Rules of conduct at recess at school. School break: pros and cons

Lessons at school are a tedious process that lasts forty-five minutes and takes us into the world of knowledge. But probably there is not a single student who would not have been waiting for the long-awaited call that notifies of the end of the lesson. This means that a change has come. What should be the school change? Let's speculate in an essay - reasoning.

What changes should be?

What should a school change be like and why, I will start with the fact that a change is an integral process in school life. It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer, because each student sees it in his own way. Someone is waiting for her to chat with friends, someone needs to run or play games on the street, and someone just wants to read fiction in silence. Someone needs a break to finish or review their homework to get a good grade. Change is also an opportunity to have a snack, and at a big break it is good to have lunch. Such reinforcement gives strength and energy for further fruitful activity. Agree, it's hard to study on an empty stomach, when thoughts are only about food.

As you can see, a change is a time for a variety of things. It is important that they are organized and without fuss.

Changes are small and large, but no matter how long they last, they must fulfill the most important function. This is rest. Students during recess should take a break from the last lesson and prepare for the next. Therefore, a change of five minutes is not enough. A small change should last at least fifteen minutes, because the students must have time to completely switch to a new lesson, where they will receive new knowledge. The big break should be at least thirty minutes, so that each student can have a leisurely meal, and then rest for his favorite pastime. This is how the change in school should be. At the same time, the school itself should have specially designated places where you can play the same table tennis during recess or read a book in silence.

An essay on the topic: What should be a school break and why?

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Break is the student's rest time between lessons. In the lesson, we sit for forty-five minutes in one place. It is very difficult because you want to run or take a walk. During recess, not only the body rests, but also the head of the student. Therefore, it is not very useful to sit all the break at the desk and play on your mobile phone. I don't really want to read either.

I think recess should be fun and fluid. Pupils should be able to play table tennis or other sports.

For students who do not like to run, but want to be quiet, you can put comfortable chairs among beautiful indoor plants somewhere at the end of the corridor. Put chess or checkers on the tables. Those who like to read or view pictures in magazines will happily sit there during recess.

If you have a library at school, then you can go there and select the books that you would like to read at home.

I would also like to have tables with pencils and sheets of paper on the corridors. So you can hold art competitions or just draw. It is just as easy to print coloring pages on a printer and color them. There are special antistress coloring pages. They depict pictures that consist of small fragments. Coloring them, the child calms down, and he develops fine motor skills of the hand.

It's fun and fun to collect Lego bricks. All the guys have them at home, but it's more fun to do it at school. You can invite children to bring their construction sets to school and play together.

Board games or puzzles may be of interest to younger students. It would be great if the teachers played with the students. For example, to hold a mini-tournament in checkers or chess between students and teachers.

Many guys love to sing and dance. You can put a large screen and a projector on the corridor and show songs, under which you can repeat the movements. It will be fun and good for your posture.

Those who love to sing could participate in karaoke. Singing into the microphone is fun and great! You can sing foreign songs and thus learn another language.

During the warmer months, breaks are best spent outside. Sports games and just walks in the fresh air will help students relax. If there are lawns near the school, then you can sit on the grass and chat about trifles. Someone may repeat a poem or paragraph that has not been completed at home.

The break can be done in different ways. The main thing is that you have fun.

Essay on the topic What should be a school break

Usually everyone argues about the lessons: what they should be, how many, in what order ... At least once the question was about changes!

The school break, most importantly, should be long. In the usual ten minutes it is impossible to do anything: neither play, nor eat, nor cheat, that is, prepare for the lesson, tune in. The break should be no less than a lesson, that is, forty minutes. And it's common! And the big one - twice for forty, one and a half hours. So it would be fair: forty minutes you study, and another forty minutes you rest.

The only thing I don't really like about this is that then the school day will be too long. Five lessons of forty minutes and four breaks of forty, and even more. But in principle, this can be solved simply - by reducing the lessons. And no classes on Saturday!

Even at recess, you need to provide a snack. Rolls and juice or milk from the canteen are good, but not enough. You need a machine delivered from McDonald's! Then it would be great! Ice cream is a must, burgers and potatoes.

Even during breaks, you need to put cartoons in the hall. Make a big screen and let everyone watch!

