleepy all the time

Significantly impairs vision and hearing


Cell Phones

"School noise"

  • Cell Phones "School noise"
  • Cell Phones "School noise"



Days of the week


independent games for children



visiting the canteen

outdoor games



independent games for children



sports relay-you

outdoor games


Rhythmic movements

to the music

Games - as a tool for change


1. entertaining 2. communicative 3. self-realization in the game 4. therapeutic 5. diagnostic 6. correctional


communication 8.socialization


  • Games are "free" rules, which

are set in the course of game actions

Physical activity games

Intellectual games

Gambling games

Dramatic games

Games with simple rules

  • Games with rules without a plot and

elementary sports games



Name of the game

  • the role of playing and

their location

Purpose of the game

Rules of the game

A prerequisite is an end of games in 3 minutes before the call to the lesson.


Degrees of load of games:

  • Small includes games in which the heart rate is increased to 140% beats per minute
  • Average - up to 180%
  • Big - over 180% beats per minute


Degrees of intensity of motor activity:

  • high
  • average
  • low


I group:

includes guys agile, emotional, who spend most of their free time playing outdoor games: spontaneous running of a competitive nature, identifying the strongest, flirting between boys and girls, resulting in “catch-up” (boys and girls; prevailing preponderance towards boys)


II group:

guys who prefer games medium mobility ... They take learning activities more seriously.

The guys in this group play games related to mental activity (boys and girls; the prevailing preponderance is towards girls).


III group:

guys who are busy playing low mobility .

This group includes, practically, only girls. They spend almost the entire break sitting at a desk, they are usually very calm.


Please answer the questionnaire.

1. Do you like change?

2. What is the purpose of change?

3. Are you satisfied with

the duration of the change?

4. What do you do during recess?

5. What would you like to do

during changes?



During the break, the whole body, all the muscles should rest (if you do not play, then do a physical education minute).

Don't make loud noise.

Remember that your classmates are resting nearby.


The guys strive for play activities.

In their free time, preference is given to play, but children know very little about games.

Our school changes are structured in a monotonous manner. Students are often left to their own devices and do not always know how to organize their free time (50% of such children).


Depending on their behavior, students are divided into groups for spending time together,

division depends on psychological characteristics and

gender features.


Break the chain

Ocean is shaking

Catch the closing

Free place

Have time to take a place

The bear in the forest

Ordinary hide and seek

Fishermen and fish

Ordinary sticks

Squat squat

Two chairs and a string


Tightrope walker

Earth, water, fire, air

If you like


Along a long winding

Throwing rings


Tightrope walker

If you like


Transferred - sit down


Many children like musical changes, where the most emotional ones move to the music with passion, and the children of a calm group themselves rarely participate in the dance, but they love to watch.


Need to learn new games

teach them to classmates


It would be great if the student himself could choose what kind of change he should go to "quiet" or "noisy". Noisy games can be played at a noisy break; on "quiet" - in calm, with pillows on the carpet.


Cool! 1

Every year I look forward to September 1st. Everyone thinks I miss my studies. In fact, I miss classmates and change.

Turn! What a cool word. How much it includes. What is the difference between a break and a lesson? For example, in mathematics you only decide, in Russian you write according to the rules, in physical education you run. And at recess you can do homework, learn the rules, run along the corridors, stand in the corner, run into the dining room and much more.

I have favorite things to do during recess. During the biggest break, which is 20 minutes, I like to visit the school library. Our librarian Tatyana Ivanovna greets us all warmly and seats us at the tables. There are many books in the library for all ages. Kids read thin books, they are no longer interesting to me. I love children's encyclopedias. You can read about everything in the encyclopedia. I love encyclopedias about dinosaurs, sports and animals. When we are given additional assignments, I always go to the library. I take my books home to read. I think reading helps improve grades.

At the next break, I will definitely go to our cafeteria. How delicious it smells! The cooks are all in white coats and caps. They serve everyone quickly. The attendants walk between tables and clean up dirty dishes. I even like to stand in line in the dining room. At this time, I choose what I will eat. I love pies with potatoes or apples. The pies are very tasty and turn out like mom's. After I eat, I always say thank you to the chefs.

And on small breaks, I like to run along the corridors. We have 3 floors at the school, but I have time everywhere. True, they are punished for this. I was even featured on the line. But I still run. When it's warm outside, the boys and I go outside at recess. In autumn we collect yellow leaves and rustle them. There is a large alley in the park behind the school. There are so many leaves in the fall! The leaves are different: round, oval and even curly leaves. It turns out beautiful bouquets. We then give them to the girls. They are very happy.