Children should never be detained for recess. But after recess, students can be a little late. You never know what an urgent matter may appear.

And at recess, they must provide students with free transport. And that it was not a bus, but a private taxi. So I suddenly needed to go to a children's store, so I quickly rolled back and forth.

In principle, let the teachers have these benefits ... Although if the lesson is equal to the change, then just one class left the lesson, and let the other come. Teachers all teach the same thing. They don't need to switch! And here there are just fewer people in the corridors, and there are fewer queues in the buffet. Very rational, in my opinion.

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Cool! 1

Every year I look forward to September 1st. Everyone thinks I miss my studies. In fact, I miss classmates and change.

Turn! What a cool word. How much it includes. What is the difference between a break and a lesson? For example, in mathematics you only decide, in Russian you write according to the rules, in physical education you run. And during recess, you can do your homework, learn the rules, run along the corridors, stand in the corner, run into the dining room and much more.

I have favorite activities during recess. During the biggest break, which is 20 minutes, I like to visit the school library. Our librarian Tatyana Ivanovna welcomes us all and makes us sit at the tables. The library has many books for all ages. Kids read thin books, they are no longer interesting to me. I love children's encyclopedias. You can read about everything in the encyclopedia. I love encyclopedias about dinosaurs, sports and animals. When we are asked additional assignments, I always go to the library. I take books home to read. I think reading helps improve grades.

At the next break, I will definitely go to our dining room. How delicious it smells! The cooks are all in white coats and caps. They serve everyone quickly. The attendants walk between the tables and clean up the dirty dishes. I even like to stand in line in the dining room. At this time, I choose what I will eat. I love pies with potatoes or apples. The pies are very tasty and turn out like mom's. After I eat, I always say thank you to the chefs.

And on small breaks, I like to run along the corridors. We have 3 floors at the school, but I have time everywhere. True, they are punished for this. I was even featured on the line. But I still run. When it's warm outside, the boys and I go outside at recess. In the fall we collect yellow leaves and rustle them. There is a large alley in the park behind the school. There are so many leaves in autumn! The leaves are different: round, oval and even curly leaves. Beautiful bouquets are obtained. We then give them to the girls. They are very happy.

In the spring, at recess, we pick up tree buds. The fingers then stick together and the notebook sheets stick. But how it smells! Next summer. Sometimes we even manage to pick snowdrops. Then there is a small bouquet on the teacher's table.
I really love change. You can't do without them at school. I wish there were more changes than lessons. But I know that this is not possible. You need to study at school. I also love lessons, I just look forward to every change. I will never forget my changes.

Even more compositions on the topic: "At recess"

A break is a short break between lessons. It was created so that students and teachers can relax, have lunch, recuperate and be able to switch to another subject.

All students are very fond of changes and sometimes in especially boring lessons they count the minutes before the start of the break in order to relax and have a little fun. At recess, you can discuss something with your friends, get some air.

In our school, usually breaks last ten minutes, but there are two long ones, one lasting fifteen minutes and the other twenty minutes. During breaks, we move from one study to another, to another lesson, and then we go to rest. In early autumn, when it’s still warm, or in spring, when it’s already warm, you can spend your break outside, enjoying the last warm rays of the sun. We go out into the street, chatting about this and that, fooling around, in general, doing what is not allowed in class. In winter, we rarely go out to the schoolyard, only when there is a lot of snow, we play snowballs and play tagging in the snow with classmates - it's a lot of fun.

During big breaks, we go to the dining room or to the library for books. Some do their homework, which they asked the next day, so as not to waste time, and some write off their homework for the next lesson, because they did not complete it at home, it also happens. During breaks, the school is filled with a lot of sounds: roar, laughter, shouting, singing. Kids are rushing somewhere, bumping into tall high school students, who explain to them that they cannot run around the school. Although they themselves sometimes violate this rule, therefore, the watch of teachers and senior students is organized in our school. They stand in the corridors during breaks and make remarks to violators. In this way, students are taught responsibility and discipline. Particularly "distinguished" students are announced on the line at the end of the working week, so that they would be ashamed.

I like long breaks better, because you can rest longer and chat with friends from other classes.


The change is just a few minutes, but what a sweet and long-awaited one for any student. This is an integral part of school life. And during these short moments between lessons it manages to happen as much as never happens in forty minutes of the most intense and interesting lesson. Change is a little life that can teach you a lot.