In the spring, at recess, we pick up the buds of trees. The fingers then stick together and the notebook sheets stick. But how it smells! Next summer. Sometimes we even manage to pick snowdrops. Then there is a small bouquet on the teacher's table.
I really love change. You can't do without them at school. I wish there were more changes than lessons. But I know that this is not possible. You need to study at school. I also love lessons, I just look forward to every change. I will never forget my changes.

More essays on the topic: "At recess"

A break is a short break between lessons. It was created so that students and teachers can relax, have lunch, recuperate and be able to switch to another subject.

All students are very fond of changes and sometimes, in especially boring lessons, they count the minutes before the start of the break in order to relax and have a little fun. At recess, you can discuss something with your friends, get some air.

In our school, usually breaks last ten minutes, but there are two long ones, one lasting fifteen minutes and the other twenty minutes. During breaks, we move from one study to another, to another lesson, and then we go to rest. In early autumn, when it’s still warm, or in spring, when it’s already warm, you can spend your break outside enjoying the last warm rays of the sun. We go out into the street, chatting about this and that, fooling around, in general, doing what is not allowed in the classroom. In winter, we rarely go out to the schoolyard, only when there is a lot of snow, we play snowballs and play tagging in the snow with classmates - it's a lot of fun.

During big breaks we go to the dining room or to the library for books. Some do homework, who asked the next day so as not to waste time in vain, and some write off their homework for the next lesson, because they did not complete it at home, it also happens. During recess, the school is filled with a lot of sounds: roar, laughter, shouting, singing. The kids are rushing somewhere, bumping into tall high school students, who explain to them that they cannot run around the school. Although they themselves sometimes violate this rule, therefore, in our school, the duty of teachers and senior students is organized. They stand in the corridors during breaks and make remarks to violators. In this way, students are taught responsibility and discipline. Particularly "distinguished" students are announced on the line at the end working weekso that they would be ashamed.

I like long breaks better, because you can rest longer and chat with friends from other classes.


The change is just a few minutes, but what a sweet and long-awaited one for any student. This is an integral part school life... And during these short moments between lessons it manages to happen as much as never happens in forty minutes of the most intense and interesting lesson. Change is a small life that can teach you a lot.

Everything that happens during breaks can be joyful, light, kind, and can be sad, offensive, painful and even bitter. There are cases that are funny, stupid, amusing, and there are very instructive and emotional ones. Even if you chose not to leave the classroom at all during recess, this does not mean that nothing will happen to you during those minutes of rest from classes. Each student has a huge collection of stories that happened to him and his comrades during recess, and I want to tell one of them.

The bell rang, we had already received our homework, so the historian did not detain us. A crowd of my classmates rushed to the exit, this pressure also carried me into the school hall. Gradually, all this space was filled with students from different classes, scurrying about like ants. And so my comrades and I see the following picture: one second grader hit another, and he began to cry. You could pass by, we know how it happens, they themselves were like that. But Vanka could not resist, he was offended for the little boy, after all, he had a brother of that age. And we went up to the guys to talk. It turned out that the fighter was no less offended, since the victim took away from him a disc with his favorite computer game, which he brought to school to show off.

We had a heart-to-heart talk with the kids. I had to explain to them that a dispute cannot be resolved with fists, and that it is not good to boast, and that someone else's without asking is not taken good people, and, in general, a quarrel is the last thing. In general, we reconciled. The disc was returned to its homeland, or rather to its rightful owner, and harmony reigned among friends again. And we were very pleased with ourselves, because we helped the younger comrades, even if only a little. Being useful and feeling like an adult is doubly pleasant.

As a conclusion, I want to say that during recess you can not only rest, play and have fun. You need to be attentive to each other and the younger students. After all, some of them may need your help, even the smallest one.


What should be school break and why? I think school break should be different for everyone. One wants to sit quietly in an armchair and relax, listen to gentle music, accompanied by the rustle of waves and the cry of seagulls. The other needs to eat well. The third is to run with a ball or play table tennis. We are all different and we cannot wish for the same. This means that the school must have a room for psychological relief. There is silence in it, sounds from a noisy corridor will not penetrate due to good isolation. Flowers, an aquarium, soft sofas and armchairs, stereo systems with headphones - all this will help to relieve stress and relax in a few minutes. The buffet is a must for the students. Moreover, it should work so that there are no queues. Otherwise, you will stand the whole change over a roll and a glass of tea, and then you will not chew it all, but swallow it swiftly. Finally, there is a special small gym for those who want to actively relax during recess. Here - a table for tennis, balls, jump ropes, dumbbells, the simplest exercise equipment such as a bicycle or a treadmill. I hope all this will appear in our school in the near future. So you want at recess not to wander dejectedly along the corridors and not sit in a noisy classroom!

Our first break will last ten minutes. Then there will be two more changes: between lessons for 30 and 10 minutes. Just 50 minutes. Is there a problem of change between lessons in pedagogy? No, it doesn't exist. It does not exist in the practice of the school either. I have never heard teachers seriously think about organizing these small intervals between lessons. Maybe because there is no problem here? Like, you just need to make sure that the children do not run, do not spoil something, do not fight, do not trip each other up and that the boys do not offend the girls?

There is a school warden in the hallway with a red bandage on his right arm and keeping order. And children do not risk incurring the anger of adults and refrain from playing noisy games.

And adults will say that they have an exemplary order at school, there is strict discipline. Only they will not say that all this is a formality in education, that, if there were no attendants with red armbands, children will immediately find a creative use of their energy. After all, they, children, need to do something during recess, and not just walk along the corridors. But if there is nothing around that will help the child to use up his physical energy more interestingly and satisfy the cognitive aspiration? Then do not be offended, please, if the children skillfully begin to disguise their pranks, observing the appearance of complete order.

We like to say "conscious discipline" ... What does that mean? That children, with a full understanding of social demands, harness their energies? And besides, they learn this understanding through our notations - what is good and what is bad? Maybe it is necessary for children to have a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe punishability of pranks and be afraid of it? These "bridges" of consciousness really save children from inevitable defeat. And, of course, there are situations in which strict prohibitions are simply necessary. But what if the need is stronger than consciousness, if the child cannot and does not want to be quiet, calm, cannot help being naughty?

It would be impossible to build a real pedagogy if it were not for children's pranks, if it were not for mischievous people. They provide food for pedagogical thought to move on and for educators to be constantly concerned with the need to think creatively, show innovation, and pedagogical daring. What a boredom for a teacher to deal with children who have the consciousness and behavior of the wise life experience adults! I would first incite such children to play pranks, to restlessness, and then I would start looking for the pedagogy of personality. After all, why are we so rebellious against children's pranks? Why do adults tend to see them as something like a crime, accept them as violations of conscious discipline? It seems to me, because we do not yet know what a prank is and who these mischievous people are. With what interest I would have read books about the psychology of rascals and pranks, but where are they!

The prank of children disturbs our peace of mind, creates problems in upbringing, which we sometimes cannot resolve in pedagogical ways.

Pranksters are quick-witted, witty children who know how to apply their abilities in any unexpected conditions and make adults feel the need to reevaluate situations and relationships ...

Mischievous children are cheerful children: they help others to be playful, mobile, be able to defend themselves ...

Mischievous children - children with strong tendencies towards self-development, self-movement; they make up for the miscalculations of teachers in the development of their individual abilities ...

Pranksters are children with humor, they see the funny in the most serious, they know how to drive the disorderly into situations that are unusual for them and love to make fun of them; they give a good mood and laughter not only to themselves, but also to others who feel humor ...

Mischievous children are sociable children, because they do every prank in communication with everyone who only deserves to be a participant in their pranks ...

Pranksters are active dreamers striving for independent knowledge and transformation of reality ...

Shaluns - the thought of the teacher, the object of pedagogy.

Mischievous people can be punished, but they must be encouraged.

What should these naughty, these active dreamers do during school breaks in the classroom or school corridors? Read wall newspapers that have not been changed for a month (or more)? Why do they need these boring newspapers? Maybe walk along the corridors and look at slogans and posters, stands and shop windows hundreds of times? Endlessly looking at portraits of prominent writers and scientists and dreaming of becoming like them? It must be easier for us to understand that the child is not exposed to poster pedagogy than for the child himself to understand the need to be consciously disciplined.

A prank is a valuable quality of a child, only you need to control him. I have established for myself long ago that

child discipline is not about suppressing pranks, but about transforming them. There is no need to demand from children what we could not inspire them with the help of our pedagogy.