Everything that happens during breaks can be joyful, light, kind, and can be sad, offensive, painful and even bitter. There are cases that are funny, stupid, amusing, and there are very instructive and emotional ones. Even if you chose not to leave the classroom at all during recess, this does not mean that nothing will happen to you during these moments of rest from classes. Each student has a huge collection of stories that happened to him and his comrades during recess, and I want to tell one of them.

The bell rang, we had already received our homework, so the historian did not detain us. A crowd of my classmates rushed to the exit, this pressure also carried me into the school hall. Gradually, all this space was filled with students from different classes, scurrying about like ants. And so my friends and I see the following picture: one second grader hit another, and he began to cry. You could pass by, we know how it happens, they themselves were. But Vanka could not resist, he was offended for the little boy, he had a brother of that age. And we went up to the guys to talk. It turned out that the fighter was no less offended, as the victim took away from him a disc with his favorite computer game, which he brought to school to show off.

We had a heart-to-heart talk with the kids. I had to explain to them that a dispute cannot be resolved with fists, and that it is not good to brag, and that good people do not take someone else's without asking, and that in general a quarrel is the last thing. In general, we reconciled. The disc was returned to its homeland, or rather to its rightful owner, and harmony reigned among friends again. And we were very pleased with ourselves, because we helped the younger comrades, even if only a little. Being useful and feeling like an adult is doubly pleasant.

As a conclusion, I want to say that during recess you can not only relax, play and have fun. You need to be attentive to each other and the younger students. After all, some of them may need your help, even the smallest one.


What should be school break and why? I think school break should be different for everyone. One wants to sit quietly in an armchair and relax, listen to gentle music, accompanied by the rustle of waves and the cry of seagulls. The other needs to eat well. The third is to run with a ball or play table tennis. We are all different and we cannot wish for the same. This means that the school must have a room for psychological relief. There is silence in it, sounds from a noisy corridor will not penetrate due to good isolation. Flowers, an aquarium, soft sofas and armchairs, stereo systems with headphones - all this will help to relieve stress in a few minutes and relax. The buffet is a must for students. Moreover, it must work so that there are no queues. Otherwise, you will stand the whole change over a roll and a glass of tea, and then you will not chew it all, but swallow it swiftly. Finally, there is a special small gym for those who want to actively relax during recess. Here - a table for tennis, balls, jump ropes, dumbbells, the simplest exercise equipment such as a bicycle or a treadmill. I hope all this will appear in our school in the near future. So you want at recess not to wander sadly through the corridors and not sit in a noisy classroom!

Unfortunately, some schoolchildren believe that at recess, you can do whatever you want: run, jump, indulge, shout and make noise, while forgetting about the safety rules of both your own and those of others, especially without realizing the possible consequences of such actions , namely: harm to health.

Therefore, students should clearly know what is prohibited during recess:

push each other;
throw various objects;
fight and use physical force;
play dangerous games, perform actions that can lead to injuries and damage to school property;
run along corridors and stairs, near window openings, glass showcases and in other places not suitable for games;
bend over the railing, slide down the railing, crowd on the stairs.

The break, of course, is used by both students and the teacher to prepare for the next lesson, repeat poems, rules, and other homework. Therefore, it is very important to behave calmly at recess, not to make noise, you must remember that your friends are resting next to you, you need to be mutually polite and attentive to each other.

In order not to "take away" the lesson from the teacher during a break, it is also necessary to satisfy all the needs of your body: to drink, to go to the toilet.

And of course, change carries a great cognitive and educational function, teaches our children to live in friendship and harmony in a large team, the ability to give in, avoid conflicts, find a common language with everyone, and be part of the whole.

Games in a notebook.

During breaks, you can play long-forgotten, useful games that we played with you. Remember the games "Tanks", "Hangman", "Balda", "Sea Battle" and others. Take a look at the website Lifehacker (games in a notebook). Play them with your children.


The Crocodile game, popular not only among children, but also among adults. This entertainment requires only good company and a little imagination. The rules of the game are very simple.

Crocodile is an interesting, funny and at the same time useful entertainment. The game trains ingenuity and ingenuity, helps to develop artistry and imagination. Among other things, she teaches children to communicate with each other, to interact with each other, therefore "Crocodile" is considered entertainment useful for strengthening the children's team. Also, "Crocodile" is one of the games that are useful for the development of creative abilities - this game trains creative thinking, and its very plot involves a "performance" in front of the audience for each player.

Deaf phone

Children are divided into 2 teams. The winner is the one who correctly communicates the hidden word by phone. The host comes up with it and speaks quietly into the ear of the first players from each team. They say it next and so on. The last child calls out loudly what he heard.


An odd number of students are participating. One is the driver, the rest are divided into pairs. They join hands and raise them high above their heads. The couples become one after the other so as to form a living corridor.
The driver quickly goes through the "stream" and chooses one child. A new pair will be at the end of the hall. The remaining student is the new driver.


This recess game requires a minimum of space at school. Classmates choose one driver who will have to go out into the corridor (or office) for a while. The remaining children form a circle, holding hands.

Their task is to get confused without opening their hands. They can step over each other, wade under the joined hands of other children.

Having finished with this, the name of the driving child is: “Grandma! Grandma! The threads are breaking. Soon, soon they will burst. " The intruder's goal is to clear up the confusion by instructing the participants how to step over or turn. If he made a mistake and “the thread broke”, everything starts again.

You probably know many more ways to usefully spend time during recess. Write in the comments to the community, share with all readers.

Purpose of the project: organizing your vacation at recess, taking into account individual interests. Objectives of the project: o observe what the guys are doing during recess; o study what determines their behavior at recess; o how to organize meaningful rest during recess, improve discipline during recess, increase interest in school Problem: we want it to be interesting for us during recess, but we do not know how. Relevance: Change is a joke! Change is laughter! Change is games! Change is running!






"How to make change interesting?"

Pupil 4 "B" class

Head: Skvortsova Irina Petrovna,
primary school teacher



Main part 4

Practical work 7

Appendix 11


Objective of the project : organizing your vacation at recess, taking into account individual interests.

Project objectives:

  1. watch what the guys are doing during breaks;
  2. study what determines their behavior at recess;
  3. how to organize meaningful rest during recess, improve discipline during recess, increase interest in school

Problem: we want us to be interesting at recess, but we don't know how.


Change is a joke!

Change is laughter!

Change is games!

Change is running!

2. Main part

First of all, I found out what “change” is, it turned out that there is no exact definition of this word in the dictionaries of the Russian language. In the "Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian language" I found synonyms for this word- turn - change, change, alternation.I came to the conclusion thata change in school is a change of activities.

Let's take a detached view of how we behave during recess:

Someone just walks down the hallway;

Someone is reviewing homework on a subject;

Someone enthusiastically communicates with friends;

Someone goes down to the dining room to have a snack;

Someone plays games with friends;

Someone is on the phone.

But there are many dangerous and undesirable things that children do during recess:

At recess, the children fight.
A trivial fight over a stupid reason often escalates into a fight with health consequences.

At recess, children lean out of the window, push on the stairs, and run along the school corridors.
Pampering does not lead to good - this is known ..

After all, how it happens: the children did not want to do anything wrong, they just had fun, pushed around, forgot about common sense, and then they accidentally pushed someone, hurt, and ... screaming, tears, emergency ...

Why do guys behave differently?

It turns out that there are three types of people according to the perception of the world around them.

So, the visual most often remains in the classroom if the majority of students leave it. The main thing for him is the opportunity to calmly plunge into his visual images.

But he can be hampered by noisy dialogues of audials or mobile games of kinesthetics. Then he will prefer to go out into the corridor, where he will observe other children or examine the information on the walls.

Audials use change to talk and make noise. Especially if you had to "keep your mouth shut" in the previous lesson.

For a kinesthetic, a change is needed in order to stretch, move.

What do these observations indicate? Do not force all children to play any game or listen to soft music during recess. Every child instinctively chooses a way to recuperate that suits him.

I spent a survey among their peers:

Here are the students' suggestions:

The girls suggest that they play music during breaks. Boys offer to play outdoor games, but without injuries.

Boys and girls offer to bring board games or you can compose jokes, riddles, or, if possible, repeat the lessons, or do them.

Play quiet music in the corridors.