How to make children's pranks be transformed rather than suppressed? How to do it during breaks? After all, it is at this time that internal forces begin uncontrolled fermentation and the child feels the jolts of their free eruption. This is how I have a complex pedagogical problem of school changes and school discipline. Although I have not solved it and, in all likelihood, will not be solved, I can still be calm this time more than, perhaps, some of my colleagues. Calm because I know what my kids will definitely do.

Several girls were found jumping ropes on a hanger, and from the corridor I can hear the rhythmic thump of their jumps and ringing laughter.

There are funny pictures on the wall in the corridor, around which several children have gathered.

There we also have a large - two meters long - sheet of clean thick paper. It is surrounded by a frame of flat sticks, like a painting. On top of it is written: "Draw what you want!" Sharpened colored pencils lie nearby. I am sure that 4 - 5 children are already applying the fruits of their imagination to him.

There is a long board, crayons lying next to it, and a towel hanging. Probably, some have already got their hands and face dirty.

There are posters on which in big letters written different words, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, numbers. Some children will definitely try to read them.

All this is at the level of growth of children, so that it is convenient for them to consider, read, draw.

On four small tables, to which are attached chairs, are books with color illustrations, children's magazines, math lotto, building kits, checkers and even chess.

There is a set of pins on the windowsill. I hear a noise - it is children who amaze the even structure of plastic figures.

Not now, but later the children will find a bow in the classroom, and then shooting competitions will be organized with my participation.

In the corridor, I want to attach a Swedish staircase to one wall, put a sports mattress on the floor. That will be joy for children! ..

And I will change all this from time to time as the children grow up, they move to the next grade. And also, depending on your own ability to fantasize and ... (do not be surprised, I ask you!) To be naughty, because my intuitive feeling leads me to the idea that the teacher himself must be able to play naughty in order to understand the pedagogy of transforming the pranks of his children.

Children are active creatures, active dreamers seeking transformation. And if this is so, then they should create an organized environment for them, only not one that threatens them with a finger, reminds them of the consequences, reads morals, but one that organizes and directs their activities.

You need to see yourself in children to help them become adults; one must accept them as a repetition of one's childhood in order to improve oneself; Finally, one must live the life of children in order to be a humane teacher.

I write math exercises on the chalkboard. Several children surrounded me and watched with curiosity what I was doing.

Uncle, what are you writing?

He is not an uncle, but a teacher ...

Why do you write with colored chalk?

Would you like to tell me why I was laughing?

Kote. When I was a child...

Eka. You are still small ...

Kote. Wait ... When I was very little, I grabbed the tablecloth and carried it around the room, the table was set, and I dumped everything on the floor ...

NATO. What's so funny? ..

Tamriko. It's a stupid thing to do ...

Kote. Why, I didn't know what I was doing!

NATO. They would have spanked, and then I would have found out ...

Niko: Do \u200b\u200byou know what happened to me when I was little? They left me at home alone and told me not to open the door to anyone. And suddenly I hear: someone is knocking. I was so scared, I started shouting: "Help, help!", And there they began to knock even harder, and I scream harder and harder: "Help!" Neighbors came running and shouted to me: "Open up, don't be afraid, your sister came from school! .." Then I laughed a lot!

I laugh, laugh and the children surrounding me: "This is really funny!"

Dato. When I was two years old, my mother wanted to give me to kindergarten, but I didn't want to go there, and I ran to hide and tumbled down the stairs ...

George. When I was little, my dad took me to kindergarten. We played, and the children fought with each other, and I hid in the closet.

Gocha. You are a coward and therefore hid.

Helena. And when I was little ...

Heraclius. When I was a child...

The children are already interrupting each other. And I just now notice that each of them begins his story like this: "When I was little ...", "When I was little ...". This means that they no longer consider themselves small. And that's because we went to kindergarten! Maybe I need to reinforce in them this confidence, this feeling of growing up?

Call for class soon. We need to see what the children who did not stay with me in the class are doing. But what is it? Parents, acting today as volunteer attendants, do not allow children to draw on a sheet of paper attached to the wall, forbid touching funny pictures, someone takes the pins away from the children! The family experience of restraining children invades the school hallway, disrupting all our plans. I remember the words once said by one teacher primary grades: "The upbringing of children must begin with the upbringing of parents." And I decide to hold the first parents' meeting today.

The total duration of breaks over four years of study is approximately 39,100 minutes. You can't joke with these minutes, because if you add them together, they amount to about 160 ordinary school days.

The bell rings, melodic, electric.

Children, please come into class! Boys, remember that you are men!