Conduct a competition between classes:

a) "The most polite class";

b) "The quietest class".

Play games in the gym, lobby.

Place tennis and chess tables in the foyer.

Conduct radio broadcasts and radio lines, broadcasts from school life.

Create a psychological relief room at the school, in which children can relax, calm down, talk with a qualified psychologist who will help solve any problems.

Play: jigsaw puzzles, board games, chess, participate in organized games.

Help the teacher: clean up the classroom, wash the blackboard, distribute notebooks, water the flowers, trim the desks.

Go to the dining room.

After this survey, I made a table for each type of people and this is what I got.

Once again I was convinced that each of the guys in my survey corresponds to a certain group in the table.

Practical work

I have tested everything listed in the table in practical situations.

If there was music in the class, no matter what in sound and content, then the same guys were in the class during breaks.

If I brought bright and colorful magazines to class, then other guys were interested in them.

And if I announced the games in the corridor, then completely different classmates participated.

I shared with my classmates interesting information that I learned about myself. The guys were very interested in my research and they became my assistants, began to find different games (see appendix) and interesting materials.

For example, we have rules of conduct at recess.

1. During the break, the whole body, all the muscles must rest (if you do not play, then do a physical training minute).

2. Don't make a loud noise. Remember, your comrades and friends are resting next to you.

3. Observe all the rules in the game, respect your comrades.

4. Be able to yield, do not quarrel.

5. If you offended someone, accidentally pushed, apologize.

6. Learn new games and teach classmates.

7. Prepare for the next lesson, repeat the poem, the rule.

The game has been a human companion since time immemorial. The purpose of the ancient games was not entertainment, but practical. Through the actions of the game and the words of the song, people tried to ensure their future success in the upcoming works, and since man depended on nature, the animal and plant world became the main subject of the depiction in the play songs.

I learned that games are:

  1. mobile ("Fifteen", "Shootout", "Bouncers",)
  2. inactive ("Ring", "Forged chains"
  3. sports ("Gorodki", football, volleyball)
  4. didactic (games with words, attention)
  5. tabletop
  6. coupling games (games in which there is a formation that persists throughout the game)
  7. reaction games
  8. tug games (power games, the purpose of which is the need to pull the enemy in a way)
  9. catch-up (the driver (or the driver) needs to batter (touch) the fleeing players
  10. relay games
  11. search games (games in which you need to search for participants or items)
  12. ball games
  13. games for marksmanship (various variants of "war" and target shooting)
  14. games with a rope, rubber band, etc.

I also learned that there are rituals that accompany the game. The pre-game rituals include the drawing of lots for the distribution of participants into teams and counting rituals for choosing a driver.

In addition, by agreement, after the game, the winners can receive any reward, or the defeated can serve a certain sentence.
For example, the losing team rolls the winners on their backs or the loser becomes the driver, etc.

I have determined that games of low mobility, board, didactic are suitable for changes in school, since they will not cause a lot of noise.


In conclusion, I can say that for myself I discovered a lot of interesting things in organizing meaningful rest during recess. The collected material can be used by both the teacher and the children.

While carrying out the project, I learned to conduct a sociological survey, process information, worked with the Internet, selected the material needed for my project, learned to organize, choose the main thing, and replenished my vocabulary.

I find my project very interesting, exciting and useful for schoolchildren of any age.


  1. Alekseev A.A. Games at school changes Wasp: Rosstani, 1992
  2. Shmakov S.A. Games - jokes, games - minutes M., New School, 1993



Game "Molecules"

The rules of the game: You move through the class, as soon as I call the number of molecules, you must form it. The group in which fewer "molecules" leave the game.

Game "Earth, water, fire, air"

The players stand in a circle, in the middle of it is the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: earth, water, air, fire. If the driver said the word "ground", then the one who caught the ball must quickly name any domestic or wild animal. The player responds to the word "water" with the name of a fish. On the word "air" - the name of the birds. At the word "fire" everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands. The erring one leaves the circle.

Hot Ball Game

The players stand in a circle, the leader stands with his back to the players outside the circle. At the signal from the presenter, the players pass the ball to each other (for example, clockwise). Suddenly the host says: "Stop!" The one who has the ball at that moment is out of the game. Finally, only two players remain. They stand in front of each other and, upon a signal, as before, begin to quickly pass the ball to each other. When the leader says: "Stop!", The ball will be in the hands of one of the players. It is considered that the second has won.

The game trains attention and movement speed.

Game "Nonsense with pictures"

To calm down the guys, we play this game in rows.

On the top of the leaf, each player at the first desk draws the head and neck of any creature - a person, a bird, an animal, and so on. The edge of the leaf is folded so that part of the neck is visible. The players pass the leaves to their neighbor on the desk, so you need to continue the drawing - draw the torso to the neck. Fold the paper so that the lower edge of the body is visible. To this edge, after exchanging the leaves, you need to finish the legs and tail. Now unfold the drawings and admire the resulting "masterpieces"!

The game "It's me"!

Guys, I will now ask questions, and you, together, clapping your hands, answer:
"This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!" or, stamping your feet, say: "And not me, and not me, and not all my friends."

Let's rehearse: Clapping your hands - "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"
Stamping feet - "No, not me, no, not me, and not all my friends!" So let's start:
Who walks to school every day in a merry band ?! (It's me...)
How many of you decorate the class and the house with your labor?! (It's me...)
Who is not afraid of frost, runs like a bird on skates ?! (It's me...)
Which one of you is so smart, throws the ball best ?! (It's me...)
How many of you, say in unison, are busy talking in class ?! (No, not me...)
How many of you keep books, pens and notebooks in order ?! (It's me...)
Who of you, tell me, brothers, forgets to wash ?! (No, not me...)
Who does his home lesson on time ?! (It's me...)
How many of you come to class one hour late ?! (No, not me...)
Who, playing volleyball, scores a goal through the windows ?! (No, not me...)
Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class ?! (No, not me...)
Who among you does not look gloomy, loves sports and physical education ?! (It's me...)
Who among you brought songs, jokes, laughter to tears here ?! (It's me...)

Game "Yes - no"

Will we always help out a friend? Yes!
Will we never lie? Yes!
In class, write off the answer? No!
Throw a stone after the cat? No!
Take a ticket on the bus? No!
Ah ah ah! How is it "no"?
Do you always have to take a ticket? Yes!
Do not be shy when in trouble? Yes!
Do not spare for labor matters? Yes!
Don't wash your hands when it's lunch? No!
How is it "not to wash"? Be sure to wash!
Wash off the dirt without a trace? Yes!
Sun, air and water? Yes!
We send hello to lazy people? No!
And to those who always work? Yes!

Slide captions:

How to make the changes interesting? Completed by the student of 4th B class MOSSH No. 10 Mutovkina Snezhana
The purpose of my project: organizing your vacation at recess, taking into account individual interests. Project objectives: to observe what the guys are doing during recess; to study what determines their behavior during recess; how to organize meaningful rest during recess, improve discipline during recess, increase interest in school
Visuals, audials, kinesthetics
"What needs to be done to make the changes interesting and to keep the students from running around the school?"
"What needs to be done to make the changes interesting and to keep the students from running around the school?"
love to sculpt, draw, cut out, put puzzles, look at pictures in a book
love to listen to music, fairy tales on audio, conduct conversations - discuss, prove, come up with various fairy tales, games
like active games associated with jumping, running, wrestling, it is difficult for them to sit in one place, to do one thing for a long time
Games are: mobile ("Fifteen", "Shootout", "Bouncers",) sedentary ("Ring", "Forged chains" sports ("Towns", football, volleyball) didactic (games with words, for attention) board games- linking games (games in which there is a formation that persists throughout the game) games to the reaction of the game-tug (power games, the purpose of which is the need to drag the enemy in an image) games (games in which you need to search for participants or objects) games with a ball games for accuracy (various variants of "war" and shooting at targets) games with a rope, rubber band, etc.
Rules of conduct at recess: 1. During the break, the whole body, all the muscles should rest (if you do not play, then do a physical education). 2. Don't make a loud noise. Remember, your comrades and friends are resting next to you. 3. Observe all the rules in the game, respect your comrades. 4. Be able to yield, do not quarrel. 5. If you have offended someone, accidentally pushed, apologize. 6. Learn new games and teach classmates. 7. Prepare for the next lesson, repeat the poem, the rule.
Change is a joke! Change is laughter! Change is games! Change is running!